Friday, 2011-12-30

rneeseman first time setup takes forever and I have a 7/200:12
rneesecable connection00:12
rneesedoes this src have all the current patches ?00:13
rneesefor gb and the msm/tp2 device00:13
rneeselast I knew the camera and bt and sp where issues00:13
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d3tul3what did i miss01:02
rpierce99stinebd built a gb image with release keys01:08
d3tul3it seems appropriate, where i am from santa clause comes for new years….01:10
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arrrghhhbooted the image, no audio.01:33
arrrghhhyes i have an acoustic .27 kernel and the .csv files at the root of my sd01:33
arrrghhh12-29 23:31:43.290 W/AudioFlinger( 1299): write blocked for 90 msecs, 2 delayed writes, thread 0xcd5801:34
arrrghhhseems bad01:34
arrrghhhhrm, also seems to be missing gapps01:35
rneeserpierce99 has it been tested ?01:36
rneesedoes it need testing01:36
rneesemy build server is still git01:36
rneeseit seems out provider is having bandwidth issues01:36
rneeseDownloading prebuilt:  46% (844MB/1834MB)01:37
arrrghhhtakes a while01:38
arrrghhhfor the initial sync01:38
d3tul3you have the permissions set for the underscore device01:39
arrrghhhi thought the newest rootfs had both01:40
arrrghhhit's 666 in init.rc rigth?01:40
arrrghhhyou know what i mean01:40
d3tul3yeah the new rootfs has it all01:40
arrrghhhi'm on dat.01:40
arrrghhhgonna look at lolcat from boot01:40
arrrghhhhrm.  nothing dramatic in logcat that is sticking out...01:46
arrrghhhhow can i check that it's enabled in userland?01:49
arrrghhh[    1.742401] Initialize HTC acoustic driver for wince based devices01:52
rneeseok night guys check in tomorrow01:52
arrrghhhno real fanfare, but no serious explosions01:53
d3tul3that's the kernel init-ing the driver…there's usually acoustic related flying text in dmesg when user land calls it at boot01:53
d3tul3every time user land opens the device more or less you should see dmesg output01:54
arrrghhhneed to replace dmesg binary with hyc's magic01:54
arrrghhhhrm.  well i'm not sure what i'm missing.  still possible it's user-error, just not sure where at this point.01:55
arrrghhhhad a few other guys running FRX07.1 have audio issues01:55
arrrghhhmine are either build or stupid user related... i don't know what complete sound failures would be on FRX...01:58
arrrghhhjust double checked that csv's are there lol01:59
d3tul3ls -l libhtc_acoustic.so01:59
xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, superbalza, who says: gr8 work!02:00
arrrghhhd3tul3, i assume that's /system/lib?02:00
arrrghhhi don't know of any other02:00
arrrghhh1 sec02:00
arrrghhh-rw-r--r--    1 0        0           17564 Dec 30 01:06 ←[0;0m/system/lib/←[0m02:01
d3tul3at least the date looks good02:01
arrrghhhcat init.gingerbread.rc |grep acoustic02:02
arrrghhh    chmod 666 /dev/htc-acoustic_wince02:02
arrrghhh    chmod 666 /dev/htc_acoustic_wince02:02
arrrghhhso that should be good02:02
arrrghhhcsv's are at the root of the SD...02:02
d3tul3meh who needs sound when you can run neocore02:03
arrrghhhi see audio poop in dmesg02:04
arrrghhh"looks" good02:04
arrrghhhalso, no gapps?02:04
arrrghhhhrm.  something is wrong.02:04
arrrghhhstine is losing his touch02:04
arrrghhhi guess i can still test my wifi logic02:05
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d3tul3oh nice that's in there02:06
arrrghhhhaven't made sure it works lol02:06
arrrghhhbut yea02:06
arrrghhhit will be.  i can get it pushed to the rootfs before release02:06
arrrghhhthat way rhod users can enjoy kernel hopping02:06
d3tul3nice…gotta get some sleep…later02:07
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markusk_|Jeroen|: Hi. I stumbled upon an old log from this channel at
markusk_... the thread describes an error message I see now on my Android phone05:06
markusk_... "Obtaining file descriptor socket 'vold' failed: No such file or directory"05:06
markusk_... there are not many hits for this on the Web05:06
markusk_... Do you have any insights why this message is caused and how to fix it?05:07
markusk_... Thanks in advance -- I know that generic Android support is not the topic of this channel, but experts on this are hard to find it seems05:07
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|Jeroen|markusk_, i think i repartitiond and formated my storage, but im not entierly sure it was quite a long time ago07:17
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markusk_|Jeroen|: Thanks, I am also about to do this (wipe/repartition/reflash in all possible combinations ;-).08:01
|Jeroen|good luck08:01
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helicopter88anyone has a build that has audio working with the new acoustic code?09:23
helicopter88the link in the acoustic thread(blackstone) is dead09:24
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mgross029helicopter88, gb I'm guessing?09:46
rneesethey where working on GB build lastnight I know09:47
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rneeseok I got the src10:03
rneesebut its talking about the htc deram in the build pages10:03
rneeselike the libcamera10:04
rneesenot finding the needed things onthe htcdev.com10:06
rneesefor the rhod device10:06
rneesethe touchpro210:07
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mgross029rneese, did you download and put in your build directory.  Also you can google search and find the easier10:08
mgross029There are a couple of mediafire download links which worked for me.10:09
helicopter88I don't care if it's GB or Froyo10:15
helicopter88I just want to know if my .27 has acoustic working :)10:15
rneesegot the camera file10:18
rneesehats for gb right10:19
rneeseas thats my goal build10:19
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rneeseok got the signed -dream file10:22
rneesebut my phone is not a htc dream10:22
rneeseits a htc touch pro 210:22
rneese./ 28: unzip: not found ./ 31: unzip: not found ./ 37: unzip: not found Removing zipfile comment from *.apk10:26
rneeseit seems there is a issue10:26
rneeseI jusran the ./ -g10:26
rpierce99uh, the unzip app is not installed or not in your path10:27
rneeseit pulled down Saving to: `../../../'10:27
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rneeseok worked that time10:28
rneeseI thought I had installed unzip10:29
rneesenow to make do I go back to the top level ?10:30
rneeseok its making10:31
rneesewhat is the average first run build time10:33
rneesecore2duo 1.610:35
rneesefind: `frameworks/base/frameworks/base/docs/html': No such file or directory find: `out/target/common/docs/gen': No such file or directory10:36
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mgross029rneese, what make -j did you run?10:47
helicopter88I get that errors at first run usually or after a make clean,but them don't make the build fail10:48
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rneeseNote: build/tools/signapk/ uses unchecked or unsafe operations. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. 22 warnings10:53
helicopter88That aren't errors10:53
rneeseok well it is back to a #10:54
rneeselooks like it finished10:54
helicopter88or it failed10:54
mgross029Well with -j4 on my Quad core system it take about 2+ hours for the initial build.  After that usually it is quicker.10:54
d3tul3helicopter88, you preparing an acoustic rom?10:54
helicopter88no,just messing around with .27 for X1 users10:54
rneeseit did not say it errored10:55
rneesejust complains about warnings10:55
helicopter88read if there's Make ***something10:55
rneesethereis a Makefile10:56
mgross029rneese, do you see this towards the bottom? Install system fs image: out/target/product/msm/system.img10:57
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rneeseI make clean and am rerunning10:58
rneeseto watch10:58
helicopter88I would run make >> log 2&>110:58
helicopter88make >> log 2>&110:59
helicopter88rneese: make: *** No rule to make target `vendor/xdandroid/msm/proprietary/BooksPhone.apk', needed by `out/target/product/msm/system/app/BooksPhone.apk'.  Stop11:06
helicopter88You have to get BooksPhone.apk or delete its entry in a makefile11:06
rneeseI followed every build step11:06
rneesewhere from11:06
rpierce99rneese: you're not the first one to set up a build environment, search is your friend11:07
mgross029Yep.  Left that one in my DropBox.  Figured others would need it. :)11:11
rneeseok got it11:12
rneeseand its building11:12
mgross029Protips compile errors today.  Couldn't find anything on google, but I rm -R the packages/app/Prootips and it rebuilt the fs and compiled without errors.11:15
mgross029Just thought I would throw that one out in case someone else runs into it.11:15
helicopter88mgross029: that is how to solve everything11:15
helicopter88rm -R11:15
helicopter88or delete the makefiles11:16
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rneeseok the build is still running this is good11:26
