Friday, 2010-11-19

JesusFreak316_Great, shootme is crashing.00:01
stinebdprobably jit's fault00:01
F22ok, what about the other patch?00:02
stinebdtargeted for frx0400:03
stinebdblame arrrghhh for not assigning to me :P00:03
stinebdfrx04 will most likely be a minor update in a couple weeks00:03
F22double damn00:03
F22just missed it00:03
JesusFreak316_Is this good enough XirXes? All I could get was connecting.00:05
stinebdonly change in gapps was maps00:05
XirXesyeah thats great.00:06
stinebd-rw-r--r-- 1 bryan bryan 1.2M Nov 19 00:05 update-FRX03.zip00:06
stinebdwoo we broke a meg00:06
arrrghhhoh yea i see that screen for a second00:06
arrrghhhthen it goes to that other screen00:06
JesusFreak316_Yeah, cause you got that great plan with Sprint, we get it.00:06
arrrghhhwait what?00:07
arrrghhhi see that connecting with end button screen00:07
JesusFreak316_I mean your calls actually connect because yours is actually a phone.00:07
arrrghhhthen it goes to a green screen without an end button00:07
arrrghhhlol i didn't even think of that00:07
arrrghhhyou should look into sipdroid dude00:07
JesusFreak316_I will.00:07
arrrghhhespecially if you have gv00:08
JesusFreak316_I know a guy who can help me out with it.00:08
arrrghhhthere may have been one other piece to the puzzle00:08
JesusFreak316_I do have Google Voice and love ie.00:08
arrrghhhcan't remember what it is atm00:08
arrrghhhyea, gv is awesome.00:08
JesusFreak316_There is another. That was the complicated part.00:08
XirXeshmm. the layout actually looks fine. is that with a build with the ui enabled?00:08
JesusFreak316_Anyways, I gotta get to bed. Calc III exam tomorrow morning.00:08
F22g'nite jesusfreak00:09
arrrghhhhave fun with that!00:09
arrrghhh:D g'nite00:09
stinebdwtf is that00:09
stinebdno labels on the buttons?00:09
JesusFreak316_I'll leave you guys to decipher that screenshot.00:09
arrrghhhstinebd, i see that screen flash before the call connects00:09
F22no labels on what buttons?00:10
XirXesi think thats just because all those options wouldnt be available till he's connected00:10
stinebdthey appear disabled (greyed) on n100:10
XirXeswell now i acctually know the issue. ill play with it and see what i can get00:11
F22oh, for a sec there i thought you might be talking about my other patch. :P00:12
arrrghhhoh no00:13
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stinebdok ota update success00:21
F22Bombenbach found a kcm.bin decompiler and generated a kcm source for the german rhod 100. that means i can make sources from all the euro kbd's too. yay! more work! :P00:24
arrrghhhso you did finally see that post i was talking about :P00:25
F22you mentioned it earlier? i must have been distracted when you brought it up.00:26
stinebdarrrghhh: can you edit any of those xdandroid threads?00:27
stinebdor is babijoee the only guy00:27
arrrghhhbabijoee for raph00:27
arrrghhhreefer for rhod00:27
F22reefer for rhod i think.00:27
F22ninja'd. :P00:27
arrrghhhreef has the threads over on ppcg too00:28
arrrghhher thread00:28
arrrghhhi guess makkonen has the thread for raph on ppcg, but that area's pretty dead.00:28
F22arrrghhh, what's your opinion? should i move < and > from fn-. and caps_fn-. to fn-c and fn-v?00:31
F22given that they won't be making it into the symbol palette for a few weeks it's more important now. :P00:32
arrrghhhwhat's the argument to move them?00:34
arrrghhhare they mapped to -c and -v somewhere?00:34
stinebdbrought to you via the (incredibly slow for some reason) coralcdn00:34
F22nope.  the argument was put forth by XirXes earlier.00:35
arrrghhh...just because?00:35
XirXescaps+fn is counter intuitive-ish and there is another symbol pair to the right00:35
XirXestho, i personally would be ok with either choice00:36
F22caps_fn is used on the euro kbd's a lot, but isn't used at all on the us kbds. so it's use is an exception on them.00:38
F22or would be an exception.00:39
F22it was all so much simpler before i got the SYM key working...00:39
F22then I could assign fn-, to < and fn-. to >00:40
F22but SYM is printed on the , key.00:40
F22for all rhods except the tilt2.00:40
F22so now we need to find a home for the < key.00:41
