Wednesday, 2011-06-22

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xdandroidNew kernel available (20110621_164623) at
hyclow battery huh03:40
smiley-it happend to me on full battery also03:41
smiley-and according to the comments for lot of people ;)03:42
smiley-btw.. the smd-patch..  yay!    no panic since I compiled with it03:42
smiley-the bad thing about using git for the kernel stuff is that I want to switch from svn to git at work ;)03:44
hycyeah, been switching many of my projects to git over the past few months04:59
hycthe smd_tty patch is pure win05:00
smiley-yes :)05:05
smiley-the raph100 works great now  (but slower than the kovsky)05:06
smiley-the smd_tty patch would apply the kovsky too.. so that would stabilize that too..   the only problem left with the kovsky is the keys freezing after random time05:06
smiley-should ask alex if it was fixed05:07
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smiley-copied my xdandroid build + latest kernel (with smd_tty patch) to the other SD-card and booted the kovsky..  works fine apart from I had to change the libsurfaceflinger library to rotate the panel which is mounted upside down on the kovsky07:49
smiley-if keys is not freezing I finally can run something stable :)07:49
smiley-anyone knows about that issue?   (I had to pick the lib from some xdandroid gingerbread build for X1 that I found earlier)07:54
smiley-keys freezed :(08:01
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smiley-(compile them as module and reload when it happens works sometimes..  or freezing the whole phone)08:21
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GlemSomAny kernel devs around atm?10:31
emweif you'd call me so ;)10:32
emwegood you are around GlemSom. got a question for ya, too. you are using codesourcery 2010q3 toolchain?10:33
GlemSomemwe: yes, iam10:33
GlemSomno, sorru10:33
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emweah yeah, that is 2010q3 then10:34
GlemSomAnyway, when a kernel dev shows up - I needed to make a slight adjustment to the Makefile - for it to compile (VERY UNTESTED)... (I suspect my make application to be updated recently!). Anyway, I had to do like this:
GlemSomThis is for GNU Make 3.8210:36
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GlemSomCould someone please confirm this is compatible with older releases of Make... And maybe push an update?10:36
emweyah, i had the same issue10:36
emweone sec. i think i pushed a fix on .2710:36
emweexactly regarding that.10:36
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jonpryhi emwe10:37
emweah damnit. i know what i did... i reverted to 3.81 GlemSom ...10:37
emwehi jonpry10:37
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jonpryswap space on sd card works pretty well10:39
GlemSomemwe: Do you know if it'll break compatibility with make 3.81?10:39
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emweGlemSom: let me get 3.82 enabled, fix the kernel Makefile for 3.82 and then retry with 3.81... might take some secs.10:41
GlemSomemwe: Ok, anyway - I'm on my paying job atm.. So, guess I better go.. And do what I'm actually paid to do... ;)10:42
GlemSomc ya10:42
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arrrghhhdo what you're paid to do?  overrated.11:11
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jonpryhey arrrghhh11:13
jonprygood morning11:13
jonpryhow is that 3.0 going?11:14
arrrghhhcouldn't get it to function really.  was dog slow... no reboots, but i didn't use it for more than a couple of hours.11:15
arrrghhhautobuild is still FUBAR too :(11:16
jonpryi've had some good luck with swap. xdandroid had all the necessary stuff to get it going11:16
arrrghhhdid you just enable it in the user.conf?11:16
jonpryyeah the wizzard emailed me about some kind of build error but i can't reproduce it11:16
jonpryi did dd if=/dev/zero of=/sdcard/swap bs=1M count=128; mkswap /sdcard/swap; swapon /sdcard/swap11:17
jonpryfor me it is using about a steady 2M of swap.11:17
D3tul3jonpry: you are running partitioned ext2?11:18
emwearrrghhh: you got contact details from GlemSom?11:21
jonpryonce you have the file you could put just the swapon command in user.conf or whatever11:21
arrrghhhemwe, you want his email?11:22
arrrghhhjonpry, nice.  yea there's a section for it IIRC11:22
jonpryarrrghhh, i was looking at whosyoumawhats haret log deal and it seems like whatever kernel is loading is only 1.7MB. there is no 39 kernel of such size11:22
emwearrrghhh: if it's not public, can you let him know something?11:22
smiley-hmm.. swapping on the sdcard..  wouldnt that be terribly slow?11:23
D3tul3it would on arrrghhh's card11:23
jonprysure but its defacto swapping anyways from all the memory mapped files11:24
arrrghhhjonpry, Oo11:24
jonprythis way we can cause it to swap the most swappable pages11:24
arrrghhhthere's also the swappiness setting11:25
emwe17:22 <emwe> arrrghhh: if it's not public, can you let him know something?11:26
arrrghhhemwe, sorry i saw that line :P11:27
arrrghhhi need to look for it, 1 sec.11:27
emwearrrghhh: just send him this link:
arrrghhhglemsom at xdandroid.com11:27
emweah that easy ... :)11:27
emwethen i'll do.11:27
arrrghhhnot sure if he checks that one :P  but that's his public email.11:27
arrrghhhemwe, wait11:28