rneeseits gotten futher then before11:27
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d3tul3it would be a somewhat sad if acoustic non-xdandroid builds started popping up before gbx came out, considering the amount of in-house effort11:42
d3tul3thinking of neopeek and tiad etc11:43
arrrghhhthose guy always seem to kang after the fact.11:44
arrrghhh'cept neopeek.  he just kangs an idea, runs with it, then stops before it's 20% completed.11:44
arrrghhhwell i thought my wifi firmware logic was working11:45
arrrghhhperhaps i need to rm the old firmware before cping the new....11:45
d3tul3you got audio to behave11:45
arrrghhhnot yet11:45
arrrghhhi just woke up :P11:45
arrrghhhstill not sure what's up with it.11:45
arrrghhhi'm going to blame stine.11:45
arrrghhhhopefully he pops in later...11:45
d3tul3let's get this done…i'll be in and out if i can lend a hand11:46
arrrghhhwell i'm not sure what's wrong.11:46
arrrghhhdo you want to look at the logs?11:46
arrrghhheverything "looks" fine from what i can tell.11:47
arrrghhhaudioflinger just times out whenever it tries to play a sound11:47
arrrghhhi'm probably missing the 'original' error tho11:47
d3tul3sure send me a log11:47
arrrghhhi looked over the boot process, couldn't find it.  but i'm not sure what to look for at this point :P11:47
arrrghhhok 1 sec11:47
arrrghhhaaaand i almost pasted the dmesg straight into here11:49
arrrghhhwhew.  wake up.11:50
d3tul3E/AudioHardwareMSM72XX_wince( 1284): Could not link htc_acoustic_init()11:50
rpierce99man if there was only an app that could combine those into one log and automatically paste bin it for you11:50
arrrghhhd3tul3, nice, so what did i miss?11:51
d3tul3not sure let me see my own logcat11:51
arrrghhhcan't believe i missed that one, first few lines...11:51
d3tul3grep "E/"11:51
arrrghhhgotta remember to look for the E/ too :P11:51
arrrghhhthx mate ;)11:52
arrrghhhrpierce99, lol.  i usually use your app, it's quite nice.11:54
arrrghhhfresh data.img, and i didn't put it in AndroidApps.11:54
arrrghhhshock horror i know.11:55
d3tul3not building acoustic right for some reason11:56
d3tul3htc_acoustic_init is in the new libhtc_acoustic11:56
arrrghhhyea, i figured.11:58
arrrghhhmakes me feel a little better11:58
arrrghhhi'm going to try and tweak my init hack for the firmware11:58
arrrghhhit seems to work, but it's failing to connect now.  only will scan.11:58
d3tul3you added that build acoustic command in buildspeck11:59
arrrghhhi didn't build the image unfortunately.11:59
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arrrghhhstine's building it with keys12:05
emwe<emwe> that error looks like the binary is in.12:05
emwe<emwe> this is the md5sum of the old one: 3342ad729ac37f1a348e328991c047a7  vendor/xdandroid/msm/proprietary/libhtc_acoustic.so12:05
arrrghhhthat guy basically summed up all the problems with building from the wiki page.12:05
arrrghhhemwe, you want me to md5 the libhtc_acoustic file i haz?12:05
emwei just pulled the testing image to look12:06
emwebut just do12:06
emweunfortunately the BUILD_LIB_HTC_ACOUSTIC_WINCE := true is reuired in buildspec.mk12:06
emwethat what stinebd posted from my mail to him here in the chat last night12:06
emweallthough the makefile logic should do, it doesn't without...12:06
arrrghhhyea he said he caught that12:07
arrrghhhafter the fact tho12:07
arrrghhhbuilt a second image12:07
emwearrrghhh: md5sum in the image is from the old binary blob.12:07
arrrghhhmatches your md5 from above.12:08
arrrghhhoh well.12:08
arrrghhhemwe, with the help of alex it seems my wifi firmware logic works12:08
arrrghhhgoing to try rming the old firmware first.12:08
emweyeah, read that. cool.12:08
emwewhat was the consensus - if at all - regarding the CSV?12:09
emweship them with the "distro" package?12:09
arrrghhhi would prefer it12:09
arrrghhhin the system image, if possible.12:09
arrrghhhdo we need different ones for topa and raph/12:10
arrrghhhshowa time12:10
emweall are different a bit.12:10
emwei have topa100, rhod400, rhod500 and raph100 around here12:11
emwei can pull latest rhod100 from the dumped german wince rom.12:11
emweso and the latest gapps are missing it seems?12:12
mgross029Wonder if we can combine into one big csv set? :p12:12
emwei think htc had a reason to let the csv values differ, no? ;)12:13
mgross029Or they just kept on improving them. :p12:15
rpierce99it's entirely possible that they differ only in age, being that they were updated when new headsets or whatever came out12:15
rneeseso your saying the htc build still has a audio issue inthe build system12:15
rneeseso the build I am doing will not work12:15
rneesefor gb12:15
emwerneese: put BUILD_LIB_HTC_ACOUSTIC_WINCE := true into your buildspec.mk12:15
emweand the link to the latest is not up to date on the wiki12:16
emwearrrghhh: wiki page hasn't been reviewed/modded by you, yet.12:16
rneeseok where is the latest hw3d.zip12:17
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rneeseis it the one I pulled earlier12:17
emwethat link is what the wiki page will refer to when it gets reviewed.12:18
emwerneese: did you do the " -g" at all?12:18
rneesecleaning the build12:18
emweit should have spit out an error12:18
emwebecause it already references the new hw3d-*.zip12:19
emwemight be it doesn't bail out...12:19
emwethere shoudl be 4 zips in the root12:20
rneeseI think I have 4 let me check12:20
rneeseyes I do12:20
rneeseok I made clean ; added the line to the mkfile and got the new zip and cd to the dir and reran the unzip command12:22
rneesenow going to start a fresh build12:22
rneeseall 312:23
rneeseall 412:23
emwejust make sure that in out/target/product/msm/system/lib is not dated from 200812:25
emwe(after you are done building)12:25
rneesewell the build is running12:26
rneeseso it will be awhile12:26
d3tul3hi emwe12:26
rneesewish I had a faster build system12:26
emwehi d3tul3.12:27
rneesethe other issuess I would like to see get fixed is speaker phone with csipsimple and the 2nd mic working12:28
rneeseas this device has 2 mocs12:28
emwe2nd mic causes more issues currently then hase use.12:29
rneesewell its needed for speakephone on the rhod21012:29
rneesefrom everything I have been told about the device12:30
emwecan you tell me a bit more?12:30
rneesewell in winmo in 6.5 as tested when you flip the phone over it goes into speaker phone mode12:31
rneeseand the 2nd mic kicks in12:31
rneesewich is used for the speakerphone mode12:31
rneeseI know we dont have the flip code for the speakerphone mode12:32
rneeseand talking to people on irc in the winmo6.5 group on efnet they explaind in speakerphone mode mic 1 is turned off and mic 2 kicks in12:33
rneesefor better adio in speaken fone mode12:33
rneesethats also why the added a mut button to the back of the phone so you could mute mic 212:34
emweyes, but for speakerphone to work in general you don't need 2nd mic support, right?12:34
rneesewhen in speakerphone mode12:34
d3tul3emwe, did you ever try power collapse suspend12:35
rneesefrom what I understand on the touchpro 2 you ave to have mic 2 for speakerphone12:35
rneesebut I will confirm12:35
emwed3tul3: yes, since you requested/reminded me to do so. doing this since two weeks now ..12:36
d3tul3works fine?12:36
d3tul3power consumption better?12:36
emwed3tul3: iirc not. i am testing with smd7 off over night because that is my SODer. but with it it wasn't any better.12:37
emwe(basically data=off)12:37
rneeseok I just tested in speakerphone mode I got the speaker to coem on12:37
rneesebut it was getting no audio on a loob back test12:37
rneeseso it seems the 2nd mic is needed for speakerphone on the rhod212:38
emweok, wtf... d3tul3 just tried to call. didn't wake up.12:38
emwewas this the reason we used pm.sleep_mode=1 ?12:39
emwei think it was...12:39
emwehm, not getting calls at all. wtf.12:39
rneeseok also seems sp only kicks in on random calls its not woringon everycall12:41
rneeseso thats something I will have to test also12:41
emweget the updated build and test out. perhaps it fixes some issues12:42
rneesefor froyo or ?12:42
rneeseI am still on froyo at the min12:43
rneeseand I have what was the latest as of lastweek12:43
rneeseis there a new updat12:43
emweoh, froyo. haven't run that in ages.12:45
emweyou are building gb, right? just to erase any misunderstandings12:45
emwefroyo is dead code wise12:45
rneesewell I am building now I will test it when its finished12:46
emwegb, right?12:46
rneeseits still building12:51
rneeseI have a feeling this is going to take alot of time12:51
emwec2d@1.6ghz it was?12:51
emwec2d@2.8ghz (t9600) here.. takes ~45mins or so12:52
emweand no, it's not the harddisk being lame :)12:52
rneeseso abotu 1 1/2 hours12:52
rneeseI can use this time to backup my sd and prep it12:54
emweheh :)12:54
rneeseok so then all I do is replace the system32.ext2 on the sd ?12:56
rneeseor what are the other steps for prepping a new img12:56
