Tuesday, 2011-03-29

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arrrghhhrpierce99, so how are you testing NITZ?00:33
arrrghhhare you just skewing the time manually00:33
arrrghhhand setting it back to auto?00:33
odzit'l show up in logs too00:36
odzlike this00:36
odzD/RILJ    ( 1382): [UNSL]< UNSOL_NITZ_TIME_RECEIVED 11/03/25,21:59:28-16,100:36
arrrghhhi guess i'll have to check logs00:37
odzyep its there00:37
arrrghhhcuz the above method did the same thing on stock ril00:37
arrrghhhsnapped right back ;P00:37
odzso it always worked :P00:38
arrrghhheh i don't know if that is a good test or not00:38
arrrghhhwhat i did00:38
arrrghhhuncheck auto -> skew time by a few hours -> recheck auto00:38
arrrghhhin my head it is, but perhaps it has somethings cached.00:39
arrrghhhi think the best test will be running for extended periods00:39
arrrghhhdisable clocksync00:39
arrrghhhat least from auto sync00:39
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rpierce99arrrghhh: sorry yeah it was just that, skew it manually and then set it back to auto, never tested it on auto but but if auto works why would it drift at all?01:04
arrrghhhi dunno01:05
arrrghhhperhaps something is cached?01:05
rpierce99i dunno, i guess watch a radio log when you're setting it back to auto and make sure it queries nitz?01:05
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arrrghhhjust run his RIL for a while with clocksync disabled01:07
arrrghhhsee how it goes01:08
arrrghhhi'd say that's the best test.01:08
rpierce99well i've been in the riltest kernel since we talked earlier and it says 12:12, same as my laptop says01:12
rpierce99that was at 9:4001:13
rpierce99probably not long enough01:13
arrrghhhi heard UI usage makes it work01:14
arrrghhhso i guess swipe around menus etc01:14
arrrghhhyou can also open clocksync, assuming everything is set to manual you can use it to verify how much drift there is.01:14
rpierce99it's still going to drift, NITZ would only fix it occasionally01:17
arrrghhhbut big drift01:18
arrrghhhwithout correction01:18
arrrghhhthat's the question01:18
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hychey, so can I flash an updated radio on my TP2 using SD card only?06:20
hycI just downloaded
hycdoes it need to be renamed to something specific on the SD card?06:20
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xtremist_friends i installed ur frx0609:28
xtremist_but it getting restrt while installing game09:28
xtremist_its act 41mmb of size09:28
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mario_how is gingerbread going along, release aanytime soon?11:28
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arrrghhhit's delicious12:02
mario_ haha, but is it almost released like froyo, almost stable like the froyo one?12:02
arrrghhhit's been released12:03
arrrghhhfor... a while now12:03
arrrghhhmuch to stinebd's demise12:03
mario_I know, good for everyday use?12:04
arrrghhhi would say no12:05
arrrghhhfun to play with12:05
mario_oh, so i'll stay with frx06 lol12:06
mario_ how do you turb auto backlinght on, to save battery or what can I do?12:09
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NeoMatrixJRstinebd, u on?12:26
hycSo I found some other stuff from the HTC ril that I've now added to ours12:28
emwehyc: ah gsm netloc again. coolio ;)12:30
hyc*again*? It never worked before12:30
emwehuh? of course it did12:30
hycthe code for get neighboring cells was completely wrong12:30
emweon the generic ril it worked definitively.12:30
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emwenot reliably as i said yesterday, but it worked.12:31
hycmebbe if it was only using the current lac/cid. but I never got any result with it on my phone.12:31
emwei always got a 4000m range location12:31
arrrghhhisn't that typical?12:31
emweas i said yesterday, sometimes it just didn't work at my workplace here at home.12:31
hycno, now I have 800m12:31
emwesometimes it did12:31
arrrghhhi think in winmo mine is usually 3000m12:31
arrrghhhand in android it doesn't say12:32
emwehyc: let me test it out.12:32
arrrghhhat least it didn't when i was testing yesterday...12:32
hycsure it does, tap on the blue dot12:32
arrrghhhwtf i did that.12:32
emwehyc: btw, i tried for the last hour to call a custom target. failure on my side. can't figure it.12:32
arrrghhhlike 15x12:32
hycweird. it works for me, tells me 800m right now12:32
emwehyc: (regarding gitverh.h)12:32
arrrghhhi'll try it again today12:32
arrrghhhi'm not on your RIL now12:32
arrrghhhtethering to be on here too :P12:32
hycwell, cdma netloc doesn't work the same as gsm12:33
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hyccdma netloc reports an actual lat/long of the base station to the phone12:33
