Monday, 2011-03-28

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hycuploading a new ril in a sec00:00
hycok, it's on the post00:01
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hycdid a crude hack to get the git commit ID into the Version string00:05
hycbut it works :P00:05
odzit works00:09
odzincoming calls works :P00:09
hycwoohoo ;)00:10
hycOK, so we're two steps forward and no more steps back. :D00:10
odzyep everything is working awesome00:11
odzwakes up pretty fast from sleep00:11
rpierce99are you in fake gsm mode odz? or did you make the change to mode 600:11
hycmode 6 is still broken00:11
odzcdma 30secs sleep bug is gone00:12
odzit goes into sleep mode when in a call as soon as the screen turns off00:12
hycHm, and I guess i should change that post too. "Mode 6" should now be mode 4.00:12
odzoverall it sleeps 2-3secs everytime00:12
hycthe mapping between Android modes and the phone's modes are not straight...00:12
rpierce99i was playing with that the other day using the menu in GB, seemed to me the numbers were in order of the menu options with 0 on the bottom going up from there00:13
hycyes, the menu is in order of Android modes00:13
hyclook at the code for GetPreferredNetworkType and SetPreferrednetworkType tho00:14
hyc0,1,2 are in order, the rest are not00:14
hyc4 and 6 are swapped00:14
hycphone mode 6 (which I think is what you would normally want) is Android mode 4...00:15
odzhmm i notice IMEI SV is now "1"00:16
hycSV is supposed to be a 2 digit code00:17
hycIMEI is 14 + 1 check digit00:17
hycif yours is only "1", it should be "01" and I might have gotten something wrong00:17
hycbut it was displaying fine as 01 on mine00:17
odzits only showing 1 on mine00:18
hychow many digits in your IMEI now?00:18
hyctoo many :P00:18
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odz*shrugs* *has 17 numbers for IMEI00:19
odzi have 001 at the end of it00:20
hycno big deal00:21
odzarrrghhh: hyc posted new ril :P incoming call prob fixed00:21
arrrghhhwait so that test link?00:22
arrrghhhis old now?  :P00:22
odzeverything working now00:22
rpierce99not EVERYTHING00:22
hycyeah, I'm going to delete all the test links00:22
arrrghhhgot it00:22
arrrghhhodz, netloc?  :P00:22
odzwell by everything i mean its working as good as the xdandroid ril00:22
arrrghhhas good as00:23
arrrghhhwe're shootin for better here :P00:23
odzeh you know what i mean :P00:23
arrrghhhso now we're not missing any features00:23
hycit's already faster :p00:23
odzsleeping during call is awesome00:23
odzgonna save a ton of bat00:23
rpierce99maybe for people that are on long phone calls a lot00:24
odzactually for me 10-15min calls used 10-12% of the bat with the xdandroid ril00:25
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rpierce99yeah see i don't make calls00:25
odzyou need a tablet or something than00:26
arrrghhhthat's convenient in your pocket00:27
arrrghhhreal nice when you're stranded on the side of the road and all you have is a wifi-enabled tablet00:27
odzlol ya00:27
odzit would make a nice bright flashlight tho00:29
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odzcould use rainbow mode to signal for help00:31
hycok, so does anyone feel like testing the original with my rilspy, on their rhod?00:33
rpierce99i've actually been doing something similar for a bit, not necessarily with rilspy though00:34
rpierce99any time libhtc_ril is used in place of libhtcgeneric-ril, rild crashes quite dramatically00:34
rpierce99unless you have a better copy of libhtc_ril to use00:34
hycwhere is yours from?00:35
rpierce99lexi i believe00:35
hycstinebd already mentioned it crashes with illegal instr00:35
rpierce99i've tried so many variations in the last few hours i can't keep it straight00:35
hycwhich probably means it's for ARMv700:35
rpierce99point me in the direction of a better one and i'll wire it up00:36
hycthe ril from my G1 is for the same ARMv6 as rhod so it should be less crash prone00:36
rpierce99i'm just going to mount bind it over generic first to make sure it doesn't crash out also00:38
hycI think you will want to have mode 4 set00:38
rpierce99bah just set it to 0 before last reboot :P00:39
hycohwell :P00:39
odzwhy not use the htc hero ril? isnt the hero armv6?00:39
hycyes. where is a copy of it?00:40
odzwasnt taid8 talking about how he used the hero ril in his build?00:40
hycdon't remember00:40
odzill get it from a hero rom sec00:40
hycand I wonder if it's the same on gsm vs cdma heros. I would expect it to be.00:40
hychero froyo?00:41
rpierce99haha hyc was just googling for the hero ril and found your unanswered post :P00:41
odzhmm libril.so00:44
hycah, life.00:44
hycit's a bummer when you're the best search result and all you've got are questions, no answers :P00:44 that's not it00:45
hycthat's just the generic API00:45
hycit's part of the android framework. nothing device-aware in there.00:45
odzgot it00:46
hycls -l on it?00:46
odzits 445kb00:47
hycseems same as mine then00:47
rpierce99haha this one is giving me "please insert a sim card"00:47
odztry the hero ril i guess00:48
hycno, try changing mode00:48
rpierce99that's with 400:48
hycsend me the logcat00:49
arrrghhharm11 seems to cause interference with the speaker somewhat00:49
arrrghhhthere's a noticable buzz that goes away when the phone sleeps in-call00:49
hycyeah, I noticed that00:49
rpierce99i wonder if that will fix the "gsm buzz" issue that dude was complaining about00:49
hycok, your hero ril is 4K smaller than my G1 ril00:49
hycYour hero ril: HTC-RIL 1.6.1045G (Nov 12 2009,11:19:21)00:51
hycmine: HTC-RIL 1.6.1062G (Apr 23 2010,17:35:06)00:51
rpierce99those are both old according to the list here:
rpierce99yeah this ril kills CDMAPhone and inits GSMPhone pretty early on00:53
rpierce99log coming00:53
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hycWhat CPU is in Desire?00:53
arrrghhhbedtime, peace out00:53
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rpierce99yeah 1ghz snapdragon00:55
hycso it may not be usable00:56
rpierce99it apparently used this ril00:56
rpierce99HTC-RIL 1.6.1062G (Apr 23 2010, 17:35:06) / Nexus One RIL (AOSP)00:56
rpierce99timestamp is different, but version is the same00:57
hycI wonder if the G suffix means it is GSM only00:58
hyccertainly behaves that way00:58
rpierce99this is the only cdma ril listed HTC-RIL 2.0.0108H (Sep 20 2010,11:39:54)00:59
odzi think i grab'd the gsm one01:00
odzya i did01:00
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odzkk i got the cdma one01:02
rpierce99ls -l?01:03
