Friday, 2010-12-10

the_decoyI mean the button litterally has a House picture on it, lol00:00
F22not on mine.00:00
the_decoyoh, lol00:00
the_decoydamn many flavours of RHODS00:00
F22on mine the 2nd button has a house pc on it. on most rhodiums, none of the buttons have a house pic on them, that's why it's not one of the default buttons in our layout.00:00
the_decoysorry, *flavor :P00:00
arrrghhhi just noticed the rootfs reef includes in that same bundle is from 9/17.00:01
the_decoyYeah I already swaped that out based on what I saw on the main page at xdandroid.com00:01
the_decoymy fail for not checking that "Download" link too00:02
the_decoyotherwise I would have found the system.ext2 link00:02
arrrghhhi'm getting reef a new build00:02
the_decoyInstead I was busy reading t he bugzilla and shit00:02
the_decoyBTW, love the guy who flamed you for complaining about your own project for camera00:03
arrrghhhyea that was classic.00:03
the_decoyAnything else you want me to check in this "not-quite" system image before I reboot it to put FRX03 on there?00:04
the_decoyoh lame ... just realised the office xmas party starts in 30min :(00:08
the_decoyIt's hot as balls out there today :{00:08
arrrghhhyou crazy southern hemisphere people.00:08
arrrghhhexperiencing opposing weather00:08
arrrghhhyou're having the christmas party on a thursday?00:08
arrrghhher, it's probably friday there huh.00:08
the_decoyyeah, not likely to be a big beerfest or anything00:09
the_decoyI work for the University Library so a large population of them are older librarians00:09
arrrghhhour holiday party this year is going to be nutso00:10
the_decoyF22: any recommendation on which libGLES_qcom module to mount?00:20
arrrghhhthe newest00:20
arrrghhhthe gralloc changes are the fun ones.00:21
arrrghhhbut i didn't notice any difference really00:21
the_decoyok thx, I haven't had time to read that whole thread but I was skimming it with xdapp on my lunch break00:21
F22either the newest or the one before that.00:21
arrrghhhsame neocore scores00:21
arrrghhhsame FPS2D scores00:21
the_decoyok, cheers00:21
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F22the one just before the newest gave me my highest neopeek scores, but the difference was very small, only 0.2.00:22
F22i've read that the newest is more stable with live wallpapers.00:23
F22they're all equally slow on the full version of angry birds. :P00:23
the_decoyTry 1.3 Full version of AB00:23
the_decoySomeone posted it on that xda thread for the "modded" version00:23
F221.3 is supposed to run better than 1.4, haven't tried it though.00:24
the_decoyI found it much better than latest AB lite00:24
F22haven't tried lite either.00:24
arrrghhhso you do only use android to play angry birds.00:24
arrrghhhi still don't get why that game is so popular.00:24
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the_decoylol, nah but I was at least curious since thats all I hear in the break room every day00:24
the_decoyand now it is just a way to stress test the kernel/build/whaetever00:25
arrrghhhi don't ever hear people talking about that game IRL00:25
arrrghhhstress test LOL00:25
arrrghhhdo benchmarks.  neocore at least gives you a number.00:25
the_decoyI work in a group of sys admins00:25
arrrghhhso do i00:25
arrrghhhthey talk about cyanogenmod00:26
arrrghhhand hacking their android phones00:26
arrrghhhwe have some wp7 fanboys00:26
the_decoyI am surrounded by iphoners00:26
arrrghhhbb fanboys too00:26
arrrghhhthere's like 2 iphone guys00:26
the_decoyI was the lone WM fanboy until now00:26
arrrghhhand they're not very techy lol00:26
the_decoywhich was very funny to them as I am the linux admin here00:26
arrrghhhyea that does seem odd haha00:27
arrrghhhbut, until android winmo was the most hackable/extensible os out there.00:27
the_decoyWell I kept saying," as soon as I can chef for linux instead .."00:27
arrrghhheven with how "closed" it was, people figured out how to do anything with it.00:27
the_decoyso here I am00:27
F22i don't care how revolutionary the press considers wp7's look, i think it looks boring.00:27
arrrghhhi don't really care about twitter updates on my home screen.00:27