arrrghhhwhy does it work in winmo tho12:33
hycgsm netloc reports only a base station ID, you need a data connection to look up the ID12:34
hycjust saying, the two use different techniques12:34
arrrghhhi know12:34
arrrghhhi guess it's not a huge deal12:34
arrrghhhi wanted to see if it worked on my way to work.12:34
arrrghhhi guess i can test it on the way home :P12:35
emwearrrghhh: so did i read logs right wis has ceased ril work?12:35
emweor rather took a break?12:35
arrrghhhseems to be12:36
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vinvywhen i can get xdandroid 2.3?12:41
vinvysorry for my english...12:41
arrrghhhit's already out12:41
arrrghhhin a forum near you12:41
vinvyreally? but i say for my touch diamond12:43
arrrghhhi don't post in those forums12:43
arrrghhhi don't think there's an android dev section for DIAM folk12:43
arrrghhhso, go to the touchpro section12:43
vinvyoh, tank you :)12:45
* NeoMatrixJR slaps stinebd with a day-old trout. USE AWAY!12:45
NeoMatrixJRso confusing...12:45
arrrghhhwhat's confusing12:46
vinvyI can not find the download link for the GBX0A packege, you send it?12:48
NeoMatrixJRarrrghhh: if stinebd's actually online or not!12:49
arrrghhhNeoMatrixJR, he's always online12:49
vinvyThanks :)12:49
NeoMatrixJRok, if he's AFK or not then...12:49
arrrghhhhe is always here12:49
arrrghhhnever not12:50
* NeoMatrixJR arrghhh makes me want to arrrghhh12:50
arrrghhhalways at his kbd12:50
hycemwe: file:///home/software/xdandroid/build/core/build-system.html I guess I'll try to set a custom target12:51
NeoMatrixJRoh, so he's got that nice toilet/computer chair & keyboard/pillow combo?12:51
arrrghhhhe sleeps where he poops12:52
NeoMatrixJRsadly enough if he's always at his kbd then he must eat there too..and that's where it REALLY gets bad12:56
NeoMatrixJRalso not a good idea to mix microwaves and sensitive PC equipment.  Although microwaving a CD can be fun.12:56
vinvybetween htc salsa and the wildfire which do you recommend?12:57
* NeoMatrixJR gives a "do not try this at home" disclamer12:57
arrrghhhvinvy, uhm... no.  we don't recommend phones here sorry.12:58
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NeoMatrixJRHTC Rhodium FTW12:58
arrrghhhdamn ancient hardware.12:59
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hycemwe: ok, figured it out. Android.mk updated...13:40
emwehyc: nice. building.13:47
hychmm. it just hung on me, when I turned the screen off. sheesh.13:48
emwehm, doesnt build. wth...13:52
emwesorry german: make: *** Keine Regel vorhanden, um das Target »out/target/product/msm/system/lib/libril.so«,13:53
emwe  benötigt von »out/target/product/msm/system/lib/libhtcgeneric-ril.so«, zu erstellen.  Schluss.13:53
arrrghhhi know 0 german.13:56
emweno target defined to build libril.so required by the build of libhtcgeneric-ril.so13:57
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TheDeadCPUI know Nein13:58
hycdo you have libril.so ?13:58
hycthat's always been in the Android.mk, I didn't change that13:59
emweisn't "mm" supposed to rebuild?14:00
emwe(if no dep is present?)14:00
hycit only builds the current working directory14:00
emweredoing the build. something failed and didn't notice.14:01
emwesry for the noise.14:01
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emwehyc: if you don't mind, could you try a toplevel build?14:21
emwetarget Generated: libhtcgeneric-ril <= hardware/xdandroid-ril/.git/index14:21
emwefatal: Not a git repository: 'development/tools/etc1tool/.git'14:21
hycwhat command are you invoking at top level?14:25
emwemake -j214:27
hycok, trying it now14:27
hycI have two directories making libhtcgeneric-ril14:28
hycthat's why I haven't been doing top-levels lately :P14:28
hycseems my main tree is in a shambles14:31
* emwe hands the vacuum cleaner14:35
hycwtf. gitorious is giving me access denied14:37
hyccan't re-sync...14:37
hyctrying the http url instead of ssh14:42
hycwell, that let me clone anyway14:43
hycmake -j2 is still screwing up, had to fallback to -j1. super slow...14:47
emwewtf... now i get webcore build issues15:13
hycheh, I'm building webcore right now15:15
hycwith SVG enabled15:15
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emweman, now i am busying you with that stuff. sorry.15:24
hyceh, it's just building in the background now15:26
hycand I wanted a new browser binary anyway, since the default one doesn't have SVG enabled15:26
hycI swear, filing Android bug reports with google is as useless as M$15:27
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emwelol, 2008.15:29
hycuh huh15:29
hycI got my G1 first day in October 08, been hacking it mercilessly since then :P15:31
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hycbut now my TP2 is getting all the attention15:31
