Sunday, 2011-05-08

arrrghhhwell downloads from the Market are still dog slow00:02
arrrghhhbut the phone is still responsive while it's going :D00:02
D3tul3arrrghhh: looped builds should be able to coexist on a sdcard that is set up for partition use right?00:05
arrrghhhnot without hacked init00:07
arrrghhhwhich isn't hard00:07
arrrghhhbut required :P00:07
arrrghhhbasically it looks for partitions - if it sees p3 and p4, it assumes you want to boot from them.00:07
arrrghhhi just commented out that section of init00:07
arrrghhhgot rid of the if statement basically, so it would always use looped builds.00:08
arrrghhhjonpry, phone seems to have frozen installing an app00:08
arrrghhhi tried to keep the screen on, but failed00:08
arrrghhhOo there it is.  holy crap batman00:08
arrrghhhheh.  just says 'intalling' still00:08
jonpryyeah thats kind of where i am at00:09
jonprybut it makes no sense. the code i added either has no effect, or printk's holy shit to dmesg00:09
D3tul3thanks i think i'll add a check in that if statement if rel_path!="" to boot from a looped system00:10
arrrghhhD3tul3, whatever works ;)00:10
arrrghhhi didn't actually try it00:11
arrrghhhbut i would think you can do a bind mount...00:11
arrrghhhmaybe not00:11
arrrghhhmight bind too late in the process00:11
arrrghhhactually now that i think about it, almost definitely would.00:11
arrrghhhjonpry, sometimes the phone becomes very unresponsive when it is trying to sleep00:12
arrrghhhyou seeing the same thing?00:12
arrrghhhperhaps it's the failed app installed00:12
jonpryyeah i think if its trying to sleep and it gets woken up at just the right time its not good00:12
arrrghhhthat's one way to put it :P00:12
arrrghhhi just don't think i've seen a solid green led00:13
jonprystarts waking up and going to sleep at the same time00:13
arrrghhhor... any green LED for that matter00:13
arrrghhhthat sounds bad.00:13
jonpryyeah i have that too. i think its post install00:13
jonprythe installer probably has a wake lock00:13
arrrghhhi've got all sorts of wake locks.00:15
arrrghhhevdev, infamous PowerManagerService, i2c00:15
arrrghhhi see several expiring...00:15
arrrghhhbut never PowerManagerService00:15
jonprythat thing is evil00:18
arrrghhhit must encompass a lot00:19
arrrghhhor just used as a scapegoat a lot :P00:20
arrrghhhusually when i see wakelocks, that bitch is one of 'em00:20
jonpryi think thats just anything in android. the others are all in the kernel00:20
arrrghhhhow... vague00:20
jonpryfor sure00:21
jonpryi get the feeling this is not going to get fixed :p00:22
arrrghhhaw c'mon guy00:22
arrrghhhit's so very fast :P00:22
jonpryis it, was that measured?00:23
arrrghhhcertainly wakes quickly00:23
arrrghhhand when multitasking even lightly the phone can handle it00:23
arrrghhhinstead of choking under its own filth00:23
jonpryrun nfsd and mount /system and /data as nfs volumes?00:24
arrrghhhi dunno00:25
arrrghhhthe lack of hiccups is what sells it for me00:25
arrrghhhusually there's all these little 'blips' if you will00:25
arrrghhhprobably when it's syncing to the SD00:25
arrrghhhthey seem to be quite less frequent00:26
arrrghhhother than those times when it wouldn't wake up and i was convinced it was frozen :P00:26
arrrghhhi know it was kernel-based tho cuz the button/kbd lights were dim00:26
arrrghhhusually those still work if the device is alive, hence the reason i thought it was dead.00:26
jonpryits not really fixable imho00:27
arrrghhhi had to make quite a big space for data00:28
jonpryone could try to maybe port the whole .30 fs subsystem00:28
arrrghhhjonpry, why not push for .35?00:28
jonpryi'm working on .3900:28
arrrghhhalex seems to have quite a few things working for kovs00:28
arrrghhhyou are a madman :P00:29
