Wednesday, 2011-08-10

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XofratsI is back01:30
XofratsAnyone remember what caused the lack of shutdown in recent frx builds?01:33
XofratsOh and from the logs: ARM netbook = Rhodium, at least damned close to it01:33
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emwexdandroid: later tell arrrghhh people report max rhod lcd-brightness isn't as bright as in wince. can you confirm? (report from a RHOD100er)01:53
xdandroidemwe: The operation succeeded.01:53
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hycand min brightness is off, too05:43
hycfor me min brightness is actually around 30% on the control panel slider05:44
emwehi hyc. that's likely due the fact there's "(brightness / 8) & 0xf0) in there for rhod06:11
emwewill look after it later.06:12
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emwephh: you around? what can you tell me about MSM_CLOCK_REQ() and their setup in clock-wince.c? where do these entries come from? RE? voodoo? trial and error?06:13
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arrrghhhemwe, yea...09:45
arrrghhhbrightness is very busted, as hyc noted.09:45
arrrghhhauto or manual seem... not right, let's put it that way ;)09:46
emwearrrghhh: ok. i think we can't do much about auto. perhaps tehre's a trick we haven't tried yet.09:46
emwewill look into it.09:47
arrrghhhwell i'm sure you'll figure out a way to fix it :P09:47
emwebtw, i think i am getting old09:47
emwei was whondering why autobuild page listed [acl] as commiter for the h2w patches....09:47
emwethen i realized i haven't pushed them. i idiot prepared them for .27 locally09:47
emwei am getting old09:48
arrrghhhwhat do you mean getting?  :P09:48
emwei could have sworn i even saw my commits to .2709:48
emweyes, *we* are old :P09:48
arrrghhhhey now09:48
arrrghhhdon't lump me into this09:48
emweyou were into the thirties iirc :P09:48
emweme getting old again?09:48
arrrghhhnot yet at least...09:48
arrrghhhgot a few years before 30's..09:48
emwenow don't let me beg for ages and tell your real age!09:49
arrrghhh26, almost 27..09:49
arrrghhhyou're what, 30 going on 31?09:49
emweyap, 31 in september.09:49
arrrghhhwe're not that old yet :P09:50
emweand if i figure those iowaits i will keep younger09:50
emwecosts my nerves.09:50
arrrghhhalthough i go to play soccer now, and i feel ancient.09:50
smiley-_35 in nov :(09:51
emwefigured .35 ahs some NO_HZ problems.09:51
arrrghhhneopeek released a new build.  not sure if i understand entirely what is boosting speed, but he did a few things and it's quite snappy.09:51
arrrghhhi think disabling all animations, using a non-stock launcher, and some slight adjustments like enabling JIT and lowering heapsize...09:51
arrrghhhoh and the build is MDPI, so it looks like crap :P09:51
emwelower heap, enable jit and mdpi all sound like the way to get it better, but to what compromise...09:52
arrrghhhlower heap doesn't seem to have any negative effects per se.09:52
arrrghhhenable JIT, so far so good.  still need to see if i can recreate the abusing volume control 'trick' if you will...09:52
arrrghhhMDPI... well, i think neo is gearing to DIAM users et al.09:53
xda-Squirrelsno rawrs? ;p09:58
xda-SquirrelsOH NOEZ09:58
ryannathansLearning C so I can actually do something round here.10:02
ryannathansnot C#, C10:02
xda-Squirrelsfigured ;p10:03
* ryannathans adds yet another programming language to resime10:03
arrrghhhryannathans, ?  the web "developer"?10:03
ryannathanspython, php, sql, and now C!10:03
* ryannathans looks forward to helping.10:03
arrrghhhthose TOTALLY complement eachother.10:03
ryannathansino right10:04
emwearrrghhh: been running jit on GB just fine. i still have those SODs during the night. unsure if it's jit. think not, as i could reproduce without jit, too.10:13
emwearrrghhh: regarding the iowaits... speeding up mmc isn't the issue it seems. have 50Mhz now running, took a clock setting from leo. hasn#t burned the rhod, yet. but i read the NO_HZ (tickless) kernel has had some issues in early 2.6.35.x version. and there was a fix after the release.10:15
emwewill have to upgrade to longterm- anyway... just not sure if a just apply the patch of actually pull in all commits up till there.10:15
emweheading home....10:18
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arrrghhhwell good info emwe, thanks.10:19
arrrghhhi'm not sure if the JIT issue disappeared with some patch somewhere, or whut.10:19
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xda-Squirrels*ram, face, desk*10:42
xda-Squirrelsthat'll teach me to take someones vb6 "collection" and just port it over to c# as-is without checking his work10:43
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xda-Squirrelsthe sql query returned multiple lines with the same key10:43
arrrghhhfishingmedic, just responding to your PM's :P10:43
fishingmedicthanks bro10:44
xda-Squirrelsso half the patients never had their tags/serials/chip#s set10:44
fishingmedicfreaking frustrating10:44
arrrghhhI assume this crap doesn't happen in WinMO?10:44
