Thursday, 2011-09-22

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emwearrrghhh: still awake?01:42
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emweif any RHODer is around, please shout.02:15
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mgross029EMWE...  There I shouted...  lol07:54
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mgross029Gee...  Must have scared him off...  :p07:57
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mgross029emwe, How's it going?10:56
emwethink my prox sensor is broken on this rhod10:56
emwenever seen it in action in wince during calling either.10:58
emweit blanks panel when near and unblanks when taking away from the "head" during call, yap?10:58
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emwedetule: thx. likely no time today. out shopping soon. had it happen again today. it's the only resets i have currently.11:00
mgross029emwe, well it sounds like it is working...11:09
mgross029Or was that your question?11:09
detuleemwe, excellent sounds like your device is a great test subject11:10
detuleemwe, correct about the prox sensor in winmo, for me i can cover the senors with my thump during a call and it will blank the screen....though i think there may be a registry setting that enables/disables this functionality11:12
arrrghhhemwe, waiting for your system image to finish... :P11:22
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emwethx for your answers guys11:24
emwedetule: if you happen to find that reg setting :)11:25
emwei am off shopping. laters.11:25
detuleemwe, don't know googling brings this up
arrrghhhi know my prox sensor works in winmo11:35
arrrghhhso i shall wait for your painful upload to finish emwe :P11:35
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thewaffleHey, anyone here able to answer a N1 question/problem I have?11:48
stinebdno, you're in the wrong channel11:49
arrrghhhi always wonder why people come in here with native android device questions11:49
arrrghhhthewaffle, ##android or #xda-devs11:49
mgross029N + 1 is 211:49
helicopter88thewaffle: best channel would be #xda-devs,but you've already asked in it11:50
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stinebdyou're welcome11:50
mgross029Yeah really...  Don't let the door hit you in the A$$ on the way out...11:51
mgross029arrrghhh, something new to test soon?11:53
arrrghhhdamn you11:54
arrrghhhgotta feed your own addictions :P11:54
mgross029Already been there...  heh11:54
mgross029I am...  Lunch time...  heh11:54
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arrrghhhemwe, you should've zipped it12:26
arrrghhhwould've been half the size :P12:26
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arrrghhhbut i haz it now.  will give it a spin...12:26
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mgross029arrrghhh, not going to share are you...  :p12:34
arrrghhhnot until i give it a whirl :P12:34
mgross029NP...  Just being a test junkie...  :p12:39
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arrrghhhhook it up to your veins :P12:40
arrrghhhusing loopback file systems12:41
arrrghhhso that's not my problem12:41
arrrghhhlet's hope this .35 kernel boots.12:41
mgross029Really it was giving you grief the other day..12:42
arrrghhhi still couldn't get a .35 kernel to boot12:42
mgross029Did you ever figure that one out?12:42
arrrghhhnever really ruled out the system image tho12:42
mgross029Ahh...  You may have had some tweaks in there that were making it throw up...  I know that happened to me with Froyo a couple of times...12:43
arrrghhhi'd say it was the system image.12:43
arrrghhhw00t, UI is up.12:46
arrrghhhnot the waiting... as Mr. Petty says, the hardest part.12:46
mgross029Yes...  Tom does have a way with words...  :p12:48
arrrghhhno service12:49
mgross029I get that every now and then on my .27 as well as the .35...  Always had to reboot...12:50
mgross029If I try to go to AP mode it hangs...12:50
arrrghhhi'm mucking with the wireless&network settings now12:50
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arrrghhhit was on the wrong mode, but setting it on cdma didn't seem to help...12:51
arrrghhhAPN didn't have mcc or mnc populated either...12:52
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arrrghhhi think i still have a SIM installed12:52
arrrghhhi shall remove it.12:52
arrrghhhstill no service12:54
mgross029On my Rhod500 I never even get a default APN on first boot...12:56
mgross029Is that gb or froyo?12:57
arrrghhhi always do on my 400/sprint12:57
arrrghhhgb right now12:57
arrrghhhFroYo is dead it seems12:57
arrrghhhassuming the blockers can get fixed in gb, i don't think FroYo is going to get a whole lot more lovin.12:57
