Tuesday, 2011-03-15

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TheDeadCPUWhat button is the home button on the TP2 ?04:54
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hycThere is none by default05:03
hycif you add some flags to startup.txt, using F22's latest rootfs, you can override one of the existing buttons for the job.05:03
hycTheDeadCPU: I have my End key configured as Home, and Power as End.05:03
TheDeadCPUThat's how it should be05:04
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XethronHey guys06:00
XethronI believe my HTC Touch Pro 2's battery meter died. Because in Windows Mobile it shows that the battery is both full end empty. Funny stuff...06:01
XethronAnyway, when I boot into XDAndroid, the battery starts off as full, and then depleates in a matter of a minute...06:01
XethronAnd auto shuts down...06:02
XethronWould it be possible to remove the auto shut down on a empty battery?06:02
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XethronI think I found it...06:17
Xethrontc_battery_smem.vol_min=0 (0-100 -integer value) -> if battery volume is lower as this value, then it set it to vol_min, so it can be handled, that system goes never below this value and so never auto shutdown, could be helpfull, if you want, that the system never reboot from itself06:17
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XethronDoes android have like a file manager?06:24
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Xethronhello manna :)06:28
mannai want to run android os on my window phones06:28
mannaits 6.1 version06:29
mannahow its possible06:29
XethronWhat phone do you have manna?06:29
mannahtc touch diamond06:30
XethronIm using this one on my Touch Pro 206:31
XethronI believe the Diamond is roughly the same...06:31
mannahow to do that06:31
mannai also want06:31
XethronIm pretty much new like you. Not sure what or where... The experts seem to be afk06:31
XethronBut I followed that thread...06:32
XethronWorks really sweet!!06:32
mannais it work06:33
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Xethronhehe... weird06:44
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XethronCrap... Now it fails to boot :(07:48
XethronAnd I can't access my storage card on my PC when im in WinMo...07:49
XethronTo be honnest, after plugging it into my pc, my storage card is gone. Then I have to restart WinMo to see it again07:49
Xethrongot it to boot :D07:50
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zeroxany of the xdandroid dev's around?08:12
zeroxor any other dev's?08:12
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zeroxany devs around?08:19
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xdandroidNew XDAndroid Releases bug 113 filed...08:56
xdandroidBug http://bugs.xdandroid.com/show_bug.cgi?id=113 normal, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, [Gingerbread testing 201103011] Google account does not appear08:56
xdandroidNew XDAndroid Releases bug 114 filed...08:58
xdandroidBug http://bugs.xdandroid.com/show_bug.cgi?id=114 normal, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, [Gingerbread testing 201103011] When turning phone, image is inversed (180°)08:58
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zeroxanyone here :D11:31
zeroxF22 you about buddy?11:38
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Tandyman100any chance of USB drive emulation working soon12:02
NeoMatrixJRNot until we're on NAND12:10
phhit already works12:12
Tandyman100...it does?12:21
Tandyman100I can plug my Touch Pro with Froyo into my computer and it will show up?12:21
Tandyman100So much has happened in three months...12:21
NeoMatrixJRphh: it shows up but I didn't think you could use it yet.12:24
Tandyman100and NAND isn't going to become available for my old Touch Pro, will it? But it will be available for the TP2, right?12:25
phhNeoMatrixJR: you have to export a not-locked file by hand12:25
phhbut that's all12:25
phhyou can't export the sdcard12:25
phhthat seems quite obious12:25
Tandyman100the TP2 is, IMHO, the best winmo phone with a keyboard, so it's definitely mentionable.12:25
NeoMatrixJRyeah, that's what I thought.  the sdcard is mounted to the phone so it can't be mounted to the device share.12:26
NeoMatrixJRyeah, there are guys working on NAND for the TP2 already and it does work though few have it right now I believe.12:27
NeoMatrixJRI'm guessing once more is working and more people are wanting to flash there will be more people working on NAND on other devices.12:27
NeoMatrixJRthe TP2 NAND is already started because a couple of devs wanted to be on NAND to work on some other things so they got NAND working to facilitate other development, not because of NAND itself!12:28
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NeoMatrixJRhey phh, what's up with GlemSom's autobuild.  seems down again.12:29
phhno clue12:29
Tandyman100But it's probably not coming to the CDMA Touch Pro, right?12:30
Tandyman100That's a fairly old deivce.12:30
NeoMatrixJRdunno.  probably depends on devs available who know how to do it and have TP's.  I don't know how many TP users we still have.  phh, don't you have a TP?12:31
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phhonly tp212:32
Tandyman100I have TP12:33
Tandyman100I'll trade someone for a TP2 :P12:33
* Tandyman100 runs like hell12:33
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Tandyman100HOLY HELL13:55
Tandyman100the newest Froyo zImage and Modules13:55
Tandyman100I just installed them13:55
Tandyman100fantastic job, guys.13:55
Tandyman100I'm getting 'cannot connect to camera' errors :(14:04
Tandyman100this kinda stinks, I was looking foward to trying out Google Goggles :P14:05
arrrghhhyou on FRX05?14:05
arrrghhhalso the last build i see from a kernel aspect is feb.28...14:06
* Tandyman100 hasn't messed with xdandroid since september14:06
Tandyman100I forgot everything I knew :P14:06
Tandyman100which wasn't much, TBH14:06
arrrghhhheh ok14:07
arrrghhhso cam never worked for yo14:07
arrrghhhi don't know what to tell you14:07
