Thursday, 2011-03-17

stinebdyou know there's a git repo for it?00:20
stinebdoh he left00:20
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ndnoyep, i'm a moron, the git tree is a lot easier to use00:52
arrrghhhndno, i tried to tell you :P00:53
arrrghhhalso about your earlier stuffs00:53
arrrghhhif you have a partition for data00:53
arrrghhhand a partition for system image00:53
arrrghhhthat's the ideal situation as i understand it00:53
arrrghhhalso, AFAIK neopeek has system and data on that same ext2 partition00:54
ndnooh, ok... does that have a pro vs using data.img and doing a mount loop?00:54
ndnoodz says it has more corruption issues00:54
ndnoi was just going to see if i can play with it to see what difference it makes00:55
arrrghhhwell i thought the point of breaking it out was the corruption was localized00:56
arrrghhhand not nearly as much00:56
arrrghhhbut again, that's breaking both out00:56
arrrghhhsystem and data00:56
ndnoyeah, system has quite a few files in there00:56
ndnohey, i remembered you recommend not using a swapfile00:57
ndnowas that mainly due to SD deterioration00:57
arrrghhhi mean you can00:57
arrrghhhjust be prepared to potentially slaughter your SD card00:57
ndnoyeah, ffkip911 was asking me how and i found the swapper 2 apk00:58
ndnohe wanted to increase his free RAM00:58
ndnoby adding virtual mem00:58
ndnodoesn't the same thing happen with data.img?00:59
ndnoi guess it's not constantly be written to as it's in a swapfile00:59
arrrghhhyou have to allot swap (typically)00:59
ndnoswapper 2 has a nice feature that allows android to delete the old one and create a new one after each reboot01:00
arrrghhhi guess it carves space into the data partition?01:01
ndnothis in effect emulates the wearleveling feature you see in the nand driver01:01
ndnomeaning when it creates a new swapfile, it stores in a different location on the SD card01:01
ndnoso that the whole SD card will wear out more evenly01:02
ndnoi think that's how the file system under the NAND driver works01:02
ndnothe oob data contains history of how often a block is used01:03
arrrghhhyea, that's way over my realm of understanding01:03
arrrghhhwhich.... isn't that great :P01:03
ndnoso that a new write is stored in a less-used block01:04
ndnoit sucks for speed but good for the life of the device01:04
ndnoi got some cheap 2GB sd card for $5 so i thought why not... if it goes back, i'm just out $5 :)01:05
ndnoanyways, have a good night... just leaving work now on the west coast01:06
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Xethronnice... irc on the go!06:38
Xethronjust installed Yaaic06:40
XethronLooks pretty sweet...06:40
XethronLoved its name Yet Another Android Irc App... hehe06:41
XethronYou guys use anything different06:41
Xethrondoes anyone you know how to change the functaions of the buttons on your phone?06:47
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Xethronhip balans106:50
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Teme_HI all07:33
Teme_I have one question07:33
Teme_for upgrade galaxy s with odin07:33
Teme_do you can help me07:33
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Tandyman100is there any way of using Sense on XDAndroid?09:31
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Tandyman100DroidExplorer is supposed to work with XDAndroid, right?11:10
Tandyman100Because I have usb debugging enabled, phone is plugged in, but DroidExplorer is not seeing it :(11:10
rpierce99did the drivers install properly?11:10
Tandyman100I didn't get any errors, so I'm assuming so.11:11
rpierce99did you install pdanet?11:11
Tandyman100erm, no.11:11
Tandyman100I'll go do that..11:12
rpierce99well it just installs the drivers for you11:12
rpierce99if you somehow managed to install all of the proper drivers11:12
rpierce99you wouldn't really need it11:12
rpierce99but most people need it11:12
Tandyman100do I need to install it on my phone, or just install the windows program?11:12
Tandyman100boy I can't wait for a ROM version of XDAndroid :P11:13
Tandyman100driver installation failed, err=0xe000023f11:14
rpierce99what version of windows11:16
Tandyman1007 Ultimate 32-bit11:16
Tandyman100perhaps I could do this via bluetooth in some manner?11:18
rpierce99you can actually adb over wifi too, but I don't know if droid explorer supports it11:19 I need to have adb installed on my phone for this to work?11:19
Tandyman100or am I completely misunderstanding what adb is :P11:19
rpierce99no adb is usb debugging as far as the phone is concerned11:20
rpierce99Do you have Android Phone and Android Composite ADB Interface in device manager?11:22
rpierce99the latter is a child of the former11:22
rpierce99so according to  that error might be driver signing, in that thread is a link to disable driver signing, give it a shot11:25
* Tandyman100 needs to learn to google better11:26
Tandyman100oh DUH11:27
Tandyman100I usually disable that on freshly installed systems11:27
Tandyman100forgot to on this one11:27
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Tandyman100pdanet setup is now saying Android Phone not detected11:31
Tandyman100on a completely different question11:32
Tandyman100how on earth do I use live wallpapers in xdandroid?11:32
Tandyman100are they disabled or something?11:32
Tandyman100#android said I needed to ask you guys :P11:32
rpierce99yes, they removed support for them because they make our devices absolutely crawl11:32
rpierce99it was easier to just remove support than to keep answering the same questions about how to make them go faster over and over11:33
Tandyman100just wondering11:33
Tandyman100oh FFFF11:33
Tandyman100this app "Bluetooth File Transfer" appears to be fighting with Android11:33
Tandyman100enabling, then disabling, then enabling the wifi11:33
Tandyman100it's halarious11:33
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meshas anyone heard of a difference loading https pages over wifi rather than 3G?11:43
mesI have lean froyo build that will load https pages over wifi but not 3G and the alpha gingerbread does the same thing11:44
mesalthough the gingerbread browser will sometimes just blow up11:45
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xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, Paul G, who says: Good work guys! now, feature request.. j/k!13:12
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xdandroidNew kernel available (20110317_184049) at
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kanoxhey anyone here?14:07
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rpierce9937 to be exact14:07
kanoxlol ok, i was wondering if i could be of any assistance, i recently found out about phonegap and their autobuild site for making apks, would it be any help if i made one and distributed it with links to all the newest rootfs, zimage etc14:09
