Saturday, 2011-03-12

fishingmedicI use taskiller00:00
jonpryor, you have some console right. run top00:00
stinebdepic return of system_server issue?!00:00
jonprythats what i think00:01
stinebdbut usually you get acore anr with that00:02
fishingmediccan't do anything with this, couldn't hit force close or wait on the phone, then home screen came up in the background and now the screen is black and nothing does anything00:02
arrrghhhadw doesn't like to be underclocked?00:02
jonpryi dunno what adw is00:02
fishingmedicyeah it wasn't an acore error, just FC for ADW and then phone00:02
arrrghhh3rd party launcher00:03
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fishingmedicthis thing is frozen solid, but not a sod00:08
jonpryarrrghhh, what is this?00:08
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arrrghhhi've had those before00:09
arrrghhhsystem poop?00:09
arrrghhhno clue what the cause is.  usually from multitasking is when i get it.00:09
arrrghhhor attempting to multitask00:09
fishingmedici was doing a few diff things but not really multi tasking, was trying to make a phone call to see if that caused problems and it froze up00:10
jonpryfishingmedic, when are you getting adb :)00:11
stinebdi guess it caused problems00:11
fishingmedicim actually sitting at my desktop right now trying lol00:12
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fishingmedicbut im also juggling trying to keep water from coming in my basement lmao00:12
jonpryis phone call somehow related to SOD?00:12
arrrghhhjonpry, don't think so..00:13
jonpryjust don't get it on the rhod00:13
arrrghhhbut it's not like i can tell for sure.00:13
fishingmedicI was just trying to do diff things with it, it was waking ok but wanted to try using the radio, run an app or two, put it to sleep see if it wakes ok00:13
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fishingmedicjust rebooted to android again, and sluggish still00:16
jonpryrun top00:16
fishingmedicwhat's that?  in terminal emulator?00:17
arrrghhhshows running processes00:18
fishingmedicit's on the lock screen and won't even unlock00:18
arrrghhhand proc utilization00:18
jonpryyeah in the terminal, the command is: top00:18
jonpryi get that all the time from bad touch screen00:18
fishingmedicalright, now got a process system FC00:19
jonprywho need that00:21
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fishingmedicnow it's slowly going through another reboot to android00:28
fishingmedicdon't think the phone liked the test00:29
jonpryand how is adb?00:29
fishingmedicjust tried running droid explorer on my XP machine and keep getting errors00:29
arrrghhhfishingmedic, do you have droid explorer installed on the machine?00:30
fishingmedicI'm gonna have arrrghhhh remote in to my laptop (vista) or desktop (XP) to get this thing running00:30
fishingmedicno, I keep getting errors on it arrrghhh00:30
jonprygo arrrghhh00:30
arrrghhhteamviewer ftw00:32
arrrghhhfishingmedic, jaja?00:32
arrrghhhfishingmedic, you want to do that now?00:33
fishingmedicyeah, I loaded Teamviewer a while ago, just never had the time to touch base with you on it00:33
fishingmedichow long will it take?00:34
arrrghhhfor me to get adb working?00:34
arrrghhhnot very.00:34
fishingmedicyeah, I may have to run, like I said, I'm on flood patrol lmao00:34
arrrghhhno worries00:34
arrrghhhdon't really need to be at your lappy :P00:34
fishingmedicwe can give it a shot00:34
fishingmedicis XP or Vista machine better?00:34
arrrghhh/msg me the partner ID00:34
arrrghhhwhichever you prefer00:34
arrrghhhi'd probably prefer the XP machine, but either should work.00:35
arrrghhhi've done it on xp and 700:35
fishingmedicI'll do it on my XP desktop00:35
fishingmedicwhat do you need from me00:37
arrrghhhlol i just sent you a msg00:37
arrrghhhdo you not see it?00:37
arrrghhhin IRC00:38
fishingmedicnah didn't see it, hang on00:38
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jonpryhey arrrghhh11:58
arrrghhhwhat's up sir11:58
arrrghhh(just sounds wrong)11:58
arrrghhhwhat's up.... sir11:58
arrrghhhhoping to catch wistilt2, i guess i can just shoot him an email11:58
arrrghhhRIL build keeps rebooting to winmo11:59
jonpryyou think the sod is fixed?11:59
arrrghhhnever really had the issue of late11:59
arrrghhhhaven't had one for months, no joke11:59
arrrghhhhad one driving thru glenwood canyon last week11:59
arrrghhhon my vaca :P11:59
arrrghhhbut the phone worked great on the slopes12:00
jonpryi have never had one until scbs12:00
arrrghhhi wasn't running scbs a ton tho12:01
arrrghhhi ran it all night and all day12:01
arrrghhhthen went back to testing wistilt2's madness.12:01
arrrghhhalthough it now has scbs in it12:01
arrrghhhi should run it...12:01
arrrghhhbleh, stupid reboots to winmo.12:01
jonpryfrom ril?12:01
arrrghhhno clue what's the cause12:02
arrrghhhthat's the only major thing that's changed12:02
arrrghhhofc wistilt2 said klog was still disabled12:02
