Wednesday, 2011-03-16

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xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, bout_time!00:38
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Xethronhehe... It worked!03:20
XethronWe just got another $60 donations03:21
XethronWait... Now my name isn't at the top anymore :(03:21
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Xethronwhy so quiet?08:44
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xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, Fabiano Anemone, who says: I hope for a better support for Xperia X1 too. I'll be really happy if part of donation goes to Alex09:43
XethronAlex! You are getting cash!!!09:52
xdandroidarrrghhh changed the Status on bug 113 from NEW to RESOLVED INVALID.10:01
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, RESOLVED INVALID, [Gingerbread testing 201103011] Google account does not appear10:01
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arrrghhhXethron, seems to be working :P10:10
arrrghhhwe're over 1k now.10:10
arrrghhhstinebd, we're whoring out for donations in case you weren't aware.10:10
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Tandyman100Here's a little question.10:46
Tandyman100I see 'themes' for android that have 'for Cyanogen Mod' in the description.10:46
Tandyman100Will these/can these/is there any way to theme XDAndroid?10:47
arrrghhhnever tried10:48
arrrghhhyou tell us10:48
Tandyman100I guess I'll look into it :P10:48
arrrghhhyou do that10:50
arrrghhhi haven't mucked with much theming10:50
arrrghhhtried to help reef with blazn, but failed horribly.10:50
Tandyman100Ok. I'll download a theme and see if my tiny little mind can comprehend where the files go.10:51
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arrrghhhemwe, what's up11:38
emwearrrghhh: oh really nothing. just testing something out quickly before i have to leave again11:38
arrrghhhtiad8 is saying he's leaving again oh noes11:38
arrrghhhand surprise he's blaming me again for leaving...11:38
emwecool is something else. so it's grandpas birthday. well be off.11:38
emweoh again. hm :)11:38
emwedidn't even know he left eariler .11:39
emweyou bad boy.11:39
arrrghhhyea he said he would11:39
arrrghhhand then never did11:39
arrrghhhi'm really, truly hoping he does leave this time.11:39
arrrghhhi'm done with him stealing other people's work and stamping his seal on it11:39
arrrghhhi'm done with trying to help the endless masses that run his junk and then wonder why nothing works.11:39
arrrghhhi really hope i'm done reading his endless ctrl-c ctrl-v fests11:40
arrrghhhugh.  sorry man, just pissed.  i'm sure my PM box is going to get flooded today.11:42
Tandyman100whois tiad8?11:42
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Tandyman100Sounds like a complete tool.11:42
arrrghhhpretty much nailed it11:43
arrrghhh34-year-old child11:43
arrrghhhwho posts in all caps11:43
arrrghhhblathers on about how great his junk is, when it's really someone elses11:43
arrrghhhand then just throws a bunch of wacky configuration options and calls it a build.11:43
Tandyman100So he would do something like download XDAndroid, change the bootscreen, tweak a couple of minor things, and release it as "TRIADroid"?11:43
arrrghhheh kinda sorta.11:44
Tandyman100While making posts such as "***###L@@K###*** TRIADROID RELEASE 1.0 HIGHLY ANTICIPATED AWESOME ANDROID BUILD 4 YOUR FONE!"11:44
arrrghhhhe would dig up old things11:44
arrrghhhslap it into a build11:44
arrrghhhand call it his own11:44
arrrghhhit would really be pieces and parts for 3 different builds11:44
* Tandyman100 knows a few people like that11:45
arrrghhhrecently he's been throwing all sorts of hilarious shite into the build.prop11:45
arrrghhhthinking it would make stuff work better...11:45
Tandyman100Reminds me of some guy. 16 years old. He had a 'mentor' that was 'teaching him to program.' This kid wanted to start with the basics...11:46 learning to program binary code11:47
Tandyman100Not machine language, not even hex, but BINARY.11:47
Tandyman100then hex, then machine language, then BASIC, then C++11:47
Tandyman100He also wanted to make a website that would 'combine Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Youtube, and Blogspot into one site that would replace them all'11:47
Tandyman100...And he wanted me to write this, while he does nothing.11:48
Tandyman100He also thought Google could read IRC communications on MY SERVER accessed through MY SITE just because you can get to my site by searching for it on Google.11:48
arrrghhhthere's the post11:48
arrrghhhwhere he whines about me11:48
arrrghhhand how he's quitting the game because of me...11:48
Tandyman100I have a screencap of him whining about google11:48
Tandyman100it's halarious11:48
Tandyman100Not sure if he's just a complete retard or, in fact, the world's greatest troll.11:50
emwearrrghhh: re. sry. gf just came home. and now off. laters.11:50
arrrghhhemwe, np man, take it easy.11:51
Tandyman100later emwe11:51
Tandyman100arrrghhh, I love how he referred to you as "arrr" and somehow justifies himself by saying everyone in his family has some variation of an evo.11:51
arrrghhhthat's how basically all his posts are11:52
arrrghhhoh where's the one where his "wife" supposedly posted... that one is pure gold.11:52
Xethronoh my soul11:53
Xethronarrrghhh and Tandyman100 is back11:53
Xethronr 2 be11:53
arrrghhhLOL there it be11:54
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Tandyman100speaking of retards, here's a short copypasta:11:55
Tandyman100(%Ray) they have the IP address of his hard drive11:55
Tandyman100(+Draelen) I'd rather have the IP address of his CPU so I can report it to the cyperpolice11:55
Tandyman100(%Ray) that's silly, CPUs don't have IP addresses11:55
Tandyman100(+Draelen) but I thought the IP address of the hard drive only contains his email account :(11:55
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arrrghhhi want to find the IP of my hard drive too.11:56
Tandyman100Yeah, then I can store my email there!11:56
Tandyman100I wonder how two dolts like that even managed to make it on IRC in the first place?11:57
Tandyman100much less become halfop?11:57
arrrghhhwhat room?11:57
Tandyman100no clue, I just found it on the internet11:57
Tandyman100oh my gosh that 'wife' post is halarious11:58
arrrghhhman i didn't realize his wife posted as him so much11:58
arrrghhhi bet that's why he's quitting, his wife posted a ton of shit like that11:58
arrrghhhbasically saying that the site is more important than her11:58
arrrghhhhe never spends time with11:58
Tandyman100..or he's trying to stirr people up and garner support11:58
arrrghhhwhat a loser, blaming me.11:58
arrrghhhhe did that before11:59
Tandyman100People like that need therapy.11:59
arrrghhhand that's exactly what happened11:59
arrrghhhhis wall of noobs banded together and were livid11:59
arrrghhhat me11:59
arrrghhhof course11:59
