Monday, 2011-11-21

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arrrghhhjonpry, so i do have to sacrifice a card of this thing eh?  oh well.  i think i have a 512mb card around that would be fine00:07
arrrghhhi was thinking i could just use my 8gb card since it's already partitioned00:08
arrrghhhbut re-reading your directions, it seems that it has to be on its own card00:08
jonpryumm. i don't see why it needs to be on its own card. other than p2 needs wiping00:14
jonpry512mb is good though00:17
arrrghhhwhat do you do for /data?00:17
arrrghhhdamn, i thought this card was partitioned.00:20
jonpryits all just one big partition00:25
arrrghhhah.  all on the ext2 partition?00:26
arrrghhhis this Application Data folder needed jonpry ?  lol00:51
jonprywhat is that?00:53
arrrghhhthat's what i'm wondering00:53
arrrghhhin the root.tar file00:53
arrrghhhthere's a folder, Application Data00:53
arrrghhhseemingly useless things inside00:53
arrrghhhApplication Data\HTC\databases\DocExp\00:54
arrrghhhis the only folder with anything in it00:54
arrrghhhflintlock, iamflint, ringing any bells?  i dunno what this is.00:54
jonpryprobably crap my phone made00:54
arrrghhhi see00:55
arrrghhhLayerRenderer.h, is that your magic?00:55
arrrghhhok i think i'm ready to attempt booting00:56
jonpryi need to look at this tarball. apparently it is all full of weird stuff01:03
arrrghhhwell i failed to boot01:03
arrrghhhdoes it have to be at the root of the SD?01:03
arrrghhhi'm guessing since there's not a rootfs, init doesn't think to look for rel_path...01:03
jonprythe stuffs in root.tar?01:03
arrrghhhi don't even know how this would work without the funky stuff that we have in01:03
arrrghhhthe stuffs in the root.tar :P01:04
jonpryshould be fine in a directory01:04
jonpryer boot.tar01:04
arrrghhhi defined rel_path and failed to boot01:04
arrrghhhno, it's root.tar01:04
jonpryso second parition is type linux, formatted e2?01:05
jonprydid it show anything on the screen?01:05
arrrghhhlots of bad errors01:06
arrrghhhjuicy stuff, 1sec01:06
arrrghhhno msm_hw_reset_hook() available!  system halted01:06
arrrghhhrestarting system with command "recovery"01:06
arrrghhhemergency remount complete01:06
arrrghhhmd: stopping all md devices01:06
jonprysounds like the system partition is botched01:06
arrrghhhi had a lot of untracked pids too01:07
jonpryuntracked exited?01:07
jonpryhmm. how did you decompress unto the card?01:07
jonprymaybe permissions are not right01:07
arrrghhhwell i decompressed to a folder01:07
arrrghhhthen used tar to put them on the card01:07
arrrghhhcd /dir1; tar cf - . | (cd /dir2; tar xf -)01:08
jonprywhy not just cd /dir2; tar xf /the/tar01:08
arrrghhhshould i just untar staright to the card?01:08
jonpryi think so01:08
arrrghhhi thought that would make it easier on me for some reason.01:08
arrrghhhdon't ask why, it seems pretty dumb in retrospect.01:09
jonpryi don't really see why it would work01:10
jonpryexcept maybe tar cf doesn't preserve links?01:10
arrrghhhhrm i thought that was the point01:11
jonprythen again i think i made it with tar c01:11
jonpryprobably should adb in and get a logcat before it reboots01:11
arrrghhhi got that command to take files from a loop mounted file to a partition01:11
arrrghhhmaybe it was the way i added that init.rc?01:17
arrrghhhis there some special way to do it?01:17
jonprycopy it over the old one01:18
jonpryyou also copied the init?01:18
arrrghhhhrm, i only think i got init.rc from you01:18
jonprycause that init.rc is not compatible with old init01:18
arrrghhhi definitely didn't do init, if you did send one.  sorry :P01:18
jonpryi said to get it from the build products on my account01:18
jonpryalong with the bootani01:18
jonpryLayerRenderer.h is part of some special mojo that is seriously not done01:19
jonprywe haz to make a new libs/hwui01:20
jonpryat this point i'm just trying to make one that doesn't even do anything but has enough symbols so libandroid_runtime can build01:20
jonpryin principle i think it will not be hard :p01:21
jonprythe only funky thing is renderscript, but it looks like that can be done in software while everything else is hardware01:22
jonpryi think this is actually the only part of ics we want. the new apps are just going to be broke ass01:24
arrrghhhwow dude01:25
arrrghhhit made it to bootani SO fast01:25
arrrghhhsooooo do i still need to echo that command?01:25
arrrghhhecho 0 > /sys/devices/virtual/vtconsole/vtcon1/bind01:25
arrrghhhi'm actually kinda in shock at how fast the bootani started01:26
jonpryunless its flashing between console and boot ani01:26
arrrghhhnot at all01:26
jonprytakes like half an hour to boot01:27
arrrghhhit has been on the bootani for a while, i will admit.01:27
jonprywhich is another thing i don't understand. seems to do dexopt everytime01:28
arrrghhhbut getting to the bootani, that was fast :P01:28
