Saturday, 2011-02-05

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urgodfatherhello everyone11:56
urgodfatheris anyone awake?11:56
arrrghhhmy god father?11:56
urgodfatherthats what it says :p11:57
arrrghhhwhat are YOU doing here?11:57
urgodfatherwell, i got to thinking last night and i wanted to see if i could pick a devs brain about something11:58
urgodfatherno complaints no issues none of that11:58
urgodfatherjust curiosity11:58
arrrghhhwhat's your question11:59
urgodfatherwell its more like a series of questions11:59
arrrghhhproceed.  enough foreplay12:00
urgodfatheri wanna know about the process of RE andriod for porting12:00
arrrghhhthey take DLLs12:00
arrrghhhand use some magic12:00
arrrghhhand pick them apart basically12:00
arrrghhhthe DLLs from WinMo12:00
arrrghhhI believe it's a lot of hex editing.12:01
urgodfatherthen rewrite for android?12:01
arrrghhh<-------- definitely not good at RE'ing12:01
arrrghhhbasically yes12:01
arrrghhhthey get the values of what's WinMo is using for the hardware12:01
arrrghhhthen utilize that in Linux/Android12:02
arrrghhhCotulla is really the RE master here.  some of the other devs are good at it, but Cotulla brings it to a whole new level.12:02
arrrghhhnot sure if he wants a padowan tho :P12:03
arrrghhhhe's very... how do i put this... russian.12:03
TheDeadCPUCotulla can't be human12:04
TheDeadCPUHe's most likely something that came out of the Hadron Collider and got a hold of that PC they made Avatar with.12:05
urgodfatherwell i was thinking, instead of trying to to RE the DLLs why not just make a foundation out of like debian or mobilinux or something like that12:05
arrrghhhyea, that would be SO much easier...12:05
urgodfatherthen build the android platform on top12:06
arrrghhhit's because the hardware needs to know how to run12:06
arrrghhhand debian doesn't support the rhodium dude12:06
arrrghhhthink about it...12:06
urgodfatherit doesnt?12:06
TheDeadCPURE is the only way to go. Unless we get full documentation on all the HW12:07
arrrghhhjust because it runs on your PC doesn't mean that your phone has the support.12:07
arrrghhh^^^ what he said12:07
arrrghhhbasically the hardware support is most definitely NOT there12:07
arrrghhhso we have to make linux support the hardware correctly.12:07
arrrghhhthat's what all the code is for.  we have our own branch basically12:07
arrrghhhif it was already supported by some other system, of course it would be easy to just start with that as a base.12:08
arrrghhhpart of the reason the hd2 guys had such an easy time12:08
arrrghhhthey just rip system images from other similar pieces of hardware12:08
arrrghhhand make the kernels for the device, the hardware support basically.12:08
arrrghhhi can't get the hang of this stupid gallardo.12:09
urgodfatheri still dont understand why debian doesnt support devices like the rhodium12:09
arrrghhhbecause they don't?12:10
urgodfatheri thought the concept behind debian was that it could apply to anything?12:10
arrrghhhdo you think their team is working on mobiles?12:10
arrrghhhwe run debian basically on it12:10
arrrghhhbut we had to help it along12:10
urgodfathernot necessarily12:10
arrrghhhthey use our kernels12:10
arrrghhhoy ve12:10
arrrghhhhaven't you seen the ubuntu ports?12:10
urgodfatheryeah rhobuntu12:11
urgodfatherive seen it12:11
arrrghhhpeoples are talking about throwing vanilla debian on there when they support ARM12:11
arrrghhhwhich they don't yet afaik12:11
arrrghhhso there12:11
arrrghhhwhat now12:11
urgodfatherwhat about mobilunix12:11
arrrghhhi dunno12:11
urgodfatherit supports ARM12:11
arrrghhhso use it12:12
arrrghhhdoes it support our camera?12:12
arrrghhhhow about our freakin 3g radios12:12
arrrghhhor i dunno... the cell radio at all?12:12
urgodfatherlmao i know little to nothing about programming in linux12:12
arrrghhhthat's my point dude, we have to make the support!12:12
