Wednesday, 2011-08-31

travjonpy, hope you havent lost interest in tp2 development due to your touchpad00:00
travwe still need you00:00
arrrghhhall righty then00:02
arrrghhhthat took entirely too long, but I've got a good maintenance release i think00:02
rpierce99so you're just going to ignore all of the other WAKE_DROPPEDs?00:04
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arrrghhhi'll talk to stine about that tomorrow00:05
arrrghhhnot going to release tonight00:05
arrrghhhwhat up [acl]00:05
[acl]same ol00:05
arrrghhhso you're just gonna abandon the screen off ani00:12
arrrghhhis everything else pretty smooth?  from that short video it looked pretty good00:12
[acl]yeah but i really wanted to see that whole anim in action00:12
arrrghhhwould've been nice00:13
[acl]ill compile cyano and see if its performs better. It runs on the tattoo so its bound to run on the rhod00:13
[acl]but they limit 10 frames on the tatoo instead of the full 2400:13
arrrghhhneopeek kept talking about some "skia" bug on CM700:13
arrrghhhand it was a kernel issue, supposedly fixed in .35+00:14
[acl]bug ? nahh he compiled it wrong00:14
arrrghhhor somewhere along that line00:14
arrrghhhi have no clue what a skia bug is00:14
arrrghhhsounds like VD00:14
[acl]its graphic related00:14
arrrghhhso the screen off ani is only 10 frames on the tattoo?00:15
arrrghhhstupid old hardware.00:15
[acl]cyano changed the surface flinger code so it can be adjustable00:15
arrrghhhcotulla said we have 15mb for video memory... bleh00:15
arrrghhhof course he did, the madman.00:15
[acl]you know what00:17
[acl]i wonder if wistilt can do the electron beam at the panel level00:17
[acl]hardware electron beam00:17
arrrghhhhave you talked to him lately?00:17
[acl]like 2 weeks ago i think00:17
arrrghhhhe said he was goin on a vaca, but that was over a month ago..00:17
[acl]he was still on vaca00:17
arrrghhhthat dude is always on vaca00:18
arrrghhhwe need to start our own companies dude00:18
[acl]i know right00:18
arrrghhhhe has to worry about a lot of crazy shit00:18
arrrghhhbut can get away from it all on a whim...00:18
jonpryhey [acl]00:28
[acl]jonpry: sup dood.. long time.. traveling again ?00:28
jonprysort of. i'm in seattle right now. going back on sunday00:29
[acl]ahh cool00:29
[acl]how is the prypad coming? fire sale coming soon like the hp touchpad00:29
arrrghhhi don't think jonpry has a bunch of pissed off investors & execs burning down his back00:31
jonpry[acl], i got a working one :p00:31
jonpryandroid port is not done but all hardware is functional00:31
[acl]jonpry: now make about 10 of em .. and put em on sale already00:32
jonpry[acl], i gotta bunch of pcb's and parts. but gotta go back to Grenada00:33
arrrghhhis that where you do your best work?  :P00:33
[acl]i shall be patient00:33
jonpryi made this mother in a toaster oven00:34
jonpryamerican made i guess is that much better00:34
jonpryworked first try00:35
jonpry11,000 pins soldered00:35
jonpry[acl] how was the hurricane?00:36
[acl]wasnt as bad as expected00:36
[acl]but alot of trees went down00:36
[acl]subways closed first time in history00:36
jonprylocked in with the women?00:37
[acl]i tried.. but they rather be with their fam00:37
[acl]so it was just me and gingerbread00:37
HuckWeedacl where in nyc are you00:39
HuckWeednice i was just in sunnyside last month00:40
arrrghhhalright, sleepy time.  cya guys00:44
jonpry[acl], you got a touchpad?00:45
[acl]i tried00:45
[acl]sold out everywhere00:45
jonpryimho its not a bad deal at $25000:48
jonpryand we are having a blast in teamdouche00:48
jonpryand #touchdroid00:49
jonpryand i am god, lol00:49
jonpryyou see on #touchdroid topic they named the channel after me00:52
rpierce99you're the only one who knows what they are doing, so it's fitting00:53
jonpryi wouldn't say know exactly00:53
rpierce99leaps and bounds ahead of any of the other "devs" in there00:54
jonprysome of the CM people are pretty good00:57
[acl]jonpry: it was 99 bucks here00:58
[acl]so it sold out all over the place00:59
rpierce99[acl]: you don't happen to live somewhere "impacted" by the hurricane00:59
jonpryhere too but people are reselling them00:59
jonpryi had to pay $15000:59
rpierce99apparently best buy has 300 more that couldn't make it to stores because of the hurricane00:59
jonpryprice goes up every day. artificially depressed prices do to non liquidity01:00
[acl]rpierce99: well some places near by here yeah.. not serious tho01:00