jonprythen it sucks up 90% of the cpu to make sure booting doesn't happen too fast01:28
arrrghhhsounds like a nice feature01:29
arrrghhhdisk space seems to be ok on the server01:30
jonpryyeah. probably gonna have to have 2 builds soon01:31
jonpryw/ opengl renderer and w/o01:31
jonprycause its useless. so other fixes aren't possible01:32
arrrghhhAndroid_CM9 is ~21gb01:32
jonpryi can remove the panda products and get some space01:32
arrrghhhi'm doin alright on that drive01:33
jonprymsm hal is working pretty good. has haptics and stuff01:33
arrrghhhyou can use... let's say another 40gb before i'll start to complain at you.01:33
jonpryjust need the 2 outputs, so it should be the same01:34
jonpryunless i already zonked panda somehow01:34
arrrghhhso how do i tell if it's in a bootloop?01:38
arrrghhhjust keep waiting?  :P01:38
arrrghhhlets see when did i start the process...01:38
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arrrghhhit's only been like 15 minutes.  i'm impatient.01:39
jonprythats pretty long01:39
jonpry5 is more normal01:39
arrrghhhstrictmode violation01:40
arrrghhhoh i thought you were serious about the 30 minute thing01:40
jonprythats ok01:40
arrrghhhi think i see a clock01:40
arrrghhhand a battery gauge01:40
arrrghhhthe 'android' from the bootani is kinda frozen in the center tho lol01:41
jonpryoh it goes away01:41
arrrghhhthis cursor is fun01:42
arrrghhhit's like i'm in donnie darko01:42
arrrghhhi'm sure it's not supposed to look like this tho lol01:42
jonpryi think it is01:42
jonpryyou ready for hints?01:43
arrrghhhlay it on me01:43
arrrghhhi think it's still booting01:43
arrrghhhor something01:43
jonpryorientation is critical01:43
jonprybut i don't really know how to change it01:44
arrrghhhthe g-sensor works?01:44
arrrghhhgood lord.  lolcat is just flying01:44
jonpryno gsensor01:44
arrrghhhwhat are these strictmode violations?01:45
arrrghhhi see a lot of them01:45
jonprynothing important :p01:50
arrrghhhwell this is odd01:50
arrrghhhtouchscreen seemed to be OK01:50
arrrghhhnow the axis are inverted01:50
arrrghhhcrazy cursor01:51
jonprythats the orientation01:51
jonprygotta get it into portrait01:51
arrrghhhyea, it doesn't seem to want to get back to portrait...01:51
jonpryyeah i'm not to clear on that. lock and unlocking with the keyboard in different states seems to get it done eventually01:54
arrrghhhfor me it's perfectly inverted now01:55
arrrghhhif the kb is open, it's in portrait01:55
arrrghhhif kb is closed, it's in landscape01:56
jonprysounds right01:56
arrrghhhthis cursor is wacky too01:56
arrrghhhkinda fun, but its wearing off quickly01:57
arrrghhhhow do you scroll with this cursor doohickey?01:57
jonprydouble click or something01:58
jonprycan't get it to work reliably01:58
jonpryarrow keys in menus is the easiest01:58
arrrghhhabout tablet01:58
arrrghhhFull AOSP on Panda01:59
arrrghhhthis is awesome01:59
arrrghhhthe homescreen doesn't seem too happy02:00
jonpryyeah thats the worst part of it02:01
jonprybut i think it would be 10x better without the cursor bs02:01
arrrghhhyou go to click and the cursor's like nope... fu, i'm over here.02:01
jonpryhmm. i haven't had that problem02:02
arrrghhhit's funny, a lot of these lines and the layout is very minimalistic02:02
arrrghhhseemingly it's anything but underneath the hood.02:03
jonprywhat does that mean?02:03
arrrghhhwell i mean the way ics looks it seems like google is going with a minimalistic look/feel02:04
arrrghhhyet it requires all this compositing and crazy stuff02:04
jonpryhave you managed to spin around the launched?02:04
jonpryits like 3d windows and stuff02:04
jonpryer launcher02:04
arrrghhhjust tried02:05
arrrghhhthe home screen really is FUBAR for me02:05
jonpryit take a lot of clicking and dragging02:05
arrrghhho wow02:06
jonpryi'm out. good night02:14
arrrghhhtake it easy02:14
arrrghhhthanks man.  this is crazy.  definitely a cool preview.  needs a little work :P02:15
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valykanyone here?02:29
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madhukaraphataki have a problem in adb with lenovo a6006:08
madhukaraphatakcan anyone help me06:08
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SytheZNGreets all round09:02
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detulehey emwe11:29
mgross029detule I saw you were looking into the audio on htc-linux yesterday11:31
mgross029Particularly the adc3001 and the a101011:31
emwein AudioHardware, the input == null branch can go entirely, or will it become  "if (input == null) args->mic_mute = false; else ..." ?11:31
emwedetule: ^^11:32
emweand you guys got adc3001 and a1010 on now in all scenarios?11:32
mgross029hey emwe good weekend?11:33
detuleemwe, the way i had it last night (and i don't have it in front of me) is to comment out the contents of input == null11:33
mgross029emwe, when I enabled a1010 in .35 I start getting dmseg entries for adc300111:33
