Tuesday, 2011-08-09

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xdandroidNew kernel available (20110809_080420) at http://zimages.googlecode.com/files/htc-msm-linux-20110809_080420-package.tar.bz202:12
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Detulei think my phone just gave out on me....11:32
rpierce99oh noes11:37
Detulesigh....screen dies every time i flip the keyboard out....can't turn it back on11:42
Detuleoh man no keyboard....this is going to be painful11:43
emweDetule: ouchi. it's a hardware failure you say?11:44
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Detuleit happens in winmo as well so i would think it's hardware11:53
Detuleoh i hate that soft keyboard so much11:57
Detuleit took me several minutes to tyope out "echo "1" > /sys/module/timer/parameters/debug_mask"11:57
emweadb? ;)11:59
Detuleyeah that would be nice...for whatever reason the adb connection blows up on this mac whenever i do anything intensive in a shell (even something as benign as "ls")12:00
smiley-_I hate the soft keyboards too12:02
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arrrghhhDetule, that's what you get for using a mac!12:09
arrrghhhtoymachine, you just gonna keep saying hi?12:11
toymachinewhy my phone keep hangs right after enter the android interface12:12
toymachinesorry, bit slow12:12
arrrghhhwhat phone12:12
arrrghhhwhat build12:12
toymachinehtc diamond12:12
arrrghhhDIAM100?  500?12:12
arrrghhhthat's GSM-only, right?12:12
arrrghhhhave you updated the build at all?12:13
toymachineit also keep on sleep mode12:13
arrrghhhi think the kernel that comes with FRX07 doesn't play nicely with non-kbd devices12:13
toymachinewhat u mean updated build?12:13
arrrghhhthat's what i mean12:14
toymachineok, ive tried multiple zimage n rootfs versions12:14
arrrghhhyou should just try the newest12:14
arrrghhhand if that blows up, then i guess you can start going backwardes12:15
toymachinethe full package ones keep the boot loop12:15
toymachinei want your suggestion, because it can be many combination of zimage n rootfs...12:15
toymachineso, which is better to try, kernel or rootfs?12:16
arrrghhhupdate both12:16
arrrghhhto the newest12:16
arrrghhhremove the old junk when you update12:16
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toymachineok ill try, another one... is this problem related to startup.txt?12:17
arrrghhhwhat?  no.12:18
arrrghhhat least i seriously doubt it12:18
arrrghhhyou grabbed the appropriate startup?12:18
toymachineyes i did12:18
toymachinewhat is this? ---> pm.sleep_mode=112:20
arrrghhhit sets sleep_mode to 112:20
toymachineare these attribute n parameter kept my phone sleep?12:20
arrrghhhif your phone refuses to wake, that's another issue12:21
toymachinewhats that?12:21
toymachineerm, it did wake but few seconds later it sleeps again..12:22
arrrghhhcould be any number of things12:22
arrrghhhyou're just not being patient it seems12:22
arrrghhhyour impatience is killing the phone.12:22
toymachineerm, maybe..12:22
arrrghhhbasically if stuff is happening in the bg, the phone won't play nice.12:22
arrrghhhif you wait after the boot process is finished, the phone should be usuable.12:23
toymachineive tried it for quite a 5 to 6 hours12:23
arrrghhhDIAM has very little RAM tho12:23
arrrghhhso Android isn't such a great affair i've heard...12:23
arrrghhhon my RAPH it runs great, which has basically the same specs with double the RAM12:23
toymachineive seen many people run their android on diamond on youtube successfully12:24
toymachinethat kept me jealous12:24
toymachineor maybe on previous build?12:24
arrrghhhmaybe you're doing something wrong?  i don't know.12:25
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toymachineive take sometime to study before really install this thing.. sadly it fails..12:26
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arrrghhhyou've done the usual crap12:28
arrrghhhformat the card with the HP tool12:28
arrrghhhyou seem to indicate you've tried updating...12:28
toymachineyeah, that's another option i havent do yet..12:29
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arrrghhhhyc, you thar?  i haz logs from DIAM500 folk that are on your fandangled new RIL but can't get data services...12:37
