Thursday, 2011-12-29

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arrrghhhsorry cruise control was on21:28
stinebd10 minutes, build uploading to releng21:28
arrrghhhthank you sr.21:28
arrrghhhsir even21:28
stinebdrel-keys of course21:28
arrrghhhi shall begin the reflash to winmo process to test :D21:29
stinebdthank my prime21:29
arrrghhhscrew your prime21:29
arrrghhhand your atrix21:29
stinebdI like it so much21:30
arrrghhhit does seem nice21:30
arrrghhhquad core all it is cracked up to be?21:30
arrrghhh(i thought hc wasn't optimized for it or some such nonsense)21:30
stinebdI can irc from it21:30
stinebdIt runs ocarina of time at pretty much full speed21:31
stinebdMy laptop can't even do that21:31
stinebdSwype is making me question my dock preorder a bit, but I still need it for the ssh21:32
stinebdupload done21:36
arrrghhhbackup done21:36
arrrghhhso uh21:37
arrrghhhwhere do you want me to mirror the bundle?21:37
arrrghhhjust put 'testing' in the bundle or smth?21:37
stinebdCall it beta I guess21:38
arrrghhhso GRX0B21:38
arrrghhhor GBX21:38
stinebdStick it in the mirror system21:39
arrrghhhi can't even remember when we last had this conversation and you said we'd change it next release of gb.21:39
stinebdi wouldn't even give it a build number honestly21:39
stinebdhopefully we'll find that it's pretty stable and whatever little bugs need to be fixed can be fixed, then we can make a gingerbread release relatively soon21:40
stinebdxdandroid: seen emwe21:41
xdandroidstinebd: emwe was last seen in #xdandroid 1 year, 12 weeks, 5 days, 5 hours, 30 minutes, and 8 seconds ago: <emwe> diesburg: no idea, sorry21:41
stinebdhave i been away that long?21:42
stinebdit must have emwe on ignore or something21:42
stinebdi keep switching between laptop and tablet, so if you notice each line i send starting with a capital letter, i'm on the tablet21:43
stinebdoh shit21:44
stinebdarrrghhh: new build needed21:44
stinebdi forgot about that email emwe sent me21:44
stinebdassume you are burried in RL. Can you think of doing a release before xmas?21:45
stinebdOnly one flaw is the build... needs to contain BUILD_LIB_HTC_ACOUSTIC_WINCE := true otherwise the 2008-dated is attracted from the binary blobs, allthough the makefile logic should take effect, but doesn't.21:45
arrrghhhalso, about the csv files21:46
arrrghhhdid we ever figure out if some could be included?21:47
arrrghhhor are they all going to have to copy the files from winmo to the root of their sd card....21:47
stinebdi don't know21:47
stinebdare they different for each device?21:47
arrrghhhi would assume at least slightly21:47
arrrghhhi think we found some differences between rhod's21:47
arrrghhhbut that could've been differences in rom's, who knows.21:48
rpierce99all i know is if we try to make users pull their own, it's going to be a never ending shitstorm of questions unless someone makes a bulletproof how-to, probably with video and pictures and shit21:50
rpierce99i had problems pulling mine21:50
rpierce99but i'm kind of an idiot21:51
stinebda neverending shitstorm of the 3 people who still use it asking question21:51
stinebdbam, just knocked you down a notch didn't i?21:51
rpierce99methinks stinebd might be out of touch with how many people use this. we probably had 3 new people install it in the last few hours21:51
stinebdi got the web stats21:52
rpierce99ok how far back do you have to go to get 3 downloads?21:52
stinebdthis project is deader than steve jobs21:52
stinebdpoor taste?21:52
rpierce99nah, bastard21:52
rpierce99snailauncher somehow managed to install frx04 today, apparently21:54
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stinebd10 minutes, new build uploading22:08
stinebdeven newer than old new build22:08
rneesewhat we building22:08
stinebda brothel22:09
rneesewich tablet22:09
stinebdyou're not invited22:09
rneeseO well I have been reading the xdadevelpoer  on the droid22:12
rneesethreads are intresting22:12
rneesebut they get stale at points22:13
rneesebut learning what I can22:13
stinebdupload done22:15
arrrghhhso what about the csv's22:15
arrrghhhand what about location to upload ze bundle22:15
stinebdfigure it out and let me know22:16
stinebdi already told you to put the bundle on the mirror system22:16