arrrghhhglemsom at <--- probably better11:28
emwethank you.11:29
emwehyc: you once did a userland fix regarding keyboard light handling and auto-backlight is that right? whenever enabling auto-bl, userland shuts off keyboard backlight. did that patch actually separate lcd backlight from keyboard backlight triggering?11:31
emwejonpry: regarding my led trigger issue from yesterday, as soon as userland chimes in to set the brightness, that trigger setting on the sysfs led device gets reset to "none".11:31
xdandroidNew kernel available (20110622_172548) at
emweoi, that was quick.11:32
jonprynew kernel11:33
jonpryemwe, i still don't understand. if you point me to the relevent code i can take a look11:33
emwejonpry: that's the problem. i can't show you anything really. /sys/class/leds/keyboard-backlight/trigger is an attribute which cat'ed shows all the led trigger names which were registered by all kernel components/drivers.11:35
emwelike this: [none] microp-keypad mmc0 mmc1 timer heartbeat sleep battery-charging-or-full battery-charging battery-full usb-online ac-online11:35
emweon boot it is: none [microp-keypad] ....11:35
emweand this one gets reset when userlands triggers the led brightness to 011:35
emweecho'ing "microp-keypad" into the trigger attribute again makes it function as desired. need to figure what resets this. can't grep a spot in userland doing so.11:36
emweperhaps it's a gingerbread thingy. doubt though.11:36
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smiley-yay.. the kovsky rebooted when I plugged the cable11:47
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emwesmiley-: with dex-isr patch still present or removed?11:49
emwewb GlemSom ;)11:49
GlemSomty... Off work now!; )11:49
GlemSomI've got your email..11:50
smiley-emwe: removed ;)11:50
arrrghhhyou can blame me for the spam GlemSom :P11:50
smiley-emwe: same kernel as I use on the RAPH11:50
GlemSomStill does not build though...11:51
emwesmiley-: aha.11:51
emweGlemSom: your Makefile itself or the kernel?11:51
smiley-emwe: which been stable atleast :)11:51
GlemSomemwe, I've sent you a patch earlier today... to a pastebin... ?11:51
emweyap, you did. in kernel they tore the two rules apart. did you too?11:52
GlemSomI needed to make an adjustment in two different places...11:52
emweplease note that i am no Makefile expert at all11:52
GlemSomOk, I needed to adjust around line 440 too11:52
GlemSomAnd the buildlog complains about line 443 in Makefile... So, guess that makes sense..11:53
emwei just did that one.11:53
emwei am just doing a "make all" and afterwards a "make modules_install" with the appropriate kernel args that is11:54
smiley-should an updated haret with the offset-setting be able to boot a 2.4MB big kernel=11:55
emwesmiley-: just try, if not increase the offset.11:55
arrrghhhrule of thumb smiley-11:55
arrrghhhfor .39 they just set the offset ridiculously high AFAIK11:55
smiley-hehe.. so the offset can be set randomly?11:55
smiley-oh yeah11:56
arrrghhhset initrd_offset 0x00a0000011:56
arrrghhhis what .39 users11:56
arrrghhhwhich is like 10mb i think?  lol11:56
emweGlemSom: what are you doing different to trigger that other build issue?11:56
GlemSomemwe, Well, oddly enough - if I do it by hand, it works as expected... :/11:56
smiley-and I thought the offset was some clever calculate memory address value ;)11:56
emweGlemSom: ok, in .35 they just separated these two rules like i did for the one @160x11:58
arrrghhhsmiley-, heh11:58
emweGlemSom: wan't me to push the other change as well?12:00
GlemSomNope, I still get "Makefile:443: *** mixed implicit and normal rules.  Stop.", when executing "make ARCH=arm htc_msm_android_defconfig"12:00
GlemSomnopy == yes12:00
GlemSomRetarded spellchecker..12:00
GlemSomWhat I wasnted to say is, my Make still fails line 443...12:01
GlemSomW A N T E D12:01
GlemSomOk, I gotta go grab something to eat soon... This is getting out of hand...12:01
jonprywho makes defconfig. cp arch/arm/config/htc_msm_android_config .config; make zImage, ftw12:01
emweGlemSom: ok, that command triggers it for me as well12:01
GlemSom--- Makefile.orig       2011-06-22 18:00:37.000000000 +020012:02
GlemSom+++ Makefile    2011-06-22 18:00:52.000000000 +020012:02
GlemSom@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@12:02
GlemSom include $(srctree)/arch/$(SRCARCH)/Makefile12:02
GlemSom export KBUILD_DEFCONFIG12:02
GlemSom-config %config: scripts_basic outputmakefile FORCE12:02
GlemSom+%config: scripts_basic outputmakefile FORCE12:02
GlemSom        $(Q)mkdir -p include/linux include/config12:02
GlemSom        $(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=scripts/kconfig $@12:02
GlemSomThis is needed afaik...12:02
GlemSomSo, what do you usually do... copy the default config to .config by hand?12:03
jonpryi haven't used make defconfig in years12:03
GlemSomWe had some documents retarding setting up your own development environment somewhere... Can anyone remember where... ? :/12:04
emweGlemSom: another change pushed.12:04
emwei use the make way.12:05
emwenever copying anything around except when updating the defconfig with .config for push12:05
D3tul3GlemSom: the only thing i've seen and this is probably outdated,
emwewhonder why my scripts don't trigger the make issue...12:05
GlemSomaha, facebook ftw...