arrrghhhthat's the reason for the REing12:12
urgodfatherthats why i let u devs do what u guys do best :)12:13
arrrghhhone guy does have official docs on our chipset12:13
arrrghhhhe's been helping a TON12:13
arrrghhhkbd backlight thanks to him.  caps/fn leds.  panel collapse.  auto backlight sensor12:13
arrrghhhit goes on and on12:13
arrrghhhi guess qualcomm is letting him use *some* of the documentation to help with our project.12:13
urgodfatherim not trying to frustrate you, and i hope im not. just like i said earlier, i only intend to pick ur brain a lil and maybe come out a lil more educated12:14
arrrghhhwell you were kinda arguing for a little there12:14
arrrghhhit's cool12:14
arrrghhhi don't understand it completely myself, but that's how i understand it12:15
urgodfatheri see12:15
arrrghhhit's not just arm too12:15
arrrghhhit's msm7k12:15
arrrghhhthe support on mobile phones is very scant12:15
arrrghhhfor a reason12:15
arrrghhhif anyone could just throw some version of linux on there, phone manufacturers would be worried probably.12:16
arrrghhhi wonder what they think of the hd2 lol12:16
arrrghhhlike... ooops.12:16
urgodfatherwhat i have learned in the last 24 hrs is that there ARE mobile versions of linux around. but as far as applying them to devices, there is little to no documentation12:17
arrrghhhyea they're for "open" devices12:17
urgodfatherandroid being the most abundant and xda the primary group for application12:17
arrrghhhpurpose built crap that isn't a rhodium, for example.12:17
arrrghhhif it really was that easy, we would've been done a long time ago12:18
arrrghhhhow long has this been running?  years for the rhod.12:18
arrrghhhdecades for the raph12:18
urgodfatherwhat about the palm devices12:18
urgodfatherpeople were running linux on there all the time right?12:19
arrrghhhnot android12:19
urgodfatheryes i know12:19
arrrghhhhave fun with x11 on ur palm lmao12:19
urgodfatheri would never get a plam lol12:20
arrrghhhi've got an old school VIIx12:20
arrrghhhhaha, haven't used it in ages.12:20
urgodfatherso what exactly is mobilinux?12:22
urgodfatheri know its a montavista product12:22
urgodfathera lot of manufacturers use it12:23
urgodfatherthen build on top of12:23
urgodfatherbut thats about it12:23
arrrghhhha, i think i realize why that stupid froyoX "feels" so much faster.12:25
arrrghhhit's MDPI.  retarded, it looks like pooop12:25
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urgodfatherwell arrrghhh, thanks for your patience and willingness to explain. i appreciate it12:33
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chirkinordekeverybody, how do i increase font size in Messages ?15:25
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XirXesF22, you around?17:10
F22what's up Xirxes?17:11
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XirXesi was just trying to figure out how to make b4 = search in your rootfs but i think i just figured it out17:12
F22b4HOME in startup.txt17:12
F22put it on the set cmdline, inside the quotes with all the option options.17:13
XirXesto make it the default in mine would i just edit rhod_gpio-keypad_b4END.kl17:13
XirXesnice, ty17:13
F22the b4HOME parameter actually causes a different .kl to be used.17:14
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XirXesthats what i deduced when i saw them17:14
XirXesthe .kls17:14
F22my comments are pretty detailed17:15
XirXesi noticed :)17:15
XirXeswhats up arrrghhh17:16
arrrghhhjust livin the dream17:16
arrrghhhgettin hated on in the forums because i singled handedly forced tiad8 to stop pumping out his garbage.17:16
XirXesoh awesome.17:16
NautisHey! credit where credits due bub :D17:17
NautisI helped17:17
arrrghhhyou did17:17
F22Xirxes: I really would prefer to make it the default, but while most would probably be happy, a vocal minority would likely*shrug*17:17
