Wednesday, 2011-09-21

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arrrghhhmaybe it'll work now08:05
arrrghhhxdandroid later tell glemsom Danger Will Robinson, Danger!  Your website appears to be down..08:05
xdandroidarrrghhh: The operation succeeded.08:05
mgross029arrrghhh, Something interesting on Alex's .27 mod and libs...  I'm starting to not get audio routing...  Maybe time to delete my data.img...  Probably put the cabash on it...08:12
arrrghhhit does happen, like i said dude.  it's rare... but it does happen.08:12
arrrghhhdo you lose all audio?08:12
mgross029Some times...08:15
arrrghhhand you thought i was crazy.08:16
mgross029Sometimes it will get stuck on in-call volume...  Doesn't switch back after a call has completed...08:16
mgross029You are just as insane as the rest of us...  lol08:16
arrrghhhyea well08:17
arrrghhhnormalcy is boring :D08:17
mgross029stine get anywhere with gb last night?08:21
arrrghhhsounds like it was a bust08:24
arrrghhhti bt still explodes08:24
arrrghhhoh well, time to go to work.08:30
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mgross029Hmmm...  Bummer...  Sounded like he was close too...08:40
arrrghhhhe was working on a hunch09:09
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detulearrrghhh, you got one of them fancy RAPHs09:43
arrrghhhnot sure i would call it fancy09:43
arrrghhhand it's at home... but yea i have a RAPH800 :P09:43
detulealright, well, perhaps when you have it in your hand, and you are not playing with audio or nand or BT whatever other project you are juggling, maybe I'll bug you to run a kernel or two09:45
arrrghhhnot a problem mang09:45
arrrghhhstill need to give the audio libs another test on raph too... thanks for reminding me :P09:46
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detuleaudio....i threw my phone across the room yesterday, and my ringer started working in winmo....temporarily09:51
arrrghhhso your phone responds to violence well09:52
detuleif only it did, it would have transformed itself to an hd2 by now09:53
arrrghhhwith a keyboard!09:53
arrrghhhshow me how :D09:53
detulethankfully i am gentler with this guy
arrrghhhhis voice is fun09:55
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arrrghhhso detule... seems like that freakin project is almost wrapped up10:00
arrrghhhwhat the hell is left?!?  crazy.10:00
detulenot sure BT? this thing doesn't have gps so no need to worry about that.....i think a dual bootloader mechanism based on LK is also pretty much done10:00
* arrrghhh stares at his RHOD10:01
detuleyeah our phones are tough....qualcomm support for the touchpad was amazing -> flagship product they already had testing boards running android with this cpu and best of all the code was all publicly available10:03
arrrghhhyea... not having the actual source does make things difficult :P10:03
detulenot to mention webos runs on top of linux already10:03
arrrghhhi'm sure qualcomm/htc never intended our phones to run android or linux10:03
detuleyeah i think the xdandroid project is several magnitudes more complicated than porting android to devices like the nook/and/or/touchpad10:04
detuleand i wasn't even around to witness the crossing of the most challenging obstacles10:05
arrrghhhstinebd, i found a car to match your personality10:06
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arrrghhhemwe, wassup10:16
arrrghhhthanks for the email10:16
arrrghhhi kinda assumed that was his email addy, but i couldn't find it :P10:16
emweyour welcome. just got home and going to get prox going with gb. just need to pullin in the cm3602 driver abel got from somewhere10:17
emwels is another story10:17
emwegot further with whitestone a bit... still figuring with cptaj :)10:17
arrrghhhvery cool10:17
emwewell, boots, need to recap how far he gets.10:17
emwemmc is next thing it seems10:18
emweallthough he said he could even boot to userland with the old monodieonly kernel10:18
emweand everything topa-ish10:18
emwewhitestone should be like a keybless rhod10:18
emweworld phone10:18
arrrghhhthose seem to be particularly difficult.10:19
emweperhaps they made it more topaish. dunno10:19
arrrghhhthat poor soul...10:19
emwereminds me.. need to charge it again. forgot to look this morning what the status was regarding batt. it's dead right now.10:19
emwehad one rhod reboot after phonecall today. but it was the omnious smd null pointer deref after data wanted to get up again.10:20
emweotherwise call was fine. ringer went trhough headphone, plut out, take call10:20
emwebtw, arrrghhh, blinken led notification. given it's blinking on sleep, when you wake the phone, does blinken stop then?10:21
detuleyeah it does10:21
