Saturday, 2011-03-26

millkillerpardon me if u feel disturbed00:00
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rpierce99sorry got dropped, did you answer about the value 2?00:01
hyc2 is cdma00:01
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arrrghhhmillkiller, you have a question?  i have no clue what you mean.00:03
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rpierce99so the build.prop setting worked for default_network, it is now locked in at 200:05
rpierce99but didn't take00:05
hycneed to find what else it's basing that on00:06
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hycrpierce99: ooops00:12
hycdefault_network should not be 200:13
hycI think it should be 5 or 600:13
arrrghhhmillkiller, please don't PM me unsolicited00:13
arrrghhhas in, don't /msg me without asking first.00:13
arrrghhhi don't understand your question00:13
millkillerthe system imagine is Version 2.2.2 FRX06?00:15
arrrghhhthat's what was released tonight00:15
millkillerbase on android 2.200:15
arrrghhhfroyo = 2.2.200:15
arrrghhhthere was also a minor gb update00:16
millkillerun realeased?00:16
arrrghhhboth gb and froyo are out00:16
millkillermy phone can not affort android 2.300:17
millkillerit is too slow00:17
arrrghhhruns pretty well on DIAM00:17
arrrghhhstill kinda buggy00:17
arrrghhhbut faster than froyo00:17
millkilleri have try beta version2.300:17
millkillermaybe my phones' problem00:18
arrrghhhstine's is listed as alpha00:18
millkillerwill 2.2 stoped? just like 2.1?00:19
millkillereclair is excellent ,,00:20
millkillerbut its stoped ,,what a pity00:20
arrrghhhcomplain to google00:21
arrrghhhthey kinda maintain the upstream00:21
millkillerhah ....00:21
millkilleris the new kenel ,rootfs initrid be used for 2.1?00:22
millkilleris  the new kenel ,rootfs initrid suitable for 2.1?00:23
millkillerare u american?00:23
arrrghhhi guess00:25
arrrghhhto all of it00:25
arrrghhhhyc, data keeps hanging :/00:26
hycarrrghhh: what are you trying now?00:27
hycgsm or cdma mode?00:27
arrrghhhi didn't change anything00:27
arrrghhhjust booted00:27
arrrghhhw/your RIL00:27
arrrghhhon wistilt2's latest published kernel00:27
arrrghhhand frx0500:28
hycthat's what I'm running00:28
arrrghhhon GSM :P00:28
hycwhat hangs?00:28
rpierce99hyc: ok 5 is the default network setting now, phone type still stuck at 100:28
arrrghhhup arrow stuck00:28
rpierce99arrrghhh is cdma like me, same problem i had earlier00:29
hycyeah, sounded like it00:29
hycbut it didn't happen to you every time did it?00:29
rpierce99i haven't run it for very long any other times00:30
rpierce99test it, reboot, test it, reboot00:30
hycrpierce99: send me a new radio log00:30
hycarrrghhh: you too, might show something00:31
Entropy512where's this FRX05?  Although what I'm running is probably practically the same since I just repo synced and then rebuilt.  :P00:33
Detulemy data got hung up a couplf of times when I tried using netloc but it's been fine w netloc off00:34
Entropy512eh my build is probably that minus only one or two commits.  :P00:35
ndnoarrrghhh: using existing data.img OK with frx06 system.ext2?00:35
arrrghhhper sir stine00:36
rpierce99ndno: if you were running one of stinebds builds before it should work fine00:36
ndnoyes, i'm using frx05 now00:36
arrrghhhsigned image to signed image00:36
arrrghhhsame base system00:36
arrrghhhs/b fine00:36
ndnothanks... i'll just back it up in case00:36
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Entropy512looks like my GPS tweak was committed, assuming prior to FRX06 build00:41
Entropy512so going to indicate on my thread that anyone there should just start using FRX06.  :)00:41
arrrghhhi will try00:41
arrrghhhw/o your lib mounted :D00:41
Entropy512ooops, fail - remember to chmod +x your bash binary when replacing the default shell with bash.  :P00:45
arrrghhhhyc, version the same?00:48
arrrghhhjust want to make sure it is in fact  your newest.00:48
hycsorry I haven't been updating the version number beyond setting to 1.600:52
Entropy512well your latest posted RIL is not auto-rebooting on me00:53
hycis that a good thing?00:54
Entropy512yes that is00:54
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Entropy512considering that the last one I tried (immediately after your SS revert) would go to no service then reboot almost immediately.  :)00:54
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rpierce99I <3 FRX06 + b4HOME00:54
Entropy512however the current one is spamming logcat with REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS failures00:55
Entropy512collecting a logcat now00:55
Entropy512gonna try a voicemail call and then a netloc then stop the capture00:55
hycyeah, unfortunately that's the way it goes. if I don't return a fail code, and return an empty reply, rild crashes00:55
hycI guess I could return a reply with blanks or something00:56
arrrghhhthis seems worse hyc00:57
arrrghhhi'm gonna try to reboot00:57
arrrghhhperhaps just frx06 first boot weirdness00:57
arrrghhhbut the phone was really slow, i tried making a phone call and it got even slower... and now the RIL appears to have tanked.00:57
arrrghhhsignal bar X00:57
rpierce99yeah after i replaced my system image it was slow for a couple minutes00:57
rpierce99its good now00:57
hycI've found that calls don't work at all while the phone startup junk is still running00:57
Entropy512hmm netloc worked fine but I didn't see anything related to netloc in the logcat00:58
Entropy512maybe it was cached00:58
arrrghhhi probably should've been patient00:58
Entropy512last known CID maybe00:58
arrrghhhbut i'm not very good at being that00:58
hycentropy512 - yeah could have been cached00:58
hycstill haven't figured out how to force the Phone app into CDMA mode00:59
Entropy512yup GSM01:00
Entropy512I need to try and do a logcat with a normal RIL, I'm positive get_neighbors usually gets results01:00
hycthe GSM netloc is just the 2nd and 3rd field of the Registration State01:00
Entropy512yeah, I think that's network ID and cell ID?01:01
Entropy512because when I fired up Maps, I didn't see it poll for CID - probably just used the last known value01:02
rpierce99so if GSM uses network id and cell id for netloc, and cdma uses lat/long, how is WisTilt2 trying to fake the cdma into the GSM slots?01:03
rpierce99you'd have to do a reverse lookup on the lat/long and get a gsm cell id01:04
arrrghhhdata after call01:04
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rpierce99not just data, fast sleep01:05
Entropy512hmm, something seems not right with REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDs...  I think it may have been getting a parameter that it isn't getting any more.01:06
arrrghhhwe'll see if it sticks01:06
Entropy512what's the best way to send you some logcats hyc?01:06
arrrghhh/msg hyc01:06
arrrghhhpastebin :P01:06
rpierce99makesure you do a private pastebin tho01:06
Entropy512oooh yeah pastebin01:06
Entropy512forgot that01:07
arrrghhheh i just took the stuff out that i care about01:07
rpierce99yeah i don't even know what to take out, haha01:07
arrrghhhfast sleep is stickin this time01:09
arrrghhhso now you're ahead of wistilt201:09
arrrghhhi should just tell him to give up :P01:09
arrrghhhi <3 the new in call screen too01:09
arrrghhhstinebd, you are the shit.01:10
rpierce99yeah that is hot, i remapped b4 already01:10
