Sunday, 2011-11-20

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disco_y2kanyone alive?08:05
helicopter88there's always someone alive08:08
disco_y2kany chance you know anything about evo shift?08:20
disco_y2kif you want a summary of my issue see08:21
disco_y2kseems only morons post about shift??? odd isnt it08:21
disco_y2kif you wanna do X goto Y link08:23
disco_y2kif you goto Y link it states if you want to do Y goto X link08:23
disco_y2kblack heart?08:28
helicopter88Have you read the topic of this channel?08:30
disco_y2ktopic..... Only msm7k devices supported atm......08:43
disco_y2kgranted i have only had this thing for anout 12 hours, but i am still not convenced rooting is even manditory08:49
helicopter88Oh,We mean msm7200 if i'm right08:54
disco_y2klike which devices?09:00
helicopter88HTC touch pro,diamond,diamond 2,touch pro 2,blackstone,sony ericsson xperia x109:01
disco_y2kforgive me if, we are talking Qualcomm correct?09:01
disco_y2kthose arent droid09:01
disco_y2kthey wino 6.1 and 6.509:02
helicopter88Read the wiki09:02
helicopter88"XDAndroid is an ongoing project to port the open-source Android mobile operating system to a series of HTC mobile phones featuring Qualcomm hardware."09:02
disco_y2klol, sorry man, i thought the chan was like xda android09:04
disco_y2kthats pretty bad azz i got some rhodium worlds i could play with09:04
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disco_y2khelicopter88 how does it run on TP2's?09:05
helicopter88maybe you're interested in #android or #xda-devs09:05
disco_y2know im interested in this too lol, new project :)09:06
helicopter88It runs well,I have an X1 so i don't know exactly09:06
disco_y2khrrmmmm few hrs left in the weekend, lol09:07
disco_y2know i got 2 projects :)09:07
helicopter88It doesn't take a loot to install android on the sd-card09:08
disco_y2kit will boot and run from sd? or ya mean just load it09:08
helicopter88It will boot and run from sd09:09
helicopter88or,since you have a tp2,you can install it instead of wm(only if you have a rhod400)09:09
disco_y2konly droid i really put any time into before was a R880 'acclaim'09:09
disco_y2ki got all worlds09:09
disco_y2kgsm junk :)09:09
disco_y2kso you can make basically a droid live disk on sd card?09:10
helicopter88read the wiki09:11
disco_y2kback then my thought was, why buy a TP2 GSM when it dont do CDMA? get CDMA that can do GSM :)09:11
disco_y2ki keep 1 active with a prl that will use the alltel USCC verizon Sprint tower that has the highest data rate at my location, runs at EVDO rev.s on all of the networks with no 'data roam' and thanx to oli can in a pinch switch to any GSM provider09:14
disco_y2ki love that fone09:14
disco_y2koops rev.s == rev. a09:15
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Sp8kyanyone here?12:19
arrrghhhphysically or mentally12:20
arrrghhhnot sure either would apply to be honest.12:20
Sp8kyi have a question12:20
Sp8kyregarding android12:20
arrrghhhdon't ask to ask, ask.12:20
Sp8kyi have cyanogen mode right now and would like to flash a new rom and dont want to lose the apps, if i make a backup can i restore it on the new rom?12:21
arrrghhhi don't see how this applies to XDAndroid12:21
Sp8kywhat do you mean12:21
arrrghhhbut i use titanium backup12:21
arrrghhhdid you read the topic?12:21
arrrghhhhow did you find this room?12:22
helicopter88Sp8ky: "Official XDAndroid project discussion and support channel"12:22
Sp8kythe other channel had only 3 people so :|12:22
arrrghhhother channel?12:22
arrrghhh#xda-devs or #android has more than 3 people.12:22
arrrghhhis the official room12:23
helicopter88#android has 432 people,#CyanogenMod has probably more12:23
arrrghhhfor... xda-devs12:23
Sp8kythanks a lot12:23
arrrghhhbut titanium backup12:23
arrrghhhnp, take it easy12:23
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arrrghhhso if it's not bash12:52
arrrghhhwhere do i look for guides?12:52
arrrghhhsh scripting?  lol12:52
