Friday, 2010-11-05

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suhas_smdo I have to add acpuclock.oc_freq_khz=XXXXXX in startup ?00:11
suhas_smits not there00:11
arrrghhhonly if you want to overclock00:12
arrrghhhit's by no means required00:12
suhas_smwhat value would u recommend ?00:12
suhas_smi ll try it out myself ;-)00:13
suhas_smcya later00:13
suhas_smany specific order ?00:14
suhas_smas in is it ok to put it after boot ?00:14
suhas_smor options as to before it ?00:15
arrrghhhorder does not matter00:18
arrrghhhjust as long as it goes in the quotes after cmdline00:18
arrrghhhi wouldn't recommend overclocking00:18
suhas_smwhen i start haret00:22
suhas_smi m getting an error says acpuclock.oc unknown word00:23
arrrghhhwhat did you put in there00:23
arrrghhhpastebin your startup.txt00:23
arrrghhhif you're unsure00:23
arrrghhhclock-7x00.a11=500 - delete that00:28
suhas_smwhat happened ?00:29
arrrghhhlines 8 9 10 and 11100:29
arrrghhhdid you add those?00:29
arrrghhhafter 'boot'?00:29
arrrghhhi said within the quotes00:29
arrrghhhafter cmdline00:29
arrrghhhfirst off00:29
arrrghhhand second, you have lcd.density already in there!00:29
arrrghhhso yes delete clock-7x00.a11=50000:29
arrrghhhput 8 9 & 10 within the quotes00:30
suhas_smyeah got00:30
arrrghhhi recommend not oc'ing00:30
suhas_smsamn me00:30
suhas_smdidnt read the set cdmline properly lol00:30
suhas_smdoesnt matter i m getting new phone this month00:30
arrrghhhwhy am i helping you then if it doesn't matter?00:30
arrrghhhyea that's how i feel00:31
suhas_smno no00:31
suhas_smu helping get android experience on diamond :)00:31
suhas_smu helping me get android experience :)00:31
arrrghhhlol ok00:32
arrrghhhthen don't say it doesnt matter :P00:32
suhas_smk sorrry dude :)00:32
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suhas_smany suggestions w.r.t to settings in android ?00:50
suhas_smany changes in settings after booting in android for better performance00:57
suhas_smor default settings are fine00:57
arrrghhhthere may be some screen transistions or something you can tunr off00:59
arrrghhhmay help out...00:59
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arrrghhhcamro: you there?10:26
arrrghhhhow you doin man?  haven't talked in a while!10:26
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camrothanks fine ...but device broken ..10:27
camrotried to often to reboot - maybe10:27
arrrghhhwere you trying to do nand flash or what?10:27
camroand played with battery ... too much10:27
arrrghhhcan you buy another battery?  is it just that is dead...?10:28
camrono, tired to build measuring construction10:28
camrofor current ..10:28
camronot sure, why, but now the device is broken, doesn't do anything ..10:28
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camrobut reparing ... i can't forget ...10:29
arrrghhhhave you tried a different battery?10:29
camrowell, maybe i must wait for "htc desire z" - best would be a "samsung s pro" (if availible in europe) :(10:30
camrosure, tested with diff batt ..10:30
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camromust try to look into - if i have time left ..10:30
XirXescan you boot into spl?10:31
camronormally, a power part is broken on too much heat - or something ..10:31
arrrghhhthat's unfortunate.10:31
camrono, nothing .. it is complete dead10:31
camrowell, wmp7 will not my next device ...(but best would be a hd7 + dualboot to android10:32
arrrghhhyea but you cannot continue msm development now.10:32
arrrghhhwe need to get you a dev device :P10:32
camrohmm ...10:33
XirXeslets give him a diamond cause were jerks10:33
arrrghhhi was thinking a raph10:33
arrrghhhnot sure if we have any diam's floating around... perhaps we do tho not sure.10:33
arrrghhhoh yea XirXes what do you have?  rhod100?10:34
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arrrghhhoh ok10:34
arrrghhhdoes it have the zoombar?10:34
XirXessomething to be testing? yay10:34
arrrghhhuhm.. maybe.10:34
camrobut - for future ... we all know, that this is only for playing with android ... for everyday use -> a newer device is needed ..10:35
camroonly the hd2 is a device which is fast enough10:35
camroall others - are too slow for android and java code10:35
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arrrghhhcamro: don't say that!  look at the specs on the hero & g1?10:35
XirXesmy buddys g1 feels a little slow10:36
arrrghhhit is underpowered10:36
XirXesrunning cyanogen froyo10:36
arrrghhhbut we should be able to get it to daily use10:36
arrrghhhlol that may be the problem.10:36
XirXesdonuts so lame tho10:37
camrowell, in my mind ... it must be 10x times faster as now, then we can think about ...10:37
arrrghhhstine was sayin somethin about our chips not supporting JIT10:37