knchrisarrrghh, I just uploaded my radio log to the ppcgeeks thread you and I were helping me on.12:38
emweoh activity ;)12:39
arrrghhhheh.  howdy emwe12:41
arrrghhhknchris, thanks12:41
arrrghhhi'm no log expert, but hopefully it'll help hyc sort out what is going on.12:41
emwearrrghhh: the usual screwing of data.img ... trying to get ahold of the iowaits.12:42
arrrghhhi see data failures12:42
arrrghhhemwe, nice12:42
arrrghhhthx for fixing h2w12:42
arrrghhhGSM users were getting testy :P12:42
arrrghhh[0030]< SETUP_DATA_CALL error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: GENERIC_FAILURE12:43
emweyah, that came into my mind when i shut down my box and thought.. hm what's with that gpio reset....12:43
arrrghhhhow to fix a generic failure... :P12:43
knchrisI wondered about this one: needsOtaServiceProvisioning: illegal cdmaMin='null' assume provisioning needed.12:46
arrrghhhknchris, not sure what the actual culprit is.  from all the logs i've looked at, there's a ton of failures when the data connection is attempted.12:47
knchrisData Connection Unavailable notification -- likely transient error12:48
knchristhose dang transients!12:48
arrrghhhgotta keep 'em in check12:48
arrrghhhalrighty hyc.  i haz 4 logs, i believe they're all DIAM500 users on Sprint, but none of 'em really told me.13:01
arrrghhhi assume CDMA is all the same (mostly).  #777, connects.13:01
arrrghhhlike i know how CDMA works, puh.13:01
knchrismine's a raph800 on sprint13:02
arrrghhhOo k13:03
arrrghhhknchris, i don't want to make assumptions here13:04
arrrghhhdid data work on older builds?13:04
arrrghhhi also assume data works in WinMo?13:04
arrrghhhvoice calls work?  it seems to be re-registering over and over...13:05
rpierce99cdmaMin='null' likely means the RIL couldn't read the MIN from the radio and thus doesn't know it's own #13:06
knchrisdata worked on older builds, phone works13:06
arrrghhhknchris, ok thx.13:06
arrrghhhrpierce99, sounds like a problem13:06
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arrrghhhException Ljava/lang/UnsatisfiedLinkError; thrown during Ljackpal/androidterm/Exec;.<clinit>13:41
rpierce99the link must have been tiad8.com, very unsatisfying13:43
arrrghhhi think this is the terminal emulator dying13:46
arrrghhhi can't know for sure, the guy that posted the logs said nothing about them.  just 'here's some logs' basically.13:46
arrrghhhContainer com.min.android.game.mahjong-1 is stale13:47
arrrghhhi blame mahjong13:47
smiley-_SE provides full kernel source download13:49
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emwesmiley-_: are gonna continue work on IOView?15:17
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arrrghhhemwe or hyc - can you explain to my n00b brain how netloc works on GSM?16:10
arrrghhhi know it triangulates towers or smth unlike CDMA...16:10
arrrghhhbut what's the radio command?  BSINFO seems to be uniquely CDMA.16:11
vahid2222hey aaarrrgghh16:12
vahid2222sorry I was late16:13
arrrghhhdon't sweat it16:13
arrrghhhi'm usually not online at work16:13
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vahid2222I tried the new kernel on diam500, the screen is not responsive16:13
arrrghhhthe changes in that kernel were minor, shouldn't have effected DIAM50016:14
vahid2222huh, i deleted the image  , i'm wiating now to see how it would work16:14
hycyeah, GSM is a pain16:21
arrrghhhhey thar!16:21
arrrghhhhyc, i have like 15 issues.  i'd say the most important would be the data issue on CDMA RAPH/DIAM.16:21
hycthe tower reports an ID16:21
arrrghhhthere's literally one guy who's having an issue with netloc16:21
hycthe phone has to do a remote DB lookup with google to get lat/long for that tower ID16:22
arrrghhhthat sucks.16:22
hycGSM is a bit stupid that way. CDMA was the superior tech by far16:23
arrrghhhdon't tell stinebd that16:23
hycwhatever. CDMA makes more efficient use of radio spectrum16:23
hycCDMA services have always broadcasted NITZ (time/timezone info)16:23
arrrghhhyea, that's very nice16:23
hyceven today there are GSM networks that don't.16:23
arrrghhhi think he's just mad that he doesn't have CDMA.  and they don't use SIM cards.16:24
arrrghhhbut anyhoo, if you have some time i have... 5 or so logs from users that can't connect to data.16:24