arrrghhhi think i might've found something useful, for dummies.12:55
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arrrghhh/sdcard/ line 6: syntax error: unexpected "fi" (expecting "then")13:04
* rpierce99 just watched a commercial in which chuck norris endorsed world of warcraft14:54
rpierce99what has this world come to?14:54
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tiad8hey guys. we got good news for GB. we got GPS working. i just though you guys should know21:22
rpierce99with source?21:24
tiad8i need to talk to fagyi "rom Dev" about giving you guys the source.21:28
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rpierce99but that's how it was done, not a library stripped from something else?21:28
tiad8i will talk to him tonight21:29
tiad8you guys are working with GB?21:35
phhtiad8: which GPS library are you using as a base ?21:38
tiad8to tell you the truth phh i don't know yet. he uploaded the build with gps fixed about 3 hrs ago.  i already sent him a PM.21:41
phhi'm wondering if i put any licence on my gps code -_-'21:42
phhwait. there is a GB branch done by emwe on xdandroid, it's not working ?21:44
tiad8if you want i could take the libs from the build, so you can take a look for now. i'm still waiting on him.21:46
phhindeed, no licence in code :D21:47
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arrrghhhwe've had GPS working in GB for a loooong time22:29
arrrghhhemwe fixed that ages ago.  just haven't had a public release of GB in so long.22:29
phhjonpry: ok so this time it's even better, the code is on gitorious :D22:30
jonprythey put it up for you?22:31
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jonpryi though all release were public now the userbase has vanished?22:32
arrrghhhrelease of what?22:32
arrrghhhwe don't release until it's pretty solid22:32
jonpryseems pretty solid22:33
arrrghhhacoustic is still kinda kludgy22:33
arrrghhhi wish jb would come back... not sure he's ever going ot.22:33
arrrghhhif we pull acoustic, a release would be easy22:33
jonprywhat if ics gets done first22:34
arrrghhhdo eeeeeeeeet22:34
jonpryshould hook tiad8 up w/ my build22:34
tiad8anybody know how i can get in contact with ACL22:36
tiad8i just boot up his OMG on SDCARD, very stable. i need to fix camera22:37
arrrghhhnice kang there dude.22:38
jonpryor you need acl to fix camera22:38
arrrghhhi'm sure you asked him beforehand if you could take his OMGB work.22:38
tiad8it's just for personal use for now. till i speak with him22:39
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d3tul3can't figure out where the fun is22:39
jonpryi haz ics for rhod22:39
arrrghhhpersonal use22:39
jonpryno dealers here22:40
arrrghhhtiad8, don't think we don't know about your site.22:40
arrrghhhyou didn't want to work with us back in the day... not sure why you would want to work with us now.  not sure anyone wants to work with you now.22:40
tiad8i been putting lots of hard work building that site22:41
arrrghhhyea, i see all the kangings22:41
arrrghhhreal hard work...22:41
arrrghhhctrl-c ctrl-v.  good job.22:41
jonpryu want to be next Pherogen?22:41
arrrghhhwho is that?22:41
arrrghhhsome touchpad winnar?22:41
jonprydouche kanger22:41
jonpryfrom nook i think22:41
arrrghhhtiad8's definitely done a good job of making it appear like it's all his work, that's for sure.22:42
arrrghhhif i was a noob i wouldn't know any better22:42
tiad8hey guys, lets focus on the public not our past issue. it's time to move forward.22:44
arrrghhhtiad8, you're a fuckface that steals openly from our developers that work hard at what they do22:44
arrrghhhthen you accept donations and make your own site, making it appear like YOU'RE doing all that hard work.22:44
arrrghhhmaybe if you actually played ball from the beginning, no body would have an issue with you22:45
arrrghhhbut you always wanted to do your own thing.  leaving no information as to where you got your junk from, no information as to what you've done, nothing.  your "work" is useless.22:45