kanoxim not sure if it would help but it would be good promotional material14:09
kanoxproof of concept
rpierce99are you offering to host and maintain an autobuild service for all of the components of xdandroid?14:11
Tandyman100ooh, yay14:11
Tandyman100my body glove is here for the Touch Pro :D14:11
kanoxlol im not that l33t yet, if i could i would14:11
rpierce99then i'm not sure what you are asking14:11
kanoxthis is just an app with links to the newest of the new14:11
rpierce99and with an android app, what would it do with the files14:12
rpierce99or would it just alert you to updates14:13
kanoxbear with me here, im trying to figure out some way to help, i appreciate what you guys do, im working on the alerting to updates part at the moment,14:13
rpierce99don't take my questions the wrong way, I'm simply trying to understand what you are proposing, I honestly am not following entirely14:14
kanoxlol now that you say it, im not quite following what im trying to get at either, basically i want to create an app that alerts you when a new zImage or rootfs etc comes out, its in the very early planning stages so far, to keep people up to date on releases so maybe instead of noobs asking so many questions they can look there first14:15
kanoxkinda make it easier on you guys14:15
Tandyman100I think that would be a great idea14:17
rpierce99personally I see it as a valuable app, but you certainly don't need permission or anything to make the app and post it, if you want it integrated into the default system image that would be up to stinebd, and it would probably depend on reliability, code quality, usefulness, etc, meaning it would probably need to be done and tested first14:17
Tandyman100an app for Android that comes installed on XDAndroid builds, and alerts you when new components become available on the XDAndroid site.14:17
Tandyman100That's a great idea.14:17
Tandyman100If you can pull it off, I can't imagine stinebd saying no...14:17
kanoxim working at it while we speak, hopefully ill have something up and going soon and ill keep you guys posted14:18
kanoxim pretty broke so i cant contribute much but my time and effort14:18
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rpierce99yeah just post it up on xda & ppcg when you get it running and let us all run it for a bit and give feedback, if it's determined to be valuable it could be cool to get it in the image eventually14:18
kanoxcool, i wanted to get the thumbs up from you guys before i did anything to far into it14:19
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rpierce99well nothing myself or Tandyman100 should be considered official or representative of the project as a whole, but if you wanted the opinion of 2 random guys in IRC, you got it :)14:23
kanoxhey disregard that proof of concept that i posted lol it was going in the wrong direction of what i was offering to do14:23
kanoxhey i see you guys on here all the time, if you guys like the idea it should fly pretty well14:23
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Tandyman100I am getting REALLY GOOD at making Android unstable :P14:31
Tandyman100Also, that app idea of Kanox' would probably be a LOT easier/the app would be lighter with some special server-side code on the XDAndroid site.14:32
Tandyman100I dunno though14:32
Tandyman100perhaps just a server-side thing that sends out a 'YO WE GOT SOME NOO STUFFZ FO' YA' message to a teeny tiny client that pops up a "yo dawg, noo stuff. go git it" message on the phone.14:33
Tandyman100OR, a subscripted email that gives email alerts to new stuff14:33
Tandyman100so it's easy to do, but not a mandatory part of the build14:33
Tandyman100It'd be cool if the builds had the functionality to upgrade their own kernel, but I'm pretty sure that's not possible, right?14:34
rpierce99i've been surprised with what linux lets you overwrite when it is running, I wouldn't be surprised it if was possible14:34
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rpierce99it could absolutely download system image and throw it in the proper location so that it updates on the next reboot14:36
rpierce99ala the carriers OTA updates14:36
Tandyman100that should totally be implemented14:38
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Tandyman100this is where i leave because this is where actual work needs to be done. :P14:38
Tandyman100but someone needs to toss this idea up the chain of command14:38
Tandyman100to whoever the 1337 programmer around here is :P14:38
rpierce99sounds like kanox has it under control14:38
Tandyman100Alerts are a good idea.14:39
Tandyman100Eventually though, auto-updates or manual updates would be ideal.14:39
Tandyman100scratch that, a 100% stable all-features-working build of XDAndroid would be ideal :P14:39
Tandyman100(though froyo is withing shouting distance of that already, and Gingerbread is only slightly behind)14:40
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XethronHey guys15:01
XethronHeya Tandyman10015:01
XethronMan, Hayley Williams is really good on the eye!15:03
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XethronAfter a while of leaving my phone in XDAndroid, I cannot make calles or send USSD codes15:05
Tandyman100Hey Xethron15:05
XethronAnd I dunno why?15:05
Tandyman100And yes, Heyley Williams is a looker.15:05
Xethronhey Tandyman100 :)15:05
Tandyman100I love the red hair :015:06
XethronThe orange is also really awesome15:07
Tandyman100I like her better with short hair15:07
Tandyman100..though I guess since I have a short hair fetish, that would make sense.15:08
XethronI have long hair :D15:09
Tandyman100I CANNOT LOVE YOU15:09
XethronLike 2 fingers away from my nipple15:09
Tandyman100..tmi, perhaps?15:10
XethronBut if I bend my head I can touch it :D15:10
Tandyman100why do I need to know if you can touch your nipples with your hair15:10
XethronWell, to demonstrate the length of my hair15:10
XethronBesides... The idea is to grow it till there... (location unmentioned)... That will be the desired length.15:11 want hair down to your waist?15:11
XethronBut dunno... Maybe ill just keep growing it15:11
XethronNO! Thats really long15:11
* Tandyman100 is confused as to whether Xethron is male or female15:11
Tandyman100I never realized till now how gender-neutral IRC is.15:12
Tandyman100(wrong word, I meant slanted)15:12
XethronYea, it is very15:12
Tandyman100You just kind of assume that everyone you see on it is a guy.15:12
XethronHmm... I dunno... I just... Dont picture people on IRC with a gender anymore :P15:12
Tandyman100Then again, I've met everyone from bi girls to transvestite guys to gay guys that live down the street from me and want to go out with me (ackward as hell)15:13
XethronUnless the nick gives a clear indication15:13
* Tandyman100 points at the 'man' in his nick15:13
Xethronlike that for instance15:13