arrrghhhbecause i'm holding a gun to his head and forcing him to quit.11:59
XethronTandyman100 ROFL... wth is that????11:59
Tandyman100Which one? The screenshot or the copypasta?12:00
XethronIP address12:00
Tandyman100Oh, that's some retards off the internet. Found that log on the quote database.12:01
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Tandyman100I have no life, so I go and laugh at other people's quotes.12:02
Xethron"Today, my mom caught me talking to my penis. FML" -FML12:03
Tandyman100I can imagine...12:06
Tandyman100"Hai mr. penis, how are you going today?"12:06
Tandyman100*mom walks in, sees you bent over looking at your man sauseage*12:06
Tandyman100*mom slowly walks out*12:06
Tandyman100Today, a girl I work with was telling me how good a painter her dad was. She described him as "like Mozart or something". I have to put up with her every day. FML12:07
Tandyman100retards everywhere.12:07
XethronToday, I was at the grocery store when an elderly woman walked up to me and said "Why cant every guy be as handsome as you?"12:07
XethronI would have been flattered by the comment, if I was a guy. FML12:08
Tandyman100Today, I showed my colleagues how I could switch on my webcam at home from the office. That's how we all found out my wife is cheating on me. FML12:09
Tandyman100Today, I came back to my boyfriend's house where I've been staying to find all my things thrown outside, ruined, including my entire CD collection, textbooks and clothes cut up. All because I had left my cell phone there and had got a text from a guy saying "Hi, how have you been?" FML12:10
Tandyman100heh, here's a story12:10
Tandyman100I went on a mission trip to Galveston Tx. to help with cleanup after the hurricane12:10
Tandyman100we were working on some old house, putting up drywall12:11
Tandyman100one of my friends goes into the closet12:11
Tandyman100I close the door12:11
Tandyman100I stand back a minute, intending to open it and say "lol he's coming out of the closet"12:11
Tandyman100I didn't know he hates dark enclosed spaces12:11
Tandyman100just as a bend over to open the door12:11
Tandyman100he kicks it open12:11
Tandyman100right in my face12:11
Tandyman10015 minutes later, I wake up on the floor covered in drywall dust12:11
Tandyman100with a mild concussion12:12
Tandyman100I go outside staggering and dizzy12:12
Tandyman100one of the adults laughs and says "what happened to you?" just before I fall over12:12
XethronWife cheating OUTCH!!!!!12:12
Tandyman100</end story>12:12
Xethronfall over?12:14
Tandyman100so dizzy I couldn't stay standing12:14
Tandyman100warm sensation in head, world swimming, etc.12:15
Xethrondid this happen to you?12:17
Tandyman100it sucked.12:18
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arrrghhhGlemSom, yo13:47
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mighty_today i received my new htc touch pro213:51
mighty_and now im not having sod's anymore13:51
mighty_even the camera is working13:51
arrrghhhso... what's the problem?13:52
mighty_but i still have the old one13:52
arrrghhhcam is working on all devices AFAIK13:52
arrrghhhor i guess i say "should be" working on all devices.13:52
arrrghhhshould say should be?13:52
mighty_and i cant get camera working on the old one13:52
arrrghhhwhat phone?13:53
arrrghhhdoes it really matter now that you have a tp2?  lol13:53
mighty_exactly the same13:53
mighty_i have 2 tp2's now13:54
mighty_on the new one everything is working with xdandroid13:55
mighty_even no sod's more13:55
arrrghhhyou're doing something wrong on the other phone13:55
mighty_how to discover if i have an eid panel or aou?13:56
arrrghhhshould be in the dmesg13:56
arrrghhhgrep for panel type13:56
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arrrghhhmighty_, they're both RHOD100's?13:56
arrrghhhi'm betting one is auo13:57
arrrghhhand one is EID13:57
mighty_yeah i thought that to13:57
TheDeadCPUI feel like making a custom pack for the RHOD13:57
TheDeadCPUHey arrrghhh I has a rhod13:57
arrrghhhand why13:57
arrrghhhgimmie your dz13:57
arrrghhhcrap, it'll be useless to me.13:58
arrrghhhshoehorn a cdma radio in thar, then give it to me.13:58
TheDeadCPURHOD100 lol13:58
arrrghhhmighty_, cam doesn't work on auo13:59
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, which panel type13:59
Tandyman100mighty_ so if you have one working, and one not, just copy all the contents of the sd card to the nonworking one :P13:59
arrrghhhmighty_, they didn't help with testing it...13:59
arrrghhhTandyman100, it's not that simple.13:59
Tandyman100oh :(13:59
Tandyman100<- dumbass. don't listen to me13:59
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, panel type?13:59
Tandyman100arrrghhh what would cause that to fail?13:59
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, EID or AUO14:00
arrrghhhTandyman100, AUO panel14:00
arrrghhhit sucks14:00
arrrghhhcuz there's a significantly fewer number of them14:00
arrrghhhand few of them have helped with any testing14:00
arrrghhhso it's kinda fallen behind14:00
arrrghhhand my kinda, i mean really.14:00
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, and how do I find that out? oO14:00
arrrghhhalmost as bad as that TP you're rockin there14:00
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, hrm... well if it doesn't show in the autobuild kernel you can run wistilt2's14:01
arrrghhhthat definitely does14:01
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, grep for panel id like i said above14:01
arrrghhhor panel type...14:01
arrrghhhcan't remember14:01
TheDeadCPUI'm confused14:01
arrrghhh[    1.725860] Panel type detected: 1414:01
arrrghhhshould see a line like that14:01
arrrghhh13=AUO, 14=EID14:01
TheDeadCPUI'm guessing 66614:02
arrrghhhsorry dmesg and grep for that :P14:02
TheDeadCPUIt's the scandinavian one14:02
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, yea but the 100's are a crapshoot14:02
arrrghhhsome have EID, some have AUO14:02
arrrghhhnone of the other phones have this problem, every other RHOD uses the EID panel.14:02
TheDeadCPUAnd the difference is?14:02
arrrghhhpanel type14:02
Tandyman100ok, what's a 'panel'?14:03
arrrghhhsame res14:03
* TheDeadCPU misses the simplicity of the raph14:03
Tandyman100we're talking about LCDs, right?14:03
arrrghhhTandyman100, the thing that displays graphics?14:03
Tandyman100oh, ok.14:03
arrrghhhmostly.  i don't know the full extent of the differences, if you couldn't tell14:03
arrrghhhit's the same phone tho14:03
TheDeadCPUI just know the touchscreen on this is fucking epicly good14:03
arrrghhhit's not like AUO panels are LED backlit14:03
arrrghhhor something14:03
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, orly?  i hate it.14:03
arrrghhhhave to press so hard.14:03
Tandyman100is this a Rhod 100?14:03
arrrghhhalthough it is accurate.14:03
TheDeadCPUI'm running your build btw arrrghhh14:04
TheDeadCPUya Tandyman10014:04
TheDeadCPUIt's so sensitive though14:04
* Tandyman100 <3 his Raph800 touchscreen14:04
