Monday, 2011-08-15

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smiley-_xda-Squirrels: I did run my RAPH100 on ~700 too..  over a week of uptime with that00:20
xda-Squirrelsim just concerned because with any kind of decent data usage, my battery gets hot at stock speed so...00:23
xda-Squirrelswe'll see00:23
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xda-Squirrelsmaybe im being a noobsauce, but using su in adb shell just seems to echo 'su' back to me and echos anything else i send to it until i ctrl+break out of it01:18
xda-Squirrelsn/m, after waiting a while, i get Permission denied01:19
xda-Squirrelsi wonder if 'superuser' app is blocking access01:19
arrrghhhit should ask for permission the first time01:20
arrrghhhon the phone obviously01:20
arrrghhhthen if you 'remember' it, shouldn't again.01:20
xda-Squirrelsnever does, no denied in logs for it01:20
xda-Squirrelsonly thing in the logs is "GetLogs"01:20
xda-Squirrelson adb shell it looks like this01:20
xda-Squirrels$ su01:20
xda-SquirrelsPermission Denied01:20
arrrghhhis the screen of the phone one01:21
arrrghhhphone unlocked01:21
xda-Squirrelsat the getlogs settings menu01:21
arrrghhhit definitely popped up on my screen01:21
arrrghhhand asked like any other app that asks for root01:21
xda-Squirrelsthere we go, weird01:22
xda-Squirrelschanged it to notification instead of toast and cleared logs and it suddenly asked me01:23
xda-Squirrelsor maybe it was caue i wasnt at the home screen01:23
xda-Squirrelsidk, either way its working now01:23
xda-Squirrelsi'll 'forget' the access and try and track it down in a bit01:23
xda-Squirrelsgonna tinker with adb shell01:23
xda-Squirrelsalright, minfree set01:24
xda-SquirrelsDefaults: 1536,2048,4096,5120,5632,614401:25
xda-Squirrelsecho "1536,3072,8192,10240,12288,20480" > /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/minfree01:25
xda-Squirrelsgoing to start breaking shit....now01:25
xda-Squirrelsperhaps that logcat was too detailed lol01:32
xda-Squirrelslogcat -b main -v long -d -f /sdcard/detaillog.txt *:V01:33
arrrghhhgrepping / searching helps01:33
arrrghhh'for broadcast'01:33
arrrghhhis what you wanna look for01:33
xda-Squirrelsdidnt get a whole lot of results01:34
arrrghhhmake sure it's a couple minutes into the boot process01:35
arrrghhhi kept checking it01:35
arrrghhhgrepping helped here01:35
arrrghhhso i didn't have to keep checking :P01:35
xda-Squirrelshmm, no timestamps either either long or default01:37
arrrghhhi just do logcat -v time01:37
xda-Squirrelsand lost adb connection01:37
xda-Squirrelsit likes to do that every now and then and say Windows does not recognize the device or it has malfunctioned01:38
xda-Squirrelsbut only in android01:38
BulitPrufnew life for this phone. now to unlock01:39
xda-Squirrelstrying logcat -v time -d -f /sdcard/detaillog.txt *:V01:40
xda-Squirrelsthere we go01:40
xda-Squirrelsonly seen two that had a time and matched approximnate boot time01:41
arrrghhhadb on the RAPH800 was a chore01:42
arrrghhhhad to boot with usb plugged in, activesync01:42
arrrghhhit was annoying01:42
xda-Squirrelsi have activesync on but 'faster' mode01:43
xda-Squirrelsand that breaks in winmo sometimes01:43
xda-Squirrelsonly activesync that works normally is with that faster unchecked01:43
xda-Squirrelsleast in winmo01:44
xda-Squirrelsi usually check it so activesync doesnt try and fuck with my proxy settings like it loves to do01:45
xda-Squirrelswhats that? windows proxy is set to lets set all the phones proxy shti to that too so when he tries to use cdma data networks, he cant get anywhere and has to disable it every time >.>01:45
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xda-Squirrels$ su01:48
xda-Squirrels[2] + Stopped (signal)        su01:48
xda-Squirrels[1]   Segmentation fault      su01:48
xda-Squirrelsseg fault all up in dis bitch01:48
xda-Squirrelsguess i need to wait for all the stuff to stop loading lol (clock is still 00:00 on the widgets)01:49
xda-Squirrelsthere we go01:49
xda-Squirrelsworks now lol01:49
xda-Squirrelsa lot more details now01:50
xda-Squirrelswish windows command line didnt suck so much wang01:50
xda-Squirrelsk f this, ima just xfer the txt file off the thing rather than deal with windows cmd formatting the return in fixed width01:52
xda-Squirrelsgoodie, cant use my web browser upload thinger01:53
xda-Squirrelscause when i click browse, it wants to use picture gallery, sound recorder or select music track01:53
xda-Squirrelsnone of which will show .txt file in the root of the sd01:54
arrrghhhadb shell01:55
arrrghhhlogcat -v time |grep -i "for broadcast"01:55
xda-Squirrelsyeah, i hate looking at half of it being cut off and throw on the next line01:55
xda-Squirrelsim picky01:55
xda-Squirrelscause of windows command line not being resizable past like 80 characters01:55
xda-Squirrelsand always wrapping the words01:55
xda-Squirrelsi'd rather reboot into winmo, xfer the file fof the drive then reboot into android01:56
arrrghhhpowershell isn't bad01:56
arrrghhhbut a real shell is better01:56
xda-Squirrelsim using stock windows cmd01:56
arrrghhhand you can adjust the buffers01:56
arrrghhhbut either way, i'm going to bed.  enjoy01:56
xda-Squirrelsyeah i figurd it out, had to use properties on the window cause maximize would retain the maximum width of the buffer01:59
xda-Squirrelsi just forced buffers to be 9999 both ways01:59
xda-Squirrelsmuch better02:02
xda-Squirrelsadjusted my compcache slightly too02:25
xda-Squirrelswe'll see how well it runs tomorrow02:25
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BulitPrufhas everyone gone to work now?06:50
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xda-Squirrelsi work 8am-5pm central time08:48
xda-Squirrelsso soon ;p08:48
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xda-Squirrelstinyirc is teh lamez (work dns is broken to shit, as is routing, surprised i was able to get into my ssh)09:34
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emwearrrghhh: oom_adj, eh? ;)10:33
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xda-Squirrelsi'll adjust you in the oom ;o10:37
Detulehi emwe10:40
xda-Squirrelsarrrghhh: Pretty sure i'd have an aneurism reading some of the 'questions' in those threads much less replying to them lol10:40
emweDetule: regarding credits, i just implemented the led color setting. the base code itself came from alex' .35 kovsky. i extended it and imho cleanup up a bit.10:55
Detulewell i hope he doesn't mind (you as well, i felt like i was copy/pasting)11:01
Detuledid the patch make it out to the mailing list? i gues developers@xda is different than xdandroid-dev11:02
emwexdandroid-dev is for "our" project.11:04
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Detuleemwe: i know you said that the first of the four bits we send is NOT for the back led11:38
Detulebut that's exactly what I am getting11:38
Detuleall i can see is that that bit makes the back led blink11:38
emweDetule: yes, but thsoe first two bytes are "interconnected". so it's more like you select a program. or we haven't figured the bits yet11:39
emwetry to set solid green for both. won't work.11:39
Detulei can't set solid green for the back one11:40
Detulefrom what i can tell it's 00 = off or anything else blink11:40
Detulei discovered orange on the front led though11:41
emweone sec.11:41
CptAJHas anyone seen machiche? I read in the logs that he was trying to get support for the whitestone/imagio. I want to help out11:42
emwedon't remember. you ready for adding kernel support?11:44
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Detuleemwe: was that directed at me?11:44
emwenope :)11:44
emweDetule: my dropbox doesn't like to sync upstream. wanted o share my spreadsheet11:45
CptAJMe? Definitely not. I wanted to see how far he got and what I could do to help. I'm a developer but I've never done any kernel hacking before.11:46
emwe:/ :)11:48
Detuleoh you are right i am starting to see some crazy patterns11:48
Detulethanks for that, i don't have a spreadsheet app here11:50