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hycCan I just put a big "noobs not welcome" on the top of my thread?15:33
phhwon't work15:33
midnightlol you should15:33
midnightyou are highlandsun on xda?15:34
midnightme helicopter8815:35
hycOh, hi15:35
hycyou're working on gingerbread?15:36
midnightyes,i have a stable build in my signature15:36
midnightbut i'm updating it and i'll put it in rhod section and make looped ext215:36
hycironically, I run frx06 with data and system in their own partitions15:37
midnighti hate looped filesystem,but them are noob-friendly15:37
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hycbut .... they get corrupted more easily15:37
hycI haven't needed to reinit my data in ... weeks...15:38
midnightand them are harder to update..15:38
AinSoni think i might need some help15:38
midnighttell us where you need help15:38
AinSoni am booting FRX06 bundle on my DIAM10015:39
AinSonand the touch-screen is quite out of calibration15:39
AinSoni cannot enter PIN :-(15:39
midnightpin for me isn't working15:39
AinSoncan i force recalibration?15:39
midnightand about calibration,you should delete ts-calibration15:39
midnightand you should be done15:39
AinSondoes it auto-calibrate?15:40
midnightyou have to calibrate after launching haret15:40
AinSonor did i miss the calibration the first time...15:40
midnightmaybe it was included in your bundle15:40
AinSonokay i will try...sounds good...will disable pin too15:41
AinSonlast time i tried XDandroid it was almost a year ago15:41
midnightlast time i tried xdandroid was about october15:41
AinSonso i assumed pin is working now ^^15:41
emweping should work. but there might be issues on re-calib.15:42
AinSonthese guys keeping up good work15:42
emweit's said to be undoable in recent releases.15:42
emwedunno what causes that.15:42
midnightmaybe you could try with an old kernel15:43
AinSonnow recalibration appears :-D15:46
AinSoni am so excited15:47
midnightwhat phone do you have?15:47
AinSonmaybe i can put the diam100 to good use after all15:47
AinSoni have an XDA Diamond ^^ from o215:48
midnightme too15:48
AinSondo you use android on a daily basis?15:49
midnighti use my builds,15:49
midnightfor daily use,but when i need to be reliable,i use energy rom15:49
AinSonandroid.process.acore is now always crashing :-(15:50
AinSondo you share your builds?15:50
midnightyou should try to delete data.img,but you'll losee all of your settings15:50
midnightmy builds are on xda and on neopeek.com15:51
AinSonmaybe i try your build15:51
midnighti'm helicopter88 on xda15:51
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midnightand you can find my builds in diamond section and rhodium section15:52
AinSoni you are that gingercherry guy ^^15:52
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midnightand i'm the cherrypie guy too15:52
midnighthi t3g15:52
AinSonawesome...i have so much respect for guys like you...15:53
midnighti'm not a dev..15:53
midnighti'm just a tiny guy who has a bit of free time lol15:54
t3gmidnight: hi:)15:54
t3gdo I know u?15:54
midnighti don't think you know me15:54
t3gsorry, can't remember...15:54
t3gI think so too yeah:)15:54
t3gbut : hi midnight ;)15:55
midnighthi t3g15:55
AinSonbut you put together your own releases15:55
AinSonhi t3g too :-D15:55
t3g*g* I am mostly only reading;)15:56
t3gI'm not so into th things...15:56
t3gbut id does intrest me:)15:56
AinSonmidnight: do i really need 2 partitions...i have a navigation map on my sd and cant gpart it right now15:57
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emwehyc: allowed myself to send you a radio log. unfortunately no cell-loc15:59
emweoh wait....15:59
midnightainson,you could check rhodium15:59
emwehyc: ok, now i got after 10 mins uptime and retrials15:59
midnightsection there's cherry pie that doesn't need partitions15:59
hycgot what?15:59
emwehyc: got netloc15:59
hycemwe: netloc is really slow for me on 3G, there are only 2 towers here16:00
emwehyc: the "location" it always used to be on the "stock" ril16:00
hycbut if I switch back to 2G, it works right away16:00
emwehyc: ah i see. never tried 2g actually. and yes, towers might be sparse here from my provider as well16:00
arrrghhhhyc, why would that be?16:01
hycthere are 5-6 2G signals here16:02
hycit needs 316:02
hycemwe: so what is this log you sent me?16:04
emwehyc: i thought to spam you with that log in order to help you see what's going one here. but that was when i thought netloc didn't work. so ignore it if it provides no useful for anything else.16:05
hycby the way, do a speedtest with this new ril16:06
hycI changed the hsupa/hsdpa parameters to 7mbps down, 2mbps up16:06
AinSonmidnight: i am downloading cherry_pie_v3_loop.7z right now, i found it on neopeek.com in the HUAWEI 8150 threa16:06
