Sunday, 2011-03-13

Sound_fxThe one here:
arrrghhheh never used it00:01
arrrghhhSD association huh lol00:01
arrrghhhshould be fine00:01
arrrghhhtiad8 recommended it, i'm sure it's top-notch...00:01
Sound_fxAll right, I got all the files in place, wish me luck!00:11
arrrghhhgood luck00:12
Sound_fxJust run haret, correct?00:12
arrrghhhassuming you followed the steps, yes ;)00:14
arrrghhhi tried to make them clear and concise00:14
arrrghhhlet me know if something doesn't make sense00:14
Sound_fxOk, all the steps make sense. I was thinking about creating my own ts-calibration, but then I decided to be lazy and use the attachment. It's creating a Data store right now.00:16
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Sound_fxOk, how long should I be expecting to wait? My screen turned off.00:25
Sound_fxI kinda don't want to press any buttons00:26
arrrghhhSound_fx, did you see the boot animation?00:26
arrrghhhflying androids00:26
Sound_fxNope, just terminal stuff00:26
arrrghhheverything at the root of your SD?00:26
Sound_fxYeah, the contents of the FX05 folder is the root of my SD card00:27
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arrrghhhok so no folders on the SD00:27
arrrghhhif you saw terminal text you must've copied the startup00:28
Sound_fxYes, correct00:28
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meshas anyone been building froyo with the new debian toolchain?00:28
arrrghhhhit power00:28
mesor rather tried?00:28
Sound_fxthe only folders I have are AndroidApps, conf, media, STARTUPS00:29
arrrghhhif you hit power00:29
arrrghhhdo you see text on the screen?00:29
arrrghhhOo i bet you're missing ts-calib00:29
arrrghhhso you copied it00:29
arrrghhhdid you rename it?00:29
arrrghhhi think i should zip that thing instead00:29
Sound_fxI removed the .txt extension00:29
Sound_fxand copied it to root00:30
arrrghhhok, windows isn't hiding file extensions right?00:30
arrrghhhwell that's correct too00:30
arrrghhhcan you read any of the text on the screen?00:30
arrrghhhis it moving?00:30
Sound_fxYeah, it just scrolled00:30
Sound_fxI can read it00:30
arrrghhhtap the screen a few times00:30
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arrrghhhlike 4 corners and center00:30
arrrghhhjust to see if it is ts-calib that's messed up00:31
Sound_fxOk, I tap, and I don't notice anything, no new output to the terminal, should I see something?00:31
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Sound_fxWell, still terminal output, so I assume something is wrong.00:52
jonprySound_fx, an excellent assumption01:00
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Sound_fxHm... Any suggestions?01:05
jonpryuse that strange format tool and start over?01:09
Sound_fxOk, wouldn't hurt01:11
arrrghhhSound_fx, can you read back any of the text?01:20
arrrghhhwhere it's getting stuck?01:20
arrrghhhi have a feeling ts-calib01:20
arrrghhhor wait...01:20
arrrghhhyou said sprint rhod400 right01:20
arrrghhhdid you pull the SIM card?01:20
arrrghhhi didn't think that preventing booting tho01:20
arrrghhhjust service issues in android...01:20
Sound_fxOh, I pulled it out01:24
Sound_fxI did pull out the SIM card01:24
Sound_fxI'm running that other formatting tool and trying it again01:24
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Sound_fxStill on terminal screen01:58
Sound_fxlast line says01:58
arrrghhhabove that?01:58
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Sound_fxI missed it the next two lines are:03:09
Sound_fxmdp irq 4 403:10
Sound_fxmdp_dma: busy03:10
arrrghhhunfortunately not important either03:10
arrrghhhthere's something you're missing03:10
arrrghhhhave you tried an older kernel to make your own ts-calib?03:10
arrrghhhyou can give wistilt2's kernel a shot too03:10
arrrghhhyou can calib on that03:10
Sound_fxWhere can I get wistilt2's kernel?03:14
arrrghhhit's in my testing thread03:14
arrrghhhor you can grab an older kernel, linked in my build thread03:15
Sound_fxThe kernals, that's just the zImage file, correct?03:19
arrrghhhzImage is the kernel03:20
arrrghhhmodules are the addons03:20
arrrghhhwifi mainly03:20
arrrghhhAFAIK, only wifi will be busted if you boot with the wrong/missing modules03:20
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Sound_fxok, so I grab the zImage from the previous build and put it in root of SD card, right?03:22
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arrrghhhif you want to be able to revert to the new kernel/modules easily03:28
arrrghhhrename them03:28