arrrghhhunless you didn't update something.14:07
Tandyman100hm :/14:07
Tandyman100I'm using the stock FRX05 right now14:07
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arrrghhhTandyman100, you've updated everything?14:08
arrrghhhor started with a clean bundle?14:08
Tandyman100I had to use the 'if-it-don't-calibrate-use-this-zimage-and-modules' for the first boot, then I put in the zImage and modules that came in the FRX05 package14:08
Tandyman100I started with a clean bundle14:08
arrrghhhso no old data.img14:08
arrrghhhi dunno14:08
arrrghhhworks for me.14:08
arrrghhhdon't you have a raph110?14:08
Tandyman100bah. I have horrible luck with stuff :P14:08
Tandyman100I have a raph80014:09
arrrghhh800 blows14:10
arrrghhhi had one14:10
arrrghhhi know14:10
Tandyman100of course it does, I have one :P14:10
arrrghhhit's the bastard child14:10
arrrghhhnot as bad as the 50014:10
Tandyman100whats' wrong with it exactly?14:10
arrrghhhbut post in the bastard child forums14:10
arrrghhhit's cdma14:10
Tandyman100CDMA is bad?14:10
arrrghhhand no dev with an 800 is keeping it updated.14:10
arrrghhhcdma support is bad14:10
Tandyman100I'm saving up for a GSM TP214:10
Tandyman100I know it's a world phone14:11
Tandyman100but the sprint version is a bitch14:11
arrrghhhif you get a 400 or a 50014:11
Tandyman100so I'm not getting that14:11
Tandyman100it's a PITA to unlock GSM, IIRC14:11
arrrghhhnot really14:11
arrrghhhare you using it for GSM in the states?14:11
* Tandyman100 is wanting to use prepaid SIMs in it14:11
arrrghhhyou will have to unlock it then14:11
Tandyman100that's a given :P14:11
arrrghhhbut AFAIK it's like HSPL14:11
arrrghhhso... not really that hard.14:11
arrrghhhi haven't done it tho, i just use sprint14:12
* Tandyman100 has no clue what any of that means, but ok14:12
arrrghhhok, maybe it's impossible14:12
arrrghhhstick to your 80014:12
Tandyman100lol what?14:12
* Tandyman100 is saving $150 for a TP2 that can use prepaid SIMs14:12
Tandyman100^sum everything up :P14:12
Tandyman100They're on Craigslist here for $150 every two weeks14:13
arrrghhhstick to your 80014:13
arrrghhhsave your money14:13
arrrghhhTandyman100 has no clue what any of that means, but ok14:13
Tandyman100There is a $150 HD2 on the local craigslit14:13
arrrghhhthere you go14:13
arrrghhhno unlocking14:13
arrrghhhgreat android expereince14:13
Tandyman100Let's see if it's still there when I get $150 ._.14:13
arrrghhhjust no physical kbd :P14:13
* Tandyman100 does a lot of IRC, etc.14:13
arrrghhhoh noes you'll have to buy it today.14:14
Tandyman100that's kinda why I was wanting a TP214:14
Tandyman100Good physical keyboard, windows mobile, WVGA14:14
Tandyman100Is it possible to use a bluetooth keyboard with an HD2?14:14
arrrghhhbut how is winmo a benefit for the TP2?14:14
Tandyman100I'm a winmo fanboy14:14
* Tandyman100 runs like hell14:14
arrrghhhget out of here14:14
arrrghhhwhy are you in here14:15
arrrghhhthis room is for android mang.14:15
Tandyman100Because I use xdandroid regularly :P14:15
arrrghhhspecifically XDAndroid support14:15
arrrghhhwhy if you're a winmo fanboy?14:15
arrrghhhyou people confuse me.14:15
Tandyman100yes. I'm good at confusing people.14:15
Tandyman100There's just some things I like about winmo, some things I like about android. Thus i use them both.14:15
arrrghhhi avoid winmo like the plague14:16
Tandyman100I'm thinking of switching completely to Android, though.14:16
arrrghhhnothing good about it14:16
Tandyman100It's got great multitasking.14:16
arrrghhhyea, not on your 800 :P14:16
arrrghhhit's horrible at multitasking14:16
Tandyman100no, on another phone14:16
Tandyman100my 800 is failing on me14:16
arrrghhhyea i got rid of my 80014:16
Tandyman100it will randomly hard reset itself14:16
arrrghhhgave me a rhod400 for free14:16
arrrghhhi kinda wish i still had my 800 to help with testing14:16
arrrghhhbut meh14:16
arrrghhhnot many people have them14:17
Tandyman100I'll trade you my 800 for the rhod400 :P14:17
arrrghhhso there's not a big userbase that cares.14:17
arrrghhhuhm... how about no.14:17
Tandyman100yeah, that's why Energy isn't putting any effort into them14:17
xdandroidNew XDAndroid Releases bug 115 filed...14:17
xdandroidBug http://bugs.xdandroid.com/show_bug.cgi?id=115 minor, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, Gingerbread (GRX0x) - Screen lock on dialer is overlapped by other screen elements and non-functional14:17
Tandyman100So what's the best value for your money as far as unlocked Android phones with keyboards?14:17
XethronHey guys!14:18
Tandyman100or rather, what's an older Android device with good support and ports of Froyo and Gingerbread14:18
Tandyman100hi Xethron14:18
XethronHey Tandyman100. :)14:18
XethronHow are you?14:18
Tandyman100Pretty good.14:18
Tandyman100I think I'm going to use Froyo as the main OS on my Raph800 now that I have one that runs really fast14:19
Tandyman100is there a specific zImage and modules that is known to work with the camera on the Raph800?14:19
arrrghhhTandyman100, uhm... g1 i guess but that's ancient14:20
arrrghhhTandyman100, it should work14:20
arrrghhhread thru the cam dev thread14:20
Tandyman100yeah, and it's a DOWNGRADE from this Raph80014:20
arrrghhhyou're doing something wrong.14:20
Tandyman100I just unzipped it and ran it14:20
arrrghhhhow is it a downgrade?14:20
* Tandyman100 shrugs14:20
Tandyman100It's got a worse processor, less RAM, etc.14:20
arrrghhhTandyman100, use search man14:20
arrrghhhi don't feel like searching for you14:20
arrrghhhit's the same proc14:20
arrrghhhi'll give you the less ram14:20
Tandyman100Oh really?14:20
* Tandyman100 pulls up the specs14:20
Tandyman100192mb of RAM...14:21
Tandyman100except for the RAM it's the exact same phone as a Touch Pro :D14:22
Xethronoh oh, I have a question14:25
arrrghhhdon't ask to ask a question14:25
XethronI have the HTC Touch pro 214:25
XethronIm not asking... Im simply stating so that you can prepair yourself :P14:25
arrrghhhsounds like something you do with bt14:26
XethronSo the buttons at the bottom, their lights don't go off14:26