hycyeah, there are USIMs for CDMA but that still hasn't caught on.16:24
hycthat's one thing where GSM is a lot more convenient....16:24
hycok, lemme take a look at a few16:25
arrrghhhsure, 1 sec16:25
arrrghhhpage 53 lol16:25
arrrghhhso there's three logs right in a row for ya there.16:25
hycok, grabbing the first one now16:26
arrrghhhthx dude16:26
hychm, first one is using August 4 ril, not latest. doesn't have the RADIOVER fix16:30
hychmm, HTC_NAM_SEL returned nothing16:31
vahid2222i installed the new kernel, I don't even have service anymore16:31
arrrghhhvahid2222, which RIL are you on?16:31
hycso there's no info on the operator/subscription info16:31
vahid2222the original in FRX0716:32
arrrghhhdid you not see the CDMA RAPH/DIAM fix thread!??16:32
vahid2222yes, i did16:32
vahid2222HOLD ON!16:32
vahid2222I had done that before, I thought mabe with the new kernel I don't have to....... stupid mistake!16:33
arrrghhhhyc, seems no one has gotten the 8/5 RIL :/16:33
arrrghhhvahid2222, well you shouldn't16:33
arrrghhhif you've already done it, then you shouldn't have to redo it16:33
arrrghhhassuming the RIL is on your SD card16:33
arrrghhhand the bind mount statement is in your froyo.user.conf file16:33
vahid2222I had your RIL from the thread before, I was only having service, no data16:33
arrrghhhthat's all that is necessary to get the RIL in thar.16:33
hycok, well for this first log, definitely, the modem isn't reporting the CDMA subscription info16:33
hycneed to see a winmo radiolog to find out what it's doing16:34
arrrghhhnow's the time i wish i had GSM :P16:34
arrrghhhi might just have to switch service over to this RAPH.. oy.16:34
hychm, looks like the phone doesn't support HTC_SRV_STATUS command either16:35
arrrghhhdamn these ancient phones.16:35
hycno kidding16:35
arrrghhhtheir radio versions are a heckuva lot older than RHOD's.16:36
hycso yeah, winmo log might help to show what commands they actually use16:36
hycI really don't have time for this tho16:36
arrrghhhdo what you gotta do, i'll see what i can dig up.16:36
hycI mean, digging in and writing all new support for another radio revision16:36
arrrghhhyea, that doesn't sound simple.16:36
hycsomeone else can do it, the source is all on git after all16:37
arrrghhhgood one.16:37
hycpossibly the commands are already in the old versions of the code16:38
hycI mean, people were using data before right?16:38
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vahid2222I was using the data before16:38
hycso a lot of the stuff I rewrote for RHOD may have deleted old code that we still need to use on these old phones16:38
arrrghhhhyc, they were using data in fake GSM16:39
hycyes... so possibly some of the required info was different16:39
hycbut overall a lot was the same16:39
hycthe phone still wants to know the ID of the network it's talking to16:40
hycand even in fake GSM it had to spit out the right commands for a CDMA phone to get that info16:40
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arrrghhh_damn tether16:42
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vahid2222arrrghhh, newest kernel, with the RIL, no data, i'm taking the log now16:51
vahid2222service is up and running16:52
arrrghhhvahid2222, that's fine16:58
arrrghhhit sounds like the RIL needs to be rewritten for your old phones :/16:58
vahid2222thanks for your efforts16:58
arrrghhhwish i could do moar16:59
arrrghhhi have the time, but not the knowledge.16:59
vahid2222u r doing a lot!16:59
arrrghhhhyc has the knowledge, but no time :P16:59
vahid2222seems like tough things16:59
arrrghhhthx... never seems to be enough tho :P16:59
arrrghhhyea, this stuff isn't easy16:59
arrrghhhtrying to reverse engineer a winmo device to run android... not normal ;)17:00
vahid2222not normal17:00
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arrrghhhheh, never gave a log.  oh well.17:00
smiley-_emwe: I hope so17:01
f00bar80what is iphonesubinfo ?, also is there a way to send sms from the adb shell command line ?17:16
arrrghhhsend sms from adb?  wtf?17:16
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f00bar80arrrghhh, from the shell through which i'm connected to my device17:17
f00bar80anybody there ?17:21