mgross029system.ext2 not system32.ext2 :)12:57
rpierce99if you want wifi etc you'll need to bundle and strip your modules too12:58
mgross029I would start with fresh data file.  The froyo one won't work well.12:58
rneeseok can I put the firmware into the build before12:58
rneeseso the new firmware is in the build12:59
rneeseor do I have to wait and move it over13:00
emwenew firmware for wifi? it's in rootfs. stuff it over there with adb push13:01
emwemake sure you got the winmo .csv files for acoustic in the root of SD card.13:01
rneeseok now I be lost13:01
rneesefirmware_sdio-g-cdc-reclaim-wme.bin is the file I have for the wifi13:02
rneesebut I forget what file to overwrite with it13:03
emwefor non-.27 kernel wifi, right?13:03
rneeseI was going to test a newer kernel .3913:03
emweadb push it over this: /init.etc/wifi/bcm432x/bcm4325-rtecdc.bin13:04
rneeseadb push I have to learn13:04
rneeseis there a page on it13:04
arrrghhhyou're building a system image13:04
arrrghhhbut don't know adb push13:04
arrrghhhrneese, you need to try do learn things in stepping stones13:04
emweandroid debug bridge. comes with the sdk13:04
emweget it while it's hot. :)13:04
arrrghhhneed to learn algebra before calculus13:05
rneeseI have been reading I just missed about adb push13:05
arrrghhhemwe, .35 uses the same firmware for wifi no?13:05
rneesereading on it now13:05
emwearrrghhh: yes, it would then. haha.13:05
arrrghhhemwe, excellent.  my fandangled 'script' work should be done then.13:06
arrrghhhbasically just checks if the user is on 2.6.27 - copies old firmware.  else, new.13:06
emweit copies over the "old" file?13:06
arrrghhhi can have it  rm it first if that's cleaner13:07
emweso you keep the old and new binary around and just copy to the "known" file name, yes?13:07
rneesemake: *** No rule to make target `vendor/xdandroid/msm/proprietary/', needed by `out/target/product/msm/system/lib/egl/'.  Stop.13:08
mgross029arrrghhh, doing this in the init?13:09
arrrghhhmgross029, yessir13:09
arrrghhhrneese, did you get the blobs for 3d?13:09
mgross029Cool!  Nice Job!13:09
emwerneese: ll vendor/xdandroid/msm/proprietary/libGLES_qcom.so13:09
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emwearrrghhh: before we forget again, moderate the wiki page :P13:10
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arrrghhhmaybe i should delete it13:11
rneeseok back13:11
rneeseI cant look back for the link13:11
mgross029rm -R ;)13:11
rneesebut I know I added the libgles stuff13:11
arrrghhhit's just one file you madman!  :P13:11
rneeseme or him13:12
arrrghhhhe did the rm -R command...13:12
rneesewell I lost the webpage link for the libgls setup13:13
stinebdGuess I needed installclean for the second build13:13
rneesebrb trying to get pchat installed13:13
arrrghhhstinebd, yo13:15
rneesemake: *** No rule to make target `vendor/xdandroid/msm/proprietary/', needed by `out/target/product/msm/system/lib/egl/'.  Stop.  and hw3d is current13:19
arrrghhhseems you're still missing that libGLES file.13:19
arrrghhhit's a proprietary blob if i'm not mistaken13:20
emwedo you have vendor/xdandroid/msm dir under the rootß13:21
rneeseits trying to give me hw3d-20110311.zip13:21
rneesebut I was pointed to a newer file13:21
emweare you up to date source wise?13:21
emwethat is in, right?13:22
rneeseyes I only pulled and setup the system lastnight at 3 am13:22
stinebdOkay trying a build with the output tree cleaned now13:22
emwestinebd: good luck :)13:22
stinebdAaarghhh did you say there were no gapps too ?13:22
arrrghhhrneese, did you read this?
arrrghhhstinebd, correct.  no market/gtalk/etc.13:24
emweyes, none around there.13:24
arrrghhhok, wifi working on .2713:24
emweshould be stinebd13:25
stinebdYeah it's there and unpacked and everything13:26
rneeseI have done all that13:28
rneeseok so emwe13:28
arrrghhhrneese, including all the instructions on the wiki13:28
rneeseyes all the deps are in place13:29
rneeseand I followed each page13:29
arrrghhhwell the error's pretty clear...13:30
emweyou still get the earlier error, right?13:30
arrrghhhis that GLES file in place?13:30
emweif all fails... rm -rf the out directory.13:30
rneeseI just did a make clean and am rerunning13:30
rneeseok I backed up my sd13:31
rneeseso I can wipe and start fresk13:31
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rneeseok now to find my link to the 39 kerels13:40
rneesegot it13:40
d3tul3you don't have to provide a running commentary of your progress13:41
arrrghhhi'm sure he feels he does.13:42
arrrghhhok, back to .39 same data.img13:42
arrrghhhwifi turns on, scans successfully... but it doesn't connect?  ugh i hate wifi.13:43
rneeseyou have the latest firmware13:43
arrrghhhwell i *think* this firmware switcharoo lines are working13:43
arrrghhhrneese, -_-13:43
arrrghhhi'm testing some init changes.13:43
rneeseit worked for me with the latest on .3913:43
arrrghhhwifi is just so flaky.  bleh.13:46
arrrghhhdefinitely is "working"13:46
arrrghhhbut hangs on obtaining IP.13:46
stinebdNew image uploading13:46
arrrghhhd3tul3, would that indicate a firmware issue, or some stupid wifi problem?13:46
stinebdNeed you to check the acoustic lib13:46
arrrghhhstinebd, w00t.13:47
arrrghhhi think i have the init fix for wifi firmware.13:47
stinebdGapps should be good13:47
d3tul3could be firmware, i don't recall what were the symptoms of wifi+old firmware13:47
arrrghhhlemme md5sum it13:47
arrrghhhthat'll at least confirm which one it's using.13:47
arrrghhhi know this worked fine on a fresh data.img both times.13:47
arrrghhhi wouldn't think rming it would fix it... unless the decision is happening too late in the boot process13:48
d3tul3bca2cb274070423a7ea332c1e8cee115  bcm4325-rtecdc.bin13:48
arrrghhhi haz both in the rootfs now :P13:48
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d3tul3which one is in /etc/wifi13:48
arrrghhhgood point.13:48
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arrrghhhit matches the old firmware md5.13:49
arrrghhhwell that's odd.  lemme add that rm.13:50
stinebdUpload complete13:53
rneeseok  great news my roomate just got a  job after 4 months of being unemplyed14:01
rneeseok I rm the out dir14:02
rneeseand restarted a build14:02
rneesemake: *** No rule to make target `vendor/xdandroid/msm/proprietary/', needed by `out/target/product/msm/system/lib/egl/'.  Stop.14:02
rneesestill getting this error14:02
arrrghhhdo you have the file14:03
arrrghhhin thar14:03
arrrghhhi dunno14:03
emwethe contains all the wiki instructions plus the acoustic setting, right?14:04
mgross029rneese, did you run the unzip script first?14:04
rneeseand it unzipped the files14:04
arrrghhhemwe, i don't think it's been updated for acoustic.14:05
rneeseI followed the wiki to the t14:05
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mgross029Yeah the wiki is a little out dated. :p  I updated the repo int at least. heh14:05
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arrrghhhrneese, the wiki is outdated...14:06
emwearrrghhh: that's the other mod required, to the wiki.14:06
emwearrrghhh: you still haven't moderated :P14:06
emwesorry being a pita.14:06
arrrghhhas nice as it is to have exact instructions14:06
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arrrghhhemwe, yeayea14:06
arrrghhhdoing too many things.14:06
arrrghhhjust found out my plans changed today.14:06
mgross029emwe, want me to update with the that you use?14:07
mgross029arrrghhh, going to try to update a few things on wiki to help you out.14:08
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arrrghhhmgross029, cool14:09
arrrghhhi'm far too lazy.14:09
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emwemgross029: just add that line. nothing else.14:09
mgross029Ok be done in a sec.14:09
arrrghhhmgross029, perhaps make those suggested changes from g3rm0 as well...?14:10
mgross029arrrghhh, went into edit but won't let me edit. :-\14:11
mgross029I will if I can edit. :p  Did it before14:12
arrrghhhyou're logged in?14:12
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arrrghhhwere you guys in your own #XDAndroid?14:13
mgross029I was just going to post user error!14:13
arrrghhhnot logged in?  lol14:13
arrrghhhoh well, i'm out14:15
mgross029later arrrghhh14:17
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rneese_did you see the issue it shows  I pasted14:18
rneese_brfore the split14:18
rneese_Archive:  ../../../   End-of-central-directory signature not found.  Either this file is not   a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.  In the   latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on   the last disk(s) of this archive. unzip:  cannot find zipfile directory in one of ../../../ or         ../../../, and cannot find ../../../hw3d14:19
rneese_thats the 2nd 114:19
rneese_-rw-r--r--  1 root root    47705 Dec 30 17:18 hw3d-20111216.zip14:22
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rneeseok I refetched the file and it unzipped this time14:27
