Tuesday, 2011-08-30

rpierce99is that the one that people were hacking at to get angry birds working?00:01
[acl]i dunno00:02
rpierce99probably not then, i can't remember what it was called but its pretty well know00:02
rpierce99is it not possible to turn off the crt close?00:04
[acl]i duno00:05
[acl]i dont mess with userland00:05
[acl]stinebd: my good man you around00:10
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[acl]arrrghhh: where are u ???00:43
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HuckWeed1fqn HuckWeed02:35
HuckWeed1that slacker02:35
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f00bar80arrrghhh, you've told me yesterday that it's probably easier to just blast out the data.img file to solve the "The application has stopped unexpectedly", right .. just want to know more details about that or how it's related to the issue i have.09:48
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CptAJoh god, scheme is horrible >_<10:21
CptAJwatching some video lectures where the professor uses it10:21
CptAJwhy would anyone do that? >_<10:21
f00bar80CptAJ, what's scheme10:21
CptAJa horrible, horrible abortion of a programming language  IMO10:22
f00bar80CptAJ, where are these videos ?10:23
CptAJhttp://webcast.berkeley.edu/playlist#c,s,All,3E89002AA9B9879E opencourseware videos10:24
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Detulescheme is alright, i doubt it's a good tool for the real world but it's a cool geek toy10:26
f00bar80This is the second time I'm trying to boot the FRX07 on RHOD210 and the android animation remains, after it was running and working with no issues for three weeks, I've tried to run the fix_permissions.sh Script yesterday but always the same issue today, is there any chance that the number of installed Apps may be the reason of unsuccessful booting?10:45
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Detulef00bar80: any particular reason you oppose deleting your data.img? you can backup most of your data+apps using Titanium Backup10:55
f00bar80Detule, why i have to or how this may solve the issue, ?? it may be corrupted and it's gonna to be auto recreated ?11:06
Detuleyes, data.img has been known to get corrupted in these looped builds...when booting without data.img, the build auto creates a new/clean one....no guarantees that it will solve your issues but it has been known to help11:15
f00bar80Detule, renaming data.img from the android terminal emulator and reboot may let me able to test to see if that'll fix it or not, if i want the ability to revert11:22
Detulewait i mean11:29
Detuleyou have to rename it in winmo11:29
f00bar80Detule, and if this solved the issue, how to restore my apps ?11:31
DetuleTitanium Backup in the market11:39
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arrrghhhDetule, with apps FC'ing like mad it might be difficult to download or use TB.12:37
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Detulef00bar80: heed the words of wisdom from arrrghhh12:51
arrrghhhi guess you could grab all the apps from /data/app13:16
arrrghhhbut that wouldn't do much for the data that is stored in said apps13:16
arrrghhhf00bar80, welcome to the world of using looped mounts and running an entire operating system off an SD card :P13:17
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f00bar80arrrghhh, how this is considered to be running an entire operating system off an SD card.13:29
arrrghhhAndroid resides solely on the SD card13:29
arrrghhhall it knows is the card13:29
arrrghhhso you're running the ENTIRE OS off of the card13:29
arrrghhhhow is it not running an OS off of the card, i'm wondering..>?13:30
arrrghhhf00bar80, ?13:36
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f00bar80arrrghhh, maybe i'm bit lost, what i got is that i 'll take a backup for what i want, using anyway even if it's copying them from winmo or sd card reader, how this can be concerned with running os off the card ?13:47
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f00bar80any comment ?13:57
arrrghhhi'm talking bout data.img corruption13:58
arrrghhhsorry i had to run down to the data center13:58