arrrghhhput like .new on the end of the zImage03:28
arrrghhhand the modules-xxx.tar.gz03:28
arrrghhhthen hit that link in my thread to 1225 i think03:28
arrrghhhit's around the calibration step03:28
arrrghhhextract it, you should get another zImage_somedate and modules-xxx.tar.gz03:29
arrrghhhsince you're just using it to calibrate, rename the zImage_somedate to zImage and move it to the root of your SD03:29
arrrghhhboot, and you should be able to make your own ts-calib on boot03:29
arrrghhhsave it in 15 locations03:29
arrrghhhyou can reuse it again and again03:30
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Sound_fxWell, that didn't work03:52
arrrghhhwhat did it do03:52
Sound_fxSame stuff on the terminal screen03:53
arrrghhhnever see boxes ?03:53
arrrghhhif you tap on the screen a bunch it doesn't do anything?03:53
Sound_fxIt didn;t03:53
arrrghhh...does it now?03:54
Sound_fxTapping the screen doesn't do anything03:55
Sound_fxI'll try to figure it out tomorrow. I'm giving up for today. Thanks for your help.03:56
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xdandroidarrrghhh marked bug 48 as a duplicate of bug 47.04:35
xdandroidBug major, Normal, ---, developers, RESOLVED DUPLICATE, Phone fails to wake after sleep mode (intermittent)04:35
xdandroidBug critical, Normal, ---, developers, ASSIGNED, Nearly impossibe to wake the device04:35
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byrnsey88is anyone else using the latest GB build and not getting the Gallery to mount the SD?05:29
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mightyis it possible to connect xdandroid wih droidexplorer on pc?09:34
phhtry it ?09:34
mightyalready did09:35
phhafaik it uses adb so yes it should work09:35
mightyok i will try again thanks09:35
phhbut you need to enable debugging on the phone no ?09:36
mightyyes i have it on09:36
mightybut droidexplorer is starting over and over again09:37
phhlol ?09:37
mightyit hangs by sdk09:37
phhthat doesn't sound like a bug on xdandroid side -_-'09:37
mightysrry i was wondering if somebody had it work09:38
mightynow drivergenius downloaded htc sync for me09:40
mightybutthat is also not working09:40
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ml10121994hi arrrghhh we have talk today a few hours ago12:17
ml10121994ive boot android 3.1 and it works fine12:18
arrrghhhi'd like to think i have a memory that's better than the average goldfish.12:18
arrrghhhwhere's the but12:18
arrrghhhi feel a but coming12:18
ml10121994wait a moment okay12:19
rpierce99arrrghhh get your hand off my but12:19
arrrghhhrpierce99, sorry.  it's just so...12:19
phh3.1 ?12:19
arrrghhhbah, i don't even know where to take that.12:19
arrrghhhphh, he's running Android from the future12:19
phhi've never seen any talk about it oO12:19
phhah right12:19
arrrghhhhe must work for google :P12:20
arrrghhhnone of our revisions even end in .1 anymore12:20
arrrghhhfroyo is up to 2.2.212:20
arrrghhhgb is 2.3.3 IIRC12:20
phhhoneycomb is 3.0.112:20
arrrghhhhe ported HC12:21
arrrghhhstinebd, seems you've got some competition12:21
ml10121994i mean 3.0 heres the link
ml10121994it has also works with my htc touch diamond 212:23
phhI'm still wondering why people want 3.0 on smartphones but well12:23
ml10121994it looks very nice12:23
phhI guess bigger (version number) is always better12:23
arrrghhhwhy do you want a tablet OS on your phone ml10121994 ?12:24
arrrghhhso the HD2 system image works on the TOPA huh12:24
arrrghhhi hope you're not coming here for support on it :P12:24
ml10121994it doesnt matter if it is an tablet os12:24
ml10121994i found it cool12:24
phhit just takes useless place on the screen12:25
arrrghhhso nothing works i assume12:25
arrrghhhbut it looks cool :P12:25
ml10121994but you can see that very much doesn work for example wifi bluetooth and and and12:26
ml10121994arrrghhh can you ask me a question please ẞ12:26
arrrghhhyou want me to ask you a question?12:27
arrrghhhhow is the weather in germany?12:27
arrrghhhdo you like bacon?12:27
ml10121994very nice12:27
ml10121994no i mean can you answer me a question please12:27
ml10121994you know that my english isnt so good because im german12:28
arrrghhhi know12:28
arrrghhh10th grade12:28
arrrghhhmr german12:28
arrrghhhdon't ask to ask a question12:28
arrrghhhsimply ask your question12:28
ml10121994ok ive also bootet android 2.3 the link have you sent to me12:29
ml10121994where can i go into the marketplace12:29
ml10121994i cant find anything12:30
arrrghhhAndroid Market12:30