GlemSomTo Compile the Kernel12:07
GlemSom* make ARCH=arm htc_msm_android_defconfig12:07
GlemSom* make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- zImage12:07
GlemSom* cp arch/arm/boot/zImage <your device's sd card>12:07
GlemSomAnd, that's basecly what I'm doing12:07
arrrghhhfacebook... useful?12:07
GlemSomarrrghhh, usually no.... ;)12:07
GlemSomBut, in this case - it seems...12:07
GlemSomThough, that actually belongs on xdandroid.com12:07
arrrghhhi didn't even realize XDAndroid had a facebook page.12:07
GlemSomarrrghhh, Ok - you're outdated dude! ;)12:07
arrrghhhyou'd think it already is... but i'm not sure we have directions on kernel compiling.12:07
GlemSomI gotta go... bb in like 30 minutes...12:08
arrrghhhGlemSom, well i could've told you that.  i haven't checked my facebook account in years :P12:08
GlemSom(btw, autobuildsystem is currently compiling!!)12:08
emweah good12:08
emwebon apetit then :)12:08
arrrghhhstinebd, i refuse to do support on facebook.12:08
arrrghhhholy shite12:09
D3tul3oh wow12:11
GlemSomstupid ass googlecode failing authentication again... will upload a little later... (ffs retarded google)12:13
xdandroidNew kernel available (20110622_180615) at
arrrghhhheh, love the comments.  "GlemSom how is this?"12:17
arrrghhhlooks guten to moi12:18
arrrghhhOo download link fail?12:18
smiley-nope.. this 2.6.35 kernel would not boot with 0x00a00000 offset :(12:18
arrrghhhsmiley-, you said you have the 'new' haret too yes?12:19
smiley-I hope so..  0.5.3-201012..12:19
smiley-it's cutoff ;)12:19
GlemSomUploading to googlecode now...12:20
GlemSomThere we go.... :D12:20
GlemSomlol, nice comment in the commit! ;)12:21
jonpry2.6.39 kernel is mucho better12:21
GlemSomI had to make the ugliest workaround ever... googlecode fails to authenticate in like 1 out of 10... So, I have to run my upload function in a loop till it succeeds (max of 50 times)... was 20 before...12:22
emwesmiley-: that is definitively not the latest one... 0.5.3-2011010... around here. that's the latest i compiled and sent to the list12:22
arrrghhhah i was still checking hehe12:22
emwesmiley-: try this please. that's the one i build a while ago.12:24
emweneed to update that sometime soon. haret moved to github and finally got some love to be compiled with a newer cegcc12:25
smiley-the xd-list or htc-linux-list?12:26
smiley-searching the archives12:26
D3tul3xdandroid-dev may 612:28
arrrghhhthere ya go12:28
arrrghhhmeeting time, bbl12:29
emweouch i dumbass... i forgot to post the link when saying "try this..."12:31
emwethx D3tul3.12:31
D3tul3no thank you, i've gotten some good use out of that binary12:31
emweplz don't be irritated by the file name... it's the latest git change date iirc.12:31
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smiley-haha :)12:33
smiley-thanks ;)12:33
smiley-ok.. must be something else then because it still freezes12:48
emwei knew why i reverted to make 3.81....12:51
emwebecause of that: *** glibc detected *** make: free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x00000000093ff6e0 ***12:51
emwecrashes on android build12:51
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D3tul3jonpry: you see anything wrong with the following time dd if=/dev/zero of=/data/trash bs=1M count=50 conv=fsync as a crude FS benchmark13:18
jonprynot really13:20
D3tul3do you mind running it on your looped build13:21
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jonpry18 seconds13:24
D3tul3via connectbot on my phone 11.5s, and i always get about a second better via adb13:25
jonprythats pretty good13:26
jonpryhow are you timing it?13:26
D3tul3before dd13:26
jonpryah, let me try that13:26
jonpry7.27 seconds on the second try13:27
jonprydefinitely wasn't that fast the first time13:27
D3tul3well damn, rm-ing /data/trash wouldn't make a difference would it13:28
jonprydo you have to add real and sys?13:28
jonpryi rm'd and got 7.94 real13:28
D3tul3that's stupid fast, i doubt our cards can write +10MB/sec13:29
jonprythey usually can for sequential writes13:30
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jonpryi'm getting ~15 writing to /sdcard13:30
jonpryso maybe fsync isn't syncing the loop13:30
jonpryits not possible that the loop is faster than the underlying device is it?13:31
D3tul3time dd if=/dev/zero of=/data/trash bs=1M count=50 && sync13:31
D3tul3since we do have a sync binary it seems13:31
D3tul3that seems reasonable13:32
D3tul3let me try that here13:33
jonpryfsync and sync are probably the same if you don't have loopback13:34
jonpry26.68 second try13:34
D3tul3stupid connectbot13:35
D3tul39.79sec w && symc13:36
jonpryso thats better13:36
jonpryjust not sure about partitioned e213:36
D3tul3next time rpierce is around13:37
D3tul3this apparently is much better than loop13:38
jonpryi just got a 1713:38
smiley-a broken/misconfigured/wrong initrd wouldnt cause haret to freeze on booting?    (still fighting to get 2.6.35 to boot ;-) )13:38
arrrghhhwhy not use initrd from the autobuild?13:39
jonprybad things can happen if the initrd overwrites the zimage13:39
D3tul3my next three 9.23/8.73/12.9913:39
D3tul3that last outlier is because the cleaner daemon engaged13:39
smiley-arrrghhh: that the one I use..   I just thought it might be a different one for 2.6.3513:40
D3tul3nice even with the cleaner daemon pegging the cpu it's writing much faster13:40
jonpryafaict haret always puts up the initrd first to avoid that problem13:40
arrrghhhsmiley-, huh.  not sure then :/.  i use autobuild initrd with .39...13:40
jonpryarrrghhh, it looks like skimike's setup is not loading the correct kernel13:42
smiley-ok..  very strange.. using same toolchain as for 27 which I have no problems with13:42
jonpryyeah can13:42
jonpryt do that13:42