rneeseArchive:  ../../../   inflating: ../../../vendor/xdandroid/msm/proprietary/egl.cfg   inflating: ../../../vendor/xdandroid/msm/proprietary/libGLES_qcom.so14:28
rneesethey are there now14:28
rneeseok I think its all fixed now14:46
rneeseit seems the .zip file got coruppted14:46
mgross029emwe arrrghhh stinebd made some updates to the wiki.  They just need approved.  Still more to make but should suffice for now.14:47
mgross029Getting out of here for now.  Hope everyone has a Happy New Year!  Laters!14:51
rneeseok got my new 2 gig microsd14:51
rneeseso I can load and test with it14:51
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d3tul3ok where are we with this build15:41
rneeseits still running15:55
rneesecome to find ot the zip file was coruppted15:56
rneeseso I re pulled the 1 zip file and its building15:56
rneeseits been stressfull here sorry . roomate out of work and family issues and then paying bills and beig broke was hard15:57
rneesehas been hard15:57
rneesesorry all15:58
rneeseso if you have already built a new img its just good to have someone build a 2nd for testig ?16:01
rneeseso if when done most everything works . then just have to work on mic 2 and mapping the mute button on the back of the phone16:10
rneeseis there a way to find out how  winmo 6.5 does the flip speaker phone and make that work ?16:11
d3tul3what's wrong with mic 2?16:12
rneeseon the froyo mic 2 never worked16:13
rneeseonly the main mic16:13
d3tul3it's already been resolved16:13
rneeseso when is sp mode it  mutes mic 1 and enables mic 2 then ?16:14
rneeseand how do I map the mute button on the back of the phone to mute mic 216:14
rneesewhen in speakerphone mode16:15
emwethat needs to be found out. dunno if the button is gpio or microp interrupt controlled.16:16
rpierce99some of F22's roots hacks made the back button do stuff16:17
rpierce99but whether we have selective control over muting mic 2 is another story16:17
emweoh right, as you say it...16:18
emweit was in the microp-ksc mapping tables.16:18
rneeseso is there a page on how to ?16:21
rneeseso I can map it16:21
rneesein the build16:21
rneeselooking in the wiki16:23
rpierce99it's not in the wiki, you'll want to pull apart F22's rootfs16:24
rpierce99to find the button codes and such16:24
emweor look into the kernel16:24
rpierce99or that16:24
rneeseok on the todo list16:26
rneesects/apps/CtsVerifier/src/com/android/cts/verifier/ onCreateDialog(int,android.os.Bundle) in cannot implement onCreateDialog(int,android.os.Bundle) in; attempting to assign weaker access privileges; was public     private static <T extends & PassFailActivity>                     ^ 1 error make: *** [out/target/comm16:27
rneesewe got alot further16:28
emwepuh, what is that now...16:29
emwewhich "java -version"?16:29
rneeselooking hold on16:30
rneesejava version "1.6.0_18" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.8.10) (6b18-1.8.10-0+squeeze2) OpenJDK Client VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode, sharing)16:30
emwehm, what is that now...16:31
emweno idea honestly.16:31
emwei am building with the sun jdk16:31
rneeseit looked like it stopped building but it seems to still be going16:33
rneesewe will wait and see16:33
emwestinebd: gapps in and md5sum is good and not the prebuilt one.16:37
rneeseit failed16:44
rneesetarget Java: CtsVerifier (out/target/common/obj/APPS/CtsVerifier_intermediates/classes) cts/apps/CtsVerifier/src/com/android/cts/verifier/ onCreateDialog(int,android.$     private static <T extends & PassFailActivity>                     ^ 1 error make: *** [out/target/common/obj/APPS/CtsVerifier_intermediates/classes-full-debug.jar] Error 41 make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... htmlDir16:46
rneeseso I think I will have to install the sun-jdk16:46
rneeseits seems using java-jdk defaults to openjdk16:46
rneeseok restarting build bbl16:54
emwei dunno if that will help at all. google for the error this doesn't work out.17:00
rpierce99i read that openjdk doesn't work17:05
d3tul3emwe, i am trying to shamelessly kang pm.c from your tree…just keeping you up to date on my kanging efforts17:06
emwei think alex kanged it from wis and i kanged over17:06
emwebut, i think the original incarnation was good as well17:06
d3tul3that's the latest commit right17:07
d3tul3the stuff before that looks good17:07
emweah yeah.17:07
emwethe last one can likely be dropped again. i mean, this code is working on all but our msm7k? i doubt.17:08
emweno time to revert and test out. would make comparing to other trees a bit easier again.17:08
d3tul3yes. i would like to get as close as possible to CA….at least for my own personal education17:09
emwethese guys *should* know what they are doing.17:09
emwecrossing fingers :)17:09
d3tul3damnit i like the way you run your tree17:11
emwecherry-pickable commits carefully crafted for the cherry-picker?17:12
d3tul3well, commits are well documented and readable17:12
rneeseI just want to get a test img up and running on the phone\17:12
rneeseand see what does not work17:13
d3tul3not much is cherry pickable, either way is copy paste whole blocks or just flat out copy the file and then adjust my tree to match17:13
d3tul3there is so much uncommented/documented code in .27 that it's hard to know what all these writel's do17:14
emwed3tul3: with cherry-pickable i rather meant useable for the same code base and not 5000 files and changes in one commit....17:14
emweand this bastard panel is sidetracking me.17:15
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rneeselooks alot like a iphone17:22
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stinebdEmwe: thanks17:47
emwestinebd: your welcome.17:48
emwelooks like arrrghhh got lost in his shower.17:48
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stinebdmgross029: re your edits...18:07
stinebdUntil development of the system has progressed to the point where the system can be flashed to the phone's integrated flash storage, most of the generated images are of no concern. The most interesting image is <tt>system.img</tt>, which contains the binaries generated by the compilation process.[ ]18:07
stinebdWhat's with that junk at the end? You spammin?18:08
rneeseI hope we can get to the point of flashing devices soon18:08
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rneeseok the build is still going18:26
arrrghhhemwe, i really got lost in the shower.18:32
emwehappens when the gf comes by...18:33
arrrghhhso anyhoo, the csv files.  they're all a bit different... as i was worried.18:33
arrrghhhhow do we handle that?18:33
arrrghhheach variant will have a folder of csv's?18:33
emwewhere do you think they should reside? rootfs?18:36
arrrghhhi was leaning towards system image18:36
arrrghhhbut i guess if we have a gaggle of them to swap18:36
arrrghhhand change18:36
arrrghhhrootfs would be easier to maintain18:37
arrrghhhthey're not big, like 2-300k?18:37
arrrghhhand my firmware logic seems to work correctly18:37
arrrghhhbut the correct result is not occurring.18:38
emwe536K for RHOD40018:38
arrrghhhmaybe we .tar.gz 'em within the rootfs and expand the ones needed on boot?18:38
emwehow to decide which to unpack for which variant?18:38
emwebased on the keyboard variant setting?18:39
arrrghhhwhich doesn't always work18:39
arrrghhhsince they won't always have that18:39
arrrghhhi guess we should get a pool of them together18:39
emwewe have no machine variant detection via kernel. that is only doen for rhod18:39
arrrghhhand figure out where the differences are.18:39
arrrghhhhopefully we can find some commonalities.18:39
arrrghhhjust force fawkers who want to test this pull the csv's18:39
arrrghhhand attach 'em to the thread18:39
arrrghhhi already have some pretty tard-proof directions for the blackstone folk.18:40
emweyou could also stuff the csv in system/etc18:40
emwea good set of these i mean18:40
arrrghhhi think if we figure out a good set18:40
arrrghhhfor all devices18:40
arrrghhhthat would be ideal.18:40
arrrghhhin the system image18:40
arrrghhhin with all the other poop that's specific to our devices18:41
emwewe only need AudioFilterTable.csv AudioPara3.csv and AudioPreProcessTable.csv in /system/etc18:42
emwethat's the alternate location libacoustic looks for if nothing is in "/"18:43
emweTIAGC.csv is hardcoded into libacoustic as it's dead simple.18:43
arrrghhhi see18:43
arrrghhhi will lean on your great acoustic wisdom18:44
arrrghhhsince only you and alex have really touched that code since jb18:44
arrrghhhwell, maybe hyc glanced at it whilst pooping.18:44
arrrghhhi'm sure that's the kind of light reading he likes on the toilet18:44
emwe collection of raph100, topa100, rhod400 and rhod50018:46
arrrghhhcool thanks18:46
arrrghhhi want to fix my phone and run to the bank before it closes :D18:46
emweif you beg gently, i can pull up rhod100 from the rom dump18:46
arrrghhhforgot i was supposed to do that while out.18:46