hycsee if it makes any difference compared to the old ril16:06
midnightainson,you could have found it in rhod and diam section16:07
hycdoes the Huawei 8150 use HTC modem commands? what ril library do you use?16:07
midnighti used ril from chann's frg8316:07
emwehyc: then i need to find sth else then speedtest.net ... i tries gps loc and that is yet broken on gingerbread and the app crashes...16:08
midnightwith huawei standard i had some booting problems..16:08
arrrghhhmidnight, what RIL is that!?!16:08
midnightarrrghhh,idk,i just used it16:08
arrrghhhemwe, bummer.  you can't disable the gps attempt?16:08
emwearrrghhh: seems not.16:09
arrrghhhhrm.  that's unfortunate.16:10
arrrghhhit always pissed me off that it flipped on gps16:10
arrrghhhbecause it would still put me far away16:10
arrrghhhprobably from those false fixes lol16:10
hycyeah, I just installed entropy512's lib to get rid of those16:11
emwewasnt his fix in frx06?16:11
hycnope, apparently it didn';t make it in16:11
emwearrrghhh: btw, does rootfs still mount lib/froyo to /system/lib/hw from rootfs?16:11
hycwow emwe, you have a pretty weak signal here16:12
arrrghhhit didn't make it in emwe16:12
arrrghhhand i believe it does...16:12
arrrghhhbut i'm not the right person to ask those types of questions to emwe  :P16:12
emwearrrghhh: ;)16:13
emweok, what do i have to delete in order to fix gapps acore crashes?16:13
hycdon't delete16:13
hycdo a logcat and find what database it wasn't able to open16:13
hycthat's almost always the problem16:13
hycusually the db.journal is owned by the wrong uid16:14
hycchown it and everything will work again16:14
emwehyc: where's that db.journal? db-data?16:14
hycit will be in the same directory as the db itself16:14
hycso look for error messages in the logcat16:15
hycthey will talk about some db file or another failing to open16:15
emwehyc: down: 1158Kbit (144KB) up: 1946Kbit (243KB)16:15
emwei think i had better measures in the sleeping room. but as you say i have bad conn anyway - and the signal bars indicate that ever since - it's ok i think.16:16
AinSonhmm...looks like the battery drain is still a huge downer16:16
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emwehyc: talk.db owned by 1000/1000 the db itself 10000/10000. chwon that to 10000/10000?16:18
emweehm sorry talk.db-journal is 100016:19
hycwhat is the uid of the app?16:19
hycprobably both should be 1000, is my guess. that sounds more like a valid uid anyway16:20
emwehm, all other files have 1000016:20
hycok. make it match16:20
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hycat the end of the log you sent, you finally get 2 other signals in the NeighboringCellIds16:21
emweok, gtalk works again.16:21
hycso I guess you got netlok shortly after that...16:21
arrrghhhwhy would permissions get hosed like that?16:21
emwehyc: exactly that happened ;)16:21
hycarrrghhh: I dunno yet16:22
hycbut it happens16:22
hycthat's why there's a fix_permissions script in the devel tools16:22
hycpretty much all the android rom developers bundle it16:23
hyccyanogen, etc...16:23
hycI was rather distressed that it was missing from xdandroid.16:23
hyccopied it over from my G1, needed it a few times...16:24
hycemwe: since you've been committing to the xdandroid ril - you plan to pull any of may patches any time soon?16:26
hycor let it bake a bit more16:26
emwehyc: i'd like to have stinebds opinion on that. i can only take over your stuff. i virtually know nothing about it.16:27
hycjust curious16:28
emwehyc: you got a testing thread pending right? and all is fine, yet?16:28
hyceverything is fine so far, just some missing features16:28
emweis it missing something over "stock"?16:28
hycno, I don't think so16:28
emwebtw, thanks for that useful tip with the db-rights.16:29
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hycsure. it's an old problem on android...16:30
emwethat will save me a lot of nerves as the quick "reboot -fd3" are not always nice to data it seems16:30
hycyeah, I'm still annoyed by that, /data is always unclean on reboot16:30
hycI haven't had time yet to go looking for why16:30
hycpretty sure that getting clean unmounts will make this type of problem go away16:31
emwebecause we can't unmount sd and it tries for some time and then it calls hw reset hook, no?16:31
hycthen it's unmounting in wrong order16:32
hycit should unmount /data before trying to unmount sd16:32
emweis userland doing that or any shutdown script in rootfs?16:32
hycdunno yet16:32
hycmebbe it's a function of order in fstab. no clue at the moment.16:32
hychmm, re: GPS and faster locking, the modem can be configured with the address of an agps server16:34
hycin stock ril there is a hardcoded address that points to somebody on wanadoo.fr16:34