Detulebut i'll take a look at it later in the office11:50
emweDetule: that's the simple shell script for bashing at the dbgfs entry on .35.11:51
emwefor led disco that is.11:51
Detuleyeah i wrote my own so that i can write to all 4 values11:51
emwethe 4th byte is definitively blink duration when "blink programm" is on.11:52
Detuleok which byte combination is "blink program" on11:52
Detulebecause my led is doing something now that is definitely random11:52
emweany led blinking ;)11:52
emwe0100ffff e.g.11:53
emweback led green blink will blink it eternally11:54
emwe0100ff01 will blink it once11:54
emwe0400ffff is red/green alternating eternally11:54
emwe(on back that is)11:55
Detule0100f01 blinks the back rhod eternally for me11:55
Detuleback led11:55
emweyou meant 0100ff01 i assume?11:57
* xda-Squirrels twitches11:58
emweDetule: ah nice find. you are right. third byte has a saying as well...11:58
emweDetule: 0x01000001 blinks it once on the back11:59
Detuletry this11:59
emweso go figure third one11:59
BulitPrufnow all mu app installs failing11:59
emweif 3rd is 0xff 4th has no effect11:59
emwethat's what i called testmode ;)12:07
emwewhen you look at the doc later, i called such stuff TESTMODECYCLE which it apparently is not. :)12:08
Detuledid i just hit that randomly?12:09
Detulei guess what i am looking for is what liblights is trying to write -> frequency, and also the ration the led stays on vs off during one cycle12:10
emwethere's several led alternating "programs" with both front and back.12:10
emwethat's my impression. perhaps it's not full bytes, but rather bits in these four bytes which adjust the behaviour12:10
emweit could be some kind of do front this color for that duration, then switch to another color and so on.12:11
Detulebtw i thought the current dbg_set_led_state only wrote to buff[2], i had to recompile the kernel to be able to write too all the values12:12
emwejust an assumption. as you see just the second byte is set which we currently use for front led but it triggers both leds. that's why i call it "programm"12:12
emweyeah, i added my own 4 byte dbgfs setter as well ;)12:12
Detulek :)12:12
Detuleon my phone the operation of the back led is independent of the second byte it seems in the sense that with buff[2]=00 i can still blink the back led12:14
emweDetule: try 0101ffff which should set back to green blink and front to solid green. doesn't work. only sets back and front is off12:17
emwethat's why i am of the opinion they are intereconnected and not independant.12:18
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Detuleemwe: this might be a lost cause, it seems to have a million patterns memorized13:15
Detuleand some of them have weird time delays, really hard to classify13:15
rpierce99arrrghhh: i responded to the dude about the RAM situation, hopefully it helps, you need to just start ignoring that guy13:27
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emweDetule: yeah, that's why i stopped there. really more pressing stuff to do.13:39
arrrghhhrpierce99, thanks for the attempt13:42
arrrghhhi think you're right.13:42
arrrghhhi tried explaining it differently13:42
arrrghhhand he kept asking the same questions... ugh.13:43
rpierce99reading those 2 conversations was painful13:45
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arrrghhhyou shouldn't have13:45
arrrghhhi wouldn't wish that on anyone13:46
arrrghhhi guess i should've stopped right away, his posts were so painful from the beginning13:46
xda-Squirrelsrunning strong arrrghhh at 710400 freq, pm disabled about 5 things, set the minfree to what you had posted (didnt tinker with changing it yet)13:50
arrrghhhworking well?13:50
xda-Squirrelsi think its actually running better besides perf.13:50
xda-Squirrelsbattery isnt getting hot anymore lol13:50
arrrghhhbesides perf.?13:50
xda-Squirrelsperf. = performance13:50
arrrghhhperformance is not better13:50
xda-Squirrelsit is13:50
xda-Squirrelssaying in addition to that, battery isnt getting hot now13:51
* arrrghhh is confused13:51
arrrghhhyour statement was oddly phrased13:51
arrrghhhwell good13:51
xda-Squirrelstoday = brain explode day13:51
arrrghhhi'm glad it's working well13:51
xda-Squirrelsclinics calling in freaking out over nothing13:51
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arrrghhhwith the all the animations disabled13:51
xda-Squirrelsall enabled13:51
arrrghhhand the minfree tweak + a few things disabled13:51
arrrghhhi am in shock of how quickly things move now13:51
xda-Squirrelsits like night and day13:52
arrrghhhhave you tried disabling all the animations?13:52
arrrghhhi know they're pretty, but wow.13:52
xda-Squirrelsi altered compcache a little, going to go the other way with it13:52
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xda-Squirrelsi will try that now13:52
xda-Squirrelsthats tasty as hell yo13:52
xda-Squirrelsi think once i get compcache settings tweaked (assuming it uses the settings defined in froyo.user.conf, it might run a lil better13:53
arrrghhhyes that's where compcache settings are defined13:53
arrrghhhalong with swap13:53
xda-Squirrelstried changing it to 25% like it said in the comment (which means it went down from where it was at)13:53
arrrghhhi played with those, didn't see a marked improvement13:53
xda-Squirrelsit didnt work as good13:53
xda-Squirrelsso im going to try increasing it a littlew13:53
arrrghhhi guess i should mention them... but i only wanted to detail things that i noticed made a real improvement.13:53
Xofratsthe compcache thing in is kinda broken13:54
emwei can enable compcache in .35 it gets insmodded, but swap doesn't enable.13:54
XofratsWell, the whole swap support is13:54
xda-Squirrelsim just trying to tweak further to see13:54
arrrghhhXofrats, explain13:54
arrrghhhi guess i never really looked into too seriously.13:54
emweXofrats: btw... can you please verify... ebi1_clk doesn't work. so increasing the axiclk rate does just nothing IIRC. tried that 2 years ago ;)13:54
arrrghhhperhaps that's why i didn't notice any difference, it wasn't working lol13:54
Xofratsemwe: Well, if it doesn't work, what is it doing trying to set it?13:55
emweXofrats: acpuclock code assumes the clock implementation sets it, but clock-wince just doesn't. whereas the native device impl (clock-pcom) does.13:56
XofratsThere seems to be a lot of code that "doesn't do anything" while doing something13:56
Detulewait i am probably behind on things, swap doesn't work?13:56
xda-SquirrelsHTC officially posted their new bootloader unlock page thing for their newer android phones13:56
emweDetule: nah, i just have issues getting it enabled with compcache on .35.13:56
emwea pita to debug though with userinit not logging to kmsg13:57
XofratsDetule: If you set swap, it never activates the swap13:57
XofratsSo I decided it was easier to do it in froyo.user.conf13:57
Detulehm i've been straight swapping (not compcache) for a while now13:57
XofratsAnyway, I'm pretty happy with the tweaks so far...  I think deadline I/O is needed imho13:58
XofratsAnd if we can get the "code that claims to do stuff" but does nothing, then I can see if we can tweak it some more13:58
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Xofrats# cat /proc/ramzswap14:01
XofratsDiskSize:          32768 kB14:01
XofratsMemLimit:          26244 kB14:01
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Xofratsuserinit tries to do stuff with rzscontrol which was deprecated long ago14:03
emweisn't that commented Xofrats ? sure it is.14:04
XofratsOh, maybe it is now14:04
XofratsI just checked14:04
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XofratsAnyway I just losetup /sdcard/swapfile, and use that as backing14:04
Detuleunless i am mistaken, with the lowmemory tweaks my swap file is seeing a lot less usage14:05
XofratsIt should14:06
XofratsBecause Android tries to load as much as it can into memory14:06
XofratsWhich in turn causes swap activity, because Linux tries to keep things in order14:06
