Saturday, 2011-05-07

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xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, Laurentiu P., who says: Keep up the good job guys!03:42
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valykis anyone here available?06:31
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ryannathanswhat's taking us so long to move to .35 or .37?08:37
helicopter88it isn't so easy to port drivers from .27 to .35..08:37
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ryannathanstime to go image my hard drive10:47
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xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, Tim S., who says: From a Sprint Touch Pro2 user...Help me run Android with my SERO account!12:00
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lolmeisteri finally got my xd android to boot in my HTC fuze12:41
lolmeistereverything works fine except the button configurations are a bit off and the touchscreen doesnt work12:42
arrrghhhso recalib12:43
arrrghhhnot sure what you mean bout the button config being off12:43
lolmeisterlike the center button isnt like enter like it is on12:43
arrrghhhit's android12:43
arrrghhhit's not winmo12:43
lolmeisteri can live with that12:43
arrrghhhwe needed to juggle the buttons around a little12:43
lolmeisterbut the android didnt go trough the first launch12:44
lolmeisterwizard thing12:44
lolmeisterand didnt ask for calibration12:44
lolmeisterwheres the calib menu btw12:44
arrrghhhdid you read the first post?12:44
arrrghhhi instruct you to either a) download the calib file12:44
arrrghhhor b) create your own calib12:44
lolmeisterow cuz i just used the instalation guide on this page12:45
lolmeisterso u say that in the forum theres a calib file12:45
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arrrghhhyou say 'this page'12:45
lolmeisteryeah like the wiki itself12:46
lolmeisternon forum12:46
arrrghhhi guess you can't figure out how to get to the forums12:47
arrrghhhso i'll hand feed you this link12:47
arrrghhhread the first few posts in that thread12:47
lolmeisterou i see you wrote it lol ok thanks man12:47
lolmeistersorry for the shamer face12:48
arrrghhhi wrote the FAQ on the wiki too12:48
arrrghhhwell, most of it.12:48
arrrghhhit is a wiki after all12:48
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ryannathanslol, gotta love people like that13:07
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umonerhi everyone.good night13:40
arrrghhhhi goodnight?13:40
helicopter88and goodnight..13:41
umoneri want to install android on my O2 pm10a13:41
umoneri cant extract system.ext213:42
umonerhow i can13:42
arrrghhhWhat phone?13:42
helicopter88mount -o loop system.ext2 /mountpoind under ubuntu13:42
arrrghhhRAPH, RHOD ?13:42
umoneri try mount command13:43
helicopter88btw as arrrghhh said,what phone do you have?13:43
umonerpocket pc O2 pm10a magician13:43
arrrghhhthat won't run Android13:43
arrrghhh64mb of SDRAM?13:44
arrrghhhno.  no android.13:44
arrrghhhWinMo 2003?13:45
arrrghhhthat's ooooold13:45
arrrghhhi thought my RHOD was old :P13:45
umoneri install wm6.513:45
arrrghhhthat must be awful.13:45
arrrghhhumoner, but it shipped with 200313:45
arrrghhhOperating system: Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition13:45
umonerno now my machine wm6.513:46
arrrghhhi'm sure 6.5 isn't official13:46
umonernot official13:46
arrrghhhthat's my point13:46
arrrghhhwhat did it ship with from the factory...13:46
arrrghhhthat's an old device :P13:46
phhwm6.5 with 64MB ram ?13:46
arrrghhhphh, must be painful13:46
arrrghhhand titanium13:46
arrrghhhno way he uses sense13:46
helicopter88a diamond can't handle wm6.5..13:46
phhuh ?13:47
phhi've wm6.5 on my diamond13:47
helicopter88i have it too,but it's slower than 6.113:47
umonersorry sometimes i cant english not perfect13:47
helicopter88and with sense it gives really low ram13:47
phhperfectly smooth here ...13:47
phhi don't remember if it uses sense13:47
umonermy phone13:47
umonerbut i want to install android13:48
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umoneri have to go.good night everyone13:48
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arrrghhhandroid on that phone13:49
arrrghhhmaybe donut13:49
arrrghhhbut i don't think anyone has ported anything with that proc arch lolol13:49
arrrghhhProcessor: Intel(R) XScale "Bulverde" PXA272 416 MHz CPU13:49
helicopter88i saw a video of a blue angel(i think) running android13:49