arrrghhhdo you think it's different?18:46
d3tul3emwe, i think 3.1 works better with your pm.c18:46
emwed3tul3: oh? if you revert the last pullin commit from wis, it's pretty stock apart the prep-hw mods for our wince devices.18:47
d3tul3i noticed, i think i might try to pull pm.c from CA msm-3.0 and then bring it up to speed patch-by-patch with your patches18:48
arrrghhhd3tul3, for this18:48
arrrghhhStep 3. Repace the file /etc/wifi/bcm432x/bcm4325-rtecdc.bin with the one you downloaded in Step 1.18:48
arrrghhhi assume you mean /init.etc?18:48
arrrghhhor does that get bind mounted or symlinked or some such thing to /etc18:49
d3tul3eh? i think it means what it says18:49
d3tul3sorry i don't think i follow18:49
arrrghhhthere is no /etc in the rootfs.18:50
rneeseits init.etc18:50
arrrghhhi think they're symlinked or some poop.18:50
arrrghhhnvm d3tul3 sorry for the confusion.18:50
d3tul3etc -> system/etc18:50
d3tul3there's even some comment in there that this means remounting /system rw18:51
emwearrrghhh: redownload the contains rhod100 from the german S2 image18:51
arrrghhhcool thx18:52
emweyour welcome.18:52
arrrghhhmv'ing the new system image18:52
emwefor the quick and dirty way, how about a distro with folders like that startups?18:52
arrrghhhgot the new changes in mah rootfs...18:52
arrrghhhthen that's three folders18:53
arrrghhhi was thinking about doing something similar for ts-cal :P18:53
emweif we had machine variant detection for all devices in kernel (htc_hw) it would be much easier i think.18:53
arrrghhhwe could "make" all those decisions for the user.18:53
arrrghhhassuming those files don't already exist - that should always trump the built-in poop.18:54
emwe"/" has precedence18:54
emweso where did i leave off... panel bastard.18:54
emwedamn, 1am already.18:54
arrrghhhhere goes something18:54
arrrghhhnot even 5pm here yet18:54
arrrghhhok, the logic for wifi detection seems to work great18:55
arrrghhhnow to find out if my execution works properly too :P18:55
emwecrossing fingers18:55
arrrghhhimho the logic was the hard part.18:56
arrrghhhfor me at least...18:56
arrrghhhit seems the execution worked on the last boot, but for some reason it wouldn't connectr.18:56
arrrghhhi wonder if i need to strip something out of /data if it exists...18:56
arrrghhhbah, should've done a new data.img18:57
arrrghhhoh well18:57
arrrghhhstinebd, image looks good18:59
arrrghhhi haz sound18:59
arrrghhhmarket is there18:59
arrrghhhi can sync w/ a google account :D18:59
arrrghhhgoing to blow up my data.img and try this again.19:00
rneeseman the img is still building19:05
rneesewell openjdk failed19:06
rneeseso had to deinstall openjdk and install sun-java-sdk19:06
rneeseand restart the build19:07
rneesethat was like 3 hours ago19:07
rneesehoping for a img to test sometime tonight19:07
arrrghhhyou should've used sun-java19:08
arrrghhhas it says...19:08
arrrghhhi'm not going to push something out just because you're bored.19:08
rneesewell it seems they by default link java-sdk to openjava-sdk now19:08
arrrghhhif it's ready for mass testing, i'll put it out.  k?19:08
arrrghhhubuntu is removing it from their repos19:09
arrrghhheven the partner repo evidently19:09
rneeseI am on debian squeeze building19:09
emweopenjdk is going to be the reference implementaiton, yes.19:09
emwedebian. your fault :P19:09
rneeseI wish it all compiled on bsd I would be happier19:11
rneesethey should have based android on bsd19:12
rneeseor maybe even qnx19:13
emwethen it wouldn't be where it is now.19:13
rneeseso is the new build GBX0B since 0A was already done19:16
rneeseor how do you name releases19:16
arrrghhhGBX0B works19:25
arrrghhhthen 01 for the actual release19:25
arrrghhhthen emwe is going to disappear into the ether like jb19:26
arrrghhhyou jerks and your kids :P19:26
arrrghhhi keep coming up with no service and no choice for cdma on a fresh data.img19:27
emweyou get crash?19:28
arrrghhhperhaps mgross029's tweakings are necessary19:28
arrrghhhno radio19:28
arrrghhhmobile networks menu is for gsm19:28
arrrghhhno service, no SIM19:28
arrrghhhno way to switch to CDMA in settings page either19:28
d3tul3as long as it works after a reset19:28
arrrghhhi would think the *# page would do it19:28
arrrghhhd3tul3, it does19:28
arrrghhhbut why is that necessary...?19:28
d3tul3there's so much crap going on on that first boot19:29
emweafter reset in the sense of reboot?19:29
arrrghhhemwe, yes19:29
emwebut whonder why it doesn't crash for you but always is according to mgross02919:29
emwecan you start phone app?19:29
arrrghhhwifi works on .39 :D19:30
arrrghhhfrom a fresh data.img19:30
d3tul3that's all that matters19:30
arrrghhhit didn't work last time i hopped between kernels19:30
arrrghhhd3tul3, lol19:30
arrrghhhwell that means my logic (really alex's) works19:30
arrrghhhemwe, phone UI pops up.  i have a dialscreen19:31
arrrghhhi doubt i can call, i guess i should try19:31
emweperhaps mgross029 should test out that image then19:31
arrrghhhyea mobile network not avail19:31
arrrghhhmgross029, you thar19:31
arrrghhhdoesn't appear so19:31
arrrghhhd3tul3, what about you sir19:31
arrrghhhhave you had issues with this before?19:32
arrrghhhi guess if i reboot and it works who cares...19:32
arrrghhhjust odd.19:32
emweout of curiosity you could be trying: ro.telephony.default_network = 7 in build.prop and start all over19:32
arrrghhhdon't quite have time for that.19:32
emweGBX0C doesn't look too bad19:33
arrrghhhnot now at least :P19:33
arrrghhhlater perhaps.19:33
emweno hurries.19:33
arrrghhhemwe, i'm hoping to release something before 2012.19:33
arrrghhhi am determined.19:33
emwewill be off until sunday evening.19:33
rneesegbx0c we dont even have gbx0b19:33
arrrghhhrneese, that's the joke...19:33
arrrghhhemwe, sounds good19:33
arrrghhhfirmware cp takes a few extra secs19:35
arrrghhhah well, g2g.  bbl.19:36
rneesewhats up ? how is your day19:50
rneeseits night here19:50
ryannathansemwe: Not sure if it's your build or the kernel, I plug me headset in and it recognises it and headset icon pops up, however when I play music it comes out the speakerphone but quieter than it usually would witohut headse tin19:50
ryannathanshehe, i'm in the middle of the bush, camping ;D19:50
rneeseyou in the middle of a bush camping ok19:51
rneesehow is life outback19:51
rneesedid the wife give you permission to pitch a tent19:52
rneeselol joking19:52
rneeseis there a file to replace fryo.user ?19:53
rneeseor de we renameit19:53
emweryannathans: hm. listeing via 3.5mm all day. no issue.19:54
emweperhaps we should wait for the new public build...19:54
ryannathansemwe: I'm using RHOD 110, no 3.5mm earphone jack, I use ext -> 3.5mm19:55
ryannathansrneese: ;D19:55
emwethat used to work fine two or three weeks ago i tested.19:56
ryannathansI'll have to go have another play then ;D19:59
arrrghhhyea, rebootski and service/data no problemo20:00
arrrghhhand wifi seems to work both ways if i am on a fresh data.img and stick on that kernel.20:00
arrrghhhso the logic works, but that stupid modules logic is probably failing.20:01
arrrghhhi want to fix that, but without making it stupid simple i'm afraid i'll just break it more.20:01
arrrghhhi guess i can test that theory by always making the modules copy20:02
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emwearrrghhh: yeah, sounds like the module issue on kernel switch as known.20:03
arrrghhhemwe, well fawk.20:04
emwearrrghhh: always copy/extract is the brutal method.20:04
arrrghhhcan i just make it retarded and always copy/extract?20:04
arrrghhhor at least some simple check20:04
emweisnt there a check for already present or some such?20:04
arrrghhhuname -r && some test against an existence against a file in /lib/modules20:04
arrrghhhwell there is in init, but for some reason it fails20:05
arrrghhhi don't understand why it fails, but i don't quite understand the check either.20:05
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arrrghhhif [ -e "$card/modules-$(uname -r).tar.gz" ] && ! `strings /lib/modules/mac80211.ko 2>/dev/null | grep -q "vermagic=$(uname -r)"`; then20:06
arrrghhhfor some reason that fails.20:07
arrrghhhhow about this20:07
arrrghhhanother brute-force method20:07
arrrghhhbut how about renaming the modules after they copy20:07
arrrghhhwait, nvm.  bad idea.20:07
arrrghhhi hate modules.20:08
arrrghhhhere's my horribly simplistic addition for the firmware logic20:08
arrrghhhthat if statement haunted me.20:10
rneesein the gb.u.c file20:10
arrrghhhin init20:10
arrrghhhput it right after the module copy/extract logic20:10
arrrghhhin that same statement20:10
arrrghhhwhich is what we were also mulling about...20:10
arrrghhhthat beastly if statement above fails20:11
rneeseahh ok20:11
arrrghhhand doesn't always replace modules correctly if they already exist.  so kernel hopping is problematic.20:11
stinebdHey arrrghhh20:11
arrrghhhstinebd, yo.  good show on the new image.20:11