Tandyman100sensitive and accurite14:04
TheDeadCPUThe rhod100 touchscreen14:04
TheDeadCPUIt's sensitive14:04
arrrghhhi guess i just don't like the tactile feedback14:05
Tandyman100Isn't there winmo programs for the Raph and Rhod that will make the touchscreens even more sensitive?14:05
arrrghhhit's mushy14:05
TheDeadCPUAlso, how do you expect me to see the line about the panel type?14:05
arrrghhhTandyman100, no clue14:05
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, grep?14:05
TheDeadCPURuns past way to fast14:05
Tandyman100You haven't expirienced mushy till you've used an SCH-i760.14:05
Tandyman100THAT is mushy14:05
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, i gave you the damned line.14:05
TheDeadCPUTandyman100, they the LG Cookie14:05
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, do you not know grep?14:05
arrrghhhdo i have to stab you?14:05
TheDeadCPUI do not.14:05
Tandyman100doesn't grep have a screen-by-screen mode?14:05
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, leave.  now.14:06
arrrghhhhere i thought you were 133714:06
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, let me spoon feed you then.14:06
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, I'm to REAL androidified14:06
arrrghhhi assume you know adb14:06
arrrghhhand dmesg14:06
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, this all applies to REAL android....14:06
TheDeadCPUYea, and I know what grep is14:06
arrrghhhit's just linux14:06
arrrghhhand adb14:06
arrrghhhyou bastage14:06
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, so grep for that statement, what's so hard14:07
arrrghhhmighty_, what are you going to do with your AUO panel 100?14:07
TheDeadCPUBut grep in what?!14:07
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, dmesg!14:07
* Tandyman100 grumbles about cheapass usb cables14:07
rpierce99arrrghhh: you've spent more time beating around the bush, TheDeadCPU: dmesg | grep panel14:08
arrrghhhdon't you need -i14:08
rpierce99no idea14:08
arrrghhhi guess not14:08
arrrghhhheh, using options that i don't know what they do.  go figure.14:08
TheDeadCPUShould I adb logcat first?14:08
* arrrghhh stabs TheDeadCPU in the face with a rusty nail14:08
TheDeadCPUon the phone or adb though?14:09
* Tandyman100 ninja-blocks arrrghhh14:09
TheDeadCPUThis is so fun14:09
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, lol you can do either14:09
arrrghhhprobably easier thru the pc tho14:09
arrrghhhTandyman100, calling yourself a ninja is a pretty tall order from some kansas boy...14:09
rpierce99TheDeadCPU: you have to be in the phones shell though, obviously, so adb shell, if that wasn't obvious14:09
TheDeadCPUFun how I did it 3 minutes ago :D14:09
TheDeadCPUI am14:10
* Tandyman100 reads up on ADB shell to figure out what the hell this ninjary is14:10
TheDeadCPUThough I do not know how to save it to a file, seeing as terminal removes the first part because it gets to long14:10
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TheDeadCPUgrep panel14:11
Tandyman100TheDeadCPU, you killed him.14:11
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Tandyman100oh, nevermind.14:12
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, did you get the part when I said I had already done it? lol14:12
TheDeadCPUAlso it's AUO14:12
arrrghhheh don't care.14:12
TheDeadCPUSomeone said something about mapping home to one of the keys, any easy way to do this?14:13
arrrghhhspare parts14:13
arrrghhhor new rootfs14:13
arrrghhhyour choice14:13
TheDeadCPUah, thanks14:13
TheDeadCPUmeh, I have to install spare parts14:13
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arrrghhhnew rootfs gives you a lot of options14:13
arrrghhhspare parts... gives you one.14:13
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, so why did you get a RHOD?14:14
TheDeadCPUfor like 2 weeks14:14
TheDeadCPUor so14:14
TheDeadCPUStarted dating my best friends sister and she has a rhod so I stole it while she uses one of my Zee's14:14
GlemSomaha, port 9418 is not equal to port 9419... stupid firewall rules... :/14:14
Tandyman1009418 != 941914:15
Tandyman1009418 < 941914:15
GlemSomTandyman100, apparently so.. Who would have thought... They are quite close... it's ALMOST the same!14:15
TheDeadCPU/kick Tandyman10014:15
GlemSomfirewall's should be more forgiving... if I allow port 1000, it should automatically allow 999 and 1001 too! :P14:16
Tandyman100I probably would have been a retard and reinstalled the program 4 million times before relizing it was a dumb mistake.14:16
arrrghhhGlemSom, is that the reason for no autobuild love?14:16
GlemSomarrrghhh, Yes, I had GIT blocked :P14:16
arrrghhhthat would do it...14:16
GlemSomSo, it kinda didn't update :P14:16
GlemSomThink it's compiling now though14:16
arrrghhhi was going to bug you about that today :P14:17
GlemSomI got a new firewall, and thought I had all the rules setup correctly... But... apparently port 9419 is not the same as 9418... and so... :P14:17
arrrghhheh it happens14:17
arrrghhhwasn't dead for too long...14:17
arrrghhhcouple of weeks at most eh?  :P14:17
GlemSomat least a week... :/14:18
TheDeadCPUI hate how I need to press the start button to have the screen turn on after I've hit the power button14:18
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, failed wake14:18
arrrghhhwe're working on it14:18
GlemSomAt some point, i REALLY need to make that e-mail thingy work.. So I get warning emails...14:18
TheDeadCPUah ok14:18
arrrghhhwistilt2's kernels are much better at this.14:18
arrrghhhalthough... AUO is a real bastard child.14:18
TheDeadCPUDoesn't like my WPA network either14:19
arrrghhhi wish it wasn't, but not many ppl have them... and let's just say we don't have any testers or devs with one.14:19
arrrghhhWPA should work14:19
arrrghhhWEP no workie without some mess14:19
TheDeadCPUYea, it's just VERY slow to connect14:19
Tandyman100who uses WEP anymore? :P14:19
mighty_what im gonna do with my old tp2?14:19
arrrghhhmighty_, yes14:19
Tandyman100give it to tandyman :P14:19
TheDeadCPUTandyman100, mah school does, but they have some other encryption with lots of logins and passes14:19
arrrghhhno we need a dev to get a 100 auo14:19
arrrghhhmighty_, if you're willing to donate :D14:20
Tandyman100give it to arrrghhh14:20
arrrghhheh i wouldn't take it14:20
arrrghhhwistilt2 could probably use it tho14:20
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, does the DEV need it or is there something I could test and shiz?14:20
* Tandyman100 could test14:20
mighty_no sorry guys i have ensurance on it14:20
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, dunno14:20
Tandyman100I'm good at breaking stuff :P14:20
arrrghhhmighty_, ah so it's going back14:20
arrrghhhTandyman100, test what?14:20
* arrrghhh is lost14:20
mighty_no im gonna destroy it to get a new one14:20
mighty_hopefully eid14:20
arrrghhhmighty_, wtf i thought you said you had a second RHOD...?14:21