arrrghhhyou were catching some flack too Nautis17:17
XirXesyeah. but having options is definitly nice17:17
XirXesarrrghhh: linky. i wanna read17:18
NautisYeah saw that.. its a mess..17:18
arrrghhhjust go to ppcg17:18
arrrghhhand see the poop17:18
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* F22 hands you all proper gear like in the pic below before you guys go off to post in ppcg. 17:26
NautisIm just amazed at how things can be misinterperated and morphed into what people want them to be. My post was pretty accurate and I wasnt trying to attack the guy. I think I may have embarrased him though.17:27
F22i thought your post was dead on  and eminently reasonable Nautis.17:29
arrrghhhnow i'm just wondering what i should do17:29
arrrghhhbecause i could get permission and pump out builds like he was17:30
arrrghhhbut i also won't be able to test as much as i do.17:30
arrrghhhdid you see?  i think i might have pinpointed the system_server bug17:31
arrrghhhit's not a good answer tho17:31
arrrghhhthis makes me a saaaaaaaaaad panda17:32
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stinebdi can see the tiad thread now17:47
stinebd"just booted with jit on and system_server is okay and the camera works and battery is lasting for 18 years"17:47
stinebd57.9 on neocore17:47
arrrghhhhe'd never mention the jit thing tho17:47
F22sounds about right, just need to capitalize it all. :P17:48
arrrghhhyou gave too much info stinebd17:48
arrrghhhgotta sell it more17:48
arrrghhhwithout the details :P17:48
stinebdpatent pending!17:48
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arrrghhhfrom the touch screen?17:58
stinebdarrrghhh: what was i going to put in gingerbread for you to test?17:59
stinebdsome kinda something or other17:59
stinebdoh it was some ril crap that wis was cooking up for the same bug right?17:59
arrrghhhRIL mess18:01
stinebdmind testing a gb build for me?18:03
arrrghhhoh wait18:04
arrrghhhit was that wep crap18:04
arrrghhhwpa_supplicant 0.6.x?18:04
stinebdoh right18:04
stinebdscrew that18:04
arrrghhhand sure, i don't mind18:04
stinebdyou'll have to move your good data.img out of the way, sorry18:05
arrrghhhoh, system_server still chokin proc with that 'portable' setting.18:05
stinebdyeah, saw18:07
arrrghhhjust did another boot18:07
arrrghhhto make sure18:07
arrrghhhi'm not saying that re-enabling JIT is a solution, but perhaps it'll point us in the right direction to a solution.  i know wistilt2 wanted to hash some crap out with you related to it.18:08
stinebdin the event gingerbread doesn't have this issue for you, i'd then suggest to remove sensors from rootfs and try froyo again18:08
stinebdwith jit still off18:08
stinebdi'm seeing a pattern with google results and our issue18:09
arrrghhhfrom rootfs?18:09
arrrghhhsounds dangerous.18:09
stinebdyes, /lib/froyo/hw/sensors.default.so18:09
arrrghhhwell let me know when you're ready, pm the link if you wish18:10
stinebdthat might need a new rootfs18:11
stinebdlet me check18:11
stinebdnew rootfs coming18:13
xdandroidNew rootfs available (20110205-2d62f96) at: -- Changes at:
arrrghhhdid F22 ever commit his mess?18:14
F22it's not a mess. :P18:14
arrrghhhzomg booting gb18:15
F22it's in active testing right now to shake out any remaining bugs18:16
arrrghhhi know a few cropped up18:17
arrrghhhseemed like you got 'em squashed pretty quickly tho18:17
F22yup, i rewrote the logic that handles the keymaps/layouts for rhodium in the init script and i wanted to make sure it was sound.18:17
stinebdshell logic is never sound18:17
arrrghhhwhat is /system/bin/dexpot18:18
arrrghhhha, maybe.  it's gone now18:18
stinebddex optimizer18:18
stinebdruns while package manager is processing an apk18:18
F22dexpot? sounds like something you smoke when you want to relax... :P18:18
