Thursday, 2011-06-16

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tp2frx06hi every body01:27
tp2frx06i want to ask why i download app from market01:27
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emwehyc: sorry for the noise regarding the ril commit. ;)01:42
hycno prob01:43
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tp2frx06i want to ask why i download app from market02:25
tp2frx06i want to ask why i don't download app from market02:25
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tp2frx06i want to ask why i don't download app from market03:51
emwetp2frx06: do you have trouble downloading any app or just some?04:15
emwehyc: heard you also tried a class10 microsdhc on your rhod. you had mmc write errors by chance?04:28
hycyes, quite a lot04:28
hycyou too?04:28
hycI heard someone mumble about bugs in the MMC driver that could be fixed to solve that, but nothing concrete04:29
tp2frx06emwe i can't download any app04:30
tp2frx06emwe: i can't download any app from market04:30
smileyI'm using the GBX XDAndroid build on the X1 now..     working creat04:30
emwetp2frx06: i think i had problems at some time. but don't remember. downloads work fine for me.04:32
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hycI guess GBX still isn't so stavle for smiley :P04:34
emwehyc: yeah, bought a 8gb class10 and it freaks out on .27 an .35 on heavier "load". i first had clocks to be the culprit as on .35 the controller is even driven up to 50mhz instead 32mhz (luckily .27 only defines the 32mhz clock as the next lower. on .35 alex invented a 40mhz clock which is then attracted. also troublesome.)). i checked codeaurora and they revamped the msm_sdcc driver a bit. will give it a try and see what happens.04:34
tp2frx06but i can't ddl any thing from market04:34
emwetp2frx06: try to look at the logcat and/or dmesg to see what errors it spits out.04:34
hycemwe: would be nice to see that resolved. I switched from my 16GB C10 to a 32GB C4. works great, but I miss the C10 speed.04:35
tp2frx06what line or mesage04:35
hychave to admit tho, it even had trouble on my notebook from time to time.04:35
emwehyc: regarding your smd_tty fix (not looked at it)... you posted it for review or for commit?04:35
hycfor review, I really am not sure it has had any effect whatsoever04:35
emwehyc: i had the card being tested with a sd card testtool on windoze. all fine.04:35
emwei don't see those hickups on .35 and topa.04:36
emwebut this night i could reproduce the rhodw+gsm radio+data failure...04:36
hycyeah, if it choked up on my notebook I would pop it out and reinsert it and it'd be fine04:36
emwethis morning radio+data was dead. battery also got down to 40% in thos 6 hours.04:37
hycI'm surprised it took so long for the GSM bug to surface.04:37
hycwe saw it immediately as I recall04:37
hycbattery drain is odd. I can get at least 48 hours on idle.04:37
emwei think arrghhh said something it to be present for quite a while04:37
hyc16 hours of normal use04:37
hycyes, right after kernel 1253, the big Clocks commit04:38
hycI think Wistilt2 said something about turning off a bunch of clocks in sleep mode04:38
emwei tried your combo branch with a plain frx06 iirc and it lasted 16hours with no connectivity04:38
emwethat's one of the PM stuff04:38
emwedisabling all arm11 subsystem clocks (7 instead of 5) iirc.04:39
hycand one of the clocks seems to be tied to both the SD slot and the SIM card so with the SIM shut off, radio has no choice ut to shut off04:39
emwei think that's one of the clock-wince clocks then.04:39
emwethe "pm clocks" are a different thing i think.04:40
hycyeah, it didn't seem to be related to any of the PM patches04:40
hycI think we already tested with those backed out04:40
emwe.27 doesn#t have these pm clock changes yet.04:41
emwei added them to .35 a while ago though.04:41
hycso you have a good .35 for rhod?04:41
emweno, i dont04:41
hycI wonder if it's worth spending time on it now, or just go with .3904:41
emwetopa is supported better ... well keyboard stuff and led missing04:41
emwei whonder too04:41
emwealex is trying hard modularizing some stuff04:42
emweand i'd like to follow his path04:42
hyclike what?04:42
emweboard specific setups04:42
emwenot all board specific data in the driver/module itself.04:42
emwee.g. mmc.c04:42
hycso keeping drivers generic04:43
emweof course copying all the crappy old shit is faster.04:43
hycand pulling in board-specific parameter tables04:43
hycwould be nicer, definitely.04:43
emweand copying .27 code over .39 just to make the "generic" code compatible with the feels a bit strange.04:44
emwebut yeah, they got it going quite well according to the logs04:45
emwestill need to tell alex his new mmc code has a little logic flaw when enabling disabling sd slot power04:47
emwevregs are refcounted in .35 and always enabling them when there is no vdd change increments their refcount and won#t disable them.04:47
emwesometimes google code makes sense allthough it doesn't look like it ;)04:48
hycwell that makes sense anyway04:48
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emweyes, but also seen code for sapphire making sure a shared wifi vreg is not disabled when bt is active tracked by a global var. so looks like rfkill code doesn't enable/disable it by itself. otherwise i can't imagine why they would do such stuff.04:51