mgross029Well I know my Rhod500 always come up in WCDMA on the GB Alpha...12:58
arrrghhhyea, mind did too12:58
mgross029Any other setting would make it die...12:58
arrrghhhbut putting it on CDMA wouldn't fix it12:58
arrrghhhhow did you get it working?12:58
arrrghhhor you just didn't?12:58
mgross029Well I could never get 3G...12:59
arrrghhhbut you'd get service to make phone calls?12:59
arrrghhhservice came up right away this time12:59
arrrghhhno SIM tho12:59
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mgross029Can't even find my SIM...  :p13:00
arrrghhhi never got one13:00
arrrghhhbut the tester that was sent to me came with one :D13:00
arrrghhhi have a 3g icon13:02
arrrghhhbut it's not green13:02
arrrghhhand i don't seem to have data13:02
arrrghhhjust went green13:02
arrrghhhit's go time13:02
arrrghhhdamn sync13:06
arrrghhhtakes for freakin ever13:06
mgross029Google sync?13:07
arrrghhhi have it sync a lot of crap by default13:07
mgross029Ahh...  Yeah...  It does tie up the proc some...13:07
arrrghhhmarket auto-updated13:08
arrrghhhnever seen that on XDAndroid before...13:08
mgross029I have...  Always get a Gmail update or are you talking about venodr.apk?13:09
arrrghhhFroYo was always on the ancient Market13:09
arrrghhhunless i manually shoved a new apk in thar13:09
mgross029Very cool...13:10
mgross029How's the speed?  Decent?13:10
arrrghhhyea, not bad13:11
mgross029I know when I tested the Alpha it actually was pretty good...  Probably because nothing was turned on though...  :p13:11
arrrghhhhaven't done much really13:11
arrrghhhstill syncing13:11
arrrghhhyea, there's still a lot of broken things in .35.13:11
arrrghhhwhich is ironic that i'm testing prox sensor on it13:11
arrrghhhsince that doesn't work anywhere haha13:11
mgross029Out of everything prox sensor...  Yeah...  Ironic...  :P13:12
arrrghhhzDeviceTest installing13:12
arrrghhhand it's still syncing :P13:12
arrrghhhi guess i couldn't search in the Market because it was updating itself.13:12
detulewow this missed call business is really a handicap13:12
arrrghhhas soon as i closed & reopened, i had another accept message and the Market was shiny and new.13:13
arrrghhhdetule, eh?13:13
arrrghhhwho needs phone calls.13:13
mgross029heh...  New maket...  :p13:13
mgross029Really...  If it doesn't work for them have them go back to WM...  heh13:14
arrrghhhwhere is proxy in zDeviceTest lol13:14
arrrghhhoh snap13:15
arrrghhhyou have to scroll :P13:15
arrrghhhprox gets a check mark13:15
arrrghhhbut it doesn't nothing.13:15
detuleon the bright side of things13:16
detulei can see the calls in logcat -b radio13:16
detuleso this should be patch-able13:16
arrrghhhdetule, you can?!?!13:17
arrrghhhthat was the crux of the entire problem13:17
detulei mean i can see the CRING13:17
detuleand I can see PHONE doing nothing about it13:17
arrrghhhwe weren't seeing that13:17
detuleperhaps different issue13:17
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arrrghhhprox sensor no workie :(13:18
arrrghhhbatt seems to be getting downright hot too13:18
mgross029arrrghhh, is zDeviceTest the same as AndroSensor?13:19
arrrghhhno clue13:19
arrrghhhnever used either13:19
arrrghhhjust used zDeviceTest13:19
arrrghhhit basically ensures functionality of each device, and gives statistics on them13:19
arrrghhhso prox sensor got a checkmark, like the driver was good/present13:19
arrrghhhbut it wasn't detecting anything.  it always said 9cm.13:19
mgross029Androsensor does similar...  I know [acl] was using it to test...13:20
arrrghhhlemme grab this crap13:20
arrrghhhand let you give it a whilr13:20
arrrghhhi've got a meeting in 10 mins13:20
arrrghhhlet's see if i can do it by then...13:20
arrrghhhi'll just throw it all in a zip13:21
mgross029K...  Yep...  I'm on the change call now and have another meeting for DR test in about 40min...  vomit...13:21
arrrghhhzImage, modules & system image.13:21
mgross029Sounds good...13:21
arrrghhhthank goodness for compression.13:22
arrrghhh68mb instead of 122 :P13:22
mgross029Want to email me the link?  screen name at msn dot com13:22
arrrghhhdamnit mediafire13:23
arrrghhhgimmie a link now so i can just leave and let it finish :P13:23
mgross029you have an xdandroid email?13:25
arrrghhhit's comin from that addy13:25
arrrghhhc'mon bessie13:26
arrrghhhwtf mediafire13:26
arrrghhhthat was pretty quick.  i'm just really impatient.13:27
arrrghhhplus, i'm running this damned meeting so i gotta go get it started... c'mon...13:27
mgross029I was just going to throw you a skydrive folder...  heh13:27
mgross029Know how that goes...  Host my share of meetings...13:27
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arrrghhhg2g, bbl.13:29
mgross029Yep...  Later...13:30
