Sunday, 2011-08-14

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arrrghhhrpierce99, curse you00:38
Xofratsjoin/quit spam00:39
rpierce99my wife keeps open/closing the lid, she's drunk and keeps having really important things to look up00:40
XofratsMy computer doesn't have that problem, I just keep wavelock on ^^)00:41
arrrghhhi just started using znc recently00:41
arrrghhhworks really well00:41
XofratsWhat's znc?00:42
arrrghhha bouncer00:42
XofratsOh, bnc clone00:42
arrrghhhi never really knew about it before00:42
arrrghhhmy buddy told me about it, i like it so far00:42
arrrghhhbeen using it for a few days00:42
rpierce99wait, an irc client so that when my irc client disconnects it doesn't disconnect? what if znc disconnects....00:43
* rpierce99 is confused00:43
* rpierce99 and drunk, so that's probably why00:43
XofratsNo, it's a proxy00:43
arrrghhhrpierce99, i have a linux server that's on 24/700:43
XofratsIRC proxy00:43
arrrghhhand that linux server is where i connect my IRC clients to00:43
XofratsBasically, it connects to the server, you connect to it, and it forwards stuff00:43
arrrghhhso the linux server is actually on IRC, and i just connect to my linux server...00:43
XofratsI used to just run screen00:44
arrrghhhit plays back history, can make me away, etc.00:44
arrrghhhi still don't know if the away feature works correctly, i'll just assume it does lol00:44
rpierce99i could probably do that with my pogoplug, it's the only computer in my house that's always on00:44
rpierce99but why, I don't have to look at my own join/quit spam00:44
XofratsOr you could run epic5 on your rhod00:45
XofratsLike I do00:45
Xofratsuname: extra operand `0a'00:45
XofratsTry `uname --help' for more information.00:45
rpierce99i like my battery to not die00:45
XofratsLinux localhost #1 PREEMPT Sat Aug 13 07:20:02 EDT 2011 armv6l GNU/Linux00:45
rpierce99alright this the last one, closing the app.00:47
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arrrghhhDetule, yo01:12
arrrghhhjonpry, hey!01:12
jonpryhi arrrghhh01:13
arrrghhhhow goes it sir01:13
jonpryalright kind of tired01:13
jonprywas wondering if Detule tried any of those vmalloc deals01:14
jonpryhow've you been arrrghhh?01:14
arrrghhhgood, workin mah ass off01:14
Detuleyeah running with the increased vmalloc and the ppp_deflate patch01:14
Detuleit's been fine so far01:14
arrrghhhDetule, i wanted to ask about the led change... have you had it get f-ed up before?01:14
jonprythats a good sign01:15
Detulearrrghhh, not in the 12 hrs or so that i've been running it01:15
arrrghhhi set it to 001:15
arrrghhhand it worked great, but when i started playing pandora the LED went solid orange01:15
arrrghhhi plugged in the 3.5mm jack, but it wasn't plugged into power..01:15
Detulehere's the deal01:15
arrrghhhand it wouldn't go off lol.  i set it to 2, then back to 0 and it's working again01:15
Detuleif you notice something not as you expect it01:16
Detulecat sys/class/leds/COLOR/brightness01:16
Detulewhere color = amber or green01:16
Detulethese are the hooks that android sets for notifications01:16
arrrghhhit'll tell me why it's chosen to light that LED?01:16
Detuleif amber is say "1" then the phone is behaving on instructions from android01:16
Detuleif amber is "0" but amber light is on, then something is wrong with the logc in my code01:17
arrrghhhi'll look at that next time...01:17
Detuleand changing the debug_mask wouldn't reset the led01:17
Detulerather, next time you ntoice some behavior on th eled you want to change01:18
Detuleecho directly to COLOR/brightness01:18
arrrghhhyea, rpierce99 told me to send myself an email01:18
arrrghhhoh well, it fixed the issue01:18
arrrghhhbtw, is your code on a local tree or...?01:18
arrrghhhStarfox or Xofrats whoever guy wanted the source01:19
arrrghhh(wants to put it in his test kernel)01:19
jonpryare people using 39 or what these days?01:19
Detuleyeah i'll send the patch to the ml next wk if emwe is fine with it, kinda feel like i would be taking credit for his work01:19
Detulejonpry, i am using it full time but 39 is suffering from acoustic01:19
jonprywhy is that?01:20
jonpryacoustic sucks?01:20
Detulecan't use frx07 with it and 06+ is no longer available01:20
Detuleif you didnt get 06+ when it was up for the getting you have no build to run the kernel with01:20
jonprywhen will xdandroid support acoustic?01:21
Detulei am not sure acoustic is ready for the world01:21
jonpryat this rate my phone will be ready for the trash first01:22
jonprypieces of it are falling off already01:22
Detulemy phone no longer works with the keyboard open01:22
Detulei was ready to see this phone through for a bit longer but not having a keyboard is a serious handicap01:23
jonprykind of defeats the purpose of the tilt feature01:23
arrrghhhthat sucks Detule01:26
arrrghhhpieces are falling off my phone too01:26
arrrghhhit's awesome.  i stuper glued it today01:26
arrrghhhjonpry, there was actually some push from alex to get the acoustic in01:27
arrrghhhhe wants to get it tested more thoroughly01:27
arrrghhhorange led on01:27
Detulecat me that value01:27
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arrrghhh15% or less01:27
Detuleoh that's nice01:27
arrrghhhyea, that value is 101:28
Detulethen it's an instruction from userland01:30
Detulejonpry, i can git-format the vmalloc and the ppp_deflate patch against my tree if that would make it easier for you01:31
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Detuleyeah dsl is giving me some fresh appreciation for cable internet02:01
arrrghhhi do love my cable cxn.02:01
arrrghhhdsl used to be horrid02:01
arrrghhhhaven't used it in years02:01
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xda-Squirrelshavent tried dsl, went straight from dial-up years back to cable03:08
xda-Squirrelsdsl would probably be fine if you have sufficiently decent cabling in your house/walls, your providers doesnt bite ass and you're not near the edge of the service range03:08
