Friday, 2011-03-11

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stinebdhcd is the patchram file00:25
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NaohiroFukudaToooooo big earthquake occured in Japan.08:56
TheDeadCPUTsunami is about to hit Hawaii IIRC08:57
NaohiroFukuda1st big shock happens 9 hours ago, and still small earthquake.....08:58
NaohiroFukudareally ? - TheDealCPU08:59
NaohiroFukudaHow tall ?08:59
NaohiroFukuda10 meters in Sendai, Japan08:59
TheDeadCPUI dunno09:02
TheDeadCPUBut I know it's going over there fast as hell09:02
TheDeadCPUThey said 500mph09:02
NaohiroFukudaI hope everything fine for you and your around.09:08
TheDeadCPUI'm not there though09:16
TheDeadCPUI know someone there. But I'm not there :p09:16
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odzJapan declares 'nuclear emergency' as attempts to cool reactor at northern plant are 'not going as planned' - official via NHK09:31
Heart|i'm searching for a good android rom for my wifes old diamond handy.... is there already a nand flash possibility?09:32
TheDeadCPUHeart|, nope09:42
Heart|ok... so haret.exe i knew from my touch hd time is still the way to go with htc diamond?09:43
Heart|is battery consumption better as 1 year ago i tried that? 1 year ago i only get ~8 hours until battery was empty :(09:44
TheDeadCPUA bit09:45
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Heart|but one day without charging is still not possible?09:55
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NeoMatrixJRstinebd, do you ever sleep?! you were online when I went to sleep last night... how are you STILL on?10:41
rpierce99stinebd doesn't ever leave the room afaik, but he's not always *present*10:43
NeoMatrixJRhe must not mark as away either....10:51
* NeoMatrixJR reading htc-linux & xdandroid logs from last few days...10:52
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nck20hey guys11:31
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stinebdthat trip to japan is looking a little shaky right now11:46
nck20he i have a question?11:51
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rpierce99hey nck20 read the room description "Dont ask to ask"11:54
nck20ok sorry12:00
nck20but how can i turn out the led notification light when i'm using android? i tried ledeffects but didn't work12:00
rpierce99the led in our builds are specifically used to track sleep/wake, they aren't hooked into userland at all12:01
stinebdin other words, you can't12:03
rpierce99not entirely true, you can, but you'd have to modify your kernel12:03
stinebdin other words, he can't.12:03
nck20nope i can't modify it myself12:04
rpierce99ah, the specific "you" not the global "you"12:05
nck20but ledeffects stops the light but after few minutes it turns on again,,12:05
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Fattyfrancis fatty12:52
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stinebdlet me preface this by offering my deepest condolences for japan during this terrible tragedy12:55
stinebdand now for the lulz
stinebdit's not funny but god that's funny12:55
stinebdand i found that on a respectable website (huffpo)12:56
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mightyis it possible to connect my pc with xdandroid (sdcard)13:09
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NeoMatrixJRmighty: connect in what way?13:33
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ndnohey guys, thanks for the awesome work... had a quick question to ask14:41
arrrghhhdon't ask to ask14:41
arrrghhhjust ask14:41
ndnowhen system.ext2 is mounted on android boot, is it mounted using part of RAM or is it using the SD card space?14:42
arrrghhhit's loop mounted...14:43
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arrrghhhso the file physically resides on your SD14:44
arrrghhhbut it loops it so android doesn't know the difference.14:44
ndnook, thanks.14:45
ndnois any of the file system mounted using RAM (like a ramdisk)?14:45
arrrghhhnot to my knowledge14:46
arrrghhhbut that's not much14:46
arrrghhhstinebd, you there?  tiad8 is saying you're missing some libs for HQ youtoobs.  also, he said he single-handedly fixed cam on GB, but then gave you all the credit.14:46
* arrrghhh is confused14:46
ndnook, thanks... just trying to learn :)14:47
ndnoi was trying to figure out what's occupying all the memory... the kernel, the apps and services that get loaded, initrd, etc14:49
ndnoi see that the tp2 has 288MB ram and using the terminal, it has 175MB total RAM (using the free command)14:50