hycthat cannot possibly be a good solution for everyone :P16:34
arrrghhhmight be a good one for someone tho16:35
arrrghhhphh, i'm lookin at you :P16:35
phhthat's not me -_-'16:35
arrrghhhi was jk16:35
arrrghhhbut it did seem suspect considering the address :P16:35
hycanyway, I've commented it out of my recent builds16:35
phharrrghhh: i'm not at wanadoo :p16:35
phhi haven't been for something like 10 years16:35
hycalso the address was set during init, which is a bit too early16:36
hycideally we could grab the server from /etc/gps.conf16:36
hycbut obviously we need a radio or wifi to be working first so we can do a dns lookup16:36
hycso it's pretty inconvenient right now to try to fix this properly16:37
emwethe address is set on the modem? did i get that right?16:37
hycyes it is16:37
hycIP address and port #16:37
hycbut if you watch the logs, nothing in android ever invokes any command to set the address16:38
hycI don't think ril.h has any command for this purpose16:38
hycwhich kinda makes sense, since ril.h is for telephony, not gps16:38
emweso it's set with an AT command and that's it?16:38
hycthen the modem takes care of it all16:38
emwein winmo it looks like it DLs a file and "pushes" it to the agps chip.16:39
emweat leat that's what implied.16:39
hycI guess that's a possibility16:39
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emweor the progress meter is just filled by the modem download status indicator being read out16:39
hycthere are probably multiple interfaces to the radio chip16:40
emwebzo: !16:40
bzohi emwe16:40
hycand obviously the rild is monopolizing the /dev/smd0 channel16:40
hycI think, mebbe I can put a callback into ril to do a dns lookup and set the address after data connection is established16:41
hycbut that won't help if you have data turned off and wifi on16:42
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hycre: tv out support - I see code for it when I hexedit a radio image16:45
hycmakes you wonder...16:46
hycalso I see many device names in the image - diamond, blackstone, rhodium, etc. so it seems these radios may be compatible across many models.16:46
hycit surprised me to see Dream in the device list. G1.16:47
emweperhaps they are just "composed" out of many pieces.16:47
hycyeah, could be16:47
hycbut I'm thinking some time down the road I will try flashing my G1 with a rhodium radio, and vice versa16:47
arrrghhhsounds dangerous16:48
hycwell, if the device accepts it, I don't think it will die. can flash a new radio.16:49
hycnot like getting the bootloader wrong.16:49
hycthe rhodium radio doesn't support "real" signal strength alerts. it sends what looks like a value from 0-5.16:50
hycthe G1 radio sends the GSM-standard 0-3116:50
hycand these are the values that are used for computing netloc16:51
hycso on rhodium the alerts are useless, and I wind up having to manually issue signal strength queries instead16:51
hycalso, that conversation about NITZ and timekeeping - I don't believe that has really changed much from the stock ril16:53
hycas near as I can tell, you generally get one NITZ from the network at startup16:54
hycif you go into airplane mode you can get another one when you come back16:54
hycbut otherwise, I don't know if there's a regular update interval from the network or the modem16:54
hycso you still can't rely on this to keep the clock perfect16:55
arrrghhhyea rpierce99's method for testing was flawed16:55
arrrghhhi went over him with that last night :P16:55
hycyeah, I saw your conversation in my log16:55
hycbut on CDMA you're lucky, because I found out how to trigger a NITZ on demand16:55
hychaven't tried it on GSM16:55
hycbut this means, once we decide how/when we want an update, we can force one16:56
arrrghhhhow is it "supposed" to work?16:59
hycdunno :P16:59
hycI just booted up my old motorola K1 and even though it's configured to get time from the network, it said May 201017:00
hycso it's clearly not a reliable feature :P17:00
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hycon GSM NITZ is actually rare17:02
hycon CDMA it has been there since the beginning17:02
hycI guess it's supported on all US networks, not much in other parts of the world17:03
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emwegtg. gnight peeps.17:16
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Entropy512time to try ril 6b7afad.  :P18:51
arrrghhhso many rilz!18:51
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hycbut at least now we can tell them apart from each other :P18:52
arrrghhhthat is kinda important :P18:52
Entropy512yeah, prompting wistilt2 to pop out a "dev coordination" email to the xdandroid-dev list18:53
hycyeah, I guess so :P18:53
Entropy512although hyc isn't on that list so it's not exactly going to help.  :P18:53
