Monday, 2011-06-20

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XofratsSilly terminal emulator...00:10
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jonpryXofrats, i think i found the bt problem00:13
jonpryi ran this: /system/bin/brcm_patchram_plus -r --enable_hci  --enable_lpm --baudrate 4000000  --patchram /system/etc/BCM4325.hcd /dev/ttyHS100:13
jonprygot this: Can't set line discipline00:14
jonpryfigure out no HCI uart support in kernel00:14
XofratsEww, k that would explain it00:15
jonprynow it just hangs after "done setting line discipline". is that normal?00:18
XofratsNot sure, you're supposed to call it from services00:19
Xofratslogcat should stop complaining about timeout00:20
Xofratsif hci is indeed up00:20
Xofratsis it up on autobuild?00:20
jonpryits 8b00dce but it will be a bit before it builds00:21
XofratsI'll test it when it's up00:22
Xofratsunless you want to toss it somewhere00:24
Xofratsactually autobuild has it now00:31
jonpryoh well00:32
Xofratslongest part of boot: waiting for windows00:36
Xofratssame with pc as with rhodiums00:36
jonpryi know the feeling00:37
jonpryno windows on pc though00:37
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Xofratsstill complaining about hci00:44
jonprysomething still not right. have to look at it later. too tired. cya00:46
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XofratsOkay, kind of narrowed it down02:03
Xofratsthe actual hardware is responding fine, but hci isn't talking to bluedroid02:03
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emwearrrghhh: have there been any negative reports about rhodw loosing radio+data on sleep? there's one negative RHOD500 comment on autobuild page. no positive so far, though.02:09
Xofratsumm, since which one?02:10
Xofratsthe last patch should've gotten rid of lost irq by &=02:12
Xofratswhich might explain lost radio02:13
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XofratsI haven't had issues with my rhod, but I have it on wifi only atm02:21
emweXofrats: lost irq? lost radio+data was due vregs being disabled which shouldn't on rhodw.02:24
emweissue only visible on rhodw+gsm02:24
Xofratsemwe: Yes, there was a bug where someone clobbered pending int on wake02:25
XofratsI pointed it out but no one figured out until a few days ago02:26
XofratsProb with testing gsm on 400/500 is the wf firmware is locked against us sim02:29
XofratsMight wanna ask cmonex to give the devs wu firmware unlocking02:29
Xofrats400 is already unlocked, just firmware crippled02:30
XofratsMy layperson opinion is that a lot of issues that involves anything irq-related was thanks to that02:33
Xofratsat least since mid may02:34
emwei can't follow you. not heard about any clobbering of pendings ints on wake.02:36
emwe(apart from pm.c and proc_comm_wince.c due to the dex isr for instant plug notification)02:37
emweperhaps i've been too less in the rhod business, yet ;)02:37
Xofratsno,  you have it right02:39
Xofratslook at that plug notification revert, and tell me that isn't clobbering pending_int02:40
emweit is. like pm.c used to do for years. it's nothing new that that reg 0xfc128 has been zero'ed02:43
emweapart from now it's not unsetting bits of unknown bits. but not seen any unknown int bits, yet.02:44
emweit very much looks like the smem semaphore - which got changed since the initial incarnation of that code - was the culprit. if it is the correct one now, i dunno.02:45
Xofratsno, all that code got pushed in with the new irq handling02:46
Xofratscommit c4ee12c402:48
Xofratswhen fe481a88 got pushed, I looked at the source and went wtf02:52
Xofratsand even the commit comment references the sudden sod02:53
XofratsI knew that it was related to waking code cuz the phone would be fine until the moment you tried to wake it02:57
emweah yeah, that may have been caused by the "differing" smem semophore bit which got 0x11 in the official patches and whondered by SODs appeared. had been running the initial code on .35 with topa just fine and whondered why i got them also then after the official patches.02:57
emwei switched it back to 0x91 in the last commit there and it seems fine on topa raph and rhod. so either the 0x91 is wrong now and circumvents the issue, or the change from 0x91 to 0x11 was to blame and 0x11 was wrong. dunno. but as long as it works now...02:58
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Xofratswell, that code got reverted and there will be less sod everywhere03:00
Xofratsand the inhabitants of the land of android all rejoiced03:00
XofratsI dunno, maybe the gsm radio is more interrupt-bound or something03:03
XofratsNow if I can figure this stuttering app response thing03:13
XofratsI'm getting too spoiled by the hummingbird on this phone03:18