helicopter88it was one of the first phone in legacy forums..13:50
toadlifeMy coworker was running Android on his tilt before he got a G2.  It ran pretty well considering the hardware, but that's probably the oldest phone you would want to run Android on.13:57
phhthe hardware of the tilt is G1's hardware13:58
phhwell better than G1 actually13:58
toadlifeThe tilt had a 400 mhz processor and 128mb of RAM13:59
toadlifeAnd that 400mhz processor was a DOG14:00
toadlifeThe 200mhz processor on my Wing could keep up with the tilts CPU on many things14:00
toadlifeThe tilt did NOT have the same specs as the G114:01
toadlifeYou must be thinking of the tilt214:02
phhI thouoght tilt is touch pro ?14:02
toadlifeThis is the tilt:
phhok so att's touch pro isn't tilt14:03
toadlifeAt&T's touch pro 2 is the tilt214:04
phhtouch pro14:04
phhnot touch pro214:04
phhah fuze14:04
toadlifeThe original 'tilt' was the 8925, aka the HTC Kaiser, aka the TyTN II,14:05
toadlifeSorry. Not familiar with At&t's other phones14:05
toadlifeYeah, it can be cunfusing when every phone has 16 different names14:05
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arrrghhhno joke14:14
arrrghhhyou'd think the original tilt = touch pro14:14
arrrghhhbut no.14:14
arrrghhhit didn't exactly tilt tho :P14:14
arrrghhhdid the kaiser?14:15
toadlifeYes. The Kaiser has the tilting KB14:15
toadlifeOne of my fav features of the TP214:16
phhthe TP2 just rocks anyway.14:16
toadlifewaiting for a android phone to come out with a tilting kb14:16
arrrghhhif only htc refreshed the internals.14:16
arrrghhhtoadlife, freakin htc pro7 would've made a great device14:16
phhTP2 + Tegra2 would be <314:16
arrrghhhif it had a fucking SD card slot.14:16
phhI could accept it with just a msm8260.14:16
arrrghhhi guess the specs aren't that great, but hey.14:17
jonpryphh you don't even run scbs14:19
phhjonpry: i don't care of battery level ? :p14:20
phhbut yeah i need to update my system14:20
jonprythat is the best feature of tp214:20
phhi wanted to update, but then i browsed the forum and it was such a mess ...14:21
arrrghhhphh, we try14:22
jonpryjust go to tiad8.com14:25
toadlifefuggin shit.  It takes 5 minutes for an email sent from our exchange server to get out.14:26
arrrghhhjonpry, lmao14:26
arrrghhhtalk about a mess...14:26
phhwhy are there per-phone forums .... ?14:26
arrrghhhphh, it's not a per-phone forum14:26
arrrghhhhis dumbass got perma-banned from xda-devs and ppcg14:26
jonpryBEST BILD EVRE!14:27
arrrghhhso... he claimed he was quitting14:27
arrrghhhand then started releasing builds on twitter14:27
phhwhich one ? there are 914:27
arrrghhhand now someone gave him a website.14:27
phhand it's totally stupid to do separations by phones seriously14:27
jonpryppcg is going to move certain phones into a deprecated folder. like they get to decide14:28
phhI mean for builds*14:28
phhunless they succeeded into doing phone-specific releases14:28
phhin which case i'd hate them14:28
jonpryjust download jonpry's rhod only zimage and rootfs. get frx06 system.img and everything is cool14:29
phhyou have all changes by wistilt ?14:29
phhand hyc14:29
jonpryprobably his kernel and modules, my rootfs14:29
phhnow tell me it's simple14:30
jonpryit is14:30
arrrghhhphh, there's a ton of testing stuff right now14:30
jonpryits like 4 files14:30
phharrrghhh: i know14:30
arrrghhhstine is working to get it all committed... but there's a lot.14:30
arrrghhhemwe is doin a great job on the kernel commitsw14:30
phhjonpry: I mean, how are normal users supposed to know that ?14:30
jonprythere are no normal users14:30
arrrghhh"normal" users shouldn't be running test code.14:31
jonpry"normal" users should be paying the big bucks14:31
jonpryarrrghhh's installation service14:31
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phhjonpry: and you've got hyc's ril ?14:37
arrrghhhhis RIL is magic14:37
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jonprynilfs ftw14:39
arrrghhhassuming i can prevent it from filling the partition :P14:40
jonprycompile nilfs util on rhobuntu14:40
phhjonpry: speaking of nilfs2, you thought about it before I asked you to try it ?14:40
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jonpryyou told me about it on your emmc device, and i have kind of been planning to try it since then14:41
phhjust in case that everyone starts using nilfs2, to know that's because of me ;)14:42
arrrghhhbased on your suggestion, yes.14:42
arrrghhhjonpry, i've never used rhobuntu14:48
