Saturday, 2011-06-18

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smiley-wee.. the phone survived the night..   72% battery and almost 12 hours deep sleep03:20
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emwestinebd: hyc: the power.c patch is broken? tested the whole merge request out with raph and stock .27. wen't fine.05:37
hycyes it's broken05:52
hycit has the logic reversed05:52
hycwhch makes me wonder why it works for you05:52
emwe.27 + frx06+ on raph05:59
emwenot seen an issue. actually the raph just runs with that lying around here sleeping05:59
emwei didn't test on rhod and topa as i am fed up switching userlands all the time05:59
emwehyc: allthough i should have been whondering why there was a compilation error mentioned by alex. he compiled under a gb tree if i recall his comments right.06:01
emweall was building fine.06:01
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valykheya anyone06:21
valykhow can i edit the ext2 file on windows 706:22
valykeveryone* i mean:)06:22
hycemwe: yeah, the whole circumstances of the patch are suspect.06:24
hycbut compared to the previous code, the logic is definitely backwards06:25
emwei should have paid more attention. figured all was fine after testing with the raph.06:27
emwehyc: you ever seen "msm_sleep(): clk_set_rate 128000000 failed" in dmesg?06:29
emweah... you might not. can be wis dropped that ramp-up fix in his pm changes again06:30
hycnope, definitely have not seen that06:31
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emwewill look your combo branch again then06:37
emweit fails for me on rhod400. likely 128mhz is not the lowest stepping frequency. like jb has also mentioned for his diam06:38
emwemight be it fails and stais at 19.2mhz during resume making the wakes so ultra long here..06:38
hycwell, 128000 isn't a multiple of 1920006:41
hycshou;d be 115200 I'd guess. dunno06:41
hycor 12280320006:47
emwethe CA acpuclock selects different stepping tables according to the different plls06:50
emwetopa is fine with 128mhz06:50
emweother devices seem to as well06:50
emweok, wake seems also fixed for rhod400 with that ramp-up fix commented. then the theory with resume @19.2mhz and ultra slow wakes makes sense.06:53
emwehyc: you noticed some rebuild problems after syncing new code and it didn't get picked up by the android buildsystem?06:59
emwei am just rebuilding my whole froyo tree just to verify if that power.c merge got built at all yesterday. not that I have fooled myself by believing it got pulled into the compile...06:59
hycmm, dunno. I very rarely do a full top-down build07:00
emwe... and just grabbed the system.img and tested...07:00
emwei always do for just pushing the system.img via adb07:00
hycsince I'm usually patching specific things I usually only recompile that one thing.07:00
emweonly been doing that for the ril mostly. otherwise i mostly push the whole image.07:01
hycand also a bit lazy. Since I have stuff like the video codecs that have to be added to the build separately, I don't like to blow away my system.img07:01
emwe3 out of 6 commits from your combo made it to autobuild branch just now.07:02
hycOh? will have to take a look07:02
emwejust small ones. prox irq, mdp and clk late init for kexec07:03
hyckexec is a good one. .39 kernel dies on kexec too07:04
emweraph also spits out like 4 unbalanced irq traces on boot for raph-navi07:04
emwebut i am not really motivated getting into that.07:04
hycso you've mostly fixed the GSM radio problem on sleep?07:04
emweit's working here now. power drain is really not noticeable.07:04
hycNice. that's going to make a lot of people happy07:05
hycthey don't have to be stuck on 1253 any more07:05
emwewould even dare to say it got better... might be just subjective feeling.07:05
emwehappy bzo popped up and we could talk about that issue07:05
hycthe mdp_dma squelch should also make it easier to do TS calibration now07:05
hycinstead of having everything scroll off the screen...07:06
emwethere was a time everything stopped when calibration up was running iirc07:06
emweor was it just it did something else that long with no output?07:06
hycsomething else I'm sure. at any rate, the log spam made it impossible to see the calibration stuff07:06
smiley-my phone was struck by the Alexander bug07:07
emwesmiley-: ?07:07
smiley-= my son throwing in the floor so the battery disconnected ;)07:07
hycoh, screen wouldn't turn off?07:07
emwebah, gitorious is a pita in it's commit activities not showing the original authors but just the commiters.07:08