rpierce99so they will be coming on the next shipment01:00
rpierce99the rest of the country is sold out01:00
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arrrghhhsupposedly HP is making 'one last run' of the TouchPad to "meet demand" lol.08:19
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arrrghhhstinebd, your dreams of AT&T&T might be crushed by the good ole gov't10:52
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rpierce99jonpry: sorry I didn't get a TP, wish i could help you out man11:42
jonpryrpierce99, you should get one :p11:42
rpierce99at $99 it was a "maybe if i had some extra cash laying around" but now, no thank you for $20011:43
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brinka123Hi generated zimage using:11:45
brinka123make ARCH=arm htc_msm_android_defconfig11:45
brinka123make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/home/brinka123/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.0/bin/arm-eabi- zImage11:45
brinka123haret doesn't start....11:46
brinka123Any ideas11:46
jonpryrpierce99, it is $318 of parts11:46
brinka123I am sure i have the right clone.11:46
rpierce99brinka123: yes, you need the new haret with a new initrd_offset11:47
rpierce99jonpry: that doesn't mean it's $318 worth of value11:47
jonpryit might11:47
jonpryits not like last years silicon11:47
jonprythis is a brand new design 8 weeks ago11:47
rpierce99i know, it will make a decent android tablet, and i hear web os is nice, but i've never really even wanted a tablet11:48
rpierce99except to screw around with11:48
jonpryi like the webos better than android tbh11:48
rpierce99no apps kinda sucks11:49
jonpryit runs more oob ubuntu stuff. and i've never been big into apps anyways11:49
brinka123rpierce99: I just tried to test whether I can generate the same kernel as the published one.11:49
jonprygot flash, adobe, office, birds11:49
rpierce99brinka123: there is some voodoo that happens to keep the kernel under a certain file size11:50
rpierce99user generated kernels seem to be larger11:50
rpierce99and thus can't fit with the default haret params11:50
brinka123rpierce99: org zImage 1.613 kB generated 1.673 kB ???11:52
brinka123rpierce99: This makes difference??11:52
rpierce99uh, my kernel is 2.1 MB11:53
rpierce99hm, aug 13 is 1.611:54
rpierce99meh 1.711:54
rpierce99but yes, possibly, it's right on the border, it's really not that hard to rule out if you don't believe me11:55
rpierce99it's a single file and 1 line in startup.txt11:55
arrrghhhbrinka123, exactly... it's not that hard why not try to see?11:56 kernels are 1.611:58
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brinka123searching for the initrd.gz...11:58
rpierce99no, not initrd.gz11:59
rpierce99startup.txt initrd_offset11:59
arrrghhhfollow step 1&2 brinka12312:01
brinka123OK thanks.12:05
brinka123Don't understand why we can't reproduce the " official" generation of a kernel...12:06
rpierce99probably can, just need to get the entire build environment the same12:06
rpierce99toolchain, including same version of all tools, etc12:06
brinka123yep I understand...12:07
rpierce99all of the kernel devs have run into what you're running into right now12:07
brinka123I understand..12:07
rpierce99when JB was doing the camera testing literally the changes he made from one version of the code to the next broke the haret boundary12:07
arrrghhhyea i remember that12:08
arrrghhhgood times12:08
arrrghhhi miss jb, that dude's been scarce lately.12:12
rpierce99jonpry: we really need the steps to get into adb wikified somewhere with download links to adbd and the uImage, this explanation has happened at least 30 times now12:17
jonpryi know. and it will happen again12:18
jonpryand again12:18
jonpryin the past two days i have spent many hours trying to get done what would take 5 minutes if i had a TP12:19
jonprywhat i really need is to get a branch setup that has novaterm12:22
arrrghhhhow did you end up with a brick jonpry ?12:22
rpierce99because he's the only one actually doing development?12:23
arrrghhhwell, that's obvious12:23
arrrghhhjust wondering what actually bricked it12:23
rpierce99messing with p6 IIRC12:24
jonpryyeah i zeroed one of the bootloaders12:25
jonpryfollowing an apparently bad lead12:25
brinka123First before I go further I will created a test sdcard. I am worried that I will mess up a working configuration.12:28
arrrghhhbrinka123, you can have many installs on one SD12:29