Tandyman100Nothing is as ackward as a guy you used to know seeing you on the internet and going "hey man oh by the way I'm gay now wanna go out?"15:13
Tandyman100I don't know whether to be flattered or disgusted. So I was both.15:14
XethronNothing as ackward as knowing a 'guy' on IRC and then later finding out you only thought she's male because, well, everyone on IRC is male... :P15:15
Tandyman100you're male, right?15:16
Tandyman100I broke android.15:19
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Tandyman100I dunno15:24
Tandyman100I just install and uninstall enough shit that I just eventually screw things up irreversably :D15:24
Tandyman100this time it was trying 4 different launchers15:24
Tandyman100and a TON of 3rd-party widgets15:25
Tandyman100so yeah... time to copy a clean FRX05 onto my SD card :P15:25
rpierce99that won't do anything15:25
rpierce99system.ext2 is mounted RO15:25
Tandyman100it's just starting from scratch15:25
rpierce99data.img is where all your crap is stored15:25
rpierce99delete that and you'll "start from scratch"15:26
Tandyman100so deleting data.img is the easy way to start over in android?15:26
Tandyman100..that's a helluvalot easier than erasing my SD card and copying the contents of my edited FRX05 over15:26
Tandyman100'edited' meaning I tweaked the user config and the startup *slightly*15:26
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Tandyman100I'm curious: on the Raph800, what is the reasoning behind having the LEDs fade in and out when it's off the charger, when in Winmo has them do that only when it's ON the charger? It also seems that they are reacting to my proximity or the accellerometer or something, because as soon as I lift it off the table, it stops glowing, but only if there's substantial movement.15:50
Tandyman100It just seems like it's little things like that that would make the batteries last longer.15:51
Tandyman100or I'm just being nitpicky <-more likely15:51
arrrghhhsleep state15:51
arrrghhhyou fool15:51
TheDeadCPUBecause the fading proves that it's in sleep lol15:51
arrrghhhuhm... yea15:51
arrrghhhif you want to change it, LED effects15:51
arrrghhhit's in the AndroidApps folder15:51
rpierce99leds work on the raph800?15:52
rpierce99from userland?15:52
Tandyman100I installed LED effects, but I have no clue how to use it :P15:52
arrrghhhrpierce99, yup15:52
arrrghhhTandyman100, oy15:52
Tandyman100app pops up, tells me that LED effects controls LEDs. Ok...?15:52
arrrghhhyou don't get any options?15:53
arrrghhhdamn kids.15:53
Tandyman100perhaps I should try pushing the menu hardwarekey15:53
Tandyman100I didn't see any onscreen controls, dismissed the application :P15:53
arrrghhhi thought there were just options, been forever since i used that bitch15:53
arrrghhhrpierce99, led effects was actually written for raph/diam15:53
arrrghhhworked great when i had a raph15:54
arrrghhhover a year ago :P15:54
Tandyman100I'm a retard15:54
Tandyman100you have to push the menu button15:54
* Tandyman100 slams head repeatedly into desk in a vain effort to squeeze a bit of intelligence out of his ear canals15:55
arrrghhhthere's a ton of options in that app15:55
Tandyman100ther it is15:55
arrrghhhyou can configure basically anything with that LED15:55
Tandyman100When the phone is sleeping, it 'breathes'15:55
arrrghhhi would have it do "something"15:55
Tandyman100woah you can make it rotate :o15:55
arrrghhhjust what it does it up to you15:55
Tandyman100ok, this is the coolest app the world has ever seen.15:55
arrrghhhcomplete control over that whore15:55
arrrghhhTandyman100, ...15:55
Tandyman100arrrghhh, ???15:56
arrrghhhsorry you can't see my eyes rolling15:56
arrrghhhover and over and over again15:57
Tandyman100Also, why would I need the LEDs to prove it's sleeping?15:58
Tandyman100So I can tell it's asleep and not frozen or something?15:58
arrrghhhwe haven't perfected sleep15:59
arrrghhhso there's an indicator that it is properly sleeping16:00
arrrghhhyou can certainly disable it, at your own peril.16:00
* Tandyman100 disables it16:00
* Tandyman100 watches a black hole form16:00
arrrghhhsee what you dun16:00
arrrghhhi warned ya16:00
* Tandyman100 tosses in his phone as a sacrifice16:00
* Tandyman100 watches as an HD2 floats out of the black hole16:01
* Tandyman100 watches the black hole disappear, leaving him with an HD2 in place of his TP16:01
Tandyman100</wet dream>16:01
arrrghhhi like my physical kbd too much.16:01
Tandyman100HD2 with a bluetooth keyboard*16:01
Tandyman100yeah, I use my phone for emails and irc CONSTANTLY. I need mah keyboard.16:01
arrrghhhnot worth it16:01
arrrghhhplus, no CDMA16:02
arrrghhhi can wait.16:02
Tandyman100is CDMA such a big deal?16:02
arrrghhhuhm... i'm not jumping service providers16:02
arrrghhhfor a phone16:02
Tandyman100That's why I'm leaning away from a Motorola Droid, is it's CDMA only.16:02
arrrghhheh not a fan of moto16:02
arrrghhhthat's vz only16:02
arrrghhheven worse :P16:02
Tandyman100oh, ew.16:02
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Tandyman100So what's a decent GSM android phone with a keyboard?16:03
Tandyman100that I can get for $150?16:03
arrrghhhwe've been over this16:03
Tandyman100I know, I know, wait, save up $400, get a brand new device.16:03
Tandyman100well, my Touch Pro ain't gonna last that long.16:03
arrrghhhor get a tp2 and be angry16:03
Tandyman100I need something *soon* is my delimma16:03
arrrghhhtp2's go for $150 i bet16:03
Tandyman100I know16:03
Tandyman100they do, regularly around here go for $150 on craigslist16:04
Tandyman100but I like android so much now...16:04
arrrghhhandroid runs fairly well on tp216:04
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arrrghhhand the project is in its last leg16:04
arrrghhhbut yea... it's not going to be like a new android phone.16:04
Tandyman100Yeah, but I can't use cyanogen mod and all that cool sh*t16:04
arrrghhhsure you can16:04
arrrghhhjust slow16:04
arrrghhhneo did some CM ports16:04
arrrghhhyou can run them on RAPH too if i'm not mistaken16:05
Tandyman100<Dracula> Zat's vely intelestink16:05
arrrghhhi'd recommend desireZ/g2 if anything16:05
arrrghhhfor native android with full kbd16:05
arrrghhheven if it is only a 4-row16:05
arrrghhhi'm eyebaling the arrive.  it's winpho, but if android gets ported to it, i'd be all over it16:06
arrrghhhit's the freakin tp3.  finally, my tp3 has 'arrived'16:06
Tandyman100woah, it is a touch pro 3!16:06
arrrghhhi wasn't kidding!16:07
arrrghhhtilt screen16:07
Tandyman1005-row FTW16:07
arrrghhhi <3 the tilt screen too16:07
arrrghhhthought it was just a silly gimmick16:07
arrrghhhbut i use it all the damned time16:07
Tandyman100I just saw one of your posts in the XDAndroid Cyanogen mod thread16:09
Tandyman100"What's the battery life and stability?" then you replied "I really hate these questions. Try it yourself to get a feel for it"16:09
