Thursday, 2010-11-18

stinebdit'd be nice if that fixed bug 19 too00:04
xdandroidBug critical, High, ---, developers, NEW, Boot loop on first boot (fresh data.img)00:04
F22definitely. i hope it fixes several of our more mysterious bugs...00:09
stinebdsystem now ready, 1 for 100:14
stinebdarrrghhh: if you feel like helping out with that tedium as well, it would be helpful00:16
stinebdif it's not jit's fault, maybe i'll get lucky and repro it on the 2nd try or something00:16
F22lol, are you ready to take ownership of the orphan?00:17
F22didn't you say it was abandoned/unmaintained?00:18
stinebdjit? no way in hell i'm messing with that.00:18
stinebd2 for 200:22
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stinebdGSM Association proposes embedded SIM cards with remote activation for 2012
stinebdgsm demands cdmaness00:27
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r^7zwholey ass crackers!00:28
r^7zoh whatever shall we do?!00:29
stinebd3 for 300:30
r^7zis LTE really that bad for us?00:30
r^7zalright, I expect a 50 page synopsis on why LTE is the devil on my desk first thing in the morning! :P :D00:33
r^7zi'm out like a light!00:33
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arrrghhhgsm becoming like cdma00:33
stinebdarrrghhh: i pushed the buildprop changes for disabling jit to device/xdandroid btw00:33
arrrghhhwhat did you want help with?00:33
stinebdi'm currently testing for bug 1900:33
xdandroidBug critical, High, ---, developers, NEW, Boot loop on first boot (fresh data.img)00:33
arrrghhhoh sure00:34
stinebd3 good boots, 0 bad so far00:34
arrrghhhyou're just knockin bugs down man00:34
arrrghhhmaybe there is some truth in people saying 2.1 was more stable lol :P00:34
stinebdwe had jit then too00:35
arrrghhhwhen did we not?00:35
stinebddonut and early eclair00:35
stinebdbefore we had a build tree00:35
stinebdback when babijoee took roms and hacked them up00:35
arrrghhhback in the good ole days00:37
stinebdlooks like 4 for 400:38
stinebd#5 is my last test of the night00:41
arrrghhhso where's the new system image?00:41
stinebdyou said you had a tree :P00:42
stinebdare you running an unmodified FRX02?00:42
arrrghhhi do00:42
stinebdi'll whip up an for you then00:43
arrrghhhfor this testing i am.00:43
stinebd5 for 500:47
arrrghhhsounds promising indeed.00:48
stinebdlol a 677KB update file00:48
arrrghhhthat's awesome.00:48
arrrghhhit's just the jit change right?00:49
stinebdnot sure00:49
arrrghhhand for my reference00:49
arrrghhhi just do a repo sync and then make right?00:49
stinebdoh it stuck Gallery3D in there for some reason00:49
stinebdwould be about 80% smaller without gallery3d00:50
stinebdusually yes, but in this case you have to remove out/target/product/msm/system/build.prop too00:50
stinebdotherwise the build system won't know to update it for some reason00:50
stinebdsome frameworks changes too it looks like00:51
stinebdoh right00:52
stinebdbackground blurring for certain dialogs is disabled and emwe's changes for the unused backlight values00:52
arrrghhhyou're just rippin thru that buglist huh00:57
arrrghhhuh oh01:00
arrrghhhi have a little android with an exclamation point after the update01:00
arrrghhhi'm guessing that means it couldn't reboot the phone and i just need to soft reset...?01:00
stinebdthat means the update failed01:01
stinebdare you sure you had a completely unmodified frx02? no updates since?01:01
arrrghhhnot positive.  i'm building the image myself as well :P01:02
stinebdgotta use the distributed image01:02
stinebdwith signed packages01:02
arrrghhhwell the only update would've been when i was testing that in the first place lol01:03
stinebdthat'd do it01:03
arrrghhhyea i may have not reverted back to the original01:04
arrrghhhah well i got my copy here01:04
arrrghhhof mah build system image :D01:04
arrrghhhlets see if it works...01:04
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arrrghhhdamnit why is my wifi faster than my usb2.0.01:09
arrrghhhi'm going to throw this laptop in a fire.01:09
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arrrghhhcrap, i forgot to delete the
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ob_thank you01:28
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ob_very sorry about that01:28
arrrghhhhey look at that01:28
arrrghhhnever used irc before?01:28
arrrghhhok then.01:28
arrrghhhfirst off, we don't officially support the startup utility you describe.  it causes issues, and doesn't update itself - so if there's a bug in the application you must download the newest version, which it sounds like you don't have it.01:28
ob_thank you for your patience01:29
arrrghhhso that's where i would start01:29
arrrghhhdo you know the thread for that app?01:29
arrrghhhagain, it's not officially supported.  the app dev supports it, that's about it.01:29
ob_so if it says01:29
ob_that there is an update01:29
ob_available then it should be on the website01:29
arrrghhhslow down01:29
arrrghhhthe app doesn't update itself01:29
ob_if not it's basically obsolete?01:29
arrrghhhi know it sounds insane01:30
arrrghhhbut the app only updates pieces of android01:30
arrrghhhkernel, rootfs01:30
arrrghhhprobably initrd if it ever changes01:30
ob_i understand what you're saying01:30
arrrghhhso do you have the newest version of it?01:30
ob_not the kernel, rootfs and intrd part01:30
arrrghhh1.3.1 i think01:30
ob_but i got you01:30
arrrghhhi don't know what it is01:30
arrrghhhi don't use it01:30
ob_i believe so01:30
ob_the latest one i can find on the website01:30
arrrghhhok.  i can't really help you if you're using the newest version then lol.01:30
arrrghhhwhat website01:31
arrrghhhsov's support thread?01:31
ob_most likely01:31
arrrghhhthat's the only place i know of where you can download it by itself.01:31
arrrghhhlink me.01:31
ob_let me get pull it up it's in my bookmarks01:31
ob_the .cab is what i'm using01:32
ob_the nov 1 update01:33
arrrghhhnot what i'm talkin 'bout01:33
arrrghhhthat's the full package01:33
ob_ah ok01:33
arrrghhhthere's a thread on just the update utility01:33
arrrghhhfirst off, we don't officially support the startup utility you describe.  it causes issues, and doesn't update itself - so if there's a bug in the application you must download the newest version, which it sounds like you don't have it.01:33
ob_and it links me there01:33
arrrghhhclipboard fail01:33
arrrghhhoh does it?01:33
arrrghhhthat's new lol01:33
ob_i believe so01:34
arrrghhhwell if you've got the newest 1.3.1 i'm not sure what to tell you.01:34
ob_one moment let me confirm01:34
arrrghhhother than i don't use it, and we don't support it :D01:34
ob_ya it does01:34
ob_link me to the site that i just provided w/the full package01:34
ob_let me check your link tho01:34
ob_is your link supposed to provide me with something to download?01:37
ob_i see where it says download but it's not working when i click it01:38
ob_i see it01:39
ob_thank you for your patience and assistance, i'll try this and see if it works for me01:40
stinebdarrrghhh: anything?01:42
arrrghhhstinebd, 3/3 so far01:42
arrrghhh4/4 now.  freakin awesome.01:44
arrrghhhthis is on "my" system image.  glad to see my build environment is functional :D01:44
arrrghhhcrap just had a soft reset.  weird.01:44
arrrghhhdamnit now winmo is locked up.  this is all your fault stinebd.01:47
F22i'm so tired i can't even see straight. time for me to get some sleep before i misread any more comments. hopefully i'll wake up to a successfully compiled system tomorrow morning. good night folks.01:54
arrrghhh5/5 stinebd01:56
F22*grumbles* it just had to finish compiling before i could walk away... :P01:56
F22damn it01:57
arrrghhhbed time for me01:58
arrrghhhgood work tonight guys :D01:58
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F22so no data image weirdness and just a single soft reset? that's not so bad.02:00
arrrghhhwell i was testing the creation of data.img's02:00
arrrghhhso when i say 5/5 boots02:01
arrrghhhthat means i deleting my data.img every boot02:01
arrrghhhi was deleting02:01
arrrghhhoy i'm tired :P02:01