XofratsNo sudden lag or FC popup every 30sec03:18
XofratsThat and I'm actually running ubuntu as a subsystem03:25
XofratsLinux localhost #1 Sun May 22 19:44:33 CDT 2011 armv7l GNU/Linux03:26
XofratsFRX07 should be good though03:30
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hycFRX07 is gonna totally rock05:17
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smiley-hyc: the smd patch has been stable so far..  no panics :)05:45
smiley-but the TP must have a slower sdcard reader because there is so much io-wait05:46
smiley-mmcqd is in top all the time05:46
smiley-or if the xdandroid package for x1 was done differently..  I can see that one of the partitions is unused05:47
Xofratsmmcqd is a big prob even for rhod05:47
smiley-I have a feeling I'm gonna end up buying the droid3 ;)05:48
smiley-if it's shipped here with a nordic keyboard05:49
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hycyou really need to bump up the write cache settings otherwise it's unbearable06:26
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smiley-hmm.. it rebooted with something else now ;)   no panic06:53
hycno panic? there's gotta be something to make it reboot07:00
Xofratstaunting the happy fun ball usually makes it reboot for me07:01
smiley-[11035.948638] PM: Preparing system for mem sleep07:01
smiley-[11036.182128] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.08 seconds) done.07:01
smiley-[11036.305541] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.00 seconds) done.07:01
smiley-[11036.349975] PM: Entering mem sleep07:01
smiley-then nothing more07:01
smiley-[11036.371887] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)07:01
smiley-and write cache.. I have the readahead and the 3 dirty entries07:02
hycyeh the cache writeback stuff makes a huge difference.07:04
hycit will also slow down the wear and tear on the SD07:04
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smiley-yeah. looks like it fails to get back from deep sleep with sleepmode 107:53
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smiley-dont know if it's the SMD fix or something else but latest kernel built from master kills the RAPH all the time when it does to sleep..   tried both 0,1,2 modes now12:06
emwesmiley-: .27 autobuild?12:08
emwesmiley-: please revert the last commit do proc_comm_wince.c and try again12:08
emwesmiley-: this one:
emweif it works without this one i need to disable it again :/12:09
rpierce99uh oh, is that the one that fixed bug 12012:09
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, RESOLVED FIXED, RHOD500 GSM Radio issues after panel collapse commit12:09
emwerpierce99: that is the revision before12:09
smiley-well.. pulled from master, applied the smd-patch and built it with the q3 toolchain12:09
emwei commited all patches one by one12:09
emwesmiley-: revert the afformentioned commit and try again12:09
emwesmiley-: which RAPH you have?12:10
emweyou have a SIM in it?12:10
smiley-SIM yes12:10
emweok, RAPH100 here and fine sleeping but without SIM. i will plug SIM into it and let it sleep a while and see if i can reproduce. thx for the info12:10
emwesmiley-: if you can, revert that one patch and report back please. or alternatively use the penultimate build.12:11
smiley-I can see it's in deep sleep  (led doing the sleep flash)  but doesnt wake up..  and when pluggin in the USB-cable it reboots12:12
emweok, let me try to reproduce.12:12
smiley-reverted and compiling12:17
smiley-ok.. family is calling..  gonna try it in about an hour12:20
emweok. thanks.12:20
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smiley-allright..  cable unplugged..  lets see if it stays alvie ;)13:08
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smiley-emwe: so far much better14:13
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Xofratsjon you here?14:26
XofratsI posted to xda14:30
jonpryi saw that14:30
Xofratsa kernel interface is missing, so either patch bluedroid or kernel14:30
jonpryhow did you come to that conclusion?14:31
XofratsI ran patchram -dr, worked on both with no diff14:31
Xofratsso as far as patchram is concerned, bt is ready14:31
jonprywhen i run patchram -d + all the other options, it writes 4 bytes out of the serial port and never receives any reply14:32
XofratsYeah, debug and reset, the git shows jb adding those14:32
XofratsTry -dr instead of -d -r14:32
jonprythat sounds more like an invalid option than anything14:33
Xofratsnah, I saw the code14:33
jonpry /system/bin/brcm_patchram_plus -dr --enable_hci  --enable_lpm --baudrate 4000000  --patchram /sdcard/BCM4325D0.hcd /dev/ttyHS114:34
Xofratswhy D014:34
Xofratsshould use D114:34
XofratsD0 = bt 1.014:35
XofratsD1 = bt 2.x14:35
jonpryok, i'll try the other one. just D0 didn't get any response the serial port, so i figured whats the difference14:35