F22me neither00:28
arrrghhhit looks like they're trying to kill the iphone 3 years ago.00:28
the_decoyI even went and had a play on a Mozart just to be sure and it is total fail00:28
arrrghhhas usual, a little late microsoft.00:28
the_decoyeven tho they made teh WP7 interface fast it actually chugs really bad on loading anything00:28
arrrghhhengadget freakin loved the sets, which surprised me.00:29
the_decoyyeah it was really weird00:29
arrrghhhah well, i think i actually need to sleep now.00:29
arrrghhhcya guys00:29
the_decoycool, thanks mate00:29
F22microsoft is almost always late, but they make up for it by gobs of money at their products while simultaneously leveraging an existing monopoly to create a new one.00:29
arrrghhhF22, it's what they're best at.00:30
arrrghhhoh, and stealing other people's/companies ideas.00:30
the_decoySteve Balmer 10100:30
arrrghhhanyhoo, cya guys :D00:30
F22it doesn't matter if their new product isn't the best, if they roll it into office, and everyone has office, nobody will by the competitor's.00:30
F22g'nite arrrghhh00:30
F22it's kind of hard to undercut free though.00:31
stinebd[23:48:01] <the_decoy>  full_msm-eng 2.2.1 MASTER eng.mjg.20101010.204523 test-keys00:31
stinebdthat is before FRX0300:31
stinebd20101010 is the build date00:31
stinebdFRX03 was november 19ish00:32
the_decoySorry dude, it was just what I got from
stinebdincidentally we don't support those builds00:32
the_decoylol, is ok I am sticking with now00:33
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NaadHey whoever is reading!09:26
NaadIs it just me, or can everybody turn their phone off when it's locked.. the phone menu pops up when the powerbutton is pressed and the phone is locked...09:27
Naadkind of ruins the function of locking your screen (same as pressing menu button unlocks the phone)09:27
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rrewhey emwe, i saw the log yesterday you were speaking abou our bottleneck, seems that a user on xda got 32-33 on FPS2D and 21-21.5 fps in neocore10:43
rrewi am not able to get those values :S10:44
emwerrew: no, right. [acl] thinks it might be a "faulty" init-sequence of the novatek panel. i will try to use the "hacked" 60fps supersonic panel init code (which we know works) and see if we can get more, because currently i am getting 19fps i think with fps2d w/o OC.10:56
emwebut i can't promise when. busy all weekend with real life.10:56
emweand i finally the donated raph100 arrived here. so i got some other thing to play with as well :)10:56
rrewhehe, btw a topaz user got 21 fps in neocore10:57
emwewith the modded libs and OC i gues...10:57
rrewmaybe oc is the reason, btw you think that some of those init sequences that we left out could help us?10:58
emwewell, we are using the init sequence markinus dumped once.10:59
emweso i can't tell if we leave something out acutally.10:59
emweallthough what i must admit is, that i don't know exactly what the sequence values itself all mean. :/11:00
emweunfortunately i have to leave now...11:00
emweand will likely not be around till sunday...11:00
emwehave fun!11:00
emwegot still some secs ... :)11:00
emwehave you experienced any unstabilities with the latest kernel?11:01
rrewok then11:01
rrewwell a lot of lags but i think its a data.img problem11:01
rrewbtw i have setup my build env but when i want to build the kernel it returns can't cd to ..., i forgot what i did 3months back? :D11:03
emwehm. hm. that would take longer to fix i guess ;)11:03
emwei redid my build script a bit.11:04
emweforgot to pass a param?11:04 msm?11:04
rrewthat msm11:07
rrewwas missing :P11:07
emwethe newer script actually puts all output and kernel config to the generated directory. it doesn't pollute the kernel directory anymore11:08
emweand doesn't always rebuild the whole compat-wireless and ti-wlan driver11:08
emweif you haven't noticed, i queried you with the download link ;)11:09
emweso, i gotta go.11:09
emwehave fun!11:09
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SpecRF22: do you know any sw like aircrack-ng for android?14:22
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TouchPro2Hi @ all14:24