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Napoleoneyo all13:55
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mgross029arrrghhh, u back?15:09
mgross029Got it up and working...15:12
mgross0293G worked right away for me...  and man it is fast...15:13
arrrghhhor just the build15:13
arrrghhhstfu about all that15:13
arrrghhhdoes prox work?  :P15:13
mgross029Just loaded those up...  Checking that now...15:14
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mgross029screen does not turn off, but it does detect the sensor...15:15
arrrghhhdid you look at acl's video..>15:16
arrrghhhit should show whether it's close or far15:16
arrrghhhmine always says far15:16
mgross029Mine shows 9.0cm right now...15:16
mgross029Which is pretty far...15:17
arrrghhhwhen you cover the sensor15:17
arrrghhhdoes it change15:17
arrrghhhthen no15:17
arrrghhhprox doesn't work.15:17
arrrghhhoh well15:20
arrrghhhgood to know.15:20
arrrghhhemwe, it's a bust.15:20
mgross029Yep...  Tried two different prox apps...15:20
arrrghhhthanks for testing ;)15:20
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mgross029NP...  Happy to...  Also loaded these apps up in froyo just to get a contrast...  It was measuring the 1.0E CM in froyo so it has improved...  :p15:21
arrrghhhthe driver isn't avail in froyo15:22
arrrghhher... hum15:22
arrrghhhnot driver15:22
arrrghhhi can't think of the word.  the 'hook' in userland.15:22
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mgross029Funny thing it does detect the sensor in froyo though...15:23
arrrghhhthe sensor aka the driver is in the kernel15:23
mgross029Checking the settings in AndroSensor to see if it will let me calibrate anything...15:25
mgross029Hmm...  No APN in here either...  Kind of wierd...15:28
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arrrghhhi guess i should test gps and the like15:32
arrrghhhi was just focused on prox15:32
mgross029Yeah...  I've test BT and TI just for kicks...  No workie yet...15:35
emwemeep. thx for testing. reliefs me it's likely not my hw.15:37
emweneed to go figure in winmo first15:37
emweperhaps i can see that infra light like on abels vid.15:38
detulewell i think i fixed my ril15:39
emwearrrghhh: mgross029: overall a good system? been using it in this state for quite a while15:40
emwe2.3.5 and JIT. disabled JIT_TUNING again, but might try it again later.15:41
mgross029emwe, great system...15:41
emwehave the feeling i am the only one on that for ages ;)15:41
emweplz don't share it further though15:41
emweyou can also run a .27 acoustic kernel with it. not tried, though.15:42
emwei dunno the userland camera state or anything else...15:42
emwe(bt, wifi)15:42
arrrghhhemwe, seems fine15:42
detulemy phone does not respond to CALL_RING in this commit:
detulei can see it in logcat -b radio but phone does not ring15:43
detulereverted that call to CALL_STATE_CHANGED and it's better now15:43
emwecdma or gsm detule ?15:43
detulei guess "Also add CALL_RING message. Needs to be tested on CDMA." really did need testing15:43
detulethough i don't know i am not versed in these fake gsm/cdma modes perhaps i am in one when i am supposed to be in another - this in stock 7.1 on rhod400 with sim card off15:44
mgross029emwe, still testing items...  Also, did a mount bind on your libs...  Still need to test out voice search/Speaker Phone/Dualmic/etc...15:47
emwebind mount libs? uh?15:47
emwethat is an acoustic build :P15:47
emweno need to bindmount anything. latest everything. including ril.15:48
mgross029Ahh... cool...  I'll take that out of my user.conf15:49
emweapart from libsensors, it's a straight build from our git repo15:49
emwedon't think i got other local mods not pushed.15:49
emweso, fetching my gfs desirez ... never knew one could see that prox "blinken" like on acls vid15:50
mgross029How did acl get his working?15:52
emwethe driver is only slightly modded to the stock one on .3515:54
emwei have no idea15:54
emweas the prox/ls sensor is likely controllabel by microp, it could be it's somehow blocked on .35 due quite a different microp interaction.15:54
emweguessing in the wild, though.15:54
emweholy crap, i can see it blinking!15:55
emweok, so why isn't it triggering the irq...15:57
arrrghhhemwe, i swear that was something from the cam16:03
arrrghhhi've never seen that blink16:03
arrrghhhyou can see it blinking!?!?16:04
emwefrom the cam?16:04
emwethe one i used to make it visible?16:04
emweyap, i see it blinking like in abels vid.16:05
emweits ProximitySensorOn to keep it always on in the wince reg16:08
emwetoggle value and it's always on it seems16:08
arrrghhhi've never seen it blink, but i've certainly never played with it in wince16:15
arrrghhhhow did acl get it working like that in android tho?16:15