hychm, an email list?18:53
Entropy512or have you subscribed?18:53
arrrghhhall devs should be on the list18:53
arrrghhhALL DEVS18:53
hycnope, didn't know18:53
Entropy512there's a low-profile link (easy to miss) on xdandroid.com18:54
stinebdit's right at the top in the discussion list and says mailing list in bold letters18:54
hycok, sent subscribe rq18:56
stinebdit's automated18:57
hycyeah I just confirmed it18:58
stinebddon't spam us or phh will ban you19:01
arrrghhhi haven't gotten dev mail in a little bit19:01
stinebdwell the project is dying so it makes sense19:02
arrrghhhbegone troll!19:02
stinebdnah, simple facts19:02
stinebdwe all know it19:02
arrrghhhlol i think development has picked up lately19:03
stinebdwe're down to about 17 users19:03
Entropy512I think until today, the last mailing to the list was my patch19:03
Entropy512that's really bad.  We need Over 9000 users19:04
stinebdwe must expand into native android devices19:04
stinebdto gain more users19:04
stinebdbut we'll have to find some way to port haret to android19:04
phhstinebd: s/haret/kexec/ ?19:04
arrrghhhso we can kick... android out of memory?19:04
stinebdtoo easy19:04
phhstinebd: ah.19:04
stinebdperhaps we could use vmware embedded to fire up a winmo instance, then use that to run haret to boot into android19:05
hycthat'd be kewl...19:06
stinebdnot quite how i'd describe it19:06
Entropy512we need to port haret to an abacus19:07
Entropy512that way we can view system state easily as we reverse engineer/debug stuff19:07
arrrghhhi don't think abacus' are open source19:07
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hycer, nobody owns the IP rights to an abacus19:08
hyclong since expired...19:08
stinebdpatents can be extended baby19:09
MassStashyou guys are crwazy haha19:10
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hycwell, I was gonna reply to that email but I don't think there's anything to add.19:13
hycObviously duplication of effort sucks, and better communication and coordination would be nice19:13
hycmebbe my actions were aggravating, but I've been communicating and working openly every step of the way19:14
hycfrom the moment arrrghhh first made fun of me for trying to hang a G1 ril onto rhod. :P19:14
Entropy512tbh the problem is mainly that WisTilt2 was kinda keeping things close to the chest19:15
stinebdthat ril works fairly well with the wrapper for gsm19:15
Entropy512so there was space for another person to step in.  I don't think it's a huge deal, it's not the only thing WisTilt2 was working19:16
Entropy512the RIL issues were a distraction from polishing up power management IMO19:16
hycstinebd: the G1 ril works OK, yeah, tho the wrapper didn't enable audio19:16
hycmy patched wrapper took care of that19:16
arrrghhhyea i think your work hyc took some load off of him19:17
arrrghhhi don't think he was comfortable in the RIL :P  i can't say i blame him.19:17
arrrghhhhe has a RIL guy on staff tho19:17
arrrghhhso i'm sure that helped19:17
Entropy512rilspy was a great idea19:17
hyccrufty old code that folks who last touched it disavow (phh!)19:17
arrrghhhgotta watch what i say in here tho :P19:17
arrrghhhi made a joke about how you were ahead of him19:17
arrrghhhand someone emailed it to him out of context19:17
arrrghhhyea i don't know.19:18
arrrghhhdon't really care either.19:18
arrrghhhstinebd, no clue19:18
arrrghhhi didn't really press the issue with wistilt219:18
stinebdi bet it was f2219:18
arrrghhhsuffice to say he wasn't happy with me at first.19:18
stinebdthat guy loves to stir the pot19:18
hycyeah that's a shame. this isn't a contest.19:18
arrrghhhi haven't seen him in a while19:18
MassStashpeople are always trying to start drama...19:18
arrrghhhhyc, yea and it was a joke.  i think it is someone in here just trying to stir shit.19:18
stinebdtiad in disguise19:19
MassStashbored ass people stirrin stuff up....19:19
Entropy512workin' the RIL wasn't the best use of WisTilt2's skills19:19
stinebdit's the best use of his docs19:19
Entropy512not many people can hack kernel without making things go splodey splodey19:19
MassStashlol Tiad was kinda "one of a kinda" lmao19:20
F22methinks stinebd likes to stir the pot... :P19:21
stinebdyeah but i do it in public19:21
Entropy512I think we might have identified at least one of tiad8's performance tweaks, but now instead of "I kanged a RIL and it be fast!" it's "Yeah, other RILs set different HSPA modes than we did, let's try this other mode"19:21
stinebdmore fun to watch that way19:21
Entropy512download at my desk has gone from 1600-1700 kbits to 2100 kbits19:22
Entropy512upload hasn't changed much19:22
Entropy512However signal strength is semi-broken in 6b7afad19:23