arrrghhhdonut is lame.10:37
arrrghhhcamro: eh i'd be happy with most of the bugs squashed tbh.  the speed is almost there for me.10:37
arrrghhhthere's a few times where the system needs to 'take a breath' it would seem.10:37
XirXesi wouldnt be surprised. it wouldnt be our chips first shortcoming10:38
arrrghhhlike it's gotta take a second or 5 to gasp for air above water lol10:38
camroof course, there are a lot of things, which can made the system more stable (one on my next list would be -> sleep, wakeup)10:38
XirXeswince made our devices soft10:38
camrobut ... for now ... without testing ...doesn't make sense to do anything10:39
arrrghhhcamro: that makes me very sad.  we'll try to get you somethin.10:39
XirXesit sucks to brick things10:40
camrohopefully i can repair it by myself ... we will see10:40
XirXesi bricked my netbook the day before cristmas10:40
XirXesmy thought is jtag10:41
camronormally i would buy a new device ... but there is no such device which i want ...(super-amoled + slider)10:41
XirXesbut that still requires the divice to turn itself on doesnt it?10:41
JesusFreak316Epic 4g?10:41
JesusFreak316or portrait sliser?10:42
camroepic 4g - is not for europe10:42
XirXesbuild quality = poop10:42
arrrghhhlol yea10:42
arrrghhhepic is sprint only JesusFreak316 :P10:42
JesusFreak316I didn't know where camro lived. :-)10:42
arrrghhhand i wasn't a big fan of the kbd10:42
arrrghhhoh yea, he's in austria.10:42
camrohtc desire z -> only super-lcd, and almost not possibe to read in sun10:43
JesusFreak316Oh yeah...10:43
arrrghhhamoled is even worse in the sun i thought...?10:43
XirXeswho goes out in the sun anyway10:43
camroand slider - no cusor keys (for gaming) and also no direct digit keys10:43
arrrghhhlove my tp210:44
arrrghhhcan't wait for something to freakin step up & replace it...10:44
XirXesi would actually think the mouse thing is better for gaming10:44
arrrghhhdesire Z almost fits the bill.10:44
camrowell, if you see the different in real - superamoled against amoled or super-lcd .... then you won't another display rather as super-amoled10:44
JesusFreak316Mouse thing?10:44
camroit is really - WAU..10:44
arrrghhhi've seen s-amoled10:45
arrrghhhit is pretty10:45
XirXesthe optical trackpad10:45
camrohe mean - like a wheel cusor or optical ..10:45
arrrghhhbut in the sun i thought it was worse than lcd or s-lcd10:45
camrowell, see youtube video ..10:45
JesusFreak316Just get the psphone. ;)10:46
camroand some friends are having the samsung s, and i tested it in sun ... it is ok10:46
XirXesmy tp2 is perfectly readable in the sun. backlight goes so bright10:46
arrrghhhcamro: maybe you would know10:46
arrrghhhis there anything that would outright delete *.pls files from the SD card?10:46
arrrghhhi've never used them before, and a guy on the forums is complaining about the issue.10:47
camrodo it via start-script ...10:47
arrrghhhno they're being deleted10:47
arrrghhhi want to know why10:47
camrols -l10:47
camrothen you see the rights, too10:47
camroor do it via "su"10:47
XirXesthere text files essentialy10:48
XirXesmaybe its the same thing that kills startup.txt when edited with the startup program10:48
arrrghhhi don't think so...10:50
arrrghhhthat was the MJGDroidUtil or whatever10:50
arrrghhhXDAndroidStartup now..?10:50
arrrghhhnot sure10:50
XirXeshappend to me when i tried the new one10:50
XirXestried using it to actually change settings and it booted. but the next boot after that asked for default.txt10:56
arrrghhhthe startup tool10:57
arrrghhhyea i never really used it.10:57
arrrghhhmeeting time10:57
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arrrghhhhrm.  it's something in blazn12:38
arrrghhhstinebd: you around?12:45
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F22hmm...we seem to be missing a few of the keymap source files in the xdandroid keymaps subdirectory in the eclair-rootfs git.14:00
F22pity, as long as i'm going about adding missing keys to the rhod210, i could easily do the others for which we have sources too.14:02
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arrrghhhwhat is missing F22 ?14:34
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F22arrrghhh: for example, the binary for the tilt2 is there, but not the source. it could be recreated by looking at its layout file and using one of the other rhodium keymaps as a template, but it might not match the existing keymap exactly.14:40
F22on the other hand the sources for the 400 and 500 are both there, so modifying them to add a handful of keys is fairly trivial.14:43
F22i could account for most of the differences by grabbing a pic of the tilt2's keyboard off the web and checking for differences in the keys, but that's more time-consuming. And it's not just the tilt2 that is missing its source file, so are several of the euro rhod 100's.14:48