TouchPro2anyone there?14:25
TouchPro2:( need help14:27
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SpecRany news on wep cracker for android?17:38
stinebdthis is not the place to get info about cracking your neighbor's wifi key17:39
SpecRwhy not?17:39
SpecRis and android question about software?17:40
stinebdgo ask in #android then17:40
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SpecRme voy a preparar un pisco sour18:11
SpecRala mierda la dieta18:11
SpecROops, wrong chan18:13
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SpecRarrrghhh: Sucessfully installed the bundle droid version :)20:12
SpecRI read here someone said the bundle version needed a kernel update, now, I wonder what major improvement to the overall funtioning of the droid it includes20:44
SpecRor just minor changes?20:44
SpecRbtw, can this droid be overclocked? I think the processor is a bit slow20:44
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arrrghhhSpecR, sorry i didn't respond earlier.  you can certainly overclock, but just be prepared for issues... i've noticed oc'ing is a strange beast.22:42
arrrghhhalso, i'm not sure what you mean about a needed kernel update.22:42
arrrghhhthere was a *needed* update for the rhod10022:43
arrrghhhUnlike the failed experiment of the Nexus One22:43
arrrghhhi didn't think the N1 failed...22:43
arrrghhhno microSD slot?22:47
F22i wouldn't call the N1 a failure either, the press did, but the press likes to make up stories to drum up interest to maintain ad revenues.  the point never was to compete against their partners, it was to push the technology envelope so the manufacturers would stop using the same old tired tech. the lack of a microSD slot struck me as odd on the NS too, that google would sign off on that since they pretty much designed the handset, especial22:56
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F22the lack of hspa+ on a device bound for t-mobile's network is also a disappointment.22:59
F22interesting, despite the success of the GS, HTC is still managing to outsell Samsung on Verizon.  Given that HTC is only selling one phone on verizon currently, the Droid Incredible, whose hardware is outmatched, it definitely sounds like a vote for HTC's SENSE over Samsung's Touch Wiz.23:12
F22i suppose it could also be a vote for the name DROID and google search. :P23:14
arrrghhhyea i don't get the lack of hspa+23:23
arrrghhhjust seems like another odd oversight.23:23
arrrghhhyea, verizon has branded all android devices as "droids"23:24
F22not all23:24
arrrghhhso now non-moto devices are even called moto.23:24
F22Samsung's S isn't a DROID.23:24
F22neither are the lower end devices like the lg ally or the moto devour.23:24
arrrghhhyea but consumers don't know that23:24
arrrghhhthey're all DROIDs23:24
F22they don't have DROID in their name.23:25
F22there have been 5 DROID's to date.23:25
F22the rest of the android handsets haven't been called DROIDs.23:25
arrrghhhbut i constantly hear people calling android devices that aren't droids, droid.23:26
F22Moto has had the DROID, the DROID 2, and DROID X. HTC has had the DROID Eris and the DROID Incredible.23:26
arrrghhhit's almost become standard slang23:26
F22yes, but people walking into a verizon store looking for a DROID may hesitate to buy an android phone that doesn't have DROID in its name.23:26
arrrghhhthinking it's not the DROID they're looking for23:27
arrrghhhbah, sorry.  watching robot chicken star wars specials :P23:27
F22well i can just seem them scratching their heads why it didn't get the name.23:27
arrrghhhto me it's a silly misnomer23:28
arrrghhhbut verizon wants to associate themselves are the DROID provider23:28
arrrghhhwhich makes sense to me, but pisses me off nonetheless ;)23:28
F22it's kind of interesting to me that the droid incredible is outselling the galaxy s though.23:29
F22i forget verizon's name for their s model...23:29
F22i remember the other 3, but i always forget verizon's. :P23:29
F22capitvate is at&t.23:30
arrrghhhtoo many names for the same damned device :P23:30
arrrghhhwhich is why i like using the non-production name.23:30