arrrghhhno shit.16:09
Tandyman100</end horribly truncated posts>16:09
arrrghhhi'd say that's pretty accurate16:10
Tandyman100What are all these '[ROM] Android Froyo' threads in the Touch Pro android development forums?16:11
Tandyman100like this:
Tandyman100I can't tell exactly what this is supposed to be16:12
Tandyman100seems like... a winmo ROM that just boots android off an SD card?16:13
Tandyman100none of them are for Raph800, so I can't find out :(16:13
arrrghhhthey all do16:13
arrrghhhit's just a different build16:13
arrrghhhfrom huawei base16:13
arrrghhhyou can run that on your raph800 i think16:13
arrrghhhi'm not going to help you do that tho16:13
arrrghhhyou need a separate ext2 partition16:13
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Tandyman100it's interesting that there's all these touch pro android builds besides xdandroid16:15
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Tandyman100though I find xdandroid the most streamlined ;)16:15
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arrrghhhwe try16:17
Tandyman100Is donut faster than froyo?16:19
Tandyman100You said on XDAndroid that Donu is superfast16:19
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arrrghhhit's old16:19
arrrghhhgb is also superfast16:20
Tandyman100Yeah, but not very stable/everything doesn't work.16:21
Tandyman100Which version would you say is best for everyday use?16:21
Tandyman100That's good, since that's what I'm using :P16:22
* Tandyman100 wonders what would happen if he put the lates zImage and modules in the Sense Rosie build16:22
* Tandyman100 remembers the Sense Rosie build wasn't really that good-looking on VGA16:22
arrrghhhand slow16:24
arrrghhhand 2.116:24
Tandyman100We tried it and it was actually faster than expected.16:29
Tandyman100I think it was Dead an I who did that one day16:29
Tandyman100last year when I originally got interested in XDAndroid16:29
arrrghhhwhat's this we shit16:36
Tandyman100Dead and I simultaniously tried it for the first time (second time in ages for him)16:40
Tandyman100it was faster than he remembered it.16:40
Tandyman100oui! oui!16:41
Tandyman100Little siblings, especially female drama queen ones with no expirience in society, are a real PITA.16:43
Tandyman100she does no school all week, gets grounded, screams about her life being ruined because she can't go out with her friends on a holiday, life isn't fair, this was her 'one fun day'.16:43
Tandyman100The amount of school work she actually HAS TO DO is pitifully small. When she gets to where I am, she'll be screwed.16:44
arrrghhhuh... what?16:44
Tandyman100my little sister (she's 13 I think) insists on blaming everything that doesn't satisfy her on EVERYONE ELSE16:46
Tandyman100she's been on a screaming rant for 45 minutes now16:46
arrrghhhso uh16:47
arrrghhh#xdandroid eh16:47
* Tandyman100 dripes the chatbus back onto the ontopic highway16:47
Xethron_Is jy afrikaans?16:56
Xethron_Dit is mal cool! Is jy van Suid Afrika af?16:56
Xethron_Of het jy net Google Translate gebruik?16:56
Xethron_sal nogals weird wees as ek iemand op 'n internationale projek ontmoet het van 'n ander land wat eintlik Afrikaans kan verstaan...16:57
Xethron_Tandyman100... Antwoord my!16:57
Xethron_Hmm... Eather way, I thought it was kinda cool16:58
Tandyman100Yes, I just used Google Translate.17:06
Tandyman100I was curious :P17:06
Tandyman100I can kind of tell what you're saying without a translator17:08
Tandyman100"Are you afrikanns? This is way cool! Are you from Suid Afrika? Or did you just use Google Translate? then something about meeting international people. Tandyman100... Are you there?"17:09
Tandyman100that's without using a translator, just looking at the text. Was I close, Xethron_?17:09
Xethron_Would be rather weird if I met someone from a international project that lives in another country that knows Afrikaans :P17:12
* Tandyman100 should've guessed that from 'weird, internationale, projek, and Afrikaans'17:13
Xethron_Anyway, study time17:13
Xethron_Should have used vreemd instead of weird17:13
Xethron_I mix my languages like crazy17:13
Xethron_But my one friend is Hebrew17:13
Xethron_I cant understand jack!17:13
Tandyman100really though, living on canned food isn't very healthy :P17:15
Tandyman100all google translate was able to make of your original status was 'live on canned beans now'17:15
Xethron_thats not very accurate17:17
Xethron_Living on canned food now...17:18
Xethron_aai B, bring me a lunch box then ill give you propper food friend. ai...!17:19
Tandyman100erm, food. Not beans17:19
Xethron_Its quite nice. Peaches, sweet corn, TUNA! Will go buy some food again on saturday. Dont Worry. Its not so bad hehe17:20
Xethron_You are another one...17:20
Xethron_One error in your reply17:20
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Xethron_well big error17:20
Xethron_Nie seker dit is die mees gesonde ding, maar ok.17:20
Xethron_Nie seker dat dit die mees gesonde ding is nie, maar ok17:21
Xethron_Nie = not17:21
Xethron_but its like one of 5 languages that uses it twice17:21
Xethron_Eks nie seker nie17:21
Xethron_Ek wil dit nie doen nie17:22
Xethron_It will always appear twice17:22
Xethron_Google Translate seems to have problems with that17:22
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Xethron_Oh nice.... Been talking to myself17:23
arrrghhhshould be used to that.17:24
arrrghhhbesides.... #xdandroid?  :P17:24
Xethron_hey... Its a channel where XDAndroid fans hang out17:25
Xethron_Not to say they will talk about XDAndroid17:26
xdandroidstinebd: Official XDAndroid project discussion and support channel. See our wiki at - We log to | Found a bug? Let us know at | Don't ask to ask | Only msm7k devices supported atm. | NO LG! NO!17:26
rpierce99"project discussion and support channel"17:26
arrrghhhXethron_, i do occasionally help people here17:27
Xethron_arrrghhh, prove it17:27
arrrghhhalright, i'm lying.17:27
* arrrghhh is too lazy to pull logs17:27
Xethron_My phone doesn't wanne make calles after its on for a period of time17:27
Xethron_And also doesnt wanne send USSD codes17:27
Xethron_Internet works17:27
rpierce99click the link and pick a random day, i'm guessing you'll find arrrghhh helping17:27
Xethron_And I believe the SMS might work as well17:27
Xethron_rpierce99... Its a joke...17:28
arrrghhhi'm genuinely mad that i can't seem to bind mount this stupid ril.17:28
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arrrghhhrpierce99, quit showing me up17:28
Tandyman100what the...?17:28
arrrghhhTandyman100, you tell us17:28
Tandyman100Connection randomly dropping :P17:29
Tandyman100Xethron_, what was that error?17:29
arrrghhhyou are in kansas17:29
arrrghhhthey have no SLAs in kansas17:29
arrrghhhnetwork SLAs17:29
stinebdtoo many tornadoes leading to witch house-drops17:29