odzwith the gb build it also goes into sleep when your in a least thats what the led indicator shows01:10
Entropy512yeah the new in call screen is awesome01:11
Entropy512been using it since I saw stinebd's commits as I was browsing the bugtracker01:12
arrrghhhfast sleep is awesome.01:12
arrrghhhi hope this sticks.01:13
arrrghhhstupid 4-button led's01:13
arrrghhhsomehow left those on01:13
arrrghhhi think xdandroid is getting hammered01:13
arrrghhhi can't upload01:13
arrrghhhand ssh console into the site is slow...01:14
stinebdnope, it's normal01:14
arrrghhhdamn my crappy residential cxn.01:17
arrrghhhEntropy512, gps fix not in 0601:22
Entropy512guess it got committed after 06 was built/released01:22
arrrghhhhe committed it?01:22
rpierce99i'm out for the night guys, good night and good luck01:24
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arrrghhhi don't know why that didn't make it into 06 if he committed it Entropy51201:25
ryannathanshey all01:25
arrrghhhoh well01:25
arrrghhhbed time for me too01:25
arrrghhhjust in time ryannathans01:25
ryannathanswho can approve changes to wiki?01:26
arrrghhhor stine01:26
arrrghhhi think01:26
arrrghhhi'll look tomorrow01:26
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ryannathansEntropy, is it only stine working on userland?01:27
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Entropy512ryannathans: not sure.  he's the guy doing most if not all of the commits currently01:27
Entropy512phh and bzo do have commits in the past, and they are still around01:28
ryannathansmmk, I want to get into that area, im still downloading xdandroid tree haha01:28
Entropy512might be more active over in the GB branch01:28
ryannathansis anyone working on bluetooth in userland?01:29
Entropy512no clue01:30
ryannathansyou doing anything at the moment?01:31
Entropy512falling asleep.  :P01:33
Entropy5121:33 AM01:33
Entropy512going through some RIL logs first01:33
Entropy512but not gonna be awake much longer01:33
ryannathansooh, frx06 got released01:34
ryannathansis it possible to apply themes to android?01:35
Entropy512I believe so, but it isn't exactly easy01:35
ryannathanshow many people have permission to accept changes on wiki?01:36
Entropy512some stuff on theming01:36
Entropy512gonna read that a bit, might spend some time on some shiny to take a break.  :P01:36
ryannathansif i make changes to gingerbread and then someone has a fix for something, how do i incorperate that into my build01:38
Entropy512if it gets committed, repo sync should take care of that01:39
Entropy512however annoying things can happen if a branch bump happens01:40
Entropy512like when 2.2.1 went to 2.2.201:40
Entropy512still learning this tbh01:40
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ryannathansi want to learn and do stuff userland related, I don't mind what in that area. Only problem is once this downloads I will have no idea where to start xD01:42
Entropy512first is get a running build01:43
Entropy512next is start reading through code along something you're interested in and pray your head doesn't explode01:43
Entropy512I know they're looking for someone to rewrite the GPS code for GB to support a new interface01:43
Entropy512I've been poking at the GPS but sticking with froyo01:44
ryannathansokay, first once this downloads, i will compile. See if it works. Should everything work like the GBX alpha thats out on xda?01:44
Entropy512kinda trying to polish up froyo - whatever I do should be forward-portable to GB as much of what I want to do is simply a matter of figuring out how the GPS chipset works - so once we know that, not too hard to reimplement a new interface to it.  :)01:45
Entropy512I believe so - I know if you're on the froyo branch01:45
Entropy512it's basically identical to an FRX build01:45
ryannathansso gingerbread is just minor changers compared to froyo?01:47
ryannathansaccidental paste01:49
Entropy512in terms of the user experience - no clue what love is in gingerbread01:54
Entropy512in terms of underlying architecture - some pretty big changes apparently01:54
Entropy512which is why, for example, the GPS library needs a rewrite01:54
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Entropy512ok, bedtime, nn all02:01
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hycwell if worse comes to worse, you can set the ro.telephony.default_network in the build.prop and then blow away /data, it will get it from then on02:40
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xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, Julian Schneider, who says: Thanks to you, I can enjoy working with my phone again. Great work!07:18
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odzhyc: sod this morning when i woke up :/09:35
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eikonshey everyone, I've got a quick question, if that's alright -09:37
arrrghhhdon't ask to ask09:38
arrrghhhjust ask09:38
eikonsI ran xandroid on my HTC Diamond a while back but it would drain my battery in like 30 minutes09:38
eikonshas this been fixed since?09:38
arrrghhhi don't think that was ever the situation09:38
arrrghhhunless your battery was already low09:38
eikonswell I've recharged it and tried it a couple of times09:38
arrrghhhbut the battery meter is "better"09:38
arrrghhhit's far from perfect.09:39
eikonsit would never last a day (and drain REALLY quickly during active use)09:39
arrrghhhi have no DIAM09:39
arrrghhhbut i can get thru a day easily on my RHOd.09:39
eikonsI'll just give it another go09:40
eikonsthanks a lot!09:40
hycodz: bummer09:42
hychow often did you get SoDs on the original ril?09:42
hychmmm. I'm on frx06 system.ext2 now but still no H icon09:43
odznot often09:45
arrrghhhyea, i never get SoD09:46
odzits been a while since i had a sod during the night09:46
arrrghhhso... i'm a horrible test case09:46
arrrghhhhowever, fishingmedic, while being a little slow with computers, is a great CDMA test case for SoD09:46
arrrghhhhe gets them constantly with his airave thingy09:46
odznormally if anything goes wrong it just reboots to windows (rarely)09:46
odzim running frx0609:50
hycI just installed frx06 a few minutes ago09:51
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arrrghhhnew dial screen is hawt09:54
arrrghhhthat's... about it :P09:54
arrrghhhOoOo an H09:54
arrrghhhfor GSM :09:54
hycit all looks the same to me09:54
hycI wonder if my install borked somewhere09:54
hycwhat's visualy different on the dial screen?09:55
arrrghhhwhat all09:55
arrrghhhin call09:55
arrrghhhyou have to be in a call09:55
arrrghhhyou should see buttons09:55
hycoh ok09:55
arrrghhhinstead of a boring nothing screen09:55
arrrghhhsorry i guess dial screen isn't accurate09:55
arrrghhhin-call screen d'oh :P09:55
hycthere it is09:56
hycwell, no H on my GSM :|10:06
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arrrghhhyou on your RIL?10:06
arrrghhhi presume10:06
arrrghhhdoes your RIL handle that?10:07
arrrghhhdoes the stock RIL handle that lol10:07
arrrghhhperhaps... you're not in that zone?10:07
arrrghhhor does radio log show state10:07
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arrrghhhi would hope it would10:08
hycyes it does10:08
hycand About Phone shows HSDPA10:08
arrrghhhmobile network type?10:08
arrrghhhunknown for moi :/10:08
