Saturday, 2011-11-19

bzolol - 3.0 config:00:11
bzoHTC Rhodium (aka Touch Pro) (MACH_HTCTOPAZ)00:11
bzod3tul3: anything I need to change contrary to defconfig?00:12
d3tul3defconfig should be 1:1 from 3900:14
bzook, in that case I'm ready to boot00:14
d3tul3bzo also the autobuild has them all built if you want to save yourself some trouble00:15
bzoI like to run my own :)00:15
bzosounds like you guys will have 3.1 in a comparable state soon00:17
d3tul3i am amazed it's booting00:19
d3tul3i am curious what your impressions are of 3.000:19
bzoit's up and running now00:20
bzoseems to run pretty nice00:22
bzomaybe placebo, but perhaps more responsive than .3900:23
bzoand the deviation in fps2d seems to be tighter00:23
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emwejonpry: you mad guy. congrats.10:19
arrrghhhics?  :P10:19
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emwehey arrrghhh and rpierce99.10:22
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arrrghhhyea, he's an animal10:22
arrrghhhi knew i was slowing him down, but i didn't think i was slowing him down that much, lol10:22
emwewe'll, if one knows what pieces to look for.10:23
arrrghhhhe said it runs like a bag of ass10:23
arrrghhhlike stine on his atrix.  3-4fps.10:24
emwecongrats on the first commit .P10:27
arrrghhhyou like that?  :D10:28
emweoh, just spotted while rebasing my local branch that i got soemthing little pending10:28
arrrghhhi still need to do the real commit10:28
emweyeah, i like that10:28
arrrghhhthe logic for this firmware10:28
emwebtw, got my mail?10:28
emwejust pushed a little lmk setting cleanup we talked about yesterday with detule.10:29
rpierce99hey emwe10:29
emweyou know how to get it in?10:30
arrrghhhi think so10:30
arrrghhhjust have an additional if statement around the wifi=bcm section10:31
arrrghhhcheck uname -r10:31
arrrghhhbasically if it's not .27, use the new firmware10:31
arrrghhhif it is .27, use the old.  right?10:31
emwebtw, i have the master branch setup here and a "local" branch which has ... i always work on local, build from it, and if patches need to go out, i switch to "master", cherry-pick from "local", push to gito, checkout "local" and rebase on "master" again.10:32
arrrghhhemwe, i'm amazed at how easy it was to commit10:33
arrrghhhtook me ~5mins?10:33
arrrghhhseemingly i did it correctly too, it t'was accepted.10:33
emwecommit is just local, though.10:33
arrrghhhhaven't heard back from any blackstone users yet10:33
emwewith push you share it to some remote10:33
xdandroidNew rootfs available (20111119-031ea5e) at: -- Changes at:
emwethe housekeeping with all different repositories is what is most time consuming if you wan't to use others peoples patches instead of locally modifying the code and commiting.10:34
arrrghhhi have my own rootfs clone now10:34
arrrghhhi realized shortly after creating it that was entirely unnecessary lol10:34
emweheh ;)10:35
emweyou can always delete it again10:35
arrrghhhyea i probably will10:35
arrrghhhit was fun to 'push' something to 'my' tree tho.10:35
emwebut then patches would need to be mailed unless you can commit them on your own.10:35
arrrghhhi don't think i should have push/commit access :P10:35
emwepush that is. you always commit locally. (or i haven't heard of the feature)10:36
emwei also never came around to delete linux-msm-topaz10:36
emweas you are getting into scripting mode, you remember that build script thingy? ;)10:37
emwejust teasing...10:38
emwerenice=1<------># Run the renice script to inprove call answering << is that still as worth as it reads?10:44
emwefrom <build>.user.conf10:45
arrrghhhyea, i know what line you're taking about10:45
arrrghhhnever knew if it actually did anything or not.10:45
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emwejust stumbled over it and will eval it seems10:46
emwechecking again10:46
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d3tul3morning fellas10:48
arrrghhhd3tul3, how goes it sir10:48
emwewell, later afternoon already.10:50
arrrghhhnot even 9am here yet :P10:50
emwe# -s -c /sdcard/andboot/conf/gingerbread.user.conf10:52
