Tuesday, 2011-06-21

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arrrghhhjonpry, so what's up with the archives of .39?00:10
arrrghhhit seems with the new acoustic changes those might be suddenly more relevant...00:10
jonpryi dunno. wistilt2 is going to be mia for a bit00:10
jonpryhe said a couple of weeks00:11
arrrghhhoh well00:11
arrrghhhpigs can deal.00:11
jonpryi'm convinced the bluetooth command being run when i turn it on is not the same thing i get from cat init.rc | grep hciattach -A300:12
jonpryor download the repo00:12
jonpryhow could that be possible?00:14
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jonprynm not happening00:19
Xofratstry a log to file?00:19
jonpryso the first bug is that bluedroid does not ever set ctl.stop on hciattach if it fails00:22
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arrrghhhbzo, wassup00:48
bzohi arrrghhh00:48
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jonpryi'm starting to think its a matter of permissions00:52
bzojonpry: you have replicated all the fixes from jb's tree?00:54
jonpryits definitely something with permissions00:54
bzouserland too?00:54
jonprywell i am using a system and rootfs that support bt on 2700:54
bzouserland must be ok then00:55
arrrghhhg2g guys, cya00:55
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jonpryso if i run patchram from command line as root. then kthread [hci0] comes up00:56
jonprywhich i'm pretty sure is what bluedroid is waiting for00:57
jonprybut if i run it through ctl.start as user bluetooth the interface never comes up00:57
jonpryso i changed hciattach to run as root, which gets me an [hci0]. but nada else00:57
jonprystill times out in bluedroid. but i am not able to change permissions on bluedroid, so it probably cannot open the socket00:59
jonprymaybe suid :p00:59
bzodoes .27 not have security on the devices or something?01:00
jonprythere is something called android_paranoid_network but i think that works in the opposite way01:00
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smiley-hyc: 1d and no pppd kernel crash..  :)03:14
smiley-emwe: after the reboot yesterday it's sunning stable so far03:14
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emwesmiley-: my raph100 with stock .27 kernel and SIM too03:32
emwei can't replicate any freezes/SODs03:32
emwethis is with the cable plug notification isr in place. nothing reverted03:32
emwebut there's a lot of SOD reports in the autobuild comments.03:33
emwei whonder if it has to do with the toolchain used to compile the kernels. dunno which one glemsom uses.03:33
emwei doubt it's userland03:33
smiley-hmm.. I think it says in the log03:33
emwei am building frx06 from git myself03:33
smiley-I used the 2010-q3 blahblah03:33
smiley-I'm on gingerbrean from git03:34
emwenothing in the logs03:35
emwe(build logs)03:35
emwealso using 2010q3 for kernel03:35
smiley-it says03:36
smiley-make -C /home/mythtv/android/autobuild.next/repos/linux-msm M=`pwd` ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- modules03:36
smiley-at one place03:36
smiley-for tiwlan03:36
smiley-but that pppd error I got was also unusal according to hyc03:37
smiley-happend both on the RAPH and the Kovsky03:37
smiley-(same SIM-card)03:37
emweyeah, but that build line doesn't indicate which version of the codesourcery toolchain it is ;)03:40
emwei am still cluless why it works for me....03:41
smiley-nope :(03:41
smiley-different revisions of the phone?03:41
emwedunno. seems mostly all 5225 based devices are nitpicker. at least the ones from the "others".03:41
emweraph, black, diam, kovs03:42
smiley-just let me know if you want me to run some checks or tryout a patch or something.. I'm here 24/7 ;)03:45
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hycheya emwe05:18
hycso the libaudio stuff I built is from JB's froyo branch05:18
hyclast update to that is May 2205:18
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hyche's got a bit more in his froyo-acoustic-dev branch05:18
hychas annyone tried that stuff yet?05:18
hyclast update there is June 105:19