arrrghhhalso, what are you doing?  isn't your partition filling at an alarming rate?14:48
arrrghhhmine filled so fast, i wasn't able to really *do* anything.14:48
arrrghhhi guess nilfs makes everything faster... :P14:49
phhso, system.ext2 +'s kernel/initramfs + jonpry's rootfs I can't find + ril14:49
phhright ?14:49
jonpryarrrghhh,  i only had to copy once, i think your attempts at erasing it haven't worked14:50
arrrghhhphh, yes.  additionally, i'd go for ril2 (assuming jonpry's rootfs supports it)14:50
jonpryisn't the new ril packed in the rootfs?14:51
arrrghhhi think so14:51
arrrghhhi don't know if the rootfs has the newest RIL tho14:51
phharrrghhh: and nilfs2 doesn't fill fast at all here14:52
phhI mean I can use my laptop for a week before needing a garbage collector14:52
arrrghhhwhat have i done wrong...14:52
phh(but that's with like 13GB)14:52
arrrghhheven on a fresh format, the disk size free is a lot smaller that avail14:52
arrrghhhso i never have the full amount avail...14:52
phhthat's not normal14:53
arrrghhhi setup the partitons as primary thru fdisk14:53
arrrghhhand formatted using mkfs -t nilfs214:53
arrrghhhwhat did i do wrong?  :P14:53
jonprytry to zero it14:53
arrrghhhwith dd?14:53
jonpryyour dmesg is funky, like its using a backup nilfs2 superblock14:54
phhjonpry: huhu14:54
jonprydd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdbp314:54
arrrghhhlet me reboot, in android now.14:54
arrrghhhalso jonpry - i thought they were moving the RIL to /system/lib?14:55
arrrghhhin froyo it's in /lib/froyo, but i think they want to move igt14:55
jonpryi dunno what they are doing14:57
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arrrghhhi don't really either, i try to absorb as much as possible.14:58
jonpryi think nilfs2 kind of assumes you have excessively large disks. like it makes performance out of free space14:58
arrrghhhjonpry, if that's the case, perhaps it's not so good on small SD's...14:58
arrrghhhunless i carve up the full 8gb card :P14:58
jonpry8gb is fine :p14:59
arrrghhhyea but i only reserved 600mb between sys & data :P14:59
arrrghhhalrighty.  dd'ing sys and data parts.  we'll see what they look like when it's done.14:59
toadlifedam ril blew up on me again.14:59
arrrghhhtoadlife, what are you doing?!?15:00
arrrghhhi haven't had the RIL 'blow up' on me in a looong time.15:00
toadlifeSitting in my office working15:00
arrrghhhwell that's your problem15:00
arrrghhhit's Saturday15:00
toadlifeSame thing happens every time15:00
jonpryanyone try sreadahead on android?15:00
toadlifePhone stop answering incoming calls. ONe text message comes in and any attempt to make a call or toggle radio fails after that15:00
arrrghhhtoadlife, on Froyo?15:01
toadlifefrx06, latest rootfs, latest hyc ril15:01
arrrghhhnever had that15:01
toadlifeMust be a t-mobile thing15:01
arrrghhhlol hyc has the same phone/carrier15:01
toadlifeHe's in LA area though. The offices I work in have weak signals15:02
toadlifeIt allways happens when I have a weak signal15:02
toadlifeNever enver happens in WinMo. :\15:03
arrrghhhsupposedly he fixed the weak signal issues15:03
arrrghhhi drove thru the mtns the other day in android, didn't have any radio issues15:03
arrrghhhjust the system blowing up, which is normal :P15:04
toadlifeHe certainly thinks he fixed them all. ;P15:04
arrrghhhlogs will save us all15:04
toadlifeI'll post logs laters. I'm wrapping up work here15:04
arrrghhh/dev/sdb4             328M  264M     0 100% /media/card_data15:05
arrrghhhgonna try to dd it now as well15:06
arrrghhhdd'ing the sys partition didn't seem to work so well.15:06
arrrghhhi just don't get how size = 328M, used = 264M and avail = 0.  i'm assuming that's part of it's stashing mechanism?15:07
arrrghhhheh.  nilfs is a hoarder15:07
phhthe "used" infos it gives15:08
phhis the actually used15:08
phhfull log i mean15:08
arrrghhhso there is something wrong.15:08
arrrghhhwas my procedure flawed?15:08
arrrghhhfdisk -> primary parts -> mkfs -t nilfs215:08
phhperhaps like jonpry said it's meant only for big parts15:09
jonprymy system is like 300mb15:09
arrrghhhjonpry, same.15:09
jonpry/dev/sdb3               344060    114684    163840  42% /mnt15:10
jonpryand it has the image on it15:10
arrrghhh/dev/sdb4             328M  184M   80M  70% /media/card_data15:11
arrrghhhthat just doesn't add up.15:11
jonpry/dev/sdb4               344060    180220     98304  65% /mnt15:11
arrrghhhext2 is fine15:12
arrrghhhperhaps the version of nilfs2-tools from the repo's is crap?15:12
