Monday, 2011-09-19

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arrrghhhdetule, wtf is that guy's problem.09:32
detulevery tiad-ish, except worse in a way because he is holding the rhod100 users hostage09:36
arrrghhhi don't get it09:36
arrrghhhno one has seen his patch09:36
arrrghhhwhy is he being such a drama queen?09:37
detuleneither do i, i am washing my hands off it, serves me right for trying to hold his hand09:37
arrrghhhi feel bad... for the end-users.  not for him.09:38
mgross029arrrghhh, Yo...09:50
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mgross029Running the new Rootfs emwe posted...  Still same results though...09:51
arrrghhhsame results as...?09:51
arrrghhhyou built a new image too?09:51
mgross029Same as before the new rootfs...09:51
arrrghhhwhat do you mean...?09:51
arrrghhhall the rootfs added was the underscore to09:52
mgross029emwe posted a new rootfs.img in the logs earlier...09:52
arrrghhh add /dev/htc_acoustic_wince (non-hyphen variant) support09:52
arrrghhhthat's all it did tho09:52
arrrghhhso what were you expecting?  lol09:52
mgross029Ok...  Saw that change...  Thought it was a different change...  lol09:53
arrrghhhbwhahaha no09:53
arrrghhhhe also is telling me to build an image if you read the logs :P09:53
arrrghhhi was 'away' tho09:53
arrrghhhi wonder if znc isn't marking me away09:53
mgross029Ahh...  You still look like your normal self...  No matter here or away...  :p09:54
arrrghhhi'm supposed to go /away when i close the client...09:54
arrrghhhi guess i could have it change my handle, but that gets complicated.09:55
arrrghhhgonna have to play with it09:57
arrrghhhin the meantime, people can just think i'm always online lol09:57
detulearrrghhh, you do appear to be away10:02
arrrghhhright now?10:03
arrrghhh Already marked back.10:03
arrrghhhznc supposedly handles my /away /back states depending on how many clients are connected10:03
detulei mean you appear away overnight for example, all i was saying whatever znc is doing is working10:04
arrrghhhok good10:04
arrrghhhso people just don't pay attention.10:04
arrrghhhperhaps changing my handle would make them pay attention :P10:04
arrrghhhthanks.  i always wondered about that.10:05
arrrghhhnever really bothered to check tho haha10:05
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mgross029Sorry...  To me your state doesn't change...  Probably because I'm only using Web IRC...  :p10:06
arrrghhhi'm certainly here now... :P10:08
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arrrghhhyes sir...10:17
emwearrrghhh: if you like to do a testbuild with acoustic on froyo or gb, give it a go. just put BUILD_LIB_HTC_ACOUSTIC_WINCE := true to buildspec.mk10:17
arrrghhhoh ok10:18
emwebut you need to sync.10:18
arrrghhhi didn't realize it was ready for that kind of test10:18
arrrghhhyou pushed the magic?10:18
arrrghhhi need to finish reading the logs10:18
emwemerged alex clone to froyo and gb which also has jb's set of initial stuff10:18
arrrghhhit seems you and/or alex squashed the last bugs?10:18
emwealex only10:18
arrrghhhfair enough10:18
emweno, he said headphone recording and incall vol is left10:18
arrrghhhi've been harassing him10:18
arrrghhhoh ok, so nothing's changed...10:19
emwehe did some commits though additional to jbs ones.10:19
emwei even haven't managed to test it out.10:19
emwebut we've been starving long enough...10:19
arrrghhhi've still had issues with voice command/search10:20
arrrghhhin-call speakerphone seems to work fine now10:20
arrrghhhthe mic works, so the far end can now hear10:20
emwesomebody still needs to lookup the autobl kb issue on froyo. i am somehow not tempted ...10:20
arrrghhhwistilt2 looks like he is going to take up that cause (hopefully)10:20
emwestill haven't given it a go. just made sure it compiles ;)10:21
emwewhonder who's gonna step up looking up that froyo kb autobl issue.10:21
emweah sor10:21
arrrghhhit's early here for me10:22
arrrghhhwhat's your excuse :P10:22
emwejust back from work?10:22
arrrghhh8am here10:22
arrrghhhhaven't left for work yet10:22
emwethat was my excuse10:22
arrrghhhi see ;)10:22
emweyou are online before work?!10:22
emwethat's where i shave, teethbrush, eat and leave.10:22
arrrghhheh, i should probably do those things10:23
arrrghhhbut i just end up watching tv and smoking.10:23
emwei smoke on my way 2min way to work10:23
emweall optimized.10:23
arrrghhhi don't really smoke in my truck10:24
emwei use to when driving alone.10:24
arrrghhhplus, i never shave :D10:24
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arrrghhhoccasionally the beard gets a trim.  just to prevent that homeless look.10:24
emwehehe.. i like touching my face when it feels like a baby pops10:25
arrrghhhyou creepy germans.10:26
emwes/pops/[botty,bum] <<< whatever applies10:26
emwenow don't say pooploader, plz.10:26
arrrghhhyou're still a creepy german.10:27
arrrghhhze germans!10:27
arrrghhhoh well.  i must get ready to leave for work now.10:27
emwehave fun watching tv and smoking :P10:27
arrrghhhwell, clothes are kinda necessary for work.10:27
detuleemwe,  how do you sync the repo with git.kernel down10:35
detuleor do you just pull hardware/msm7k10:35
emwedetule: not at all. ...10:35
emwedetule: yap. just hw/msm7k and device/xdandroid/msm10:36
emwego into the respective dirs and git checkout gitorious/froyo10:36
emwefollowed by a git fetch gitorious or vice versa10:36
emwea git log should indicate the latest commit being my merge of alex' acoustic clone from jb10:37
detulegot it10:37
emwethe device/xdandroid/msm has some build time stuff required in order to not copy the proprietary and binary only libhtc_acoustic.so10:39
emweif you've build, make sure and are from the current date and a "strings <lib> | grep -i "wince"" gives a result on both libs in the outputs system/lib dir10:39
emwedetule: btw, how far have you come with the raphael jogball stuff? not that i have time ... but asking doesn't hurt ;)10:41
detule:) i patched the kernel, and liblights but it was a bit off in testing as in when notification arrives instead of displaying one pattern it was displaying another10:42
detuleit was a little bit hard to test, but if you are around we could expedite the process quite a bit:)10:42
emweespecially as i got that raph800 here ;)10:43
detulei accidently reset --hard over the liblights work (yest stinebd i need to learn git stash) but i could rewrite it i guess it wasn't much code10:43
emwebut i think i need to postpone that a bit :)10:44
emweor just create a branch tracking upstream... and in case soem updates landed upstream, git rebase10:44
emwei just learned to use it quite often.10:44