jonpryi figure why port to old stuff00:29
arrrghhhi know what you mean00:30
arrrghhhbut wouldn't it be easier to work off existing code...?00:30
arrrghhhseems like .35 makes the most sense since google and ca have a release00:30
arrrghhhi hear there's a .38 ca release00:30
jonpryi'm mostly just using the stuff from .3500:31
jonpryi forward ported most of msm specific stuff even though there are mainline replacements00:31
jonprywell, its ugly00:31
arrrghhhwell whatever .3x kernel comes out for RHOD00:31
jonpryand mostly it doesn't work00:31
arrrghhhi'll be happy to run it :D00:31
jonprywant me to send you a 39?00:32
arrrghhhit boots?00:32
jonpryare you mach type 2292?00:32
arrrghhhwhat's the list of things to fix?00:32
arrrghhhi think so, let me doublecheck00:32
arrrghhhyea, 229200:32
jonprytry that out for size00:33
arrrghhhnilfs or no?00:34
jonpryit has nilfs00:34
jonpryi think msm does not work with NOHZ00:44
arrrghhhnot sure my phone likes this kernel00:46
arrrghhhyou have a 210 right?00:46
jonprywhats it do?00:46
arrrghhhblank screen00:46
arrrghhhwith a frozen tiny line in the bottom left of the screen00:46
arrrghhhi got the double vibe00:46
arrrghhhlet me boot again, see if i missed something.00:46
arrrghhhdidn't watch the process :P00:46
arrrghhhmaybe it's at the bootani screen00:49
arrrghhhthere was flyin text00:49
arrrghhhfont looked a little different :P00:49
arrrghhhother than that, relatively normal.  no tux00:49
arrrghhhshould i get a bootani?00:49
jonprymine dies before that. 5 second timer00:49
jonpryi think it would work if it would just boot faster :p00:51
arrrghhhso it doesn't boot?00:51
jonpryit sort of does00:51
arrrghhhbasically i see flying text, then the buffer clears00:52
arrrghhhand i've got what looks like a cmd prompt line at the bottom left of the screen00:52
arrrghhhbut it's not flickers00:52
jonpryit loads rootfs00:52
arrrghhhyea i saw that it loaded the rootfs00:52
jonpryyeah i have seen the line as well00:52
arrrghhhso it doesn't boot then :P00:53
jonpryits like this. i can hang the kernel, long before it even mounts initrd. and the display will still crap out in 5 seconds00:53
jonpryso i think it might be booting00:53
jonpryjust can't tell :p00:53
arrrghhhi guess your definition of booting and my definition of booting are different ;)00:54
jonprywe all make mistakes00:55
arrrghhhheh :P00:56
D3tul3thanks arrrghhh modding init did the trick01:02
arrrghhhD3tul3, i speak the truth!  :P01:03
arrrghhhcrap i appear to be in a bootloop condition.01:03
arrrghhhi was going to stop Fing with it too on this boot01:03
arrrghhhjonpry, thanks for the fun :D  i'll ttyl01:40
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hycarrrghhh: you didn't need to comment anything out of init01:58
hycjust add no_partitions to startup.txt01:58
hycoh well01:59
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valykheya all...07:06
valykhas anybody some good 3d lib files?07:07
hycin the megaupload pkg, the 11.29 libGLES works on TP207:22
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valykthanks hyc07:30
valyki'll check them07:30
hychmm. I think most of them came from this thread
hycbut i've just compared several of them using md5sum, some are exactly the same07:36
hycdunno why he's trying to pass of the same binary as 3 different versions07:37
hycanyway, the one that works well for me is 533448 bytes long07:37
hycd0e1e0c66aa66a0dfdcb6dd913494f29  libGLES_qcom.so07:38
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xdandroidNew XDAndroid Releases bug 129 filed...07:51
xdandroidBug major, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, No Service once the phone is locked07:51
hycooo, anyone want to try running on this clone phone?