arrrghhhbootanim is flashing bad, but i probably still have those stupid gralloc and libgles mounted manually.18:19
stinebdi put that bad libGLES_qcom in there18:19
arrrghhhthe "bad" one?18:19
stinebdsome ogles1.1 version18:19
arrrghhhso far i seem to be in a bootloop, but it hasn't been 10 mins18:20
arrrghhhit is 4:20 tho18:20
arrrghhhworkin, i'm looking at top now18:20
arrrghhhoh wait18:21
arrrghhhu still want the logcat?18:22
xUmaRixi had sdcard problem18:22
xUmaRixE/Vold    ( 1372): Giving up on unmount /mnt/secure/staging (Device or resource busy) E/Vold    ( 1372): Failed to unmount /mnt/secure/staging (Device or resource busy) E/Vold    ( 1372): Failed to restore bindmount after failure! - Storage will appear offline! D/Vold    ( 1372): Volume sdcard state changing 5 (Unmounting) -> 0 (No-Media) D/VoldCmdListener( 1372): volume share /sdcard ums E/MountService( 1405): Failed to share/uns18:22
arrrghhhsecret squirrel?18:22
F22i'm a bit uncertain of how to handle the request to add a croatian keymap though since there is no croatian rhodium. it's just that up until this point all of these keyboards have actually existed. so i dunno.18:22
arrrghhhstinebd, not in sight.18:23
arrrghhh[mmcqd] is taking a lot of proccesor cycles, i assume that's writing/reading to the SD?18:23
stinebdmaybe its dead18:23
arrrghhhi think it's doing some media scan18:24
arrrghhhfirst boot, going to let it shake out the demons.  so far so good, just a little sluggish.18:24
arrrghhhi don't know why it does this, but it seems to get worse the more builds i run18:25
arrrghhhyes, lots of ringtones.18:25
arrrghhhlots of duplicate ringtones.18:25
arrrghhhsome ringtones i have 3 copies of in the list lmao18:25
stinebdmeans its working18:25
arrrghhhsound plays too when i click the ringtones18:25
arrrghhhlet it settle some, running real well dude.18:25
arrrghhhgreat work ;)18:25
stinebdremember the other day when i told you about ring tones in system image?18:26
arrrghhhremove them18:26
arrrghhhi didn't.18:26
stinebdkeep your sd copies for now18:26
stinebdsince you're still using froyo18:26
arrrghhhdude this is awesome.18:26
arrrghhhi question some of the look that google picked18:26
stinebdstill stable system_server?18:26
arrrghhhbut other aspects are great.  that glow when you hit the top or bottom is cool18:26
arrrghhhnever pegged the processor.18:27
arrrghhhlemme reboot.18:27
stinebdhave you ever run froyo with checkjni=0?18:27
arrrghhhsleeps quick too.  this is awesome.18:27
arrrghhhnot for extended periods, no18:27
stinebdnoticed sys_ser with that?18:27
arrrghhhi'll have to check that.18:27
stinebdthat and sensors are two things i'm interested in at the moment18:28
rpierce99_i had checkjni=0 and still got system_server18:28
arrrghhhlots to test, and rebooting takes a while.  thank goodness for gen.y, not sure why i waited so long to install it.18:28
stinebdok good18:28
arrrghhhso gsensor, prox sensor, light sensor...?18:28
stinebdginger has checkjni=0 due to the new build config changes btw18:28
arrrghhhfreakin tiad18:29
arrrghhhi guess i should pump out crap like he does to make people happy.18:29
stinebdi pump out crap daily18:29
stinebdit never makes anyone happy18:29
arrrghhhwell, useful crap.18:29
arrrghhhforgot to check that libgles crap18:29
stinebdscrew libgles i'll sort that out on my own18:30
arrrghhhbootani just makes me :(18:30
arrrghhhbooted quick18:30
stinebdi accidentally built a passion image with the xdandroid tree18:30
stinebdso now i have xdandroid boot animation on my nexus one18:30
arrrghhhy'know what bug you squashed with gb stinebd ?18:30
rpierce99_arrrghhh: orientation18:30
stinebdbecause there's no sensors ;)18:31
arrrghhhlmao der.18:31
* arrrghhh goes to smoke more18:31
F22dexpot...good stuff...18:31
arrrghhhthat should help.18:31
arrrghhhholy crap stine.18:31
arrrghhhthis is... dare i say... FAST18:31
arrrghhhno system_server issues whatsoever.18:32