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arrrghhhxda-Squirrels, that's the problem tho10:35
arrrghhhthere's too many factors that kill DSL service.  loop length to the CO is a huge one.10:35
arrrghhhkernel BUG at arch/arm/mach-msm/smd.c:317!10:37
arrrghhhseems bad10:37
arrrghhh^^ all have the same SMD error10:39
arrrghhhhad a guy on the forums throw me that.  said on the newer autobuild kernels, and the Starfox 'test' kernel, same results...10:40
arrrghhhkeeps getting random reboots seemingly related to SMD...10:40
arrrghhhnot sure if this'll stand up, but here's what the theory was from the user10:40
arrrghhh"Very likely started with commit 970e5be on 6/27"10:41
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Detulearrrghhh, isn't that the tty bug from hyc s patch11:17
Detulethat function smd_readx is no longer in the autobuild as of Aug 0511:18
arrrghhhi thought he pulled it back11:27
arrrghhh1 sec11:27
arrrghhhHad sent a log with this problem to hyc a few weeks back, but since then it looks like he reverted to jonpry's original patch and the issue is still present (maybe even a little worse in frequency).11:28
arrrghhhevidently making it worse?  lol.  i dunno, i don't have that issue.  i'm on a RHOD400 just like he is... and you as well.11:28
arrrghhhoh well, i have to go return my rental car.  bbl.11:29
jonpryDetule, patch sounds good. does it actually fix the problem?11:36
jonprydoes that smd problem happen during heavy data transfers or something?11:46
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BulitPrufhi Sunday morning12:05
BulitPrufanyone awake and is not a zombie?12:07
rpierce99if you have a question ask it, if someone has an answer they will respond12:08
BulitPrufquestions 312:10
BulitPrufidunno, for some reason I think options in startup.txt are ignored to some point12:11
rpierce99startup.txt is options for haret.exe, those are well documented, the options in the cmdline section go directly to the kernel and init, and only work if they are implemented in the specific init/kernel you are running12:12
BulitPrufafter booting, teh msmvkeyb is on top starting from the console, then when gui loads it's still there, doesn't do anything12:12
BulitPrufkernel is default from the full bundle12:12
rpierce99pastebin your startup.txt12:12
BulitPruf1 sec12:13
Detulejonpry, er, it hasn't cropped up in the last couple of days, but even before the patch, i was often problem-free for as long as a week12:13
Detulei did notice in my dmesg yesterday that my phone survived an smd_close(7)12:14
Detuleso that's probably a good sign12:14
rpierce99Detule: i haven't read logs yet but did you see arrrghhh and I both had orange lights randomly yesterday12:15
Detulek arrrghhh mentioned that he saw an orange light when battery level dropped below 15%-ish could this be something you were seeing as well?12:15
jonpryDetule, sounds good enough for me. send patch to me @ gmail.com12:15
rpierce99no my battery was good12:15
rpierce99i was out and about and receiving an email took me back to normal op12:16
BulitPrufthe oc doesn't work either12:16
Detulenext time you see a light amber/green that surprises you cat sys/class/leds/COLOR/brightness (COLOR=amber or green)12:16
Detuleif that's "1" then it's a notification sent by android and not a kernel bug12:16
Detuleif it's "0" then it's a problem with my code12:17
rpierce99i figured there was a stray command to set amber in some other code, hacked into the wrong place12:17
Detulei'll go over it again to make sure12:18
rpierce99BulitPruf: is the  physical keyboard layout correct?12:18
rpierce99ie keys do what they should12:18
BulitPrufas correct as a qwerty12:18
rpierce99mainly it would be the special keys like shift and fn12:18
rpierce99the letters are generally correct12:18
BulitPrufumm no12:19
BulitPruffn does shift12:19
rpierce99so your whole cmdline is being ignored then most likely12:19
rpierce99i'm surprised it boots12:19
rpierce99because your rel_path is in there12:19
rpierce99try pulling in the default Tilt2 startup.txt over the top of yours and rename the folder it's in to andboot12:21
rpierce99that way you don't have to edit the file12:21
BulitPrufseems rel_path was the problem12:27
BulitPrufI'm so dumb12:27
rpierce99it probably wasn't rel_path, it was probably the way the file was edited, many editors muck up the file and add weird characters that screw the file up12:27
BulitPrufoh yea12:27
BulitPrufwas gonna ask abt that12:28
BulitPrufI edited with notepad12:28
rpierce99yeah that's the worst12:28
rpierce99notepad++ on windows works well12:28
BulitPrufthen I used ES File Explorer and it told me the file had extra formatting12:28
BulitPrufsilly mistake12:28
rpierce99very common12:28
BulitPrufis there a home screen button mapping?12:30
rpierce99home screen buttons?12:30
BulitPrufwin key does menu12:31
BulitPrufback does back12:31
BulitPrufend sleep/lock12:31
rpierce99currently? or that is what you want12:32
BulitPrufcan I map ptt to home or something?12:32
BulitPrufthat's what it is currently12:32
rpierce99as of FRX07 end should be home12:32
rpierce99oh ptt12:37
rpierce99sorry missed that12:37
BulitPruftyhanks for all your FRX0712:37
BulitPruferr help12:37
rpierce99i believe in some test rootfs the ptt button has been mapped12:37
rpierce99but i don't think it is out of the box12:37
rpierce99i don't have a ptt button12:37
BulitPrufI don't know for others but this seems quite to perfection for me12:38
rpierce99i've been using android exclusively for months, i think it's great12:38
rpierce99not perfect, but great12:38
rpierce99winmo isn't nearly perfect, fwiw12:39
BulitPrufI liked WinMo on my Treo12:44
BulitPrufrpierce99: 'twas the editing, everything works properly now12:47
rpierce99i assume that means you put back in your oc12:47
rpierce99glad you got it all working12:49
BulitPrufthat really had skewered everything12:49
BulitPrufthe gsensor didn't work right, keyb, oc12:49