arrrghhhyou don't search either14:26
arrrghhhif these button lights are on when you boot android14:27
arrrghhhthey will ALWAYS be on in android14:27
arrrghhhuntil we get them fixed, that is.14:27
Tandyman100arrrghhh, one thing about newbies and teenagers such as myself. we're lazy bastards14:27
arrrghhhno shit14:27
arrrghhhi'm lazy, but damn.14:27
Tandyman100we take it to another level :P14:27
arrrghhhno joke14:27
Xethronhey... Google can be so unpersonal... Here I get someone tuning me crap and a good answer...14:27
arrrghhhour society is screwed when you get older.14:28
Tandyman100I literally laughed out loud.14:28
Tandyman100The only thing we can do is pray that with age comes maturity ;)14:28
arrrghhhBUT IT DOESN'T14:28
XethronWel then im screwed...14:28
arrrghhhat least, it didn't.14:28
Tandyman100People say I'm really mature for my age. But I guess that doesn't make me any less lazy ;)14:29
arrrghhhi guess i should add that button light crap to the FAQ14:29
arrrghhhi was going to be mad if it was in there :P14:29
XethronFUCK! Windows doesn't pick up my SD card anymore after a boot in Android... Nor does it want to mount on my PC :/14:29
arrrghhhbut it's not.  so i'll give you a pass this time Xethron14:29
arrrghhhXethron, reseat it14:29
arrrghhhthe SD14:29
arrrghhhpop out14:29
arrrghhhpop in14:29
XethronI did14:29
XethronHave to restart the phone14:30
arrrghhhthrow phone out window14:30
arrrghhhi had that happen a few times14:30
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arrrghhhit *may* be related to your SD card14:30
arrrghhhas i switched SD's - kept having reboots to winmo14:30
Tandyman100How good is development for the HD mini/14:30
XethronAnd then when I plug the USB cable in... Its gone... PC won't pick it up and have to reboot14:30
arrrghhhTandyman100, non-existant AFAIK14:30
arrrghhhadded to the FAQ14:31
XethronIf I donate, who gets the moneys?14:31
arrrghhhyou mean to XDAndroid i assume?14:31
arrrghhhgoes to the pot14:31
arrrghhhthere's hosting fees14:32
arrrghhhand when devs make breakthrus they get some monies14:32
arrrghhhat least we're trying to offer jerome monies for his work on cam14:32
arrrghhhhe basically did that all himself14:32
Xethronaah... I can only make a small donation14:32
XethronBut I would like to help the project14:32
Tandyman100I might donate after I get a new phone :)14:32
arrrghhhXethron, every bit helps14:32
XethronSo... I just donate on the page right?14:32
Tandyman100s/might/probably will14:32
XethronI agree!14:32
arrrghhhi needs more bacon14:32
arrrghhhXethron, yup14:33
arrrghhhstinebd, that gives me an idea.  let's have one donation level, $10014:33
Tandyman100How does Gingerbread compare to Froyo right now? Same speed, same features working, etc.14:33
arrrghhhTandyman100, way faster IMO14:33
arrrghhhjust things broken14:33
arrrghhhi detail it in the first two posts14:34
Tandyman100Faster than FRX05? Is that even POSSIBLE?14:34
arrrghhhand if you can't read that, them you're screwed.14:34
* Tandyman100 guesses it would help to read14:34
arrrghhhyea, it screams.14:34
arrrghhhbut lots of things are broken still14:34
arrrghhhdata seems to be a biggie, it's... let's just say flaky.14:34
Tandyman100You just have HW3d and GPS listed in the forum post on PPCGeeks14:35
arrrghhhthose are the main things that need rewrites14:35
arrrghhhhw3d is confusing as well14:35
arrrghhhas it seems to be working14:35
arrrghhhbut bench tests are missing textures...14:35
Tandyman100Oh yeah, I saw that.14:36
arrrghhhi guess i should mention the data thingy14:36
arrrghhhin the second post14:36
Tandyman100So those are just the biggies, but there's a lot of stuff that isn't working/partially implemente14:36
arrrghhhCDMA users seem to have it worse, as usual.14:36
Tandyman100heh, yeah14:36
Tandyman100Poor us :P14:36
arrrghhhwe're first to NAND tho14:36
Tandyman100I'll trade a CDMA TP for a GSM TP14:36
arrrghhhfor RHOD, sorry to tease14:36
Tandyman100I knew what you were talking about14:37
arrrghhhyea sure you did14:37
arrrghhhfirst time today :P14:37
* Tandyman100 golfclaps14:38
XethronYea... Forgot my Paypal password14:48
XethronIll do it tomorrow then14:48
arrrghhhfair enough.14:52
arrrghhhproject will still be there tomorrow14:52
arrrghhhby friday... no guranatees.14:52
Tandyman100check back Jan 1st, 2013 :P14:53
Tandyman100I'll laugh when some asshole decides to set off a bunch of IEDs in urban areas to scare people about the mayan end of the world etc.14:53
arrrghhhoh god.14:54
arrrghhhdon't let them know about MY PLANS!14:54
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xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, Bernhard "Xethron" Breytenbach, who says: Appreciate the hard work guys. Great improvements! Only wish I had more to give. Thanks a mil! Xeth14:57
Tandyman100\m/ [>_<] \m/ ROCK ON, LOL14:57
XethronI remembered :D14:57
Tandyman100find the napkin you wrote all your passwords on?14:57
XethronNow the project should stay around till Sat?14:57
Xethronhehe... No, I just have one password and made like 5 variants of it...14:58
XethronPayPal uses the weaker variant for some reason :/14:58
XethronWhoa! Is that all who donated???14:59
Tandyman100you see a list of everyone who donated?15:00
XethronIts not evin 100 peeps15:00
Xethronotal Donations To Date: $970.00 (USD)15:00
XethronThats NOTHING15:00
Tandyman100WOW that's a lot of people15:01
Tandyman100$970 is a decent amount, I'd say15:01
Tandyman100how much did you donate, Xeth?15:01
XethronHmm... 90015:01
XethronNaa, not much...15:02
Tandyman100Just wondering how piddly my donation is going to seem :P15:02
XethronBut if everyone donates a lil bit...15:02
Tandyman100I know15:02
Tandyman100I'll donate $3015:02
Tandyman100push it over $1000 :D15:02
XethronI meen, if 1000 people donate $1, then we have another 1000 USD15:02
Tandyman100xdandroid definitely has more than 1000 users15:03
XethronAnd im a University Student from South Africa... Not the richest kinda people out there...15:03
XethronWell I have internet. So im well off... :P15:03