emweso userland stops it, yes?10:21
emweok, reliefed. thx detule.10:22
detuleuserland sends color = 0 blink = 010:22
emwechanged my logic a bit... so was fearing i screwed.10:22
detuleemwe, so you were saying about that raph you have lying around......10:22
emweoh noes. not today.10:22
emwenot even tomorrow or friday i guess10:22
emweah bitch... userland...10:23
emweotherwise i'd have said, we can deliver an updated kernel later.10:23
emwestill need to test acousticfroyo with .27 on that raph100 and then i can go further testing your notification stuff. that ok=10:23
detulesure i finally leaned git stash, so those changes are not going anywhere10:24
detulethis is certainly not a priority10:24
emweor as i said, create a branch...10:24
emwegit branch -t workyworky; git checkout workyworky10:25
emwestarts tracking whatever branch you were at.10:25
emwegit status tells if you are ahead of the tracking branch or if you diverged. then you can rebase if necessary.10:25
detuleyeah i have one branch too many...trying to keep it organized, one branch 'testing' for all shenanigans10:26
detulegit rebase is the last thing i need to get comfortable with10:26
emwedid any of have system_server freak out during a whole day of mp3 listening?10:26
emwequite ok imho ;)10:26
emwei am no git expert either.10:26
emweregarding system_server freakout, it makes mediaplayer skip tracks, jump around, stop and start tracks, jump to other tracks every now and then...10:27
detulenothing in logcat?10:27
emweperhaps mediaplayer is just the burdened...10:27
emwenothing i can make any use of.10:27
emwedon't recall dmesg...10:27
emweneed to recheck. thing is, i am at work and deeply analyzing stuff there is kinda .... unproductive.10:28
arrrghhhyour company doesn't pay you to work on XDAndroid?  :P10:30
emwenope :P10:31
arrrghhhmine does, they just don't know it yet10:34
detuleemwe, i have an idea about SMD null pointer10:35
emwerevert everything to stock smd_tty.c? ;)10:35
detulethat could be last option i guess10:36
emwethere's been a bunch of tty_ldisc fixes on the way to .35.1410:36
emwedunno if related.10:36
emwehm, i think we also skipped something for wince which would otherwise block the device... where was that....10:37
emwewhat was your idea?10:38
detuleemwe, i think the problem with that null pointer, is that the work function in _tty and the worker function in smd.c (which allocates memory for the channel after it's been destroyed) are on two different workqueues10:38
detule_tty has its own workqueue whereas smd.c throws the worker in the general queue10:39
detulei think what's happening is because of this, the function in _tty executes before the function that allocates space in smd.c (which is stuck in the general workqueue)10:39
detulei think the solution is to have the same workqueue in smd_tty.c as in smd.c10:40
detulethis means either bring both to the general workqueue, or bring both to the workqueue defined in smd_tty10:40
detulei wrote a patch that takes both functions to the general queue and was running that problem for a long itme without problems -> though i never really experienced the smd bug often so i have no idea if that fixed it10:42
detulei had problems using the _tty workqueue in smd.c (i have no idea how to import it), but i think this is the optimal solution10:42
emwehm. thing is it crashes for me at another place.10:42
emwestatic void ch_read_done(struct smd_channel *ch, unsigned count)10:42
emweBUG_ON(count > smd_stream_read_avail(ch));10:42
emwebut that is .3510:43
detuleright isn't this trace back to the tty work function?10:43
emwethat is called at the end of ch_read()10:43
detuleif you read back the whole trace10:43
emwenah it's that BUG_ON10:43
emweperhaps this is a different one10:43
emweoh wait... one sec10:43
detulei've seen that exact message in 27 and the stack traces back to _tty worker function10:43
emweyou got mail10:44
emweyap, tty_work_func, ok.10:45
emweso ch->recv is null?10:46
detulecrashesh here
detulethat smd_channel *ch that gets passed is a null pointer10:48
detulebecause the function _v2 in smd.c that allocates memory for that channel hasn't executed yet (i think)10:48
emweok, but then it actually crashes in smd_stream_read_avail() itself then, right?10:49
emwebecause passing a pointer one should do nothing regardless it's state10:50
detulei guess though i always see the crash as being reported on line 31710:50
arrrghhhusually where i've seen it10:51
arrrghhhunless it's the ldisc crash10:51
emweyeah, mee too on 306 where nothing should happen yet... (other smd.c, so number differs)10:53
detuleperhaps it doesn't parse through that last call in smd_stream_read_avail10:54
detuleactually it kind of makes sense10:55