emwehyc: yeah, there's a regression. stick to what you've got i'd say05:20
emwei also reverted. can't recall what rev i worked on.05:20
emweit has earphone audio routing issue on topa at least.05:20
hycthis is userland not kernel issue right?05:20
emwegot up rhod acoustic on .35 just yesterday. all fine yet.05:20
emwethis is userland05:20
emwereverting userland back to where i was (dunno commit'ish offhand) fixed the earphone routing again05:21
emweneed to fix some microp stuff regarding acoustic... or rather the audio processor chip mangement.05:21
emwedraining power a lot05:21
emweaccording to jonpry the chips are controlled via microp. i stubbed that. still working though.05:22
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emweso, now please tell me why every device SODs and my three here don't....05:23
hycheh. I haven't had any SODs in a long time05:23
emwebut you said you reverted the DEX ISR, right?05:24
emwethat's the one i am talking about...05:24
hycdunno what's the story with that spontaneous reboot. happened twice, nothing incriminating in the SYSTEM_LAST_KMSG05:24
hycactually no, I haven't reverted it yet05:24
hycwas going to try it, got lazy05:24
emwei only cuold reprodude freezes with that DEX ISR before my patch.05:24
emweone could even plug cable and it would be shown in log. just no screen turning on again05:25
emwe(no adb functionality though)05:25
emwebut dumping ramconsole via haret showed it then.05:25
smiley-for me it rebooted when plugging the cable05:25
emweperhaps it's a deadlock waiting for a htc-batt-smem mutex_lock?05:25
emweman.. this nags me. will try to contact glemsom asking about his toolchain05:26
smiley-before it did recompile with the patch reverted05:26
smiley-it?  I .)05:26
emwesmiley-: btw, raph still fine here since 12 hours and SIM05:26
smiley-I used same toolchain on the kernel that give me SODs05:26
smiley-yeah ;)05:27
smiley-one reboot since then.. but that was something with the SD-card according to the logs05:27
emweah no... even longer up. since we talked yesterday afternoon05:27
smiley-about 13hr uptime now05:27
smiley-and I did use it alot on the train to work05:28
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smiley-found a http://tinyurl.com/6zbwbd6 SD-card.. lets hope it works in the RAPH10007:02
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emwesmiley-: just got a SOD while walking home from work.10:24
emweraph that is.10:24
emweso i am gonna revert it looks.10:25
emwewe need to figure this later it seems.10:25
emwebut battery was also empty. winmo shows 5%10:28
emwethat seems be like what i had observed earlier.10:28
emweissue on lower battery10:28
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smiley-still running here10:40
smiley-about 18 hours or so10:41
smiley-it was down to almost 0%10:41
smiley-what did last_kmsg say?10:42
smiley-so you wasnt hit by the pppd bug10:42
smiley-or well.. when pppd diconnsct..  I have that patch compiled10:43
smiley-without that it would die alot for me10:43
emwehm. no. it wasn#t anything smd/ppp related. couldn't see something10:46
emweif that would fail it would be visible in dmesg, right?10:47
smiley-kernel panic :)10:47
emweok then it was likely not that. no, nothing like that10:47
emwei could also plug the usb cable and see it in ramconsole dump10:48
smiley-like that10:48
emweno, never saw that one.10:48
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emwesmiley-: if you see something... https://gist.github.com/103801810:54
emwethe only strange thing is: [ 4711.193511] Freezing of user space  aborted10:56
emwe[ 4711.199920]  Smack Packet Ha10:56
emwei've reverted the patch and pushed.10:56
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smiley-booting on the new SD-card13:31
smiley-but up until this reboot it was running stable for almost 24h13:31
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JaHuI have problem with my Xdandroid on my HTC Touch Pro 214:54
arrrghhhask away14:55
JaHuI have haret.exe in FRX06 folder on my card14:55
JaHuwhen i go to the setting he's crashing14:55