hycnot *everything* google codes is correct......04:51
emwelittle time, much to do...never catching up. :)04:52
hyclol yeah...04:52
emwewhere are you taking of all the time tinkering on this stuff here?04:54
emweare you employed somewhere or your own boss? (if i may ask)04:55
hychuh? taking time? I'm not tinkering right now, gotta get some paid work finished.04:55
hycAnd yes, I own my own software company. www.symas.com04:55
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hycIf you like C programming and TCP/IP network stuff, I'm looking for a new programmer btw ;)04:56
hyche's not here04:57
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smiley_it was more about me getting disconnected ;)05:01
emwehyc: yeah, i meant the time before "now". :) ... i am pretty busy with my employment and the mobile hobby in my spare time. apart from being rather less low-level ;)05:15
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hycemwe: i think you might as well merge that smd_tty patch. it's clearly doing no harm, and it seems to help thru GPRS/EDGE/3G transitions. I've been running with it anyway...06:02
hycbut in the meantime, the real bug still seems to be in tty_ldisc.c and .35 or .39 may be fixed already there.06:02
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smiley_ok.. this is interesting11:22
smiley_xdandroid on the x1 works great but doesn't connect to 3G11:23
smiley_did execute the pppd command from shell and it connected without problems11:24
rpierce99hyc's ril hasn't been tested on the x1 afaik11:24
smiley_well it works.. just need to execute the command manually11:25
smiley_but maybe thats associtate with ril..  reading the docs on kandroid now11:26
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smiley_did replace the ril-lib with hyc and boom 3G went up directly12:06
smiley_well.. not with hyc but with hyc´s ril lib ;)12:08
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rpierce99i think if you just replace the ril with hycs ril without all the rootfs and system changes you might have issues12:10
rpierce99you might want to try running hyc's full system/rootfs combo12:10
rpierce99it has the audio and bt libs though which are only tested on rhod afaik12:10
smiley_so far no issues12:14
rpierce99i think it comes with low/no service or turning on/off airplane mode, but i don't know all the details12:15
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smiley_thats what I have here..  flipping between low 3G-E-Roaming all the time12:19
smiley_gotta try a reboot too.. I did only start it manually12:19
emwehyc: .27 tty_ldisc.c is missing 22 follow up commits to be on par with .35. dunno if these are applicable as is or some api has changed on the road to .3512:19
emwerpierce99: you where on which rhod variant? is it known that when plugging headset and playing music the speaker still produces some distorted - low volume - music output? (or is it the new acoustic libs not playing that well with stock .27?)12:21
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rpierce99i'm on a rhod400, are you talking about the 3.5mm or the extusb12:22
emweah rhod400, fine ;)12:24
rpierce99haven't used the extusb12:25
emwemight very well be the acoustic libs which i am tracking regularly from jb...12:25
emwenever attached earphones?12:25
emweoh, i see ;)12:25
rpierce99not a music guy12:25
emweyou on gsm?12:26
emwecould reproduce the rhodw+gsm bug overnight regarding no radio/data after sleep12:26
rpierce99overnight? shouldn't it take like 3 seconds?12:27
emwelet me test again. didn't watch it to closely when i wen't to bed last night.12:30
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smiley_everything seems to work.. phone, sms, 3G, E12:34
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smiley_ls -la12:37
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emwehyc: <3>[   35.311798] init: sys_prop: permission denied uid:1001  name:ro.cdma.home.operator.numeric (pretty stock .27 + gbx0a+). needs modified "what"?12:56
rpierce99i bet it's supposed to set ro.gsm instead of ro.cdma since the phone is running in gsm mode12:59
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arrrghhhemwe, you shouldn't have to worry about any cdma settings.13:10
arrrghhhand hi btw ;)13:10
smiley_arrrghhh: to make you happy.. I'm running XDAndroid on the X1 now ;)    everything working so smooth so far13:13
smiley_no crashes, no lag..  nothing :)13:13
arrrghhhto make me happy?13:13
arrrghhhit should make you happy :P13:13
smiley_yeah.. me too ;)13:13
smiley_3G/E didn't connect automatically.. only manual execution of pppd in the shell13:14
smiley_so I did take hyc ril and put it in there and restarted rild and boom.. 3G connected13:14
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arrrghhhyou didn't have it in there to begin with?13:20
arrrghhhi see rpierce99 mentioned the other changes too13:20
arrrghhhwith his newest RIL, you do need some changes to the rootfs.  and to the system.13:20
arrrghhhhyc, it seems dual-mic is now working with jb's newest?  have you tried it?13:23
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arrrghhhhrm.  seems jb isn't done.13:25
arrrghhh"Add a1010 driver based on a1026 driver + windows settings. Not yet enabled in board until correctly tested/tweaked but works"13:25
