Monday, 2011-07-04

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arrrghhhstinebd, not ure what's in the new image... but i'm having issues with sleep.  sleep LED flickers between sleep/wake constantly when it's supposed to be sleeping...10:25
emwehi arrrghhh.10:27
emwerhod still stable since i applied hycs smd fixes. tried CA ones before, still issues.10:28
emwegot some strangeness in data dying sometimes.10:28
arrrghhhhis smd patches weren't in autobuild?10:29
arrrghhhoh, did you get his patch on the landscape-on-boot issue?10:29
emwegiving the new image a spin as well. built it from repo yesterday and had tiwlan in there...10:29
arrrghhhi don't know if he submitted a patch on it tbh :/10:29
emwearrrghhh: that patch is pending for FRX0710:30
arrrghhhit's a kernel patch...10:30
emweyap, i know10:30
arrrghhhso push it :P10:30
emweno, it needs that kb backlight patch as well, which needs frx0710:30
emweoverlay config.xml change. otherwise it's flaky with old userland10:31
arrrghhhi didn't realize they were tied to eachother.10:31
arrrghhhfair enough.10:31
arrrghhhthis sleep issue is odd... i dunno what stine changed.10:31
emwethe patch builds on the other and doesn't apply without the one before10:31
emwe"patch" has issues. already tried to only take that one over.10:31
emwedid you try that on .35? never tested.10:31
arrrghhhheh, np10:31
arrrghhhi'm on the newest .2710:31
arrrghhhi'll try .35 here10:32
emweno hurries.10:32
arrrghhhyes hurries, i have to freakin go back to the office today :/10:32
emwethen do it sometime else. i can just check it later .)10:32
arrrghhhsupposed to have a 3-day weekend, turned into a 1-day weekend...10:32
emwegoing to test the new image on raph...10:32
emwehah... super.10:32
arrrghhhyea... so i'm delaying.  i don't want to go in :P10:33
arrrghhhstupid voicemail server10:33
emwethe joys of operative IT.10:34
arrrghhhi really hope this solves it tho.  if i can't get it resolved today... i guess i'll have to go back to the old server, which has bad hardware.10:35
arrrghhhlol, Mexico has a Navy?  who knew.10:36
emwegood luck then. going back is always a pita if you had some migration already taken place. (if so)10:36
arrrghhhwell the hardware has been migrated10:36
emweare they invading venezuela now as chavez is back?10:36
arrrghhhbut, the servers are not syncing.10:37
arrrghhhlol no there was a capsized ship10:37
arrrghhhand they said the US Coast Guard is helping the Mexican Navy10:37
arrrghhhhey does .35 have the kbd patch?10:37
arrrghhhcuz it seems to... but the landscape-on-boot issue is still present.10:37
emweit's another piece of code on .35. not applicable.10:37
emweok, will check that as well then.10:38
arrrghhhdamnit.  way to confuse me :P10:38
emwecompared once and i couldn't find a logic difference on quick look.10:38
arrrghhhalright, need to get some food.  brb.10:38
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phhstinebd: do you know archos has a really nice android app, that shows currently running alarms and wakelocks ?10:41
arrrghhhemwe, so either .35 sleep LED lies, or there's sleep issues on .27 but only on the newest image..?10:41
arrrghhhno led flicker on .3510:41
emwearrrghhh: will look at the image when the raph has reached some less critical batt level. must have it let drain out ...10:42
emwephh: get it to us :)10:42
arrrghhhlol ok10:42
phhemwe: it's in archos' firmwares ...10:42
phhwell i think so at least -_-'10:42
emweshouldn't be too hard to write one /methinks, or?10:43
phhif it's not publicly availble, then i haven't talked to you about that :D10:43
emwewhat are you talking about? ;)10:44
emwearrrghhh: btw, here's that uptodate .27 with those 3 frx07 patches:
arrrghhhcool thx10:45
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emwephh: can you get me into the whole userland gps stuff a bit? qcom/gps is not used because of?10:48
phhqcom/gps is a totally different API between A9 and A11 than the one we have10:49
phhperhaps this loc_api actually works on our amss, but i highly doubt it10:49
emweasking because voque uses it.10:49
phhok it should work for us then -_-'10:49
emwedo you knwo their ammss version by chance? not something 32xx?10:50
phhwell the problem being that qcom/gps is obfuscated, but well10:50
phh(ok not obfuscated, but generated)10:50
arrrghhhoy, i must go.  cya guys10:50