F22and they were cleanly made each time i gather.02:01
arrrghhhnot a single bootloop02:01
F22not even brief ones?02:02
arrrghhhwhen i say bootloop, like the boot anim would play infinitely if i let it02:02
arrrghhhthe boot animation would indeed loop.  several dozen times probably lol02:02
arrrghhhnever got one of those in android?02:03
arrrghhhi think it was worse on the raph.  basically every time it would create a new data.img on the raph it would get stuck in a loop02:03
F22oddly, i've never had much of an issue with those. once i think only.02:03
arrrghhhyea, rhod didn't seem to be effected nearly as badly for some reason.02:03
F22if i get a loop problem it's generally before the ani.02:03
F22and usually because i forgot to zap the data image when i replaced system02:04
arrrghhhthat'll do it :P02:04
arrrghhhanyhoo.  sleepy time.  cya tomorrow.02:04
F22pleasant dreams02:05
F22i'm off too.02:05
F22just too tired02:05
F22even if it is ready to install02:05
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TheDeadCPU<stinebd> that's mostly for TheDeadCPU who would otherwise spread all this and get it posted on slashdot somehow07:43
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TheDeadCPUWhat did I do now?08:03
i5noc@ur wat08:03
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arrrghhhTP2Stine, you must release this new system image.10:33
arrrghhhTP2This is.... awesome.10:33
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TheDeadCPUarrrghhhTP2, what did I do earlier?11:00
TheDeadCPU<stinebd> that's mostly for TheDeadCPU who would otherwise spread all this and get it posted on slashdot somehow11:00
TheDeadCPUOooo! stinebd is on.11:00
TheDeadCPUstinebd, tell me tell me tell med11:00
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TheDeadCPUOMG DOUBLE arrrghhh11:13
arrrghhhaw.  seems that tonev guy is full of hot air...11:14
arrrghhhwell, at least stinebd single-handedly fixed every bug by disabling jit because i was trying to track down the cause of one bug lol11:14
TheDeadCPUWhat bugs that is?11:17
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Kenjihey guys i'm new here. I got a touch pro 2 from tmobile so the keyboard are different is there a way to change it ?11:18
arrrghhhso what rhod11:18
arrrghhhi think that's rhod300?11:18
arrrghhhcould be 100 i guess11:18
Kenjiso its not a tilt2?11:19
arrrghhhit could use that keymap11:20
arrrghhhi'm not sure11:20
arrrghhhthe keymaps are a little confusing TBH11:20
arrrghhhwhat do you have yours set to, and what is not working?11:20
Kenjiyea i got tp2 and the map is different than the tilt211:20
Kenjithe keyboard works if i know where the numbers and symbols are lol11:21
TheDeadCPUpull out your battery and read on the sticker underneath.11:22
TheDeadCPUIt should say something like rhod40011:23
arrrghhhif he's on tmo11:23
Kenjioh.....ok...i'm a noodle excuse me lol11:23
arrrghhhit'll be a 100 or 30011:23
arrrghhhassuming it's from tmo lol11:23
Kenji210 =D11:25
arrrghhhoh yea that's right11:25
arrrghhhtmo is 21011:25
* arrrghhh forgot about that one...11:26
arrrghhhso set your keymap to rhod21011:26
Kenjiyes. its working hahaha nice thanks dude11:30
arrrghhhhelps when you set it up right :P11:30
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xdandroidDonation received! Thanks, Jonathan G., who says: Phenominal job! Froyo's awesome on my 210, and so is infrastructure WiFi (M$ didn't for Win 7?!?)12:05
arrrghhhmore money for the coffers12:07
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ftvm_DIAM100hello all12:21
arrrghhhwhat's up12:22
arrrghhhftvm_DIAM100: we have a new system image, i'd like you to try it.12:23
ftvm_DIAM100ah !!!!!!!!!12:24
arrrghhhyou're on frx02 right now right?12:24
arrrghhhnot blazn or any neopeek build right?12:24
ftvm_DIAM100i have frx02  yes12:25
XirXesis it actually a new system image or just that
XirXescause I wanna try the update thing. sounds neat12:25
ftvm_DIAM100ok ... i download the entire system.ext212:26
ftvm_DIAM100is alright ???12:26
arrrghhhwell stine rolled an update12:26
arrrghhhbut it failed for me12:26
arrrghhhyou have to have a clean frx02 image to use the update.12:27
arrrghhhi don't know how he builds those either, i just built my own system.ext2 image from his repo,.12:27
ftvm_DIAM100mmmm ... i clean  old system.ext2 and replace par this12:27
XirXesmaybe he keeps the keys out of the repo so only he can roll them12:27
XirXesdo you just put it in andboot or do you have to put it in a deeper folder12:29
ftvm_DIAM100ok ...   please  reading this ;)   my files: system.ext2, zImage, rootfs, initrd, and haret and startup.txt12:29
arrrghhhwhy are you listing that ftvm_DIAM100 ?12:29
arrrghhhanyhoo, here's the linky12:30
ftvm_DIAM100for you know ...   the good files12:31
arrrghhhjust rename it to system.ext2 & replace12:31
ftvm_DIAM100it's ok?12:31
arrrghhhftvm_DIAM100: just listing the names of the files does me no good whatsoever.12:31
ftvm_DIAM100this is new system image ???12:32
XirXesdid he already commit the changes?12:33
arrrghhhhence the reason i was able to build a system image :P12:34
arrrghhhftvm_DIAM100: yes indeed.  replace your old one.12:34
ftvm_DIAM100ok ... i will tested immediately12:35
ftvm_DIAM100download in progress for me   off course !12:36
ftvm_DIAM100of course ..12:36
XirXesI tested using the in call touch ui all day yesterday and i think that if that switch ever gets fliped in our builds we should come up with a way for it to only be used with devices with working prox sensors.12:37
XirXesI didnt have any issues but I can totally see them happening12:37
arrrghhhyea not sure we have prox sensor enabled yet12:37
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XirXesand for making that ui work on vga devices I may only have to remove one line from the xml that handles its layout but I havent had a chance to test it and see if it broke anything12:41
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ftvm_DIAM100download always in progress for me ...12:46
ftvm_DIAM100with new image, i must delete  data.img ... is obligation ?12:46
arrrghhhit's a big file12:46
arrrghhhyou can move/rename it if you want12:47
arrrghhhbut it's a good idea to start with a new data.img12:47
ftvm_DIAM100not big ... but ...  rapidshare is slow ...  i have connexion adsl  20 M12:47
arrrghhhwhy didn't you download direct from multiupload...12:48
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XirXesthat was my choice and I already finnished12:48
ftvm_DIAM100ok yes ...12:48
ftvm_DIAM100i start with new data.img and not overclock12:49
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XirXessad. using the failed for me using frx0213:09
F22i didn't even try. mine isn't stock.13:11
JesusFreak316stinebd released his first
XirXesits a test update.13:20
JesusFreak316Where? xland?13:21
JesusFreak316Oh yeah, most new stuff is there now.13:21
XirXesyou can give it a shot but it didnt work for arrrghhh or I13:22
JesusFreak316Hmm. You both RHOD?13:22
JesusFreak316Isn't the purpose of this not to have to delete data.img?13:23
JesusFreak316Oh, and which update screwed up the backlight, zImage or rootfs?13:23
XirXesi believe so. I didnt delete the data.img i set up13:23
XirXesi dont know. my backlight seems fine. ill check and see which im out of date on13:24
JesusFreak316It just screwed it up for RAPH and DIAM devices.13:24
JesusFreak316FINE, I'll check the thread. :P13:25
JesusFreak316Is the updating process different with
JesusFreak316I know that's how real android devices work.13:25
XirXesit uses the actuall android updater. its pretty neat13:25
XirXesi think it just mounts system and possibly rootfs in rw and does its thing13:26
JesusFreak316Thought so, how do we activate it? I think with Android devices you have to use the bootloader, but I could be wrong.13:26
XirXesjust having the in andboot does it. init checks for it13:27
JesusFreak316Ok, cool. What's in the update?13:27
XirXesjit disabled. some other stuff. stine went bug bashing last night13:28
JesusFreak316What's wrong with jit?13:28