arrrghhhmakes me think he's not done with that newest commit :P13:25
smiley_arrrghhh: no.. I don't know what RIL it was using from start13:27
arrrghhhi do13:27
smiley_but well.. lets see how it works..  not a single pppd kernel panic crash yet atleast ;)13:27
arrrghhh0.8 vogue community RIL, an old outdated version basically.13:27
arrrghhhhyc made many, many improvements to the RIL.13:27
arrrghhha couple at least.13:28
smiley_HTC Vogue Community RIL hyc 1877434 2011-04-14 14:31:04 -070013:28
arrrghhhthat's a little old13:28
smiley_was in there13:28
arrrghhhbut not the most ancient13:28
arrrghhhthat's not stock GBX0A13:28
arrrghhhstock would not be hyc's RIL at all.13:29
arrrghhhwell... shite let me step back once or twice13:29
arrrghhhthere is a rootfs on the autobuild service that does have a version of his RIL in it.13:29
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arrrghhhBUT if you just run stock GBX0A, what's in the bundle, hyc's RIL will not be included.13:29
smiley_I guess someone has been modified it13:30
arrrghhhwell if you grabbed an updated rootfs13:30
arrrghhhthat would explain it...13:30
smiley_I didnt13:30
smiley_let me find the link13:31
arrrghhhthat's not ours13:32
smiley_"Gingerbread rom based on XDAndroid GBX0A with ClockworkMod support. "13:32
arrrghhhXDAndroid is us.13:32
arrrghhhyea i can't take responsibility for something another group does.13:32
arrrghhhthey kang from us, whatever.13:32
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arrrghhhi'm not too worried about it but smiley_, i can't help you with that build.13:33
smiley_no problem ;)13:34
arrrghhhi think the version of CWM has some old version of hyc's RIL, which makes sense why you're seeing what you are seeing.13:34
smiley_ah yeah13:34
smiley_oh well.. with the new and replaced one everything works smooth13:34
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emwearrrghhh: hi. good question for which i asked rpierce99 ealier about: is it known that when plugging headset and playing music the speaker still produces some distorted - low volume - music output? (or is it the new acoustic libs not playing that well with stock .27?)13:42
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arrrghhhi've tried extUSB13:47
arrrghhhbut NOT on the new acoustic libs...13:47
arrrghhhbut yes, last time I used extUSB the sound still partially came out the speaker and was distorted.13:48
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emwearrrghhh: thx, then i refrain switching back to an older version of the acoustic libs. (apart from the fact that jb's libs are backwards compatible with stock kernelland by his saying.)14:03
arrrghhhi saw he has some new magic there too, have you pulled his latest?14:05
emweon .35 yeah ;)14:05
emwetopa yes ;)14:05
arrrghhhspeakerphone was the biggest issue14:05
arrrghhhmeh, who cares about topa :P14:05
emwei am about to test out his .27 patches14:06
emwei am so baffled about .27 rhod panel wake. that's sick14:06
arrrghhhfix it! :P14:06
emwelet me first switch sdcards again. this class10 mmc write errors seem to have corrupted stuff again...14:07
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chuvaskwhat is the best version of FRX?15:24
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arrrghhhthat's the newest15:25
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chuvaskwhy do the main page  say this 25 Mar 2011 Version FRX06 Released 1 Mar 2011 Version FRX05 Released 21 Jan 2011 Version FRX04 Released?, why 21 jan 2011 frx0415:35
arrrghhhwe've had releases up to FRX0615:36
arrrghhhit's not like FRX06 just "came out"15:36
chuvaskwhat do this means?15:36
arrrghhhthere were a few releases before it.15:36
arrrghhhthose are older releases15:36
chuvaskbut why say 21 jan 2011 in the frx0615:37
arrrghhhi have no clue what you're talking about.15:38
arrrghhhstinebd, i giving me a 503...15:39
arrrghhhF5 and it works again lol15:39
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arrrghhhi'll just blame my work cxn.15:39
chuvasksorry for my speech15:39
arrrghhhchuvask, i don't know what you're asking.15:39
rpierce99chuvask: <release date> <version> Released15:40
arrrghhhgive me a link of what you're looking at, perhaps i'm missing something15:40
rpierce99it's the latest news section15:40
rpierce99on the main_page15:40
arrrghhhrpierce99, that doesn't have all the old releases tho15:40
arrrghhhonly the newest15:40
arrrghhhi didn't even notice that section.15:40
stinebdarrrghhh: firefox 4.0.1?15:40
arrrghhhstinebd, yea15:41
arrrghhhrpierce99, lol i didn't even notice the Latest News section.  i was just looking at the Latest Release section.  d'oh.15:41
chuvaskwhi in the version frx04 say 21 jan 2011 this date has not yet been15:41
stinebdit's just the connection limiter15:41
stinebdi'll raise up the limit15:42
stinebdyou're hitting it because of the images15:42
arrrghhhchuvask, just get the newest bundle.  FRX06 from March 25th.15:42
stinebdfirefox isn't pipelining where it should be i guess15:42
rpierce991/21/2011 has been15:42
rpierce99or 21/1/2011 in some countries15:42
arrrghhhchuvask, lol.  January 21st has occurred.15:42
arrrghhhJan not Jun15:43
chuvaskWhat is the latest version of gingerbread?15:43
arrrghhhnot really publicized on the site15:43
chuvaskarrrghhh, January 21st has not ocurred15:45
chuvaskJanuary 21st 2011?15:45
arrrghhhyes, pretty sure it has.15:45