JaHuhe is blocking everything14:56
JaHusorry for my poor English14:56
JaHuO, another problem14:56
arrrghhhhe is blocking everything14:56
JaHutouch, keys - nothing is working14:57
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arrrghhhso it boots?14:57
JaHuto reset i must remove battery14:57
arrrghhhyou see flying text, boot animation (flying androids) and then the lock screen?14:57
arrrghhhdid you grab a ts-calibration file and startup.txt for your device?14:58
JaHunow i have only black screen, orange led is turned on14:58
arrrghhhanswer my questions please14:58
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JaHuI start from the begining14:59
JaHuI'm turning on my TP214:59
JaHu(i have installed DualBoot by Gen. Y)15:00
JaHuok I see screen of DualBoot15:00
JaHuI choose Android15:00
arrrghhhi don't care about that15:00
arrrghhhjust answer my questions15:00
arrrghhhdid you grab the ts-calibration file15:01
JaHuI put it (exracted) where I have haret.exe15:01
arrrghhhso i guess finish your tale of doom and gloom15:02
arrrghhhi don't really care about Gen.Y either15:02
arrrghhhso you run haret.exe15:02
arrrghhhthen what15:02
JaHuI run it15:02
JaHunow I have screen od Android - unlock screen15:03
arrrghhhwhat device do you have?  RHODXXX?15:03
arrrghhhI guess RHODXX015:03
arrrghhhi'm going with RHOD10015:03
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JaHu_Sorry, I have problem with IRC15:04
arrrghhhwhat device do you have?  RHODXXX?15:05
JaHu_I I turned on the menu now and he fails...15:05
JaHu_touch doesn't work now15:06
arrrghhhRHOD100 damnit.15:06
arrrghhhi hate that device15:06
arrrghhhjust stick to WinMo I guess15:06
arrrghhhi don't really know what's wrong15:06
JaHu_on the first boot I have a popup15:07
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JaHu_I don't remember what was on it15:07
JaHu_on of the buttons were 'force close' - something like that15:08
arrrghhhstick to WinMo15:08
arrrghhhi hear the phone was designed for it15:08
JaHu_can You help me with that?15:09
arrrghhhi don't know what the issue is15:09
arrrghhhi suggest you use Windows Mobile15:09
arrrghhhshould work well for you15:09
JaHu_May I reinstall it?15:09
arrrghhhtouch should work, buttons should work.15:09
arrrghhhno fuss15:09
JaHu_but this is working on the start. I wait ~20 sec and then crashes15:10
JaHu_So, any solution?15:12
JaHu_Oh, ok15:12
JaHu_However thanks15:12
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jonpryarrrghhh, can you still reproduce this user.conf stuff with the acoustic kernel and stock hyc stuff?16:08
arrrghhhhrm let me see16:09
arrrghhhyea, the FSCK files are still there.16:09
arrrghhhalso, i did a fresh boot and i have less than 1mb of RAM16:09
arrrghhhsystem_server says it's taking 211mb.  great.16:10
arrrghhhmaybe i read that wrong16:12
arrrghhhbut 120% of my memory to one process seems like a receipe for diaster.16:12
jonpryi wonder what it is on 2716:12
arrrghhhi can do that16:12
arrrghhhbeen meaning to give the newest autobuild a spin anyways.16:12
jonpryits a recipe for kswapd, which means slow slow slow16:12
arrrghhhdo we use swap?  i didn't think it was enabled.16:13
jonpryi think out bluetooth problems are one in the same with this user.conf16:13
Detuledamn my power button doesn't work again....and i can't get a log, great16:13
jonpryoh yeah we have swap. else 130% would have blow up a long time ago16:13
arrrghhhlol that's what i thought16:14
arrrghhhwhere does it swap to?16:14
jonprya file in /data16:14
arrrghhhyea that probably doesn't help.16:14
jonpryshould be able to run swapon -s16:14
arrrghhhalthough it's obviously necessary with a device that has such little RAM16:14
jonpryDetule, pretty sure that is bluetooth16:15
jonpryi was going to commit something to autobuild that has it turned off since it doesn't work anyways16:16
arrrghhhalrighty fresh boot of .27, let's lookie top16:18
arrrghhhsystem_server is using 128%16:18
arrrghhhwoah, almost 150% now16:18
jonprywhat is your cached memory?16:19
arrrghhhyea dropped back to ~120%16:19