jonpryso we are just talking about how used+avail < total?15:12
arrrghhhwell that and my partitions mysteriously filling15:13
arrrghhhwell i guess sys didn't... i'd assume it didn't change tho.15:13
jonpryall filesystem are inefficient15:13
jonprythey just don't report it15:13
arrrghhhbut this one seems exceptionally inefficient in that sense15:13
jonprya little15:14
arrrghhhhere, an example.15:14
jonpryfigure 120mb wasted cost what, like $.40?15:14
arrrghhh/dev/sdb3             297M  2.1M  279M   1% /media/card_system15:14
arrrghhhthat's formatted ext215:14
phharrrghhh: on same partition ?15:14
arrrghhh/dev/sdb3             304M   16M  224M   7% /media/card_system15:14
phhthat means 50MB lost15:14
arrrghhhthat's on nilfs215:14
arrrghhhi didn't change a think with fdisk15:15
arrrghhhjust reformatted using mkfs 2x.15:15
jonpryi think its fine :p15:16
arrrghhhwhy is it filling then?  :P15:16
jonpryjust need cleanerd15:16
arrrghhhyou said you didn't tho?15:16
arrrghhhi mean i didn't do a damned thing on the phone.  i didn't have one app installed, and /data filled itself.15:16
jonpryyeah, but i don't use my phone much .logcat will be filling it up15:16
arrrghhhthe phone sat on the charger overnight.15:17
jonpryi got about 100MB in say 4 hours15:17
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arrrghhhjonpry, Oo.  300mb will fill pretty quick then15:23
jonprynilfs cleaner d :p15:23
jonprymaybe somebody has an for it15:23
arrrghhhi need a binary son :P15:23
arrrghhhperhaps i should just carve up the 8gb card15:24
arrrghhhsee how it goes15:24
jonprytheres a bunch of shit it market15:24
arrrghhhmaybe it'll take a couple of days to fill :P15:24
jonpryi don't know what it does15:24
arrrghhhfor nilfsa?15:24
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arrrghhhi found one15:26
jonpryyeah like that15:28
arrrghhhi wonder if it'll be up long enough for me to install it :P15:28
jonpryi would just unzip the apk and look for a binary15:29
jonprythats a very specific package and it will probably bork something15:29
jonpryif its not armv715:30
arrrghhhso 56M used on data and 112M used on system after tar'ing15:33
arrrghhhwhich supposedly i have 128M free on sys, and 208M free on data...15:34
arrrghhhshould be plenty.15:34
arrrghhhnow let's see what happens when i boot :P15:35
phhoh fuck. SGS guys already tried nilfs215:35
arrrghhhyea.  did it go poorly?15:35
arrrghhh----> why the 'oh fuck'?15:35
phhthey couldn't take the idea from me :p15:35
arrrghhhso you stole the idea from samsung folks?15:36
arrrghhhfor shame.15:36
jonprythis is a dependency nightmare. we are going to need a whole ubuntu system to run it15:36
phhor build a static binary -_-'15:36
arrrghhhtrying to compile on rhobuntu?15:36
arrrghhhthat would be best.15:36
jonpryi'm too lazy15:36
jonprygoing to try android build system15:36
jonprybut its not going to work15:37
arrrghhhok so it's fast now...15:37
arrrghhhlet's see15:37
arrrghhhlooks like i'm down to 144M free on data already LOL15:38
arrrghhhthis is insane.15:38
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arrrghhhi'm scared to touch anything lol15:39
arrrghhhsetting up a sync acct..15:39
phhadb logcat is flooding or ?15:39
arrrghhhnot more than usual i'd say15:40
arrrghhhdown to 104M15:40
arrrghhhi can see how the disk filled15:41
phh"i flashed my SGS yesterday with NILFS2 and it runs so fast, no Lag, nothing it is really smooth due to the fact that NILFS2 works way better with small files as ext4. "15:41
jonprywhat provides -luuid ?15:41
phhjonpry: blkid i think15:41
phhor was it e2progs  ? mmmm15:42
arrrghhhi have to say, everything is fast.15:42
arrrghhhit's even filling the disk at an alarmingly fast rate :P15:42
arrrghhhi guess i did want everything to be fast, i got what i wanted :D15:42
arrrghhhdown to 72M -_-15:43
phhi hope you'll do us a nice 3 2 1 0 countdown :p15:43
phhbut seriously what are you running ?15:44
arrrghhhi setup a sync acct15:44
arrrghhhand i was installing titanium backup evidently15:44
arrrghhhi didn't start that off, how the hell did that persist.15:44
arrrghhhjust got a reboot to winmo tho :/15:44
arrrghhhthe sync appeared to have finished15:45
arrrghhhand it was in the process of installing tb... when i got the reset.  sad.15:45
phhthe problem is that if it grows that fast15:45
arrrghhhlet's see what the disk looks like15:45
phhcleanerd won't be able to do anything15:45
phhsince it erases change only if >1hour old15:45