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mgross029emwe, Did you get my last email on the .35 ramconsole?10:46
emwemgross029: yeah, i replied saying the ramconsole is "empty" in sense of dmesg content. can you grasp sth from the screen output what might go wrong?10:47
mgross029emwe, sent and email after that...  Showed the dmesg info...  Looks like it was getting Kernel Panic on the rootfs...10:48
emweno, haven't recevied that one.10:48
mgross029Hmm...  Let me check my sent items...10:48
emweonly the one from 16th here10:49
detuleemwe, have you seen this error build/core/ *** system/extras/librank: MODULE.TARGET.EXECUTABLES.librank already defined by beagle-gingerbread/librank.  Stop.10:51
emwedetule: no. what is that... hm.10:51
emwedetule: i don't recall when i've been syncing all together recently.10:51
detulethis just came up when i tried to build the must be something on my end10:52
emwei still build with and a pure make -j2 here10:53
emwedunno if that is the way to do ;)10:53
mgross029emwe, got stuck in my drafts folder for some reason...  You should have it now...10:53
detuleemwe, nevermind it's that stupid latencytop utility package that i apparently stuck in my xdandroid folder so i can build it using the envsetup scripts10:54
emweok to you two ;)10:58
emwemgross029: hm. you got "set INITRD_OFFSET 0xa00000" in your startup.txt, just to reverify...11:00
emwewhy would it not find rootfs...11:01
emwemgross029: you are on looped build, yes? no partitions or anything?11:01
mgross029emwe, Offset - Check...  Looped - Check...  Rootfs in same directory - Check... :p11:03
emwe412f426e0563e641f6d3705ab6ae2194  haret.exe11:03
emwemd5sum plz :)11:04
mgross029Thought that was what it was looking like as if it couldn't see the rootfs, but wasn't sure...11:04
mgross029Sec...  Will double check haret11:04
emweyou have INITRD_OFFSET placed before "set INITRD initrd.gz"?11:04
mgross029Correct...  After .gz11:05
emwedon't recall if it matters.11:05
mgross02953eda1499f4f8ff5d3862f8b8105d772 hmmm...  Think we have a problem...11:08
mgross029Just noticed my haret is 164.5KB...  I know the newer is smaller...11:09
emweehm... set INITRD_OFFSET *before* .gz11:10
emwejust to be sure11:10
mgross029emwe, Ok...  Pulled the smaller kernel in there...  Silly me...  Sorry..11:11
mgross029Correction to ealier...  It was already before...  Put after for some reason...  :-\11:12
mgross029Rough morning...11:12
mgross029Ok...  Going to reboot and boot with .3511:12
mgross029emwe, ok...  Much better so far...  Creating data.img11:16
mgross029Thought I got rid of that old Haret...  :-\11:16
emwemgross029: happy i insisted on reverifying, haha ;)11:19
mgross029Yep...  Same here...  Sorry I should have caught that one...11:19
emwebtw, you don't need to necessarily screw data.img when switching kernels. there might be some module irregularities but switching kerenls should do fine.11:19
mgross029Too many old builds on my SD card...11:19
emwei assume you are not expecting too much featurities from my .35 tree. where kovsky is nearly ready featurewise, i strive for daily use11:20
emweand stability :)11:20
emweworking fine now since i neabled the deadline instead of cfq scheduler.11:20
mgross029Yeah...  Some some ramconsole that threw out some old .27 kernel messages and stated it should be the .35...  Looked like it replaced the statements...11:21
mgross029Wut?  I want everything!  LOL11:21
mgross029No...  Not expecting...  Just testing...  :P11:22
emwei am constantly lagging behind... as i said i don't need features when i can use that bitch as a phone and mp3 player and having to reset 5 times a day.11:22
mgross029Signal...  3G...11:23
mgross029BT crash...  TI Error...11:23
emwebtw, i still need to push the new acoustic device name changes. dependant on where you got your acoustic libs, it might or might not work11:24
emwei can push those up though later.11:24
emwegps should work fine, no wifi, no bt, no cam, no gsensor, no prox :P11:24
emweno blink led yet.11:24
mgross029Just walking through the options...11:24
emwewe haven#t managed bcm yet. iirc jonpry left it on .39 also11:24
mgross029Yep...  Basic phone...  No SP either... :p11:27
mgross029But it does boot....  LOL11:27
emwebe back in a bit.11:27
emweif you feel like testing, you are welcome.11:27
mgross029Thanks...  Later...11:28
mgross029Sleep mode work...  :p11:28
arrrghhhnever used .35 before?11:30
mgross029Tried...  :p11:32
mgross029Always seemed to fail on me, but it could have been because I kept grabbing the wrong haret...11:33
arrrghhhi always rename the old haret to haret_old or smth.11:35
arrrghhhcuz otherwise i would get lost as to which haret is which as well...11:35
arrrghhhso all my builds usually have two haret.exe's in them11:35
arrrghhhjust so i know which is the old and which is the new11:35
arrrghhheven tho i always use the new11:35
arrrghhhi guess i should just replace everything with the new11:36
arrrghhhit will cause issues for a few tho11:36
arrrghhhwhich is why i haven't...11:36
arrrghhhbut yea if you want, replace all your haret's with the new one.  you don't need the old one for anything.11:36
mgross029Well I typically can tell because the old is 164.50KB and the new is 158.5KB...  But apparently I wasn't paying close enough attention to that...  :p11:36
arrrghhhheh, i wouldn't notice that :P11:36
arrrghhhat least not without making damned sure i was looking for that11:37
mgross029Yeah...  The new should work with everything now...  Just keep the offset in your startup...11:37
arrrghhhneither of those things will break old builds11:37
detuleemwe the name of the acoustic device is the same as in jb's tree? just wondering if i can throw this build at 3911:40
emwedetule: no, alex renamed it to /dev/htc_acoustic_wince ...11:40
emwerootfs has support for both, but that doesn't help there.11:41
detuleugh, where should i patch that in 39 the boardfile?11:41
emwehtc_acoustic_wince.c at the end.11:43
emwegiven the case it's there..11:43
emwedetule: there's two .name = "... entries, make them both htc_acoustic_wince"11:44
emweat least that is what alex has. going to test this out right now...11:44
arrrghhhemwe, your TOPA brethren are giving me guff :P11:45
emwehm... i should have bought rhod in the first place...11:45
arrrghhhyea... :P11:46
mgross029emwe, yeah...  What were you thinking...11:46
emwebut then i wouldn't have 35mm now :P11:46
mgross029No we all could have .35 now...  :p11:47
mgross029Because you would have fixed it for Rhod...  :p11:47
emwenote to self.. when patching rootfs and committing, also put it on your device...11:49
arrrghhhbroke things?11:51
emwe09-19 16:38:15.672 E/Libacoustic-wince( 1588): Error opening dev /dev/htc_acoustic_wince (fd = -1). Error Permission denied (13)11:51