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arrrghhhstinebd, would you be pissed if i did a FRX07.1 release?14:35
arrrghhhseems necessary to have some maintenance releases if you will.14:35
arrrghhhjust to avoid the idiots complaining about issues when 07 was freshly released... like kb-less devices blowing up, and certain apps not installing from that rootfs update you did14:36
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brinka123_Generated the linux_msm kernel, but the modules (,ko) files are very large.14:54
brinka123_What am i doing wrong??14:54
brinka123_I checked size with a published kernel.14:54
Detuleuse the strip binary in the toolchain with --strip-unneeded flag14:55
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brinka123_ok thanks, checking the help of strip now.14:59
brinka123_Strip can be used on complete directory?15:00
helicopter88just use *.ko_15:01
helicopter88(to strip all the ko's in a folder)15:01
brinka123_Do you have tips to pack the the .ko in .tar.gz to use it with haret?15:03
brinka123_I just do tar -czf module.tar.gz *15:04
Detulestrings xt_mac | grep magic15:04
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Detuleread off the 2.6.blablahblah-dirty15:05
helicopter88tar -czf working here :)15:05
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Detuletar -czvf modules-2.6.blablahblah-dirty.tar.gz *.ko15:05
brinka123_To gather all the modules from the generated directories I run:15:07
brinka123_find * | xargs cp -t $HOME/result15:08
arrrghhhnot necessary15:08
arrrghhhbut i guess that works15:08
Detulehopefully there is a .ko somewhere in there15:08
brinka123_There are, but in published module.tar.gz files I don't see directory structure.15:09
Detulethere shouldn't be15:09
brinka123_So i copy the .ko's to one place. Is this not included in the makefile?15:10
Detuledepends what arguments are you executing with the make command15:11
Detulei just do make ARCH=lblahblah CROSS_COMPILE=blahblah zImage modules15:11
Detulemkdir ../modules; find | grep "\.ko" | xargs -I {} cp {} ../modules15:11
Detule(from a better scripting mind than mine)15:11
brinka123_Ok thanks...15:12
brinka123_The generated modules (linux_msm) doesn't contain wlan.ko,ramzswap.ko,xvmalloc.ko15:27
brinka123_I am shure i have the correct clone.15:27
helicopter88Of course them aren't in the source15:28
helicopter88ramzswap and xvmalloc are from compcache 0.5.415:28
helicopter88and wlan.ko is from ti source15:28
Detulebrinka123_: that's by design15:28
brinka123_I copy these from published modules.tar.gz ?15:29
helicopter88or you clone both15:31
Detuleor don't use them15:32
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LargePrimehello.  Does it make any sense to buy a touch pro 2 just to help development for it?16:33
arrrghhhif you want16:39
arrrghhhdevelopers are always welcome16:39
arrrghhhLargePrime, i'm not sure how to answer your question tho16:39
arrrghhhare you expecting a certain level of functionality...?16:39
LargePrimeI want to dev for an android project16:40
LargePrimeI am a c++ dev, but only big systems16:40
LargePrimebut yes I would like a level of functionality.  mostly working data16:41
arrrghhhdata works fine16:41
arrrghhhand C++ won't help you much here16:41
arrrghhhalthough some of the concepts might16:41
arrrghhhmost of the kernel development (if not all) is low-level C16:41
arrrghhhthe userland stuff seems a mix, but mostly Java16:42
helicopter88Some parts in the source are in cpp,but as arrrghhh said it's C16:42
helicopter88the biggest parts16:42
LargePrimeso, i'd be a noob dev, sorta.  I started in C, so16:42
arrrghhhi didn't think anything was C++16:42
Detuleyou'll be fine with C++16:42
helicopter88in aosp sources there are some files16:42
arrrghhhLargePrime, i'm not much of a dev myself, more of a 'technical user'16:42
arrrghhhall the code is freely available on GIT tho16:43
arrrghhhkernel, userland, whatever your heart desires to work on.16:43
LargePrimestuff you'all can find for me to do?16:43
arrrghhhthere's plenty of stuff to be done :D16:43
arrrghhhjust depends on whether you want to work on it or not :P16:43