stinebdlauncher is amazingly smooth now right?18:32
stinebdwell not amazingly18:32
stinebdbut noticeably at least18:32
arrrghhhbrowser FC18:33
arrrghhhloads up quickly, then FC's18:33
arrrghhhhooray, i get my FC's quicker now!18:33
stinebdif you take it somewhere other than google somehow, it works18:33
stinebdlike open a link from email18:33
rpierce99_google uses loc18:33
stinebdi forgot to fork browser18:33
arrrghhhwow this is awesome.18:33
arrrghhhholy FAST dude.18:34
stinebdwish i had time to fix all the crap wrong with it18:34
arrrghhh... can i help at all?18:34
stinebdrewrite libsensors18:34
arrrghhhtell me everything you know.18:35
stinebdalso libgps18:35
stinebdand while we're at it liblights18:35
stinebda lot of the real horrible stuff is already fixed18:36
stinebdincluding the browser thing which i just forgot to include in that18:36
rpierce99_arrrghhh: you wanted me to verify jit was off once I got booted back in18:36
arrrghhhcan't get it back to portrait18:36
arrrghhhrpierce99_, yea18:36
stinebdgo back to launcher18:36
arrrghhhadb logcat |grep -i jit18:36
stinebdfor some reason android won't listen to the clam switch for unrotate18:37
stinebdit's a design decision18:37
arrrghhhit's a feature?18:37
stinebdprobably because all the phones have accelerometers18:37
arrrghhhso it respects the gsensor above all18:37
arrrghhhsurprised it rotates landscape in the first place :P18:38
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arrrghhhstinebd, i found if you're quick you can hit stop on the browser18:39
rpierce99_JIT is on for system_server18:39
arrrghhhand so long as it doesn't finish loading the page18:39
arrrghhhrpierce99_, que?18:39
rpierce99_that command returned JIT started for system_server18:39
rpierce99_and then some JIT table resizing18:39
rpierce99_and i'm at 94.3 system_server18:40
rpierce99_so no love there18:40
arrrghhhthat's very odd... i don't understand my results then.18:40
rpierce99_yeah i didn't understand my first 10 boots after manually applying the APN either18:40
arrrghhhyoutube HQ "seems" to work even better.  just need to get the clocks right in the kernel or whatever the heck is holding it up, as the video still doesn't play.18:41
arrrghhhrpierce99_, damn u.18:41
arrrghhhif you let it sit18:41
arrrghhhdoes system_server get better, or worse...18:42
rpierce99_96.2 right now18:42
arrrghhhyou're on f22's rootfs?18:42
arrrghhhand wistilts feb2 test kernel?18:42
arrrghhhhrm.  i wonder if i should give you this latest test kernel, just to see.18:42
arrrghhhhe's tweaked a bunch of weird crap since i last publically posted a kernel.18:43
rpierce99_got down into the 50s for a bit, then back up to 9018:43
arrrghhhi <3 gb18:44
arrrghhhlike i said, some weird design decisions18:44
arrrghhhi guess trying to make it look 'cleaner' instead of 'fancier'18:44
stinebddon't read too much into it18:45
stinebddarks are better on battery usage with amoled screens, that's all18:45
stinebdso they made everything dark except buttons18:45
arrrghhhthe paradigm just seems overall "simpler" would you agree?18:47
arrrghhhlike the radio buttons18:48
arrrghhhand the notification pull down obviously.18:48
rpierce99_arrrghhh: if you want me to try it with that other kernel let me know18:48
arrrghhhrpierce99_, i think i'll do some more testing and let you know, thx.18:48
arrrghhhgonna be hard to stop playing with gb tho.  this is ridiculous stinebd18:48
arrrghhhi'm going to see if stickman can help with the userland stuff... maybe he can, i dunno.18:49
arrrghhhholy wow.  i am just amazed.18:49
arrrghhhstinebd, please release this.  even with the stuff that's broken, just say it's alpha and this this and this are broken.18:50
arrrghhhseemed to work for tiad.18:51
stinebdtell you what... if i fix bluetooth or at least make it not crash the whole system when turning on, i'll put out a tester build18:52