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slickdaddy96Hey Stinebd I thought I would add my two cents in since I was testing the new FRX07.  Started fresh with everything, and I am on Rhod 400 with Sprint.  Testing it on both my phone and my wife's phone.  Both from scratch.  I am not getting the flakey sleep like Arrrghhh is getting, and I believe we have the same phone.  Right now I have the older of the two images on my phone and the newer11:52
slickdaddy96of the two images on my wife's phone and neither of us is having sleep issues.  So it sounds specifically related to something Arrrghhh is doing or his phone.11:52
slickdaddy96The only other thing I found to be an issues is that it looks as if the build has broken (on both of the phones I am testing on) sound recording on the camcorder.  It was working on my patched FRX06 build and on Hyc's build, but it is broken here.  It will record, but no sound gets captured.  I even tried to go back to Jonpry's thread and tried to mount both lib files that fixed it through11:55
slickdaddy96the user.conf file, and also tried to put them in the system/lib folder manually, that still didn't fix it like it did previously in the other builds.11:55
slickdaddy96Just thought I would let you know.  Other than that Wi-fi, GPS, data, market, sms/mms (after adding the APN for MMS), and everything I normally use on the phone work as perfectly as my patched builds did.  If you need me to pull any type of logs on the camcorder thing let me know and I will do it.  Have a great 4th of July everyone that is in America....later....11:58
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smiley-mmm..  phone did freeze when I plugged in the USB cable12:09
smiley-first time that has happend12:09
smiley-the phone did OOM12:14
smiley-thats why12:14
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arrrghhhheh stinebd, i guess FRX07 has found its way out :P14:32
arrrghhhnot sure what was up with my sleep issue, went to .35 and it's gone..  probably just a fluke.  would like to hear what you changed tho.14:33
arrrghhhand slickdaddy96 since you seem to read logs - the new audio routing code is not stable, and not in FRX07.  hence audio failing on video record.14:33
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SpecRmates, mi RAPH800 suddenly started reporting "error" on Wi fi15:08
SpecRwhat should i do to fix this? im using FRX0615:08
CoKe_Lappywhat kernel do you have? and have you been testing different ones?15:10
SpecRno, this was a "full bundle" install15:11
CoKe_Lappywith a new data.img?15:12
SpecReverything new15:13
SpecRive been playing with the "settings" of the android, could this caused WiFi to stop working?15:14
CoKe_Lappyguess you'll have to hope someone else has better info then, only time i saw this was with a .39 kernel with a warning that wifi didn't work, and reverting back with same data.img would have an error if modules weren't deleted15:14
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SpecRis there any backup app i can use so if i re-install frx06 from scratch i can restore my apps and stuff?15:16
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ImCoKeMaNthe data.img is what stores all of that so if you rename it you can try what it would be fresh and then you could put it back if needed15:18
arrrghhhspecR wtf15:19
arrrghhhthere's two of you?15:19
arrrghhhanyhoo, reboot.15:19
arrrghhhImCoKeMaN, it's a bug with ti-wlan15:19
arrrghhhspecR fuck15:20
arrrghhhtitanium backup15:20
SpecRchill out15:20
SpecRyes, there two instances, im eliminating one15:20
arrrghhhyour two users make it difficult to tab complete.15:20
SpecRk, fix it in a min15:20
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ImCoKeMaNsorry i didn't mean to have that other one, it was a netsplit thing where mirc swapped my names15:22
ImCoKeMaNoh specR to instances hehe15:22
arrrghhhyea lol15:22
SpecRarrrghhh: know of any problem with WiFi in FRX06?15:22
arrrghhhdid you not read what i said?15:22
arrrghhhbug with ti-wlan15:22
arrrghhhwifi only works once basically15:23
SpecRgot it15:23
SpecRsomeone didnt got laid this weekend :)15:23
arrrghhhfuck you.15:23
arrrghhhi had a horrible weekend, nothing to do with not getting laid tho.15:23
ImCoKeMaNwhat a way to get support.... clearly a user15:24