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arrrghhhemwe, ?16:21
arrrghhhhow did you get it blinkey in android?16:21
arrrghhhi'm a sucker for blinking led's.16:21
mgross029I got SOD on mine...  Going to see if I can pull a ramconsole...  Could not connect adb...16:25
arrrghhhi only ran it long enough to confirm prox didn't work16:27
arrrghhhwent back to FroYo :P16:27
emwearrrghhh: it's not eye visible. only with a camera.16:30
arrrghhhemwe, oic16:30
mgross029I've been in email hell for most of the day...16:30
emwedidn't know until abel mailed me.16:30
arrrghhhemwe, nice.  well i don't feel quite so dumb now.16:30
emweyap :)16:30
arrrghhhimma go play with that at home tho for sure.16:30
arrrghhhany ideas as to why it's not workin tho?16:31
emweso it's essentially the same driver, just the irq doesn#t fire...16:31
emweperhaps microp..16:31
arrrghhhdo you want any logs?  i guess you're still troubleshooting on your end.16:31
mgross029If the camera can see it then it is probably infrared...16:31
emwehtc wrote a driver for .35 htc ace where they control it via microp. so perhaps some microp stuff i have on .35 breaks it.16:31
arrrghhhmgross029, exactly.  it's infrared.16:32
emwewe request the 3.5mm microp interrupt... dunno. perhaps i am overwriting some microp status registers.16:32
arrrghhhemwe, well let me know how else i can help.16:32
emweyap, will do.16:32
mgross029Well ramconsole looks like a bunch of asci vomit...  So that's no good...  No dmesg data showing up...16:32
arrrghhhoh, from that SOD16:33
mgross029Going to make a new build folder throw everything in with Alex's .27 kernel and libs to see how that goes...  :p16:37
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emwe"filmed" the whole boot while having prox permanently enabled in wince... blinked all the time...16:40
emwejust no reaction...16:40
arrrghhhemwe, i only tested wince in a phone call16:40
arrrghhhis there another way to test wince?16:40
arrrghhhwince prox that is.16:40
emwea quick google earlier today only turned up TouchLockPro app. haven't tested hard enough.16:41
arrrghhhi know the prox sensor works in a call16:41
emwei don't even have that phonecanvas thing as the reg entry is disabled.16:41
emweyap, doesn't for me, because reg value was 016:41
arrrghhhi bring it up to my face, phone goes blank/dark.  pull it away, wakes up.16:41
emwegoing to revistit kernel again16:42
arrrghhhwell, if you fix the registry, it works... right?16:42
emwenever had that "feature".16:42
emwenot tested :P16:42
arrrghhhdon't put it in quotes, that's a great feature :P16:42
arrrghhhi just wanted to rule out your hardware.16:42
arrrghhhseems like it's fine if you see the blinken16:42
emwelike in abels vid16:42
arrrghhhcool.  it's probably fine then.16:43
arrrghhhfix the kernel :P16:43
emwenow you made me reboot :)16:43
emweneed to plug the sim into raph anyway :)16:43
mgross029Duh...  I forgot...  Prox only works in call for WM so that is probably the same for Android...16:49
* mgross029 smacks self in head16:49
arrrghhhmgross029, that test tool should still show proximity16:49
arrrghhhnear vs. far16:49
arrrghhhi also tested it in a call, just to be sure :P16:49
mgross029Oh...  Ok...  Good...  At least one of us were thinking...  :p16:50
arrrghhhi just wanted to be sure16:50
arrrghhhno reaction16:51
arrrghhhme likey gb so far tho16:51
arrrghhhi guess i need to load it down with all the lovely apps i run16:51
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emweit's pureley software controlled when to enable prox or not. in wince htc made it in phonecanvas.. android can do whatever it wants.16:52
emweso, calling VM since a while. no panel blank.16:53
emwemust be some other setting still16:53
emwei can "film" it's enabled after toggling the regval16:53
arrrghhhand if you see it in Android, the hardware is enabled16:56
mgross029time to blow away some old builds...  Almost got my 8GB SD filled...  heh16:58
emweok, that reg setting isn't persistent .. hmpfs17:02
emweapart from no blank during call17:02
arrrghhhreg settings never are it seems :P17:02
arrrghhhi've had a lot of issues with reg settings not being persistent if i boot back to android17:02
arrrghhhso this is what i do (it's dumb, but works)17:02
arrrghhhmake the reg change17:02
arrrghhhmake sure it saves17:02
arrrghhhthen soft reset the phone back to winmo17:02
arrrghhhdoublecheck it still works17:03
arrrghhhthen boot Android.  hopefully reg setting should stick...17:03
mgross029All the WM Proximity stuff I've looked up uses reg keys associated with the program...  I haven't seemed to be able to find anything native...17:03
arrrghhhi had a bunch of problems with gen.y until i did that.17:03
