Saturday, 2011-07-02

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hycarrrghhh: from your pastebin, line 2334 is the problem02:36
hycIt looks like has not been patched to give the ril write access to set the operator ID property02:36
hycstinebd: must be missing some merges, or I just never updated my merge requests with the later patchlevels02:38
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hycin the case of, I'm not sure if it's missing a merge request for rootfs, where the binary went, or system/core/init, where the source code for init lives02:40
hycstinebd: but now I see that I already requested a merge of this piece of the source
hycso I'm guessing it's an out of date rootfs02:41
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stinebdhyc: thanks06:47
stinebdarrrghhh: pushed a new rootfs to the same url06:48
smiley_did restart with a fresh data partiton.. now the phones stays cold, battery is behaving and no errors aboout the switched of gps anymore06:50
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emwestinebd: thx.07:36
emwestinebd: in case required, a build with the 3 frx07 changes.07:49
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emwestinebd: i am a bit short on time, but with updated rootfs it spits out some warning it cant mount /sdcard/.asec_sercure or some such. reboots to quick to see.08:28
smiley_promisse me that 1337 will be the release kernel ;)08:28
emwesmiley_: if you got something to commit :)08:28
smiley_change a comment or a white space somewhere ;)08:31
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emwegtg. laters.08:35
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arrrghhhstinebd, i'm getting the same reboot emwe described10:24
arrrghhhlol it's a kernel panic, wtf.10:26
arrrghhhi guess i'll go back to .27 to make sure it's not anything related to .35... but i was just on this same setup on .35, only change was that new rootfs.10:27
arrrghhh.27 panics as well, right after ts-calibration..10:29
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smiley_arrrghhh: I did wipe the data partition and now the phone isnt ru,,ing hot anymore11:28
smiley_strange things11:28
smiley_was probably the gps11:29
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ImCoKeMaNi just tried the .39 kernel with the new HaRET and have the same problem as skimike02 it reboots to winmo the same, accross 3 different kernels (some previously working)  i have a rhod400 with force_cdma=0 right now since i have a sim in it, but stock sprint 6.5 rom11:56
arrrghhhso some worked previously?11:58
arrrghhhnot the same issue then11:58
arrrghhhskimike never had a .39 that booted11:58
ImCoKeMaNnot on this haret11:58
ImCoKeMaNno not .3911:58
arrrghhhcan you boot .27 or .35 on this haret?11:58
ImCoKeMaN.27 kernels worked beofre11:58
ImCoKeMaNi can't boot any on this haret11:58
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arrrghhhyour phone's special as well11:59
arrrghhhcuz i can boot .27, .35, .39 on the new haret11:59
arrrghhhold haret only boots .2711:59
ImCoKeMaNyeah i wish i could too, something about new haret isnt happy on my phone though it seems, or one other phone hehe11:59
arrrghhhboth my RHOD400's work fine12:00
arrrghhhso perhaps you're doing something wrong12:00
ImCoKeMaNperhaps, but i'm not sure what considering i just swapped the haret for this change (and updated startup with the initrd offset12:00
arrrghhhwhere did you put that offset line12:01
ImCoKeMaNright after teh other initrd line12:01
arrrghhhis this on the same SD card?12:01
arrrghhhor does it happen with different cards12:01
arrrghhhtry a different card...12:01
arrrghhhi wonder if that's the problem12:01
ImCoKeMaNdidn't try dif card because it's the only card that any android builds have booted on that i have with me12:01
arrrghhhyou have a card that android doesn't boot at all?12:03
arrrghhhi've never had that12:03
arrrghhhi have like all sorts of wacky cheapo cards12:03