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F22so my current inclination is just to do the 210 (already done), 400, 500 & Nordic 100, leaving the rest for anyone who cares enough about the other models to recreate their keymap source files.14:58
arrrghhhwhat's broken with them?15:10
F22missing <>{}[]`~ keys15:12
F22well, someof them have >15:13
arrrghhhwe were talking about that yesterday.15:13
F22but not all, and they're all missing the rest.15:13
arrrghhhwere you going to do tab as fn+space?15:13
arrrghhhtha'd be cool.15:13
F22tab is there currently as fn-,15:14
F22that one would be a move.15:14
F22but it makes more sense as fn-<space> for 2 reasons.15:14
F221) tab is just a bunch of spaces15:15
F222) with fn-. already being assigned to > on some of the keymaps, it makes sense to assign fn-, to <15:15
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F22in addition, {, }, [, ], `, and ~ would be fn- a,s,z,x,q and t respectively.15:23
F22or at least that's what i've implemented so far in the 210 keymap. i'm open to other possible placements however.15:24
F22fn-t for the tilde seemed like a no-brainer to me, and fn-q for the backward leaning single quote also seemed to be the best available key for that one too. aszx are a nice block of 4 characters at the bottom left of the keyboard. that seemed like a good easy to remember place to put 4 keys that all do the same bracket/brace thing.15:29
arrrghhhyea honestly i've only used the > and | in android15:30
arrrghhhhence the reason they've been shoehorned into specific keymaps :15:30
F22heheheheh...this all started because i wanted the > on the 210.15:30
F22but as long as i've gone through the effort of adding that one...might as well add the rest.15:31
arrrghhhyou are a gentleman and a scholar.15:31
F22thank you most kindly.15:35
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cvvvdhello i need help18:39
TheDeadCPUYou do?18:39
cvvvdyep i do18:39
arrrghhhdamnit i was going to say the doctor is out18:39
arrrghhhno psych visits today18:39
arrrghhhlol jk, what's your problem cvvvd18:40
cvvvdIm using the HTC TILT 2 running the lastestt froyo build .18:40
arrrghhhi'm assuming that's not a problem... :P18:41
cvvvdProblem im having is when a applcation gets to a point were is about to freeze the android build will just restart itself and not to Windows  but to Android again wierd.18:41
arrrghhhthat happens sometimes...18:41
arrrghhhare you overclocking?18:41
arrrghhhand are you using reference or BLAZN?18:41
arrrghhhthat will contribute to instability18:41
arrrghhhand the higher the overclock, it seems the higher the instability.18:42
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cvvvdreference froyo 25/10/10 lastest18:42
arrrghhhthat's not the latest...18:42
arrrghhhthere is a kernel & rootfs from 11/318:42
cvvvdmy cpu is at 700 should i drop it to 60018:42
arrrghhhremove the OC18:42
arrrghhhand then try it18:42
arrrghhhalso, what app is freezing18:42
arrrghhhthe same one every time...?18:42
cvvvdFRX02 Reference18:43
arrrghhhor are _all_ apps doing this18:43
cvvvdmostly marketplace18:43
arrrghhhjust in the market?18:43
arrrghhhthat shouldn't happen.18:43
arrrghhhremove your oc and try again.18:43
cvvvdyep that when is slow down then random reboot come in18:43
arrrghhhif that doesn't fix it we'll go to the data.img18:44
cvvvdwhatd N. Am. Dial that what came in the new update today18:44
arrrghhhyou're using that startup utility huh18:44
cvvvdwhats it do?18:45
arrrghhhthe startup app?18:45
cvvvdthat new option that you guys added.18:45
arrrghhhwe don't support that app18:45
arrrghhhbut it's for google voice18:45
arrrghhhso if you don't use google voice, don't worry about it.18:46
arrrghhhfixes +1 dialing18:46
cvvvdoh ok18:46
cvvvdbooting now with 600 for cpu18:46
arrrghhhyou listen real well.18:46
arrrghhhi'm not even sure why i'm so helpful.18:47
cvvvdAre you using the XDANDROID build?18:47
arrrghhhi have several builds18:47
cvvvdwow you guys need a better place to talk at then this i can hel you with that.18:48
arrrghhhwhat do you mean18:48
arrrghhhwe need a better place to talk...18:48
hamagcthis place is pretty cool18:49
cvvvdlike a Forum18:49
arrrghhhyea dude18:49
TheDeadCPUI lol'd18:49
arrrghhhwe're not on any forums.18:49
hamagcwe need another forum?18:49
arrrghhhdo you even know where XDA in XDAndroid comes from?18:49
TheDeadCPUWe're just on like 4.18:49
hamagcthe other 2 are no good?18:49
cvvvdlike this one
hamagc2 main ones, there are like 15 others18:49
arrrghhhthat'll make everything better.18:50
arrrghhhadding yet another forum.18:50
cvvvdopps sorry18:50
cvvvdi was just showing we dont mind sharing our forum with you all.18:50