emweif any of you is going to wince soon, can you look for HKLM\Software\HTC\Proximity\ and name the key and values in that reg leaf?17:04
mgross029In there now...  Let me check...17:04
emwei now set all to 117:04
arrrghhhaw i was just going to reset to check :P17:04
emweall were 017:04
arrrghhhwhat ROM do you have on your RHOD emwe ?17:04
emweehm... one sec.17:05
emweyou guys all got screen protectors on?17:05
arrrghhhi do17:05
emwei think i got a stock european htc17:05
emwefor the front cam model :)17:05
arrrghhhthat's a cdma rhod :P17:05
emwegot circle cutout17:05
mgross029All 0 right now emwe17:05
arrrghhhi thought you have a rhod400...17:05
emweyeah, but i bought the screen protector *here*17:06
mgross029Yes...  Need to be protected these days... heh17:06
emweonly get the ones for euripean models arrrghhh ;)17:06
arrrghhhemwe, oh screen protector17:06
emwemgross029: 3 values in there? also a "(Default)"?17:06
arrrghhhi was asking what ROM you're on17:06
emwelöol, sorry17:06
arrrghhhand they're all 0 for me too17:06
arrrghhh3 values, no "(Default)"17:07
mgross029emwe, just 317:07
emwegot that taskmanager regeditor here17:07
mgross029same as arrrghhh17:07
emweyap, ok17:07
emweall 0? hm..17:07
arrrghhhyea... all 0.17:07
emwei got 5.2.2188917:07
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arrrghhhemwe, hard to tell from that :P17:08
arrrghhhi always flash energy.17:08
emweradio 2.32.00WF17:08
emweyeah, but that shouldn't break it.. should it?17:08
emweor rather fix...17:08
arrrghhhand all my values are 017:08
arrrghhhlemme double check prox, but i swear this worked... monday17:08
emweyeah, it likely does for you17:08
arrrghhhi used wince for a phone interview.  didn't want anything to blow up during it :D17:08
emweheard this from 3 people now, so i believe you.17:08
mgross029Mine is stock...  VZW17:09
arrrghhhkinda fun playing with the prox sensor in a call17:09
arrrghhhit's pretty sensitive17:09
arrrghhhlike abel was saying, a good 5-6cm above is when it kicks in17:09
arrrghhhi wanna play with this in android now :P17:10
mgross029I agree...  same here...  Wish I could capture a log...17:10
mgross029emwe, check your HTC Sensor key17:11
mgross029DeviceAvailability is set to 1 on mine...17:11
mgross029for Light Sensor that is...17:11
mgross029Should be the same sensor I believe...17:12
emweyap, but that is light, not prox17:12
arrrghhhmgross029, different sensors.17:13
mgross029Ok...  Thought they may be the same...17:13
emwephysically yes, it's the same chip. capella cm360217:14
emweor device if that 2mm thingy classifies as one.17:14
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mgross029ahh...  Grabbing some QuickGPS info while in here...  These servers look a little different than what was in gps.conf17:18
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arrrghhhno portable version of nmap17:19
arrrghhhwhat is this world coming to...17:19
mgross029You can build your own...  :p17:21
arrrghhhi meant something like that17:21
mgross029Ahh...  Zenmap nmap...  gmap... :p17:22
arrrghhhnmap would've been fine17:22
arrrghhhzenmap is just a front-end for nmap...17:22
mgross029Well if they've already portablaized it then even better...17:22
mgross029Not even sure if portablized is a word...17:23
arrrghhhit is now.17:23
mgross029Ok...  Gotta get home...  Work is driving me to nuts today...17:23
arrrghhhtake it easy17:24
mgross029C'ya...  Let me know if you come up with anything else...  I'll throw it on...  Thanks...17:24
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emwearrrghhh: h2w, speaker, mp3 and phone work on .27acoustic froyo raph100.17:51
emwearrrghhh: only incall and incall speaker volume imho does not.17:52
emwearrrghhh: meant incall earpiece and incall speaker volume don't work.17:52
emwecant spot a difference.17:52
arrrghhhbut the speakerphone works?17:55
arrrghhhjust the volume control is useless...?17:55
arrrghhhin-call speakerphone17:56
emweearpiece and speaker work, yes17:56
arrrghhhthat was not working on RAPH IIRC17:56
emwecould switch flawlessly and hammer vol buttons up and down17:57
arrrghhhso if you guys don't have any ideas on the volume issue, JB said post up questions on the ML and he can try to lend a hand.17:57
emwei don't even have the slightest timeslot for investigating.17:57
arrrghhhbut that's great if the only blocker is the volume control.  i shall continue to run acoustic builds and see what else i can turn up.17:57
arrrghhhemwe, doesn't have to happen this week or even this month..17:58
arrrghhhand alex doesn't agree with me, but IMHO if we know stuff like volume is broken, we should not release.17:58
emwewan't a .27 acoustic and froyo acoustic build?17:58
arrrghhhalready have one.17:58