JesusFreak316I've heard them talking about disbling it.13:28
XirXesi think its not compatible with msm7k13:29
XirXesthe architecture its based on anyway13:29
JesusFreak316But it seemed to work when they first released it. We got higher linpack scores.13:30
XirXesi think there thinking its a cause of our system instability13:30
JesusFreak316Ah, that's what I figured.13:31
XirXesbecause the update isnt working for me and I wanna try it anyway i ended up building a new system myself13:32
XirXeswhich is booting now13:34
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uub11_Hey does anyone else notice that when you oveerclock the processor it never goes to the max but it always run super low?13:37
JesusFreak316It goes all the way up for me.13:40
uub11_it doesn't go all the way up unless i use the setcpu.apk to control it13:41
uub11_i ended up setting it up so that the there was only max no minimum13:43
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ftvm_DIAM100Sound stuttering of DIAM100: Here is a pure signal 1000 hz disturb by sound stutter13:52
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JesusFreak316I personally use overclock widget13:55
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JesusFreak316Well, the hung when the bar got to the end but it successfully booted after a restart. How can I tell if it updated correctly?14:07
stinebdwhich update?14:16
stinebdlast night?14:16
JesusFreak316I guess, I just downloaded it a little while ago.14:20
ftvm_DIAM100what ???14:26
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arrrghhhJesusFreak316: if it worked, jit will be disabled.15:19
arrrghhhftvm_DIAM100: so that new system image, still stuttering sound eh?  bummer.  it was worth a shot tho.15:19
JesusFreak316I know that, but how can I verify? linpack?15:22
arrrghhhlogcat |grep -i jit15:23
arrrghhhif you get nothing, jit is disabled.15:23
ftvm_DIAM100hello all15:23
ftvm_DIAM100yes ...  still stutering :(15:24
ftvm_DIAM100same message in logcat ...15:24
ftvm_DIAM100battery process   etc ...15:24
JesusFreak316Nope, still a stuff there. :/15:24
arrrghhhftvm_DIAM100: what kernel are you using?15:24
JesusFreak316lol, a stuff.15:24
arrrghhhautobuild or that one i slung you?15:24
arrrghhhJesusFreak316: then jit is still enabled.15:24
ftvm_DIAM100last kernel15:25
ftvm_DIAM100stuttering example ... with signal test 1000 hz15:25
arrrghhhi heard it15:25
arrrghhhactually not that bad :P15:25
arrrghhhbut yea, i have no clue dude.  we're not specifically trying to fix this bug ATM, i just keep hoping the things we're doing will just fix it :P15:25
ftvm_DIAM100warning for your ear ... if you listen this ...15:25
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ftvm_DIAM100ok ... always same problem read with adb15:39
ftvm_DIAM100and image loading is too long ...15:39
JesusFreak316What is that system? The update incorporated into frx02?15:42
ftvm_DIAM100logcat -> W/BatteryStatsImpl( 1248): Couldn't get kernel wake lock stats15:47
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eee_i'm bck15:49
arrrghhhJesusFreak316: i just linked you to frx03.15:50
arrrghhhhas a few improvements, but the main one is disabled jit.15:50
* JesusFreak316 feels too lazy to do Titanium Backup AGAIN.15:51
JesusFreak316It's all in the name of SCIENCE though.15:51
* JesusFreak316 downloads.15:51
arrrghhhoy ve.15:51
arrrghhhdon't be whinin man15:51
arrrghhhi do all this testing crap on my ONLY phone15:51
JesusFreak316lol true.15:51
arrrghhhkinda sucks sometimes.15:52
arrrghhhman it seems like google voice push isn't as fast as gmail push...15:52
arrrghhhi get texts on the phone, then a minute later or so i get a gv text.  weird.15:52
JesusFreak316It seemed pretty quick to me, but I can't tell since I only get GV texts.15:53
arrrghhhi guess a minute isn't that bad tho :P  gmail just seems to be instanteous.15:53
arrrghhhinstantaneous?  yea.15:53
arrrghhhah yea.  i have to leave inbox notification on15:53
arrrghhhso i get 2 texts for every one :P15:53
arrrghhhkinda annoying, but otherwise i won't get txts if i go back to winmo.  makes for a very angry gf at the end of the day hahaha15:54
JesusFreak316Girlfriends, lol. :P15:54
arrrghhhthe crap we put up with haha15:54
* JesusFreak316 is eating apple chips. mmm15:55
arrrghhhi shouldn't say that, i love the girl.  most of the time it's good.  she just doesn't like me tinkering all the time... and that's what i do damnit!15:55
JesusFreak316Haha, yeah. Good for you.15:55
JesusFreak316 should make it a little less painful.15:57
JesusFreak316Updating, not having a gf. :)15:57
JesusFreak316Eh, actually I think I'll just use androidapps folder.15:58
arrrghhhyea TB is a little painful if you have a lot of apps.15:58
arrrghhhdo you just pull the APK's and drop them in AndroidApps?  What do you do about the appdata?15:59
JesusFreak316Especially if you're too cheap to buy the full version.15:59
JesusFreak316I use titanium for the few apps that appdata really matters to me.15:59
arrrghhhthat's cool15:59
arrrghhhyea i keep thinking i should buy the full version15:59
arrrghhhbut as well all know, i'm a cheap bastard as well :P16:00
JesusFreak316I did notice that something in titanium messes up my home key.16:00
JesusFreak316Gonna be more careful restoring this time.16:00
arrrghhhi just do the batch16:00
JesusFreak316I REALLY wish there was a restore all appdata button.16:01
JesusFreak316There's only all apps and appdata.16:01
ftvm_DIAM100good application16:08
JesusFreak316What application?16:09
ftvm_DIAM100SaveMyApp !!!16:09
ftvm_DIAM100this save profile also ???16:10
JesusFreak316Eh, I wouldn't use it. It's made for real android phones and I'm not sure how well it'd work for XDANDROID.16:14
JesusFreak316Just use titanium for backups.16:14
JesusFreak316I have too many apps...16:18
ftvm_DIAM100ah yes16:20
arrrghhhtitanium works well16:20
arrrghhhjust kinda cumbersome if you have a lot of apps.  as we were talkin 'bout earlier :P16:21
JesusFreak316Pfft, who needs root explorer when you have adb shell? :)16:24
arrrghhhyea, still don't know what took me so long to setup adb16:25
arrrghhhoh that reminds me, my freakin work PC doesn't work with adb anymore... i moved desks, and i'm pretty sure the usb cable is going in a different port now.16:25
arrrghhhfor the life of me, i cannot get the drivers to install just says, cannot install this hardware basically.  any ideas?16:25
JesusFreak316OMG, you have to actually work at work now?16:25
JesusFreak316You tried every usb port?16:25
ftvm_DIAM100i download on android market, one application for ... launch command shell16:25
JesusFreak316Does this pc have different permissions?16:26
JesusFreak316Can you install ANY unsigned drivers?16:26
JesusFreak316speedfan for example?16:26
arrrghhhsame pc16:30
arrrghhhhaven't tried different ports16:30
arrrghhhi should be able to install anything... i'm an admin on the machine.16:30
JesusFreak316I know rear ports are sometimes better.16:31
arrrghhhlol no i don't have to work at work, why do you think i'm on here all day :P16:31
arrrghhhi use a docking station @ work16:31
JesusFreak316I know for low latency audio ports that's important.16:31
arrrghhhi can try the different usb ports16:31
arrrghhhjust seemed like a stupid solution.  man i hate windows.16:31
JesusFreak316Lol, docking stations.16:31
JesusFreak316It's not windows, just crappy usb ports.16:31
arrrghhhmy laptop doesn't have any ports really.16:31
arrrghhhuhm... in linux this wouldn't happen.16:31
JesusFreak316You tried it?16:32
arrrghhhlinux doesn't care what usb port you're plugged into, so long as you have the drivers.16:32
JesusFreak316Never mind. :)16:32
arrrghhhno i just know how linux and windows treat usb ports :P16:32
JesusFreak316Some things it just is hardware, guess not in your case.16:32
arrrghhhfor whatever reason windows is convinced its never seen the hardware if it's a new usb port.16:32
JesusFreak316You try uninstalling the driver then let it try reinstalling it?16:33
arrrghhhoh yea16:33
arrrghhhi even googled16:34
arrrghhhfound some freakin guide where you had to remove some hidden drivers for it16:34