arrrghhhshould be there12:30
ml10121994no i havent anything there12:30
ml10121994no app12:30
ml10121994no program12:31
arrrghhhit's there12:31
arrrghhhyou know how to put icons on the desktop?12:31
arrrghhhhold on desktop12:31
ml10121994yes but there isnt anything12:32
ml10121994there is only an app downloads12:33
ml10121994and the other things12:33
ml10121994must i have the english or the german version12:33
arrrghhhi dunno dude12:33
arrrghhhworks fine for me.12:33
arrrghhhreboot maybe?12:34
arrrghhhis it your first boot?12:34
arrrghhhsometimes the app drawer doesn't have all the apps12:34
ml10121994no my 412:34
arrrghhhwhich is why i recommended that crazy workaround12:34
arrrghhhof creating the icon on the desktop12:34
ml10121994what do i have to do12:35
arrrghhhi gave you two options12:36
arrrghhhtry one of them?12:36
ml10121994try one of what12:36
ml10121994cna i also download with the browser12:37
ml10121994whats that12:37
arrrghhhi gave you TWO suggestions12:37
arrrghhhplease try one of them12:38
ml10121994oh my god12:38
ml10121994 ive switched wifi on and now there is the market app wtf12:38
ml10121994very silly12:38
arrrghhhi don't ever use wifi12:39
arrrghhhand i have the market app12:39
ml10121994very strange12:39
arrrghhhso i'm flagging this one as user-error and moving on.12:39
ml10121994ok thanks12:39
ml10121994what is with android ice cream12:40
ml10121994has it launched alredy12:41
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arrrghhhno it hasn't12:41
arrrghhhdon't just ask us silly questions12:42
ml10121994its a good question12:43
arrrghhhit's not a good question12:43
arrrghhhbecause you can easily search and find info on Android12:43
ml10121994sprech mal was deutsches12:43
arrrghhhwe might provide help with XDAndroid, but we're not going to answer every single question you have about android, especially when the internets can provide better/more complete info than we can.12:43
ml10121994bye bye and thanks very much for the help12:44
ml10121994that means ciao12:46
ml10121994ha ha12:46
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NaadHey Arrrghhh you there?15:45
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arrrghhhwhat's up15:45
NaadGot my rhod100 eid panel free for nand testing..15:46
Naadgot a new phone, so can help maybe with gsm nand testing15:46
Naadi guess15:46
arrrghhhhave at it15:47
arrrghhhi think the SMD channels are still an issue15:47
Naadsaw you were testing some nand goodness on linux chat15:47
arrrghhhlol, off and on15:47
arrrghhhdon't really run it for more than 30 minutes at a time really, just for testing.15:47
arrrghhhi think they got data to work tho15:47
arrrghhhstill lots of cleanup needing to be done.15:47
Naaddo i need windows to flash it?15:48
arrrghhhyou can flash from SD15:48
Naadrunning osx/linux15:48
Naadaah nice15:48
arrrghhhjust rename the nbh to RHODIMG.nbh15:49
Naadtrue. just like windows15:49
arrrghhhand put the device in bootloader mode15:49
arrrghhhshould pickup the nbh15:49
arrrghhhyup yup15:49
Naadyeah flashed it like that once15:49
arrrghhhthe nbh is just to setup the environment to kick off the linux kernel15:49
arrrghhhinstead of haret, tinboot.15:49
Naadppcgeeks is the best place to read up for nand?15:49
Naadgot an LG optimus 2x now, so something different15:50
Naadbroke the backcover after 24 hours haha15:51
Naadcotulla is doing gsm stuff right?15:51
arrrghhhyea but he works privately15:51
arrrghhhand on .3215:52
arrrghhhdoing his own thing is an understatement.15:52
Naadwe still on 2715:52
Naadrussian right?15:52
arrrghhhyea, and most devs are working on .3515:52
arrrghhhyea, ruskie15:52
Naadthey have their own way of doing15:52
arrrghhhi guess.15:52
arrrghhhhe does good work15:52
arrrghhhjust does his own thing15:52
arrrghhhgoing thru bugs that we've had fixed for months15:52
NaadLG has offered a VIP service this time15:53
Naadif their phone's shitty i get a new one 24 hours later15:53
Naadand paid 29€ for it15:53
Naadon contract15:53
arrrghhhnot bad, just not a fan of lg myself15:54
arrrghhhphh and i were drooling at the 7pro15:54
arrrghhhtoo bad it's wp715:54
arrrghhhif android gets ported to it, it's the tp3 basically :D15:54
arrrghhhi guess the tp2 didn't ship with android :/16:05
arrrghhhah well.  if something interesting doesn't pop up that's native android, i might go with that device.16:06
TheDeadCPUYea, the 7pro is nice16:11
TheDeadCPUA bit chunky though16:11
arrrghhhlooks thinner than tp216:12
TheDeadCPUBut it's like weird16:12