detulein the else statement just leave inputDevice11:34
emwedefine good mgross029. flat cleaning and cloth washing :P11:34
detuleand comment out the mic calls11:34
arrrghhhemwe, i feel your pain.11:34
detuleso basically it should be if (input != NULL) inputDevice = input->devices();11:34
emweok, so the input == null branch can go basically detule ?11:35
arrrghhhi guess i should try troubleshooting my audio issues again11:35
mgross029But with .39 that didn't happen.  I saw the a1010 enable at the beginning but that was all the verbose I saw in dmesg from it.  Seems it is working better in .3511:35
detulemgross029, wasn't looking at the kernel side of acoustic last night...mostly userland11:35
emwei need to catch up ...11:35
mgross029detule, ok.  Meaning libacuoustics and such?11:36
detuleand such11:36
jonprydetule, i see you got a new job. flashy11:36
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detulethat's how i roll11:37
emweacoustic master? then i can stop digging into it, cool. :P11:37
detuleno master if what mgross029 saying is true and a1010 doesnt' enable adc in .39 than it means i broke something11:38
detuleactually i am not sure how a1010 would enable adc - there are those micropklt dualmic calls in a1010 but aren't those only in the dbg hooks?11:39
mgross029detule, on .35 emwe isn't using micropklt as far as I can tell and in a1010.c it does perform some adc3001 calls11:42
emwewe are using microp, though. basically the same .. lol.11:43
emwea1010 uses some hooks exported in board-htcrhodium-audio.c11:43
detuleyeah there's some differences between what you have in a1010 and what's in .3911:44
detulemgross029, micropklt_dualmic_set(char on);11:45
emweping me if you find something broken. i need to break other stuff.11:46
detulego ahead, likely i'll be stealing code from you...again11:46
emwephones' playing tricks on me and freezing sleeping quite often.11:46
emweall these freezes are since i disabled JIT :PPPPPPPPPP11:46
arrrghhhlies emwe11:47
detuleby the way11:47
detulehow does one mask ip and such?11:47
detuleas in your info on freenode11:48
mgross029detule, you mean pass a fake IP?11:48
detulelike basically i want jonpry's whois11:48
jonpryyou ask in #freenode for a cloak11:48
detuleis it fairly automatic or do you gotta be buddies with someone11:49
jonprythey will give you the unaffiliated cloak11:49
detulek thanks bbl11:50
arrrghhhlol you could've just said that11:51
arrrghhhi helped jonpry with his :P11:51
mgross029arrrghhh, on your audio problem.  If you still have it try to kill the media server while you have logcat and /proc/kmsg running to see what comes back11:53
arrrghhhhow is that a solution?  :P11:54
mgross029Not a solution but and investigation to what is happening when the media server starts. :p11:54
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arrrghhhi see11:54
arrrghhhyea, i started over with .27 again11:55
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arrrghhhfresh data.img11:55
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arrrghhhstill no audio11:55
mgross029What's your logcat look like at this moment?11:56
mgross029are you getting any cpu pegged messages?11:57
arrrghhhi'm back on frx07.111:58
arrrghhhi needed something that worked, but didn't want to deal with winmo :P11:58
mgross029Where's your sense of adventure? :p11:58
arrrghhhi was actually busy yesterday, needed to use the phone as a phone11:59
arrrghhhkinda difficult when no audio works, whatsoever11:59
jonpryusing ICS?11:59
arrrghhhnice try jonpry :P12:00
arrrghhhthat t'was fun.  but good lord.12:00
jonprytoo slow?12:01
arrrghhhtoo buggy/slow12:01
arrrghhhcouldn't run that 24/7, sorry :P12:02
arrrghhhwas fun to play with tho12:02
arrrghhhthe donnie darko effect on the cursor was cool too, lol12:02
jonpryphh is going to fix that cursor thing12:08
phhgood you remember me it :p12:08
arrrghhhthe galaxy nexus doesn't have a removable SD card?12:09
arrrghhhthat sucks.12:09
phhjonpry: which kernel tree are you using ?12:12
arrrghhhat least the ics package he gave me included a .39 kernel :P12:12
phhi meant an url on like gitorious for lazy people :D12:13
arrrghhhoh fine12:13
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phhit's msm_ts.c that is used ?12:22
phhpff even on .39 there are multiple drivers12:23
jonprystarted with msm_ts12:23
jonprythen upgraded12:23
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detulehey bzo14:21
detule3.0 blow up on you?14:21
bzohi detule14:21
bzohaving a battery drain problem I thought was from switching to 3.014:21
bzobut it is persisting on 3914:21
bzoother than that, I might have had a sod14:22
detuleyeah i read about the auto rotate issue -> i think it doens't poll the g-sensor if you turn off auto rotate in settings14:22
bzoI'm running an autobuild 39 and pre gsensor gb, so we'll see if that is the issue14:23