jonpryexcept the kernel12:02
arrrghhhso i can't get any historical logs12:02
arrrghhhwhere we used to be able to..12:02
arrrghhhnot sure what's moved and why but it sucks.12:02
rpierce99arrrghhh: is it reproducable? If so I could see if mine does it too12:02
arrrghhhi know he moved the fb around12:02
arrrghhhrpierce99, well... i don't know what produces it12:02
arrrghhhit rebooted to winmo overnight..12:03
rpierce99k, if you figure out a way to make it happen let me know12:03
arrrghhhi just tried booting with a new data.img, and it rebooted on that boot as soon as it got to the lock screen basically12:03
arrrghhhthen the next boot with that data.img just hangs on the first penguin, i don't see a word to text.  very odd...12:03
arrrghhhi've had this weird issue where it sometimes hangs with 6 lines12:04
arrrghhhperhaps with this kernel those lines are removed along with the thousands of others on boot lol12:04
arrrghhhlooks like i'm booting fine now, just waiting for... there she is.  those flickering androids.12:05
arrrghhhi've tried to read and copy down those six lines, but it only happens a few times.  just boot again.12:05
rpierce99are you on GB?12:05
rpierce99why are they flickering?12:05
arrrghhhwistilt2's RIL madness12:05
arrrghhhwistilt2 didn't add the libs correctly12:05
arrrghhhi guess i could just bind mount them12:05
arrrghhhdon't really care.12:05
arrrghhhcouldn't be the source of the reboots...?12:06
arrrghhhmismatched libs?12:06
arrrghhhas i understand it that flicker is from a mismatched gralloc12:06
arrrghhhrpierce99, didn't you try wistilt2's RIL setup in a "sandbox" if you will?12:06
arrrghhhnew folder lol12:07
rpierce99I did, i never noticed the flickering though12:07
arrrghhhfawk reboot to winmo.12:07
arrrghhhdid you bind mount anything?12:07
rpierce99i also didn't reboot 18 times like you are12:07
rpierce99could have easily missed it12:07
arrrghhhold user.conf bind mountings?12:07
rpierce99no i'm not mount binding anything, i'll reboot back into his test and see12:07
arrrghhhi keep getting reboots to winmo12:08
arrrghhhthis sucks12:08
jonpryarrrghhh, you get a ramconsole or anything from that?12:09
arrrghhhdo i have to pull the card and bust open the data.img?12:10
arrrghhhi'm not even sure how to do this since it keeps rebooting12:10
arrrghhhi might be able to adb in and pull the crap from dropbox12:10
jonprydropbox is useless12:13
arrrghhhenlighten me as to how to use ramconsole12:14
arrrghhhdropbox is useless, of late12:14
jonprywhen the system goes down hard, interrupts are disabled, which among other things, means that sd card if turned off12:14
arrrghhhit used to get us all sorts of magical historical logs12:14
arrrghhhreboots to winmo we'd get12:14
arrrghhhbut you're right, SoD logs were useless from dropbox12:14
jonpryi dunno if wistilt2 moved ramconsole12:14
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arrrghhhhow do you usually get to its sweet sweet log goodness12:15
jonpryyeah, he said smi2+2212:15
rpierce99jonpry: I just figured the last kmsg text was pulled from ramconsole on the next reboot and stuffed into dropbox12:15
rpierce99well then I guess I once again have no idea how last_kmsg and SYSTEM_LAST_KMSG work12:16
rpierce99which i guess I shouldn't really be surprised by that12:16
jonpryit may get last_kmsg, but that is only one line12:16
jonpryi dunno what this dropbox contraption is that you are using12:17
jonpryeasy way to tell is do ramconsole and compare to dropbox12:17
arrrghhhit's magical12:17
arrrghhhwhen it works12:18
jonpryso haretconsole12:18
arrrghhho yea12:19
arrrghhhthat thing12:19
phhjonpry: have you read/answered my yesterday's comments about rtc alarm stuff ?12:19
rpierce99my flying droids are not flickering at all12:19
phh(I "lost" my server, and so my logs ..)12:19
jonpryand pwf dmesg.txt 03600000 0x2000012:19
arrrghhhrpierce99, your user.conf isn't bind mounting anything?12:19
jonprypwf dmesg.txt 0x03600000 0x2000012:19
jonpryphh: you said you didn't know how it works. i assumed you were talking about the existing code12:20
phhjonpry: I mean android's code to ""properly"" register own timer12:20
jonpryi don't understand12:21
arrrghhhdamnit haretconsole why aren't you working12:21
jonprywhat is the question?12:21
arrrghhhit's telnet to port 9999 right?12:21
phhjonpry: android controls the rtc alarm timer by itself12:21
phhand i'm wondering how your code works with it.12:22
jonprymy code just set the maximum wake up time. o if android wants sooner, it wakes up sooner, if it wants longer, we just ignore that12:22
arrrghhhputty is not cooperating for some reason.12:22
phhuh ?12:22
phhi'll have to reread it then12:22
jonprythats what max_diff is all about12:23
jonpryarrrghhh, you hit listen for connections and are on activesync?12:23
arrrghhhoy.  it's early.12:24
arrrghhhmissed a crucial step.  haretconsole needs haret to be running...12:24