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stinebd[16:23:02] <hyc> GSM is a bit stupid that way. CDMA was the superior tech by far18:02
stinebdhyc doing his stand-up routine18:02
arrrghhhi thought you would like that18:02
hycheh. CDMA beats TDMA any day18:02
hycwhich is why GSM 3G went to WCDMA and abandoned TDMA18:03
stinebdWCDMA beats the everliving crap out of CDMA18:03
arrrghhhbut it's based on CDMA.18:03
arrrghhhi think that's his point ^^18:03
hycit is the same technology, just on a wider bandwidth channel18:03
stinebdbut even back in the day, TDMA was a better actual technology than CDMA18:03
arrrghhhoh stinebd.18:04
stinebdin theory CDMA was better but it was never implemented that way due to technical constraints18:04
arrrghhhyou just can't handle that CDMA has some better aspects.18:04
hychuh? in theory and in practice18:04
stinebddefinitely not in practice18:04
stinebdit wasn't the dominant technology for a reason18:05
hycVerizon has always had consistently better user experience in coverage and call quality than e.g. AT&T18:05
hycno, it wasn't dominant because of Qualcomm and their patents18:05
hycKinda like Sony and betamax18:05
stinebdarrrghhh: i never said cdma was inferior in every way (other than when clearly trolling)18:06
hycanyway, there's obviously a lot more to each system than just their radio signal encoding18:06
hycbut CDMA radio encoding was obviousloy the better approach18:07
stinebdi kinda liked hearing the beeps and boops on my radio with tdma18:08
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stinebdand my tv18:08
stinebdand my computer speakers18:08
stinebd<3 edge18:08
hycit's the worst when playing a gig and it comes out the amps.18:08
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* rpierce99 has that problem all the time....18:09
hychm, I bet with a super high speed digital recorder you could decode the messages18:09
hyc /record the msgs and analyze them later.../18:10
stinebdi think i need to ditch my ssl cert reseller and get it straight from a vendor18:11
stinebdevery year they screw up my renewal somehow18:11
hycthat's why I run my own CA18:11
stinebdwell i just have one cert to worry about18:12
stinebdso if anything i'd just self sign18:12
stinebdbut then my users bitch about outlook bitching18:12
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stinebdall 5 of em18:13
stinebdhow come there aren't any arm netbooks?18:16
stinebd(worth buying)18:16
rpierce99"how come there aren't any netbooks worth buying?" FTFY18:22
stinebdwell i got one worth buying a few years ago18:24
stinebdbut it has the same specs as everything today18:24
stinebdway to go intel18:24
hyctrust intel to delay any technological advance as long as possible18:25
hycintel + M$ together18:25
rpierce99monopoly at it's finest18:26
stinebdamd doesn't exactly help either18:26
stinebdbut at least they do it through incompetency18:26
hycwell, they dragged intel kicking and screaming into the 64 bit era18:26
hycamd has done some good things for the world...18:26
stinebdtheir mobile and laptop chips are bad18:26
stinebdstill are18:27
hyctheir new bobcat and llano chips are kicking ass18:27
stinebdhonestly the core i3 and i5 stuff i've seen on the market in the past year hasn't been too good either18:28
stinebdin laptops18:28
stinebdi have a c2d that can almost keep up and way outperforms on battery life18:29
hycthese days I don't see any real improvement. especially in LCD displays, they've all regressed.18:30
stinebdeveryone is worried about crysis 3 at 170fps18:30
stinebdmeanwhile for real-world use there's little difference and a marked drop in efficiency18:30
hycWe should have 15" laptops with 2560:1600 panels today18:30
hycinstead everyone is stuck on 1366x76818:30
hycuntil that improves I'm not buying another laptop18:31
stinebdi blame software patents for all these issues18:32
stinebdespecially lcd density18:32
rpierce99that seems to be the cool thing to do lately, blame the patent system for everything18:33
stinebdi was blaming them before it was cool18:33
rpierce99so now that it is cool, you don't blame them anymore right?18:34
stinebdi double blame them now18:34
rpierce99that's not very hipster of you18:34
stinebdit's software patents' fault that blaming software patents is cool18:34