LargePrimeI want16:43
LargePrimeso i buy a TP@ then16:43
helicopter88then clone the source and buy a phone16:43
arrrghhhif you want a dual-mode device get a RHOD400 or 50016:43
arrrghhhif you don't care, get whatever RHOD.  I would avoid the RHOD100's tho... they have a front-facing cam but have a shitload of other problems.16:44
arrrghhhunless you feel like taking on a challenge :P16:44
LargePrimeI was noticing the BT on sprint is ... not16:44
arrrghhhBT on Sprint..?16:44
arrrghhhwhat does bluetooth have to do with any one carrier...16:45
arrrghhhfor the record, BT works, it pairs, but it doesn't pass audio.  it was very recent that BT was even enabled (the radio)16:45
LargePrimeI dont know, but that is what xdandroid says16:45
LargePrimethat's out of date then?16:46
LargePrimesprint TP216:46
LargePrimesorry CDMA tp216:47
arrrghhhoh god16:47
arrrghhhLargePrime, that is ridiculously outdated.  sorry.16:47
arrrghhhthat's the most updated bundle16:48
arrrghhhfor TP216:48
Detule(Even there though BT is listed as not working blanket TP2)16:48
LargePrimeFAQ old too?http://xdandroid.com/wiki/Faq16:48
arrrghhheh it's fairly updated16:49
arrrghhhDetule, eh?  no.16:50
arrrghhhit says BT works, pairs, but doesn't route audio.  which is correct for most.16:50
DetuleI was just refering to the link LargePrime posted -> BT is listed as not working for all TP2s not operator specific16:50
arrrghhhoh yea the FAQ needs to be updated thar as well16:51
arrrghhhi hate when things partially work.  makes me not want to update anything :P16:51
LargePrimeso you guys are fun16:52
LargePrimeI go buy a phone then16:52
DetuleLargePrime: I wouldn't, TP2 developemnt is not what it used to be16:52
LargePrimewhat would you do ?16:52
Detuleyou should look at the git trees and see if it looks appealing, if it does write a patch or two without a phone and have someone test it out, if you end up liking it a lot then buy a device16:53
LargePrimeSo I should ask for a task to code first you say16:54
arrrghhhDetule, shhh16:54
Detuleall I am saying is I think people are on their way out, you would be moving against the flow kind of16:54
arrrghhhbuy phones and ask questions later :P16:54
Detuleyou shouldnt ask16:55
arrrghhhyea, that is an unfortunate fact.  development is kinda winding down.16:55
Detulefind one16:55
arrrghhhhyc gave us a pretty good boost, but real life has been consuming him it seems16:55
Detulearrrghhh: you got WisTilt2 on speed dial, figure out where he went16:56
arrrghhhstine is just lost in the shiny that is his atrix16:56
Detulei wanted to ask hyc whether he's compiled JB's current acoustic libs16:56
Detulethey seem even more broken to me than whatever is in 06+16:56
arrrghhhi asked someone to do that for me16:57
Detule(I tried to make myself 07 acoustic build)16:57
arrrghhhdidn't get any farther16:57
arrrghhhi wonder where JB went16:57
Detulei got the libs if you want them16:57
arrrghhhand wistilt216:57
arrrghhhi can ping wistilt2, i haven't heard from him in a while.  he popped in the other day and said he was going on vaca and was going to come back and hit it hard16:57
arrrghhhbut... he hasn't come back.  perhaps vaca was too nice :P16:57
arrrghhh"just checking in to see what's going on. taking a 2 week vacation in another week but will be back in full force on this stuff when I get back. really missed this stuff but business takes precedence."16:59
arrrghhhthat was 7/27...16:59
Detulequittin time17:03
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arrrghhhso my company is going to support the iPhone 4, but not Android.  asshats.19:20
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HuckWeedwho do you work for (if you dont mind me asking)19:28
arrrghhha bank19:34
arrrghhhwe'll leave it at that...  it's a pretty small regional bank, not a hugenormous conglomerate.19:35
arrrghhhfor the longest time it was BB only19:35
arrrghhhno WinMo, WinPho, iOS, Android, Symbian, etc... BB only.19:35
arrrghhhso hopefully this is the start of a shift19:35
HuckWeedif someone else pays for the phone, i def dont mind using ios19:36