rpierce99!g calendar15:45
arrrghhhlol rpierce9915:45
chuvaskjajajaja  lie15:45
arrrghhhchuvask, January is the first month of the year.15:45
arrrghhhwe're like halfway thru 2011, join us in the present.15:46
chuvaskwas for a moment encourage15:46
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chuvaskWill there be a new version of frx?15:48
helicopter88No one knows when15:48
helicopter88but hopefully yes15:48
arrrghhhchuvask, there will be15:49
helicopter88"<helicopter88> No one knows when"15:50
arrrghhhhelicopter88 said no one knows15:50
stinebdchuvask: tomorrow at 3pm15:51
stinebdplease stay up all night waiting for it15:51
chuvaskjajaja boobies15:52
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arrrghhhboobies indeed.15:52
rpierce99wtf seriously15:52
stinebdi gotta get rid of that stupid web chat page15:52
stinebdevery moron we get in here is using that15:52
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arrrghhhhere comes another15:53
D3tul3i think i just got dummer reading back a page or two....15:53
rpierce99i had a good one last night15:54
arrrghhhD3tul3, indeed15:54
stinebdarrrghhh: it's the same person btw15:54
nfsdathis version is good? GBX0A_Full_Bundle_11.3.2011.zip15:54
stinebdwelcome back15:54
arrrghhhyou're right.15:55
arrrghhhi didn't even look15:55
arrrghhhnfsda, sure.15:55
nfsdabut What errors does it have?15:56
stinebdno more questions15:57
stinebdsupport is closed for the day15:57
helicopter88it will blow up your phone if you have a battery inside15:57
arrrghhhgonna remove that web chat now?15:57
nfsdamalparidos q se creen los reyes de esto aprendan a respetar q si uno pregunta es para aprender15:59
stinebdanybody know what he said?16:00
arrrghhhsomething about bastards16:00
arrrghhhand how we're kings16:00
arrrghhhwhich, we are.16:00
rpierce99q bastards believe themselves kings of this q if you learn to respect one question is to learn16:01
arrrghhhlol google translate16:01
stinebdi wash myself of this madness16:01
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arrrghhhstill scrubbing it off of me16:01
stinebdhave a nice day16:02
stinebdi'm gonna go play some video games16:02
emwethat japan trip was bad for frx07 :P16:04
arrrghhhnintendo in general is bad for FRX0716:04
rpierce99people that need to chat from behind a proxy will be sad16:06
emwei will be too16:07
arrrghhhmy work proxy blocked that too16:07
arrrghhhwait are you guys talking about the same thing?  removing webchat from
rpierce99yeah, i thought you could still use those behind a proxy16:07
emwebye bye webchat :/16:08
arrrghhhyou can if the proxy doesn't filter it :P16:08
arrrghhhrpierce99, my work would filter any of the webchat based sites.  even on, since it was a redirect.16:09
rpierce99does the proxy filter it by the url of the site?16:09
arrrghhhurl requested16:09
arrrghhhso you can go to a webpage like engadget16:09
arrrghhhbut none of the youtube videos will play for example.16:09
rpierce99oh so the webchat is an iframe to another site16:09
D3tul3emwe: a noob question for you (or anyone versed in these things):  i used a gnu configure script with the codesourcesry toolchain with a parameter "--host=arm-none-linux-gnueabi", do i need to pass an arch parameter to make afterwards, or force -march=armv6 to gcc somewhere?16:09
emweconfigure? you don't need to ./configure anything16:11
emwemake -j2 ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- for example16:11
emweor are you trying to cross compile the toolchain?16:11
D3tul3sure but I am trying to compile a package that uses gnu configure to produces a makefile16:11
D3tul3nono, just tyring to produce an android binary16:12
hycemwe: ro.cdma.... you need updated / (or entire rootfs)16:12
emweD3tul3: there's the man you are looking for ;)16:12
D3tul3:) he'll tell me to use his agcc wrapper16:13
emweD3tul3: never did anything with the toolchain except use it to build the kernel16:13
emwehyc: will that play nicely with already released userlands?16:14
emweok, now why will topa with .35 and gb read all mp3 tags correctly and rhod with .27 + gb will not....16:17
emwesame mp3s....16:17
arrrghhhi thought there was some issue with certain tags16:17
emweit's the very same mp316:17
arrrghhhv1.1 tags work but v2 don't?  perhaps the other way around.16:17
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emwetopa had to reindex16:17
emwebut wait.. rhod had to as well16:18
arrrghhhthere's a thread on this topic, but it's a mess since ryannathans started it.16:18
emwebut that's totally sick... it's identical userlands and mp316:18
emwewas there some trick to make mediaserver completely reindex?16:18
emwelike dropping it's db file or something?16:18
arrrghhhthat's the thread i'm talkin 'bout.16:19
arrrghhhnot sure if that's the issue you're running into or not...16:19
arrrghhhthat problem seems different than what you describe...16:19
emweyeah, think so.16:20
arrrghhhi thought that he was talking about tags, not tracks skipping.  wth.16:21
arrrghhhi read a ton of drivel in the logs about issues with mp3's that have certain tag types.16:22
arrrghhhi guess i didn't read that thread closely enough at first.  i thought it was related to that discussion.16:22
emweyeah, but they are identical. just copied from on sd to the other.16:22
emwe06-16 22:25:02.450 I/pppd    ( 2249): Terminating on signal 15 and reboot...16:25