XirXeswith the in call thing im betting whatever broke it was whatever fixed the touch friendly call answering. but I am deffinitly sure whatever could fix it would be done in javaland. maybe the option could be tied to the wvga device tag in init00:41
F22in one sense caps_fn-, makes sense because it's easy to remember. it's the same key that > is already on. you just need to hit caps as well as fn. first. on the other hand, as already pointed out it's an anomaly as the only key on the US kbd's that combines caps with fn to get something different.00:43
arrrghhhi think in light of that, it might make more sense to change it.00:44
arrrghhhso long as we document these keymaps...00:44
XirXes... on the wiki00:44
arrrghhhthat would make sense.00:45
arrrghhhoh yea i'm supposed to link devices on that thing.00:46
XirXesill have to look at the java stuff more tomorrow as my brain is tired, but i doubt ill make any headway on that as I know 0 launguages outside of english.00:48
F22lol, like your subtle hint about needing a new data.img... ;)00:50
F22aaargggh: regarding the keymaps, i can give you the changelist for the keymaps if you want to put them up.00:52
stinebdword has been dispatched to babijoee00:52
arrrghhhanyone can edit the wiki :P00:52
arrrghhhawesome.  reef?00:53
stinebdis he still active?00:53
arrrghhhoh yea00:53
arrrghhhhe has a galaxy S00:53
arrrghhhbut hasn't forgotten completely about us.00:53
arrrghhhjust mostly00:53
F22Reef has joined the cult of Samsung. Every once in a while he drops by to tell us how great his Gal S is.00:54
stinebdwell i'll let babijoee handle that how he usually does00:54
arrrghhhi keep trying to get him to give me his magic for blazn00:54
arrrghhhlol fair enough00:54
stinebdposted announcement to raph thread00:56
stinebdtime to blarg it00:56
XirXeslol just looked at a teardown of a diam. the largest piece of capped silicon in there is flash strait out of a full size sd card00:56
arrrghhhyea i remember hearing that from phh himself.01:02
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arrrghhhanyhoo, bedtime.  i'll cya guys tomorrow.  get a day of pto for my first thanksgiving.  then next week real thanksgiving again. :D01:03
F22g'nite oh terrible bug wrangler who delayed my patch... ;)01:04
arrrghhhit burns!01:04
arrrghhhyou could've assigned it too :P01:04
F22first time i submitted one.01:05
F22didn't know that.01:05
arrrghhhevidently bug wrangling doesn't just involve crushing newbies.01:05
F22it was your job to tell me.01:05
arrrghhhperhaps i missed an opportunity to crush you.  i apologize.01:05
XirXesneat. the touch pro has the nand and the ram in one chip01:05
F22i thought stinebd was already on the list of developers who would get that bug mail.01:06
arrrghhhin theory he should be.01:06
arrrghhhoddly enough i'm not01:06
arrrghhhgo figure.01:06
F22if i had known he wasn't i'd have added him, or mentioned it to him last night while we were both on.01:06
arrrghhhhence the reason your bug surprised me in the first place01:06
arrrghhhso either way it is stinebd's fault.01:07
F22i didn't want to bug him though about it figuring he had a full plate....had i known he hadn't even seen it...well...oh well...01:07
arrrghhhah i feel better.01:07
stinebdarrrghhh: too many bugs to sort through01:07
arrrghhhg'nite guys01:07
stinebdthats why we need a wrangler01:07
arrrghhhput me on the developers@xda list01:07
stinebdi thought you are01:07
arrrghhhi am not.01:07
stinebdyou definitely are01:07
arrrghhhi am?01:07
stinebdstick around for 2 minutes01:07
XirXesha ha01:08
arrrghhharrrghhh at right?01:08
stinebdyou're on it now01:08
stinebdhave fun with that mess01:09
F22yay, progress! :D01:09
stinebdi definitely suggest filtering it out of you inbox and into a label01:09
arrrghhhha, already do :P01:09
arrrghhhg'nite guys :D01:09
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XirXesdamnit. i just killed my ubuntu virtual machine trying to run an entirely seperate vm01:21
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xdandroidstinebd changed the Status on bug 36 from ASSIGNED to RESOLVED FIXED.02:04
xdandroidBug major, High, ---, developers, RESOLVED FIXED, Repeated Volume button press crashes the system02:04
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emwehappy workstart arrrghhh  :)10:55