arrrghhhrhodium ftw :D23:30
F22of course everyone except at&t was happy to call it a tp2.23:31
F22at&t had to call it the tilt2.23:31
arrrghhhand put a ptt key on it :P23:31
F22i wish they all had a ptt key...23:31
F22we could use another button...23:31
arrrghhhi miss my mogul for that reaon23:31
arrrghhhbuttons galore23:31
F22of the GS's, Sprint's is my favorite. 4 inch screen with a kbd, what's not to love...23:33
arrrghhhgood name too :P23:33
F22and wimax too if i recall correctly.23:33
arrrghhhevo and epic are only 4g phones afaik23:33
arrrghhh(on sprint)23:33
F22verizon is waiting til 2011.23:34
F22not sure when at&t will get into the action, they're in an interesting predicament.23:34
arrrghhhthey've gotta got lte23:34
arrrghhhgotta got.  give me another beer.23:34
F22yes, but they're way behind verizon in their rollout.23:34
arrrghhhi love how verizon is ahead23:35
arrrghhhbut behind...23:35
arrrghhhsprint just needed to get something out there23:35
F22lol. yes, sprint was first. but sprint is doing wimax.23:35
arrrghhhthe evo was a great 'something'23:35
F22verizon and at&t are doing lte.23:35
arrrghhhoh i see what you're saying, vz is ahead on lte.23:35
F22t-mo is rolling out hspa+ at a breakneck pace which in the short term at least will put them ahead in some ways. not sure how well they'll be able to scale up compared to the others.23:36
arrrghhhjust seems like a messy hack23:37
arrrghhhleave it to tmo...23:37
F22well they have later gen equipment then at&t so it's easier for them to scale up their stuff.23:37
arrrghhhi wonder if sprint is screwed with wimax23:37
arrrghhhi hear they're eyeballing lte23:38
F22i've heard the same.23:38
F22and their provider is deep in red ink.23:38
arrrghhhbetween clearwire or whatever that company is23:38
arrrghhhand no one else is using it23:38
F22there is talk of t-mo buying in.23:38
arrrghhhmaybe good news for both providers, y'know?23:39
arrrghhhor bad for both, either way.23:39
F22but i get the sense that t-mo would prefer lte. yet they also like the idea of using the same tech as sprint in case their parent company decides to buy sprint some day.23:39
arrrghhhand now sprint is giving the finger to all nextel customers23:40
arrrghhhin 201223:40
F22t-mo also needs more bandwidth, and clearwire has more bandwidth than it knows what to do with.23:40
F22yep, sprint is going to lose a lot of government and business customers once they put the fork in nextel. that merger was a mistake.23:40
arrrghhhi wonder how sprint is going to build up a low-latency ptt network like iden.23:41
arrrghhhyea.  seems like they're going to fail.23:41
arrrghhhi had high hopes that they would actually figure out a way.23:41
arrrghhhwhen they originally merged lol23:42
F22best of all worlds would be t-mo customer support with sprint's network on lte. i'm seriously hoping the us will become more like europe where we'll be able to use our handsets with all the carriers.23:43
arrrghhhkeep dreamin :P23:43
F22i know...even if they all do lte, there will still be antenna issues...23:43
F22need an antenna cut for each freq.23:45
F22there's quad band gsm we'll get quad or quin band lte at some point. :D23:45
arrrghhhi'm worried it'll all be locked down like cdma23:47
arrrghhhno sim's.23:47
F22i hope not23:47
F22engadget is recommending the droid incredible as verizon's best phone for christmas, and they're surprised that they are.23:55
F22Amazed that a phone launched way back in April is still on top of the game in December? Us too, us too23:55
arrrghhhgood ole engadget23:56
arrrghhhi love watching those shows they put on once a month or whatever.23:56
F22evo wins for sprint, epic gets the nod for best handset with a kbd.23:58
arrrghhhyea the screen on the epic is meh23:58
arrrghhhsame with build quality :P23:58
arrrghhhwhere is my tp3.23:58
arrrghhhi want to see that 2011.  dual-core.  android.  madness.23:59
F22yep, i hear the GS's are very plastic'y.23:59
arrrghhhyou read/saw the NS review right?23:59
F22G2 takes top honors at T-mo.23:59
arrrghhhstinebd just posted a linky to it.23:59

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