detulevoice search working for you with that setup?14:23
bzono it doesnt seem to14:27
detulei can't recall if it ever did14:28
bzothink this is the first time I've tried recently14:29
detuleworked here after a phone call14:30
detuleperhaps it's a matter of not getting initialized at boot properly14:30
bzomight have been always like that, maybe arrrghhh knows?14:30
* arrrghhh knows nothing14:31
bzoI know I've heard that workaround before, of having to make a call to make the mic work14:32
bzomaybe that was fixed in the non-acoustic kernel?14:32
bzoI think Wis may have looked into it back into the day14:32
detuledon't know if any adjustments then do much for acoustic today14:34
detuleemwe, let me guess voice search working flawlessly for you14:39
jonpryandroid emulator has some kind of gles1 deal?15:00
emwedetule: it does, yes. after disabling mic bias callback iirc.15:01
mgross029detule, voice search works for me.  I had to revert back to enabling mic_bias_callback with my rhod50015:01
emweregarding that do-outbound-call-first for incall mic to work sounds topa'ish. except that TOPA would arm9 reset if you don't do so and get an incall first.15:02
mgross029With it disabled it works intermittently15:02
detuleblah perhaps it's impossible to have unified acoustic for all devices15:02
detulei know mic bias callback ruins mic for wistilt215:02
detulehere, if anything, enabling it makes voice search work for me15:03
emweperhaps msm7500 is only needing it?15:03
emweand only on cdma?15:03
emweone sec, need to find my anser to mgross029 mail. had a speculation...15:03
detuleperhaps with mic bias enabled, the _only_ time the mic is not picking up is at boot (init problem?) after i make a phone call or receive a call and flick spkr on off it works fine an all modes (limited testing)15:04
emweperhaps something is initialized on qdsp when we connect the mic_endpoint initially?15:05
emwebut this msm7500+cdma thingy buggers me...15:05
detulewell the ril could be causing issues -> but how is the ril causing issues with voice search?15:06
emwehere's the answer i wrote about mic bias callback to mgross029: So if you say you had issues on .27 and .39 regarding incall mic - and they have15:06
emweit disabled - and after you enabled it again, it seems apparent that15:06
emweat leastRHOD50015:06
emweneed the callback, whereas RHOD100-RHOD300 don't need it as WisTilt2 reports.15:06
emweI apparently also don't need it, but it doesn't hurt here when it's enabled.15:06
emweone sec, lemme lock at my locks regarding voice search. already forgot...15:06
emwehm, *adding* mic_bias_callback fixes voice search for me.15:07
detulei am curious if it works for you on a fresh boot?15:07
detuleoh adding - and you have a cdma rhod15:07
emwebut in GSM mode15:07
emweso this makes no sense at all.15:07
detuleok not ril , rather device related?15:08
detulethere could be two issues, one is in-call mic, this could very well be ril related since re-routing some of the userland calls to the ril seems to alleviate the issue on cdma rhods15:08
mgross029gtg guys.  I'll try to be back on later.15:09
emwelaters mgross02915:09
detulewhat kind of a device does JB have?15:10
emweok, this was a kexed boot here with no audio happening beforehand...15:11
emwetried GVS and it didn't work15:11
emweso we got an init issue for mic it seems, eh?15:11
detuleright ok, so in jb's tree there are some dualmic calls in micropklt_probe that i don't think you are probing anywhere15:12
detulesomething to the effect 'puts audio components in standby mode'15:12
detulefor the record i've added those back in, and this has not helped the issue15:12
emweone sec.15:13
detulei am trying a full ADC3001_wakeup on boot15:13
emweok, toggling volume in GVS fixes incall mic...15:13
emweperhaps some "force update" is not performed?15:14
emwei can try to boot with mic bias on/off15:14
detulei wonder if toggling volume would fix the in-call mic issue15:15
emwewhere do you see dualmic stuff in .27 micropklt probe?15:15
emweas a side note in case you are bored and wanna test out: i got 470 mp3 (~2.5GB) as mp3 on the sd card (per artist-album in their subfolders). deleting meda library and booting fresh so that medisacanner kicks in, my device freezes after 10-15 minutes with NOOP and DEADLINE under high UI, but survived with CFQ. just fyi.15:20
detulethanks for the heads up15:20
emweouch, i must have missed that stuff. geez.15:21
emweno use, though?15:21
detulealex doesn't have it15:21
detuleand i can't quite tell if it makes a difference on my device - too many damn things broken15:21
emwei can do that just fine in rhod-audio probe15:21
detuleyeah i have there now15:21
detulewe used to have it in 39 but i took it out and WisTilt2 hasn't complained so it couldn't have broken too many things:)15:22
arrrghhhthose gsm devices evidently just work15:23
