Wednesday, 2011-05-04

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FrankDFixersorry toadlife - its gingerbread on my dx00:02
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toadlifeFrankDFixer: sorry never run the GB build00:51
toadlifeI mean, I've never run the GB build00:52
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xdandroidNew kernel available (20110504_080912) at
Recnamoruenhey guys02:22
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hycwoohoo, kernel with USB tethering working ;)03:24
hyctoo bad we still don't have wistilt2's fixes03:25
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creat1vehey guys, what about the xdandroid gingerbread built and gps? is it already working?03:49
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ryannathanshave those audio drivers been commited yet?04:34
hyckernel side was committed. you could just watch the repo on gitorious and not have to ask.04:35
ryannathans-.- sigh04:35
hycdunno what visible change it makes. I'm running that kernel now.04:36
ryannathansalso has anyone ben working on buletooth userland?04:36
ryannathanspublicly i must add04:38
hychave to ask stinebd04:38
hycsupposedly he received the patches in private email04:38
hychm. I just tried making a call with new kernel, and hitting some DTMFs04:38
ryannathansi have had a look but not sure where the problem resides04:38
hycexternal speaker turned on, as before. with static.04:38
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hycso apparently the kernel side changes don't do much without userland04:39
ryannathansthe static problem is random ofor me04:39
hychitting the keypad gets it pretty reliably for me04:39
ryannathansare there any drivers left in userland?04:40
hyc"driver" is generally a kernel-specific term04:41
ryannathansat one stage in mailing list they were talking about guing over moving them to kernel04:41
ryannathans*remove guing*04:41
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hycremove what?04:42
ryannathansi will have to re read it but im sure they were talking about drivers in userland04:42
hycIMO that's a mistake04:42
hycallowing user processes direct access to hardware is always asking for trouble04:43
ryannathansi shall investigate later, either some driver exists in userland or someone tried to add one.04:43
hycthere's talk of moving audio driver to userland04:44
ryannathansthat must be it04:44
hycgenerally that's a bad idea04:44
ryannathansprecisely what i was thinking04:44
hycit's a shared system resource, it's a kernel's job to manage those things.04:45
hycotherwise you need to duplicate a lot of state and interlocking in every user process04:45
Recnamoruenhave you had any problems on ur tp2 with ur device not recognizing the data connection?04:45
hycnot recognizing? lol04:46
hycgsm or cdma? mine works perfectly04:46
Recnamoruenlike google applications always say connection not available04:46
Recnamoruenlike for the past 2 days ive been able to use the browser and any other data apps04:47
Recnamoruenbut gtalk doesn't see it04:47
hycyou're not running droidwall or some other iptables manipulator?04:47
hycif it were happening to me, I would get some logs and see what gtalk things it's doing...04:49
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FrankDFixeranyone know anything about lcd density changer? I installed and rebooted and now all I get is a blank screen after red logo. (GB 591 on DX)07:27
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arrrghhh"Everything just works"09:32
hyc500 patches later...09:44
helicopter88hyc: have you asked to merge other patches?09:44
arrrghhhthat's my point.  everything doesn't 'just work'09:44
hycI was talking about mount/unmount specifically tho09:45
arrrghhhi know09:45
arrrghhhbut taken out of context09:45
hycand on my phone at the moment, all of that is working09:45
arrrghhhas everyone loves to do09:45
arrrghhh"so BT works?"09:45
arrrghhh"i'm gonna setup this partition build thingy"09:45
hycyeah, good point09:46
arrrghhhi'm tryin to think of what i said that was taken so out of context, it's like he only read 3 words of my post...09:46
hycyes, switching your build layout will magically fix your missing bt drivers. duh.09:46
arrrghhhyea, it's surprising that people are that dub09:46
arrrghhhbut the forums have proven that people really are that dumb.09:47
arrrghhhhelicopter88, to answer your question there's a couple rounds of requests.  round 1 is done AFAIK, round 2 is in the works.09:47
hycoh well. i just visited the fb page for the first time today. yikes...09:47
arrrghhhfb page?09:48
arrrghhhoh right, XDAndroid has a fb page.09:48
arrrghhhi haven't been to fb in... a looong time.09:48
arrrghhhi wonder if my acct deactivates itself lol09:48
hycyes, i've sent merge requests for everything else. stinebd has been reading them over.09:48
helicopter88fb is stupid,more patches on rootfs,yummy :)09:49
arrrghhhnot much left on rootfs09:49
arrrghhhi don't think09:49
helicopter88as long as this projects gets better,i don't care about where are the patches located..09:50
hyc3 reqs on it. 1 that looks like it's all committed already09:50
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hyc2nd one looks like it's messed up, so i resubmitted it as a 3rd one.09:50
arrrghhhhelicopter88, it's getting much better.09:51
hycsome misc stuff on framework and system09:51