arrrghhhnow i'm really confused.14:21
mighty_i also have14:21
mighty_its 1 day old for me14:21
Tandyman100my mind is full of confusion14:21
arrrghhhyea, very confused.14:21
mighty_but i love the xdandroid so much that i just wanted a new one :-)14:21
rpierce99arrrghhh: first one didn't work, bought a new one, plans insurance fraud for the old one, will still have two14:22
arrrghhhrpierce99, that doesn't sound good.14:22
mighty_yes thank you14:22
arrrghhhmighty_, don't do that.14:22
arrrghhhare you using both?14:22
mighty_no im not14:23
mighty_youre right14:23
arrrghhhso why the insurance fraud?14:23
arrrghhhyou don't have to donate it, but it would be nice.14:23
TheDeadCPUWhat was the startup command to get my keyboard nordic?14:23
mighty_because i have two eid than14:23
arrrghhhdefinitely don't commit fraud :P14:23
mighty_want to get rid of the auo14:23
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, rhod100_nl or smth14:23
arrrghhhmighty_, donate it :D14:23
mighty_why not this is holland14:23
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, yea but the command, keyb= or something14:24
arrrghhhphys_kbd i think14:24
arrrghhhphys_keyboard probably14:24
* arrrghhh goes to search for TheDeadCPU 14:24
mighty_i have to send it to america huh?14:24
arrrghhhno underscore evidently14:24
arrrghhhmighty_, we'd pay shipping costs14:24
arrrghhhor reimburse you for shipping costs.14:25
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, you lazy bastage.14:25
mighty_okay let me think about it because im very greatfull for the xdandroid project14:26
TheDeadCPUWait, we don't have an app that controls su?14:26
arrrghhhmighty_, np.  no pressure either, i just don't want you to commit fraud :P14:26
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, for what14:26
TheDeadCPUSo everything gets su if it asks for it?14:26
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, everything that asks for su does get it...14:26
rpierce99TheDeadCPU: unless you install the SuperUser app14:26
arrrghhhthe only su problems we have are on NAND, no?14:26
arrrghhhi don't have any su issues on haret...14:26
rpierce99su is fixed on nand too now14:27
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, explain yourself14:27
TheDeadCPUI could make an app to steal all your sms's in 10 minutes14:27
arrrghhhconsidering i have none14:27
arrrghhhgood luck14:27
TheDeadCPUI just mean in theory14:27
rpierce99TheDeadCPU: that's why they made the SuperUser app, it prompts before allowing su14:27
TheDeadCPUWe should bundle superuser.apk14:27
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, why!?!?14:27
TheDeadCPUOr you guys should14:28
arrrghhhexplain yourself!!14:28
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, SECURITY REASONS14:28
arrrghhhtb works just fine14:28
TheDeadCPUSo that you can control what apps get su14:28
arrrghhhwell that's up to the user14:28
arrrghhhjust like droidwall, if they're paranoid then they can manage that paranoia.14:28
mighty_auo panel sucksssss14:28
TheDeadCPUI can't use the button remapper because of the missing superuser app14:29
arrrghhhbutton remapper..?14:29
TheDeadCPUAnd app that can remap any HW button to mostly anything14:29
arrrghhhrootfs does that for us14:29
arrrghhhi don't think a button mapper app would work on our phones14:30
arrrghhhwith the current state of 'droid on our phones14:30
* arrrghhh could be wrong tho14:30
TheDeadCPUI'm going to test it now14:30
arrrghhhinteresting no one brought that app up14:30
arrrghhhwhen everyone was pissing and moaning about the home key being moved...14:30
arrrghhhat least i don't remember it being mentioned.14:30
TheDeadCPUBecause nobody thinks it works on our devices14:31
arrrghhhdoes it?14:31
arrrghhhnot many have had native android devices either14:31
arrrghhhsome have/do, but not the majority by any means.14:31
TheDeadCPUI'm going to test when my phone will stop disconnecting the wifi14:32
TheDeadCPUThe wifi antenna on the rhod is BAD14:33
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, i need you to delete all my posts on xda14:33
arrrghhhand all of tiad8's posts14:33
arrrghhhthen the threads would just be hilarious dialogs of people arguing and defending nothing.14:33
TheDeadCPUMy Zeeee has full wifi coverage and my Rhod dies all the time14:33
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, do I hear trolling?14:33
TheDeadCPUAnd arguments?!14:33
Tandyman100lol arrrghhh14:33
arrrghhhepic trolling14:33
Tandyman100that would be halarious14:33
* TheDeadCPU gets the banhammer14:33
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, lol14:33
* Tandyman100 screencaps14:33
arrrghhhjust a 'dev' being a drama queen.  i put it in quotes because he just steals other dev's stuff and rebrands it as his own.14:34
arrrghhhhe pulled this once before, said he would never make another build and he was leaving forever because of me.14:34
TheDeadCPULike 98% of all other Android devs?14:34
Tandyman100it's pretty funny/infuriating14:34
arrrghhhand... he's doing the EXACT same thing again.14:34
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, prove that he steals and I'll send him on a vacation14:35
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, i think it's the rebranding and then turning it to junk that pisses the devs off.14:35
TheDeadCPUDoes he?14:35
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, meh.  i'm not worried about him.  just tired of the drama.14:35
TheDeadCPUCause then I can delete said posts due to exessive capsing14:35
Tandyman100From what i've seen, the guy is a massive drama queen14:35
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, tiad8.  look at any of his threads or posts.14:35
arrrghhho yea.  that's the start of the drama.14:36
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, he copypasta'd that post into EVERY thread he's ever created.14:36
arrrghhhso i did the same :D14:36
Tandyman100really? LOL14:36
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, lol14:38
arrrghhhyea, it's kinda out of hand.14:38
arrrghhhhence the reason you can just delete all of our posts :D14:38
arrrghhhi was just responding to his ridiculousness.  i didn't really defend myself last time this happened.14:38
arrrghhhi was a little more pre-emptive this time.14:39
arrrghhhdidn't want to wait for the wall of noobs spamming me with hatred.14:39
TheDeadCPUI accedently14:39
arrrghhhand bullets14:39
TheDeadCPUHe just lost 7 posts14:39
arrrghhhoh man14:40
arrrghhhthat's great.14:40
Tandyman100<sarcasm> OOPS </sarcasm>14:40
TheDeadCPUYea, bitch deserved it, just whinin' and whinin', He should die.14:41
arrrghhhhe really is a drama queen14:41
arrrghhhi left him alone14:41
arrrghhhhe was stealing crap14:41
arrrghhhi brought it up14:41
arrrghhhhe started putting thanks to devs in his posts14:41
arrrghhhand i've left his ass alone.14:41
arrrghhhi don't like him, but i certainly haven't started shit with him in months.14:42