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tiad8you know how many donation people have giving me 422:46
arrrghhhdo i want to know...22:46
arrrghhhyou're trolling for donations for other people's work.  that's beyond low.22:46
jonprysounds like its time for taxation22:46
tiad8to tell you the truth, i dont really need donation. i'm doing on my free time.22:47
arrrghhhyou don't really need donation22:47
arrrghhhyet you troll for them on your site22:47
arrrghhhyou really are a piece of shit.22:47
jonpryso you'll be fine with higher taxes then22:47
arrrghhhjonpry, if only22:47
tiad8hey, i have a donation button. if people want to donation it find. if they don't want to it find too22:48
arrrghhhyou really are a piece of shit.22:49
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tiad8let me tell you the bottom line. everyday people are moving to another devices. and the few people that we have we need to help them get the best android experience22:51
arrrghhhso why didn't you just work with us in the first place?22:51
jonpryyou needz ics rom?22:51
arrrghhhi'm guessing because your "work" was bogus22:51
arrrghhheveryone realized that, so you went to go do your own thing22:51
tiad8so why are you still fighting dude22:51
arrrghhhbecause, you're a worthless piece of shit that doesn't deserve to breathe.22:52
tiad8i'm here right22:52
arrrghhhi don't even know how to respond to that.22:52
arrrghhhyou kang openly22:52
arrrghhhyou come in our room asking for help22:52
arrrghhhyou really think anyone wants to work with you?22:52
arrrghhhafter all the shit you've kanged22:52
arrrghhhand made appear your own22:52
jonpryi keep trying to give him the sandwich22:53
arrrghhhjonpry, i'm bored, i think i might give it a spin22:53
arrrghhhyou got a new image?22:53
jonprycurrent thing doesn't really work22:53
arrrghhhwhat, your bootani fix?22:53
jonprynow i am doing the new renderer. which can't render anything22:54
jonpryyeah the existing image plus new init, boot ani, and init.rc is the best22:54
arrrghhhserver having trouble building with such little RAM?22:55
tiad8hey guys, i been trying two files that i use on TiaDroid6 that it giving people around 20+ hrs a day on a full charge22:55
arrrghhhoh, and according to htop i have 3gb of RAM22:55
arrrghhhtiad8, where'd you kang those from22:55
arrrghhhcuz i'm sure you didn't actually write anything22:55
jonpryyes 3gb :p22:56
tiad8hey i ask permission first22:56
arrrghhhthought so22:56
arrrghhhtiad8, when have you EVER asked permission22:56
arrrghhhi see an OMGB build up, you didn't ask for that i'm sure22:56
tiad8lots of time22:56
jonpryarrrghhh, nab the init from out/target/product/rhod/root/init22:56
arrrghhhgive me ONE example22:56
arrrghhhjonpry, k22:56
tiad8that's a hero OMGB22:57
arrrghhhdid you ask permission for this22:57
jonpryand the boot ani is  out/target/product/rhod/system/bin/bootanimation22:57
arrrghhhhow 'bout this tiad822:58
arrrghhhdid you ask for that?22:58
jonprythat combo shouldn't have funky colors or flashing22:59
jonprygo team go!22:59
jonprylsd experience might be reduced23:00
arrrghhhtiad8, just go back in the hole you came from23:00
arrrghhhwe can't stop you from kanging23:00
arrrghhhwe're open source, and there's nothing we can do to stop you from stealing work23:00
arrrghhhunless we just stop, which stopping because of a stupid kanger is dumb.23:00
tiad8can you name what i have steal23:01
jonprynot paying your taxes is the same as stealing23:02
arrrghhhtiad8, i just linked to a few things you stole23:03
arrrghhhbut if you go to this site tiad8.com23:03
arrrghhhthere's lots of stolen things23:03
arrrghhhpretty much anything on that site23:03
stinebdbabijoee is here23:04
tiad8dudes, can we talk business or what. i'm getting tire of girls fighting for a man.23:04
arrrghhhthen leave23:05
arrrghhhthere's no business with yhou23:05