arrrghhhthanks to hyc :D09:51
arrrghhhbreathed some fresh new life into it09:51
helicopter88when everything will be merged,i'll have to check out the commits,i have to know what needs to be patched on my builds..09:52
hycheh. all out of selfishness to get my phone working ;)09:52
helicopter88ot question,if i compile my own xdandroid,will the apk be signed?09:52
arrrghhhhyc, well i'd say your RIL work has been selfless09:52
arrrghhhas you've been working on CDMA like a banshee09:52
arrrghhhhelicopter88, no09:52
arrrghhhi assume you mean the system image09:52
arrrghhhand no09:52
hychm, good point ;)09:53
helicopter88i meant system,wohooo apk not signed,i need phone and settings :)09:53
hycmmm. every build is signed09:53
hycbut not necessarily with a meaningful key09:53
arrrghhhi guess i mean signed officially09:53
arrrghhhtest-keys = not signed in mah book09:54
hycyeh, ok09:54
helicopter88the problem is that if i put ginger xda's phone.apk in my build i get certs and other signature problems..09:54
arrrghhhhelicopter88, yea you can't do that09:54
helicopter88so,i thought about cloning myself,and taking them from my cloned build..09:55
arrrghhhto fix your call issue?09:55
arrrghhhhave you looked at lolcat?09:55
hyci should've stuck something like that into my ril binaries09:55
helicopter88yes,that call issue,i checked almost everything,but i think i forget about lolcat..09:55
arrrghhhlolcat is awesome09:56
helicopter88maybe because adb was saying that lolcat can't be found..09:56
hycprevent people from running if they haven't read the instructions...09:56
arrrghhhhyc, good luck!09:56
hyccould have set password on the zip i guess09:56
helicopter88and the psw could be hidden somewhere in the post..09:57
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helicopter88but then no one will use android :)09:57
hycheh. oh well09:57
helicopter88or we may get a lot of pm's with whts the psw,i need that..09:58
hycthey could have continued to use ril1 in fake gsm09:58
arrrghhhi still see people using it09:58
hycwithout changing anything configwise09:59
helicopter88ril1 was pretty nice,nothing needs to be changed,and on partitioned build is a mess to change rootfs :(09:59
hycyeah, the download counter keeps going..09:59
helicopter88maybe you should change the post 109:59
hycstill, without the switchover to, it would keep on hanging10:00
helicopter88put it a big line "RIL ON THIS POST IS DISCONTINUED"10:00
hycshould just close the thread, all testing there is concluded.10:01
hyc"everything just works"10:01
helicopter88"everything works, related to USB mass storage" you fixed it?10:02
arrrghhhhelicopter88, yes10:02
arrrghhhhyc fixed it, that is.10:02
arrrghhhno me, i just break things :D10:02
helicopter88I just made a script that deletes and stop,pretty awesome :)10:03
hycyeah, needed a small kernel fix. it's already in the autobuilds10:03
arrrghhhhyc, i still haven't gotten that ML post you sent10:03
arrrghhhyou pushed the USB tethering fix too?10:04
arrrghhhlooks like it10:04
hyclikewise usb tether needed a small patch, and that's in now too10:04
arrrghhhi guess i need to get off wistilt2's kernels10:04
arrrghhhi just love the fast wake10:04
hyci think acl pushed it10:04
hycyeah, me too10:04
hycplus wis's kernel doesn't lose as much time sync10:04
arrrghhhyea you said that10:04
arrrghhhwho knows what voodoo he's putting in there.10:05
hycyeah. nobody.10:05
arrrghhhunfortunately he only provides snippets, I don't think he's ever released anything more.10:05
arrrghhhhe really seems against making his own public tree, which is baffling... but he's probably not used to OS dev10:05
hyci wonder if he chased down the radio/sleep bug10:06
arrrghhhhe said that one was a doozie, and related to a gigantic clocks commit10:06
arrrghhhjb's amss clocks implementation.10:06
hycwell, we knew that commit introduced the bug10:06
helicopter88my pc is getting crazy,it just opened modern warfare 2 without my imput..10:06
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helicopter88oh and sorry for the ot..10:07
arrrghhhhyc, i thought it was his panel collapse commit10:07
hycnot much fun narrowing that down i bet10:07
arrrghhhhelicopter88, PC wants to play10:07
helicopter88so,let's play,i'll do a match,then back here :)10:07
arrrghhhlol ok10:07
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arrrghhhhyc, for this kernel patch, it doesn't matter that i'm on vastly inferior looped mounts?10:08
arrrghhhi would assume no, but i've been burned by assuming.10:08
hycbut it won't really help you either10:08
arrrghhhother changes needed?10:09
hyci tried to get vold to play nice on a looped build10:09
arrrghhhoh i don't care about mass storage10:09
arrrghhhusb tether mang!10:09
hycoh that - totally independent10:09
arrrghhhi mean mass storage would be nice, but meh.  not necessary at this juncture.10:09
hycshould work fine10:09
arrrghhhthat's what i thought, thx.10:10
arrrghhhbrb, new kernel tiem!10:10
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hycit also takes some of the pressure off10:10
hycfixing wifi tether...10:10
hychowdy emwe10:10
emwejust came home. looking into sound issues with jb's audio rework10:11
emwejust that damn incall audio bug which brings device to freeze after 9 secs10:12
hyci haven't noticed much difference. but it's just kernel side anyway10:12
emwethe kernel stuff is not the real stuff10:13