emwemissing perm i just pushed yesterday for the new style name11:51
emweah.. that rename was useless...11:52
emwealex just doesn't like hyphens ... and brings more work to everyone else.11:52
emwebut who can beat his expertise.11:53
arrrghhhit is kinda odd11:53
arrrghhhhow everything uses _11:53
arrrghhhand then one -...11:53
mgross029Well you still see ramconsole messages with the hyphen...  :p11:54
mgross029SOD on .35...  :-\11:55
emwemgross029: as you've now seen the plaque in action, how does it feel compared to .27 in terms of "speed"?11:55
emweSODs are gonne for me since deadline scheduler... bummer.11:56
emweyou are on CDMA or GSM?11:56
mgross029Actually is was much faster without any speed tweaks...11:56
mgross029Think I could have had an app locking it up...11:56
emwein case you got a sod, it doesn't hurt a ramconsole dump...11:56
arrrghhhi haven't had an SOD in ages11:57
emwewhen i had sods, i could still plug the ac/usb cable and it would detect it and write down to dmesg/ramconsole11:57
arrrghhhbut i also haven't touched .35 in ages :P11:57
emwearrrghhh: go away :P11:57
emwei had dozens during holidays.11:57
emweeither it really was ugly bad gsm signal or it was the cfq scheduler11:57
emweas i had some back home too and i switched to deadline scheduler afterwards, assume it's been the scheduler.11:58
emwebringing the device into an endless io operation loop it didn't manage to recover from.11:58
arrrghhhguess you'll have to go on vaca again :P11:58
emwealso read some freaky reports11:58
emwein october ;)11:58
arrrghhhmust be nice...11:58
mgross029I will have to play with it further...  I had a Terminal window open and then it went to sleep, so something could have hung up there...11:59
emwearrrghh: you are flooded with work?11:59
arrrghhhemwe, flooded... no.  bored... yes.11:59
arrrghhhwhat's up?  :P11:59
emwemgross029: it always helps to have dmesg and logcat running on your computer to see what's going on.12:00
arrrghhhmust be running always mgross02912:00
emwearrrghhh: you sounded busy regarding work the last time ;)12:00
arrrghhhemwe, eh.  it comes and goes.12:00
emwethe last weeks i mean12:00
arrrghhhsometimes you must fix it NOW12:01
arrrghhhother times... meh.  get it done when you can.12:01
arrrghhhdepends on what is broken, of course :P12:01
emwewhen i look at my development TODO ticket prios it's like do everything at once...12:02
mgross029Or who wants it fixed...  :p12:02
arrrghhhwell, production issues always take precedence.12:03
arrrghhhright now... i don't have any12:03
arrrghhhso i'm just cleaning up docs12:03
arrrghhhand poking around stale issues...12:03
emweok, speaker,h2w works, 3.5mm with and without y-adapter still work.12:06
* emwe recommends Tyske Ludder - Merciless for testing ;)12:07
emweah h2w headphones still break sleep. bummer.12:08
emwenobody dared to fix.12:08
emweok, my incall mic is broken. looking...12:10
emweearpiece works12:10
mgross029So since the change to htc-acoustic_wince was made to _ shouldn't the init.rc reflect that in the chmod?12:19
mgross029Just curious...12:19
arrrghhhthat's what his rootfs change did12:21
arrrghhhi assume12:21
arrrghhhi didn't look at git, just the commit log12:21
mgross029Well just checked my init.rc after using the updated rootfs and I'm still seeing the -12:21
arrrghhhaudio works?12:22
mgross029Checking my init.cfg/init.froyo.rc12:22
mgross029Yes audio works...  Some...  Similar issues that we had before the rootfs though...12:22
mgross029Hmmm...  Same in init.froyo.rc...  chmod 666 /dev/htc-acoustic_wince12:23
mgross029HA...  There are two separate entries there...  :p12:27
mgross029One with the - and one with the _12:28
arrrghhhwell yea12:28
arrrghhhdid you read the changelog?  lol12:28
arrrghhh  add /dev/htc_acoustic_wince (non-hyphen variant) support   Legacy entry can be dropped later.12:28
arrrghhhso the legacy entry will still persist12:28
arrrghhhuntil we convert over to the new acoustic...12:28
mgross029I did...  But it was at about 6:30 this morning...  :p12:28
arrrghhhso he put both in12:29
mgross029Yep...  Makes sense...  Just did a grep for the - and was like wut?  :-\  Silly me...12:29
mgross029I was going through hyc's audio routing thread to see what I could bastardis on the .35...  :)12:30
arrrghhhgood times12:30
mgross029Someone needs to develop and linux executable that will allow you to boot other systems from the SD instead of going back into WM...  :p12:32
mgross029Kind of like haret.h12:32
arrrghhhyou can do most of the changing in linux12:38
arrrghhhjust depends on how desperate you are to stay in Android :P12:38
mgross029It was more the fact of booting into different builds directly without booting into WM each time...12:43
mgross029Just me being lazy is all...  :p12:44
arrrghhhdifferent builds12:45
arrrghhhbe glad you have winmo there as a crutch12:46
arrrghhhotherwise you'd be flashin like a madman bucko12:46
mgross029Yeah...  I know...  Like I said...  Just laziness...  heh12:46
arrrghhhit's definitely original12:47
arrrghhhhaving two full blown OSes on a phone.12:47
mgross029Ahhh...  I know what we need...  ESX on HTC TP2...  :D12:47
mgross029Run them all in a virtual environment...  heh12:48
arrrghhhyea right@??!?!?12:48
arrrghhhcuz our freakin cpu's can support that... LOL12:49
mgross029With this little ARM 6 cpu...  lol12:49
mgross029Too funny just what I was thinking...12:49
arrrghhhno vCPU's to spare... :P12:49
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mgross029emwe, just made a call with .35 and the in-call mic didn't work for me...  The other person could not hear me...  Just had it on regular phone mode btw...13:22
emwemgross029: yap, same i got here. where did you get the libs from? alex ones?13:22
emwelikely not...13:22
emwei got incall mic doing fine before i updated.13:23
mgross029No...  These were original FRX07 / 7.1...13:23
emwe.35 has acoustic already in place. so you need acoustic userland libs13:23
emwebut... hold on if you can.13:24
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emwewill get this fixed later i hope and can share the libs then.13:24
mgross029Can I just do a mount bind on the libs from Alex?13:24
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emwenope, because kernel isn't fixed yet.13:27
emwedon't wanna push half backed testing stuff here13:27
emwei at leas know sth changed i still need to figure...13:27
mgross029emwe, understood...  Thanks...  I'll wait for the userland libs...13:27
emwesurprised the old libs do work to some extent.13:28
emwewith the "new libs" be it alex' or mine, you'd need an update to the .35 kernel i am still holding on until i figured...13:28