ImCoKeMaNi have 3 cards here, but 2 are class 6 or 1012:03
arrrghhhand a few nice ones lol12:03
arrrghhhwell Android'll work, just not so well.12:04
ImCoKeMaNi couldn't get em to boot12:04
arrrghhhseems the higher class cards are meant for cameras12:04
arrrghhhnot phones12:04
arrrghhhcuz i heard even native devices don't really like the higher class cards12:04
ImCoKeMaNdidn't try fiddling too well since i read so much saying not to use em, but they didnt' work with first few tries even with that wait fix line in startup12:04
ImCoKeMaNmostly just wanted to let you know that there is at least one other device that has issues with teh new haret incase i could be of any help12:06
arrrghhhdoesn't sound like it12:08
arrrghhhyou seem to have a bunch of shitty cards lol12:08
ImCoKeMaNhehe, well if i can find any more info i'll try to let you guys know12:08
arrrghhhshitty for Android at least12:08
ImCoKeMaNwell this card isn't bad i've run everything else fine12:08
arrrghhhi've got like 5 cards12:08
arrrghhhand two RHOD40's12:08
ImCoKeMaNi have other cards but can't get to them for another week or so when i get home, but i'll have less free time then hehe12:08
arrrghhhno problem12:08
arrrghhhit'll only be a problem when .27 is completely abandoned lol12:09
arrrghhhwell, a problem for the few that are having this issue12:09
ImCoKeMaNi'm sure there will be more if its been more than one already with such a dev release12:09
ImCoKeMaNbut perhaps it'll be identified by then too12:09
arrrghhhone can only hope12:10
arrrghhhobviously none of the devs have ran into the issue heh12:10
ImCoKeMaNi am not new to haret either, was using it on titan before android was even out there12:10
ImCoKeMaNi'm sure it can be worked out especially if more people start seeing it so we know where to look12:11
arrrghhhharetconsole would be the only thing12:12
arrrghhhfrom what's been described at least12:12
arrrghhhthere's not going to be a whole lot else in the way of getting info12:12
ImCoKeMaNi have that setup on a pc at home as well, not sure if this netbook would do so well heh12:12
arrrghhhharetconsole isn't difficult really12:13
arrrghhhunless you have a chromebook12:13
ImCoKeMaNhehe its not12:14
ImCoKeMaNi might try loading it up here later on, i actually have to get going for the moment though12:14
arrrghhhyea i don't really see what the difference is12:14
arrrghhhthat's cool12:14
arrrghhhdoesn't bother me, i can't recreate the bug lol12:15
ImCoKeMaNi know where you get your nick now... =)12:15
arrrghhhbwhahahahaha how long did it take to figure that one out?  :P12:15
arrrghhhi've had this handle for... way too long.  like 14 years or something.12:16
ImCoKeMaNanyway, i'll prob post back later if i find any more info12:16
ImCoKeMaNi might have had this one about that long12:16
smiley_I should make a copy of my data partition and use it as a template if I need to wipe it again12:23
arrrghhhg+ just complimented me on my post.  how quaint.12:26
arrrghhhsmiley_, lol12:26
arrrghhhdata.img ftw?12:26
arrrghhhbut, this is why i like TB12:26
arrrghhhno, not tuberculosis12:27
smiley_arrrghhh: yeah.. did install it but never did set it up12:27
arrrghhhi love it12:28
arrrghhhi have a tb folder for FroYo and one for GB :D12:28
smiley_1 month left until the new xperia mini pro is released..12:28
arrrghhhno new phone on mah horizon :(12:28
rpierce99google+ is great, but none of my non-geek friends/relatives are on there, so i can't kill FB yet12:28
smiley_yeah.  clean interface12:29
arrrghhhwell dude12:29
arrrghhhit's not even really out yet lol12:29
smiley_like FB but better ;)12:29
arrrghhhthey're trying to kill FB for sure.12:29
smiley_they tried to buy it before didnt they?12:29
rpierce99i like the no-friends approach12:29
arrrghhhi really like how you share things wth g+12:29
arrrghhhmix of twitter and fb12:30
arrrghhhgoogle try to buy fb?  maybe, dunno.12:30
rpierce99but i think the circles might confuse less tech-savvy folks12:30