emweit#s just preparation10:13
hycyeah i know10:13
hycbut i haven't seen anything else :p10:13
emwekernel is missing htc-acoustic_wince.c then which is being interacted with libaudio/libhtc_acoustic10:14
emwefrom which the latter is the rewrite of the proprietary htc lib10:14
emwewhich takes care of csv parsing and telling kernel "what to do"10:14
emweunsure though, if userland or kernel writes the audio params to MSM_SHARED_RAM_BASE10:14
hycwould expecct kernel to10:14
emwejust spotted register writes updating the audio mehtod, not the params itself, or i am blind10:14
emwepassing params via ioctl i'd assume10:15
emwethe libs itself are in jb's hardware_msm7k10:15
hycyeah that would be the obvious approach10:15
hycwill have to pull em10:15
emwetook only minimal build fixes for gingerbread10:15
emweand some little devices and vendor adjustments in order to copy the selfbuilt and not use the the one from vendor...proprietary10:16
emwebtw, resycned from aosp yesterday and the phone app crash is gone.10:16
hycfigured it would bbe10:17
emwestill haven't found the place for that JNI_H_INCLUDE to attract that new external/kernel-headers include/usb directory10:17
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arrrghhhstill on easytether :(10:29
arrrghhhtethering seemed to work, but this stupid XP box said no drivers.10:30
arrrghhhGoogle tells me to do this10:30
arrrghhhwhich native devices it seems to work with.  i'm wondering if we're identifying the driver correctly?10:30
arrrghhhi'm not sure why this didn't work, but the driver didn't install after downloading that inf.  I'm on SP3, the RDNIS driver shouldn't be an issue.10:31
emweon .27 we are identifying as google usb devices not htc10:35
emweperhaps that's the reason10:35
emwethe vendorid is set to google10:35
arrrghhhi just get a generic "CDC ADC Data" device10:35
emwei kept the htc vendorid on .3510:35
arrrghhhthat might be it10:35
emwethe infs likely/usually contain the device and vendor id to match up the device10:35
arrrghhhi'm thinking it's how the phone is identifiying itself to the machine10:35
arrrghhhwhat is the goog vendor id?10:36
arrrghhhyea they have N1 and NS in thar10:36
emwehmpfs, did i tell bullshit and mixed stuff up?!...10:37
emwe0x0bb4 is htc10:37
arrrghhh%AndroidDevice%    = RNDIS.NT.5.1, USB\VID_0BB4&PID_0FFC10:37
arrrghhhfor sapphire10:37
emwewtf. i am sure i saw a difference to .2710:38
emweor was it alex' usb rework on his .3510:38
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arrrghhhemwe, you're tearing me in all sorts of directions :P10:39
emwe0x18d1 is google10:39
emwe.vendorID       = 0x18d1 <<< htc-usb.c from .2710:40
arrrghhhwhich do we use?10:40
emwewas looking at devices.c which isn't use10:40
arrrghhhi pulled that from the inf10:40
arrrghhhcould you do me a favor sir?10:40
emwecan you see in device manager as what vendor id is identified when it's plugged?10:40
arrrghhhwhip me up a .27 kernel with the HTC one...10:40
emweor listusb in linux10:40
arrrghhhlet's see10:40
arrrghhh@ work... no linux :(10:41
emwearrrghhh: that was my plan before i fooled myself with looking at the wrong file. will prep a package for you to test10:41
arrrghhhi'm sure this would work if it was linux :P10:41
arrrghhhdrivers, bah.10:41
arrrghhhDevice Instance ID10:41
emweso what didn't work? usb rndis?10:42
arrrghhhyea there's two devices10:42
emwerndis had the google one10:42
arrrghhhthose are almost the same heh10:42
emwe0c01 is the productid10:42
arrrghhhone says "CDC Abstract Control Model (ACM)"10:42
arrrghhhthe other "CDC ACM Data"10:43
emwedo they perhaps have different vendor ids?10:43
arrrghhhyea there's hardware ids10:43
arrrghhhvendor ids... let me see10:43
arrrghhhnothing related to vendor10:43
arrrghhhin the drop down10:43
emwedunno which PIDs the driver attracts10:43
emwelet's just try it.10:44
emwehm, in your paste... PID_0FFC10:44
arrrghhhthis is from the "Android ADB Interface"10:45
arrrghhhsame VID it seems10:45
emwe0C01 is what we have in kernel.10:46
arrrghhhwhat is that10:46
arrrghhhshould I just try to add it to the inf?10:46
arrrghhhworth a shot i guesss10:46
emwethe product id10:46
emwei hate my upload rate10:46
emwe34kB/s isn't funny10:46
arrrghhhsure it is.  cuz it's not me :P10:47
arrrghhhalthough my upload isn't great, that's awful.10:47
emweuptodate .2710:47
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arrrghhhdid you just change the vendor ID?10:47
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emwei will be off a bit for coffee and cake10:47
arrrghhhi'm just wondering what that product ID is10:47
emwearrrghhh: yes, just the vendorid10:47
arrrghhhah, np.  take it easy.10:47
emwe0c01 in kernel10:48
arrrghhhk.  cya later :D10:48
emweperhaps the rndis drivers only match to the htc vid10:48
emwewhich i assume10:48
arrrghhhi'll play with it if your kernel doesn't work10:48
emwei can also change the pid for testing later.10:48
emweok, my gf just gtalked from work she's coming later...10:49
emwehmpfs! porocess acor crashed.10:50
emwewas there a fix?10:50
arrrghhhwell then you can stay for my test10:50
arrrghhhacore crashing?10:50
arrrghhhusually indicative of a corrupt data.img, or proc pegging10:50
arrrghhhand acore not getting enough love from the proc10:50
arrrghhhbrb, test kernel10:50
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emweandroid.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: unable to open database file10:50