arrrghhhbastard child cdma...15:23
emwedetule: in my io schedule writing i meant, freeze under high IO, not UI. UI's been flat as usual.15:25
detulethat's kinda far on my list, there's so many things we can do with file systems and IO once this kernel/build gets ironed out that the scheduler probably will only be one part of it15:26
detuleas in noop might work fine with nilfs2, cfs with ext2, deadline with ext415:26
emweyeah, i initially had issues going data-ext4 and cfq.15:28
emwejust trying it out with cfq again15:29
emwedon't wanna start with bfs, even, allthough tempted. :)15:29
detulephh, is right about nilfs2 it's the future if we can just re-write the daemon to run in idle15:29
emwei am gonna reboot to recheck GVS again. then gonna add the "missing" micropklt hooks.15:30
phhdetule: problem being 'idle' on a smartphone /15:30
phhwell you can wait for being plugged in i guess15:30
phhdetule: i think you can barely listen to music when nilfs_cleanerd runs at full power15:30
detuleoh i guess people use their phone for such things15:31
phhand TP2 isn't a phone ?*15:31
arrrghhhphh, the problem with that is consumption of space15:32
jonprymine doesn't have the 3.5mm jack15:32
arrrghhhwill it get out of control if off the charger for 6+ hours?15:32
detulesure need 1.5GB partition15:32
phharrrghhh: just double the size of rootfs15:32
phhthe increases i've seen really deserve that15:32
detulemy experience is that depending on usage you might get as much as 500MB of meta-data daily15:32
detuleif the cleaner is the only thing working it can reclaim it in under a minute15:33
phhit's definitely not that fast ere15:33
jonpryext4 is faster than the underlying block device15:33
detulephh, my arm cleaner is the bomb :)15:34
phhjonpry: the problem is not the FS itself15:34
phhit's how the FS uses the underlying block device15:34
phhnilfs2 is append-only15:35
phhwhich is way better for mmc15:35
phhdetule: side note, which segment-size do you use ?15:35
phhdefault is 8MB, which sounds way too high15:35
detuleit must be what i was using since i don't remember ever changing it15:36
jonprywe tried to make some statistics on performance. and nilfs2 just wasn't that fastest15:36
phhjonpry: i've seen benchmarks too ...15:36
jonpryneed to RAID the nand and sd15:37
phhbut still, on ac100, nilfs2 makes ubuntu from too slow to be used, to usable15:38
detulephh, if you want to benchmark nilfs2 on the rhod you have i once spent way too much time trying to cross compile the daemon :
arrrghhhc'mon that was fun detule15:39
arrrghhhnilfs2 was fast15:39
phhwat ?15:39
phhi remember i also crossbuilt the daemon at some point -_-'15:39
detulecould've saved me a lot of trouble i must've spent weeks15:39
emwedetule: what's been the latest a1010 experiments? enable it or keep still disabled?15:41
detulei think it broke my mic - but then again my mic seems broken in too many ways so can't really blame it on audience_a101015:41
arrrghhhmgross029 wanted me to try .39 with a1010 enabled15:42
arrrghhhto see if it magically fixed all my audio issues.  i think it's some other user-error, i just can't figure out what yet.15:42
detuletry it since none of us really knows what the hell is going on, perhaps if enough people try the different possibilitites we can hit a winner15:43
detuleaudience on/off, micropklt init on/off, callback bias on/off, mic_routing_to_Audio on/off15:43
detulethat's 1615:43
detulesnd endpoint 256/0x1115:44
detuleone of those 32 hopefully works15:44
emwe=256 fixes incall volume setting...15:44
emwequite some combinations.15:44
detulejonpry, you wrote the driver for the touchpad no? (see where this is getting)?15:45
detulei mean the audio routing15:46
jonprythe sound driver?15:46
detuleyeah that15:46
jonpryits all different on touchpad because there is no modem. strangely this is why it was so hard. nobody has ever written audio for modemless msm15:46
detuleshould be easy for the tp2 you are saying15:47
jonprywell it should be like other devices15:47
detuleno problem for someone with skills....15:47
jonpryi never made it work right15:48
arrrghhhsounds like jb got it close15:49
jonprythere is a certain kind of insanity in the kernel interface15:51
jonpryrewriting could well fix things15:52
detulei think the userland stuff works as it should, at least judging by logcats it sends correct instructions at the right times15:53
jonprya lot of things are under this kind of pseudo kernel control. like ril sends some command, and then it decides well if this is going on turn the mic on, otherwise ignore it. if these other things are going on, then really reroute the audio15:54
arrrghhhyea, that's what confuses me15:55
arrrghhhwhy does userland and RIL tell the kernel where to route audio?15:55
arrrghhhperhaps that is a source of the mixup15:55
jonpryi think it should all be moved into userland15:55
jonprythen it will be easy to fix15:55