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smiley-hmm.. I wonder if the X1 can boot on that one07:12
hycI'll have to rebase on that and pull in JB's new audio stuff07:12
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phh[03:24:58] <hyc> where did your busybox build come from? I wonder if I should merge my dmesg patches back into it07:15
phh[03:25:30] <stinebd> phh probably07:15
phhdzo probably :D07:15
hycdzo? hangs around still? doesn't seem like it07:16
hycemwe: you mentioned you've got a working patch for instant cable status?07:22
emwehyc: it's just a minor thing and i am not sure it's right, but it works on raph/rhod/topa.07:22
hycI'd like to have that...07:23
emwei am using the initial/old smem semaphore id from JBs initial work on that which never made it into official patches07:23
emwei am tempted to push that one of07:23
emweuse 0x91 instead 0x11 as the smem semaphore id07:23
hycAh, I saw you pushed that in .3507:23
emwei've beeen using his initial work for a while on .35 and all fine. and whondered why it screwed up with the official patches07:23
emweyes, .35 has it07:23
emwei don't care there too much to break stuff because i am the only "user".07:24
emwewell, break is the wrong word.07:24
hycthat .35 still isn't usable on rhod?07:24
emweyou can boot and use a bit. no led and clamshell stuff07:25
emweno wifi for anything yet.07:25
emweno bt either. i am lagging forver.07:25
hycnot sure whether to spend time on it, or just pull .39 and see where that goes07:26
emwebut it's one thing just working on your own with private/cloned kernel and userland or trying to stick to stock07:26
hycstock .27 is really out of the question.07:26
emweyeah, but as you see, it still gets support.07:26
emweand jb is still striving for acoustic integration there.07:27
emwetotally understandable. nothing works best as .27 still07:27
hycjust wondering how much effort is actually needed to get .35 to equal functionality07:27
emwedepends on how "dirty" you wan't it07:27
hyc.39 seems to be still too fresh07:28
emwei'd like to have an led abstraction layer/driver still07:28
emwepita to copy&paste 99% management code for every board.07:28
hycyeah, the LED code is messy07:28
emwebut micro-klt is not an option07:28
hycwhy not?07:28
emweten variations and whatnot for the different machine variants07:29
emweperhaps i am too easily side trackable and get nothing done by that.07:29
hyctrue. it bugs me to see that it registers all that stuff in /sys for LEDs that don't exist on my phone07:29
emweyap. making userland eventually use the wrong one.07:30
emweoh man .. froyo still building.07:30
emwec2d@2.8ghz in this thinkpad used to be fast in the past...07:31
smiley-booted the above kernel on the x1..  everything seems to be working so far ;)07:31
hycI think that's about what my laptop has07:31
hyc2.53ghz here :P07:32
hycnothing in those latest changes would have affected X1 regardless07:33
emweok, so wis' pm doesn't employ that ramp-up fix anymore. so neither you nor any .39 user will see it again. going to undo that as it fixes at least rhod400 wake here.07:39
emweit was initially introduced for some rare devices having issues with a clock change from 19.2 to 528mhz where the latter was the clock on entering suspend.07:41
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emwebut can this really happen at all? bah. reverting. one could introduce sth like acpuclk_get_lowest_stepping_frequency() iterating over the boot-constructed stepping table.07:43
hycseems unlikey yeah07:55
hycbtw, that smd fix I emailed seems to be working well07:56
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emwei could pull from your combo?07:57
hycmeantime I'm going to post a note on the forums that the latest autobuild fixes the rhodw gsm sleep bug07:59
smiley-only thing that doesnt seem to work is the battery charge07:59
hycnone of that has been touched08:02
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hycit was the same problem before right?08:02
smiley-I was running another kernel that sp3dev had done some battery charge fixes for08:03
hycwell tell Alex to post his fixes back to the main tree08:04
hycemwe: did you try that pm ramp-up patch using 122800 instead of 128000 ?08:05
hycI seem to recall trying both but I don't remember it making any difference08:05
hycperhaps it didn't affect rhod21008:06
emwehyc: if you tell it set a rate it doesn't know about it freaks out. i haven't tested specifically the rhod with 122800. but as topa has 128mhz in it's table and it works there i just "assume" it to be fine.08:07