arrrghhhi know several people in IT are pushing for Android devices to be deemed acceptable.19:36
arrrghhhthey'd pay for the plan19:36
arrrghhhnot the phone19:36
arrrghhhright now i just have a dumbphone as a work phone, since that way they pay for both19:36
arrrghhhbut no email access into work obviously.  which perhaps is a blessing...19:37
HuckWeedhaha exactly19:37
stinebdarrrghhh: as long as you make it clear that FRX07.1 is the new bundle, not a new system19:44
stinebdlast thing i need is a bunch of retards emailing me saying we uploaded the wrong thing19:45
stinebdand as i type that i have some numbnut emailing me a stupid question, then emailing me an empty reply email to the stupid question19:47
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ryannathansA NEW SYSTEM?! MUST DOWNLOAD19:55
arrrghhhis it ryannathans ?20:00
arrrghhhstinebd, i'll make that perfectly clear.  just wanted to get some things updated20:01
arrrghhhlike hyc's video codec work20:01
arrrghhhand get updated to the newest kernel/rootfs to avoid the posts from people who can't read.20:01
rpierce99and facebook!20:01
arrrghhhoh right20:02
arrrghhhi guess that should make it in thar too20:02
arrrghhhdamn you rpierce9920:02
rpierce99i do what i can20:02
arrrghhhyou do that well20:02
arrrghhhquittin time, cya guys on the flip side20:02
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arrrghhhstinebd, one other question20:29
arrrghhhis the end key -> wake "expected"?20:29
arrrghhhrpierce99, about that fb change20:58
arrrghhhdid you ever get it working?  i need to build another system image, no?20:58
rpierce99i did get it working, the system has to match the apk, if stinebd is not going to build a new system you can use the apk from the thread20:59
arrrghhhsounds like no new system image21:02
arrrghhhso if the FB change is going in this release, it'll have to be the shoehorn method.21:02
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arrrghhhshould i just add the new haret and throw in that init offset line...?21:27
arrrghhhthe only thing it'll break is people running tiad-like WinMo ROMs21:27
arrrghhhwhich i hate to break anyone, especially idiots.21:27
rpierce99how does new haret break winmo roms?21:27
arrrghhhso this dude couldn't run .39 kernels21:27
arrrghhhwe fought and fought, but the new haret just didn't work right21:27
arrrghhhsome winmo chefs thought it would be a good idea to identify devices as LEO21:27
arrrghhhi can drag up the ah-ha post, 1 sec21:28
rpierce99if you specify mtype it still tries to detect?21:28
rpierce99don't worry about the post, i get the gist21:28
arrrghhhit was quite maddening21:28
arrrghhhthere was some text file or reg key i can't remember, but it was basically telling haret it was the wrong device.21:29
arrrghhhand haret will detect without a startup.txt21:29
arrrghhhwhich i guess happens before its read..?  not sure.21:29
rpierce99i wouldn't worry about it, people testing new kernels should be smart enough to change haret21:30
arrrghhhyea, probably true.21:30
arrrghhhthat was my feeling last time someone asked me to change that in FRX07 :P21:31
arrrghhhjust thinking of anything i can/should change21:31
arrrghhhwent thru and groomed startup's21:31
arrrghhhadded the dreaded RAPH300 startup21:31
arrrghhhi'm sure those fools will still bitch, because the touchpad buttons are still f-ed, lol21:31
rpierce99video libs, ril, facebook, anything else?21:32
arrrghhhother than the startup grooming i can't think of anything else21:33
arrrghhhwell, updated kernel + rootfs21:33
arrrghhhthat was the most difficult part for sure.21:33
rpierce99dangerous, giving noobs the new lights kernel, lol21:33
arrrghhhi noes21:34
rpierce99oh liblights21:34
arrrghhhi figured it'd make a good top off on the maintenance release21:34
arrrghhhpackaging this all up21:35
arrrghhhthen i'm going to do a couple of test runs, and post.  w00t.21:35
arrrghhhi love how i can download faster from the 'net than i can transfer to my SD card -_-21:36
arrrghhhmaybe i should try this tomorrow.  already i've forgotten startup.txt, and now ts-calib.  oy.21:43
arrrghhhi left it booting, and was wondering what was taking so long.  heh.21:44