* arrrghhh sees jonpry wiping his hands15:56
jonpryand there probably is some kind of ril <-> libaudio interface that should be made. otherwise libaudio will be sending reroutes that are totally unreasonable15:56
detulethe only mute calls going to the ril are in direction userland -> ril from what i can tell15:57 calls tells the ril to unmute whenever one initiates a call and whenever one answers a call15:58
arrrghhhfuckin cdma again15:58
detule(it's in GSM as well)15:58
detuleon top of those in there are mute calls related to pressing the mute button in the in-call screen15:59
detuleandroid gives us the option where we want to route those calls whether to the ril or to the audio manager15:59
detuleperhaps they should _all_ be routed to the audio manager15:59
detulei don't really understand how the RIL can mute the mic via these AT commands15:59
detulethey go to the audio processor?16:00
arrrghhhhow hard would it be to try it going all thru the audio manager?16:00
jonpryno it uses some sysfs stuff called vogue_ril16:00
arrrghhhwould hyc kill us in our sleep?16:00
jonprywhich effects all sorts of nasty things16:00
jonprymeanwhile libaudio and acoustic are all sending there own crap16:00
emwesysfs voque_ril?16:01
emwethat is all gone16:01
detuleright there's some AT+CMUT call the ril sends16:01
detulethat actually works by the way16:01
detulebecuase currently that's how the mute button is wired to work (and it works)16:01
emwe.. /sys/class/vogue_hw/audio is all gone on acoustic. that was one of the snd_state "hacks"16:01
rpierce99do we know if its possible that there are two different types of mute, one being mic off and one being radio don't transmit audio16:02
jonprywhat exactly is the difference?16:02
rpierce99one happens at the mic hardware, one at the radio hardware, in theory?16:02
rpierce99muting radio transmission leaves mic available to system apps16:03
jonprywhen in call mode, the audio stream is not available to android in any way16:03
rpierce99i disagree, i think there is a record call api16:04
jonprythat works on some devices that support that routing16:04
detulethe mute button can be wired to work via the audio manager16:04
jonprywhich we might, i dunno, but it isn't being setup that way16:04
detuledoesn't that give android some power over the audio stream16:04
rpierce99i don't know, i'm just throwing out an idea, if it was radio related it would better explain the differences between 1/2/3 and 4/5 behavior16:05
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emwedetule: that micropklt probe inits don't affect GVS after first boot here. broken. needs vol change.16:06
jonpryso libacoustic is linked with the ril?16:06
detuledon't think so, libacoustic can send mic=off to htc_acoustic_wince16:06
jonprythen where is it linked?16:07
detulethere is one spot in userland where you can elect to send mic_mute calls fron the In Call screen to the RIL or to libacoustic16:08
emwetaht has improved it right, detule ?16:08
emwegoing to keep that then. just need to test out :)16:08
jonpryso the libacoustic is in with libaudio?16:08
detulerpierce99, is using such a contraption right now16:08
emwelibaudio interacts with libacoustic which interacts with kernel.16:09
jonpryand ril no longer has any sysfs control?16:09
emweand sorry, i was wrong. libaudio also directly interacts with kernel16:10
jonprythat basically sounds like cooking with gas16:10
emwewith msm_snd and a1010.16:10
detulelibaudio was also rewritten16:11
emwei think jb took the skeletton from CA.16:12
detulei know JB's busy but perhaps we can arrange for a "sitdown" :)16:12
emwewe just need to sit down and look :P16:13
jonprythe sandwich needs some work while you wait16:14
arrrghhhas in sit jb down and make him finish what he started?  :P16:14
detulehere's the RIL mute function
jonpryarrrghhh there's something wrong with your computer16:17
jonprymy shit won't build16:17
arrrghhhwhy is that the server's fault...?  :P16:17
jonpryat first i thought it was mine16:18
jonprybut it keeps happening16:18
arrrghhhwhat would you like me to do...?16:21
jonprynothing. j/k16:21
arrrghhhi'd like to help ya, just let me know if there is something i can do.16:22
arrrghhhjust thought you were teasing.  if you're serious... i can hit it with a hammer a few times?16:22
emwedetule: i am getting aged. i disabled mic bias callback for RHOD in order to fix GVS. apparently i was in some state where it just worked, apparently isn't on boot. it's required for TOPA, though.16:27
detuleok i*think* GVS is acting better with call_back bias over here as well16:30
emwei think that is what i recall from mgross029 as well.16:31
emwegoing to readd and test out the userland routing over audiomgr16:32
xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, Michael O., who says: Thanks16:32