arrrghhhit's got a full 5-row qwerty16:12
arrrghhhi can deal with a slight thickness16:13
TheDeadCPUI WANT it16:13
TheDeadCPUBut yea, it feels chunky16:14
TheDeadCPUBut still nice kinda oO16:14
TheDeadCPUSo much innuendos to be made there16:14
arrrghhhhow is it weird16:14
arrrghhhit's wp7 :/16:14
TheDeadCPUI dunno, though it's heacy16:15
arrrghhhi haven't felt it TBH16:15
arrrghhhtp2 is "heavy"16:15
arrrghhhbut i like it16:15
arrrghhhfeels like a man's phone16:15
arrrghhhmy friend threw his on his granite floor16:15
arrrghhhreally hard16:16
arrrghhhvibe motor in it is hilarious16:16
arrrghhhbut it's still together/functional16:16
TheDeadCPUIt's 10gr heavier then the TP2 though16:16
TheDeadCPUIt's 0.07 mm thinner16:17
arrrghhhseriously tho16:18
arrrghhh5-row qwerty16:18
TheDeadCPUno wait16:18
arrrghhhtilt screen16:18
arrrghhhtp2 replacement16:18
TheDeadCPU1.5mm thinner16:18
TheDeadCPUYea, I kinda want to get it16:18
arrrghhhrhod is thick16:18
TheDeadCPUBut I wont get a new QWERTY phone for a while16:18
mesI assume the build of ffroyo is controlled by files?16:21
TheDeadCPUIt's controlled by the force16:22
Naadwoops was away for a bit16:22
mesforce is out of wack16:22
Naadyeah 7pro is nice16:22
Naadnot a fan of LG myself, but so far damn, what a speed16:23
Naadtegra 2 rocks haha16:23
TheDeadCPUNaad, 7pro is HTC rofl16:23
Naadyeah i know16:23
Naadwas talking bout my optimus 2x just before that rofl16:23
Naadtegra 2 is in my optimus 2x16:24
TheDeadCPUThuogh arrrghhh 7Pro has capacitive screen, which is epic16:27
arrrghhhit's a real upgrade16:27
arrrghhhstill adreno16:27
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Total_MeltdownQuick question: Does anyone know exactly what order the points appear for touchscreen calibration?16:38
Total_MeltdownI'm trying to set up XDAndroid, and I'm only seeing the last two points actually appear16:39
arrrghhhTotal_Meltdown, run an older kernel16:39
arrrghhh1225 i think16:39
arrrghhher 123116:39
arrrghhhsmth like that16:39
arrrghhhand save that file16:39
arrrghhhin like 15,000 places16:39
arrrghhhcuz you can reuse it16:39
arrrghhhyou should never need to recreate it once you have a good one16:39
Total_MeltdownSo if I just load up FRX04 or something it should work fine?16:40
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arrrghhhi'd go 0516:40
Total_MeltdownOr can I just swap the kernel for the initial setup?16:40
arrrghhhwe're talking about ts-calib right16:40
arrrghhhshit... i must go16:40
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NaadTotal_Meltdown just use an old kernel (pre 1253/58 if i'm correct) to create ts-calib and then on next boot swap to newest kernel!16:48
Total_MeltdownWhere do I find an older kernel?16:48
Naaduhm.. let me get you the link.16:50
Total_Meltdown That one?16:51
NaadGlemson yes16:51
Naadsame right haha16:51
Total_MeltdownNow... which one am I looking for?16:51
Naadjust grab a random old one16:51
Naadi believe before december is fine16:52
Total_MeltdownSo what happened in December to break the calibration stuff?16:52
Naaddunno haha16:52
Naadthink it happened in january16:53
Naadbut use december to be sure haha16:53
Total_MeltdownYeah, I grabbed htc-msm-linux @ 20101111_21341816:54
Total_MeltdownWorked like a charm16:57
Naadgonna try some NAND myself tonight maybe xD16:57
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Total_MeltdownI love that this bricky old piece of junk runs Android better than it ever ran WinMo17:09
Naadhaha true17:10
Naadwonder if nand is gonna give more speed even17:10
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stinebdHello! We had a request, could not you write a core battery! The problem with the battery all get it! Thank you!19:07
phhwut ?19:09
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stinebdgot that pm on xda-devs20:00
phhyou could translate it ?20:00
stinebdapparently our kernel is missing a core battery20:00
phhah, could be japanese people whose nuclear plant lost there kernel, and so they haven't got any much power20:01
stinebdcore likely referring to the core of a nuclear electrical generator20:01
stinebdspeaking of japan i'll have to find some new travel plans now20:02
stinebdnot funny :(20:03
stinebdat least the hostel refunded my deposit20:03
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stinebdbtw if you ever want to go there and need a cheap place to stay, i suggest (even though i haven't been there yet)20:50
phhwell, if it's destroyed, it has better be cheap :D20:51