xdandroidNew kernel available (20110316_191440) at
arrrghhhGlemSom, you da man14:42
* TheDeadCPU dls14:42
arrrghhhso bt code should be in kernel now14:42
arrrghhhbut bt won't work until userland is fixed.14:42
arrrghhhlooks like button LEDs should be fixed, that's cool.14:42
arrrghhhdoesn't look like there's much else.  progress yay!14:43
TheDeadCPUADW EX is FAST on the rhod14:45
arrrghhhi heard it's faster than launcher214:45
arrrghhhi guess i should try it14:45
arrrghhhi just leave it to stock14:45
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, you on froyo or gb?14:45
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fishingmedicarrrghhh, you starting trouble again, lmao15:58
arrrghhhif i could claim responsibility, i would15:59
arrrghhhbut i genuinely have no clue what he's on about this time.15:59
arrrghhhalready contacts mods15:59
arrrghhhthey're taking care of it :P15:59
arrrghhhdamnit, can't type.15:59
fishingmedicat ppcg or xda or both?15:59
arrrghhhoh both15:59
arrrghhhi have an in at xda15:59
arrrghhhand i know a few mods at ppcg from the last debacle.16:00
fishingmedicI can contact a couple at ppcg16:00
fishingmedicyeah, Darren, Orange and Sammich are good peeps16:00
arrrghhhdon't sweat it16:00
arrrghhhorangekid is on it16:00
fishingmedicnot at all, actually found it rather amuzing16:00
arrrghhhand AFAIK already cleaned most of it up.16:00
arrrghhhyea, it was pretty hilarious.16:01
arrrghhhwhat a drama queen16:01
fishingmedicI liked your idea from earlier, delete yours and his posts and make it look like a bunch of idiots commenting16:01
fishingmedicbut the freaking minions in there who don't understand anything are gonna be pissing and moaning about you because if he leaves, who's gonna spoon feed them then16:01
arrrghhhthey'll be pissed for a week16:02
arrrghhhthen people will forget he ever existed lol16:02
arrrghhhyea, i won't miss that crap.16:02
arrrghhhdid you actually get to read his posts on why he was throwing in the towel?16:02
arrrghhhi think orangekid del'd them already :P16:03
fishingmedicyeah, read them all, and OK did delete and clean it up16:03
fishingmedicI can cut and paste too, lol16:04
arrrghhhyea i saw tiad8 flooding the forums16:04
arrrghhhfigured i should get ahead of his madness16:04
fishingmedicsome people need to get some thicker skin, seriously16:04
arrrghhhi'm just going to let the mods take care of it16:05
arrrghhhand keep on keepin' on.  i never let people get to me, just confused as to where this came from.16:05
fishingmedicthat's your best bet16:05
XethronI have a strange question16:11
arrrghhhi have an awkward answer16:11
XethronOr at least I think it is...16:11
XethronCan I use my PC's internet on my phone?16:11
arrrghhhdon't think so16:11
XethronLike plug it in the USB and then tell my phone to work on the PC16:11
arrrghhhno AP?16:11
Xethronnope :/16:11
arrrghhhadhoc perhaps16:11
arrrghhhbut it's not easy16:11
arrrghhhas adhoc doesn't play nice with our android build.16:12
TheDeadCPUIs stinebd around?16:12
arrrghhhhe always is16:12
arrrghhhand always isn't16:12
TheDeadCPUdid you try ADW EX yet?16:13
arrrghhhno i guess i should16:13
Xethronaah... I don't even know how to use adhoc so...16:13
arrrghhhi wonder if it'll boot me off16:13
XethronIll leave it to a "no"16:13
arrrghhhXethron, it may work, but would be more trouble than it's worth IMHO16:13
XethronWell... Mobile internet is quite expensive...16:14
TheDeadCPUNot with a unlimited dataplan<316:14
arrrghhhbut i guess it depends on the country16:14
XethronIf only we had something like that...16:14
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, seems all the US carriers are doing away with unlt'd data too16:14
TheDeadCPUI have _UNLIMITED_16:14
TheDeadCPUIt doesn't get downthrottled either16:15
arrrghhhsprint is the only "big" carrier that still offers unlimited unthrottled data.16:15
arrrghhhi'm sure that'll change16:15
arrrghhhbut i'll just cling to this phone like a crazy homeless man16:15
XethronAll good things change16:16
TheDeadCPUBut, here in Norway a plan = a contract, so if they change it, you still have the type you had until you ask them to change it16:16
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, ditto they will grandfather you thru16:16
arrrghhhBUT if you decide to upgrade... that's when they nail you.16:16
TheDeadCPUI'm going to switch plan in june16:16
XethronHow long will it take to set up adhoc?16:18
TheDeadCPU10 hours16:18
XethronTheDeadCPU, will you do it for me?16:19
TheDeadCPUI just said 10 hours16:19
* TheDeadCPU is a trololololol16:20
arrrghhhXethron, i can try to help you set it up16:20
arrrghhhbut i've never done it16:20
arrrghhhand i can't imagine it would be a very good cxn16:20
arrrghhhyou have internet on your PC, thru a cat5 cable i assume?16:20
Xethronwell, Im guessing no16:21
Xethron3G :P16:22
XethronI know, I can change sim cards... But holy crap, now thats a mission. And then I can't use my PC... :/16:22
Xethronso I got 5GB 3G on my PC with a 3G Modem connected...16:23
arrrghhhyou sure do make things complex eh16:23
arrrghhhthis is easily done in winmo via activesync, IRONY16:23
arrrghhhi wonder if easytether works in reverse...16:24
arrrghhhyou could try16:24
TheDeadCPUInternets via PC?16:24
arrrghhhXethron, try it16:24
XethronBut I believe thats for Linux?16:25
arrrghhhthat's basically what easytether is doing16:25
arrrghhhbut in reverse16:25
arrrghhhXethron, android is linux16:25
arrrghhhi mean, android runs on top of linux...16:25
arrrghhhdon't want to piss off any gnu people.16:25
arrrghhhoh right, miga isn't here :P16:25
XethronYea... Im not booted into linux at this stage...16:25
arrrghhhXethron, ?16:25
Xethronok wait... nvm16:25
TheDeadCPUXethron, android = linux16:25
XethronMy PC... Is windows 7...16:26
XethronMy Linux crashed16:26
Xethronsadly :P16:26
arrrghhhbut android runs linux16:26
Xethronwell, the HDD, not the OS16:26
TheDeadCPUAlso, arrrghhh is it Internet Pass-through?16:26
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, just redirects it16:26
XethronI know...16:26
XethronI understand that16:26
XethronIll just read the post16:26
arrrghhhlol ok16:26
arrrghhhyou sent it,i figured you read it already.16:26
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, no, internet pass-through uses the internet from the pc, and you can still surf on the pc16:26
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, i would assume this would be the same?  what method does internet passthru work?16:27
Xethronis there a terminal emulator on android?16:27
arrrghhhsome app or some such?16:27
arrrghhhXethron, dev tools -> terminal emulator16:27
arrrghhhor download connectbot from the .... o right16:27
arrrghhhcan't dl16:27
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, I've only seen it on CM and Sense though16:27
arrrghhhi guess you can get an apk and push it16:27
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, oic, part of 3rd party mess.16:27