phhanyway, if you have an app that writes *that* fast to mmc, you have a big problem15:46
phhlike your card won't live more long15:46
arrrghhhyea, it's called 'android'15:46
arrrghhhit's slaughtering SD cards everywhere.15:46
arrrghhhphh, i didn't even get the chance to have any apps installed15:48
arrrghhhit was a 'clean' data.img, nothing on it.15:48
phhjonpry: you started with empty data.img too ?15:48
arrrghhhi mean i tar'd a loop'd data.img to the partition15:50
arrrghhhbut it was a previously unused data.img.15:50
arrrghhhso no apps were installed, other than what's in /system/app15:50
arrrghhheh, boring.  it ended up with 72M free.15:51
arrrghhhi'll spin the wheel again tho15:52
arrrghhhis there some way i can see what's filling it?15:53
arrrghhhgod that sounded dumb.15:53
phhgood question15:54
arrrghhhweeeee down to 64mb after boot15:56
arrrghhhas expected, system isn't changing.15:56
arrrghhhcan i just make data RO?15:56
arrrghhhheh 48M15:58
arrrghhhstartin to break a sweat15:58
arrrghhheven the gmail client is fast15:58
arrrghhhthis is amazing.15:58
arrrghhh/data is only 46.1M16:01
arrrghhhwhen i du'd it16:01
arrrghhhso... it's gotta be this magical logging system.  how the F is it consuming 200+M tho?16:01
arrrghhhhrm.  well i guess there's more than just /data on p4.16:01
arrrghhhwow.  reboot within Android...16:03
arrrghhhcame back in a pretty good state tho16:05
arrrghhhhey, crash recovery is fast :P16:05
arrrghhhdown to 32M, getting a space warning.16:06
arrrghhhInternal phone storage agrees16:06
jonpryjust trying to link this thing16:10
jonprybin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start ?16:10
Entropy512hmm, pop the SD, mount it RO on a Linux box, and do a directory tree analysis?16:13
Entropy512sounds like nilfs has...  issues16:13
Entropy512man I have so much catching up to do16:13
Entropy512things have been really hectic the past 2 weeks on xdandroid-dev16:13
arrrghhhi know16:13
Entropy512sounds like rapid create/delete ops will kill nilfs unless you drop the protection period down16:17
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toadlifeArrrghhh - ping16:19
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arrrghhhi just see a ton of SMS messages, and then the radio disconnects.16:24
arrrghhhhyc, you'll probably want to take a look at those loggers.16:24
arrrghhhso have the HD2 folk used nilfs?16:37
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arrrghhhphh, i think the problem is definitely free space17:13
arrrghhhit seems for every little bit that is written, 8 bits get created lol17:14
arrrghhhso every little action that creates something on p4, it snapshots or logs like crazy and fills the disk very quickly...17:14
arrrghhhperhaps I need to give it 4gb :P17:14
arrrghhhsee how long i can go17:14
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arrrghhhalrighty... 5.2gb data partition.  4.9 avail, let's see if this even works :D17:43
arrrghhhwhoops.  probably need to copy the data back to the vfat partition too... heh17:46
arrrghhhok... now i just feel retarded.  i formatted the partition vfat, but it still shows up as "Linux" as the system under fdisk -l...17:59
arrrghhhwhat have i don?17:59
arrrghhhor not done.17:59
arrrghhhmkfs -t vfat /dev/sdb1 <--- wouldn't that do it?18:00
hycchange type in partition table18:09
arrrghhhi realized that... thx18:09
arrrghhhi went into #ubuntu to get help, and i figured it out on my own anyways.18:09
arrrghhhi didn't realize it would let me format vfat and keep it as a FS type of linux :P18:10
arrrghhhhyc, nilfs is fun.  it does everything very quickly...18:11
arrrghhhincluding fill up the disk...18:11
NeoMatrixJRhey arrrghhh, are you still having discharge on USB issues too?18:12
arrrghhhNeoMatrixJR, on the newest kernels yea18:12
arrrghhhanything after that inital USB tether patch18:12
NeoMatrixJRok, me too.18:12
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arrrghhhalrighty, bootin time18:16
arrrghhhalrighty.  p4 has 4.6gb free18:21
arrrghhhnow let's see how long i can go... :D18:21
arrrghhhhrm.  installing apps seems to be bad juju18:27
rpierce99probably a lot of temp stuff created for installation, and with it not removing the temps for an hour, probably bad18:28
arrrghhhwell this happened last time18:28
arrrghhhit dled titanium backup, and when it tried to install -> reset to WinMo18:28
arrrghhhtryin again...18:32
arrrghhhdamnit.  as soon as it gets to the 'installing' state, it resets to winmo :/18:35