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emwedetule: yeah, readding the mic bias callback fixes gvs on first boot on the rhod. at least in combination with updated userland. not sure if userland is related in this case here.16:49
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emweincall mic functional.16:50
emweon this first boot requestSetMute() was called only once on call start.16:54
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detuleincall mic while silent?17:03
detulei usually only have issues with the first call if the device is in silent17:04
emweno, when not silent17:05
emwedoes it matter in what mode the device was stared up?17:05
detuledon't think so17:05
emwebecause i have the rhod all day set to silent17:05
emwei listen to music, get a call, unplug 3.5mm take the call and fine.17:05
detulei think when in silent the mic doesnt work on incoming, unless previously initialized17:06
detuleat least here17:06
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detuleas in if it gets initialized during a normal phone call, then it will work fine in silent17:06
detuleif on the other hand i try it in silent first (incoming) it won't work until i flick spkr on/off17:07
detulei hate all these heuristics sounds so hocus pocus17:07
emweyeah, indeed.17:07
emwegoing to calm down some debugging here. feeling to get lost with all that stuff flying by.17:08
emwe11-21 23:08:09.996 E/Libacoustic-wince( 1409): Unknown out_path17:08
emwegf called and hang up quickly.17:08
detuleoO, i've never seen that17:08
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emwewe'll see tomorrow. time for bed. hope to not get too distracted tomorrow...17:09
detuletake care17:09
arrrghhhtoo many distractions...17:10
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jonpryi think it finally built17:49
toadlifehey there jonpry.  Long time no see.17:57
toadlifehow are things going with XDAndroid?17:57
jonpryi'm working on ice cream sandwich for msm7k17:58
toadlifeWe just got Gingerbread for our Epic 4Gs.  The Epic dev comminty sucks so I don'17:59
toadlifeexpect ICS for it...ever.17:59
jonprythere is surprising number of people still working on these ancient phones18:01
jonprydoesn't CM support the Epic 4g?18:02
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toadlifeNo. There is broken partially working CM7 for the Epic 4G.18:02
toadlifeNot alot of real dev activity for the Epic18:02
arrrghhhyea i'm really glad i didn't get that phone18:02
arrrghhhi heard the keyboard is subpar18:03
arrrghhhfor whatever reason no hackers latched onto it like the Evo...18:03
toadlifeActually the keyboard is ok18:03
toadlifeEvery third party ROM for the Epic sucked major ass, so I made my own18:03
toadlifeIt's the shit18:03
toadlifeWhat's sad is, the most popular Epic 4G ROM, SRF 1.2 is one of the worst engineered ROMS in existence.18:04
arrrghhhtroubleshoot this acoustic issue18:04
arrrghhhor go back to nand...18:04
arrrghhhtoadlife, funny how that works18:04
arrrghhhlet me guess, the "dev" makes ridiculous claims about how awesome it is?18:04
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toadlifeYeah. Pure amateur hour.18:05
toadlifeThe ROM comes with ext4 partitons with journaling disabled by default, so your data corrupted within a day of loading the ROM. The ROM has no HOME app in the system partitioon, so if you wipe data you phone is hosed. Three of the custom lockscreens that you can choose lock the phone up and cause a reboot18:06
arrrghhhthat's awesome18:07
toadlifeI call them "ricer" comes.18:07
arrrghhhso ext4 is good on native devices?18:07
toadlifeROMS i mean18:07
arrrghhhext4 w/journaling is not made for NAND/sd cards18:07
arrrghhhext4 w/o journaling... well i'm sure it's fast but if it blows up constantly not worth it.18:08
toadlifeext4 with noauto_da_alloc option gives better speeds - in quadrant benchmark. Not sure if it makes a difference in the real world though18:10
arrrghhhbenchmarks are always so shady18:10
arrrghhhyaffs2 that bad?18:10
toadlifeThere is an unheahty obsession with quadrant in the Android community18:10
toadlifeno yaffs2 for the Epic18:11
arrrghhhwhat does stock use?18:11
arrrghhhdid samsung just make that up?  :P18:11
toadlifewhich is FAT plus a proprietary Samsung module that provides journaling and permissions18:12
toadlifeYeah, as a matter of fact, they did make it up. ;P18:12
arrrghhhwell that blows.  really glad i didn't get that phone ('twas tempting because of the full qwerty)18:12
toadlifeIt's reliable though. No data corruption like with ext418:13
arrrghhhseems all the good devs are all on RHOD18:13
arrrghhhwell there's something to be said for that18:13
toadlifeYeah, and the asshole/newbie devs are on the Epic18:13
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toadlifeyaffs in being worked on for the Epic and CM7 is being worked on. They were waiting for an official GB release which came a couple of weeks ago18:14