Tandyman100I'm a 15 year old from Kansas15:03
Xethronlol... Then I take my hat off for you15:03
Tandyman100I'm not really mr. moneybags myself :P15:04
XethronWell, if I was waring one15:04
Tandyman100Why do you do that...?15:04
XethronHmm... And I would be... If I had one... :P15:04
XethronAs a sign of respect...15:04
* Tandyman100 wishes there was a way to send hads through tcp/ip packets15:04
arrrghhhXethron, yea not a ton of donations.15:04
Tandyman100well then thank you :)15:04
arrrghhhwhen you provide stuff for free...15:04
* Tandyman100 shoves a hat against his monitor15:04
Tandyman100it's not werkan D:15:04
arrrghhhthey keep the project afloat15:05
arrrghhhnot like we have devs to pay15:05
arrrghhhor investors to keep happy15:05
arrrghhhjust need to keep the project runnin15:05
Tandyman100heh, yeah.15:05
Tandyman100Pay for DNS renewal, hosting, etc.15:05
XethronWe must really work on getting people to make small donations...15:05
arrrghhhheh, good luck.15:05
Tandyman100I do my bit to advertise on Youtube15:05
XethronMan... If only we could ask for a donation before they download...15:05
arrrghhhi guess i should put donation links in my threads.15:05
XethronYea... do this15:06
Tandyman100I'm usually not a fan of donation nagware, but there needs to be a donate link right before the download link15:06
XethronIn the download link... It takes you to a donation page... And at that page, you click the download link that downloads15:06
Tandyman100I'm thinking of making a short 30 second 'advertisement' for XDAndroid ;)15:06
arrrghhhi'll put the donation link on my page15:06
XethronThat way, its already open... And if you add the $1 option, people would be like, oh what the heck... Lets pay15:06
arrrghhhXethron, hrm that's a good idea.  i'll ask stinebd how he feels about it.15:06
arrrghhhyea ppl pay .99 for apps all the damned time.15:07
arrrghhhnot to say we're hurting for money15:07
XethronDo you guys have a FB page?15:07
arrrghhhbut the more the merrier15:07
arrrghhhespecially when it comes to money15:07
arrrghhhbut i don't think we do fb15:07
Xethron( I guess I should have done a search before asking, sorry :P )15:07
arrrghhhi don't have a personal fb page lol15:08
arrrghhhthere ya go.15:08
arrrghhhwe are on the failbook15:08
XethronIll post the donate link on that...15:10
Tandyman100I'll post words to the wall15:10
arrrghhhthe beginning to donatespam15:11
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Tandyman100I'll post a picture to the xdandroid facebook because I'm bored :P15:12
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Tandyman100inb4Erikson ping timeouts15:16
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XethronTandyman100, reply to my post stating, Great idea, I just donated X ammount. Was really quick and easy :D15:19
arrrghhhyou salesmen15:19
arrrghhhok all the ppcg threads are updated15:20
arrrghhhdamnit i have too many threads to maintain.15:20
arrrghhhi should just point all the threads to a single point of failure15:21
XethronI hope it works :/15:22
XethronDoes it drain more battery life than WinMo?15:24
arrrghhhalso depends on device15:25
XethronHow much more?15:25
arrrghhhRHOD is much better at drain than RAPH15:25
XethronTouch Pro 2?15:25
arrrghhhwtf how can i gauge that.15:25
arrrghhhnope sorry, 19.5%15:25
arrrghhhthere's 1,000,000 factors for battery life15:25
Xethronok, just wanted to know roughly...15:25
arrrghhhno clue15:26
arrrghhhtoo many factors15:26
XethronLike, it will die within 3 hours...15:26
arrrghhhif you're watching 3 hours of videos?15:26
XethronJust want to be able to go through one day...15:26
arrrghhhi don't know what you do in a day15:26
arrrghhhif you can make it thru winmo in a day15:26
arrrghhhyou can probably make it thru android in a day.  wistilt2's kernels have also helped immensely in this regard15:26
arrrghhhjust need him to commit all his madness.15:26
arrrghhhemwe, !15:27
emwehad 6-7%/hour on .3515:27
arrrghhhi have a retarded question for you15:27
emwewhonder how wis gets to 0.5/hour15:27
emwehuh? ;)15:27
arrrghhhemwe, by not using it15:27
arrrghhhthat's .5 in deep sleep15:27
emwei have background sync on always.15:27
XethronHello emwe15:27
emwehiho Xethron15:27
arrrghhhemwe, he doesn't.15:27
arrrghhhhe uses clocksync, and that's it.15:27
emwei see.15:27
Xethronemwe, background sync as in push?15:28
arrrghhhthe wifi issue15:28
arrrghhhon TI chipsets15:28
emweXethron: yap.15:28
Xethronme too...15:28
emwearrrghhh: i never investigated... :/15:28
XethronSo if I turn that off, I should get better battery times...15:28
emweXethron: likely.15:28
XethronWill see how long my phone lasts tomorrow :P15:28
arrrghhhemwe, i have something to test in relation to it15:29
arrrghhhemwe, you've at least confirmed the bug on frx right?15:29
XethronMy phones battery meter broke... So I only know its flat when its dead :P15:29
emweXethron: but my measurements are only have the truth. i am running on .35 which is likely missing some of the .27 power management stuff15:29
arrrghhhi have only bcm chipset, i cannot test.15:29
arrrghhhXethron, wtf?15:30
arrrghhhbattery meter is software, you make it sound like it's hardware lol15:30
emwearrrghhh: yes, i can't enable it again after shutting off wifi and on again.15:30
emwe.27 that is.15:30
arrrghhhemwe, great.  now for the retarded part.15:30
XethronMy battery shows as both dead and fully charged in WinMo...15:30
arrrghhhsomeone with a Touch HD said this doesn't happen on tiad8's trainwreck known as FROYO X RED15:30
XethronAnd in XDAndroid, it takes 5 minutes to be flat and switch off...15:30
arrrghhhcan you do me a RE-TARDED favor and test this bug on his mess if you get a chance?15:30
arrrghhhif not i can have some other yokel do it, i know you're busy with .35 ;)15:31
Xethronarrrghhh, no, I think the sensor that triggers the hardware is broken15:31
arrrghhhXethron, what have you done15:31
XethronI dropped it :/15:31
XethronScreen cracked... and yea...15:31
arrrghhhyou're own damned fault then.15:31