arrrghhhsection them off with folders, and adjust rel_path12:29
arrrghhhonly downside i've noticed is your SD card quickly fills with builds, and ringtones get picked up from other builds so you have repeats.12:29
brinka123what about cache, data and system content?12:30
arrrghhhin a folder12:31
arrrghhhdata.img is isolated in a folder12:31
arrrghhhsystem.ext2 isolated in a folder12:31
arrrghhhbut everything in a folder...12:31
brinka123Thanks, I go for a second sdcard.12:33
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arrrghhhto each their own12:40
arrrghhhman, with starfoxes kernel & a bit of an OC... i'm surprised at how different it is going back to stock.12:40
arrrghhhhow slow it is i should say :P12:40
rpierce99you should change init back to 25612:41
rpierce99it killed mine12:41
arrrghhhi did that12:42
arrrghhhwell i used that sd booster app thingy12:42
rpierce99i meant in your new build12:42
arrrghhhthat's rootfs12:42
arrrghhhi'll bug stine about that when i bug him about the WAKE_DROPPED crap12:42
arrrghhhspeaking of which, stinebd - it seems every button has WAKE_DROPPED.  is that what we want...?12:43
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brinka123arrrghhh: Running my own generated kernel now. Thanks.13:46
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arrrghhhbrinka123, new haret solved it?13:50
arrrghhhwell & init offset13:50
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brinka123arrrghhh: yes14:22
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Detulejonpry: sorry for leaving you with #touchdroid testers, i am at work all day, but if you would like I can run your stuff on my pad tonight.....14:42
rpierce99Someone finally executed his code and it failed, i think he's looking for another way to do it14:45
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MrObviousHey anyone here?15:11
MrObviousI wanna know if anyone has figured out why FRX07 lags so bad on CDMA?15:12
rpierce99according to my count 35 people & you15:12
Detulei would think that's obvious MrObvious15:13
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MrObviousSo no fixes yet?15:13
Detuleno obious ones15:14
rpierce99wait what are we talking about15:16
rpierce99i have cdma15:16
Detulei would think it's obvious15:16
rpierce99is this a subtle bash on cdma itself?15:16
MrObviousI thin kso rpierce.15:17
MrObvious*think so15:17
Detuleit was a lame attempt at sarcasm on my part15:19
rpierce99so what are you really talking about MrObvious15:19
rpierce99define "lag"15:20
rpierce99and how do you know it's cdma related15:20
MrObviousI've just been doing reading that it's cdma related, that's all.15:20
arrrghhhrpierce99, he's probably got a DIAM500 or RAPH80015:20
arrrghhhMrObvious, what device15:20
arrrghhhcuz it's not obvious :P15:20
MrObviousBut when I open the browser and try to type a website it freezes up bad.15:20
arrrghhhdid you follow this thread?15:21
arrrghhhor i should say the first post15:21
arrrghhhthen you're good15:21
MrObviousI did the RIL fix and the new zImage.15:21
arrrghhhyou probably won't get data service15:21
MrObviousI use Wi-Fi anyway. I don't pay for 3G.15:22
arrrghhhi dunno then15:22
arrrghhhmy raph800 tester runs smooth as silk on wifi with those changes15:22
MrObviousFail. lol15:22
arrrghhhyea, you're failing.15:22
MrObviousI wonder if I have it done wrong.15:22
arrrghhhis it just the browser that's slow?15:22
arrrghhhthen use another browser15:23
MrObviousOh duh. Should I have deleted data.img after the fixes?15:23
arrrghhhi don't think that's necessary15:24
arrrghhhbut it's worth a shot.  rename it if you want to be able to revert.15:24
MrObviousOh I haven't downloaded that much so starting over won't be a hardship.15:24
arrrghhhsome people don't seem to realize the gravity of blasting out the data.img15:25
arrrghhhso i've been reminding people that is always an option :P15:25
MrObviousI'll try it as soon as my phone is off the charger.15:26
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Detulejonpry: my understanding of assembler is close to zero : kill_it when used with next_kill is supposed to zero out IMEM?15:43
jonpryor most of it15:43
jonprycan't overwrite itself15:43
Detulethanks just trying to figure out how you got that C code to execute....nice of you to leave that array sum15:56
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rpierce99arrrghhh: if you haven't build frx07 you'll have to edit some files16:27
