Sunday, 2011-07-03

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loganogI'm trying to install the FRX06 bundle to my HTC Touch Diamond, and it doesn't seem to want to work quite right.00:15
loganogI copied all the files to my internal storage, and I try to run it, and it says "Cannot find Script.txt."00:16
arrrghhhdid you follow the startup.txt directions?00:16
loganogI didn't get that file.00:17
arrrghhhlink me to where you're getting FRX06 from00:17
loganogThere's a STARTUP folder, but nothing in it.00:19
arrrghhhthat's not install directions00:19
arrrghhhare you following any directions?00:19
loganogI was using a site, and it said to download that, and to use GenY-DualBOOT.00:19
arrrghhhlink pls00:20
arrrghhhsomehow i doubt i'll have any control over this site you're reading00:20
arrrghhhi use gen.y, but i don't suggest newbies use it :P00:20
arrrghhhvery handy, but not necessary at all.00:20
loganogEh, I was using Iphone software on it for a while, and figured it was time for a change, so I was using to give me a general idea on how to do it.00:22
arrrghhhofficial install guide00:22
arrrghhhalthough it's still oudated, d'oh00:22
arrrghhhi just revamped that page not too long ago.  unless someone came in after me and fuxxored it00:22
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arrrghhhloganog, i love how you found the official room, but aren't using offiical documentation.  i guess you did have the downloads page :P00:23
loganogHonestly, I'm making the phone look nice as possible to sell it.00:23
arrrghhhyea i can't really help you if you're going off of a pocketnow article00:23
arrrghhhdon't put Android on it lol00:23
arrrghhhif you're selling it, flash it back to stock00:24
loganogI'm having 4 different OS's.00:24
arrrghhhdon't want a support nightmare00:24
arrrghhhon a DIAM?00:24
arrrghhhnot one of them will run well lol00:24
loganogHowever, people are stupid.00:24
loganogIf I tell them it has all of that on it, stupid people will buy it.00:24
arrrghhhyou really think this will get more money?00:24
arrrghhhpeople will buy it with the stock ROM00:24
loganogI know, but people will pay more for stupidity.00:25
loganogFor example, the Iphone.00:25
arrrghhheh, at least you're not one of those people that is selling installs of Android00:25
arrrghhhso winmo, android, ubuntu00:25
arrrghhhwhat's #4?00:25
loganogIphone OS.00:25
arrrghhhiPhone on a DIAM?00:26
arrrghhhiPhone skin for WinMo...?00:26
loganogIt's not even an OS or a skin.00:26
arrrghhhi remember anakkdroid or some crap like that00:26
arrrghhhlike YOU CAN RUN ANDROID, FOR REAL00:26
arrrghhhno, that's not real son.00:26
loganogIt's pretty much a picture of the Iphone screen that I'm hoping they won't look far enough into to tell it's not actually Iphone software.00:27
arrrghhhwhy not doante your DIAM to XDAndroid sir00:27
arrrghhhc'mon, i can't even spell00:27
arrrghhhwe need your donations.00:27
loganogWhy do you need my donations?00:27
arrrghhheh donor devices are awesome00:28
arrrghhhthat way we can better confirm bugs00:28
arrrghhhblackstone for example isn't supported so well00:28
arrrghhhno devs with the device really so...00:28
loganogShouldn't you have your own device for that?00:28
arrrghhhit lags behind00:28
arrrghhhwell most have RHOD00:28
arrrghhhso, it's the best supported.  by far.00:28
arrrghhhRAPH is pretty guten as well00:28
arrrghhhnot as schweet as RHOD tho :D00:29
arrrghhhi'm saying your device could be our own device00:29
loganogWhy did you use one german word in a whole english sentence?00:29
arrrghhhinstead of duping someone into buying an iPhone picture00:29
arrrghhhi dunno, why are you trying to make a DIAM seem like it can run iPhone software?00:30
loganogI could make money off the Iphone picture though.00:30
arrrghhhseems like you're just asking to piss off a buyer00:30
loganogI can't say I'm not.00:30
loganogI just want to see how stupid the people around me are.00:30
arrrghhhi can tell you people are stupid00:30
arrrghhhyou don't need to try to sell a DIAM with a picture of iPhone's homescreen to prove it.00:31
loganogOh no, I want to see HOW stupid they are.00:31
arrrghhhas if there's a yardstick you're going to pull out?00:31
arrrghhhyup, they're THAT stupid.  this mark, right char00:31
loganogI mean, anything is possible.00:32
arrrghhhwow.  i thought i was an asshole.00:32
loganogYou haven't meet ass hole yet.00:32
arrrghhhsomehow, today... i have been beaten00:32
arrrghhhout assholed00:32
arrrghhhstinebd, i'm losing my edge man00:33
loganogI'm sorry.00:33
arrrghhhyou should be.00:33
loganogShould I?00:33
arrrghhhi'm a little distressed00:33
loganogI'm a little worried.00:33
loganogAre we going to have a battle to the death at this point?00:34
loganogSeems entertaining.00:34
arrrghhhi'm not sure how that works over the internet00:34