Detuleyeah i guess it verifies that there actually is an effect14:06
rpierce99arrrghhh: well he responded, he still doesn't get it, i give up14:06
arrrghhhyea i saw that14:07
arrrghhhdidn't want to mention it14:07
arrrghhhtoo depressing14:07
arrrghhhhe responded with basically the exact same post he's been posting over and over14:07
arrrghhhi can't stand the way his posts have one line <enter> one line <enter> FFS14:07
arrrghhhi think i'm going to give up too, fuck that noise.14:08
smiley-_link to tje thread?14:08
rpierce99free ram is in no way like a mailman, btw14:08
Detuleemwe: considering the state of things i was going to write a patch for liblights, seeing how it doesn't act on green _blinking_ notifications from android right now....i wasn't going to bother with any delays or anything - i just wanted to verify with you because a userland patch would have to work across kernels14:08
Xofratswhat about the mailman?14:09
arrrghhhXofrats, don't ask...14:09
rpierce99i made an analogy that having free ram was like having extra space in the mailbox, pretty useless, he says free ram is like a mailman, in some way, i didn't really catch the drift14:10
Xofratsfree ram is good, gives Linux chance to cache stuff14:11
XofratsInstead of having Android shove apps up the ram's butt14:11
emweDetule: yeah, just go ahead. i can test whatever you throw out. i assume the impl for set_light_notifications() and set_light_attention isn't just implemented for us, yet?14:11
emweat least from looking at "looks" so.14:12
arrrghhhXofrats, yea i think we all get how it works14:12
arrrghhhexplaining how it works to this rube on the forums... another story14:12
arrrghhhlunchtime, bbl.14:12
emwewhat can you tell about running swap & compcache-less?14:12
emwei can't find anything disturbing.14:13
XofratsWell, compcache is good if you have the kernel14:13
XofratsSome of the ones a few month back lacked the module14:13
XofratsSo I just decided to use straight-up14:13
emwei rather meant... what are the experiences running without both?14:14
XofratsLess wear on the sd card?14:14
rpierce99Xofrats: once stuff has been cached it's no longer free ram, that's what we are trying to explain to this guy, he's stuck on the fact that android is reporting only 80mb free ram14:14
rpierce99 - my post and his response are on pg 214:15
emweshould get compcache up somehow.... it's insmod'ed but i assume it's not populated soon enough so the swap enable isn't getting it.14:15
Xofratsmknod /dev/block/loop9 b 7 914:15
Xofratsmknod /dev/ramzswap0 b 253 014:15
Xofratslosetup /dev/block/loop9 /sdcard/swapfile14:15
Xofratsinsmod /lib/modules/xvmalloc.ko14:15
Xofratsinsmod /lib/modules/ramzswap.ko backing_swap=/dev/block/loop914:15
Xofratsswapon /dev/ramzswap014:15
XofratsThat's what I have in my froyo.user.conf14:16
XofratsAnd wonder why is mknod'ing 25414:17
Xofrats/exec cat /proc/devices | grep ramz14:17
Detuleemwe i was going to patch set_speaker_light_locked (it's an unfortunate name but it's the worker function called in set_light_notifications)14:17
emweDetule: everybody will welcome the patches including me ;)14:18
XofratsCan someone on stock kerenel tell me what number that spits out?14:18
xda-Squirrels253 ramzswap014:19
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Xofrats# grep mknod userinit.sh14:20
Xofrats                        mknod -m 0666 /dev/block/ramzswap0 b 254 014:20
* Xofrats needs to get that rootfs git and start fixing stuff14:21
emweXofrats: first get a real computer and start working there.14:23
* emwe runs14:24
* xda-Squirrels lolz irl14:24
* Xofrats stabs emwe 14:24
XofratsOK, once I git commit, where do I find the patch to mail?14:32
rpierce99"Finally, create a git-formatted patch with git format-patch. The format-patch command requires arguments to specify a range of commits for which patches should be created. For example, to create a patch with the last single commit: git format-patch HEAD^..HEAD"14:33
Xofratsgit just nuked my changes...14:49
DetuleXofrats: i can email you the kernel patch I sent to the dev list last night14:50
Xofratsk please14:50
emwedev-list? patch? am i losing mails?14:52
rpierce99yeah the archive doesn't have that either14:53
emweDetule: been mailing to the list with a mailaddy you are not subscribed with?14:54
Detulewell, per the instructions i sent it to developers@xdandroid14:54
Detuleyou are right14:54
Detulei did14:54
emweit's xdandroid-dev@xdandroid.com14:54
emwewhere did that info come from? wiki?14:54
Detulei figured they were aliases for the same list14:55
XofratsDo I need to sub to the mailing list to submit a patch?14:56
emweXofrats: yes. imho unsubscribed mails are being dropped, or at least waiting moderator approval.14:57
XofratsWell subbed and sent, if it gets into the bitbucket in the sky I'll just resend15:03
emwejust look at at the list archives if it got through.15:04
XofratsDetule, you need to set your .gitconfig e-mail15:04
arrrghhhDetule, the is just a spam addy for all the 'devs' with addy's.15:06
Detulewell damn they should update that submitting patches page15:07
arrrghhhthey = me15:08
arrrghhhdoing it now :P15:08
XofratsYou are not allowed to post to this mailing list, and your message has15:08
Xofratsbeen automatically rejected.15:08
arrrghhhXofrats, are you a member?15:09
rpierce99he just signed up15:09
rpierce99needs approved, i'd assume15:09
XofratsI just needed to confirm15:10
arrrghhhDetule, updated.15:10
Detulethanks arrrghhh15:13
arrrghhhsorry for the confusion ;)15:13
Detuleoh wow kompare to view patches....fancy15:20
XofratsI just use cat15:21
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Xofratsemwe: BTW, if there's a way to check axiclock speed, let me know plz15:23
emweXofrats: as in read it out? clk_get_rate() i'd assume. looks like that is implemented.15:26
emweif it returns something useful, never tried.15:27
XofratsCurrently set up to use cmdline "ext4dev" to add support for ext4 /data;�otherwise use ext2.15:35
XofratsErr, oops15:35
XofratsBTW who was it that said I had a extusb headset and could check out stuff with it+3.5mm?15:40
arrrghhhyou're that guy15:40
arrrghhhdidn't you see acl's post?15:41
arrrghhhhe wanted someone to check out the advanced features of the headset in the newest kernel15:41
arrrghhhyou complained about it, you got one of those fancy headsets?15:41
XofratsI have a fancy headset, the breakout for the extusb, and a 3.5mm15:41
XofratsThe only thing I don't have is a speaker15:41
XofratsErr, wait15:42
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arrrghhhhrm not sure he cares about that15:42
arrrghhhlet me coax him in hurrr15:42
XofratsThat didn't come out right...  The only thing I don't have is something that can use the microphone15:42
Xofratsbrainfart there15:42
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XofratsSpeaking of the devil15:42
arrrghhh[acl], Xofrats has a fancy headset15:42
arrrghhhbut i'm not clear on what you want15:43
[acl]Xofrats: you have 2 headsets ? the 3.5mm and h2w?15:43
XofratsI have a fancy headset, the breakout for the extusb, and a 3.5mm15:43
XofratsThe only thing I don't have is something that can use the microphone15:43
arrrghhhwhat i meant by fancy15:43
Xofrats(ie. call-out, since I don't want to spend money)15:43
[acl]thats the point of this15:43
arrrghhhmic, end call, volume control...15:43
XofratsYeah, all that15:44
* arrrghhh is confused15:44
XofratsI can probably test via winamp or voice command or something15:44
[acl]Xofrats: so you do have 2 fancy ones15:44
XofratsI have the extusb headset (HTC one) and a breakout box (extusb+3.5mm+2.5mm) and a 3.5mm15:44
[acl]ahh no good15:44
[acl]we need the native 3.5mm fancy15:45
[acl]not the box converter thing15:45
XofratsI do have a 3.5mm fancy15:45
[acl]damn so you hae ti all15:45
* arrrghhh stabs Xofrats 15:45
[acl]Xofrats: ok do this15:45
arrrghhhEnglish, do you speak it15:45
XofratsWait, I would need to disconnect my precious telnet interface15:45
[acl]put the h2w headset first.. make sure your your mic works15:45