TheDeadCPUI should learn how to make an AOSP rom.16:28
XethronI can download16:28
TheDeadCPUFor mah Zeeeeeee16:28
XethronJust expensove16:28
arrrghhhXethron, i've never tried to do what you want to achieve.  it should be doable, just not easy.16:30
XethronHmm... Yea, and im not too good in Windows... Dunno how to set up network frowarding... Too the Google board...16:31
arrrghhhhope you don't hit your limit while browsing to figure out how to fix :P16:32
XethronI got 5GB16:32
XethronMaybe network forwarding is enabled by default on windows 7?16:33
arrrghhhi'm even more useless than usual in this case.16:34
arrrghhhi'd say continue your goooooogle quest, someone has probably done it with a native android phone.16:34
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XethronYea... cant find anything for windows 7... windows xp yea16:36
XethronLets hope that works :P16:39
XethronSounds like there is no requirenemts16:39
XethronOr no, it requires a app on the PC16:42
XethronO well, no sweat16:42
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arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, you might know16:44
arrrghhhdoes flash work on g1 or hero?16:44
arrrghhhsome native android device with shitty specs in other words?16:45
arrrghhhso i wonder what is holding us back from using it...16:46
TheDeadCPUFlash works on the Hero on the stock shipped ROM16:46
TheDeadCPUWhich is like 1.5 or something16:46
arrrghhhflash didn't work on 1.516:46
TheDeadCPUOn Sense 1.5 it did16:47
TheDeadCPUOne of the big Hero selling points16:47
arrrghhhok, never believing anything you say now.16:47
arrrghhhsense != flash LOL16:47
emwestinebd: you awake?16:47
arrrghhhFlash Player 10.1 only works with Android 2.216:48
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, modded browser16:48
TheDeadCPUNo Sense ROMs have 10.116:48
arrrghhhwe've tried that.16:48
TheDeadCPUStock browser16:48
arrrghhhhow is that modded16:48
arrrghhhi don't even want to know what that means16:48
TheDeadCPUThey've added flash16:48
arrrghhhhtc puked on it16:49
TheDeadCPUAnd skinned it16:49
arrrghhhsame thing16:49
TheDeadCPUJust boot one of them Sense ROMs on the TP2 and test16:49
arrrghhhthere's only one16:49
arrrghhhand it's 2.116:49
arrrghhhso now what16:49
TheDeadCPUAnd what's the problem?16:50
TheDeadCPUYou can't boot a 2.1 ROM now?16:50
TheDeadCPUWant me to port a 2.2 Sense ROM for you?16:50
arrrghhhFlash Player 10.1 only works with Android 2.216:50
arrrghhhand yes16:50
arrrghhhport sense 2.216:50
arrrghhhyou will replace tiad816:50
arrrghhhi guess i didn't realize that...16:51
TheDeadCPUI'd port 2.3 Sense, that's FAST16:51
arrrghhhokie fine, i'll try.16:51
TheDeadCPUI said it was modded....16:51
arrrghhh2.3 sense would be even better16:51
arrrghhhfast ftw16:51
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, that could mean anything16:51
arrrghhhspinny wheels16:51
arrrghhhchopped springs16:51
arrrghhhi don't know what you did to it :P16:51
TheDeadCPUBtw, 2.3 Sense is FLYING16:52
arrrghhhpor it16:52
TheDeadCPUIt's like 3 times as fast as 2.2 sense on my Zeeeeeee16:52
arrrghhhport it16:52
arrrghhhthere were some sizing issues on sense 2.216:52
arrrghhhand it was sooooo slow16:52
arrrghhhit was never released.16:52
TheDeadCPUMeh, I'll wait for an official 2.3 Sense for the Zeee first16:52
arrrghhh(this is for RHOD)16:52
arrrghhhport it for RHOD!16:52
TheDeadCPUYea, but I'm going to wait for a 2.3 Sense for the Zeeee as that is made for a 800Mhz and not a 1Ghz processor16:53
arrrghhhwhat a concept16:53
arrrghhhi've never been a big sense fan16:53
arrrghhhit made winmo bareable, but only slightly.16:53
TheDeadCPUSense would be EPIC if it was just as fast as stockl16:54
TheDeadCPUIt's would be so awesome16:54
arrrghhheh i guess.16:54
TheDeadCPUIt is would be?!16:54
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arrrghhhsome nord phrase i'm not familiar with?  :P16:54
TheDeadCPUNo, me being stressed lol16:54
arrrghhhcalm down16:57
arrrghhhsmoke.... something16:57
arrrghhhfishingmedic, did you see OK's post?16:58
arrrghhhthat's great.16:58
arrrghhha knife can be used as a fork, but be careful because IT WILL cut your tongue16:58
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YoungGUNany droid x users around?17:18
Nautisaww I missed it17:18
XethronNot worxing :/17:21
YoungGUNany droid x users around!?17:24
Xethrondroid x?17:24
Xethronoh my soul... I cant keep my head up...17:25
XethronI headbanged too much :/17:25
YoungGUNim having issues with my droid x was hopin someone could give me a little guidance17:25
XethronI honnestly can't keep my head up... this is so weird...17:25
XethronHmm... whats droid x?17:25
YoungGUNlol a droid x is a phone :P17:26
Xethronarrrghhh is very very smart17:26
XethronHe can tell you how old your great grandmother was when she was 15!17:26
XethronThats if he's around...17:27
rpierce99YoungGUN: this is XDAndroid, not #android, we don't support native droid hardware in here17:27
Xethronoh, thats true...17:28
XethronWe are special17:28
Xethronhello rpierce9917:29
YoungGUNyou guys are still android though :P17:30
YoungGUNjust xda users.17:30
YoungGUNwhich are smarter then the average bunch ( usually ) :p17:30
YoungGUNwhy waste my time with non xda users :P17:30
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rpierce99no that's not it, this isn't "android users who hang out on xda", check out, it's a build specifically for certain phones that ran winMo natively17:31
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YoungGUNoh snap ur porting android to winmo phones?!?17:33
XethronSo people like me can rise to the top of the food chain17:34
rpierce99YoungGUN: yes17:35
fishingmedicarrrghhh, yeah I saw it, lmao17:35
YoungGUNhmm any non aosp ports for the htc series?17:37
YoungGUNso epst.apk works17:37
YoungGUNwith ##diag# for htc17:37
YoungGUNcm = aosp..17:42
arrrghhho, yea i guess that's true eh.17:42
arrrghhhi forget, since it's aosp with mods built on top.17:42
arrrghhhYoungGUN, not many users in here with native Android devices, sorry.17:43
YoungGUNarrrghhh any chance ur mods can be non-aosp?17:43
YoungGUNto allow ##diag# for htc diag mode17:43
arrrghhhYoungGUN, our builds are pretty much aosp.17:43
arrrghhhmodded to work on our junk17:44
YoungGUNi know :) but all htc phones have a diag mode17:44
YoungGUNhave u coded the diag mode back into it17:44
arrrghhhnot to my knowledge17:44
arrrghhhi guess i could try it...17:44
YoungGUNit involves the espst.apk arrrghhh17:44
YoungGUNcheck there17:44
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arrrghhhnot that i can see17:46
arrrghhh## codes don't seem to work either...17:46
arrrghhhalso, you're looking for diag codes that pertain to HTC on your moto device...?17:47
* arrrghhh scratches his head17:47
arrrghhhmmmm lice17:47
arrrghhhdroid 3 has a 5-row?  Oo17:51
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YoungGUNu know where to get lastest sbf for droid1? anyone got a link to lastest droid 1 sbf?18:47