stinebdi shaved my goatee and started wearing contacts18:35
stinebdalso terribly unhipster18:35
stinebdcyanogenmod on my atrix, i feel so dirty18:36
stinebdno i'm the male kind18:37
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stinebdcrazy arrrghhh always comes back for more18:46
arrrghhhi'm a glutton for punishment18:47
arrrghhhf00bar80, i'm not sure *why* you would want to send sms thru adb18:47
arrrghhhbut in googling a few things turned up18:47
arrrghhhand... crap the other links turned out to be a bust.18:48
arrrghhhf00bar80, why not just use google voice?18:49
stinebdfacebook messenger18:53
stinebd<50 downloads18:55
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xda-Squirrelsmy eyes are blinded by the whiteness of stock mIRC20:15
xda-Squirrelsthere we go, all pretty :P20:18
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xda-Squirrelshey arrrghhh :)20:58
arrrghhhhey thar21:01
arrrghhhnada, just got home from work.  you?21:02
xda-Squirrelsi got home from work a few hours ago, abut to stab amd/ati21:02
arrrghhhi was there with my HP.  finally got it sorted (I think).21:02
xda-Squirrelscatalyst control center crashed on me right as i disabled crossfire (so i could open windows movie maker)21:02
xda-Squirrelsnow it wont come back up21:02
xda-Squirrelstoo lazy to reboot ;p21:03
xda-Squirrelsthere we go, only took killing about 6 processes21:04
arrrghhhwhen in doubt, end process.21:05
arrrghhhor my personal fave, kill -921:05
xda-Squirrelswell i made a program to kill everything thats not in a whitelist but im too lazy to open notepad and add mirc.exe21:05
xda-Squirrelskill -9 sshd ;o21:05
arrrghhh"I made a program to increase my laziness, but I'm too lazy to improve on it to further my laziness"21:06
arrrghhhsee I will quickly adapt things to increase my laziness.  that's how lazy i am.21:06
arrrghhhi've spent hours trying to make some menial task easier :P21:06
xda-Squirrels... fine *start -> run -> killall.cwl -> *adds mirc.exe*21:06
arrrghhhwas that so hard?  :P21:06
xda-Squirrelsi even have the program and whitelist in C:\Windows21:06
xda-Squirrelsso i can just use killall and killall.cwl to access the files21:07
arrrghhhsounds dangerous.21:07
xda-Squirrelskilled 9 more processes21:07
xda-Squirrelsonly if my program mistakes kill for delete ;p21:07
xda-Squirrelshmmm.... i'll try not to piss it off ;p21:08
xda-Squirrelsbrb, being fat (throwing in a pizza)21:08
xda-Squirrelswaiting for it to pre-heat21:11
xda-Squirrelstime to try and break my android on my raph800 lol21:12
xda-Squirrelssound has been working and i think its a fluke21:12
xda-Squirrelsfirst few times it didnt work even on frx07 and now its been working21:13
arrrghhhfuckin sound.21:13
arrrghhhi want to stab it in the eye21:14
xda-Squirrelsorly? why is that21:14
stinebdstupid comodo21:15
arrrghhhsound just has been plaguing random phones lately.  or maybe all along, and they're only now complaining.21:15
stinebdit's your fault21:16
stinebdyou keep marketing this as a finished build SUPER FAST STABLE WOO21:16
xda-Squirrelsive been complaining for a while sparatically but i havent been much help lol21:16
xda-Squirrelsnot i have that log thing so im trying to reproduce it for ya21:16
xda-Squirrels*now i21:16
arrrghhhrpierce99 did a good job with that app.21:16
xda-Squirrelsthere we go, no sound21:16
arrrghhhnow any yokel can pull logs :P21:16
arrrghhhsound is kinda fucked up from the beginning.  it just usually works well for me.21:17
stinebdpoor guy had to use java21:17
arrrghhhhas jb made any progress on his crap?21:17
xda-Squirrelswell ive been either calling my google voice and putting on speaker than booting android or spamming my vol up key until i get black screen after haret loads21:17
xda-Squirrelswhen i dont do that, i dont get sound, im dumping logs and seeing if i notice anything obv.21:18
xda-Squirrelsi only know Perl, vb.net and c# so im not much help on the android front lol21:19
stinebdstrange combo21:20
stinebda couple languages that try to be english and one that looks like #$@{_/./$+};21:21
stinebdif you so wish it to21:21
xda-Squirrelswell i used to do a lot more perl when i ran my website, started out with vb6 and vbs/wsh back when i was little and moved up to vb.net and picked up c# not too long ago for work21:21