emwei can zip even :P17:58
arrrghhhthx tho ;)17:58
arrrghhhsave your precious upload :P17:58
emwedidn#t know it would compress that good17:58
arrrghhhwell the kernel won't17:58
arrrghhhbut the system image does17:58
arrrghhhlike i said, about half.17:59
emwedoes dropdox do binary diff checks when checking a modified file for upload?17:59
arrrghhhhum.  no clue, sorry.17:59
arrrghhhthanks emwe :P18:05
emwegood to have it somewhere, even for me.18:06
arrrghhhyea, np.18:06
arrrghhhwill make testing on the RAPH easier.18:06
emwetaking out the eos now... that raph cam is a pita18:06
arrrghhhalthough it seems you have done that for me... :D18:06
emweall the stuff i do is only for you18:06
arrrghhhso what devices have not even touched the new acoustic?18:06
arrrghhhmake me a sammich :D18:06
arrrghhhAFAIK we've tested every device 'cept maybe blackstone18:07
emwewhitestone? ;)18:07
arrrghhhcurse you.18:07
emwejb has diam and rhod30018:07
arrrghhhOo diam...18:07
emwehe developed on both18:07
arrrghhhi don't know if anyone has tested diam.... but since jb has one, you'd hope he worked on it18:07
arrrghhhwe know x1 is good18:07
arrrghhhwell, "good" :P18:07
emwetopa incall... hm.18:08
arrrghhhso... i think i should post up a test build for the blackstoners.18:08
arrrghhhjust to ensure we don't get blindsided by some device not working at all...18:08
emwenot today. already past 1218:08
arrrghhhnot you18:08
arrrghhhi would18:08
arrrghhhc'mon now.18:08
emweyah, i meant topa testing again18:08
emweon .27...18:08
emweperhaps incall is magically fixed18:08
arrrghhhkeep dreamin... :P18:08
emwea topa with physkeyb. hm. shiny.18:09
arrrghhhi guess i should do this thang.18:11
arrrghhhblackstone acoustic testing tiem18:11
* arrrghhh braces for impact18:11
emwenow tell me the technicality behind why i can't see the prox light with the EOS?18:14
emwejust with that crappy raph cam...18:14
emweperhaps was too far away...18:15
emwethat 18-250 isn't the best for nearfield :)18:15
arrrghhhyou've got a fancycam18:18
arrrghhhmy pappy has some fancy Nikon.  i can't afford something like that... especially since i'd never really use it.18:19
emwewell, we got the cheapest for 400€ i think back then18:19
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arrrghhhstill not cheap, but not thousands of dollars either :P18:20
arrrghhhbut 400 - is that just the chassis?18:20
arrrghhhno lenses?18:20
emweand our lens has cost 435€ iirc. wen't down form over 500€ on a sunday on amazon and we bought it18:20
arrrghhhthat's my problem18:20
arrrghhh$600 for just a chassis...18:20
arrrghhhgotta spend over a grand...18:20
emweno, there's the 18-55 lens18:20
emwewhich is usually on board. but in that cheap price segment without IS18:21
emweso the 1000D with kit lens 18-55 was 400€18:21
arrrghhhhrm.  probably should post a full bundle for blackstone users.18:21
arrrghhhwas thinking about just posting the system image and the kernel/modules18:22
emwewe don't use the kit lens, though. we are no professionals, but wanted a zoom which we can keep on. 18-250 is a huge range where every professional would cry because of optical distortions, but i can't spot them. :)18:22
arrrghhhbut they'll probably fail.18:22
emwewhat else?18:22
arrrghhhno changes there, point them to autobuild18:22
emwethat's 72mb then roughly18:22
arrrghhhbut they will manage to screw it up.18:22
emweah, ok.18:22
arrrghhhi'll just post a full bundle.  startup.txt and all :P18:23
emwethat's why i mentioned rootfs :)18:23
arrrghhhthey can probably managed ts-calib...18:23
emweinclude it :P18:23
arrrghhhi don't have one for BLAC18:23
arrrghhhi guess i could just kang the one that was given to me.18:23
emwejust teasing. you are always explaining good, so why shoudl they fail18:23
arrrghhhthey're end-users :D18:24
arrrghhhno matter how well i explain... someone will misconstrue some comment, or just flat out not read.18:24
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arrrghhhemwe, is your upload done...?18:30
emwe17 mins remaining...18:30
* arrrghhh is spoiled18:30
arrrghhhi managed to download, rearrange, compress and reupload the gb+.35 acoustic test you gave me in less than 10 minutes...18:31
arrrghhhit was like 6 minutes :P18:31
emwethey joys of crappy upload...18:33
arrrghhhi can't reply to my own threads anymore?  FU xda?18:37
arrrghhhok, i'm going to stab someone.18:38
stinebdit means you got too many infraction points18:38
arrrghhhi wasn't speeding18:39
arrrghhhevidently if you reply to a post18:40
arrrghhhinstead of making another reply18:40
arrrghhhit edits the previous post to concatenate them into one post.18:40
arrrghhhthat's great, for idiots who keep posting to threads over and over repeatedly.18:40
