Saturday, 2010-11-20

F22oh, that's different. aside from the fuze, the other variations of the raph don't copy over keylayout files within init, just the keymap.00:23
F22fuze on the other hand behaves like the rhod's, both .kl's get copied over as well as the .kcm.bin.00:25
F22so unless it's happening elsewhere the rest of the raphs won't update their .kl's on bootup if they change in a new rootfs.00:28
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XirXesoh good your back. i was like totally freaking out00:29
arrrghhhlol did i leave briefly there?00:53
F22you did00:53
arrrghhhlaptop's just been sitting on its side for the last hour or so haha00:53
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arrrghhhso how is frx03 treatin everyone?12:07
arrrghhhonly problem i've had really is soft resets to winmo.  never does it when i'm "doing" anything, i've just left my phone in android at night 2x, and 2x i wake up and it's in winmo...12:08
ftvm_DIAM100hello all !!!12:18
ftvm_DIAM100good week end !!!12:18
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F22jesusfreak316: I have a rootfs for you to test on your fuze if you're interested.16:26
JesusFreak316What's the changes?16:26
JesusFreak316I'll go ahead and download it but might not try it atm.16:26
JesusFreak316Just search for ptt?16:27
F22ptt key=search, working symbol key, ok key behaves as ctrl in terminal emulator, lots of other added keys.16:27
JesusFreak316Mmm, sounds tasty.16:28
F22to get ptt key as search you do need to add an extra argument to your command line in startup.txt16:29
F22if they ever get the camera working, you can just remove it and it will be camera again.16:29
JesusFreak316Yeah, what's the argument?16:29
F22i'm running the same rootfs on my rhod210, can't test the new fuze keymap or the ptt=SEARCH myself though.16:32
F22#       - mapped the symbol palette (0xEF01) to fn-<space> (SYM)16:34
F22#       - moved <tab> to fn-t so SYM could have its key back.16:34
F22#       - mapped { } [ ] < > \ ~ and ` as fn-a s z x , . b w and q16:34
F22#         respectively.16:34
F22then there's the ptt=search command line option which i've already mentioned as well.16:35
F22although for anyone who wants to try that, remember, it's ptt=SEARCH16:35
JesusFreak316Yeah, I never understood why we gave tab its own key. Yours makes much more sense.16:36
JesusFreak316Huh, failed to mount rootfs, let me check it again.16:36
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fitohi all16:37
fitois posible for now runn xandroid in native mode?16:38
JesusFreak316From NAND, no.16:39
fitoif it did make possible in the future would accelerate system?16:42
F22on the ok key=DPAD_CENTER, i figured you probably don't need two enter keys, and i know there is quite a bit of demand for a working ctrl key in terminal emulator, and other apps that treat DPAD_CENTER as ctrl.16:43
JesusFreak316Whoops, posted in #htc-linux.16:44
JesusFreak316Huh, it's just not finding the rootfs for some reason. It's named rootfs.img in my folder but just isn't working. Odd.16:44
JesusFreak316fito, not much.16:44
JesusFreak316Yeah, does enter do the exact same thing as DPAD_CENTER?16:44
F22i assume you uncompressed it first right?  (i know you're generally beyond that sort of question, but i've got to ask.)16:45
fitook. im trying osmand and speed is slow, i think. but market is a big space area with soft16:45
JesusFreak316It's already a .img file.16:45
F22i uploaded as a .7z16:46
JesusFreak316WTF it's listed as a .img. Maybe when I renamed it I changed the extension. DERP.16:47
F22rootfs-f22-20101120-6460531.img.7z is the original name of the file.16:47
JesusFreak316Yeah, I changed the extension and it worked.16:48
JesusFreak316That would explain why the file was only 8MB, wouldn't it. ;)16:48
F22lol, yup16:48
JesusFreak316NOW booting. :)16:49
JesusFreak316It mounted.16:50
JesusFreak316Actually, wait, did you remove the commit that was causing the backlight error on RAPH and DIAM devices?16:50
JesusFreak316I had to roll back to the rootfs from the 8th for my Fuze.16:51