arrrghhhunless there was some epic 4chan thread involved00:35
loganogFuck a 4chan.00:35
loganogTheir antics are awful.00:35
loganogI mean, you could make a bot for IRC.00:36
loganogAnd you could add a script so that every time I ever enter this IRC, it initiates and makes us battle to the death.00:37
loganogYou ever scripted an IRC bot before?00:38
arrrghhhvery, very simple ones.00:38
loganogIt's actually really fun.00:38
loganogYou should get into it.00:39
arrrghhhnot huge on IRC, i used it when i was really young... and then in the last like 5-6 months00:39
arrrghhhthey are fun to play with00:39
arrrghhhi kinda took over a supybot for the #connect-utb room00:39
loganogI mean, it gives you entertainment for a while, but benefits you none in any other kind of scripting.00:40
loganogMe personally, I'm into web design, HTML, Flash and such.00:40
arrrghhhi do some AHK and batch crap for work00:41
loganogBatch, as in .bat or?00:41
arrrghhhsounds like i'm going to be getting into CVP, which if it's anything like nortel call center scripting will be really fucking simple00:41
arrrghhhAHK is fun00:41
arrrghhhi wrote a script that can control the phones remotely, with screenshots of the phone's screen.  these are cisco ip phones @ work, not just any phone lol00:42
loganogI wrote one to control my phone via my computer and the other way around a while ago.00:43
loganogThat's the most I've ever done with scripting for a phone.00:44
arrrghhhyea, i didn't think i'd ever work with enterprise phone systems00:44
arrrghhhjob just kinda found me if you will00:44
loganogAny education in the field?00:44
loganogOr, self taught?00:45
arrrghhhwell all my prior knowledge was self-taught00:45
arrrghhhand most of the advanced stuff @ work has been self-taught00:45
arrrghhhbut they've sent me to some basic training courses00:45
arrrghhhweek long stuff00:45
loganogI got ya.00:45
arrrghhhone i blazed thru so fast the teacher didn't believe i did all the work...00:45
arrrghhhsaid it was going to take up to 4 hours to finish.  did it in 15 minutes lol00:46
arrrghhhtab complete <300:46
loganogI ended up teaching my web design teacher.00:47
arrrghhhbut yea i've fixed a lot of computers, laptops, and now i get to touch expensive servers, switches, routers.00:47
arrrghhhthat's sad...00:47
loganogYea, I've had to help my schools tech.00:47
arrrghhhweb design seems like an odd mix of talent almost00:47
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loganogThen again, I am the one who fucked the server up BUT.00:47
arrrghhhgotta make things look good and function well00:47
arrrghhhi make things function well, but they usually look like poop.00:48
loganogI mean, it's a pain in the ass, not gonna lie. I won't say it's easy.00:48
arrrghhhi've done it00:48
arrrghhhnot professionally00:48
arrrghhhbut i've build my own website, & rebuilt many times.00:48
loganogBut when you get into billions of lines of code, and have one single error, it could mess the whole website up.00:49
arrrghhhat my current job... i was answering phones in first line support basically.  got the opportunity to get the F out.00:49
arrrghhhwell yea, like any software you write lol00:49
arrrghhhnature of the beast.  if it compiles on the first try there's something wrong still.00:49
loganogThat's true.00:50
loganogThe scripting language that pisses me off the most is Java.00:50
loganogIt's easy but soo confusing.00:50
arrrghhhnow... javascript?00:50
arrrghhhor java.00:51
loganogNo, just Java.00:51
loganogJavascript I get, it's easy.00:51
arrrghhhjavascript is WAY easier than java lol00:51
arrrghhhjava's a lot more openended00:51
loganogIt's annoying.00:52
loganogWhen I first started to actually use Java, was about 4 years ago when I was making a RS PS.00:53
loganogI made bank off that.00:53
arrrghhhsorry, RS PS?00:53
loganogRunescape Private Server.00:54
loganogI don't play it, I just make money any way possible.00:54
loganogAlso made one for World of Warcraft.00:55
loganogPeople pay money for the dumbest things.00:58
arrrghhhi know00:58
arrrghhhi guess i don't like taking advantage of random strangers.  i only take advantage of people that deserve it... can't know if some random stranger deserves it or not.00:59
loganogOh well, as long as the money goes to me, I don't care what they're spending it on.00:59
arrrghhhi'm sure you're qualifications for 'deserves it' is different than mine :P00:59
arrrghhhas long as the money goes to me00:59
arrrghhhis your name Steve Jobs?  cuz damn.  you sound like him.01:00
loganogNo, my name Is actually Logan.01:00
arrrghhhaw.  i was close.01:01
loganogHonestly, if their willing to pay the money for it, then they deserve it.01:01
loganogIf they have nothing better to do then to give me 10 dollars for a weapon in a game I made, then they don't need it.01:02
loganogDo you disagree?01:02