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jonprythats like double the 39 amount16:19
arrrghhhgood lord windows, you make such a mess of ncurses.16:20
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arrrghhhfishingmedic, welcome ;)16:23
fishingmediclmao thanks16:23
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arrrghhhi'd say most people use a dedicated client.  stine just wanted to cut down on the traffic of clueless peoples.16:24
arrrghhhwhich they somehow still find a way here, it's just not as easy :P16:24
fishingmedicI understand completely, don't blame him16:24
fishingmedicyou get enough garbage in the threads, keep it away from here16:25
arrrghhhas you saw, it doesn't eliminate it.16:25
arrrghhhi felt bad for that dude, i just couldn't help him with that language barrier.16:25
fishingmedicnah, you did what you could, but man I had a good laugh at that16:25
arrrghhhjonpry, might've been first boot crap.  i'm below 40mb on cache now.16:27
arrrghhhwhew that insta-plug notification is nice.16:28
arrrghhhi heard it may still be causing SoD's tho...?16:28
emwearrrghhh: latest autobuild should have it disabled again16:31
emwecould finally reproduce with the raph here after 20 hours or so16:31
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arrrghhhi was gonna say16:32
emweautobuild lags16:32
emweso yeah..16:32
arrrghhhlatest commit says it's in thar16:32
emwepushed the reverting commit...16:32
emwebut hasn't caught up16:32
emwesome hours ago16:32
arrrghhhGlemSom said it checks every 600 sec16:33
arrrghhhdamnit, i like the insta-plug poop.16:33
emweyeah. finally managed to reproduce the sod ;)16:33
arrrghhhfix it!  :P16:33
emwenot seen on topa and rhod.16:34
emweno idea how.. except doing mass testing with some kernel debugging perhaps16:34
arrrghhhall these devices to support16:34
arrrghhhit's insanity16:34
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jonpryfeel free to try 3.0 kernel 5b416dc whenever it posts. done without phone in hand so could be pretty bad. but is a upgrade to rc4 and import of all fixes to 39 so far16:43
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arrrghhhso 3.0 has the new acoustic magic?16:46
arrrghhhwoah i thought you had rc3 of 3.0 out16:47
arrrghhhthe 'newest' says it's rc2...16:47
jonprythe rc1 branch has rc4 code in it16:49
jonpryoriginally i was going to make a branch for all the new rc's but it fell apart16:49
jonpryand yes acoustic magic16:49
arrrghhhok thx16:50
jonpryas of rc3 it was not stable though. hopefully that has changed16:50
arrrghhhnew kernel up.16:50
jonpryarrrghhh maybe you run swapon -s on 27 to see how much swap space ended up being used?17:00
arrrghhhimma boot 3.0 first17:00
arrrghhhso jonpry why no phone?17:00
jonprygirlfriend dropped hers in the ocean17:01
arrrghhhi see17:01
arrrghhhthat 3.0 kernel is only a modules file?17:01
arrrghhh251 bytes is the size of the .zip...17:02
arrrghhhi'll try that swapon on .27 while you sort that out :P17:02
jonprymust have built well17:02
arrrghhhtoo well17:02
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jonprywithout the build log not sure what i can do about it17:06
arrrghhhi probably shouldn't have published the autobuild until all that stuff was sorted out.  build logs, archives, commits...17:06
jonprynah its cool17:07
arrrghhhswapon -s says valid option -- s17:07
jonpryusual place zimage_3017:07
jonprywhat kind of options will it take?17:07
arrrghhh-a and -p17:08
arrrghhhstart swapping and device priority17:08
emwejonpry: ever had issues with led_triggers not being triggered, nameliy their cat'ed trigger attribute in sysfs shows none allthough it's set in the code to something else?17:08
emweecho'ing the corrent trigger name into the attribute makes execing led_trigger_event() work as expected...17:09
jonpryis that for the new userland led control?17:09
emweit's for clamshell open/close17:10
emwejust toying together what alex came up with17:10
emwemicrop-keypad fires of a named trigger event.17:10
jonpryarrrghhh, cat /proc/swaps17:10