arrrghhhyou can add ppl w/o using the silly circles12:30
arrrghhhi thought the circles make it hard to see who is actually in that circle...12:30
rpierce99i like the idea of the circles, not necessarily the implementation of the ui12:33
rpierce99i know FB had groups, but they were so buried they weren't useful12:33
arrrghhhas with any privacy / share settings are in fb12:35
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messtinebd, how did you resolve the issues with the device name changes to tiwlan ?13:02
arrrghhhhe beat wpa_supplicant into submission13:03
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xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, Peter T.!14:50
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ImCoKeMaNone interesting thing i noticed on the new haret is when opening without a startup.txt it says Found machine Leo where the other haret (that works) Found machine Generic ARM v615:01
arrrghhhi'm pretty sure the new haret doesn't say that for me, let me see w/o a startup.txt15:02
ImCoKeMaNstill didn't get console or anything but thought i'd at least mention that one15:02
ImCoKeMaNit looks like there are newer harets on their git, but i know you need a special build environment because the new gcc has fixed some bugs that they take advantage of to overwrite memory hehe15:03
arrrghhhImCoKeMaN, that might be the damned problem15:03
arrrghhhmine says "Found machine Rhodium"15:03
ImCoKeMaNi think it might be15:03
ImCoKeMaNand this time i have the sim out, wonder if airplane mode does anything15:04
arrrghhh'normal' haret says geenric armv6..15:04
arrrghhhok, you might be onto something with this15:04
arrrghhhit would definitely blow up if it thinks you have an hd2...15:04
ImCoKeMaNcan that be forced with a cmdline command?15:07
ImCoKeMaNi guess thats haret detecting though and not part of the kernel15:08
arrrghhhi thought it already was forced15:08
arrrghhhso... why the hell does haret think you have a leo15:08
arrrghhhthat's my question15:08
ImCoKeMaNmine too15:08
arrrghhhdid you shoehorn a snapdragon into your rhod?15:08
arrrghhhcuz... show me how if so.15:08
ImCoKeMaNmight be time to go to #htc-linux15:08
ImCoKeMaNsure thats it15:08
ImCoKeMaNits a slow snapdragon though15:09
arrrghhhemwe was the dude that compiled this version of haret15:09
arrrghhhnot sure what he did differently15:09
arrrghhhbut that's an odd side effect15:09
arrrghhhand i'd say the problem, just don't know what the solution would be15:09
ImCoKeMaNis it patched different than the main line?15:09
arrrghhhhe doesn't appear to be here either15:10
ImCoKeMaNhopefully i'm not looking like quite the noob from when i asked about cwm anymore =)15:10
arrrghhhlol we're all newbs at some point15:10
ImCoKeMaNalthough i didn't minipart it back to fat32 yet15:11
arrrghhhthat was a good thought tho, looking at the differnce w/o a startup15:12
arrrghhhinteresting that there is a difference15:12
arrrghhhold vs. new15:13
ImCoKeMaNyeah, well to be honest i was going to use a default.txt to go back to cdma, but the leo thing struck me as odd15:13
arrrghhhlol yea that would make me scracth my head15:13
arrrghhhand since mine says Rhodium like it should...15:13
ImCoKeMaNit does it in gsm mode and cdma mode, and i took out sdcard and it still does it in haret from nand so it's definitely something about the haret detecting the device15:14
arrrghhhthat might be the key.  the question is why the hell is yours not getting recognized properly15:14
ImCoKeMaNi wonder if emwe could patch a diff version of haret or something15:14
arrrghhhi don't know how that detection works15:14
arrrghhhbut it seems that something is breaking it15:14
ImCoKeMaNi'll prob get teh console up and run some more tests if i get to it, it's been a while but hopefulyl the documentation is still around somewhere15:14
arrrghhhwhy on your phone and not mine....15:14
arrrghhhradio version perhaps?15:15
ImCoKeMaNstock  sprint 6.5 although it's sim unlocked15:15