arrrghhhhey what people spend their money on is their business.01:03
arrrghhhi guess you're just there to take advantage of these... fucking morons, holy shit my money problems are solved.01:03
loganogEh, it's not so much as taking advantage of them as I don't want to be homeless kinda thing.01:04
loganogThis has honestly been an enjoyable conversation, but I must be going.01:05
arrrghhhi work my ass off to keep from being homeless.01:05
arrrghhhcool, cya later man01:06
loganogYou might see me again, when ever I just get bored.01:06
arrrghhhheh, fair enough ;)01:06
loganogWon't promise anything.01:06
loganogUnless you send a keylogger to my computer or something, you do have my ip.01:07
loganogAnd that wasn't a challenge.01:07
loganogOh well, bye now.01:07
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arrrghhhlol, epic01:08
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emwestinebd: stinebd: also due to constant whining by a certain german fellow i think we're going to back out the mediascanner change  <<< :P i was just stating it might even get more whining.07:00
smiley_that damn whatsapp application seems to force GPS to always be on.. even if it's switched off in the settings07:17
smiley_I did uninstall it and this time it seems like it actually didn't leave the GPS setting forced to on07:18
emwesmiley_: hm. put the energy widget on your homescreen so you can see what the status is. :)07:25
emwesmiley_: so just to reconfirm... you can run gbx0a on your raph and you can enable gps and it won't freeze/reboot the device?07:26
smiley_yes and no07:33
smiley_I can enable gps07:33
smiley_and whatsapp seems to use it07:33
smiley_if I open up google maps it reboots07:33
smiley_I never tried to send my location with whatsapp07:34
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emwesmiley_: hm. whenever gps library is in system.ext2 on topa or rhod, it reboots some seconds after it reaches the homescreen.07:40
emweso it likely reboots on raph when being used.07:41
smiley_ok.. yeah it does when maps is running07:43
smiley_so don't know what whatsapp tried to do..  because there was messages about gps in logcat..   unfortuntatly I don't have it saved07:44
smiley_I would need a syslog server setup that the phone can log to ;)07:44
smiley_this is from dmesg :07:45
smiley_[ 1806.654266] Freezing of user space  aborted07:45
smiley_[ 1806.677062]  GpsLocationProv07:45
smiley_this seems still to be showing up in logcat (when the phone is on battery.. not when charger is plugged):07:54
smiley_E/gps_msm7k(  206): epoll_wait() unexpected error: Interrupted system call07:54
smiley_so I guess I will end up wiping data again and NOT install whatsapp07:57
smiley_I'm testing a GPS status application now08:06
smiley_yeah.. it did spam alot of stuff into logcat and then rebooted08:07
smiley_D/gps_rpc (  206): received some kind of event08:07
smiley_D/gps_rpc (  206): 0000000a08:07
smiley_and then after 15 sec crash08:07
emweok, good that it's kind of identical to topa/rhod ;)08:24
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smiley_but I find it strange that it says stuff about GPS and even continues now after whatsapp was uninstalled08:43
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SpecRwell FRX06 is a huge improvement from FRX0313:17
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hycFRX07 will be an even huger improvement over FRX0613:21
SpecRis it on develpment already_13:21
hycit's been in development for months13:22
SpecRyay i've been disconnected since November i think13:22
SpecRbut great, camera is now working, screen doenst goes dim13:23
SpecRHopefully next version will have more tools on the terminal (like ssh) and youtube will be available :)13:23
hycyoutube works fine for me13:24
SpecRnot here in RAPH80013:24
hycand connectbot is great for ssh. using it here right noe13:25
SpecRhave you tweaked your installation?13:25
hycyes, heavily tweaked13:25
SpecRI installed busybox but requieres root access and R/W permission on my device which I dont have13:25
hycwhy not? all these builds are rooted13:26
SpecRthe installation tells me I need root and R/W permissions on the phone13:27
SpecR"Busybox Installer was not allowed root access" ... "try opening Superuser and making sure that you are allowing us root access"13:30
SpecRother than terminal root (su -) can the OS be accessed with root "user"13:31
hycanyway, busybox is already on the rootfs13:31
SpecRi know, yet Ive read that this includes much linux command line tools13:31
SpecRhyc: do you know of any backup tool for android? I had to install from scratch from FRX03 to FRX0613:33
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SpecRhow can I access sdcard when in xdandroid in a mac?18:51
SpecRwhile in win-mo its plain direct18:51
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