jonpryneed at least 2010q1 to build 3513:43
jonpryi used to use android toolchain on 27. but it wouldn't work on 3513:43
smiley-q3 here13:44
smiley-even tried booting from the console:
jonprymaybe try 3913:45
smiley-it's on a kovsky ;)13:45
smiley-with alex kovsky branch of 2.6.3513:46
arrrghhhthat's not stable AFAIK13:46
smiley-should atleast boot ;)13:46
arrrghhhjonpry, why would skimike's setup not load the correct kernel?13:47
arrrghhhyou think it's a naming issue/startup.txt issue?13:47
smiley-well.. 2.6.27 works great apart from keys freezing.. I saw a commit message from alex that it might been fixed ;)13:47
smiley-allright..  no more playing now.. wife wonder why I'm at the computer so long ;)13:48
jonpryarrrghhh zimage in wrong directory, not copied. not sure. maybe md5 the image?13:48
arrrghhhheh.  alrighty, i'll pursue it.13:48
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emwesmiley-: pull ramconsole dump via haret/haretscripting13:52
emwe(in wince after a failed linux start)13:52
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arrrghhhlunchtime, cya guys later.14:01
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D3tul3rpierce99: you are on a partitioned ext2 build? for the sake of science :), do you mind running in a terminal dd if=/dev/zero of=/data/trash bs=1M count=50 conv=fsync14:55
D3tul3i mean "time dd if=/dev/zero of=/data/trash bs=1M count=50 conv=fsync"14:55
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arrrghhhD3tul3, why not have hyc run it?15:01
D3tul3he seems away atm15:02
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arrrghhhhyc, RE: that sound issue.  i am curious why you don't see it, while others do.  honestly it seems most that have said this issue occurs are on these lovely CDMA revisions..15:34
arrrghhhbut someone posted some thorough logs here if you're interested...15:34
D3tul3oh yeah, first call rang through, second call no ringtone15:44
arrrghhhit seems only CDMA users have complained tho15:45
arrrghhhobviously not a ton of people have used hyc's junk15:45
arrrghhhbut it seems all that have had this issue/experience, are CDMA devices...15:45
D3tul3any other builds out there with accoustic cooked in15:45
arrrghhhyou can cook it up yourself :P15:46
arrrghhhi guess i should cook up my own FRX0615:46
arrrghhhwith just the audio stuffs in it15:46
arrrghhhto see if that is the culprit or not... i would assume it is, but i guess it could be something else.15:47
arrrghhhproblem is, i'll still have to use hyc's kernels because there isn't a kernel (other than .39 now) that has the support.15:47
D3tul3hm, this accoustic business....i might be wrong about this but i think my battery life is worse off after i switched to an accoustic kernel/system15:49
D3tul3though I haven't quite been easy on my phone these days15:49
arrrghhhbattery life is such a odd thing to accurately gauge.  nearly impossible.15:54
arrrghhhjust way too many factors..15:55
arrrghhhdo you have scbs disabled?15:56
arrrghhhi know that causes additional drain.  some say it's minimal, others have claimed crippling drain with SCBS enabled.15:56
D3tul3i am pretty sure .39 is not in .3915:56
D3tul3scbs is not in .3915:56
arrrghhhoh right you're on .3915:56
arrrghhhyea, i don't think they've put SCBS into .3915:56
D3tul3don't know i shouldn't make proclamations on battery life based on a 2-day sample....15:57
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jonpryi've noticed the same thing16:00
arrrghhhjonpry swoops in to confirm16:00
arrrghhhthe new audio stuff is ridiculously chatty, as you pointed out jonpry... could that be a factor?16:00
jonprysometimes it does not turn off the speaker16:01
arrrghhhthat would definitely be an issue..16:01
jonpryat least i saw that once16:01
jonpryneed to get that autobuild fixed16:06
arrrghhhyea man... that sucks, and is very odd.16:07
arrrghhhi guess the modules still get generated even if a kernel fails to build?16:07
jonpryits possible16:07
arrrghhhi figured it would just be like GlemSom's site and say NONE, but perhaps he puts some error-checking in that if the build fails nothing gets uploaded...16:07
arrrghhhGlemSom, perhaps you can shed some light on this?16:08
jonprymaybe somebody can pull git and try to build. works for me16:08
jonprywistilts has that whole kernel pack generator that is still running16:08
arrrghhhi can try.  haven't built a kernel in ages.16:08
D3tul3jonpry: what do you do instead of defconfig16:11
arrrghhhhe said above, just pull the files and make16:12
arrrghhh<jonpry> who makes defconfig. cp arch/arm/config/htc_msm_android_config .config; make zImage, ftw16:12
jonpryon 39 we are using msm_defconfig16:13
D3tul3where do you specify the toolchain16:15
D3tul3i figure i need a CROSS_COMPILE= variable16:15
jonprymake ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/CodeSourcery2010q3/Sourcery_G++_Lite/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi- zImage -j916:16
GlemSomarrrghhh, Yes - if the system detects a failure in the compile, it will not continue to package the "broken" package... It will how-ever still upload data to the database (this includes buildlog)16:17
arrrghhhbut the download link is not avail... very cool.16:17
arrrghhhwistilt2 has his work cut out for him when he's back :P16:17
GlemSomarrrghhh, exactly - as I prefer not to submit a broken package16:18
GlemSomWhat about him ?16:18
arrrghhhyea, obviously.  but it's nice that you still get build logs so you can see "why"...16:18
arrrghhhhe's managing the autobuild for .39.  not quite as elegant as yours yet ;)16:18
GlemSomSweet! :)16:18
arrrghhhheh thought you knew.  we've been kanging ideas from your autobuild :P16:19
jonpryi like [acl]'s dir listing16:19
