Tuesday, 2011-11-22

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mgross029Hey all.  How goes it?11:36
mgross029emwe, saw you reverted the mic_bias_callback11:38
mgross029helicopter88: Good thanks11:38
emwemgross029: yeah, apparently the testing was flawed back then.11:38
mgross029Ahhh.  I get that at times too.  One moment things work the next they don't. :p11:39
emwea day with CFQ iosheduler and i could cry. just pushed a patch reverting that...11:39
mgross029So a little less debug info?11:41
mgross029Looks like google updated Froyo 2.2.3.  heh11:44
mgross029arrrghhh: any luck with your audio?11:48
emwemgross029: less debug info on microp led, yes.11:51
detuleemwe, deadline > noop for you?11:52
mgross029Yep just read your commit11:52
emweNOOP or DEADLINE feel quite equal11:52
emwethey just freeze on initial media scanning as mentioned in the commit from yesterday.11:52
emwebut being with CFQ a whole day was a pita...11:53
detuleyou need to try a new fs11:53
arrrghhhmgross029, haven't really troubleshot it.  still dead.11:53
mgross029If you push the up volume key do you get (Ringer Volume) or (In-Call Volume) ?11:54
mgross029I lost total sound and I notice my volume was stuck on In-Call for some reason.11:55
mgross029Tried killing media server and phone but it didn't work.  Had to reboot to get it back.11:56
arrrghhhbut going to volume manually they're all turned up11:56
mgross029Pulled some logs but don't see anything useful.11:56
arrrghhhand the volume increase makes no noises whatsoever11:56
arrrghhhi did before, i can again11:57
arrrghhhprobably be better on a fresh boot11:57
arrrghhhthis thing has been sitting in Android for 2 days.11:57
mgross029Hmm  Well not the same then.  dang.11:57
mgross029You could try to install Boot Pride app from Market.  Give you boot up sounds.  Just to see if that will help initialize the ToneGenerator at startup.  Just an idea.11:58
detulehis issue does not sound like ToneGenerator -> tone generator has very little with audio routing11:59
mgross029I find it strange that only his phone is having this type of problem.12:01
rpierce99it wouldn't be the first time files on the sd card have been corrupted, tried replacing your csvs?12:02
mgross029tru but I thought I read back in the logs that arrrghhh tried replacing already12:04
detulehe'll figure it out i am sure12:05
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arrrghhhyea i need to sit down and troubleshoot it12:19
arrrghhhi'm still leaning towards user error12:19
arrrghhhor corruption, that sounds good rpierce99.  not my fault then :D12:19
jonprydoes anybody have a logcat i could take a look at?12:20
rpierce99a logcat of something in particular?12:20
jonpryegl stuffs. like beginning of boot and when launching a 3d app12:20
mgross029We have lots of logcat's :p12:20
jonpryI/SurfaceFlinger( 4397): EGL informations12:21
mgross029jonpry: I'll look to see if I have anything with that.12:23
mgross029http://pastebin.com/zadM4USd  Hopefully this will get you what you are looking for.  Lots of EGL info.12:29
rpierce99jonpry: i just ran a logcat after running a 3d app and all i got that talked about SurfaceFlinger is Activitymanager echoing how much user and kernel its using12:30
jonprydoesn't even say anything about D/EGL.oem ( 1339): ebi: offset=00000000, len=00800000, phys=0x1630000012:31
jonprythats what i see on ics after the initial load anyways12:31
detuleyeah it's in there12:32
rpierce99yeah EGL is12:32
mgross029Yep. line 6612:32
jonpryi don't understand why there are 2 I/SurfaceFlinger( 1327): vendor    : Android12:33
jonpryand no vendor: qcom12:33
jonprytrying to figure out what extensions this thing supports12:34
jonpryi suspect the pixel flinger device is actually the qcom blob. but that means it only supports OpenGL ES-CM 1.012:35
jonpryneed some 1.1 action12:35
mgross029jonpry: will GLExtensions.cpp help?12:44
jonpryto query the extensions?12:45
mgross029Yes.  Look what the code is using12:50
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mgross029emwe: so far with your latests commits all of my test calls seem to be working with in-call mic also seems like less debug activity in logcat.  Just thought I would let you know.14:08