emwe=== user.conf ===10:52
emwe*** general ***10:52
emweso it's run.10:52
d3tul3god i am glad i bought a tp2 when i did10:53
arrrghhhwhat is it renicing?10:53
arrrghhhd3tul3, ?10:53
emwearrrghhh: rootfs/bin/ > renicerloop()10:53
emwei am gonna try without10:54
d3tul3well it probably is one of the first phone to boot + 3.0 kernel and one of the first devices to boot ics10:54
d3tul3probably the only to do both10:54
emweheh ;)10:54
arrrghhhsomehow i doubt the price of used tp2's will skyrocket anytime soon... :P10:54
emwewhen native devices have cought up 3.1 there's gonna be android Lobster or whatever letter they got up then10:54
emweyeah, no candy stuff10:55
d3tul3i notice the phone app is something like oom_adj -1610:56
d3tul3"don't kill"10:56
emwehow does (re)nice play into oom management d3tul3?10:57
emweasking because i am not too expertised in that area.10:58
emweoh boys, kexec rocks!10:58
emwecould kick my ass i didn't pursue that earlier. unbelievable.10:58
arrrghhhhyc pursued that a long time ago :P  i don't know why it wasn't approved10:58
arrrghhhi assume because of the frameworks changes.10:58
emwei somehow ignored the disapproval it looks.10:59
emwein the hope stinebd won't do harm to me.10:59
* emwe looks gently over10:59
arrrghhhjust play dumb10:59
arrrghhhblame it on me10:59
emweit's such a big time saver.11:00
emwewas testing rootfs and firwmare on rhod all kexec'd. so easy and fast.11:00
emwe(that last night testing)11:00
arrrghhhstine said he'd have a new image for me last night :(11:00
arrrghhhi almost want to take this ics image and see how it is11:00
emwewell, then use mine. it's the same. just not officially signed.11:00
emwe(except stine has some local commits pending)11:01
arrrghhhstine wants me to test "officially" if you will.11:01
arrrghhhoh well11:01
arrrghhhi need to get this rootfs patch sorted11:01
emweand i need to get to acoustic :/11:01
emwei don't wan't to somehow :)11:01
arrrghhhwhat's left on it?11:02
d3tul3emwe i can only guess, but nice affects runtime priority right? oom values are kill or not kill values so they probably are independent11:02
arrrghhhd3tul3, correct11:03
arrrghhhnice is process priority of running processes11:03
arrrghhhoom values are for determining when the system should kill the app11:03
emwei switched to renice=0. going to test out how this does11:03
emwealso, anybody an idea how that sleep 500 interferes there?11:04
emwei mean, will it disturb our power collapse?11:04
emweit's every 8.5 mins11:04
emweno idea how such stuff is "handled" when power collapsed.11:04
emweman, used tp2 in good condition still ~200 euro here11:22
emwewas thinking about getting a cheap one for perhaps being able to replace the sensor board or even the whole panel with body11:26
emweand get a front cam for free :P11:26
emweif that'd work out with the rhod400 body, no idea.11:26
arrrghhhthe cam would be blocked by that epic sprint logo11:27
arrrghhhi guess if you replace the whole panel11:27
arrrghhhcould work11:27
emweyeah, i meant replacing the whole panel-body11:28
arrrghhhi see11:28
arrrghhhyea, might work11:28
d3tul3er in 3.1 in a phone call, screen goes off i get greeen light as if in suspend11:28
d3tul3that obviously can't be right11:28
arrrghhhd3tul3, happens in .2711:28
arrrghhharm11 sleeps11:29
arrrghhharm9 is still awake11:29
emweyeah, sounds ok.11:29
emwemine also goes to sleep in phone calls iirc11:29
d3tul3ok good to know11:29
arrrghhhperfectly normal :P11:29
d3tul3haven't had sleep debugging on in a while11:31
d3tul3emwe, when you make defconfig changes you write them in, or use make menuconfig11:33
d3tul3i tried make menuconfig and wrecked havoc in msm_defconfig11:33
emwei always menuconfig and then copy the .config to arch/arm/configs/ ; git add, git commit11:33
emwedependant if you build into the tree, .config is in root11:34
emwei build everything to another output folder11:34
d3tul3thanks that's a good pointer11:35
emweyour welcome.11:36
emweactually, i whonder why you didn't appear earlier with all your kernel hacking. :P11:36
emweand userland as well11:36
emwei somehow feel relieved also we leave froyo alone :P11:36