rpierce99stinebd: are you a slickdealer17:30
stinebdthats a bit of a private question17:30
stinebdbut yes17:30
rpierce99i just saw someone talking about android and japan on there earlier, thought it might be you17:31
arrrghhhslick like a... greasetrap?17:31
stinebdoh, no that wasn't me17:31
rpierce99err, talking about japan, named android something or other17:31
stinebdno i'm not17:31
rpierce99i figured you were the only android lover who also happened to want to travel to japan17:32
stinebdi might be now17:32
arrrghhhyou're trying to make the world smaller than it actually is.17:32
stinebdthank god foreign embassies are scrambling to evacuate their people17:33
stinebdprices are going to be way down17:33
stinebdhelps offset the spike in the yen's exchange rate17:33
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Tandyman100oh LOL17:35
Tandyman100I was in Windows mobile17:35
Tandyman100batter, 33%17:35
Tandyman100boot into xdandroid, battery %8017:35
Tandyman100I put it on the charger, and it jumped to %2517:35
Tandyman100then ALMOST IMMEDIATELY to %6017:35
Tandyman100then %90 soon after17:35
Tandyman100and took FOREVER to get to %9817:36
stinebdhey pal, we put our %s after the number where i come from17:36
arrrghhhand we know the battery meter is very inaccurate.17:36
Tandyman100no kidding :P17:39
Tandyman100stinebd I know, I just forgot the first time, and didn't want to look inconsistant :P17:39
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Tandyman100it's weird how a good case can make a phone feel WAY more expensive than it is17:50
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Tandyman100hmm.. setting wallpapers doesn't seem to work half the time.18:03
Tandyman100but then I reboot, and there it is18:03
Tandyman100</more whining>18:04
* Tandyman100 is going to put </awesome> on his gravestone18:04
Tandyman100also having issues with android.process.acore crashing all the time18:07
arrrghhhTandyman100, but the awesome never began18:07
Tandyman100perhaps this just isn't worth me using as my main OS atm.18:07
arrrghhhdelete data.img18:07
Tandyman100I just did.18:07
Tandyman100This is fresh, I've just installed two things.18:07
arrrghhhdid you wait after it booted?18:07
arrrghhhi dunno18:07
arrrghhhstuff FC's if it doesn't have any processor cycles to use18:07
arrrghhhi assume it's asking you to force close acore18:08
Tandyman100oh I see18:09
Tandyman100so the problem is that Froyo is a bigger resource whore than Winmo6.5.3, plus the fact my phone is rubbish.18:09
arrrghhhi'm gonna have to ask you to leave.18:10
arrrghhhyou can't wait for it to finish booting?18:10
arrrghhhon a fresh data.img, after the lock screen shows up there's still a TON of crap happening in the background18:10
Tandyman100It'd been booted for upwards of 5 minutes.18:11
Tandyman100(see? I'm really good at pissing people off.)   :(18:11
Tandyman100So I should, after deleting data.img, let it sit there postboot for 10 minutes or so, then reboot again, then I can go nuts?18:13
arrrghhhmutlitasking doesn't really work either18:13
arrrghhhi mean it does18:13
arrrghhhbut our phones can't handle it18:13
arrrghhhi download 5 apps from the market when it updates18:14
arrrghhhand the thing turns into a brick18:14
arrrghhhit's sooooooo slow18:14
arrrghhhso perhaps that's what the problem is?  i dunno.18:14
Tandyman100I find downloading more than one thing equals cccrrrraaaawwwwllliiinnnggg18:14
Tandyman100I forgot that, downloaded 7 things at once plus the 'regular' apps were updating.18:14
Tandyman100Android just gave up and hot-resetted :P18:15
arrrghhhyea the ril doesn't handle that yet18:15
arrrghhhwistilt2 is fixing that18:15
arrrghhhbut CDMA as usual is slowing up the progres18:15
Tandyman100What is it about the poor CDMA that makes it such a loner? Is it just the fact that *noone* has one?18:17
Tandyman100I saw some little kid the other day with a GSM Touch Pro with the front-facing camera. Guess where this expensive device is?18:17
stinebdit's the fact that it's made out of retardons18:17
Tandyman100Her mouth.18:17
arrrghhhTandyman100, it's just different18:17
stinebdby different he means crappy18:17
arrrghhhand our devs are from all over the world18:17
Tandyman100I felt like slapping both her and her mom and saving the poor phone. But I didn't. Because then i'd get arrested.18:17
Tandyman100ok, I understand better now.18:18
arrrghhhcdma is pretty much only in the US18:18
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Tandyman100Is there any way for a windows machine to extract or edit the contents of data.img?18:20
stinebdit's a regular old ext2 image18:20
arrrghhhwho cares18:20
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stinebdso there's a way18:20
Tandyman100Oh, ok.18:20
arrrghhhthere's some tool to look at ext2 partitions on winblows18:20
Tandyman100That explains a great many things, actually.18:20
Tandyman100I'm just too lazy to reboot into Debian right now :P18:20
stinebdthere are actually ext2 filesystem drivers for windows, but i'm not sure if they can mount an image18:20
Tandyman100...though there's always VirtualBox...18:21
stinebdyeah but that's too free18:21
stinebdi hear most people like to pay for stuff18:21
stinebdor say they'll pay for it and download a torrent18:22
Tandyman100I use FOSS stuff when I can...18:22
stinebdyou say that, yet you're looking for a way to mount data.img on windows18:23
stinebdpriorities all messed up i say18:23
Tandyman100Heh, I just use windows because my online high school requires it.18:23
stinebdonline high school?18:23
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stinebddid you get kicked out of meatspace high school or something?18:23
Tandyman100No, the local high school is just rubbish.18:24
Tandyman100and we don't have the money for private school, etc.18:24
Tandyman100Anyway, I use Debian primarily on all my other computers except for my 486s, and have Debian on another partition on here.18:24
stinebddebian eh?18:24
stinebdhave they updated to gnome 1.0 yet?18:24
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stinebdok i'm done trolling now18:25
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Stumpyt76HI Guy.  Just wondering if anyone has had problems with using Xdandroid with AUS Next G network.  It is a GMS 850 Mhzs.18:34
arrrghhhi'm assuming you are?18:35
Stumpyt76my phone is a DIAM13018:36
Tandyman100woah, since when did winmo have THAT?18:37
Tandyman100Rightclick on an executable, there's an 'add to start menu' button18:37
rpierce99you right-clicked in winmo? that's impressive18:37
arrrghhhlong press i assume18:37
Tandyman100click-n-hold :P18:37
arrrghhhStumpyt76, that doesn't exist18:38
Tandyman100that makes it even easier to add a HaRET icon so I can get OUT of winmo even faster XD18:38
arrrghhhprobably some 100 variant18:38