arrrghhhused some weird usbdriv tool or something.  bah.16:34
JesusFreak316Why don't you just install ubuntu in virtualbox?16:34
arrrghhhthis is a laptop :P16:34
JesusFreak316Works for me, though maybe only because I already have adb drivers in windows.16:34
JesusFreak316Does it not have vt?16:35
JesusFreak316I do everything on my laptop...16:35
arrrghhhyea my laptop at home is fine.  but i always use the same usb port.16:35
arrrghhhyea but this is a work laptop.  as in not very powerful.  no vt.16:35
arrrghhhcore2 duo w/2gb of ram.16:35
JesusFreak316core2duo w/o vt? lame16:36
JesusFreak316My old Pentium D had vt.16:36
stinebdi got one without vt16:36
stinebdbut it also goes 9 hours on battery16:36
stinebdso i'm quite okay with it16:36
JesusFreak316Well, that's excusable.16:36
JesusFreak316ULV CPU?16:36
stinebdwhich means it's not excusable16:37
stinebdbecause removing vt didn't affect battery life, surely16:37
JesusFreak316What is it?16:37
stinebdasus u81a16:37
stinebdwith t6500 i believe16:37
stinebdthats the one16:38
stinebdmy favorite laptop so far16:38
stinebdcontrary to that first review, it doesn't have a 12 cell battery16:39
arrrghhhi was going to say 12 cell wowsa16:39
arrrghhhbleh @ gateway16:39
stinebd17", desktop replacement?16:40
JesusFreak316My brother had a 12 cell in his hp.16:40
arrrghhhnice rig tho.  minus the 5400rpm hdd :P16:40
stinebdthose hp 12 cells are humongous16:40
JesusFreak316I'm gonna get another hdd then a bluray/ssd combo next year.16:40
arrrghhhyea they made the ass end of the laptop gigantic.  looks like it would kinda help with typing tho.16:40
stinebddidn't for me16:40
JesusFreak316This was the most reasonable laptop for the price.16:41
stinebdjust made it really hurt my legs16:41
arrrghhhi still need to figure out what i want to replace my crappy alienware with.16:41
JesusFreak316The battery probably helps with cooling though.16:41
stinebdyou have all that weight on one point on your legs, not very comfortable16:41
JesusFreak316I have soo many renamed data.img files on my sdcard, lol.16:44
JesusFreak316Let's see how many gigs I can free up.16:45
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arrrghhhhahaha you're supposed to delete those when you discover that was the cause of your problems :P16:45
stinebdbut they weren't the cause16:45
stinebdjit was the cause16:45
arrrghhhalthough, i noticed i had a bunch of renamed system.ext2 files from all that testing i was doing on the update utility lol16:45
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arrrghhhso let's close all the bugs on the bugtracker, yes?  lol16:46
arrrghhhjonpry didn't seem to happy that disabling jit was the final resolution lol16:46
JesusFreak316I have a bunch of those too. syfem.ext2, system.ext2old, system.ext22 etc.16:46
arrrghhhso can i start leaking frx03?  are we waiting for anything?16:46
arrrghhhi won't slaughter your server, i've mirrored it.16:47
JesusFreak316Should I maybe try it before we release it?16:47
arrrghhhi thought you did?16:47
JesusFreak316Just as one last check?16:47
JesusFreak316Nah, still deleting data.img files. :)16:47
arrrghhhlol that was like an hour ago that i gave you that link.16:48
JesusFreak316Well, first I slacked off, then backed up with titanium and adb shell, then started getting rid of all these files.16:48
JesusFreak316Wait, actually first I rolled back to the 11/8/10 rootfs.16:48
stinebdarrrghhh: i haven't even tagged it yet16:49
arrrghhhtagged it?16:50
arrrghhhthat sounds... difficult...16:50
arrrghhh /sarcasm16:50
JesusFreak316How do you do /sarcasm on irc? Put a space before?16:50
stinebd/say /sarcasm16:51
arrrghhhthere's some way to escape i16:51
arrrghhhi thought there was another way too16:51
JesusFreak316Wow, /say is pointless 99% of the time. :)16:51
JesusFreak316Lol, cleaned up almost a gig.16:53
arrrghhheh you only had 4?  :P16:54
JesusFreak316I could sworn I had more but, eh who knows.16:54
JesusFreak316I guess the 'puter does actually. :)16:55
JesusFreak316Derp, forgot to rename data. Fail16:55
stinebdarrrghhh: have you been able to get it to fail on new data image at all?16:55
arrrghhhhonestly it didn't happen that frequently on rhod.... but still, haven't gotten one yet.16:56
stinebdat least one in five?16:57
arrrghhhi couldn't reproduce it with a new data.img16:58
arrrghhhin fact on the rhod if you got a bootloop, the solution was to delete the data.img and boot again.16:58
arrrghhhit was real reproducible on the raph... but i never did really track down the cause of the issue.16:59
JesusFreak316Well, let's see if I get one.16:59
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JesusFreak316Wow, is it just me or is creating a data store quicker than it used to be?17:00
arrrghhhseemed just as slow as normal to me.17:00
JesusFreak316It did it in about 15s for me.17:00
arrrghhhi never really timed it17:01
arrrghhhthe longest part for me on first boot is the boot anim17:02
JesusFreak316Neither did I but it just seemed faster.17:02
JesusFreak316Okay, done booting.17:03
JesusFreak316it's amazing what a difference launcherpro makes over the stock launcher; I notice that every time I update to a new system.17:04
arrrghhhin what way?17:05
JesusFreak316Just speed.17:05
arrrghhhLP is faster?17:05
JesusFreak316Though part of the reason I typed that was because it was apparently still loading. :P Stock launcher is faster than it was at first, lol.17:06
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ftvm_DIAM100for you ... the loading is long or short ???   with  new release ???17:16
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xdandroidarrrghhh changed the Status on bug 10 from NEW to RESOLVED FIXED.17:18
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, RESOLVED FIXED, Home/ Back Buttons don't work17:18
JesusFreak316Huh, Droid Explorer's also a really nice way to resume after an update. I didn't know previously that it had root access.17:20
arrrghhhkinda needs it...17:20
xdandroidarrrghhh changed the Status on bug 46 from NEW to RESOLVED FIXED.17:21
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, RESOLVED FIXED, Battery charging with 2.2.117:21
xdandroidarrrghhh marked bug 13 as a duplicate of bug 47.17:22
xdandroidBug major, Normal, ---, developers, RESOLVED DUPLICATE, The device awakes from sleep and is ready for use, but the screen doesn't turn on.17:22
xdandroidBug critical, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, Nearly impossibe to wake the device17:22
JesusFreak316It DOES have root access.17:22
arrrghhhyea i would think it needs it..17:22
xdandroidarrrghhh changed the Status on bug 47 from NEW to RESOLVED FIXED.17:23
JesusFreak316Oh, I thought you were saying it sucks that it doesn't.17:23
arrrghhhsorry :P'17:23
arrrghhhi just said kinda needs it in all the bugclosing madness.17:23
arrrghhhhrm.  i think that's all the damage i can do today.17:23
JesusFreak316It does seem really smooth.17:24
JesusFreak316That could just be 'cause I don't have my usual >9000 apps installed yet.17:25
arrrghhhfor me, it continues to be smooth.  i'm just amazed at how many bugs are fixed just by disabling jit.17:25
arrrghhhseems like it was WAY more trouble than it's worth.17:25
JesusFreak316Yeah, how many things actually benefit from jit for us?17:26
JesusFreak316wasn't flash one of the big ones?17:26
arrrghhhi don't believe jit has anything to do with flash.17:29
arrrghhhthe benefits of jit in the beginning were slim17:29
JesusFreak316I heard it helped performance.17:29
arrrghhhon architectures optimized to use it.17:30
JesusFreak316Unlike ours. :)17:30
arrrghhhthe thought process probably was - jit is supposed to speed things up - our port is slow - enable jit!17:30
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JesusFreak316Pretty much.17:30
JesusFreak316One oddity, probably just related to titanium, but titanium keeps warning me that I have unknown applications unchecked when I don't.17:33
arrrghhhi had it tell me once, because it was unchecked lol17:34