hamagccvvvd: we appricate the offer but we have too many forums to keep track of as it is18:51
hamagcbetween ppcgeeks and xda dev it's hard to keep track of whats going on where. hence irc18:51
arrrghhhthat is an ugly forum.18:51
cvvvdTesting out market to see if problem going to show up.18:51
cvvvdI know we still working on it.18:51
arrrghhhwell why isn't xda-devs good enough?18:51
arrrghhhthat forum is awesome.18:51
arrrghhhand IMHO with the new revamp looks quite good.18:51
JesusFreak316Hey, finally getting around to trying out gps. (I know, right?) It won't detect any satellites in gpstest. Are there any special steps I forgot?18:52
cvvvdThe bann you for the little reason and people dont like to help over there its every man and women by themselves18:52
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, did you enable it?18:52
JesusFreak316Yeah, in settings and power control.18:52
arrrghhhcvvvd, not really.  assuming you search & read and show that you have done so you'll get help.18:52
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, ok.  does it pop up in the notification bar?18:53
arrrghhhquickGPS in winmo then.18:53
cvvvdSo far its not reseting itself which is good.18:53
arrrghhhthere's gps status in android18:53
arrrghhhnot sure if it downloads the data correctly tho.18:53
JesusFreak316I've heard that; how does quickgps in Winmo help Android?18:53
cvvvdis bluetooth coming to the next update18:54
arrrghhhthe gps radio operates at a really low level.18:54
arrrghhhcvvvd, hell no.18:54
arrrghhhcvvvd, unless you fix it :D18:54
cvvvdok sure18:54
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, so the data winmo puts onto the radio carries over18:54
JesusFreak316I understand that, so it applies the downloaded data directly .18:54
arrrghhhgo flip the bluetooth switch on.18:54
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, seems to be.  it dramatically reduces my fix times.18:54
JesusFreak316I just assumed it was some file it downloaded.18:55
cvvvdok lol just turns me back off.18:55
arrrghhhfrom like 10 minutes to less than a minute, quite often quicker.18:55
JesusFreak316It sure would be nice to have agps though. :/18:55
arrrghhhcdma may never...18:55
cvvvdWhat about the camera it seems like its never going to work.18:55
JesusFreak316I just don't have data. :)18:55
arrrghhhcvvvd, you really want me to answer these?  honestly?18:56
arrrghhhwhy would you say "it seems like it's never going to work"18:56
arrrghhhhave you seen the development?18:56
cvvvd2.1 haves data problems update to 2.2 works better18:56
arrrghhhwhere do you get the impression that it's never going to work18:56
cvvvdmostly everybuild try doesnt have it working plus  i try getting it to work with my little developement skills but  only work like 1 percent18:57
arrrghhhyou're trying to get camera to work?18:57
cvvvdout of a 10018:57
cvvvdya been working on that18:58
arrrghhhwhat have you looked at?18:58
JesusFreak3161% is generally out of 100. ;)18:58
arrrghhhsome people seem to think percentages can go over 100.18:58
JesusFreak316Stupid coaches.18:58
cvvvdlike its trys to show something but fails18:58
JesusFreak316Oh, and drill sergeants.18:58
arrrghhhcvvvd, so what have you looked at?18:58
cvvvdIts still in beta in is going to be a Android app that hacks the deep deep inside the phone were its a point were you may loose camera19:00
arrrghhhcvvvd, do you have any idea what you're talking about is what i'm trying to ascertain.19:00
arrrghhhit would seem not.19:00
cvvvdnot stable not done .IT mayh destroy your phone.19:00
hamagcwait, cvvvd you have had camera working 1 out of 100 times in android?19:01
cvvvdits just way to complicated  to do with me not be experionce with it19:01
hamagcor data?19:02
cvvvdSo im going to ttry to do a different slution were it maybe little bit easier19:02
JesusFreak316No satellites in Winmo either. :/19:04
cvvvdmy brain hurts by just thinking about this.19:04
JesusFreak316Well, it may be a good thing to get an HD2 for Christmas like I'm considering. <$200 on Craigslist.19:04
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, that may be a problem lol19:04
cvvvdi know a few people who engeer Android and one for Windows mobile maybe he can tell me how to hack into the camera.19:04
arrrghhheh i couldn't handle the no kbd thing.19:04
JesusFreak316Yeah, that's why I'll still keep my fuze. :)19:05
JesusFreak316I'm also thinking of velcroing a bluetooth keyboard to the back of it; lol.19:05
arrrghhhmy tp2's kbd is awesome.19:05
arrrghhhi looooove it19:05
cvvvdSo far my phone didnt reboot it could because the OC was to high.19:05
JesusFreak316Tell it to lay off the weed.19:05
JesusFreak316Get it? HIGH? HAHAHAHA... sigh...19:06