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ndnoi wonder where the rest went to14:50
arrrghhhgraphics i'm sure eat some14:51
arrrghhhi bet the RIL does as well, not sure tho.14:51
ndnodoes haret.exe free up the RAM that winmo uses when it boots and make it available to Android?14:52
stinebdarrrghhh: cam has been working on gingerbread since i merged it even before frx05, but i just haven't released it14:53
arrrghhhndno, haret kicks winmo out of memory, so i'd hope so.14:54
stinebdall the code is in git so people who build from source should already be seeing working camera14:54
arrrghhhstinebd, oic.  didn't realize that..14:54
arrrghhhare you waiting to release on GPS er whu?14:54
arrrghhhcan't even misspell words correctly today.14:55
stinebdjust waiting14:55
stinebdnot for anything in particular14:55
stinebdtoo many releases lately14:55
ndnooh ok... thanks.  i thought maybe the winmo distribution i'm using may have something to do with the amount of free memory i have under Android14:55
arrrghhhjust tired of tiad8's mess getting more publicity because more crap works in it.14:56
arrrghhhndno, shouldn't have any effect, whatsoever.  run NAND to confirm14:56
arrrghhhstinebd, you heard me14:56
arrrghhhpeople bemoaning the XDA builds because they lag behind his poop14:56
arrrghhhhis being used loosely here14:56
stinebdfuck em, let them use his shit then14:57
ndnolol, tiad8 is sure getting lots of publicity14:57
ndnoi've stopped using his stuff during to stability issues14:57
stinebdi don't do this for popularity or profit or anything14:57
arrrghhhstinebd, i don't either.14:58
arrrghhhbut when the shitty build is getting more attention... just makes me wonder.14:58
stinebdthen don't worry about tiad14:58
arrrghhhobviously some of it is just lying thru his teeth14:58
arrrghhhi guess it just pains me that his retarded thrown together crap seems more advanced feature-wise than XDA builds.14:59
stinebdpatches welcome15:00
arrrghhhyou already fixed it!15:00
ndno"GUYS, I HAVE TO TELL YOU SOMETHING...THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE.  THIS IS THE BEST BUILD..."  yep, he always starts out with something like that15:00
arrrghhhstinebd, so what about this HQ youtube jibba jabba15:01
stinebddon't know15:01
ndnoanyways, i leave you guys alone, just dropping by to learn a few stuff here and there15:01
stinebdif he's using blobs, don't care15:01
arrrghhhno clue where he's getting his crap from.15:01
arrrghhhnp ndno15:01
stinebdthat's why you ignore him15:01
stinebdlet him do his own thing15:02
arrrghhhwhen he starts posting in my build threads15:02
arrrghhhit's kinda hard.15:02
arrrghhhi can ignore his threads...15:02
stinebdreport him15:02
arrrghhhlol he didn't do anything reportable15:02
arrrghhhother than be difficult to ignore15:02
stinebdtell him not to post there15:02
stinebdand next time he does, report him15:02
arrrghhhback down that road15:03
arrrghhhi'm doing my best to try and operate cohesively with him.15:03
stinebdwell don't15:03
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arrrghhhjust like that charlie sheen addon that blocks everything sheen15:08
arrrghhhi need a tiad8 blocker15:08
arrrghhhadblock plus his ass15:08
stinebdyou know there's an ignore list?15:09
arrrghhhdoes it just block all their posts from when i login?!?15:09
arrrghhhcuz that would be tits15:10
stinebdyou'll see postbits but it'll just say "This message is hidden because tiadEIGHT is on your ignore list."15:10
stinebdbut it'll be the actual number instead of EIGHT15:11
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arrrghhhemwe, RHOD400 is on the way to your house.15:19
arrrghhhi have a tracking #, but it doesn't appear valid yet.  USPS is probably the WORST for tracking a package ever tho.15:20
stinebdhk post is15:20
arrrghhhguess i've never shipped a package hk post :P15:20
arrrghhhhong kong i assume?15:20
arrrghhhi was speaking of crap that's here15:20
arrrghhhcompared to fexex... ups... or even dhl15:20
arrrghhhusps blows donkey balls.15:20
arrrghhhusually you get a notification they've rec'd the package15:21
arrrghhhand they dropped it off... somewhere.15:21
arrrghhhtypically nothing in between tho.15:21
emwearrrghhh: ah coolio! wouldn't mind the tracking id via mail ;)15:22
stinebdwell when it costs less than 10% of the others i guess it's okay15:22
emwegood evening btw.15:22
stinebdhi emwe15:22
arrrghhhgood afternoon ;)15:23
emwephony sleepy welly since this afternoon. wake is still a bit too laggy...15:23
arrrghhhemwe, sure let me see...15:23
stinebdi don't know why cnn bothers reporting these tsunami waves that are like 6 feet high15:23