JesusFreak316It's always unchecked with a fresh install.17:34
JesusFreak316Probably a good decision on Google's part.17:34
arrrghhhcovering their asses.17:35
JesusFreak316But that's how it should be; make it locked down and secure for the unwashed masses who don't know what an apk is but allow power users access to everything.17:35
emwesomebodys cleaning bugs in preparation for release, eh? ;)17:37
JesusFreak316It IS released.17:37
arrrghhhnot really17:37
JesusFreak316Well, it's downloadable at least.17:38
emwein the NOT_FOR_RELEASE folder ;)17:38
arrrghhhyea, not really an official release yet.  still tagged frx02.  i noticed that when building.17:38
emwewhat was the motivation for disabling jit? anybody some insight?17:38
JesusFreak316Hopefully stinebd will get his working by then actually. :)17:39
arrrghhhhaha it works17:39
arrrghhhbut you MUST have a clean frx02 image.17:39
arrrghhhno you won't have to do it all over again, unless the frx02 tag bothers you haha17:40
JesusFreak316Well, that kinda defeats the purpose then doesn't it?17:40
arrrghhhnot really, most should have a clean frx02 image.17:40
JesusFreak316I'm OCD, remember?17:40
arrrghhhonly schlubs like me that do testing should have a mucked up image.17:40
arrrghhhthen suck it up17:40
JesusFreak316Oh, you mean the system.ext2 not the data.img?17:40
arrrghhhemwe: so i was trying to track down a bug17:40
JesusFreak316Mines clean though...17:41
arrrghhhemwe: the volume rocker reboot bug...17:41
arrrghhhJesusFreak316: then the should work just fine for you.,17:41
JesusFreak316Well, I don't need it now, do I?17:41
emwearrrghhh: and by disabling jit it doesn't reboot anymore?17:41
arrrghhhemwe: stinebd asked me to disable JIT because he said it hid the error.  lo and behold, with jit disabled we couldn't reproduce the issue.17:41
arrrghhhJesusFreak316: uhm... no?  i dunno.17:42
emwebut wasn't disabling jit in the props file causing extreme slowness?17:42
JesusFreak316So, is your system.ext2 FRX02 with stinebd's applied?17:42
emweor did you disable it in the buildspec?17:42
emwehow does it perform?17:42
arrrghhhJesusFreak316: no17:42
emwetime to build a new image on my own i guess....17:43
JesusFreak316REALLY well for me so far.17:43
arrrghhhi built my own system image, the one you downloaded.17:43
JesusFreak316So then what is it?17:43
arrrghhhemwe: works really well.  it's disabled in the build.prop17:43
arrrghhhwhat is it...?17:43
arrrghhha built system image from my server... what do you mean?17:43
JesusFreak316So if your build is FRX03 then what was stinebd's Bug fixes?17:43
arrrghhhthey're the same...17:44
arrrghhhhis would bring frx02 up to frx0317:44
arrrghhhinstead of distributing an entire new system image for frx03.17:44
JesusFreak316That's what I was saying.17:44
JesusFreak316Ok, thought so.17:44
JesusFreak316I needed to start fresh anyways.17:44
emwearrrghhh: was build.prop the runtime setting? IIRC when i disabled it, rebooted, it was slow as hell. and with building my own... i don't wan't so screw my data img with an official build (with official keys) that's why i build the system.img on my own without screwing my data.img17:45
JesusFreak316Lack of a home key was getting annoying. Multitasking sucks with only the end button set as home.17:45
arrrghhhemwe: yea when i disabled it manually it was really slow.17:46
JesusFreak316This is most definitely NOT slow. :D17:46
emwearrrghhh: ok, so you disabled it in buildspec, built an image and all is up to par again, yes?17:46
arrrghhhemwe: honestly stine did the magic17:48
arrrghhhi just built the image off of his repo,.17:48
JesusFreak316arrrghhh, building monkey, eh?17:48
emwei see.17:49
arrrghhhbuilding and bug monkey.17:49
arrrghhhJesusFreak316: you're benefitting from it, aren't you?  :P17:49
JesusFreak316Not complaining at all. :)17:49
JesusFreak316Soo, are we ever going to map something to the ptt button on the Fuze?17:50
JesusFreak316Preferably made it an assignable hotkey.17:50
arrrghhhnot all phones have it tho17:50
JesusFreak316Yeah, but it's nice for those who do. Is it not possible to make it only apply to the Fuze?17:51
arrrghhhi think it's waiting for camera17:51
arrrghhhwhat else would you want it for?17:51
JesusFreak316Well, something else until camera comes17:51
arrrghhhhack up the rootfs then.17:51
JesusFreak316Is Wistilt and his team of monkeys messing with the libs?17:52
JesusFreak316Or was it bzo?17:52
emweit's become quite calm in htc-linux regarding some developments for our old devices, no?17:52
JesusFreak316Yep. :/17:53
emwei don't really have something new to report either.17:53
* JesusFreak316 is glad for his HD2 for Christmas. :)17:53
JesusFreak316So, what all did disabling jit fix?17:54
emwehd2 ... what was that again... it's not hd 7 no?17:54
arrrghhhhd2 is the last great winmob phone17:54
arrrghhhthere's a couple others i guess.17:54
emweso many freaking new phones around17:54
JesusFreak316It's the hd7 if the hd7 was good. :)17:54
arrrghhhlol the hd7 came out after it, how can you say that17:54
JesusFreak316Because the hd7 is mostly a nerfed hd2 imo.17:55
arrrghhhi thought the proc was newer17:55
arrrghhhhaven't really looked into it17:55
arrrghhhneither phone appeal to me.17:55
JesusFreak316All wp7 devices have qsd8250.17:55
JesusFreak316wp77 has 720p recording but that's being worked on for hd2 anyways.17:56
JesusFreak316Oh, and my t-mobile hd2 has 1Gb rom as opposed to the hd7 512.17:57
JesusFreak316Somehow the t-mobile hd2 is better than the international version.17:57
emweah eh... when i hear HD i never think of blackstone but leo. but leo is HD2 ....18:02
F22jesusfreak: what would you like your ptt button assigned as?18:02
arrrghhhF22 is taking requests evidently.18:02
JesusFreak316Is it at all possible to make it a softkey?18:02
arrrghhhi'd like it to be an instant bacon button.  like give me bacon INSTANTLY18:02
JesusFreak316If not let me think.18:02
ftvm_DIAM100what update-FRX02-20101118 ????18:03
F22i'm working with pohket and getting the rhod ptt key working.18:03
ftvm_DIAM100this put in the root of android ???18:03
F22on getting18:03
JesusFreak316What'd they set it as?18:03
arrrghhhftvm_DIAM100: what are you talking about18:03
F22for the moment we're setting it as search.18:03
JesusFreak316The file from earlier.18:03
arrrghhhyou already downloaded frx03, why would you want to update it...18:03
arrrghhhyea but he already grabbed my image.18:04
F22we need to test the scan code for it.18:04
ftvm_DIAM100yes ...  update.zip18:04
F22ofr the rhod, that is. but for the raph i believe it's already confirmed.18:04
JesusFreak316ftvm_DIAM100: No need if you already updated to FRX03.18:04
F22so for the raph, it's just a matter of assigning it to something.18:05
JesusFreak316Search might be nice.18:05
ftvm_DIAM100ok thanx  jesus ...18:05
arrrghhhyea there's some apps that use it18:05
arrrghhhwhy do the foreigners always listen to you JesusFreak316...18:06
JesusFreak316Because I'm nice.18:06
arrrghhhi'm nice.18:06
arrrghhhjust not when people act st00pid.18:06
JesusFreak316LIES, no you're not.18:06
arrrghhhi was nice to him.18:06
JesusFreak316You ALWAYS think people act st00pid.18:06
arrrghhhwell they need to all stop acting st00pid.18:06
JesusFreak316So, F22, do you or do you not need the scan code?18:06
F22i believe we have it for the raph. it's 169.18:08
F22i have no way to confirm that myself however.18:08
F22if you want to check it with're welcome to do so.18:08
F22i'd be particularly interested in knowing what hardware it's attached to, if it's microp like on the rhod.18:09
F22if so it doesn't belong in the navi_pad file where it is now.18:09
JesusFreak316Just tell me what to do.18:10
F22do you have adb?18:11
JesusFreak316Huh, holding down ptt brings up camera.18:12
JesusFreak316Good to know for the future.18:12
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F22so it already works.18:21
F22it's just a matter of reassigning it18:21
XirXeswhats the repo command for doing a clean sync?18:22
F22repo sync :P that will toss all your local commits.18:23
XirXesthats what i thought. something must have gone wrong on my end earlier18:23