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arrrghhhemwe, no dice.11:04
arrrghhhi even added some lines in the inf file with the hopes of tricking it...11:04
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arrrghhhhrm.  i dont know that much about how windows handles drivers11:14
arrrghhhit either works or it doesn't, lol.11:14
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arrrghhhfishingmedic, how goes it11:25
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fishingmedicsup arrrghhh11:28
arrrghhhjust trying to figure out this native USB tether...11:29
arrrghhhstupid windows.11:30
arrrghhhi'm betting it would 'just work' on linux.11:30
fishingmedicwinmo sucks, can't wait to be rid of it for good11:30
arrrghhhno joke11:31
arrrghhhi booted it today to update my kernel11:31
arrrghhhand the 'main' desktop screen was completely white and blank11:31
arrrghhheverything else seemed to work, but every time i went back to the main home screen, just whiteness.11:31
arrrghhhi lol'd, and promptly booted back to Android.11:31
fishingmedicphone was confused11:31
arrrghhhwinmo is lonely.  i haven't really used it in months...11:31
fishingmedicI keep getting random full reboots back to winmo and get back android as quick as possible lol11:32
arrrghhhdid you try a different SD?11:32
arrrghhhmine was doing that, and the card was dying or smth.11:32
fishingmedicnah, haven't had time lately, busy as hell, but I'm gonna try another one soon once I can move some data onto it11:32
arrrghhhi swapped SD's again11:33
arrrghhheverything was so painfullly slow11:33
arrrghhhi think i finally killed my 8gb c4 card.11:33
arrrghhhdropped back to a 2gb 'classless' card, works fine.11:33
fishingmedicit's a cheapy one but its stable as hell other than the occasional reboots, about 1 a day.11:33
fishingmedicthat's what this one is classless card11:33
arrrghhhi have reboots within Android11:33
arrrghhhwhere suddenly you see the bootani11:33
arrrghhhhad like 4 of those yesterday11:33
arrrghhhbut i haven't had a full reboot to WinMo in a while.11:34
arrrghhhunless i was doing something, ahem, uncouth :P11:34
fishingmedicI have them if I try to do too much like updates in market, etc, reboot back to android, but lately been having some full reboots back to winmo11:34
fishingmedicsucks when you wake up to winmo.  It's like a bad dream lmao11:34
arrrghhhes no bueno11:34
arrrghhhno joke11:34
fishingmedicmy wife grabbed my phone the other day and touched something, rebooted to android w/ the flying androids, freaked her out, she thought she broke something11:35
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arrrghhhi'd let her believe that she did11:40
arrrghhhthat'll teach her for touching electronics.11:40
fishingmedicI thought about it for a few and let her sweat lmao11:40
emwearrrghhh: raph shows up here as HTC Dream ADB interface12:17
emwearrrghhh: it should show up as network device or what? never tested that.12:17
emweor let me rephrase that. i have no idea how that is to "show up" and behave.12:17
emweok, my gfs g2 shows up with PID_0FFE12:20
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arrrghhhemwe, sorry it didn't highlight me12:53
emwea bit clueless from the quick loocks12:53
arrrghhhthere's three devices that pop up if you've never plugged it in12:53
arrrghhhand uhm... something else.12:53
arrrghhhthe second CDC one would be my guess.12:54
emweit's supposed to popup as a network device, which it doesn't right?12:54
arrrghhhXDA is the ADB one, which i have drivers installed for12:54
arrrghhhthe two CDC ones... nada12:54
arrrghhhshould be RNDIS12:54
arrrghhhthat's what pops up with winmo usb tether12:54
arrrghhhGeneric RNDIS or smth12:54
emwethe g2 popped up as htc rndis something.12:55
emweand winmo raph as generic rndis12:55
emweok, i think i will have to check that out later.12:55
arrrghhhyea, generic rndis is what i recall on winmo.12:55
emwehow's everyones feelings with initrd+rootfs ond frx06?12:56
arrrghhhi haven't tried the new initrd TBH12:56
arrrghhhwhat's changed in it?12:56
arrrghhhi guess i should look :P12:56
arrrghhhyea, i don't think there would be any issue with that commit on initrd.12:56
emweprevious rootfs gave me no data12:57
emwemost recent is fine again.12:57
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arrrghhhoh yea i remember that complaint12:57
emwe*might* have been the outdated userland here though12:57
arrrghhhi'm probably still on some custom crap stine threw at me.12:57
emweno idea.12:57
toadlifeIm running the new initrd; noticed it yesterday. What changed?12:57
arrrghhhtoadlife, don't be lazy like me.12:57
emwethere's that autobuild page ;)12:57
toadlifeI also had no data with one of the new rootfs, so I switched back to F22s for now12:58
emwethere you have the commit logs12:58
arrrghhhemwe, moar12:58
toadlifeI didn't have the link to that autobuild page12:58
arrrghhhyea, initrd hasn't changed since... august 2010 i think12:58
arrrghhh13 Aug 2010 21:06:4912:58
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emweanyone seen the Thumb Keyboard on xda?13:00
emwefinally a free keyb with cursor keys for us physkeyb-less13:01
emwe(unless that rhod is still making it to me)13:01
emwearrrghhh: what do you think a working rhod400 would cost over there? any idea how much *insurranced_and_trackable* shipping would cost?13:02