rpierce99well, i did, and Detule did16:27
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brinka123I thought mt9t013.c was used for camera, but no .o file is generated. And I can use the camera...16:34
rpierce99the camera libs are mostly all named lib*camera*.so16:35
arrrghhhrpierce99, wat16:36
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arrrghhhwhat do you mean building FRX0716:39
arrrghhhoh building it fresh from source?16:39
arrrghhhwhat did you have to edit?16:39
rpierce99it errored16:40
rpierce99there are some @Override directives in superuser that aren't valid16:40
arrrghhhah i remember those SU issues you guys talked about16:40
rpierce99i just read your post that you are going to try to patch bluetooth for that guy16:41
rpierce99thought i'd give you a heads up16:41
rpierce99since you said you haven't build the system in a while16:41
Detulearrrghhh: i just built a system.ext2 with a patched phone.apk let me get it up on dropbox16:41
rpierce99whatfor is phone being patched for16:42
Detulethat bt business16:42
Detuleor did i patch the wrong file16:42
arrrghhhyou did mah work for me16:43
arrrghhhi figured someone would, they always do16:43
rpierce99oh i didn't know that was in phone.apk16:43
arrrghhhit is in phone.apk16:43
arrrghhhwhen compiled at least :P16:43
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arrrghhhwhat do you guys think about that silly little change?16:48
arrrghhhwould it have any adverse affects?16:48
arrrghhhi wouldn't think so, 500ms to 1000.. probably not a huge detriment.16:48
rpierce99probably not a huge help either16:49
arrrghhhyea i would agree16:49
arrrghhhbut if it fixes that dude's issue, whatever.16:49
arrrghhhprobably don't want me putting that link in the thread eh?  :P16:53
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Detulewell you can't mount the apk on frx07 you need a custom build16:54
arrrghhhno i know16:54
arrrghhhi meant the dropbox link16:54
Detulewait am i being dense, what's the problem with the dropbox link16:55
arrrghhhno problem16:55
arrrghhhi was asking if i could post it in the thread16:55
rpierce99you don't want to publicly post a link to dropbox, it violates the TOS16:55
arrrghhhsome ppl don't like doing that, i've heard dropbox will close or block accts16:55
arrrghhhi'll rehost16:56
arrrghhhno worries16:56
Detuleoh thanks for the heads up16:56
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stinebdarrrghhh: your mom is what we want17:17
stinebdFACK YEAH
stinebdwhat the public doesn't know is that hilarity will then ensue with att's lte plans17:18
stinebdsets them back at least 2 years17:18
rpierce99what a slacker17:25
stinebdwho's that guy that got pissed off when we passworded the downloads?17:43
stinebdpretty sure it wasn't rpierce99 because he's not memorable17:45
rpierce99and doesn't give a fuck17:45
stinebdlanguage please17:45
rpierce99my language reflects my lack of fucks that I am giving17:45
arrrghhhstinebd, why?  i can't remember.  slickdaddy or something.17:51
stinebdno reason really17:52
stinebdi was thinking about it and laughing17:52
arrrghhhlol ok17:52
stinebdlet me roll up another rootfs for you with all that crap disabled17:53
stinebdi'm so damn tired it's like i'm drunk17:53
stinebdoh i missed tilt2 in there btw17:54
stinebdway to catch that, master tester guy17:54
arrrghhhsince i have one of those17:59
arrrghhhwhew, what a day.  cya guys later.18:06
arrrghhhlol 30k/s again18:56
arrrghhhevidently rootfs' don't like to transfer quickly to mah phone18:57
stinebddigdogger hates sound19:05
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arrrghhhstinebd, seems to work as expected on mah rhod40019:11
stinebdpermission to push?19:12
arrrghhhas if you needed my permission :P19:13
arrrghhhalrighty then19:13
arrrghhhah crap19:13
arrrghhhi forgot to ask you about that other change...19:13
stinebdno you didnt19:13
arrrghhhi didn't?19:13
stinebdthe facebook thing doesn't go in rootfs anyway19:13
arrrghhhi mentioned it earlier19:13
arrrghhhno not that one19:13
arrrghhhthe card cache one19:13
stinebdthe results aren't consistent right?19:14
arrrghhh2048 seems to work best on newer, faster cards19:14
arrrghhhone dude said he found 3072 was the sweet spot19:14
stinebdyeah i'm not really sure what to do with that19:14
arrrghhhbut it seems the majority have issues19:14