emwepita to keep both stuff up to date.11:36
arrrghhhit's unfortunate, but whatever11:37
arrrghhhwe don't have 300 developers :P11:37
arrrghhhneed to focus efforts where they will be most useful.11:37
d3tul3emwe, i only booted android for the first time earlier this year, tp2 is the only smartphone i've ever used, i don't quite have much in the way of background11:39
arrrghhhd3tul3, damn11:40
arrrghhhdoing a fine job i'd say11:40
emweyeah, you'd been keeping me busy and pushed on all frontiers.11:41
arrrghhhjonpry, how goes it11:41
jonpryjust woke up11:42
d3tul3you sleep afterall11:42
jonprymsm build of ics finished, gonna see if it works11:43
emwecrazy. and hello jonpry.11:44
jonpryhi emwe11:44
emwejonpry: your read logs from earlier here? can you explain to me .. if there is a script spawned on system start which does a sleep 500 ... will kernel make sure to resume/uncollapse? or rephrased, will it disturb our power collapse?11:48
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jonpryit won't break collapse. the code will probably be run after 500 seconds of uncollapsed time though11:50
jonpryor at least it won't wake the system11:50
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emwethanks jonpry.11:52
emweyou had been switching to brcmfmac and left alone brcm4329, right?11:52
d3tul3hm they've changed some dependencies for CONFIG_BRCMFMAC in 3.0 - 3.112:01
jonpryyou need the whole brcmfmac directory from 3.0. its all patched up to work12:03
arrrghhhi guess i should include both firmwares12:03
arrrghhhthen rename on boot depending on kernel versin12:03
arrrghhhemwe, the autobuild rootfs - it has the firmware for .27, yes?12:05
emwearrrghhh: yes, i didn't push anything out there.12:06
emweyou can grab the other one from the link i sent.12:06
arrrghhhi guess i'm confused why wifi is broken for me...12:06
arrrghhhyea, i have it12:06
arrrghhhif you didn't push it, shouldn't wifi work on .27?12:06
emwethat's what i checked last evening12:06
d3tul3jonpry i think we're not building in 3.0 perhaps i am reading this wrong 39 vs
emwearrrghh: but i expclitely rm'ed /system/lib/modules/* entirely12:07
* arrrghhh is confused12:07
arrrghhhbut i'll write this12:07
arrrghhhemwe, i did too.  did that get wifi working for you?12:07
emwearrrghhh: ah wait... make sure the fw file has the correct md5...12:07
emwearrrghhh: i think it ddidn't "update" it correctly when switching it.12:08
emwei don't recall if we copy it.12:08
emweyes, autobuild12:08
arrrghhhbca2cb274070423a7ea332c1e8cee115 <--- for the fw you sent12:08
emwewhat are you md5sum'ing the one in /etc?12:09
arrrghhhi'm still confused as to why my wifi is broken12:09
arrrghhhin init.etc/wifi/bcm432x12:09
emwemd5 the one on /system/etc/ or /etc/ plz12:09
emwei had to push the "old" one over again12:09
jonpryer. i think we use BCM432912:10
emwedunno the rootfs logic if we copy stuff or symlink12:10
arrrghhhemwe, i was just chatting about that in another room12:10
arrrghhhseems most things are symlinked12:10
emwejonpry: ah yeah, just see it. at least on detules .39 that is enabled.12:10
emwejonpry: fmac is also in, though.12:11
jonpryfmac is off in 3.012:11
arrrghhhmatches the autobuild emwe12:11
jonpryi had both of them sort of working at some point12:11
emwearrrghhh: then hm... anything dmesg or logcat spit out?12:11
jonprybut one was not quite right12:11
emwewhere did you gedt the updated source from for bcm4329 jonpry?12:11
jonprynvidia tegra i think12:12
arrrghhhi guess i need to reboot12:13
arrrghhhi only get "failed to load wi-fi drver" in logcat12:13
arrrghhhand literally _nothing_ in dmesg12:13
emweyou redownloaded and made sure that .27 acoustic kernel is the reuploaded one?12:13
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emweafter rebuilding again the zip's md5 had changed arrrghhh.12:14
jonpryarrrghhh, i'm only getting like 8KB/sec12:14
arrrghhhjonpry, on scp?12:14
arrrghhhmy upload is wide open12:14
emwearrrghhh: re-uploaded the .27-acoustic. the zips md5 changed... so perhaps a dirty module.12:14
emwenew md5: 133c4efd5081f81406bc157a22aa2b7112:14