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arrrghhhunknown, but connected!10:09
arrrghhhinternets from the air10:09
rpierce99hyc: seen muzilings log?10:14
hycJust saw his post, looking now10:15
rpierce99it creates a CDMA Phone fine, but for some reason later kills it and creates a GSM phone10:15
hycwow cool10:18
hycOK, that's because of those two unimplemented commands, no doubt10:18
arrrghhhdo you want me to try this telephony command?10:27
arrrghhhhyc, ^^10:27
Detule[0011]< OPERATOR {China Telecom, ����, 46003} what's this in his log10:28
rpierce99his carrier is china telecom, i'd guess10:29
Detulei see a rhod400 in china10:29
rpierce99yeah they are all over, but is china telecom cdma?10:29
Detulei wonder what they're running?10:29
rpierce99on mine it says Operator {Android, , 310995}10:30
rpierce99i wonder if that's the APN he has set up10:31
rpierce99nah he couldn't set it up with that, has to be detected, it wouldn't allow those mnc/mcc or whatever values10:31
DetuleOperator {Android, Android, 310260}10:33
rpierce99hyc while you're in there you might want to at least stub out the other REQUEST_CDMA functions, once it's up it may call those10:35
arrrghhhyea i thought you had to return smth10:37
arrrghhhlooks like muziling did my job for me10:37
rpierce99except there seems to be a good chance he's on a gsm network according to his logs, unless china telecom is somehow CDMA10:39
Detulei guess they are
DetuleUMTS 210010:39
odz"China Telecom CDMA iPhone may arrive in June with OTA activation"10:40
odzso its def cdma10:41
Detulesounds like they are both gsm and cdma operational10:41
Detulei take that back10:41
arrrghhhwell i guess i can try10:42
arrrghhhhe also was on gb10:42
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anosxdandroid builds show a truncked operator name (16 characters only), on my xperia it shows "Wind Telecomunic|", on my Ideos original Android show "Wind Telecomnunicazioni Spa", it's a bug?10:48
arrrghhhmight even fit into the RIL convo10:49
arrrghhhhyc, where would that go?  RIL or system image?10:49
hycthere are CDMA networks in China and Russia ...10:49
hycarrrghhh: could be ril, but I don't see anything that truncates the name10:50
arrrghhhseems to be a pretty minor bug10:51
arrrghhhanos, is there already one on the tracker?10:51
* arrrghhh assumes he hasn't looked.10:51
hycalso, the network probably has a length limit10:51
anosi didn't look10:51
hycbut the HTC RIL remaps names pulled from the network10:51
arrrghhhseems like a pretty minor, purely cosmetic issue anos10:52
hycthat's why even tho the tower says VoiceStream Wireless it shows as T-Mobile10:52
hycand yeah, sounds like purely cosmetic fluff10:52
arrrghhhso you can file a bug anos, but it'll sit for a long time before anyone even considers addressing it.10:52
anosyea, just for the info, not so important :)10:53
hycYeah, my tower only says VoiceStream Wire10:53
hyc16 char limit :P10:53
arrrghhhif the fix is easily done in the RIL10:54
arrrghhhi figured do it while you're in there10:54
arrrghhhif not... fawk it10:54
hycthe fix is to build a huge table of carrier names and their mappings10:54
hycno thanks10:54
hyc(or operator IDs actually, numerics would be easier)10:55
arrrghhhthat sounds crappy10:56
hycthere's no where else to get the info10:56
arrrghhhi've also noticed people bashing XDAndroid builds in that Cherry v3 thread10:57
hycthat's why the htc ril is 500KB and ours is only 50KB10:57
arrrghhhsaying tiad and this are the only thing that boots10:57
arrrghhhi don't get it10:57
arrrghhhi've seen some people say it hangs on boot10:57
hycthey have a list of every mobile network in the world ...10:57
arrrghhhand i usually tell them airplane mode -> then configure APN10:57
arrrghhhso is that it?10:57
arrrghhhpisses me off that i don't get this feedback in my thread10:58
arrrghhhthat's the only big problem i've seen people have10:58
arrrghhhis it freezes on boot10:58
arrrghhhso i can only assume that's their issue...10:58
Detulehyc: another orange light sod...i am in my office where i get ~ 1 bar10:59
hycDetule: please10:59
hycalso, you got the latest?10:59
Detuleas of last night I think I haven't downloaded anything this morning11:00
anosit freeze for me too if i don't disable data connections at first boot11:00
hycDetule: there's a newer one11:00
Detuleit worked great through the night but then again i get good reception at home11:00
odzhyc: you should really add something so you can see exactly what build of your ril people are running :P11:00
hychm, a timestamp maybe?11:00
odzbetter than guessing11:01
hycneed to learn how git Id attribute works I guess11:01
odzor just add the timestamp to the zip file11:03
odzso people can just look back and tell you which file their using11:03
rpierce99or just incriment the version, since that's what it's therefore and it's present in every log :)11:03
odzi wish the gb build worked with your ril11:04
hycy'know, I've been plunking at this code 36 of the past 48 hours11:05
hycI don't wanna hear any wishlists right now11:05
arrrghhhfix this11:08
arrrghhhfix that11:08
arrrghhhc'mon guy11:08
arrrghhhgimmie netloc :D11:08
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arrrghhhso hyc11:23
arrrghhheither i did this wrong11:23
arrrghhhor it works on my RHOD40011:23
arrrghhhi did the sqlite3 method11:23
arrrghhhphone seems to work11:24
rpierce99look in the radio log, see if your CDMAPhone was trashed in favor of a GSMPhone11:24
rpierce99the new amazon app store is going to make me run out of space on this 256mb file, haha11:25
arrrghhhI/PHONE   ( 1461): Network Mode set to 611:26
arrrghhhi see that...?11:26
arrrghhhhow do you get one click to work?11:27
arrrghhhi couldn't11:27
arrrghhhi actually wanted to get that angry birds rio app11:27
arrrghhhkept telling me i couldn't purchase11:27
arrrghhheven tho i tied it to my acct11:27
arrrghhhand put in my celly # to enable one click11:27
rpierce99dunno, didn't have any problems with it11:27
rpierce99i didn't try that11:27
rpierce99it takes 2 clicks to download free apps11:27
arrrghhhit just worked for you?11:28
arrrghhhrio was a paid app11:28
arrrghhhthey released for free on one day11:28
rpierce99not on day 111:28
arrrghhhit said free11:28
rpierce99yeah i downloaded it when it was free11:28
rpierce99that's what i mean, i'm filling up my storage with free apps11:29
rpierce99a keyboard replacement is today, shazam yesterday, rio on day 111:29
arrrghhhwell i'm telling you it said it was free11:29
arrrghhhso i didn't use it after that :P11:29
arrrghhhbecause it didn't work for that first day, i just assumed it was busted.11:30
z3bulooks like Rio is still available for free today11:30
rpierce99go try to get swiftkey11:30
arrrghhhshazam is already free11:30
rpierce99the version on amazon was supposedly not free11:30
rpierce99no idea though11:30
arrrghhhthis second app store is kinda confusing.11:30
rpierce99yeah shazam encore is $5 right now, but rio is still free11:31
arrrghhhofc, i can't get the amazon market on the android market.11:31
arrrghhhwhat's different?11:31
arrrghhhunlimited tagging i guess?11:31
rpierce99With Encore you can enjoy exclusive features including unlimited tagging, Play in Spotify and Recommendations; as well as all Shazam’s features – identify a track, buy it, check out the videos, get the lyrics, share with friends – and more.11:32
