Sunday, 2011-02-06

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manabkhas anyone installed android on some chinese winmo gps?02:15
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snow_hi all!05:33
snow_why is my "loading" led turned on all the time?05:34
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raphaelhi there07:06
raphaelwich Radio you prefer to use with raphael and xdaandroid 2.207:07
Eodunbest would be to try some in WM (battery, coverage, etc) and leave the one you prefer.07:12
raphaelno problem to easy change them? What about rilphone?07:14
Eodunyou won't lose any data if using olinex 1.5607:18
Eodunno idea about rilphone07:18
Eodunhslp unsigned olinex, I mean07:18
Eodunyou've got the explanation and radios in the xda developers wiki07:19
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tjacoAm i just blind or where is the guide to install android with the newest release? According to the installation guide I should get a lot of directories and so on then unpacking and not just system.etx2?11:42
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emwestinebd: did you yet see virtkeyb on gingerbread being too small in size? it's just like 1/4th of the screen. googled a bit and seems to be dpi-related.12:22
arrrghhhlol he said that was expected :P12:25
arrrghhhdunno i tried it, still seems to work pretty well despite its smaller stature.12:26
emwehey arrrghhh. indeed it strangely does ;)12:44
arrrghhhi was baffled by its size as well12:44
arrrghhhsaid the same thing to stinebd :P12:44
emweah missed that12:46
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arrrghhheh i don't think you were on.12:54
arrrghhhso you're excused :P12:54
emwekk ;)12:56
emwearrrghhh: btw, i pushed a little fix for the ril. it didn't have adverse effects on gsm netbased loc. but it's in that area. right after a succesful "data back to userland" it triggered the error goto because it msised a return.12:58
emweperhaps userland is behaving different on that screnario.12:58
emwe(on cdma i mean)12:58
arrrghhhcan i bug you about the +BSINFO crap for CDMA?12:58
arrrghhhis it even in the RIL?12:58
arrrghhhi guess i should try to pull it again.12:59
emweno it isnt12:59
arrrghhh...can it get added?12:59
emweof course. no idea where though :)12:59
arrrghhhi have a post somewheres, i'll dig in IRC logs12:59
emwecan you give the new ril build a try when it's out?12:59
arrrghhhi'm not sure if the post pinpoints hwere.12:59
arrrghhhemwe, sure when is it out...?12:59
arrrghhhalso, where is RIL?  system image?12:59
emweit takes the time it takes to build after a checkin i guess ;)13:00
arrrghhhdidn't know that.13:00
emwewell, yes, it's bind mounted. oh wait13:00
arrrghhhit is system image isn't it.13:00
emweiirc stinebd pushes the binary .so to rootfs13:01
emweyou on ginger?13:01
emwe(shouldn't matter i think)13:01
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emwethere you go ;)13:02
emweadb push to /lib/froyo/13:03
arrrghhhi have been testing his ginger madness, yes.13:03
arrrghhhi am freakin amazed at how fast it is.13:03
emweit is?13:03
emwefeels a bit slower13:03
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emwedo you guys build with jit or without?13:04
emwei biult w/o13:04
emwe2192 in linpack is ok though w/o jit and no oc13:05
emweoh, it didn't like starting the cam app :)13:06
emwearrrghhh: what has come out of your system_server trials last night?13:10
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emwearrrghhh: btw, no single system_server issues on .35 at all13:11
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arrrghhhholy crap13:39
arrrghhhi just went and shoveled a ton of snow, and with my lights on in my basement i have a lot of trouble seeing.  i guess i should'13:39
arrrghhhve been wearing sunglasses.13:40
arrrghhhemwe, well my system_server trials were inconsistent at best.  they were consistent for me, but not anyone else :P13:40