rpierce99Tandyman100: I put it in the quick lunch area of sense, i don't even have to open the start menu18:38
rpierce99or scroll18:38
rpierce99i just tap froyo18:38
Tandyman100yeah, that's what I'm doing18:38
Tandyman100though I just got hit with the unsigned apps bug18:39
Tandyman100now I can't launch it at all18:39
Tandyman100...and sense crashed.18:39
Tandyman100the shortcut doesn't work, but it does work to launch it through filemanager.18:39
Tandyman100Meh, whatever.18:40
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Tandyman100is a $75 droid eris a decent deal?18:45
arrrghhhif you like old phones with no kbds18:45
arrrghhh(look at the specs...)18:45
Tandyman100same specs as the Touch Pro.18:46
Tandyman100$150 HTC desire?18:46
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Tandyman100so many decent deals on craigslist, so nonexistant money.18:47
arrrghhhget a job hippie18:47
Tandyman100Friend of mine is about to split and open his own shop as soon as he gets his tax returns.18:48
Tandyman100I'll be working there.18:48
Tandyman100I am doomed to eternal virus removal :P18:48
arrrghhho computer shop18:48
arrrghhhyou can legally work at your age?18:48
Tandyman100honestly though, fixing computers is what I do in my spare time here, get a job at a computer store, and I'll just do that and get paid :D18:48
arrrghhhi uh... illegally worked at your age18:48
Tandyman100I can't legally work at my age.18:48
Tandyman100But this guy grew up around lawyers18:48
Tandyman100he has some fancy phrase he's going to call me so I'm not technically 'working' there per se.18:49
rpierce99I worked for geek squad for like 6 years18:49
Tandyman100rpierce99 so YOU'RE the reason they stink so much!18:49
rpierce99no i'm the reason they're not worse :)18:49
arrrghhhgeek squad is a joke18:50
stinebdgeek squad is awesome18:50
Tandyman100geek squad is rubbish.18:50
rpierce99i worked on the internal support team, when the dumb geek squad agents didn't know what they were doing they called me18:50
arrrghhhin college they didn't hire me18:50
Tandyman100whever I see one of their 'quick response vehicles' I think in my mine "someone just got screwed over again"18:50
stinebdarrrghhh: they don't hire anybody who demonstrates a propensity for thought18:50
arrrghhhthey bend people over18:50
arrrghhhstinebd, o right18:51
arrrghhhwhat does that say about rpierce99 ?18:51
arrrghhhLOL jk rpierce99 :P18:51
arrrghhhweird thing is18:51
rpierce99seriously though, that's best buy management, not geek squad18:51
arrrghhhit was one of the best-feeling job interviews i've ever had.18:51
rpierce99there are some REALLY good people in geek squad18:51
arrrghhhwhich was really odd18:51
stinebdthey actually interview people?18:51
Tandyman100with their rep...18:51
arrrghhhstinebd, yea18:51
Tandyman100lol stinebd18:51
arrrghhhinterview was awesome too18:51
arrrghhhmy current job i thought the interview went horrible18:51
stinebdseriously, i thought that was one of those jobs where you show up with a GED and get the position18:52
arrrghhhbeen there almost 3 years, must've done something right18:52
Tandyman100"Oh, you say you know where the any key is? You're hired! We've been trying to find someone who knows that for AGES!"18:52
arrrghhho snap18:52
arrrghhhangry angry stinebd18:52
stinebdnot angry18:53
stinebdi just thought they had standards for their hiring which mirror their quality18:53
rpierce99stinebd: thats most of the problem, guess who hires for GS? BBY management, most have no idea what to look for18:53
stinebdthat says something about arrrghhh doesn't it?18:53
arrrghhhi was interviewed by the geek squad super18:53
arrrghhhthey're beard-ist18:54
arrrghhhmy beard is too awesome for them to handle18:54
stinebdyeah that's the one thing i've noticed about most best buy staffers18:54
stinebdthey don't seem to accept "pieces of flare", so to speak18:54
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Tandyman100I did it again20:26
Tandyman100installing 5 apps at a time = nearly unresponsive device :P20:26
Tandyman100funnily enough, though, it hasn't crashed yet.20:27
* TheDeadCPU just installed 18 apps at once on his Zeeee20:27
TheDeadCPUDidn't even slow down :D20:27
arrrghhhkinda a different device20:27
arrrghhhit looks the same right20:27
Tandyman100What's a Zeeee?20:27
arrrghhhsomeone said that about the evo shift20:27
arrrghhhTandyman100, desire Z20:27
arrrghhhaka G2 in da states20:27
TheDeadCPUdem states20:28
Tandyman100across the pond :P20:28
TheDeadCPULiterally across the pond for me20:28
TheDeadCPUI can swim over the Atlantic ocean easily.20:28
* Tandyman100 looks at Desire Z specs20:29 of 13 months ago, my fastest computer had the exact same processor speed and RAM of a Desire Z20:29
Tandyman100Pentium III/800 with 512mb of RAM and Windows XP. Whole box cost less than $50 including the custom case.20:30
Tandyman100phone just went to sleep and now isn't waking up.20:31
arrrghhhwelcome to android20:31
TheDeadCPUtry pulling out the keyboard20:31
Tandyman100so that's somewhat normal, right?20:31
Tandyman100erm, too late. I just rebooted.20:31
arrrghhheh somewhat20:31
arrrghhhso you don't even know20:32
arrrghhhyou gotta realize if there's stuff going on in the bg20:32
arrrghhhwaking is PAINFUL20:32
Tandyman100All the downloads and installs had finished20:32
arrrghhhand sometimes it really is dead20:32
Tandyman100literally RIGHT BEFORE20:32
arrrghhhthe issue is being addressed on RHOD20:32
arrrghhhand there's several theories for SoD20:32
arrrghhhhopefully some of it will trickle down to your junk.20:33
Tandyman100So now i've expirienced the 'delightful' SoD I've heard so much about ;)20:33
arrrghhhnever experienced one?20:33
Tandyman100not till now.20:33
arrrghhhyou really are a winmo phanboi huh20:33
Tandyman100been using it till a couple days ago when I started using XDAndroid as my main phone OS20:34
arrrghhhyea... i don't know if android is ready for 24/7 yet20:34
arrrghhhi've been close20:34
arrrghhhusing it almost 100%20:34
arrrghhhbut i don't think the raph is up to snuff yet20:34
rpierce99i haven't used winmo in months20:35
Tandyman100Android looks nice and all, but I'm kind of doubting it for some of the stuff I like to do... that is, IRC while GTalk is open, browsing multiple tabs in Opera, and listening to music at the same time, and switching between them.20:35
Tandyman100But Android is just impossible to pass up :P{20:35
arrrghhhTandyman100, android can do all that crap i would think.20:35
Tandyman100I don't know if it could multitask like that as well as winmo... I dunno though.20:35
arrrghhhi didn't even know you could gtalk in winmo lol20:35
arrrghhhdude i can't multitask with winmo20:35
Tandyman100I once opened up every program I had installed (18 of 'em, I think) and ran them all at once, switching between them at will. No slowdown whatsoever.20:36