arrrghhhi'm wondering if you're having service issues in general, or if it really is Android.10:44
fishingmedicnope, not a bit, although I rarely use it anymore since this was so stable, only use it to reload quick gps10:44
fishingmedicmaybe I'll try running winmo for a bit to see what happens.10:44
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arrrghhh_oh how i love this tethering.10:49
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xda-Squirrelsseems like half my day is spent fixing databases cause im stuck using old vb6 shit that was written right in the first place11:03
smiley-_I have spent most of my day in ant scripting11:05
xda-Squirrelsant scripting eh?11:05
smiley-_or scripting is maybe the wrong name for it11:07
smiley-_ant = "make" for java11:07
xda-Squirrelswhy do people still use vb6, makes me qq11:10
ryannathansI may have cause/reason the GPS/GPS lock is dodgy.11:15
ryannathansI just found out that each one of these radios also affects gps:
ryannathanseven under winmo, different radios appear to change gps behaviour11:17
ryannathansthat it all for now.11:17
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xda-Squirrelsthis sql statement is goign to make my brain bleed15:32
arrrghhhthey usually do15:33
xda-Squirrelsthis one is quite long but its not working15:34
xda-Squirrelshave to do 2 left joins and multiple nested selects15:34
arrrghhhsounds painful15:35
arrrghhhmost of the time i work with SQL, something else builds the statements for me :D15:35
xda-Squirrelsvaccine dates and due dates are all kinds of f'd up for this one clinic so im selecting al the ones that seem wrong into a temp table on the other database and then updating it manually in sql15:36
xda-Squirrelsbut it stores the data in 4 diff fricken tables15:36
xda-Squirrelsoh ffs, stupid sql15:38
xda-Squirrelssaid my subquery returned more than one value15:39
xda-Squirrelswhen in reality the subquery errored and returned no value15:39
xda-Squirrelscause clientid doesnt exist in table client, its just 'id' in that table15:39
xda-Squirrelsupdate #t set DATE_GIVEN = (select top 1 b.[Date] from [MedicalHistoryReminders] a LEFT JOIN [MedicalHistory] b ON a.[MedicalHistoryID] = b.[ID] where a.[clearedFlag] = 0 and a.[Description] = 'Heartworm Test' and b.[Date] is not null and a.PatientID = (select patientid from patient where name = #t.patientName and clientid = (select clientid from client where accountno = ltrim(#t.ClientAcctNum)))15:40
xda-SquirrelsOrder by b.[Date] Desc) where #t.PatientName = (select name from patient where name = #t.PatientName and ClientID = (select ClientID from client where AccountNo = ltrim(#t.ClientAcctNum)))15:40
xda-Squirrelsthere you go lol15:40
arrrghhhplease god no15:50
xda-Squirrelswelcome to why my brain is fried whenever you tell me to get logs and im all like deerrrrppppp *drool*15:51
xda-Squirrelscause this just raped my brain15:51
arrrghhhno excuses15:56
arrrghhhjust logs15:56
arrrghhhrpierce99's app makes getting logs a brainless process.15:57
xda-Squirrelsyeah well before that i just went into term, and did 'su && dmesg' then emailed myself the log then posted it in a txt file ;p15:58
xda-Squirrelsand thaT DIDNT HAVE ALL THE JUICY DETAILS15:58
xda-Squirrelscaps lock also ;p15:58
Detulemoto photon looks nice16:12
arrrghhhmy gf was looking at it... then i told her NO MOTO!16:13
Detule:) aren't they unlocking their bootloaders these days?16:13
arrrghhhi don't think they've followed thru16:13
arrrghhhbut neither has HTC16:13
arrrghhhi still don't like moto.16:14
Detulesounds like the screen might be the only drawback16:14
arrrghhhbut, then again... she's getting an LG now.16:14
arrrghhhoh well16:14
arrrghhhnot for me, so i don't care that much.  the thing that killed the photon for her was price.16:15
arrrghhhso lg optimus S it is.  that bugger is CHEAP16:15
Detuleyeah my wife's got the optimus....nice perfomer16:15
arrrghhhit was like $20 or $30.  if you sign a 'normal' 2-year it's free lol.16:15
Detulesucks nowadays that even if get a 3G phone you pay that premium fee16:16
arrrghhhi know16:16
arrrghhhwtf is up with that16:16
arrrghhhshe had GPS on her old plan, so it just washes out... but i was looking forward to saving $10/mo on her plan.16:16
arrrghhhi guess Sprint is charging every phone that could potentially use a lot of data.16:16
arrrghhhWinMo phones don't fall into that category :P16:16
Detulethey're just playing catch up with their pricing16:16
Detulenice gsm/cdma solution on sprint16:17
Detulephoton is world phone16:20
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arrrghhhcan't believe they actually released a non-BB worldphone.16:20
arrrghhhi guess they had to replace the tp2 somehow :P16:21
Detulei wouldn't know what to do with a phone that works16:22
arrrghhhit's pretty funny, what we've gotten used to trying to use this port full time.16:24
Detulei think i would have a hard time adjusting going to a non-aosp build16:25
arrrghhhi know stine has an undying hatred for it, but I think I would be a CM junkie if I had a native device.16:25