arrrghhhwish i would've gotten in on that11:32
rpierce99since spotify doesn't work in the us i'm guessing that option means nothing11:32
arrrghhhi could care less about spotify11:33
Detulealright if i want to enter logcat -b radio > /sdcard/blah from connectbot where is the stupid ">" on the keyboard11:33
z3bulol just installed the amazon appstore and android rebooted11:33
rpierce99which rootfs do you have Detule11:33
arrrghhhif you have a rootfs from F22 Detule it depends11:33
Detuledon't have those11:33
DetuleI think mine are from the autobuild11:34
arrrghhhhow do you install the store?11:34
arrrghhhDetule, soft keyboard11:34
z3bui got the apk link thru an amazon text message11:34
rpierce99tap the screen11:34
rpierce99oh that's just ctrl and alt11:34
arrrghhhgives you onscreen kbd option11:35
arrrghhhwith that you can do >11:35
arrrghhhotherwise, need a modded rootfs11:35
arrrghhhcuz F22 will never commit11:35
z3buthats the link from the text message arrghhh11:35
Detuleyou da man11:35
arrrghhhthat works11:35
arrrghhhadb install11:35
arrrghhhz3bu, thanks11:35
arrrghhhi thought i had it11:35
arrrghhhevidently not.11:35
arrrghhhrpierce99, same shit11:38
arrrghhh"To purchase SwiftKey Keyboard, please add a payment method in your 1-click settings"11:38
arrrghhheven tho it says FREE on the app i'm clicking on.11:38
z3buyeah i'm doing that now11:38
rpierce99well my amazon acct probably has that11:38
rpierce99add it from the web site11:38
arrrghhhi already added it tho11:38
arrrghhhi said that11:38
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arrrghhhi added my cell phone number11:38
arrrghhhand a 1-click option or whatever11:39
rpierce99maybe it can't bill sprint11:39
arrrghhhit wanted some special thing for mobile11:39
rpierce99add a real payment method11:39
arrrghhhi'm not buying anything11:39
arrrghhhis my point.11:39
arrrghhhi don't want it to be able to buy anything...11:39
rpierce99well apparently it requires it, so if you don't want all kinds of free apps...11:39
arrrghhhi wanted shazam11:40
arrrghhhthis app store is dumb :P11:40
arrrghhhwhy do i need a f-ing payment method to buy a free app...11:40
arrrghhhok... i have a payment method.11:41
z3bucool lets see how this swiftkey works11:41
rpierce99setup takes a bit, but it's pretty decent11:41
arrrghhhwhat's the point?11:41
arrrghhhi thought i wanted a physical keyboard so i don't have to do that P:11:41
rpierce99supposedly the predictive text is excellent11:41
rpierce99like it learns how you type and the words you use frequently and stuff11:42
rpierce99it'll even scan your sms history to determine that stuff11:42
arrrghhhi delete all old sms messages11:42
rpierce99i don't ever send sms11:42
arrrghhhmy gf sends me a lot11:42
rpierce99at least not from the phone sms, gv11:42
arrrghhhwell yea i use gv11:43
arrrghhhbut i use it on my phone too :P11:43
arrrghhhok so you didn't get this?11:43
arrrghhhmobile 1-click ordering is off11:43
rpierce99no i don't think so11:43
arrrghhhplease enter your mobile number to activate 1-click11:43
z3buyeah i had to set it up11:43
arrrghhhi have a payment method on my amazon acct11:44
rpierce99i might have, but i didn't have problems with it11:44
arrrghhhi did this already...11:44
arrrghhhthis page says i have no payment method11:44
arrrghhhbut on acct, i do?11:44
arrrghhharen't they the same!?!11:44
arrrghhhworking now.11:45
arrrghhhsadface... i missed shazam because amazon is dumb.11:45
z3bunot bad, the keyboard is pretty accurate for me11:45
rpierce99amazon? really? somehow i managed11:45
arrrghhhrpierce99, it didn't have a payment method for mobile11:46
arrrghhhi had to add it11:46
arrrghhhfor whatever reason11:46
rpierce99hm, yeah i didn't have to do that11:46
arrrghhhi didn't understand the hoops necessary to download a FREE app11:46
arrrghhhfree to me means no payment method11:46
arrrghhhi'm just bitter.11:47
arrrghhhbecause i missed shazam :P11:47
rpierce99i'm sure tiad8 could hook you up with some warez11:47
arrrghhho yea11:47
arrrghhhpull apk11:47
arrrghhhpurchase started11:47
arrrghhhon a free app.11:47
arrrghhhpurchase complete11:48
arrrghhhthis thing really is dumb.11:48
arrrghhhbut i'll take some free apk's.11:48
arrrghhhi even get 0.00 emails of my 'orders'11:48
arrrghhhyour order for nothing comes to a total of nothing, here's an email of your receipt for nothing.11:49
hycOK, new ril up with the two missing CDMA commands11:49
hyclet's see what it wants after that11:49
arrrghhhi must finish my angry birdz download11:49
arrrghhhit's very important hyc11:49
arrrghhh#1 benchmark app for android11:50
arrrghhh(so i've been told)11:50
hyconly if you send me a copy of the apk11:50
arrrghhhit's free11:50
hycit's free after all, right? :P11:50
arrrghhhon app store11:50
arrrghhhyou mush setup a payment method11:50
arrrghhhto buy free things11:50
arrrghhhthis makes me nervous11:50
arrrghhhgf picks up phone... clicks buy on things...11:50
arrrghhhzomg i file bankruptcy.11:51
arrrghhhi guess the data.img will save me11:51
arrrghhhcan't buy too many apps lol11:51
rpierce99unless your gf is 5 years old i don't think that would be an issue11:51
arrrghhhdon't judge.11:51
arrrghhhshe turns 7 this year11:51
arrrghhhthank you11:51
rpierce99hyc what is the default setting for this value, i should have looked before i changed it11:56
hycit's zero11:57
hycI'm going to have to stop pretty soon, got a couple gigs to play today11:58
arrrghhhi didn't think musicians and computer nerds could be the same person11:59
hycyou haven't been to my web site I take it11:59
arrrghhhno, i just know a lot of musicians and i know a lot of computer nerds12:00
arrrghhhsound engineers are the closest that comes to computer nerds that i've found12:00
arrrghhhi've never seen a linky to your site12:00
Detuleawesome groovesharking highland sun now12:01
hycI'm probably going to hit a wall soon anyway, 'cause I bet there's a bunch of CDMA stuff coming up that I don't know the AT commands for12:02
arrrghhhi see12:03
odzhyc new ril crashs12:04
hycbummer. got log?12:05
rpierce99didn't crash me, works great other than loc and log says it goes back to GSM anyways12:06
odzE/RIL     ( 1302): Android want us to connect as GSM while we are a CDMA phone !12:06
rpierce99that's in all the current radio logs12:06
rpierce99but if we are initing as CDMA it shouldn't happen12:07
rpierce99my log is cdma down to like like14612:09
rpierce99line 14612:09
arrrghhhnew RIL doesn't crash on me either12:10
rpierce99gotta take the kids to swim and karate, BBL12:10
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arrrghhhhyc, so what am i lookin for?12:13
arrrghhhOo i think i fawked up12:13
arrrghhhstill in logs12:13
arrrghhhnot sure what i f-ed up tho12:14
arrrghhhbind mount still there12:14
arrrghhhstill valid12:14
arrrghhhi just adb pushed the new RIL over the old one...12:14
arrrghhhlet's see what else i missed12:16
arrrghhhi guess if the push command didn't rename it12:16
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arrrghhhshould have hot12:16
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arrrghhhlogs were stale12:17
arrrghhhsays 1.6.1 now that i reload the file12:18
arrrghhhok... so now hyc what am i looking for :P12:18
arrrghhhD/RILJ    ( 1460): [0002]< BASEBAND_VERSION 61.27W.25.23U_2.32.00WF12:19
arrrghhhthank you for that sir :P12:19
