Friday, 2011-06-17

Zersti try i clear cache& data00:02
Zerstbut error again00:02
Zersti can't  open market app00:03
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smiley-this is great..  the device did run out of battery02:27
smiley-now wlan refuses to load ;)02:27
smiley-** IPC_DeviceIoControl() return -102:27
smiley-the reason was that win mobile had set WLAN to disabled02:40
hycstrange. everything is disabled on winmo for me. I boot winmo in airplane mode.02:50
hycall my radios work fine in android02:50
smiley-the X1 might need more stuff from windows..  for example the wall charger must be plugged in when booting.. otherwise it refuses to charge02:52
hycoh right, you're on an X1. Alex has been working on that, I thought he had it all going perfectly02:57
smiley-yeah.. I did try the latest from git but the kernel didnt boot for me02:57
smiley-but it got 2.3MB so it might be that  (updated haret and the offset to boot bigger kernels)02:58
smiley-but your ril-lib works excellent on it02:58
hycthere's very little device-dependent in the ril02:59
hycis the X1 CDMA or GSM?02:59
smiley-um.. I think..03:02
smiley-CDMA is USA only isnt it?03:03
smiley-or maybe WCDMA03:03
hycWCDMA is "GSM" 3G03:05
smiley-yeah..  so its GSM then03:07
smiley-atleast so far no pppd kernel crash that I had before03:10
smiley-your ril, Alex kernel from march, XDandroid gingerbread build03:10
smiley-too bad he doesnt have an autobuild up03:14
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hycrpierce99: small timestamp parsing bug in previous dmesg binary, new one on my page now05:13
hycit only affected the output if you were running early enough that the msm_rtc startup is still in the log buffer05:14
hycmebbe should just bundle this in your apk. unless we toss it into a new rootfs.05:18
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arrrghhhhyc, is this true?09:16
arrrghhh"(By the way, any binaries of mine used on tiad8 builds will reboot and corrupt /data at random intervals. Have fun with that.)"09:16
arrrghhhcuz... that's AWESOME if so.09:16
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D3tul3small crowd today09:34
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smiley-arrrghhh: I had a nice wasted 35-40 minutes this morning09:37
smiley-phone did discharge the battery during the night09:38
smiley-and after restarting it the WIFI didn't work anymore09:38
smiley-strange errors in the log file..   tried alot of different things09:38
smiley-turned out that Windows Mobile had disabled it and therefore it wasn't possible to enable it in android ;)09:38
arrrghhhon RHOD i don't think it matters.09:39
smiley-nope.. same on the RAPH09:39
arrrghhhperhaps on kovs the hardware isn't initialized..?09:39
arrrghhhi certainly don't need to turn wifi on in winmo to have it work in android...09:39
smiley-3G must be enabled for it to work and wall charger plugged in if I want to charge it in android09:39
arrrghhhcertainly those things work on RHOD09:40
D3tul3arrrghhh: how's that new .39 treating you09:40
smiley-not sure about alex new .35 kernels.. I havent been able to boot one without haret freezing09:40
arrrghhhD3tul3, trying it now09:40
arrrghhhsmiley-, does he release binaries?09:41
arrrghhhor are you compiling yourself...09:41
smiley-I did compile it myself from git09:42
smiley-same method as I did for the RAPH09:42
arrrghhhyou might need the initrd offset09:42
smiley-yeah I did change that09:42
arrrghhhwell... perhaps you should stick to winmo :P09:42
smiley-or my iPhone ;)09:43
smiley-winmo is useless09:43
arrrghhhlol so is the iPhone09:43
smiley-not really ;)09:43
smiley-oh well09:43
arrrghhhnot a fan of apple products.  the 'walled-garden' approach doesn't jive with me.09:45
smiley-oh yeah.. and there I got the first pppd kernel panic09:52
arrrghhhlol you almost sound excited09:53
smiley-almost 2 days without it ;)09:54
smiley-and again  (when I was gonna switch of data to avoid it doing that) ;)10:09
emwesmiley-: which device and kernel?10:11
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smiley-well it happens both on my RAPH100 and the Kovsky10:11
smiley-   there is an output from the RAPH  (same message as on the Kovsky)10:12
emweboth on .27?10:12
smiley-seems to be very random..10:13
emwenever seen that one. but i saw the rhod400 freak out when ppd exited with signal 15 and then boom, reset.10:13
emwethree times yesterday..10:13
emweperhaps hycs+jonprys work fix that.10:13
emwegtg. bbl.10:13
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emwewe could use a new userland soonish...11:48
emwejust realized hycs keyboard backlight patches are useless without new userland11:48
* arrrghhh stabs stinebd 11:50
arrrghhhah shit, that might delay things.11:50
emwebacklight feels really broken now11:51
emwea backlight togle enables them, but dodn't enable alone11:51
emweand auto-bl on will never activate them11:51
emweso i am hesitant to push that out... bummer11:52
emwewanted to get rid of some stuff already.11:52
emwehow about a lightweight FRX0711:52
emweof course, we could always point the autobuild users to hycs build but that would pull of even more users from "mainline".11:53
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arrrghhhhyc doesn't support his build.11:59
arrrghhhso i don't really direct people to his stuff... if they happen to find it, more power to them.11:59
emwethis stalling is a bit demotivating...12:05
emwewe can't just change one piece when it depends on 2 others.12:05
emweand this is just the easy patches.12:05
emwea lot of rootfs+userland patches are yet to be incorporated.12:05
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stinebdi have things to fix before i can do a release12:20
stinebdif you don't like it you can go eat a schnitzel12:20
stinebdbecause they're yummy and it'll make you happy12:20
stinebdthat wasn't a joke funny man12:21
stinebdbest meal i had in germany was schnitzel12:21
emwestinebd: rl fix?12:22
emwereal life12:22
emweor some xdandroid stuff to fix before?12:22
stinebdTI wifi is busted12:22
stinebdmaybe some other stuff12:22
stinebdgotta check raph12:22
emweraph fine12:22
emweit's been the wifi-paperweight for some time here only12:23
stinebdwell i guarantee its wifi isn't fine heh12:23
emwewhat can i test?12:23
emweapart from the disabled/enable disaster?12:23
stinebdyou got a sim in your raph?12:24
emwe(which has been there forever and on all devices except rhod, IIANM)12:24
stinebdi think all i have to verify is that ril doesn't explode on it12:24
stinebdi don't think it will anyway12:24
stinebdbut i gotta check12:24
arrrghhhRIL is pretty device-agnostic from what I've gleaned from others who have tested it.12:24
rpierce99the ril worked on kovs yesterday12:24
arrrghhhi saw a vogue user was trying it lol12:25
emweril is fine on topa and rhod.12:25
stinebdi have a couple other minor things to do before release too12:25
stinebdi want to see about upgrading to the ginger versions of gapps12:25
arrrghhhhas anyone talked to jb?12:25
arrrghhhseems his code is still in flux12:25
stinebdand i need to get rhod bluetooth in if posible12:25
arrrghhhyea would be nice.12:25
arrrghhhall that new audio routing stuff would be nice :D12:26