YoungGUNnever got it :)18:49
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arrrghhhstinebd, yo19:21
arrrghhhsorry about reassigning that bug to you19:21
stinebdarrrghhh: why?19:21
arrrghhhi just thought that because it works in froyo19:21
arrrghhhfor DIAM users19:21
stinebddoes it?19:21
arrrghhhthey only had to change that value in gb19:21
arrrghhhsorry i didn't make that clear in the bug.19:22
arrrghhhthat's the reason i assigned it to you tho.19:22
stinebdevery other device is fine though right?19:22
stinebdraph and rhod stayed the same for sure19:23
arrrghhhi asked RAPH folks19:23
arrrghhhblackstone users haven't complained19:23
stinebdi perused the code for a few minutes and it looks okay to me19:23
arrrghhhonly DIAM...19:23
arrrghhhreally odd that it's only DIAM too.19:23
stinebda lot changed anyway so it's just easier to update the startup.txt then19:23
arrrghhhi guess it is a packaging problem then :P19:24
arrrghhhi can just change the DIAM startups.19:24
arrrghhhthat's tirival19:24
stinebdi bet we could make it autodetect the proper axes19:24
arrrghhhthat would be best :P19:24
stinebdand screw off with this gsensor_axis crap19:24
stinebdanyway i have the flu so i'm not active at the moment19:25
stinebdi knew it was a bad idea to eat tic-tacs out of a thai transvestite hooker's butt19:25
arrrghhhi think you might have more than the flu dude.19:26
arrrghhhalrighty.  short term, i can adjust the startups.19:26
arrrghhhlong term, obviously it would be best to autodetect axis.19:27
stinebdit's not hard to do, just check machine type and tech19:27
arrrghhhso if it's a DIAM on gb do this19:27
stinebddiam cdma vs diam gsm19:27
arrrghhhthey have different gsensor axis'?19:28
stinebdi want to see which one he has (ie gsm or cdma)19:28
arrrghhhDIAM100 IIRC19:28
stinebdoh he filled it out in the bug, nice19:29
stinebdi didn't know people can see those19:30
stinebdeveryone just leaves it on all19:30
TheDeadCPUstinebd, want some new videos? I have a TP2 in mah hands, can make some this weekend19:30
Tandyman100what on earth?19:31
stinebdTheDeadCPU: please do, i have a fetish for dutch accents19:31
Tandyman100I try to turn on wifi19:31
Tandyman100gee that's descriptive19:31
TheDeadCPUstinebd, fuck you19:31
stinebdif you insist19:31
Tandyman100meet mr. right hand19:32
Tandyman100Hello mr. right hand, how are you?19:32
Tandyman100*80s porn music*19:32
arrrghhhdamn i can't type19:33
Tandyman100new keyboard?19:33
TheDeadCPUI read that as dTouch lol19:33
arrrghhhdon't touch19:33
stinebdi'm stressing big time over this japan crap19:33
stinebdcan't believe this happened literally like 2 weeks after i started planning19:33
arrrghhhstinebd, did you buy tickets?19:33
stinebdnot plane tickets19:34
stinebdmade a hotel reservation that they cancelled19:34
Tandyman100you were planning a trip to japan, and then the place gets raped by nature?19:34
arrrghhhwell you're not out any monies19:34
arrrghhhthat's good19:34
arrrghhhTandyman100, basically19:34
arrrghhhwhich is now being raped by us19:34
arrrghhhradiation time19:34
Tandyman100when isn't SOMEONE being raped by us?19:34
arrrghhhwhen i'm sleeping?19:35
Tandyman100s/isn't SOMEONE/ISN'T someone19:35
stinebdprobably never gonna be able to go there now. oh well.19:35
stinebdwhy doesn't this kinda crap ever happen to places like north korea?19:35
stinebdno offense to any north koreans here19:36
arrrghhhit does, we just don't hear about it.19:36
YoungGUNits for htc19:36
stinebdget back to your military training if you're here!19:36
arrrghhhYoungGUN, you said droidx?19:36
YoungGUNoh no i deal with all types of phones19:36
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YoungGUNi flash phones for a living19:36
YoungGUNso im always talking about phones19:36
Tandymobilemanfroyo is working :P19:36
arrrghhhYoungGUN, what do you mean, flash phones for a living?19:36
YoungGUNdroid 1 - flashed 22d, cant get past droid 1, even with wipe data / cache19:37
arrrghhhthe wacky world wide web19:37
arrrghhhthat's a new address19:37
arrrghhh:P jk19:37
arrrghhhno seriously19:38
arrrghhhyou just charge people on craigslist?  lol19:38
YoungGUNwe take phones from 1 carrier19:38
YoungGUNand put them on other carriers19:38
YoungGUNwe dont service individuals19:38
YoungGUNonly businesses19:38
YoungGUNhave 3500+ stores nationwide19:38
YoungGUNand about to go international19:38
YoungGUNto europe19:38
arrrghhhbusinesses that like crappy networks :P19:38
YoungGUN;) i pull 5k a day arrrghhh19:38
arrrghhhso you want a hacked up epst19:38
stinebdcan you flash my rhod400 to work on at&t without a sim card or me paying anything?19:38
YoungGUNits a great business to be in19:38
arrrghhh5k/day lol19:39
YoungGUNnot including over head19:39
YoungGUNbut my over heads fairly cheap19:39
YoungGUNjust hosting, employees, and a few other things here and there.19:39
arrrghhhah so you own the business19:39
YoungGUNwell im curious if epst.apk is even possible19:39
YoungGUNsince its a non aosp thing19:39
arrrghhhi'm not sure19:39
arrrghhhstine would be the guy to bug about that, but he's an aosp man.19:39
YoungGUNahh no worries, id like to get a aosp epst working reguardless19:40
arrrghhhstinebd, you know anything about ## codes for HTC phones?19:40
YoungGUNas i use aosp roms on all my devices19:40
YoungGUNepst.apk handles all the htc codes19:40
arrrghhhyea, i remember some crap from winmo19:40
YoungGUNmotorolas are different19:40
YoungGUNthey use virtual serial port19:40
stinebdi know about *#*# codes19:41
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arrrghhhto both those things19:41
stinebdtry it19:41
YoungGUNis an htc code for all android smart phones19:41
YoungGUNand ##diag send19:41
YoungGUNis the diag mode for non smart phones19:41
YoungGUNsuch as the diamond19:41
YoungGUNand other "smart phones" but not android phones19:42
arrrghhhstinebd, Oo19:42
YoungGUNalso ##data# allows you to edit the settings such as mdn and min19:42
YoungGUNand other essencials19:42
YoungGUNpretty standard on all htc's19:42
arrrghhhYoungGUN, yea and i know some custom winmo roms they don't work with19:43
arrrghhhbut that doesn't really help.19:43
stinebddid you just refer to the diamond as a non-smartphone?19:43
arrrghhhit's not very smart.19:43
YoungGUNyes stinebd :P19:44
YoungGUNi did...19:44
YoungGUNif its not ios, symbian, or android19:44
YoungGUNits not a smart phone19:44
arrrghhhthat hurts19:44
YoungGUNincluding winmo.19:44
stinebdios and symbian are pushing it too19:44
arrrghhhso i've never owned a smartphone.19:44
arrrghhhi guess they've all been UBERphones19:44
arrrghhhcuz i could break them all in sorts of fantasimal ways19:44
YoungGUNlol very true19:45
Tandymobilemanios is NOT a smartphone os19:45
YoungGUNit definitely is19:45
Tandymobilemanios is a steaming pile of job's faeces19:45
YoungGUNits not the smartest smart phone19:45
YoungGUNbut its definitely a smartphone19:46
* arrrghhh grabs some popcorn19:46