arrrghhhwell let me put it this way... some users saw a boost in performance.  the vast majority of remaining users saw a significant performance drop.19:15
stinebdwith 2048 right?19:15
arrrghhhputting it to 256kb doesn't seem to have any negative side effects - other than some users could probably bump that up and get a slight boost19:15
stinebdthat's what i got from the thread19:15
arrrghhhthat seems like something we should leave up to the individual to adjust19:16
arrrghhhput it at a 'safe' default19:16
arrrghhhand if people want to tweak it, let 'em.19:16
stinebdpeople can adjust it in userinit19:16
arrrghhhi'll add it to my performance tweaks thread, i was meaning to anyways.19:16
arrrghhhthat sd booster app does the same poop19:16
arrrghhhwhich is probably what i'll put in the post, easy for users.19:16
stinebdi think it's not worth doing anything in rootfs19:17
arrrghhhblow it all up?19:17
stinebdblow what up?19:17
arrrghhhthe rootfs19:17
arrrghhhwho needs it19:17
stinebdi mean the read-ahead crap19:18
arrrghhhi would think a safer default would be best...19:18
stinebdwe should probably set it to something low and let users adjust it if they feel they have a good sd card19:18
stinebdother than that, not do anything19:18
arrrghhhthat's what i'm saying.19:19
stinebdno switches or anything in rootfs19:19
arrrghhhyes please19:19
stinebddefault is 128kb i think19:19
arrrghhhi thought it was 256.  128 is fine.19:19
arrrghhhi'll mention this in my thread like i said earlier, so if people want to play with it they can19:20
arrrghhhbut they don't have the big size forced on 'em.19:20
arrrghhhi think that's the reason a lot of users have reported more reset to bootani problems.19:21
stinebdhas there been any feedback on 1MB?19:21
arrrghhhhyc had set it up to 204819:21
stinebdi think that would be the most likely setting to provide decent read speed and non cockblockiness19:22
arrrghhhand didn't get a whole lot of negative feedback to be honest... not sure why.19:22
arrrghhhnon cockblockiness lol19:22
stinebdhow active is that thread?19:22
stinebdthink we could still do some tests with 512 and 1024?19:22
arrrghhhwhich, my speed improvement thread?19:22
stinebdwade belak died19:23
xdandroidNew rootfs available (20110831-83ea106) at: -- Changes at:
arrrghhhcrap, i should go change mah oil.19:24
arrrghhhi'll update the thread and ask a few people who have had reset issues especially to try the different values.19:25
D3tul3jonpry, i am home and have novacom/adb/memboot sorted out on here if you need someone to run code for long as you don't ask me to dd over any of the partitions19:29
jonpryD3tul3, i am not sure that the C program or any of our experiments were executing19:33
D3tul3wait, you did get a reboot in qdl mode with that c code right19:34
jonprypretty sure you can get that by just running cmd 5 with any old code uploaded19:37
jonpryat least some of the time19:37
jonpryits kind of random. its like cmd 5 is hyperspace jump19:37
jonprydoesn't necessarily mean it isn't working. might just need to analyze it statistically19:38
jonpryalso there is a command for reset. which if it is the right kind of reset, could be used to execute our code19:39
D3tul3how did you come up with cmd 5 anyway or who...i take it there is no pdf on these things19:40
jonpryscotty2 from #g2root got it19:41
jonpryreversed the qdltool or something. and eventually he even extracted the PBL19:41
jonpryi think this could work if we could get the PBL ripped off of it. only like 6KB of binary so pretty easy to understand19:42
jonpryi did make the ultimate mem dumping kernel19:44
jonpryshould be able to dump IMEM with that19:45
D3tul3alright in an adb shell where to echo?19:51
jonprythe is a sysfs file called foo19:52
jonpryi don't know where19:52
jonprythen its like echo "704643072 4" > foo19:52
jonpryit just takes a decimal address and number of bytes. where bytes must be a multiple of 419:53
jonpryso this is a more general purpose tool19:54
jonpryhow is this possible19:55
D3tul3if only it would reset when you want it to19:57
D3tul3well i guess i can try and cmd 5 something that should be harmless (1+1) and see if it causes a qdl reset20:17
jonprycmd 5 will probably just report an error unless you give it an IMEM address as an argument20:18
jonpryi would be amazed if you could just get it to do the same thing every time20:18
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arrrghhhah i'm glad jb got the camera working21:15
