Tuesday, 2011-09-20

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arrrghhh[acl], no body evidently :P01:04
[acl]i forgot if im supposed to commit tonight01:10
[acl]i think i am.. i should read logs to see what i said01:10
[acl]damn i confused myself reading logs01:16
arrrghhhthat's epic dude01:16
arrrghhheither you haven't drank enough01:16
arrrghhhor too much01:16
arrrghhhnot sure which01:16
[acl]im just beat.. brain is musch01:17
[acl]effin gsm bastards.. thats whats missing. need to see what gpio they have01:18
arrrghhhit's ridiculous how different the devices are01:18
arrrghhhoh well.  i need to sleep.  catchya later bro...01:19
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d3tul3emwe, when you attached those libraries yesterday - pretty sure you need libaudiopolicy as well09:16
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rpierce99holy crap, JB is alive!09:45
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emwedetule: how come with the libaudiopolicy.so? it's not related to any wince stuff from what i know.10:29
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d3tul3oh i recall seeing it in hycs audio routing thread10:43
d3tul3but I might be wrong -> i have been messing with AudioHardware.cpp and I see it only compiles libaudio.so, perhaps audiopolicy is indeed unaffected10:44
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d3tul3emwe, i can't hear the ringer on incomming calls with both 39 as well as alex's 27 acoustic10:55
emwelemme check.10:56
emwewtf, the phone doesn't even wake.10:57
emwewoke on 2nd call10:57
emwethis is not that good.10:58
d3tul3it rings for you?11:01
emwe2nd call yes. but it's quite low volume11:02
emweit's been always like that since acoustic11:02
emwei don't know non-acoustic on rhod11:02
emwed3tul3: this is with 256 as CURRENT snd device, yes? try 0x11 as CURRENT just to verify if you like.11:06
emwei can push libs again with a mic fix from alex.11:06
d3tul3no need it must be something on my end11:07
d3tul3did you see the discussion last night about audience_A101011:08
emwewell, i would bet on that it could be my fault as well... ok, mgross got sound with my tree, nevertheless i could have screwed up sth.11:09
emweyeah, read that. haven't it enabled on .3511:09
emweit's for the back mic iirc11:09
emweand acoustic tries to open if it's published.11:09
emweneed to adjust rootfs to allow it being read from userland.11:10
emwedunno if it breaks libaudio11:10
d3tul3i was wondering if it was causing the voice search discrepancies11:11
d3tul3i can see excatly why my speaker doesn't ring on an incoming call i see 09-20 08:54:49.700 I/AudioHardwareMSM72XX_wince( 1444): Routing audio to Speakerphone11:11
d3tul309-20 08:54:49.700 V/Libacoustic-wince( 1444): msm72xx_set_audio_path: device=1 Mic = 0, DualMic = 0, Speaker = 0, Headset = 011:12
d3tul3which is wrong, set_audio_path should be setting Speaker to one11:12
emwe.39 does not have any sound hacks, yes?11:14
emwesnd_state hacks i mean11:14
emweperhaps compare to mine or alex'... or his acoustic integration .27 branch11:14
emwewhere you should be more close11:15
d3tul3this is on alex 27 acoustic branch11:15
d3tul3i compiled his kernel this morning11:15
emweok... hm.11:15
emweok, so you got CURRENT by his code to 0x11, no?11:16
d3tul3nevermind i'll track this down it must be something in my setup11:16
emwethat's what it is iirc11:16
emwei just updated my libs with mic fixes, dropbox links same as yesterday.11:17
d3tul3yeah the 27 kernel i am trying is stock alex whereas the 39 has current = 256 or something else11:17
emwe(alex mic fixes)11:17
emweCURRENT kept to 256 fixed/kept in call mic working. dunno if it has other effect.11:18
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arrrghhhholy crap indeed11:43
arrrghhhemwe, did you see jb's response?11:43
arrrghhhi don't know if we can expect brinka to fix his patch...11:43
emwearrrghhh: yap, but i am not the right one to ask regarding camera. never dealt with any cam stuff11:43
emweperhaps one can motivate jb to fix the patch up?11:44
arrrghhhi should respond to jb, ask him for a patch :P11:44
arrrghhhdamn you11:44
arrrghhhget out of my head11:44
rpierce99all he said was to test that, maybe break it off into device specific code if needed11:44
arrrghhhi listened to a lot of vnv yesterday because of you11:44
arrrghhhrpierce99, yup11:44
arrrghhhi figured it would be "easy"11:44
arrrghhhassuming you knew what you were doing11:44
rpierce99so did the patch not work for other devices?11:44
* arrrghhh doesn't know what he's doing11:45
arrrghhhrpierce99, it seemed to work "ok" on my rhod40011:45
arrrghhhdid you test the kernel?11:45
arrrghhhi'd say cam was about as hit-or-miss as it usually is.11:45
rpierce99hm, never misses for me11:45
rpierce99i don't use it much11:45
rpierce99took a couple pics at the vikings game on sunday11:46
arrrghhhi don't use it much either11:46
arrrghhhand it's kinda like the phone in general11:46
arrrghhhsometimes great11:46
arrrghhhsometimes awful11:46
arrrghhhbah i was probably testing when i was mucking with sd booster11:47
arrrghhhi played with some settings11:47
arrrghhhand managed to make the phone so incredibly slow.11:47
arrrghhhi guess i should try his kernel again11:47
arrrghhhi sent Jerome an email11:56
arrrghhhwe'll see if he responds...11:56