F22JesusFreak316: you have a fuze?18:25
F22ok, i'm going to do something similar for the fuze that i'm doing for the rhod. i'll make a a command line option to assign the ptt button to search.  if you ever want to try out the camera again after they get it working, you can just remove that from your startup.txt.18:27
arrrghhhF22: are you going to commit this ever? :P18:27
arrrghhhor at least some of the pieces.18:27
arrrghhhgiant commits are usually a bad idea...18:28
F22i have two small pieces waiting on approval18:28
arrrghhhah ok18:28
JesusFreak316Is there no way to make a short tap search but a long tap camera?18:28
arrrghhhyea stine's been busy lately... may have to prod him again next week.18:28
F22all told, right now we're looking at 4 commits, 2 to system which have already been sent, and 2 to rootfs.18:29
arrrghhhok this has always bugged me.  i don't know what changed, but when i go to google voice to send a text, i have to click on the input box18:29
arrrghhhi want the damn input box to be highlighted by default so i can just start typing18:29
arrrghhhi swear it used to do this, what could've possibly changed?18:29
XirXesit should logically select it when you start typing18:30
arrrghhhXirXes: nope.18:30
XirXesi wasnt saying it does it that way. just that it makes more sense that way. a lot of things in android handle typing that way18:31
arrrghhhwell the thing that baffles me18:31
arrrghhhis i KNOW it used to select it by default.18:31
arrrghhhi wonder if it was a BLAZN thing.... i don't see why tho.18:32
XirXesI agree. the gv app got updated recently18:32
arrrghhhhrm let me see if regular messaging does it.18:32
arrrghhhshit it does.18:32
XirXesI would love if someone made a gv app for winmo18:33
arrrghhhseems like it is a GV thing after all...18:33
arrrghhhthere's a few18:33
arrrghhhbut they all suck in one way or another.18:33
JesusFreak316Yeah, it'd be nice to not have to boot into android to send a text.18:33
XirXesill look for one that handles texting like the android client18:33
arrrghhhyea... i'm trying to think of which one i liked best18:34
arrrghhhwhat was it...18:34
JesusFreak316Texting's all I need since you need a phone plan when calling.18:34
arrrghhhit's been a long time since i messed with them tho.18:34
arrrghhhyou can text without a phone plan?18:34
arrrghhhoh wait nvm lol18:34
arrrghhhgv right.18:34
JesusFreak316gv call free?18:34
arrrghhhnot in winmo18:34
stinebddamnit emwe left18:34
JesusFreak316Are there any good winmo sip apps?18:35
arrrghhhi didn't think any existed.18:35
stinebdif he comes in again asking about jit, we disabled it via build.prop, not the buildspec. it's still enabled in the vm, but its usage is disabled by default.18:35
arrrghhhdunno.  you're in #xdandroid tho :P18:35
JesusFreak316Very true. :)18:35
arrrghhhstinebd: i told him it was disabled in the build.prop.18:35
arrrghhhi wouldn't believe me either tho.18:36
stinebdyou told him that you did it that was for testing18:36
stinebdthat way*18:36
stinebd[17:45:18] <emwe> arrrghhh: was build.prop the runtime setting? IIRC when i disabled it, rebooted, it was slow as hell. and with building my own... i don't wan't so screw my data img with an official build (with official keys) that's why i build the system.img on my own without screwing my data.img18:37
stinebd[17:46:19] <arrrghhh> emwe: yea when i disabled it manually it was really slow.18:37
stinebd[17:46:45] <emwe> arrrghhh: ok, so you disabled it in buildspec, built an image and all is up to par again, yes?18:37
stinebd[17:48:38] <arrrghhh> emwe: honestly stine did the magic18:37
stinebdunless i missed something there18:37
arrrghhhi thought i told him you disabled it in the build.propp18:38
arrrghhhmaybe that conversation occurred in my head.18:38
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arrrghhh<arrrghhh> emwe: works really well.  it's disabled in the build.prop18:39
arrrghhhthere i did!18:39
stinebdwell he's german, he was probably drunk18:40
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XirXesI feel like my machine doesn't take ages to build system18:44
stinebdany objections to rolling frx03 officially?18:44
arrrghhhdo eeeeet18:45
arrrghhhwe certainly haven't tested all devices18:45
arrrghhhbut we've tested a pretty good cross-section18:45
arrrghhhi've been running it all day, freakin awesome.18:45
arrrghhhlittle browsing, 20 or so texts... battery still at 82% :D18:46
arrrghhhi keep waking it up to make sure it still responds.  very quick.18:46
XirXesi still have little faith in my battery meter18:46
JesusFreak316Seemes good to me.18:46
arrrghhhXirXes: in winmo or android?  lol18:46
XirXesI went back to winmo yesterday and it said 3% where android had said something like 25%18:47
arrrghhhnot sure which is lying more18:47
arrrghhhperhaps in the very low ranges android needs some touchups.18:48
XirXesmy bets towards android. iv fully drained mine twice since the new code18:48
TheDeadCPUstinebd, what did I do earlier? oO you said something about me and Slashdot18:48
XirXeslike wont turn on drained18:48
stinebdTheDeadCPU: i was being facetious18:48
stinebdyou know i love you baby18:49
TheDeadCPUstinebd, aww<318:49
ftvm_DIAM100hello all18:51
ftvm_DIAM100what process   system server please ???18:51
ftvm_DIAM1001781  1776 1000     S     196m192.7   0 21.7 system_server18:51
arrrghhhit's a main system process18:52
ftvm_DIAM10021.7 %  cpu  sometimes18:52
arrrghhhyea, it was pegging my processor to 99% yesterday.18:52
XirXesis there newer versions of the kernel being played with at all?18:52
arrrghhhXirXes: WisTilt's stuff.18:52
JesusFreak316Isn't stinebd working on the fb for it?18:52
XirXesi mean like kernel version as in 32 or 35?18:52
arrrghhhthat's jonpry & acl.18:52
JesusFreak316What's your framebuffer stuff for?18:52
ftvm_DIAM100ok ...18:52
arrrghhhXirXes: same.18:53
arrrghhhjonpry & acl are working on 35.18:53
stinebdi don't have framebuffer stuff18:53
JesusFreak316Oh, I get confused. :P18:53
JesusFreak316SOMEONE's working on a framebuffer.18:53
JesusFreak316jonpry and acl like you said earlier?18:54
JesusFreak316Isn't that for updating to the newest linux kernel?18:54
ftvm_DIAM100I was looking for a cause related sound stuttering18:54
ftvm_DIAM100i examine all process and our activity18:54
arrrghhhftvm_DIAM100: this is really consuming you isn't it.18:54
arrrghhhJesusFreak316: yes.18:54
JesusFreak316Ok then.18:55
XirXesi want to see if my desire z image boots with that at some point. it gets to the point where it starts the bootanim but doesnt quite make it. services manager dies a few times then it reboots to recovery18:55
arrrghhhmost of the codebase is in .29 as i understand it.  if we can get up to 35 we'll have all sorts of new goodies to play with.18:55
JesusFreak316Desire Z image on OUR hardware?18:55
ftvm_DIAM100yes  arghhhhhhh18:55
XirXesits only an 800 mhz phone18:55
arrrghhhit's a snapdragon proc tho18:56
ftvm_DIAM100but ... i look  process system server to 71 %18:56
ftvm_DIAM100in listening music only ...18:56
arrrghhhftvm_DIAM100: i've seen it steal 99% of the processor utilization.18:56
XirXesyeah. the instuction set not being up to date worries me18:56
XirXesbut other than that im comfortable with giving it a shot18:57
JesusFreak316It's not just any snapdragon either; it's the newer version which at 800mhz is still faster then than HD2's qsd8250 at 1ghz.18:57
arrrghhheh i guess it's worth tryin.  can't hurt.18:57
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ftvm_DIAM100yes ... it's normal in some cases, I think18:57
XirXesi just feel that it would be neat18:58
JesusFreak316It would be.18:58
JesusFreak316Though I'll just be using it on my hd2 thank you very much.18:58
* JesusFreak316 rubs it in.18:58
TheDeadCPUIsn't [acl] working on getting the Desire Z rom onto the TP2 ?18:58
* XirXes flips off JesusFreak316 18:58
arrrghhhmeh it's not like it's being used as a phone.18:59
JesusFreak316So, it's still fun.18:59
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU: erm... not really.18:59