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arrrghhhGlemSom, !13:33
GlemSomI DID NOT DO IT !!13:34
arrrghhhso we had some... ahem issues over the weekend.13:35
arrrghhhand i've noticed that we have a great page on how to submit patches13:35
arrrghhhand how to build the system image13:36
arrrghhhbut i don't see one on compiling the kernel.13:36
arrrghhhwould you mind helping me write one?  you don't have to do much, i was mainly hoping for your build script.13:36
GlemSomyeah - sure!13:37
GlemSomkinda like:
arrrghhhyea, but not on facebook.13:37
GlemSomYou're right - we should have one at xdandroid.com13:37
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arrrghhhi keep forgetting the facebook one13:38
arrrghhhsomeone else mentioned that to me.  and i forgot completely about it...13:38
arrrghhhwell this makes my job easy.  time to kang this and make a wiki page thanks ;)13:39
arrrghhhGlemSom, for - is that old one from Makkonen still valid?13:39
GlemSomarrrghhh, Honestly I've never used it... I've done it by hand13:40
GlemSomwell, not by hand... But - I've not used that file...13:40
arrrghhhthat's why i was pestering you13:40
arrrghhhfor your script :D13:40
arrrghhhor is it too custom?13:41
arrrghhhperhaps i can try makkonen's and see if it produces something useful.13:41
GlemSomsure... cat *sh | grep -v \#  ? :P13:41
GlemSoma nerd thing..13:41
GlemSomI can write something up...13:42
arrrghhhi am retarded.13:42
GlemSomIn the weekend maybe...13:42
GlemSomOr maybe tonight...13:42
arrrghhhyou can't just grab the script from your server...?13:42
arrrghhhi don't want to make you do a bunch of extra work13:42
arrrghhhperhaps makkonen's will work too, i haven't tried.13:42
arrrghhhhrm.  perhaps i can try this afternoon if work is slow.13:42
GlemSomMine is highly intregrated into my autobuild envidonment - with a crapload of error-detection and stuff, which would generate too much "noise" for the regular first-time compiler...13:43
GlemSomI would summen it up - kinda like on the facebook page13:43
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emwearrrghhh: that base is good imho, just that autopull update stuff is a bit crazy13:44
arrrghhhwell the only reason i'm bugging you is people (one guy) bitched that we don't have a documented process13:44
emweyeah, a lot of people asked...13:44
GlemSomA regurlar user will know something went wrong - if a command ends with something like: "ERROR... "13:44
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arrrghhhand it seems we do, on facebook lol13:44
arrrghhhmakk's seems good13:45
arrrghhhi'll try the process this afternoon13:45
arrrghhhif my dumbass can handle it, i'll make a wiki page out of it.13:45
GlemSomgotta go for like 30 minutes... bbl13:45
emwearrrghhh: this is my .27 one... needs customozing at the top13:45
arrrghhhemwe, did you see makk's?13:46
emweit's not super duper13:46
emwei think i based mine of that13:46
arrrghhhit's all ready ready already13:46
emwethen take it :P13:46
arrrghhhwell i shall go thru the steps myself13:46
arrrghhhjust to make sure it does work and there aren't any pitfalls13:46
arrrghhhthen i shall wikify it13:46
arrrghhhand the masses can compile kernels to their hearts content.13:47
emweoh that looks condensed. take mine :P13:47
emwenah, just go through and see what sucks and what not.13:47
arrrghhhi guess i need to follow the logic13:47
GlemSomWe currently build both the WL1251 AND the TI wlan driver... We should document both.13:47
GlemSom(AS our kernel is used for other things then just android...)13:48
arrrghhhthat was a quick 30 minutes13:48
arrrghhhbut i agree13:48
emwebut has ever anybody gotten wl1251 to work on .27?13:48
GlemSomWell, NOW I'll go....13:48
emwelaters GlemSom13:48
arrrghhhemwe, yours is fancy13:48
emwedoesn't mean it's good. but get's me trhough the day13:49
arrrghhhwritten all these functions and what-not13:49
emweincluding the "bc" shortcut13:49
emwebuild and copy13:49
emweor dunno... i got a separate .35 one13:49
arrrghhhnaw, good job.  i'll try and break it today :D13:49
emwethe handling is a bit ass'ish13:49
emweyou should have it one folder below kern root13:50
emweno dynamic tree detection, yet13:50
emweand your kernel dir needs to be named "linux-<foobarwhatever>"13:50
emweso: kernel> ../ build msm13:50
emweit sucks13:50
arrrghhhmight want to fixxxxxor that13:51
arrrghhhi can hack at it tho13:51
emweso if your tree is "linux-msm-coolio" it would be "../ build msm-coolio"13:51
emweyah cool13:51
emwei wouldn't mind invoke from any loc in the kernel tree ;)13:51
emweroot is ok though13:51
emweso that useless "tree-suffix" or however i called it can be ditched13:51
emwewould be great if you can hack that. i am bad at bash.13:52
arrrghhhcan't say i'm good at it either ;)13:53
emweplz note, it doesn't pollute kern dir but a generated-linux-msm next to kern root13:53
arrrghhhpollute?  heh13:53
emweso current .config and objects and stuff goes into a separate one13:53
emwenext to your kernel tree13:54
emwetiwlan uses the xdandroid one, but the separtely downloadable sta_dk_*.zip source from the glemsom page can also be used.13:54
emwefood time. laters.13:55
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emweok, alex' change of CURRENT sound device to 0x11 (IDLE) did break incall mic14:42
emweperhaps 5225 needs it this way.14:42
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detuleis this in the lib or on the kernel side14:50
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emwedetule: kernel side. though alex integration branch has 0x11 as current. needs to be cleared up.14:59
emweperhaps you can try 0x11 on .39 and see if it works14:59
emwewhat is different for me (.35) i/we don't use the 5225 mic bias rpc call. perhaps that has an effect.15:00
emwemgross029: wait for the next .35 autobuidl to show up and give it a go with these libs.15:01
mgross029emwe, Thanks...  Will do...15:02
detulek i am compiling 39 with the name change15:05
emwedetule: as my htc_acoustic_wince is still a bit jb'ish, perhaps it's comparable to the .39 one.15:06
emwetime for your blink led. still haven't managed to get that in...15:07
detuleok those SND declarations in 39 are in the board files and I see 256 as CURRENT15:11
emweyeah, that's the old one.15:13
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emwetry it with that.15:13
GlemSomarrrghhh, It still need to be written in a more... Uhhm... Human read-able language... But, the basics are like this ->
GlemSomI just realized how horrible I am at making documentation...15:16
arrrghhhvery nice15:16
arrrghhhbetter than me15:16
arrrghhhhave you read the FAQ?  :P15:16
GlemSomarrrghhh, You did this? ->