BulitPrufnow everything's fine12:50
arrrghhhdamn that regular notepad12:51
arrrghhhWord on WinMo is just as bad12:51
arrrghhhif you save it in its stupid format12:51
rpierce99yup, made that mistake myself once12:51
BulitPrufI thought np was clean12:51
arrrghhhi've edited startup.txt many a time on WinMo.  Always gotta answer NO to that damned question12:51
BulitPrufand simple as could be12:51
rpierce99clean + windows formatted12:51
rpierce99newline characters are crlf or cr or lf and linux expects something else12:52
rpierce99never remember which way that works12:52
xda-Squirrelslinux expects LF, windows uses CRLF12:52
BulitPrufnother questions12:52
BulitPrufdoes the oc have a min state?12:53
BulitPrufor is it always max?12:53
arrrghhhBulitPruf, it varies based on usage12:53
BulitPrufdynamic then12:53
arrrghhhapps like SystemPanelLite let you actually see the clock speed being adjusted12:53
BulitPrufwifi seems a bit slow12:57
BulitPrufvery nice13:11
BulitPrufbut my Angry Birds not working lol13:11
* arrrghhh stabs BulitPruf 13:11
arrrghhhAngry Birds requires OpenGLES 2.013:11
arrrghhhwhich our hardware does not support13:11
arrrghhhgo buy a new phone13:11
BulitPrufit was just a test13:11
arrrghhhwhat do we have?  Adreno 130 or some crap?13:12
BulitPrufI have a Glacer13:12
arrrghhhwhy is Angry Birds the benchmark app for Android13:12
jonpryhmm. i play angry birds on phone13:12
arrrghhhis it smooth?13:13
arrrghhhi've played it, just not smooth.  not even close.13:13
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BulitPrufdoes FRX07 get flash?13:15
arrrghhhprobably won't work13:15
arrrghhhgoes back to our old shitty hardware13:16
arrrghhhi've heard flash works like poop on the N113:16
arrrghhhcan't imagine how it'll work on ours13:16
arrrghhhmight work with skyfire tho13:16
xda-Squirrelseven if it did, it'd probably kill the phone with how slow it'd go13:16
arrrghhhsince their servers do the number-crunching13:16
BulitPrufI'd figure so13:16
xda-Squirrelsi loved skyfire on winmo13:16
xda-Squirrelsthen they killed it >.<13:16
BulitPrufFlash cripples my core solo laptop13:17
BulitPrufi.e. celeron13:17
arrrghhhBulitPruf, so what do you think it'll do to a 528mhz ARM from 2007?13:18
xda-Squirrelsflahs can bog down my hex core w/ 2x 5770 radeon HDs13:18
xda-Squirrelsits ust shitty software13:18
xda-Squirrelssilverlight all the way baby13:18
arrrghhhhex core13:18
arrrghhhlook at you13:18
xda-Squirrels*looks at me* ok, now what13:18
arrrghhhyou're a manwhore13:18
arrrghhhor something whore13:19
xda-Squirrelseh, im actually disappointed13:19
BulitPrufnot supported? I don't see it in the market13:19
arrrghhhalthough i did get a 6770M in my new lappy13:19
xda-Squirrelsi only have 8GB of my oriiginal 16GB ram left13:19
arrrghhhit's not a bad card13:19
xda-Squirrels2 sticks were bad when i bought all the ram and im a lazy fuck13:19
arrrghhhHP and AMD are braindead, so i couldn't use it at first13:19
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xda-Squirrelsamd radeon driver spamming my event log with UVD Information13:21
xda-Squirrelstrying to track down my my windows media player keeps stopping anything i play after like a few seconds13:22
xda-Squirrelsmusic, videos13:22
xda-Squirrelsabout 5-10 seconds in, its acting like im pressing the stop button but im now13:22
xda-Squirrelsdriving me apeshit13:22
arrrghhhwhy are you using windows media player13:23
arrrghhhyou fool13:23
xda-Squirrelsworks sufficiently to play m3u files and files over UNC path13:23
xda-Squirrelsi also use VLC for videos usually13:23
xda-Squirrelswinamp is a pile nowadays imo13:23
arrrghhhyea winamp is13:23
xda-Squirrelsi think its just time to format13:28
rpierce99my desktop needs one something fierce13:30
rpierce99or just some effort on my part to optimize it, but i never use it13:30
rpierce99my wife is starting to complain though, so maybe in a couple of months when it becomes more difficult to ignore the complants than to fix it13:31
xda-Squirrelswell i just need to transfer anything i wanna keep to my 2tb fileserver, then format using pxe13:31
xda-Squirrelsdont even have to find a disk but theres so much shit to xfer13:31
xda-Squirrelsand im a perfectionist so im going to end up tinkering with settings and programs and shit until like 2am13:32
xda-Squirrelsand i have work tomm lol13:32
BulitPrufgeneral market question13:33
BulitPrufdoes market filter out device unsupported apps?13:33
arrrghhhit filters all sorts of things13:33
rpierce99market doesn't, devs do13:33
arrrghhhcarriers can filter crap out13:34
arrrghhhwell, yea13:34
arrrghhhi guess it depends on what the dev tags the app as13:34
rpierce99they have all kinds of filters they can put on13:34
arrrghhhwhich does that market enabler app work?13:34
BulitPrufcuz I can't find flash player13:34
arrrghhhi messed with it, didn't seem to make a difference.  although my phone did appear different on the site13:34
arrrghhhBulitPruf, seriously13:34
BulitPrufand some other stuff13:34
arrrghhhyou're still going down that road13:34
rpierce99you won't, totally unsupported13:34
rpierce99some have tried and failed, others have tried and claimed success only to never deliver13:35
BulitPrufnot expecting anything in particular13:35
BulitPrufjust looking at the behaviour of market13:36
BulitPrufI mean after a search it doesn't say: "well here it is, but you can't have it on your device"13:38
BulitPrufit just says "item not found in market"13:39
xda-Squirrelsyeah it'll just say no results found13:39
rpierce99the compatibility error will only happen if you use the market website on you computer13:39
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arrrghhhhrm.  seems disabling apps via startup with pm disable is indeed a good idea13:58
arrrghhhi think i should compile a list of ones you shouldn't touch tho13:59
arrrghhhi'm still confused on a few of 'em.13:59
arrrghhhpm disable seems to do more than just disable the app from starting on boot... it disables it completely?!?14:05