arrrghhhhaha i'm on PTO today :D10:55
arrrghhhtakin the first of my two thanksgivings today.10:56
arrrghhhpaid time off10:57
emwedid you do anything special when updating your git xdandroid repo or just repo sync?10:58
emwei always don't feel assured that i am building with all projects up to date...10:59
emwe(after a repo sync)10:59
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arrrghhhi guess i don't check to see if it's up to date11:12
arrrghhhi just assume the repo sync gets the updated stuff lol11:12
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DjCLoudsup people11:44
DjCLoudhey arrrrghh11:45
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DjCLoudhey ham12:00
hamagchey hey12:00
DjCLoudsorry i havent written tutorial yet, been busy with rl stuff, should have it done this weekend for u guys xD12:01
hamagcsounds good12:01
DjCLoudhow u been?12:01
hamagcnot too bad. playing with my moment. found out i was totally wrong on my thoughts about overclocking, now i'm trying to oc to 1ghz :)12:03
hamagcwoot! 1066mhz max right now12:10
hamagcnot too bad if you ask me'12:10
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XirXeshmm thats the first mobile cpu with a different min and max clock speed recomendation12:15
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XirXesthe first one iv seen anyway12:34
stinebddoes frx03 fix angry birdz?!?!12:34
arrrghhhstab stab stab12:35
XirXesi just deleted the apk off my sd. couldnt tell ya12:35
JesusFreak316Nope, still laggy. :)12:36
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emwestinebd: where's the place in the makefiles to put apidemos in the copy-routine to have it on the build?12:44
emweerr, on the image i mean. it seems to be build.12:44
emweany objections in putting into the image by default?12:44
emweand regarding angry birds 1.4.2 ... it's supposed to run on 320x240 but it fails miserably on my gfs tattoo12:46
JesusFreak316Doesn't tattoo not have a gpu?12:47
emweyah, not sure.12:47
emwebut then the ui should at least fit on the screen ;)12:47
hamagcthe dev has come out to say that there is a whole list of phones now not supported12:47
hamagcthey tried to make one version that would work on everything but failed horribly12:48
JesusFreak316When you say fails miserably do you mean crashes or is sized wrong?12:48
hamagcnow they are coming out with another version12:48
emwei think it got better with the update to 1.4.2 but nevertheless it's a pita on topaz12:48
JesusFreak316They at least fixed the white background, though there's still no reason for it to be soo much laggier on our devices when it runs so well on comparable ipod touch 2g hardware.12:49
JesusFreak316It's not just an XDANDROID thing; it's all low end android.12:49
hamagcfixed on some devices12:49
hamagcmy moment can't play it for crap. laggs like a motherplucker and white graphics everywhere12:50
JesusFreak316You still have white graphics after the update.12:50
emweme don't.12:51
JesusFreak316Me neither.12:51
hamagcit's a shame cause it played perfect on 1.312:51
emwe(with 1.4.2)12:51
hamagc1.4.2 is plucked on all moments12:51
hamagcand intercepts12:51
hamagcand samsung sprint phones apparently12:51
JesusFreak316Define perfect. Not laggy?12:51
hamagcminus the epic12:51
hamagc1.3? no lag or anything on moment12:52
TheDeadCPUJust hit -20 celsius12:52
JesusFreak316Is your country using liquid cooling on its CPU?12:52
XirXesthe first snow I got was in early october12:53
TheDeadCPUI've had snow since August lol12:53
JesusFreak316The first snow I got was never.12:53
hamagci hope we get snow this year12:53
hamagci miss snow12:53
hamagcjust not shoveling it12:53
JesusFreak316Snow's fun when you don't ever get it.12:53
XirXeswhen its there all the time its the suck12:54
hamagci lived in new england, we had too much snow. out here in cali, we're luck if we get any at all12:54
JesusFreak316Meh, Florida.12:54
XirXesI live in salt lake12:54
hamagcehh utah12:54
arrrghhhsnow is awesome.12:54
JesusFreak316Time for Mormon jokes. :P12:54
XirXesnot by choice12:54
arrrghhhi'd go crazy without snow12:54
hamagcmy g/fs sister lives out there12:55
hamagcwe went to visit. i hated it12:55
arrrghhhgood 4-wheelin12:55
hamagcstupid no tolerance states12:55