arrrghhhemwe, sent15:24
arrrghhhstinebd, i know lol15:24
arrrghhhlike oh noes... perfect surf for hawaii?15:24
stinebdi've seen worse than that at the outer banks. for reals.15:25
stinebdbut since they were from tropical storms and not tsunamis i guess they're less impressive15:25
Detulenot to sound like a smartass but i guess a 6ft tsunami surge is different than a 6ft tropical storm wave15:26
stinebdlooked the same to me15:27
stinebdit's water15:27
stinebdtall as a guy15:27
arrrghhhin theory it's moving faster....?15:27
Detulejust more water i guess it doesn't abate, the way i understand it you put a 12 ft wall infront of it, it will just accumulate until it goes over15:28
Detulewall=horseshoe kinda thing15:29
Detulei'll stop now15:29
stinebdthat's why we don't have the PhDs15:29
arrrghhhi have some kind of a degree15:29
arrrghhhi think15:29
arrrghhhcertainly nothing related to tsunamis15:30
arrrghhhor even water15:30
stinebdi wonder if you get rip tides with those like you do with storm surge15:31
stinebdi imagine after the wave hits, the water gets sucked back out to ocean anyway15:31
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arrrghhhthat was deep15:33
MassStasharrrghhh, you see acl told me how to get su jankily working? jankily = kinda messed up15:33
stinebdwhat's wrong with su?15:33
MassStashgot superuser working with clocksyn n terminal only tho15:33
MassStashit was non existant15:33
MassStashsorry no spec15:33
MassStashbeen in nand for 3 days now15:34
stinebdi'd like to port the superuser provider to our framework if possible15:34
Kralnarrrghhh: get my email?15:34
MassStashwouldn't that be nice15:34
arrrghhhKraln, oh yea sorry.15:34
arrrghhhforwarded to emwe already ;)15:34
arrrghhhi sent you one back too!15:34
emweKraln: thank you, again!15:35
MassStashstinebd, whats the current status of that then?15:35
stinebdMassStash: not started15:35
MassStashgot cha15:35
MassStashwell i'm just anxious to work with acl's CM build because of how he was explaining its setup for nand not like xdandroid15:36
MassStashsome issues could be old news then15:36
MassStashn other issues "easier" to takle15:36
stinebdit's trivial for xdandroid to migrate to a nand environment15:37
MassStashwas it not built FOR haret?15:37
stinebdtrivial means easy15:37
MassStashah yea?15:38
MassStashso you find no validity to acl's words?15:38
stinebdthey're valid15:38
stinebdbut it's not hard to make them invalid in the future15:38
MassStashlol, k.....15:39
arrrghhhhe was mucking with CM6.1, and getting nowhere it seemed.15:39
stinebdit's not easy if you don't know your way around the system15:39
stinebdbig learning curve15:39
MassStashit was 6.1 that was giving him trouble? 7's not out right?15:41
arrrghhhnot officially15:41
arrrghhhjust nightlys AFAIK15:41
emwestinebd: as a though just crossed my mind again... would it be possible via an overlay config to enable "restart device" in the shutdown menu or would that need base framework (or wherever) modifications?15:42
stinebdemwe: needs framework modifications15:43
emwein the fork(s) you already have?15:43
stinebdi can't believe how many people bug me about this15:43
emweoh, thought to be the first. bummer. :/15:43
emwereboot -fd2 didn't use to be the nicest.15:44
emweallthough gb+.35 seems to like it pretty fine recently.15:44
emweadb push kernel+mods and quickly reset for quick turnaround times ;)15:44
stinebdpeople are so lazy they can't press the power button :D15:44
emweseriously too time intense to wait for it to shutdown. (apart from the fact i dunno the "shutdown command")15:45
emwenot when i can press key-up+enter and wait15:45
emwe(build, push, reboot on my box that is)15:46
stinebdyou know i've never tried adb reboot15:46
emweehm, i meant the "adb shell reboot -fd2" actually :)15:46
stinebdi know but there's also adb reboot15:46
emweoh, there's an adb command15:46
emwehehe. just figured ;)15:47
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stinebdarrrghhh: you want to do a release today?16:03
stinebdlooking at keyboard dimensions fix hopefully, having the rest of the camera stuff in there, new gapps package, and moving up to bzo's gles1.1 binary properly16:04
emwestinebd: bzo's gles binary?16:09
stinebdhe hacked up some ogles1.1 driver (hero?) to work on wvga16:10
stinebdsimilarly to how the old 1.0 driver from dream was hacked up16:10
emwehm, didn't i find a thread about specifically that on xda...hmhmhm16:10
stinebdhe sent it to me a long time ago16:11
stinebdjan 3016:11