Xofratsls: cannot access /sdcard/*.hcd: No such file or directory14:36
XofratsI forgot I'm chroot'ed, blah14:36
jonpryanywho. i'm pretty sure that -d -r is better14:36
Xofratsdid it dump output?14:36
jonpryor at least works. yeah dumps output14:37
Xofratsjb didn't do a good job on arg parsing14:37
Xofratsgo look at the code14:37
jonpryhe wrote the patchram?14:37
Xofratshe added -r14:38
jonprywhat i actually ran was this: /system/bin/brcm_patchram_plus -r --enable_hci  --enable_lpm --baudrate 4000000  --patchram /sdcard/BCM4325D0.hcd /dev/ttyHS1 -d14:38
jonprywhich should not work according to most theories14:38
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hycXofrats: dunno if you should be critiquing code, since you haven't successfully compiled any of it14:40
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jonprythere are 2 things in the kernel that need serious checking. 1 is clocks. 39 is a hodgepodge of mostly [acl]'s nand clock code. afaik he never had bluetooth. so clocks might not be getting enabled or frequency set properly14:40
jonpry2 is msm_hs_serial. not really the same code as 27. i tried to make it bt compatible, maybe screwed it up. probably easiest to just use the code from 2714:41
Xofratsthat's also a possibility14:41
XofratsI saw some clock stuff in .27 right after enabling bt14:42
jonprythere is also an accounted for gpio14:43
emwejonpry: .35 has 40mhz clock reg defined if you need it. (alex added it. fetch from his or my tree.)14:43
jonpryer unaccounted14:43
Xofratsgpio looked fine according to debug output14:43
jonprythe rfkill ones are fine, but the lpm gpio comes from different place and doesn't print anything to console14:44
emwesmiley-: am just running the RAPH100 with sim, latest .27 and frx06. let's see how far it will sleep. still sleeping fine for a while. anything how to reproduce?14:44
jonpryi have it set the same as 27, but i'm pretty sure its wrong14:44
Xofratswell, yeah... can't debug invisible code ^^)14:44
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jonpryno amount of visibility is going to fix it14:45
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Xofratssilly capacitive back button...14:46
jonprylike there is:rx_wakeup_irq = MSM_GPIO_TO_INT(21)14:46
rpierce99jonpry: is something in these latest kernels affecting the going-to-sleep process14:46
jonprynot working?14:46
jonprywtf is gpio(21)14:47
rpierce99it's not sleeping on it's own, and when i hit power to turn off the screen, it takes like 15 seconds to fade to black14:47
jonprywe don't have a history so its hard to tell when that started14:47
Detulesounds like it might not be even registering the turn off screen button14:48
rpierce99without the button it doesn't turn off at all14:49
Detulei had this happen to me once a couple of days ago, when this happened i couldn't even pull up the power off menu14:49
jonpryhyc has a different interface to microp14:49
jonpryyeah i have had troubles like that ever since i started messing with bluetooth14:49
rpierce99yeah power button doesn't register shutdown options14:50
rpierce99seems it got into kind of a funky state, earlier i received an email, the vibration played non-stop until i woke it up14:50
Detule(this happened to me prior to BT)14:50
rpierce99i have a full set of logs but they don't look out of the ordinary to me:
rpierce99and yes hyc I haven't upgraded to your newest dmesg :)14:51
jonpryi think i did the first bt work before you ever got 39 Detule14:51
hycI've had two spontaneous reboots since merging the cable plug patch and the rhodw gsm patch14:51
Detulemy bad14:51
hyc(into my combo branch)14:52
XofratsDone setting sco setting, done setting line discpline14:52
Xofratson .3914:52
jonprywhat is rhodw gsm?14:52
emwehyc: then the cable plug must be freaking out still. couldn't replicate yet.14:52
rpierce99jonpry: bug 12014:52
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, RESOLVED FIXED, RHOD500 GSM Radio issues after panel collapse commit14:52
Xofratsprob is even if the bt radio is up, without userland seeing it, I can't do anything14:53
jonprycan anyone reproduce this power button stuff reliably?14:53
rpierce99well i have it happening right now, but no i couldn't make it happen on command14:53
jonpryXofrats, you don't see something "Write: 00 0d 30 13"?14:53
Detulehappened to me once can't pin it down to anything14:54
hycemwe: ok, I'm going to revert the cable plug patch in my build and see how it goes14:54
Xofratsjp: I see the whole scroll of it sending the hcd14:54
Xofratsand getting sane responses just like .2714:54
jonpryi don't get that14:54
XofratsI use -dr14:54