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arrrghhhjonpry, have you installed any apps thru the market?18:35
arrrghhhwhew.  gonna attempt to get logs of this.18:43
hycnilfs clearly not ready for primetime...18:50
arrrghhhbut i'd like to help it18:51
arrrghhhas it is fast18:51
hycsure... but it's too space intensive18:52
arrrghhhhey i've got 4.4gb free still :P18:52
arrrghhhaw dmesg is empty.18:53
arrrghhh05-07 16:53:01.350 D/installd( 1364): DexInv: --- BEGIN '/data/app/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup-1.apk'18:53
arrrghhhlast entry in logcat18:53
arrrghhhwithout dmesg, kinda useless.18:54
arrrghhhhyc, how do you run a continuous dmesg?  just dmesg &?18:55
hyccat /proc/kmsg18:55
arrrghhhi just tried adb shell dmesg & > dmsg.txt it didn't work out18:55
arrrghhho right18:55
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hyctoadlife: seems like the ril is stuck waiting for a command reply that is never coming18:57
hycalso see a modem response @HTCDIS: 0066 that I've never seen before18:58
arrrghhhah.  jonpry, got some great logs for ya19:03
arrrghhhjonpry, <--- dmesg19:03
jonpryi'm getting some stupid errors trying to cross compile it19:04
jonprysomebody should setup a rhobuntu with ssh :p19:04
arrrghhhline 2050 is where the juicy stuff on dmesg happens.19:05
arrrghhher 2049 i guess :P19:06
jonprywtf is that?19:06
arrrghhhevery time it starts installing an app from the Market19:06
arrrghhhor any app perhaps, i guess i should try adb install19:06
arrrghhhit reboots to winmo..19:06
jonprywhat if you start writing random files to /system or /data?19:08
jonprylike dd if=/dev/urandom of=/data/foo bs=1m count=119:08
arrrghhhlol ok19:09
hyctoadlife is gone huh. have a ril to test.
hycthis one has a 10 second timeout for commands, so if the modem doesn't reply, it won't hang forever waiting19:10
arrrghhhhe seems to think shotty service is still the culprit19:11
hycin his last log the modem seemed to just ignore s few commands19:11
hycbut it was still alive, it still received an SMS19:11
arrrghhhyea.  i'm assuming you read his description of what happened?19:11
arrrghhhi figgured :P19:11
hycso with this patch, it ought to come back. maybe 10 seconds is too slow tho, dunno19:12
hycmost commands get a reply within 10msec19:12
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hycnot sure why the modem would ever need more than 1sec19:12
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arrrghhhdamnit.  wow19:12
hycoh hell19:13
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hycI just had a SoD19:13
arrrghhhjonpry, dd: invalid number '1m'?19:13
arrrghhhhyc, heh19:14
hycand then I plugged in the USB cable and it rebooted19:14
jonpryarrrghhh, yeah busybox dd has funky options19:14
arrrghhhwell the command 'worked'19:14
arrrghhhi didn't get a reboot19:14
jonpryi honestly don't understand the crash19:17
hychmm. and now my charge is dropping 2%/second19:17
jonprylooks like stack is fine, but sync_page + 0 is trying to jump to some non kernel address?19:17
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toadlifehyc: Downloading that ril now19:24
arrrghhhjonpry, same thing happened on adb install...19:24
arrrghhhit copied the apk over, then hung... and reboot.19:24
jonprymaybe mmap doesn't work19:25
arrrghhhanything you want me to try?19:26
arrrghhhdid you try installing any apps?  :P19:26
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jonpryi have a cleanerd19:38
arrrghhhhey i've still got 4.4gb free19:39
arrrghhhalthough i haven't been able to do anything, i was going to install tb and restore - see what happens :P19:39
jonpryi'll try to install something in a minute19:39
arrrghhhwatch the fun :P19:39
jonpryprobably just copy the so.0.0.1 to /system/lib/libnilfs.so19:41
arrrghhhwhere does that go?19:41
jonprythen cleanerd can go anywhere19:41
jonpryhopefully it doesn't crash. i compiled all the source files manually19:42
arrrghhhwe'll see19:42
jonpryhmm, when my phone turns on it starts blasting funk music, any ideas?19:45
jonprywtf i can't stop it19:46
arrrghhhare you serious?19:46
arrrghhhi want that feature.19:46
jonprythis is going to put a damper on the testing19:47
jonprymust be nilfs19:47
arrrghhhthat certainly didn't happen to me...19:47
arrrghhhjonpry, sh nilfs_cleanerd  / nilfs_cleanerd: line 1: syntax error: unexpected word (expecting ")")19:49
arrrghhhthe '/' is the next line...19:49
jonprywhy sh?19:49
arrrghhh./ didn't work19:49
jonprywhat did ./ do19:49