xda-Squirrelsoh acl, did you get my message about the light sensor for winmo15:46
xda-Squirrelsfor raph80015:46
XofratsWhich program would test it, and don't say "call someone"15:46
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[acl]xda-Squirrels,  i just go it15:46
[acl]so BL works on winmo just fine15:46
[acl]but no xdandroid15:46
xda-Squirrelsi covered the sensor with my thumb and then tried it in a dark room and both times the screen turns off in call, whereas in well lit room it'd stay on in call15:47
xda-Squirrelsxdandroid frx07 newest kern/rootfs screen stays on for me in call15:47
arrrghhhxda-Squirrels, that sounds like the prox sensor15:47
[acl]xda-Squirrels: how about not in call.. just chilling lettint it do its thing15:48
arrrghhhwhat about ambient light sensor...15:48
arrrghhhdoes it adjust brightness of the screen dynamically?15:48
xda-Squirrelswell thats why i left it in the dark15:48
[acl]Xofrats: i dunno.. isnt there a recorder or something15:48
xda-Squirrelslemme try15:48
xda-Squirrelsone sec15:48
xda-Squirrelsrebooting winmo15:48
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xda-Squirrels*spins his chair around til he gets dizzy*15:49
xda-Squirrels(regular work day)15:50
Xofrats_Okay, a bit better, disconnect the other so I can start testing15:50
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xda-Squirrelshmm, you're right, that was prox sens.15:51
xda-Squirrelsi cant get backlight to change brightness15:51
xda-Squirrelsim on crack15:51
xda-Squirrelsautomatically that is15:51
[acl]xda-Squirrels: booya .. i knew it15:51
[acl]emwe: see im not crazy bro15:51
xda-Squirrelsi shined white light from my monitor at the phone15:51
xda-Squirrelsstuck it near my work light, then put it under thr table, unchanged15:52
xda-Squirrelsauto-adjust is on15:52
[acl]xda-Squirrels: turn off the screen ant rutn it back on with the flashlight15:52
emwein wince with raph?15:52
xda-SquirrelsWinMo 6.5 RAPH80015:52
arrrghhhxda-Squirrels, same test in Android when you're done please.15:52
arrrghhhbecause this is how it works for me on my RHOD15:52
arrrghhhWinMo doesn't dynamically adjust the backlight15:52
arrrghhhAndroid does15:52
emweboys... starting the raph100.15:52
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arrrghhhi tested the poop out of that with WisTilt215:53
XofratsDamnit, csipsimple just reboots my phone when I answer15:53
xda-Squirrelsturn off screen and do what now?15:53
arrrghhhthat's a feature15:53
arrrghhhxda-Squirrels, see if you can get it to be brighter or darker..?15:53
xda-Squirrelshave been trying but with auto it doesnt appear to change15:53
arrrghhhbasically see if you can get auto-brightness to actually update itself when the panel cycles on/off15:53
arrrghhheven after panel on/off?15:53
xda-Squirrelsturned off screen in well lit arrea, put under table then turned screen back on, no change15:54
arrrghhher off/on?15:54
xda-Squirrelstry other way15:54
arrrghhhi dunno then15:54
xda-Squirrelsoff and on, same result15:54
xda-Squirrelsmaybe rom broke it, idk15:54
xda-Squirrelsbooting back to android15:54
xda-Squirrelsless someone needs something else tested15:55
arrrghhhthat's weird.15:55
arrrghhh'nuff winmo15:55
xda-Squirrelsloading androidzzzz15:55
turbolapinwhat IRC from androi15:56
turbolapinwhich IRC app do you suggest for android15:56
turbolapinsry for the other15:56
xda-Squirrelsandroid needs winmo's auto-brightness to be on to work right?15:56
arrrghhhturbolapin, i like AndChat15:56
arrrghhhxda-Squirrels, dunno for RAPH15:57
XofratsActually, for the raph/diam iirc, it needed to be off15:57
xda-Squirrelscause i turned it back off lol15:57
arrrghhhon RHOD it doesn't matter15:57
arrrghhhbut on RAPH it probably still does15:57
arrrghhhthat's good15:57
arrrghhhit should be off15:57
xda-Squirrelsi like manually defining my brightnesses anyways15:57
xda-Squirrels20% batt, 100% charge ;p15:57
turbolapintnx arrrghh15:57
emwearrrghhh: [acl]: raph100 energy 6.5 autobl just works holding it under the desk lamp and taking it away.15:59
arrrghhhi guess i'll have to try again when i'm home15:59
emwearrrghhh: [acl]: and auto-bl is on here when i boot into xdandroid and that works fine iirc.15:59
arrrghhhi haven't tested winmo thoroughly15:59
emweperhaps raph100 are a tad bit different15:59
arrrghhhTOO MANY DEVICES16:00
arrrghhhHD2 bastards had it easy.  two devices, only difference was size of RAM/ROM16:00
emweperhaps there's differences, yes.16:00
emweand up until today they don't support one specific panel type iirc16:01
emwethere was that replacement panel guy.16:01
emwei think so16:01
arrrghhhright, i remember that16:01
emwedon't count on what i say16:01
arrrghhhi never do16:01
emweyou do great work.16:01
arrrghhhi do very little16:02
emwebooting raph into xdandroid. just to prove all your test devices are fscked up.16:02
XofratsOkay, extusb microphone works16:03
Xofrats(via voice search)16:03
* Xofrats looks at acl16:04
arrrghhhit won't highlight him unless you use the full handle, ie [acl]16:08
emwearrrghhh: [acl]: raph100 auto-bl also works in xdandroid. but be told it's quite subtle. but never made me think it's too less.16:08
xda-Squirrelswell when i get home i'll point my maglight right at the fucker :P16:11
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[acl]ok bak sorry16:12
[acl]im still at work u know16:12
arrrghhhwho works these days16:12
arrrghhhisn't everyone unemployed?  :P16:12
[acl]Xofrats: ok if it works now plug in the 3.5mm at the same time as the usb one.. and test the mic on the 3.5mm16:13
[acl]xda-Squirrels: a desk lamp is enough to saturate the light sensor..16:14
XofratsPeople are looking at me weird, I'm connecting too many wires16:14
[acl]Xofrats: fuck em.. they looked at me weird too. but i showed them16:15
xda-Squirrelswell im going to make it extremely obvious if its working otu not, go into closet with just the mag light. If it still doesnt change brightness after that, i blame the rom or something lol16:16
XofratsDoes not work, it gets the input from extusb16:16
[acl]xda-Squirrels: did you do a xdandroid test yet ?16:16
Xofratssquirrel: You are supposed to come out of the closet,not go into one16:16
XofratsOh and I did get a loud popping sound on the 3.5mm16:17
[acl]emwe: maybe you have special light ? lol16:18
XofratsWhen I started recording16:18
xda-Squirrelsoh yeah16:20
xda-Squirrelslemme try that now16:20
XofratsComing out of the closet?  Good for you16:21
emweXofrats: sorry for the noise on the mailing list ;)16:21
xda-Squirrelsauto bright on, no change. wil retry with winmo auto bright enabled just in case16:22
[acl]i feel good16:22
[acl]knowing im not on crack16:22
xda-Squirrelsrebooting to winmo to set auto bright on then booting into android16:23
Xofrats[acl] Anything else you want to try?16:23
[acl]Xofrats: i dunno so what was the result. when you plugged both did the 3.5 mic work ?16:24
XofratsNope, it just made loud popping noise and the extusb mic is the one that gets the sound16:24
[acl]how about unlpugging the h2w once 3.5 is plugged in16:25
[acl]so there is a slight time where both are in enough to see if the detection stick16:25
[acl]then unplug the 3.5 and try again16:25
XofratsIs there a time limit on how soon I have to unplug the h2w?16:26
[acl]like 5 seconds should suffice16:27
XofratsActually, hold on16:28
xda-Squirrelsk finally rebooting android, was busying breaking shit at work16:29
XofratsI don't think even with h2w the mic is working on it16:30
arrrghhhjust so long as you fix them after breaking16:30
XofratsI just tried it right now16:30
[acl]i love when people sacrifice their phones for the good and welfare of the project16:30
[acl]like that poor bastard who took appart his battery .. ahh the good ol days16:30
arrrghhhoh camro16:30
arrrghhhone of the few Blackstone devs16:30
[acl]before camro there was one guy16:31
[acl]me and jonpry and wozz i think asked him to take his shit apart16:31
[acl]so we can see if there was a sensor in there16:31
[acl]but he did it16:31