stinebdWhy ! -z and not just -n?20:11
arrrghhhblame alex20:12
arrrghhhi can change it20:12
arrrghhhi couldn't get anything to work correctly on sh20:12
arrrghhhworked fine on bash...20:12
arrrghhhso - if [ -n `uname -r | grep "2.6.27"` ]; then20:12
stinebdEh, just keep it as is20:13
arrrghhhi guess this statement will become problematic for TI chipsets20:13
arrrghhhor should i say not applicabl.20:13
arrrghhhstinebd, what say you about the module logic20:14
rneesesystem: ***** FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED ***** system: 570/1152 files (2.1% non-contiguous), 108331/129528 blocks Install system fs image: out/target/product/msm/system.img Installed file list: out/target/product/msm/installed-files.txt20:14
arrrghhhi assume you wrote that dastardly if statement.20:14
rneeselooks like it completed20:14
arrrghhhrneese, looks successful20:14
stinebdWhat about it?20:15
arrrghhhstinebd, it fails.  i just want to be lazy/dumb about it20:15
arrrghhhi'm sure there's a more elegant/better way20:15
arrrghhhso fix it/please20:15
stinebdI can't20:16
rneeseso I rename it system.ext2 right20:17
rneeseand cp it to the cf ?20:17
stinebdUnpack on every boot, then stop whining20:19
stinebdI didn't like putting the check the to begin with, but people kept complaining about the boot time20:19
stinebdthis is why you should never listen of people on xda20:20
arrrghhhdid we originally just cp/untar every time?20:21
stinebdit was like a thirty second delay or something20:22
rneeseok cp to cf now20:22
rneeseI mean sd20:22
arrrghhhstinebd, the firmware cp i'm doing adds a few seconds.20:22
arrrghhh2-3 i'd say...20:22
arrrghhhthis is what happens when we try to support 9 million devices20:23
arrrghhhwith 15 million configurations20:23
stinebdthat much for copying over one file?20:23
rneeseok going to boot brb20:23
rneeseok booting new sd20:26
arrrghhhyou do like the play-by-play20:27
arrrghhhdo you read baseball games live?20:27
arrrghhhthat would be riveting.  or golf.20:27
arrrghhhbowling perhaps.  yeah...20:27
rneesesorry it comes from being hard of hearing we do tend to give a point to point layout sorry20:28
stinebddon't knock bowling20:28
arrrghhhalrighty.  assuming this works, i think i shall release a bundle20:29
arrrghhhfor rhod20:29
arrrghhhi'll give a whirl on my raph20:29
arrrghhhand hope the best for blackstone/topa20:29
stinebdremember to use the mirror xystem20:29
rneesenow I have to get the firmware in place for the radio20:30
arrrghhhoh, play-by-play.  sorry.20:31
rneeseit came up no errors20:31
arrrghhhrneese, i'll be releasing a rootfs that will decide for ya20:31
arrrghhhwe'll see if it makes it mainline20:31
arrrghhhi won't commit anything until we do a 'formal' release20:31
arrrghhhthis is just to sort out the csv's20:31
arrrghhhand make sure there's no big showstoppers we missed/miffed20:31
stinebdyou have push access to the rootfs repo right?20:32
rneeseI am just testing and learning20:32
rneeseto get more involved20:32
arrrghhhstinebd, no.20:32
rneeseas this will lead to me learnign to write apps20:32
arrrghhhi figure i'll make a patch when it proves to be functional20:32
arrrghhhi committed what, one patch?  thru you?  :P20:32
arrrghhhthis'll make 2, w00t20:32
rneeseok its up20:33
rneesenow to get the firmware into place20:33
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arrrghhhEntropy512, wassup20:34
Entropy512just got back from visiting family for a week20:34
Entropy512greeted by some XDA drama that reminds me of the old XDAndroid days with AUO panel users and the big camera fix patches20:35
arrrghhhthat's always fun20:35
arrrghhhacl actually made some progress on their panels20:35
Entropy512users have had three weeks to collect data and report bugs indicating they have a reproducible test case20:35
arrrghhhand they went apeshit20:35
Entropy512NOW they're whining20:35
arrrghhht'was interesting20:35
Entropy512apeshit bad or apeshit good?20:36
arrrghhhapeshit good20:36
rneeseno audio on the speaker when I turn up the ring volume20:36
arrrghhhrneese, you have an acoustic kernel?20:36
arrrghhhyou're on .35/.39?20:36
arrrghhh3.0/3.1 i guess too20:36
Entropy512basically I knew there were some issues, but all of the reports I had indicated it was a rare occurrence, rare enough no one could get a reliable dmesg20:36
arrrghhhseems all the .35+ kernels are acoustic enabled20:36
rneeseok so I have to get a .3520:37
Entropy512so NOW someone finally pipes up that it's affecting them on a regular basis20:37
Entropy512and it's a freaking ROM dev!20:37
arrrghhhrneese, .39 is acoustic enabled20:37
arrrghhhperhaps you didn't to the buildspec correclty20:37
rneeseroot@voyage:~/xdandroid# cat # Configure for an XDAndroid user-debugging target. TARGET_PRODUCT := full_msm TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT := userdebug TARGET_BUILD_TYPE := release TARGET_USERIMAGES_USE_EXT2 := true BUILD_LIB_HTC_ACOUSTIC_WINCE := true20:38
rneesethats all my file20:39
arrrghhhthat seems accurate20:39
arrrghhhemwe already told you about that tip20:39
stinebddont ask me20:40
arrrghhhso uhhh i dunno.. csv's at the root of your sd?20:40
arrrghhhrneese, read the pre-install prep section20:41
arrrghhhthat's required to run acoustic currently20:41
arrrghhhwe're thinking about integrating it, but you're building your own image from source....20:41
emwerneese: make sure is the built one. watch logcat for errors from libacoustic about not being able to link20:42
arrrghhhok, .27 is definitely faster :(20:42
arrrghhhhrm i forgot to check JIT.  i'll look at that on the next boot.20:43
arrrghhhdoublechecking my logic is working now correctly.20:43
d3tul327 is faster than what20:43
arrrghhhd3tul3, newest .39 autobuild20:44
rneese.39 boots major fast on mine20:44
rneesebut I need to go grab those files20:44
arrrghhhrneese, wifi turning on and off20:44
arrrghhhjust seems faster on .2720:44
d3tul3i think idle power collapse might be making things a bit slower20:44
arrrghhhplus .39 hung on reboot20:44
rneeseyes I need to get the firmware moved over20:44
arrrghhh.27 didn't, for some odd reason.  same data.img.20:44
arrrghhhman i hate winmo20:44
emwenow there's a second guy saying .27 feels better. thx. :)20:45
arrrghhhuhm.  you're welcome?  :P20:45
emwearrrghhh: build should be int:fast20:45
arrrghhhwhat time is it there emwe ?20:45
arrrghhhemwe, ok20:45
d3tul3wait how is it "thx" if .27 feels better20:45
emwenobody believed me when i said so20:45
rneeseok booting wm20:45
rneesethis sucks20:46
d3tul3what were you comparing to .39 or .35 or both20:46
arrrghhhd3tul3, i can boot .35 here in a few.20:46
arrrghhh.27 to .3920:47
arrrghhhi'm really just booting and testing wifi after it settles lol20:47
d3tul3i was wondering if emwe thinks .27 is faster than .35 too20:47
arrrghhhso that's not a fantastic comparison, but .27 felt faster.20:47
emweyes, it is.20:47
arrrghhhthat's... just odd20:47
emwewell, feels faster...20:47
d3tul3both .39 and .35 have idle PC right?20:47
arrrghhhemwe, which is kinda important IMHO20:48
d3tul3i mean doesn't taht mean cpu kind of shuts down while idling20:48
emwe.27 has all the same pm.c-wise20:48
arrrghhhas stupid as these intangible things are.20:48
d3tul3i don't think it would be going into IDLE if it's not tickless20:48
d3tul3in fact when i turned tickless OFF in 3.1 it stopped doing IDLE PC20:48
emwesomething prevents idle here when usb-plugged.20:48
d3tul3probably some usb clock20:49
emweone of three reason to not allow_idle /methinks20:49
emwebut i am kinda burried into panel again.20:49
d3tul3i think i agree with you re: idle PC20:49
arrrghhhemwe, panel?20:50
emwearrrghhh: after pulling in those .27-nand panel inits from nand i have a hard time getting this bitch to wake good20:50
arrrghhhperhaps you should ignore them :P20:51
arrrghhhobviously the ones for auo are separate from epson?20:51
emweyeah, and just keep panel off.20:51
arrrghhhthe auo one looked quite complex20:51
rneesegetting these files is a pain20:51
arrrghhhwould be nice to fix their crap on haret20:51
arrrghhhalso would be nice to have one kernel for both...20:52
emwearrrghhh: still need to look on ebay for good post-xmas tp2 sales...20:52
arrrghhhi'm still trolling for a donor as always.20:52
arrrghhhit's hanging on obtaining IP again.  wth.20:52
arrrghhhi swear i saw the logic echo correctly20:53
arrrghhhi wonder if it's making the decision but failing with permissions?20:54
rneesegrrr wm crashed20:54
arrrghhhi'll reboot again and watch it.  g2g, bbl.20:56
d3tul3arrrghhh, want to try a kernel with IDLE PC off20:56
emwed3tul3: so just wfi?20:57
d3tul3just returning 0 in msm_irq_idle_sleep_allowed20:58
emwewould be interessting to know which of the three criteria leads to allow_sleep being false20:58
d3tul3in 39 it used to be the last one, before you fixed it20:58
emweah SMSM_INIT something?20:59
emweSMSM_INT i meant20:59