GlemSomNo, I don't even know where the repo is ?16:20
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GlemSomIs that Rhoduim only then ?16:20
jonpryfor now16:20
jonprytopaz would be super easy16:21
GlemSomCan I see his autobuild site please... ? :)16:21
jonpryshould be called brokenbuild atm16:21
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GlemSom:O He's working on 3.0.016:22
D3tul3jonpry: compiled 2.1MB16:22
GlemSomI see he's not building a clean build... hence the "dirty"... :P16:22
jonpryD3tul3, thats kind of what i figured16:22
GlemSomI wonder what he is using of out-of-git patches... ?16:23
jonpryi wrote most of it16:23
GlemSomWill that build contain WL1251 Wi-Fi drivers - and TI-wlan driver ?16:24
jonprybut don't understand the question16:24
jonprywifi is totally missing for non rhod/topaz16:24
jonpryi fought the bcm4325 battle. didn't mess with that tiwlan16:24
arrrghhhGlemSom, wifi doesn't quite work yet on .3916:24
GlemSomjonpry, "dirty" will happen if the source has changed since last "git pull"... meaning the source is NOT the same as in the git repo16:25
GlemSomThis will happen if you patch your source outsdide of GIT16:25
jonpryyeah there are some autogenerated files included in git so it turns itself into dirty during build16:25
GlemSomahh ok - fair enough... :)16:25
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jonprywifi works for me16:26
D3tul3requires some firmware yoga16:26
jonprynot sure what is going on with opw16:26
arrrghhhoh right i forget it works for you GSM fools.16:27
GlemSomarrrghhh, pfft...16:27
jonpryi think it works on cdma too16:27
arrrghhhi couldn't get it to work, even with the fw jonpry ...16:27
jonpryxofrats has 100% wrong firmware symptoms16:27
arrrghhhperhaps i was doing it wrong16:27
emweGlemSom: don't get distracted by those .39 bastards. can you setup a .35 autobuild? ;)16:28
D3tul3that firmware statement was a  question.....i'll look back at the logs when i get home and try if i can get wifi to work16:29
GlemSomemwe, Honestly I've been busy with other stuff - so I haven't quite kept myself up-to-date... What about modules for .35... wifi... tiwan... ?16:29
emweGlemSom: not cared yet. just kernel modules.16:29
jonpryis compcache on 27?16:29
emweGlemSom: alex would like to get wl12xx built.16:29
emweit should yeah16:30
emwebut i stopped building it here locally16:30
emweGlemSom: it's htc-msm-2.6.35 branch on linux-msm repo16:30
emweGlemSom: how much nerves would that cost you? (apart that the kernel wouldn't be usable without a released userland)16:30
jonpryD3tul3, a little yoga. it should scan without. at least eventually scan. sometimes takes 10 minutes16:31
emweGlemSom: it's not you need/must/should/whatever do this. just evaluating if it's an option having that handled on your autobuild service as well.16:31
arrrghhhone autobuild to rule them all?16:32
arrrghhhi didn't even think about that.16:32
emwewell, it's just another branch16:32
arrrghhhi noes16:32
arrrghhhso is .3916:32
emweno, that is another repository16:32
jonpryacl didn't do that because he needed system and rootfs autobuild16:32
GlemSomemwe, Well, I've done everything possible to make it quite flexible.. So.. In THEORY it should be quite easy....16:32
GlemSomBut, by time - this system has grown so much in complexity, I often have to re-read my code to fully understand what's going on... :/16:32
emweGlemSom: nice to know thanks. dunno if it's worth going for that right now. Perhaps non public ;)16:33
emwebut don't wanna push you into anything if your time doesn't permit.16:33
GlemSomOddly, cuz it's only about 1000 lines of code... :P16:33
GlemSomWell, and that's only the buildhost... then there's the webhost too...16:34
emwethat sounds i got you going ;)16:34
GlemSomWell, I might look at what it requires..16:35
GlemSomAt a later point - it would be nice if the buildhost could have it's own dedicated machine somewhere... And people besides me could administrate it...16:36
jonpryi'm going to setup a rhodium to build 3916:37
arrrghhhit'll take days16:37
GlemSomAt some point - some other dude was running a autobuildservice... who was that again... ?16:37
jonpryan hour at most16:38
arrrghhhi think16:38
arrrghhhhe was running an autobuild without debugging stuffs?16:38
GlemSomhehe yeah - something like that...16:38
arrrghhhnot sure if it's even still getting updates...16:38
GlemSom(though, shortly after he released it - i removed debugsymbols too... and I guess it kinda died?)16:39
arrrghhhno one talks about it16:39
arrrghhhyours is the only autobuild as far as i'm concerned ;)16:39
arrrghhhfor .27 :P16:39
GlemSomWasent it call balsat...16:40
arrrghhhbasalt or smth16:40
arrrghhhredirects to another page now.  i'd say they're not in use anymore ;)16:42
arrrghhhseems he's making an ADB browser.16:42
emwex10i sounds like he's moved on :)16:43
GlemSomOhh crap... I forgot... I have an early meeting tomorow... I gotta get some sleep... 6 hours is still better then nothing! :D c ya16:44
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arrrghhhtoo slow16:44
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jonpryit seems all so clear now16:51
jonprydebian chroot under xdandroid on nilfs2 just has to be done16:51
arrrghhhstock FRX06 sucks.  who let this crap out the door?16:52
* arrrghhh runs16:53
arrrghhhlol seriously, my phone just reboots after a little bit of uptime on stock FRX06... wow.16:57
jonpryD3tul3, so you just set p2 and p3 to nilfs2, doesn't use p4?16:58
arrrghhhp2 is rootfs17:05
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emweoh damnit. i screwed my gb build ... can't instantiate TelephonyProvider17:13
emwethis somehow sounds known to me.... we had that before iirc17:13
arrrghhhdoesn't sound familiar, but i don't really know what's going on anymore.17:14