[acl]a real animal16:31
arrrghhhthat's dedication16:31
XofratsOkay, now the extusb headset mic doesn't pick up16:32
arrrghhhXofrats, just send all your headsets to acl16:32
[acl]Xofrats: explain thyself..16:32
arrrghhhsend your phones while you're at it too :D16:32
XofratsMy preciooous arm computer!16:33
XofratsOnly takes 3hr to compile a kernel16:33
Xofrats[acl] Now the pickup is from the phone itself, not the mic16:33
[acl]needless to say detection is fucked16:34
[acl]Xofrats: ill have to prep a test kernel for your ass16:34
Xofratsor patch it16:34
XofratsI'm running ext416:34
XofratsSo I need patch goodness16:34
XofratsSo I can compile on my preciooous16:34
[acl]fair enough ..16:34
arrrghhhyou'll just have to wait a week for feedback16:35
arrrghhhanyhoo, gonna go tie some phones to the big brother system.  bbl16:35
xda-Squirrelsauto bright being on in winmo + trying to set brightness in android = screen goes darker as the sligher moves but instantly goes back to full brightness after a second16:35
emweso why does sound work now?! looks like a timing thing. bummer.16:35
xda-Squirrelsgonna retry autobright off in winmo and seeing if that happens in android this time16:35
[acl]xda-Squirrels: keep going .. dont stop until we discover the truth16:36
XofratsThat's expected16:37
XofratsBasically the "code" for autobl is still running on Android16:37
XofratsSo the android code+win autobl code is racing16:37
XofratsWhich is why on diam/raph you needed to disable autobl16:38
[acl]xda-Squirrels: make me proud !!!16:38
xda-Squirrelswasting company time like a boss16:39
[acl]xda-Squirrels: only way to do it bro16:39
emwe[acl]: i don't need to disable auto-bl in wince on my raph100 for it to work on XDAndroid.16:40
xda-Squirrelsk, winmo autobright off, both brightness sliders at 100%, rebooting xdandroid16:40
[acl]emwe: i think you are just magical dood..16:40
xda-Squirrelsfur realz16:40
emwexda-Squirrels: adb shell dmesg | grep -i "light sensor"16:41
[acl]emwe: oo forgot to mention i was wrong the second time about the headset. Turns out it returns 1 and not 0x80.. so the seond set of changes we did can be reversed :-p.. sorry i didnt read the asm right16:41
emwelet's see what adb spits out16:41
xda-Squirrelswell i dont think i have sdk on this comp (work)16:41
xda-Squirrelsi'll just open term16:42
xda-Squirrelsand check16:42
xda-Squirrelsif i can figure out how to | in term on phone16:42
rpierce99soft kbd16:43
emwexda-Squirrels: should be sth like: micropklt_spi_bl_status_print: light sensor auto= .....16:43
xda-Squirrelsfyi auto bright in winmo makes it so slider in xdandroid doesnt work16:43
emwe[acl]: does it harm as it is? ;)16:43
[acl]emwe: raph has spi  address ? woa16:43
XofratsOh wow, post 200 on xda16:43
xda-Squirrelschanging slider position in xdandroid with winmo auto bright on causes the brightness to revert to 100%16:43
[acl]emwe: no it does not but ill clean i t up when doing the mic detection16:43
XofratsThat's a personal record16:43
xda-Squirrelschecking dmesg now16:44
emwe[acl]: remember the htc ace had it like i did then.16:44
xda-Squirrelsffs, lemme see if i have sdk layng around16:45
[acl]emwe: yeah .. i guess its safe then ..16:45
emwexda-Squirrels: i get the following on raph100 (which is not what i see on topa iirc): [    4.452850] micropklt_spi_bl_status_print: light sensor auto=13=0x0d SPI=2=0x0216:46
emwethat might be the wrong rcmd. perhaps only topa has it spitting out correct values.16:46
arrrghhhi can test with my borrowed RAPH800 when i get home.16:47
xda-Squirrelsgetting adb working then i'll see16:48
xda-Squirrelsi apparently did install sdk16:48
emwetopa has: [    3.491180] micropklt_spi_bl_status_print: light sensor auto=17=0x11 SPI=1=0x0116:48
emwexda-Squirrels: if your raph800 is returning something different that *might* hint to some difference in these variants.16:49
xda-Squirrelswindows mobile device center auto started and im pretty sure raped my phone, rebooting it one sec >.>16:50
XofratsYes, wmdc loves raping phones16:50
emweXofrats: if i'd just create an ext4 data.img it would be picked up just fine, yes?16:51
arrrghhhemwe, do you just specify that in the line that creates the data.img... in the rootfs/init right?16:52
emwearrrghhh: that's what Xofrats patch is for as i was told :)16:52
emwejust thought about creating one in linux and pushing it to the sdcard.16:52
Xofratsemwe: the mount line needs to be changed16:53
XofratsFrom -t ext2 to -t auto16:53
XofratsAnd you need to mk2efs with specific flags, also in my patch16:53
arrrghhhah that would work too16:53
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^Neois there a channel for Windows Phone or I can ask my questions here?16:54
arrrghhhXDAndroid is the title16:54
arrrghhh#xda-devs might help16:55
XofratsSure, we'll take your Windows Phone as donations16:55
XofratsAs long as it's a diam/rhod/raph/...16:55
^Neois there a channel for the whole XDA ?16:55
arrrghhh^Neo, ...#xda-devs16:55
xda-Squirrelsk adb is working, waiting for it to fully boot cause su is seg faulting this early lol16:55
Detuleemwe: do you mind testing that patch on topaz when you get a chance - other than that i am not sure where else to test -> i am pretty sure it won't break another device but it won't help with functional notifications either16:56
Xofratssu shouldn't segfault16:56
XofratsIf it is you're doing something wrong16:56
xda-Squirrelsit does when you do it while xdandroid animation is still going16:56
Detuleyeah i think i've seen that happen before16:56
emweDetule: as long as you kept the color_led_adress in there, it will work as it's virtually the same.16:56
xda-Squirrels(probably due to superuser app nbot being available yet( that app that controlls what can access 'su'))16:56
emweDetule: yeah, will give the patch a try tomorrow then.16:57
arrrghhhxda-Squirrels, exactly right16:57 will fix that16:57
xda-Squirrelsdmesg | grep -i 'light sensor'16:57
xda-Squirrels[    6.760589] micropklt_spi_bl_status_print: light sensor auto=12=0x0c SPI=133=0x8516:57
xda-Squirrelsits diff16:57
Detuleemwe: thanks16:57
emwexda-Squirrels: that looks kinda different.16:58
emweDetule: which means topa has to go back to .27 ... tsts16:58
emwe[acl] that 0x0c85 from squirrels log is exactly what rhod returns where topa returns "correctly". what is returned from rhod and apparently raph800 is the microp version register value which is used on probe17:00
emwe[acl]: so that autobl and spi status rcmd doesn't work for all and likely the auto-bl set wcmd isn't correct then either.17:01
emwe[acl]: only whonder why my rhod400 does just fine...17:01
[acl]emwe: i'll get the correct addresses or unless one of these fine gents wants to dump from haret17:02
emweahem... now what...17:02
xda-Squirrels*doesnt know what to do* ;p17:02
xda-Squirrelsi do shit in C# and Perl, i dont know no C or low level shit17:02
xda-Squirrels*high-level bitch*17:03
XofratsThere are levels of bitches?17:03
emwe[acl]: abel .... what if my 400 stops doing auto-bl in xdandroid?17:03
emwexda-Squirrels: relax. and thanks for the info17:03
XofratsBTW why is there "amber" and "green" but no red?17:04
emwe[acl]: let's call it false alarm a bit. it's so subtle.17:04
DetuleXofrats: where?17:05
emweXofrats: because first dunno if it's possible hardware wise on the front led and second we don't know how.17:05
emwewe know we have orange as well on front and back17:05
emwered also on back17:05
[acl]emwe: huh? explain theself17:05
emweeven blue is said to be on back17:05
XofratsI've seen red led on front, but only when batt is critical low and windows starts17:05
XofratsAnd it blinks red17:05
emwe[acl]: dunno, raph and topa show a more "aggressive" change in auto-bl when i hold it under the desk lamp17:06
[acl]agressive.. hmm17:06
Xofratsamber, iirc, is red+green17:06
arrrghhhemwe, WisTilt2 smoothed the change on RHOD17:06
emweXofrats: yeah, we dunno the combination (commands) to do so17:06
arrrghhhbrightening is very quick tho.  dimming is a slower process17:06