arrrghhh17th time is the charm21:53
arrrghhhi wonder if having .1 in the folder name is bad juju21:58
rpierce99depends on the regex21:59
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arrrghhhjust running out of things to f-up that would cause a failure to boot, lol.21:59
arrrghhhstill no data.img22:02
arrrghhhi just remembered... no_partitions.  oy, maybe i do need to put this off... what else could i screw up at this rate...22:03
rpierce99wow, this is really bad arrrghhh how many times can you screw this up22:03
arrrghhhi'm on boot #7422:04
arrrghhhi've found all sorts of interesting ways to screw up22:04
rpierce99i removed my partitions yesterday because i don't care enough to bother with it anymore :)22:05
arrrghhhi have this card partitioned22:05
arrrghhhbut i haven't used 'em in months22:06
arrrghhhi have a good feeling about #7422:06
arrrghhhmainly because i don't think there's anything else left to cause failures to boot lol22:06
rpierce99at least not that early in the process22:06
rpierce99oh there is, i hit it the other day, run out of storage22:07
arrrghhhthat was one of the few things i actually did think about before booting22:07
arrrghhhi had 1.6gb free, so i should be good thar22:07
arrrghhhfor some reason the other 5 things slipped my mind, but hey22:07
arrrghhhi'm like new at this stuff22:07
arrrghhhbootani!  hooray.22:08
rpierce99good work22:08
rpierce99only took you....22:09
arrrghhhi know, you're impressed.22:09
D3tul3rpierce99, stupid macos yesterday i found half a gig in .Trashes....what is the fandangled shortcut for straight up delete  in os x anyways22:09
arrrghhhi always shift+del, but i use a real computer22:09
rpierce99rm -rf ?22:09
arrrghhhmost mac users don't know there is such a thing known as a 'console'22:10
rpierce99concensus on google seems to think there is no way, other than a custom applescript droplet that calls rm22:10
D3tul3you are kidding, i just thought i was too lazy to look it up22:10
rpierce99software called trashx22:11
arrrghhhpaid software i presume?22:11
arrrghhhcosts $149/year?22:11
arrrghhhappears to be free22:12
arrrghhhbut no license?22:12
rpierce99lol featured on the screen saves22:12
rpierce99it lets you download the dmg but has a buy link also?22:13
arrrghhhit's on the honor system?22:14
arrrghhhshoehornin tiem22:15
rpierce99wait that was just to get frx07 booting? lol22:15
D3tul3here's a fact, a certain xdandroid alumn has written more useful code with a bricked device in hand than the sum of #touchdroid...i feel like i am cool by association22:15
arrrghhhyup lol22:15
arrrghhhc'mon adb22:16
arrrghhhwork with me here22:16
rpierce99D3tul3: seriously, i haven't seen anyone else contribute anything, which is odd22:16
arrrghhhD3tul3, that is impressive22:16
arrrghhhand somehow not surprising.22:16
rpierce99we all know the mad kernel skills that jonpry has22:17
D3tul3it's painful in there, i just grep the logs for a few select names22:17
arrrghhhwait, jonpry bricked his tp2?22:17
rpierce99no his touchpad22:17
arrrghhhi was going to offer him the donor device lol22:17
arrrghhhit recognizes usb plug immediately22:18
arrrghhhusb debugging pops up and is enabled22:18
arrrghhhbut nada on the pc.  wtf.22:18
rpierce99uh, pebkac22:18
arrrghhhyea i'm sure22:18
arrrghhhbut where22:18
rpierce99i just said where22:18
arrrghhhi can't think of anything else that's broken - at least i'm usually good at finding my own issues22:18
arrrghhhdamn you22:18
rpierce99this is on winblows?22:19
arrrghhhseems like the usb port on the phone is flaking tho22:20
arrrghhhit's been getting worse & worse22:20
rpierce99you could check device manager22:20
rpierce99did it chime when you plugged it in?22:20
arrrghhhi see it in device manager22:20
arrrghhhseems i need to do drivers again22:20
arrrghhhoh well, lovely windoze...22:21
arrrghhhsees it as "HTC Dream Composite ADB Interface"22:22
rpierce99what did it see it as before?22:22
arrrghhhAndroid ADB Interface IIRC22:22
arrrghhhsomething to that effect at least22:22
rpierce99so either the vid/pid changed, or the driver got weird on your system22:23
arrrghhhimma have pdanet rape it22:23