phhno, it's 6pm30.12:24
arrrghhhphh, LIES12:24
arrrghhhyou're in the future12:24
phhi'm in GMT+1.12:25
phhor +2 I never know12:25
arrrghhhstupid DST12:25
arrrghhhhey works a lot better when you do it right.12:25
jonpryi'd bet12:25
arrrghhhthanks jonpry, now let me try this command12:25
rpierce99arrrghhh: froyo.user.conf is your stock conf, that weird echo 2 thing and all :)12:26
jonpryyou might want to do a pd 0x03600000 0x200012:26
jonpryjust to make sure ramconsole is even there12:26
arrrghhhrpierce99, wtf12:26
rpierce99i'm not running the new kernel though, just the one that was in the pack12:26
arrrghhhjonpry, how many 0's?12:26
arrrghhhrpierce99, yea when i did that it flickered12:27
arrrghhhmaybe i'm mounting something lol12:27
arrrghhhlosing my game here12:27
arrrghhhharetconsole kinda pooped when i did that last command jonpry hence the reason i ask about the 0's12:28
jonpryi think it is 5 after 3612:29
jonpryand for pd do 3 after 2, and for pwf 4 after 212:31
* arrrghhh is confused12:31
arrrghhhwhy is there a different # of 0's for the pd command than the pf one?12:31
jonpryramconsole is 0x20000 big, but that will just spam your console if your just looking for presence of it12:32
jonpryyou can use the bigger number for both12:32
jonprypwf dmesg.txt 0x03600000 0x2000012:32
jonprypd 0x03600000 0x2000012:32
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arrrghhhrpierce99, you said you did get a failed wake?12:37
rpierce99on the new kernel, without the ril stuff12:37
arrrghhhdid you see anything in the logs?12:37
arrrghhhstupid xchat, doesn't let me misspell the12:38
arrrghhh teh12:38
rpierce99wasn't at my computer, i can see if they go back that far but I'm not sure if I'd know which one failed12:38
arrrghhhrpierce99, i know what you mean.12:38
arrrghhhanything running in the bg hard that you know of?12:38
jonpryarrrghhh, you got nothing on the ramconsole?12:39
arrrghhhtrying again12:39
rpierce99no it's a fresh data.img, after the problems i had yesterday, i haven't even reinstalled my apps on this one12:39
rpierce99probably would have heard birds chirping, had their been birds12:39
arrrghhhjonpry, haret keeps terminating when i pd that section12:40
jonprysounds about right. i think you need to unlock smi2 somehow12:40
jonprywhat good is ramconsole if it can't be read in winmo :p12:41
jonpryhave to mention that to wistilt212:41
arrrghhhi've mentioned to him several times about the historical logs12:42
arrrghhhwhatever he did (said he disabled klog?) knocked out the historical logs12:42
arrrghhhwe used to get great compressed historical logs of reboots to winmo12:42
arrrghhhyou could boot 5 times and get a reboot every time, and have a log of every one.12:42
rpierce99not that they ever proved useful12:42
arrrghhhrpierce99, helped me12:43
arrrghhhdetermine it was a bad SD card12:43
arrrghhhor badly-behaving12:43
arrrghhhfor android lol12:43
odzwheres logs stored?12:43
arrrghhhit gives you a window into why the reboot was occurring12:43
arrrghhhodz, they're not anymore that's the point12:43
arrrghhhon autobuild they should be12:43
arrrghhhbut not on wistilt2's kernels.12:44
odzoh last night the new kernel refused to sleep12:44
arrrghhhGPS on?12:44
arrrghhhway to post in the thread too12:44
arrrghhhno body had a problem sleeping AFAIK12:44
arrrghhhjust blinking green eh?12:44
arrrghhhnever went solid?12:44
odzit went to sleep fine the first hour but it woke up than blinking green until i rebooted it12:45
phhenabled bluetooth or what ? :D12:45
arrrghhhdid you wake it up and put it back to sleep?12:45
odzya i tried like 20 times12:45
arrrghhhdid you let it sleep?12:45
odzit just kept blinking12:45
arrrghhhsometimes it gets in this 30s cycle12:45
arrrghhhwhere it takes 30s for it to go solid green12:45
odzwell i waited 5mins12:46
arrrghhhok that's not right.12:46
arrrghhhyou're sure all that crap was disabled?  what build?12:46
arrrghhhgps, netloc etc12:46
arrrghhhkilled any apps running12:46
odzyour gb build12:46
arrrghhhyou don't have something silly like juice defender12:46
odzi just did alittle txting and looked around in market12:47
arrrghhhi dunno12:47
arrrghhhi reboot to winmo like it's going out of style at the moment12:47
arrrghhhso i'm not sure.12:47
arrrghhhlogs pls12:47
arrrghhhpost in the thread too so i can keep track.12:47
arrrghhhmight just blame it on gb too12:47
arrrghhhyep, that's what i'm going with at the moment.12:48
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odzbwt if your looking for a easy way to cause a freeze just install winamp and try going to "home"....if you want it to reboot install skype and call echo test and it reboots as soon as the call is finished12:51
arrrghhhodz, third party apps i don't care about12:51
arrrghhhwe can't support every single third party app at this stage.12:52
odzthat sucks12:52
arrrghhhnative android phones don't always support every third party app.12:52
