Wednesday, 2011-12-28

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stinebdarrrghhh: you gonna pm me or what17:38
stinebdi don't have all night17:38
stinebdarrrghhh: did you see the various internet stories about that guy in customer relations who's even meaner than you?17:54
rpierce99and then after you read that: - NSFW language17:57
stinebdlol yellow power ranger18:04
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arrrghhhthat was epic.18:09
arrrghhhi want to answer the phone like that.18:10
arrrghhhocean marketing, you're an asshole18:10
rpierce99msnbc ran a story online today about this guy, he was like "yeah that thing about knowing the mayor, that was taken out of context, I don't know the Mayor, but I live in Boston and I know the guy who runs the door at the convention center"18:18
arrrghhh"I want to get these people to stop bothering me."18:20
rpierce99this is the one i mentioned earlier about his roid rage:
ryannathansthat guy fails on an epic scale18:48
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stinebdwas just playing ocarina of time on the prime19:28
stinebdit runs shockingly well19:28
rpierce99i can't play emulators on tablets, the controls piss me off19:29
stinebdwiimote, son19:29
stinebdor pops19:29
rpierce99wtf, wiimote?19:29
stinebdvia bluetooth19:29
rpierce99that's genius19:29
stinebdwiimote + classic controller pro = ohgodjizzeverywhere19:29
rpierce99so i need wiimotecontroller from the market?19:30
stinebdalso you'll probably need a wiimote19:31
rpierce99ah damn, dealbreaker there19:32
rpierce99hm, apparently i don't have any games that use an input method19:38
stinebdthat msnbc article is great19:39
stinebdguy still has no clue19:39
rneeseok we got a new GB build to test ?19:40
stinebdask me again and i'm gonna go christoforo on you19:40
rneeseI am just waiting and bored19:41
rneeseeven thou I am staring to learn to code for android19:41
rpierce99apparently you need to get a transformer prime19:44
rneeseif I had the money19:45
rneesemy roomate lost his job so I have to cover bills first19:45
rneesesince the lease is in my name19:45
rpierce99then you should use your free time to get the money, see we are helping you19:45
stinebdenough with the sob stories19:46
stinebdthere is no excuse for not owning a transformer prime19:46
rneeseI am working19:46
rneesebut the company I work for is on 2 week holiday19:46
rneeseI work for a comapny in NZ19:46
stinebdocean stratagy?19:46
rneesethey will be back the 2nd19:46
rneeseno Generator  is the company name19:47
rneesethey do virtual office space19:47
stinebdwhat, like second life?19:47
rneesewhere you can rent a desk and they setup a pc and a phone19:47
rneeseand they do all the management19:48
rneesethey have a secratry pool and they have in office resoures they pool together19:48
rneesethe 2nd phone should be here tomorrow to test flash the nand19:49
rneeseand see if I can get android onto it19:49
rneeseit was donated to the cause19:49
rpierce99i need to convince someone to send me a donor so I can get rid of my wife's shitty lg rumor, oh yeah and test stuff19:57
stinebdoh nice you can resize the google+ widget20:00
rneeseyou can resize the desktop also20:02
rneeseto 8x8 rows20:03
rneesewith the awd desktop20:03
rneeseADW desktop20:03
rneeseand some nice themes also20:03
stinebdtalking about ics20:04
rneesealso if you swip upwords you can hid the app bar at the top20:04
rneesenot played with ics yet20:04
rneese4.0.3 ?20:04
stinebdi guess i'm talking about honeycomb20:05
rneeseHC is for tablets20:05
stinebdlaunchers are pretty much the same though20:05
stinebdyeah i have a tablet20:05
rpierce99i like honeycomb on my a500, much prefer it to CM7 at least20:06
rpierce99do want ICS though20:06
rpierce99there's an ICS build for the a500, but that's technically the kids' tablet, so i don't want to screw with it yet20:06
rpierce99waiting on my ICS for TP20:07
rneeseis ics going to work on tablets ?20:07
rpierce99I wwebsite as on the internet way before ICS was on tablets20:08
rneeseI thought it was for phones only20:08
rpierce99no it's the combination of HC and GB much like XP combined Win 2000 and Win ME20:08
rpierce99the only reason HC didn't work on phones was because they rushed it to get android tablets to market20:09
stinebddefinitely not regretting this purchase20:11
rpierce99you're only other tablet is a nook color right?20:13
stinebdi think so20:13
stinebddoes the atrix count?20:13
stinebdit's the same resolution and much faster20:13
rpierce99that depends, do you keep it in your pocket or type on it with 2 hands20:14
stinebdsometimes both20:14
rpierce99at the same time20:14
stinebdtwo hands, three appendages total20:14
rpierce99pocket pool20:14
rpierce99i downloaded that app20:14
rpierce99didn't work for me, but most things dont20:14
rneeseatrix ?20:16
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