jonpryits probably my connection12:14
arrrghhhat least i don't see anything that would be pegging it12:14
arrrghhhi can't connect to my router12:15
arrrghhhseems bad12:15
arrrghhhemwe, i'll repaste everything12:15
arrrghhhnewest rootfs from autobuild12:15
arrrghhhand the kernel you sent12:16
emweit's on .releng12:16
emweuse that one.12:16
arrrghhhoh ok12:16
emwemy dropbox one also got updated though12:16
emweall last evening.12:16
emwebah, i hate the version magic shit12:16
emwedirty not dirty... is there some voodoo making things "relink" correctly?12:17
emwejust rm'ing the files before make doesn't seem to help12:17
emwe(for tiwlan that is)12:17
mgross029Hey guys.  Looks like you've all been busy. :)12:18
jonprythere is a config option for appending the git commit to the string12:18
jonprywith that off, everything is just 2.6.27+12:18
emwejonpry: that sounds like a workaround, isn't it? ;)12:18
jonprysounds good to me12:19
d3tul3jonpry, some of these build files got somehow commited in the .39 tree (.config, .config.old etc) and gitignore doesn't work on tracked files12:20
d3tul3need to push a commit out just to untrack them12:20
arrrghhhthis is frustrating.12:30
arrrghhhif i can't get wifi to work on .27, i have no hope of writing this patch lol12:30
emwenow don't ask me what to tell you. i think you are the best troubleshooter on your own.12:41
arrrghhhemwe, i seem to be failing on so many levels i might just start over12:41
emweperhaps start over with everything new12:41
emweall 4 pieces.12:41
arrrghhhi don't have a /system/lib/modules folder12:42
arrrghhhand i can't cd to /lib/modules12:42
arrrghhhi fail.12:42
emwecreate it12:42
emweit must be there... on initial system image there is a ".keep" file in there12:42
emweperhaps you accidently deleted it?12:42
emwei did too last night12:42
emweseems you overread it12:42
emwethen it can't extract modules to it12:42
emweforgot the danlging / on the rm -rf cmd12:43
arrrghhhperhaps best to start from square one here.12:43
arrrghhhoh snap, i did too.  that was it.12:43
emweyou can now harden the rootfs code to mkdir -p beforehand ;)12:43
arrrghhhharden it from stupidity :P12:43
emwenah, harden from distraction. everybody is tinkering on so much stuff simultanesly. just natural that "user error" happens.12:44
arrrghhhwas that module copy issue ever fixed?12:44
jonprybah rootfs12:45
arrrghhhi know starfox proposed something related to it.  can't remember now.12:45
arrrghhhjonpry, i know we need to eliminate it :P12:45
emwearrrghhh: hm, there was some patches. don't recall if they got applied.12:45
arrrghhhi'd almost rather we err on the side of cautio12:45
emweseems he got MIA when hyc got "louder"12:45
arrrghhhand always copy modules, if they can't be checked12:45
arrrghhhyea... some of his ideas were dumb.  some seemed useful tho.  i dunno, i'm just a n00b.12:46
emweyou say always copy modules? i am with you12:46
arrrghhhi'm sure it doesn't add a ton of time to the boot process12:46
arrrghhhand would always ensure they match, users would never have to rm /system/lib/modules/12:47
emweno, that is what the bootanmition does12:47
arrrghhhi'm just patchin the hell outta this rootfs :P12:48
emweholy cadaver. tiwlan up on .35.. i know nothing fancy. just didn't figure i had to enable the WIFI_CONTROL_FUNC kconfig option.12:48
arrrghhhhow are we looking on other devices for .35+?12:48
emweuseful to have "data" in some way on a testing devices12:48
arrrghhhthere is only RHOD.12:49
arrrghhhnah, i'm just sayhing12:49
emweboth are kept more or less up to date12:49
arrrghhhthere is only RHOD :P12:49
emweah, got you12:49
emweboth are kept more or less up to date12:49
arrrghhhstill glad i picked this phone when they swapped my raph out12:49
emweboth are kept more or less up to date12:49
emweboth are kept more or less up to date12:50
arrrghhhyou feelin alright?12:50
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emwenow... 32 character long wpa2 key. bear with me on the soft keyb...12:50
arrrghhharen't you glad you got that donor rhod :P12:51
emweyap, i am!12:51