rpierce99emwe: were you able to verify the signal loss during sleep?16:28
emwerpierce99: yes. smd7 closes immedeately on panel blank16:28
arrrghhhexcellent, that's the bug.16:29
arrrghhhbug 12016:29
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, NEW , RHOD500 GSM Radio issues after panel collapse commit16:29
D3tul3hyc: feel like handing out cross compiling lessons for free?16:31
stinebdemwe: it's from so you can use theirs16:39
emwestinebd: thx.16:39
stinebdand the advantage there is that it takes up the whole window16:40
stinebdso you don't have the tiny iframe constriction16:40
arrrghhhi still prefer a standalone client, but to each their own.16:40
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hycD3tul3: use agcc wrapper16:41
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D3tul3hyc: :) this code is not optimized for bionic, it requires functionality that is not in libc16:42
rpierce99that client is pretty good16:42
arrrghhhemwe, back to bug 120 - did you say that on .35 this behavior is not present?  does that clocks commit in 1258 exist in .35?16:42
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, NEW , RHOD500 GSM Radio issues after panel collapse commit16:42
D3tul3so i was trying to create a static binary16:42
arrrghhhrpierce99, not that it's awful, i just don't like having it in a web browser.16:43
arrrghhher no it's.  wtf.16:43
rpierce99no i agree, but for some it's the only way to connect16:43
arrrghhhi need beer.16:43
arrrghhhthe only way?16:43
arrrghhhi guess if a proxy is blocking traffic to anything but port 80.16:44
rpierce99many proxies will block the irc ports, but won't block freenode by url16:44
emwearrrghhh: i had that data instantly disconnect (smd7 channel closed) on collapse before. now not. but it took some time until data was working again just now. so perhaps userland just didn't figure. i already forgot how the rhod did behave on .35.16:44
hycwhy build a static binary? just add the missing functions to the program source and let it reference libc for the rest16:44
D3tul3i tried going down that whole but it's function after function after function16:44
hycD3tul3 what are you building?16:44
emwearrrghhh: so 1253 the last known one and the next kernel build (1258) got bad, right?16:44
stinebdnilfs progs?16:44
arrrghhhemwe, heh.  the panel collapse should immediately bring down the radio, and on wake you should 'catch' the radio trying to get service.  yes, 1258 was the first that exhibited the issue.16:45
D3tul3stinebd: yes, hyc:;a=tree16:45
arrrghhhdamn that cleanerd16:45
emwearrrghhh: and yes, alex revamped .35 clocks a bit. there might be subtle changes. due to all the fscking code formatting changes it's a PITA to spot anything16:45
D3tul3the galaxy s people seem to have a working binary judging by the size of it it has everything it needs inside16:46
arrrghhhemwe, ah.  well .27 is dead.  .3x needs to be where we're looking towards.16:46
emwearrrghhh: oh really? ;)16:46
arrrghhh:P yes really16:46
stinebdi'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with you there16:47
stinebdwe need to be looking towards 3.0.016:47
arrrghhhmeh, what do you know about kernels.16:47
arrrghhhi think jonpry is up to rc3 on 3.016:49
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DJ_Synergyhello everybody ^^17:13
DJ_Synergyhey arrrghhh :)17:13
arrrghhh...what's up?17:20
arrrghhhDJ_Synergy, what are you doing..?17:23
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hycD3tul3: I got nilfs utils configure script to complete17:24
hycbut software/xdandroid/external/e2fsprogs/lib/uuid$ cd ../..17:24
hychyc@violino:/home/software/xdandroid/external/e2fsprogs$ cd ..17:24
hychyc@violino:/home/software/xdandroid/external$ vi wpa_supplicant_6/wpa_supplicant/src/utils/uuid.17:24
hycuuid.c  uuid.h17:24
hychyc@violino:/home/software/xdandroid/external$ vi wpa_supplicant_6/wpa_supplicant/src/utils/uuid.h17:24
hychyc@violino:/home/software/xdandroid/external$ vi wpa_supplicant_6/wpa_supplicant/src/utils/uuid.c17:24
hychyc@violino:/home/software/xdandroid/external$ cd ../bionic/libc/include/17:24
hychyc@violino:/home/software/xdandroid/bionic/libc/include$ ls17:24
hycalloca.h    endian.h    grp.h       mntent.h    poll.h       sgtty.h    sys        utmp.h17:24
hycarpa        err.h       inttypes.h  net         pthread.h    sha1.h     syslog.h   wchar.h17:24
arrrghhhholy spam17:24
hycyou're right, a bunch of stuff is missing17:24
hycI didn't even click anything...17:24
hycHere's my configure invocation ./configure CC=agcc --host=arm-eabi LIBS=-lext2_uuid ac_cv_lib_uuid_uuid_generate=yes ac_cv_lib_rt_sem_open=yes ac_cv_func_posix_memalign=yes17:25
hycexternal/e2fsprogs has a libuuid implementation, so I used that17:25
hycthis configure script sucks. It requires uuid_generate to be in -luuid but here it's in -lext2_uuid17:26
hycsem_open exists in libc, not in librt17:26
hycposix_memalign doesn't exist, but it's simple to write a wrapper for it using memalign17:26
hycthe actual utils code sucks, it doesn't honor the configure tests at all17:27
hyceven though configure tests for and fails to find getmntent_r, the code uses it unconditionally17:27
hycThis is some really shoddy code. there's no way I would trust my data to a filesystem written by such sloppy authors.17:27