stinebdthey type english at least and they're being very nice with me20:51
stinebdthey said they would keep my reservation without a deposit if i decide to go a month or two later20:51
stinebdpresumably because they aren't expecting much business now20:51
stinebdit's in tokyo so they're fine20:52
stinebdthe owner said they just had some minor maintenance20:52
stinebdwhich i assume was hanging pictures back on the wall20:52
stinebdhe sent me pictures of the damage but i really didn't see anything wrong20:53
stinebdprobably because america looks damaged naturally20:53
phhhe did what ? oO20:53
stinebdso i'm not used to a non-damaged place20:53
stinebdhe sent me photos of the lobby area, the garden outside (i guess) and a few rooms20:54
stinebdonly the rooms looked like an earthquake had happened though20:54
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R^7ZNeed to get me one of those female counter parts that azrienoch has... :p
R^7ZMeh... "we", "me"... it's all the same :D :p21:05
R^7Zone letter off from being "correct" :D21:05
R^7ZOh wait, arrrghhh isn't here21:05
stinebdi fired arrrghhh21:05
stinebdthen he bought the company21:06
stinebdso now he's my boss21:06
stinebdyeah... backfire21:06
R^7Zso, yeah... honeycomb completed yet ;) :p21:06
R^7Zj/k j/k21:06
stinebdnormally i would say "when it hits aosp"21:07
stinebdbut in this case not even then21:07
R^7Zso i take it japan is off the list off the bucket list fornow?21:07
stinebdno it's still there21:08
stinebdmight be even cheaper now21:08
R^7Zreally? last i heard there was some kind of nuke fallout deal21:08
stinebdthere's no fallout21:08
stinebddon't listen to the american media21:08
stinebdthey're sensationalizing it badly21:09
R^7Zhah! goes without saying now a days21:09
stinebdthat's a good write-up of what's been happening21:09
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R^7Zthere he is21:09
stinebdand what's about to happen at the other plant that's having issues21:09
R^7Zthe new "boss"21:09
stinebdshould be a fairly easy read if you have a high school chem background21:09
R^7Zchemistry, whats that? ;) :p21:10
stinebdthat's that website where fat people find dates21:10
R^7ZoOo dates... yummy! lmao21:10
stinebdby fat i meant morbidly obese21:11
stinebdi have 3 profiles there21:11
R^7Zhence dates as in food?21:11
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R^7Zwp or
R^7Zah... yeah im still holding out on the online dating thing21:12
R^7Zi'm still very much old fashioned21:12
stinebdthat's not old-fashioned21:12
stinebdthat's sensible21:12
stinebdunless you want to date a 400-pound mexican transvestite21:13
R^7Zmore practical is you ask me21:13
stinebdnothing more practical than a tranny21:13
R^7Zexactly my point21:13
R^7Zbut alas... i suppose i'm the odd one out here... :p21:14
stinebdyou are definitely the odd one21:14
R^7Zwhy thank you!21:14
stinebdarrrghhh: you gotta see this pm i got on xda devs21:15
arrrghhhi saw you describe it in the logs21:15
arrrghhhno core battery eh?21:15
arrrghhhthat is unfortunate21:15
arrrghhhwhy doesn't android, y'know that software you write, give me an extra battery.  like, built-in21:15
arrrghhhjeez guy what are you trying to pull here21:16
arrrghhhdid you see that DIAM user that went off in the GB thread?21:16
arrrghhhoy ve21:16
stinebdi'm especially angry today21:16
arrrghhhthat dude said the devs are all fuckin wrong21:16
arrrghhhthey're going in the wrong direction21:16
arrrghhhtrying to make cool features when core shit doesn't work21:16
arrrghhhblah blah blah21:16
arrrghhhoh i'll link you21:16
R^7Zyou mean davew character?21:17
arrrghhhyou saw that trainwreck21:17
arrrghhhit's like 2 pages or something21:17
R^7Zbeen there like since 07 and only a junior member? or something like that21:17
arrrghhhstinebd, he first shows up on #7521:17
arrrghhhnot a bad review, but obviously didn't read the list of things broken as he mentions GPS21:18
arrrghhhor read and didn't care?  lol21:18
arrrghhhhis real rant starts on pg 10 tho.  #8121:18
arrrghhhpg 921:18
R^7Zyea... i'm thinking the latter21:18
R^7Zwe need less play time21:19
R^7Z<--- rolling now21:19
R^7ZI thought it was hilarious but kind of rude...21:19
arrrghhhwhat a douche21:20
arrrghhhdev's don't have their priorities straight - my obsecure old phone.21:20
R^7Zheh... you know the saying... there's always one in a group21:20
arrrghhhhe didn't like me telling him to get a helmet.21:20
R^7Zi saw that21:20
arrrghhhi think that's probably what set him off lol21:20