arrrghhhlike even the unlock is fast18:52
* arrrghhh goes to test BT18:53
arrrghhhnothing blew up, but it also says it's still off18:53
arrrghhhit just kinda sat there acting like it was turning it on ... then went back to "Turn on Bluetooth"18:54
stinebdblows up bad on ti18:54
arrrghhhmodules don't matter for this do they?18:54
arrrghhhwistilt didn't release this kernel with any modules lol18:54
arrrghhhdidn't think so18:54
arrrghhhdoesn't really do anything horrible18:54
arrrghhhyou want a logcat?18:54
arrrghhhdoesn't seem to do much of anything tbh.18:54
stinebdnah, i know what's going on for yours18:54
arrrghhhcan i provide some sort of moral support?18:55
stinebduserland config is totally wrong for broadcom18:55
* arrrghhh is pretty worthless18:55
stinebdbut i won't bother trying to fix it because kernel side isn't working either18:55
rpierce99_who runs @xdandroid on twitter?19:01
rpierce99_never mind :)19:01
arrrghhhmulti-tasking on this phone really isn't possible lol19:03
rpierce99_haha omg keymap end button power button task switcher rawr19:03
arrrghhhsystem_server definitely spikes everytime i touch the screen19:05
arrrghhhi just haven't gotten a situation where it's choking everything out at boot.19:05
arrrghhhhrm sometimes the 3g and signal bars is white, and sometimes it is green.  does this indicate usage or something...?19:07
rpierce99_Notification bar icons (Wi-Fi, network coverage bars, etc.): Turn green when you have an uninhibited connection to Google, white when you don't. Hint: if you're in a hotel or airport using Wi-Fi, the bars won't turn green until you launch the browser and get past the captive portal.19:08
arrrghhhi wonder why it went white there for a moment :P19:09
rpierce99_you should test out some of the other tips there19:09
arrrghhhholy tiny keyboard lol19:10
arrrghhhvisual cue works19:10
arrrghhhOo :( soft reset19:10
arrrghhh"Cool shutdown effect: When you put the phone to sleep, you’ll see an animation that resembles an old cathode tube TV turning off." <--- that one makes me lol19:11
stinebdarrrghhh: the green/white network indicator is slightly buggy due to transient server-side issues19:13
arrrghhhheh, fair enough.19:13
rpierce99_stinebd: it's google, we call that "beta"19:13
stinebdand the suspend animation probably will never work for us19:13
arrrghhhlol gmail was beta for what, 5 years?19:13
arrrghhhstinebd, aw really?  i was going to say i didn't notice it.  i'm booting again tho.19:14
stinebdit's actually designed to work around a hardware issue with the backlight on nexus s19:14
stinebdbut looks pretty on nexus one too19:14
arrrghhhwhat's genie19:15
stinebdnews & weather19:15
stinebdno idea why the hell they called it that19:15
arrrghhhit gets you everything you want to know?19:15
stinebdyou get three wishes and then it stops working19:16
rpierce99_if you rub it a few times19:16
arrrghhhgb is awesome tho man.  i'm really surprised it's so fast.19:16
arrrghhhi'm REALLY curious what moving to .35 will bring.19:16
arrrghhhi'm sure horror at first...19:16
stinebdginger was horror at first too19:17
stinebdnowhere near as bad as froyo though19:17
arrrghhhwtf is up with the kbd tho19:18
arrrghhhit's like tiny and missing the all important 'voice' button...19:19
stinebdgotta install voice search19:19
stinebdit's not in the gingerbread gapps packages19:19
arrrghhhsame with maps eh?19:19
arrrghhhi had to install that19:19
stinebdthe keyboard seems tiny but the calibration should help with that19:20
stinebdand touchable areas for the keys are only a bit smaller19:20
arrrghhhthe profile of the kbd is definitely smaller.19:21
arrrghhheh works pretty well actually.19:21
arrrghhhnot bad19:21
stinebdmy miss rate is about the same19:21
arrrghhhmaps in 3d... hmmm19:21
stinebd(very high)19:21
arrrghhhthey tell me how to enable it my using some esoteric multi-touch swipe19:22