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hamagci was high in oc once19:06
cvvvddo you all think it would be possible to put Android on WP7? lol19:06
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JesusFreak316Oh, I made the Viking leave. :(19:06
TheDeadCPUno you didn't19:06
JesusFreak316YAY! He's back.19:06
hamagcwhat is everyone obsession with android on wp7?19:06
JesusFreak316Miracle of miracles! I have one gps satellite detected!19:07
hamagcwhy even get a wp7 if you want to run android, and not just an android device?19:07
cvvvdim just saying if its possible.19:07
JesusFreak316I'd want both.19:07
JesusFreak316Hence the HD2. :)19:07
hamagci don't think anyone knows yet, has a wp7 device gone on sale yet?19:07
JesusFreak316Not in the USA.19:07
hamagchd2 is winmo not wp7 lol19:07
TheDeadCPUBut not in us19:07
cvvvdsome on ebay and its about to laucng in the US in 3 days19:07
TheDeadCPUhamagc, They've gotten WP7 to run on it ;)19:07
JesusFreak316Cotulla got WP7 booting but no drivers yet.19:08
TheDeadCPUCotulla :D19:08
hamagcheh, we're alwats the last to get toys19:08
TheDeadCPUhamagc, not really19:08
hamagcno? and he got wp7 on hd2?19:08
arrrghhhhe did19:08
arrrghhhit boots19:08
cvvvdyep i have two iphone running Android Froyo. Homemade19:08
arrrghhhbut not much beyond that.19:08
cvvvdjust wanted to share that19:08
arrrghhhwhat, you're bullshit?19:08
JesusFreak316Mmm, homemade ice cream. :)19:09
arrrghhhi guess that would work both ways19:09
arrrghhhyou are bullshit19:09
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, you didn't know Android runs on iPhone?19:09
arrrghhhyou own bullshit19:09
arrrghhhwell it does19:09
arrrghhhi know it does19:09
cvvvdbeen none that only for 3g and 2g can.19:09
arrrghhhbut it's not very great afaik... how far did that port get?19:09
JesusFreak316That port's worse than XDANDROID and that's saying something. :D19:10
TheDeadCPUIt's usable..19:10
cvvvdits far that you can enjoy some Android.19:10
TheDeadCPUThough you've got like 2 hours of battery max.19:10
hamagcon froyo?19:10
hamagci thought they ported donut19:10
cvvvdsuck the fuck out of battery life . I close my eye power gone lol19:10
TheDeadCPUOn Donut19:10
cvvvdAndroid uses to much memory on a IPhone19:11
arrrghhhmemory has nothing to do with battery drain.19:11
cvvvdmeant power19:11
JesusFreak316Poor little thing can't handle a real OS. :)19:11
cvvvdi wish Android and Windows Mobile would work together19:12
arrrghhhnot the issue either.19:12
arrrghhhit's the hardware, not the software.19:12
arrrghhhif we had specs from htc, the project would've been done like a year ago.19:13
cvvvdonly HD2 can handle it19:13
arrrghhhbecause that phone's hardware matchines 90+% of native android phones...19:13
cvvvdDamn you HTC TilT 219:13
arrrghhhmatchines, i just made a new word.19:13
arrrghhhlike how mexicans say machines19:13
hamagcor matchaties19:14
hamagcor ju. would ju like some fries wit dat19:14
hamagcmy favorite is my name19:14
hamagcfor some reason, josh always comes out of their mouths as yoshi19:15
cvvvdMe want a Android device but cant Afford one . Wait i could had got one but i descided to get a shit IPHONe dumb of me.19:15
arrrghhhpretty much.19:15
arrrghhhgo sail your failboat19:15
cvvvdCould had got the Captivate damn me19:15
cvvvdWho is xdandroid and which is the best way to improve speed then just lowering the graphics and animation19:17
arrrghhhso i don't get it.  are you really a developer and english is not your first language?19:18
arrrghhhor are you just trolling.19:18
hamagcarrrghhh: is xdandroid and the best way to improve speed is either overclock or fix the system so it's more optimized.19:20
cvvvdtexting and using the Android keyboard on here.19:20
cvvvdYes near keybaord now i can type better sorry for my typing i was doing.19:21
arrrghhhlol i am xdandroid!19:21
arrrghhhcvvvd, my question still stands.19:21
cvvvdWindows mobile developer and learning Android development19:22
arrrghhhhow do you mean winmo dev?19:22
arrrghhhnothing really to dev there 'cept apps that no one will use :P19:22
cvvvdyou your fancy Dev names19:23
arrrghhhi'm still not sure.19:24
cvvvdwebsite designer and the list goes on , on , and on .19:24
arrrghhhi'm leaning towards troll tho.19:24
hamagcblah, i'm going home19:25
hamagcgoodnight guys19:25
arrrghhhcya dude19:25
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cvvvdok im learning how to make a virus and a chat room lol to crash everyone computer lol( Warning)19:25
arrrghhhphh, stinebd you guys around?  i could use a banhammer.19:26
cvvvdWindows mobile devices needs  fans19:26
arrrghhhhrm.  not sure who else has ops in here...19:26
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*** cvvvd was kicked by arrrghhh (cvvvd)19:27