XethronI got the phone from someone else15:32
XethronI cant afford HTC15:32
arrrghhhi carry insurance on my bitches, haven't paid for a new phone since my mogul.15:32
arrrghhhyou mean smartphones15:32
arrrghhhdon't be blamin HTC15:32
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Xethronwb arrrghhh15:38
XethronAnd insurance is too expensive and full of shit here15:38
arrrghhhwhere is 'here'?15:38
XethronOur Service providers are full of shit coming to think of it...15:39
XethronSouth Africa15:39
arrrghhhyea, no clue there.15:39
arrrghhhinsurance is great here15:39
XethronI asked for 100 MB Data 4 hours ago... Nothing...15:39
arrrghhhexpensive, but IMHO worth it15:39
arrrghhhas unlocked off-contract phones are $600+15:39
XethronIts not like I have nothing to do!15:39
arrrghhh100mb of data lol15:39
arrrghhhi'll use that in a day15:40
arrrghhhprobably the only reason i have this phone is free unlimited data.15:40
XethronYea... Well... I don't have cash for more...15:40
arrrghhhi don't think i would've bought a smartphone if it didn't come with unlimited data.15:40
XethronI used to buy 10 MB a month...15:40
arrrghhhin fact, i didn't have a smartphone until i got unlimited data for free :P15:40
arrrghhhdamn man15:40
XethronWe dont have unlimited 3G plans yet15:40
XethronWe only got unlimited ADSL recently15:41
XethronLike a year ago15:41
arrrghhhi thought we were behind on that crap.15:41
XethronMaybe end of this year they will start with unlimited 3G15:41
arrrghhhwell we are compared to south korea15:42
Xethronwhere are you from?15:42
arrrghhhwhere the AVERAGE broadband speed is 65mbps+15:42
emwearrrghhh: regarding your request... i have the spare raph to test with. but i'd have to fetch all that stuff he's distributing...15:42
arrrghhhUS of A Xethron15:42
arrrghhhemwe, indeed15:42
emwearrrghhh: and that's like ... dunno i i'd like to right now .)15:42
arrrghhhc'mon man you can hack a kernel but not download a zip?  :P15:42
arrrghhhemwe, yea, no rush.15:42
arrrghhhjust wanted to see if his poop actually works15:42
arrrghhhthen the joy of trying to figure out "why"15:43
emwecan you point me to a thread where all links are?15:43
arrrghhhjust to let you know, every rumor i've heard about stuff working on his mess has been WRONG15:43
arrrghhhemwe, certainly15:43
arrrghhhenjoy the trainwreck15:43
arrrghhhi guess i should've linked one of his xda threads :P15:44
emweno ppcg acc for me.15:44
arrrghhhemwe, don't need an acct15:44
arrrghhhhe uses multiupload15:44
XethronYou still alive Tandyman100?15:44
arrrghhhemwe, the download links are at the bottom... your guess is as good as mine as to which one 'works'15:44
arrrghhhgood god that thread is a mess.15:45
arrrghhhi really am sorry to ask you to do this.  i just want to be sure emwe ;)15:45
XethronTandyman100, is your name Jake by any chance?15:45
arrrghhhare you stalking people15:46
emwearrrghhh: np. and yes, verifying stuff is the hardest part of evaluating reports and bugs. and i actually thank you for mastering all this "mess".15:46
arrrghhhemwe, i've hardly mastered it.15:46
emwearrrghhh: or to rephrase that. you deserve a "thank you"15:46
arrrghhhbut i'd like to think i'm getting better at it ;)15:47
emwes/master/manage/ :)15:47
arrrghhhemwe, thank you sir.  you're doing the real work.15:47
arrrghhhi'm just monkeying bugs around :P15:47
emweme? nah. i can hardly cope with alex' and jb's speed.15:47
Xethronarrrghhh, maybe?15:47
emwei feel like just taking over. ;)15:47
XethronNight freaks... See ya around15:47
XethronGonne go sleeps15:47
arrrghhhemwe, jb is hard to keep up with.  alex is in his own world :P15:48
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Tandyman100Xethron, Yeah, I'm still here.15:49
Tandyman100And yes, my name is Jake :P15:49
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arrrghhhstupid scammers15:52
arrrghhhkickin me off mah IRC chat15:52
XethronTandyman100, nice15:52
XethronIm there :D15:52
XethronThats my site15:52
XethronRandom I know...15:52
XethronIts not finished yet thou :/15:53
XethronTandyman100... You left a comment but I can't see it :(15:54
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Tandyman100Xethron my site is http://retro-box.net15:57
arrrghhhmine is... not public.15:57
XethronMine is, not updated by me :P15:57
XethronIt was always fun having your own site, playing around...15:58
XethronBut trust me15:58
XethronIts cooler to have someone do the work for you!15:58
arrrghhhi guess it depends on the situation15:58
arrrghhhi wouldn't want to clean up my bathroom if the toilet exploded15:58
emwearrrghhh: hm. an ugly but cpu-friendly bootani ;)15:58
arrrghhhbut maintaining a server is fun.15:58
XethronI just don't have the time anymore for shit15:59
arrrghhhemwe, is it still that sprint one?15:59
Tandyman100I love maintaining my own server15:59
XethronAnd thats not really "My" site15:59
Tandyman100Runs Windows Server 2003 on a Pentium III/500 with 256mb of RAM just fine.15:59
emwearrrghhh: some radial cyan rays and a yellow outline android in the middle with android-text underneath15:59
arrrghhhno, that's obvious Xethron15:59
XethronBut I started Luminous... So its kinda my house's site...15:59
arrrghhhemwe, huh.  he had a sprint logo for a while, pissing a lot of people off lol15:59
Xethronarrrghhh, whats that supposed to mean?15:59
Tandyman100Xethron, lemme 'friend' you or whatever on failbook15:59
emwearrrghhh: likely changed then.16:00
arrrghhhXethron, that i like bacon16:00
arrrghhhand must get to work.16:00
arrrghhhemwe, i'll bb hopefully.  shoot me an email if it's urgent ;).16:00
emwearrrghhh: one sec16:00
Tandyman100mmmmmm, bacon16:00
arrrghhhthanks again for testing the artardation16:00
emwearrrghhh: using glemson kernel, right?16:00
arrrghhhemwe, sure16:00
arrrghhhkernel shouldn't matter TBH16:01
emwearrrghhh: ok. good.16:01
emwei c16:01
emweok, have fun. iwll let you know16:01
arrrghhhi think it's related to the system image16:01
emwehm. ok.16:01
arrrghhhi said i have to work.  no fun will be had :P16:01