arrrghhhwell, 99.9% of it.15:17
arrrghhhsome people helped with arrangement and some other stuff15:17
GlemSom:O You got pictured and everything... :D   That's amazing :P15:17
arrrghhhyea, i figured that would help the n00bs15:17
arrrghhhrpierce99 said he helped resize the table.  meh.15:18
GlemSom(Yes, I'm easily distracted with shiny pictures...)15:18
arrrghhhyea, it made the FAQ look a lot better15:18
arrrghhhkinda silly, but it did...15:18
GlemSomehh, my firefox is configured really weird... I just fetched a .sh file, and double-clicked on it in the "firefox downloads" window... For some reason, it decided to launch WINE and start notepad with the .sh file... :/  talking about overkill :P15:19
GlemSomAnd, notepad in WINE/Windows is HORRIBLE compared to all other editors out there... :P15:20
GlemSomI wonder why I even have wine installed..15:20
arrrghhhnotepad is an atrocity15:20
arrrghhheven wordpad is better... :P15:20
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arrrghhhbut GlemSom that guide looks good.  addresses a lot of the issues other how-to's have not.15:22
GlemSomMaybe it should be more like step-by-step...15:23
arrrghhhi will make it a step-by-step15:24
arrrghhhon the wiki15:24
arrrghhhwhenever that actually happens15:24
GlemSomPeople might not know they actually need to change to the correct folder, before issuing the commands... and stuff...15:24
arrrghhhunless you just want to do it for me.15:24
GlemSomI might start on it... But, not today :)15:24
arrrghhhi don't know if i want to make it that dumbed down...15:24
GlemSomNaah, you might be right...15:24
arrrghhhhave you seen stine's 'how-to' on building the system image?15:24
arrrghhhit's fairly step-by-step, but doesn't treat you like a child either...15:25
arrrghhhi am shooting for something like that15:25
arrrghhhso n00bs are scared away, but power users who actually want to tear into it can at least have a framework.15:25
GlemSomI'm looking at the frontpage of - but, there's no mention of the FAQ there? (Or am I completely blind?)15:27
GlemSomwtf? We have IRC logs too... That's just scary :P15:27
arrrghhhno mention of the FAQ on the front page15:27
arrrghhhi just link to it in all my threads15:28
arrrghhhthat front page could use a rework IMHO15:28
GlemSomI wonder how you got that nickname... ?15:29
arrrghhhwhat, mine?15:30
arrrghhheh i was young and stupid15:31
arrrghhhjust kept it ever since15:31
arrrghhhi was probably angry at something :D15:31
emwenot too unusal for you :P15:31
emwelistened to tyske ludder already? might get you down in such moments :915:32
arrrghhhi shall google, never heard of 'em.15:32
emweperhaps GlemSom can translate.15:33
GlemSomActually "Ja" is used in Danish too... With the exact same meaning :P15:33
GlemSomheh, Tyske Ludder -> German hooker15:33
emwearrrghhh: youtube them .. should bring up tracks from their recent diaspora album :)15:33
arrrghhhgerman hooker?15:33
emwedeutsches luder15:33
emwea bad and nasty girl rather15:34
arrrghhhah yes15:34
arrrghhhi've heard a lot of german electronic music like this ;)15:34
emwei found hussy/minx15:34
arrrghhhdas ich, etc15:34
emweyou are my friend :)15:34
emweoh das ich is a bit too emo for me15:34
arrrghhhgawd i'm drawing a blank on the others, what's wrong with me.15:34
emwei started with wumpscut like ages ago but then left off when they got to mainstream15:35
emwegot the rare and limited paperbox music for a slaughtering tribe15:35
emwebought it from the instrict confidence frontman at a concert we played with them15:35
arrrghhhthat's awesome!15:36
emwewhen we had our little electro ebm project running15:36
arrrghhhze germans seem to love that music15:36
emweomg.. i didn't even have a drivers license back then...15:36
emwethe good old times...15:36
emwearrrghhh: sounds like i need to open up my little music store? ;)15:36
emweor rather you open yours15:36
arrrghhhdude... my music collection is all over.15:37
arrrghhheverything from gordon lightfoot to jethro tull to vnv nation to...15:37
emwemine is quite clear :)15:37
emwewhich reminds me, i got a little belated birthday present today15:37
emwetheir new automatic15:37
arrrghhhassemblage 23, it goes on and on.15:37
emweoh... arrrghhh why don't you marry me?15:38
emwethe birthday massacre?15:38
arrrghhhhah, my gf loves them15:38
emwegreets to her ;)15:38
arrrghhhand i don't think either of our gf's would be too happy :P15:38
emwewell, we got the same music taste15:38
emwemy gf likes TBM too... even likes pretty much all i hear.15:39
emweno chance when we drive in my car ;)15:39
arrrghhhif i ever do manage a vaca in your area, i'll be sure to look you up.15:39
emweheh, your welcome.15:39
emwei'd really like to see TBM here... but i guess that's unfortunate.15:40
emwemy last concert was front line assembly in leipzig15:40
emwealready some 2 years or so ago15:40
arrrghhhfront line would be awesome in concert i bet15:40
arrrghhhwe actually saw TBM not too long ago...15:40
emwei got the imaginary monster if required.15:41
arrrghhhvnv i really need to see again15:41
emweand fla was nice seeing live. not just a stupid playback of the cd tracks15:41
arrrghhhlast i saw them was... gawd 2006?15:41
emwesaw them once ages ago15:41
emwei think it was pre 2000 for me15:41
emwewith their light fire sticks in a small disco15:42
arrrghhhi didn't even know about them pre 2000 :P15:42
emwewaterbuckets next to the singer :)15:42
emwei got into that music with around 15, so 199515:42
emweand somehow there#s quite a scene around my old hometown15:42
arrrghhhno comment.15:42
emweeven in my company15:42
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emweall ebm'ers in there.. frightneing.15:43
emweone is a quite known scene dj in leipzig. he did a mixup of vnv tracks for their recent release party and the vnv frontman approved that mix and asked if he could have it for their other parties...15:43
arrrghhhthere's not a huge music scene in my company.  some old dudes that like old music... that's about it.15:43
arrrghhhi need to move :P15:44
emwei am getting sentimental somehow ;)15:44
emwei miss my long hair with everything else cut on the sides...15:44
arrrghhheh there's very little i miss from my past15:45
arrrghhhperhaps free time...:P15:45
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detuleemwe, well no sound, but i think this is an issue with how acoustic is integrated with 3915:55
emwedetule: hm, i thought it should be quite identical to how it was for me.15:55
emwei recently took over alex dynamic setup code.15:55
emwedetule: is libacoustic able to open up the device?15:56
detulewell here's one issue is dated today15:56 dated Feb2815:56
emweah there we go15:56