emwearrrghhh: might be with those "strange" values we set, yap.17:06
arrrghhhyea, not sure how he did it.  but dimming definitely is a slower 'stepped' process.  brightening the screen from being dark seems to be almost instantaneous tho.17:07
emwethe other devives just set 0x01 or 0x00 dependant on state.17:07
[acl]emwe: xda-Squirrels can dump some i2c traces for us from haret. if he can replicate the file i made for rhod that tells the whole storyu of whats going on17:08
emweyeah, think i should do that for topa then too17:09
XofratsIIRC that was sort of intentional, dimming due to transient shadows or finger in the wrong place17:09
[acl]emwe: you will notice our code doesnt match waht is being dumped. This is why im just surprised it works17:09
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[acl]emwe: got those commands i posted earlier ?17:11
emwe[acl]: all i can say is topa shows the most "aggressive" brightness changes and it's fine.17:11
emwe[acl]: yes, just need the time to do the shit17:11
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[acl]emwe: as long as peeps dump i2c during panel up and down.. the rest is easy as  pie17:11
emwe[acl]: i hate moving startup.txt for just that debugging.17:12
arrrghhh[acl], i can do that for RAPH800 tonight.17:12
arrrghhhemwe, i just put a haret.exe at the base of the card just for such things.17:12
emwearrrghhh: sometimes it's so easy. haha.17:12
emwethis reminds me... i wanted to put that logstuff in user.conf17:13
emwefinally wan't to prove hyc radio still SODs me here whereas the airplane topa runs all the way through.17:13
arrrghhhFFS, i'm going to stab this call recording system in the face.17:13
emwewhat was FFS again?17:14
arrrghhhfor fuck's sake17:14
arrrghhhsomething with my cursed user profile again.17:14
arrrghhhugh... i swear i spend more time troubleshooting issues with my machine than actually working some days.17:14
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arrrghhhwth, i thought we had busybox in our build17:29
arrrghhhperhaps this silly app doesn't know where it's been hidden17:29
arrrghhhemwe, eh?  don't we have busybox?17:33
emwearrrghhh: man, i blamed myself enough today. always thought data.img was fat. lol.17:34
emwei am not gonna say anthing...17:35
xda-Squirrelsi think our dns died again at work17:35
xda-Squirrelsor not but every site i go to times out17:36
xda-Squirrelscan nslookup anything fine so its not dns17:36
arrrghhhopendns ftw17:36
xda-Squirrels8.8.8.8 / ftw17:37
arrrghhhemwe, i don't get it17:37
arrrghhhwhat do you mean... do we have busybox or not?17:37
xda-Squirrelsbut at work i left it all dhcp and auto17:37
arrrghhhis it in some un-standard place?17:37
xda-Squirrelsi bet the transparent proxy is broken atm17:37
arrrghhhstupid bouncer doesn't record properly if i just disconnect, oh well.17:37
turbolapingoodnight all!17:38
Xofratstype "busybox" and see if it pops up17:38
arrrghhhturbolapin, cya17:38
XofratsThat or the upstream dns server died17:39
arrrghhhXofrats, seems to work17:39
arrrghhhspat out info on busybox...17:39
arrrghhhBusyBox v1.15.217:39
rpierce99if an app says it needs busybox, it likely needs busybox compiled with a specific command, that command might not be included in our busybox17:40
arrrghhhMetaMorph said no busybox17:40
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arrrghhhgo to market and get busybox17:40
arrrghhhbusybox from the market said it doesn't have the right access or smth to that effect17:40
XofratsBusyBox v1.19.0.git.adrynalyne17:40
emwearrrghhh: sorry for being unclear. no, i dunno. think we do.17:40
XofratsWant me to send you that one?17:41
arrrghhhemwe, np.  it appears we do, but it doesn't work?17:41
arrrghhhXofrats, how did you update yours...?17:41
XofratsWhat's the app17:41
XofratsNo, it's not "updated"...  More like sideloaded17:41
emwearrrghhh: me goig to bed now. sorry17:41
arrrghhhwell i'm not really sure17:46
arrrghhhnever really tried to make MetaMorph work17:46
XofratsWhat's metamorph17:46
arrrghhhwhich evidently requires busybox17:46
arrrghhhsome theming poop17:46
XofratsOh, that kind of crap17:47
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XofratsGotta love one of the comment... Dev are you retarded? Either create a seperate programs or make it backwards ...17:47
arrrghhhon MetaMorph?  lol17:48
XofratsAnd the dev website is a domainforsale spamthing17:49
rpierce99arrrghhh: are you getting this error or repeating someone else17:50
arrrghhhi'm repeating that fool's error17:51
arrrghhhand i was able to reproduce it myself.  exact same result as said fool...17:51
rpierce99the only error referencing busybox I see in the source is: Some Files could not be extracted and set up.17:51
rpierce99                Please make sure you have enough free space in /system and that BusyBox is installed!17:51
arrrghhhin metamorph source i presume?17:51
arrrghhhlet me run it again put i'll capture some logs from it, brb.17:51
XofratsWhat did they say, fool me once, shame on you17:52
rpierce99here's where you'd get that issue17:52
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XofratsFool me twice, arrrghhh?17:52
rpierce99it looks in /system/bin /system/xbin/ /data/local/xbin/ /data/local/bin/ /system/sd/xbin/17:53
XofratsThat would be why17:53
rpierce99for su, zip, zipalign17:53
XofratsOurs is in /bin17:53
rpierce99<3 open source17:53
XofratsAnd ours doesn't have zip...17:54
xda-Squirrelsadd zip, add /bin to path17:54
xda-Squirrelscrisis averted17:54
rpierce99no it doesn't use path17:54
rpierce99it's hard coded with those paths17:54
xda-Squirrelsok, make a symlink17:55
xda-Squirrelsand pee on them for being fagatrons17:55
Xofratsln -s17:55
Xofratsis your friend17:55
xda-Squirrelsk, leaving work, be back soonish17:56
rpierce99they also use a loop over an array with those 3 strings in it and do if (first) if (second) if(third), no switch, not even an else if, this code is horrible17:56
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rpierce99i don't know enough about our system, would this even work? mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system17:58
rpierce99that is hard coded as well17:58
XofratsNot unless ours was using yaffs17:58
XofratsAnd yes, it would work for _some_ broken mount implementation17:58
Xofratsaka Samsung Epic17:58
Xofratsalthough the mtdblock is way off17:58
XofratsWhat I do is usually `mount | grep blah | cut this | chop that`17:59
XofratsWhen doing remounts like that17:59
rpierce99funny thing is that this code is called FirstChecks() but doesn't actually check anything, just runs that command17:59
rpierce99SecondChecks() checks to make sure those 3 files exist17:59
rpierce99that same error message is returned in a case where .nomedia doesn't exist and can't be created in a directory named "homer"18:01
arrrghhhso metamorph is crap basically?18:01
arrrghhhi was just about to post a logcat from it18:01
arrrghhhi'll do it anyways18:01
arrrghhhi'm kinda curious why D/Sensors keeps saying "Or not..." over and over and over again.18:02
rpierce99it should be easy enough to fix if you just make sure those 3 binaries are available where it expects them to be18:02
arrrghhhok i'll try to symlink 'em18:02
Xofratsthe mount thing  needs to be fixed18:02
rpierce99the mount thing isn't checked18:02
stinebdExpecting a decent gingerbread image. No activity on this after 25 March. Please, I am using this testing image and waiting for a mature build like FRX07. Thanks in advance.18:02
rpierce99but you'll have to remount system rw manually18:02
arrrghhhstinebd, EXPECTING18:03
arrrghhhit better be decent.18:03
arrrghhhthat dude will come after you...18:03
Xofratswith a hook and a wooden leg, arrrghhh?18:04
arrrghhhdid some yokel email that to you?18:04
arrrghhhXofrats, easy there18:04
stinebdcomment on my blog18:04
stinebdand yeah those go to my personal email18:04
stinebdi get the feeling on xda that when people make a donation, they don't think they're making a donation as much as they think they're paying for software18:05