emwestinebd: are you planning to pull in all the other merge requests (or at least parts) mostly from hyc?12:26
stinebdthat's the stuff that's not stable, from what i hear12:26
stinebdemwe: i've pulled them in locally12:26
emwestinebd: ah cool!12:26
arrrghhhjb said he was cleaning his tree last i heard from him, like a month ago...12:26
arrrghhhi checked it a few days ago, still new stuff going in.12:26
arrrghhhlooks like he got dual mic support for RHOD tho.12:26
emwearrrghhh: jb userland has a little regression. earphone routing broken since some commits.12:26
stinebdi didn't actually get to play any video games yesterday btw12:26
emwestinebd: hope i haven't disturbed you with the little froyo gps merger...12:27
stinebdprobably not, my push will just not do anything12:28
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stinebdi think i remember why i never merged any bluetooth patches from jb12:50
stinebdit's because he never sent me any12:51
arrrghhhmight be difficult12:51
stinebdhe sent an email on the list with kernel patches, said he'd be sending me userland patches12:52
stinebdthen he sent me an email a while later saying there should be a change in the userland patches (which i never got)12:52
stinebdand then he sent an email on the list complaining about me not applying his patches12:52
arrrghhhi never see that dude online.  he must code in his basement without any distractions :P12:53
stinebddoes he have repos on gitorious or anything that i can look through?12:53
stinebdok thanks12:54
stinebdoh i see what he was talking about now12:55
stinebdPlease, can you comment the line "proc_supported_features_setting()" in the brcm_patchram_plus patches I've sent you ? It seems that this line make the bluetooth beeing more difficult to pair and connect.12:55
stinebdseriously i never got that patch12:55
stinebdmaybe it's on the list somewhere and gmail search sucks12:56
arrrghhhgmail search usually fails me.12:59
arrrghhhi don't know _why_, search is supposed to be their f-ing thing.12:59
emwejb is usually available via mail. he always replies "in time"12:59
stinebdit's because people are so damn concerned about their perceived privacy and google can't index most of it properly12:59
emwemostly chatting with him via mail12:59
stinebdthese google apps better work13:00
stinebdsystem/bluetooth/brcm_patchram_plus/brcm_patchram_plus.c: In function 'reset_bt':13:01
stinebdsystem/bluetooth/brcm_patchram_plus/brcm_patchram_plus.c:743: warning: missing initializer13:01
stinebdsystem/bluetooth/brcm_patchram_plus/brcm_patchram_plus.c:743: warning: (near initialization for 'req.tv_nsec')13:01
stinebdsystem/bluetooth/brcm_patchram_plus/brcm_patchram_plus.c:756: warning: implicit declaration of function 'nanosleep'13:01
* stinebd stabs13:02
emweoh, giving them a try...13:06
stinebdi dislike when people introduce warnings13:07
stinebdalmost as much as hyc does13:07
stinebdi heard he once hanged a man for it13:07
D3tul3arrrghhh: did you have to do any special yoga to get data on .39? clean frx06 + f22 rootfs and no dice13:09
arrrghhhwhich RIL?13:09
D3tul3community 0.813:09
arrrghhhi prefer stripper-obics13:09
D3tul3everything should be stock13:09
stinebdspeaking of f2213:09
arrrghhhD3tul3, hrm, data 'just worked' for me.13:10
arrrghhhdidn't do anything special.13:10
arrrghhhmake sure you have a rootfs WITHOUT 'hyc RIL support'13:10
D3tul3k thanks i must have messed something up, good to know i am not missing anything13:10
arrrghhhwhere is F22?13:10
arrrghhhmy harrassments of him haven't made him commit anything.13:10
arrrghhhperhaps i wasn't harrassing enough.13:10
stinebdok i'm gonna let this build and take the browns to the super bowl13:12
rpierce99he's going to take a dump13:15
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stinebdwhat hcd do i need for rhod bluetooth13:57
stinebdemail it to me13:57
stinebdscrew it i'll just rip it off one of my various rhods13:58
rpierce99there's 2, hyc has a guess of which one to use in his thread, but he says if it doesn't work try the other one13:59
stinebdone's for radio i bet13:59
rpierce99"You need to copy the BCM4325*.hcd files from your \Windows directory onto the root of your SDcard. On my phone there were two files, BCM4325D0..(bunch of crap).hcd and BCM4325D1..(bunch of crap).hcd. The BCM4325D1 file is the one that worked for me. You may have to try them both out."14:00
stinebdthis better not vary based on model14:00
rpierce99well his system works great on my rhod14:01
stinebdthe firmware itself i mean14:01
stinebdthe same one better work for everybody14:01
rpierce99the firmware is in his system14:01
stinebdthen why does he have instructions for where to get it?14:01
rpierce99there is a diff between his thread (for FRX06) and his build (for nobody)14:02
stinebdno there isn't, shut up14:02
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rpierce99how is the world so stupid14:07
rpierce9950% of the facebook population thinks that 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1-1+1+1+1+1+1+1x0 = 014:08
rpierce99wait there is a - in there14:08
rpierce99what a dumb question14:08
rpierce99wait, doesn't matter, still not 014:09
D3tul3that's sad14:10
rpierce99i know right, over 3 million votes14:10
D3tul3even if 95% of those are people just jokind around, that still more than a hundred thousand people that own computers and yet failed 2nd grade math14:11
rpierce99i wonder if my son could do it, he just graduated first grade last week14:12
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rpierce99so he didn't say 0, but he also didn't do the - in the middle and the x0 at the end, so he said 17 or whatever, just counted all the ones14:18
stinebdi got my package from japan today14:18
stinebdthey used a newspaper as filler14:18
stinebdin there is, no joke, porn in the newspaper14:18
rpierce99sweet free porn, will do business with you again sir14:19
stinebdit's in black and white and i can't read it14:19
rpierce99read? you READ porn?14:20
stinebdalso some of it is cartoon porn14:20
rpierce99that stuff gets weird14:20
stinebdseems pretty tame14:26
stinebdno tentacles or anything14:26
stinebdsome dude checks into a love hotel with a very generous turndown service14:28
stinebdactually upon reading it may be a regular hotel14:34
stinebdwhich makes more sense because most guys don't check into a love hotel on their own14:34
stinebdi hope14:34
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emwewtf... 06-17 22:44:20.020 I/WifiStateTracker( 1336): DhcpHandler: DHCP request failed: Timed out waiting for dhcpcd to start14:44
emwerhod on gb14:45
emwe<3>[  257.907440] init: no such service 'dhcpcd_eth0:-h android_363598959a2b4985 eth0'14:45
stinebdginger doesn't have the relevant changes14:46
emwestinebd: any pointers in which parts to look for? assume it's not wifi.c?14:51
stinebdemwe: libhardware_legacy wifi section indeed14:53
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emwewifi.c is identical14:56
stinebdalso make sure init.gingerbread.rc is proper14:58
emwe4 small differences nowhere wifi related.15:01
emwelooking further..15:01
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stinebdemwe: check my gitorious page and look through the merge requests that have wifi or wlan in the name15:10