emwedetule: i posted my gb ones earlier15:57
emweshould work on froyo15:57
emwedetule: should carry a current timestamp. that one is the prebuilt one.15:57
detulethe make file is broke15:58
detuleit outputs to the wrong dir15:58
detulemsm/obj/ is current15:59
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emweoh, did i break something?!16:01
emwebuilding system images fine here16:01
emweah noe... that's where it goes too.16:02
arrrghhhemwe, do you know anything about CIFS in our kernel?16:03
detulewell the system/lib library is outdated for me but obj/libhtc_acoustic seems to carry a current time stamp16:03
arrrghhhit seems there's some required module which isn't included...16:03
emwedetule: might be it's not updating that one in system/lib if present...16:03
emwearrrghhh: no, sorry, know nothing about cifs.16:03
arrrghhhi don't either16:03
emwearrrghhh: hyc the old network guru likely knows more.16:03
arrrghhhi don't see why someone would want it on their phone.16:03
arrrghhhhyc's been MIA16:04
emweperhaps he bought a new phone from the donation money ;)16:05
arrrghhhlast i spoke with him, he's working on some personal projects16:05
mgross029emwe, just looked and see there is a 9/19 kernel out there...  Pulling it down now...16:05
arrrghhhi saw him post on g+ about redoing the backend for openldap...16:05
arrrghhhpeople are already asking about that rhod100 patch...16:12
mgross029Hmmm...  Just a thought...  Does anyone think the new Haret could help with battery and operation temp?  I put it on my acoustic test build and the phone has been Ice Cold since...16:12
arrrghhhmgross029, that has absolutely nothing to do with that16:12
mgross029arrrghhh,  Ok...16:13
arrrghhhthat's pretty much all kernel.16:13
* mgross029 walks away with arrrghhh's handprint across face16:13
arrrghhhdon't mean to crush your world...16:13
arrrghhhbut HaRET is quite simple16:13
mgross029You didn't...  Just thought it was funny...  HA!16:14
arrrghhhit exploits a loophole in WinCE16:14
arrrghhhand kicks winmo out of memory and boots whatever we tell it to16:14
mgross029Ahhh...  Where would we be without the Windows loopholes?16:14
arrrghhhonce the kernel has picked up... HaRET is out of the picture16:14
arrrghhhso after the double vibe basically16:14
arrrghhhyea, because winmo is so insecure it makes it quite easy to hack.16:15
mgross029Ok...  Here goes a new .35 boot with new Acoustics...16:15
emwearrrghhh: just reasked that andre to resubmit his patch.16:15
arrrghhhemwe, lol16:16
arrrghhhgood luck16:16
arrrghhhnot sure what that guy's problem is.  he seems thoroughly fed up with the process tho.  methinks he's never worked on an open source project before...16:16
mgross029emwe, speakerphone works with new acoustic libs and kernel...  Dual mic works too...  Nice work!16:21
arrrghhhmgross029, voice command?16:23
mgross029Voice Search works...16:23
arrrghhhi'm guessing volume is still busted16:23
arrrghhhin-call volume that is16:23
arrrghhhhrm what else was remaining...16:23
mgross029w00t w00t16:23
arrrghhhi think that was it.  other than the random explosions i experienced.16:23
mgross029Let me check...  Didn't test volume yet...16:23
mgross029Volume works great!  Speaker Phone volume goes up and down...  Did notice that the speaker does cut out and first but a quick toggle brings it back...16:25
mgross029Earcup volume works too!16:26
arrrghhhwhat else is broken!?!?  anything?16:26
arrrghhhthis is on .35 tho huh...16:26
mgross029BT, TI...  Umm  No Blinky LEDs...  :p16:27
arrrghhhno no16:28
arrrghhhi mean with acoustic16:28
detuleemwe, good luck with that guy, did you see this thread we must have sent him the Submitting Patches page no less than 10 times16:28
detulewell i got acoustic to initialize on 39....16:29
mgross029Acoustic as far as I can tell is good...  Can't test BT, because of the obvious reason...  Let me try some music...16:29
detulei can play ringtones, but phone is silent on incoming phone call (even though it registers the call)16:29
mgross029Oh...  Interesting thing I also saw on the ramconsole on .35 that I don't see on .27 ----  htc_acoustic_wince on .27 it is htc-acoustic_wince...  Just kind of stuck out to me...16:30
arrrghhhthat's whatever its named in the kernel16:30
arrrghhhand are you really looking at ramconsole?16:30
arrrghhhi bet you're just looking at dmesg :P16:30
detulealso the printk's might contain either htc- or htc_ depending on whether alex changed those, these dont have a bearing on how the kernel functions16:31
mgross029Good old printk's...  :)16:32
emwei changed it on my .35 to match the device name. but that's just the log output.16:32
mgross029hmmm...  My app panel is blank...16:32
mgross029Going to reboot...16:33
emwemgross029: you tested voice search on .35? that works?16:33
mgross029Yes...  All acoustics seem to work great...16:33
mgross029I could not test BT though...  Yet...  :p16:33
emwehm, doesn't work for me...16:33
emwejust hold call button and speak, right? ;)16:34
mgross029How did you put the libs in?  Mount bind in .conf?16:34
emwebuilding my own system images16:34
emweand pushing to /system/lib16:34
arrrghhhemwe, i use the mic on the google search widget16:34
arrrghhhyou can hold the call button and do the same?  oO i didn't know that.16:35
arrrghhhmgross029, you can bind mount.16:35
arrrghhhthe only time you can't is when the libs don't exist.  then you have to symlink (ln -s)16:35
emwebt voice dialer16:35
mgross029arrrghhh, that is what I did...16:35
emwehm, google voice search not installed here.. hm.16:35
emwebut voice search as a generic app16:36
emwelet's see...16:36
emweno worky. wtf.16:40
emwemgross029: voice search is working for you with .35 and my acoustic libs, yes?16:40
detulehtc_headset.c apparently not present in the 39 tree16:40
mgross029emwe, yes...16:41
emwemgross029: ahem... then i can only think of froyo/gb difference...16:41
emwewe'll see later ;)16:41
emweglad it works for you.16:41
mgross029emwe, audio acoustics sound good too...  Also, in-call volume is working...  Thanks...16:42
arrrghhhthat sounds like the whole schebang16:42
emwelol what? incall vol, too?!16:42
emwedo i smell a rhod400 <> rhod500 differenceß16:43
arrrghhhthere shouldn't be, but perhaps.16:43
arrrghhhi have two rhod400's, i can verify if need-be.16:43
emwetoo lazy to test now. likely doing a call tomorrow ;)16:43
arrrghhhdamnit.  i can't seem to fix anything at work today :/16:44
stinebdso you're saying work is like xdandroid16:48
arrrghhhalthough i uh... yea nvm.16:49
stinebdhahaha i troll16:49
arrrghhhi just have this stupid phone that won't register16:50
arrrghhhand won't upgrade16:50
arrrghhhit's just sitting at the cisco logo, taunting me.16:50