emwehyc: k. still strange. rhod up with sim since yesterday over night. was all fine. topa SIMless on .35 too. raph just running with SIM now. still fine.14:55
hycnothing revealing in my SYSTEM_LAST_KMSG14:56
jonpryso does anyone else think that x_wakeup_irq = MSM_GPIO_TO_INT(21), should be BT_WAKEUP, or BT_HOSTWAKE or something? 21 has no known purpose on rhod14:56
rpierce99power button did finally respond, so it's not completely disabled14:57
jonpryXofrats, are you setting rfkill before you run patchram?14:57
Xofratshow do you do that14:57
jonpryecho 1 > /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state14:58
jonprymine just send the firmware. must be -dr14:58
XofratsI just I see rfkill state off then on14:59
Xofratsin dmesg14:59
jonpryi can't get it to load a second time15:01
jonprymaybe reset does not actually work?15:01
Xofratsdid you use d1?15:01
jonprynot the first time15:01
jonpryhow is -r implemented? how does it tell the kernel to reset the module?15:02
Xofratsit shows writing 01 03 0c 00 recv 04 0e 04 01 03 0c 0015:02
jonpryi got no recv15:02
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Xofratswhat does it say above tha15:03
jonpryoption enable_hci15:03
jonpryoption enable_lpm15:03
jonpryoption baudrate with arg 400000015:03
jonpryoption patchram with arg /sdcard/BCM4325D1.hcd15:03
jonpryHard Resetting BCM module15:03
Xofratslooks right15:03
Xofratsdid it read default btadd?15:04
Xofratspaste the whole cmdline again15:05
jonprywhere is this brcm_patchram_plus15:05
jonpry /system/bin/brcm_patchram_plus -dr --enable_hci  --enable_lpm --baudrate 4000000  --patchram /sdcard/BCM4325D1.hcd /dev/ttyHS115:05
Xofratsit's linked on hyc's 2nd post15:05
Xofrats(and silly q, you did su right15:06
jonpryit worked the first time15:06
jonprywait 5 seconds and it fails15:06
jonpryno reset worky15:06
hycprobably need to get a fresh one of those from JB's tree too15:07
XofratsI used whatever was attached to your post hyc15:08
jonprylooks like it just toggles rfkill15:09
hycmy post is more than 2 months out of date now, relative to JB's code15:10
hycit was built from a ~mid-April snapshot of his stuff15:11
XofratsNot sure why yours is balking and mine isn't, this is a fresh boot off winmo15:12
hychell, I even listed the commit ID in post #115:12
XofratsOh one thing, I did have wifi enabled in winmo15:12
Xofratsbefore haret15:12
Xofratsbut not bt15:12
jonprydo you see h4 frame reassembly failed in dmesg?15:13
Xofratsnope, nothing with "frame" except fb15:13
XofratsI'll check with fresh boot wifi off winmo15:14
Xofratssee if that makes any diff15:14
jonpryh4_recv: Frame Reassembly Failed15:15
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jonpryits almost like patchram can't work because all the receive data is being sent to h415:15
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Xofratswhat's h415:15
jonprylike a packet structure15:16
Xofratsjp: can you try fresh boot on your end please? poweroff and all15:17
jonprywe could always try low speed bt15:18
Xofratswell code said something about over 3mb15:19
Xofratstoo many possibilities15:19
XofratsAnyway I'll shut up now15:20
Xofratseww, running irc client on phone eats up battery real fast15:22
hycsure does15:22
hycthat's why I only use connectbot15:22
hycand run finch on a remote server, inside a screen session15:22
Xofratsjust tried with poweroff nowifi boot, patchram worked15:24
Xofratsso not sure why it works on one and not jon's15:25
jonpryit works the first time15:25
jonprydo it again15:26
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Xofratsjust did, did ok15:26
Xofratseven turned wifi off in android, 2x no prob15:27
XofratsI'm running out of ideas15:28
jonpryfrom looking at the code it seems that it does not reset the line discipline on startup15:30
Xofratsif you want me to try anything else I'm game15:31
jonpryworks every time for me if i use D1 from the get go15:32
Xofratsthought so15:32
Xofratsso is this a bluedroid issue now?15:33
Xofratsit's looking for something that .39 isn't sending15:33
Xofratsand times out 10sec later15:33
jonpryi don't understand the whole process yet. but looks like we are at the end of patchram, and it is good15:35
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Xofratsokay, well just wanted to make sure jp was on the same page as me, I'll go now15:38
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smiley-emwe: it just rebooted..  but now with something else..   looks very strange so might be temporary.. complains about the mmc16:35
smiley-emwe: but it lived for 2.5-3 hours which is better than before the revert of the patch16:36
emwesmiley-: before you reverted the patch, it also rebooted or froze?16:37
smiley-emwe: froze16:37
emwefroze sounds more like the instant cable plug notification issue, yeah. so hm. perhaps you are facing yet another issue.16:38