hychave fun porting this POS, I'm not touching it again.17:30
arrrghhhhyc, make a MILFS and beat 'em to the punch.  better name and better code.17:32
DJ_Synergyhehe arrrghhh ... do you have any idea to log the first millisecs of linux ... or the last of LK ???17:36
arrrghhhwell the first would be dmesg i assume17:37
arrrghhhif you want kernel logs17:37
arrrghhhbut LK doesn't do any logs evidently...17:37
arrrghhhanything it logs is on the screen AFAIK.17:37
DJ_Synergykk ... so i need to screenshot the last lines of LK17:38
DJ_Synergyand look what is going on there17:38
DJ_Synergyif anything is fine i will dmesg the kernel part17:38
arrrghhhthat's where someone who knows what they're doing comes in :P17:38
DJ_Synergyexactly ^^17:39
arrrghhhbut from what I've gleaned from ACL, LK doesn't log anything.17:39
arrrghhhat least not in a place that's easily accessible.17:39
DJ_Synergythats really not good for dev ... exactly if it reboots exactly where it should boot the kernel ... cause you don't know, where the problem is17:40
DJ_Synergyis it LK or the kernel ... i don't know ... but we will see ^^17:41
arrrghhhit's open source.17:41
arrrghhhall the code is available.17:41
DJ_Synergylk is os ???17:41
DJ_Synergycool ^^17:41
arrrghhhso was tinboot17:41
DJ_Synergyyou don't want to build an LK with log-function, do you? ^^ :D17:42
rpierce99lk is bootloader17:42
arrrghhhif ACL says it's not possible, then i won't be able to.17:42
DJ_Synergykk ^^17:43
DJ_Synergyis emwe available right know? ^^17:44
arrrghhhhe'll chime in if he is.17:45
emwelk? nand? never got near that.17:45
arrrghhhyea i know.17:46
arrrghhhi told him that.. :P17:46
emweunless lk sets up a ramconsole like the kernel itself (preferrably at the same address) then one could dump via haret from wince17:46
arrrghhhi think he has different motives for talkin to you.17:46
arrrghhhemwe, no haret, no wince...17:46
emweah, right. haha ;)17:47
DJ_Synergyemwe ... geht nur darum, dass ich deutscher bin und doch ein paar verständnissprobleme mit dem technischen vokabular bekomme ^^17:47
DJ_Synergyab und zu zumindest ^^17:47
arrrghhhDJ_Synergy, no offense, but please take ze german to PM17:47
DJ_Synergykk ^^17:47
* emwe hides17:48
emwei need a faster box. this thinkpad t500 with c2d t9600 is getting a bit aged for userland builds...17:49
arrrghhhi just bought a new rig :D  can't WAIT for it to show.17:49
rpierce99arrrghhh got a mac17:49
arrrghhhhell no.17:49
DJ_Synergyholy shit ... apple -.-17:49
emweget a thinkpad :P17:49
DJ_Synergy*grrrr* *wuff* ^^ :D17:50
arrrghhhrpierce99, i got a WAY better rig at a MUCH cheaper price.17:50
rpierce99doubt it17:50
rpierce99one day you'll have a mac to play with and you'll be jealous17:50
arrrghhhi've used them.17:50
arrrghhhthey are awful.17:50
rpierce99and you'll think back "that rpierce99 guy might have been on to something"17:50
arrrghhha bunch of our sales reps have 'em.17:50
rpierce99that doesn't mean you know how to take advantage of it17:50
arrrghhhvendor's y'know the type.17:50
arrrghhhoh puh it's a computer dude.17:51
arrrghhhquit preaching like jobs.17:51
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DJ_Synergyi've heard that steve got some JOBS for microsoft-devs xD17:52
DJ_Synergywordjoke ^^17:53
DJ_Synergyor namejoke? ^^17:53
DJ_Synergymew? ^^ :D17:53
DJ_Synergy*woof again* ^^17:53
arrrghhhat any rate, rpierce99 - i didn't want to pay $1,000 more for less.  it was like customizing one of hp's elitebooks, outrageous premium for the privelege of customizing.  but in this case it's the outrageous premium for that little apple symbol.17:55
DJ_Synergyarrrghhh ... have you just read my last post on xda-dev?17:56
arrrghhhwhat, about the project name?17:56
arrrghhhyea, not going to happen.17:56
DJ_Synergyso it will just be a nand working xdandroid?17:57
arrrghhhstinebd, he wants a separate name for the NAND version...17:57
stinebdwhat post?17:57
stinebdthought we were talking the list17:58
arrrghhhDJ_Synergy, i don't see the point of renaming the project.17:58
arrrghhhor even a piece of the project...  there's enough confusion will all the different ways to say Android.17:59
DJ_Synergynot renaming ... but give this NAND part an extra name you know17:59
arrrghhhi don't see why.17:59
DJ_Synergycause of the confusion of what is xdandroid and what is nand on the forum ...18:00
arrrghhhyea, that'll just cause more confusion.18:00
emwegnight everyone.18:00
arrrghhhemwe, g'nite18:00
arrrghhhDJ_Synergy, i think the focus should be on development.18:00
DJ_Synergyemwe ... see ya ... gn818:00
arrrghhhand not what we're going to name it... perhaps once it's stable.18:00
stinebdarrrghhh: fat chance now that the 3ds actually has games and i fixed my famicom18:00
DJ_Synergyyeah but nand dev is not exactly xdandroid dev18:01
DJ_Synergyyou know18:01
arrrghhhstinebd, like you've done anything on the NAND front.18:01
stinebdi did once18:01
arrrghhhdev wise or testing wise.18:01
stinebduntil they fix gsm it's kind of impossible for me anyway18:01
arrrghhhyea they need some GSM dev help.18:01
DJ_Synergy<<< is here to give this GSM-Part some feedback aso18:02
arrrghhhall the people working on NAND are CDMA.18:02
stinebduserland dev btw18:02
arrrghhhDJ_Synergy, we've had plenty of feedback.18:02
arrrghhhwe need someone to fix it now :P18:02
arrrghhhi don't have a GSM device, and probably wouldn't be able to fix the issues even if i did.18:02