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emwethat stuff's gonna benefit gb as well?16:11
stinebdwell i didn't really see any difference in behavior or performance16:12
stinebdwar ships on their way to japan16:14
stinebdi guess we should take them out while we can16:14
stinebdobama finally has the guts to invade an ally16:15
arrrghhhstinebd, i can do a release today, no prob.16:19
arrrghhhi wonder if those are the libs tiad8 is talking about for HQ youtoobs16:20
stinebdno, he's talking about codec libraries16:22
arrrghhhk, i have no idea then.16:24
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stinebdkeyboard looks great17:46
stinebdsize is perfect now17:46
stinebdgoes into fullscreen in landscape17:46
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emweyeha ;)17:53
emwestinebd: what's your main device currently? you also got a rhod now?17:55
stinebdemwe: i'm doing most release testing on a rhod40017:55
emwelooking forward to its arrival here.17:56
emwethe overlay adjustment for keyb is not yet pushed, right?17:57
emwealso looking forward to that ;)17:57
emwebeen using the updated gapps for a while.17:58
stinebda while?17:58
stinebdit's only been 4days!17:58
emwelol, yes. time is flying is what it feels for me.18:00
stinebdi think i'll try the touch-based phone interface too18:03
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stinebdhey nice, gallery3d does work on raph now18:39
arrrghhhin gb?18:43
arrrghhhrhod too18:46
arrrghhhi noticed that18:46
arrrghhhpicasasync fixxored18:46
arrrghhhi was happy to see that :D18:46
stinebdwell i knew rhod worked18:46
arrrghhhwho cares about raph18:46
stinebdi hadn't yet tested raph18:46
arrrghhhstupid old phone18:46
arrrghhhthey are dying to get that panel collapse code18:47
arrrghhhi don't know how easily that'll work on their devices...18:47
rpierce99i might be getting my old raph back here tomorrow18:47
rpierce99i'll be excited to have a phone i don't care about and can really screw with18:47
rpierce99probably nand it up18:47
arrrghhhthey'd love to see progress there too i'm sure18:48
arrrghhhthe 500's are saaaaad panda's18:48
arrrghhhbut i only see someone with one of those asking about android once in a blue moon18:48
rpierce99what is the Fuze18:48
arrrghhhvzn raph18:48
arrrghhhhad half the RAM18:48
rpierce99k that's what i'll have18:48
arrrghhhor smth18:48
rpierce99fuze, 11018:49
stinebdit's what i have18:49
stinebdthe best xdandroid-capable device18:49
rpierce99except battery18:49
rpierce99if there's no collapse18:49
arrrghhhthe best eh?18:50
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stinebdtouch ui is good on rhod18:59
stinebdwe can remap end call to home with that19:00
stinebdfinally make people happy19:00
stinebdnot so good on raph19:01
stinebdbut it might be easy to fix19:01
arrrghhhi really want to fix the dialer19:06
arrrghhhi keep forgetting to try to roll my own image19:06
stinebdwell you're too late to the party my friend19:06
arrrghhhi'd really like to see it fit on both screens19:06
stinebdi'm in the process of fixing it right now19:06
arrrghhhyou're awesome :D19:08
stinebdall credit goes to tiad819:08
stinebdthe one good thing about cdma is you can dial out even without service19:08
stinebdyou just get that pissy dude saying HEY MAN U GOTTA PAY TO PLAY19:09
arrrghhhhe'll do that too19:09
arrrghhhall angry-like19:09
arrrghhhvzb rep today said their LTE service is going to use SIM cards19:09
arrrghhhi've read that "unofficially" somewhere19:10
arrrghhhprobably engadget19:10
arrrghhhbut it's nice to hear them confirm it19:10
stinebdthis is gonna be the greatest release in the history of buttfarts19:12
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stinebdit's fixed19:17
stinebdon raph19:17
stinebdtest time on rhod now19:17
stinebdgonna have some whitespace between the dial pad and buttons but them's the breaks19:17
stinebdi guess on gingerbread it's blackspace19:18
stinebdthats weird19:21
stinebdugh wtf stupid ubuntu19:21
stinebdthats weird19:28
stinebdlooks the same as it did before on rhod19:29
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stinebdxdandroid: bug 9819:29
xdandroidstinebd: Bug normal, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, Gingerbread (GRX0x) Release Tracker19:29
arrrghhhso no end button19:29
arrrghhhyou don't have to call him out do you?19:29
stinebdi'm talking about the layout of the dialpad19:29
arrrghhhbug 10119:29
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, Gingerbread crash when enabling TI Bluetooth19:29
arrrghhhstinebd, uh... i thought it was just the in-call screen19:30
arrrghhhthat's silly19:30