emwethe raph is still fine here.16:38
smiley-it's probably my SIM-card ;)16:38
emweyou got a spare one?16:39
smiley-yeah with another carrier..  but it's a micro one so it doesnt fit :(16:39
emwehm, mmc1... should be sd card id16:40
emweif you could get your hands on another microsd that would hopefully elliminate this thingy16:41
emweallthough i slowly start to think that cable plug stuff is still breaking things ... for all devices but the ones i have here it seems :/16:42
smiley-yeah.. going to town tomorrow so I will check for one..16:42
emwehope that works out16:42
emweyou had wifi on, too?16:43
smiley-which class should I get?   I saw something that a too good card can make things buggy also?16:43
smiley-wifi was also on16:43
emwei got working class2 4 and 6 here16:43
emweclass10 freaks out a bit16:43
emwei am running fine with transcend 8gb class6 since 2 years16:43
emweon topa though16:43
smiley-ok.. I have no idea what this card is16:43
emwei think it's worth to note that the raph didn't like one of my cards at all. not even in winmo16:45
emwei think it was that 8gb class6 trasncend. not sure though anymore. too long ago.16:45
smiley-can I see somewhere which class it is?16:46
emweperhaps a windows tool can. not sure though16:47
emwetheres "SD Tools" in android market. it shows some info, but not the class. but some serials and some more. dunno if you can google sth up about them.16:47
emweperhaps the sd card formatter from does show info. not sure though16:48
emwesmiley-: was the battery quite low or let's say in lower areas when you experienced the freezes?16:50
smiley-fully charged16:51
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smiley-seems to be a class 2..   will check for a better one tomorrow..  it's been in the game since 2008 so it probably starting to get old now anyway ;)17:05
smiley-bed time..  I will do more testings tomorrow17:06
smiley-thanks :)17:06
Detulehyc: you are running a partitioned ext2 build right? do you mind running that copy test on your build?17:07
Detulethe files i was moving around are tar-ed here
emwesmiley-: remember the sd card controller in the phone itself might not be capable of performing at a class10 speed. so dunno if it's worth buying the bleeding edge stuff.17:17
hycdetule: maybe later17:18
jonprythe sd controller would not have to go any faster for class 1017:18
jonpryclass 12.5 is the end of the road for 25mhz sd. class 25 for 50mhz17:18
hycthe problems with higher class cards seem to be pretty common17:18
hycthe simple fact is the cards are optimized for sequential I/O and suck at random I/O17:19
emwejonpry: ah, so it's actually capable of handling these speeds?17:19
hycthis is why winmo7 is suffering so badly too17:19
emwejonpry: acoustic audio up for rhod on .35.17:19
emwejust pushed.17:19
jonpryall thats happening is that wait states are smaller17:19
jonprydoes it work?17:20
emwespeaker, earphone via extusb and it seems mic also17:20
emweat least when i use speach input thingy it tells me what it wants to opne17:20
emwecan't test phone, sim is in raph currently.17:21
emwethose a1010 and rhod-audio microp hooks are stubbed though.17:22
emweno "legacy" micropklt around...17:22
emweworks nevertheless. makes me whonder ...17:22
jonpryyou will need that stuff or it won't work17:22
jonprya1010 not needed. but the klt is necessary17:23
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emwehm, i am running with stubs. that klt stuff switches dualmic and the "a codec". which one?17:24
* emwe is new to rhod audio.17:24
jonprythe klt stuff controls the reset pins of adc3001 and a101017:24
jonpryso all i2c ops with adc3001 will fail17:25
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jonpryand if you setup routing that uses adc3001 as a source, there will be no input17:25
jonprybut i do not support microp-ng17:26
jonpryit should be called microp 2.-1.517:26
stinebdguys my host gave me some more disk space so i'm going to knock the server out for a bit to resize it17:28
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stinebddon't worry, it's fak19:11
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stinebdgod i hate wpa_supplicant20:05
stinebdso much20:05
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Xofratshey jon, any luck with bt?21:18
Xofratsoh and for hyc's sake, I'm sorry for complaining about jb's code21:20
hycno apologies necessary. just contribute working code.21:21
Xofratswas there a way of getting the tegra fw onto out .39 so wifi works?21:31
Xofratsit would help me use it since wifi is my only connectivity21:32
Xofratsoh and looking at irclog, there isn't any "setting" for sd card, just mfg claim at sustained (read/wite, seems contention on here too) speed21:42