arrrghhhI'd guess about $100-150 for a *gently* used RHOD13:03
arrrghhhand insured/trackable... assuming it's still ground, i would think $20?13:03
arrrghhhmaybe a little more for int'l?13:03
emwehm. still some money...13:03
arrrghhhit's not like it would've been that much more to get it insured/tracked... not sure why he didn't pony up for it, considering we paid :P13:03
arrrghhhyea, they're not throwaways like DIAMs yet :P13:04
emwemy paypal donations paid :)13:04
emwei'd go buy one here, but i really like that 3.5mm headphone jack13:04
emwehave that crappy yc-a300 adapter13:05
emwelistening music a lot at work. pita to unplug a whole concert stage cable equipment just for two earplugs13:05
arrrghhhemwe, i really wanted you to get that rhod400 too13:06
arrrghhhmakes me sad that it didn't make it...13:06
arrrghhhperhaps stine will feel generous and ship you his :P13:06
emwestill crossing fingers it comes by13:06
arrrghhhyea, at this point there's not much hope i'd say.13:06
arrrghhhKraln is going to have to fight to get anything at this stage.13:06
emwei am just evaluating what other options there are13:06
KralnI am indeed fighting13:06
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arrrghhhhow's the fight going Kraln ?13:07
emwehey Kraln.13:07
Kralnthey say they handed it to the international guys13:07
Kralnand the international guys say it got to germany13:07
Kralnand then they have no idea13:07
emwewell, that's at least some info ;)13:08
emweluckily germany isn't that big.13:08
arrrghhhemwe, it's in Germany!13:08
arrrghhhfind it.13:08
* emwe goes into dog-mode13:08
emweKraln: thanks for taking care of that again!13:09
arrrghhhKraln, is there anything that you can provide emwe to help the German folk locate it?13:10
arrrghhhlike perhaps what facility it was initially shipped to or smth?13:10
emweassuming it's been shipped to a german subsidiary of usps?13:10
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arrrghhher perhaps just GPS?  that's just confusing :P13:10
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arrrghhhEvan, say something!13:18
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arrrghhhugh this starfox guy13:45
arrrghhhhe seems smart13:46
arrrghhhthen he posts something that is just retarded.13:46
toadlifeBeing smart is hard work13:49
toadlifemaybe he's just taking breaks13:50
toadlifeFor the devs here:
arrrghhhthat's good, i like that explanation.13:52
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toadlifeNo?  That's it...
arrrghhhmakin me look at all this crap thru my tether :P13:58
arrrghhhyou're on notice!13:58
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toadlifeDo you get 3g service?14:12
toadlifeI've never gotten 3g service with my Tp2...being on t-mobile14:12
arrrghhhlike butter14:12
arrrghhhi didn't think tmo users had 3g issues unless it was a non-tmo phone14:13
toadlifeT-Mobile doesn't offger 3g in my area14:13
toadlifeIf I drive 40 miles I can get it14:13
arrrghhhwell stfu then14:13
arrrghhhi guess i should say14:13
toadlifeWent to a conference in Santa Clara last month and did tethering with 3g. Worked like a champ14:13
arrrghhh'what is your question then sir?'14:13
toadlifePoint is...don't bitch. You could be tethering over edge.14:15
toadlifeThat's like the good ole days of dial up14:15
arrrghhhyea, no joke.14:15
arrrghhh3g isn't so fast on sprint14:15
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toadlifeI got 2MBit down and 1MBit on T-Mobile in Santa Clara14:16
arrrghhhyea i don't get near that14:16
toadlife1Mbit up I mean14:16
arrrghhhi've almost hit 1mbit down14:16
arrrghhhusually 500k down14:16
arrrghhhcertainly better than dialup tho14:18
arrrghhhfood time, brb14:19
toadlifeThat's not really not that bad. I usuallt get 600K down on T-Mobile in Fresno.  Santa Clara speeds were faster. The Hyatt I was staying used T-Mobile as their wireless provider, so I'm thinking they had a tower very close. No matter where I went in the hotel I got four bars.14:19
toadlifeMy coworkers who use At&T could hardly get a signal. Lots of iphone users walkiong around saying, "can you hear me?"14:20
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arrrghhhheh, how is that unlike anywhere else?14:29
toadlifeAt&T service is actually pretty good out here in the hinterlands wher I live. It must be jsut the urbana areas where it sucks14:35
toadlifeI am SOOOOOO bummed about At&T buying t-mo14:35
arrrghhhwell att has a saturation issue AFAIK14:36
arrrghhhso yea, that makes sense.14:36
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arrrghhhmeh, i'm bummed clearwire seems to be going the way of the dodo14:36
toadlifenot familiar with them14:37
* toadlife Googles clearwire14:37
toadlifeWireless ISP14:37
arrrghhhthey have a pretty tight partnership with Sprint14:38
toadlifeBeen a t-Mo customer for 10 years14:38
arrrghhhthey're the true provider behind wimax14:38
arrrghhhi'm sorry14:38
toadlifeAnd at home, been with SBC/At&T forever14:38
arrrghhhactually all the carriers suck.  sprint is just dirt cheap for me, so i'll stick with them.14:39
toadlifeI actually like t-mobile.  3g coverage would be nice, but price is the most important thing for me14:39
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toadlifeWe have two lines, both with grandfathered unlimited data for $140 a month.  We shopped around and no other provider could come close.14:40