arrrghhhD/RIL     ( 1362): Request 103 is unsupported12:20
arrrghhhD/CDMA    ( 1460): [CdmaServiceStateTracker] onSignalStrengthResult() Phone already destroyed: java.lang.NullPointerExceptionSignalStrength not notified12:20
arrrghhhalready destroyed eh12:20
hycwell... hard to say12:23
hychave too little info to go on12:23
arrrghhhu want the log?12:23
hychere's a Motorola CDMA log
hycyes please12:23
hycsomehow the CDMA phone is expecting a signal telling it the radio is CDMA, and it's not getting it12:24
Detulearrrghhh: can you try calling your phone if you're running hyc's ril12:25
arrrghhhin sleep?12:26
arrrghhhor what12:26
Detulehyc: no sod on standard ril12:26
Detuleyeah with green light on12:26
arrrghhhyes sir12:29
DcMedicwhen flashing this nand, I'm not getting past the "press vol up" to enter recovery??? seems odd12:30
arrrghhhare you on the newest?12:30
DcMedicit's just in a loop12:30
arrrghhhnate is testing a method that doesn't require that12:30
DcMedicyes, i'm just flashing the gsm test for s and g's12:30
arrrghhho right you're at&t aren't you12:31
arrrghhhAFAIK it's still busted12:31
arrrghhhper posts12:31
arrrghhhnate said you can play with the build.prop12:31
arrrghhhor try modifiying that smd line12:31
arrrghhhremove it12:31
DcMedicyeah, thats what i'm following, i was just messing around with it.12:31
arrrghhhwell his newest is putting recovery in initrd12:32
arrrghhhso it should boot to recovery automatically12:32
arrrghhhat least for CDMA...12:32
arrrghhhperhaps that isn't the case with the gsm tests?12:32
arrrghhhi'm not sure.12:32
arrrghhhkinda hard to follow sometimes :P12:32
DcMedic it flashes fine, then on boot, you have splash screen, splash screen, vib, log, press up, repeat...12:33
DcMedici know12:33
arrrghhhi was supposed to get a GSM device to test nand on12:34
arrrghhhi guess the donor never felt like sending it...12:34
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DcMedicwth, i took the sd card out and it booted......?????????????12:42
DcMedicthat kinda seems like a curcial bit of info.12:43
arrrghhhsd card out?12:44
arrrghhhor sim card out12:44
odzarrrghhh did you try calling your phone from another phone with hyc's ril? is it ringing for you?12:44
arrrghhho right12:44
arrrghhhi was supposed to try that :P12:44
DcMedicsd card12:44
arrrghhhDcMedic, i don't have to do that12:44
odzit sod for me :/12:44
arrrghhhodz, lol12:44
arrrghhhlet me see12:44
odzsame issue i had with the gb build12:44
odzput it into sleep and try calling12:45
DcMedicso, i put the sd card back in and went through the menu to install, now it says can't mount the androidinstall.tgz12:46
arrrghhhDcMedic, i think pulling the SD was bad juju12:46
arrrghhhyou have RHOD300 no?12:46
arrrghhhi thought nate said there was an issue with sd cards on RHO100...12:47
arrrghhhi'm confused.12:47
DcMedicme too, but since it wouldn't mount the file it maybe the card, let me format it again.12:47
arrrghhhDcMedic, i wouldn't pull the card12:48
arrrghhhso did you put recovery.tgz in andboot?12:48
arrrghhhor did you just have androidupdate and androidinstsall?12:48
DcMedici had all three files12:48
arrrghhhyea, i tested one from nate where recovery was removed12:48
arrrghhhit was in the initrd12:48
arrrghhhand installed automatically12:48
arrrghhhperhaps you shouldn't test that tho :P12:49
arrrghhhstick with what he's asking.12:49
DcMedicwhere is it??12:49
arrrghhhholding center of screen doesn't work?12:49
arrrghhhi thought that's what you were using :P12:49
arrrghhhhold pls, need to find linky12:49
DcMedichold on..12:49
DcMedicthis is what I was following >>
arrrghhhthat's what i was goin to link to12:51
arrrghhhso no recovery.tga12:51
arrrghhhso he is testing his newest hotness12:52
DcMedichaha, and I completely missed this one >>
arrrghhhso you don't need to hold12:52
arrrghhhshould just flash, boot12:52
arrrghhhand it should pick it up12:52
DcMedici tried that also, but it will stick in a loop12:53
arrrghhhcan you tell where it's looping?12:53
DcMedici need to edit the build as in the post12:53
arrrghhhon the terminal it should say 10s or something for recovery12:53
arrrghhhyea that's what i was talking about12:53
arrrghhhseems he missed smth12:53
DcMedicin terminal goes to press up for recovery, 1 sec then reboot.12:54
arrrghhhno bueno12:54
DcMedic  this is a text file of what I'm looking at in recovery13:02
arrrghhhlol you couldn't have pastebinn'd that?13:03
arrrghhhcouldn't find your SD card13:03
DcMedici have 25 windows open on the screen, I barely found my cursor. I couldn't think. sorry lol13:05
arrrghhh^^ awesome13:06
arrrghhhget 2 iPad's so you can multitask13:06
DcMedici'm going to try a format.13:06
odzarrrghhh so incoming calls working for you?13:13
arrrghhhcocaine's one hell of a drug13:13
arrrghhhso uh... yea13:14
odzyep yep13:15
arrrghhhLED goes orange13:15
arrrghhhthen... death13:15
odzhyc said its cause android thinks data is a call and it does know what to do13:15
odzyep yep13:16
arrrghhhperhaps i can get wistilt2 to look over hyc's code13:16
arrrghhhand commit his13:16
arrrghhhcuz 30s sleep is definitely fixed on hyc's ril13:16
odzbwt with gb it actually goes to sleep when your in a call13:16
arrrghhhthat... shouldn't happen.13:18
arrrghhhwistilt2's kernel?13:18
arrrghhhso you get solid green in deep sleep?13:18
odzthe led turns solid green13:18
arrrghhhi guess you do on autobuild too, wtf am i thinking.13:18
odzwith fx0613:19
Detuleyeah i get sod's on call, that's unfortunate i liked this fast sleep13:24
arrrghhhno joke13:24
arrrghhhi'll keep prodding wistilt213:24
arrrghhhdude's sharp, he just needs to focus - the way he feels his code should be reviewed is... at odds with the project kinda.13:25
arrrghhhso i just need him to work on little pieces13:25
arrrghhhand get them done13:25
arrrghhhbehind him13:25
Detulei have a feeling he has an idea what's causing his 30s sleep, if he took a peak at hyc's ril he would have that taken care of quickly13:26
arrrghhhhe must commit13:27
arrrghhhcommit commit commit13:27
Detulespeaking of the devil13:28
arrrghhhlol nj13:30
arrrghhhhis ears were burning13:30
arrrghhhor something was burning13:30
arrrghhhperhaps i should stop.13:30
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daniel_hi guys13:53
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Detuletiad on neopeek14:01
odz"hi, guys. I already port sense from hero. testing right now. looks great so far." -taid814:05
z3buis there any way to stop android from turning on / unlocking when you slide the keyboard out?14:13
arrrghhhthat's a feature14:15
arrrghhhpeople were bitching that it wasn't AFAIK14:15
arrrghhh^^ no joke14:15
z3bureally? seems to be causing problems with my magnetic holster14:15
arrrghhhi have a magnet on my holster...14:16
z3bufrom what i understand the phone uses magnets to sense whether the keyboard is open or closed14:16
z3buso when i put the phone in my holster, the magnets of the holster make the phone think the keyboard is open14:16
z3buis what i'm assuming14:16
arrrghhhthe keyboard senses it from some trigger in the mech14:17
arrrghhhyou can see it by sliding the board partially open14:17
arrrghhhif you're careful, the kbd backlight doesn't come on until you get it partially open14:17
arrrghhhthere's a point where it'll flip on/off that's the sensor14:17