arrrghhhi was also hoping to get the init magic sorted for firmware22:16
arrrghhhoh sorry22:16
arrrghhhi somehow missed that...22:16
rpierce99sounds like you've got a lot of work to do then arrrghhh22:16
arrrghhhrpierce99, indeed22:16
arrrghhhprobably not going to finish it tonight22:16
arrrghhhwe'll see.  if that line alex gave me works22:16
stinebdwell i'll be around tomorrow22:16
arrrghhhdoesn't have to be an autobuild rootfs :D22:17
stinebdso if you want to wait before putting it out you can22:17
arrrghhhjust finished flashing back to winslow22:17
stinebdi'm about to go to sleep now22:17
arrrghhhwinschmo might be more appropriate22:17
rpierce99by sleep he of course means play with the prime22:17
arrrghhhstinebd, thanks man.22:17
stinebdthe prime gets played with at work22:18
stinebdjust like my 3ds22:18
arrrghhhsounds like a rough job.22:18
stinebdi checked the 3ds activity log the other day22:18
rpierce99tried to convince the wife to get a 3ds for the kids for xmas, she didn't go for it22:18
stinebdroughly 90% of my play time is during business hours22:18
rpierce99got a tablet for them instead22:18
stinebdhope they don't destroy the tablet22:19
rpierce99got the accidental damage plan on it, i hope they do :)22:19
rneeseI dont find the thread on how to build a build server for gb22:20
rneeseso I can build and help test22:20
rneeseI need something to do22:20
rneeseI am so bored22:20
arrrghhhrneese, it's on the wiki22:21
rneeseok I will  go setup a build box22:22
arrrghhhimma start testing22:23
arrrghhhand at least do a rhod release tonight22:23
arrrghhhi can bundle the csv's22:23
rpierce99yay rhod22:23
arrrghhhwhere to bundle them22:23
rneesedI have a rhod22:23
arrrghhhi guess separately and tell users to put them at the root of the sd22:24
rpierce99what's wrong with putting them in the zip in a subfolder called MOVE THESE FILES TO THE ROOT OF YOUR SD22:24
arrrghhhi'm going to set myseulf up for failure here.22:24
rpierce99yeah, people don't listen no matter what22:24
arrrghhhrpierce99, it seems no matter what22:24
arrrghhhpeople will miss it22:24
arrrghhhoh well.22:24
rpierce99someone will move the folder to the root22:24
arrrghhhAndroidApps is a perfect example22:24
rpierce99most won't move anything22:24
rneeseso your testing a new img22:25
arrrghhhthere's a file that screams at you what to do with androidapp22:25
rneeseanyone use debian squeeze as the base build os22:27
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arrrghhhi have not.22:27
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rneeseok and does it have to be 64 bit22:27
rneeseor can it be 3222:27
arrrghhhi think somewheres it says gb has to be 6422:27
arrrghhhnot sure if it's true or not22:27
arrrghhhyou said you're bored, try it out22:28
rneesewell my laptop is only 32bit22:28
arrrghhhjonpry was building ics on my 32-bit server22:28
arrrghhhyour arch only supports 32-bit?22:28
rpierce99google ftw22:29
arrrghhhmethinks i will do a ts-cal folder22:30
arrrghhhlike the startups folder22:30
rneeseok well off to setup a 32bit build system22:31
arrrghhhif his proc only supports 32-bit that's... at least 5 years old i'd say.22:32
arrrghhhhe's going to be building for a while lol22:32
rneeseita a core2duo 1.6 ghz with 3.2 gig of ran22:33
arrrghhhthat's 64-bit22:33
rneesewell its running w7 32 bit when I got it22:34
rneesemy laptop was stolen and my cousin gave me this one22:34
rneesebut it is a old 122:35
rneeseHP Pavalion dv100022:35
arrrghhhwell the proc supports 64-bit22:36
arrrghhhthat's my point ;)22:36
rneesethen I will have to find a 64 bit windows 7 to reload it with22:37
arrrghhhi can't remember if these modprobe commands are still necessary22:38
rneesewell I have a 3setup running already23:04
rneeseand installing deps23:04
rneeselib32z1-dev  i have to find the matching pkg23:06
rneeselibz1-dev doesnot exits23:07
rneesewow alot of deps23:15
rneeseno libz1-dev23:23
rneeseon squeeze23:24
rneeseUnable to locate package libz1-dev23:28
rneese./root/bin/repo: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `newline' /root/bin/repo: line 1: `<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">'23:35
rneeseseem like this is broken23:38
rneesegot the change23:39

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