stinebdthere's this hot new technology called POTS16:50
stinebdyou should look into it16:50
arrrghhhfreakin POTS16:50
arrrghhhthe PRI's give me a lot less headache16:51
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mgross029arrrghhh, does the first light on the phone blink too?17:22
arrrghhhare you talking about my work issue?  :P17:22
arrrghhhwell i get the rainbow of lights on start17:23
arrrghhhthen it acts like its upgrading17:23
arrrghhhdoesn't actually upgrade firmware, screen goes black17:23
arrrghhhthen i see the damned cisco logo and it just hangs...17:23
arrrghhhtried a hard reset with holding pound etc... no dice.17:23
mgross029Which phone is it?17:23
stinebdgood news for you arrrghhh17:26
stinebdmy portion of the atrix work is done17:26
stinebdso it's back to xdandroid for a while17:26
stinebdif ever comes back up17:26
arrrghhhyou build me up, just to knock me down... :P17:27
stinebdi can still do work17:27
stinebdbut we can't really make a release until it's back up17:27
stinebdsince our tree is outdated17:27
emwe2.3.5 wtf.17:27
arrrghhhso are you going back to GB?17:27
stinebdand i know there are copies floating around17:27
stinebdbut a) i don't want to merge from CM-based stuff just in case, b) i don't want to merge from code that could be poisoned17:28
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stinebdemwe: people have pushed the korg repositories to other locations so that users can repo sync17:28
stinebdCM has copies and apparently (per discussion in #htc-l) omapzoom has them17:29
stinebdarrrghhh: yes gingerbread17:29
emweah i see.17:29
emweoh gb love. yippee17:29
stinebdlooking at testing a potential bt fix17:29
stinebdand if not, then i will get to work on it17:29
emwewhatever that ominious bt issue is.17:29
stinebdmy time with atrix has taught me very much about how to fix obscure issues in android17:29
arrrghhhquite ominous17:29
mgross029It's a driver... :p17:29
mgross029BT that is...17:30
arrrghhhwell that's good.  learning new tricks is never a bad idea17:30
stinebdit's an incompatibility in userland between the android bt stack and the ti chip+firmware we have17:30
mgross029arrrghhh, did you validate that station is getting an IP?17:30
stinebdleading to a null pointer in a dbus call17:30
arrrghhhmgross029, other phones are fine on it.  voice vlan matches on the port...17:31
arrrghhhthis phone was registered to another callmanager, hence the hard reset to blast out the TFTP info17:31
emwestinebd: sheesh, why is it always i feel dumb when you tell about some stuff.17:31
arrrghhhemwe, he has that effect on women17:31
arrrghhhpeople, i mean people :P17:31
mgross029arrrghhh, ok...  Yep...17:31
stinebdwomen's hands have an effect on my face17:32
stinebdand it's painful17:32
arrrghhhhum.  last time i bricked a phone it was a stupid voice vlan.  damnit.17:32
mgross029So it's coming up 'bricked' now?17:33
arrrghhhjust hanging at the cisco screen17:33
arrrghhhmight as well be bricked.17:33
stinebdi want to make a phone17:33
stinebdwhich, when you brick it, displays a picture of a brick on the screen17:34
arrrghhhacting like it has no firmware17:34
arrrghhhreminds me of the new brick smartphone17:34
arrrghhhit's quite secure17:34
mgross029@stinebd, I was telling arrrghhh earlier we need ESX for the HTC TP2...  lol..  Run Virtual Phone...17:34
stinebdthat would be good17:35
stinebdsince it's not slow enough already17:35
arrrghhhlol.  basically the same thing i said...17:35
stinebdmy mother is running my atrix image17:36
stinebdit's ridiculous the battery life she gets17:36
stinebd60% left and she's been on it (total display time on) for almost 3 hours17:37
stinebdi wish mine was half that good17:37
mgross029Captain, I'm given her all she's got!17:37
stinebdarrrghhh: if you ever switch to att via hostile takeover, get an atrix and put my aosp on it17:37
stinebdit is _fast_17:38
arrrghhhduly noted.17:38
stinebdstock rom was like nexus one fast17:38
arrrghhhi'm sure sprint is next on their list of acquisitions17:38
mgross029arrrghhh, Have you tried to delete and recreate the phone in the Call Manager?17:38
stinebdnot bad but noticeably sluggish at times17:38
arrrghhhi hear they have a lot of spectrum :P17:38
arrrghhhmgross029, it's not even getting that far17:38
stinebdit's actually like a dual core phone without moto's nonsense17:38
arrrghhhand it's not even in cucm right now17:38
arrrghhhi just put a dummy MAC in until i got the phone up.17:39
arrrghhhi think this was the phone with DTMF issues17:39
arrrghhhperhaps i should just throw it away and forget it ever existed... that sounds like a good solution that won't waste anymore of my time :D17:40
stinebdget one of those old yahoo softphones17:40
stinebdi think it was linksys that made those17:40
arrrghhhwe have ip communicator, but don't really use it.17:40
stinebdso should be covered by your cisco contract17:40
mgross029Send it back to Cisco...17:41
arrrghhhno contracts on the phones17:41
stinebdhaha bam17:41
arrrghhhwe have so many, we could literally replace every single phone in the entire network probably.17:41
mgross029Send it to them anyway annonymously...  :p17:41
arrrghhhnah, electronics recycling17:41
arrrghhhgoes to the mysterious trash bin in the sky17:41
mgross029Say here lies your POS...  Take it back!17:41
mgross029Well I have to say the .35 kernel is running pretty good...  Especially since everything is turned off...  :p17:42
arrrghhhyea, with nothing working it must be getting good battery life17:43
arrrghhhoh well, time to get a new phone...17:43
mgross029I even get blinking green lights from time to time...  It keeps going in and out of sleep...17:43
emwei tend to screw those marriage plans with you arrrghhh :P17:43
arrrghhhi think brinka got it right17:44
arrrghhhi see a patch on the ML!17:45
stinebdhe figured out git commit and format-patch?17:45
arrrghhhi guess17:45
arrrghhhi see the patch on the mailing list17:45
stinebddo me a favor and check if it's git formatted17:45
arrrghhhnot sure if it's correctly formatted or not, but it appears to be...17:45
mgross029Where did the BCM4325.hcd end up going in FRX07?17:46
arrrghhhnot git formatted?17:46
stinebdthat's an svn formatted patch17:46
arrrghhhi guess i don't know how to tell17:46
stinebdit's good17:46
stinebdemwe: apply it17:46
stinebddon't even test17:46
emwesarcasm going around?17:46
stinebdbut fix the indenting17:46
stinebdthe first three added lines are space indented, should be tabs17:47
emwei have no clue about camera stuff.17:47
stinebdand then there are some more down below that17:47
mgross029emwe, SOD again...  :-\  Nothing running...  Just a green light on...17:48