detulesince the null pointer deref occurs in the return value of smd_stream_read_avail10:55
detuleso for all intents and purposes it occurs on like 317 (or 306)10:55
arrrghhhjust remove that pesky line10:58
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arrrghhhGlemSom, !11:48
arrrghhhas if i couldn't bother you enough, i am bothering you again :P11:49
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GlemSomarrrghhh, Yeah, got your email..12:06
GlemSomMy retarded webhost fucked up again...12:06
arrrghhhi see12:06
GlemSomuhhm.. by retarded, i mean my nice webhost. who I got for free12:06
arrrghhhyea, hard to complain if it's free...12:07
GlemSomWEll, I'm getting feed up with this... Think I'll buy a VPS now...12:09
GlemSomLast time - they re-owned all files... So, ALL users on the host could delete each others files... Now... How retarded is that for a webhost? :/12:09
arrrghhhthat's... not good.12:10
arrrghhhi would suggest my server12:10
arrrghhhbut it'd probably get pwned in 15 minutes after making it the new autobuild server :P12:10
emweGlemSom: not urgent, but how difficult is it for you to switch to another toolchain for the .35 autobuild? can you have different toolchains for the others still?12:14
GlemSomemwe, Usually I have the same toolchain for all builds... Unless we need otherwise ?12:18
emweGlemSom: well, the 2011.03 toolchain produces code which does not page aligned memory accesses which is supposed to be faster as page faults are handled in hw instead sw as it is now. but this needs a kernel change as well when toolchain is switched.12:20
emweor vice versa.12:20
GlemSomIs the kernel change backwards compatible with older toolchains ?12:21
emwehad to figure this during the holidays with crappy internet connection ;)12:21
emweit's all or nothing.12:21
arrrghhhcan we build .27 on the newer toolchain emwe ?12:22
emwethat's why i did switch back and didn't enable it. going to eval it for some time anyway.12:22
emwearrrghhh: same thing. won't boot. will crash.12:22
emweit's a bit unhandy, not sad :)12:23
arrrghhhsays you.12:23
emweneed a calm minute to watch it in action if it's worth the trouble of switching over.12:23
mgross029Man meetings up the Ying Yang today...  Carziness...12:29
mgross029hey emwe...  What's new?12:30
emweehm, read the logs12:30
mgross029:) I've been, but didn't mean it that way...  lol12:31
arrrghhhemwe, you must relive all of what has happened.12:32
emwethen my moods gonna go down. been a freakin operative day at work. sucks.12:33
arrrghhhc'est la vie my creepy German friend12:38
GlemSomemwe, Is the new toolchain compatible with an unpatched kernel ?12:40
mgross029emwe, I hear ya...  Work has been a busy day for me as well...12:42
emweGlemSom: no, that's the "problem". when, we'd switch, we'd need to do this "together".12:51
emweGlemSom: but no biggi. can live with the old until stuff is sorted.12:51
emweGlemSom: as soon as you compile with the new and kernel isn't switched to not do sw trapping of unaligned memory accesses, it won't boot. will crash right away.12:52
GlemSomMy site is up again - but with LIMITED functions... Till my retarded webhost get fastCGI fixed... :/12:55
GlemSomemwe, Have you done local tests to confirm it's faster ?12:57
emweGlemSom: i haven't done extensive testing. didn't notice subjective improvements. that's why i'd get back to you when i find more time to test this out.12:58
emwebeen having a look some weeks ago during my holidays. so my memory got erased already.12:59
arrrghhhemwe, might be something that can wait until .27 is abandoned...13:03
emwehm, perhaps it's worthwhile switching .27 as well13:03
arrrghhhlol didn't i ask that at the beginning?13:04
emweyou said "sth that can wait until abandoned"...13:07
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arrrghhh<arrrghhh> can we build .27 on the newer toolchain emwe ?13:08
arrrghhhat the beginning, not end :P13:08
arrrghhhi meant with the kernel changes, perhaps you didn't get that part... ;)13:08
emwesame answer for every kernel. new toolchain, build is fine, won't run when the kernel isn't patched.13:08
emwesorry, being a bit nerved already with prox13:09
arrrghhhnp mate, take deep breaths :P13:14
mgross029emwe, Just going back through hyc's audio testing thread and there was a post with the dualmic.csv and the13:16
mgross029*TIAGC.csv any reference to those in the Andriod libs?  Just curious...    If you have time...13:17
mgross029Looks like they control the gain / levels...13:18
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emwemgross029: libacoustic hase some csv excerpts hardcoded in arrays. /* Values from TIAGC.csv */ is the comment13:19