jonpryD3tul3 what options do you use when starting cleanerd?17:51
arrrghhhquittin time, cya guys.17:55
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hycemwe: yes, I tweaked some stuff in userland to separate auto-bl from keyboard backlight18:10
hycdidn't get it to the final state I wanted, but that's because the light sensor isn't implemented18:11
emwehyc: thx. had some strange behaviour and figured the overlay config.xml wasn't up to date here...18:11
emweand now my build is screwed....18:11
emwei repo synced earlier. that was not good.18:12
hycbummer. yeah, with the existing code, auto-bl would just keep kbd light always on or something.18:12
emweswitching to auto-bl turned it off on gb.18:13
emwewith your overlay fix all is fine18:13
emwealso took your laston stuff from micop-ksc18:14
emwethis is becomimg interessting. making microp stuff more modular but having to track en-dis bits in one place.18:15
emweso why is that TelephonyProvider not instantiating. i think we had that once on gb18:15
jonpryanyone have trouble with the tethering rndis on linux?18:16
emwewhonder if i ever tried. dunno.18:17
jonprythe interface is up on the phone. but i get stuff like rndis_host 1-1.3:1.0: RNDIS init failed, -3218:17
jonpryon pc18:17
jonprymass storage and adb are fine18:18
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hyc.27 works fine18:25
hycdid you configure rndis to be wince-compatible?18:25
Detulejonpry, 60sec protection, 70% min 80% max on 1.5gb partition for /data18:26
Detulep2 is 1MB anything, p3 nilfs2 /system, p4 nilfs2 /data18:26
jonpryi didn't do anything to configure rndis18:26
Detulethe cleanerd is not running on p318:26
jonprydo you just run it from init?18:26
hycjonpry: in kernel config it can be "standard" or "windows compatible"18:27
hycactually as I recall, both work fine with Linux18:27
jonpryi got my nilfs2 started up. just trying to get networking for stage 2 chroot install18:27
Detuleyeah put it in xbin ./system/xbin/nilfs_cleanerd /dev/block/mmcblk0p318:27
Detulethat's assuming that .conf is in /etc18:27
hycwince works with Windows without additional drivers18:27
jonprythe regular rndis usb device will work, but as part of the composite it is not18:27
emweoh, late....  gtg.18:28
Detulegotta go too18:29
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Serrenhyc: i saw your post over on ppc and that log, did you notice that there was no ro.config.ringtone=ringer.ogg?  could that cause issues with ringtones?18:39
hyclike I said, I don't know anything about that18:46
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stinebdthe golfball sized welts on my feet are starting to shrink a little18:53
stinebdbut also burn like hell18:53
stinebdyeah i'm all hopped up on benadryl18:54
stinebdit was sick last night, i thought i was gonna have to go to the er18:55
stinebdwould've been the first test of obama's death panels for uninsured losers18:55
arrrghhhwhat did you do!?!?18:56
stinebdi was sitting on my patio last night and apparently i disturbed some spider nest or something18:56
stinebdgot bit up like crazy18:56
stinebdhad a severe allergic or poison reaction18:56
stinebdcraziest thing i've ever seen18:57
arrrghhhsounds like it18:57
stinebddidn't hurt though18:57
stinebdnow it feels like bad sunburn18:57
arrrghhhmy gf keeps complaining about spider bites all over, evidently they don't like me cuz i never get bit.18:57
stinebdi get bit by spiders literally constantly but i've never had a reaction like that18:57
arrrghhhmy blood must not be sweet18:57
stinebdneedless to say, i was very disappointed when i woke up18:58
stinebdbecause my natural eyesight had not improved, my physique is still disgustingly slim, and i can't shoot webs at people18:58
arrrghhhmust've been one of those 'normal' spiders that bit you18:59
stinebdnothing normal about that18:59
arrrghhhobviously not enough radioactive material around your neighboorhood18:59
stinebdgood point18:59
stinebdi shall go to fukushima and try again18:59
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jonpryhrm, i can't dns to work19:21
jonprysetprop net.dns1
jonpry# ping google.com19:21
jonpryping: bad address ''19:21
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jonpryhey Detule20:26
Detulehey jonpry20:26
jonpryi'm not sure that i have cleanerd running properly20:27
jonprymy debian chroot is 2GB and counting20:27
Detulewhich binary are you using20:27
arrrghhhthat's a feature jonpry :P20:27
jonpryi suppose it doesn't even matter. i can probably do aptitude install nilfs-tools20:28
Detuleoh not on your phone20:28
jonpryon the phone20:29
Detuleoh chroot20:29
Detulehm do you see it in ps20:29
Detuleat least on the phone i see it in ps20:29
jonpryi launched 3 of them and only see 220:29
Detuleif you set 0 for min_clean they should continuously clean, but you probably know this already20:30
Detuledo lscp20:30
Detulethat should show you your checkpoints20:30
jonpryi didn't set anything. just did cleanerd /dev/block/mmcblk0p620:30
Detuleyou need a nilfs_cleanerd.conf file in /etc20:30
Detulethat's where it pulls settings from or nilfs_cleanerd -c conf_file partition20:31
arrrghhhoh logical partitions.  der.20:31
arrrghhhi was thinking you couldn't have that many partitions :P20:31
jonprychroot is much faster on nilfs20:37
Detuledid you find that conf file20:39
jonpryhowever my reverse tethering over telnet is not reliable enough20:39
jonprynot yet. trying to come up with a new plan for internet20:40
Detulei just found use for recovering files from an earlier checkpoint today20:40
Detule(after i deleted some wifi modules that i ended up needing)20:40
jonprysounds promising20:41