arrrghhhno sound makes me sad14:10
arrrghhhit's almost gotta be an issue with the csv's.14:10
mgross029arrrghhh: pull the ones from my old BT thread on xda and try.14:11
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arrrghhhyea, i probably need to wipe this card again14:13
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arrrghhhdetule, excuse my ignorance, but emwe's changes to lmk won't screw up the supercharger script will it?14:39
arrrghhhwonder what this yokel is talkin 'bout then14:42
arrrghhhhe's claiming with rootfs updates his free memory isn't so plentiful14:43
arrrghhhand it "seems slow"14:43
arrrghhhbut lmk values match up in the supercharger script14:43
arrrghhhi want to cry user error, i just don't know what to point at :P14:43
mgross029It's the abuser...  I mean user14:44
mgross029Probably have them check their minfree to see what is being reported.  I would bet something got messed up some where.14:45
arrrghhhwell he claimed they matched up in the supercharger script14:46
arrrghhhwhen he re-ran the script that is14:46
arrrghhhoh well, i guess i'll just ignore it14:46
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detuleby the way arrrghhh that fail to install on initial boot14:54
detulei've had it happen to me as well14:55
detuleusually only on a new data.img/first boot though14:55
arrrghhhthat's where i'm at14:56
arrrghhhnew data.img/first boot14:56
arrrghhhrebootski and it's fine?14:56
emwearrrghhh: supercharger chimes in afterwards iirc. so whatever it sets up later has effect. (or any other app that messes with lmk settings)15:26
emwemgross029: good to hear regarding in call.15:27
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emwejust use some other SC lmk settings and verify with what we have set in init.gingerbread.rc if they differ.15:30
emwewhere is supercharger hooked up?15:37
rpierce99script manager runs a .sh after boot15:37
emwewhat is script manager?15:40
rpierce99market app15:40
emweah, so very much long time after init.gingerbread.rc has run...15:41
emwedid i mention yet that i like kexec?! ;)15:41
rpierce99wish i could use it, without adb i can't get the kernel to the phone15:42
emwemgross029: you had any issues with touchscreen not reacting for some seconds after resuming on your RHOD500 on .35?15:42
emwerpierce99: pardon?15:43
rpierce99i'm on a mac, adb doesn't work on .39, wonder if it works on your .3515:43
detuleget it on partitions and use ext storage15:43
detuleer, not tested15:43
rpierce99partitions are such a pita though15:43
detulethey are, but i've found that data.img getting corrupted is equally annoying15:44
rpierce99haven't had that happen in months15:44
detulei went through a once-a-week spurt recently15:44
emweon ext4?15:45
emwei haven't managed to screw my data.ext4 since i've been on ext415:45
detulei was looped when i started migrating to GB15:45
detuleno not ext4 looped15:45
detuleregular data.img15:45
emwejust put ext4dev, never go back to .27 and be done with it :)15:46
mgross029emwe: Yeah some times but not always (on touchscreen) ^^16:18
mgross029Man WM is a pita.  I boot into it at times and it won't even get a signal.  Then doesn't allow you to run anything. bleh16:23
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emwemgross029: ok, thanks for the info. in case you got a dmesg of your RHOD500, tell me what panel type it spits out on boot. (sth like this:<6>[    1.964660] htcrhod_init_panel: Initializing panel type 0x14)16:39
emwearrrghhh: as i just read in the speed improvements thread... ofc lmk settings have only been applied to init.gingerbread.rc so FRX even won't be affected...16:59
emwei could have been a little less lazy but then somebody said let froyo die...17:00
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stinebdwe can let msm7k die too if you want19:53
stinebdmove on to something else19:53
hycreally? still nothing else out there reasonable.19:57
hycdroid3/milestone3 is the last phone with a good keyboard19:58
stinebdnobody cares about keyboards19:58
stinebdthis is the 22nd century19:58
hyceven the G1 is still going strong, stable GB builds at least19:59