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XethronI WANT MY 100MB NOW!!!16:02
Tandyman100lolz what16:02
* Tandyman100 hands xethron 88 1.44mb floppy disks16:02
Tandyman100there. That should be enough.16:02
XethronStupid MTN... Everywhere you go... YES, EVERYWHERE YOU GO THERE's A PROBLEM16:03
Xethron100 mb of data for 3G16:03
XethronOn my contract16:03
Tandyman100oh lol16:12
Tandyman100>capped data contracts16:12
XethronWell, for my PC (The one im connected to now) I have 5GB16:15
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XethronSo ill Have 5GB a month, and 100 mb on my phone...16:15
* Tandyman100 has unlimited DSL16:18
Tandyman100which is good16:18
Tandyman100I use over 40gb/month16:19
XethronAndroid two dot three!16:30
XethronSo, when will XDA be porting that one? :P16:31
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XethronMy one friend uses about 200gb a month...16:35
XethronOk, night bitches... This time im really going to bed!16:39
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xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, Doug Catiller, who says: Thanks for all of your time on this effort! All of you rock!16:51
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arrrghhhemwe, saw your email... odd on the RAPH.  i guess i'd be curious to see if it's different on your TOPA, but no rush.17:40
arrrghhhi can try to press one of the other monkeys that really cares deeply about the bug :P17:40
emweyap, no idea if it's just the raph. haven't run it since some weeks.17:41
arrrghhhwhich RAPH do you have again?17:41
arrrghhhshould all have the same TI chipset as your TOPA tho no?17:41
arrrghhh(as in, i assume that bug happens on your RAPH on normal XDAndroid builds)17:42
arrrghhhthe flip wifi on once then never again :P17:42
arrrghhhXethron, are you still here?  android 2.3 has been ported to XDAndroid where have you been?  :P17:42
emwearrrghhh: raph100. and i think i saw the bug before on it, too. whereas with that froyoxredliberianfront it's not even getting enable once.17:44
Tandyman100He's sleeping, arrrghhh. I'll send him a message.17:45
arrrghhhyea i saw17:45
arrrghhhjust thought i'd bug him17:45
arrrghhhas he asked about it17:45
arrrghhhand is still 'online'17:45
arrrghhhso he deserves it.17:45
arrrghhhfroyoxredliberianfront?!? LOL17:45
Tandyman100what on earth is THAT, now?17:46
arrrghhhemwe, ok, nbd.  i'm not too concerned about it, just saw a random post and if anyone says something works better than our builds i must know why17:46
arrrghhhand literally every single time it's turned out to be a freakin HOAX17:46
arrrghhhstupid users.17:46
emwehehe ;)17:46
arrrghhhemwe, don't spend too much time on it.  i want a workin .35 :D17:47
arrrghhhspeakin of which, haven't checked on your RHOD... wonder where it's at...17:47
arrrghhhgood god USPS tracking sucks donkey balls.17:48
emweyap. ;)17:48
arrrghhhit's... "somewhere"17:48
emwei think that figure is also a bit too short17:48
emweat least in DE (if not europe) the figure is way longer17:49
arrrghhhsucks worse than donkey balls?17:49
emweit follows some specific structure actually.17:49
arrrghhhso like... hippo sized balls?17:49
arrrghhhnot sure what's worse than donkey balls.17:49
arrrghhhhillary clinton balls?17:49
emwei did some tracking id "algorithm" at work matching them up to their logistician names17:50
arrrghhhi'm sure that was totally worth your time :P17:50
emwea pita if number ranges are overlapping... (lot of our suppliers don't get logisitician names right, so i have to manuualy find the correct one)17:50
arrrghhhUPS gives updates all along the way17:50
arrrghhhwhen it's picked up17:50
arrrghhhwhere its at17:50
emwewho kows.17:51
arrrghhhusps doesn't care17:51
emwei am afk tomorrow, thrusday and... i just realize... whole weekend.17:51
arrrghhhthey know you'll get their business.17:51
arrrghhhemwe, oO?17:51
emweno worky worky then. :/17:51
emwemaybe friday a day off17:51
arrrghhhwe'll miss you17:51
emwelol. liar!17:52
arrrghhhokiefine, we'll miss your kernel hackings :D17:52
emwenobody misses that.17:52
emweplz fix my device freeze on usb plug after some secs on .3517:52
arrrghhhkernel fixings?17:52
arrrghhhi'm sure you've done something useful.17:52
emwedunno where that comes from.17:52
arrrghhhlol i'm on it.17:52
arrrghhhi wish i knew my ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to kernel code.17:53
emweall i did was just learning.17:53
emweand spending time and time. and learning.17:53
arrrghhhyea, i just have a lot of learning to even begin to understand :P17:53
emweand tying things together.17:53
arrrghhhjust curious, where did you learn about it?17:54
arrrghhhi've tried to jump into the code, it's way too advanced for me to start with it.17:54
Tandyman100Argh, goddamnit. Ordered a bodyglove for my Touch Pro, still hasn't shipped yet. That was 4 days ago.17:54
arrrghhhTandyman100, don't blame me17:55
emwearrrghhh: hm. i just looked at the code i guess. ok, a bit os related knowledge was there. worked for a germany company continuing the development of the BeOS.17:55
arrrghhhyea, i'm really behind on programming.17:55
Tandyman100arrrghhh, your name is probably used a LOT around here not referencing you, amirite?17:55
emweand am at least following the haiku-os project17:55
arrrghhhhaven't done much with it lately17:55
arrrghhhTandyman100, yes, sometime in jest :P17:55
Tandyman100Haiku is awesome.17:55
emwefinish my blender port please ;)17:56
emwei started with beos 5 pe in ehm... 2000?17:56
emweand then i got addicted.17:56
emwearrrghhh: frx05 is booting for you on the raph.17:57
arrrghhhemwe, i have no raph sir17:58
arrrghhhi used to...17:58
arrrghhhbut no longer.  had to give it up, got the RHOD as an insurance replacement.17:58
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emwearrrghhh: i meant it is just booting on my raph for you to verify with frx0517:59
arrrghhhemwe, oh ok.17:59
arrrghhhyou're such a good little tester.17:59
* Tandyman100 wonders if he could put Ubuntu on his raph...18:00
arrrghhhlike me, but more phones18:00