arrrghhhhe was on a rampage after that.21:20
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arrrghhhbest part was when he said the project should've been kept private21:21
arrrghhhand why even make public releases and go thru the trouble of wikis21:21
arrrghhhand forum posts21:21
R^7Zhe must've been a neopeek-er21:21
arrrghhhi don't the the words "community" make sense to him.21:22
arrrghhher word as it were?21:22
R^7Znah... he's a dictaor21:22
R^7Zdictator spell fail21:22
R^7Zor wanna be21:23
R^7ZI'm just glad theres a link to the wiki here under raph-linux21:23
R^7Zor something like that21:24
R^7Ztheres a wealth of information if only we knew how to search or were less lazy. by "we" i mean new people to the project21:26
stinebdlazy is the main issue21:26
stinebdnobody wants to figure shit out on their own21:26
stinebdyou think i knew a damn thing about android before i started bugging phh?21:26
stinebdi never even used it before21:26
R^7Zyou mean it wasnt osmosis???21:26
R^7Zdarn and here i was sleeping with my phone set to the main android page in hopes that it would eventually seep into my brain, or lack thereof in this case21:29
R^7Znice post stinebd! i'm taking that one!21:30
stinebdi'll have to get a few packs of sars masks for my japan trip i think21:31
stinebdand not for armed robbery this time21:32
stinebdoh god this channel is logged21:32
arrrghhhhad to thank it as well21:34
R^7Zstinebd: we can't bail you out but if you do call, i'll see about arranging a group to bust you out! :p21:35
R^7Zanyone know who Mittaa is? seems very supportive... :D21:37
arrrghhhstinebd, does jerome accept donations?21:43
stinebdi have to email him21:44
stinebdi sent him a PM on xda devs but no reply21:44
arrrghhhah ok21:44
arrrghhhdon't think he's been on much recently.21:44
arrrghhhworking on BT in the shadows21:44
arrrghhhoh stinebd21:46
arrrghhhcan i put pics on the FAQ21:46
arrrghhhso noobs know which phone is which from the pretty pictures21:47
arrrghhhi made sorta directions on how to find it under the battery21:47
stinebdjust don't make it look like crap21:47
arrrghhhbut that always seems problematic.21:47
arrrghhhstinebd, yea but how do i put them on the site and link them to files...?21:47
arrrghhhor is there no way to embed21:47
stinebdthere's a whole guide to wiki editing damnit21:48
arrrghhhi can link, just wanted embedded21:48
arrrghhhlol i'll look at it.21:48
arrrghhhi tried the [[File: command...21:48
arrrghhhupload file lookie thar21:49
arrrghhhrhodium pic21:50
arrrghhhnow the rest of these stupid phones.21:50
R^7Zwoop woop!21:50
R^7Zarrrghhh: you might want to mention to look above the IMEI bar code... seems to help some :D21:52
arrrghhhokie fine21:52
arrrghhhy'know anyone can edit these wiki pages :P21:53
arrrghhhjust don't go crazy21:53
arrrghhhor else21:53
arrrghhhstabby stabby21:53
R^7Zi suppose i could21:54
R^7Zlet's see21:54
R^7Zheh... too late i suppose21:55
R^7Zarrrghhh: where you pulling the images from?21:55
stinebdbeware of copyright21:55
arrrghhhwell i was going to ask reef about his tp2 pic21:56
arrrghhhif we could reuse that21:56
stinebdtake the pictures yourself and blur out carrier images21:56
arrrghhhbut uhhhh21:56
arrrghhhstinebd, lol21:56
arrrghhhi don't have all these devices.21:56
R^7Zso no copy from xda???21:56
arrrghhhi'm getting marketing pics21:56
arrrghhhthat isn't legal to repost...?21:56
stinebdmarketing pics are copyrighted!21:56
arrrghhhit makes their product look good21:56
stinebdi doubt they care21:56
stinebdnone of these phones are sold anymore21:56
arrrghhhi doubt they care as well21:56
stinebdexcept rhod maybe21:57
arrrghhhtp2 still is21:57
stinebdand nobody is buying them anyway21:57
arrrghhhlol huge21:58
stinebdyou can resize it dont worry21:58
arrrghhhja i know21:58
stinebdi mean you by hand. don't waste cycles on my server.21:58
arrrghhhtoo late21:58
R^7Zreduce 75% should be good, no?22:00
stinebdoh god22:01
stinebdanderson cooper22:01
stinebdhe just rebooted mid-sentence22:01
R^7Zruh roh raggy?22:01
stinebdjust stopped talking and stared at the camera22:01
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R^7Zmust have run out of memory... or it was the system server bug??? ;) :p22:02
stinebdno he's still on eclair, doesn't have that issue22:02
R^7Zjust so you know, i'm ready to blame it on that if we have to...22:02
R^7Zoh, eclair... how late to the party?22:03
R^7Zare we all running froyo these days or are we stuck on cupcake? ;)22:03
R^7Zarrrghhh: gunna try the thumbnail deal and see how that looks, if you don't mind22:08