d3tul3yeah something about return !!smsm_int_info or whatnot20:59
emweyes, wasn't inited due to structure mismatch20:59
emwekexec saves my day here...21:00
d3tul3in .27 i wonder if the fact that the kernel is not tickless the sleep times are always less than the min sleep time21:00
emwewould have to check what is the reason here to not idle sleep21:04
emwejust to have a comparison ...21:04
d3tul3it would be useful, as soon as i turned NO_HZ off in 3.1 it stopped idle PCing21:05
emwethis will have to wait, though.21:07
emwei need to go to bed21:07
emwelikely won't be around tomorrow, so everybody have a good start into 2012!21:07
d3tul3thanks hope you enjoy the start of the new year21:08
rneeseso no one has these csv files21:13
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rneesegrr this is a pain21:24
rneesethis is a pain I cant get the csv files it keeps crashing wm21:37
rneesethere has to be a easier way21:38
arrrghhhrneese, ?21:41
arrrghhhmy directions didn't work?21:41
arrrghhhthey worked flawlessly for me, i made the directions as i did it myself lol21:41
rneeseI am following the webpage you pointed me to21:41
arrrghhhit takes -a while- to load the \Windows\ directory21:41
arrrghhhjust the pre-prep directions21:42
rneesewm keeps crashing everytime21:42
arrrghhhtotal commander?21:42
rneeseI can get tc to run21:42
rneeseit says its not a app21:42
arrrghhhi guess get them with activesync?21:42
arrrghhhi dunno man.21:42
arrrghhheverything is painful with you lol21:42
arrrghhhperhaps you should just wait until it's stable21:42
arrrghhhand released.21:43
arrrghhhalthough this test build will still require this step lol21:43
rneesearm cpu right21:44
arrrghhhit is arm21:44
arrrghhhit's many things, but i guess if you're asking about total commander21:45
rneeseok got tc installed21:46
rneesenow I think i can get the files21:46
arrrghhhi said use total commander in the directions21:47
arrrghhhyou wouldn't be able to filter otherwise21:47
arrrghhhat least you certainly can't filter with the built-in file explorer21:47
rneeseyes but it was not installing21:47
rneeseI had to get the cab to get it to install21:47
arrrghhhlol did you pick x86?21:47
arrrghhhthose help with winmo.21:48
rneesethe exe was failing21:48
arrrghhhyou can't run exe's on the phone directly21:48
arrrghhhmost you can't.21:48
arrrghhhmost exe's you download for the phone you run on the PC and it installs on the phone thru activesync (again this is speaking winmo)21:48
rneeseI hate wmo21:49
rneeseit sucks21:49
arrrghhhhrm.  this sucks.21:50
arrrghhhi thought my logic worked.  it doesn't evidently...21:51
arrrghhhi don't know how to test it either.21:51
arrrghhhi figured i could just make a .sh file but that doesn't seem to work.21:51
rneeseok I hit the ctl button but no green + shows up21:56
arrrghhhctrl button in total commander, or on the phone?21:56
rneesein tc21:56
rneeseI am in tc on the phone21:57
arrrghhhi seriously performed those steps so i'm really not sure what to tell you.21:57
arrrghhhexcept this stuff ain't easy, and i think the hand holding comes to a point...21:58
rneesewell I will fight with this bbl22:01
arrrghhhthe filter function just makes it easier.22:01
arrrghhhyou sometimes might have to think outside of the box to 'get it'.22:01
arrrghhhnot everything is going to have a video and not everything is going to happen with a single checkbox... sorry.22:02
rneeseok it changed22:02
rneeseit seems you have to hold the show button\22:02
rneeseand then it gives you a select/deselect22:03
arrrghhhi dunno what you mean, but winmo is wacky.22:03
arrrghhhi don't really help with it well because i don't ever use it :P22:03
arrrghhhi don't really help well in general.22:03
d3tul3arrrghhh, i don't know man, even with IDLE pc, these new kernels seem way faster than .2722:05
arrrghhhd3tul3, side by side on a "new" (untainted) data.img?22:05
arrrghhhmy freakin wifi logic is still failing :(22:06
arrrghhhi thought it was working.22:06
d3tul3it's the logic or the execution22:06
arrrghhhi was thinking i could test this with a .sh on my sdcard22:07
arrrghhhis that not possible?22:07
arrrghhhjust thru adb, ./
arrrghhhjust so i can beat on this stupid if statement.22:08
rneeseok I think I got all 1222:08
arrrghhhwhat RHOD?22:08
rneese1 min22:09
arrrghhhd3tul3, is it possible to sandbox this statement?22:09
rneeseok had to get it to boot android22:09
rneeseits a rhod21022:09
arrrghhhhow annoying.22:10
arrrghhhi have a 400, there were only 10 files.22:10
d3tul3if you send me that statement i can take a look at it not sure if i can improve it in any way22:10
arrrghhhd3tul3, it's just not working correctly.22:10
arrrghhhthat's what i have now basically22:10
arrrghhhwell, not basically.  that is what i have now.22:10
arrrghhhstine suggested -n instead of ! -z22:10
arrrghhhi guess i haven't tried that...22:11
rneeseok the file in the download is missing22:12
arrrghhhrneese, you don't need it...22:12
arrrghhhi just said the pre-install prep22:12
arrrghhhnow rerun22:12
rneeseI did22:12
rneesebut in the prerun it shows a download22:13
rneeseDownload - be warned, I pre-populated the startup.txt with a rel_path=test_acoustic. I am assuming everyone is just going to extract, and drop the extracted folder at the root of the SD card. Please adjust this if you're doing something different!!!22:13
arrrghhhi guess i didn't section it off well22:13
arrrghhhthat's another section22:13
arrrghhhi wanted to make sure people didn't miss the preinstall prep22:13
arrrghhhi could care less if they missed the download section...22:13
arrrghhhpeople never miss the download section.22:13
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arrrghhhwhat would you need to download?!?22:13
arrrghhhdetule, damn you.22:14
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arrrghhhd3tul3, wb22:14
rneesewait so do I need to rm the data.img and rerun22:14
arrrghhhi was just cursing you22:14
arrrghhhrneese, i don't think so22:14
arrrghhhi guess you can for fun.22:14
arrrghhhplease, if you're going to build this stuff it's expected you actually try things on your own.22:14
arrrghhhthat's... kind of the point of building it yourself.22:15
arrrghhhoh i hvae the -n in22:17
arrrghhhi wonder if that's the problem...22:17
arrrghhhwth, imma goin back22:17
d3tul3arrrghhh, i am being dense here why copy it to init.etc does this somehow later popualate etc22:18
arrrghhhd3tul3, i thought this was the point to do it at...22:19
arrrghhhthe echo was testing bad, let me try this.22:19
d3tul3oh yeah22:19
d3tul3cp -ar /init.etc/* /system/et22:20
d3tul3sorry i missed it that's a line in init22:20
d3tul3make sure you are putting your code after that line22:20
d3tul3i mean before22:20
arrrghhhit is after i think.22:21
arrrghhhit is after.  i lumped it in with the modules stuff.22:21
arrrghhhany contest to moving that down to just before the remount of /system ro?22:21
d3tul3shouldn't make a difference22:23
arrrghhhdidn't think so22:23
arrrghhhmoved it just above that line.22:23
arrrghhhthx, good catch.22:23
d3tul3actually that cp -ar line should probably stay where it is22:24
d3tul3the next block has something about /system/etc22:25
arrrghhhi guess it doesn't matter where the firmware check goes22:25
arrrghhhjust made sense with the other module stuff22:25
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arrrghhhcan we get that framework-res hack for the service provider?22:27
arrrghhhT-CDMA 64 is so... boring.22:27
arrrghhhaw wth22:29
arrrghhhturn on wifi with (in theory) proper firmware and it hangs... reboots within Android.22:30
arrrghhhi just can't win.22:30
rneeseare the .csv files invisable ?22:31
arrrghhhrneese, i think they may be.22:31
arrrghhhhidden, yes.22:31
arrrghhhdon't i mention that?22:31
arrrghhheither total commander by default ignores it22:32
arrrghhhor i didn't have to do anything to get 'em to show22:32
arrrghhhyou still struggling with 'em?22:32
rneeseI cp them over  but still no audio when I hit the vol up and down for ringer22:33
rneeseit said it cp them22:33
arrrghhhyou verified they were at the root of the card?22:35
arrrghhhthis is really getting tiresome.22:35
rneeseok I rm the data.img22:35
rneeseand now its working22:35
rneesenext is to get the firmware over for the radio and I should be done22:35
arrrghhhmgross029, i accepted most of your changes.22:35
arrrghhhthe addition of that random blog was odd.22:36
arrrghhhi assume that was just a mistake.22:37
arrrghhhrest looked good, thanks.22:37
arrrghhhd3tul3, so you think i can just place this if statement wherever above that cp -ar statement?22:40
arrrghhhwell that's what i'm going to attempt22:47
rneeseok firmware is n place22:48
rneeseI just remounted the drive -orw22:48
rneeseand cp the firmware into place22:48
arrrghhhrneese, i'm really confused.  are you asking a question or still continuing the play-by-play?22:48
rneesesorry done .22:49
arrrghhhcrap i wasn't watching the boot process22:49