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emwemerge request or commits you mean?15:13
emweanyway, this is the worst searchable page ever.15:14
stinebdmerge requests15:16
stinebd3rd box on the right15:16
stinebdshould be three repositories involved15:17
stinebdlibh_l, rootfs and device/xdandroid15:17
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emwestinebd: i don't get it why stock kernel+rootfs+gb won't behave as with froyo.15:46
emweregarding that dhcpcp15:46
emwe(i am just trying to enable wifi on the rhod, not test out any merge requests)15:47
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arrrghhhdon't use gb15:49
arrrghhhproblem solved15:50
emweyou got wifi up on gb anytime?15:50
arrrghhhwell i never use wifi...15:51
arrrghhhbut i have tested it.  i don't remember what the result on GB was tho.15:51
emweall fine but dhcp15:52
arrrghhhso configuring an IP as static works?15:53
stinebdholy crap15:53
stinebdiwlagn got fast in 3.0.015:54
stinebdsystem.ext2                                                                                                          100%  123MB   8.8MB/s   00:1415:54
emwearrrghhh: yes, static config works.15:55
arrrghhhi can test it when i get home.15:55
stinebdwe don't support gingerbread yet :P15:57
stinebdapparently whoever owned this ocarina of time cartridge died once, gave up and sold it15:58
emwe<3>[ 4651.228729] mmc0: Data CRC error15:58
emwe<3>[ 4651.228759] msmsdcc_data_err: opcode 0x0000003515:58
emwe<3>[ 4651.228820] msmsdcc_data_err: blksz 144, blocks15:58
emwethat's no good... not even the class1015:59
arrrghhhemwe, what card?15:59
emwe4gb class615:59
arrrghhhstill could be an issue15:59
arrrghhhanything above class4 has issues.15:59
arrrghhhthe higher the class, the more the issues.15:59
emwe8gb class6 transcend on topa never had...15:59
arrrghhhjust had people report issues with C6 & especially C10 cards.16:00
emwedunno what manufacturer this card is, but the sd logo looks suspicious ;)16:00
arrrghhhdo you have anything less than c6?!?16:00
arrrghhhi have a c4 card and a ton of 'classless' cards.16:00
arrrghhhthey all work.16:00
emwei might have a slower 2gb one i think16:01
arrrghhhtry it :P16:01
emwesaw this error the first time apart from the class10 which spit out rather more serious errors16:01
emweso now somebody fix that dhcp16:01
arrrghhhjust use froyo...16:02
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stinebd+       char path[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX] = "/sys/module/board_htcraphael_rfkill/parameters/bdaddr";16:06
stinebdwtf man16:06
stinebdthat doesn't even exist16:06
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stinebdguess i have to duplicate all his work now16:12
emweone of the bt patches?16:13
stinebdrhod bluetooth16:16
stinebdmaybe i have some kernel that is missing a commit16:17
arrrghhhonly hyc's kernels have the commit (binaries, that is)16:19
stinebdthat better not be true16:19
stinebdcause it'll really piss me off16:19
arrrghhhautobuild doesn't have any of the BT magic commits AFAIK16:20
stinebdfucking why16:21
arrrghhhwaiting for userland to catch up...16:21
stinebdwhat the fuck16:21
stinebdgod damn16:21
stinebdthat's total bullshit16:21
stinebdit is NOT DEPENDENT upon userland in ANY way16:22
stinebdwhy wait to push it?16:22
stinebdthat's basically forcing me to build a kernel package just to test it16:22
arrrghhhi was under the impression any kernel with the new audio routing would only work with the new userland audio routing.16:23
arrrghhhjust grab a binary, what's the problem?16:23
emwestinebd: you miss that sys entry? it should be there on every device16:23
stinebdi'm not talking about audio routing16:23
arrrghhhi can link you to one.16:23
emweit's at least on raph.16:23
arrrghhhbut the new audio routing is related to BT..?  i guess you just mean BT in general?  i have no clue what is needed in the kernel for that.16:24
stinebdarrrghhh sometimes you drive me crazy16:24
arrrghhhsorry, i'm dumb.16:24
arrrghhhi'm not sure who would know other than hyc or jb.  i'm pretty sure that none of the BT commits made it to autobuild yet.16:25
stinebdwell i'm booting the newest 27 kernel now so we'll find out16:26
stinebdif it's not in there i'm lynching someone16:26
arrrghhhgood luck16:26
* emwe is around16:26
stinebdthere it is16:26
stinebdwonder what kernel i was running and who i got it from16:27
emwepanel testing16:27
emwe(if you booted your raph that is)16:27
stinebdnah, this is rhod16:27
stinebdtesting bluetooth bring-up16:27
emwethat raphael_rfkill is used for all devices and thus the module param should be there on every.16:28
emwehm, topa in airplane @20% after 22.5h on .35.16:30
emwecould be better...16:30
emweman... why am i always missing the community ril output in radio log....16:32
emweor was it main logcat?16:32
stinebdit's in radio16:33
stinebdI/RILC    ( 1259): RIL Daemon version: HTC Vogue Community RIL hyc e0c8b70 2011-05-05 20:40:18 -040016:33
emweok, i should get some rest.16:33
stinebdpatchram aint doin crap16:33
stinebdfix it arrrghhh16:33
emweHTC Vogue Community RIL hyc 7bdd367 2011-05-11 21:48:19 -070016:33
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arrrghhhemwe, if the radio logcat scrolls it off, you should be able to see it with getprop.l16:34
emweah cool. thx arrrghhh. see it.16:34
emwewuah thos bindmounts driving me nuts... that is definitively not the latest one16:35
emwei pushed latest build to /lib/froyo/ and rebooted.16:35
arrrghhhwell the latest ril2 should go in /system/lib16:36
arrrghhhassuming your rootfs supports that...16:36
emweno, still stock16:36
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emwefinally.... HTC Vogue Community RIL hyc 1b08e13 2011-06-07 01:54:08 -070016:48
emwethought the build sys would rebuild it after sync...16:49
stinebdbluetooth started but it's totally useless16:52
arrrghhhemwe, the newest RIL is from 5/31...?16:52
stinebdscans on the device show no results, scans from somewhere else randomly pop up with the device but it has a false mac address16:52
stinebdwrong firmware?16:53
emwearrrghhh: latest commit is from HTC Vogue Community RIL hyc 1b08e13 2011-06-07 01:54:08 -070016:53
emwearrrghhh: ah yeah, just a small one it seems. 5/31 is ok16:53
arrrghhhhuh, so there is a newer one.16:54
arrrghhhhe didn't post that to his thread :P16:54
stinebdother firmware gives         BD Address: 43:25:00:00:6F:09 ACL MTU: 1021:7 SCO MTU: 64:116:56
stinebdbut no communication at all16:56
stinebdhyc: are there special arguments for this brcm_patchram_plus that we need?16:56
stinebdother than the firmware file16:57
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stinebdok good ti still works17:08
stinebdjust gotta get rhod doing something useful17:08
stinebdlet him do his work arrrghhh17:09
stinebdit's more important17:09
arrrghhhi tried to pick a lul17:09
hyckernel support for BT has been in autobuild for many months17:14
stinebdbaudrate kills it17:14
arrrghhhso i guess it's just the audio routing stuffs that's missing from autobuild.17:15
rpierce99and hycs keyboard lights, if we are going to that17:15
stinebdhyc: i'm having trouble bringing it up in any useful way17:15
hycwe totally gotta have the sexy cool faeding kbd lights17:15