arrrghhhi don't think it's magnetic at all14:18
arrrghhhat least i use a magnetic holster everyday, never have a problem.14:18
z3buthats odd....14:18
z3bueverything i put it in there, careful not to touch any buttons i can see it turn on14:18
z3buand it totally skips the lock screen14:18
arrrghhhi think if you hit menu14:20
arrrghhhit unlocks14:20
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arrrghhhif it's hitting that button while in the holster...14:20
z3buyeah thats a problem too14:20
z3buapparently the end key too14:21
z3buon f22 with b4home14:21
Entropy512arrrghhh: z3bu is right, I'm fairly certain most HTC phones determine keyboard-openness using a Hall sensor or reed switch and a small magnet14:22
Entropy512magnetic holsters screwing up screen-open detect is a longstanding problem for them14:22
z3buis that why the original touch pro holster was velcro?14:22
arrrghhhwhy do i never have this problem.14:22
Entropy512might be a different magnet position?14:23
arrrghhhEntropy512, my magnets are better than yours14:23
arrrghhhmine seems to have two14:23
Entropy512that's easy since I've never used a magnetic holster.  :P14:23
arrrghhhwidely spaces14:23
arrrghhhmuch better than yours :P14:23
z3buwho's rootfs are you guys using14:24
arrrghhhsometimes autobuild14:24
arrrghhhbut then i curse the kbd layout14:24
z3buanyway to fix the menu key unlocking the phone?14:25
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arrrghhhi don't know14:26
arrrghhhi think that's a feature too tho :P14:26
Entropy512I use autobuild14:26
arrrghhhmight be user-configurable14:26
Entropy512didn't know menu unlocked phone14:26
Entropy512gotta try that14:26
z3buall these "features" are killing me! lol14:26
Entropy512whoa that's cool14:26
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Entropy512it only unlocks it14:27
Entropy512doesn't wake it from sleep14:27
Entropy512same for sliding out KB14:27
z3bumy bad, it doesn't on deep sleep, only when its blinking green14:27
Entropy512ah, mine rarely blinks green because I go killtactular on Facebook when I'm done with it.  :P14:28
Entropy512same for GPS - I turn it off when done14:28
z3bureally? keyboard turns mine on in deep sleep14:28
z3buany easy way to edit the rootfs?14:28
Entropy512nope - you running an autobui...  weird it just turned on after a significant delay14:28
Entropy512I'm running a wistilt2 kernel and autobuild rootfs14:29
z3bui'm running wistilt2 3/11 and f22 rootfs with b4home14:29
z3bumaybe i'll try the autobuild with spareparts to remap the endkey14:30
Entropy512that's how I roll14:30
Entropy512I need to find a copy of spareparts now that I'm running a userdebug build14:30
z3buits in the AndroidApps folder on the frx05 release14:31
z3buunder Other14:31
Entropy512i'm building directly from the xdandroid tree and running from source.  :P14:33
Entropy512er building from source and running that14:34
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z3budo you want me to send the apk to you?14:34
Entropy512I found a copy on my hard drive somewhere...14:35
Entropy512I wonder if there's a way to get that to build in a userdebug build14:35
Entropy512man that's weird, after playing with attempting to get the phone to unlock via keyboard slideout14:38
Entropy512I wound up in a state where all apps displayed in landscape but launcher was in portrait14:38
Entropy512slidey slidey all I want, apps stuck in landscape14:40
arrrghhhare you on gb?14:41
arrrghhhoh wait that should be fixed on gb14:42
arrrghhhi dunno14:42
Entropy512never seen it before14:46
Entropy512seems to only occur in weird corner cases14:47
Entropy512rebooted and it's all good14:47
Entropy512now to figure out how to build hyc's RIL14:58
Entropy512he's got some new commits not in his latest post14:58
odzif your wondering if those fixed the incoming call problem, nope15:00
Entropy512I forget, are you on CDMA or GSM?15:00
odzwas working with him via pm to get that fixed but nothing yet15:02
odzif you really wanna run his ril just disable data and incoming calls will work again15:03
Entropy512i'm on GSM, fairly certain I'm OK anyway15:07
Entropy512did you at least see an indication of an incoming call?15:07
odzwell the led went from green to orange than sod15:07
odzif the screen is on when someone calls it'll ring15:08
Entropy512ok, so when my family calls, I'll know that something happened if the RIL happens to be also hosed for GSM15:08
odzbut as soon as you answer the other party gets a busy signel and rild crashs/hangs15:08
Entropy512I need to figure out how to get hyc's tree to build and/or integrate into my existing tree.  :)15:09
Entropy512I'm a git n00b15:10
Entropy512ok time for some TV15:14
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DGonhi all15:39
DGongot a problem didn't know how to get it work and been search alot of thread and still cant find out what went wrong or how to fix it15:40
DGoni got the problem with the incoming call15:40
DGonthat is the most important part which i am concern.15:40
DGonis this problem fix or still working on?15:41
odzswitch back to the old ril for now15:41
rpierce99you haven't even said what the problem is15:41
DGonthe incoming call15:41
rpierce99odz: it's very unlikely this is a cdma user on hycs ril15:41
DGonit doesn't even show up15:41
DGonnor did the sms.15:42
arrrghhhDGon, are you a CDMA user using an experimental RIL from hyc ?15:42
DGonno, not cdma15:42
rpierce99DGon: fill in the blanks: My Phone is _________ My Carrier Is __________ the build i am running is ____________15:42
DGonMy Phone is HTC TD2_ My Carrier Is  Taiwan Mobile the build i am running is  2.2.2 FRX05 Final15:44
arrrghhhsounds like a tiad build15:44
arrrghhhin which case, he threw some insane RIL in there15:44
arrrghhhand we can't support you.15:44
rpierce99doubt it15:44
arrrghhh^^ why15:45
DGonwhat is ril?15:45
rpierce99i don't think he's called anything FRX0515:45
DGonsorry to ask15:45
arrrghhhDGon, link me to the thread where you got your build15:45
arrrghhhrpierce99, he does15:45
arrrghhhDGon, np, please link me to the thread15:45
DGonhere is where i got the build15:45
rpierce99the first one15:45
rpierce99FRX05 Final15:45
arrrghhhsilly ReWind15:45
DGonthis should be the right link15:46
arrrghhhok, i see where you got final from now15:46
arrrghhhi'm sorry, i don't go to the td section :P15:46
DGonhaha. ok. well, is there any version that work which you might suggest i should look into15:46
arrrghhhthat seems like it would be old15:46
arrrghhhlooks like the last bundle was from frx0315:47
arrrghhhhave you updated it at all?15:47
arrrghhhother than the frx05 system image15:47
arrrghhhso you've updated the kernel (zimage/modules)15:47
DGonwell, i try to download the zimages and the rest.15:47
arrrghhhwhich one are you on now?15:47
arrrghhhwhich kernel that is15:47
DGonit ask me to enter some info which i have no idea how to do it15:47
DGonhow do i check the kernel15:47
arrrghhhwhat asks you to enter some info?15:47
arrrghhhare you in android?15:48
arrrghhhsettings -> about phone15:48
DGonlet me boot it up15:48
arrrghhhif you're not15:48
arrrghhhlook in file explorer15:48
arrrghhhat the modules15:48
DGonlet me check15:48
arrrghhhcopy/paste file name of the modules15:48
DGondo i need to remove the rest of the word in the back?15:49
arrrghhhAFAIK those aren't stable yet15:49