arrrghhhhow else could i deposit checks21:15
rpierce99my bank charged me freaking money to deposit via my home computer21:16
rpierce99oh and didn't tell me it cost $ ahead of time21:16
arrrghhhwhat bank if you don't mind me asking?21:16
arrrghhhdidn't even know they had that feature21:16
rpierce99its new21:17
rpierce99its like a java applet in your browser that hooks up to your scanner directly21:17
arrrghhhi guess if my company (the bank) is getting it, everyone has it.21:17
arrrghhhi've had usaa for years, they've had it for a long ass time.21:17
rpierce99you work at a bank and bank at a credit union? lolz21:17
arrrghhhi get better perks21:18
arrrghhhnot like slightly better either.  significantly better.21:18
arrrghhhi've been with usaa for almost 10 years21:18
rpierce99i hate us bank, but i tried to switch to ING and they wouldn't take me21:18
arrrghhhand navy federal since... well i guess i was an infant21:18
arrrghhhand my bank, while a good company, is a regular bank.  not very good perks.21:19
rpierce99even their checking requires a credit check because overdrafts are handled as small loans instead of fees21:19
arrrghhhyou don't have any members of your family that were or are in the military?21:19
arrrghhhusaa is always expanding the eligibility pool21:19
rpierce99uh, maybe a cousin on my moms side, not sure21:19
arrrghhhthey used to be pretty strict21:19
arrrghhhthat probably wouldn't work.21:19
arrrghhhoh well.21:20
arrrghhhyea, i have literally everything thru usaa.  they're the shit.21:20
rpierce99i just literally laughed out loud, all by myself, at home, looking at damn you autocorrect21:22
arrrghhhhow long does it take your browser to boot linux21:44
rpierce99it didn't take long21:45
rpierce99maybe 20 seconds i thought21:45
rpierce99i didn't really measure21:45
arrrghhhit told me21:45
arrrghhhafter booting to a prompt lol21:45
arrrghhhi guess if you count the time it took java to poop21:45
arrrghhhit probably was closer to 20 seconds...21:45
rpierce99oh, yeah 6.32621:45
arrrghhhapparently i just stumbled upon the homepage of the dude that started the ffmpeg project.  epic.21:46
rpierce99if you say so21:46
arrrghhhi just did21:46
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stinebdarrrghhh: the goatse guy didn't start ffmpeg21:57
arrrghhhhow do you know21:57
stinebdbecause i know the goatse guy21:57
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arrrghhhstinebd, you thar23:31
arrrghhhdoes (in /system/lib/hw) come from the rootfs...?23:31
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cronopiohi all!!23:43
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arrrghhhcronopio, howdy23:51
D3tul3arrrghhh, looks like it
arrrghhhthx D3tul323:52
cronopioarrrghhh: whats up?23:52
arrrghhhi guess i need to ask sir stine to get that into the rootfs23:52
arrrghhhcronopio, you said hi all.  i was responding23:52
cronopioarrrghhh: im trying to install android on HTC Touch Diamond 223:52
arrrghhhsounds like fun23:52
cronopioarrrghhh: :)23:52
cronopioarrrghhh: not fun at all, haret dont work fine23:53
arrrghhhlol descriptive23:53
arrrghhhwant to expand on "dont work fine"?23:53
cronopiothis is the log
cronopiowhen exec haret.exe, i get black screen, 3 lines of little text, then reboot on windows again23:54
arrrghhhmarvell pxa31023:55
arrrghhhwhat is this?23:55
rpierce99that's what the startup.txt says23:55
cronopioi Download the bundle from this topic
arrrghhhbut is it actually a topaz23:56
arrrghhhthat's kinda old23:56
arrrghhhbut should still work23:56
cronopiostartup.txt =>
arrrghhhwell i can see it in this haret log23:57
arrrghhhFound machine Generic ARM 92623:57
cronopiothe data.img never was created23:57
arrrghhhthat seems suspect23:57
cronopioarrrghhh: yeah23:57
arrrghhhhave you ever been able to run android on this?23:58
arrrghhhdo you have some wacky winmo rom23:58
cronopioarrrghhh: should be detect topaz23:58
arrrghhhwith some odd settings23:58
cronopioarrrghhh: no, never change nothing on windows23:58
arrrghhhnever change nothing23:58
arrrghhhso stock ROM?23:58
arrrghhhno cabs installed, ever?23:58
cronopioyeah, all original23:58
arrrghhhDetected machine Generic ARM 926/generic (Plat='PocketPC' OEM='Marvell')23:58
arrrghhhthis isn't a topaz23:59
arrrghhhor at least haret doesn't think it is23:59
cronopioin some pages said HTC Touch Diamond 2 == Topaz, doesn?23:59

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