arrrghhhok, you should just stick to winmo20:36
Tandyman100I use a program called TaskFacade for it in Winmo. Map it to a hardware button, push it, and all your running programs become 'tiles' on the screen.20:36
Tandyman100I dunno, I'm starting to really like Android :D20:36
* TheDeadCPU headbangs20:38
Tandyman100The winmo interface, while there are a lot of shells, is kinda stale.20:38
* Tandyman100 cranks up the music20:38
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nbnhi, are google maps supposed to work? I have htc touch pro, FRX05... when I am in a building, I suppose it should use operator's BTS to estimate location, which doesn't seem to happen21:38
nbnthen I tried putting the phone next to window21:38
nbnwhere it should be able to catch GPS21:39
nbnbut after a while, the screen went black and I wasn't able to wake the phone again21:39
arrrghhhgps works21:39
arrrghhhbut helps if you use quickgps in winmo first21:40
arrrghhhnetloc doesn't work if you're CDMA21:40
nbnGSM (raph100)21:40
nbnbut i also tried c:geo21:40
nbnand it got fixed ok21:40
nbnnow I also tried GBX0A, there the phone just freezes after few seconds21:41
nbnno black screen like with FRX21:41
arrrghhhgps doesn't work on gb21:42
arrrghhhread the post21:42
nbnok, this makes sense :)21:42
nbnI'll put back FRX and try the quickgps21:44
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arrrghhhworks wonders21:44
arrrghhhSG, go away21:44
SGMy fault, no need to go arrrghhh :D21:45
SGNever mind...21:46
SGWhat's up21:46
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Tandyman100what happens if you don't use quickgps in winmo before booting android? Does it just take bloody ages to find sats?23:13
arrrghhhalthough we were just talking about that in htc-linux oddly enough23:14
arrrghhhi just had a case where it locked on extremely quickly23:14
arrrghhhi was moving in a car23:14
arrrghhhbut usually it takes 10+ mins23:14
arrrghhhit took like 20sec and was locked.23:14
Tandyman100One time GMaps on android found me 'within 2 meters'23:15
Tandyman100I was stoked, started walking around in little circles and watching it move :D23:15
Tandyman100GPS is fascinating :P23:15
arrrghhhlol yea23:16
arrrghhhmy dad got my mom a tp2 recently23:16
arrrghhhand was using it to get directions23:16
arrrghhhbut didn't turn on gps in gmaps23:16
arrrghhhcuz i guess on his bb there's no option to turn it on/off23:16
arrrghhhso they were using netloc23:16
arrrghhhand ofc it was WAY off23:16
arrrghhhhe said he was going to get a new phone for her lol23:16
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Tandyman100I find that it has a tendancy to just 'snap' location to the nearest rode to your estimated position with netloc23:17
arrrghhhnah it'll put you thru buildings23:17
arrrghhhin a field23:17
* Tandyman100 turned it on once and SNAP it was on the nearest street, then SNAP it was between them, then SNAP it was back on the street.23:18
arrrghhhyou talkin google nav?23:18
arrrghhhor maps23:18
Tandyman100i think...23:19
Tandyman100might've been nav.23:19
Tandyman100I could be confused23:19
Tandyman100it certainly wouldn't be the first time :{P23:19
arrrghhhthis is winmo that i'm talking about too23:19
arrrghhhthe situation with  my father23:19
Tandyman100I'm talking about Android here.23:19
arrrghhhmy mom might be able to handle droid when it's more stable23:19
arrrghhhbut not at this stage23:19
arrrghhhthey were most certainly in winmo.23:19
arrrghhheither way, i'm sure the GPS wasn't on :P23:20
arrrghhheh she doesn't use the phone for that23:20
Tandyman100i remember when people thought they would lose all their data by turning their computer off completely as opposed to just sleep mode or something. Even as far as buying UPSes so they'd never turn off all the way.23:20
arrrghhhgod knows why he got her a tp223:20
arrrghhhi think he just wanted her to have a world phone.23:20
Tandyman100my sister saw me messing with some lighter app thingie on Android23:21
Tandyman100my sister and mom share an SCH-I750.23:21
Tandyman100...yeah, no. Not gonna be running android :P23:21
arrrghhhmy mom TURNS THE PHONE OFF all the time23:21
Tandyman100"Android? what's that? I just want apps?"23:21
arrrghhhshe said if she's not using it, why have it on23:21
arrrghhhso no body can reach her unless she's going to use it23:22
arrrghhhor recently used itl23:22
arrrghhhofc she's usually at home23:22
arrrghhhespecially since she reitred this year23:22
Tandyman100I would show her the Opera app store, but that's a bit hard to use and doesn't completely work all the time. Plus I don't have a java runtime installed on the I760 so half the stuff in the Opera store wouldn't work :P23:22
Tandyman100the i760 was a nice phone, though. The screen and touchscreen were godawful, though. mushy as hell, QVGA, can't do ANYTHING without the stylus.23:24
Tandyman100There's no stiff plastic seperating the lcd from the resistive panel, so you were literally pushing down directly on the screen itself23:25
Tandyman100then you get scared to break it23:25
Tandyman100then you wonder why the hell you got it in the first place23:25
Tandyman100then you use the WONDERFUL keyboard23:25
arrrghhhyea my sister got some lg android phone23:25
arrrghhhhas no clue how to use it23:25
Tandyman100only 3 rows, but fantastic ergonomics23:25
arrrghhhi was telling her about depositing checks with the phone23:25
arrrghhhusing USAA's mobile app23:26
arrrghhhand my dad immediately chimes in23:26
Tandyman100I love people with android phones. "umm... i can do WHAT NOW?"23:26
arrrghhh"that's not secure, how the hell do they get away with that?"23:26
Tandyman100Here's what I've found out in my expirience:23:26
arrrghhhi was like... how is that any less secure than fraudulent checks in person to banks?23:26
arrrghhhthey find out eventually, either way...23:26
Tandyman100Android users. most of them are clueless about the true power of their device. Just buy it because it's popular. The other extreme is the enthusiast/developer.23:27
Tandyman100Winmo users. Love their phone, but still aren't totally sure what their phone can do.23:27
Tandyman100iPhone users. LOL MOMMY BOUGHT ME THIS COOL TOY. Just use their phone for lightsaber apps and fart buttons. Convinced that phone is the best thing forever... until the next version comes out.23:28
arrrghhhlot of 'professional' winmo users23:28
Tandyman100Oh, yeah.23:28
Tandyman100I've never met any, though.23:28
arrrghhhwinmo and bb23:28
arrrghhhi have23:28
arrrghhhmore bb than winmo :P23:28
Tandyman100I've met several girls that ALL had Touch Pro 2s23:28
arrrghhhi hardly ever run into ppl with this phone23:29
arrrghhhonce in a great while23:29
Tandyman100"Oh, cool, you guys have touch pro 2s!"23:29