arrrghhhthat's always worked for me in the past22:23
arrrghhhi went thru hell&back on my work pc22:23
arrrghhhand that fixed it in 30 seconds22:23
arrrghhhi was kinda pissed, and relieved at the same time.22:23
rpierce99i love how in this instace rape ~= fix22:24
arrrghhhisn't it always?22:25
arrrghhhat least for windows22:25
arrrghhhi'll never forget bill gates showing how versatile win98 *was*... *plug in scanner... BSOD*22:25
arrrghhhpdanet doesn't seem to be winning this battle either.  what have i done.22:26
rpierce99check the advanced dev properties for the vid/pid22:26
arrrghhhi haz XDA device22:27
arrrghhhi think that's a good sign22:27
rpierce99its 0x0c02:0x0bb4 on mine22:28
rpierce99er, reverse that22:28
arrrghhh0BB4 0C0222:29
rpierce99yeah it's your computer noob22:29
arrrghhhpdanet is winning now22:29
arrrghhhsettle down22:29
arrrghhhAndroid ADB Interface22:29
arrrghhhpdanet install said it failed, and it uninstalled itself22:30
arrrghhhbut it sorted out the drivers22:30
rpierce99the pride of denver colorado is on nbc right now22:31
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arrrghhhdo i want to knw22:37
rpierce99some guy dove from really high22:37
rpierce99it was pretty dumb22:37
arrrghhhwell i guess i'll reboot then22:39
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arrrghhhstartup.txt got blanked22:45
arrrghhhhow the hell...22:45
rpierce99someone said that used to happen to them22:47
arrrghhhwe always blamed it on that app22:47
arrrghhhthat startup utility app by sovereignty22:47
arrrghhhso i'm assuming i have to have the FB app installed to test this abomination, correct?22:55
rpierce99yes, and contacts22:56
rpierce99well, maybe it will prompt you without contacts22:56
rpierce99not sure22:56
arrrghhhi'll need to get some of these "contacts" you call them.22:56
rpierce99yeah i guess it would22:56
arrrghhhoh updated Market22:57
arrrghhhwould be a nice addition22:57
rpierce99oh yeah, i just did that today i should have remembered22:57
rpierce99the next stinebd build from source likely won't have that22:58
arrrghhhwhy is that22:58
arrrghhhi thought he just pulled gapps from CM?22:58
rpierce99well v2 was out for a long time before 3 came out and the  build still has 1.822:58
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arrrghhhi guess i could 'make sure' the Market app is always updated... heh22:59
rpierce99vending is part of the source not gapps22:59
arrrghhhi'm not sure.  i guess i'll have to talk to him about why that is.22:59
arrrghhhwell wtf then22:59
stinebdi've told you this many times before23:00
rpierce99i'd guess new market source is not in froyo tree23:00
stinebdand it's not open-source, that would be ridiculous23:00
arrrghhhwell you include it23:00
arrrghhhso... you're getting some version into it.  why not the latest?23:00
stinebdthat's where the gapps come from23:01
stinebdfind me an hdpi version on there that has the new market and works on froyo and i'll put it in23:01
stinebdhere's a hint to save you some time: there is none23:01
arrrghhhso what the hell am i using then23:02
arrrghhhjust some random apk that work?23:02
stinebdi'm not interested in random apks23:02
arrrghhhi see.23:02
stinebdi will never put such a thing in the source tree23:02
arrrghhhwell then, no updated Market.23:02
arrrghhhyea, that makes sense23:02
arrrghhhi figured i was shoving enough other crap on to here, might as well do the Market too :P23:02
rpierce99you should probably make sure all of your other changes are going to make the official tree at some point23:03
arrrghhhlets see what else do i need to test23:03
arrrghhhwell i'd hope the libs from hyc would23:03
rpierce99stinebd: any objection to the facebook patch?23:03
arrrghhhi know the RIL will23:03
arrrghhhso yea, the only thing left would be that FB poop23:03
stinebdrpierce99: probably23:04
arrrghhhbesides the basis that it's a patch... for Facebook.23:04
stinebdthe hyc decoders are already in my local tree for what it's worth23:05
rpierce99a patch to a system provider, to support a facebook feature23:05
arrrghhhstinebd, while you're here - end key causing wake?  feature?23:06