odzits noticeably larger01:03
odz <--- this one is from another cdma hero rom but its 485kb01:06
hycit's a little older than the version listed in that post01:06
hycshould add info to that thread ;)01:06
rpierce991001G gave me the same result, please insert sim card01:07
odzis it still G?01:07
rpierce991001G came from that site, newer version of the N1 ril01:07
rpierce99trying this cdma one now01:08
hycbut at least it ran without an illegal instruction crash01:09
hycI might try it on my G1...01:09
odz is the ril CM7 is using for cdma hero01:09
hycdo a "strings <ril> | grep HTC-RIL" on it01:10
odzim not on linux/mac01:10
rpierce99i think i can do it01:10
hycsame one you sent us earlier01:11
rpierce99haha this ril is crazy01:15
odzhow so?01:15
rpierce99write_attr_file():failed to open attribute file: /sys/camera_led_status/led_ril_status(errno=2)01:16
hycI've seen that in others01:16
rpierce99channel_open():failed to open channel : "/dev/qmi0"   << what is that?01:16
rpierce99it does that a few times with a few qmi channels01:16
odztry the second cdma ril01:18
rpierce99well HTC-RIL 2.0.0056H is a bust, at least on mode 401:18
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rpierce99trying HTC-RIL 2.2.0025HM now01:20
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hycI gotta get some sleep01:21
hyclemme know if anything exciting happens with this one ;)01:22
rpierce99it's already booting :P01:22
hycok, I'll hold on a bit longer ;)01:22
rpierce99same result, go to bed01:23
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ryannathansWOW just got another 4gb of ram (8gb in total) and now android compiles in under 30 seconds, compared to before in about 10 minutes06:00
emwepardon? you didn't clean in between. this is normal when nothing has to be rebuilt. "make clean" and you will see it will take way longer.06:21
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linuxdoghi all07:32
linuxdogsomebody know how can set android to run in landscape globally07:32
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hycodz: new RIL uploaded08:32
hycwill recognize if the preferred_network_mode is set to CDMA08:32
hycwe should be able to get further than 2 commands before it kills itself and switches back to GSM now08:32
hycbut also, it may not work with the GSM mode ... dunno08:33
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mjs78I have a droid X here with leaked 2.3 Gingerbread.  No root methods currently work.  Any one have any ideas to try?10:35
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mario_camera not even taken 3mp pictures??? help-11:39
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mario_camera not even taken 3mp pictures??? help-\12:17
midnightwhat build and what phone?12:18
mario_rhod 10012:20
mario_400 meant12:20
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midnightusing updated zimage + modules and rootfs?12:21
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hycanyone testing my latest ril with CDMA mode set?13:03
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hycarrrghhh: you up for a CDMA mode test session?13:04
rpierce99have not, just those other weird rils13:04
arrrghhhwhat's new man?13:04
arrrghhhi'm tethered, but i'm always up for testing.13:04
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arrrghhhit'll just be a little painful :P13:04
hycthe new one now doesn't send a SIM_READY notification13:04
JaekHey guys, what's the status on the GSM Diamond?13:05
hycso the CDMA phone shouldn't kill itself and switch back to GSM any more13:05
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Tandyman|7540Is android on the GSM Diamond better/worse than the CDMA Touch Pro?13:05
rpierce99arrrghhh: dude it's dumb question in new thread day eh?13:06
arrrghhhDIAM has less RAM13:06
hycdunno anything about the Diamond but GSM is in better shape than CDMA13:06
arrrghhhrpierce99, no joke...13:06
Tandyman|7540hmm, crap.13:06
arrrghhhmonday :P13:06
arrrghhhTandyman|7540, damn your multiple users first13:06
arrrghhhand second, just get an hd2 and be done with it13:06
Tandyman|7540Yeah, yeah :P13:06
arrrghhhyou'll be much happier13:06
Tandyman|7540My Touch Pro is failing13:06
Tandyman|7540and I need something to get me over till I can save up for a decent phone13:07
Tandyman|7540so I'm going to buy an elcheapo Touch Diamond GSM off of eBay to hold me over13:07
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Tandyman|7540Though it's annoying as hell that there's no SD card slot on the Diamond13:07
hychow cheap is el cheapo?13:08
hycmy TP2 was $15013:08
arrrghhhyou can pickup an HD2 for $15013:08
Tandyman|7540I can get a working Diamond for $20 shipped13:09
Tandyman|7540When I saw working, I mean 'may look like hell but it functions'13:09
hycno keyboard, not worthy of consideration to me ;)13:09
arrrghhhhyc, ditto :P13:09
Tandyman|7540hyc, yeah, but again, this is only going to be a hold-over device13:09
arrrghhhthat's your limit?13:09
arrrghhhjust buy a dumbphone13:09
rpierce99i <3 keyboard, but i'd take an hd2 in a heartbeat13:10
Tandyman|7540ew dumbphone :P13:10
arrrghhhi'd take an hd2 and use it as an ipod touch :P13:10
Tandyman|7540same here, rpierce.13:10
arrrghhhi don't think the hd2 could replace my daily driver phone13:10
arrrghhhbesides, no CDMA :P13:10
* Tandyman|7540 <3 GSM13:10
rpierce99yeah there's that arrrghhh13:10
rpierce99minor drawback :P13:10
Tandyman|7540...why did my Touch Pro just randomly soft-reset.13:10
midnight<3 gsm too13:10
Tandyman|7540THIS is why I'm getting a new phone :P13:10
Tandyman|7540lately, it's been randomly soft-resetting, not waking up, randomly hard-resetting, etc.13:11
Tandyman|7540and it won't run xdandroid at all for some reason O_o13:11
arrrghhhin winmo?13:11
rpierce99Tandyman100: is it in good enough shape for some dev to use it as a test phone?13:11
arrrghhhthat's normal.13:11
midnighttandyman,have you tried mtty?13:11
midnightor task29?13:12
Tandyman|7540I task29 every time I flash13:12
midnightuhmm..then i can't help you lol13:13
Tandyman|7540rpierce99: I don't know if a dev would be able to use it. It's pretty far gone.13:13
arrrghhhdamn kids13:13
arrrghhhabusing their phones13:13
Tandyman|7540I take pretty good care of my technology :?13:14
arrrghhhdoesn't sound like it lol13:14
rpierce99hyc: first attempt it says roaming indicator flashing13:16
hycroaming indicator huh13:17
hycthat's one of the flags that I don't know how to correctly set13:17