arrrghhhwe have bugs inherent in the system12:52
arrrghhhand you're worried about fixing skype12:52
odzeh its not just skype its alot of apps12:53
odzseems like if its a app worth using it crashs12:53
arrrghhhdon't care about 3rd party apps12:53
arrrghhhyou are ridiculous odz12:54
arrrghhhi use a few apps, don't really have problems with them12:54
arrrghhhi don't give a fawk about angry birdz or foursquare or talking tom or any of these other apps for 6 year olds12:55
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arrrghhhalright jonpry, it's settled.13:29
arrrghhhi need a new phone and a new laptop.13:29
arrrghhhperhaps a new house, but we can work that one out in time.13:29
siralozflashed android on rhod400 nand. the battery drained out. now, when I charge it, the phone collects some juice, tries to boot but then loses its juice since it doesn't charge while booting, and therefore i am in some sort of boot-of-death loop. tried letting it sit for 30 mins charger plugged. no avail. appreciate your advice.13:29
arrrghhhsiraloz, youi MassStash'd it13:30
arrrghhhhe fixed it with a new battery13:31
arrrghhhor an external charger13:32
siralozthought some of you experts here would have some advice. i will have access to another tp2 later tonight to use another batter to task 29 it. until then, i am curious if there's another way13:32
arrrghhhanother phone13:32
arrrghhhi heard if you pull the battery13:32
arrrghhhplug in the phone13:32
arrrghhhthen put the battery into it13:32
arrrghhhit'll work13:32
arrrghhhi dunno tho13:32
arrrghhhjonpry, you there?13:32
arrrghhhi thought you had some advice on this subject.13:32
siralozi see, let me try. thanks.13:32
arrrghhhMassStash claimed he tried every variation.13:32
siralozno go!13:40
siralozanyway, lemme not distract you guys from the bigger picture that ya'll are trying to create for rhods.13:42
arrrghhhi don't know how others fixed it13:43
arrrghhhbut in theory there are ways to fix it.13:43
arrrghhhi don't know.13:43
arrrghhhit just keeps booting on you?13:43
arrrghhhcan you not force it into bootloader mode with the battery out?13:43
siralozhow to force?13:45
arrrghhhpower vol down reset?13:45
arrrghhhyou haven't put it in bootloader mode before?13:45
arrrghhhprobably shouldn't be flashing NAND then :P13:46
arrrghhhthis isn't for the faint of heart13:46
siralozi know power + vol  down, but never tried w;o batt13:46
siralozw;0 = w/o13:46
arrrghhhi haven't either13:47
arrrghhhdoes it even boot w/o batt?13:47
siralozif i could get to the bootloader, i would be all set13:47
arrrghhhit boots for a few sec13:47
arrrghhhso you should be able to force bootloader13:48
arrrghhhyou should also be able to charge in bootloader i would think, maybe not13:48
arrrghhhyou won't have enough juice to flash, i'll tell you that much.13:48
siralozbootloader starts with battery in but then since there's very little juice, bootloader craps out13:48
siralozwithout the battery in, i am not sure how to get to the bootloader13:49
arrrghhhit doesn't boot at all without batt?13:49
arrrghhhi've never tried.13:49
siralozno unfortunatrely13:51
siralozas soon as the battery is out, lead goes out13:52
arrrghhhwell, yet another individual that lets us learn14:02
arrrghhhdon't discharge your battery in NAND14:02
siralozyeap.. that's the MassStash Principle... Nandoid 101.14:03
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arrrghhhsiraloz, did you try nate's suggestion?14:32
arrrghhh"OK, you have to yank the battery when it runs out of juice, then put the battery back in, then plug in the charger. If you just plug it in without pulling the battery, it will continue to try to start and do what you are talking about. My phone dies on me just about every day thanks to the broken USB pins, and I never have an issue charging it as long as I yank the battery first, then charge it. It will vibrate a bit, but the s14:32
arrrghhhcreen should not come on. It will charge, then after about 5 minutes, I pull the battery again, put it back in, and turn it on."14:32
arrrghhhoops, didn't realize it would be that much of a paste :/14:32
arrrghhhsiraloz, lol manekineko has a suggestion as well.14:36
arrrghhhyou're not going to like it tho14:36
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jonpryhey arrrghhh14:55
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jonpryhey arrrghhh_14:56
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arrrghhhwhat's shakin jonpry14:56
jonprynothing, you asked if i was around14:57
jonpryyou get ramconsole?14:57
arrrghhhyea, siraloz bricked his phone ala MassStash14:57
arrrghhhno, never did.14:57
arrrghhhbooted back and it's working fine tho14:57
arrrghhhdidn't change a thing.14:57
jonprycan you get this reboot thing to happen with the kernel i uploaded some days ago?14:58
arrrghhhseems random14:58
arrrghhhfits of reboots14:58
arrrghhhSD card just being finnicky i guess, dunno.14:58