emwehm, i think i know why my speaker vol is so low...12:04
emwelibacoustic fails to open up /dev/tpa2016d2 on launch but interacts fine on it later on...12:04
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d3tul3emwe, i patched AudioHardware so that it rings for me now, making me feel better that it wasn't the kernels i was compiling12:23
d3tul3on the other hand it's really strange that nobody else is experiencing this since for me it would not ring _at_all12:24
d3tul3while other things (like playing ringtones) works12:24
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emwed3tul3: your patch is based on alex' latest froyo-acoustic-dev branch, yap?12:28
d3tul3sure, but it's a complete hack12:28
emwei whonder what's the diff for you and me... rhodxxx?12:28
d3tul3no idea, i'll tell you where it's failing for me: https://gitorious.org/~ast/xdandroid/asts-hardware_msm7k_libacoustic/blobs/froyo-acoustic-dev/libaudio_wince/AudioHardware.cpp#line80512:30
d3tul3this leaves bEnableOut as false on an incoming phone call when it should set it true12:30
d3tul3not sure how to fix that without breaking other things12:31
d3tul3if you have time on your hands bind this libaudio.so http://bit.ly/nzWWls and collect a "logcat -v time | grep wince" just before and after an incoming phone call, it adds a single logging statement printing bEnableOut, here's the diff http://pastebin.com/MmVy0XUB12:36
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xdandroidNew rootfs available (20110920-ee98238) at: http://is.gd/kq2UCB -- Changes at: http://is.gd/Cniqmy12:43
arrrghhhseems your patch was correct after all d3tul312:48
d3tul3no that's not me12:49
arrrghhhi thought you suggested i chmod 666 /dev/audience_A101012:50
emwejust didn't add it because jb had a1010 disable as well in his acoustic code.12:50
emwelooks like somebody enabled it on .3912:50
d3tul3it's wrong on 3912:51
emwewrong as in?12:51
d3tul3when they register the i2c device they register it as "a1010"12:51
d3tul3it doesn't even show up in /dev at all12:51
d3tul3let alone show up with wrong permissions12:51
emweok. will look later one.12:51
emweso you just wanted a phone call... one sec...12:51
emwedevice is in non-vib now12:52
emweand awake.12:52
emwevibrate and speaker.12:53
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d3tul3i guess in 39 a1010 is disabled altogether as well: https://gitorious.org/linux-msm-rhod/linux-msm-rhod/blobs/htc-msm-2.6.39/arch/arm/mach-msm/board-htcrhodium.c#line42512:54
emwed3tul3: http://pastebin.com/FFbXm1fH12:54
d3tul3emwe, on line 7 i get zeros for bEnableOut12:55
arrrghhhis that audio turning off?12:55
emwearrrghhh: current sound device not set i'd say12:55
emwebut i have no idea if that should be like that.12:56
arrrghhhyou're the professional12:56
emweugh, what now... changing volume acted up not playing a sound and now reset... yippeee12:56
d3tul3that's not my library:)12:56
emweit was :P12:57
emwebut might be a "remnand crash" from not picking up the call. dunno.12:57
emwegetting used to such stuff...12:58
d3tul3could be a101012:58
emwedisabled here12:58
d3tul3alright, thanks for the log12:59
emweyour welcome.13:01
emwebtw, finally managed to pull in your blinken stuff13:01
emweand regime13:02
emwewith wq though13:02
detuleoh the stuff from gitorious?13:11
arrrghhhblinken in .35 now?13:11
detule(was about time to get to work)13:11
emwei feel burried.13:13
arrrghhhdon't try to tackle it all at once...13:13
emwepostponing rebase on alex already because so many things i figured while lying in bed which need to be added when i wan't to be lazy13:14
emwea release is more important i guess13:14
emwewell lazy ... depends.. endless pmem discussion13:14
emwewould just add the module and be done.13:15
emwewe'll see13:15
arrrghhhpmem again?13:15
arrrghhha new GB release would be great13:15
emwenow abels ls and prox which need takeover and testing and gb13:15
arrrghhhi'd be glad to test, as always :D13:15
arrrghhhpretty much all i'm good for around here13:16
emwenow i think voice searched worked once and recognized a signal in that ui micriopphone13:16
arrrghhhdidn't do the wiki i said i would last night.13:16
emwethen do the build script fixup for me ;)13:16
emweand raph still needs testing. bummer. getting burried.13:16
arrrghhhi wanted to do both13:16
arrrghhhdidn't do either.13:16
arrrghhhi have a RAPH80013:16
emweno hurries. lived with it like it is since a while13:17
emwehm, would take ages for me to push a system.img13:17
emwedid you test alex' acoustic on it?13:17
emwewithhis kernel?13:17
emweah ok13:17
emweall fine?13:17
arrrghhhi can't test calls13:17
arrrghhhi can one-way i guess13:18
arrrghhhi can make calls and talk to the angry sprint guy like stine13:18
arrrghhhwish i could easily flip between phones13:18
arrrghhhthe ONE time GSM is handy :P13:18
emwethey got humans on the other end when you call with non regged phone?13:18
arrrghhhit's a recording13:18
arrrghhhof some dude13:18
arrrghhhthat sounds mildly disturbed that we're calling on his network13:19
arrrghhhprobably dan heese13:19
emwehow do you get a phone number assigned by just powering on the phone?13:19
emwei don't get that american crap :P13:19
arrrghhhso this is how CDMA works13:19
arrrghhhthe phone doesn't have a phone number13:19
emweah noes...13:19
arrrghhhit can still connect to sprint's towers13:19
arrrghhhbut it won't auth13:19