stinebdin which case i'd rather just shut off the donation page18:06
arrrghhheh i don't think everyone has that same train of thought18:06
stinebdsometimes i consider just shutting it all off18:08
stinebdmyspace this bitch18:08
stinebdgoodbye charlie, we're owned by aol now18:08
arrrghhhi'd like to think most of the users who donate are considerate18:08
stinebdthe atrix community is especially horrid18:09
stinebdtotal assholes18:09
arrrghhhthey are moto users18:09
stinebdthe entire userbase is like the tiad gang18:09
stinebdand they have their own (slightly smarter) tiad18:09
arrrghhhi think that's a pre-requisite in order to purchase the phone18:09
Xofratsno, they are now google users18:09
stinebdyeah what's going on with that?18:09
stinebdany chance i get icecreamsammich on my atrix?18:10
Xofratsgoogle eating up helomoto18:10
stinebdi mean aside from the one i will inevitably build18:10
arrrghhhi think google just wants some patent troll protection18:10
XofratsI'll just be happy with gingerbread on my...  Err, wait18:10
XofratsKinda expensive for troll protection18:10
XofratsI come much cheaper18:11
stinebdmoto has a huge portfolio18:11
arrrghhhpretty sure you're not patent troll protection Xofrats18:11
stinebdhe's definitely a regular troll though18:11
stinebdor she18:11
XofratsOh hush18:11
stinebddon't want to assume18:11
arrrghhhi don't know any woman who would build a kernel on a RHOD18:11
XofratsAnd still do18:12
arrrghhhi can't say i knew anybody who would do that before Xofrats tho, so i guess that's fair.18:12
rpierce99arrrghhh: so the reason the error messages don't match is because the google code project is apparently newer or older than the code you're running18:12
rpierce99your stack trace doesn't line up with the code18:12
arrrghhhi guess i'll symlink away and see what happens.18:12
stinebdi hate when people say brb18:13
rpierce99make sure you remount rw manually18:13
rpierce99unless the fixed their mount command18:13
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xda-Squirrelsim back babeh!18:13
* Xofrats kicks squirrel18:14
arrrghhhstinebd, i love you18:17
arrrghhhrpierce99, maybe that's my issue18:17
arrrghhhi don't see /bin/zip or /bin/zipalign tho18:17
stinebdno homo?18:17
arrrghhhno homo18:17
xda-Squirrelssince acl is a hater and d/ced, ima go take a nap18:18
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arrrghhhsome people's children.18:19
xda-squrls[nap]what? im a lazy fuck18:19
arrrghhhso rpierce99 i'm confused.  i guess i'll try to manually remount /system rw, but if there's no zip or zipalign binaries... how will this work?18:19
rpierce99it won't18:19
rpierce99unless they've redesigned it to not need them18:19
rpierce99but those binaries should be available18:20
arrrghhhjust shoehorn 'em in?18:20
rpierce99if by shoehorn you mean copy18:20
arrrghhheh this seems like a lot of work to help out that annoying guy.18:20
stinebdthe story of xda18:20
Xofratsas the xda turns?  Starring arrrghhh18:23
stinebdcrazy random loudass mp3s18:40
stinebdi gotta stop downloading them from these shady mp3 sites18:41 nonsense, sounds like some huge woman is gonna come out of the screen and beat me down18:41
stinebdoh god what is this i dont even18:42
stinebdchange hardware/msm7k and we have to rebuild all the things18:42
Xofratsstine: Did you see the patch?18:43
stinebdnot yet18:43
stinebdhaven't looked at my xdandroid email18:43
stinebdanything good?18:43
stinebdoh wait i think i saw it flash by while i was at work18:44
stinebdthe kernel patch?18:44
XofratsNo, the init patch for ext418:45
stinebdah you're kevin18:45
stinebdhard for me to keep track of the names18:45
XofratsRead  my nick backwards18:46
stinebdyeah i know but the overview doesn't show email addresses18:46
stinebd<3 gmail18:47
rpierce99the email actually said --Starfox18:47
stinebdif you don't mind my asking...18:48
stinebdwhat's the data.gz stuff for?18:48
stinebddo we have an actual use case for it?18:48
XofratsNo clue, it's in the existing code18:49
stinebdi see you moved it from up abov18:49
XofratsAFAIK it unpacks it if the file is there, then renames it to data.img18:49
stinebdwhich is silly18:49
XofratsI could see a use for it, custome-sized loopback compressed images18:49
stinebdbut nothing recompresses it18:50
XofratsNo, it's a one-time-use thing18:50
stinebdoh so you're thinking of people distributing empty, say 2GB, ext2 images gzipped to like 2KB18:51
Xofratsgzip is destructive to the source file, gzip -c less so18:51
XofratsActually that sould be 2000k'ish18:51
XofratsBecause gzip doesn't handle repeated sparses, requires about 1k/1M18:51
stinebdok next question18:52
stinebdforgive me if it's offensive18:52
stinebdare you a furry?18:52
XofratsNo I don't own a fursuit18:53
stinebdanyway it looks fine18:53
stinebdso i'll make arrrghhh test it like a bitch18:53
stinebdand then push it18:53
stinebdarrrghhh: hey test bitch, want a new rootfs?18:53
XofratsI think he already uses it...18:53
XofratsAt least he uses my kernel18:53
XofratsMy *amish* kernell18:54
XofratsCan I fix the module detection thing?18:56
stinebdit's open source, you don't need to ask18:57
XofratsHmmm, why resort to mac80211.ko...18:57
Detulei think hyc used another one18:58
Detulein his build18:58
Detuledon't remember18:58
stinebdi just picked some random module18:58
Xofratsmtdchar might be a safer choice18:58
XofratsWell, I guess it doesn't matter18:59
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XofratsHmmm, wonder if it's safe to nuke all *.ko file from /lib/modules/...19:16
stinebdXofrats: how long have you been using ext4 on there?19:18
Xofratssince a few days ago19:20
arrrghhhstinebd, lay it on me19:30
stinebdno homo?19:30
arrrghhhmaybe a little19:30
stinebdnasty dude19:30
stinebdhold on let me uplard it19:30
arrrghhhtime to go test big brother again19:31
stinebdoh sorry forgot to tell you it's up19:35
arrrghhhgonna load this with the newest kernel from our Amish friend19:38
arrrghhhdo i need an ext4 data.img...?  or what am i testing hurrrr19:38
stinebdi'd prefer testing stock ux19:39
stinebdautobuild kernel, that rootfs, ext2 data19:39
stinebdi'm not worried about the ext4 stuff honestly19:39
stinebdjust want to make sure existing setup doesn't somehow regress19:39
arrrghhhalrighty, i can go back to stock poop19:40
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Detuleoo time for a coffee while xdandroid comiles19:50
arrrghhhstinebd, seems OK19:51
arrrghhhanything in particular i should be on the lookout for broken stuffs?19:51
arrrghhhi had some hiccups on boot, but i think that was just my impatience.19:52
stinebdyou think?19:53
stinebdwhat happened?19:53
arrrghhhhad some GApps/frameworks FC messages19:53
arrrghhhbut gvoice, gmail, etc work19:53
arrrghhhi had like 2 or 3 of 'em.  haven't seen one since19:54
stinebdyeah that's definitely unrelated19:55
arrrghhhso... anything in particular i should try to break?19:55
stinebdnah, that was all i needed to know19:55
arrrghhhXofrats, quit putting your kernels on dropbox :P19:56
arrrghhhcuz i have to download thru my tether19:58
stinebdarrrghhh is a socialist19:58
arrrghhhdown to 10 now19:58
arrrghhhthat, and my company blocks dropbox19:58
arrrghhhand gitorious19:58
XofratsI'll make sure to put everything on dropbox19:58
stinebdhe just knocked you up a notch19:58
arrrghhhmeh you don't put up anything useful other than kernels :D19:59
xdandroidNew rootfs available (20110816-7e04198) at: -- Changes at:
XofratsI just sent another patch upstream20:06
rpierce99i don't think the list technically qualifies as upstream20:07
XofratsThis one is untested though...20:07
* Xofrats will just have the labrat^H^H^H arrrghhh test this one20:08
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arrrghhhthe list is totally upstream20:37
arrrghhhmoreso than a forum post20:37
arrrghhhyou mean the modules hackings?20:38
arrrghhhyou didn't test it?  i never had an issue, so i'm not sure i would be a good test case.20:38
stinebdi'm a rock star!