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mgross029emwe, gsensor seems to work great.  Nice job getting that into .3512:52
emwethanks. somehow though my initial testing app, Bubble from Ben Bibble doesn't work12:53
arrrghhhBen Bibble12:53
emwemgross029: so not entirely sure it's working as expected.12:54
mgross029emwe, so far it seems to be here.  Using zDevice Test here with good results on accelometer12:54
emwecool, thanks for testing.12:55
emwei whonder why google never came up with an AOSP T9 keyboard.12:55
arrrghhhthat would make sense12:56
mgross029certainly.  I still have to pull down your latest rootfs-unsecure saw there was another commit today12:56
arrrghhhthen other kb companies couldn't swoop in and design 15,000 variants12:56
emwemgross029: then let me update it first :)12:56
emwearrrghhh: yeah :)12:56
mgross029Ha.  Ok.12:57
arrrghhhforgot to turn off JIT12:58
emwemgross029: go for it12:58
arrrghhhsince i'm starting over...12:58
arrrghhhmust've been that first kernel13:00
arrrghhhthen me removing the modules folder13:00
arrrghhhthat caused this whole debacle13:00
arrrghhhcuz wifi works now.... -_-13:00
emwehuh? why does userland turn of button backlight after some seconds on my TOPA and and not on RHOD?13:00
emwearrrghhh: coolio ;)13:00
emwearrrghhh: yeah, might also have been the kernel.13:00
arrrghhhguess i can try writing this patch now13:00
emwejust for the record, i had to disable WIFI_CONTROL_FUNC ...13:04
mgross029arrrghhh, does your apn automatically appear or do you have to create?13:05
mgross029Just curious.  I found noting in the aps-conf.xml for Sprint13:06
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arrrghhhi have to create13:06
arrrghhhby default sprint doesn't use APN'13:06
arrrghhhso cm doesn't include 'em13:06
arrrghhhand our apns-conf.xml is lifted straight from CM13:08
arrrghhhi'm sure they'd laugh at us for requesting it to be added (you can on their wiki page AFAIK)13:08
mgross029Interesting thing is they have Verizon in there.  MMS won't work without it though13:10
arrrghhhthey have VZ in thar?13:11
arrrghhhi wonder if LTE requires that now13:11
mgross029The Verizon config is actually not the default configured in the system.  They have 310 004 when by default the system see the phone as 310 0013:11
arrrghhhcuz i'm pretty sure CDMA doesn't use it.  at all.13:11
mgross029Well all I know is without the apn configed you can't send and receive mms.13:12
arrrghhhi thought it was just one direction13:13
mgross029I've updated my local repo with the correct configs for both Sprint and Verizon.  Now if I do a restore default it will show up in my apn section now13:13
arrrghhhi can't remember13:13
arrrghhhrpierce99 knows it pretty intimately13:13
arrrghhhpatch request that shit yo13:14
arrrghhhis that in the system image?13:14
arrrghhhprobably is13:14
jonpryi think this msm7k contraption is going to build13:15
mgross029If interested13:15
arrrghhhjonpry, w00t13:15
jonpryer run13:15
arrrghhhdid you just lift the hal from froyo?13:15
jonprythere is one in ics, but looks froyo vintage13:16
arrrghhhi guess if it works, who am i to argue.13:16
arrrghhhbastards can't make anything compatible with legacy, which i guess i understand.  just manpower they don't want to spend.13:16
jonprywork is such a strong word13:16
jonpryi dunno how the touch coordinates are all screwed up13:20
jonpryand it has this funky cursor thing13:20
jonpryyeah like a mouse pointer13:22
jonpryhow does ts_calib work?13:22
jonprywe have some deal for that right?13:22
arrrghhhyou can just grab an existing ts-calibration file13:23
arrrghhhunless you mean tssc or whatever13:23
arrrghhhthought that was a kernel thing tho13:23
jonpryand how do i use it?13:23
arrrghhhi'm not sure i can answer this on your level13:23
arrrghhhon my level, i put the ts-calibration file where i run haret from13:23
arrrghhhand it works13:23
jonpryi think its done in rootfs13:23
jonpryprobably copies the file to somewhere in /sys13:24
arrrghhhyea, i bet it's in init13:24
arrrghhhi'm looking at that file 1 sec13:24
arrrghhhcat $card/ts-calibration > $touchscreendir/calibration_points13:24