emweok, so outgoing only13:20
arrrghhhand that's basically the error message you get when you're connected, but not authorized.13:20
emweand emergency i guess13:20
arrrghhh911 would probably still work for example13:20
arrrghhhbut nothing else13:20
arrrghhhi couldn't make any calls to friends, etc.13:20
arrrghhhdata won't connect13:20
emweugh... 75% batt left on topa after 19.5 hours?!13:21
emwe.35 paperweight + gb13:21
emwesince when is that lasting so long....13:21
emwerevisting tomorrow morning then.13:22
arrrghhhtrying to kill the TOPA?13:22
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emwenah, just having it idle here. usually for testing stuff out before i screw up the rhod which is my daily phone13:22
emweand its quite usbale now with those lowmemkiller fixes13:22
arrrghhhi love how you've adopted that as your daily13:22
emwestarting maps is freaking great.13:22
arrrghhhisn't it surprising how much difference it makes?13:23
emweyah,in the beginning i was a bit reserved... poor topa.. but now.13:23
arrrghhhgotta run that on my gf's phone.  she was complaining about slowness.13:23
arrrghhhso you think we can hard set some better values?13:23
emwestill need time to understand why we set what we set when "tuning"13:23
emwei'd just go for the SC ones...13:23
emweand hard set13:23
emweonly concern is diam13:23
arrrghhhhah, and raph50013:24
emwedunno how bad it will trick them with their limited ram13:24
arrrghhhscrew that phone13:24
arrrghhhsome apps may not open13:24
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emwebecause some contenproviders will get killed right away?13:24
emwei got ~40mb free with these settings13:25
arrrghhhi guess some apps require a lot of pre-allocated mem?13:25
emwemakes a whole lotta difference not having to shuffle stuff out of the way13:25
arrrghhhonly one person complained13:25
arrrghhhsaid some app wouldn't open on the aggressive 2 setting13:25
emwethat corresponds to what?13:25
emwe(aggressive 2)13:25
arrrghhhlemme look13:25
arrrghhhi don't remember :P13:25
emweah that is 35mb13:26
emwearrrghhh: got it13:26
emweAggressive 2 Settings  {6,8,25,30,35,35 mb}"13:26
arrrghhhis what i'm running13:26
emwewasn't it SC where i extracted?! hm.13:27
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emwethat is 80mb at the end.13:29
emwecan't complain so far.13:29
arrrghhhyea, those are the ones starfox recommended13:29
emwedunno with what to settle. also got that oom_adj from SC i guess13:30
emwebut really showstarter is minfree13:30
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detulearrrghhh, did you read this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=17718924&postcount=1089 ? :)15:25
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emwedetule: you got the dual mic supported enabled for acoustic on .39?15:32
emwemeans in the rhod board file.15:32
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detuleemwe is this adc3001?15:35
emwedetule: no, it's an wce acoustic pdata setting15:36
emwehm, got the tree as well. shouldnt be too lazy to look15:36
emwei am still not getting voice search to work.15:37
detulei am a little bit at a loss overhauling everything to 7.1 and binding your gb libraries15:38
emweseems disabled15:38
emwejust mount -orw,remount /system and push them to /system/lib15:38
emwei never bindmound. seems most point of failure15:38
detulei would but the adb connection on this mac blows up during serious data transfers15:39
emweboah, how did mgrsoss get everything working fine?!15:39
detulewell arrrghhh seems to have mostly everything working fine, i am just having issues15:39
detulewhich is annoying15:39
emwewell, if voicesearch doesnt work i feel like having issues as well.. at least me here. bummer.15:40
detulei should boot into my partitioned 06+ i think voice search works there15:40
detulewhich would be pretty ironic considering that's a build that's what 4 months old now15:40
emweit's always setting teh dual mic flag which is quite annoying15:41
emwethink that's the issue.15:41
emwebtw, you resolved your open keyboard issue?15:41
detuleno keyboard's been unusable for a while now15:42
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emwedetule: and btw, mixed up adc3001 with a1010 earlier when you asked. and yes, adc3001 is mic it looks15:43
detuletoo many drivers15:45
detulewell frx7.1/ your .so /alex's 27, no ringing on incoming call15:46
detulemy thoughts exactly15:49
detulefurthermore after the call when it didn't ring, all sound is now off -here's the logcat http://pastebin.com/rnc3Peeh15:52
detule09-20 19:49:28.000 W/AudioTrack( 1362): obtainBuffer timed out (is the CPU pegged?) 0x3da10 user=00001770, server=000004b015:52
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detuleemwe, confirmed voice search works just fine on 06+16:03
detulemy phone doesn't ring there either, but the damn search works16:03
emwelol, no ring either?!16:03
emwedoes it ring with non-acoustic?16:04
detuleplays ringtones just fine so i assume it will ring without acoustic16:05
arrrghhhdetule, i did read that post16:05
arrrghhhwhat the hell is he talking about?  "I didn't try to replace the zimage because that work without and I do not know for what it serves."16:06
detulehis camera is workingon the 7.1 kernel16:06
arrrghhhwhat a rube.16:06
arrrghhhoh and i am bindmounting all the libs emwe and detule16:07