arrrghhhwe have no business23:05
babijoeeyes i am23:06
babijoeehey all23:06
arrrghhhbabijoee, wassup23:06
arrrghhhhaven't seen you in a while mate23:06
stinebdbabijoee: how is everything?23:06
babijoeeworking full time23:06
babijoeeand with ICS23:06
arrrghhhfor what device?23:06
babijoeeat this stage the n123:07
jonpryi'm working on an msm7k port23:07
babijoeei just installed ubuntu 10.04 and the source just this morning23:07
babijoeeah k23:07
babijoeehows it going so far jonpry23:07
babijoeestinebd: how you been?23:07
stinebdbusy, and largely disconnected from xdandroid23:08
jonprybabijoee, it works ok. need to write a hardware renderer to get more speed23:08
babijoeei see. Its glad to see someone still working on it23:08
babijoeei was going to look into that for the n123:09
tiad8i know you guys may hate me for this but i already boot it up on my rhod. but no go yet need lots of work "ICS"23:09
jonpryn1 has opengles2?23:09
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babijoeethe galaxy S, nexus S and s2 have it working23:09
stinebdjonpry: yes23:09
arrrghhhSGS is working?  crazy23:09
arrrghhhjonpry, N1 is adreno20023:09
jonpryshouldn't need a new renderer then23:10
babijoeestinebd: oh thats right, you have an n1 yeah?23:10
stinebdi suspect it has the same issue as atrix, in that the driver needs help23:10
stinebdbabijoee: not anymore23:10
babijoeenew device?23:10
stinebdusing atrix now23:10
jonpryi think it refuses to load gles2 drivers that don't have some symbol. but the renderer can work without compositor23:11
stinebdi think gles1 devices are the more interesting problem23:13
tiad8good night guys and nice seen you guys stinebd & babijoee23:14
arrrghhhcya, rot in hell!23:14
jonpryi've almost got a null renderer thing built23:15
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arrrghhhthat was fun23:15
stinebdthat should have good fps ;)23:15
babijoeestinebd: you working on an ICS port?23:15
stinebdbabijoee: i'm not working on android at all right now23:15
arrrghhhstinebd is more of a figurehead at this point23:16
babijoeei see23:16
jonpryit receives all the drawing calls and has access to a master gl context. basic stuff should be easy23:16
babijoeei believe stinebd is the new phh XD23:16
arrrghhhthe old phh is still around.  just as useless as ever23:16
arrrghhhohai phh23:16
stinebdphh at least knows stuff23:17
arrrghhhand things?23:17
stinebdmy only reason for being here is that i own the server23:17
stinebdarrrghhh: btw please try to just ignore him next time23:18
arrrghhhaw that's no fun.23:19
babijoeeignore who?23:19
arrrghhhso just pretend like he doesn't exist?  that's what i do normally.23:19
babijoeewhat for?23:19
arrrghhhit's fun to yell at him when he does come aruond23:19
arrrghhhbabijoee, for all the things i was yelling at him for23:19
babijoeei haven't read any logs23:19
stinebdthen you can do it in private messages where at least the log crawlers won't have to wade through it23:20
arrrghhhyea, fair enough23:20
arrrghhhdude just pisses me off and i don't get to vent to him personally nearly enough.23:20
arrrghhhbabijoee, basically a worthless hack that steals XDAndroid's work, then expects help in fixing his issues.23:20
arrrghhhcuz ctrl-c ctrl-v didn't work right23:20
stinebdin his defense, he lives in pennsylvania where we actively encourage such behavior23:21
arrrghhhkanging is encouraged?23:21
stinebdtheft in general23:21
arrrghhhi see23:21
stinebdthe other day i even stole my own car23:22
arrrghhhinsurance fraud, or practice?23:22
stinebdforgot it was mine23:22
stinebdin retrospect i should've known by how easy it was23:23
stinebdthe key went right in and turned23:23
arrrghhhyea, i don't think you've stolen anything stinebd23:23
arrrghhhyou sound like a horrible thief too.23:23
arrrghhhoh well.  i'll just /ignore him next time.23:32
arrrghhhsorry guys.  the arrogance just appalls me.23:34
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