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, oh.. I thought he was18:59
XirXesi think it would be worth at least stealing the desire z/g2 wifi driver for the tp218:59
arrrghhhhe's working on the cp framebuffer.  evidently the samsung phones use it...18:59
arrrghhhwhat's wrong with our wifi?19:00
XirXesits also the bluetooth and its the exact same chip19:00
XirXesif it could make bluetooth work its deff worth investigation.19:01
arrrghhhi still feel that's a userland issue...19:01
XirXesthe more I learn about the tp2 the more i learn its frankenstien19:01
XirXeswistil2 was saying that the mic chip is the same as the nexus. not that it surprises me19:02
* XirXes redacts his statement about building speed19:05
XirXesmy source tree got fubard somehow. I deleted it and pulled it again19:06
arrrghhhlol my name is in the build number.19:07
arrrghhhi feel special.  it's probably just the username that i used to build the image, but still :P19:07
XirXesyeah. i dont even know what was up but it produced a working image in like an 8th of the time19:07
JesusFreak316Just had a near sod.19:08
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XirXesthe build was having a lot of force quits tho19:08
JesusFreak316logcat keeps saying, "CPU may be pegged. trying again."19:09
arrrghhhnear SOD doesn't count.  almost never counts19:09
arrrghhhexcept in horseshoes and hand grenades.19:09
arrrghhhi don't see why it counts in horseshoes tho...19:09
JesusFreak316Well the sreen popped up halfway and isn't coming any further.19:09
JesusFreak316Well, it came out finally but now the capacitive keys aren't responding. Meh.19:10
stinebdstupid ****ing repo19:11
JesusFreak316Wasn't there talk of creating a script to reinitialize that driver?19:11
TheDeadCPUYou nearly had Stormtroopers of Death ?19:13
TheDeadCPUI'ma sleep. Gnite ppl.19:17
arrrghhhstinebd: for the frx03 update are you just going to do the, or both .zip and the full image?19:17
stinebdarrrghhh: have to do both19:17
stinebdhopefully the majority of users will do the ota19:18
TheDeadCPUWe have ota?19:19
XirXesi thought you were going to be19:19
XirXesI dont even know what to say about this thing.
stinebdi'll take 819:22
arrrghhhxp embedded?19:22
XirXesthink of all the linux you can put on that thing19:23
arrrghhhyou can pay $666 and get DOS installed instead of Windows.  sounds very... useful?19:23
arrrghhhand evil.19:23
XirXesi think there trying to pitch this thing for mobile games19:23
JesusFreak316What IS xp embedded?19:24
XirXesdos has games i guess19:24
JesusFreak316Is it still x86?19:24
XirXesits not ce19:25
arrrghhhit's xp optimized for embedded environments...19:25
arrrghhhlike kiosk setups?19:25
XirXesi just checked wiki19:25
JesusFreak316Huh, never heard of it.19:25
arrrghhhyou are not much of a nerd, are you.19:25
XirXeswow, its minimum size requirements are 32 mb19:26
XirXesram and storage19:26
arrrghhhi love that pic19:26
JesusFreak316How does 32mb work with xp?19:26
arrrghhha phone on dunked in a cup19:26
JesusFreak316I love engadget.19:27
arrrghhhJesusFreak316: xp embedded.  i believe the kernel is different.19:27
stinebdgod damn you repo19:27
JesusFreak316Yeah, but it's not the kernel that takes up so much space.19:27
JesusFreak316Isn't a standard xp install ~2GB?19:27
stinebdrelease delayed until april19:27
stinebdbecause repo screwed itself up and i have to resync the project tree19:27
stinebdand it's going like 150KB/s19:28
arrrghhhmy build enviro should be good.19:28
arrrghhhdo you just need to tag as frx03 and build/release?19:28
stinebdalso sign and generate a valid ota19:28
arrrghhhyou can take care of that :P19:29
stinebdwell considering you don't have the private keys, i suppose i can19:29
XirXeshooray my build finnished19:29
JesusFreak316Your build is from Finland?19:30
stinebdmy build swedished19:30
JesusFreak316End crappy puns.19:30
stinebdarrrghhh's build japanesed19:30
stinebdsooooo slowwww19:31
XirXesgoddamnit. after getting my tree fixed i forgot to extract the g apps.19:32
JesusFreak316No sdcard mounting issues yet thankfully. That was annoying before.19:34
XirXesthe unzip script needs to be updated. the new g apps package is
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arrrghhhdoes that mean my build is outdated? :P19:40
stinebdXirXes: that won't be in frx0319:41
stinebdi already pushed the manifest19:41
arrrghhhso i win19:41
stinebdugh 76KB/s19:41
XirXesim only pointing it out cause the old hdpi file is gone. causing the script to error out19:41
arrrghhhcya in april stinebd19:41
* TheDeadCPU hates it when dls go under 1mb/s19:42
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU is sleep chatting.19:43
stinebdif you're staying up waiting for the release, don't bother19:43
XirXesthat script is done properly. making me very happy. just opened it and updated the filename and it just works19:44
stinebdi spent weeks on the design of that script19:44
TheDeadCPUI don't even have my RAPH close19:44
XirXesstinebd, well its appreciated19:45
stinebdactually i did the script itself in about 2 minutes19:45
stinebdit took weeks to find a good url because the mirrors kept changing every hour19:45
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, COME BACK19:48
XirXesis it only the first build supposed to be slow? build number 2 went fast19:48
XirXesarrrghhh: when you hold vol up when you power on your device does the led blink green?19:52
arrrghhhlmao wtf?19:52
arrrghhhwhy are you holding vol up when i power on...?19:52
arrrghhhyou not i19:52
XirXesive done it on accident a few times19:52
arrrghhhoy i need to go home.19:52
TheDeadCPUbye arrrghhh19:53
XirXesim just a bit curious about it is all19:53
XirXesit doesnt seem to do anything else but that19:53
arrrghhhXirXes: uhm... can't say i've ever done that.19:53
arrrghhhyou mean a full soft reset?19:53
XirXeslike the device is off and you hold vol up before pressing power19:53
arrrghhhXirXes: you crazy19:55
XirXesthat blink drove me there19:55
arrrghhhgoin home guys20:02
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stinebdlol still on the external tree20:51
stinebdprebuilt is gonna take like 4 hours20:51
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JesusFreak316I know you're not here arrrghhh but if you see this let me know.21:25
JesusFreak316I saw your post here and was wondering how much you had me in mind when writing it. :D21:25
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stinebdwell i guess i can update gapps now22:43
F22 my phone hasn't crashed once in the last 24 hours. heck, it's been up the entire time. :)22:47
F22plus, i have ctrl working in terminal emulator. it's a good day.22:48
XirXesnice. good day indeed22:55
F22terminal emulator, and a lot of other apps, use DPAD_CENTER as ctrl which we don't have mapped to anything on our keyboards, just the screen itself. By mapping the Ctrl/OK to DPAD_CENTER I now have ctrl in terminal emulator and other apps that use it as such.22:57
stinebdsehr gut22:58
stinebdi like that22:58
F22i'll be submitting new kcm's for quite a few keyboards tomorrow...23:00
stinebdplease give source too23:07
stinebdwhoever checked some of those in without source has angered me23:07
F22everything i submit will have source.23:08
F22i found the source for the tilt2 even.23:09
F22i'm also asking for volunteers to make sources for the euro kbd's.23:09
F22they won't get updated otherwise.23:09
F22i have the nordic 100 which is in the repo.23:10
F22the other 100's though are all missing sources. :(23:10
F22for the rhod that is.23:10
F22i think we have all the sources for the raph.23:11
F22without the new kcm's, the patch i've already submitted to expand the palette for the symbol key won't do anyone much good. :P23:18
F22keyboards need to have working symbol key first.23:19
XirXesonce this is in how are we going to get to the symbol palette? cause from what you were saying at some point alt , was going to be <23:20
XirXestho on our keyboards thats where sym it23:20
XirXesno you made that search.23:21