arrrghhhbut kinda sucks when you're trying to make a new thread18:40
arrrghhhand you want to have several of the first reply posts...18:40
stinebdlol hp18:42
stinebdchanging execs again18:42
arrrghhhyea, to that dumb bitch from egay18:42
stinebdit's like watching a bad sitcom18:42
stinebdor worse, friends18:42
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arrrghhham i insane, or do the data up/down arrows in GB no longer animate?18:45
arrrghhhlol to which.18:48
arrrghhhboth?  :P18:48
stinebdfirst one18:48
arrrghhhso they do animate?  wth.18:49
stinebdDow Plunges Nearly 400 Points As Recession Fears Prompt Huge Selloff18:49
stinebdi don't understand stocks18:49
arrrghhhthey're purely based on speculation.18:50
stinebdapparently fears of recession will lead to recession18:50
stinebdone day i'd like them to try not being afraid of the recession18:50
stinebdthen dow up over 9,000 points18:50
arrrghhhyea... not gonna happen18:50
arrrghhhemwe, seems done.18:51
arrrghhhat least i'm downloading *something*18:51
emweyeah, done.18:51
* arrrghhh hopes it isn't german porn18:51
emwenah, our eos can't do video.18:52
arrrghhhlol, nice.18:52
stinebdhey arrrghhh, you get the timeline on facebook yet?18:59
d3tul3wow hyc's been busy19:02
arrrghhhd3tul3, ?19:04
arrrghhhon OpenLDAP?19:04
arrrghhhstinebd, dude... i don't use fb.  seriously.19:04
stinebdlisten roger19:04
stinebdyou heard about their jazz though?19:04
stinebdi was watching it earlier for a bit19:05
stinebdfor some reason19:05
arrrghhhsome people were throwing a fit over it19:05
arrrghhhas usual19:05
stinebdrule #1 of any development facebook does: users bitch19:05
arrrghhhanything changes on facebook, people have a kinepshit.  yet they still stay...19:05
stinebdfor all the whining about the news feed changes they just made, i'm glad they started doing this stuff19:06
stinebdthis stuff being deciding what's important and what isn't19:06
arrrghhhso d3tul3 - to be sure - the RIL you posted just backs out one of hyc's commits?19:06
d3tul3arrrghhh, not even, backs it out halfway :)19:07
stinebdas someone who uses facebook exclusively on mobile, the tedium overwhelmed any usefulness of the news feed19:07
d3tul3he committed couple of things at the same time here
arrrghhhah.  yea, i login to fb only on the PC... on the rare times someone sends me a message.19:08
arrrghhhd3tul3, oh yea.  i guess i didn't phrase that properly.19:08
d3tul3i just changed one of the lines19:08
emwepast 1... bedtime.19:08
emwenight peeps.19:08
d3tul3take care emwe19:09
stinebdnight emwe19:09
d3tul3Friday September 02 201119:09
d3tul3Howard Chu pushed 120 commits to mdb/mdb:master19:09
arrrghhhg'nite emwe19:10
stinebdsomeone's gitorious stalking19:11
d3tul3yeah i spend a bit of time on his repos today19:11
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arrrghhhd3tul3, thanks dude.  i sent your post on to hyc.19:23
d3tul3oh no19:23
arrrghhhi have been bouncing emails around about this issue with him.19:23
arrrghhhlol did you do the same?  poor guy.19:24
stinebdyou should check your mail server19:24
d3tul3i already anticipate him saying something like "blithering idiot"19:24
arrrghhhd3tul3, for some reason he's not that harsh on me.  i'll take the heat.19:24
stinebdi told him to be nice to you, remember?19:24
arrrghhhyea, but who listens to you?19:24
stinebdit's like how you don't point at laugh at a down's child19:25
stinebdi heard you're going to be maintaining froyo after we get ginger released19:25
arrrghhhi've heard we're abandoning FroYo after we release Ginger.19:26
stinebdwe are unless someone steps up to take care of it19:26
arrrghhheh, i certainly can.  i won't do anything useful tho.19:26
stinebddid you volunteer for it?19:26
arrrghhhwhy not.19:27
stinebdit sounds like you don't know anything about this19:27
arrrghhhi don't.19:27
stinebdi have to speak with my source then19:27
stinebdsomeone is making stuff up19:27
arrrghhhnow i'm intrigued.19:29
stinebdsomeone definitely told me you were planning on maintaining the froyo port heh19:30
stinebdwhatever it is19:30
stinebdsome random email19:34
arrrghhhi certainly wouldn't mind, but i hardly think i'm capable.19:34
stinebdmaybe it was a well-crafted spam19:34
arrrghhhpretty well-crafted i'd say.19:35
stinebdthey're getting pretty clever19:35
stinebdi almost bought viagra from the guy19:35
arrrghhhok, this new xda 'feature' is retardo.19:40
arrrghhhi can't f-ing reply to my thread at all...19:40
arrrghhhso it all has to go in the first post.  whether i want it to or not.19:41
stinebdi saw someone else complaining about that too19:41
stinebdit's nice to have the first posts split apart for linkage19:41
arrrghhhi like the feature for newbies that don't know how to edit psots19:42