detuleemwe, how about i pull these old 06+ libs and send them yourway perhaps something is broken in jb's dev branch16:07
* arrrghhh is lazy16:07
detulearrrghhh, can you send me whatever kernel/modules you are using16:07
arrrghhhlemme adb pull and host, 1 sec16:08
arrrghhhor maybe more like 10016:08
emwedetule: i can give them a try.16:08
emwedetule: thing is though, that kernel and libs got some love for the dualmic stuff on both ends from jb.16:08
emweperhaps they work.16:08
emwewell, perhaps better then here... whatever if fscked up.16:09
arrrghhhin theory the kernel/modules are uploading...16:14
arrrghhhthere we go16:14
arrrghhhdetule, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12691845/test_acoustic.zip16:15
detuleemwe, arrrghhh here's the deal after an entire day of !*(@#&@$^(#% around with this16:16
detuleit turns out my phone doesn't ring in winmo either16:16
arrrghhhthat's odd16:16
emwedidn't we have someone else with this recently?16:16
emwea sprint'er?16:16
detuleyeah the rear speaker works - i can play mp3s both in android and winmo16:17
arrrghhhemwe, that was always in Android16:17
arrrghhhhe never had problems in WinMo.16:17
detulebut i guess the ringer is a different device?16:17
emwereally? don't make me dig up logs16:17
arrrghhhemwe, prove me wrong :D16:17
emweringer is speaker?16:17
detuleit's probably busted this phone is on its last legs16:17
arrrghhhdetule, RHOD400?16:18
arrrghhhwell, i have a tester you could have.16:18
arrrghhhit's not pristine16:19
detule:) thanks for the offer16:19
emweneed more devs.16:19
detulei think i can patch acoustic special for my device16:19
arrrghhhand the one serious issue i had with it was the touchscreen doesn't work in landscape.  haven't put much effort into sorting that one out.16:19
arrrghhhdetule, lol16:19
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arrrghhhthat's epic.16:19
detuleinstead of signifying ringing, i'll tell it to play mp416:19
detuleemwe, any ideas why it would play ringtones but not ring?16:19
arrrghhhwhatever works i guess..16:19
arrrghhhthat is the part that baffles me ^^16:20
arrrghhhdetule, does it fail even if the phone is "awake" when the call comes in?16:20
detulethat's the only way it's failed so far16:21
detulei guess i could let it fall asleep (in winmo currently)16:21
arrrghhhso you've only tested with the phone awake?16:22
emwedetule: i can only think of "wrong" snd device being selected16:22
emwewith the recent acoustic it always selecs SPEAKER_MIC when doing any recording. dunno if this is cool or not16:23
emwebah, starting to hate it really. wanted to be much farther.16:23
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arrrghhhemwe, would've been nice to just slap it in and it'll work... but when does that ever happen?  :P16:25
emwei dunno. just need to make sure incall mic works for tomorrow :)16:26
emwebut that is the shit i am facing all the time16:26
emwethink minutes, take days.16:26
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mgross029Yo...  What's up?  Anything new?16:42
emwemgross029: yeah, i hate you as your voice search just works...16:44
mgross029You must hate arrrghhh too... :p16:45
arrrghhhi haven't tried .35 yet16:45
mgross029emwe, well I'm sure its something simple...16:45
arrrghhhi guess i can try it16:46
arrrghhhto rule out any 400/500 differences...16:46
mgross029You probably just go through so many lines of code your brain is mush...  :p16:46
mgross029After a while all of those printk statements look the same...16:47
emweenabled 5225 mic bias callback as jb did it and voice search works16:47
emwealex dumped it. assumed it can go...16:47
arrrghhhi spoke with JB via email today16:47
arrrghhhhe's not really back in full capacity unfortunately...16:48
emwehe told the reason? i know off one at least. :)16:48
arrrghhhhe said if there's something that he can help with, put it up on the ML or email him and he'll try to help.16:48
arrrghhhwell he's having a kid16:48
arrrghhhlooking for a house16:48
arrrghhh"this last few month I wasn't so present. I've got a lot of thing to do at work and as I'm going to have a child in a few month, we are doing a lot of house research etc..."16:49
arrrghhhso.. yea16:49
emwethat sounds like what we are doing. we are just a bit behind.16:49
arrrghhh"Concerning the audio, I feel a bit ashamed because I've left the work as-is and I didn't had any time to work on it since. I'm still around here and watching at the mailing list so if you need me to help you, don't hesitate to ask some questions. I find some spare time to make support or small changes."16:49
arrrghhhso he's around16:49
arrrghhhjust not like he was before...16:49
stinebdwhat an unbelievable slacker16:49
emwearrrghhh: plz read what i wrote and imagine my presence in some months time.16:50
arrrghhhyou're having a kid too?16:50
stinebdbye emwe16:50
mgross029That kind of happens when kids come into play...  lol16:50
stinebdsee you in 18 years16:50
arrrghhhi guess that means i'm old16:50
mgross029Or so...16:50
emwearrrghhh: if all is going fine mid of march.16:50
arrrghhhall the people my age are getting married & having kids... bleh.16:50
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stinebdnot me16:51
stinebdstaying single and having abortions woo16:51
mgross029Hope you aren't directly having the abortions...  :O16:51