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hycyou're not supposed to disable the entire app14:44
hyconly the specific events they trigger o.14:44
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[acl]who der ?15:10
[acl]ghost town15:12
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[acl]who are u?15:35
xda-Squirrelssome guy15:35
[acl]or what are you is a better question15:36
xda-SquirrelsRAPH800 user, idling in chat15:36
[acl]ahh old faithful15:36
[acl]on winmo, does light sensor work for you on the raph 80015:36
xda-Squirrelsseemingly, display goes off when in call when its near my face15:36
xda-Squirrelshavent tested it a whole lot15:37
xda-Squirrelsi'll give a few goes by calling my google voice # in a lil bit15:37
xda-Squirrelsim in TF2 atm ;p15:37
[acl]well should be simple. I mean on my galaxy S, i cover the phone and goes dark.. remove my hand and it brightens up again.15:37
[acl]interestingly enough on my tp2 i dont see any lightsensor work15:37
[acl]i only see the light sensor being read when the panel comes up from sleep or from being off. then it stops. guess it only polls it once and calls it a day15:40
rpierce99I'm still not used to having android notifications, just pulled the phone out of my pocket to make sure i hadn't missed a message and turned the screen on instinctively even though the led was off15:41
arrrghhhhyc, can you explain?15:42
[acl]if im reading correctly, looks like lightsensor polling is disabled .. some fellas have some app to enable polling15:44
arrrghhh[acl], with autobrightness i definitely see the screen adjust... more light it gets bright, less light gets dim...15:44
[acl]arrrghhh: what i was going to do is send a bunch of commands for the masses to test on other devices so i can finish this light sensor. I tested on my tp2.. to my surprise there was no info15:44
arrrghhhalthough it dims much more slowly than it brightens.  WisTilt2 designed it this way AFAIK15:45
[acl]but that son android15:45
arrrghhh[acl], Oo15:45
arrrghhhno info...15:45
[acl]the logic is broken actually15:45
[acl]i mean on winmo15:45
[acl]so we can get all the devices on board already15:45
arrrghhhpeople keep saying the autobl driver is busted for Android as well15:45
[acl]it is15:45
[acl]since there is no lighsensor15:45
[acl]thats what i mean15:45
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[acl]it depends on the light sensor feedback to determine what brightness to use15:46
[acl]i got it sorta working on the rhod but the klt code incorporates all devices so its gonna be a massive patch15:46
lapin{GR}hello xda fans :)15:46
[acl]i guess i can email wistilt about this as well15:46
[acl]arrrghhh: lol.. guess we have been doing this so long forgot how the tp2 actually worked on winmo15:53
arrrghhhi don't really use winmo much bro15:53
[acl]no one does15:53
arrrghhhswapping stuff out, then i'm back to android.15:53
[acl]rpierce99: what do you know about this .. spill the beans already15:53
rpierce99[acl]: i've spent all of about 2 days in winmo since i got the phone, no help here15:55
rpierce99the first thing i did when the company bought it was see if I could put something else on it besides the stock winmo15:55
arrrghhhgood thing to look for with a company phone...15:55
arrrghhhhyc, well killing all these apps completely sure has sped things up...15:56
arrrghhhnow if i can only figure out how to just prevent it from startup... lol15:56
[acl]rpierce99: haha no worries.. its sorta working right now so ill just share the code with the brethren so they can assist witht he other devices..15:56
[acl]but for now i gotta go15:56
arrrghhhcool ths [acl]15:57
[acl]just got an SOS from my pops.. looks like he has a flood.. had no idea it was even raining15:57
arrrghhho snap..15:57
[acl]arrrghhh: no word on the mic detection yet? anyone even try ?15:57
arrrghhhgood luck bro.  bring your waders15:57
arrrghhh[acl], seemed like someone did, who entirely missed the point15:57
arrrghhhStarfox/Xofrats was talking about it earlier, haven't seen his feedback15:57
arrrghhhso i am hoping he has a headset to test with15:57
[acl]ill brb15:57
Detulearrrghhh,  rpierce99, no unexpected led behavior other than those one-offs last night?15:58
arrrghhhDetule, uhm i've been playing with other things15:58
rpierce99nope working great so far today, it's only been off the charger for about 2 hours though15:58
arrrghhhother horrible awful things..15:58
Detule:) can't be that bad15:59
arrrghhhi went crazy with pm disable15:59
arrrghhhlast night i went so crazy it failed to boot.  not sure which one was the factor, had to start over.15:59
arrrghhhand now i realize that i did it wrong, and disabled the entire app evidently15:59
arrrghhhinstead of just the on-boot request15:59
Detulewish stinebd was around, looks like userland is only equipped to supply a blinking amber light....i was hoping for a blinking green light16:00
arrrghhhhyc had blinking green for sleep at one point16:00
arrrghhhbut i'm sure that was all kernel voodoo16:00
arrrghhhwell i guess i'm not sure.  just pretty sure :P16:00
hycI don't believe there's any reason it couldn't be wired into userland16:00
rpierce99yeah that was a kernel side change, he didn't release a system image for that16:00
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Detuleall i am saying is that current liblights doesn't ask for a blinking green16:01
arrrghhhoh liblights16:01
hycbecause it doesn't know how to ask?16:01
Detuleit knows to ask for a blinking amber16:01
hycI mean, on a regular android phone blinking green means message waiting16:02
hycblinking amber - no idea what that means :P16:02
arrrghhhsolid amber appears to be mean low battery16:03
arrrghhhwhen not plugged in16:03
Detulei am not even sure android would even ask for a blinking amber even though liblights can handle that call16:03
arrrghhhwhen plugged in, charging...16:03
arrrghhhblinking amber?  no service maybe...?16:03