arrrghhhtmo = teenage carrier14:41
arrrghhhperhaps they've grown up some14:41
arrrghhhbut back in the day, all they cared about was having the newest phones.14:41
arrrghhhservice blew donkey balls14:41
arrrghhhbut hey, you had a blingin new phone!14:41
toadlifeI never had a smartphone on t-moible until the wing14:41
toadlifebefore that we had dump bar phones14:42
arrrghhhi didn't get a smartphone until i moved to sprint14:42
arrrghhhand i wouldn't have gotten one if i didn't get free unlimited data14:42
toadlifeThe Wing was huge POS. Has like 32MB of ram. By the time you booted up, you had 12MB free14:42
arrrghhhi don't see what the point would be to a smartphone w/o a data plan.14:42
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arrrghhhsounds like it died several times there cap'n15:58
toadlifeScreen never died. It just got scratched.  Buttons went out from me mashing them playing NES emulator15:59
arrrghhhwtf, there's no pic16:00
arrrghhhprobably my stupid proxy @ work16:00
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arrrghhhstupid phone died again, hrm.16:36
arrrghhhperhaps it's a sign - i shouldn't be on IRC @ work :P16:36
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hychmm. wistilt2 says all his patches are already in? but autobuild kernel doesn't wake as fast, and has poorer battery life16:53
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emweperhaps he should compare his tree the old way via diffs16:54
emwehi btw ..16:54
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hycalso autobuild kernel still has a lot of failed wakes for me, his test kernel doesn't17:03
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emwehyc: as you confirmed differences, could you ask on the ml wis doing a classic diff against autobuild tree to see what changes are left?17:08
emwehm, i whonder.... have his msm_fb changes been commmited?17:08
toadlifeno way wistilt2's patches are in autobuild.17:08
toadlifeThe autobuild kernel is slow to wake and button lists don't work17:08
toadlifebutton lights17:09
emwehm, i remember some mails with patches to the ml.17:09
hychm you're right, button lights was emailed march 3017:14
hycand apparently deferred because folks thought userland should control it17:15
toadlifeI see. There are some issues with the lights.  They come on when the phone is asleep and never turn of until the phone exists sleep.17:16
hycon his test kernel?17:16
hycI don't remember that happening...17:17
toadlifeIf you press the back and end buttons at the same time17:17
hycwhy would you press them atthe same time?17:17
toadlifeAccident?  It happens from time to time when the phone is in my belt-clip case17:17
toadlifeI noticed the lights being on after I would bend over and finally realized what was causing it.17:18
DweezahrBoth new rootfs do not work on rhodium 100, I cannot get any service of the telecom provider17:31 and rootfs-20110501-4f3d39d17:31
hycDweezahr: you should get some logs then17:32
Dweezahrwith alogcat?17:32
Dweezahrall these version are compiled as production ready or as debug?17:33
hycwork in progress17:33
hycthere are more patches that still need to go in17:33
Dweezahrhyc, phone is booting, but does the error code "cannot create Key Socket" ring any bells?17:34
DweezahrI am trying to get past this error to get vpn working17:35
DweezahrI have compiled android on my debian system now17:35
Dweezahrand I am going to compare it with xdandroid to see where raccoon stops working, which kernel module it is trying to load17:35
hycno, sorry, doesn't sound familiar17:35
hycand I haven't tried anything with VPN17:35
Dweezahrsuddenly the 3g starts working17:38
Dweezahrbut there are tethering error everywhere17:39
hycwhich error?17:39
Dweezahrthe same as always17:39
hyc(ignoring) ?17:39
DweezahrE/tethering( 1331): attempting to remove unknown iface (usb0), ignoring17:40
hycyeah, that's always there17:40
Dweezahrbecause usb is not connected17:40
hycthe battery driver is talking too much17:40
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baelis gingerbread avaliable for galaxy s?17:50
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Dweezahrhyc, 'if ((so = socket(PF_KEY, SOCK_RAW, PF_KEY_V2)) , 0) {__ipsec_set_strerror(strerror(errno)); return -1; }18:01
Dweezahrand that is what causes the cannot create Key Socket error18:01
hycsounds like a kernel issue then18:01
baelsomeone uses galaxy s here? =)18:02
Dweezahryes, there is a module missing i guess18:02
Dweezahrlibipsec is this software called18:02
hycbael: no18:02
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DweezahrI have compiled the android os 2.2.1 on linux, debian with emulator, and there it simply initiates, no time to test it, because I am on the Lan of the vpn, and am Nat-t18:03
hycyeah, PF_KEY sockets is not enabled in our kernel config18:04
Dweezahrwhat does the pf mean? I only know packet filter of BSD18:04
hycit can be built as a module, but is not right now.18:04
hycPF means Protocol Family18:05
Dweezahrand building it as a module adds it to the modules- file?18:05
DweezahrCan this be configured when building from source?18:06
Dweezahrthen I can try fixing this on my own18:06
hycwhen building the kernel yes18:06
DweezahrI like linux18:06
Dweezahrthanks for the help18:08
hycno prob18:10