arrrghhhstine, having abortions.  good stuff.16:51
stinebdi meant administering16:52
stinebdi have an unused public bathroom and a set of bent wire hangers16:52
arrrghhhi'm pretty sure this conversation should...16:52
stinebdand a one-way ticket to hell16:52
arrrghhhi was going to say stop before we go down the coat hanger path.16:52
mgross029Yeah...  TMI...16:53
stinebdkernel.org still down?16:53
arrrghhhDown for maintenance16:54
arrrghhhi'd say so16:54
stinebdthat was my last abortion job16:54
mgross029HA! Go to Kernel.com...16:55
mgross029So anything new in kernels or libs?  Haven't had a chance to read the logs yet...  :p16:56
emwemgross029: just blink led on .35. and in some time a new build with voice search fix.16:59
emwelooks like rhod500 doesn't need the mic bias callback... doesn't seem to hurt.16:59
emwecool commit'ish stinebd16:59
stinebdfor copypasta16:59
emweirc is your clipboard i take it.17:00
stinebdit is right now17:00
arrrghhhi guess i could try .35 on this acoustic build17:01
emweif alex' libs, then yes.17:02
arrrghhhdoes he have a newer set?17:02
arrrghhhi'm using some version of his libs17:02
arrrghhhnew crap seems to come out from him hourly tho :P17:02
emwedid a build of an hp recording and whatnot recording17:02
emweone sec.17:03
mgross029emwe, just pulled the latest .35 kernel I'll throw it on...17:04
emwearrrghhh: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12183048/htctopaz/dot35/libs/acoustic/libaudio.so http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12183048/htctopaz/dot35/libs/acoustic/libhtc_acoustic.so17:04
arrrghhhaudio policy didn't change?17:04
emwemgross029: a new buid is coming in some minutes i guess17:04
mgross029emwe, ok...  Thanks...  I'll wait...17:04
emwearrrghhh: it has no wince references. dunno if it matters.17:04
arrrghhhnew build of .35?17:05
emwearrrghhh: i never replaced audiopolicy when initially taking over jbs stuff17:05
arrrghhhoh ok17:05
arrrghhhwhen alex gave me libs, he included that one.  no biggie.  i'll still bind mount the one he gave me.17:05
emwearrrghhh: if you are bored, test the current build and confirm voice search broken. but doesn'tmatter. new one should have it fixed.17:05
arrrghhhlol ok17:05
arrrghhhglad i asked for new libs17:06
arrrghhhthese are bigger, definitely different :)17:06
emwearrrghhh: same link just different filename for the libaudiopolicy.so17:06
mgross029emwe, hciattach seems to find the BCM driver in .35, so probably isn't far off...17:07
arrrghhhthis one is different too17:07
mgross029arrrghhh, policy?17:08
arrrghhhdifferent than the one i had17:08
arrrghhhaw wtf17:08
emwearrrghhh: dunno if gb buildsystem links them to other stuff. should be interchangeable.17:08
arrrghhhdidn't even boot lol17:08
stinebdwho's the clown that pushed that rootfs change?17:08
arrrghhhwho else?  emwe :P17:08
emwestinebd: here.17:09
stinebdoh okay17:09
stinebdexcellent job, sir17:09
emwewhat did i screw?17:09
stinebdprobably nothing, i just saw it on my twitter feed17:09
stinebdbuilding system image with ti bt fix17:10
emwei should tackle ls and prox it seems, then.17:12
stinebdls is tackled17:12
emweon your end locally?17:13
stinebdi did that years ago17:13
stinebdrewrote the sensors lib for it remember?17:13
mgross029@stinebd, gb?17:13
stinebdoh wait17:13
stinebdno i didn't17:13
stinebdwhat did i do to make it work17:14
stinebdsensors lib was for accelerometer17:14
stinebdoh liblights i think17:14
arrrghhhi thought acl said something about prox just working on gb...?17:15
stinebdacl is a bum17:15
arrrghhhhe is from NYC17:15
stinebdthat doesn't mean he's a bum17:15
stinebdmaybe he has a house in the hamptons for all you know17:15
emwestinebd: i added a fake LS sir.17:15
arrrghhhit just means the potential for him being a bum is higher.17:16
arrrghhhmaybe that's san fran.  either way.17:16
stinebdfrisco would mean he's a sailor17:16
emweneed to pullin his prox which looks quite stock17:16
stinebdemwe: i had it working without that fake sensor nonsense anyway, but yours is better17:17
emwestinebd: i did that for auto-bl, otherwise it wouldn#t be enabled.17:18
stinebdyeah i was dicking around with frameworks to be lazy17:18
stinebdhonestly i'd rather get it working like a regular device would17:19
stinebdstop letting microp hijack stuff17:19
stinebdalso electronbeam would be hilarious17:20
arrrghhhacl's been tweaking the hell out of that to get it working...17:21
stinebdhaha really?17:21
stinebdwhat a waste of time17:21
stinebdi guess he hasn't seen the CM commits to make it work on dream17:21
arrrghhhthat's what he was working off of AFAIK17:21
arrrghhhhe said they have a tweaked surfaceflinger17:21
emweand did some ogl tweaks. seems he's quite good in thar.17:21
stinebdyeah i've seen all those commits in my time digging around CM's tree for the atrix17:22
arrrghhhwth, i can't get to boot at all17:22
arrrghhhit's just scrolling "ignored duplicate definition of service"17:22
arrrghhhand puking about the same services over and over...17:22
mgross029Which haret you using? :p17:22
arrrghhhit wouldn't boot if i was using the wrong haret17:23
arrrghhhIE i wouldn't get to the flying text...17:23
stinebdbd6f710230328eafda21eabb8053e5197333010a 1d7c1ae2662167de2548f87ffaefb5f016da2761 1c1cbbc108b422b16fe6bbfcb231e77463b06fec 3630a266d0a1c3158e8050cf553734e59a1a078c17:23
arrrghhhput on the newest rootfs17:23