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rpierce99stayed in cdma mode, that's an awesome start13:19
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hycso is it dead in the water now?13:21
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rpierce99data didn't come up, i might have no data while roaming set though13:22
rpierce99i haven't tried a call yet13:22
rpierce99but signal bars are empty13:22
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hycstrange, because your log shows that it returned signal_strength13:22
hycgot to About / Phone13:23
rpierce99Network: Roaming Indicator Flashing - Signal Strength: -120 dBm 0 asu - Mobile Network type: CDMA - EvDo rev. 0 - Service state: In service - Roaming: Not roaming - Mobile network state: disconnected13:26
rpierce99and i am able to make calls13:26
rpierce99and receive calls13:27
rpierce99i turned on data roaming but it did not connect to data13:29
hycno, it won't13:29
hycnot until it gets an answer to the Subscription request13:29
rpierce99i don't know of a way to test cdma netloc other than things that require data, otherwise i would try that13:30
hycyeah, hold off until I can get this implemented13:30
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odzznew ril?14:33
rpierce99the new one this morning kinda almost works on CDMA mode14:33
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odzz!!! nice14:33
odzzalmost? whats stopping it from working fully?14:33
rpierce99it says it's roaming, kinda, data doesn't connect, but incoming and outgoing calls work14:34
rpierce99missing a function call apparently, i believe hyc is working on it14:34
emwehyc: that gitver.h is giving me compiling. not present. likely due to being ignored?14:36
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emwehyc: nevermind. perhaps that gitver.h target can be moved to
hycemwe: I didn't figure out how to do it, go ahead and send me a patch14:45
emwehyc: if you didn't figure out yet, how shall i? ;)14:45
emwejust wanted to give it a spin.14:45
hycjust type "make" all by itself to generate gitver.h14:45
emweyap, just built all14:45
emwedrove around today in my home town with wistilts testril he sent me and got actually three freezes14:46
emweat least i did reset 3 times when i noticed it froze again.14:46
emwejust wan't to eval yours. not that i could do telephony but data at least...14:47
hycSprint SID/NID hardcoded right now14:47
hycemwe: putting it into is probably not hard, but I didn't feel like spending the time to read up and figure it out.14:48
hycJust want code, not "how to build code" ... :P14:48
emwehyc: no problem. i can understand your reasoning.14:49
hycodz: you can try it too, you're on Sprint anyway?14:49
odzzya ill be home in about an hour14:49
hycI expect there will be many more missing functions as we go.14:50
hycone function at a time...14:50
odzzyep i doubt it'l be that easy14:51
odzzbut being able to make calls is a good sign :P14:54
arrrghhhreceiving too!14:55
hycpicky, picky... ;)14:56
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emwehyc: you'd like a radiolog? (topa100-gsm)15:03
hycin fact "logcat -v time -b radio"15:05
hyctimestamps will help make some stuff clearer...15:05
arrrghhhoh i didn't know you could force timestamps like that15:05
arrrghhhgood to know15:05
emwei got a "threadtime" one if you don't mind15:05
hycemwe: GSM huh. is it basically working or not?15:05
emwehyc: data works. but netloc not it seems15:06
emwei see no "log" of getneightboringcells15:06
hycgetneighboringcells is still ... not right15:06
hycI need to check some other things still. on my phone, sometimes it gets 2 neighbotrs, but most time it sees zero.15:07
emwei often read in logcat that no location AP was found with the public ril.15:09
emwe(after querying thtat is)15:09
emwethat sounds related. but you got more idea about that then me ;)15:09
hycno, not really. mostly I'm guessing by now.15:10
hycleft all the "known" behind a long time ago.15:10
emwenetloc used to work here in my flat. not always reliably though15:11
emwesome boots yes, some boots no location AP according to logs15:11
emwebtw, ril should have arrived in the meantime.15:12
emweril log. sorry15:12
emweto your gitorious mail addy15:12
hycI don't even remember which addy I used there15:13
hycyeah, I've got a rhod21015:18
emwei hope the donated one will arrive soon here.15:19
hycdang rpierce99, looks like my CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION response is garbled in your log15:19
rpierce99yeah and android/rild does not like that one bit15:20
hycok, will fix15:20
hycrpierce99 ril-2d19277.zip15:22
hycone thing I noticed the HTC ril does - it no-ops requests to turn off location updates15:28
hycso they're always active15:28
hycI guess we might need that for GSM ...15:28
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odzhyc what do i need to enable CDMA mode?16:06
hycodz: it ran into a brick wall for rpierce99, not sure it's worth trying right now16:29
hycbut you should get that off my web page if you want to look16:29
hycthen do this
hycanybody here registered on
hyci want to see this
hycand don't feel like registering16:31
hycI wonder if this loadEriFileFromXml has something to do with it16:42
odzInvalid or Deleted File.16:43
hycfrom that link? bummer16:44
hycI must be asking in the wrong places for these logs16:44
hycthe Hero CDMA moderator moved my thread too. annoying.16:44
hycrpierce99: I'm an idiot16:48
hycleft out a "return" statement in the CDMA_Subscription handler16:48
hycodz: you set up for CDMA mode testing yet?16:49
rpierce99idiot might be a strong word, rebooting now16:50
arrrghhhyea considering how many other people are taking on the RIL code16:50
hycheh, mebbe they knew something I don't :P16:50
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touchreneby the installation it say's touch calibration point 216:51
touchrenebut there is nog calibration point16:51
arrrghhhtouchrene, if you are using one of my builds16:51
arrrghhhthe first post guides you on how to create a valid ts-calib file16:51
touchreneyes reboot the device and hit the volume down?16:52
touchreneand read the coordinates?16:52
touchrenebut they are not there....16:52
touchreneI have a different bootloader16:52
arrrghhhwhat device16:52
arrrghhhwhat build16:52
touchrenenot the genuine16:52
touchrenea touch pro16:52
touchreneI used hardspl?16:53
touchrenefor upgrading windows mobile to a newer version (nrg rom)16:53
odzmaybe this will help hyc
arrrghhhtouchrene, read the first post in frx0616:54