Tandyman100it works on Rhod...18:00
arrrghhhand knowledge18:00
arrrghhhTandyman100, it works18:00
arrrghhhbut it sucks18:00
arrrghhhdon't see why you'd want it18:00
emwemore phones? just one more :)18:00
emweok, soon a third one.18:00
arrrghhhemwe, soon18:00
arrrghhhyou will have a plethora18:00
emwereally looking forward to it18:00
arrrghhhi am too18:01
arrrghhhesp since it's my phone18:01
emwethen i can at leat size-wise compete with my gfs desirez18:01
arrrghhhwhich means you can fix all the things broken just for me18:01
arrrghhhcompete size-wise18:01
arrrghhhnow now18:01
arrrghhhno comparing sizes18:01
arrrghhh...with your gf...18:01
arrrghhhis your gf hilary clinton?  you will lose that size battle.18:01
Tandyman100arrrghhh really? where could I find if for raph?18:02
Tandyman100as long as it has wifi...18:02
arrrghhhi am just hatin on her today, don't know why18:02
arrrghhhTandyman100, dunno18:02
* Tandyman100 is tempted to install Apache just for the lulz18:02
arrrghhhrhodbuntu works on the raph AFAIK18:02
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arrrghhhif you say so18:02
Tandyman100I'll check it out :)18:02
arrrghhh128gb sd cards18:03
arrrghhhholy poop18:03
arrrghhhthe future is here18:03
emweok, no adb - whyever - but wifi enable works and it seems my network18:03
emweand others18:03
arrrghhhemwe, then when you disable18:03
arrrghhhcan you re-enable?18:03
arrrghhhgive it a few to cycle18:03
arrrghhhyou should know that tho :P18:03
emwelet me first connect ;)18:03
arrrghhhdon't think you need to connect, just the radio cycling is enough.  but if you insist.18:04
emweconfirmed on raph. 2nd enable doesn't work.18:06
emwesorry no logs.18:06
emweis somebody taking care of raph at all? ;)18:06
emweui camera.18:07
emwehm ;)18:07
arrrghhhemwe, you18:07
arrrghhhRAPH is kinda getting left in the dust.18:07
emweah right. ;)18:07
Tandyman100wow, 128gb sd cards. That's pretty intense.18:07
Tandyman100emwe, does the camera work for you18:07
emweTandyman100: raph yes. on topa only tested quickly once with the .27 kernel and i think it worked ok.18:08
emwepuh, but what os was it. dunno if frx05 or gingerbread selfbuilt...18:09
arrrghhhtoo many things18:09
emweexactly. i even get lost myself testing different pieces of code.18:10
Tandyman100My Raph800 is getting 'cannot connect to camera' errors18:10
* Tandyman100 downloads Ubuntu onto his phone18:11
Tandyman100this'll be interesting to say the least18:11
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arrrghhhTandyman100, i know, FOR A FACT that RAPH800 works on cam18:12
arrrghhhso... something you're doing is wrong.  just not sure what yet.18:12
emweso, i gotta go. preparing for another testrun from 100% (98% that is with smem) to see how much drain we have this night.18:12
arrrghhhemwe, yay18:12
Tandyman100I'm just using 'stock' FRX0518:12
arrrghhh.35 slaughtering a battery near you18:13
arrrghhhTandyman100, what kernel?18:13
Tandyman100the one that came with the bundle18:13
Tandyman100as of yesterday18:13
emwe1100 mah and back-sync.18:13
emwebut i rather keep it to that to have comparable figures18:13
Tandyman100arrrghhh whut18:13
emweanyways, night!18:13
Tandyman100'night, emwe18:13
* Tandyman100 heads off to xdandroid.com to download the latest kernel n' stuff18:14
arrrghhhTandyman100, LIES18:14
arrrghhhso 1276?18:14
arrrghhhis what you're running?18:14
* Tandyman100 shrugs18:14
Tandyman100I'll check18:14
arrrghhhi don't think anything else is required for RAPH18:14
Tandyman100...how do I check. :P18:14
Tandyman100The .zip I downloaded is "FRX05_Full_Bundle_3.3.2011"18:14
Tandyman100I just unzipped that, copied in my calibration file, and that's all.18:15
* Tandyman100 is fantastic at breaking things by doing nothing wrong.18:15
arrrghhhare you in android now?18:15
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arrrghhhTandyman100, you did something wrong18:15
arrrghhhwe just need to figure out what18:15
arrrghhhgo to settings18:15
Tandyman100arrrghhh figures :P18:15
arrrghhhabout phone18:15
arrrghhhtell me build number18:16
arrrghhhand the number after in kernel version18:16
arrrghhhshould be 0127618:16
Tandyman100Kernel Version
Tandyman100that would appear to be my problem :P18:16
arrrghhhthere's your problem.18:16
* Tandyman100 goes off to download the latest kernel18:16
arrrghhhhelps when you do it right lol18:17
Tandyman100wait, is that the one you have in your thread as being for use if the calibration is wacko?18:17
arrrghhhi thought you said you flipped back after clalibrating?18:17
Tandyman100I thought I did O_o18:17
Tandyman100because it was suddenly superfast18:17
arrrghhhi guess you didn't :P18:17
* Tandyman100 is a dolt18:17
arrrghhhALL LIES18:17
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Tandyman100the latest kernel is downloading. I'll see you later when I have another inevitable problem :P18:19
arrrghhhlol i'm sure.18:19
Tandyman100oh, and thanks for the help, arrrghhh.18:19
Tandyman100I'll be downloading when I have money.18:19
arrrghhhyou owe me $15018:19
Tandyman100downloading? I meant donating.18:19
arrrghhh$200 for that mixup.18:19
boffleHey arrrghhh, do you have time to help out a noob?18:22
boffleHmm, well I'll just put it out there anyway. Beyond your Gingerbread Bundle and calibration file (I have a RHOD), is there anything else I need to download?18:23
arrrghhhmove the startup.txt18:25
arrrghhhplease, follow the directions in my thread18:25
arrrghhhif any of the directions don't make sense18:25
arrrghhhare poorly worded18:25
arrrghhhlet me know, i'm open to changing it.18:25
arrrghhhbut all the directions are there ;)18:25
boffleI understand, sorry I don't mean to come across as ignorant to your thread. I did get it working, but I was unable to get access to the Sprint network18:25
arrrghhhin what way18:26
arrrghhhor data18:26
arrrghhh... force_cdma?18:26
arrrghhhthat s/b all you need18:26
arrrghhhoh wait18:26
arrrghhhis there a SIM installed?18:26
boffleUm, I think so?... To be honest, I'm not sure how to tell. There is a card underneath my battery, but I was told that was not indicative of only a sIM18:27