arrrghhhgonna throw CM7 on the Optimus S when I get it.16:25
arrrghhhat least I saw a CM7 build for that device... not sure if it's the best idea or not tho :P16:26
Detuleyeah i should look into unlocking the optimus, if i can pry it away from her hands16:26
arrrghhhi'm going to intercept it methinks16:26
arrrghhhshe won't get to touch it until I'm done :D16:26
Detuleyou have a link to that CM7 optimus build16:27
arrrghhhi tried to order it, but my buddy has some people that haven't paid their build.16:27
arrrghhhyea, 1 sec16:27
arrrghhhwtf build16:27
arrrghhhhaven't paid their bill16:27
arrrghhhi need to stop thinking about other things when typing lol16:27
arrrghhhwait.  GT540 - that's not the same device, is it.16:28
Detulehell i know i got lost once trying to figour it out16:29
arrrghhhppcg didn't have many builds for it16:29
arrrghhhfroyo only16:29
arrrghhhno CM stuff16:29
arrrghhhis that the same phone?16:30
arrrghhhfrom the pics, it certainly doesn't look like it.16:30
arrrghhhfrom the specs... they look identical.16:30
rpierce99um, seriously guys, RTFT! "NO LG, NO!" :P16:30
arrrghhhblame my gf16:30
rpierce99your gf isn't flooding the channel16:31
rpierce99well she's flooding my channel...16:32
rpierce99sorry didn't mean to derail, go on...16:37
arrrghhhyou did mean to derail.16:38
arrrghhhbut i'm just searching16:38
arrrghhhturning up nada16:38
arrrghhhi'm thinking they're different devices16:38
arrrghhhDetule, it has 'unofficial' CM support.16:38
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arrrghhhbut see this forum:
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arrrghhhxda-devs and ppcg have failed me16:39
arrrghhhrpierce99_, wtf16:39
arrrghhhnow you're spamming the room with your own feces :P16:39
rpierce99_wireless fail :/16:40
Detulethere is a world beyond xda and ppcg, wth16:41
arrrghhhthis site is awful with adverts.  i can barely read the damned page, christ.16:41
Detulethanks again16:42
arrrghhhif you figure out how to use adblock to get rid of these adverts, let me know.  this is awful.16:43
Detuleyeah i have a pretty extensive hosts file on my machine but to no avail it seems16:44
arrrghhhi added some of the elements16:45
arrrghhhand got rid of some ads16:45
arrrghhhbut it usually removes everything... not in this case :/16:45
arrrghhhwell no more adverts.  but the elements are still there, taking up half the damned page.  oh well.16:46
rpierce99_Sounds like you're describing ExpertSexChange16:47
arrrghhhjust about as bad16:48
arrrghhhalthough i've never really figured that site out.  it seems they want my money to give me sub-par answers.  never really figured it out.16:49
arrrghhhdid you click on the link?  Android Central is atrocious.16:49
rpierce99_no i missed it while i was going in/out16:49
arrrghhhha so you did16:49
rpierce99_what's the problem, one banner at the top and the whole right side16:50
arrrghhhthe whole right side is like 1/2 the page16:50
rpierce99_they have tons of unused ad space in the list16:51
rpierce99_if my wife got a new phone I don't think I would root/rom it unless she specifically asked me to, any minor issues and she'd blame me for breaking the phone16:57
arrrghhhi just want her to have a good experience16:58
arrrghhhstock would probably be fine..16:58
rpierce99_never used a stock android rom16:58
arrrghhhnever used an Android phone16:58
arrrghhhat least not for more than a few minutes16:58
rpierce99_yeah i guess same16:59
stinebdhulu going to japan17:12
stinebdjust in time for me to follow?17:12
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en1gmaanyone know a little about signapktic?17:18
arrrghhhsounds dangerous17:18
arrrghhhwhat are you trying to do?17:18
en1gmasign my apk file17:19
arrrghhhso what's the prob17:20
arrrghhhi don't see why you wouldn't go thru the 'normal' channels to sign the apk.17:20
en1gmai am not sure if the app signapktic is working or if its the apk thats not working17:20
arrrghhhwell, have you tried signing it the normal way?17:21
en1gmathe app is skype for android and by default skype does not let you pick your ringtone so i wanted to use mine and named it exactly like theirs and made sure its mono and correct bit rate and sample rate17:21
en1gmaso i put that back together and signed it but it wont install17:21
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arrrghhhi'm sorry dude, we can't support that.17:21
arrrghhhif it truly was your apk, maybe :P17:22
en1gmaim not asking to support it?17:23
arrrghhhyou're not?17:23
arrrghhhknchris, i can help you get the winmo radio logs17:24
arrrghhh1 sec17:24
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knchrisdone.  log posted back on the ppcgeeks thread.17:58
knchrisnow I expect this whole no data on Raph800 thing to be behind us by tomorrow. ;-)18:00
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* Xofrats kicks the squirrel in the nutz20:59
XofratsI guess I need to integrate compcache in my kernel...20:59
* Xofrats wonders what prompted his kernel to require the new haret, while the regular one does not.21:00
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