arrrghhhJIT is disabled, yes.13:40
arrrghhhUnholy, you won't get any HD2 help here.  MN was correct in sending you to -chat, although if there are hd2 devs in the main channel i'm sure they'll help.  there just aren't any in there right now it seems.13:42
arrrghhhemwe, trying that RIL now.13:42
Unholyarrg i know that.. i was just saying hi, back in the day i would spend lots of time here.13:44
arrrghhhah, ok. np.13:45
arrrghhhjust wanted to make sure :P13:45
Unholyhehe np13:45
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Unholyi once had a raph 110, i loved it, to ba dthe keyboard got mest up =/13:46
arrrghhhwent to an hd2 eh?13:46
Unholyaye XD13:46
Unholylooking to sell now13:47
Unholysell it*13:47
arrrghhhi keep looking at buying one and using it like jesusfreak does, as an ipod13:47
arrrghhheverything works on it so it's boring now?  :P13:47
Unholynah, i do gaming on it, not tha tmuch but i do and the adreno 200 is just not fast enof13:48
Unholyand a ts issue im having with it, migh tbe kernel related dunno13:48
arrrghhhi heard something about system_server spiking whenever you touch the screen13:48
arrrghhhhappens on native android phones too13:48
arrrghhhemwe, fyi, i haven't had any issues with sys_server on gb... but there's a lot not working, stinebd seems to think it might be related to sensors.13:49
Unholydunno, its just sometime the touch points get mixed up, and instead of registering 2 it liek merges them and make it 1,13:49
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arrrghhhis it a tmous hd2?13:49
arrrghhhie the 1gb version13:49
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Unholyyou notice it on fps games msotly13:49
arrrghhhhow much you want for it?13:49
UnholyXD atleast 300 0_013:50
arrrghhheh, that's probably 2x as much as i'd be willing to spend.  thx tho13:50
Unholyit comes with a few stuff13:50
Unholyye i have to sell it to someone that erm shall i say dosent kow tha tmuch about phone,s13:51
Unholyand is looking for looks not hardware13:51
arrrghhhyea well i have a tp213:51
arrrghhhbasically the same internals as your old raph13:51
Unholyyep only wvga screen13:51
arrrghhhstupid rhod.  upgraded everything but the internals.13:51
arrrghhhthe phone feels great in your hand, but the proc and ram specs are paltry.13:52
Unholyye only bad thing about that phone, otherwise its awesome13:52
arrrghhhemwe, so what shall i test with this new RIL...?  i still don't get netloc, but that doesn't surprise me.13:52
arrrghhhkbd is still #1 imho.13:52
Unholyhows the android port on the tp2?13:52
rpierce99arrrghhh: are you still not getting system_server issues?13:52
arrrghhhmoving quickly now13:52
arrrghhhbut overall kinda sad considering how fast the hd2 went...13:52
arrrghhhrpierce99, nope.13:52
Unholyi see13:52
arrrghhhi'm running gb now tho13:52
arrrghhhUnholy, we still don't have BT, 3.5mm jack...13:53
rpierce99arrrghhh: well then duh, haha13:53
Unholyi tihnk i heard tp is on nand now?13:53
arrrghhhnetloc for cdma.13:53
arrrghhhnot tp113:53
arrrghhhtp2 has been on it for a while (partially)13:53
Unholytp2 yes13:53
Unholytypo sorry13:53
arrrghhhand they're making some good progress to get full nand13:53
Unholyi see13:53
arrrghhhcotulla helped us out with some drivers13:53
arrrghhhfor mtd13:53
arrrghhhand rajiko helped with some yaffs patches13:53
arrrghhhrpierce99, i can't put it down.  even with all the broken crap, it's just awesome.13:54
Unholyatlest you guys got nand13:54
arrrghhhgetting there :P13:54
arrrghhhno body has booted off of it yet13:54
CounterfeitRuns much smoother than winmo that's for sure haha13:54
arrrghhhbut they seem very close.13:54
rpierce99arrrghhh: so we should just say screw froyo and move on? haha13:55
arrrghhhuntil something blows up :P13:55
arrrghhhneed to get rid of these damned kernel panics.13:55
arrrghhhrpierce99, well... there is a lot broken .  did you see the list last night?13:55
rpierce99yeah, that was a joke13:55