emwethat trigger name can be set on the backlight led_classdev.. but after boot the trigger is none...17:10
arrrghhhjonpry, ... pretty much empty 1 sec17:10
jonpryemwe i had trouble with the function prototype for attributes being different on 27 and 3917:11
jonprywhich caused all manner of strangeness17:12
emweit's a led core handled thingy, so i doubt there's sth wrong.17:12
arrrghhhsorry.  i'm confused.17:12
arrrghhhit's just... empty.17:12
jonpryi guess that needs to be checked in 39 as well17:13
jonpryi wonder how kswapd can caused trouble if there is no swap17:14
jonprymaybe mmap page faults are handled by kswapd?17:14
arrrghhhi can go back to .39 and check.17:15
arrrghhhi get work done between reboots lol17:15
jonprygotta have some time for that17:17
Detuleproc/swaps empty on .39 as well17:18
Detuleand my cache also has not gone down below 55MB17:20
jonprypretty sure that kswapd is managing memory mapped files at this point17:20
jonpryits probably worth a lot. theres a certain point where it will start thrashing17:20
jonpryeven if its thrashing memory mapped files instead of swap17:20
arrrghhhdo you think having a 'real' swap partition on the card would help at all?17:21
arrrghhhor would that just slaughter my card17:21
jonpryit could because some low quality pages cannot be thrown away atm17:21
jonpryhow much it will help i can't say. there will still be some point where it thrashes itself to death17:22
jonpryare you running loop e2?17:23
arrrghhhcard is not partitioned17:23
jonprymight help to partition it17:23
jonprydon't like partition?17:24
arrrghhhmeh i'd rather not17:24
arrrghhhi can i guess17:24
arrrghhhwith that no_partitions option in the startup.txt makes it a heckuva lot easier.17:24
jonpryi'd go with swap first17:24
arrrghhhi also switch cards frequently, etc17:24
jonpryjust make a file on sd17:24
jonpryand then swapon17:26
arrrghhhmake a file...?17:27
arrrghhhah.  will have to wait until i am home.  no linox here17:28
Detuleoh nice /proc/meminfo .....swap still zero :)17:28
jonprydd if=/dev/zero of=/sdcard/extra-swap bs=1M count=12817:28
jonpryxdandroid doesn't have mkswap17:29
arrrghhhoh right i can do that within Android.17:29
arrrghhhgood call :P17:29
jonpryit might not17:29
jonpryall of this is kind of pointless when your swap is getting 20kB/sec though17:30
arrrghhhlmao that's a very good point.17:30
arrrghhhdamnit.  gimmie NAND17:30
arrrghhhthat's your new task jonpry :D17:30
arrrghhhi know, you hate NAND.17:31
arrrghhhi'm just done with all this SD card futzing and madness.  i want to flash and not have to deal with WinMo any moar17:32
jonpryseems like most of the problems are in linux17:33
arrrghhhwell there's nothing *wrong* with winmo per se17:33
jonprypersonally i haven't had many problems in winmo. always boots, make phone calls. no slowdowns or reboots17:33
arrrghhhother than the fact that it's still on my phone17:33
arrrghhhso if Android was that stable, would you be more for NAND?17:34
arrrghhhHaRET is pretty stable for me, but there's still a lot of crap missing - although that list is getting short.17:35
arrrghhhprox sensor is nice to have for sure17:35
jonpryi like removable media17:35
arrrghhhXTRA/aGPS crap like we talked about is kinda necessary... not sure what i'll do about that.  i guess weep and move on.17:35
arrrghhhthat works with NAND already17:35
arrrghhhheck it works on hyc's poop with dedicated partitions17:35
jonprybut NAND is not removable17:35
arrrghhhoh i see what you're saying.17:36
arrrghhhyou like being able to remove Android lol17:36
stinebdtry to keep up here arrrghhh17:36
jonprynah. i like trashing my sd cards and buy another one for $1017:36
arrrghhhi haven't trashed an SD17:36
jonpryme neither but i have tried17:36
arrrghhhhiho stinebd.  FRX07?  :D17:36
jonpryhad olpc i used for like a year with sd swap17:37
jonpryso i could run openoffice and what not with only 256mb of ram17:37
arrrghhhthese phones have what 288?17:37
arrrghhhi don't think that's all avail tho17:37
jonpryits basically 17217:38
stinebdarrrghhh: still working on ti wifi17:38
stinebdyou'll know when i know17:38