Xofratsso no tool will tell you what class a sdhc card is21:42
XofratsI think sdxc has an actual standard for class iirc21:43
XofratsI've had class 2 card sustain 8MB under win, so who knows21:44
hycSDcard class is claimed sustained write speed, nothing else21:45
hycand as I already mentioned, sustained sequential write speed is not much use for an operating system.21:46
hycwhich is why WP7 phones are so heavily incompatible with most "fast" SDcards21:46
hycit's also why write-caching is so critical for our phones21:46
Xofratssustained write on fresh cards, aka no cells reused...21:48
D3tul3bah, this stupid cp test is...stupid....i have ridiculus variation in repeated runs (probably due to variation in cpu pegging) - it's almost worthless....i just got a number of 27s for the same test that i got +60sec this afternoon21:48
Xofratswhat cp test?21:49
hycD3tul3: running in single-user mode?21:49
D3tul3not sure what you mean, everything is done via an adb shell on the phone itself21:50
hycyes, but stop zygote, system_server21:50
D3tul3i guess i should do that, would they respawn on their own?21:50
hyconce android runtime is down, then stop any remaining services21:50
hycif you use the "stop" command no, they won't respawn21:50
Xofratsand kill data connect21:51
hycgo into airplane mode first, then stop ril-daemon after everything else is down21:51
hycI had a script for doing all that around here somewhere. handy for clearing up /system so you can install new system apks/libs/etc21:52
hycwithout needing a reboot21:53
Xofratswhat's zygote anyway21:53
hycit spawns the android runtime21:53
hycif you stop it, all android apps immediately die21:54
D3tul3that script would be nice, all this process killing just SR my phone.....21:54
hycif you start it again, android is "rebooted" (even though the os hasn't rebooted)21:54
Xofratsdoes it go into animation again or just spawns acore?21:54
D3tul3which just happened to me21:55
Xofratsahh k21:55
hycthere's actually a parent process for zygote that you need to stop21:55
hycdid you use "stop" or "kill" ?21:55
hycyou should not manually kill these things. use stop, let / do its job.21:56
D3tul3anyways, that test from earlier today is not telling at all, ran it also on a ext2 partitioned build and got some really low numbers....though again with enough variation to be meaningless21:56
Xofratshow is the "test" run21:56
D3tul3nothing fancy just timing copying around files from /sdcard to /data partition21:56
Xofratsif it's not waiting for sync to return21:56
Xofratsthe number is meaningless21:57
Xofratsbut still shouldn't show 2x variation even with cache/async return21:58
hycif the job is small enough to fit in cache then the number should be nearly identical run to run21:58
hycof course it's only measuring RAM speed...21:58
D3tul3in which case it should vary across filesystems21:58
hycSDcard speed cannot be expected to be constant21:58
hycstate of wear, partially-filled blocks, etc will all cause variation21:59
D3tul3anyway - i declare myself and this test incompetent, if you guys have suggestions on a good i/o testing tool let me know21:59
Xofratscan you connect via adb more than once?22:00
hycsilly question. things like that you're better of trying than asking.22:00
XofratsI suggest running top and see what's pegging22:00
D3tul3yeah but top pegs itself22:01
XofratsI don't have a computer....22:01
Xofratswell, not that I can run adb on anyway22:01
D3tul3and these android processes are pretty transient, what pegs one run, is not there the next22:01
Xofratstop is a linux command, you don't need android running22:01
hycI think you just want "stop system_server"22:02
Xofratsif top is pegging itself, something is definately wrong with your phone22:02
hycoops. servicemanager is the one.22:02
XofratsOh and check dmesg, since any mmc barf will show up there22:03
XofratsOh and check dmesg, since any mmc barf will show up there22:03
Xofratserr, sorry22:03
Xofratsthings like crc, timeout22:03
Xofrats(up key is right next to enter on this phone)22:04
hycif you get anything like that the entire test is invalid22:04
hyca good SDcard should have zero mmc errors in dmesg22:04
hyconce you hit hardware errors ... kiss the system goodbye22:05
Xofratswell, s#%& happens, even on "good" cards22:05
jonpryi found some weirdness22:05
hycregardless, numbers from a test with failing hardware are useless.22:05
Xofratsand I can't say the rhod mmc controller is outstanding either22:05
Xofratsso pair good card + iffy controller = iffy result22:06
Xofratsoverheat, electromigration, neutrino flavorchange, vibration, stray dust22:08
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Xofratsjon: what kind of weirdness?22:08