arrrghhhliblights, libgps, etc...13:55
rpierce99give the gb build to tiad8, he'll have it fixed in 2 days, hahaha13:56
arrrghhhi love how everyone so staunchly defends him for doing such 'hard work'13:57
arrrghhhand the arrogant devs need to back off and let him work... LOL13:57
CounterfeitBUT IT"S THE BEST13:57
arrrghhhthey really have no clue, they just see what he posts and thinks that he's doing gods work.13:57
arrrghhhi can't even look at those threads anymore.13:58
arrrghhhfreakin trainwreck.13:58
Counterfeiti still follow as I have yet to get into following the actual dev stuff on xda i guess13:58
arrrghhhi look at other threads13:58
arrrghhhjust avoid anything FROYOX or SENSEX13:58
arrrghhhlol i saw that today.13:59
arrrghhhand the noobs were answering his questions all wrong, it was great.13:59
arrrghhhi'm done correcting people in those threads, just so very wrong.13:59
Counterfeithe asked if it had something to do with the sim card..? i missed that. hahahaha13:59
arrrghhhyea, on the xda thread13:59
arrrghhhi don't think that convo happened in the ppcg thread.14:00
CounterfeitThat'd be why I missed it. That's funny.14:00
arrrghhhman i saw someone on ppcg quote a post of mine on xda-devs, and said that i was "scared of the ppg community" and that "i'm not a man and ran away to xda-devs"14:00
arrrghhhsorry guys, i don't copy and paste every single post on every forum like tiad does.14:00
Counterfeitscrew em lol14:01
arrrghhhso yea, i'm done with that whole scene.14:01
Counterfeitsome guy said it right when he said they only defend cause they want the next build for themselves14:01
arrrghhhi think wistilt2 is going to try to fix his kernels so they only work on the frx system image.14:01
arrrghhhthey're just vultures14:01
arrrghhhand they saw their golden boy giving up because of those mean ole devs.14:01
arrrghhhnow people are saying BS in my testing thread.14:02
arrrghhhthey're saying that if we fix ALL THE OTHER ISSUES that the SoD's will magically disappear.14:02
Counterfeitwhich thread?14:03
arrrghhhon xda-devs14:03
arrrghhhlast two posts on that page.14:03
Counterfeitwouldn't SoDs just come with the territory of running android on these phones? not that i actually know anyhting haha.14:03
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Counterfeitsome sods* at least14:04
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arrrghhhwistilt2 said something about some code dividing by 0 or some such lol14:04
arrrghhhtrying to create a black hole basically14:05
Counterfeit"I could be wrong but I would fix everything first and ignore this problem it might just go away on its own." ha14:06
rpierce99personally i'd agree but that's only because I'm selfish and I don't have SoD issues, so lets move on :)14:07
Counterfeithaha i've been lucky lately with the sods.14:11
arrrghhhwe're not focusing on the SoD's14:12
arrrghhhso if that's the perception, it's wrong :P14:12
arrrghhhwistilt2 seems determined to squash the system_server issue, which seems to be userland.14:12
arrrghhhso i'm hoping to get him to move on in that sense.14:12
Counterfeitwell duh, if everything else is fixed they will magically disappear..14:12
arrrghhh...not true14:12
arrrghhhjust cuz all the hardware is working doesn't mean you have good code.14:13
Counterfeitsarcasm haha*14:13
Counterfeitsarcasm is lost over text haha my bad.14:13
arrrghhhindeed it is!  text is painful sometimes lol14:14
Guest52528atlast in this channel we are having people talking lol14:23
Guest52528arrrgh the kernel is good14:25
Guest52528but wifi is not working for topaz14:26
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Counterfeitlooks like it's time for me to install a clean frxo4 and wait for the new kernel to help test.14:29
arrrghhhyea not sure when wistilt2 is going to be ready to drop it14:30
arrrghhhi'm kinda hoping i can convince him to drop the system_server bug testing for the time being.14:30