arrrghhhsay's not found...19:49
arrrghhhi don't get that19:50
jonprychmod +x19:50
arrrghhhhrm... still says not found.19:50
arrrghhhi'm in the directory where it is, obviously.  ls confirmed.19:50
hychey jonpry, does scbs only monitor battery level, or does it also control charging rate?19:50
jonpryapt install stopped the funk19:51
jonpryer adb19:51
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jonpryhyc it only monitors the level, but there is some mechanism for turning off the charger when level==10019:51
hycI'm now seeing the charging issue that arrrghhh reported19:52
arrrghhhhyc, i told you i'm not nuts :P19:52
arrrghhhlots of others have said it as well tho.19:52
hycbut it wasn't happening at first19:52
jonprywhere drain goes through the roof?19:52
arrrghhhhyc, perhaps @ 100 it doesn't come into play?19:52
hycyeah, something like that19:52
arrrghhhi haven't noticed it19:53
arrrghhhand i'm @ 10019:53
arrrghhhsays 'charged' and isn't charging anymore.19:53
hycI'm thinking it's just that the battery level is incorrect all the time19:53
hycand that it's finally getting closer to reality when plugged in19:53
hycbecause eventually the plummet levels off and it starts increasing again19:53
jonpryits worse when plugged in19:53
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hychmm. also I plugged into plain AC charger and let it gain 20% or so - it did that rapidly19:54
jonprythe error is mostly proportional to the current, and unplugged 200-400 ma is normal, but plugged in you get 900 or so19:54
hycswitched back to USB and it dropped back down again19:54
hyc900mA or so of drain?19:55
CptAJguys, whats your average build time for the project? (and for reference, whats your cpu)19:55
hycor charge?19:55
jonpry900ma of charge19:55
jonpryi can build in 17minutes19:55
arrrghhhCptAJ, system or kernel?19:55
hycI have a 16 core server to build on now19:56
hycmake -j20 takes ... not long19:56
jonprythat sounds like fun19:56
arrrghhhbastage :P19:56
CptAJheh, I was thinking of getting into the dev scene for the lulz but my computer is fucking ancient. Im worried it will take months to build XD19:56
hycok, it was at 65% for a couple minutes, after falling quickly to there from 82%. Now it's climbing slowly again. 66%19:57
jonprythats what scbs is for19:57
arrrghhhhyc, it fluctuates.19:57
hycyeah, I think I'll have to get that setup19:57
arrrghhhjonpry, we need scbs to work on all devices so it can be committed :D19:57
jonpryno we don't19:57
jonpryit isn't going to break other devices19:58
hycbut it would be nice to know why the USB notification caused this much trouble19:58
arrrghhhi thought emwe said it did19:58
arrrghhhgot some wacky values19:58
arrrghhhhyc, indeed.  this didn't happen before.19:58
jonpryit can't be enabled on other devices19:58
CptAJits an old duron 1.6ghz (single core era XD). ballpark figure, how long do you think it'll take to build?19:58
hycI think it just means that the current code was failing to take USB status into account19:58
arrrghhhplus, my battery DIED while USB tethering.  2x.  that's not right.19:58
arrrghhhCptAJ, does it really matter?  first build might take a few hours.19:58
CptAJoh well, a few hours is doable19:59
arrrghhhwith minor changes the build is quick19:59
jonpryarrrghhh, you renamed the .so yeah?19:59
arrrghhhjonpry, yea.  let me verify on the device...19:59
arrrghhhindeed.  /system/lib/ is thar20:00
jonpryldd nilfs_cleanerd20:00
hycjonpry - is there a post of your kernel patches? I'd rather keep the other stuff that's in my current kernel20:00
jonpryi can email them to you20:01
hyccool, thx20:01
arrrghhhjonpry, ldd: not found?20:01
jonprywhat is found?20:01
hycwe have no ldd on the android system20:01
arrrghhhheh, i don't even know what it is.20:01
hycbut you can run strings | grep lib20:02
hycthat will tell you most of it20:02
arrrghhhah print shared library dependencies20:02
arrrghhhpastebin comin20:02
hycseems like it was not linked against bionic? I don't think bionic uses a separate libpthread20:04
hycnope it doesn't20:04
jonpryits linked against bionic20:04
hycthen why does it have a libpthread dependency?20:05
hycin bionic all pthread stuff is just in libc.so20:05
jonpryok, i removed pthread20:05
hycand bionic doesn't have versioned .so's20:05
hycbionic is just not
hycyou have a glibc there20:05
jonpryi just did -lc20:05