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arrrghhhjust do the preview22:08
arrrghhhthat way it won't mess up anything i'm working on22:08
arrrghhhstill adding phones22:08
arrrghhhi think that looks pretty good for now22:09
arrrghhhbe better in a grid22:10
stinebdnot sure i want to look22:10
arrrghhhspacing kinda sucks if i try to consolidate it22:10
stinebdensmallen them and make it a table?22:11
arrrghhhthat's what i was thinking22:11
arrrghhhuse thumbnails22:11
arrrghhhin a table22:11
stinebdthen do it22:11
stinebdget to da choppa22:11
arrrghhhworkin on it22:11
arrrghhhkinda getting the hang of wikis22:11
stinebdderes no time do it noooow22:11
arrrghhhthis fandangled computer thingy22:11
arrrghhhman these wiki help pages are... verbose22:12
stinebdi stole them from wikimedia22:12
arrrghhhi figured it came with the package22:12
stinebdgotta mirror them yourself for some reason22:12
R^7Zthumbnail is not "bad"22:13
arrrghhhR^7Z, i'm workin on it22:14
arrrghhhlet me finish and see if you want to change it moar22:14
R^7Zaiet then... getter dunnnn! :p22:15
* arrrghhh is slow22:15
arrrghhhgimmie a few :P22:15
R^7Znooooooooooooow! lmao22:15
arrrghhhjust need to add TD222:18
arrrghhhi think that's all of them22:18
arrrghhhkovsky... damn kov :P22:18
arrrghhhthe thumbs are different sizes22:18
arrrghhhi even tried to force with px, but perhaps that doesn't work with thumbs...22:18
R^7Zlemme see22:19
arrrghhhi guess it's not that bad22:20
arrrghhhjust DIAM is HUGE lol22:20
arrrghhhmake that guy even madder22:20
arrrghhh'you made it the biggest phone, but nothing works on it wtf'22:20
R^7Zthat would be funnie22:21
arrrghhhi'm "done"22:21
arrrghhhstill not happy about DIAM being huge22:21
arrrghhhah crap still need td222:21
arrrghhhand kov22:21
arrrghhhwhat else?22:21
* R^7Z looks at main page22:22
R^7Zi think thats it22:22
R^7Zi know... was looking at the support threads :P22:23
R^7Zor rather links to them22:23
arrrghhhwtf DIAM22:23
arrrghhhwhy is it SO MUCH BIGGER22:23
arrrghhhi don't get it.22:23
arrrghhhpx setting seems to have no effect when you use thumb.22:24
R^7Zarrrghhh: it must be arroused by you? :p22:24
R^7Ztry 50px?22:24
arrrghhhit does have effect22:25
arrrghhhnow it's tiny22:25
arrrghhhi think i'll leave it tiny22:25
arrrghhhso that dude knows we think it's the redheaded stepchild22:25
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R^7Z75px looks better22:28
R^7Z@100px makes it look weird22:28
arrrghhhi think i have it at 10022:28
arrrghhhit looks sized right at 100 tho22:29
R^7Zmeh... stine will only sign off on one or the toher... lmao22:29
R^7Zcrap my dyslexia is kicking in22:29
arrrghhhlook at it now22:30
R^7Zthere we go22:30
arrrghhhjust need padding between the cells22:30
R^7Zah... padding22:31
R^7Zgotta love that!22:31
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arrrghhhhow 'bout now22:32
R^7Zis this a pushup bra or something?22:32
arrrghhhlots of kleenex22:32
R^7Ztake it back...22:32
arrrghhhstinebd, i think it's save to look now22:32
arrrghhhjust don't look at all the edits22:32
arrrghhhshould've hit preview moar22:32
R^7Z"do as i say and not as i do"22:32
* R^7Z psst, missing kov...22:33
arrrghhhfind me a damned pic22:34
arrrghhhxda didn't have one :P22:34
arrrghhhnvm don't need you22:34
stinebdjust put a picture of tubgirl there as a placeholder22:34
arrrghhh65px lol wtf22:36
R^7Zarrrghhh: you're welcome22:36
arrrghhhno thanks22:36
R^7Zheh... np22:36
arrrghhhpic already up22:38
R^7Zfine :p22:39
arrrghhhi was previewing22:39
R^7Zi hit refresh 5 times already22:39
arrrghhhso there weren't 10,000 edits22:39
* R^7Z gasps22:40
arrrghhhalthough my startups folder doesn't have squat for kov22:40
R^7Zoh well...22:41
R^7Zguess some anal retentive douche will eventually vent their anger about our project in that thread22:41
* R^7Z is glad he doesn't have to baby sit that forum...22:41
R^7Zi do enough baby sitting in the raph thread22:42
R^7Zer forum22:42
arrrghhhtell me about it22:42
arrrghhhRHOD is worse22:43
arrrghhhmore idiots22:43
arrrghhhraph is pretty calm22:43
R^7Zyeah... not a lot but every once in a while... esp in nrg's thread22:44
arrrghhhi see  people in raph section talkin about finding a raph sittin a box for the last 2 years22:44
arrrghhho yea22:44
arrrghhhi just do the android side22:44
arrrghhhF the winmo side22:44
R^7Zyeah... nrgz rom is about the only thing being used on a raph these days22:45
R^7Zgunna be a while till i get another phone22:45