arrrghhhdon't rename the modules file15:49
arrrghhhthat's really the only one you should never rename :P15:49
arrrghhhor uncompress for that matter15:49
DGonthere is another file inside15:49
arrrghhhdon't uncompress15:49
arrrghhhthere's a couple of files in there15:50
arrrghhhyes i see that15:50
DGonno i didnt uncompress or change the file15:50
arrrghhhplease go back to 127615:50
arrrghhh1289 isn't so stable15:50
arrrghhhi still bundle 1276 for the time being.15:50
DGonwhere can i get 127615:50
arrrghhhwould you like a link to my frx06 bundle?15:50
arrrghhhnew hotness15:50
DGonand should i del the other 2 module?15:50
arrrghhh(in call screen)15:50
arrrghhhyou should always delete old modules15:51
arrrghhhwhen updating15:51
DGonas long as it can fix the problem for incoming call15:51
arrrghhhremove the old stuff15:51
arrrghhhbefore replacing15:51
arrrghhhwith new15:51
arrrghhhDGon, i can't make a guarantee15:51
arrrghhhi dont' have that problem.15:51
DGoni can give it a try15:51
arrrghhhhave at it15:51
z3buarrrghhh is that just the new system.ext2 dropped into the other frx05 bundle?15:52
DGonso with this.15:52
arrrghhhz3bu, lol almost15:52
arrrghhhi should add that to the summary15:52
DGondo i remove everything from my device and replace with this one15:52
arrrghhhi now have modprobe ipv6 in the conf file15:53
arrrghhhso no more google goggles complaints15:53
arrrghhhDGon, you can15:53
z3bui'll give it a shot then15:53
arrrghhhi guess i should put Entropy512's lib in15:53
arrrghhhbut i don't want to really15:53
arrrghhhi want that to get integrated properly :P15:53
DGonok. sounds easy job for a noob like me.15:53
z3buhis is for the gps?15:53
DGonthanks for the help. will give it a try and see15:53
arrrghhhsorry :P15:54
arrrghhhdo you want the thread link?15:54
arrrghhhi guess i should've linked you that.15:54
DGonalways nice to gain some knowledge from the thread. thanks15:54
arrrghhhi try to be thorough ;)15:55
DGonok. got the file and trying it now.15:56
DGoncan i keep the data.img or should i also remove it15:56
arrrghhhyou can try to keep it15:57
arrrghhhbut, if funky things happen... be prepared to blow it away.15:57
arrrghhhtitanium backup ;)15:57
DGonhahaha. ok. sure....^^15:57
DGonarrrghhh which part of us you from?15:59
arrrghhhthe center16:00
DGongot no idea.16:00
DGoni am from taiwan and been living in south africa16:01
DGonand only recent got back to taiwan16:01
arrrghhhcan't say i've ever been16:01
DGonand doing some business with US now so the time zone is hugh gap.16:01
arrrghhhlol i bet16:01
DGonya, it's like 4:00am16:02
DGonjust got back from a movie and wanna fix the phone16:02
DGoni should go soon. still have a meeting tomorrow morning around 10:00am.......dame on sunday still got to work....><16:02 says launch a script file. default path is the same where the executable lives16:05
DGonsorry that was stupid question. i left out the startup text16:09
arrrghhhfollow the steps mang16:10
DGonok. boot up and heading to sleep now and will see if the phone ring like crazy as it always does. if not then i know there are still things which i must have left out.16:11
DGonthanks for the help man.16:11
arrrghhhlol ok16:12
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z3buhmmm i think my battery meter has gotten worse in the more recent builds16:14
z3buthe meter showed like 75% and when i rebooted to winmo i was at 8%16:15
arrrghhhhow long had you been in android?16:15
z3bupretty decent, but i swear i charged it, and it said 95% charging16:15
z3buand i unplugged it16:16
z3buused lightly for like 2 hours16:16
z3buand rebooted16:16
arrrghhhthat seems odd16:16
arrrghhhthe battery meter is off16:16
arrrghhhi didn't think it was that bad tho :P16:16
z3buyeah its never been that bad for me16:17
z3buidk what happened lol16:17
arrrghhhneed jonpry's scbs16:17
z3busay what? hah16:17
arrrghhhnew code16:19
arrrghhhbattery calibration software16:19
z3buis it in beta?16:20
arrrghhhlol you can call it that16:20
arrrghhhi would say pre-beat16:20
arrrghhhpre-alpha even :P16:20
z3buhave you tried it?16:20
z3buoh wow16:20
arrrghhhi have...16:20
z3buworks well?16:20
arrrghhhyea, but it's a little perplexing16:20
z3buhow so16:20
arrrghhhit's based on a daemon that runs and collects data16:21
arrrghhhthen you use the data to create a batt algo16:21
arrrghhhmanual process16:21
arrrghhhand the more data you have, the better the algo16:21
arrrghhhso... how much data do you need to get an accurate algo?16:21
arrrghhhobviously the more types of situations the better16:21
arrrghhhlow battery16:21
arrrghhhfast drain16:21
arrrghhhslow drain16:21
arrrghhhalmost like it needs to run at random, to ensure the algo always improves?16:22
arrrghhhi'm not sure.16:22
z3bunow will this algorithm change from your rhod to mine, to the next persons16:22
arrrghhhthat's the point of all the data16:23
arrrghhheach battery is different16:23
arrrghhheven same make/model of battery16:23
arrrghhhlet alone device...16:23
z3buthat's quite involved16:23
arrrghhhbatteries are mysterious things16:23
z3bui'm suprised there's not a seperate chip that calculates and communicates the battery status to the phone16:24
z3bulike as a percent16:24
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arrrghhhi would assume if there was something that readily reported that info16:26
arrrghhhthey'd just tap into it :P16:26
arrrghhhbut it seems the software is left up to run the hardware16:26
arrrghhhwhich is the case in... most cases :P16:26
arrrghhhhence the reason NAND isn't just simple16:26
DcMedicarrrghhh: had to take my son to ball practice. After the format, it installed fine, then I chose reboot system, and its in a boot loop again. ????? idk16:27
arrrghhhneed to know where it's getting tripped up16:28
DcMedicwell i assume it actually installed fine, it advised that it did. but i can tell you that terminal gets to press vol up and then reboots. everytime.16:29
arrrghhhEntropy512, lol16:40
arrrghhhDcMedic, odd16:40
arrrghhhi wish nate was around16:40
arrrghhhi think there's a dmesg log16:40
arrrghhhin andboot16:41
arrrghhhcan you pastebin it?16:41
DcMedicwell mcnutty just posted my symptoms. >>16:41
DcMedichold on16:41
arrrghhhseems like it was getting to the point of hitting the new NAND partitions.16:50
arrrghhhand choking16:51
arrrghhhthat's my best guess right now at least :P16:51
arrrghhhbut it partitioned and installed ok from recovery?16:51
DcMedicyeah, nate said in that post that it seems to be a problem with the sim card.16:52
arrrghhhdamn SIMs :P16:52
DcMedicwell won't work with'em, won't work without 'em16:53
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stinebdarrrghhh: you tried that gingerbread image?17:10
arrrghhhnot yet17:10
stinebdgot some nuts on my blog saying it's the same as the march 11 image17:10
stinebdand one guy saying it doesn't have google apps17:10
arrrghhhi saw one complaint that market isn't present17:11
arrrghhhbut then returned after reboot17:11
arrrghhhanother said market didn't work on 3g17:11
stinebdwho was it?17:11
arrrghhhbut did on wifi17:11
arrrghhhuntil reboot17:11
arrrghhh1 sec17:11
stinebdthejokah made the gapps comment on my blog17:11
arrrghhhwhy can't i find any feedback when i need it17:12
stinebddont worry about it17:12
arrrghhhi can test it tho17:12
stinebdat your leisure17:12