phhhyc: hence i bought a droid 3 ;)20:11
hycI guess that's still an option for me20:12
phhproblem is that it needs to get kexec to work20:12
hycnot top of the line by any means, but still better performance than MSM7K20:12
phhi don't need 720p screen, only problem i see is ram20:13
hycwhat about kexec? doesn't work?20:13
phhi can't see anything about that in xda20:13
phhactually most forums (ppcgeeks or modaco) doesn't even have a droid 3 forum20:14
hycis the bootloader fully unlockedn ow?20:14
phhi wouldn't be talking about kexec if it was unlocked :D20:15
hycso, how much flexibility do you have, to load custom roms and kernels?20:15
phhAFAIK (i still haven't played with it, well actually i still don't have it), you can trick android's init system to start something else at startup20:15
phhso you can have any rom, just not any kernel20:15
hycmmm. oh well.20:16
phhand you can build modules20:16
phhso no biggie20:17
phhi wonder if there are already some ics roms20:17
phhtss no ICS yet20:17
phhthey suck20:17
phhyeah it means more fun for me, i know :p20:18
hycDroid RAZR + lapdock?20:22
hycoh never mind, no GSM/3G20:23
phhit's not "exactly" the same use.20:24
phhi already have got a smartbook and wifi everywhere i need it so20:25
hycI have two AI Touchbooks but I never use them any more20:26
hyctoo slow20:26
phhlike not enough ram ?20:26
hycmy 2nd one has 512M20:26
phhah cortex a820:26
hyc256M was definitely too slow  yes20:26
hycOMAK3530 IIRC20:26
phhi prefer my ac100 :D20:27
phh(ok not same use, again)20:27
arrrghhhhyc, don't leave us20:29
arrrghhhphh can.  he hasn't done anything for us in a long time :P20:29
hycAmazon is selling all their phones for 1cent right now20:29
arrrghhhi assume w/a 2yr?20:30
hycobviously w/2yr contract, but still20:30
arrrghhhyea, that's still awesome.20:30
hyceven the new Droid RAZR that's $799 usually20:30
arrrghhhi didn't realize that thing was so expensive20:30
hycwhich I still won't get since it's not a worldphone20:30
hycbut the dead mic on my phone is really annoying20:31
arrrghhhis that hardware?20:31
hyci think so20:31
arrrghhhi'll send you my other RHOD400 if it means you'll stick around :P lol20:31
hycstill not sure. mebbe new acoustic code would make a difference. sometimes the mic works.20:31
arrrghhhacoustic is getting close20:31
arrrghhhstill some odd bugs here and there where it doesn't route properly20:32
arrrghhhthere was some discussion about the RIL vs userland controlling the routing.20:32
arrrghhhand confusion occurring.20:34
arrrghhhi think emwe was attempting to make it all userland20:34
hycI removed that from the RIL at some point.20:34
arrrghhhfrom what i gleaned in the logs, it worked well20:34
arrrghhhyou sure?  :P20:34
hycnot any more ;)20:34
hyctoo fuzzy20:34
arrrghhhhow's life man?  been busy?20:34
hycyeah, doing good20:35
arrrghhhwe miss you :P20:35
arrrghhhperhaps <3 would be more appropriate.20:35
arrrghhhat least i'm not making kissy faces20:35
hycuh huh20:36
hycok, right now my mic is not working20:36
hycbut if I tap on the phone, those clicks are picked up20:36
hycit seems like the dual-mic is doing something20:36
hycmebbe the main mic is dead20:36
arrrghhhyea, mgross has been experimenting with that20:37
arrrghhhi know you'll love this20:37
arrrghhhbut a sure-fire test would be... winmo.20:37
hycugh. damn you're right.20:37
hycI haven't even tried.20:37
arrrghhhi figure you hadn't tried20:37
arrrghhhand i figure you would love that :P20:37
hycI forget it's even there.20:37
hycdualboot is on Fast.20:38
arrrghhhthere was a good month there i didn't even have winmo on the phone20:38
arrrghhhgood times.20:38
arrrghhhback to HaRET tho for testing.20:38
arrrghhhah well.  gonna eat some dinner.  nice talkin to you mate, cya later.20:39
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hychm, seems about the same in WM21:01
hycif I yell, or if I tilt the phone and speak right into the bottom, near the usb port, it picks up audio21:01
hycand it didn't used to require that :P21:01
hycmic must be loose, bad connection, not enough signal getting thru21:02
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