hycI thought it just refused to set it if it didn't match a known freq08:07
emwesry yeah, it refuses yes. what i meant08:07
emweand stays at the freq it is in. which on resume is 19.2mhz08:08
hycstrange that you have 12800008:08
hyceven G1 has 12280008:08
emwetopa has 12808:08
emwerhodw here has 122800 apart from others.08:08
emwe<6>[    0.267028]    19200   -1    1     19200     1     30720 -1  408:09
emwe<6>[    0.267089]   120000    1    8     60000     2     61440 -1  508:09
emwe<6>[    0.267150]   122880    0    2     61440     2     61440 -1  408:09
emwe<6>[    0.267211]   176000    2    6     88000     2     61440 -1  608:09
emweand now the RAPH100:08:09
emwe<6>[    0.277801]    19200   -1    1     19200     1     30720 -1  508:09
emwe<6>[    0.277862]   122880    0    2     61440     2     61440 -1  408:09
emwe<6>[    0.277923]   128000    1    6     64000     2     61440 -1  708:09
emwe<6>[    0.277984]   176000    2    6     88000     2     61440 -1  608:09
emweso we could actually make 122880 the common denominator08:10
emwe(if it's selected as a stepping frequency on all devices)08:10
emwebut let's see how many complaints rise up again. i mean, we've been running without this patch months before it got introduced.08:10
emwelet's just see.08:11
hycmy rhod210 matches your rhodw08:11
hycok, it's 5am here. going to bed08:12
emwenight hyc.08:12
emweok, that fresh froyo build with power.c present doesn't exhibit the bad behaviour here.08:12
emwescreen going down fine and sleeping.08:13
emweoh, nice to know your rhod210 matches rhod400 in regards to stepping frequencies.08:15
smiley-hyc: yeah.. seems to be this one..  it's not in the main tree :(
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stinebdhyc wake up18:42
stinebdyou see my whining about tiwlan?18:44
stinebdthe wpa driver chokes with the interface renamed18:44
hychmm, don't think so, what happened?18:44
stinebdi think we're better off just keeping ti named tiwlan018:44
hycbummer. I didn't see your posts18:45
stinebdyou said this worked on a g1? or was it just that you were able to rename the device?18:46
hycI just renamed the device18:46
hyclemme boot that up again18:46
stinebdare you selling that g1?18:48
hychadn't planned to, no18:48
hychmm, I can't get the wlan_loader to run manually on my G119:07
hycand wpa_supplicant startup is all done in, I can't grab it from init.rc on the G119:07
stinebdscrew it then19:13
stinebdi wish we could symlink devices19:13
hycyeah kinda sucks19:14
stinebdyou have clout in the kernel world, make it happen19:14
hycWell, we can still avoid editing init.rc by putting the -Dtiwlan0 -itiwlan0 in wifi.c19:14
stinebddhcpcd needs to be fixed i guess19:15
hycsame solution19:15
stinebdthat actually might be automagic19:15
stinebdi forget who spawns that19:15
stinebdnetd hopefully19:16
stinebdon the positive side, we don't need to depend on the iputils clone19:17
hycoh I was looking in the wrong init.rc19:17
hyccyanogenmod build has init.rc, init.goldfish.rc, init.trout.rc and init.sapphire.rc19:17
hycperhaps we just need to figure out how to chain init.rc files like they do19:18
stinebdit involves different board names19:18
stinebdon boot init will load init.<hardware>.rc19:18
stinebdgoldfish being the emulator, trout g1 i guess, sapphire mytouch or whatever it is19:19
hycso what are you getting? I get wpa_supplicant exiting with no messages at all19:24
stinebdafter successfully renaming tiwlan0, i get Set_key Invalid key or something19:25
stinebd3 or 4 times19:25
stinebdand then the standard wpa_supplicant driver error message19:25
stinebdSet_key is a function in the tiwlan0 wpa driver19:25
stinebd            wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR,"Set_key: Wrong Key\n");19:26
stinebdthat's what i get19:26
stinebdnow, that only happens on the first try after booting19:26
stinebdif i try again, it'll go straight to the standard driver error message, without any Set_key error19:26
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hycoh, I can't edit the G1 rootfs init.rc files. I think it's a squashfs or some other read-only type of filesystem19:42
hyc(I can edit, but on reboot it's just reverted...)19:43
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Guest38734Meh, stupid nickserv...21:47
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xofratsI guess I could pull epic and run it via android...21:48
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XofratsOkay, a bit better21:55
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