arrrghhh.35 kernel17:23
stinebdthose are what we'd need from CM for electronbeam17:23
stinebdand a config change17:23
mgross029Actually yes you would...17:24
stinebdin fact17:24
mgross029I was getting a 5 sec msg and then it would reboot17:24
stinebdlet me stop the build, cherry pick those, and get a system image with it17:24
arrrghhhmgross029, that's not what i've described either17:24
arrrghhhit's not rebooting17:24
arrrghhhit's just vomiting on the same thing over and over.17:24
arrrghhhstinebd, mixing cm with aosp again?  :P17:24
arrrghhhfuck.  i'm rebooting, there's gotta be some step i missed.17:25
mgross029Gotcha...  Thought it was similar to what I was seeing...17:27
arrrghhhyea, never seen this one before (myself)17:27
arrrghhhi didn't check if adb was up17:29
arrrghhhi can't see anything wrong17:29
arrrghhhlemme try a new data.img just for fun.17:29
mgross029Yeah... I went with a new data.img when I put it all in the folder...17:31
arrrghhhi've flipped kernels without needing a new one17:31
arrrghhhwth, failed boot...17:32
arrrghhhhaven't seen one of those in ages.17:32
mgross029Are you using ext4 in your startup?  Just thinking of possible issues...17:33
arrrghhhcreating a new data.img now.17:34
arrrghhhwe shall see...17:34
arrrghhhi have adb now17:35
arrrghhhstill vomiting17:35
arrrghhh[   90.346130] init: /init.rc: 207: ignored duplicate definition of service 'pppd_gprs'17:36
arrrghhhjust a ton of those17:36
arrrghhhoh crap.17:36
mgross029Did you possibly use a modified rootfs?17:36
arrrghhhit's the modprobe of ipt_REJECT17:37
arrrghhhand the other crap it seems17:37
arrrghhhcuz after that crap i modprobe in user.conf17:38
arrrghhhit starts exploding17:38
arrrghhhi shall remove those lines.17:38
mgross029Yeah...  I commented everything new I put into my user.conf...17:40
arrrghhhcurse you :P17:40
arrrghhhthose modules probably aren't avail in .3517:40
arrrghhhand it causes things to burst into flames17:40
mgross029Flaming ball of Sh i t17:41
arrrghhhsad thing is, i can't remember what those were for17:41
arrrghhhipv6 was for google goggles17:41
arrrghhhi don't remember the others17:41
arrrghhhprobably droidwall17:41
mgross029Don't have any modprobes in my user.conf and never used droidwall, so it could be...17:42
mgross029I basically took it back to the standard user.conf...  Didn't know what would blow up with the kernel...17:43
arrrghhhstill seems to be vomintg17:43
mgross029Did you delete you data.img again?17:43
arrrghhhtried reusing it :P17:44
stinebdstupid computer17:44
stinebdplz two build faster17:44
mgross029Also are you using a modified system.ext2?17:44
arrrghhh[   33.597167] ipt_MASQUERADE: Unknown symbol nf_nat_setup_info (err 0)17:44
arrrghhhmgross029, no..17:44
arrrghhh[   34.337829] ipt_LOG: version magic ' preempt mod_unload ARMv6 ' should be ' preempt mod_unload ARMv6 '17:44
arrrghhhi guess i do need a new data.img.  this is madness.17:44
mgross029I get those too...  Not sure where they come from...17:45
arrrghhhbut not the endless vomiting of ignoring this duplicate service or that duplicate service, right?17:46
stinebdnot sure?17:46
stinebdit comes from a mismatched kernel and modules tarball17:46
stinebdduplicate service means a busted init.rc17:46
arrrghhhunless the autobuild for .35 is spitting them out wrong17:47
arrrghhhand i'm on the newest rootfs...17:47
mgross029I'm using 9/2 rootfs I believe...17:48
arrrghhhwell i grabbed the latest17:48
arrrghhhcuz i shouldn't have to hack that one (in theory)17:48
mgross029I agree...17:48
stinebddoes it not have mac80211.ko?17:48
arrrghhhwhat, the modules?17:48
stinebdman i'm hungrier than a sumo stoner17:49
arrrghhhstinebd, there is no such module in modules-
stinebdthere's your problem17:50
* arrrghhh is confused17:50
mgross029Actually, mine is the 9/19 rootfs...17:50
arrrghhhthis is from the autobuild...17:50
arrrghhhthe .35 autobuil17:50
arrrghhhbut still17:50
stinebdwell it looks like it would still work actually17:51
stinebdwhere's this autobuild17:51
stinebdi demand a takelooksee17:51
arrrghhhyea, no dice with new data.img.17:51
arrrghhhmgross029, wtf have you done17:51
stinebdfor now, delete rootfs and download it again17:52
emwehow about just rm'ing /system/lib/modules/*17:52
mgross029arrrghhh, Using modules- with 9/19 rootfs...  Haven't tried 9/20 yet...17:52
stinebdemwe: it's /lib/modules17:52
stinebdand honestly arrrghhh doesn't seem like the kind of person you go around suggesting rm of stuff to17:53
emwewhich is what?! a symlink to system/lib/modules17:53
stinebdis it?17:53
emweok, abels userland prox is a 1:1 of passion.17:53
emweit's for me. unless i screwed up again :)17:54
stinebdsomeone change the init script then17:54
mgross029emwe @stinebd, /lib/modules is a symlink17:54
stinebdarrrghhh: rm -rf /system/lib/modules/*17:55
stinebdand make sure you don't put a space in front of *17:55
arrrghhhyea, i know some linux.17:55
stinebdno you don't17:55
arrrghhhi said some.17:55
emwestinebd: ever investigated userland headphone detection and where it's at?17:55
mgross029you just think you do...17:55
stinebdemwe: no17:56
emweok, thx.17:56
arrrghhhmy boss would be disturbed considering i do all the linux support in my dept...17:56
stinebdman arrrghhh, even the users are picking on you17:56
stinebdtough room17:56
stinebdfaster faster17:57
stinebd4 cores is not enough these days17:57