arrrghhhjust curious, are you also waiting for jb's audio routing magic to be done?17:38
arrrghhhor will that get curbed for the next release if it's not ready yet17:38
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jonpryarrrghhh, does that 3.0 boot?17:41
arrrghhho right that17:41
arrrghhh1 sec :P17:41
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emwehmpfs... as soon as userland liblights chimes in that led trigger is dropped wtf.17:45
emwereset to "none"17:45
emwewill see tomorrow. gnight peeps.17:45
arrrghhhg'nite emwe17:45
arrrghhhjonpry, Oo both kernels on the autobuild are bunk17:46
arrrghhh.39 kernel just has modules as well, no kernel...17:46
jonpryjust noticed that17:47
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arrrghhh3.0 seems to be in a bootloop for me as well.17:55
arrrghhhi haz adb shell tho17:56
arrrghhhok, it eventually booted.  took days tho.17:57
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arrrghhhjonpry, dmesg from 3.0 if you're interested http://pastebin.com/Rg5uzzqP18:01
stinebdhow bout logcat18:02
arrrghhho sure18:03
arrrghhhfor you stine, anything18:03
stinebdcmon i don't have all day18:05
arrrghhhstinebd, http://pastebin.com/gfPuDQeD18:05
stinebdnot good18:06
stinebdnot good at all18:06
arrrghhhseems like a lot of vomit18:07
stinebdgroupon has to go18:07
stinebdthat's about 95% of your problem18:07
arrrghhhgroupon is awesome18:07
stinebdit's anring nonstop18:07
arrrghhhi guess i can try that hyc trick to disable unnecessary services18:08
arrrghhhi certainly don't need that stupid app running all the time18:08
stinebddisable all services18:08
arrrghhhhe had some trcik18:08
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jonpryarrrghhh, i usually have to delete data.img between 3.0 and 3918:11
arrrghhhi did not.18:11
arrrghhhi still do need to get around to doing that trick hyc talks about18:12
jonpryseems like the kernel is running fine18:12
arrrghhhthere's probably a ton of stupid apps that start on their own which i do not need running at boot.18:12
jonprymay have something to do with why your phone is out of memory18:13
jonpryjust a guess anyways18:13
arrrghhhi don't have thousands of apps, but there are quite a few.18:13
jonpryrpierce99 has every app from market18:15
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jonpryalong with every android virus18:15
stinebdi find it hard to believe anybody uses xdandroid enough to have quite a few apps installed18:15
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arrrghhhreminds me, i need to check what new poop from Amazon18:16
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jonprystinebd, why is that?18:16
stinebdbecause the devices on which xdandroid runs are slow as crap18:16
jonpryi've heard of people cutting off there left nut for xdandroid18:17
stinebdi didn't do that FOR xdandroid18:17
stinebdi did that because of xdandroid18:17
jonprywe can basically fake any benchmark18:17
jonpryapparently tp2 is as fast as nexus 118:18
hycheh, still faster than my G118:18
jonpryand somebody had fps2d saying like 80 for a bit. granted the screen was off, but those are just details18:19
hycexcept that some apps that ran OK on my G1 are dog slow on the TP2 due to the larger screen rez18:19
jonpryneed some kind of hardware scaling18:19
hycyes, they probably used the wrong APIs. other apps scale just fine.18:20
jonpryarrrghhh, sometimes when it gets funky with the reinstalling of apps. i just kill system_server every 5 minutes. seems to get it installing again18:21
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arrrghhhthat's a good solution... :P18:21
jonprygood enough for me :)18:22
jonpryafter i enabled g sensor. logcat started filling up with all these "Or not..."18:25
jonprywtf is that18:25
stinebdor not?18:26
jonprypresumably its from libsensors18:26
stinebd                value=read_light();18:26
stinebd                if(value<0) {18:26
stinebd                        LOGD("Or not...");18:26
stinebd                        return data_poll(dev, data);18:26
stinebd                }18:26