toadlifeSo all is no lost.18:14
toadlifeSo what doesn't work on the Rhodium right now? have you guys made progress?18:15
arrrghhhyes and no18:15
jonprymy internet has all but failed. 80% packet loss to
arrrghhhtwo steps forward, three steps back.18:15
arrrghhhjonpry, damn.18:15
arrrghhhtoadlife, right now we're working on the audio routing nightmares18:16
arrrghhhand there's a lot of new kernel work18:16
arrrghhh.35/.39/3.0/3.1 all boot18:16
arrrghhhthey're all at different levels of functionality tho, none can completely replace .27 yet..18:16
arrrghhh.39's getting close tho18:16
jonpry27 cough cough18:17
toadlifeSounds fun.18:19
arrrghhhgood times indeed18:19
arrrghhhacl has gotten NAND to boot18:19
arrrghhhbut he's kinda the lone ranger18:19
jonprymakes me ill18:19
arrrghhhmost of the developer focus is on HaRET18:20
arrrghhhi think when everything has stabilized, it's the only option.  i don't want winmo on the device if Android is just as functional hardware-wise.18:20
arrrghhhgetting close.18:20
toadlifeI need to buy a TP2 used.  The Epic and its fast hardware is nice, but the community sucks. You guys rock18:23
arrrghhhyou'll be angry by how slow it is18:23
toadlifeYeah, probably. :D18:24
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arrrghhhlooks like his cxn finally collapsed18:25
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toadlifeOh, btw should have told me how much Sprint's network sucks.18:41
toadlifemarginally better than T-Mo's18:41
rpierce99i've had sprint for like 8 years and never had a complaint about the network18:42
rpierce99it all depends on where you are18:42
toadlifeCall quality and reliablity have been great....but data speeds.18:42
toadlifeI'd still choose Sprint over T-Mo, but I was underwhelmed by the 3G data network.18:43
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SytheZNGreetings .etc19:00
SytheZNso I'm using ubuntu 11.10, and I've installed the java 5 sdk...19:02
SytheZNBut I'm still getting incorrect java version19:03
SytheZNI tried commenting out the version check in the makefile and it runs through, but it's failing along the way19:04
SytheZNAny ideas?19:04
jonpryalternatives management19:06
jonprygotta select java 519:06
SytheZNAh... ty19:07
* SytheZN starts digging19:07
jonprysudo update-alternatives --config java19:07
SytheZNThanks :)19:07
jonpryarrrghhh, i am super confused19:08
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rpierce99and you will stay that way as long as you continue asking arrrghhh19:15
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jonprywhere can i upload a file using lynx or ftp?19:16
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toadlifeSean-Peter says hi!
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tiad8hey phh, he got the hw libs for GB gps from Lengend, he added some kind of patch to the libs to make it work.22:07
d3tul3one thing you should realize, that I am not sure you ever did, is that xdandroid does not operate on the principle of distributing pre-compiled binaries from sources other than xdandroid (with very few exceptions)...coming here and advertising roms and re-distributing binaries only deepens any rift between you and xda22:15
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jonprygotta do something about this boot animation sucking the life out the phone22:18
babijoeeremove it22:19
tiad8d3tul3. dude i know. i'm not asking anybody to do anything22:19
tiad8hey guys take a look at this comment by Reggie Shottas using my  sd recovery.
d3tul3jonpry, what's the deal can't you just take the animation out...i'm almost thinking about taking bootani out on my phone, it makes boot times considerably longer for what useless eyecandy22:26
jonpryi removed the zip, but i don't think the stock animation is any cheaper22:26
babijoeehow long is it loading for22:28
jonpry20 minutes22:28
babijoeei dont think the stock android boot animation really sucks much power22:28
babijoeethats ages22:28
jonpryit uses 90% of the cpu time22:28
jonprycould be that everything else is IOW22:29
d3tul3is there on way to just tell it to blank screen or something22:30
jonpryor make it not use egl22:30
jonprycould hack the source to make egl fail easily enough22:31
d3tul3hm i guess you can fire up an emulator with no boot anim option ... but that's no help22:32
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jonpryi've been thinking about doing this in the emulator. since its really in the same state w/ gles1 only22:33
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jonpryit has driven me to drinking22:46
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jonprydoh W/Watchdog( 3202): *** WATCHDOG KILLING SYSTEM PROCESS:
jonpryD/AndroidRuntime( 3300): Shutting down VM22:50
jonpryif it takes too long to boot, it starts over22:50
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