arrrghhhthose are dead sexy btw.17:16
hycyou need to have JB's patched brcm_patchram_plus17:16
hycand the attach command I posted
hycyes, I forgot what that means ;)17:17
arrrghhhhyc, "DataConnection Initfailed GENERIC_FAILURE" ---> does this mean the wrong APN is being used?17:20
hyccheck the radio log, not the main log17:22
arrrghhhi haz a radio log17:23
arrrghhh1 sec17:23
arrrghhhthis is from that confused vodaphone user.  i'm pretty sure the APN isn't correct.17:24
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stinebdno luck with that either17:25
hycyeah, seems like wrong APN17:25
stinebdhyc: which rhod you have again?17:25
stinebdwhich one do i have?17:26
stinebdit's sprint17:26
arrrghhhw00t, successful diagnosis17:26
rpierce99maybe i should get that app into the market17:26
rpierce99i didn't think it would be this difficult to get people to install an apk17:26
arrrghhhstine you n00b17:26
hycbut other folks have been using the bt stuff successfully17:26
arrrghhhrpierce99, it's difficult for some people to breathe17:26
stinebdany sprinters?17:26
stinebdwell merging it in didn't effing work so17:27
arrrghhhdid you do all the other poop?17:27
arrrghhhoh you probably don't need the csv's actually17:27
arrrghhhjust that firmware file, that HCD file or whatever17:27
hycthey're only for audio routing17:27
stinebdi'm not doing any of that until it's stable17:27
arrrghhhfair enough17:27
arrrghhhdid you try both firmwares?17:27
stinebdas i understand it, all i needed was to merge the patchram changes and set up the hciattach service17:28
stinebdas well as get a kernel that isn't 4 years old17:28
hycand copy the firmware in17:28
stinebdi count that in setting up hciattach17:28
arrrghhhs/b all you need17:28
stinebd08455b222cbec974a28f076f23a344e5  BCM4325D1_004.002.004.0083.0084.hcd17:28
stinebdis what i'm using17:28
stinebdstraight from its winmo rom17:29
hycyeah that should be fine17:29
stinebdwhen i was able to bring up bluetooth, it had a fake mac17:29
hycwhat do you see in logcat or dmesg?17:29
hycI think that's normal for it17:29
stinebdthat's normal?17:30
hycit should be randomly generating I think17:30
stinebdit was 43:25:00:00:00:0017:30
hycoh.... turn off BT in winmo17:30
hycyou can't load the firmware twice17:30
hycif winmo has already inited, it will fail.17:30
arrrghhhi guess i never had BT on in WinMo.17:31
stinebdwhy is bt on in winmo?17:31
arrrghhhyou tell us17:31
hycI keep winmo in airplane mode, never had any problems17:31
stinebdthis is why people hate us17:31
stinebdwe all keep our phones in the most useless states ever17:31
stinebdi never have sim cards, you never have bt on ;)17:32
arrrghhhwell it's to benefit Android :P17:32
hycuseless to who? works for me 'cause I'm never in winmo anyway17:32
stinebdincidentally whatever crap is installed on this winmo rom causes me not to be able to see whether bluetooth is on or not17:32
stinebdunless i go to the start menu where the real taskbar shows up17:32
stinebdhyc: after this release you're moving on to gingerbread17:33
arrrghhhlibgps is a good place to start i hear...17:34
rpierce99wait can we fix gps on froyo first plz17:34
arrrghhhgps works on froyo17:34
arrrghhhyou mean the sleep bug?17:34
rpierce99works as in doesn't sleep, crashes after 10 minutes?17:34
arrrghhhthat would be amazing to squash.17:35
arrrghhhcrashes after 10 minutes...?17:35
arrrghhhi don't have that.17:35
arrrghhhi've used it for a few hours before.17:35
hycyeah me too17:35
rpierce99every time i've used gps + navigation to actually drive somewhere the whole phone rebooted17:35
stinebdi used it underwater once17:35
stinebdin a sealed bag of course17:35
arrrghhhrpierce99, you are a mac user i forget.17:35
hycanyway, considering that libgps would probably be a total rewrite, not sure that fixing froyo would help GB17:35
hycof course it might be kernel side.17:36
arrrghhhalrighty, goin home guys.  cya.17:36
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stinebdwe also have to fix ti bluetooth in ginger17:37
hycyou have Ti bluetooth working in froyo?17:37
hycI never looked at that17:37
rpierce99that has worked longer than bcm17:38
stinebdthe problem in ginger is it crashes the system when enabling17:38
stinebdduring a dbus call17:38
hycweird. dbus msg format is wrong?17:39
stinebdnull pointer17:39
stinebdnot sure what's causing it17:39
stinebdhanging this time17:41
stinebdrhodium is crap17:41
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stinebdi'm spending way more time on this than i was hoping to18:01
stinebddmesg is only giving unknown hci packet type errors18:03
stinebdin h4_recv18:03
hycnever seen any bt errors in dmesg before18:04
stinebddamn almost18:06
stinebdok so that worked18:06
stinebdpairing isn't working at all18:07
stinebdbut a file transfer went through18:07
stinebdabout twice as fast as ti so that's good18:07
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hycyou can transfer without pairing?18:08
stinebd50KB/s not too bad18:08
stinebdhave you ever tried this with wifi on btw?18:08
stinebdbecause that appears to have been my issue18:08
hychmm, don't think so18:08
hycthere are driver options for BT/Wifi coexistence18:09
hycwe probably need to look into those18:09
stinebdhmm well now it's working with wifi on as well18:09
stinebdlet me reboot and try it all again18:09
stinebdok 2 in a row, i'm happy with that18:22
stinebdnow how do we make raph go that fast?18:22
hycset ttyHS1 to 4Mbps ?18:23
emwethere was some instruction mail from alex iirc18:23
stinebdi got all that stuff18:26
emweservice hciattach /system/bin/hciattach \18:27
emwe-n -s 115200 /dev/ttyHS1 texasalt 4000000 flow18:27
stinebdgot it18:27
stinebdit's not disgustingly slow but it's slower than rhod18:27
hycso we still need to edit /init.rc based on device type?18:27
hycmebbe that should go into a shell script instead so init.rc stays unchanged18:28
stinebdi got that done18:28
emwehyc: btw, your keyboard light+userland and clamshell changes go into autobuild when FRX07 is going out18:29
hycok, cool18:29
emweotherwise it's totally borked with old userland.18:29
emwealready got them cherry-picked waiting on another branch18:29
emwewould have like to get them off already, but i could virtually hear the users crying.18:31
hycI suppose :P18:31
bzowassup fellas18:32
bzohow goes it emwe?18:33
emwejust watching the userland chiefs here ;)18:34
* rpierce99 is now officially on vacation until July 6th. Out of Office Autoreply is set.18:34
emwebzo: honestly, getting sidetracked by three devices with different setups and getting nothing done.18:34
bzoemwe: eh, at least you are fighting the good fight.18:35
stinebdhi bzo18:35
bzowe seem to back to you being the sole maintainer of the kernel18:36
emwebzo: you pulled on your fight suit?18:36
stinebdessentially what we need to do now is get ti wifi going again18:36
bzohi stinebd18:36
emwestinebd: what is wrong with ti wifi and where/how?18:36
hycstinebd: so that ip link rename is still not working?18:36
bzoemwe: I plan to get back into things soon though :)18:36
stinebdhyc: keyboard lights and clamshell stuff is in the merge requests?18:36
hychmmm, not sure18:36
hycI stopped submitting new requests after a point18:37