arrrghhhi guess md5sum doesn't lie.22:49
rneeseok I timed my reboot. it took 22 sec to boot into android with the .39 kernel22:51
rneesejust so you know22:51
arrrghhhboot times i don't really care about22:51
arrrghhhi'm talking about once the phone is up22:51
arrrghhhi mean a fast boot is nice and all22:51
arrrghhhbut if the UI is slow once you get in?22:51
arrrghhhi guess i shouldn't say it is slower22:51
rneeseno its nice and fast22:51
arrrghhhjust feels slower...22:51
arrrghhhperception is everything.22:51
arrrghhhthat's nice.22:51
rneeseok wifi is up and working so I am online with it now22:52
arrrghhhyou are a strange fellow.22:52
d3tul3you got wifi up and going22:54
d3tul3sorry dropping in and out22:54
arrrghhhtalkin to me?22:54
rneeseno its not dropping in and out its working great22:54
d3tul3yeah arrrghhh sorry22:54
arrrghhhor would you like more play-by-play22:54
arrrghhh.39 is definitely slower, but that's ok.  d3tul3 just testing wifi now.22:55
arrrghhhd3tul3, seems to work like a champ22:56
arrrghhhnow to reboot 15 times and flip back and forth to make sure it still continues to work :D22:56
arrrghhhi also didn't get the no radio or FC on .39 with a fresh data.img22:56
rneeseok thoughts I am in android market and it seems the search function is not working22:57
arrrghhhrneese, patience22:57
arrrghhhif not that, i have not a clue...22:58
arrrghhhassuming the market opens, i don't think i've had a problem with search.22:58
rneeseyes it opens but when I hit the magnafine glass to search nothing happens22:58
rneeseno box for inputting data shows up22:59
arrrghhhclose out & reopen it?22:59
arrrghhhnever had that happen.22:59
arrrghhhi've never even had to hit the glass22:59
rneeseok yeah that fixed it22:59
arrrghhhwait nvm22:59
arrrghhhthinking of something else22:59
arrrghhh.39 definitely works well, don't get me wrong.23:04
arrrghhhjust .27 "feels" snappier..  meh.23:04
rneesemay depend on the device23:05
arrrghhhi'm not really comparing anything fancy either.  just time it takes before the data goes green23:05
arrrghhhand time it takes to swipe around23:05
rneeseas .39 and GB on the 210 is alot faster23:05
arrrghhhtime it takes to connect wifi23:05
arrrghhhyou need to compare .39 gb and .27 gb...23:05
arrrghhhc'mon man apples to apples.23:05
arrrghhhi'm kinda surprised you work in the tech industry to be honest.23:05
rneeseI have spent most my life working in satcom for Nortel23:06
rneeseand in the telcom world23:06
arrrghhhi guess that makes sense.23:06
arrrghhhi know some old school nortel guys...23:06
arrrghhhwe still have an 81c.  blasted device.23:07
rneeseI am wanting to learn23:07
rneeseand this is a big change for me23:07
arrrghhhwell one step at a time.23:07
arrrghhhlike i said, learn algebra before calculus.23:07
rneeseto work on this as I like new technoligys23:07
arrrghhhcan't jump straight to building the system image23:07
rneesewell I was having so many issues on froyo with the device lockingup I wanted a newer img to test with23:08
arrrghhhgb is out there23:08
arrrghhhhas been since march23:08
arrrghhhoh well.23:09
rneeseand I have to say so far its working better even the touchscreen is more responsive23:09
arrrghhhyea, you're definitely not comparing apples to apples.23:09
arrrghhhbut OK.23:09
rneeseI am and so far its working23:10
arrrghhhd3tul3, this just went gold methinks23:11
arrrghhhi should test bluetooth23:12
arrrghhhbut i really don't care about that for shipment.23:12
arrrghhhgoing to ship this poop23:12
arrrghhhd3tul3, it is nice being able to boot and not worry about firmware for wifi.23:13
arrrghhhdon't really use wifi all that frequently, but one less thing to worry about.23:13
arrrghhhalso, perhaps this is just me being pedantic... but reboot has worked every time on .27 and hung every time on .39...23:14
rneeseok since you said bluetooth .23:14
rneeseits not working23:15
arrrghhhcan't really support every little issue on your homebuilt system image there bucko.23:15
arrrghhhbesides, bt is finnicky at best.23:15
arrrghhhnot even sure it's enabled on .3923:15
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arrrghhhd3tul3, pure gold.  thanks again mate.23:20
arrrghhhi didn't test gps/sleep and that poop23:24
arrrghhhoh well.23:24
arrrghhhit's going up.23:24
d3tul3arrrghhh, np i didn't do much23:35
d3tul3er anything23:35
arrrghhhah crap23:36
stinebdHow is everything arrrghhh23:38
arrrghhhstinebd, so far so good23:38
arrrghhhwifi firmware poop is workin23:38
arrrghhhaudio is guten23:39
mgross029arrrghhh, you mean the one about Ubuntu 11.10 will require additional steps? :p23:39
arrrghhhmgross029, i can't remember the exact section right now...23:40
arrrghhhbut there was some blog at the end of one of your edits23:40
arrrghhhi removed it and approved the rest...23:40
mgross029Ok.  Yeah I think I put that there and meant to go back and remove it but never did.  Was heading out for the day from work so doing things quickly.23:41
arrrghhhno biggie23:41
arrrghhhstinebd, i think this has been mentioned, but why does debugging not always show in the notification bar?23:41
arrrghhhseems to be a uniquely gb thing.23:42
mgross029If I get time I'll work on it some more.23:42
d3tul3it doesnt show for 2723:42
arrrghhhi even su'd and got the allow prompt, still no notification in ... oh23:42
arrrghhhd3tul3, lol thanks.23:42
d3tul3usb driver23:42
arrrghhhthat's... an interesting bug.23:42
mgross029because debugging is turned on under settings, applications, development.23:42
arrrghhhmgross029, ?23:42
d3tul3i might be wrong about this but i think in 27 it doesnt show any usb related taskbar notification23:43
mgross029Well if you have debugging enabled there it will show up as far as I know.  Sorry coming into a conversation that I have no clue what you are talking about. :p23:43
arrrghhhwasn't really much of a convo there23:44
rneeseok with a quick once throu it seems bt is the only missing item23:44
arrrghhhi just said i didn't see the noti *sometimes*23:44
rneeseso I am happy23:44
mgross029good then I didn't miss anything. heh23:44
arrrghhhrneese, it's not in .39... jeebus.23:44
d3tul3are we freely disseminating wistilts autobuild to go with this build23:44
arrrghhhd3tul3, nope.23:44
arrrghhhi'll mention .3923:44
arrrghhhwhich wistilt2 gave me the goahead to link to his autobuild on that thread ages ago.23:45
arrrghhhbut i'm bundling .2723:45
d3tul3yeah i mean are we mentioning the autobuild23:45
raymonddullarrrghhh> you're not gonna like this but the debugging notification not showing up... it happens on some native devices too :p23:45
arrrghhhraymonddull, damn you23:45
arrrghhhd3tul3, well i can link to the .39 thread23:45
arrrghhhor i can just mention that .35+ kernels will now work...23:46
d3tul3yep, i was just wondering if wistilt's autobuild is public knowledge if he minds the hits23:46
d3tul3i am with the program about .27 being "official" and what not23:47
mgross029Was ext4dev enabled in .27?23:47
mgross029I know F22 had it in his but wasn't sure if it was committed or not23:47
arrrghhhnot autobuild23:48
arrrghhhand that was starfox23:48
arrrghhhf22 had rootfs hackings23:48
mgross029Just was thinking if people wanted to cross kernel with their data file.23:48
arrrghhhcross kernel with their data file...23:49
arrrghhhthey'll need to be on .35+ if they want ext4.23:49
arrrghhhalrighty lets try that again.23:50
arrrghhhi didn't do the ts-cal or csv's folders23:50
arrrghhhoh well23:50
arrrghhhwe can sort that out for the official non-beta release.23:50
mgross029arrrghhh, I'm using ext4 in every kernel but .2723:51
arrrghhhi forget how fast gps locks are after quickgps23:51
arrrghhhthat was ridiculous23:52
arrrghhhmgross029, that's... nice?23:52
arrrghhhnow supposedly it will sleep with gps left "on"23:52
mgross029That was why I said what I did ^^  Sorry.23:52
arrrghhhwhat have i done.23:54
arrrghhhthere's no board_htdrhod nothin in /sys/module23:55
arrrghhhwell i don't know how to change the sleep led23:55
arrrghhhblackstone diamond and raphael23:56
arrrghhhno rhodium... this is confusing.23:56
d3tul3which kernel23:56
arrrghhhoh it's different depending on the kernel?23:56
arrrghhhthis is .2723:56
d3tul3in 27 is microp_klt23:56
arrrghhhah, right.23:56
d3tul3in 35 board_htctopaz_led23:57
arrrghhhhow convenient...23:57
d3tul3i spoke with emwe once about standardizing it and having one app23:57
d3tul3perhaps this weekend :)23:57
arrrghhhi still echo 2 for sleep debugging?23:57
arrrghhhcannot create23:58
arrrghhhdirectory nonexistent?23:58
arrrghhhtried it with and without quotes.  i'm su'd i have a hash.23:59
arrrghhhtried the 2 with and without quotes sorry...23:59
d3tul3can you see it /sys/module/microp_klt/parameters/led_regime23:59
arrrghhhecho "2" > /sys/module/microp_klt/paramters/led_regime23:59
arrrghhhi ls'd to it23:59
d3tul3what does ls -l say23:59

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