jonpryneed ramconsole :p14:59
jonpryand put no_console_suspend=1 in startup.txt14:59
arrrghhhkept freezing it14:59
arrrghhhwhen i pulled ramconsole manually14:59
arrrghhhi'll add that line15:00
jonpryi think you can set ramconsole address from command line15:00
jonprybut its hard without knowing if wistilt did something weird like put framebufffer there15:01
arrrghhhhe was moving stuffs15:01
arrrghhhand until he commits, no one really knows what he's doing.  usually if you ask him outright he'll tell you, i'm just not knowledgeable to know what he's talking about usually :P15:02
arrrghhhmoving fb into smi15:02
arrrghhhsome such15:02
jonpryplaying with fire15:03
arrrghhheveryone says it's faster than ebi15:03
arrrghhhbut i didn't really notice a difference15:03
jonpryneed something like fps2d that will get non vsync limited numbers15:03
arrrghhhnumbers didn't change on that app15:04
* arrrghhh checked15:04
jonpryyeah cause its 30 either way15:05
arrrghhhstill can't avg higher than 3015:05
arrrghhhunless you turn off the screen lol15:05
jonpryi have an app that gets far less than 30, but it doesn't have a meter15:05
arrrghhh2d or 3d15:06
arrrghhh3d hardly ever breaks 20fps15:06
jonpryi have this weird counter thing too. i have it fps independent. suppose it would be easy to undo though15:07
jonprydo you have an smi and non smi kernel to compare?15:07
arrrghhhwell i presume wistilt2's kernel is fb in smi15:08
arrrghhhand autobuild newest is fb in ebi15:08
arrrghhhhe hasn't committed that change15:08
arrrghhhalong with 15,000 other changes lol15:08
siralozs&*T damn farrrkkkk.... hehe ............ brrrrrppppppppppppp crash ...........15:10
arrrghhhjonpry, you want linkys?  heh15:11
arrrghhhsiraloz, you followed all of those directions?15:11
arrrghhhi swear one combo works lol15:11
arrrghhhi haven't done it with this phone15:11
siralozto the T brah15:11
arrrghhhbut i've done it with past phones15:11
jonpryi will leave this test to someone else, but i will make an apk to stress the 2d15:12
arrrghhhi guess those weren't booting android...15:12
arrrghhhjonpry, o yea?15:12
siralozi am hoping when i replace the battery with one from another tp2, the damn thing will boot15:13
siralozcan't do that until tonight tho.15:13
arrrghhhwell a second device will work15:13
siraloznever wanted see the bootloader screen so badly before... lol15:16
siralozto add insult to the injury, i can't access the desktop folder of my desktop from my laptop anymore...15:18
siralozi must resist using any other piece of technical equipment today, lest it follow the same fate15:19
jonprygot to hit the digital tab, then hit "animate" and it will just count the number of frames drawn since button press15:20
arrrghhhjonpry, ok?15:23
arrrghhhi saw it count up to 100 (i think) and stop15:24
jonprymine doesn't stop15:24
arrrghhhoh i must've hit it again15:24
arrrghhhit's going endlessly now, yes.15:24
jonpryso you should be able to calculate the rate by starting a stop watch at some number15:25
jonpryhopefully it is decently below 30. i can slow it down if its too fast15:25
arrrghhhthat sounds... inaccurate15:25
jonprynot if you count long enough15:25
jonprylike start the watch at 100, and stop it at 100015:26
jonpryshould be able to get within 1% or something15:26
jonprynm, i made a new one that calcs the fps for you :p15:28
arrrghhhthat... would be best :D15:28
jonpryuploaded. but be sure not to hit animate twice or it botches it15:29
jonpryi'm getting 13.0 fps in emulator15:29
arrrghhhthat kinda sucks15:31
arrrghhhon your kernel?15:31
jonpryno emulator15:31
arrrghhhoh oh15:31
jonprybut in practice tp2 without jit is about same as emu with jit15:31
arrrghhhlol i'm getting right about 13 as well15:33
arrrghhhit rotated and killed it15:33
jonpryyeah gotta watch out for that15:33
arrrghhhheh tryin again15:33
jonpryare you oc'd?15:33
arrrghhhslowly pulling up to 1315:33
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arrrghhhno OC statement so acpu is set to 528.00 even15:33
jonprybut you have wizzards smi fb?15:34
arrrghhhin theory15:34
arrrghhhi am running his newest kernel15:34
jonprymine is still booting15:34
arrrghhhturning off the screen doesn't skew the results15:36
arrrghhhlike fps2d does15:36
jonpryurgh, can't find usb15:36
jonpryyeah i'm wondering what precisely it is testing15:37
arrrghhhlol no clue15:37
arrrghhhthis is less than half15:37
arrrghhhwhat fps2d was reporting15:37
jonprylike its doing an extraordinary amount of 2d alpha blended bit blits15:38
jonprybut to what i am not sure. it might be the back buffer, which is still in ram15:38
arrrghhhi haven't gotten it to break 1315:38
arrrghhh12.8 is the highest rounded up # i've seen15:38
arrrghhhfailed wake15:40
jonpryi'm having system_server issue15:41
jonprystill no measurements :(15:41
arrrghhhare you on some ancient rootfs?  lol15:43
jonpryi think mine is at 12.715:44
arrrghhhso... same15:44
arrrghhhsnake oil!15:44