stinebdemwe: renaming the device doesn't work, so it's broken as of hyc's merge requests18:37
hycclamshell fix is kernel side only18:37
hyckbd lights is both kernel and userland18:37
stinebdthat would be liblights, so i don't remember seeing that18:37
hycsounds right18:37
emweno, it was something else18:38
emweit was some logic flaw in frameworks no?18:38
stinebdwe have a resources change in the device overlay for the framework18:38
stinebdrelated to keyboard brightness in auto mode18:38
emwebut there was seomthing else not liblights related18:38
stinebdactually the code change was for keyboard brightness in automode18:38
emwebzo: you where on rhodw?18:38
hycand auto mode still doesn't really manage that correctly because light sensor doesn't work18:38
bzoemwe: yup18:38
bzoalso have a diam500 hanging around18:39
emwebzo: i think arrrgh want's you to take over bug 120 because i am to lazy :)18:39
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, NEW , RHOD500 GSM Radio issues after panel collapse commit18:39
emwebzo: i can reproduce here though on rhod400+gsm18:40
emweyou on gsm?18:40
bzonah on cdma, I was about to say I have no way to test18:40
emwei don't want to bisect those clock-wince changes honestly.18:41
bzothough maybe if I get my phone unlocked, I can borrow a sim18:41
hycyou don't evven need GSM account as long as you have the SIM card18:41
bzoyou need the unlocked radio though right?18:41
hycyou'll see /dev/smd7 close as soon as the device goes to sleep18:41
hychmmm, not sure. if it's like any other service lock, you should still be allowed to make emergency calls18:42
hycwhich means, the radio is still operable18:42
bzoemwe: so it is definitely caused by the clock-wince changes?18:43
emwe1253 works, 1258 not.18:43
emwethat's what the reports say18:43
stinebdhmm that's odd18:44
emwehow could one get those commit-id instead of the commit'ish?18:44
stinebdthe screen stays on with auto-bl on18:44
stinebdnew bug to fix18:45
stinebdI/power   ( 1286): *** set_screen_state 018:45
stinebdE/power   ( 1286): Failed setting last user activity: g_error=018:45
emwei don't wanna stick in your skin18:45
hychaven't ever seen that before either18:46
* emwe whonders how well german sayings are received when simply translated 18:46
hycweird. OK, I just posted a merge request for kbd backlight userland, but it's not really relevant here18:46
hycI mean, has no effect until kernel patches are in18:47
stinebdand kernel guys won't merge it until userland has it18:47
hycfair enough18:47
hycit will be a no-op then18:47
hycbecause right now there is no /sys/class/leds/keyboard-backlight18:47
hycI guess it will magically start working when the kernel patch is in18:48
stinebdwhy is set_screen_state failing??18:50
stinebdthis is very odd indeed18:51
hycNo clue...18:51
stinebdprobably kernel's fault18:54
emwestinebd: here's a .27 package with the three keyboard commits from hyc if you need it: (also has modded cable plug notification, hope it won't SOD, of course worksforme(c))19:12
emwebzo: commitid 1254 introduces jeromes clock-wince impl imported by you. 1258 introduces rhod panel collapse. either it's the clock-wince or some introduced vreg enable/disable in 1258 which could also leave room for introspection regarding that data loss on suspend.19:24
bzoemwe: I think the vreg stuff is more likely to be the issue19:25
emwebzo: and way easier to test ;)19:25
bzoThe rhodw may be using a wrong vreg used for the panel collapse19:27
bzomight also explain why wis is reporting much better sleep in the regular rhod19:27
bzoby sleep, I mean sleep power consumption19:28
bzowe should ask [acl] what he remembers about vreg from the wince dlls19:29
emweoh fine! then i am not alone with that suspicion19:29
emwei gave hycs combo branch a try with rhod400 in airplane and it got to like 16 hours iirc19:30
emwethat branch contains all pm vodoo wis came up with19:30
rpierce99did you disable scbs first?19:30
emweno scbs here19:31
emwe(rootfs in that case)19:31
bzoon my rhod500, I think sleep battery use is 2-3%/hour (i.e. 30-50 hours)19:31
bzobut I think wis is saying he gets less than 1% per hour19:31
bzoerr, actually I'm on rhod400 like you19:32
bzobut 400/500 are pretty much identical19:32
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emwehm, htc-linux wiki only documents rhod100 vregs which are identical to topa ... gsm19:33
bzomaybe you have a bad battery?19:33
emweno, that one is good19:33
emweperhaps it was a bad test19:33
bzoyeah, afaict, there are 3 distinctly different types of rhods - the rhod100 which is like the topaz, the rhod210/300, and 400/50019:34
emwethe raph800 has different vregs then the raph100 for lcd as well19:36
bzothe raphs are almost all completely different devices - even between the cdma 500/80019:38
emweyeah... like seen with stinebds...19:38
emwemy raph100 last like 24h minimum without panel collapse19:38
emwehis like 4 hours or so19:38
stinebd8-12 hours19:39
emweoh sry :)19:39
emwenow go fix that :P19:39
emwehm, for the first time ever this rhod panel came up instantly...19:41
rpierce99you should try .39, wake is NICE19:41
emwedata still working. will let it sleep a bit longer then just some seconds19:41
emwerpierce99: i've never seen such an awful wake then on rhod honestly.19:41
rpierce99some kernels are better than others, but yeah most of the autobuild stuff is pretty bad19:42
emweat least on .2719:42
emwe.35 is ok imho19:42
emwei still need to hold pwr button a tad bit longer for it not falling asleep again19:42
emwejust tapping it mostly turns-around and goes to sleep again19:42
rpierce99i don't have to do anything special on either wistilt2 or hycs kernels19:43
emwei will try hycs combo branch again then19:43
emweyou are on what device?19:43
emwevariant that is...19:43
emweboah 10 second wakeup... PITA!19:44
stinebdshit something is definitely wrong here19:44
stinebdscreen refuses to turn off19:44
emwestinebd: also with the test kernel i linked above?19:44
emwebzo: data still up. hm.19:45
stinebdthis is a userland problem i think19:45
stinebdand it's happening on raph too19:45
bzoemwe: by removing panel vreg code?19:45
emwebzo: yap.19:45
emwebzo: it might need longer though19:45
emwewon't like to call it a day before it's over19:46
emwewill try over night in the hope i won't run out of batt19:46
bzoemwe: guess we just need to figure out correct panel power up/down for rhodw19:46
emwebut had no signal+data the other days over night and couldn't get radio on again with what i tried.19:47
emwebzo: either trace proc comm via haret or somebody good in asm look them up19:47
emwei am too dumb figuring stuff out with ida19:47
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bzoemwe: I'm no good with ida either. Let's ask [acl] when we see him, I think he looked into this quite a bit19:48
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emwei will fire off a mail to him right away19:49
emweno smd_close()... that looks good19:50
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rpierce99emwe: rhod40020:07
emwecdma or gsm?20:07
emwehope to remember next time20:08
arrrghhhit's kinda sad how many people i know what device(s) they have20:11
stinebdI/power   ( 1292): *** set_screen_state 020:18