mgross0294 cores with 16GB isn't enough these days... :p17:58
emweman, what shall i say with 217:58
stinebdatrix build bot has 16 cores17:58
emwec2d t9600  @2.8ghz getting old...17:58
mgross029Still a good proc...17:59
stinebdfor 198117:59
emweyeah, like the thinkpad t500 it sourrounds :)17:59
emweshutup stinebd17:59
stinebdemwe you should upgrade17:59
stinebdthe ENIAC is all the rage17:59
emwestinebd: how about a new .35 and .39 kernel autobuild notification like it's done for .27?17:59
stinebdmaybe .3518:00
emwestinebd: yeah, my phone :P18:00
stinebdbut definitely not .3918:00
arrrghhh.39 hasn't gotten much love lately.18:00
arrrghhhlast commit July 17...18:00
stinebddoesn't seem to be much of a point to it18:00
emwethink i am gonna continue with prox tomorrow then.18:01
mgross029emwe, this the latest? modules-
arrrghhhyes mgross02918:01
stinebdarrrghhh you drink coffee?18:02
arrrghhhvery rarely, why?18:02
arrrghhhi don't do caffeine.18:02
emwebut smoke? that doesn't fit together.18:02
stinebdwell i don't do decaf so there18:02
stinebdand i don't smoke18:02
arrrghhhemwe, i think you're assuming what i smoke...18:02
stinebdwhat do you smoke?18:03
stinebdlet's keep it legal in here18:03
emwelittle project admins for breakfast18:03
arrrghhhthis coming from the hanger abortion man?18:03
stinebdwhat kind of drugs? do you crush percocet, roll it up into a doobie and puff away?18:03
arrrghhhno, but i should.18:03
stinebdtime to patent that method18:04
stinebdi could see it taking off18:04
arrrghhhso i can't get root18:04
stinebdset ro.secure=018:04
arrrghhhtherefore i can't remount system18:04
arrrghhhor rm the modules18:05
arrrghhhmore things to set and bind mount.18:05
stinebdbind mount?18:05
stinebdjust mount it on your computer and edit the file18:05
arrrghhhthat's a build.prop setting right?18:05
arrrghhhtrying to keep the system image "stock"18:05
arrrghhhso i bind mount poop like a rube18:05
arrrghhheasily put back to stock that way.18:05
stinebdi would turn it off by default but our users don't seem to be the most knowledgeable android folks18:05
arrrghhhshow me one group of "users" that is knowledgeable about anything they use...18:06
stinebdwell i'm pretty good with the atrix now18:06
arrrghhhi don't need to do set18:06
arrrghhhjust ro.secure=0, right?18:06
mgross029arrrghhh, you boot into .35 yet?18:06
arrrghhhthe line in build.prop18:06
stinebdfind ro.secure=118:06
arrrghhhmgross029, stfu18:06
stinebdand change it to ro.secure=018:06
arrrghhhstinebd, that's not in build.prop...18:07
stinebdthen add it18:07
stinebdgod damn18:07
arrrghhhi was asking if i should remove the word "set"18:07
arrrghhhwhich seems unnecessary.18:07
arrrghhhdamnit jim i'm just gonna do it.18:07
stinebdwhere is there set?18:07
arrrghhh<stinebd> set ro.secure=018:07
stinebdset being a verb18:08
stinebdjesus you confused the hell out of me18:08
arrrghhhas did you.18:08
emwearrrghhh: plz refrain from calling us germans creepy. if i read your convos ...18:09
emwebed time. gnight.18:09
stinebdnight creeper18:09
arrrghhhemwe, lol18:09
arrrghhhgermans are creepy.  g'nite18:09
mgross029Later emwe...18:09
stinebdany country that obsessed with sausage is creepy18:09
stinebdmake: *** [out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/services_intermediates/classes-full-debug.jar] Error 4118:10
stinebdoh balls18:10
arrrghhhoh balls indeed18:11
mgross029arrrghhh, well mine booted but the app panel is blank...  lol18:11
mgross029Did that before...  Did a reboot and it was back...18:12
arrrghhhi haven't had that happen in a very long time18:12
mgross029Going to throw the new rootfs on there to see if I have the same problems as you...18:12
arrrghhhi used to think that was just from not letting it settle on boot.  dunno.18:12
mgross029That's what I was thinking...  Let it set for about 5 min though...  Nada...18:13
stinebdlet it set and force close launcher from the settings app18:13
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mgross029@stinebd, K...  Thanks...18:14
stinebdi've had it happen on atrix too18:15
stinebdnot sure why but it looks like package-scanned intents are lost by launcher18:15
stinebdforce closing always fixed it for me18:15
mgross029Good to know...18:17
mgross029Do you think emwe's libs will work with Alex's .27 kernel?  See if that fixes in-call audio volume...18:18
arrrghhhstill can't SU18:20
arrrghhh[1] + Stopped (signal)        su18:20
arrrghhhnow su segfaults.  awesome.18:20
stinebdro.secure=0 should have adb running as root18:20
arrrghhhdoes it matter where i put that ro.secure command?18:20
arrrghhhi put it at the bottom of build.prop18:20
stinebdrootfs /init.etc/default.prop son18:21
arrrghhhi see..18:22
stinebdshows what we know18:22
arrrghhhlets try this again.18:22
arrrghhhi can't bind mount that in user.conf can i?18:22
arrrghhhi guess i can try18:22
stinebdyou can do whatever you want18:22
arrrghhhwhether it works or not is my question :P18:22
arrrghhhhey, lookie thar18:23
arrrghhhro.secure=1 lol18:23
stinebdteehee windows mobile so bad18:25
stinebdhow did we use this junk?18:25
stinebdi often think to myself during drunken stupors that android only seems great because we were using windows mobile before18:26
arrrghhhwell yea.18:26
stinebdok now18:26
stinebdif i turn bluetooth on and this bastard crashes i'm going to shove a pig in some hooker's cooch18:27