jonpryneed to turn off double buffering15:46
jonpryarrrghhh, are the neopeek numbers different on smi and not?15:51
arrrghhhdunno tbh15:51
arrrghhhhaven't used a neopeek build in forver15:52
arrrghhhhyc turned FRX05 into a neopeek build if you will15:52
jonpryhmm, isn't that just a benchmark app?15:52
arrrghhhwait what?15:52
arrrghhhyou mean neocore15:53
arrrghhhneocore numbers are same15:53
arrrghhhno difference.15:53
arrrghhhthey're not as consistent as fps2d15:53
jonpryi'm stumped15:54
jonpryarrrghhh, it goes way faster if you switch tabs while its running15:55
jonpryi got it up to 3015:55
jonpryor 6015:55
jonpryi think it would hit 120 with some tweaking15:58
hycno real performance difference using dedicated partitions16:06
hycit just makes corruption of data have a smaller impact16:07
hycusually now when I boot, fsck says my system partition is clean16:07
jonprywhat fs are you using?16:07
jonpryi think ntfs is actually better than ext2, but it doesn't support symlinks16:08
hycyeah that's a bit annoying. but ntfs support on linux is dog slow.16:09
jonpryext2 chunk size is way too small for flash cards16:10
hycchunks? shouldn't matter too much since writes are done in pages. 4KB16:15
jonprythats the problem though16:15
jonpryneed much bigger writes16:15
jonpryi benched an sd card with raw writes. and got ~250KiB at 4kb16:16
jonpryseveral megabytes at 128KiB though16:16
hycyou can bench using dd and get similar results, on any storage device16:17
hycdd bs=1024k16:17
hycregardless of the filesystem page size...16:18
hycyou only see the improvement because the driver is able to issue multiple contiguous writes in a smaller number of requests16:18
jonprysounds like a good idea to me16:19
hycforcing the filesystem to use larger chunks would just cause a lot of fragmentation, wasted space16:19
hycwell, if the kernel is in laptop mode, and you have the writeback parameters set to a long delay, you'll get a similar effect16:20
hycI have my systems with SSDs set to a 60 second delay on writeback16:20
jonprylarger chunks = less fragmentation, but yes more wasted space16:20
hycthe problem is apps that have hard-coded fsync calls in them, because they think they know better than you how often their data should be flushed to disk16:21
hycaside from those poorly behaved apps, writes accumulate in the FS cache and then go out in big chunks.16:24
jonpryi think the only real options are nilfs2 or btrfs16:26
arrrghhhlol go ext4 go16:26
hycext4, bleah16:26
arrrghhhyea it would probably roast an SD16:27
hycneither nilfs2 nor btrfs have turned in any impressive benchmark results yet16:27
hycreiserfs, JFS, and XFS still come out better most of the time16:27
jonpryssd and sd are not quite the same though16:29
hycsure, but they both suffer from poor write throughput if you treat them wrong16:31
jonpryits doesn't look like ext2 is the winner16:31
hycnope. it's just the most accessible, in terms of tool support16:32
jonpryi can add btrfs to the kernel16:33
hycyou can get ext2 tools for windows even. won't be seeing btrfs on windows any time soon...16:33
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stinebdany feedback on the new in-call ui?17:07
hycnew? in gingerbread?17:10
hycI'm still running froyo17:10
stinebdyes ginger17:10
arrrghhhstinebd, people lovin the new ginger17:11
arrrghhhmankineko commented about the hold button because cdma can't put people on hold?  no clue what he was rambling about.17:12
arrrghhhi guess i should try to put someone on hold.  i just mute 'em.17:12
hycyeah, that seemd pretty far in left field17:12
stinebdcdma should be able to hold17:12
arrrghhhthat's what i thought.17:12
hycHold is not tech dependent :P17:12
stinebdthere's actually logic in the code to decide which buttons to show up there17:12
stinebdgsm shows a couple more buttons17:12
stinebdie for conference calling17:13
rpierce99From CDMA networks do not offer the ability to place a call on hold.17:13
stinebdso it's definitely upstream if there's anything wrong with those buttons17:13
stinebdrpierce99: whether the network can, it doesn't really matter. you just mute the earpiece and mic17:14
hychmmmmmmm. I'm almost tempted to go resurrect one of my old StarTacs to check it again. mebbe it only had Mute.17:14
rpierce99but if the hold button sends some kind of hold command to RIL and it doesn't work on CDMA, that explains why it doesn't work now, not saying it couldn't work17:14
stinebdthat said, android probably thinks the phone is gsm anyway17:14
stinebdwhich the new ril will address17:15
stinebdarrrghhh: if you see any bugs to that effect, they should be assigned to the ril repository, not the phone app17:15
arrrghhhit works17:16
arrrghhhit's flash basically17:16
arrrghhhor acts as flash basically...17:17
stinebdso we can use hulu now?17:17
arrrghhhdamnit jim17:17
arrrghhhthe flash button on your landline?17:17
stinebdmy what?17:17