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toadlifeHey arrrghhh. hows the phone working' :D18:41
arrrghhhlike poop18:41
arrrghhhit's never drained while usb tethering18:42
arrrghhhgonna give it some AC juice18:42
arrrghhhhopefully nurse it back to health :P18:42
hycwell, I just merged wistilt2's patches from the mailing list into my kernel tree. gonna see how that behaves18:49
hycand I switched the LED states, solid green for wakelock, blinking green for full sleep :P18:50
arrrghhhyea i don't know why his 4/14 patch didn't make it18:50
arrrghhhthe other stuff i think someone questioned... probably phh :P18:50
phhmmm ?18:50
arrrghhhah, yea i remember you sayin that's how you wanted it18:50
arrrghhhto each their own18:50
arrrghhhphh, heh, wistilt2's patches18:50
arrrghhhfrom march?18:50
arrrghhhi think mar 30/31 he said.18:50
phhyeah well they are totally ugly, and ?18:51
arrrghhhi'm of no authority to say they're ugly18:51
hycunfortunately his pm patch conflicts with jonpry's Apr 12 patch18:51
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arrrghhhphh, we're just discussing the situation, not necessarily the merit of your decision to not include it.18:52
arrrghhhbut i guess a lot of people have been spamming wistilt2 with crap on why he doesn't have a public tree etc - i assume you saw his ML post?18:52
phhi'm only an adviser now ...18:52
hycI haven't figured out yet if jonpry's patches were just to fix something that wistilt2's patch would have already fixed or not18:52
phhi'm not the only one with commits rights you know18:53
arrrghhhi know18:53
phhand i'm no longer in position to threatens anyone of anything in case of commits I disagree with18:54
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hycseems to work so far19:07
arrrghhhyea i'm not sure what makes his commits ugly19:09
arrrghhhbut from a user perspective, they work.19:09
arrrghhhas everyone knows, his test kernels are used... quite extensively.19:09
hycok, hist buttonlights patch is ugly19:09
hycdmesg shows a lot of complaints, calling a sleeping function from invalid context19:10
arrrghhhyea that shouldn't be in kernel anyways19:10
arrrghhhwe just need to control the button lights, userland should tell the kernel what state they should be in19:10
arrrghhhjust like the caps/fn led's19:10
arrrghhhhe knew that...19:10
hycI guess. I'd have to check and see how the G1 does it.19:10
hycif it's in userland, then the code should exist already19:11
hycshould've gotten F22 to test cam, that rhod210 has AUO panel19:12
arrrghhhi thought it showed up as some special version tho19:12
arrrghhhnot the 'standard' AUO panel on the 10019:13
arrrghhhso auo = 1319:13
arrrghhhand f22 said it showed as panel type 7 or something wacky lol19:13
arrrghhhF22, have you tested cam on your 210?19:13
arrrghhhhe hasn't really mentioned anything about it.19:13
arrrghhhi don't think he's putting it to good use at all :P19:14
hychmm, my kernel died19:14
hyclooks like I botched that pm patch19:14
phharrrghhh: what makes most wistilt's patches ugly are that they are modifying files, where the code shouldn't belong to, and are totally rhod-centric, and  seem mostly unlikely to work on other phones19:15
phh(there is also one that just delete locks without any other justification than "it works")19:16
hycyeah I remember that...19:16
toadlifeSo you guys are going to have to figure out how to rewrite his patches.19:17
toadliferube goldberg19:18
toadlifechewing gum duct tape19:18
phhagain, i seem to be the only one to think that way, so other devs are allowed to push wistilt's changes19:19
phhand i haven't time to make proper patches, that's why i never actually say no19:19
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lolmeisterhello,,, anybody there?20:33
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jcmsVENone more time22:09
jcmsVENHello World22:12
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stinebdif you don't have something to say, keep quiet22:17
stinebdstop saying hi over and over22:18
jcmsVENI'm trying to use XDAntroid on my HTC TP2 Rhod500 CDMA22:19
jcmsVENIt boots fine but freezes after that...22:19
jcmsVENI have read and apply instructions on FAQ and How to Fix freezes on TP222:20
jcmsVENbut it doesn't work22:21
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arrrghhhjcmsVEN: have you tried the updated RIL and rootfs/23:08
hycif he followed the "Fix Freezes" post he should have those already23:09
arrrghhhyou'd think so23:09
hycheh. ok, never assume .....23:12
arrrghhhi assumed one of my co-workers did their job23:12
arrrghhhand my boss pointed out that i should never assume23:12
toadlifeYou do tech support at work arrrghhh?23:12
arrrghhhand i wanted to be like wtf...23:12
arrrghhhtoadlife: sorta23:12
arrrghhha lot of my work is project-based23:13
arrrghhhbut a good part is tier 2 for more technical issues the monkey's can't handle23:13
arrrghhh(i used to be one of the monkey's in fact :D)23:13
toadlifeThen they realized you were one of the smart monkeys. ;)23:13
toadlifeYeah, I've done that dance too. :)23:13
arrrghhha little more specialized23:14
arrrghhhnot resetting passwords anymore23:14
arrrghhhnot answering phones non-stop, which is really nice.23:14
arrrghhhbut yea.  assumed one of my co-workers who had been there for a long ass time checked things thoroughly.23:15
arrrghhhthey didn't...23:15