arrrghhhi'm kinda confused on how $touchscreendir is established tho.  there's a for loop that goes thru /sys/class/input/input*13:25
jonpryi think its /sys/devices/virtual/input/input3/calibration_points13:25
jonprycan i have your ts calib file?13:26
phharrrghhh: what's the problem with it ?13:26
arrrghhhphh, i'm not sure13:26
arrrghhhother than i don't understand it13:26
arrrghhhand jonpry's asking questions about it13:26
arrrghhhjonpry, sorry for the direct to my thread, but that's the calib file i always use13:26
arrrghhhattached to that post.13:26
phhi think i wrote it13:27
arrrghhhwat, tssc?13:27
arrrghhhor the for loop13:27
phhthe for loop :p13:27
arrrghhhyea, i'm not grasping the reasoning for it13:27
phhyeah well the loop is fairly easy ...13:27
arrrghhhbut okie.13:27
jonprymy ics has no init script13:27
phhjust checks all input devices, and search which one has the tssc-manager name13:27
arrrghhhthat sounds detrimental.13:27
arrrghhhphh, so it changes?  i guess based on device13:28
phharrrghhh: iirc yes13:28
phharrrghhh: like some devices have some input devices less13:28
arrrghhhmakes sense.13:28
arrrghhhthere's a lot of fancy things in hurrr13:28
arrrghhhand i can actually somewhat understand what's going on, unlike kernel code.13:29
phhkernel is sooooooooooooo easy13:29
arrrghhhi can read init and kinda get what's going on13:29
arrrghhhi've looked at kernel patches.  no f-ing clue.  lol13:29
arrrghhhmost of the time at least.13:29
arrrghhhif [ -e "$card/modules-$(uname -r).tar.gz" ] && ! `strings /lib/modules/mac80211.ko 2>/dev/null | grep -q "vermagic=$(uname -r)"`; then13:34
arrrghhhso i don't get the vermagic stuff13:34
arrrghhhevidently this statement fails at times, but i don't understand why13:34
arrrghhhi guess going from one kernel to another, then back to the first kernel?  *shrug*13:35
arrrghhhphh, did you write that if statement as well?13:37
phhi'm not sure13:37
phhbut i remember that was a big discussion :p13:37
phharrrghhh: well modules have the kernel version for which it is built for in their file13:37
arrrghhhso why make the statement so complex lol13:38
arrrghhhwhy not look at that and stop.13:38
phhwell first you check that there are actually modules available13:39
phhelse it's stupid to extract it13:39
phhand then the version is not explicitly available13:39
phhwell we should use modinfo :D13:39
phhbut that wouldn't be simpler actually13:39
arrrghhhthis is probably where i'm going to make that firmware decision13:40
jonpryhrm. i put in the touch calibration but it doesn't seem to have really helped13:48
jonprymaybe it needs to be from a 210?13:48
mgross029jonpry, it shouldn't matter because the screen size is the same.  The file really only contains screen coordinates so it know it's boundries13:59
mgross029As far as I can tell anyway14:00
jonprywhy is it that we use this binary gralloc?14:01
mgross029I wouldn't be able to answer that one. :p14:02
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thankuanyone here that can help me root my new incred 2 please?14:39
mgross029emwe, I am still seeing davlik jit resizes in logcat so that tells me it is still enabled.  I looked a little further and the AndroidRuntime.cpp seems to make the decision based off the build.prop setting14:47
thankuanyone one have a incred 2?14:49
mgross029thanku, wrong channel this is for xdandroid builds14:50
mgross029And we don't have support for incred 214:50
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mgross029emwe, also saw there are three different option for davlik int:  jit, fast and portable.  So far testing portable and the speed seems the same as jit.  Just testing out of curiosity15:17
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emwemgross029: getprop | grep "dalvik" .. that spits out int:jit still for you?15:40
emweoh eh... jit? wtf. lol.15:40
emweaccording to linpack it's jitless performance. ~200015:42
emwejit get's ~3300 WITH_JIT_TUNING ~360015:42
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mgross029Yeah if you look in frameworks/base/core/jni/AndroidRuntime.cpp there is a decision tree by what is reflected in prop as far as I can tell.15:47