Detuleyeah being able to mount the partition the way it looked a few hours ago is pretty damn cool20:41
Detuletoo bad there's no way to rollback automatically, you can only mount it ro20:41
jonprydoesn't megasloth have something like that with shadow copies?20:41
arrrghhhwhat did you just call me20:42
Detuleyou lost me there20:42
Detuleoh, perhaps, but in nilfs it comes for free20:44
arrrghhhmegasloth lol20:45
Detulethose should be the 2.0.23 nilfs tools static binaries compiled with q320:45
Detulelscp partition lets you see the checkpoints on the partition20:46
Detuleyou should have a million the way you've been writing to it it sounds20:46
jonpryFRX07 will probably come with a full debian chroot20:47
jonprythat's what is taking so long20:47
arrrghhhjonpry, that dude with haret/.39 issues responded20:48
arrrghhhevidently he's not getting a double vibe...20:48
arrrghhhhe gets the loading bar, a black screen, single vibe & it's rebooting.20:48
jonpryyeah. just single vibe is the AMSS20:48
arrrghhhhow could a user F that up?20:49
jonpryit looks as though he got part of a wince dmesg20:49
jonpryso like maybe he has a funky radio20:50
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arrrghhhdo you want to reply to the post?20:50
jonpryif he did it right20:50
jonpryi can't :)20:50
arrrghhhi'd just be poorly relaying what you've told me20:50
arrrghhhat all?20:51
arrrghhhyou can have 15 of my posts20:51
arrrghhhi have a few to spare...20:51
arrrghhhi noticed my postcount the other day20:51
jonprywe should move the 39 thread to off topic20:51
arrrghhhmost are proud of that, kinda makes me sad :P20:51
jonpryi hear ya20:52
jonpryfor a while i was trying for the best points to post ratio20:52
jonprybut that only works if you post to dead threads20:53
Serrenarrrghhh, thanks for pointing some irc attention at that ringer thread at ppcg.20:53
arrrghhhi'm not a monster20:54
arrrghhhjust a dick20:54
Serreni added the ringer line into my build.prop but still no ringing. its odd that it is missing though.20:54
Serrena monster dick?  lol...20:55
arrrghhhyou're CDMA as well...?20:55
arrrghhhlol don't go there...20:55
Serrenyep, sprint.20:55
arrrghhhi wonder why this would be a uniquely CDMA issue20:55
arrrghhhother than CDMA seems to have a lot of unique issues.20:56
Serreni have a few things im going to try later regarding paths and such.20:56
arrrghhhjonpry, seriously tho dude.  just respond to some dumb posts about how you like something or this sucks or whatever20:56
arrrghhhpad that postcount20:56
jonpryyeah i've been doing that20:56
jonprybut they only let me post so much per hour20:56
arrrghhhhow many posts do you need to post in a dev section?20:56
arrrghhhi thought it was 10...20:57
jonpryit is20:57
Serreni noticed the media folders are dif. on hycs build, like not there. ill post in here later.20:57
hycwhat media folders?20:57
Serrenwith my results.20:57
arrrghhhSerren, that doesn't explain why the ringtone works at first...20:57
hycyeah, the media scanner found the files already otherwise they wouldn't be in the menu20:57
jonpryDetule,lscp: /mnt/dev/block/mmcblk0p3: cannot open NILFS20:57
Serrenyour build just has notifications20:57
hycDetails man. full pathnames.20:58
hyctell me something useful.20:58
Serrennot ringers. there was a path in that ppcg thread20:58
Detulejonpry: install from apt-get just to rull out the binary, i am using 2.0.21 on my phone......haven't seen that error20:59
hycnope. don't see any path20:59
Serrensorry,  im on my rhod400 via yaaic app. ill post more later. sorry.20:59
Detuleby the way i think if you don't specify a conf file20:59
Detuleit automatically creates one in /etc with a protection period set for an hour20:59
jonpryDetule, that is from apt-get20:59
Detuleso if you are running your partition for less than an hour it won't be deleting any checkpoints21:00
Serrenhyc: it was in the code section21:00
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arrrghhhSerren, i don't remember any paths either...21:00
Detuledo you see any nilfs in dmesg21:01
Detulei usually invoke with lscp /dev/block/mmcblk0p?21:04
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jonpryi see pppd failing to malloc sometimes21:04
Detuleno /mnt, don't know if that would make a difference21:04
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Detulehyc: if you have time and 50mb on /data to spare, could you run "time dd if=/dev/zero of=/data/trash bs=1M count=50 conv=fsync" when you get a chance21:09
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Detulefamily time21:22
hycDetule: with android running? or single user?21:27
arrrghhhi think he was doing it with Android running..21:28
hycreal 29.55s21:28
hycuser 0.61s sys 1.61s21:28
hyc32.93s on 2nd try21:29
hycand my /data is almost full21:30
hyc29.06s after deleting /data/trash again21:31
jonpryouch. is that on a partitioned build?21:33
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hycit is definitely not fast21:36
hycnowhere near 4MB/sec21:36
hychm. using /sdcard/trash got 16.58s21:38
jonpryi got 44s on ext2 loop and 14 sec using nilfs on the same card21:38
hycand now 13.91s reqriting the same file21:39
serrenhyc: here is that path mentioned in the ppcg thread "06-22 11:51:56.090 D/Ringer ( 24: creating ringtone: content://settings/system/ringtone"21:39
hycso that's over 3MB/sec, nearly 421:39
hycserren: that is a URL, not a file path21:39
hycand it's a URL that only is meaningful to the Android runtime21:39
hycit bears no relation to actual file pathnames21:40
hycnow I remember why I don't offer support for my build21:40
arrrghhhi would like to know what is causing it21:40
serrenyeah yeah....21:40
hyc12.92s after deleting /sdcard/trash and rerunning21:41
hycthat's more like it. I think the problem with using /data is that it's already 75% full21:42