arrrghhheh, he hasn't really ever paid attention15:24
arrrghhhcan't expect him to start now.15:24
SpecRok sorry, no mean to disrespect15:24
arrrghhhha, right?15:24
ImCoKeMaNget that server fixed?15:29
arrrghhhstill at work15:29
arrrghhhworking on it...15:29
ImCoKeMaNick yeah crappy weekend sorry man15:29
arrrghhhmy 3-day weekend turned into a 1-day.15:29
arrrghhhno joke.  thanks.15:29
ImCoKeMaNguess i'll keep reading your nick each time to prefix your comments15:29
ImCoKeMaNwell that one doesn't fit the same mold15:30
ImCoKeMaNthere that's better15:31
emwearrrghhh: so you still got sleep issues? it's hard to tell on raph, but looks like it spontaneously stopped the sweeping led light occassionally15:37
arrrghhhon .35 it's been fine15:37
emwei think it's now sleeping fine for a while.15:38
arrrghhhhaven't gone back to .27 since15:38
arrrghhhbeen @ work dealing with poop15:38
arrrghhhalthough i do have some downtime while i want for this crap to xfer.15:38
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slickdaddy96I knew the audio routing stuff wasn't in FRX07, but I thought I remembered patching the problem in the earlier jonpry thread back in late April or early May before the new audio stuff was introduced that broke ringing for some people like me.  Oh well it has been so far back I can't remember what I did to fix it.  No problems.  Got ringing back so that tells me it was broken due to the new15:59
slickdaddy96audio routing.15:59
arrrghhhwell that's why recording in camcorder doesn't work.16:01
slickdaddy96You don't have to worry about the secret getting out, I won't tell anyone. I just assumed you needed as many devices as possible testing out the new build to see if there were any bugs.  Fortunately, it works great for me and I have had nothing to troubleshoot.  :-)  I got time since I am on vacation and have time.16:01
slickdaddy96I think we got off on the wrong foot a while back arrrghhh.  Got no hard feelings for you man.  Appreciate the work you and everyone else does keeping me on this phone until Sprint releases a dual-core or better qwerty android device.16:03
arrrghhhi just didn't think stine released the image to anyone else :P16:05
arrrghhhthe more diverse testing the better for sure.  not really ready for public testing yet.16:05
arrrghhhstine still has changes he wants to make.16:05
slickdaddy96I know...I had to hunt for it.  He didn't give it out.  I just happen upon it. :-)  Hope he doesn't mind...16:06
arrrghhheh so long as you don't sell it to tiad816:06
arrrghhhi think we'll be fine.16:06
arrrghhhjust keep it to yourself please ;)16:07
slickdaddy96I hate that guy so no problems...16:07
arrrghhhfair enough16:07
slickdaddy96sorry you had a crappy weekend man.  Hope it gets better for what's left of it.  I gotta run eat with the family....later.16:08
arrrghhhtake it easy16:08
arrrghhhupgrade in process, we'll see :D16:08
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stinebdarrrghhh: PM16:48
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stinebdmy invite exploit for google+ has never worked17:15
stinebdexcept for one poor loser17:15
stinebd(my mum)17:15
emwedon't let your mum that be heard.17:15
emwei think i saw the login open today.17:16
arrrghhhyea i think they plugged the invite holes.17:24
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YeahBuddysup guys21:29
YeahBuddyhows the android porting going?21:30
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adkzanyone here awake?22:21
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madplayahappy 4th of july guys23:46
madplayaI think i'm going to keep my rhod just to have android on it ;p23:47
adkzi feel like sleeping23:53
adkzi been up all day since last night doing my dhd23:54
adkzdesire hd23:56
adkzwonder how did I end up here23:56
madplayaoh lol, I have a new evo shift been flashing roms all day, nice phone lol i have a touch pro 2 and i wanted to talk to the devs lol23:57
adkzi been flashing leedroid rom only whole night till today23:58
adkz2 week old android user here23:58
madplayaoh, android is real nice, huh? android user almost a year23:59
adkzi asked some local forum, they don't even know what is soft reboot and made me wonder what the hell did they post to be a senior forumer lol23:59

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