arrrghhhy'know, that thing people used to have?17:17
rpierce99who the hell has a landline17:17
arrrghhhi don't17:17
stinebdwhose landline has buttons on it?17:17
rpierce99and whose landline has a flash button17:17
stinebdlandlines are 4 copper wires17:17
arrrghhhdamni you all17:17
hycbusiness phones had flash buttons17:18
hycif they were on a local PBX17:18
arrrghhhi get a dial tone17:18
arrrghhhand the other caller probably just hears dead air17:18
stinebddial tone on a cell?17:18
hycmost home phones wouldn't have a flash button17:18
arrrghhhi doubt there's jazzy music17:18
arrrghhhstinebd, i know it's pretty entertaining.17:18
stinebdgood ol cdma17:18
arrrghhhhyc, stfu mine did17:18
arrrghhh@ my parents house17:19
arrrghhhwhere cell phones don't function17:19
stinebdwhat does hitting it again do?17:19
arrrghhhstinebd, flips back to the first call17:19
stinebdso it works just fine17:19
arrrghhhthe dialtone is pretty entertaining17:19
rpierce99i wouldn't call it a Hold though17:20
stinebdok arrrghhh i'm gonna call you17:20
stinebdand you put me on "hold"17:20
arrrghhhour routers do that, there's a tiny wav file that generates dial tone17:20
stinebdand we'll see what i hear17:20
arrrghhhstinebd, if you insist17:20
arrrghhhi have a second cell phone17:20
arrrghhhyou know it17:20
arrrghhhany area code17:20
stinebddude your phone is terrible17:22
stinebdyou sound like an old asian woman17:22
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arrrghhhjust dead air17:22
arrrghhhspeakerphone really didn't want to disable too, weird.17:22
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Total_Meltdown_Hey, when you boot XDAndroid, is Windows Mobile still running in the background?17:25
hycyeah, it's in the background spying on everything you do and reporting back to Microsoft HQ17:25
hycno, Android takes complete control17:27
arrrghhhwinmo is booted out of memory17:28
hycwhich always made me wonder, how a lowly user app can completely override the currently running OS/kernel17:28
hyctalk about security holes...17:28
Total_Meltdown_I dunno, calling WinMo an OS is putting it in the same class as other mobile platforms. That's pretty generous.17:29
arrrghhhhyc, oh you mean haret?  heh17:29
hycyeah, haret17:35
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stinebdwatching a hockey game, someone just scored a hat trick21:18
stinebdand some clown in the stands threw a shoe down on the ice21:18
xdandroidNew XDAndroid Releases bug 112 filed...21:22
xdandroidBug minor, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, carrier info not displaying correctly21:22
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xdandroidarrrghhh changed the Status on bug 112 from NEW to RESOLVED WONTFIX.21:26
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jonpryno work in init. crashes why?21:32
TheDeadCPUxdandroid, seen CazH21:35
xdandroidTheDeadCPU: CazH was last seen in #xdandroid 23 weeks, 2 days, 2 hours, 50 minutes, and 7 seconds ago: <CazH> :(21:35
TheDeadCPUxdandroid, seen cazh21:35
xdandroidTheDeadCPU: cazh was last seen in #xdandroid 23 weeks, 2 days, 2 hours, 50 minutes, and 20 seconds ago: <CazH> :(21:35
TheDeadCPUxdandroid, seen cazh_21:35
xdandroidTheDeadCPU: cazh_ was last seen in #xdandroid 29 weeks, 2 days, 13 hours, 9 minutes, and 32 seconds ago: <cazh_> TheDeadCPU: I'm really easy :P21:35
stinebdjonpry: bad syntax21:36
stinebdDEV=$(cat /sys/class/msm_camera/control0/dev | sed -e "s/:/ /g")21:37
stinebdmknod blahblah c $DEV21:37
jonpryah the $ lol21:37
stinebdno spaces around the = too21:37
stinebdand $() invokes a subshell to evalute the result of the cat | sed21:38
jonpryyour a hero stinebd21:38
jonprynow submit that to your rootfs :p21:38
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fishingmedicarrrghhh what drivers do I need for droid explorer to set up adb22:05
arrrghhhdroid explorer normally includes them22:05
arrrghhhbut i had a problem on that XP box of yours and went with the sledge22:06
fishingmedicyeah it keeps erroring out and not letting me finish the setup, trying on my vista lappy22:06
jonprythe vid/pid is wrong22:06
arrrghhhfishingmedic, did you see that how-to adb i referenced yesterday?22:07
fishingmedicno, did you post it on xda or ppcg?22:07
fishingmedick, lemme check it out, thanks22:08
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ml10121994when comes android 2.323:27
arrrghhhit has landed already23:27
arrrghhhwhat device do you have23:27
ml10121994htc touch diamond 223:27
ml10121994with windows mobile 6.523:28
arrrghhhyes, that's what comes with it :P23:28
arrrghhh^^ 2.3 bundle23:28
arrrghhhfollow the directions23:28
ml10121994thanks wait a minuite i look23:28
* arrrghhh waits...23:28
ml10121994okay and waths with the other versions of android23:29
arrrghhhthere's other builds23:30
arrrghhhthey all use the same kernel23:30
arrrghhhso what do you mean23:30
ml10121994i mean android 3.023:30