Entropy512gonna get a logcat - I think hyc's source treats +CSQ: and @HTCCSQ responses the same, when they are not19:24
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hycI wouldn't expect upload speed to change much19:35
hycI should have probably turned off @HTCCSQ completely19:36
hycbut I'm holding off on some other changes until I can compare against a CDMA phone19:36
hycI want to unify the initialization a bit more19:36
hycEntropy512 http://forum.cyanogenmod.com/topic/9781-buildprop-roril-meanings/19:38
hycI am probably going to add code to getprop some of these19:38
hycso the same settings as the HTC ril will work with ours19:38
hycand we don't have hard-coded constants any more19:39
odzsounds nice19:51
hycthe one setting I want to look up isthat silly 2G/3G switch19:51
hycAndroid is saving it somewhere, and we're not reading it, so it doesn't survive reboot19:52
stinebdlet's keep the hard-coded constants please19:52
hycreally? why?19:52
stinebdit's what sets xdandroid apart from the rest19:52
hycwe don't yet know the implications of some of them19:52
hycthe stupid ro.ril.enable.ncell.ind defaults off on all android phones19:53
hycSo gsm netloc is disabled by default19:53
hycI'd like to know why - whether there's a power consumption cost, e.g.19:53
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hycwe can hardcode the default values still19:55
hycit's more work to add the getprop calls19:55
hycbut I suspect being able to toggle these things will be an advantage19:55
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hycthis guy needs the fix_permissions script http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=12506674&postcount=46220:46
Entropy512dammit, all that logcatting20:47
Entropy512and my phone goes blinkengreen SoD the moment I stop and pull the USB cable20:47
Entropy512so clearly20:47
Entropy512I need to always run a background logcat20:47
Entropy512my phone will never hang20:47
hycgood solution!20:47
Entropy512ok afk for real now20:47
Entropy512I swear!20:48
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odzgb runs pretty awesome now20:56
odzyay :P20:57
hycoh? I thought you weren't gonna use it till sms was done :P20:59
hycor you mean the whole gbx0a release?21:00
odzwell im using it in gsm mode21:00
odzfor gb you gotta mount to /system/lib/libhtcgeneric-ril.so so might wanna add that to your thread for gb people that want to try your ril21:03
hyccool thx21:05
hycentropy512 already posted it21:06
odzaww skype still causes a reboot after ending a call21:08
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NeoMatrixJRanyone know if it's possible to hide the android-generated .thumbnails dir from WinMo?  I'm kinda tired of sense/gallery in WinMo having "duplicates"21:49
rpierce99uh, don't use WinMo? :P21:51
NeoMatrixJRg thanx21:55
NeoMatrixJRI bounce back and forth alot although we're about to the point where I won't use WinMo anymore.21:55
NeoMatrixJRprobably after RIL is done and SOD's aren't so bad (if it helps like they say it will)21:56
NeoMatrixJRspeaking of which, I was reading some of the logs. looked like someone was stirring the RIL pot.  What happened?21:56
NeoMatrixJRI think I missed something21:56
rpierce99not sure what you're referring to21:56
NeoMatrixJRearlier conversation.  Something about using the G1 RIL and such...21:59
NeoMatrixJRI don't know...I'd have to pull the logs back up21:59
rpierce99hyc, odz, and I were trying some odd rils for a while, nothing fruitful21:59
NeoMatrixJRhey stinebd, r u actually on or are you afk?22:00
NeoMatrixJRdamnit.  I keep missing him22:02
NeoMatrixJRwell, I'm off.22:03
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stinebdi wish he would stop highlighting me and just say whatever he has to say22:06
rpierce99IRC tag is fun!22:07
hycwell, there was an interesting outcome from that, I learned that the ril on my G1 is from a 1.6 OS and the 2.0 fron Nexus1 probably works on it22:09
hycbut I haven't  tried it yet22:09
rpierce99wouldn't you want to upgrade your radio firmware too?22:09
hycwell, there's nothing newer for the G1 that anyone knows of22:10
hycand I really doubt the N1 radio hardware was compatible22:10
rpierce99ah, i just keep seeing recommendations to upgrade radio with ril22:10
hycon windows yeah, I see that22:10
hycbut on android the ril library is pretty generic22:11
hycwhich might mean it misses some features. dunno.22:11
rpierce99fwiw I ran your ril in cdma mode for about the last 24 hours with no issues other than the known22:12
hycI guess it's time to start making a list of open issues22:13
hycor using a bug tracker22:13
hycI should've reserved an extra post for myself on that thread. :P22:14
rpierce99i was curious, what would happen with your new RIL if we put it on CDMA preferred, would it attempt CDMA and fall back to GSM?22:14