rpierce99holy crap16:54
arrrghhhit guides you on how to create a ts-calib16:54
rpierce99roaming indicator is on though16:54
rpierce99i has data16:54
touchrenecan you give me a link?16:55
odzhyc: that site i linked to has alot of ril logs :P might be usefull to run through it16:55
touchreneit is only about frx0516:55
rpierce99i have motherfucking CDMA NETLOC!16:55
hycreading thru it slowly16:55
arrrghhhtouchrene, wtf16:55
arrrghhhwhere did you get frx06 from16:55
touchrenefrom a link here16:55
touchrenesomeone send it to me16:56
arrrghhh:P lol16:56
touchrenethank you16:56
arrrghhhwithout a small guide, it's not straightforward to get android running.16:56
odzwooahh netloc?16:56
touchreneIt works fine16:56
touchreneonly the toucscreen is weird :)16:56
rpierce99odz: hells yes, browser and maps, works perfectly16:56
odznow we need MMS!!16:57
rpierce99the only problem is the roaming indicator is on16:57
arrrghhhno way16:57
arrrghhhNO WAY16:57
rpierce99arrrghhh: hells yes16:57
hycprobably because of the fake SID/NID16:57
arrrghhhdid you flip to CDMA mode on the system image?16:57
arrrghhhor are you just faking it hyc ?16:57
* odz watches everyone in the room turn into kids16:57
rpierce99switched to 4 arrrghhh16:57
* odz starts dancing16:57
arrrghhhwho needs MMS16:58
hycok, I'll copy this zip to the thread16:58
hycbut still want a log, to see why it thinks it's roaming16:58
rpierce99it doesn't actually16:58
odzi need mmms so i can get pics my gf sends :(16:58
odzwait wooah?16:59
arrrghhhsend to email16:59
arrrghhhproblem solved16:59
touchreneI also got a diamond 2 with the stock firmware/boatloader. Can I run it on that device too or do I need hardspl? (I don't want to loose warranty)16:59
rpierce99hyc: the Roaming box in network status says Not roaming17:00
hycah ok17:00
rpierce99but "network" says Roaming Indicator On17:00
rpierce99whatever that means17:00
arrrghhhtouchrene, this does not require hspl - it runs off the SD dude...17:00
touchreneI know but the bootloader tells where to boot (which partition)17:00
touchrenethat would be great17:00
arrrghhhtouchrene, i have no clue what you're talking about17:01
arrrghhhwe need winmo to kick off haret17:01
touchrenea but winmo is not taken resources when I am running android?17:02
odzhah in less than a week hyc does what WisTilt2 has been promising for weeks/months :P17:02
rpierce99hey now17:02
arrrghhhyea let's not do that crap.17:02
arrrghhhwistilt2 has been doing a great job17:03
arrrghhhhis expertise is not in the RIL, and he knows that.17:03
odzi didnt mean it to be offensive, sorry17:03
arrrghhhtouchrene, you're not making sense.  no winmo takes no resources - haret boots it out of memory.17:03
arrrghhhodz, just put yourself in his shoes.  wouldn't you be hurt by that?17:03
touchrenearrrghhh you did a great job17:04
touchreneand I want to thank you for my new android phone :)17:04
arrrghhhthank all the devs17:04
arrrghhhwith money17:04
arrrghhhshower them in money17:04
arrrghhhnot me tho17:04
arrrghhhi didn't do anything :P17:04
odzin hindsight ya it was pretty crappy to say :P17:04
touchrenewow even the camera is working I am really impressed17:06
odzhyc: any idea if sprint/boost mobile use the same SID/NID? is it all the same?17:06
rpierce99odz: no, those are carrier specific17:07
hychm, boost runs on top of sprint's network huh17:07
rpierce99yeah it could be network17:07
odzi mean it shows up a Sprint on my phone but...17:07
hycwell anyway, need to figure out what to put in there instead of the hardcoded sid and nid17:07
rpierce99so pulling it off those commands didn't work?17:07
hycthe two commands in there right now just got the MDN, MIN, and PRL17:08
hycI don't know a specific command to get the H_SID and H_NID17:08
rpierce99right, but you were at one point just going to use SID and NID from BSINFO17:08
hycthat's only valid if the registration state is Home17:09
hycif it's Roam, then it would be wrong17:09
hycI guess I could just return fake values for roam17:09
hycok, lemme try that17:09
hycmmm no, can't17:10
hycit asks for the CdmaSubscription before the network is registered17:10
hycso there is no BSINFO data yet17:10
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odzso have it register than when it gets BSINFO reregister with SID and NID from BSINFO?17:13
hycwe can't control when the Phone app will asl for the CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION info17:13
hycwe get oen chance to answer it17:13
rpierce99it seems like it would be impossible to get H_SID and H_NID from the radio17:13
rpierce99seems like that would be set as a property somewhere by the carrier17:13
hycno, it's programmed into the firmware17:13
hycin the logs I was working with, that's what the AT+HTC_DM=XXXX commands were querying17:15
hycbut the logger was being coy and hiding the real values17:15
rpierce99so could that work on this radi?17:16
hycyeah, but I need to see the actual commands17:16
hycwhich is why I want a log with rilspy off a real CDMA phone17:16
rpierce99oh that's the response not the request?17:16
rpierce99could it be as simple as AT+HTC_DM?17:16
hycthe log shows "HTC_DM=XXXX" - the real command would have some string of digits there, not XXXX17:16
hycno, this is a magic command that takes memory addresses and such17:17
rpierce99</3 magic.17:17
rpierce99for now can we make it a user config setting17:18
hycI guess so17:18
hycbut a pain to tell people how to get the setting17:18
hycwe need a table of operators and SIDS and NIDs17:18
touchreneI placed the file in the root by haret17:19
touchrenestil a non/weird working touchscreen17:20
odz <-- this?17:20
arrrghhhtouchrene, please... create your own touch calib file.  directions are in the first post there.17:20
stinebd4044 steps today17:22
rpierce99crap, carriers have lots of SIDs17:22
touchreneI gonne try another one17:22
hycyep, tons of 'em17:23
arrrghhhtouchrene, ?  best to create your own if you're having issues.17:23
rpierce99i wonder if the NID is important, finding my SID was pretty easy17:24
rpierce99hyc can you make me one with 4155 as the SID and a nid of 65535 like in that log17:26
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hycmebbe we can make it a command-line option17:29
hycfor now17:29
hycstartup.txt, or init.rc ?17:29
rpierce99yeah, i don't know how easy it is to accesc the various config files from inside the ril17:29
hycinit.rc would just add it to rild args, so that's easy17:29
rpierce99most ril settings go in build.prop, but that's in the system image so people would have to start mount binding it17:29