Tandyman100them (enthusiastically) "Yeah, I know. I love these phones, check out the weather animation *switches to Sense tab*"23:29
Tandyman100it happened to be raining23:30
Tandyman100so there was a windscreen wiper23:30
arrrghhhoh yea23:30
Tandyman100everyone loves the windscreen wiper :P23:30
arrrghhhi thought that was cool, i'll admit it :P23:30
arrrghhhcheesy, but cool23:30
Tandyman100One guy was an Android user that I saw last night. He had some old Donut device.23:30
Tandyman100<me> What version of Android is that?23:30
Tandyman100<him> uhh, it's a Motorola android23:31
Tandyman100<me> oh, that looks like Donut23:31
Tandyman100<him> ...23:31
arrrghhhwhat's donut23:31
Tandyman100<me> *pulls out Froyo touch pro*23:31
Tandyman100<me> I've got the latest23:31
arrrghhhgb man23:31
arrrghhhreally rub it in23:31
Tandyman100he has no clue23:31
Tandyman100it was halarious23:31
arrrghhhnot one i'm sure23:31
Tandyman100he then proceeded to open up Alchemy and make an Alchoholic23:32
arrrghhhyea someone with a droid eris or smth on at&t was showing me that23:33
arrrghhhhe made like 140+23:33
arrrghhhi don't see why it's so entertaining23:33
Tandyman100Strangely enough, a couple old guys had android devices. One of them was a motorola droid, he actually customized a bit. He knew how to remove software, and do some non-just-installing-apps stuff.23:33
Tandyman100the other guy wasn't completely clueless, either.23:33
Tandyman100They both knew they were running 2.1, for example.23:34
arrrghhhmilestone just got 2.223:34
Tandyman100They both knew how to turn off radios when not using them.23:34
arrrghhhtook moto long enough23:34
Tandyman100milestone? is that the Droid?23:34
arrrghhhthe original droid23:34
arrrghhhi usually speak in codenames23:34
Tandyman100Has the original Droid got an unofficial Froyo port?23:34
arrrghhhor whatever-that-name is23:34
arrrghhhi think so, dunno23:34
Tandyman100yeah, I haven't learnt codenames for anything but HTC devices.23:35
arrrghhhbut it JUST got an official 2.2 upgrade23:35
Tandyman100just in time for 3.0 to come out :P23:35
Tandyman100though I guess that doesn't count, being a tablet OS.23:35
arrrghhheveryone on hd2 is clamoring for it23:36
arrrghhhi don't know why tho23:36
arrrghhheverything is sized for... a tablet!23:37
arrrghhhwait for ice cream23:37
Tandyman100HD2 is kind of a *really, really* small tablet, I guess23:37
arrrghhhi also hear they're backporting some features and doing 2.4 as another gb release.23:37
Tandyman100I guess it'd sort of be ankin to Maemo 523:37
arrrghhhi keep thinking i should buy one and use it like an ipod touch23:37
Tandyman100that's how I use all my phones :P23:37
Tandyman100that's how I explain it to people when they ask.23:37
Tandyman100Maemo 5 was amazing.23:38
arrrghhhyou don't have service on any of your devices...?23:38
Tandyman100hell, someone needs to just make a finger-friendly shell for Debian and put THAT on phones.23:38
arrrghhhalthough at 15 i didn't have a cell phone23:38
Tandyman100No, I don't. Can't afford it.23:38
arrrghhhparents wouldn't buy me one23:38
arrrghhhhad to pony up for it  myself23:38
Tandyman100Again, hoping to get job soon, should be able to afford it.23:38
arrrghhhi keep forgetting you're 1523:39
arrrghhhi haven't been 15 in almost 15 years :P23:39
Tandyman100I'll take it as a complement you mistake me for someone older ;)23:41
Tandyman100Then again, age and maturity do not go hand-in-hand.23:41
arrrghhhyou don't seem like you're 15, most of the time :P23:41
Tandyman100<british accent> Indeed my good sir. </british accent>23:41
Tandyman100I seem like I'm 8 :P23:43
stinebdarrrghhh: are you accepting donations for driving out tiad?23:47
arrrghhhdid you see his latest?23:47
arrrghhhyour SIM CARD is the key. THAT'S THE POWER OF GSM DEVICES THE (SIM CARD).23:47
stinebdi mean... not to point any fingers or anything23:47
arrrghhhthat's... awesome.23:47
arrrghhhhe said he reworked the RIL to be GSM-only...23:47
arrrghhhdid you know?23:48
Tandyman100GSM devices FTW23:48
arrrghhhstfu you don't even have service23:48
stinebdanyway please try not to get banned from xda-devs23:49
arrrghhhwhy would i get banned lol23:49
arrrghhhhe's the one that's going to get banned if anything.23:49
stinebdwell i didn't see whatever this nonsense was23:50
arrrghhhhe actually was banned from xda-devs for 1 day AFAIK23:50
arrrghhhyea you don't want to23:50
arrrghhhjust some whiney diatribe23:50
Tandyman100I was banned?23:50
arrrghhhand some noobs saying "nooooooo don't go"23:50
Tandyman100oh, tiad.23:50
arrrghhhand a lot of other people said shit like 'put on your big boy pants'23:50
arrrghhhor 'grow some thicker skin'23:50
arrrghhhit was pretty entertaining23:50
Tandyman100I thought you were talking about ME getting banned.23:51
arrrghhhand completely outrageous23:51
arrrghhhTandyman100, damnit man23:51
Tandyman100lol, that sounds like pure awesome.23:51
arrrghhhtiad just accused me of harassing me23:51
arrrghhhand said he's quitting - soley because of me23:51
* Tandyman100 wonders how one would harass themselves.23:51
arrrghhhhe "lost all respect for me"23:51
stinebdyou were harassing you?23:51
arrrghhhme harrassing me lol23:51
arrrghhhsorry typing too fast23:51
arrrghhhme harassing him23:52
stinebdlet's stick with the original story23:52
stinebdit introduces the entertaining plot twist of multiple personality disorder23:52
Tandyman100crap. You made me laugh so hard I started coughing like a manical athsmatic.23:53
stinebdBut just a little info. on your sd card you will have. System.ext2, roofts.img, and ts-calibration. Just those 3 files. The rest will be on your root windows mobile.23:54
arrrghhhyou like that?23:54
arrrghhhi like that he said he reworked the RIL23:54
stinebdi didnt get to that part yet23:54
arrrghhhlast post, he copypasta'd it to 4 threads by my count23:55
stinebdi'm willing to bet the entire warchest it's one of two things23:57
stinebda) htc's blob or b) a total trainwreck23:57
arrrghhhi'm really hoping b23:57
arrrghhhOH GOD PLEASE BE B23:57
stinebdthe whole no apn thing strongly implies a23:58
stinebdwhich, when used without the wrapper, leads to no data23:58
arrrghhhyea he probably kanged the crap from hd223:58
arrrghhhthat wrapper phh wrote for the hd2 folk23:58
arrrghhhhe has gotten really good at kanging23:58
arrrghhhgotta give him that23:58
stinebdwell i'm still better23:59
arrrghhhstill has no clue what he's doing on his own23:59
Tandyman100what's kanging? Ripping off peopls stuff and modding it slightly?23:59
arrrghhhbut very good at kanging, considering his lack of understanding in geneal.23:59
Tandyman100nah, geneal is fine :P23:59
arrrghhhTandyman100, yea, mostly not modifying at all23:59
arrrghhhdamn you23:59
Tandyman100Ah, so it's a script kiddie way of doing things.23:59
arrrghhhi gotta slow down23:59

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