boffleThat it could be some other card18:27
arrrghhhwhat other card would it be?  lol18:27
arrrghhhyes, that's your SIM.18:27
arrrghhhi think that is not in the FAQ either.  probably need to add it to the 'i don't have svc wtf' section.18:28
boffleSo I guess18:28
boffleI don't really understand that either (I'm not completely tech-stupid, just phone stupid haha)18:28
boffleDoes that mean I'm unable to do this or do I have to do another work around?18:29
arrrghhhpull your SIM18:32
arrrghhhit'll work fine...18:32
arrrghhhwhat are you missing?18:33
boffleNo I guess I didn't realize I could pull it out.18:33
boffleThere's a metal bar over it.18:33
arrrghhhlol with a picture showing you how to pull it18:34
* boffle scratches head18:34
boffleThanks... haha18:34
arrrghhhusing the stylus?18:35
arrrghhham i speakin greek here?  :P18:35
boffleNope. Got it out!18:36
boffleAnd I should uhh, keep this bad boy huh?18:36
arrrghhhit's relatively useless18:36
arrrghhhyou can flip it over and slide it back in18:36
arrrghhhit'll just bluge the battery a little :P18:36
boffleHah, cool. Does this mean anything if I need to replace my phone via phone insurance (the $100 deductible?)18:37
arrrghhhwell the $100 would be thru asurion18:37
arrrghhhif you blow up the phone18:37
arrrghhhlose it18:37
arrrghhhdrop it in the toilet etc18:37
bofflemmk, cool. So they don't care :D18:37
arrrghhhso that really doesn't matter what happens to the phone18:37
arrrghhhthere's also the 'free' insurance replacements18:37
arrrghhhfor what they deem normal wear & tear18:38
* boffle raises his eyebrow18:38
arrrghhhyou have to take it into the store18:38
arrrghhhand they may just opt to repair instead of replace, depending on damage18:38
arrrghhhbut you would have to relock your phone if you've done HSPL18:38
arrrghhhreflash stock rom18:38
boffleGood to know. Cool18:38
arrrghhhandroid... really doesn't mess with the phone at all, it all runs off of the SD18:38
arrrghhhso you really don't need hspl or a custom rom to run android, and the carriers are none the wiser when you bring the phone in.18:39
arrrghhhjust make sure to grab your microSD card :P18:39
boffleYeah, that's what I figured18:39
boffleyep! haha18:39
boffleCool, I'm gonna go try this out. I had the RANDOM thought last night. "Man, I wish I could get Android on my phone.." and one of my friends goes "You can!"18:39
arrrghhhthat's awesome.18:40
arrrghhhchrist i have too many posts on XDA18:41
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boffleJust wanna say arrrghhh, it works! I'm extremely excited! Thanks for your help!19:02
arrrghhhneed to add that to the FAQ methinks :P19:02
Tandyman100Also, a mixed bag here. The new kernel works great with the camera, which is awesome.19:04
Tandyman100But Goggles is complaining about lack of IPv6 support :s19:05
arrrghhhi'm going to kill you19:05
Tandyman100oh hell19:06
Tandyman100I didn't think it was an official bug O_o19:06
Tandyman100Oh SWEET19:06
arrrghhhno clue why we don't support it out of the box19:06
arrrghhhi guess i should just put in the in the user.conf's as it doesn't seem to hurt anything.19:06
Tandyman100it'd help assholes like myself :P19:07
arrrghhhno joke19:07
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Tandyman100incoming annoying noob question19:11
arrrghhhREAD THE FAQ19:11
Tandyman100where/what is the CustomCommands section?19:11
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Tandyman100I am reading it :P19:11
arrrghhh<i got this covered>19:11
arrrghhhTandyman100, did you look at your user.conf file...?19:12
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Tandyman100oh crap19:12
Tandyman100I had my startup.txt open19:12
Tandyman100DERP HERP19:12
Tandyman100I can't read.19:14
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arrrghhhcan't fix stupid.19:18
rpierce99arrrghhh: line stealer19:18
arrrghhhi wonder if there are any side effects to adding that modprobe statement.19:18
arrrghhhrpierce99, it's a good one tho!19:18
arrrghhhand it's not like you created it :P19:19
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* Tandyman100 is unfixable :(19:31
Tandyman100<arrrghhh> can't fix stupid.19:33
Tandyman100Sorry, context is important :P19:33
arrrghhhwhat did you do now...19:34
arrrghhhTandyman100, ?19:36
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Tandyman100I haven't done anything.19:42
Tandyman100Though Google Goggles is working now, and it's pretty schweet19:42
arrrghhhyou make my brain hurt.19:43
* Tandyman100 grabs a hammer19:44
* Tandyman100 hits himself in the head19:44
Tandyman100I have successfully simulated what it's like to understand myself.19:44
arrrghhhwhy won't this f-ing phone register19:46
arrrghhhhrm.  i guess it'll wait till tomorrow, i'm done fiddling with this damned phone.19:47
arrrghhhstupid callmanager19:54
arrrghhhquittin time20:00
arrrghhhpeace out20:00
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Tandyman100Back so soon?21:12
arrrghhhwhat, you miss me?21:17
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Tandyman100...I can't think of any witty answers to that that are appropriate for this channel.21:41
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arrrghhhi didn't realize there was a theoretical line that could be crossed here21:48
Tandyman100Is there?21:51
Tandyman100I didn't feel like getting everyone more mad at me than they already are21:51
arrrghhhwho's mad at you?21:52
Tandyman100Good point.21:57
arrrghhhdamn kids these days21:59
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ndnoDoes anyone know if having a dedicated EXT2 partition on the SD card is better than mounting data.img as a loop device?23:23
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ndnoI can use fdisk to partition my SD card to have both a FAT32 partition (for storing system.ext2, root.img, kernel, etc) and create a second EXT2 partition to be used as data23:24
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