stinebdi'm of the belief that nobody "knows" perl21:21
xda-Squirrelsyou should see my old half-life server wuery perl script from back when it ran on WON21:21
xda-Squirrelsits a ton of garbled reg ex shit21:22
xda-Squirrelsvb6 became useful when i landed the job im at now because we're rewriting a lot of the database conversion apps from vb6 to c#21:23
stinebdthat sounds like the 2nd worst possible application of vb21:24
arrrghhhwe're moving from delphi to c#21:24
xda-Squirrelslol yeah21:24
hycgoing from one ridiculous proprietary interpreted language to another21:24
xda-Squirrelsour dept. takes data from multiple kinds of formats and converts them into an MS SQL database for use with our program21:24
xda-Squirrelsvb6 = death when trying to do anything useful21:24
xda-Squirrelsour new multi-threaded c# framework is so much more sekz21:25
hycgarbge in, garbage out, garbage thru and thru21:25
arrrghhhanything with 'basic' in the name isn't useful.21:25
xda-Squirrelsit worked, but thats abut it21:25
arrrghhhas an actual programming language.  it's to learn how to code... that's it.21:25
hyceh. it's to learn the bare minimum of code. doesn't teach you anything about computing systems.21:25
hycand if you don't understand from a system perspective, you never write good code.21:26
hycall this energy invested in "managed code" environments that isolate you from the real hardware, so you don't have to think about what really happens in the system21:26
hyccomplete and utter trash21:27
arrrghhhbasically allowing people who could never normally code, write crappy code.21:27
hycpretty much21:27
xda-Squirrelsi write all my code on the ui thread so it knows the info fasterest */sarcasm*21:28
xda-Squirrelsi found my post from march 11th on the audio issue ;p21:29
xda-Squirrelshmm nothing useful on google but logs and my post lol21:30
stinebdyou won't find much on google about android issues with these phones21:30
stinebdother than stuff that's either user error or already fixed21:31
xda-Squirrelsi figured i'd search and see21:31
stinebdwe set sail without charts21:31
hycyeah, I got really tired of googling and only finding my own posts...21:31
arrrghhhgoogling for the same terms in your post :P21:32
xda-Squirrelsgoogling something i posted a while back ;p21:32
xda-Squirrelsessentially the dmesg log of aumgr or w/e saying ARM9 did not reply to RPC21:32
stinebdi finally get a day off on thursday, should i do atrix or xdandroid development?21:35
arrrghhhc'mon man where's GBX01 :P21:36
stinebdfor the last time, GBX is not happening21:36
arrrghhhthat's still in "alpha" lol21:36
stinebdit's GRX21:36
arrrghhhbut.. you said...21:36
arrrghhhi asked you if you wanted me to change that when i released it21:36
arrrghhhand you told me to leave it.21:36
stinebdwe'll just say it advanced so much that we had to change the B digit21:37
arrrghhhseriously tho.  new gb build.  do eeeeeet21:37
stinebdbut it's so tedious21:37
xda-Squirrelsburn it21:37
stinebdporting is lame21:37
arrrghhhyou can't abandon us for the atrix.21:38
stinebdsomeone else port it so i can do all the interesting stuff that i have no time for with xdandroid21:38
stinebdlike an update provider21:38
arrrghhhthat's boring21:38
arrrghhhi want this shit to work21:38
stinebdor that thing that's already mostly done21:38
arrrghhhand who says you can't make an update provider21:38
stinebdwith the logs and the gets21:38
stinebdi have no time to make the update provider21:39
stinebdthat's the problem21:39
arrrghhhmake time21:39
arrrghhhit's time to be your own boss21:39
* arrrghhh sanctions it21:39
stinebdi am being my own boss21:39
stinebdby forcing myself to do the porting21:39
stinebdthat way you can have your precious ginger image21:39
stinebdbut it's so boring21:39
arrrghhhbut i enjoy testing it21:40
arrrghhhthink of me21:40
stinebdthere was something else too21:40
stinebdi guess i never wrote it down21:40
stinebdoh yeah kexec junk21:40
stinebdkinda goes together with the update provider21:40
stinebdalso i need to do infra upgrades at some point21:41
stinebdsee what's new with bugzilla and mediawiki21:41
stinebdok night21:43
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