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arrrghhhno drama obama17:14
arrrghhhneed some of that around here17:15
stinebdi swear to god this girl on nhk news at 7 is a robot17:22
arrrghhhgb time17:25
stinebdit's okay go ahead. everyone needs some game boy once in a while17:29
rpierce99lining up for a 3ds stinebd?17:30
arrrghhhstinebd, i have market, voice, talk17:31
arrrghhhi guess i should've tried new data.img to be sure17:31
arrrghhhoops :P17:31
rpierce99gapps aren't in data17:31
arrrghhhnot normally17:32
arrrghhhbut if they're not included in the system image17:32
arrrghhhand i downloaded them17:32
arrrghhhthen they would be17:32
rpierce99but then they would be in "downloads"17:33
arrrghhhlol it says nodownloads17:34
arrrghhhbut tikl is  installed17:34
arrrghhhpretty sure stine didn't bundle that.17:34
rpierce99that sounds dirty17:34
stinebdi only bundle fart apps17:34
arrrghhhwhere are mah fart appz17:35
arrrghhhrpierce99's builds would be full of nothing but angry birds17:35
rpierce99and people would download mine because the people love angry birds17:35
arrrghhhi downloaded that rio thing17:36
arrrghhhbut didn't actually play it17:36
stinebdinstead of a gps driver... angry birds flying around google maps17:36
rpierce99rio plays pretty decent17:37
arrrghhhstinebd, fixed!17:37
rpierce99you have to tap the screen as it's loading or your phone will sleep before the first menu comes up though17:37
arrrghhhgreat feature17:38
stinebdsleep of pig death17:38
rpierce99and pray that you don't get a call while playing, the phone doesn't even handle the game, let alone the game and an incoming phone call17:39
stinebdbut does it run crysis?17:39
TheDeadCPU"Black redheaded hermaphrodite wax dolls thread"17:47
rpierce99hope that is in a dev board, putting that in off topic would be so conformist17:47
arrrghhh<3 new in call screen17:49
arrrghhhthank you stine17:49
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, elaborate.17:49
z3buindeed, its pretty awesome17:50
TheDeadCPUIs there some new build?!17:50
* TheDeadCPU gets the tinfoil hat17:50
rpierce99TheDeadCPU: there is no more little drawer to pull up to get icons and such, they are right on the call screen17:50
TheDeadCPULike normal AOSP roms17:51
rpierce99it's a stock feature but didn't work on the lower res screens until stinebd fixed it17:51
rpierce99so it was disabled17:51
TheDeadCPULower res?17:51
TheDeadCPUOur screens are high res.17:51
stinebdrather, the obscure vga aspect ratio17:51
rpierce99close enough :P17:52
TheDeadCPUBut, QVGA has the same aspect ratio oO17:52
TheDeadCPUI think17:52
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stinebdno good?19:04
arrrghhhalthough i didn't try with a new data.img19:04
stinebdis the phone shit there?19:04
arrrghhhhow do i verify it's not the same19:04
stinebdwith the cdma and stuff19:04
arrrghhho right19:04
arrrghhhlet me see19:04
stinebdthat's really all i care about19:04
stinebdi don't give a crap about the google apps19:04
stinebdalso the keyboard19:05
stinebdshould be a bit shorter19:05
arrrghhhi have network operators19:05
arrrghhhis there!19:05
stinebdok so it's proper19:05
arrrghhhi have a bunch of choices too19:06
stinebdcombos for both cdma and gsm19:06
stinebdand dual19:06
stinebdglobal being dual19:06
arrrghhhgsm / wcdma preferred19:06
arrrghhhis what it's one19:07
stinebdour goal is to have it in global mode for all19:07
stinebdand the ril actually work in that case19:07
stinebdthere's certainly a way to set the default on that19:07
arrrghhhthat would be schweet19:08
stinebdhas wis seen that image?19:08
arrrghhhdon't think so19:08
rpierce99looking at ril.h there are a LOT of unimplemented CDMA functions19:08
arrrghhhi thought netloc was busted on gb19:08
stinebdrpierce99: the ril's base was from back when android didn't have cdma functions19:08
arrrghhhso i didn't point it out to him19:08
stinebdarrrghhh: our issues go far, far beyond netloc19:09
stinebdput that out of your head for now19:09
stinebdbasic ril functionality needs to be reworked19:09
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arrrghhhi know19:12
arrrghhhbut i didn't think testing netloc would be good since netloc doesn't work on gb...19:12
stinebdwell there's a simple solution for that19:12
stinebdget him to rewrite libgps19:12
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arrrghhhi'm sure he'll love that19:14
arrrghhhanother project for him to take on19:14
stinebdgotta find some way to sneak out of work tomorrow to pick up my 3ds19:16
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stinebdand then play it at work19:16
rpierce99just take the day off, people do it for WoW, an old and stupid game, all the time19:17
stinebdbut i'm the only one there19:17
rpierce99so you're not allowed to be sick?19:17
stinebdnot on sundays19:17
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rpierce99just go to a midnight launch event19:18
stinebdthere are none here19:19
stinebdi could go to the one in new york19:19
rpierce99do eet19:19
stinebdbut i already preordered and paid for my 3ds19:19
stinebdi dunt wunt 219:19
stinebdalthough the only thing that beats dual screen gaming is quad screen gaming19:19
rpierce99i don't have enough eyes for that19:20
rpierce99one big screen is good enough for me19:20
stinebdmario kart 64 begs to differ19:20
rpierce99what's wrong with it? my son has been playing it nonstop for like a week19:20
stinebdthe one big screen turns into 4 tiny screens19:21
rpierce99for 4 tiny people19:21
stinebdsome are people19:21
stinebdothers are turtle things19:21
rpierce99no i meant the tiny people holding the controllers19:21
rpierce99yes turtlesaurs19:21
rpierce99and mushrooms19:21
stinebd<3 toad19:22
stinebd</3 blue shell19:22
rpierce99my son loves the bad guy in everything, his favorite characters right now are Bowser, Darth Vader, and Voldemort19:22
stinebddon't tell him bowser was a good guy in super mario rpg19:22
rpierce99hm who would he like in the case19:23
stinebdbirdo was never a good guy19:23
stinebdand oftentimes not a guy19:23
rpierce99didn't bowser help in paper mario for the wii?19:23
stinebdawesome game19:23
rpierce99you really are a nintendo fanboy19:24
stinebdit breaks my heart that i can't go to their headquarters in kyoto19:24
rpierce99because they won't let you?19:24
stinebdtoo expensive19:24
stinebdshinkansen tickets are close to $300 per person just to get to kyoto19:24
rpierce99boo, bad fanboy19:24
stinebdand then i think you can't use suica to use the transit in kyoto19:25
stinebdi'll get there next time19:25
stinebdmaybe even stay in kyoto19:25
rpierce99one day when xdandroid is paying the bills19:25
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rpierce99so my first boot into a brand new gingerbread build, market is present, but things like Gmail, Maps, etc are missing, Talk and Search are there, but I don't think those are part of gapps19:45
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stinebdgmail and maps aren't in the package19:46
stinebdthey did some housecleaning19:46
rpierce99i see, so what are people saying about gapps then19:46
stinebdmissing market i guess19:46
rpierce99hm, well that's not an issue, it's an interesting market app, whoa19:47
stinebdyou haven't used the new market yet?19:47
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