Counterfeityay for multiple sd cards. always ready.14:30
arrrghhhCounterfeit, i have all the builds on one sd...14:30
arrrghhhjust subjugated into separate folders14:30
Counterfeiti thought about doing that.14:30
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CounterfeitMay run a few different ones on my 8gb14:31
rpierce99arrrghhh: as you were saying last night, that makes for long first boots with multiple copies of your ringtones14:31
arrrghhhrpierce99, hooray?14:32
rpierce99uh, no14:32
arrrghhhi'd rather have multiples of ringtones then have to swap SD's :P14:32
rpierce99long first boot = bad, mmmkay14:32
arrrghhhi can clean it up14:32
arrrghhhhow is the first boot any longer than having separate sd's?14:32
rpierce99the ringtone scan14:32
arrrghhhit's not that bad.14:33
rpierce99you were complaining about it last night :)14:33
arrrghhhyou big baby, this crap is in testing.14:33
arrrghhhoh, i was wondering why14:33
arrrghhhwhy was media scanner raping my processor.14:33
rpierce99i agree though, the sd card is in a horrible location14:33
arrrghhhthat's all :P14:33
Counterfeiteh. hate to ask this here, but to get the base's just the one on the google android page, correct? 1/23/11 being the date?14:34
arrrghhhsounds like the newest rootfs14:34
rpierce99correction: sd card location is good, no door to access it is bad14:34
arrrghhhyou want just the system image?14:34
arrrghhhCounterfeit, do you want a full bundle or just the .ext2 image?14:35
arrrghhhL_miller1708, you there?14:35
Counterfeitprobably full bundle. that'd be the best to help test the new kernel wouldn't it?14:36
arrrghhhyea you can get it from that google page then that is reef's14:36
arrrghhhnot necessairly14:36
arrrghhhfrx04 is just the system image14:36
arrrghhhwhat other mess are you running?  lol14:36
Counterfeithahaha. tiad's 1-28..14:36
Counterfeit"tiad's" i mean.14:37
Counterfeitforgive me father, for i have sinned haha.14:37
arrrghhhwhy are you even talking in here, i didn't think anyone who used that build knew of irc :P14:37
arrrghhhi ain't no body's father14:37
Counterfeitwe hope not at least haha14:37
Counterfeitone night I was sucks. i want to put android on here..and I got on PPCG and it happened to be like the first day after he made a topic on there. so i haven't learned much, unfortunately.14:38
arrrghhhit's not even a sticky14:38
arrrghhhi don't see why people flock to his thread, when it's not in the stickys at all.14:39
Counterfeitbecause he spoon feeds.14:39
arrrghhhvery poorly tho14:39
arrrghhhi've read his thread14:39
arrrghhhit's a freakin mess.14:39
Counterfeitme too. all 220+ haha.14:39
arrrghhhi haven't done that14:39
arrrghhhi read the first post14:39
arrrghhhand went... bleh.14:39
Counterfeitoh god14:39
arrrghhhthen i ran the build for the first time yesterday14:40
arrrghhhit's crap14:40
arrrghhhit's MDPI14:40
arrrghhhlooks like poop14:40
Counterfeitwhen i first read it..stumbling through his instructions almost killed me14:40
arrrghhhi don't see why people love it so much...14:40
arrrghhhso why do you say he spoon feeds?  lol14:40
arrrghhhhe spoon feeds you jalapaneos14:40
arrrghhhnot easy to swallow14:40
Counterfeitwhen one doesn't know any better the jalapenos may taste like chocolate.14:40
arrrghhhi just don't get it.14:41
Counterfeiti'm not defending him - don't get me wrong haha.14:41
arrrghhhno i know14:41
arrrghhhi just don't get it.14:41
arrrghhhwhy did his thread get your attention14:41
arrrghhhwhen reef's didn't.14:41
CounterfeitI don't even remember. I just went to the TP2 android section and bam happened to see it. downloaded one folder and everything was there. i didn't know any better haha.14:42
arrrghhhi don't know what we can do then.14:43
arrrghhhi guess he can just take on all the noobs himself14:43
Counterfeitat least i'm trying to learn haha14:44
arrrghhhit actually has made my job a lot easier14:44
arrrghhhi don't have to deal with any noobs really, they all jumped on the froyoX ship14:44