hycof course those defaults all really don't matter. E.g. all cyanogen derived ROMs let you choose every notification color/style16:03
hycred should mean low battery16:03
hycblinking red means critically low16:04
hycamber means charging16:04
hycgreen means fully charged16:05
Detulewell, i can write the blink callbacks, but it seems unless stinebd intervenes in liblights we won't see the fruit of that labor unless android asks for a blinking amber16:05
Detuletoo many unless-es16:06
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rpierce99that's odd, the const definitions just skip it altogether, red_blink, amber_blink, ......... nothing16:12
rpierce99wouldn't a patch just be a duplication of the existing amber_blink code with some new names for green?16:12
arrrghhhi see where i went so very wrong...16:13
arrrghhhi have, how do you say... the dumb?16:14
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smiley-_hmm.. the sk17i is stopping the charge at 100% and then lets the phone run on battery until 95% is reached again and then starts to recharge to 100% again16:21
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arrrghhhwell that's goos16:29
arrrghhhsomeone with a RAPH was saying it would charge to 100%, then stop charging and the battery would actually die if left lol16:29
smiley-_um.. and someone has overclocked it to 1.9GHz16:30
rpierce99Detule: do you have a system image build environment set up16:31
xda-Squirrelslame acl d/ced16:32
Detulerpierce99, right a patch would just check for a blink_green gile16:32
Detuleand in it would have an if switch16:33
rpierce99i already wrote it, hence the question, i can't actually make a patch (because i have no idea how16:33
Detulefor color = amber or green16:33
rpierce99but yeah it's dead simple16:33
rpierce99i have no idea if it works16:33
rpierce99but it seems simple16:33
Detulesorry my build environment is severely outdated16:33
arrrghhhrpierce99, ^^16:34
rpierce99right, that requires using git16:35
rpierce99i just downloaded the .c file and edited in xcode16:35
arrrghhhgit seems easier than that16:35
arrrghhhbut ok16:35
arrrghhhi have a build environment setup16:35
arrrghhhnot updated either tho lol16:35
rpierce99no, this took 2 minutes, including writing the patch, just installing git takes longer than that16:35
arrrghhhsetting up the initial repo is painful16:36
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xda-Squirrels>.> [acl] isnt registered with services16:40
xda-Squirrelswas gonna leave him a message with memoserv lol16:40
arrrghhhway to announce it.16:41
rpierce99use the bot16:41
xda-Squirrelsidk how to use that thing16:41
rpierce99xdandroid later tell <user> <message> i think16:41
xdandroidrpierce99: The operation succeeded.16:41
arrrghhhit worked, whatever you just did rpierce9916:41
xda-Squirrelsxdandroid later tell [acl] Tested winmo light sensor on RAPH800; it works. Does not in XDAndroid FRX07 newest kernl/rootfs.16:42
xdandroidxda-Squirrels: The operation succeeded.16:42
arrrghhhxda-Squirrels, was this the prox sensor or light sensor16:42
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arrrghhhlike during a phone call, screen turns off16:43
arrrghhhor ambient light sensor16:43
arrrghhhwhere when it's dark screen goes dim16:43
xda-Squirrelshmm, good point, i covered what the small sensor in the earpiece to block light from entering16:43
arrrghhhwhen it's light screen goes light16:43
arrrghhher bright16:43
hycis acl working on the light sensor?16:44
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xda-Squirrelsi'll just throw the phone in a dark room without usng my hand to cover the phone16:44
hycotherwise, why would he care?16:44
arrrghhhyea he's working on the light sensor16:44
xda-Squirrelsidk, i mentioned i have a RAPH800 and he asked if raph light sensor works in winmo16:44
arrrghhhtryin to get it up to speed on all devices16:44
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xda-Squirrelscant wait to get rid of this phone16:46
xda-Squirrelsholding out for that16:48
xda-Squirrelsassuming specs are legit16:48
xda-Squirrels(yes i know its gsm, im jumping ships)16:49
hycwhy are you holding out for a phone with barely any specs known?16:49
xda-Squirrelsmy contract is u around end of year, and im poor til next year ;p16:49
xda-Squirrelsso i wont be able to get a phone til around the time thats likely to come out16:49
xda-Squirrelsif all else fails, evo 3d gsm should be out by then16:49
arrrghhhmy buddy has that phone16:49
xda-Squirrelsi dont care for the 3d16:50
arrrghhhi really don't think i can handle no kbd16:50
arrrghhhthe keyboard on the raph was cramped16:50
xda-Squirrelsyeah but not many good spec'd phones have a keyboard anymore16:50
arrrghhhon the rhod, it's freak gorgeous.16:50
arrrghhhi know16:50
arrrghhhnot sure what's up with that...16:50
arrrghhhnew mytouch?16:50
xda-Squirrelsi want a dual-core phone with 1gb ram that has a keyboard, go go htc, make it so16:50
arrrghhhhrm no16:51
hycyeah, I'm not so worried about dual-core in a phone, but since everyone's going that direction, I'm ok with it16:51
hycbut yeah, gotta have a good keyboard16:51
arrrghhhquad core comin up :D16:51
xda-Squirrelsoo sexy16:51
arrrghhhbut yea, i'm not going to budge on the kbd thing.  i'll keep limping along with the TP216:51
hycactually I think the TP2 keyboard is too wide. the G1 keyboard was nice, can easily operate the entire keyboard one-handed.16:51
arrrghhhmy buddy keeps telling me to give up, they've stopped making phones with kb's.16:51
hycwith the TP2 I can't reach from one side to the other side with one thumb16:52
arrrghhhhyc, yea the g1 was way smaller16:52
arrrghhhheh it's definitely designed for two handed action.16:52
hycyah, IMO that's a mistake in a phone design16:53
hycyou can of course use both hands on the G1 if you like16:53
hycbut when you only have one hand free, the G1 is still usable, the TP2 not so much16:53