hycwould be a challenge to get the RIL to support that07:52
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D3tul3oh no_partitions...that if condition didn't make much sense to me, but then i've never used "-v" for a grep i know better09:02
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xdandroidarrrghhh marked bug 129 as a duplicate of bug 120.10:16
xdandroidBug major, Normal, ---, developers, RESOLVED DUPLICATE, No Service once the phone is locked10:16
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, RHOD500 GSM Radio issues after panel collapse commit10:16
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arrrghhhjonpry, i think my favorite feature is broken.10:57
arrrghhhvoice command doesn't seem to hear any audio - and wistilt2 made it switch to the rear LED when the phone is 'listening' for audio... and it doesn't do that :/10:58
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arrrghhhjonpry, ping14:54
jonpryhi arrrghhh14:54
arrrghhhso don't kill me - i've just noticed quite a bit more drain with this setup14:54
arrrghhhand i also noticed that the LED is very rarely green, although it does sleep.14:55
arrrghhhit seems to wake up frequently, and stay awake...14:55
arrrghhhi've run SCBS before tho, didn't notice it this bad... so i have to think it's more than just that14:55
jonpryis that on nilfs?14:57
arrrghhhobviously running your rootfs+kernel14:57
arrrghhhi've also had some slow wakes14:59
arrrghhhbut the speed... has not stopped really.14:59
arrrghhhapps open quickly, much quicker than usual.14:59
arrrghhhhaven't really had any tangible lag either.  i guess i should run some benchmarks.15:00
arrrghhhheh, neocore is supposed to be installed but isn't.15:00
jonpryhmm, not sure why it wouldn't be sleeping15:00
phhi should test nilfs2 too one day.15:00
jonpryexcept after failed install15:01
arrrghhhwell it does sleep15:01
arrrghhhjust seems to sleep significantly less15:01
arrrghhhexample - obviously it has to wake for various things15:01
arrrghhhusually it wakes and goes back to sleep so quickly, the orange LED is simply flashed15:01
arrrghhh99% of the time it's solid green15:02
phhthat makes me think15:02
arrrghhhnow... the orange light comes on and stays on for 5-10s15:02
arrrghhhand it does this frequently, so i'd say it's 50/50 sleep/wake.15:02
phhwistilt's patch is buggy no ? shuoldn't it blink green rather than going to orange ?15:02
arrrghhhi've had atrocious battery life thus far, and the phone hasn't really done much.15:02
arrrghhhphh, elaborate15:02
arrrghhhi think hyc found a bug in his patch15:02
phhit should blink green when waking up with screen off15:03
phhnot orange15:03
arrrghhhbut it was spitting out garbage in dmesg15:03
arrrghhhi thought blink green = wakelock15:03
arrrghhhsolid green = sleep15:03
arrrghhhorange = wake15:03
phhif screen is off, it means it tries to suspend15:03
phhif it can't, it means there is a wakelock15:03
arrrghhhso it blinks green in this situation15:03
arrrghhhdoes the patch not specify that?15:04
phhwell, when it wakes up by itself (ie not my action), it's going orange15:04
arrrghhhsame if you wake it15:04
arrrghhheither way, oragen.15:04
arrrghhhit just blips orange to indicate it's waking for smth15:04
phhso if an app takes a wakelock before first sleep, led is blinking green, if it takes wakelock after first sleep, led is orange15:05
phhhow logical is that ?15:05
arrrghhhi see your point15:05
jonprymine doesn't wake every any seconds15:08
arrrghhhi'm gonna let it go thru a few cycles and look at the log15:10
arrrghhhwhen the phone does wake, SCBS prevents it from sleeping quickly right?15:10
arrrghhhdoes it take a reading every wake?15:10
arrrghhh(even ones not initiated by the user)15:11
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arrrghhhjonpry, i hate to say it but i think it is SCBS15:23
arrrghhhsomething else is waking it15:23
arrrghhhand SCBS is taking measurements everytime15:24
arrrghhhi'm no expert, do you want to see this dmesg?15:24
phhhow could it be the problem ... ?15:24
phhwhat costs a lot is waking up the phone15:24
arrrghhhi just see it a ton in the log15:24
arrrghhhwell it's keeping it awake15:24
arrrghhhthe phone has to wake for stupid things like sync15:24
arrrghhhi assume that's why it's waking15:25
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jonpryscbs won't keep it awake because it doesn't make a lock15:26
arrrghhhi don't know why it would be worse than looped, but my drain has been pretty bad.15:27
arrrghhhand it definitely seems to stay awake moreso than usual15:27
arrrghhha lot moreso15:27
jonpryrun it on a non nilfs15:27