arrrghhhthat's about all puketah is good for12:55
arrrghhh4-wheelin & dirt bikin.12:55
XirXestho when you find a party out here its always nuts12:55
XirXesand accourding to tom tom we drive the fastest12:56
hamagci dunno, between here and AZ is 70-75mph speed limits12:56
XirXesour average freeway speed is like 20 over the limit12:56
XirXesits hilarious seeing geos doing 9012:57
hamagcohh we're talking traffic speed? you've never been to cali? lol12:57
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XirXeshooray i finally switched my ubuntu install to kde12:59
emwestinebd: so eh. ab works as before i would say.13:00
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Reefermattnesssup arrrghhh check your PMs on PPCG  :)13:22
arrrghhhschweet :D13:22
arrrghhhhow you doin mang13:22
ReefermattnessReally good man, my chick just got a huge promotion so we skipped town for a bit.. LOL13:23
arrrghhhi wish my gf could get a good job damnit!13:24
Reefermattnessmaybe you dont beat her enough?13:25
hamagclol my chick just got a new job. starts monday. i'm so excited!!13:26
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, what does she do? Make fewd?13:28
arrrghhhlol she does make food, but for me not for a living...13:28
arrrghhhshe used to work in call centers, but got sick of it.  it payed well, but was stressful.  now she's workin at a doggie day care and loves the dogs... but they screw with her hours and don't respect her requests for when she'd like to work.13:28
arrrghhhplus... the pay is crap.13:28
Reefermattnesscallcenters are awful lol13:30
arrrghhhand when they schedule her for 40 hours, then send her home early or call off entire shifts she only gets like 26 hours or 32 hours.  that with low hourly wage... yea.13:30
Reefermattnessive worked in WAY too many of them13:30
arrrghhhyea call centers are awful.  i've never really worked in one.13:30
arrrghhhi mean i kinda did... but it was support for internal employees.  very different haha13:30
ReefermattnessI worked at AOL, Orvis, PeoplePC, Comcast, AT&T13:32
ReefermattnessAOL was AMAZING until the Time Warner merger.13:33
Reefermattnesslike 5k bonuses a month13:33
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arrrghhhwell i added you to gtalk.  i want to learn your ways.13:39
arrrghhhthe ways of blazn13:39
Reefermattnessrofl word im making frx03 right now  :)  lets see if we can get this one to behave13:41
hamagclol when did you work for aol?13:43
hamagclol damn, too late. early 90's is when we used to raise hell on aol13:44
arrrghhh5k bonuses, surprised you quit :P13:44
hamagcthose were the days13:44
hamagcgood ol macintosh, we'd steal guide accts and just play with people in chat rooms13:45
hamagcsteal passwords and cc#'s. kick people offline, mess up pages. man i miss the 90's13:45
Reefermattnessif you think that wasnt still going on when i worked there you are crazy hamagc  :)13:46
hamagclol oh i'm sure it was but by then i was out of that sceen13:46
hamagcby late 90's macs where pretty much gone, pc's owned everything, and my app making skills got lost. late 90's is when i was skating for sponsors lol13:47
XirXesfor those of you using energy rom if you make a shortcut to \windows\t.mscr in your startup directory it will correct your time on boot. its the carrier time script in the root of control panel13:48
Reefermattnesslol i worked at aol until 2001 when i got a pro sponsorship to play paintball, thats funny.  :)13:50
hamagclol flippin a, thats awesome13:50
arrrghhhnever heard of that before.  who paid you to play paintball?  lol13:50
hamagcand they say geeks are loners in a room with a computer13:50
Reefermattnessstores who want to rep their shit, same people that payed for you to skate  :)13:51
hamagcyep, i had about 6 sponsors before my knee went out at a skating champoinship in ny13:51
Reefermattnessouch!!  My knee went out but from MMA and it kept me from playing for like a year.13:52
hamagcaww i miss doing mma :(13:53
ReefermattnessNow im old, have this $3k paintball gun in the closet and a bum knee.13:53
Reefermattnessword what did you train?13:53
hamagci did bjj in highschool. knee went out skating so (naturally) i went into the marines where i blew out my knee worse13:53