hycand these new phones with 4.5" to 5" screens - too big for a pocket.16:54
arrrghhhyea, they're nice slates16:54
arrrghhhbut not good phones16:54
hycthis looks promising
hycbut it's only a 4-row kbd16:55
arrrghhhsammy's never really done good kb's16:56
arrrghhhlook at how they're aligned... not staggered at all.16:56
hycI thought their epic looked ok, don't remember now16:56
arrrghhhyea, i hear it's not that great to type on16:56
arrrghhhi played with it, i thought the RHOD was better... but the epic is also 5-row if i'm not mistaken.16:56
phh[22:57:17] <xda-Squirrels> i want a dual-core phone with 1gb ram that has a keyboard, go go htc, make it so <-------- i want an omap4 in my TP2 !16:58
arrrghhhphh, do eeeet16:58
hycyeah, kinda 5-row, dedicated numeric row anyway
arrrghhhpm disable works awesome, assuming you use it correctly :D17:00
hycmost things are great when you do them correctly :D17:00
arrrghhhseriously, phone is much faster now17:00
arrrghhhso true.17:00
hycyeah, this is all those autostart manager apps do17:01
hycI watched logcat while one of them was running17:01
hycand screw that shit, I'm not paying real money for an app that just spawns a stupid commandline17:01
arrrghhhwouldn't it be easier to just let an app do it for me?  or was the app sub-par...?17:01
arrrghhhit was a paid app lol17:01
arrrghhhagreed :D17:02
hycPeople expect to get paid for writing the most trivial shit.17:02
hycf' 'em all.17:02
arrrghhhok, i'll probably write up a thread on this.  i want to pull a tiad8 and give people a list of how to tweak shit to get better performance.17:03
arrrghhhbut like real advice.  no fluff17:03
hyccome on, if it's not loaded with UPPER CASE EXCLAMATIONS no one will read it17:04
hyconly 512M ram, no card slot, wp717:06
arrrghhhsounds like the Pro717:06
hycthey only need to fix a couple things and it would be a great android phone17:07
arrrghhhi also tweaked those minfree settings17:07
arrrghhhthis is fantastic.17:07
hycyeah, me too17:07
hycloving it17:07
arrrghhhi didn't think it would make that big of a difference17:08
arrrghhhbut those few things17:08
arrrghhhthe pm disable (which was a bit of a PITA)17:08
arrrghhhthe minfree17:08
arrrghhhand i am oc'd...17:08
arrrghhhthis is smooth17:08
hycyeah, it's actually a really nice system when it's tuned up17:08
arrrghhhnew Market is workin well17:08
arrrghhhseems to download apps at a fairly reasonable speed...17:09
hyceh. just download one at a time17:09
arrrghhhthat wasn't enough on the old Market17:09
arrrghhheven one at a time was painfully slow17:09
xda-Squirrelsyeah downloading even one occasionally locks up the phone for a few seconds, then it chugs along for a little bit again, choppy17:10
arrrghhhxda-Squirrels, new Market has none of that for me17:11
arrrghhhespecially after these speed tweaks, incredible.17:11
xda-Squirrelsdo want17:12
hycit's all about ram17:12
hyclet the ram get full, it will get choppy again17:12
arrrghhhxda-Squirrels, i think i'm going to post a thread up17:12
arrrghhhhyc, in theory with the tweaks I did, RAM won't get full...17:12
arrrghhhi probably need to play with a few settings17:13
arrrghhhto see what yields the best results17:13
arrrghhhscroll past the app crap17:13
arrrghhhcan't even spell moderate correctly17:13
arrrghhhConfiguring androids internal task killer17:13
arrrghhhstart there ^^17:13
arrrghhhseems to be a pretty good explanation of how Android works in respect to keeping things tidy17:14
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arrrghhhintegrating Arabic into Android isn't as easy as I was hoping it would be.17:25
xda-Squirrelsnap time cause im a lazy sloth17:25
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arrrghhhcan i disable that?18:54
arrrghhhwell i've cut it down to the basic google crap at this oint18:55
arrrghhhi guess i can just start disabling stuff and see what blows up...18:55
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hycI leave calendar and clock alive, so alarms and appointments work19:12
hycmost other stuff is off19:12
arrrghhhmarket is ok to kill19:12
arrrghhhvending or whatever19:12
hycunless you have auto-update on and you want it to work19:13
arrrghhhvoice dialer?  quick search box?19:13
arrrghhhthere's still so much it seems.19:13
arrrghhhoh well19:13
arrrghhhit's significantly better19:13
hycI never use either of those either, both disabled19:13
stinebdi need your professional advice19:14
stinebdtoo much19:14
stinebdneed less19:14
stinebdwhole universe is outside my scope19:14
stinebd what do you think about a tegra as a low power server to handle mostly mail+spamassassin and a tiny amount of apache19:15
stinebdnobody else here seems to play with hardware19:15
hyctegra huh. hmmm19:15
arrrghhheh what i would want that to do is pretty different from what you would want sir stine19:16
stinebdalso it may or may not be doing nat depending on how i feel about it19:16
hycsounds like that should be an ok workload for it19:16
stinebdthe nat isn't a problem since the same hardware is used for realtime packet switching solutions19:16
hycmost internet links are slow enough, 25MHz pentiums used to do that kind of work19:16
stinebdbasically what i have now is a single core amd athlon64 slim desktop19:17
stinebdwhich is loud, hot and power hungry19:17
stinebdso i want to ditch it and go with one of those and a usb hard drive or something19:17
hychm, could be a nice little HTPC too19:17
stinebdwell that's what it's marketed as19:18
arrrghhhbut no gfx accel19:18
stinebdthere is19:18
arrrghhhbut it's not supported yet i thought?19:18
stinebdit's not in their releases yet though19:18
stinebdthey have working code for it19:18
arrrghhhoh, ic19:18
arrrghhhi didn't realize they had code working for it19:18
stinebdso you have to download a package for whatever distro you're using19:18
stinebdit's pretty hackish though19:19
arrrghhhdoes it have IR?19:19
arrrghhhi didn't see it19:19
arrrghhhthat kinda suxxors.19:19
stinebdnot really19:19