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Xofratsjon: and anyway for me to get tegrafw so I can use 39?22:09
arrrghhhyou mean use wifi22:10
Xofratsright now top running on  my rhod under androterm uses 0.9% cpu22:11
Xofratsno way top itself should peg anything22:11
hycIt can use 50% or more in the first seconds it runs22:12
hycbut I've never seen it stay there22:12
Xofratsyeah, of course22:12
arrrghhhunlike windows task manager22:12
hycof course I always start it with nice22:13
arrrghhhof course22:13
Xofratsnever seen windows task manager do that either22:13
arrrghhhonly a hooligan would run it directly22:13
D3tul3yeah top pegs for a few seconds22:13
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arrrghhhroxbox dev eh22:14
Xofratshmm, running stop `pidof zygote` or `pidof servicemanager` didn't do anything, shame22:17
hyc"stop servicemanager"22:18
hychow hard is that to type...22:18
D3tul3heh serves me right - my 2 run sample....genius22:18
Xofratsoh not pid?22:18
hycDid I *ever* mention PIDs anywhere in this discussion?22:18
Xofratsmeh, sorry, confused because I usually deal with kill22:20
D3tul3love it he called you idiot and you are apologizing22:21
Xofratsdo not piss off the one who writes your ril22:21
arrrghhhor y'know, any of your software22:22
arrrghhhor cooks/handles your food22:22
arrrghhhlessons in life on #xdandroid.22:22
hycooo yeah that's a critical one ;)22:22
hycfood/beverages ...22:22
D3tul3speaking of which...i am out fellas22:23
Xofratshmm, what process switches from console output to the gui subsystem in android?22:24
Xofratsstop systemserver just left with a blank screen, was hoping to dump me to console22:26
hycwhere did you issue that command from?22:27
hycyou can only do this safely from an adb shell22:27
XofratsI told you, I don't have a computer atm22:27
arrrghhhdamn guy, how long has it been?22:28
arrrghhhyou've been without a computer for a while.22:28
hycand the beginning of this conversation was about running from adb22:28
Xofratssince feb22:28
hycso, if you don't have adb, you shouldn't have been messing with it at all...22:28
arrrghhhi'd go crazy22:28
arrrghhhand yea, that does seem silly that he continued knowing he needs adb lol22:28
hycthough I must admit, I log fewer hours on my computer now, more on the phone22:28
arrrghhhmake mine faster hyc22:29
hycoverclock it22:29
arrrghhhit drives me mad, and then randomly goes fast22:29
arrrghhhjust enough to keep me interested22:29
arrrghhhlike a dirty hooker22:29
hycI need to add a command to set the clock back to stock speed just before kexec22:29
Xofratswell, at least I can run epic422:29
Xofratson the phone...22:30
hycwth arrrghhh, I just made 3G 30-40% faster wuth that smd_tty patch :P22:30
arrrghhhnoes, the internets are plenty fast22:31
arrrghhh'cept for anything related to the market.22:31
arrrghhhi dunno.  i keep blaming my SD22:31
arrrghhhi try other SD's, doesn't really seem different.  they're all older tho.22:31
hyccould just be google. G1 is troublesome sometimes too22:31
arrrghhhit just goes in fits22:32
arrrghhhsometimes it'll be really quick.  others... it seems confused and unsure of what it wants to do lol22:32
hycI have a feeling they check your build signature when the phone connects to the market servers22:32
arrrghhhso they let us download, just severely throttled?22:32
hycpossible, yeah22:32
hycthen again, t-mo throughput is erratic for me anyway22:32
arrrghhhyea, i wouldn't call sprint's 'consistent' by any means...22:33
hycoh by the way, you can usually get pretty fast downloads over wifi22:33
arrrghhhnature of the beast22:33
hycyou have to make sure 3G data is turned off22:33
arrrghhhshouldn't it turn off?22:33
XofratsI think market is becoming too bloated for the msm7k22:33
hycif you have both wifi and 3G enabled22:33
jonpryhey arrrghhh. gsensor got included with the acoustic stuff. works for me now22:33
hycmarket will force the 3G connection to be used22:33
arrrghhhjonpry, ah.  i need to grab the newest hotness, didn't realize.22:34
hycat least initially. I always see it do a handshake iwth the google server over 3G first.22:34
hycif you leave 3G disabled, then it has no choice but to do it all over wifi, and then it all goes quickly22:34
arrrghhhi thought 3g was disabled when wifi was on22:35
Xofratson the epic it does22:35
arrrghhhbut i guess if it's checked it can flip back on?22:35
hycthe preference says whether it's allowed to be used or not.22:36
arrrghhhXofrats, it does on ours too22:36
hycthe 3G connection may be off, but if it's allowed, it will use it.22:36
arrrghhhon my phone it does22:36
arrrghhhsome people seem to have drastically different experiences.  part of it is hardware i think and part of it i swear are shitty SD's.22:36