jonpry/opt/CodeSourcery2010q3/Sourcery_G++_Lite/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -pthread -g -O2 -o nilfs_cleanerd nilfs_cleanerd-cleanerd.o nilfs_cleanerd-cldconfig.o nilfs_cleanerd-vector.o crt0.o -nostdlib -L /home/jon/donut/out/target/product/msm/system/lib/ -L ../../lib -lc -ldl -lnilfs20:06
hycI think -lc is picking up system default. tho with -nostdlib it shouldn't. dunno20:07
hycI have an agcc wrapper script I use to compile other stuff with the android toolchain20:07
hycso I haven't had to think about this in years...20:08
hycmine specifies full path the android libgcc.a20:08
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hycyour link has a dependency on which also doesn't exist on android20:09
hycyou have to explicitly use the static libgcc20:09
jonpryhmm -static20:09
hycbut you don't want static libc20:09
hycmebbe I should just email you my agcc script20:10
hycyou'll have to customize the path to the toolchain since you're not using the SDK bundled one20:10
jonprystatic libc is fine20:11
jonpryi think the problem is in libnilfs, it has the versioned crap and pthread20:13
hycsent agcc script to list20:15
hycit will make your life much easier...20:15
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jonpryi don't know if i am smart enough to use that20:28
jonpryhmm, this patch is complicated20:30
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jonprydid i mention that .39 is working pretty well?20:33
arrrghhhdefine: pretty well20:34
jonpryflawlessly for 5.68 seconds20:34
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hycthanks, got the files20:51
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jonpryno problem20:52
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arrrghhhjonpry, lol.  i adb push'd an apk to /data/app - it rebooted shortly thereafter ;)21:47
arrrghhhperhaps i should put a bunch in /system/app see what happens...21:48
arrrghhhlol reboots to winmo at bootani :(21:52
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jonpryyeah it doesn't like mmap write22:14
jonpryapparently that it what the davik cache precompile thingy uses22:18
jonprywho needs to install crap anyways22:18
arrrghhhyea, Android without apps...22:19
arrrghhhabout as good as WinMo.  alright, it's still better :P22:19
jonpryyou can install apps using e2, then copy to nilfs22:28
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arrrghhhjonpry, explain please...22:29
arrrghhhi have no ext2 partition22:29
jonpryuse another sdcard22:29
arrrghhhother than p2 which is like 1mb or smth22:29
jonpryone with partitioned build22:30
jonpryor use a loopback in andboot22:30
jonprythen install :p22:30
arrrghhhoh i see what you're saying.22:32
arrrghhhuse a tainted data.img :P22:32
jonprythats what i'm doing22:37
jonprythe nilfs code i used is different from the built in stuff in newer kernels22:37
jonpryi couldn't get the .39 nilfs to work though. some changes to the fs interface or something22:38
jonpryi've had .35 boot froyo before, so we could almost test it22:39
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jonpryi'm compiling a new kernel with like slim to none chance of fix22:49
jonpryits up if you want to try it22:56
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arrrghhhjonpry, did you try it?  :P23:31
arrrghhhi'll try it in a sec here23:43
jonpryi'm catching up on some tv23:43
arrrghhhjust build a new system and data23:43
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toadlife_phoneArrrghhh, do the little arrows light up to indicate mobile data transfer for you with the latest rootfs?23:55
arrrghhhtoadlife_phone, there was a kernel hyc gave me that broke those23:55
arrrghhhbut i don't think the newest rootfs breaks those... i haven't checked tho23:56
arrrghhhi keep playing with nilfs :P23:56
toadlife_phoneI'm running that kernel :p23:56
arrrghhhit's the kernel23:57
toadlife_phoneOkay, well it not a big deal. Just wondering23:57
arrrghhhhe didn't tell you that?23:57
toadlife_phoneNo. I just saw him post the link for you and grabbed it myself23:58
arrrghhhwell if you read around it, we discuss that :P23:58
toadlife_phoneI DEMAND HE FIX IT NOW!23:58
jonpryarrrghhh, i tried it. and it doesn't crash23:59
arrrghhhjonpry, w00t23:59
arrrghhhi'm trying it now23:59
toadlife_phoneOk, well got to put the kiddos to bed. Seeya23:59
arrrghhhinstalling some dumb app that i'll probably just remove, just to test :P23:59
jonprybut it doesn't work either23:59
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arrrghhhjonpry, lol23:59

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