stinebdit has 4x usb and those cheap mce ir blasters are like 5 bucks on ebay19:19
arrrghhhi'd want to control it with a remote if it was going to do the media streaming role my server has19:19
stinebdah receivers are cheap too19:20
arrrghhhi guess i've never used 'em on computers, are they pretty easy to use?19:20
stinebdor you could get one that does both19:20
arrrghhhi have a harmony remote.19:20
arrrghhhjust want to send commands to it19:20
arrrghhhlike grate me cheese19:20
stinebdpiece of cake19:20
stinebdlirc ftw19:20
stinebdin is easier than out at least19:21
stinebdit was a pain in the ass programming my blaster to fire commands at the stupid set top cable boxes we have to use now19:21
hycrt3070, hm they're using the same wifi module as the AI Touchbook19:22
stinebdi'd get the base model19:22
stinebdno stupid wifi crap19:22
stinebdi don't need the fbi listening in on me19:23
hycyeah I guess you don't really need it for an htpc with gigE19:23
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arrrghhhhrm.  that sounds like it'd be a great htpc.  it'd replace 2 things in my entertainment center.19:23
stinebdthe kensington lock port is amusing19:23
hyc1680x1050 limit on DVI is kind of underwhelming19:23
stinebdarrrghhh: i'd hold off for the drivers honestly19:23
arrrghhhonly other hurdle is surround sound19:24
arrrghhhthat was always a PITA it seems19:24
hyc5.1 audio out19:24
hycI have a 7 channel yamaha amp already19:24
arrrghhhyea i use toslink19:24
arrrghhhbut getting it to work, i was never able to do.19:25
stinebdi have a feeling i should get commission from these guys for sending you all there19:25
hycyeah I can't feed an HDMI audio into my amp19:25
arrrghhhgood point, i can't either.19:25
arrrghhhi would do hdmi to the tv19:25
arrrghhhoptical to the amp19:25
arrrghhhthat's how the PS3 is setup right now19:25
stinebdarc ftw19:25
stinebdscrew optical19:26
arrrghhhi want to get a new amp, but there's no huge need.19:26
hychm, video decoder is on block diagram, but note says it's not included19:27
hycso no video input19:27
stinebdit's on the dev models only i think19:27
hycI'd get the one with the HD bay19:29
hycbut if you already have some kind of NAS I guess it's unnecessary19:35
stinebdgoing by the forums it seems the internal ssd (in supported models) is hooked on the usb19:41
stinebdis it common on that kind of hardware?19:42
hycvery common yes, everything goes onto USB typically20:00
hycof course that means you'll probably get better disk performance using a NAS than a local disk20:05
hycso mebbe the HD bay isn't a must-have after all20:05
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arrrghhhposted all my propaganda20:23
arrrghhhit's all lies tho20:28
xda-Squirrelslies means cake20:29
xda-Squirrelsor wait... other way ;)20:29
arrrghhhi'm curious to see what people say are good minfree values20:29
xda-Squirrelseither way brb, making nummies for mah tummy (Beef stroganoff)20:29
arrrghhhand what other tweaks people come up with20:29
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xda-Squirrelsi'll be toying with some of that stuff when i finish making my foods20:30
arrrghhhcrap i just thought of some more20:31
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stinebdoh god arrrghhh trying to do real dev work20:35
stinebdthis should be a hoot20:35
arrrghhhthis isn't real dev work20:35
stinebdDifficulty Moderate - Overclocking20:36
arrrghhhhey, you push that too far it'll blow up your shite20:36
stinebdwhat counts as easy? breathing?20:37
arrrghhhsometimes that can be difficult, depending on the user20:37
xda-SquirrelsYou are now breathing manually.20:37
stinebdstep 2 is moderate and involves a tennis ball launcher20:38
stinebdalso quite fast20:38
arrrghhhi prefer a sling-shot device20:39
arrrghhhto each their own20:39
xda-Squirrelsim so ghetto20:44
xda-Squirrelsusing a big metal pizza pan as a cover for my skillet to simmer the food20:44
stinebdthat's not ghetto at all20:45
stinebdghetto would be using that pizza pan over a series of george foreman grills20:46
arrrghhhhow about over a burning oil drum20:47
stinebdthat's hobo20:47
arrrghhho right20:47
xda-Squirrelsi acquired old pots and skillets when i moved out a few years back and i never got around to buy a full set20:49
xda-Squirrelsperhaps when i climb out of debt at the end of the year lol20:49
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arrrghhhhey it's that guy who does everything on his phone20:50
arrrghhhyou're like a really selective, really bad Amish person.20:51
XofratsNo, Amish do not use computers20:51
arrrghhhyea neither do you20:51
XofratsI don't drive a horse and buggy20:51
arrrghhhlike vegetarian vs vegan20:52
XofratsI tried cross-compiling, and got a -dirty kernel....  Same patch and everything20:52
arrrghhhwhat shall we call you...20:52
stinebddirty means it's got uncommitted changes20:52
XofratsHmmm, how to commit locally then?20:52
stinebdgit commit -a20:53
XofratsAhh, k20:53
XofratsBTW, that buildscript is a bit braindead20:53
XofratsWhen I tried to -j3 it decided to build the module before the kernel20:53
XofratsKind of like putting the carriage in front of the horse20:53
stinebdthe kernel build system?20:54
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XofratsNo, on the facebook page20:54
arrrghhhthat's what you get for getting's from facebook.20:54
stinebduh yeah20:54
XofratsThat's my minfree20:55
Detulehi stinebd i was wondering if you are open to suggestions for touch ups to liblights20:55
stinebdi use my own braindead build script which parallelizes fine20:55
stinebdbut i haven't built my own kernel in ages20:56
stinebdDetule: yes20:56
XofratsYeah, I had to end up breaking up the make zImage/module/etc. into separate lines20:56
stinebdDetule: note that all patches to our stuff should be git formatted20:56
XofratsDetule: send me the patch to lights20:57
stinebdthat way we can maintain credit to you for initial development20:57