arrrghhhwhich obviously wouldn't work on here.19:22
stinebd3d probably wouldn't work out very well either heh19:22
stinebdso it's for the best19:22
arrrghhhi want to see how bad it is :P19:22
stinebdit's slow even on n119:22
arrrghhhthat sucks19:22
arrrghhhthe app drawer is awesome tho19:23
arrrghhhso smooth and fast.19:23
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GlemSomWe're moving to .35? :O19:23
stinebdoh god19:23
stinebdhe didn't know19:23
arrrghhhhe's been just a little out of the game.19:24
GlemSomNo-one ever tells me anything!19:24
GlemSomat all!19:24
stinebdi doubt emwe will want that on the autobuild right away19:24
stinebdso you're safe19:24
GlemSomI've been very much out of the game lately19:24
arrrghhhit's not nearly ready for a public release.19:24
stinebdfor the same reasons i don't want to put out a gingerbread prerelease19:24
GlemSomThe more beta testers, the better :P19:24
stinebdhave you seen our bugzilla?19:24
stinebdwe'd get about 90 dupes saying "zomgcrash"19:25
GlemSomI'm a bit unsure what gingerbread actually brings to us.... ?19:25
stinebdask arrrghhh19:25
arrrghhhblack theme19:25
rpierce99_apparently it's fast19:25
arrrghhhhotness that fastasfuckholyfast19:25
stinebdneat battery graph19:25
GlemSomuhh black theme - then it's ALL WORTH IT! :P19:25
arrrghhh"lazy" graphics as stinebd likes to say19:25
arrrghhhgreen signal bars!19:26
arrrghhhoh oh and the battery icon in the notification bar is up right instead of on its side :P19:26
rpierce99_arrrghhh: *sometimes* green signal bars *beta*19:27
GlemSomI sure hope to have my autobuild up and running soon!... Just need a few more cable trays and some shelfs to put up... (And a hell lot of re-wireing to do)19:27
arrrghhhrpierce99_, so far 99% of the time they've been green tbh.19:27
stinebdwtf GlemSom19:27
stinebdare you running mission control in houston?19:27
GlemSomstinebd, hehe19:28
arrrghhhyea you should take pics of your insane setup19:28
arrrghhhbecause damn dude, it's been down for a while.19:28
GlemSomstinebd, The people who lived here before had absolutly NO CLUE at all about phone wires and stuff... So, I'll have to redo most of it19:28
arrrghhhgonna neocore this beast when tb is done19:29
GlemSomFor unknown reasons, they used a 8 pair, untwisted unshielded cable to connect an extra phone plug, and they even managed to use the wrong wires - and the wrong connections...19:29
rpierce99_who uses telphone RJ11?19:29
stinebdthis is my living room tv setup:
rpierce99_oh ok nm19:29
arrrghhhstinebd, classy19:29
GlemSomrpierce99, yes rj1119:30
GlemSomstinebd, hahaha sweet! :D19:30
arrrghhhi guess i should pay for tb19:31
arrrghhhi use it so damned much19:31
GlemSomtb ?19:31
arrrghhhtitanium backup19:31
arrrghhhi really should pay for this tuberculosis.19:32
stinebdwhy not?19:33
stinebdi paid for my syphilis19:33
arrrghhhno wonder nobody want's to use frx04 :P19:33
arrrghhhthat froyoX thread just makes me laugh.  people were saying our builds were way harder to use...19:34
GlemSomI was at a party a few weeks ago, where I talked with someone who were using xdandroid on his phone (He didn't knew I was involved in this project) - and he complained about it was to hard to use... He just wanted a .cab file, and then everything should just work... :/19:36
GlemSomsome people just really miss the point here!19:36
arrrghhhgraphics are basically non-existent on neocore.19:36
arrrghhhGlemSom, yea, it seems the public release was almost a bad idea.19:37
arrrghhhas it's far from ready for general consumption19:37
GlemSomarrrghhh, Sadly, it generates a lot of noise in "false" bugs... :/19:37
arrrghhhholy shit19:37
arrrghhhi'm assuming this is because the graphics are basically not there19:38
arrrghhhbut i got a 29.5 in neocore19:38