arrrghhhtiad8 seems like he's dealing with noobs well, but in reality he's introducing a lot of bugs by digging up this old crap14:44
arrrghhhi still don't think he gets why people were mad at him.14:44
arrrghhhall these morons praised him, and have no clue what they're talking about14:45
Unholylater guys14:49
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Counterfeithe was definitely oblivious.15:00
Counterfeitarrrghhh soooo. for frx04..i'm going to download the "full package frx03" and then use the updated system frx04?15:01
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arrrghhhwhat phone do you have dude?!?15:01
arrrghhhgo to files.xdandroid.com15:02
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CounterfeitBet you love nooby questions.. ha. Sorry.15:02
arrrghhhdownload the system-FRX04.ext2.zip15:02
rpierce99an email just came in, tried to wake the phone, phone proceeded to reboot and get stuck in a bootani bootloop, awesome15:02
arrrghhhCounterfeit, do you want separate builds15:02
arrrghhhor are you replacing froyoX15:02
arrrghhhrpierce99, user error15:02
rpierce99hey my phone worked great for days until you made me mess with JIT :)15:03
CounterfeitI'm going to make a separate build I guess while the gay froyoX still works decently on my phone.15:03
rpierce99so the user in that scenario is you :)15:03
arrrghhhi must stop looking at these froyoX threads15:03
arrrghhhnow he's claiming he's going to get BT working LMAO15:03
arrrghhhrpierce99, LIES15:04
rpierce99it's like a car crash, can't look away15:04
CounterfeitOn second thought. I should probably just replace FroyoX haha.15:04
arrrghhhoy ve15:05
rpierce99seriously, did he just get everyone worked up over BT turning on?15:05
rpierce99wait until it PAIRS15:05
arrrghhhevidently he can't even turn it on with froyoX?15:05
arrrghhhi can pair with bt devices15:05
arrrghhhjust can't pass audio/data15:05
rpierce99i know15:05
rpierce99i'm just saying he will flip once he can pair it15:05
* arrrghhh goes to point that out15:05
Counterfeitwish my net was faster than 60 kb/s download speeds.15:07
arrrghhh"Please be sure to credit the inventors of bluetooth, as well as their wives, your congressmen, Santa Claus, and the guy who collected your toll on the day you drove your TP2 home for the first time."15:07
arrrghhhare you fucking kidding me.  i really didn't think people were that stupid, but they are.  HOLY FUCK THEY ARE.15:08
arrrghhhsorry, that just really makes me mad.  he's missing the point so badly he needs to be removed from the gene pool.15:08
Counterfeitwhat a douche.15:11
arrrghhhyea, i guess i just should stop helping in the forums15:13
Counterfeitwell it's hard to help when people are just ignorant15:13
rpierce99hey, look on the bright side, tiad posted what he did15:14
rpierce99sort of15:14
arrrghhhmy biggest problem with him is asking the devs15:14
arrrghhhdid he ask midnight if he could rebrand his system image?15:14
arrrghhhif tiad had themed frx04 and made it his own15:14
arrrghhhthat would've been one thing, no body would be bitching at him.15:14
Counterfeitfrx04 system 2/3s done downloading. ahh. hate rural internet.15:16
emwearrrghhh: thx for testing. was expected. but i got a tiny little hope ;)15:37
arrrghhhis that what i was supposed to be testing?  netloc on CDMA?15:37
arrrghhhemwe, let me try to dig up that crap on +bsinfo15:41
emwearrrghhh: yeah, that was what i like you to test. but i it was just a tiny hope. plz dig that stuff up and i can do some research the coming week.15:42
emwei am off quite soon ;)15:42
emweyou can mail what you found if you like.15:42
arrrghhhare you the best guy to bug on that?15:42
arrrghhhnot really sure who does the RIL, other than phh15:42
phhnoone ? :D15:43
emwewell, there's plenty to do for .35 ;)15:43
emwehey phh15:43
phheven me is noone on that :D15:43
arrrghhhphh, i thought you did a lot of the RIL porting from vogue15:43