stinebdE/power   ( 1292): Failed setting last user activity: g_error=0 fd=55 ret=-120:18
stinebdfind /proc -path */fd/55 = ""20:18
hycbogus fd?20:19
stinebdseems so20:19
hycnothing in dmesg related to backlight?20:19
stinebdwell that's for screen state20:19
stinebdso it would be /sys/power/state20:20
stinebdrw-rw---- 1001:100020:20
stinebdi'm thoroughly confused20:20
arrrghhhneed moar bacon20:21
emweand i am tired. good luck stinebd.20:21
stinebdthis is obviously a showstopper20:21
emwenight everyone.20:21
arrrghhhg'nite emwe20:21
hycput up a traball of your current source, and we can compare trees?20:22
stinebdof android?20:22
stinebdlol no20:22
stinebdthat would be huge and it would take forever for me to upload it20:23
stinebdi can put up an image20:23
hycnot sure that would help20:23
hychow about a recursive ls -l with checksums20:23
stinebdwhat would that accomplish?20:24
hycthen we can at least know where to start looking20:24
stinebdthe critical section is power in libhardware_legacy20:24
stinebdset_screen_state() is failing20:25
hycok. pretty sure I never changed anything in that20:25
arrrghhhthe man just wants to diff20:25
stinebdneither did i20:25
stinebdthat's why i'm confused20:25
stinebdliterally nothing changed in screen state handling20:25
stinebdalex did20:26
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stinebdlooks like that merge request needs to be rejected20:27
arrrghhhwhat did he change?20:27
stinebdsee power.c20:27
stinebd3. Fix compilation error in power.c (dunno where it comes from, probably from some new compiler version. FYI, i was building froyo branch of the library on a gingerbread tree of xdandroid)20:28
stinebdgonna revert that commit and keep the others20:29
arrrghhhyea i was just reading that20:29
arrrghhhfacepalm indeed20:29
arrrghhhseems like he removed some essential things thar lol20:30
hycthat's weird, functionally the patch doesn't seem to change anything20:32
stinebdbtw you've noticed the mediaservice crashing during boot scan?20:34
stinebdchar *buf;20:36
hycnope, never seen that crash20:37
stinebdit only shows up in logcat20:37
stinebdyou don't see anything on screen about it20:37
hycwhat do you have in the log?20:37
stinebdit's a segfault in stagefreight20:37
stinebdbeen happening since the camera merge20:37
hycweird. a bunch of other folks have been reporting crashes, related to ID3 tags in their files20:38
stinebderr stagefright20:38
hycnone of my audio files have any tags20:38
stinebdit doesn't seem to affect anything20:38
stinebdjust that mediaservice has to keep restarting itself until whatever it's doing is done20:39
rpierce99i don't have it in my logs, but i don't have any mp3 files either20:39
hycall my audio is ogg aac20:39
stinebdall my audio is uncompressed pcm so there20:40
rpierce99all my audio is in "the cloud"20:40
hycin other words, it's not yours any more :P20:40
stinebdnever was his20:40
rpierce99it never was :P20:40
stinebdsome of us don't make our own music20:40
hycoh. how strange. :P20:40
arrrghhhi just use ampache20:41
arrrghhhit's in the cloud, mine. :D20:41
arrrghhhdinar time.  bbl20:42
rpierce99is wifi supposed to stay connected when the phone sleeps or what? people keep complaining about it20:42
stinebdit's optional20:43
stinebdthere's even a setting in android for it20:43
hycit usually disconnects about 15 minutes after idle20:43
hycand apps like Connectbot can force it to stay up20:43
stinebdthat's not normal20:43
hycseems pretty normal to me, same on G120:44
stinebdmy n1 definitely doesn't do that20:44
hycand on G1 wpa_supplicant usually fails after a sleep/wake cycle20:44
stinebdwell that seems relatively normal for 0.5.x20:44
hychave to manually turn off wifi and back on again for it to reconnect to my WPA AP20:44
stinebdmy sister's lg piece of crap does that too20:44
stinebdwonder what kind of wlan it has20:45
hycso yeah, by default, wifi turns off shortly after the phone goes to sleep20:45
stinebdyeah, but it should stay up if you set that to never sleep20:46
hycah. I've never set that20:46
stinebdthere we go20:46
stinebdreverting that commit fixed it20:46
hycI have never sleep when plugged in, that works20:47
stinebdmy remedial c knowledge suggests char *buf; is the problem20:47
stinebdshould just be a bounded array20:47
hycsyntactically it looks fine to me20:48
hycbuf ="wake"20:48
hycperfectly valid20:48
stinebdbut it has no memory allocated there20:48
stinebdit's just a pointer20:48
hycyes but you're assigning the pointer to a string constant20:49
hycthat's always valid20:49
hycwhat's not valid here is declaring char *buf after executable statements, but gcc only makes that a warning20:49
hycthe new code looks ok overall, strange that it fails20:51
hycand the old code is definitely kinda stupid, sprintf'ing a bunch of string constants20:51
stinebdwould strlen() work with that?20:52
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hycthe only thing that makes sense to me is that somehow g_new_paths is wrong20:52
stinebd            open_file_descriptors(OLD_PATHS);20:53
stinebd            g_new_paths = 1;20:53
hycso it was writing the wrong strings20:53
stinebdit's backwards20:53
hycah yes, exactly20:53
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hycalso he changed "mem" to "off"20:54
hycis that valid?20:54
stinebdour kernels aren't old enough to worry about that anyway20:55
hycso both mem and off are accepted?20:56
stinebddoubt it20:56
stinebdit probably needs mem20:56
stinebdbut we use g_new_paths so who cares20:56
hycuh, that still sounds backwards20:57
hycwhatever. you can sort it out...20:57
hycon/mem seems to be new paths20:57
hycwake/standby seems to be old paths20:57
stinebdso essentially he uses bash logic here20:58
stinebd0 = true and 1 = false20:58
stinebdyeah i'll sort it out20:59
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stinebdnew gapps failed btw, it needs an updated sdk21:07
stinebdsdk version*21:07
hycso it demands GB framework21:08
hycwell, running GB framework on froyo has been done before21:08
stinebdi think gmaps was the only thing in the pack that actually installed21:08
stinebdi'm not interested in doing that21:08
hycyeah, me neither21:08
stinebdthats one of those typical xda devs things21:09
hycI was running it on my G1 for a while21:10
hycCM6.1 with GB framework and apps21:10
hyctoo memory hungry for the G1 tho21:10
stinebdok rhod seems good21:10
stinebdbasically what's left to do is test raph with a sim card in it (just to make sure -- i'm 98% certain it'll be fine) and get TI wifi working21:11
hycbut we still haven't figured out why the ip link command isn't working huh21:11
stinebdthat's the only thing keeping it from working i think21:12
hycI can certainly believe that I put it in the wrong place in wifi.c21:12
hycbut it really ought to have worked fine in the wifi loader script21:12
stinebdmaybe we can put it in loadit21:12
hycI recall someone tried it and said that made the entire loadit script fail21:13
stinebdactually i tried it by hand once i think, maybe it just doesn't do anything21:13
hycbut that sounds to me like he borked the script21:13
hycI've done it on my G1, which uses TI wlan, no problem there.21:13
stinebdwe'll see what happens then21:14
stinebdi'm good at editing scripts21:14