arrrghhhend key + menu are making some ppl crazy lol23:06
stinebdkey 107   HOME           WAKE_DROPPED23:07
stinebdit's set correctly in the keymaps23:07
arrrghhhso it's supposed to wake the device?23:07
arrrghhhdropped sounds like no23:07
stinebdWAKE_DROPPED: When this key is pressed while the device is asleep, the device will wake up and the key event does not get sent to the app.23:08
arrrghhhso we could make another keymap so it can be changed in the startup?23:08
arrrghhhthat would be nice.23:08
arrrghhhthat would be annoying23:08
arrrghhhbut nice if doable23:08
stinebdhow do you suppose it should be changed?23:09
arrrghhhwell what would be the simplest way of disabling that from a end-user perspective?23:09
stinebdusing windows23:09
stinebdlet me try to understand this23:10
arrrghhhbutt dial, nuff said23:10
stinebdpeople are upset that they hit end key, then hit menu and it's unlocked?23:10
arrrghhhi'd say it's a minority23:11
stinebdis there a majority of people with broken power buttons?23:11
rpierce99aka it's like 2 dudes23:11
arrrghhhrpierce99, i was thinking 1, same diff.23:11
stinebdthen WAKE_DROPPED can be removed23:11
stinebdthat's all there is to it23:11
stinebdend key would no longer wake the device23:12
arrrghhhlol all the people with broken power buttons come outta the woodwork23:12
arrrghhhmeh, i don't really care one way or the other23:12
arrrghhhbut i did have some people asking.  it wasn't many.23:12
stinebdi'd rather support the people frustrated by butt dialing on working devices than the people frustrated by having old as shit phones that are broken23:12
arrrghhhfb app asked me if i wanted to sync my contacts with existing ones23:15
arrrghhhah wouldn't even offer before?23:15
arrrghhhgetting a sync indicator23:16
arrrghhhwell i did something right tonight.23:16
stinebdarrrghhh: rootfs to test then i'm going to bed23:16
arrrghhhk thx23:16
arrrghhhi have FB pics for my contacts now23:17
stinebdbtw i used sed so maybe it's probably broken most likely23:18
arrrghhhrpierce99, what have you done?!?!23:18
arrrghhhstinebd, classy23:18
stinebdcommit first, blame arrrghhh later23:18
rpierce99i believe that technically i warned you23:18
stinebdbeware the paywall23:18
arrrghhhyea i have an fb sync provider too23:20
stinebdfaster please23:20
arrrghhhsorry, short attention span23:20
stinebdi seriously need to sleep23:20
rpierce99sleep is overrated23:20
rpierce99extremely unproductive23:20
arrrghhhmy sd card just hit dial-up speeds23:23
arrrghhhstill going at 30k/s23:29
stinebdwell i gotta go to bed, let me know if it works and i'll push it some time tomorrow23:30
arrrghhhno rush man, take it easy.23:30
arrrghhhit must be gen.y23:34
arrrghhhi dunno what else would blow up my startup.txt so consistently23:34
arrrghhhdo all the buttons have wake_dropped?23:39
rpierce99what's the file name/path23:40
rpierce99i'll grep it23:40
arrrghhhsomething in the rootfs i'm sure23:41
rpierce99oh wow23:41
arrrghhhis that in the kcm?23:41
arrrghhhkey 107   HOME23:41
arrrghhhsomething around thar23:41
rpierce99kcm is not in that format23:43
arrrghhhhq youtoobs23:43
arrrghhhwhat else do i need to test23:44
arrrghhhblinken led i guess23:44
rpierce99MENU BACK AND CALL all have wake_dropped23:44
arrrghhhso basically every button can wake the phone23:44
rpierce99although this file for rhod400 does not have 10723:45
rpierce99so maybe it gets merged with a file for all phones?23:45
arrrghhhi didn't do blinken right23:46
arrrghhhi get a solid green LED.23:46
arrrghhhisn't /system/lib/hw from rootfs...?23:46
rpierce99if it is it looks like it's copied, ls -l doesn't show a symlink23:48
arrrghhhwell i guess it's possible i f-ed that up23:50
arrrghhhor missed that one23:50
arrrghhhmd5's don't match23:50
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arrrghhhworks now23:57
arrrghhhlast thing i guess would be the RIL23:57
rpierce99have you been on the new or old23:58
arrrghhhwell i've been running the new one 'normally'23:58
arrrghhhbut FRX07 has a slightly older version then what is available.23:59

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