hamagchaven't been in an oct since13:53
hamagcbut my g/f just got a job at axis athletic and they do mma so hopefully i can see if i can still fight with one foot lol13:54
arrrghhhis there any rules about posting software on XDA and charging people for it?  i really would like to see this assclown banned.13:54
ReefermattnessNice I did gaidojutsu mixed with bjj and kickboxing13:54
hamagci absolutely loved bjj13:54
hamagcyou ever see orgasmo?13:54
Reefermattnessone of my good friends is Greg Jackson's best friend, so we got private lessons with the master himself.13:55
Reefermattnesslol yes13:55
hamagcyou know the weird guy13:55
hamagchis name is david dunn13:55
hamagche was my trainer13:55
ReefermattnessLOL wow thats a strange trainer :)13:56
hamagclol he was a local guy at the time, flippin amazing at bjj13:56
hamagcwow, he looks old now lol13:56
ReefermattnessIts freaking awesome having Rashad Evans come up and say whats up after a couple hours of training.  Or watching Holly Holm in her tiny tiny workout clothes.  She punches harder than most of the guys in there do.13:56
XirXesarrrghhh: what ass clown. linky13:57
Reefermattnessyes arrrghhh you cannot charge for things on xda13:57
Reefermattnessget a mod to look at it13:57
hamagclol thats awesome. i love mma has blown up13:57
hamagcMr. Dunn opened Fight Academy in the Santa Clarita Valley in 199513:57
hamagcthat was about when i started13:57
hamagcheh herb dean trains with him now, what a small world13:58
arrrghhhjust looks like gen.y got ripped off and the guy wants a buck for it lol14:01
ReefermattnessYeah its funny cuz im laid back, i dont wear affliction shirts, plaid shorts, and a hat with a straight bill w/ the stickers still on em.   We will just be at the mall or at a bar and some of the pros will come and talk to me before i even say hi.  People looks at me like "who the fuck is this kid"14:01
hamagclol ya thats an awesome feeling14:03
hamagclol arrrghhh thats kinda fucked up, where a mod for this?14:03
XirXesthat guy has a donate button in his sig and the xda donate button14:04
XirXeshes shameless14:04
arrrghhhi've seen a lot of those 'donate to me' buttons14:04
arrrghhhand it's like... why? wtf have you done that warrants donations?14:04
hamagci still have a donate button14:04
Reefermattnesswell the dude did code the app14:04
Reefermattnesshe cant charge on XDA14:04
hamagcbut it's an xdandroid donate button :D14:04
arrrghhhthat Sherri123 or whatever had a donate button too.14:05
arrrghhhhe's also pushing his own forum it looks like too.14:05
Reefermattnessthere was a dude in the captivate area that was just doing the same thing.  took a rom from a different thread and posted it with HUGE donate buttons calling it "AOSP" and it wouldnt even boot.  lol14:05
hamagchey arrrghhh where is your donate button?14:06
Reefermattnessthere is a report button on xda now :)14:06
Reefermattnessim using it14:06
XirXesme too14:06
arrrghhhwhy would people donate to me?14:06
arrrghhhi didn't do anything.14:06
hamagcto xdandroid14:06
arrrghhhoh you mean i should put a link to donate to xdandroid14:07
arrrghhhyea, i guess i should.14:07
TheDeadCPUAre you guys reporting the Gen.Y ripoff?14:07
arrrghhhtalkin 'bout it ya.14:07
ReefermattnessRule # 8. Donations.14:07
Reefermattness    We appreciate all donations to, it keeps our forum online and well maintained. As a user you're allowed to ask for donations in your signature as a thank you for your hard work. However donations up front are not allowed, this forum is about sharing, not about getting paid to do something, that's what your job is for.14:07
TheDeadCPUmeh, then I'll have to go merge RPs -.-.14:07
TheDeadCPUReefermattness, I'm a mod so I know.14:07
Reefermattnessrule # 11: 11. Don’t post with the intent on selling something.14:07
Reefermattness    As an elaboration to rule number 7, don’t use XDA to advertise your product or service. If you are the proprietor of a for-pay product or service, you may use XDA to get feedback, provide beta access, or offer support on the product, but you may not make any posts with the primary intent of selling. This includes posting press releases, announcements, or links to downloads for trial software. The only exception to this is w14:07