F22i've moved <. it's not like that was in the kbd either until i put it in there. nobody exceot those who are using one of my test rootfs's  has it.23:21
F22yes, envelope is now search.23:21
XirXesok. is alt . still gunna be > or did you move them together23:22
F22nope. alt-. is still >.23:23
F22i'm still pondering the best place to put < however. i currently have it as cap_alt-.23:23
XirXesok sweet. just curious. the keyboard is the reason I bought this phone you know. :)23:23
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XirXesthat doesn't sound bad but it might be a little unintuitive'23:24
F22yes, the problem is that it's the only key in the us kbd's that uses cap and fn together.23:24
F22the nice thing about that solution is that both > and < are tied to the same key so it's easier to remember then if i mapped < to some other key.23:25
F22so i'm torn.23:25
XirXesyeah, what about c and v? the only reason why > makes sense on . is because thats the way it is on a computers keyboard. I suggest those keys because the / pair is immeadiatly right of them23:27
ocmSuper OT, but if anyone is in the US they might want to read this
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ocmill shut up now23:27
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XirXeshe wasnt on for 245 seconds23:28
arrrghhhJesusFreak316_, you were one of several people i was thinking of when composing that particular post ;)23:28
JesusFreak316_Who else?23:28
XirXesoh i missed the _23:28
F22i -could- do c and v, i don't have a major problem with it. the reasons why i haven't gone with it up until this point are: 1) People used to using fn-. as > might get upset, and 2) On PC keyboards, > is attached to the . key also.23:29
arrrghhhthere's  a few guys on the ppcg forum23:29
arrrghhhthat use it full time activated23:29
arrrghhhnand even23:29
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XirXeswe can already do nand? do want.23:30
F22not fully23:31
F22only partial23:31
F22still tied to the sd card23:31
XirXesjust also getting rid of winmo?23:32
F22yup, no more working winmo, unless you reflash23:32
F22arrrghhh knows much more about it than i do, he's been testing it. i'm happy with haret for now.23:33
XirXeshmm. ill wait for a proper implimentation then. if it was operating off the nand i would take it with bugs right now. but that sound more like a bootloader to me23:34
arrrghhhyea it's not a full nand23:34
arrrghhhi run it for 30 mins at a time max23:35
arrrghhhjust a small nbh23:35
arrrghhhuses tinboot23:35
arrrghhhlast i tried it the screen didn't actually turn off haha23:36
arrrghhhfrx03 is freakin awesome tho.23:36
XirXesand as far as the people being used to the > being on . i dont think there are actually any phones with that key marked. this project is still in development, they can deal. as for the other arguments all i can say is you have the power. its up to you23:37
arrrghhhthere's moments where it seems to hang, but that's just our awesome processors getting overloaded.  haven't had a crash... one app fc'd, but that was the app.  did it consistnetly lol23:37
arrrghhhoh right23:37
arrrghhhi jumped into the kbd mapping argument23:37
XirXesarrrghhh: could you link me the nbh. killing winmo is of little concequence to me. i wanna play with something new. adhd23:38
F22arrrghhh: pity frx03 didn't get my patches added in... ;)23:38
arrrghhhF22, how many times did i tell you to commit them :P23:38
F22arrrghhh: the system ones have been committed.23:39
F22er submitted.23:39
arrrghhhXirXes, oh noes it's a ppcg thing.  don't mind?23:39
F22i don't have commit access.23:39
arrrghhhyea i know you can't push.23:39
XirXesnope. i have an account23:39
arrrghhhso long as stine has 'em.23:39
arrrghhhit's a sticky :D23:39
F22i still need to submit the the rootfs patches, will get them out tomorrow.23:39
arrrghhhdid you see that guys post?23:40
arrrghhhsomething  about a python script that rips about the keyboard layouts lol23:40
XirXesi have an account but I never go there. xda is the site for me. my account was made for downloading things23:40
arrrghhha lot of cdma action there23:40
F22today i found the the scan code for the tilt2's ptt key with pohket's assistance since i don't have the tilt2 myself.23:41
arrrghhh<3 cdma23:41
F22the one in the navipad was wrong, and it didn't belong in there anyway, it's microp.23:41
arrrghhhi'm sure those gsm bastards will be happy23:41
F22it got copied over from the raph, nobody every checked it.23:41
arrrghhhnavipad, doesn't really exist on rhod23:41
arrrghhhi'm interested to see if we can get the zoombar workin23:42
stinebdF22: where did you submit system changes?23:42
stinebdwhy is the wrangler not assigning them to me then23:42
arrrghhhsneakily hidden23:42
arrrghhhoh yea23:42
arrrghhhi probably should've done something like that.23:42
XirXesi think the rhods touch screen accuracy would go up if the zoom bar was accounted for23:43
F22all your fault arrrghhh... :P23:43
* arrrghhh is a bad bug wrangler23:43
stinebdmm not a fan of bug 6223:44
xdandroidBug enhancement, Normal, ---, stinebd, NEW, Patch to change the power button's default behavior during a call to hangup instead of sleep.23:44
F22i understand that one is a little more controversial.23:45
stinebdhonestly i don't like anything that touches frameworks/base23:46
F22i suppose if the phone falls asleep in the middle of a phone call people who are used to waking it up with power might be perturbed by it disconnecting.23:46
F22both patches touch framework/base, although both are only one-liners.23:47
stinebdmy goal is to one day unfork it23:47
F22expanding the symbol palette is fairly innocuous.23:47
F22and aside from the dream/sapphire, the default on pretty much every other android phone out there is hangup, not sleep during a phone call.23:48
JesusFreak316_Doh, Wifi error now.23:49
F22the symbol palette expansion could probably be submitted upstream fairly easily.23:50
F22the other seems made to be customized by either the carrier or the manufacturer.23:50
JesusFreak316_Time to check for duplicate modules files.23:50
JesusFreak316_lolwut? Wifi just turned on.23:50
JesusFreak316_Never mind, it turned off again.23:51
stinebd[23:48:53] <F22> and aside from the dream/sapphire, the default on pretty much every other android phone out there is hangup, not sleep during a phone call. < nope23:51
stinebdevery android device i've ever used will put the phone to sleep when you hit power in call23:51
arrrghhhstinebd, so how do you end call on a n1?  the in call screen softkey is the only way?23:52
stinebdor get the other person angry enough to hang up on you23:52
arrrghhhseems our dial screen needs to be changed then23:52
F22no? well i haven't looked at very many pre-froyo.23:52
F22i thought it was just dream/magic.23:53
F22since they actually had keys to end calls.23:54
XirXesI think I could get a better idea of the way to handle the in call screen if i had a screenshot of what it looks like on a vga device23:54
stinebdwhich do you have?23:54
XirXesworks perfect on mine23:55
stinebdit should23:55
XirXesi expected it to23:55
JesusFreak316_If I had a sim card, I'd do it. :P23:55
XirXesmaybe ill get that french guy to do it tomorrow23:56
XirXeshe has a diamond23:56
JesusFreak316_There's other French guys than phh?23:56
stinebdF22: i'm gonna have to wontfix 6223:56
JesusFreak316_Oh, the noob from earlier? :D23:56
XirXesjust the one i think/hope23:56
stinebd61 looks good though23:56
XirXesyup thats the one23:56
JesusFreak316_Well, maybe I can try a call and get a screenshot before it disconnects.23:57
F22ok, so incall power hangup is newer than i thought. i still think it's the sensible choice, but i grant that it may be too new to make the default.  people who want it can always add it.23:57
F22i'll yield on that23:57
stinebdwhat do you mean new?23:57
JesusFreak316_Well, wifi works again. WTF.23:58
F22i just read that the option didn't exist before froyo....23:59
stinebdprobably, but i don't think it's set by default on any devices23:59

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