stinebdof course it is18:26
stinebdphh with his helpful messages18:27
stinebdread_light() depends on the existence of /dbgfs/micropklt_dbg/light18:27
hyclibsensors is utter crap18:28
stinebdthe new one is much better18:28
hyccontinuous polling, reading debug filesystem, ...18:28
hycwhich new one?18:28
stinebdin gingerbread18:28
hycah, haven't seen that yet18:28
arrrghhhthe new one you haven't written hyc18:28
stinebdi wrote it18:29
hycwell the lib needs better device drivers, to operate sanely18:29
arrrghhhdid you port it back to FroYo stine, or is that not feasible?18:29
stinebdnot feasible18:29
stinebdhyc: the new sensors mechanism in gingerbread makes it work great even with input devices18:30
stinebdwe only have accelerometer in there for now18:30
stinebdbut hopefully someone will make prox show up as an input device too18:30
hycok, I guess I'm gonna have to start looking at gingerbreadsoon. once frx07 is out the door.18:30
stinebdin their new kernel18:30
stinebdhint hint18:30
arrrghhhstab stab18:30
stinebdraise middle finger18:30
stinebdhyc: gingerbread has much better potential for us than froyo, i think18:31
stinebdarrrghhh may agree18:31
hycwhy's that?18:31
stinebdit's super fast18:32
arrrghhhjust snappier feel.  newer code.  2.3 > 2.218:32
stinebdi've got a lot of real nice tweaks in it18:32
hycI thought he also said that after the same number of apps are installed, it's just as slow as froyo18:32
arrrghhhwhich he specifically holds back from FroYo18:32
arrrghhhyea, we'll just go back to blaming GroupOn18:33
hycanyway yeah, new prox driver, new light sensor driver18:33
jonprylsensor != prox?18:34
hycmebbe get WisTilt2 to reveal how to do variable brightness buttonlights too18:34
arrrghhhjonpry, right18:34
arrrghhhlight sensor is ambient light18:34
stinebdprox is some magnetic field sensor18:34
arrrghhhprox sensor is sensing when the phone is next to your greasy noggin18:34
jonprypicks up my brains magnetic field?18:34
stinebdone day i'll look up how those actuall work18:34
arrrghhhi thought prox was still light, not sure tho.18:34
jonprythat was my interpretation18:35
jonprylike prox was just lsensor smashed into a boolean18:35
arrrghhhthey're different sensors tho18:35
arrrghhhstinebd, lol i'm reading that article18:35
arrrghhhwhich sensor is employed, is the question18:35
stinebdi can't find anything about the sensor in the device though18:35
hycseems like winmo disables it when using bluetooth headset http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=58179318:38
hycit is very likely the same as the ambient light sensor, dunno18:38
hyccute http://www.freewareppc.com/utilities/autoloudspeaker.shtml18:41
arrrghhhcould cause some disturbing results if someone hasn't used your phone before18:41
arrrghhhnifty tho18:42
arrrghhhso the new Market app auto-updates?18:43
arrrghhhnew data.img, 3.0 seems just as craptacular jonpry...18:53
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arrrghhhit could just be my impatience tho.18:53
jonprykill system_server yet?18:53
jonprythats an important step to every first boot18:53
arrrghhhdoesn't that reboot Android?18:53
jonpryfor shizzle18:53
arrrghhhyou madman.18:54
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jonprystinebd made it that way18:54
arrrghhhusually for me the phone reboots and comes up in an unusable state.  no service, dog slow, etc.  i usually end up rebooting via soft reset.18:54
arrrghhhit's slowly getting better18:54
arrrghhhi would say no apps installed, but it pulled a few from AndroidApps.18:55
jonpryits installing a bunch of stuff from system.img18:55
arrrghhhalrighty, runnin good now in fact.18:55
jonpryand it brings  up the unlock screen *way* before it gets done18:55
arrrghhhyea, that's true.18:56
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jonpryrc3 seemed to work ok for me. never got more than 4 or 5 hours without an sr18:57