stinebdi haven't mentioned this yet, but i'm starting to merge all the crap in rootfs /init.etc into the system image21:15
stinebdusing a prebuilt directory in the device tree21:15
hycsounds good21:16
hycwould be nice to trim rootfs down a lot more21:16
hycwhere did your busybox build come from? I wonder if I should merge my dmesg patches back into it21:17
stinebdphh probably21:18
stinebdthat dates to before my time21:18
hycmebbe should pull down a current BB tree then21:18
hycI have an old one on my G1 too, don't remember who built it21:19
hycrpierce99: I don't even know where the "keep wifi awake" setting is - do you?21:22
stinebdwireless settings, wifi, hit menu, advanced21:22
hycah, got it21:23
rpierce99hm, i doubt he set that up21:23
rpierce99i would have never found that21:23
hycyeah I've never touched it21:23
stinebdthat was like the first thing i found in android when i started using it21:23
hycin fact, that's the issue that got me started hacking on xdandroid. 15 minutes after sleep, wifi would go off and 3G data would turn on, and SoD.21:24
rpierce99we didn't tell you about it so that you would fix our ril, get us on cdma mode, fix mms, fix kb bl, and all the other crap21:25
hycIt took a lot of logs before I made the connection...21:25
rpierce99we knew it all ahead of time21:25
stinebdhyc: you should've just asked21:25
stinebdarrrghhh would've slapped you for not knowing and i would've been the nice guy and told you how21:26
hycyeah, would've saved me a ton of trouble :P21:26
hycbut that's assuming I wanted wifi to stay on. which I didn't.21:26
stinebdi totally do21:26
hycI just wanted the phone to stop crashing ...21:26
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stinebd<3 wifi always on21:27
stinebdespecially on the broadcoms21:27
stinebduses less power than wcdma :D21:27
rpierce99i've never understood that, it seems like having 2 radios on > 121:27
hycreally? yeah bizarre21:28
stinebddata on wcdma is a huge battery sucker21:28
hycI mean, once you're on UMTS you're there for voice and data anyway right?21:28
stinebdwhereas phone pings aren't so much21:28
stinebdmaybe it's just the qualcomms that are like that21:28
rpierce99hm, maybe i'll give that a test here soon, seems backwards to me21:29
hycwhen I'm really worred about batteyr life I just hit 2G only21:29
rpierce99i'm rarely ever that far away from my computer21:29
stinebdi have locale turn my wifi off when i'm not at home21:29
rpierce99if my phones about to die i just boot back into winmo21:29
stinebdwifi sucks power if it's not connected21:30
stinebdby doing scans every 45 seconds or so21:30
hycof course, hitting that toggle has crashed rild a lot in the past. should be fine now tho.21:30
hycyeah, you could always change the scan interval in build.prop21:30
hycI just toggle wifi manually in the powercontrol widget.21:32
stinebdi'm far too lazy for that21:32
hycthat's one of the few things it works on21:32
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IINSPECTOR-0011i can't ddl anything from market21:38
IINSPECTOR-0011who can help me21:38
arrrghhhbleh, this issue is maddening21:39
hycmarket still works fine for me21:39
IINSPECTOR-0011i can browse market21:40
rpierce99tons of people are having issues21:40
hycnever had any hiccups even when their servers were supposedly falking out21:40
IINSPECTOR-0011but can't ddl21:40
IINSPECTOR-0011the market say download unseccessful21:41
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hycneed a sexier downloader21:41
arrrghhhreboot 15,000 times21:42
arrrghhhcall me in a week21:42
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rpierce99IINSPECTOR-0011: there's a ton of discussion about the issue on xda-devs in the rhod forum, i'd suggest starting there21:42
rpierce99there is no perfect fix21:42
arrrghhhi wonder if it's some fix_permissions thing21:43
hycalways possible21:43
hycbut just guessing, without logs21:43
IINSPECTOR-0011ok, i try a lot of suggestion on xda-forum but not work21:43
arrrghhhrpierce99, don't you have that url to your thread memorized21:43
rpierce99haha no i just copy/paste it every time21:43
arrrghhhwe'd need to see logs to figure out what's going on21:43
IINSPECTOR-0011see logs?21:44
rpierce99IINSPECTOR-0011: try to download some apps from the market, then run this app
rpierce99give us the pastebin url and we'll see if we can find anything21:44
IINSPECTOR-0011i up load the logs file with logcat21:47
arrrghhhyour app isn't good enough rpierce9921:48
rpierce99yeah, apparently anyone can pull logcat all of a sudden21:48
rpierce99there are a ton of errors in that log21:48
IINSPECTOR-0011why i can solve this error21:49
arrrghhhwhy you can indeed21:50
arrrghhhit's just a ton of vomit21:51
rpierce99out of memory seems a pretty consistent message21:51
arrrghhhDownloadManager( 2024): can't know size of download, giving up21:51
hycyeah, out of memory is the only real error21:52
hyceverything else is collateral damage21:52
IINSPECTOR-0011out of memory21:52
hycwell, most likely21:53
hycno timestamps in this log21:53
arrrghhhthat app sure is nice.21:53
arrrghhheven if you know what you're doing, it's just the lazy way.  which i'm all for... assuming the phone functions.21:54
rpierce99yeah i'm not planning on ever getting a log through adb again if i don't have to21:54
rpierce99so IINSPECTOR-0011 do you have an app that will show you free mem?21:58
IINSPECTOR-0011i'll upload pic with url22:00
IINSPECTOR-0011why something wrong about free memory?22:02
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rpierce99each app in the dalvik vm only gets 4MB of memory, and you can't change it, so market is using too much memory22:07
IINSPECTOR-0011what app?22:08
arrrghhhthe Market22:08
IINSPECTOR-0011what next step can i do22:09
arrrghhhi guess try rebooting and use the Market immediately?22:10
arrrghhhperhaps you have too much stuff running in the background22:10
arrrghhhwasn't there some heapsize hyc increased22:10
rpierce99it shouldn't be that22:10
arrrghhhis this the same thingy22:10
rpierce99other apps don't change your 4M allocation per app22:10
rpierce99and he has free ram according to his screenshot22:11
stinebdurmom freed my ram last night22:11
stinebdthat's a euphemism for kicked me out of the house22:12
IINSPECTOR-0011i can increase ram for market?22:13
arrrghhhrpierce99, i added your app to the FAQ22:13
arrrghhhsorta kinda22:13
rpierce99so you will have to find a way within the market app itself to make it use less ram22:13
rpierce99uninstall apps or something22:13
stinebdlisten, our faq is not an advertisement board for third party app developers22:13
stinebdexcept for that wifi app and the other thing22:14
arrrghhhstinebd, i broke the whole 'pulling logs' crap out of the FAQ22:14
arrrghhhand created a [[Logs]] page22:14
rpierce99that doesn't work here :)22:14
arrrghhhi literally just approved it22:14
arrrghhhtry again :P22:14
rpierce99no i mean [[Logs]]22:15
arrrghhhon the wiki22:15
rpierce99ugh, forget it22:15
stinebdhe's saying apt doesn't expand that in this channel22:15
stinebdbecause there is no apt22:15
stinebdtry to keep up here, arrrghhh22:15
rpierce99in htc-linux if you do [[Logs]] apt links you to the wiki22:15
* arrrghhh is slow22:15
hycone finger zoom?