emweperhaps it's fooling itself.15:48
emwerun linpack. if it's around 2000, it's definitively not jit15:48
mgross029Ok.  I will once I get back over on that build15:49
emweno hurries.15:50
mgross029Found this interesting Dalvik Porting Guide
emweread that once15:56
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helicopter88can someone pastebin me froyo.user.conf?16:42
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mgross029helicopter88, froyo.user.conf
arrrghhhi don't get why something so basic fails.20:00
arrrghhhi just wanted to see if my logic worked, and this script doesn't function20:00
arrrghhh line 6: syntax error: unexpected "fi" (expecting "then")20:00
arrrghhhis the error i get20:00
arrrghhhwhy would it expect a then there?20:00
arrrghhhi need a semi-colon after the fi?20:07
d3tul3give it a try:)20:07
arrrghhhi'm just looking at how the if statements are structured in init20:07
arrrghhhi don't see anything wrong/different with what i'm doing... worth a shot tho.  gotta wait for .39 to finish booting.20:07
d3tul3your script executed as is on my desktop20:09
d3tul3and it informed me I am on 35+20:10
arrrghhhi'm just running it in adb shell20:10
arrrghhhi assume that's acceptable?20:10
arrrghhhi just wanted to make sure the logic was sound20:10
arrrghhhwell i guess i can make the init hackings20:11
arrrghhhand test it out20:11
arrrghhhthis patch probably won't get accepted lol20:35
stinebdno more new york for me20:38
stinebdi'm all new yorked out20:39
jonprystinebd, ics needs you20:40
stinebdnah i'm not gonna mess with ics anymore20:41
arrrghhhthat was quick20:41
jonpryics for msm7k is worthwhile20:41
stinebdi have a serious question for you now20:42
jonprypeople will stop buy galaxy 3+++ S9's. millions will be lost20:42
stinebdwhen does mass product of the prypad begin?20:42
jonprywhen i finish the software20:42
jonpryor there abouts anyways20:42
jonpryprobably not unless someone finishes a production quality omap3 port and i am bored20:43
stinebdok next question20:43
stinebdwill the production model be omap5 and have a keyboard dock which will give it 24 hours of battery life?20:44
jonpryno its omap3 :)20:44
stinebdi was ready to forcibly shove my money into your pockets20:45
jonprynext model20:45
arrrghhhi don't know where emwe sent me this rootfs build script thingy21:09
arrrghhhstinebd, little help?  :P21:12
arrrghhhcrap, this patch won't fly as-is.21:14
arrrghhhi just want to see if the logic actually works and it does what it's supposed to.21:14
arrrghhhthen i can move the statement and let you scrutinize it.21:14
stinebddid you mail me?21:17
arrrghhhi haven't tested this patch yet21:17
arrrghhhi don't know if it works.21:17
arrrghhhi guess i could hack the rootfs like i usually do21:17
arrrghhhthe detection works21:32
arrrghhhit said i'm on .35+21:32
arrrghhhbut it failed cping the new firmware...21:32
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arrrghhhstupid simple firmware patch done... i hope21:56
arrrghhhok, wifi works in .3922:05
arrrghhhnow to go back to .27 and see if wifi continues to function22:06
arrrghhhload average 8.4822:08
arrrghhhthat can't be good on a single core proc.22:08
arrrghhhstinebd, i changed a couple of things22:15
arrrghhhshould i submit them as individual patches?22:15
arrrghhhdidn't seem to work switching back to .27, crap.22:17
arrrghhhperhaps i jumped the gun :P22:17
jonprycan i just swap system/bin/bootanimation ?22:21
arrrghhhi don't see why not22:22
arrrghhhi probably shouldn't be md5summing in init22:26
arrrghhhnot sure how else to establish if the firmware has already been cp'd or not tho...22:26
jonprythats just as expensive as overwriting it22:28
arrrghhhln -s would probably be easier overall...?22:29
arrrghhhthis if statement isn't working.22:33
arrrghhhi wish i could sandbox it, i don't get why i can't run it on the phone.22:33
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d3tul3jonpry, the patches to evdev and sdio core these are the ones that are adding the wakelocks right?23:35
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