arrrghhhand blank19:30
stinebdyou clearly have no clue what i'm talking about19:30
stinebdso for reference19:30
stinebdthat's the in-call touch ui that we're switching to19:30
arrrghhhthat... is what i'm talking about19:30
arrrghhhours is blank, just the pull up dialpad19:30
arrrghhhwhich is tits19:31
stinebdtrying to find an image with the dialpad active19:31
arrrghhhyou need one?19:31
stinebdanyway it doesn't matter19:31
stinebdwhen you bring the dialpad up, it replaces pretty much everything above the buttons19:32
stinebdwith a dial pad (duh)19:32
stinebdnow before my changes, on rhod it looked perfect and on raph the buttons were covering up half of the star, 0 and pound keys on the dialpad19:32
stinebdso i edited the layout xml to bump it up 6 display points19:33
stinebdthis made it look perfect on raph and i expected it to create that much empty space between the dialpad and buttons on rhod19:33
stinebdhowever, it still looks perfect on rhod19:33
stinebdas though no change was made19:33
stinebdand before you flame me with LUL UPDATE UR SYSTEM IMAGE, the Phone.apk md5sums are the same on both systems19:34
arrrghhhthat sounds great19:34
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stinebdupLOUD in progress19:59
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arrrghhhthere's so many changes in the wings too20:00
arrrghhhhooray, changes20:01
stinebdgood news20:03
stinebdonly 17 hours left on the upLOUD20:03
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arrrghhhare you doing it over 2g?20:03
arrrghhhyou don't have service on that slut20:05
stinebdno wonder it's taking so long20:05
arrrghhhthat CDMA whorephone you got der20:05
phhstinebd: TOLD YOU ! (guess what i'm speaking about :p)20:08
stinebdjapan earthquakes?20:08
phhno, just bluetooth20:08
stinebdtold me what?20:09
phhthat it was fine in kernel, only userland problem20:10
stinebdthey fixed it in kernel20:11
stinebdcamera was hogging a gpio or some crap20:11
phhwell we talked about that before camera got merged in -_-'20:11
stinebdthe old camera stuff was hogging a gpio20:11
phh??? it was enabled20:12
phhwas it .... ?20:12
stinebdsomething like that20:12
stinebdi don't really remember20:12
stinebdthere were several conflicts in the old camera stuff20:12
stinebdanyway i get a pass regardless because i never actually had a rhod20:13
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phhi'm speaking of non rhod devices -_-'20:13
stinebdno BT work has been done on non-rhod devices20:14
stinebdi really have no clue what you're on about, so i'm gonna get back to work20:14
phhuh ? latest jbruneaux's mail ?20:16
stinebdmust've been recent, i haven't checked since i started working on this image20:17
phhone hour ago ?20:18
stinebdi've been workign for like 5 hours20:18
stinebdtexasalt... we've tried that before though20:19
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phhyeah i think so too, but bad memory so i can't affirm that20:19
stinebdwith a bunch of different firmwares20:19
stinebdi think the one that's in rootfs now is either from hero or a cm dream image i found20:20
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stinebdstill crashing gingerbread with that20:24
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stinebdphh: TOLD YOU!20:32
stinebdrhod bt WAS a kernel issue20:32
phhi've never said rhod bt was working -_-'20:33
stinebdi told you anyway20:33
stinebdi never say TI bt was working in userland :P20:33
stinebdmake xland go faster20:34
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bzostinebd: you probably didn't try the magic combo of texasalt and 4mb20:35
stinebdi've got the same thing he has20:36
stinebdi'm downloading frx05 to try it on froyo20:36
stinebdoh you mean in our previous tests?20:36
stinebdyeah we tried every imaginable combination20:37
bzoI think we tried mostly 2mb20:37
bzobut we don't have a 2mb clock20:37
bzoit's also possible that all the recent clock changes fixed something as well20:37
stinebdi think that's probably it20:37
phhwe tried 4M20:37
phhi'm pretty sure of that20:37
stinebdwe tried that first actually20:38
stinebdbecause that's what d/s is set to20:38
stinebdscaled it back to 115200 and it worked without firmware upload20:38
stinebdbut then you get super slow speed and no services20:38
stinebdso something got shimmied along the way i think20:38
bzowell, the nightware is not over yet20:39
bzolots of userland fixes as well20:39
stinebdthe gingerbread nightmare has just begun20:39
phhstinebd: not even SCO ?20:39
phhI mean headsets for calls20:39