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arrrghhhthank you chanserv.19:27
phhyou're welcome19:27
arrrghhhi knew someone had to have done it :P19:27
arrrghhhwhy didn't you just kick/ban his ass ?19:28
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phharrrghhh: theorically it told you in private it was me19:28
phharrrghhh: it's almost the same op cmd19:28
phhand i don't have to do the /ban and /kick19:28
arrrghhhit gave me great pleasure.19:28
phhso easier for me:p19:28
arrrghhhi couldn't remember the command syntax so i right-clicked on him haha19:29
arrrghhhah well.  thx dude.19:29
TheDeadCPU/kick cvvvd lol19:29
arrrghhhmay want to get him outta #htc-linux too :P19:29
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, but i wanted to ban his IP19:29
phhi can't :/19:29
arrrghhhoh well, hopefully he doesn't continue his rampage.  although he probably will.19:30
arrrghhhso far he's only being mildly annoying in there.19:30
arrrghhhother than ninex19:30
arrrghhhi don't know who has ops in htc-linux...19:30
TheDeadCPUNone PMd me...19:31
TheDeadCPUI'm asking for help from freenode staff :D19:32
arrrghhhthat should be good19:33
arrrghhhget him ban'd from freenode?  OoOoOoO19:33
TheDeadCPULOL The Freenode staff isn't allowed to do anything in that chan.19:33
TheDeadCPUThey're not on the access list.19:34
arrrghhhi thought they were GODS in freenode.19:34
arrrghhhbut they are on connect-utb?19:34
TheDeadCPUOne CAN block them out on request.19:34
TheDeadCPUBut Freenode operators can.19:35
TheDeadCPUBut them freenode OPs are quite rare to find.19:35
arrrghhhwasn't that one of 'em earlier?19:35
TheDeadCPUThough I'm not sure on this. It's just stuff I've heard.19:35
TheDeadCPUNo that was a staff member :p19:36
TheDeadCPUYou've got the staff. And then you got the Network OPs19:36
TheDeadCPUWhich can NOT be banned or anything19:36
TheDeadCPULol, a friend of mine has his own irc network.19:37
TheDeadCPUOr, he established one.19:37
TheDeadCPUHe kicked the whole network for the lulz one time19:37
arrrghhhyou were saying that19:37
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coolgut1Is this the question room?19:41
arrrghhhfor xdandroid19:41
arrrghhhwhat's up?19:41
TheDeadCPUThis is the XDAndroid support channel19:41
arrrghhhwe don't answer philosophical questions very well.19:41
coolgut1every time if a loed android it freeze with green htc:(19:42
coolgut1i have tried everything19:42
TheDeadCPUUmm, is this a Sense build?19:42
arrrghhhi'm not sure what you mean.19:42
coolgut1roms for hd219:42
arrrghhhyou're on an hd2?19:43
TheDeadCPUHD2 is #htc-linux19:43
arrrghhhno no19:43
TheDeadCPUlol, this is XDAndroid19:43
arrrghhhdon't send him back there.19:43
TheDeadCPUIt isn't?19:43
arrrghhhwe can help a little bit with hd219:43
coolgut1affter jumping to kernel19:43
TheDeadCPUWe can true.19:43
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, i'd send him to -chat if anything :P19:43
coolgut1i get a green htc logo19:43
arrrghhhcoolgut1, what build19:43
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, i just sent him away from htc-linux ;)19:44
TheDeadCPUI know I saw.19:44
arrrghhhcoolgut1, what build.19:44
coolgut1or my wm?19:44
TheDeadCPUcoolgut1, how long do you wait on that logo?19:44
coolgut120 or 1 hour19:44
arrrghhhcoolgut1, no of android.  there's several builds for htc19:44
coolgut120 minetes19:44
arrrghhhcoolgut1, there's a ton as i recall.19:44
arrrghhhwhich build are you using19:44
coolgut1i have tried all new mdeejay releases19:45
coolgut1know iam trieing [UPDATE][BUILD][11.4.2010][Erick's Evo build for hd2 v0.2][Kernel: #5]19:45
arrrghhhthey all do the same thing?19:45
arrrghhhlink me19:45
coolgut1i have tried 1.3 and 1.2 or 1.119:46
arrrghhhyou must be installing it wrong.19:47
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arrrghhhi'm sure those hd2 buggers have an faq somewheres19:48
arrrghhhdid you read the stickies?19:48
coolgut1where is that?19:48
arrrghhhat the top of that page?19:48
arrrghhhthere is the "definitive" guide to android on the hd219:48
coolgut1i have read it19:49
coolgut1and tried everything19:49
coolgut1radio 12.5019:50
JesusFreak316Is hspl even needed for hd2?19:50
coolgut1other roms19:50
JesusFreak316It's not for XDANDROID.19:50
coolgut1most sites the ask for it19:50
coolgut1thats why i installed19:50
JesusFreak316I'd install it just for custom Winmo roms anyways.19:51
arrrghhhthat's a pretty crappy guide.19:51
JesusFreak316Have you tried formatting your sd card?19:51
arrrghhhyea hspl isn't required to boot android from sd.19:51
coolgut1yeat fat3219:51
JesusFreak316What'd you format with? We recommend either gparted or the hp format utility.19:51
JesusFreak316Windows formatter doesn't do a low-level enough format, right arrrghhh?19:52