arrrghhhi'm not unlocked on the SIM15:15
arrrghhhand i'm on energy15:15
arrrghhh2.32 smth15:15
ImCoKeMaNthat other person though wasn't sprint even15:16
arrrghhhi'm just wondering if a differet revision is reporting incorrectly15:16
ImCoKeMaNevery time i read your responses i read your nick as part of it... ARGHHH, true15:16
arrrghhh2.32.00WF is the radio version i'm on15:17
arrrghhhhardware version 0004, hrm15:17
arrrghhhwtf is tht15:17
ImCoKeMaNmines 2.32.00WU15:18
ImCoKeMaNsame hardware version15:18
arrrghhhwhat's the difference between F and U15:19
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ImCoKeMaNWelcome, this is HaRET pre-0.5.3-20101214_194802 running on WindowsCE v5.215:40
ImCoKeMaNMinimal virtual address: 00010000, maximal virtual address: 7FFFFFFF15:40
ImCoKeMaNDetected machine Leo/QSD8xxx (Plat='PocketPC' OEM='T-Mobile_LEO')15:40
ImCoKeMaNCPU is ARM ARM arch 6 stepping 2 running in system mode15:40
ImCoKeMaNEnter 'HELP' for a short command summary.15:40
ImCoKeMaNHaRET(6)# showvar machname15:40
ImCoKeMaNHaRET(7)# showvar machmtype15:40
ImCoKeMaNif that scrolled on your side sorry, prob could have used pastebin15:40
arrrghhhit's pretty sure you have an hd215:45
arrrghhhyou sure you don't have an hd2?15:45
ImCoKeMaNi thought i was15:45
ImCoKeMaNi'm going back in haret to see which rev makes the diff15:45
ImCoKeMaNactually i guess i should check the machmtype on the working one15:46
ImCoKeMaNweird HaRET(2)# showvar machmtype15:47
ImCoKeMaNthat's  HaRET pre-0.5.3-20091217_19102515:47
ImCoKeMaNbooo HaRET(3)# set machmtype 0x0000000015:49
ImCoKeMaNline 3: `MACHMTYPE' is a read-only variable15:49
ImCoKeMaNhere's the .cpp source for mach detection:;a=blob;f=src/mach/machines.cpp15:53
ImCoKeMaNOn many devices, HaRET can autodetect the proper Linux kernel machine type (mtype).  If HaRET does not detect it, one may run:set mtype <mtype>15:55
ImCoKeMaNwhat is the mtype you have?15:55
ImCoKeMaNwait that's in startup.txt as 2292 for my build15:56
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ImCoKeMaNwonder if somewhere it's not overriding it and using the detected version instead15:57
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arrrghhhi don't know why it would be overridden16:01
arrrghhhImCoKeMaN, pastebin your startup.txt16:01
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ImCoKeMaNthis is the haret log of both16:02
ImCoKeMaNtop is the Haret for .39, bottom is the normal haret that works, both seem to detect LEO, but last one says generic like leo wasn't further added to teh text16:03
arrrghhhso maybe the detection can't be overridden in the new haret16:03
arrrghhhgotta talk to emwe16:03
ImCoKeMaNhere's the startup:
ImCoKeMaNi'm curious what your's looks like with haretconsole using the earlyharetlog.txt and pasting the haretlog.txt like i did16:04
ImCoKeMaNactaully no haretconsole, just make a blank txt file called earlyharetlog.txt and then run haret and paste the haretlog.txt that results16:05
arrrghhhyou've got some deprecated commands16:05
arrrghhhnot sure that would cause it16:05
arrrghhhlol it's that simple?  never done that before16:06
arrrghhhoh haret16:06
ImCoKeMaNwell it's not getting to the startup where its detecting leo though16:06
ImCoKeMaNi've been in haret for a while16:06
ImCoKeMaNi think i was why they setup the titan machtype (not saying i modded haret, but i think i was first to run it on titan they said)16:06
ImCoKeMaNhere's the wiki about that:
arrrghhhnever needed to look at haret really.  always just worked lol16:08
ImCoKeMaNyeah for you =P16:08
ImCoKeMaNi think first i used it was on a ppc6700 actually16:09
ImCoKeMaNearly pda linux days16:09
arrrghhhi have a 670016:09
arrrghhhand the titan16:09
arrrghhhnever ran linux on either of 'em16:09
arrrghhhno vogue16:09
arrrghhhtp1 yes16:09
arrrghhhnow tp216:09
arrrghhhonly ran linux on these phones :D16:09
ImCoKeMaNhehe i had tp1, but traded it on this16:09