stinebdphh: not even that20:39
phhi don't get why it would work for jbruneaux then20:39
stinebdthe only thing i could get working was networking20:39
stinebdie for tethering20:39
bzojb is on froyo, not gb20:40
bzoalso, like I said lots of userland fixes20:40
stinebdi don't see any userland fixes20:40
phhanyway, time to sleep20:40
bzohe hasn't sent them to you yet20:40
stinebdfor ti?20:40
bzothough some of them are in the tree he cloned20:40
stinebdhis email says he just dropped in the init change20:40
bzoyeah, I think they apply to all20:40
bzothat's just to fix the high speed init problem20:40
stinebdhe doesn't mention anything about that in his email though...20:41
bzoI've been chatting with him, he hasn't gotten around to sending out the userland patches yet20:44
stinebdwell chat with him about his paypal email20:45
stinebdbecause i need it20:45
bzoyou haven't talked to him about the gift yet?20:46
stinebdi PMed him on xda, haven't got a response yet20:46
stinebdi think it was him anyway20:46
stinebdhe's tiad8 right? *runs*20:47
bzohis email is the most reliable way to contact him20:47
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stinebdyeah it's not working for me21:16
stinebdlots of kernel whining about bad checksums and unknown hci packet types and stuff21:17
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arrrghhhstinebd, so what am i officially supposed to call this?21:42
arrrghhhhave we gone beta? :D21:43
arrrghhhdamnit jim21:43
arrrghhhwell i updated the first post at least with the new link for the system image21:44
arrrghhhi'm going to make a new gb bundle as well21:44
arrrghhhso... no name change eh21:44
arrrghhhgreat big xecutable21:45
rpierce99i think my data.img is finally toast21:49
arrrghhhset it aflame21:49
rpierce99nothing but FCs on every boot21:49
xdandroidstinebd changed the Status on bug 110 from NEW to RESOLVED FIXED.21:50
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, RESOLVED FIXED, Gingerbread keyboard size needs fine-tuning21:50
Kralnbox went to the postman21:50
KralnI expect someone to do something awesome with that phone21:50
Kralndamnit ;)21:50
arrrghhhemwe will do awesome things21:51
arrrghhhlike .35 :D21:51
arrrghhhi told him he must also get the 3.5mm jack working lol21:51
Kralnlots of stuff to get working =p21:52
arrrghhhno joke21:53
arrrghhhstuff falling in place quite nicely tho21:53
* Kraln requests but does not demand props in the release notes21:53
arrrghhhwe should have a section for people who donated devices21:57
arrrghhhon the website21:57
arrrghhhjerome is freakin AWESOME22:00
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odzwooah? working?22:34
arrrghhhon a kernel level working to 4mbps22:35
arrrghhhneed to make userland changes22:35
arrrghhhbut the kernel code has been put up for review22:35
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arrrghhhfishingmedic, don't think i've ever seen you in here22:41
fishingmedicI'm a stalker lmao22:42
arrrghhhd...doin a good job?22:42
fishingmediconly come out of my hole once in a while22:42
fishingmedicnah, just poking my head in here to see what's going on22:42
fishingmedici was over at ppcg reading through posts, same question, over and over again. people don't seem to want to read or search anymore22:44
arrrghhhwhen did they ever?22:44
fishingmediclol ever22:44
fishingmedicI may have pissed off one guy who I answered in one thread and after I answered, he started another thread asking the same thing.  Now I don't know squat compared to you guys on here, but even I knew the answer to his question/problem22:45
fishingmedici gotta stay out of the threads more, I get too annoyed with some of them22:46
arrrghhhjoin the club22:46
arrrghhhhave you uh... noticed my nickname?  :P22:47
fishingmedicyeah, I laugh at it all the time22:47
fishingmedicI'm gonna change mine to either "really" or "WTF"22:47
arrrghhhzomg fishingmedic... fixed dialer22:47
arrrghhhstinebd, can i ask a favor?22:47
arrrghhhfishingmedic, just updated my gb thread ;)22:48
fishingmedicI saw, and already posted thanks!  Is virus going to post a test kernel like he did the camera?22:49
arrrghhhfor BT?22:50
arrrghhhno, it's basically fixed22:50
arrrghhhhe just needs to make some userland changes22:50
arrrghhhand blam22:50
arrrghhhfixed for TI and BCM22:50
fishingmediclol, yeah, wrong subject, just saw your GB post, that's sweet as hell, this thing is taking off like wildfire22:51
arrrghhhf yes22:52
fishingmedicyou gonna throw up a new package or just replace the system.ext2 with stinebd's update?22:52
fishingmedicdude, you're too quick lol22:53