emwenothing more i know off13:19
emwejb is the house-searching, soon-papa brain behind that.13:19
arrrghhhyou guys are all old :P13:20
emwewe are way beyond schedule already :P13:20
arrrghhhlunchtime, bbl.13:27
mgross029emwe, Thanks for taking a quick look...  I have them both on my sdcard so if they ever look for them they will be there...  :)13:33
emweAudioPara3.csv, AudioFilterTable.csv and AudioPreProcessTable.csv are loaded only.13:34
emweeither from /sdcard/ or /system/etc/13:34
emwefirst looks in /sdcard/ fallback to /system/etc/13:34
mgross029Yep...  Knew that at least.. ;p13:35
emweyou can lookup the code yourself if you are interessed... hardware_msm7k libaudio and libacoustic_wince dirs13:37
mgross029Thanks...  Just opened it a little bit ago...  Saw Detule posted it earlier in the logs...13:38
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detulewait what did i do....i am not guilty14:25
detuleemwe, what do you think about smd?14:25
detulei think it reports the bug on 317 because it does an inline execution of smd_stream_read_avail14:29
mgross029LOL...  Just posted a link detule...  :)14:36
emwedetule: it bugs me that this actually happens for us at all. ca and htc introduced work queues on smd_tty. we introduced them a whole while back. perhaps some stuff was missing on the smd side when adding smd_tty workqueues?15:08
detulewho added the workqueue in smd.c?15:13
emwei think mrpippy ages ago15:16
emwebut ca and htc have them as well, like does google.15:16
emwei dunno if it plays a different that our channels are treated as stream channels instead of packet channels > 415:17
emwehm, no. smd1 is stream also for official code.15:17
detulei think when hyc and jonpry did their changes to tty_work_func they may have optimized it to execute faster thus bringing this issue up15:18
emwemight very well be, but iirc it's been there forever, right?15:23
detulesure but it seems it's exacerbated recently15:23
emweperhaps a comparison to ca or htc smd.c can shed some light.15:24
emweCptAJ: you know nick "drellisdee"?15:27
emwejust found an old #htc-linux log containg the very same mmc1 dma error15:28
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fonrithironghello. what wireless chipset does Nexus S use?16:03
emwestinebd: stop playing tricks on me. you dropped data_fd = openInput(data_name) in SensorBase.cpp and i whonder why prox isn't able to read data from data_fd... damn EvDevSensor bitch16:06
emweof course it crashes now...16:08
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arrrghhhfonrithirong, you're in the seriously wrong room, but maybe the ifixit teardown will help..16:13
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fonrithirongarrrghhh, thank you!16:14
arrrghhhifixit is the shit.16:14
arrrghhhBroadcom.  Not surprised.16:14
arrrghhhBCM4329 according to the chip ;)16:14
fonrithirongarrrghhh, double thank you!16:14
arrrghhhlol i googled all over the place16:15
arrrghhhthen stopped and thought... wtf, i bet ifixit tore this beast apart.16:15
fonrithirongyeah, i looked everywhere for that. one'd think it's easy to find16:17
arrrghhhmanufacturers don't like talking about what's inside the device16:17
arrrghhhand most end-users don't give a crap16:17
mgross029arrrghhh, Created a new data.img with Alex's .27 stuff...  Whatever I did hooched the pooch...  :-\16:22
arrrghhhyou shouldn't give canines alcohol.16:22
mgross029Well they seem to enjoy it...  heh16:22
arrrghhhi guess i don't follow16:23
arrrghhhnew data.img made things worse..?16:23
arrrghhhor new data.img and everything is better...16:24
arrrghhhgood LORD it's hot in my office.16:24
mgross029I speak confusion some times...  heh16:24
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mgross029Old data.img bad...  New data.img good...  :p16:25
arrrghhhmuch better16:25
mgross029So far I've only put the SD-Booster back for speed tweaks though...16:25
mgross029Trying to figure out which was burning my battery lately...16:25
arrrghhhgps enabled?  :P16:26
mgross029It is right now...  I was disabling it before on old data.img and still dropping quickly...16:27
mgross029Right now it is cool as a cucumber tho...16:27
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mgross029arrrghhh, Had the echo minfree in my user.conf but checked the minfree file and it didn't keep the parameters...  I think you and emwe were talking about that a while back correct?16:37
emweyap, doesn't work. needs to go rootfs.16:37
arrrghhhMinfree doesn't stick if you apply it in user.conf16:37
arrrghhhIn init IIRC16:37
mgross029What if I echo to it then chmod on it to read only...  :p16:38
arrrghhhMan, znc is sweet16:38