hycand rilcode already access the kernel args17:29
hycso mebbe startup.txt17:30
rpierce99what says you stinebd?17:30
rpierce99if we need a new option to manually define a SID, where do you suggest we put it17:31
stinebdwhy are we manually defining an SID?17:31
rpierce99until we can find how to read it17:31
hycbecause I don't know the command to retrieve it from the modem17:31
odz"If your device was activated with an AZ number and programmed with an AZ SID/NID, then quite possibly being in Nebraska might cause a roaming indicator to appear, however, it should not cause any problem (as you indicated no roaming charges have appeared.) "17:33
odzso its changes from state to state17:33
rpierce99yeah, i found my local sprint SID17:34
stinebdnever trust users for that info17:34
hycyeah, that's my thought17:34
stinebdand avoid adding things to cmdline that are supposed to be temporary solutions17:34
stinebdbecause we still have people that are adding things like APNs to cmdline17:35
rpierce99because they will be in command lines 10 years from now17:35
rpierce99so rilspy is what we need then hyc?17:37
hycrilspy, native CDMA android phone, htc_ril.so17:38
rpierce99people with native cdma android phones don't seem to be popping up out of the woodwork17:38
rpierce99sorry native cdma android phones made by htc17:38
hycyeah, so annoying17:38
hycI got one PM yesterday from someone who said he could do it17:39
hychaven't heard back17:39
arrrghhhoh it has to be a HTC CDMA device?17:39
arrrghhhi'm screwed...17:40
hycyes, because it's an HTC-specific command17:40
arrrghhhi think one of my friends has an evo...17:40
rpierce99hm, does it even need to be activated?17:40
rpierce99probably not, because on stinebds phone he gets the sprint guy17:41
hycthe sprint guy?17:41
rpierce99angry sprint guy tells him to activate17:41
arrrghhhhe can make calls, but they don't go trhu17:41
arrrghhhthey go to the angry sprint man17:41
hycahhh cool17:41
hycthen shit, I could try to find a cheap sprint phone on ebay or something17:42
rpierce99you could buy and return an off-contract phone if you have a ton of cash laying around :)17:42
hycnope, no piles of cash :P17:42
hychero ~$100-$13017:43
hycon ebay17:43
arrrghhhhrm... my friend downstairs has a droid.  no use.. across the way is an n1.. no use..17:43
odzor you could get a phone with a semi broken screen on ebay for cheap17:43
arrrghhhi should just send out a company wide email17:43
rpierce99so we're really looking at the evo, hero, are there any others?17:44
hyc1 minute left to bid for $10917:44
arrrghhhevo shift lol17:44
hycI bid on it17:44
hycit better be worth the trouble17:44
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rpierce99haha thats dedication right there17:45
arrrghhhno joke17:45
rpierce99you know the buy/return method nets you a cost of $017:45
hyccost of time spent :P17:45
rpierce99but then you don't get a sweet new HERO17:45
rpierce99sweet old hero?17:45
rpierce99i think you won17:46
hycdamn, same seller had some cheaper ones :P17:46
arrrghhhtell him you'll trade17:46
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touchreneshould it be possible to downloads apps in the market?17:47
rpierce99that dude has tons of old heros17:47
hycsure does17:47
arrrghhhtouchrene, ofc17:49
hycI hope someone here knows how to root the phone :P17:50
arrrghhhi think it can be rooted17:50
rpierce99 ?17:50
arrrghhhthey might know17:50
hycok, delivery April 1 or 217:50
hycgot nothing to do till then :P17:50
odzmms :P17:51
hycI'll make it a rild command line arg for now17:51
hycgo ahead, try to send and receive sms/mms and send me the logs when it fails17:51
hycI'm sure it will fail :P17:51
arrrghhhsend works17:52
arrrghhhreceive.. not so much17:52
rpierce99no it doesn't17:52
rpierce99not in cdma mode17:52
hycwith my ril in CDMA mode?17:52
arrrghhhwell i haven't tried that17:52
arrrghhhi tried on XDAndroid a while back17:52
hycit's all unimplemented17:52
rpierce99good thing he wasn't talking to you :P17:52
arrrghhhhad to put in some APN settings17:52
arrrghhhbut it did work.17:53
arrrghhhi can't tell ! :P17:53
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rpierce99D/RILJ    ( 1983): [0059]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SEND_SMS error: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED17:53
rpierce99D/SMS     ( 1983): SMS send failed17:53
arrrghhhyou're a failure17:53
madplaya1would resizing me data,img effect anything on xdandroid/17:53
rpierce99it would affect the amount of storage available to android....17:54
arrrghhhmadplaya1, no other than that ^^17:54
madplaya1alright yeah, cuz i made it 1.5 gb17:54
madplaya1but xdandroid reads it as internal storage?17:55
arrrghhhthat's what it is basically17:57
arrrghhhthe data.img file is internal storage to android17:57
rpierce99hyc: you'll need the universalandroot.apk to root the hero17:57
arrrghhhno different17:57
hycinteresting. NID 65535 is reserved17:59
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hycseems like NID is unimportant on these nationwide networks17:59
rpierce99(65535 is a wild card entry to tell the phone to use all NIDs in that SID)18:00
hyccool, then we should probably just use that and not worry about NID18:00
odzso wait is sms working in cdma mode yet?18:04
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NeoMatrixJRhey stinebd, u on?18:05
hycok, new zip is on the thread18:05
rpierce99what SID?18:05
hycgoing to update the CDMA post in a sec18:05
rpierce99oh wait18:05
rpierce99haha parameter18:05
hycuse "-h <sid>" in init.rc18:05
hycyou would have an easier time of it if you were using my patches on rootfs18:06
hycsince my rootfs doesn't recreate /data/etc on every boot18:06
hycI edit /etc/init.rc freely and it stays intact ...18:07
rpierce99but in this case i edit what?18:07
NeoMatrixJRcdma thread?18:07
hycI think you edit rootfs /init.cfg/init.froyo.rc18:07
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hycyep that's the one18:08
rpierce99can i make a copy and mount bind it? should load after froyo.user.conf because it uses the mount bind for the ril18:10
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hycbecause the init process only reads it once18:11
hycI think it's time to put a Donate button on my profile :P18:13
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rpierce99here goes nothing18:14
rpierce99hmmm my modded init.froyo.rc didn't seem to take18:16
hycso what's in your /init.rc now?18:17