GlemSomThe thing is - EVERYONE can copy a Windows Mobile kitchen - and make their "own" mobile O/S... People do not realize xdandroid cannot be compared to that at all!19:38
arrrghhhyea haha19:38
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arrrghhhstinebd, i have a question about OC values.19:45
arrrghhhand the ones that reef has listed in the FAQ19:45
arrrghhhfor example, 528mhz = 540672 in startup.txt19:46
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janessa12345could anyone help me with my facebook integration? it literally stopped working overnight19:47
arrrghhhdon't use it so... no19:47
arrrghhhdeleting the data.img usually fixes weird things tho19:48
stinebdarrrghhh: i don't really use the overclocking at all, so i can only go by what i remember about it19:48
arrrghhhjust make sure you backup with tb.19:48
arrrghhhstinebd, fair enough.19:48
arrrghhhi need to confirm this, i remember seeing a line in dmesg referencing it.19:48
stinebdbasically what i remember is that you pick a value and the kernel will try to set the frequency to the nearest multiple of 1920019:49
stinebdnearest going down19:49
arrrghhhthe argument is between the 1024khz=1mhz i think19:49
arrrghhhah ha19:49
arrrghhh8800 off interesting... time to muck with this crap.  oy, users.19:50
arrrghhhoh i could've adjusted that from android... poop.19:50
stinebdi don't think you can adjust the overclocking max frequency after boot19:51
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arrrghhhno but i can mod the startup.txt19:52
arrrghhhand boot right back to android with gen.y19:52
arrrghhhskippin winmo basically.19:52
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arrrghhhhrm, well reef's faq isn't right20:07
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arrrghhhand the zealots in the forums don't seem to be right either lol20:07
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arrrghhhheh, perhaps reef is right20:11
arrrghhhwith no acpu statement, i get the same clock speed...20:12
arrrghhhACPU running at 537600 KHz20:12
arrrghhhah crap stupid user error20:13
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arrrghhhah crap stupid user error20:14
arrrghhhforgot to push20:14
arrrghhhstinebd, no system_server boots yet tho.20:14
* arrrghhh knocks on wood20:14
F22arrrghhh: 537600 is correct, that's 19.2kHz * 2820:18
F22and yes, reef's numbers are off.20:19
F2228 is the multiple or the "step".20:20
arrrghhhso uh... i guess i should tell reef his #'s are off :P20:20
F22if you overclock an intel chip, it's all about setting the step.20:20
arrrghhhi guess i don't see how that multiplier applies to the # i'm picking.20:20
F22only in the sense that it has to be a whole number.20:22
arrrghhhyou're a whole number20:22
F22am i speaking greek?20:22
arrrghhhlol no20:22
arrrghhhjust losing my mind, don't mind me.20:23
arrrghhhi guess i just want to know what to tell reef to adjust his values to20:24
arrrghhhi don't see how to relate that multiplier to the number i'm entering...20:24
F22oh...just use different multiples, 28 is 537600, 29 is 556800, etc...20:25
F22you don't have to mention the multiples in the doc.20:25
arrrghhhi want 27.5 lol20:25
F22don't overclock20:25
F22then you'll get the divisor of 2, instead of the divisor of 1.20:26
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F22which effectively allows for 9.6Mhz steps.20:26
arrrghhhah well20:26
arrrghhhjust answering questions in my testing thread20:26
arrrghhhof course completely unrelated to my testing thread, but hey.20:27
F22i don't know the details, i just recall bzo mentioning a bit about how it works when he fixed that sleep mode bug.20:27
arrrghhhah well20:28
arrrghhhfood time20:28
arrrghhhgf is getting restless20:28
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Lagartijahave a fuze and it is not booting.23:56

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