hycand ext2fs, like most unix filesystems, slows down as it gets full21:42
hycadding 50MB to it puts it at 96% for me, which is major bad news21:42
serrenhey, i fixed my ringer!21:43
hycBSD won't even let non-root users write past 90%21:43
arrrghhh"also my friend said he already have frx07 fully working with all xda updates, ril, mms, audio, bt, etc.... but I will beleave it when I see it. And if this true I'm not going to release this build (frx07). Cuz i respect stinbd"21:44
serrenbut i dont support my fix...  but its a ringing!21:44
arrrghhhlol hyc he obviously has a "friend" that found your site...21:44
hyctime to take it offline I guess21:45
arrrghhheh, you knew that was going to happen.21:45
hycyeah, just a matter of time21:45
jonpryis that
hycchmod'd 00021:45
arrrghhhyea i'm trying to get a laugh jonpry21:45
arrrghhhit's not really funny anymore.21:45
jonpryi saw your posts21:46
stinebddd-wrt is wicked for a hotspot21:46
arrrghhhdd-wrt is the shit21:46
stinebdgot it hooked up to some hotspot service and opendns for filtering, with a schedule to turn off internet access after hours21:46
stinebdreal nice21:47
jonpryi need to get some better internet to get this autobuild up21:47
serrenim just comfirming the ringer fix before i explain how to do it. give me another minute.21:49
hyc59 .. 58 .. 57 ..21:52
serren:-)  wise guy!21:54
serrenok, here is how to get the ringer to ring. Its nothing fancy, but somehow a bunch of us could not figure it out. probably because were noobs.21:55
serrenfirst you have to have a mp3 on your phone, where the Music player can find it21:56
arrrghhhi might be a noob, but i only agree with someone above me in the pecking order calls me one.21:56
arrrghhher yea..21:56
arrrghhhserren, you're not going to say play something21:57
arrrghhhand then it'll work21:57
arrrghhhcuz someone else said that already21:57
arrrghhhand i don't see how that's a 'solution'.21:57
serrenthen from the recently added list, you can long press and "use as phone ringer" it just works after that21:57
arrrghhhserren, that's not a fix.21:58
serrenive just jumped from ringer to ringer on 3 mp3 and the phone now rings21:58
arrrghhhk.  enjoy.21:58
serrenbefore it was vibrate only, now its ringing "big pimping"21:58
serrenthat is a fix.21:59
arrrghhhuh huh21:59
serrenso something must be wrong with the included ogg ringers i guess.22:00
jonprywhat phone is this?22:01
serrenusing whats his names files that are unsupported.22:01
jonpryno ringer with acoustic?22:01
serrennot built in...22:02
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serrenonly mp3's as far as I can tell22:02
jonpryi think your high22:03
arrrghhhi know i am22:04
jonprythats ok and all22:04
jonpryjust ogg has nothing to do with it22:04
hyceh, possibly playback sample rate22:04
hycthe rigners work fine for me22:05
jonpryfirst you need a dmesg from the wake and absence of ring. i'd bet money it looks like it played but speaker amp never got turned on22:05
hycbut we also know that some clocks are different between rhod210 and rhod40022:05
hycthe logs posted in ppcg were a bit strange. radio log stopped before the actual ring event in the system log22:06
hycand without my fixed dmesg there's no easy way to correlate the kernel log with the system log22:06
serrenill break my ringer and run the fixed dmesg22:08
arrrghhhdid rpierce99 still not update?22:08
arrrghhhi saw some logs posted on wifi that had no timestamps in the dmesg.22:09
arrrghhhand the logcat didn't seem to correspond to the dmesg at all.  at least there was a lot more on the dmesg, and very little of the logcat...22:09
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hycI've attached the dmesg binary to my ppcg post22:12
arrrghhhi noes22:12
serrenwell i tried to rebreak my ringer, but it seems to be fixed for good. but i do get a google services framework (process error when a call comes in22:13
serrenthis was on mps and ogg22:13
arrrghhhbangup job22:13
serrennoob hacking and blue moon! what can i say.22:14
hycsounds like something flaky in the data.img22:14
arrrghhhhacking?  lol22:14
serrenok. ill rebuild from scratch and see what happens22:14
hycif you had the bug before, then it should also be there on a fresh data.img22:15
hycdunno. I haven't rebuilt /data since ... several months ago on my phone22:16
serrenok, ill just rename then. im tried your current and prior zimage and kernel and saw no difference on this issue. do you have a pref. which way I should go now?22:16
jonpryyou should try 3922:16
arrrghhhzImage and kernel huh22:16
arrrghhhsounds fancy22:17
serrenrename data.img that is..22:17
arrrghhhhrm.  found a sandisk card, so far random write perf is the same.  paltry.22:17
hycmy 1335 kernel is better than 1333 if that's what you're asking22:20
hycbut none of the audio code has changed22:20
serrenyes. thanks22:20
hycyour dmesg shows a lot of crashes in tty_ldisc still22:22
hycI would expect those to disappear with the 1335 kernel22:22
hycreally need to see all 3 logs to find out why tty_ldisc is still an issue22:24
serrenhow do I kill or rename my old data.img on a part. build?22:24
hycyou don't22:24
hycyou can backup the partition to a file if you want to save it22:24
hycand then mkfs on the partition to wipe it out22:24
arrrghhhi almost forgot about the saga22:24
serreni dont need to save it. I just want a clean build22:24
arrrghhhmkfs it then22:25
serrenok, ill  mkfs then.22:25
arrrghhhyet another reason you probably shouldn't be running a partitioned build...22:25
arrrghhhall that work and explaining, and it seems you still don't grasp how it works..22:25
serreni want to be cool like hyc!22:25
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