Reefermattnesshen you’re posting an exclusive release to XDA.14:07
TheDeadCPUReefermattness, I know.14:08
TheDeadCPUBut you don't have to report. More work merging reports -.-14:08
Reefermattnesswell i wasnt directly posting those for you, people were asking if there were rules against it.14:08
TheDeadCPUYes it is.14:08
TheDeadCPUIf you have paid software on XDA it must have a free "lite" version14:08
hamagchere comes thedeadcpu backhand?14:08
arrrghhhi thought that was the case.14:09
TheDeadCPUI use my BanHarpoon14:09
XirXesfar more leathal than the banhammer14:10
TheDeadCPUI'm Norwegian so I use a harpoon.14:10
TheDeadCPUNah, I'll have to discuss it with the other mods first14:10
TheDeadCPUSeeing as they're going to be all "no! He deserves a warning bla bla blah"14:10
Reefermattnesshe got pwnd14:13
XirXesseamless mode virtual machines ftw
Reefermattnessjeeze close some screen XirXes :P14:17
TheDeadCPUThis jmztaylor has been a bad boy before..14:17
XirXesnice. let the banharpoon fly14:18
TheDeadCPUSome other mod is on it14:19
TheDeadCPUI'm to lazy14:19
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arrrghhhhamagc, wtf you know that Necrosan toolbag?14:44
hamagclol ya he's a samsung dev14:44
arrrghhhwhy is he in htc-linux...14:44
hamagclooking for info on kernels i assume14:45
arrrghhhhe acts like he's 12.14:45
hamagclol he prob. is14:45
arrrghhhoy ve, that may explain a lot.14:45
hamagci know one of the main devs porting cm6 for us is 1414:45
arrrghhhstolen evo & whatnot.14:45
arrrghhhi got nothin wrong with kids, but when i'm disrespected...14:45
hamagclol he got his evo off of craigslist with a bad esn14:46
arrrghhhevo was stolen14:46
arrrghhhand he bought it14:46
arrrghhhhe's convinced it's not tho.  or at least wants to convince me of that.14:46
arrrghhhbut why even bring it up at all?  especially in htc-linux?14:47
hamagclol if i had the chance i would prob. jump on it too but i'm not so talkitive about it. but i was following him when he was playing with the esn via cdma workshop. kinda interesting14:47
hamagcthat i don't know. i know he is working on a couple of projects14:47
hamagcnot sure how he even came across that channel14:47
arrrghhhfuckin assclown.14:47
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stinebd[13:00:26] <emwe> stinebd: so eh. ab works as before i would say. < ??16:05
emwestinebd: angrybirds16:05
stinebdoh lol16:06
emwebecause you asked how it performs on frx03 beforehand16:06
emwei must say my own built frx03 works quite well jitless16:06
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stinebdemwe: seen any bug 19 behavior?16:16
xdandroidBug critical, High, ---, developers, NEW, Boot loop on first boot (fresh data.img)16:16
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emwestinebd: will have to check that. one sec. backing up my data.img....16:17
emwestinebd: worked for me.16:32
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XirXeshappened to me yesterday, but i just deleted the data.img and tried again16:50
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XirXesdo the diam and raph have a prox sensor?17:20
hamagcpretty sure only a light sensor, no prox17:21
hamagctp2 does though17:21
emweand d2 ;)17:22
hamagclol and topaz17:22
emwewhy the hell is neocore not starting up...17:22
emweanyone tried with a fresh image17:22
hamagcneocore has been broken since frx01 i believe17:23
emwei am sure it worked for me17:23
emweat least with frx02 and further17:23
emwebut i didn't update my data.img when switchting to frx0317:24
hamagcbs flag lol17:28
hamagci'll download and see if anything pops up for me17:28
hamagcok system downloaded no problems, update didn't17:32
hamagcbut no antivirus warnings17:32
hamagcupdate said it was completed at 240k17:32
hamagcthat was a strait download. download manager failed alltogether17:33
stinebdnyud must be broken again17:33
stinebdpiece of shit17:33
stinebdtotally unreliable crap17:33
stinebdoh well17:33
hamagclol, still lost on the threats comment17:34
hamagcbut i only have bitdefender on this laptop which sucks17:34
stinebddomain apps transition underway, piloted with our active devs17:56
emweperhaps i shouldn't ask ;)18:01