arrrghhhGreen Screen when booting into Android: Pull out and reinsert the battery, restart the phone and try again.19:52
coolgut1hmm maybe thats it than19:52
arrrghhhdid you read the FAQ?  cuz that's pulled STRAIGHT from it.19:53
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, i dunno anymore :P  wistilt had the issue with no ringtones, and he's been formatting with linux the whole time.19:53
arrrghhhhe never had the issue until he decided to try a build lol19:53
TheDeadCPUJesusFreak316, What is your view on the Monty Python movie Life Of Brian?19:54
JesusFreak316I just sometimes have no sdcard mounted at all. Not in file explore, titanium backup or anything.19:54
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JesusFreak316Haven't seen it. Only really seen the Holy Grail.19:54
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, oh no.19:54
arrrghhhi wouldn't recommend it based on your name.19:54
JesusFreak316Meh, I can take some humor at Christianity's expense. There's a limit though.19:55
arrrghhhwouldn't recommend it. :P19:55
TheDeadCPUThis movie was so bad it was banned.19:55
TheDeadCPUBut it's fun imo.19:55
TheDeadCPUBUT They're not targeting christianity.19:55
JesusFreak316I'll probably see it sometime though.19:55
TheDeadCPUThe whole movie is actually about a guy borned at the same time as Jesus.19:56
arrrghhhwell... i guess not.  but religion with a focus on christianity :P19:56
TheDeadCPUIt's not about Jesus as so many think.19:56
TheDeadCPUBut yes. It does harass a christian or 50.19:56
JesusFreak316There's a difference between targeting it and poking fun at it. I believe this is in the latter category.19:57
JesusFreak316But haven't seen it. Just Wikipedia. :)19:57
TheDeadCPUWell. Yes. Poking it :p19:57
arrrghhhmonty python aren't out to get anybody19:57
arrrghhhjust poke fun at things for peoples who have an open mind.19:57
JesusFreak316You know my dad has a few pictures from his younger years when he had a moustache and he looked JUST like John Cleese. Btw, ever seen Fawlty Towers?19:58
TheDeadCPUThey're like making 50 people run after some guy that lost a shoe and because he did that everyone think he's the Messiah.19:58
TheDeadCPUI've seen Fawlty Towers.19:58
coolgut1you need to put the date.img file to you android folder to u need to edit your startup?19:59
arrrghhhit's data.img19:59
JesusFreak316data.img and yeah edit startup. At least for our devices.19:59
arrrghhhand it goes where you have haret.exe19:59
arrrghhhthe concepts they use are basically the exact same JesusFreak316 :D19:59
JesusFreak316Data.img should be automatically created on first boot anyways.20:00
JesusFreak316The concepts?20:00
coolgut1the have put a data.img to a other folder20:00
coolgut1it need to be in they android folder20:01
coolgut1or not?20:01
* TheDeadCPU leaves20:01
TheDeadCPUgnite guys20:01
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arrrghhhcoolgut1, read what i said.20:01
coolgut1read the FAQ?20:04
JesusFreak316Assuming by concepts you mean Android on HD2 not Brian vs. Jesus. :)20:06
arrrghhhdata.img goes where haret.exe is.20:06
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, oh yes sorry :P20:06
arrrghhhthey still use haret, zimages, rootfs'...20:06
JesusFreak316I assumed so, they do have that one extra thing along with haret though, clrcad or something.20:07
coolgut1for the voice20:07
arrrghhhyea i think there's an issue on their kernels, something with sound not being initialized properly.20:08
arrrghhhwhich makes me laugh20:08
JesusFreak316Ah, and coolgut1, I'm thinking of getting an hd2 for Christmas. How's Android on it in your experience? Or are you just now getting started and it's not working?20:08
arrrghhh99.9% of the junk works.20:09
arrrghhhbut no nand :P20:09
arrrghhhdon't want to jump full android JesusFreak316 ?20:10
JesusFreak316You have any recommendations for ~$200 better than HD2?20:10
arrrghhhyou want an android device?20:11
arrrghhhthere's no better winmo device, nor will there ever be.20:11
JesusFreak316One guy's selling a basically brand new one for $200, I saw one for $190, and a while back a guy sold a newish one for $130. MUCH cheaper on craigslist than Ebay.20:11
JesusFreak316And I really would prefer not full android, tbh. As much as I like it I'd like my main OS to be proprietary since the open source OS's tend to be ported to the popular phones.20:12
JesusFreak316Yes? :)20:13
arrrghhhno comment.20:14
arrrghhhi wouldn't say any phone has had a full port of android.20:14
arrrghhheven voge20:14
coolgut1I havent get started:(20:14
JesusFreak316Close enough for me.20:14
coolgut1but they say its almost the same as android20:15
arrrghhhcoolgut1, look at the hardware...20:15
arrrghhhthe hd2 has some hope20:15