F22did i need to? oh, sorry, wasn't aware of it.16:51
JesusFreak316Well, we'll see.16:51
JesusFreak316Either way I can still test out the keymapping but I just don't want to let the screen turn off.16:52
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F22i follow you.16:52
TheDeadCPUFollow who?16:52
F22yes, this rootfs has the Nov. 15th commit.16:52
F22i'm following jesus. ;)16:53
F22who else?16:53
JesusFreak316So, ptt as search works.16:53
fitoi have diam10016:54
JesusFreak316Fn-space brings up symbols, not very many though.16:54
F22TheDeadCPU: When are you getting your rhod back? I have support for the 100 Nordic in my rootfs.16:54
TheDeadCPUF22, next weekend most likely.16:55
F22JesusFreak316: Yes, I have a patch already submitted to system to expand the symbol palette, it just barely missed the cut-off for FRX03 however. It will be in FRX04 instead.16:55
JesusFreak316ok-i works for tab.16:56
F22it will go from 12 to 18 characters.16:56
JesusFreak316What are some ctrl terminal commands. I never use it.16:56
fitoi am trying frx03. thanks and bye16:58
F22ctrl-c breaks out of something that is running.  ctrl-s freezes the screen if you forget to pipe through more, ctrl-q unfreezes it.16:58
JesusFreak316And the fn-symbols work.16:58
F22ctrl-z will background a process.16:58
F22er excuse me, suspend a process, then you can type bg and hit enter to background it.16:59
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F22sometimes i forget to tack a & at the end of a command i'm running, ctr-z and then bg fixes that.17:00
JesusFreak316Yep, they all work with the "find" command.17:01
JesusFreak316Except ctrl-c but I probably just wasn'tt using it right.17:01
JesusFreak316That's everything, right?17:01
F22can't hold it down like you would on a normal keyboard, like alt and shift, only press it once.17:01
F22pretty much17:02
JesusFreak316Yep, they all work, just got ok-c to stop it.17:02
JesusFreak316Well, awesome. Great work.17:03
JesusFreak316Well, I'm going somewhere in a little while, so see ya.17:04
F22take care17:04
JesusFreak316You too.17:04
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JesusFreak316Can't really talk but I noticed the phone wasn't getting stuck off. Maybe they fixed that bug in FRX03.17:55
JesusFreak316F22 ^17:56
F22it's possible17:56
F22i know stinebd and emwe were working on it.17:56
stinebdstuck off?17:57
stinebdsleep of death?17:57
F22i think that's it, he mentioned a recent commit that caused backlight issues with raph/diam.17:58
F22once the screen turns off, it doesn't want to turn back on, yes, that sounds like "sleep of death" to me. :D18:00
stinebdwell the backlight stuff isn't really sleep of death18:00
stinebdsince the phone is still alive18:00
stinebdand you can in fact adb to it and turn the backlight on manually18:00
F22ahh...not real death then, just a bl issue.18:01
stinebdyeah, now that you explained it i know what he was talking about18:02
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ftvm_DIAM100hello ... arrrghhh ...  good week end !20:18
TheDeadCPUweekend is one word.20:19
arrrghhheh it's been alright20:20
arrrghhh3-day weekend for me :D20:20
TheDeadCPU4 days for me :D20:20
TheDeadCPUNo wait20:20
TheDeadCPU5 day actuall20:21
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arrrghhhbah but you're in school20:22
arrrghhhyou always get time off in school :P20:22
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, not in Uni20:22
TheDeadCPUThis stoner friend of mine is such a stoner he forgot to get high.20:24
ftvm_DIAM100ok .... i go to sleep !!!20:24
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, then you're pretty stoned20:24
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rafyvittohey guys21:00
rafyvittoi was wondering, how can i force android to start on 2g bands?? instead of wcdma?21:01
TheDeadCPUTry #htc-linux21:01
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TheDeadCPUAnyone here have kik?21:58
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