R^7Znot that i cant afford, just nothing is appealing to me, yet22:45
arrrghhhhtc arrive looks cool22:46
arrrghhhbut wp722:46
arrrghhhi might buy it if android gets ported to it22:46
arrrghhhwhich it probably will22:46
arrrghhhi'll wait for that tho, not going to jump right away.22:46
R^7Zhave they started with any of the current wp7's?22:46
arrrghhhhaven't really followed it22:46
arrrghhharrive isn't out yet22:47
arrrghhhAFAIK it's in europe22:47
arrrghhhas the 7pro22:47
R^7Zdidn't hear anything in the raph threads leak out yet22:47
R^7Zusually people leak things out and occasionally i look around22:47
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TheDeadCPUHoly shit22:50
R^7Zwhere shit?22:50
TheDeadCPUSomething happened on the XDAndroid Twitter account22:51
arrrghhhstinebd, you have a GSM device22:51
arrrghhhdo you have issues with the speakerphone?22:51
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, you are a GSM device22:51
arrrghhhi assume in-call, not general souds.22:51
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, not tonight.22:51
TheDeadCPUOh ok22:51
arrrghhhI might be persuaded into being a GSM device tomorrow tho.22:52
stinebdarrrghhh: there's a speakerphone?22:52
arrrghhhyou can turn it on22:52
rpierce99TheDeadCPU: did you really just holy shit for button leds?22:52
arrrghhhand talk to people without having the phone on your ear22:52
arrrghhhso you can annoy people on public transit22:52
stinebdworks fine for me22:52
stinebdon my gsm n122:52
TheDeadCPUrpierce99, I did22:53
arrrghhhstinebd, stfu22:53
TheDeadCPUBecause I haven't seen anything happen on that twitter account for a while22:53
arrrghhhstinebd, have you tried your SIM on your RHOD?22:53
arrrghhheither RHOD?22:53
stinebdarrrghhh: yes but not with speakerphone22:53
rpierce99that twitter account posts for every commit, it's automated isn't it stinebd?22:53
TheDeadCPUrpierce99, it is22:53
stinebdrpierce99: yes22:53
arrrghhhstinebd, there's people complaining that it has some horrible artifacts22:53
arrrghhhspecifically the gsm chirp or whatever22:54
stinebdmake them file a bug22:54
stinebdi'm watching nhk news from japan and with all their amazing technology they still got some poor sap using a telescoping pointer with a weather map22:55
arrrghhhi was hoping you could confirm22:55
arrrghhhi just wanted you to confirm before i sent him to the bugtacker22:55
stinebdsend him anyway22:55
stinebdit'll remind me later to confirm22:55
stinebdi'm going to bed now22:55
arrrghhhlol ok22:55
arrrghhhR^7Z, do you experience that on GSM RAPH?22:56
R^7Zsorry was in support thread23:00
R^7Zuhhh... i think so?23:00
R^7Zneed to check, last time was before stine posted the update to frx0523:00
R^7Zperhaps it's "fixed"... lemme check tho23:01
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R^7Zbooting... had to push the GBX0A files to a subfolder...23:06
R^7Zthen copy the filed to the root blah blah blah23:06
R^7Zfiles even23:07
stinebdthis GBX stuff has to stop23:07
R^7Zam I testing GB or FR?23:07
R^7Zor both?23:07
arrrghhhstinebd, i asked if you wanted em to change it23:07
stinebdno, you asked what it should be called23:08
arrrghhhwell i asked that too23:08
arrrghhhthen i said i'll change it23:08
arrrghhhand you said nooooooooo23:08
arrrghhhso the disease has spread now23:08
stinebdwell whatever23:08
arrrghhhi can change the name if you want23:09
arrrghhhyou and your tomfoolery23:09
R^7Zjust so you guys know, from here on, i'll call gingerbread gb and froyo fr for the sake of being very general23:09
stinebdbut then we'll just think britain and france are in a war or something23:10
arrrghhhjust call it that build23:10
arrrghhhand this build23:10
R^7Zbut wait23:10
stinebdthe franco-britannica war23:10
R^7Zwhich ones that build and which ones this build?23:10
arrrghhhR^7Z, ginger can be that build23:11
arrrghhhand froyo is this build23:11
arrrghhhgot it?  good.23:11
R^7Zah... okay23:11
arrrghhhgoin in the FAQ23:11
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R^7Zwow! them androids are sure flyin!!!23:11
R^7Z- 2 minutes and counting till reboot23:12
R^7Z"everythings better with a bag of weed"23:12
R^7Zit must be still doing something, i felt the vibe while the androids are flying around23:15
R^7Zapparently i'm doing something wrong again23:18
R^7Zgoing to see where it was working for me and then copy over the updated system.ext2 file23:20
R^7Zalso probably a good time to full format23:20
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