DJ_Synergykk so what's the problem with gsm? kernel?18:02
arrrghhhmixing up the SIM for an SD card or some such thing.18:03
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DJ_Synergyi just wondered why it won't boot with SIM but works perfectly without SIM (if this ril thin is edited)18:04
DJ_Synergyso i think the only way is todmesg the boot and look what happens there ... first interesting thing will be, if the kernel is just loaded if it reboots ...18:06
arrrghhhmixing up the SIM for an SD card or some such thing.18:06
arrrghhhi think that's the reason.18:06
DJ_Synergywhat exactly do you mean?18:07
arrrghhhthe system thinks the SIM is an SD card18:07
arrrghhhinstead of a SIM18:07
arrrghhhso it treats it like an SD18:07
arrrghhhinstead of a SIM...18:07
DJ_Synergykk .. but only on GSM devices?18:08
DJ_Synergyi mean18:08
DJ_Synergyif you have no sim inserted18:08
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DJ_Synergythat sdcard works18:08
arrrghhhSIM cards are unique to GSM18:09
arrrghhhCDMA knows nothing of a SIM18:09
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DJ_Synergyso you mean the system thinks there are to sd cards?18:09
arrrghhhi guess18:09
arrrghhhi don't really know the details18:09
arrrghhhif i did, i'd probably know how to fix it.18:09
arrrghhhand if that was the case, i would've fixed it.18:09
Detulehyc: reading the log18:09
Detulehyc i have e2fsprogs cross compiled with our toolchain for the uuid library18:10
arrrghhhstinebd, what network actually uses UIM other than China?18:10
stinebdchina is a country18:10
DJ_Synergykk ... how is there for the kernel dev? and ... this person knows that there is some thing wrong wits gsm ...18:10
arrrghhhyou know what i mean.18:10
DJ_Synergywho *18:10
arrrghhhChina Unicom, better?18:10
arrrghhhDJ_Synergy, don't worry about it.18:11
arrrghhhstinebd, what USA carrier18:11
arrrghhhjapan uses CDMA?18:11
stinebdusa carriers are monopolistic bastards18:11
stinebdfor instance, at&t doesn't like people taking phones to t-mobile's edge network18:11
stinebdso they bought them18:11
DJ_Synergybtw ... i think we need to get android running on this hardware cause of microsofts motherf**** phone7 and the future of winmo18:13
DJ_Synergywinmo will die18:13
arrrghhhit is dead.18:13
Detulehyc: thanks for looking at it, i got to the posix_memalign part, and then decided to see if i can compile it statically before i invested any more time in this18:13
DJ_Synergynot really ... there are quiet a few devs that trie to keep it alive18:13
hyccompiling statically is not a solution18:13
DJ_Synergytry *18:13
DJ_Synergyit's late in germany ^^18:14
arrrghhhDJ_Synergy, don't care.  winmo's dead.18:14
stinebdi feel bad for germans18:14
DJ_SynergyRIP winmo ^^ we'll never forget ya ^^18:14
DJ_Synergyst6inebd ... why?18:14
Detuleother than the bloated binary, any other drawbacks?18:14
stinebdyour electricity is about to become very expensive18:15
arrrghhhjust fuckin rest winmo.  i won't mis it.18:15
arrrghhh"Unlike GSM phones, Japanese phones are tightly bundled with subscription and usually not sold alone." <--- who's monopolistic?18:15
DJ_Synergyyeah ^^ thats a problem of our green bastards ^^18:15
stinebdbased on the political leadership's concern of their nuclear nuclear reactors being hit by earthquakes and tsunami18:15
stinebddouble nuclear!18:15
DJ_Synergyyeah ... funny thing is ... we don't have any earthquakes or something ...18:16
stinebdarrrghhh: that's not quite correct18:16
arrrghhhbut i found it on the internet18:16
arrrghhhit must be18:16
DJ_Synergyand a few years ago the poltitic said nuclear would be so great cause of the ozon and the smog and so on18:16
stinebdthey're locked into long contracts like us18:16
DJ_Synergyand now they changed18:17
stinebdbut the difference is that japan's major networks are all compatible technologies and frequencies18:17
stinebdso after the contract expires, you're free to go to the other provider18:17
arrrghhhstinebd, that would be nice.18:17
arrrghhhit seems like they don't have GSM tho?18:17
stinebdthey have wcdma umts18:18
arrrghhhdunno, that page i found was confusing.18:18
stinebdequivalent to att's 3g18:18
stinebdon the 2100 frequency18:18
stinebdand based on my time there, i'd say about 6 distinct tower providers in the tokyo area18:18
stinebdatt partners with two of them for roaming18:18
stinebdsoftbank and docomo18:19
DJ_Synergya question btw ... what exactly does ril do ??? i don't understand it atm ...18:20
hycit whispers weet nothings in the radio's ear18:20
DJ_Synergy:D hehe kk ^^18:20
arrrghhhDJ_Synergy, uhhhhhh it is pretty well discussed on the forums.18:21
arrrghhheven ryannathans knows what it is.18:21
arrrghhhdamn that dude's timezone.  i never get to make fun of him when he's actually here.18:21
DJ_Synergy:D don't blame someone ^^18:21
DJ_Synergyyou allready blamed the kernel ^^18:22
DJ_Synergythat's enough i think ^^18:23
DJ_Synergy... for now ... ^^18:23
DJ_Synergyso ok ... if i can give you some logs of the kernel while it tries to boot up (if it's loaded) ... you guys coul propably fix the GSM crashes?18:24
arrrghhhi thought you were a dev and could help, if not then just wait.18:25
DJ_Synergyi meant the hole team with 'you guys'18:25
arrrghhhhonestly NAND development is sitting at the back of the bus currently.18:25