arrrghhhi'm sure that's what it is for19:42
stinebdlet them know on the feedback crap19:42
arrrghhhto prevent people from doing streams of posts19:42
arrrghhhyea... i shall.19:42
stinebdmaybe they can have one of their coders keep it from doing it for thread authors19:42
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arrrghhhyes please :D19:43
stinebdi could use my clout as a non-recognized developer to make it happen19:43
stinebdarrrghhh: do you have netflix?19:51
arrrghhhi used to pay for netflix19:51
arrrghhhhaven't used it in years...19:51
arrrghhhhell i canceled before they got streaming.  one of my buddies has it tho.  loves it on his PS3.19:51
stinebdanybody tried it with our crap?19:51
stinebdeven the updated one that works for "all" froyo+ devices?19:52
arrrghhhgood question, don't know if anyone's tried19:52
arrrghhhIIRC it produced the same thing that HQ videos did before hyc's libs.19:52
arrrghhhblack screen19:52
stinebdwith sound?19:52
arrrghhhlet me find the thread.  yes, that's what i recall.19:53
stinebdthat would be cool19:53
arrrghhhwhew.  acoustic test build posted for blackstone...19:53
arrrghhhthis should be interesting.19:53
stinebdi'm sure that guy with the blackstone will be thrilled19:53
arrrghhhhey, i just don't want to get blindsided when we do implement this crap.19:53
arrrghhhsomehow it already has 65 views19:56
arrrghhhdamn webcrawlers.19:56
stinebdoh crap19:57
stinebdf5 got stuck19:57
arrrghhhoh well20:01
arrrghhhquittin time, cya later.20:01
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rpierce99new netflix doesn't work20:18
rpierce99playback crashes in a video lib20:18
rpierce99i have a stack trace around here somewhere20:18
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stinebdwould be nice to see it20:41
stinebdif you are so willing to divulge your sensitive netflix information20:41
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rpierce99i have the longer logcat if you need it but i didn't feel like skimming it for private data20:44
stinebdsigill, fascinating20:46
d3tul3arrrghhh, you got that raph around20:47
rpierce99glad to provide some entertainment20:47
stinebdwonder if it would work on any msm7k junk20:50
stinebdsigill is definitely interesting20:50
stinebdrpierce99: when you select a movie and try to play it, it buffers (which you don't see in the ui iirc), you get a very brief black screen and then it returns to the netflix menu right?20:57
rpierce99sounds right to me21:00
rpierce99d3tul3: thanks for the fixed ril, the missed calls were starting to bug me, I just replaced my ril in system, hopefully it works21:03
stinebdi've never missed a single call21:03
rpierce99doesn't happen on gsm21:03
stinebddoesn't happen if nobody calls you either21:03
rpierce99that too21:03
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d3tul3rpierce99, i didn't do much, not sure if this is the same issue everyone else is having...21:44
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mgross029arrrghhh, you there?22:10
mgross029@stinebd, you still on?22:11
stinebdin and out so not really22:23
mgross029lol...  Well can you tell me where I can find /sys/devices/platform?  Thought it was in rootfs but when I looking the repo I only see /sys22:24
stinebd/sys is a kernel-managed pseudo filesystem like /proc22:25
stinebdas such it's only available on a running system22:25
mgross029Ok...  Working on BT on GB...  I was trying to find the differences from that and froyo...22:25
mgross029Looks like there is a missing symlink..22:26
mgross029for rfkill22:26
mgross029froyo symlinks to /sys/devices/platform/htcraphael/rfkill/rfkill0/state I believe...22:27
mgross029In Init.rc there are references to it there performing chown on the directories...  In gb as well as froyo...  The symlink does not exist in gb...22:28
mgross029but then I looked and /sys/devices/platform/htcraphael doesn't exist in gb either...  :-|22:29
stinebdyou're probably running two different kernels then, since everything in /sys is placed there by the kernel22:31
mgross029Oh...  Yeah...  Since this is kernel then that would probably be because I'm using .35 kernel too...22:31
mgross029Ok...  Thanks...  I check it out in .27 kernel too...22:34
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arrrghhhd3tul3, sorry for the delayed response... i'm here but won't be here for long.22:57
arrrghhhlol really delayed response.22:58
d3tul3no worries, go ... have a life23:01
arrrghhheh unfortunately it's for quite the opposite...23:02
stinebdtaking someone else's life? nice23:03
arrrghhhgotta get into work early tomorrow, gotta love production hours...23:03
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