fishingmedicI'm so used to seeing that there will be a great fast update in certain threads, but I should have known you'd already have it done, lol22:55
arrrghhhsorry, just don't have that... JE NE SAIS QUOI22:56
arrrghhhfishingmedic, i need you23:04
fishingmedicwhat's up?23:05
arrrghhhjonpry has a theory23:05
arrrghhhsome wild, crack pot theory23:05
fishingmedicI'm in!23:05
arrrghhhbut you can get your phone to SoD almost on command23:05
arrrghhhusing your airave, yea?23:05
fishingmedicMaybe I can finally contribute something lol23:06
arrrghhhso his theory23:06
arrrghhhis ramp it down to 300mhz23:06
arrrghhhi'm still not clear on how he does this tho23:06
arrrghhhevidently not with acpu23:06
arrrghhhtrying to coax him in here lol23:06
arrrghhhdo you have adb?23:06
fishingmedicIf he wants, he can shoot me an email, or pm at ppcg or xda23:07
fishingmedicNo, never got that figured out23:07
arrrghhhdon't worry about it23:07
arrrghhhwe're doin this now23:07
arrrghhhcuz you have to do this23:07
arrrghhhecho 300000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq23:07
arrrghhhyou can type it in if you want23:07
arrrghhhon the phone23:07
arrrghhhi guess you could pastebin it23:07
arrrghhhand use chrome2phone23:07
fishingmedicwhere, root explorer?23:07
arrrghhhterminal emulator23:07
arrrghhhor my personal fave connectbot23:07
arrrghhhconnected to the local root terminal23:08
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arrrghhhroot explorer, does that app have the terminal app?23:08
arrrghhhjonpry, welcome sir23:08
arrrghhhjust explaining how to get him to pass that command now :P23:08
jonpryhey hey23:08
fishingmedicwhich airave do you want on, the older one or the newer one?23:08
arrrghhhi'm sure older23:08
arrrghhhwe want guaranteed SoD here23:08
arrrghhhno foolin around here fishingmedic :P23:09
fishingmedicalright, I'm firing up the airave, I shut it down when you said to see if it helped the sod's23:10
arrrghhhdid it?23:11
arrrghhhwell wait23:11
arrrghhhapply that crap first23:11
arrrghhhi guess if you want to induce an sod23:11
fishingmedicyup, although I still had them when going between poor signal areas23:11
arrrghhhwell yea23:12
fishingmedicyou want that line entered correct?23:12
arrrghhhjonpry has a mad scientist theory23:12
arrrghhhfishingmedic, yup23:12
arrrghhhi can help with adb23:12
arrrghhhor you can type it in23:12
fishingmedicI can do it with terminal emulator and just type it in, no biggee23:13
fishingmedicbut you do have to help me with adb in the near future23:13
arrrghhhfishingmedic, np23:14
arrrghhhyou save lives, i... help people with computer crap.23:14
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fishingmedicnah, I don't save lives, I just drive fast and shock people with electricity, and play with cool drugs!23:16
fishingmedicalright, it's entered in terminal explorer, now what23:16
arrrghhhjonpry, any method to confirm cpu?23:17
jonpryhit enter23:17
fishingmediclmao, emulator23:17
arrrghhhi guess cat /proc/cpuinfo?23:17
fishingmedicpermission denied... hmmm23:18
arrrghhhfishingmedic, su23:18
jonprymaybe, there is scaling_cur_freq in same directory23:18
arrrghhhthen try again23:18
jonpryyou can cat it, should say 30000023:18
arrrghhhcrap no up arrow without sh :P23:18
arrrghhhjonpry, cat the same thing he's echoing to?23:18
arrrghhhi was wondering how to confirm cpu is actually running at that23:19
jonpryhe's echoing to max_freq23:19
jonprycur_freq should change shortly after :p23:19
fishingmedicpermission denied again. should I be entering any sort of prompt prior to the echo?  after the $23:21
arrrghhhthen enter23:21
arrrghhhshould change to a #23:21
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fishingmedick it took it, back to #23:24
arrrghhhjonpry, does he need to cat anything to verify?23:24
arrrghhhor just try to reproduce SoD?23:24
rpierce99fishingmedic: it took su or it took the echo23:25
fishingmedicboth, su got me to the #, I entered what arrrghhh posted and it brought me back to the # prompt23:25
fishingmedicwithout erroring like previously23:25
jonpryarrrghhh, i dunno, might be a good idea to cat it. but lot of work without adb23:26
arrrghhhfishingmedic, i guess just try to recreate SoD scenario23:27
rpierce99if he sods though we won't know if it just didn't take or if it didn't fix it23:27
rpierce99it'd be nice to know for sure23:27
arrrghhhcat /proc/cpuinfo isn't that hard23:27
arrrghhhwouldn't that do it?23:27
jonprynot sure23:28
jonpryno it won't work23:28
arrrghhhdidn't work for me either23:28