arrrghhhtp1 kbd died, gave me a free upgrade16:10
ImCoKeMaNyeah similar here16:10
ImCoKeMaNtouch screen died once16:10
ImCoKeMaNdpad/end call died on replacement16:10
ImCoKeMaNif they had htc hero in stock prob would have had that, but i wanted the kb16:10
arrrghhhyup, i wanted the kbd16:11
arrrghhhdefinitely different in the OEM field16:12
arrrghhhinteresting that it got your processor correct but that not...16:12
arrrghhhInitializing for machine 'Leo' lol16:13
ImCoKeMaNyours:Trying to detect machine (Plat='PocketPC' OEM='T7380')16:13
ImCoKeMaNWince reports processor: core=MSM7600-528MHz name= cat= vend=QUALCOMM16:13
arrrghhhi'd say that's definitely a problem16:13
ImCoKeMaNmine: Trying to detect machine (Plat='PocketPC' OEM='T-Mobile_LEO')16:13
ImCoKeMaNWince reports processor: core=MSM7600-528MHz name= cat= vend=QUALCOMM16:13
ImCoKeMaNwell if mtype in startupworked it shoudl be ok hehe16:13
ImCoKeMaNi def don't have tmob either16:13
arrrghhhDetected machine Leo/QSD8xxx (Plat='PocketPC' OEM='T-Mobile_LEO')16:14
arrrghhhthat's freakin awesome.16:14
ImCoKeMaNexcept it still says MSM7600-528MHz16:14
arrrghhhi noes16:14
arrrghhhthat's the best part16:14
arrrghhhor the worst part, for you :P16:14
ImCoKeMaNhehe that's the worst yeah16:15
ImCoKeMaNi'd rather a snapdragon tp216:15
arrrghhhi'll see if i can bug emwe16:15
ImCoKeMaNthanks for working with me with the haretlog16:15
ImCoKeMaNwonder if that'll pique anyones interest16:17
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stinebd_Yo suckers I'm mobile16:27
stinebd_Err ducking swype16:28
stinebd_I need some poop about the panic with that rootfs16:29
stinebd_Quick before I get home16:30
arrrghhhwhat do you want to know16:31
arrrghhhit seems to hit ts-calib16:31
arrrghhhthen kernel panic16:31
stinebd_Oh. Before the android banner in all caps?16:31
arrrghhhright before it basically16:32
arrrghhhbut yea, never see that16:32
stinebd_Nice. Means there's some issue in the I pushed16:32
arrrghhhseems like a fairly safe assumption since that's all you changed right?  :P16:33
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stinebd_Weird, I took it right from the build tree's boot image.16:33
stinebd_I was afraid it was some obscure radio crash or something16:34
stinebd_Atrix screen plus matte protector = win in sunlight16:35
arrrghhhmatte protector eh16:35
stinebd_Wish they made em for my laptop16:36
stinebd_Those glossy screens piss me off16:37
arrrghhhthat's my problem with trying to find a new laptop to buy16:37
arrrghhhi got this hp, was nice... but can't use the discrete gfx card.  wtf.16:37
arrrghhhbeautiful matte display tho16:38
stinebd_As does swype for not knowing curse words16:38
arrrghhhwhatever ati calls their poop16:39
arrrghhhbut yea16:39
arrrghhhand it sounds great on paper16:39
arrrghhhbut it doesn't work in practice16:39
arrrghhhso i'm sending it back.  shame really, the rest of the laptop is fantastic.16:40
stinebd_Oh. Yeah it's all junk.16:40
stinebd_I'd just stick with the intel integrated stuff personally16:40
arrrghhhi'd like to have a discrete card over the integrated one16:41
arrrghhhworst part, they didn't even tell me it was going to be switchable.16:41
stinebd_<3 hp16:42
arrrghhhi dunno what to get now16:42
stinebd_Asus baby16:42
arrrghhhlooking at dell's business line lappy's, bleh.16:42
arrrghhhbut glossy!16:42
arrrghhhso very glossy.  no options there it seems... at least i haven't seen any16:43
stinebd_Eh, stick some saran wrap on it16:43
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU said if you're a business and they sell directly to you.  does me a lot of good16:43
arrrghhhgood solution...16:43
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stinebdwtf brownie crunch!17:13
stinebdi gotta get that17:13
stinebdis it good?17:13
arrrghhhit's not bad.  coca puffs that kinda taste like brownies17:13
arrrghhhi was gonna take a pic with my phone17:14
arrrghhhthen i was like f-that, google images.17:14