stinebdapparently 2 people signed up for google services with their emails so they have to resolve the account conflict18:02
stinebddon't know who though18:02
emweheading to bed now. hope the phone still wakes and rings when our db-admin rings in 5-6hours... live-db-transition underway18:03
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hamagcgoodnight guys18:25
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XirXesZOMG angry birds light /s19:47
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TheDeadCPUDid you guys see what happened to the Gen.Y rip-off?20:07
XirXesi see the link to the download is gone aswell20:09
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F22good evening gentlemen21:10
arrrghhhwhat up21:12
F22i've while futzing with foreign language rhodium keyboards, and I've been mulling over key placements dealing with "<", ">", tab, and "~".  I'd like to bounce two possibilities off of anyone interested.21:14
F22the first is a reprise of our discussion as last night.21:14
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F221)  "<" as fn-c , ">" as fn-v, tab as fn-<space> and "~" as fn-t21:16
F222) "<" as fn-<space>, "<" as fn-. , tab as fn-t and "~" as fn-w21:17
arrrghhhi don't like 2.21:17
arrrghhhtab=fn-space makes the most sense to me.21:17
F22more so than fn-t?21:18
arrrghhhoh man.  sherri1023 needs to be taken out back and shot21:18
F22now what's she/he doing?21:18
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F22i saw the fake virus alert post from earlier in the raph subforum...21:19
arrrghhhand posting about an "HTC TILT2" in the tp section...21:19
F22i'm willing to chalk it up to her being a clueless newb.21:20
arrrghhhthis was the same person that was going to fix bt and camera21:20
F22yes, i steered her towards the rhodium area without giving her the link. :P21:20
arrrghhhand i guess she "writes" for that stupid techpocketphones or whatever.21:20
arrrghhhthe 'owner' of that site is banned in this room21:20
arrrghhhfor good reason.21:20
F22what is that reason?21:20
F22so this sherri1023 may just be an alias for that troll?21:21
arrrghhhi don't think so...21:22
arrrghhhbut i'm not sure.21:22
arrrghhhthey act a lot alike.21:22
F22well we shall see.21:26
F22arrrghhh: depends?  you're too funny... lol21:28
arrrghhhdepends on what the bastage wants.21:29
arrrghhhi'm not sure why, but a lot of people think #htc-linux is for help/support...21:29
F22clearly, and very true. but still funny given the question he asked.21:29
arrrghhhi'm a funny guy :P21:29
arrrghhhFUNNY LOOKIN!21:30
stinebdarrrghhh: any words upon thine fora regarding bug 1921:44
xdandroidBug critical, High, ---, developers, NEW, Boot loop on first boot (fresh data.img)21:44
arrrghhhseems good ot go21:45
arrrghhhclose it21:45
stinebdi refuse to take orders from the likes of you21:47
arrrghhhthen don't.21:47
xdandroidstinebd changed the Status on bug 19 from NEW to RESOLVED FIXED.21:47
xdandroidBug critical, High, ---, developers, RESOLVED FIXED, Boot loop on first boot (fresh data.img)21:47
stinebdi showed you who's boss.21:47
arrrghhhhahaha, you certainly did.21:48
F22arrrghhh: does your sms/mms key do anything at all when pressed?21:58
arrrghhhdon't think so21:59
arrrghhhhad a phone call fail and slow system just now so i had to boot back to winmo :P21:59
F22it's supposed to print whatever 0x3 equates to...but that isn't a printable character, and i have no idea why it would have been set to that.21:59
XirXescan someone send me an init that deletes those chkdsk files?22:01
XirXesif not thats cool i mean whatever...22:02
arrrghhhyou can do that with the froyo.user.conf22:03
arrrghhhthat's how i do it22:03
arrrghhhjust add the rm /sdcard/*.fsck to the custom commands section22:03
XirXesah ok thanks.22:03
arrrghhhjust kinda surprised that question came from you :P22:04
XirXeslol. what can I say. im a newb22:05
stinebdhmm, i need to trick google voice into providing service for the same number on two different accounts22:17
stinebdxdandroid: seen camro22:44
xdandroidstinebd: camro was last seen in #xdandroid 2 weeks, 0 days, 12 hours, 56 minutes, and 8 seconds ago: <camro> or do it via "su"22:44
arrrghhhdo eeet via su22:54

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