DetuleXofrats, i'll send the kernel patch to the ml tomorrow20:57
Detulei don't have the xdandroid environment updated so i can't write the liblights patch20:57
XofratsCompiling the kernel on a atom n450 still took about an hour20:58
XofratsSlightly better than the ~3 it takes on the phone20:58
arrrghhh3 hour compile time20:58
XofratsYou know how big the kernel directory becomes after a compile?20:59
stinebdkernel compiling on an atom and msm7k20:59
stinebdyou realize that's basically the equivalent of driving around in a horse and buggy right?20:59
XofratsI don't drive a horse and a buggy20:59
stinebdtechnologically you do21:00
stinebddon't feel bad, arrrghhh uses a cdma network21:00
XofratsMy C2D7200 is somewhere else right now, and the battery is completely dead on it anyway21:00
arrrghhhso does he21:00
stinebdfeel bad then21:00
arrrghhhi <3 the dark ages21:00
arrrghhhthey're cheap21:00
xda-Squirrelsraph800, fear my leet cdma networkz21:01
xda-Squirrelsaka *rams face into desk*21:01
* Xofrats smacks squirrel in the nutz21:01
xda-Squirrelssoon, i'll get one of those phones, on a gsm network21:01
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arrrghhhseems everyone is going to LTE21:01
stinebdhow soon?21:01
Starfox-NickServ- You have 30 seconds to identify to your nickname before it is changed.21:01
xda-Squirrelsthere is a provider in this area i wanna try a gsm phone on, aseems legit21:01
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stinebdgreat game21:01
xda-Squirrelsprobably around december or january21:01
stinebdcant wait for sf6421:02
XofratsBTW, how does git commit deal with the compcache kernel patch, can I tell it to ignore it or do I have to unpatch before commit?21:02
stinebdcompcache is a module21:02
stinebdyou build that outside the kernel tree21:02
XofratsThere is a kernel patch21:03
XofratsInside 0.5.421:03
Xofratsswap notify21:03
stinebdapply it and git commit21:03
stinebddirty kernel really isn't a huge issue btw21:03
XofratsBRB, rebooting to ubuntu amd6421:04
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stinebdwow 64 bits21:05
stinebdguy's going all year 2000 on us21:05
* arrrghhh looks at his 32-bit server21:05
stinebd64-bitness is a waste on a server21:06
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stinebdblows up your ram21:06
arrrghhhwell i guess the hardware is capable of 64-bitsness21:06
arrrghhhbut i'm not using it21:06
stinebdgood choice21:06
arrrghhhi don't want my RAM to blow up, exactly.21:06
xda-Squirrelsmy single core via 1.5GHz 32-bit rawks out with its cawk out21:06
stinebdi just schooled you21:06
arrrghhhxda-Squirrels, settle down thar21:07
stinebdhe's talking about a rooster21:07
xda-Squirrels*crits his furr*21:07
stinebdit ejects a rooster on every boot21:07
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XofratsI is back21:08
arrrghhhi mean, welcome back21:09
arrrghhhi want your kernel to have that fancy new notification poop21:09
Xofratsmy kernel does not poop21:09
arrrghhhit does on my phone21:09
Xofratsmust be your phone21:10
arrrghhhmust be your face21:10
XofratsMeh, irc'ing through adb shell ain't fun, brb21:10
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arrrghhhirc thru adb shell21:10
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XofratsOkay, a bit better.21:11
XofratsWhere do I put the contributor stuff in git?21:15
xda-Squirrelstime to tinker with stuff aka break shit21:19
DetuleXofrats, .git/config21:24
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arrrghhhstinebd, what do you think about better int'l support....?21:34
XofratsEngrish should be the standard language21:34
arrrghhhi obviously have no desire for it, but we certainly don't have anything on the wiki or really anywhere i know on how to at least change crap21:34
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arrrghhhi'm not saying defaults be changed21:34
arrrghhhjust a page on the wiki on how-to change out to other languages21:34
arrrghhhbecause some seem easier than others21:34
XofratsI have it running Japanese on mine21:35
arrrghhhone dude was asking about arabic, i figured it would be pretty easy... doesn't seem like it when i actually started digging into it.21:35
XofratsRTL is always a pain21:35
XofratsBecause most OS doesn't know how to deal with it21:35
arrrghhheven w/o RTL21:35
XofratsAnyway, time for me to go21:35
arrrghhhjust arabic i couldn't figure out21:35
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arrrghhhcool, peace21:35
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xda-SquirrelsWindows locked up on me/.21:37
xda-Squirrelswretched technology21:37
arrrghhhwhy do you sound surprised -_-21:38
xda-Squirrelsnot often windows 7 freezes on me21:38
xda-Squirrelsit hard locked, screen frozen, num lock stuck on, no input accepted21:38
xda-Squirrelswas lame-a-saur21:38
xda-Squirrelsgoing step by step, to gauge what helps the most with my phones speed. starting with OC21:39
xda-Squirrelspreviously i left errthang at stock clocks21:39
xda-Squirrelsrunning at 19200*37, seems fine so far21:39
Detulestinebd, here's a kernel with blink support zImage: modules:
Detuleit has a blink attribute in sys/class/leds/color (color = amber/green)21:40
Detuleechoing to it while brightness > 0 for the same color will cause it to blink21:40
Detulei *think* that's how liblights expects it to be set up21:41
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xda-Squirrelswell 710400 freq seems stable enough on raph800 as well22:58
xda-Squirrelsbeen goin for an hour and a half with no issues22:58
xda-Squirrelsgonna do the pm disable after this tf2 game22:59
arrrghhhyea that's a fun adventure23:00
xda-Squirrelsdoesnt aseem too bad23:01
xda-Squirrelskk fun time23:16
xda-Squirrelspretty sure i have sdk installed on this comp23:16
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xda-Squirrelsguess not, installing lol23:38
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