stinebdyou should get a real phone probably17:15
arrrghhhone day17:15
stinebdyeah one day i will too17:16
stinebdone that isn't some junky slow dual core crap17:16
stinebdi tried to build libreoffice on it last week and it's still going17:16
arrrghhhdo want kal al17:16
stinebdparsing error there17:17
arrrghhhnew tegra17:17
stinebdwtf happened with this init17:18
stinebdmakes no sense17:18
stinebdbad mexican code from hyc17:18
stinebdyou get what you pay for etc17:18
arrrghhhmexican lol17:18
arrrghhhpretty sure he's asian17:19
arrrghhhchu, that's chinese right?17:19
stinebdcould be japanese17:19
stinebdto them chu is the sound a kiss makes17:19
stinebdyeesh not even an error17:24
stinebdhow do you type a slash on the console?17:28
arrrghhhvirtual kbd17:30
stinebdon the console?17:30
arrrghhhor... with F22's rootfs...17:30
stinebdno android17:30
* arrrghhh runs17:31
stinebdi don't think there's a slash in the kernel keymap17:31
stinebdoh well17:31
arrrghhhF22 extended it i thouhgt17:32
arrrghhhi can do / with his rootfs17:32
arrrghhhhold down FN and something17:32
stinebdffs arrrghhh17:33
stinebdi'm not talking about in android17:33
arrrghhhv or smth17:33
stinebdbefore android starts up17:33
arrrghhhoh i didn't think that mattered17:33
arrrghhhi see17:33
stinebdif i add a shell to the init script17:33
stinebdyou're driving my nuts17:33
arrrghhheh, it's what i'm here for17:33
stinebdlol awesome17:34
stinebdtyping on the console, the f key got "stuck"17:34
stinebdwhole screen of f's17:34
stinebdsums up my thoughts perfectly17:34
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hychow big is the binary compared to the previous one?18:37
hycI found that the actual binary from the froyo tree never worked. always had to use the gingerbread binary.18:38
hycI figured there was some magic you were doing in your rootfs builds to make it work18:38
stinebdnew = 105K, old = 92K18:38
stinebdoh shit that's right18:39
stinebdwith the gingerbread crap18:39
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stinebdsome time this week my ginger tree will finish building. will you be around to test a new rootfs?19:19
stinebdscrew it pushing the new rootfs now19:23
stinebdinit built, that's all i need19:23
hycyeah, you don't need to do a full top-down build19:24
stinebdit's up19:25
arrrghhhi'll check it out when i get back...19:32
hycso stinebd, what is the URL for these google docs you've mentioned?19:32
stinebdISN'T IT?!19:34
hycwonder why it would never show this to me when I was logged in with my xdandroid acct19:34
stinebdit actually requires an xdandroid account19:35
stinebdand it shows me "hyc is viewing"19:35
stinebdand "arrrghhh has never viewed because he is lazy"19:35
hycon my xdandroid home page it said there were no documents anywhere to view19:35
stinebdit doesn't share publicly19:35
stinebdnot sure how i could make it do so, i rarely use google docs19:35
hycah ok19:35
hycstagefright, not stagefreight19:36
hycsounds like you're talking about a stack of speakers or something... :P19:36
stinebdi am19:36
stinebdbose professional 520019:37
stinebdit's for our live performance of gingerbread19:37
stinebdi have to add some more changes to frx0719:38
stinebdalso due to constant whining by a certain german fellow i think we're going to back out the mediascanner change19:39
hycwhat's the whining all about?19:39
stinebdhe wants his music in directories other than /Music apparently19:39
hycoh, you can change the privacy on the doc to "People at XDAndroid can find and access"19:40
hycwhy the hell does he want that?19:40
stinebdthat's how it's set now19:41
stinebdi really don't understand google docs19:41
hycoh. now it's showing up for me19:41
stinebdPermissions: XDAndroid People at XDAndroid can find and view Change19:41
stinebdbeen that way for years19:41
hycStupid google19:42
hycthe doc wasn't there when I tried to find it yesterday19:42
stinebdi did do something just minutes ago19:43