Tandymobilemanits worse than winmo19:46
Tandymobilemanby a longshot19:46
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arrrghhhbarely got a few bites in :/19:46
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* arrrghhh continues eating popcorn19:47
arrrghhhTandymobileman, go on...19:47
arrrghhhi dunno19:47
arrrghhhsomething about how ios is awesome19:47
arrrghhhand you love it19:47
YoungGUNis definitely not worse then winmo19:47
YoungGUNsorry charly :P19:47
Tandymobilemanios has a crappy exuse for multitasking, and afaik you cant sync to exchange servers19:47
YoungGUNas much as i hate ios for smart phones19:48
YoungGUNits way better then winmo19:48
YoungGUNyes yes.19:48
Tandymobilemanhow the fuck do you figger?19:48
YoungGUNwinblow tiles is horrid19:48
arrrghhhYoungGUN, we're talking windows mobile19:48
arrrghhhnot winpho19:48
arrrghhhTandymobileman, settle down19:48
YoungGUNwindows mobile "ancient smart phones" is great19:48
arrrghhhthat's what we're using bro.19:49
YoungGUNbut like i said, i dont consider that a smart phone by "smart phone" standards19:49
YoungGUNnow adays19:49
Tandymobileman6.5.3 isn't ancient19:49
YoungGUNlol arrrghhh ur using android19:49
YoungGUNi thought19:49
arrrghhhYoungGUN, i try19:49
arrrghhhi use android as much as i can19:49
arrrghhhbut, my phone shipped with winmo 6.119:49
Tandymobilemaneww 6.1 sucks19:49
arrrghhhit got the 6.5 upgrade unlike yours Tandymobileman19:49
arrrghhh(i'm talking OEM FYI)19:49
Tandymobilemanthere was an oem 6.5 upgrade19:50
Tandymobileman6.5.0 afaik19:50
arrrghhhprovided by the carriers to the tp?19:50
arrrghhhprovided by the community of hackers?  of course.19:50
Tandymobilemanby HTC19:51
Tandymobilemanor was it sprint?19:51
arrrghhhno carrier picked i tup19:51
arrrghhhpicked it up19:51
Tandymobilemanthere was a 6.5.0 upgrade provided by sprint19:51
arrrghhhthere's a few things that winmo still does better than any other phone OS19:51
arrrghhhbut the list is getting very... very short.19:51
arrrghhhTandymobileman, LIES19:52
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yngdrumon the fuze with xdandroid how do i get usb tethering to work on windows xp?20:04
arrrghhhyngdrum, adb20:06
arrrghhhand an app called easy tether20:06
arrrghhhit's in the FAQ20:06
stinebdjapan's ministry of health advises residents to avoid the glow-in-the-dark sushi20:12
stinebdi made it up, the sushi doesn't glow20:14
stinebdit's the sashimi you have to worry about20:14
YoungGUNglow in the dark sushi?20:14
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stinebdgoogle uses it20:24
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yngdrumarrrghhh: where is the faq? I didn't see the link on the main page?20:46
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Tandymobilemani thought android stayed connected to wifi when the screen is turned off.20:49
arrrghhhyngdrum, did you try searching for the faq?20:49
arrrghhhi guess we need to put a link on the main xda page.20:49
arrrghhhyngdrum, it's at the top of all my threads...20:49
yngdrumwasn't looking at XDA site was looking at and didn't see it in the menu but found it by the search now, sorry for not searching first20:50
arrrghhhprobably need to include a link off the main page20:50
yngdrumok i think i got my info now, thanks again for the help!20:53
yngdrumand THANKS A LOT for porting android over to the fuze :) it's a lot better than win mo!20:54
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arrrghhhfaq does its job20:55
arrrghhhby not being seen20:55
TheDeadCPUTandymobileman, you can turn off the wifi off when screen off feature.20:57
TheDeadCPULot's of off there.20:57
Tandymobilemanit seems to stay on for a while...20:58
Tandymobilemanthen after 15 min i come back and ive disconnected from all the irc servers im on20:58
TheDeadCPUHave you changed the setting?20:58
TheDeadCPUOh, that might be a deep sleep issue20:58
arrrghhhO N / O F F switch in the O F F position20:58
Tandymobilemandeep sleep?20:59
TheDeadCPUno your brain21:01
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ndnoCan someone please tell me what type of image is initrd.gz?  I tried to gunzip it but it's not a gzip image; I tried to mount -o loop it but it's not an EXT2 image23:25
arrrghhhit's an initial ramdisk23:26
arrrghhhi thought it was gzipped...23:26
ndnoI'm trying to learn what the init script is doing on boot up.23:26
arrrghhhisn't that on GIT?23:26
ndnoOh, you mean the instructions?23:27
arrrghhhno, the code23:27
ndnoI followed the instructions on this site to do a system.ext2 build but it has no mention of how to build a initrd.gz image23:28
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ndnoIt just has the link to the latest initrd.gz23:28
arrrghhhThese files are images of the initramfs used on compatible devices for the XDAndroid project. The images are built automatically based on commits to the git repository at using the master branch.23:29
arrrghhhdid... you miss that?  :P23:29
ndnoThanks... I'll take a look at that23:29
arrrghhhit's on the autobuild page for the initrd dude.23:29
ndnoSorry, didn't catch that23:30
arrrghhhstine snuck it in at the beginning.23:30
arrrghhhwhatcha doin with it?23:30
arrrghhhman that thing hasn't changed... since aug 13th or something23:31
ndnoI'm looking to see how the data.img is created23:31
arrrghhhthat's in the rootfs23:31
ndnohow other images are mounted23:31
ndnooh, ok23:31
arrrghhhyou just want to see what the initrd does23:31
arrrghhhhave at it23:31
arrrghhhbut yea, the rootfs is what dictates the creation of the data.img23:31
ndnook, thanks23:32
arrrghhhpickin up where tiad8 left off? :D23:32
odzwhat happened to tiad8?23:33
ndnodo you know if we partition our SD card to  contain 2 partitions, one a FAT32 and one an EXT2, will performance improve on the EXT2 partition instead of using a mount loop to data.img23:33
ndnothe FAT32 will contain the kernel, rootfs, system.ext, etc but the data will be mounted under the 2nd EXT2 partition23:34
odzif anything that would increase data corruption over the current method23:35
ndnooh, ok...23:36
ndnoi've worked on the beagleboard dev board before (it uses the OMAP3 processor) and I've used that setup and you're right, it does get corruptions often but nothing to the extreme where the system stops booting23:37
ndnoI was going to try to create the dual partitions on my SD card and give it a shot, just for my own learning :)23:39
ndnoHere's the site I used to create dual partitions using fdisk under Ubuntu:
ndnohave a good night guys23:41
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arrrghhhnd.... oh well23:45
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ndnoOK, finally figured out how to extract initrd.gz:  mkdir initrd-extract ; cd initrd-extract ; cpio -id < ../initrd.gz23:52
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ndnoI was interested in the init script23:55
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