arrrghhhto say a handful of people are working on it would be an overestimation.18:25
DJ_Synergyas i said, i'm not a dev ... i have some experience, but not as much18:25
arrrghhhthere's 1 dev and a couple of savvy users working on it actively.18:25
arrrghhheh i thought you said you were a dev.  don't sweat it then, just wait.18:26
DJ_Synergykk ... but i thought the nand dev has the problem of missing gsm-device?18:26
arrrghhhi don't know how to answer that question18:26
arrrghhhthe one dev that's working on it has a CDMA device.18:27
DJ_Synergydo they have gsm devices to try to fix it?18:27
DJ_Synergyso someone is needed, that give some logs aso, that the dev-team can see what happens there? right?18:28
arrrghhhjust wait until it's fixed if you can't pitch in.18:28
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DJ_Synergybut if they don't have gsm-devices ... and don't know whats the problem ... than they will never fix gsm?!18:29
arrrghhhsounds like a GSM problem.18:29
DJ_Synergyyes, it is18:30
DJ_Synergycdma is working, right?18:30
DJ_Synergyso it's a gsm problem and the dev team has no gsm devices where they should look where the problem is18:31
arrrghhhyou going to donate a GSM device to the dev team?18:32
arrrghhhthat would help.18:32
DJ_Synergyso gsm-devices are out of the race of nand booting?18:32
arrrghhhyou do realize NAND is not exactly stable or even what i would consider 'usuable' right?18:32
arrrghhhCDMA boots, but it's not nearly where haret is at.18:32
DJ_Synergyi just thought some logs could help, that shows the dev team where the problem is ... i mean .. the wouldn't do something else, right?!18:33
DJ_Synergyyeah it isn't stable or usable ...18:34
arrrghhhwell i don't think there are logs to grab18:34
arrrghhhand if there are, they've already been grabbed18:34
DJ_Synergyjust booting for cdma and able to use the basic functions atm18:34
arrrghhhi think the assistance is needed on the dev side.18:34
arrrghhhwe don't need users throwing logs out there.18:35
DJ_Synergyalready been grabbed by which device, if there isn't one?!18:35
DJ_Synergythat's what is confusing me atm ...18:35
arrrghhhwtf man18:35
arrrghhhjust use haret until NAND is ready18:35
DJ_Synergyyou say that they haven't any device ... but they would grab logs out of it?!18:36
stinebd what should we use until haret is ready?18:36
hycwhere's the "no morons" switch for this channel?18:37
stinebdhyc: fine i'll leave18:37
DJ_Synergy^^ sry for fuckin' you up ... but i don't understand how they will do it then ...18:37
arrrghhhme too18:37
DJ_Synergyso kk ... i will trust the devs and hope they will fix it in the future ... if some help is needed, i'll be there18:38
arrrghhhDJ_Synergy, just leave it be.  don't worry about NAND.18:38
DJ_Synergyso i will go to bed ... it's 00:39 here ... i have to go up early this morning ... so gn8 at all18:39
DJ_Synergyand sry again arrrghhh ^^ hope you're not really angry :)18:40
Detulekiss and make up tomorrow18:40
arrrghhhnot angry, just a little frustrated.18:41
arrrghhhi thought you knew a lot more than you do, my fault :P18:41
DJ_Synergy:P not exactly ... just didn't read exactly ... this happens ^^18:42
DJ_Synergyso bye bye ... see ya18:43
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arrrghhhi gotta quit overestimating people on the forums.  they say they know C and some other languages... yet seem to show no sign of intelligent life.18:45
hycC? yeah, it's right next to X and V.18:49
arrrghhhi just keep hoping someone will come out of the woodwork that wants to take a crack at GSM NAND.18:51
arrrghhhwell wants to and is capable of :P18:51
hycthere are other way more annoying issues to solve first. as it is I haven't had to power-off/reset my phone in about a month.18:53
arrrghhhwell that's good18:54
arrrghhhprox sensor would be nice18:54
arrrghhhwhat else is buggin ya hyc ?  :P18:54
hyclack of time at the moment :P  prox sensor, light sensor18:54
hycnot sure that anything else has really caught my attention18:55
hycmebbe that stupid tty_ldisc bug but it may already be fixed in .35 or .3918:55
arrrghhhindeed.  no point in chasing stuff that's been fixed in newer trees18:55
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arrrghhhzomg hyc did you see that dude's comment in your audio routing thread?19:06
arrrghhhthat is freakin HILARIOUS19:07
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hyclatinohot? crazy19:08
hycyeah, the whole mixing modules thing, BS19:08
arrrghhhmakes me laugh.19:08
arrrghhhhe responded to my post, said his wifi works better.19:09
arrrghhhperhaps he's really tiad819:09
hycuh huh...19:09
stinebdok folks19:47
stinebdif someone asks why we sign releases with our own keys19:47
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Zersthello every one23:17
Zerstwhy i can't download app from amrket using FRX06 on TP223:18
rpierce99lots of people seeing issues with market downloads, here's one guys attempt to fix it, i can't vouch for it though
rpierce99some have said you can just clear your market data and it will be back to normal23:20
Zerstthank, i will try .23:22
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Zerstmay i ask about frx06 language23:53
Zersti also try this but23:56
Zerstthe phone show23:56
Zerstsorry the has stopped...23:56

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