stinebdbut it says it's not supposed to affect visibility19:43
stinebdsomething = "published to web"19:43
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stinebdtried the new gmail interface yet?19:47
hycdunno, I think I got it by default by now19:48
hychardly ever use gmail19:48
hycI occasionally forward stuff from my other accts to ym gmail acct when I need a copy on my phone19:49
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stinebdARRRGHHH WAKE UP20:06
stinebdscrew screwing your girlfriend we got work to do20:06
stinebdpart of me wonders why he puts up with me20:07
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arrrghhhTP2Stinebd: all good dude20:44
arrrghhhTP2Mms works in both directions20:45
arrrghhhTP2But I don't get the slideshow to play20:45
arrrghhhTP2Hyc, was that changed in your merge request?20:45
arrrghhhTP2Initially he set it so the slideshow is paused, and left at 0sec20:45
arrrghhhTP2I thought he changed it to play 8sec, how Sprint "fixed" the bug natively20:46
arrrghhhTP2Nbd tho20:46
arrrghhhTP2Glad it works now :D20:46
hycdunno if it was in latest merge request20:47
stinebdarrrghhhTP2: apns needs no modification?20:48
hycthere was no merge request, because there was no xdandroid repo for mms.apk20:48
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hycok, there's an xdandroid repo of it now20:49
hycand it doesn't have the last slide fix, which was June 1020:50
hycit has my original fix from May 1820:50
stinebd81e3150964b5be59f935027a9a0a32c167304d43 is the latest commit20:50
stinebdi can pull it in20:50
hycmy repo is two commits past yours, one is a revert of the original slide fix20:51
hycand the other is the new fix20:51
stinebdit is zero commits past mine. what now tough guy?20:51
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stinebdok so what's left?20:52
arrrghhhTP2Sorry, not sure what happened thar20:52
arrrghhhTP2Hq youtoobs if anything20:53
hycthat should do it for MMS20:53
arrrghhhTP2Everything else I tested was good.20:53
stinebdripping out the mediascanner changes will be only a manifest change20:53
hycHQ youtube still not working?20:53
arrrghhhTP2I can try it again, but I don't think anything changed.20:53
arrrghhhTP2Stinebd - end key is home20:54
stinebdit is?20:55
stinebdshouldn't be yet20:55
arrrghhhTP2But long press end key brings up power20:55
arrrghhhTP2Oh might be spare parts then20:55
arrrghhhTP2Sorry :P20:55
arrrghhhTP2Titanium probably restored that20:55
stinebdwhat about apns20:56
stinebddid you have to add anything?20:56
arrrghhhTP2Well there were 2 APNs probably from me earlier20:56
arrrghhhTP2Have to try with a new data.img20:56
arrrghhhTP2I have a feeling the APN will need to be added manually.21:01
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hycget a regular logcat from playing a video (youtube hq I guess)21:06
hycIt looks like all of my media-related patches are merged already21:06
hycdo you have the hacked binary codecs?21:06
hycstrings /system/lib/libOmxH264* | grep hyc21:07
arrrghhhTP2Let me see21:09
arrrghhhTP2No pipe on this rootfs21:10
arrrghhhTP2Lolwut it does work21:10
hycwow, lots of heap allocation errors in your log21:11
hycprobably need to set the vm heapsize higher21:11
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arrrghhhTP2Hyc, returns nothing21:12
arrrghhhTP2That strings command grepping for hyc21:12
G3N3T1Xhow goes it?21:12
hycok, then probably not the right codec21:12
arrrghhhTP2I g2g21:12
G3N3T1Xcan someone help me out i'm all new to messing with htc phones21:12
hycI see no log messages from the codec at all in the logcat21:12
arrrghhhTP2Hyc, probably not the right one :/21:13
G3N3T1Xmy goal is to get a rooted android to boot. and i already went and installed haret. i have a htc touch pro 221:13
arrrghhhTP2G2g tho, bike ride time21:13
arrrghhhTP2G3 - build is rooted21:13
arrrghhhTP2Out of the box21:13
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hycstinebd: how about merging this?