arrrghhhmoral of the story - never assume.  i never trust users, but i guess i shouldn't even trust mah dang co-workers.23:15
toadlifeAnyway, re tech support, lusers are notorious for *claiming* they followed the directions23:15
arrrghhhoh yea23:16
arrrghhhbut my co-workers, usually don't have to double-check their work.23:16
arrrghhhoh well.23:16
toadlifeI'm allways cleaning up after my coworkers23:16
arrrghhhthis person does notoriously cut-corners, so yea... i should've known.23:16
arrrghhhi used to, i don't do that nearly as much since i moved up.23:16 in particular23:16
arrrghhhyea, there was one that i cleaned up A LOT after23:16
toadlifeThere is allways that ONE'23:17
arrrghhhand now i don't work in anything even closely related to him.23:17
toadlifein every org ;P23:17
arrrghhhi think the management knew i didn't like him... he doesn't like me, i make him look bad :D23:17
toadlifeIt's like the midas touch, only everything they touch turns to shit instead of gold.23:18
toadlifeOur guy is actually a really nice guy. I like him. Don't begrudge him. He tries really hard. We just work around him and make up good docs for him to follow.23:20
toadlifeDo you work in a large org with a huge IT dept?  Our IT dept is four dudes, all ahve to wear many hats.23:22
arrrghhhyea i wear many hats23:23
arrrghhhbut our IT is pretty big23:23
arrrghhhwe're a fairly large org i guess..... about 2,000 employees23:24
arrrghhhin network services we have like 30 people i'd say.  that's help desk, support, data/voice, client services, core infrastructre...23:24
arrrghhhmy team (data/voice) is like 6 people.23:28
toadlifeHe like I said we have four dudes. 3.5 if you count the dumb one properly. We also have a part time network guy, who somehow keeps the network going.23:31
toadlifeA college with 500 employees and 7000 FTE - small.23:31
arrrghhhwe've got a few dedicated to the network side of things23:31
toadlifejeebus.  I just got a SOD on my phone23:34
toadlifeand a spontaneous reboot!23:34
toadlifeoh my23:34
toadlifeHappend when I plugged the phone into the USB23:34
arrrghhhsomeone told me earlier their moto phone did that to them today23:35
arrrghhhkernel panic from plugging in usb23:35
toadlifeI installed the latest kernel, rootfs and was going to test tethering23:35
arrrghhhoh right i should test that on linux now that i'm home23:35
arrrghhhit'll probably just work23:35
arrrghhhbut i want it to work when i'm @ work!23:35
toadlifeTethering at work to get around proxys? :P23:36
arrrghhhi've used IRC for work-related purposes23:36
toadlifeNone of that nonsesnsea t my work thank goodness. Just a nice fat GB pipe out to the net23:36
arrrghhhbut i can't say it's typical lately heh23:36
arrrghhhyea, most places i've worked at that's not the case23:37
arrrghhhbut we're a bank23:37
arrrghhhand the stupid tellers... yea23:37
arrrghhhthey'll click on anything.23:37
toadlifeYeah our network guy has done a bunch of contracting for banks23:37
arrrghhhwe're not huge23:38
arrrghhhespecially compared to wells or bank of america chase etc23:38
toadlifeAs opposed to schools, where security is an abstract concept I hear they actually pay a bit of attention to it at banks?23:38
arrrghhhwe're extremely cautious23:38
arrrghhhwe have an ironport system23:38
arrrghhhemail scanning on multiple levels23:38
arrrghhhNO usb keys/hdd's allowed - at all23:39
arrrghhhmost PC's they won't even work on23:39
toadlifeYeah, when I first got here I was all into security, but I all but gave up. People ghere (and at schools in general) don;'t give a rats ass about security.23:39
arrrghhhdata integrity is kinda the core of our business tho23:40
arrrghhhnot so much at schools :P23:40
toadlifeno. herding bodies into class in order to maximize FTE's is the business of schools23:40
hycprobably need this kernel patch
hycthe USB patch seems to trigger at bad times23:41
arrrghhhah is that the one that allows USB to wake the device on plug?23:42
hycno, this one fixes my patch23:42
hycapparently that code path was calling sleep inside an interrupt routine23:42
hycnever a good thing...23:42
hyccourse it didn't do anything bad on my phone, just littered dmesg with complaints23:43
hychmmm. on my kernels the 3G data icon never changes to show traffic23:44
hycworks fine on wis's kernel23:44
hycare you on an autobuild now? does the icon show traffic for you?23:44
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arrrghhhyes i am23:48
arrrghhhand yes it shows traffic23:48
hycI guess there's something different in my kernel config23:48
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arrrghhhweird that the kernel controls that23:52
arrrghhhi assume data is working, it's just not indicating traffic?23:52
hycyep, working fine23:53
arrrghhhthat's kernel-related?23:53
hychas to be :P that's the only thing that changes23:54
hycif I swap kernels out, the icon works23:54
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arrrghhhreally weird...23:58
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toadlifeSo tethering is so supposed to work??23:58
toadlifeDoesn't work on WIndows 7 here23:59
arrrghhhon linux it prob works fine23:59
hycsupposed to, yes. works here on Linux23:59
arrrghhhwin needs drivers23:59
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hycnone of you are testing on linux?23:59

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