arrrghhhi'm sure people would pay handsomely to watch that.18:27
stinebdthat's why said hooker has a job18:27
arrrghhhthe pig in the cooch, not the BT turning on.18:27
arrrghhhstill can't su18:28
arrrghhhevidently bind mount happens too late.  i was afraid of that.18:28
arrrghhhi can't push a new default.prop either without cracking open rootfs...18:28
arrrghhhto mah server at home!18:28
stinebdi think it does something stupid like cat build.prop default.prop >newbuild.prop18:28
arrrghhhwell, in the future let's make it a little easier to make my phone less secure :P18:28
stinebdso why not sed in user.conf18:29
arrrghhhi thought that user.conf happened to late in the process18:29
stinebdsed -i -e 's:ro.secure=1:ro.secure=0:' wherevernewbuild.propis18:29
stinebdit happens right before android init18:29
stinebdwhich is early enough to change anything on android's end18:29
arrrghhhso where is the new build.prop...?  /system/build.prop is the only one i'm aware of.18:30
stinebdmaybe that was something hyc got rid of18:32
arrrghhhthere was a few things he got rid of...18:32
stinebdthere was a shitload of things he got rid of18:32
stinebdboot taking too long18:33
stinebdmust be loop18:33
arrrghhhall this to remove some modules18:33
stinebdnope there it goes18:33
arrrghhhwhich may or may not resolve my issue.18:33
mgross029Did you see all the build.prop items zeppelinrox put in his tweak scripts?18:33
arrrghhhnot closely18:34
arrrghhhbut i saw all the stuff he's updated18:34
stinebdlike what18:34
mgross029arrrghhh, just booted with the latest rootfs and kernel...18:34
arrrghhhmgross029, bleh18:34
arrrghhhi don't get why this is looping18:34
arrrghhhperhaps i have something dumb in... shit i don't know.18:34
arrrghhhi was thinking init.rc, but that's in rootfs which i replaced...18:34
mgross029It's a looped build...  heh18:34
arrrghhhperhaps i'll just replace the system image.  fuck it.18:34
arrrghhhanother reason bind mounts are good :D18:35
stinebdyou could bind mount some random directory in /sdcard over /system/lib/modules18:35
stinebdand unpack the modules there yourself18:35
mgross029Did you get a Superuser prompt on your phone for su for the adb?18:35
arrrghhhmgross029, if the UI isn't up18:36
arrrghhhhow could i?  lol18:36
mgross029Ahh...  Then you won't be able too until superuser grants it rights...18:36
mgross029I had that problem before on a new build...18:36
arrrghhhunless i set ro.secure=0...18:36
arrrghhhfollow along18:36
mgross029Had to walk away.. :p18:37
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mgross029Hmmm...  SOD...  bleh...18:38
stinebdbt crash18:40
mgross029My bt just kicks right out...  @stinebd did you make some mods?18:41
mgross029Doesn't even enable...18:42
arrrghhhmgross029, dude...18:42
arrrghhhfirst off, he's trying to fix a bug on GB that is TI chipsets only18:42
arrrghhhsecond, he's certainly not trying this on .35...18:42
mgross029See I told you I had to walk away...  :p18:42
arrrghhhthat was before you walked away, no excuses18:43
mgross029My brain is mush...18:43
arrrghhhexcuses, excuses.18:43
mgross029got a million of them... :p18:44
arrrghhhare you a woman?!? :P18:44
mgross029Not the last I checked...  But they have many technology changes these days...18:45
* arrrghhh steps away slowly...18:45
mgross029What's even funnier...  I now remember asking stine about his gb build...  LOL18:46
mgross029Man...  I am f'd up today...18:47
mgross029Putting another build folder together with alex's audio kernel and emwe's libs to see what happens...18:48
stinebdpig procured18:48
stinebdtime to find a whore18:48
arrrghhhdamn you phone18:55
arrrghhhi need a second core to answer the phone evidently18:55
arrrghhhseems when h2w was 'fixed'18:59
arrrghhhit broke ringtones passing thru?18:59
arrrghhhoh well, i guess none of this audio routing poop doesn't really matter until the new acoustic code is stable.18:59
arrrghhhmaybe i should just stop mucking with shit today.19:01
mgross029If you can't route audio how would you test the acoustics?  :p19:01
arrrghhhi won't19:02
arrrghhhthat's the point.19:02
mgross029Put that new build folder together and forgot to change my rel_path...  D'oh19:02
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mgross029Awesome...  It worked...19:08
mgross029Damn...  Maybe not...19:10
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mgross029arrrghhh / @stinebd...  Later19:32
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ryannathanslol at DEV-Camera thread.20:36
stinebdhey my town made the front page of huffpo20:52
stinebdunfortunately it's about how bad the amazon warehouse is20:52
ryannathansany publicity is good publicity20:54
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stinebdyeah i'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with you on that20:56
stinebdespecially considering last time we were in national news was a massive gas explosion knocking down half a dozen houses20:56
ryannathansAFKokay thats not good20:57
stinebdthe mass confusion after that event led to every taco bell in the area being on notice20:57
stinebdthey're chock full of mexican explosive-diarrhea beans20:58
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arrrghhhwhere's glemsom22:28
arrrghhhi'm scared.22:28
arrrghhhanyone have his email?22:43
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