hycdatestamp on it look right?18:17
rpierce99well i catted init.froyo.rc and it is correct18:17
rpierce99service ril-daemon /system/bin/rild -l /system/lib/ -- -d /dev/smd0 -h 415518:17
hycbut what about /init.rc ?18:17
rpierce99yeah that's right too18:18
rpierce99but ps18:18
hycps can be truncated18:18
rpierce99 1885 1001      5464 S    /system/bin/rild -l /system/lib/libhtcgeneric-ril.so18:18
hycso don't worry about that. just see what logcat got18:18
rpierce99will it print it in logcat?18:18
rpierce99I/RIL     ( 1885): CDMA Home SID set to 415518:19
hycthere ya go18:19
rpierce99but Roaming indicator is on18:19
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hycgot the log yet?18:21
rpierce99getting it, there are some other issues in here18:21
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rpierce99it looped, sorry18:22
hycboot loop?18:22
rpierce99top is cut18:22
arrrghhhneed to log from beginning somehow...18:22
arrrghhhlog to sd and cycle logs18:22
rpierce99i can log from the beginning but it would require a reboot18:23
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hycyeah, I always reboot and do "adb wait-for-device; adb logcat -b radio > logfile"18:25
hycto make sure I get it from the beginning...18:25
rpierce99wait-for-device is redundant, adb logcat does it automatically18:25
arrrghhhadb logcat will automatically wait18:25
arrrghhhwait-for-device would only be needed for dmesg et al18:26
rpierce99looks like i got a call and it started scrolling maniacally18:27
hycdid answering the call work?18:27
rpierce99it didn't ring18:28
hycoh. bummer18:28
rpierce99but i've called it18:28
rpierce99and it rang18:28
hycwell the caller's phone number is in the log18:28
rpierce99so it was a sleep issue i believe18:28
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fuserhi everyone18:32
fuseri have a problem with wifi18:33
rpierce99E/CDMA    ( 1985): Exception while polling service state. Probably malformed RIL response.18:33
rpierce99E/CDMA    ( 1985): java.lang.RuntimeException: Warning! Wrong number of parameters returned from RIL_REQUEST_REGISTRATION_STATE: expected 14 got 418:33
fuseri'm using frx0618:33
arrrghhhfuser, what device what build and what's the problem.18:33
fuserin a raphael18:33
arrrghhhok so build is answered18:33
arrrghhhas is device18:33
arrrghhhso what's the problem?18:33
fuserthe problem is wifi work fine when i boot the device18:34
arrrghhhknown issue18:34
arrrghhhwon't work if you disable/re-enable it18:34
arrrghhhthere's a bug on it18:34
fuserit work if i do it once18:34
fuseri mean18:34
arrrghhhbug 6918:34
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, wifi error: unable to scan18:34
fuserthanks so mucho, i'll see the bug18:35
arrrghhhcheck gb18:35
arrrghhhsee if it persists18:35
arrrghhhsomeone said that it disappeared in gb18:35
fusergreat, i'll try :D18:36
fuserthank you18:37
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hycrpierce99: ok try ril-45e961e from my web page18:40
rpierce99gonna be a minute, mom called for computer help, logged in remotely18:41
Tandy|7540Any of you guys selling an HTC GSM phone?18:41
hycgood thing your phone worked at that moment :P18:41
Tandy|7540Here I come a-groveling...18:41
Tandy|7540again :P18:41
rpierce99no she called the home phone because i didn't answer my cell18:41
arrrghhhprobably that call you missed :P18:41
rpierce99it was18:42
arrrghhhbut saw in the logs.  you can't answer your phone from cli?  :P18:42
hycyou can. echo "ATA" > /dev/smd018:42
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xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, Anonymous, who says: Good job. Thanks.19:25
arrrghhhthank you anon19:25
arrrghhhrape those scientologists19:25
hycI'll post this ril to the thread, it seems to be in decent shape19:26
Tandy|75404chan just donated.19:28
Tandy|7540What are we doing WRONG?19:28
odzneed sms working :P i cant really help test until sms is working since im expecting a few sms :(19:39
arrrghhhSMS doesn't work?19:41
arrrghhho i just use gv19:41
arrrghhhproblem solved :P19:41
hycwell, my CDMA hero will be here by next week :P19:43
hycin the meantime I can get back to tweaking GSM...19:43
odzaww :( no sms for a week19:45
rpierce99we can't just point the CDMA sms func to the GSM one since it works now?19:46
hychaven't looked at thos functions yet19:46
arrrghhhodz, as if someone is holding a gun to your head forcing you to use this RIL lol19:46
arrrghhhwhy do you have two users in here?19:46
arrrghhhgrrrrr you and tandy both, screwing up my tab complete!19:46
rpierce99arrrghhh: can you blame him, who doesn't want netloc19:46
odzi forgot to logout at my job :P19:47
arrrghhhrpierce99, i want netloc, but sms is probably more important :P19:47
arrrghhhso netloc at the sake of sms?  probably not.19:47
odzyep :(19:47
arrrghhhalthough most ppl should be sending poop to gv instead of directly to my phone.19:47
rpierce99for me, i'll take netloc any day19:47
rpierce99direct txt to my phone is almost non-existant19:47
hycrun the ril, log the failure, send me log19:47
hycbut that will still be slow work19:48
hycrather just get a look at a working CDMA phone19:48
rpierce99for sms? i posted the unimplemented function earlier19:48
rpierce99it's up to you man, i'm in no hurry for sms19:48
hycyeah, think I'll take a break19:48
rpierce99well deserved19:48
odz<rpierce99> D/RILJ    ( 1983): [0059]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SEND_SMS error: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED19:49
hycoh, that, ok19:49
rpierce99guess i should see if incoming works19:49
hycalso not likely :P19:50
rpierce99oh hyc i found the cdma roaming indicator19:51
rpierce99param 11 of REGISTRATION_STATE19:51
rpierce99it's setting it to 12819:51
rpierce99[CdmaServiceStateTracker] Set CDMA Roaming Indicator to: 128. mCdmaRoaming = false, isPrlLoaded = true. namMatch = true , mIsInPrl = true, mRoamingIndicator = 128, mDefaultRoamingIndicator= 119:52
hycwhat should it be?19:52
rpierce99response)[10] is the TSB-58 Roaming Indicator if registered19:53
rpierce99 *                               on a CDMA or EVDO system or NULL if not. Valid values19:53
rpierce99 *                               are 0-255.19:53
rpierce99 page 8-119:55
rpierce99looks like 0x1 is roaming indicator off19:55
rpierce99not sure what roaming indicator 128 is19:56
hycmebbe the value is just computed then, since the registration state tells us if we're roaming or not19:56
hycI'll try that19:56