Detulethat's some fine work...20:41
rpierce99that's an awesome 1 line commit, with an extra 2 lines thrown in where only whitespace changed just to make it look like a big deal20:41
stinebdlook again, i had to uncomment those bitches20:42
* stinebd flexes20:42
rpierce99oh haha i see that now20:42
arrrghhhthat's some hard work20:42
stinebdmy good friend eval- is my connection20:43
stinebdi thought he ditched xda but sure enough i saw him turning tricks on a corner in the atrix board20:44
Detulethose astrix folks will come around i am sure, as soon as they realize your credentials20:44
stinebdwith commits like that, they already know20:44
arrrghhhcome around to banning him?20:45
stinebdare you a bad enough dude to enable tethering and save the president?20:45
stinebdi'm gonna keep my laptop tethered the rest of the night in celebration. and to piss off at&t.20:46
Detuleadmit it after dealing with android ports to wince, porting asop to a native android device must be boring20:46
stinebdatrix camera is even brokener than ours20:47
arrrghhhhow is that possible20:47
stinebdi don't know, but you can always trust moto to find a way20:47
Detuleyou should port wince to it and get haret dumps20:47
stinebdpretty much everything hardware-related on this thing goes through an utterly retarded proprietary userland daemon20:47
stinebdno offense to any retards in here20:48
arrrghhhnone taken20:48
stinebdso yeah, moto has no problem providing source for the kernel20:48
stinebdbecause there's literally nothing in it20:48
Detuleif only moto execs offered salaried positions to a few people from #htc-linux20:50
rpierce99why would moto want #HTC-linux folks20:51
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stinebdcheap taiwanese labor20:51
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Detuleuh make: *** [out/target/common/obj/APPS/Superuser_intermediates/classes-full-debug.jar] Error 4120:58
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Detulestinebd: i take it you have no issues compiling Superuser21:11
stinebdnot that i can recall21:19
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arrrghhhah crap i should probably test this stupid RAPH crap21:33
arrrghhhtoo much crap21:34
arrrghhhin winmo auto brightness seems to fail completely21:39
xda-Squirrelssupports my findings21:41
xda-Squirrelsat work today21:42
arrrghhhok, it does work21:44
arrrghhhshows up better on a white bg21:44
arrrghhhits VERY subtle.21:44
arrrghhhbut i actually saw it adjust dynamically with the panel on in winmo on this RAPH80021:45
arrrghhhi guess i need to grab a flashlight or smth21:45
arrrghhhi'm just using my lights and my finger to simulate darkness lol21:45
xda-Squirrelshmm, thats what i planned to do when i got home...before i took a nap ;p21:47
arrrghhhit also slowly goes to full dim21:51
arrrghhhfull bright seems pretty quick tho21:51
arrrghhhi guess that makes sense.  go out in the sunlight, will need bright screen quick21:51
xda-Squirrels*reboots into winmo*21:52
arrrghhhgot a big flashlight, shining it on only the light sensor so i can still see the screen... goes full bright pretty quick21:52
arrrghhhthen turn off flashlight, use it to cover light sensor lol21:52
arrrghhhand it slowly steps down the dim levels...21:52
xda-Squirrelslovely ;p21:55
arrrghhhnow to test android21:56
Detulestinebd: i had to comment out a bunch of "overrides" from the java files in /packages/apps/Superuser/.. for the froyo system image to compile with jdk1.5 u2221:56
Detulebut maybe that's something peculiar to my setup21:56
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XofratsI just send the revised patch to the init detection code22:05
XofratsSo the first one should be disregarded22:05
XofratsDetule you there?22:06
arrrghhhlol auto-brightness in winmo definitely messes with autobrightness in Android.22:07
arrrghhhon RAPH... i know that was fixed on RHOD.22:08
XofratsYes, it's been that way forever22:08
XofratsThere's a race22:08
arrrghhhyea it's definitely fighting lol22:08
arrrghhhmanual brightness is fun22:08
rpierce99Xofrats: your init code is already on the autobuild, lol22:08
arrrghhhi'm bright, i'm dim, i'm bright, i'm dim... w00t22:09
XofratsLet me git pull and redo that then22:09
arrrghhhuntested amish code22:09
XofratsThat's what I get for patching on a bench outside a park22:10
rpierce99i'm of course referring to the stuff for ext4 not modules22:10
XofratsOh, okay, cuz git was like "already up-to-date"22:11
XofratsIt is tested, just not against arrrghhhs and aieees22:11
XofratsNot so much concerned about aieees22:12
Xofratsif [ `find /lib/modules/ -xdev -type l | wc -l` -gt 1 ]; then22:14
XofratsThat should clear up any "old" crud22:14
XofratsAnyway, time to continue going home...  I hate it when I try to patch while walking22:16
XofratsDoesn't work22:16
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xda-Squirrelsandroid is boring without net during the day ;o22:19
xda-Squirrelsi need to download a game or something lol22:19
arrrghhhandroid is worthless without net22:19
xda-Squirrelspretty much, hopefully hyc in all his infinite wisdom can cure the raph cdma data ;)22:20
arrrghhhdon't expect that anytime soon22:21
xda-Squirrelsgonna make minfree more aggressive (*pisses it off*)22:21
arrrghhhhe's really expecting someone with the device to pickup his code and adapt it for the older radios.22:21
xda-Squirrelshmm, if only i didnt suck lol22:21
xda-Squirrelsive never been good with c much less lower-level stuff22:21
arrrghhhno auto brightness in android at all22:22
arrrghhhno not you22:22
xda-Squirrelssufficiently proficient a C#22:22
xda-Squirrelswell sadface anyways22:22
xda-Squirrelswish i was more useful ;p22:22
xda-Squirrelsafk, some shit is goingdown outside >.>22:23
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xda-Squrlsusing irc on androids ;p22:33
xda-Squrlstrying it out anyways22:33
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xda-Squrlsk d/cing on phone22:37
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xda-Squirrelswell i know what ima have for lunch tomm at work22:40
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