jonpryand remember one second holds to wake :p23:29
arrrghhhi don't see how to verify23:30
arrrghhhother than perhaps an app23:30
arrrghhhlike system panel lite23:30
jonprywell, lets get this party started23:31
arrrghhhfishingmedic, do eeeeeet23:31
fishingmedicno sod, but this bitch is laggy as all hell23:31
arrrghhhtry to make that bitch SoD23:31
arrrghhhjonpry, i'd say it worked23:31
fishingmediccrist almighty, screen is frozen on a FC and ain't doing nothing23:32
arrrghhh300mhz proc? :P23:32
fishingmedickeyboard lights up, but doesn't change to landscape.  Nope Market23:32
jonprynah, mine is almost as fast as normal23:32
jonprycan't really tell23:33
jonprydropping a couple frames here and there on the scroll23:33
fishingmedicwant me to reboot and try again?  Airave is on and fully functional23:33
jonpryfishingmedic, what system.img are you using?23:33
fishingmedicwhat do you mean?  FRX05?23:34
fishingmedicFRX05 with wistilts test kernel from 127623:34
fishingmedicthe bitch is rebooting android, but lagggggggggggggy23:34
fishingmedicthe little droids ain't flying too well tonight boys23:35
fishingmedicand they aint spelling too fast either23:35
jonprymaybe you forgot a zero :p23:35
jonpry300,000 right?23:35
jonprywithout the comma of course23:36
fishingmedicyeah, 5 zero's believe me I counted twice!23:36
fishingmedicI'm enough of an idiot, didn't want to prove it to you guys like that23:36
jonpryi dunno man, its only like a 50% drop in clock speed on a machine that is all io bound23:36
fishingmedicdoes it matter if im OC'ing?23:36
jonpryumm, maybe. that is kind of the point of this experiment23:37
fishingmedicI just rebooted to winmo and I'll get back to android in a sec, didn't think about the oc'ing, I'll change the startup quick and get back in23:37
jonprybut i mean if your phone keeps SOD'ng. wouldn't one turn down the juice?23:38
fishingmedicI haven't had SOD's since turning off the airave unless I'm in a bad signal area and go to a good area, and would even get them OC'ing or not,23:39
jonprythats why we are trying underclocking23:39
fishingmedichmmm, it wiped my startup.txt too, 0B23:39
jonpryi suspect regular clock is too high23:39
fishingmedicOh ok23:40
jonprybut i don't know that you can set the startup.txt to less than 500mhz. the /sys file fixed my phone, so i figure it will fix yours23:40
fishingmedicalright, it's booting android again23:41
fishingmedichows the phone run when it's underclocked?23:43
jonpryfine, almost as fast23:43
jonpryi can notice it, but its not anything like unusable23:43
fishingmedicstill gotta be better than winmo lol23:44
arrrghhhjust testing a theory23:44
arrrghhhit's not going to be permanently underclocked fishingmedic ;)23:44
fishingmediclol, no prob23:44
jonprywe will ramp it. let the proc warm up first.23:44
arrrghhhfishingmedic, what's the word23:50
fishingmedicseems to be running fine, just letting her go to sleep now, still flashing green23:51
fishingmedicyup, i removed the oc from startup23:51
arrrghhhyou got the SoD's with no OC right?23:51
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stinebdarrrghhh: favor?23:53
arrrghhhstinebd, dialer mods for froyo?  please sir?  :D23:53
stinebdyes but not tonight23:54
arrrghhhoh yea23:54
arrrghhhno worries23:54
stinebdwas there something else for froyo?23:54
stinebdoh gallery3d23:54
fishingmediccan't get this thing to sod23:55
arrrghhhfishingmedic, and it used to do it always eh?23:55
arrrghhhjonpry, does that setting survive a reboot?23:55
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fishingmedicpretty frequently. I redid the entry in case it didn't23:56
arrrghhhfishingmedic, awesome23:56
arrrghhhis it ok?23:56
arrrghhhi mean performance-wise23:56
jonpryarrrghhh, no23:56
fishingmedicwas running ok, but just got a FC on ADW23:57
arrrghhhfishingmedic, heh23:57
arrrghhhfishingmedic, no SoD?23:57
arrrghhhthat's the most important piece.23:57
fishingmedicgot sluggish and then ADW launcher froze, but still no sod23:57
fishingmedicI'll run it like this for a day or two if you want and let you know what happens23:58
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fishingmedicits real sluggish though23:59
fishingmedicjust got another FC when trying to use the phone23:59
jonprydo you advanced task killer?23:59
xdandroidNew XDAndroid Releases bug 111 filed...23:59
xdandroidBug enhancement, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, FRX06 Backports for Gallery3D and Phone23:59
jonpryand you really need adb to figure out what your phone is doing23:59

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