stinebdhow about why?21:15
stinebdi prefer mine timestamps in nanoseconds since boot21:15
hyc'cause stock dmesg output can't be correlated with logcat timestamps21:15
hycand being able to connect events together is kind of crucial for debugging most issues21:15
stinebdlies and slander21:16
hyccan't easily be...21:16
stinebdbeing able to shoot rainbows out your ass is more crucial21:16
stinebdfor which i will gladly accept patches21:16
hycmmmm, don't think I have that in my bag of programming tricks21:16
hychmm, on arrrghhh's log lines 3600-362721:18
hycwhy are there duplicate definitions of every service?21:18
hycit looks like something is flaky with /init.rc21:19
stinebdthere is no line 360021:20
hychuh? on that pastebin?21:21
hycthe last line of the past is 443121:21
stinebdsomething is wrong with something21:22
stinebdbecause i can't see the full line numbers21:22
stinebdto the text editor21:23
hycwell, you probably see lines 228-813 anyway. wth process triggered that...21:24
stinebdthat looks like that bug21:25
stinebdwith the bitmap loader21:25
stinebdor whatever it was21:25
G3N3T1Xdoes anyone know if i can root droid via haret?21:25
G3N3T1Xor do i have to have a pre-rooted image loaded thru haret?21:26
stinebdbitmap factory21:26
hycG3N3T1X: you moron. arrrghhh already answered you.21:26
stinebdexcept there's no exception21:26
G3N3T1Xwhere do i get the G3 image?21:27
hycHm, I vaguely remember reading this bug report before21:27
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hycG3N3T1X: "G3" is not a build image. he was shortening your name.21:28
stinebdanyway i don't think that is a result of the init.rc nonsense21:28
hycsince you're too retarded to use something that people can easily type.21:28
stinebdhe's quiet, ignore him21:28
hycok, anyway, yeah, two separate issues. probably dalvik.vm.heapsize should be set to 32M21:29
hycinit.rc, dunno what's going on21:29
stinebdi guess21:29
stinebdnot sure, i'm gonna ignore that for now21:29
stinebdit seems not harmful21:29
stinebdso i'll rebuild with a larger heap and we'll see what happens21:30
stinebdoh another thing was the keymaps, we have to work out21:30
stinebdemwe noted an issue on at least raph21:31
hycoh? I didn't see it21:31
stinebdwhat's the default heap size in dalvik? 16?21:32
hycyeah I think 1621:32
hyc24 might be good enough21:32
stinebdpassion uses 2421:32
stinebdi had that in there before, wonder why i yanked it21:33
stinebdprobably some overclock fanboys convinced me21:33
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arrrghhhTP2Stinebd, on a new data.img there were no APN's23:26
arrrghhhTP2Although when I went to add one, the mcc/mnc were populated correctly23:26
arrrghhhTP2I just needed to add the APN, name and MMSC23:26
arrrghhhTP2Fix the Market23:28
arrrghhhTP2It's freakin painful.23:29
stinebdand how do you propose i do that?23:29
arrrghhhTP2Entropy thinks it is something to do with.. crap can't remember.23:29
arrrghhhTP2Something with data throughput I think.23:30
stinebdisn't that a kernel thing?23:30
arrrghhhTP2Anyhoo, build seems soild so far.  What's left on your side?23:30
arrrghhhTP2And end=home?23:31
stinebdgonna have a new build up tomorrow with a couple small changes23:31
arrrghhhTP2Part of keymaps23:31
arrrghhhTP2I have to upgrade the voicemail server tomorrow, but should be around.23:31
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stinebdwell i work too so it'll probably be some time after 523:32
arrrghhhTP2Hopefully my crap'll only take a couple of hours.  Gotta love working w/o pay.23:33
stinebdi work monday too so there23:33
arrrghhhTP2Can't say I'm gonna work on Monday.23:34
stinebdit's how i celebrate capitalism23:34
arrrghhhTP2Alright, goin home.  Peace.23:35
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