hycright now it skips the SIM card setup22:14
hycso without that, GSM should fail22:14
rpierce99but android would attempt to set up CDMA, if it knew it failed, would it bounce over to the old gsm methodology22:15
hycsomeone will have to read the android phone code to find out22:15
rpierce99not a big deal, just trying to find a way that xdandroid could set one setting so users didn't have to deal with it22:16
hycSo far what I've seen is that when it fails to entre a new mode, it falls back to the last mode it was in22:16
hycin practice I doubt you can travel seamlessly anyway.22:17
rpierce99i meant more for a setting that would work for both the 400 and the 30022:17
hycI know22:17
hycbut it still seems silly22:17
hycyou have to install a SIM card22:17
hycthere's a manual intervention regardless22:18
rpierce99i'm not sure we're talking about the same thing22:18
hycok, go ahead and explain more22:18
rpierce99i'm talking about FRX72 or whatever being set in a way that i can run it on my phone and you can run it on yours and neither have to mess with the "preferred network mode" it would just detect that yours cant run cdma and fall back to gsm22:19
hycWe could have the init routine try both22:19
rpierce99because as it is now, we'll probably end up having people making two "bundles" with the build.prop modified to run cdma mode22:20
hycyou probably need to do that anyway22:20
hycok, Android always tries to use GSM if we send it a SIM status message22:21
hycperhaps we can tell it to use CDMA by sending it an NV status message22:21
hycbut the next problem is, your phone is capable of both22:21
hycso how do you decide which one to use?22:21
rpierce99right, so it would have to detect that we're not registered on the network somehow22:21
hycbut it can't22:22
hyci.e., you have to tell it what to initalize before it can try to register to any network22:22
rpierce99so we'd have to rely on the menu to override the cdma setting for people using gsm on their 400/500s22:22
Entropy512Only back for a few minutes22:23
Entropy512got another blinkengreen SoD (this time, with wifi enabled, gonna try w/o)22:23
Entropy512and this time - I haz logcat22:23
hycentropy512: I posted a comment about your last log, on the thread22:23
Entropy512posting to pastebin and will msg hyc with the results22:23
hyctiming issues...22:23
Entropy512Yeah, saw in #htc-linux22:24
Entropy512about pppd being dead22:24
Entropy512however at least that one was recoverable.  :)22:24
hycwell, the first part was intended - pppd must quit because the network changed22:24
hycthe 2nd part is the bug, it tries to start again too soon22:24
rpierce99so in theory could restarting pppd manually confirm the fix?22:25
hyche already restarteed pppd manually22:25
hycand it worked fine after that22:25
hycoh I see22:26
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Entropy512caught a green blink SoD in action22:37
Entropy512I scrubbed the potentially-private stuff other than rough netloc.  :P22:37
Entropy512hyc looked through it - seems like what causes us to go boom is if we try to set up a data call and it fails22:38
Entropy512esp lines 187-20922:38
Entropy512wifi was on here, not sure if it matters or not22:39
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hycusually data is shut off when wifi is connected22:39
Entropy512other than causing data call setups more frequently (I think it sets up a data call as it enters sleep)22:39
hycah true, wifi turns off for sleep22:40
Entropy512(shuts down wifi and switches to 3G for the background stuff)22:40
hycand data comes back on22:40
Entropy512betcha with wifi off it is nice and happy while I return to TV  :)22:41
hycmmm, right, it won't do as many connect/disconnects22:41
hycI think I need to update my radio22:42
hychaven't been seeing @HTCCSQ on mine22:42
hycso my signal bars never change22:42
Entropy512I forget which radio version I'm running, updated recently22:44
hycyou seem to be on the latest22:44
Entropy512believe so22:44
Entropy512oh yeah your RIL logs that now.  :)22:44
hycno more guessing!22:44
Entropy512I get HTCCSQs when the bars change22:45
Entropy512often I force that by cupping my hands over the upper half of the phone22:45
hycyeah, I don't get any changes22:45
Entropy512usually will cause at least one bar drop22:45
hycwill try that22:45
hyci watch the dBm reading in the About Phone22:45
Entropy512ok back to brain-rotting22:45
Entropy512I think dBm is derived from the CSQ results - in the original RIL it seems to jump significantly every time an HTCCSQ comes in22:46
Entropy512I think around -97 dBm for HTCCSQ=422:46
Entropy512I forget the increment - should try old RIL to get that22:46
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