mgross029Did that on a trial program before...  So I didn't have to put up with a nag window...  :p16:39
arrrghhhWhatever works...16:39
arrrghhhNeed to figure that out for Avira...16:39
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mgross029What minfree?16:40
arrrghhhAvira the antivirus software16:40
mgross029Oh...  Never mind...  Just googled it...  heh16:40
arrrghhhHas an annoying nag screen16:41
mgross029I use Avast...  It has caught everything for me so far...  You may want to try to put a registry tracker in place to see where it is writing too...16:42
arrrghhhnever really looked into it16:45
arrrghhhi used eset nod32 for the longest time16:46
arrrghhhstill love that software16:46
mgross029google...  lol  As you would say... heh16:46
arrrghhhjust got sick of paying for it.16:46
mgross029Can understand that...16:46
mgross029I just use the Avast free myself...  Never heard of that one...  Looks pretty good though...16:47
arrrghhhi can't remember why i didn't like avast.16:47
arrrghhhmaybe that was avg...16:47
arrrghhhsomething about the UI16:47
mgross029AVG sucks...16:47
arrrghhhi usually run linux, but my job has forced me back to windoze..16:47
mgross029can't stand it...16:47
mgross029Gaming forces me to windoze...  ;P16:48
arrrghhhyea, i usually just have a separate setup for gaming16:48
arrrghhhno antivirus, no nothing really.  just used for games.16:48
mgross029Yeah...  Good until you take it to a buddies house for a LAN party and someone has viruses...16:49
mgross029All this talk of GB is making me hungry...  heh16:50
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stinebdemwe: i don't really know what i did in sensors16:58
stinebdall i know is it works16:58
emweyeah, but not for other SensorBase derivatives :)16:59
emweis good now.16:59
stinebdother sensorbase derivatives should be their own class then16:59
emweyap, but the data_fd is only assigned in SensorBase()16:59
emweanyway, hope i can get prox delivering some data.17:00
emwedoesn't yet.17:00
emwehow was your ti stuff going?17:00
stinebdi probably won't be around/doing much the next couple of days because a good friend and boss of mine passed away today17:00
stinebdti still crashing17:01
emweoh, sad to hear.17:01
stinebdyeah, but i'll get it eventually17:01
emwei meant the "pass away". not ti!17:02
arrrghhhstinebd, my condolences.  just had a friend-of-a-friend commit suicide Monday...17:06
stinebdthank fsm it wasn't anything like that17:06
stinebdthat would leave me more angry than grievous17:07
mgross029@stinebd, arrrghhh, Wow! Sad news...  Thoughts and Prayers...17:07
arrrghhhstinebd, yea, i'm kinda confused more than angry.17:07
arrrghhhdidn't really know the guy too well.  my buddy is devastated tho... no one even knew really.17:07
stinebdsuicide is the worst17:07
arrrghhhusually people who don't talk to others much, so it's always such a surprise...17:08
stinebdnot to mention the guilt the family and friends feel17:08
arrrghhhyea... i can't even fathom.17:08
stinebdbeen through that before, no words to describe it17:09
mgross029Later guys...  Good evening to you!17:19
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stinebdarrrghhh: are you using the latest facebook app?17:49
arrrghhhi don't use FB17:49
arrrghhhso... no17:49
stinebdyes you do17:49
arrrghhhare you trolling me?17:49
stinebdyou rejected my friend request17:49
stinebdunless that was some other roger mcpherson17:50
stinebdif you google that name, you get a black fellow whose #1 interest is money17:51
stinebdwhich seems consistent with you17:51
stinebdchecks and h0s17:52
arrrghhhdoes sound like me17:52
arrrghhhat least the money part.17:52
arrrghhhseems i murdered someone too17:52
stinebddamn you're a badass17:52
arrrghhhi know, look at me17:53
stinebdnice dreads17:53
arrrghhhthx, i work hard on 'em.17:54
stinebddaily show last night17:54
stinebdworth watching?17:54
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arrrghhhhaven't seen it yet17:59
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stinebdstinebd and arrrghhh. knocking off russians left and right18:28
arrrghhhhe seems mad.  oh well, what does he expect?18:28
stinebdcould you imagine if we were in charge for the cold war?18:28
stinebdthose bastards never would've seen it coming18:29
arrrghhhwe should go back to that era18:29
arrrghhhhating people and not knowing really why we hate them18:29
arrrghhhwait... nvm.18:29
stinebdmy time machine only goes forward18:29
stinebdalso it's powered by alcohol18:29
arrrghhhsounds like my kinda time machine.18:30
arrrghhhif time machine is a euphemism for penis, i retract my previous statement.18:30
arrrghhhmeh.  leavin work, cya.18:31
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