arrrghhhthat's honeycomb23:30
arrrghhhfor tablets?23:30
arrrghhhnot for phones23:30
ml10121994why not ẞ23:31
arrrghhhwhat part of 'for tablets' doesn't make sense23:31
ml10121994when do you thinks come android 3.023:31
ml10121994im sorry but im german and my english is not so good23:32
ml10121994And what do i have to do when i want android 2.323:33
arrrghhh2.3 thread i sent you23:33
ml10121994can i also for example play games from SD Card23:35
arrrghhhuhm everything is running off of the SD23:35
arrrghhhgames... are hit or miss.  our graphics aren't so great compared to new android devices.23:35
ml10121994ok good to konw because before i had downloaded android 2.2.2 fom xdandroid and it doesnt find my programms on my sdcard23:37
arrrghhhformat it23:38
arrrghhhwith the HP tool if you're using windows23:38
arrrghhhi have a link to that program in the thread i linked you to earlier.23:38
arrrghhhyou can backup everything on the card23:39
arrrghhhand put everything back23:39
arrrghhhor start clean23:39
arrrghhhdoesn't matter23:39
ml10121994must i download the bundle or the ext223:39
arrrghhhwhat do you think23:39
ml10121994the bundle23:40
ml10121994ok thanks very much23:40
arrrghhhext2 is the standalone system image23:40
arrrghhh(for those who want to update manually23:40
ml10121994what means manually23:42
arrrghhhthe bundle has all the updates included23:42
arrrghhhthe pieces are if you want to update the pieces23:42
arrrghhhby hand23:42
ml10121994ok thank you for these informations bey23:43
arrrghhhyou're just throwing this all in google translate aren't you23:43
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Sound_fxHello, I have a Sprint Touch Pro 2, and I can't seem to get to an initial boot on either reference or BLAZN android. I only get to a never ending terminal screen. Does anyone have a suggestion of what I could do differently?23:45
arrrghhhSound_fx, are you putting everything at the root of your SD?23:45
arrrghhhharet.exe, rootfs.img, system.ext2, zImage, modules-xxx.tar.gz, etc?23:45
Sound_fxWell, I unzipped the file, and those files are in the /andboot directory23:46
arrrghhhif you're using something that's not XDAndroid23:46
ml10121994no i ve written this all alone23:46
arrrghhhi can't support it23:46
ml10121994you must think my mark in english is 4-23:47
arrrghhhml10121994, better than my german23:47
arrrghhhwhich is about a 023:47
Sound_fxOh, ok. I found this through the Project Android site23:47
ml10121994im in the 10 grade23:47
arrrghhhSound_fx, yea... that was reef's site23:48
arrrghhhtiad8 just links to it23:48
arrrghhhor are you using the ancient BLAZN build from sept 28th 2010?23:48
ml10121994does the camera works on gingerbread23:48
arrrghhhml10121994, yes... it's in the thread title.23:48
ml10121994oh yes stupid question from me23:49
Sound_fxThey have 2 builds, one old BLAZN build, and one reference build from Jan 23rd23:49
ml10121994how old are you23:49
arrrghhhSound_fx, both of those are old23:49
arrrghhhml10121994, old23:50
ml10121994and your german is so bad23:50
Sound_fxOk, I'm looking at the site, and I'll read that first23:50
arrrghhhSound_fx, you prefer froyo or gingerbread?23:50
arrrghhhi'll link you to one of my builds23:50
arrrghhhwhich i can help you with :D23:50
Sound_fxOk, cool23:50
Sound_fxI have a sprint touch pro 223:50
arrrghhhwhich you want23:50
arrrghhhthat's a RHOD400 for the record.23:51
ml10121994ok bye now23:51
arrrghhhml10121994, bye23:51
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Sound_fxI suppose gingerbread, I haven't used an Android device yet23:51
arrrghhhif you haven't used it before23:52
arrrghhhi'd probably recommend froyo23:52
arrrghhhjust because gingerbread is kinda unstable23:52
Sound_fxOh, ok23:52
arrrghhhlots of stuff doesn't work23:52
Sound_fxI'll go with Froyo then23:52
arrrghhhnow mind you there's still a lot of stuff broken in froyo :P23:52
arrrghhhjust not as much23:52
arrrghhhFroyo ^^23:52
arrrghhhdepending on free space on your SD23:53
arrrghhhyou can run as many builds as you want23:53
arrrghhhi have 5 builds on mah card.  testing this&that23:53
Sound_fxOk, downloading this build23:53
Sound_fxAh, neat23:53
arrrghhhfolllow the steps23:54
Sound_fxDo you pick which one you want with haret?23:54
arrrghhhremember rhod400 too ;)23:54
arrrghhhSound_fx, yup.  i have haret in each folder23:54
arrrghhhand just go to the folder i want, hit haret23:54
Sound_fxAh, ok, that's cool.23:54
Sound_fx4 mins till it finishes downloading, and I'm going to format my sd card clean, just in case again23:54
arrrghhhhp tool23:55
arrrghhhif you're using windows23:55
arrrghhhthere's a link in the first post there ;)23:55
Sound_fxAh, a different post was recommending this tool from the SD website23:57
Sound_fxDidn't use the windows one. :)23:57
arrrghhhwhich one?23:58
arrrghhheh i guess as long as it's not the windows one lol23:58

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