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arrrghhhjonpry, same kernel/rootfs?15:29
arrrghhhi guess the kernel just has *support* for NILFS, not like it's required.15:30
arrrghhhi'll even run the system/data loops i pulled from15:30
arrrghhhon the same card15:30
arrrghhhhopefully no other factors to skew results :P15:30
jonprye2 partitions won't work on that rootfs15:30
arrrghhhbut looped builds15:30
arrrghhhassuming i comment out the detection in init15:30
jonprylooped should work15:31
arrrghhhi see a lot of this in my logcat:15:32
arrrghhhE/CheckinTask( 2259): Checkin failed: (request #0)15:32
arrrghhhi never setup checkin...15:32
arrrghhhdoes it do this automatically?  damn google.15:32
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arrrghhhi do need to go thru those steps hyc laid out to disable certain apps from automatically running15:35
arrrghhhas i've noticed a lot of apps create services for themselves, which i could care less about.15:35
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arrrghhhhi ThorDac, do you have a question?16:01
ThorDachave a question about xdandroid on HTC touch pro 216:02
arrrghhhso... ask16:02
ThorDaci got it to run starts up abut always starts in airport mode and when i turn the airport mode off it says no services16:02
arrrghhhCDMA or GSM?16:03
arrrghhhdo you have a SIM card in?16:03
arrrghhhthat's your problem16:03
arrrghhhyou either need to update your RIL16:03
arrrghhhwhich now supports switching16:03
arrrghhhand some other things16:03
arrrghhhwhich will be in the next build16:04
arrrghhhor read the dang FAQ and pull your SIM :P16:04
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CptAJguys, I'm trying to get this thing booting on my imagion. I've been going over the thread at ppcgeeks but I can't even get to the command line screen. Haret just hangs after the "booting linux" progress bar in windows. Anyone familiar with this device have any ideas?19:04
CptAJ*imagio (aka whitestone)19:04
jonpryhas it ever been done?19:08
phhi've never heard of any support of whitestone19:08
CptAJ yeah, it has19:10
CptAJI'm using their startup.txt file but I can't get it past the progress bar I mentioned. It hangs there and never gets tot he command line. What could that mean? I'm not using the same kernel they were but is this an issue with haret or the kernel?19:11
phhboth ?19:11
phhif you don't have same kernel then the kernel19:12
phhif you don't have same haret then haret.19:12
phh"Also it works using the topaz's mtype but not with rhodium mtype. "19:12
phhwait what.19:12
phhok I thought whitestone was 722รจ19:12
CptAJhmmm, I was hoping the particular moment of the hangup would be a hint. I'll try hunting down the kernel they used.19:14
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phhno, it just means haret could load the kernel and jump to it19:20
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CptAJso if it COULD load the kernel and jump to it... doesn't that mean the problem is NOT haret?19:32
phhmmmmm yeah19:42
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jonpryi disagree19:50
jonprybad haret can botch the job19:50
jonpryits possible your particular whitestone has a different panel than the others19:52
ryannathanshow do 'they' know when it isi right to release frx07?19:57
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hycryannathans: huh? I thought we were just waiting for your permission to release it...20:29
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toadliferil blowed up again21:47
toadlifeYeah, I'm getting em21:49
toadlifeCall cam in. Phone didn;'t ring. Got the voicemail notification21:53
hycseems like the timeout didn't work21:59
toadlifevery frustrating. Is there anything else I could do on my end besides dumping logs?22:03
hycnot that i can think of22:05
hycneed to find out why the timeout doesn't work22:05
hycyou've received calls normally before?22:15
hycoh duh22:20
hycthe timeout I added didn't affect this function22:20
hycok new test ril22:23
hyctoadlife: this time for sure....22:23
hyc3 second timeout on the responses22:23
hycand now I have to leave, ttyl22:24
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toadlifeYes.  (Sorry, I'm wokring on something right now)22:39
toadlifeKewl. I'll try it out and let you know22:40
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D3tul3hi jonpry, is there a version of your nilfs2 kernel that implements the garbage collector daemon...i guess arrrg ran into the same memory issues that I am seeing23:18
jonprythe gc is not in the kernel. i haven't been able to build a binary that will run on android23:26
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