arrrghhhgawd.  i'm amazed this dude could do any development.17:48
arrrghhhhe couldn't figure out the simplest things...17:48
arrrghhhoh well.  rhod100 folk can finally join the functional cam club.17:48
stinebdwell if you'll recall, wistilt2 didn't even know what git was back in the day17:48
stinebdi'm still not sure if he does actually17:48
arrrghhhlol, yea that's true.17:48
arrrghhhi guess if you've never done open source dev.17:49
emwemgross029: plug in ac/usb before you reset, then send me the ramconsole dump anytime you like.17:49
arrrghhhbut this guy couldn't figure out how to send anything to the mailing list stine...17:49
mgross029emwe, would not recognize on usb...  reset already...  I will pull a ramconsole now...  It should pull the dmesg...17:50
emwemgross029: had that too.. didn't react, but registered to dmesg/ramconsole... that's why :)17:50
mgross029emwe, k...  pulling ramconsole now...17:51
mgross029emwe, Ok...  Should be in your inbox...17:55
mgross029Signing off guys...  Have a good one...17:56
mgross029Good luck with the phone... ;p17:57
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arrrghhhgrabbed a new one17:57
arrrghhhi already feel better17:58
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arrrghhhlol, Cotulla was pretty convinced you were just trolling him stinebd18:29
stinebdi was until he got upset18:30
stinebdthen i started to actually help him18:30
stinebdhonestly i didn't know what he was asking at first18:31
stinebdi thought he was worried about clobbering ip18:31
arrrghhhi had no clue18:31
arrrghhhi thought you were actually trying to help lol18:31
stinebdturns out r8-r15 are off limits in thumb mode anyway18:32
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stinebdin thumb instructions that is18:32
stinebdbut like he said, i've never done thumb so...18:33
stinebdhe's a pretty touchy fellow so i'll let him worry about it18:34
arrrghhhoh well18:34
arrrghhhhe randomly asks me for help with english18:35
arrrghhhpretty entertaining18:35
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d3tul3hey arrrghhh you have a logcat handy of the early boot on one of these 27 acoustic kernels19:29
d3tul3in particular logcat -v time | grep wince19:30
arrrghhhi guess i can rebootski for ya19:31
arrrghhhi don't have one handy tho19:31
arrrghhhgimmie a min19:31
d3tul3thanks appreciate it19:32
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arrrghhhhow far into the boot process you think you need?19:33
arrrghhhi just don't want it to wrap...19:33
d3tul3oh boot ani is fine19:33
arrrghhhthere's a couple of things19:34
arrrghhhgrepping for wince19:34
d3tul3E/AudioHardwareMSM72XX_wince( 1389): Error opening dev /dev/audience_A1010 (fd = -1). Error Permission denied (13)19:35
d3tul3somehow that strikes me as not being ok19:35
arrrghhhfull lolcat if you needs it19:36
stinebda1010 is the noise canceler isn't it?19:36
arrrghhhi was just going to ask what device that even is..19:37
d3tul3a1010 voice processor driver19:39
d3tul3at least that's what the header says19:39
arrrghhhsounds official enough19:42
phhwat ? who asks for audience A1010 ?19:46
d3tul3i was curious about it19:47
d3tul3i am having issues with 39 and acoustic and i am trying to narrow down the problem, i get a logcat error about /dev/audience_A1010 not sure what that's about19:48
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rpierce99my wife said i missed her call earlier but my phone disagrees :(19:51
d3tul3rpierce99, i was calling my phone today a bunch testing audio, it didn't register maybe 5 in 1019:52
arrrghhhi have GV put a missed call notification in my inbox now19:52
arrrghhhi've noticed a few missed calls with no ringy dingy on the phone...19:53
rpierce99so i guess it's not an issue that only happens for some, it's an issue that only happens some TIMES19:53
arrrghhhso i think there was either a regression in the RIL, or it's just always been like this and no one really noticed... cuz they're missed calls.19:53
arrrghhhrpierce99, i think we already knew that from all the troubleshooting with fishingmedic :P19:53
rpierce99meh, i was still convinced that there was some difference we couldn't pinpoint19:54
arrrghhhyea, i know the feeling...19:54
d3tul3arrrghhh, can you do a ls -l /dev/audience_a101019:54
arrrghhhhoping there was something he was doing wrong or some hardware/setup difference that was causing the issue19:54
arrrghhhd3tul3, sounds complicated19:54
arrrghhhno such file or directory19:55
d3tul3i mean /dev/audience*19:55
arrrghhhoh wait19:55
arrrghhhi see19:55
arrrghhhcrw-------    1 0        0         10,  45 Sep 19 17:33 ←[1;35maudience_A1010←[0m19:55
d3tul3i would chmod that to 666 in rootfs19:56
d3tul3on 39 on the other hand, that device is not even registered19:56
arrrghhhinit.rc as usual?19:56
arrrghhhcrap.  can't do that here easily.  i'm about to go home... i'll try to take care of it then.19:56
d3tul3no worries not even sure what it would fix19:56
arrrghhhdoes our bootani "comply" with native Android bootanis...?19:57
arrrghhhappears to19:58
arrrghhhjust the location is unorthodox.  native looks like goes in /data/local19:58
d3tul3phh, a1010 would android be broken without it?19:59
stinebdarrrghhh: /data gets formatted you know20:01
arrrghhhon native devices?20:01
arrrghhhi dunno, i was just reading some thread on androidforums20:01
stinebdcustom bootanimation can go there20:01
arrrghhhsays bootani goes in /data/local... meh20:01
stinebdbut when bundling it goes in /system20:02
arrrghhhoh... ok.  makes sense.20:02
arrrghhhcan we put 'em there too?20:02
arrrghhhnot sure how much i want to help this guy replace our bootani tho lol20:02
stinebdusers can20:02
stinebd"we" can't put anything in /data20:02
arrrghhhok, i get that.20:03
arrrghhhi'm talking about a user20:03
arrrghhhwho is asking about replacing the bootani20:03
arrrghhhryannathansSLEEP, screw you20:03
arrrghhhoh well20:04
stinebdthe usual way for pinging people is to say ping20:04
arrrghhhnah, just wanted to give him shit.20:04
stinebdworst birthday present ever20:05
arrrghhhhe responded to a post that i already responded to, with almost the same response.20:05
arrrghhhor best, depending on who or what you are.20:05
arrrghhhoh well.  time to go home... cya guys20:06
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d3tul3arrrghhh, ignore my chmod comment, a1010 looks to be replaced with something else for's probably the case that audience_A1010 shouldn't be in /dev at all for RHOD users22:34
d3tul3actually i have no freaking clue, we'll let emwe adjuricate there22:37
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[acl]who der?23:06
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