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rpierce99there are too many roaming indicator values, lol19:57
rpierce99RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SMS_ACKNOWLEDGE  is the value for incoming sms on cdma19:57
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hycripierce99: on my web page20:00
hycsee if roaming indicator is behaving20:00
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hycthere's a funky format conversion in the ril right now to take a gsm SMS and convert for CDMA use20:02
hycmeanwhile, a real CDMA sms has a completely different format20:03
hycwill need to unravel that later20:03
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, considering testing your Gingerbread build, is it any faster then froyo?20:03
arrrghhha lot faster in fact20:04
rpierce99TheDeadCPU: GB is pretty snappy20:04
arrrghhhi was surprised20:04
arrrghhhit's just buggy20:04
TheDeadCPULikewise on my Desire Z20:04
rpierce99haha this is pretty funny20:06
rpierce99it actually says "Roaming Indicator Off" on the lock screen20:07
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rpierce99but I no longer have the triangle roaming icon, so its way better than the other way20:08
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hyci guess i'll just have to read up on that link you posted. later, running an errand now20:14
rpierce99i don't think the link will help, it's just a spec20:15
rpierce99doesn't say what make android show or not show the text20:15
rpierce99it's getting that text instead of Sprint20:15
rpierce99if that helps at all20:15
TheDeadCPUyay for bootloops20:15
odzthis should help20:15
TheDeadCPUOr more, haretloop20:16
odzsource of a CDMA ril20:16
rpierce99a real one?20:16
odzim no coder but it has RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SMS_ACKNOWLEDG and all that20:17
TheDeadCPUCDMA rils is a lie20:17
odzso should be easy to see how they did it20:17
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rpierce99there will be some translation necessary from C++ to C20:18
odzyep but its better than nothing20:18
odzall of those still :x20:25
rpierce99i doubt most of those are implemented in the old fake gsm mode20:25
odzwell it needs to be mapped to the gsm implementation in some way20:27
rpierce99no what i mean is if we didn't NEED voice privacy or whatever before turning CDMA mode on, we likely don't NEED that feature now20:27
odzmost of that is sms and roaming20:28
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odzhmm this could be usefull
rpierce99those are just the numbers that correspond to ENUM values20:31
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, I hate you20:31
TheDeadCPUNo file manager fuck you20:31
arrrghhhAOSP dude20:32
arrrghhhdon't blame me :P20:32
TheDeadCPUBut add one :(20:32
TheDeadCPU'Cuz now I have to adb install one20:32
arrrghhhtalk to stinebd20:32
odzhmm this?
arrrghhhi just wrap up his hotness20:32
TheDeadCPUForking OI Filemanager into the source wont be hard20:33
TheDeadCPUIt's a nice open sourced file manager20:33
stinebdnot doing it20:33
stinebdif you want blingy bullshit use cyanogenmod20:33
TheDeadCPUI just want a file manager20:33
TheDeadCPUAnd, we're not 100% aosp anyways.20:33
TheDeadCPUHaving market and shit20:34
stinebdoh please20:34
arrrghhhkinda need market dude20:34
TheDeadCPUI know20:34
arrrghhhi guess you don't need gapps...20:34
stinebdyou want me to take out the google apps?20:34
TheDeadCPUI'm just being stubborn.20:34
TheDeadCPUstinebd, nope.20:34
stinebdme too20:34
arrrghhhdon't take out gapps20:34
TheDeadCPUStill, I want a file manager.20:34
arrrghhhi'll just shoehorn them back in.20:34
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, market, adb install, quit bitchin20:35
rpierce99and arrrghhh will do it in a super hacky way20:35
arrrghhhor use one of the non-clean builds20:35
stinebdarrrghhh: good luck doing that without the release keys buddy20:35
arrrghhhi'll managed to f it up20:35
arrrghhhstinebd, don't care20:35
TheDeadCPUWifi and data doesn't work on GB for me lol20:35
odzrpierce99 isnt this what hyc was looking for?
arrrghhhthat sucks, it does for everyone else :P20:35
TheDeadCPUMight be because I cba20:36
rpierce99odz: yes but all of that and more is defined in ril.h20:36
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, you still on that rhod100?20:36
TheDeadCPUI am20:36
TheDeadCPUGoddamned how I want that android suit.20:36
arrrghhhdunno what it would be, assuming you haven't messed with anything in the build :P20:36
TheDeadCPUI did mess with it20:37
arrrghhhwell then20:37
TheDeadCPUMessed with startup20:37
rpierce99odz: this is the corresponding entry from ril.h
TheDeadCPUAdded nordic keyboard thing and 190DPI20:37
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rpierce99sorry that's a different one, but shows what i'm talking about20:37
odzrpierce99>: ya i see20:40
hycodz: chill out. all of that stuff has been published for ages, been there and done that20:45
hycit's all the high level Android stuff. very generic.20:46
hycthe entire challenge here has been finding out the HTC-specific commands that correspond to the high level.20:46
rpierce99hyc: apparently the roaming indicator off stuff is a very common problem on CM, there's a Eri.xml file that fixes it for them apparently20:46
hycAnd none of HTC's proprietary commands are publicly documented20:47
hycyeah, I was looking for that eri.xml file20:47
hycok, found eri.xml20:48
hycgonna go with 6420:49
TheDeadCPUSo apparently the average cup size in Norway is DD or bigger.20:51
TheDeadCPUNo wait, D or larger20:52
arrrghhhno way20:52
arrrghhhD or larger?20:52
TheDeadCPUno wait20:52
TheDeadCPU"Larger then D"20:52
* arrrghhh moves to norway20:52
TheDeadCPUIn the US it's D.20:52
rpierce99hyc: 64 for the roaming indicator value?20:52
arrrghhhi guess i don't know titties20:52
TheDeadCPUBut america is fat.20:52
arrrghhhi'd figure the average would be C20:52
hycstill doesn't seem right.20:53
arrrghhhbreast full map20:53
hycit should only matter when the phone is actually roaming20:53
arrrghhhalso, wth are you posting that crap in here for :P20:53
rpierce99yeah i don't understand why switching to CDMA mode all of the sudden it can't read that string from the operator section anymore20:54
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, lol20:54
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arrrghhhah crap21:47
arrrghhhi was just going to say netloc doesn't work, but i forgot to bind mount the build.prop.  d'oh.21:48