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pigdon't care to chat with you arrrghh so I'll post my thoughts and bail and let you trash me later. I was reading through the daily logs to not ask questions on the forums.. and saw your "pigs can deal" comment.. if the people on the forums bug you so much why do you bother?  the forums a place to ask questions and if god forbid someone asks the same question twice or doesn't read the faqs, you jump on them like you are the ruler of the18:58
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arrrghhhruler of the...?19:01
arrrghhhi want to know what i'm ruler of.19:01
jonpryi'm guess its the world19:02
arrrghhhthe 'pigs can deal' comment was related to .39 and the autobuild.19:02
arrrghhhnot sure why he's so butt hurt about that.19:03
jonprymaybe its tiad819:03
arrrghhhhis IP puts him in Georgia19:05
arrrghhhcomcast cable subscriber19:06
arrrghhhprobably that steveoski douche.19:07
arrrghhhoh well.19:07
jonpryyou break the 3.0 yet?19:10
arrrghhhdoesn't feel as snappy as .39 tho19:12
arrrghhhjust enabled sync19:13
arrrghhhwe'll see what horrors this brings19:14
arrrghhh(master) HOW TO BECOME A GREAT ROM BUILDER19:18
arrrghhhmight want to read this stinebd ^^19:18
arrrghhhlolol.  tiad8.com, always a good laugh.19:19
arrrghhhso you want to learn how to cook a rom. that's very simple19:19
arrrghhh1- you need linux ( i use ubuntu for windows 7 64bit)19:19
arrrghhhwait i will comeback to this post.19:19
arrrghhhlmao, that is just way too damned funny19:19
arrrghhhalright, 3.0 is running way too well.  time to add all my feces.19:20
hyc3 - profit!19:21
arrrghhhi put that joke in my threads, hardly anyone got it.19:21
arrrghhhthey were like "you're missing a step" etc.19:21
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arrrghhhD3tul3, you missed it!19:22
arrrghhhtb seems to think i'm not rooted.19:23
jonpryyeah need to figure out whats up with that19:25
D3tul3what did i miss or do i have to read the log19:25
arrrghhheh just ridiculousness.19:26
arrrghhhsomeone hopped in, talked trash about me, and left.19:26
arrrghhhit was sad, i didn't even get to thank him.19:26
jonpryi'm going to spam that forum19:26
hycno worries, I'm sure he'll read the logs and see any response you care to make19:26
arrrghhhyea that's probably true.19:27
arrrghhhhe's probably reading logs right now, frantically hitting f5 lol19:27
arrrghhhjonpry, which?  tiad8.com?  DO EEEEEET19:27
jonpryyeah tiad819:27
jonpryi keep wondering where the teaching is going to start19:28
D3tul3not tiad, not in caps19:29
arrrghhhthat's how good tiad8 is19:29
arrrghhhhe doesn't need no commands19:29
jonpryvoice command19:29
arrrghhhi don't NEED no instructions, to know how to ROCK19:29
jonpryESP forums19:30
arrrghhhi've always wanted to register a user and comment on some of these posts.  they're gold... but i can't.  just can't do it.19:30
jonpryplant for pay links19:31
jonpryif you write stuff that is sort of on topic around it sometimes the moderators will never even pick up on it19:33
arrrghhhi think if they see my handle on there i'll just get permabanned19:33
arrrghhhi'll just call my user tiadroid, since they seem to like that name so much.19:33
arrrghhhthe handle wasn't taken.19:34
jonpryuh oh19:34
jonprydoes titanium backup not work if your not root?19:36
arrrghhhon .39 i eventually got it to work tho19:37
arrrghhhnot sure what changed19:37
arrrghhhit just started working.19:37
hycTB requires root, yes19:41
stinebddd never fails19:42
arrrghhhwell his site got boring quickly19:42
jonprypay homage to this? http://forum.xda-developers.com/archive/index.php/t-1002454.html19:43
stinebdyo dawgz i'm outside AND in the nets19:44
arrrghhhthat was classic.19:45
arrrghhhtiad8 creating puppies, and asking where he went.19:45
stinebdLocation: NEW YORK19:46
stinebdepic win19:46
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arrrghhhquittin time, cya guys.20:02
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hycugh. SoD. Followed by reboot when plugging in cable. Definitely time to revert that cable plug patch.20:16
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stinebdmaybe i should try this with a fresh data image21:28
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