stinebdthat could be useful22:16
stinebdif you're captain hook22:16
hycthe link was in the bug report rpierce99 posted22:16
rpierce99hyc: did you find that reasearching the bug? i saw the same link22:16
rpierce99haha yeah22:16
IINSPECTOR-0011i can format sd card and fresh install to test if work?22:16
rpierce99easier, just rename data.img to something else, it will start you from scratch, and you can test again22:17
arrrghhhassuming you have an extra 256mb to spare heh22:17
IINSPECTOR-0011extra 256 mb on sd card?22:18
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IINSPECTOR-0011i will try now!22:18
arrrghhhmore spamming xdandroid22:19
arrrghhhc'mon stine keep up.22:19
stinebdwtf are you talking about22:20
rpierce99arrrghhh: unless you feel like explaining ctrl+c to break those logcats, i'd recommend adding -d to the commands22:20
arrrghhho right22:20
arrrghhhi just added -v time22:20
rpierce99o you did22:20
arrrghhhthat's another good thing22:20
rpierce99ctrl-c is explained at the bottom22:20
arrrghhheh i think -d is better.22:21
arrrghhhi'll expand on the ctrl-c explanation for continuous logs below.22:21
stinebdctrl-c ctrl-v? you're publicizing my coding technique?22:21
arrrghhhand tiad's22:21
stinebdoh that reminds me, i need to timebomb this22:22
arrrghhhwhat is this a 30-day trial of frx07?22:22
stinebdi mean tiadbomb22:22
IINSPECTOR-0011may i can ask for another build/[roms] for tp222:24
arrrghhhthere's FroYo or Gingerbread22:25
arrrghhhsupported by us22:25
IINSPECTOR-0011what the best?22:25
arrrghhhi like FroYo22:25
arrrghhhbecause more stuff works on it22:26
rpierce99froyo is more complete/stable, gingerbread is faster22:26
arrrghhhbut Gingerbread seems snappier22:26
arrrghhhwhat we said22:26
IINSPECTOR-0011FyoYo >>format sd card 4 partiton?22:26
arrrghhhour builds do not require any partitions22:27
arrrghhhjust one FAT32 partition.22:27
IINSPECTOR-0011may i ask the link for FroYo?22:28
rpierce99aren't you running it?22:28
rpierce99see this is why i love the app, we would know what build/kernel/ril etc that was being used22:28
arrrghhhIINSPECTOR-0011, you have a RHOD?22:29
arrrghhhi can't remember if we established that22:29
rpierce99we didn't establish anything, he could be on a thunderbolt for all we know22:29
arrrghhhyea i'm sure he's on that device.22:30
arrrghhhhyc, lol love the correction going to the next page.22:30
IINSPECTOR-0011now, i upload the new flsh logcat (From Droid Explorer app)22:31
arrrghhhi will only accept logs from rpierce99's app.22:31
stinebdhyc: still awake?22:31
arrrghhhand i'm getting kicked off my gf's laptop :(22:31
IINSPECTOR-0011where i can ddl app?22:32
arrrghhhhe gave a link earlier22:32
arrrghhhscroll up FTW22:32
rpierce99two finger swipe up FTW :)22:33
arrrghhhlike that's exclusive to crapple or something22:33
rpierce99i know i was on a hp windows lappy yesterday that had it... it sucked, but it had it22:33
arrrghhhi found it worked on my ancient alienware on Linux for some reason22:34
arrrghhhprobably a bug, but it worked amazingly well22:34
stinebdthat would be the synaptics driver22:34
arrrghhhi prefer the scroll section i had in my alienware22:34
arrrghhhi g2g, cya guys22:34
stinebdit can even emulate two-finger detection22:34
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IINSPECTOR-0011 = Google Maps for Windows Mobile released today22:35
rpierce99haha where did he get that link22:36
rpierce99ah, t= vs p=, interesting22:36
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IINSPECTOR-0011i can't ddl from market any more when flesh install23:04
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stinebdhyc: i really don't think android is able to handle this interface name change thing23:07
stinebdin particular the wifi state tracker and the wpa_supplicant driver23:07
rpierce99IINSPECTOR-0011: where did you download xdandroid from23:12
rpierce99i'm assuming you're running xdandroid23:12
IINSPECTOR-0011yes im download from
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rpierce99what phone23:14
IINSPECTOR-0011tp2 rhod10023:14
rpierce99where did you get that link?23:14
rpierce99that post doesn't link to, but the file looks like it's the same23:15
IINSPECTOR-0011what about
rpierce99the link you posted is not in that post23:18
rpierce99but whatever, that's not important23:18
rpierce99what did you install after you installed android23:18
IINSPECTOR-0011fresh install23:19
rpierce99you just installed it and could not install anything from the market, right off the bat23:19
IINSPECTOR-0011yes i can't install anything from market23:19
rpierce99you have obviously installed something because you posted a screenshot of an app, and facebook is in the tray23:21
IINSPECTOR-0011now i'm rename data.img and fresh install23:22
rpierce99right, but it worked for a while23:22
IINSPECTOR-0011but i can't ddl from market23:23
rpierce99yes, i realize that23:23
rpierce99so you originally got xdandroid working.... you did something... then market downloads stopped working... i need to know what the "you did something" was that you did23:24
IINSPECTOR-0011module : modules-
rpierce99why do you have a dirty kernel?23:26
IINSPECTOR-0011solve  for : SOD23:28
rpierce99ok, it's also a test kernel, so if things don't work in it, you can't complain, if you want support you need to be running an official kernel23:29
rpierce99did you upgrade anything else?23:30
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IINSPECTOR-0011i use original23:37
IINSPECTOR-0011any bo dy use wifi to ddl app from market successful?23:53
IINSPECTOR-0011May i ask,Any body use wifi to ddl app from market successful?23:54

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