rpierce99what did you put in build.prop?21:48
rpierce99n/m, i had only done it the database way21:50
arrrghhhyea previously i tried the database way21:51
arrrghhhbut build.prop seems better21:51
arrrghhheasily reverted.21:51
rpierce99if you don't mind a new data.img21:51
arrrghhhi guess db is too... :P21:51
arrrghhhi don't need a new data.img do i?21:51
rpierce99yes, it takes the build.prop setting and stores it in data21:51
rpierce99it never reads build.prop again21:51
arrrghhhthat's dumb21:51
arrrghhhi thought that was read on every boot21:51
rpierce99Alternatively you can blow away your data.img and edit /system/build.prop21:51
rpierce99and set ro.telephony.default_network = 4 before booting.21:51
rpierce99that's from the instructions21:52
rpierce99i'm assuming it's because changing the setting from within android only updates the db, not build.prop, so you wouldn't want build.prop to overwrite that every time21:54
arrrghhhyea i guess that makes sense.21:55
arrrghhhsucks for this testing tho :P21:55
rpierce99no what sucks is editing init.froyo.rc, that thing is buried and can't be mount binded21:55
rpierce99i'd much rather run some sql21:56
rpierce99what really sucks is it looks like in CDMA mode, the provider string is stored in an xml file in framework-res.apk21:56
arrrghhhi'm glad you're wrong.21:58
arrrghhhbind mounting build.prop worked21:58
arrrghhhi haz netloc21:59
rpierce99no you can't bind mount init.froyo.rc21:59
arrrghhhthat's not what i changed21:59
arrrghhhonly thing i changed was the ril21:59
rpierce99if you want your home NID to be set you have to21:59
arrrghhhand that build.prop statement21:59
rpierce99your home nid is set to verizon i believe21:59
rpierce99it doesn't really matter22:00
arrrghhhwhat does that effect?22:00
rpierce99android might think you're roaming22:00
arrrghhhreboot in android22:00
rpierce99didn't get one of those at all22:00
rpierce99first boot jitters22:00
arrrghhhi tried to use netloc really quickly22:00
rpierce99your lock screen says roaming indicator off right?22:01
arrrghhhyea.  reboot in android came back to no svc22:03
arrrghhhso i'm rebooting22:03
arrrghhhgonna let it sit this time22:03
arrrghhhi'm so impatient :P22:03
arrrghhhit says roaming indicator on22:06
arrrghhhand i have that triangle in my notification bar22:06
rpierce99hm, maybe he didn't post that version22:06
rpierce99he changed the 128 that was being returned for roaming indicator to a 1 so it would at least say off22:06
rpierce99but it only says that because there is not a valid entry in ERI.xml22:07
rpierce99in framework-res.xml22:07
rpierce99which is dumb22:07
arrrghhhi didn't mess with everything i don't think22:07
rpierce99no changes are necessary for that22:07
rpierce99that's the ril itself22:07
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arrrghhhso far its' not sleeping22:08
arrrghhhi guess it's still pretty early22:08
rpierce99mine is sleeping like a baby right next to me22:08
arrrghhhsleeping now22:11
arrrghhhjust took FOREVER22:11
arrrghhhsweet jesus netloc22:11
odzdo incoming calls work? i know rpierce99 had a missed call without knowing22:12
rpierce99yeah i called myself and it worked, but someone else called me and it didn't, although i was booting, so it could have been that android wasn't up to handle the call22:13
rpierce99i don't know the exact timing of the call22:13
arrrghhhyea i thought your phone was booting from that missed call22:14
arrrghhhare you not testing this odz ?22:14
arrrghhho right no sms22:14
arrrghhhwho ever sends me a regular sms deserves to have me miss it22:14
arrrghhhthat makes no sense, but i don't care about regular sms lol22:14
odzya got some family im expecting sms's from :P22:14
rpierce99won't sprint hold onto it if the phone doesn't ack it22:15
arrrghhhi think so22:15
arrrghhhbut i use gv22:15
arrrghhhso... data22:15
rpierce99i know, but you said regular sms, i'm just assuming once you boot back into your daily build you'd receive it22:16
odzhmm true22:16
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odzi wonder how this ril would work with the world phone gb build22:30
rpierce99i'd assume same as it does with froyo22:34
rpierce99hey did you install clocksync arrrghhh22:37
arrrghhhi have it installed22:37
rpierce99on the ril test?22:37
arrrghhhalways on22:37
rpierce99i'm wondering if NITZ is working22:37
rpierce99i don't have it installed and my clock is right22:37
arrrghhhhow long have you been running?22:37
arrrghhhand are you verifying with clocksync w/o syncing?22:38
rpierce99half hour, hour, but it's been mostly sleeping22:38
arrrghhhi can just disable the auto sync, simple.22:38
rpierce99i'm not sure NITZ would be that precise22:38
arrrghhhlol one of my friends has just started using droid on his tp222:39
arrrghhhhe didn't want to deal with any of the bugs22:39
rpierce99ah, i'll durn off auto, set it wrong, then turn on auto22:39
arrrghhhand he was pissing and moaning about the bugs22:39
arrrghhhi guess his phone was off by 20 mins and it made him late for work lol22:39
rpierce99haha i checked auto and it IMMEDIATELY updating to the correct time, freaking NITZ works22:40
arrrghhhzomg that's awesome22:40
odzya its been working for a while now :P22:42
rpierce99uh, wha? i've always had to use clocksync22:42
odzi mean its been working on hyc's kernel for a while now22:42
odzsince his first couple commits22:43
odzkernel = ril*22:43
rpierce99hycs ril, hmmm, guess I can't confirm or deny that, if you say so22:43
odzya merging with the vouge ril did wonders22:43
arrrghhhkernel != ril22:43
odzso arrrghhh figured out cm7 system.ex2 yet?22:45
arrrghhhi think it'd be posted by now if i did22:47
arrrghhheveryone is telling me it's real simple22:47
arrrghhhso i have to think that i'm not giving it enough space22:47
odzyou gonna let tiad8 1up you?22:47
arrrghhhhow so22:48
odzhes releasing it wed22:48
arrrghhhnot like he can release it anywhere useful22:49
odzheh he has a video of sense running on tp222:49
odzlooks like it runs pretty decent22:49
odzand its a hero rom too o.O22:50
arrrghhhyea not his22:50
arrrghhhkanged from midnight on neopeek22:50
arrrghhhi guess nothing is his22:50
arrrghhhwhat am i saying22:50
odzhe can only post it on twitter22:50
arrrghhhi'm just saying that sense isn't his build22:51
arrrghhhas usual22:51
odzlooks like has gonna be releasing crap on neopeek22:53
arrrghhhneopeek can have him22:53
arrrghhhthat's where he started stealing shit from22:53
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