hycsome days it gives me trouble, other days it's fine. I think it's just google's servers22:37
arrrghhhif only NAND was more stable...22:37
hycheh. what makes you believe the internal NAND is any faster?22:37
arrrghhheh, wouldn't it be faster for writes?22:37
hycit's all flash memory, regardless22:38
Xofratsnot having to rely on mmcqd22:38
arrrghhhah i thought it was a different type22:38
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hycSDcards are all NAND flash22:38
arrrghhhmaybe it is just the overhead on mmcqd22:39
arrrghhhalright then i just want to f-ing get rid of winmo22:39
hycIt's possible that it uses an 8 bit data path instead of 4 bit MMC22:39
arrrghhhgonna miss a fully functional GPS tho :(22:39
Xofratsiirc smartmedia was only massmarket flash to not use nand22:39
arrrghhhwhats the other options?  NOR?22:40
hycNOR is used mostly as ROM22:40
hyci.e., read-mostly, "fast enough" to execute code directly22:40
hycinstead of being treated as disk22:40
Xofratsnor does have an advantage, erases to 0 vs 1 on nand22:41
XofratsI wonder if doing dd if=/dev/zero is bad...22:41
Xofratson nand, that is22:41
hyclogical 0 vs physical/electrical 0?22:42
hycprobably irrelevant22:42
Xofratsyeah, if I was making flash, I'd just put a flip on data i/o22:43
Xofratsso zeroing wouldn't kill the cells22:43
XofratsI want to revive rhodbuntu soon22:45
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XofratsI think the keyboard on rhod blows any other keyboard on smartphones22:52
XofratsI'm getting tired of this epic keyboard22:52
arrrghhhyea it sucks compared to RHOD22:52
Xofratsand they put shift below fn...22:53
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jonpryinternal nand is slower because it doesn't have a flashy hardware controller to deal with the erase block nastiness23:17
arrrghhhdon't say that23:19
arrrghhhNAND is faster, let me enjoy my placebo :P23:19
jonprymodern devices are moving towards eMMC23:19
arrrghhhi always told people it wouldn't be faster so they would STFU, but honestly in some cases NAND did feel faster.  but it's in a f-ed up state, no way to compare ATM.23:20
jonprymaybe its just not my kind of thing23:21
arrrghhhi just want to eliminate winmo.  i'll seriously be sad about GPS tho.23:23
arrrghhhthat's probably the only thing, from what i can tell.23:23
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jonprygps as in quickgps?23:26
arrrghhhand the warm-injection or whatever such thing23:26
arrrghhhentropy512 went into pretty specific detail, most of which was over my head.  i can give you a link to his thread tho.23:27
Xofratsgive me the thread please23:28
arrrghhhyou haven't read it?23:28
arrrghhh1 sec23:28
arrrghhhi guess he went into more detail in his mailing list post23:30
jonprythere is no way to return the winmo license so it seems like a big conspiracy to throw away purchased software to me23:31
arrrghhhjonpry, lmao23:32
arrrghhhfooood, bbl23:33
jonpry Xofrats you can't compile kernels on your phone?23:33
Xofratsoh that's the 0,0 fix23:34
Xofratsjon: dunno, but I don't have free space on this build and well, compiling kernel for a desktop is enough of a chore23:36
XofratsNot sure I want to subject my sd to make clean, make menuconfig...etc.23:36
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Xofratsand as you can see, one bad slip of the capacitive button = *poof*23:38
jonpryyou can't actually kill an sd card from using it23:38
madplaya1HI there i need help.23:38
jonpryat least it would take like 20 years23:38
Xofratsthat was my thumb hitting the back button23:38
Xofratsat least the subsystem is nice enough to close it gracefully23:39
Xofrats(it actually finishes running my script which unmounts everything)23:40
madplaya1I got Hyc RIL, F22 roofts wtih hyc ril, and wistilt2 kernel 5/17 but i don't have data or incoming/outgoing calls... rhod400 sprint23:40
Xofratsand I don't trust myselff right now to make a working phone kernel23:42
arrrghhhmadplaya1, just go back to stock FRX0623:45
madplaya1Yeah, but I get that roaming indicator thing, & i don't have a roaming plan.23:46
arrrghhhstock FRX06?23:47
arrrghhhshouldn't get a roaming indicator23:47
arrrghhhyou're lying, you updated the rootfs.23:47
jonpryXofrats, have you tried bt without the enable_lpm or at a lower speed?23:47
arrrghhhbesides, the roaming indicator is just that.  a cosmetic indicator.  meanginless.23:48
madplaya1So, i'll be good, no additional fees?23:48
arrrghhhsprint doesn't have roaming23:49
madplaya1Alright, i'll try stock again in a bit. can't wait for frx0723:50
arrrghhhwell int'l roaming... but yea.23:50
arrrghhhyea, it'll be a big release23:50
jonpryoh yeah, kexec in 3923:51
madplaya1thanks, man!23:51
jonprykexec rules23:56

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