arrrghhhi could be wrong.15:43
* arrrghhh usually is :P15:43
phh"a lot" is all relative15:43
arrrghhhwell considering that no body else wants to even touch the rIL15:44
emwearrrghhh: or just post up what you found on the ML so it gets wider exposure.15:45
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arrrghhhbzo found it really15:45
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arrrghhhi just am trying to keep it alive :P15:46
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ilumidoes anyone know how to update the baseband on a unrooted evo? i want to update it so i can use unrevoked forever and have the s-off15:46
arrrghhhnot this one15:46
arrrghhhthis one's probably even worse dude15:46
arrrghhh#android perhaps?15:46
arrrghhhor the forums... evo section?15:46
phharrrghhh: i should be able to do this thing15:46
phhbut i'm really too lazy -_-'15:46
arrrghhhphh, yea, i know how that goes.15:46
emwegeez. .35 is a real batt drainer, yet.15:46
ilumisomeone got to know15:46
arrrghhhilumi, no body has an evo in here dude.15:46
emwedevice just wen't off after like 3 hours15:46
arrrghhhsame with the other room.15:47
arrrghhhemwe, ouch.15:47
arrrghhhilumi, these rooms are for porting android to winmo devices.15:47
emwewell, nothing pm wise is established at all.15:47
arrrghhhthat might be an issue haha15:47
arrrghhhi know wistilt2 was looking at hacking apart what we have in PM on .2715:47
emwe.27 pm is a hack in itself ;)15:47
arrrghhhin his words - "it's a mess"15:47
arrrghhhlol ic15:47
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, stfu15:47
arrrghhhno one asked you :P15:47
TheDeadCPUmeow :315:48
emwefor voque pm looks like completely rewritten15:48
arrrghhhdamnit is there an easy way to search the irc logs?15:48
arrrghhhgoogle doesn't seem to work too well, i'm just using that site: trick15:48
emweno idea15:49
TheDeadCPUOr well, google should help15:49
emwearrrghhh: do you have some transition lags on ginger? i just realized i missed the dunno if it is needed...15:49
arrrghhhyea, i usually do "search", site:http://blah15:49
emwearrrghhh: so only sw-rendering is in effect.15:49
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="{param}"></param><embed src="{param}" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>15:50
arrrghhhemwe, yea that might help.  try neocore, it's hilarious.15:50
TheDeadCPUtry that vBulletin youtube code15:50
TheDeadCPUIt might work15:50
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, wtf15:50
emwearrrghhh: will give it a try.15:50
arrrghhhyou tryin to mess with me15:50
TheDeadCPUIt's the code for the vBulletin [youtube] tag15:50
arrrghhhemwe, yea basically no graphics display thus the score is really high.  i scored a 29.smth15:50
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, k?15:51
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, just some fun stuff at XDA15:51
arrrghhhmaybe i should just search xda15:51
TheDeadCPUStuff I wont mention in a public channel haha15:51
arrrghhhsince that's where the original post is that i keep losing.15:51
emwehm. i even saw a loading progress bar on neocore. never saw that one. very likely related to sw-rendering library being in effect which should just work ;)15:51
arrrghhhmayhaps i should just bookmark the bitch.15:51
arrrghhhemwe, yea i noticed that too lol15:51
arrrghhhdidn't think much about it tho.15:52
CounterfeitI'm out. Enjoy the superbowl fellas.15:52
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krd777Good evening everyone!17:04
krd777I just booted XDANDROID.2.2.1.AOSP.FRX03.21.11.10.FULL_PACKAGE in a HTC Touch HD phone.17:05
krd777Everything seems to work fine except the dial.17:05
krd777When I try to call someone by dialing (or sending a text message), the screen turns black and returns home.17:05
krd777Couldn't find anyone with the same problem in google.17:06
krd777Does anyone know what should I do?17:06
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