JesusFreak316Remember, I don't make calls on my devices. Yet. That will change next year when I get an LTE phone.20:15
coolgut1is you gona get htchd2 you can take htc desire hd:D20:15
arrrghhhyou don't make calls until you get lte?20:15
JesusFreak316I can't afford a data plan atm so I'm getting one off craigslist.20:16
JesusFreak316I mean I COULD get a Verizon phone now but then I'll just be kicking myself when LTE comes out and I have to wait a year to upgrade.20:16
arrrghhhi don't see what that has to do with using the phone as a phone...20:17
arrrghhhmaybe i'm missing something.20:17
JesusFreak316HD2 is gsm, I'm a verizon customer on a cheap family plan. Not exactly planning on switching carriers and paying a lot more by myself.20:17
arrrghhhoh so you're buying the hd2 but you're not going to activate it?20:18
arrrghhhyou're crazy.20:19
JesusFreak316Just a toy like my Fuze.20:19
arrrghhhwhat's your 'main' phone then?20:19
JesusFreak316Hey, it's like a really nice, cheaper ipod touch.20:19
JesusFreak316Some crappy samsung slider.20:19
arrrghhhyou're an odd one :P20:19
JesusFreak316$200 vs. $229+20:19
coolgut1is that the price for hd2?20:20
coolgut1its so cheap20:20
coolgut1here in netherland its round €400,-20:20
JesusFreak316Now you know where I live. As if you couldn't tell from my ip.20:20
arrrghhhcoolgut1, used.20:20
arrrghhhnew it's $40020:20
arrrghhhi believe20:21
arrrghhhprobably more unlocked20:21
JesusFreak316There's all the offers to install Android on it for $50 which bugs me.20:21
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arrrghhheven tho it's only on the sd...20:21
JesusFreak316I wish I would have been searching last month.
coolgut1no new:D not used20:21
arrrghhhcoolgut1, yea JesusFreak316 is talking $200 used.20:22
JesusFreak316Of course. Off contract though.20:22
coolgut1iam now trieying the mdeejay 1.3:D20:22
arrrghhhfrom some guy on cl20:22
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, are you comparing a new touch to a used hd2?20:22
arrrghhhcuz that's not fair :20:23
JesusFreak316Well, used current gen touches aren't much cheaper.20:23
coolgut1should i put the data.img file in the android folder?20:23
JesusFreak3163rd gen one's aren't quite comparable.20:23
coolgut1i got 2 1 512 and other 102420:23
arrrghhhwell the new ones just came out20:24
arrrghhhcoolgut1, if you want it to boot quicker.20:24
arrrghhhi wonder why none of our builds include that option.20:24
arrrghhhi kinda like htat20:24
JesusFreak316What? Premade data.img?20:24
arrrghhhdifferent sized data.imgs prebuilt20:25
JesusFreak316More bandwidth to host but it would make it easier to have more device memory without having to use linux.20:25
arrrghhhthat's what mirrors are for :P20:25
JesusFreak316True. Multiupload. :)20:25
arrrghhhi love multiupload.  that site is awesome.20:25
arrrghhhyou read my mind.20:25
JesusFreak316Anyways, I gtg. Going to a giant bonfire thing. Fire=fun.20:26
JesusFreak316The reason I was tryhing to get gps to work was for directions but whatever.20:26
arrrghhhha, i thought you got it.  sorry dude.20:27
coolgut1is there a room for the hd2?20:28
arrrghhhwell not really.20:28
arrrghhh#htc-linux is for dev chatter20:28
arrrghhh#htc-linux-chat is usually full of hd2 chatter.20:28
arrrghhhit's really a chat room for htc-linux so ppl can talk OT stuff20:28
coolgut1are they all devolpers?20:28
arrrghhhbut a TON of hd2 guys hang out/talk in there.20:29
arrrghhhin the channel list?20:29
arrrghhhwell look at what they're talking about :P20:29
arrrghhhyou tell me.20:30
coolgut1thing that i never heard about:P20:30
arrrghhhthey're devs then ;)20:30
coolgut1where are you from?20:30
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coolgut1iam from a little country:P20:31
coolgut1now i have started android20:32
coolgut1watch howe late it is:P20:33
coolgut1lets see howe long it gona take:(20:33
arrrghhhoh i know holland.20:34
arrrghhhmy dad flies to amsterdam a lot20:34
coolgut1for work?20:35
arrrghhhhe's a pilot. :P20:35
coolgut1thats cool:D20:36
coolgut1have you traveld with him?20:37
arrrghhhnot recently.20:40
coolgut1howe long to you use this chat and #htc linux20:45
arrrghhhhow long have i used irc?20:48
arrrghhhor these specific chat rooms...20:48
coolgut1these specific chat rooms:D20:48
coolgut1sorry for my bad english:P20:49
arrrghhhno worries20:50
arrrghhhi guess a few months.20:50
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arrrghhhevidently people speculated what took me so long to come in here :P20:50
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coolgut1and have you learnt something here:P20:56
arrrghhhi mostly help20:58
arrrghhhhaven't gleaned much programming knowledge if that's what you mean :P20:58
coolgut1You mean you help people as me21:01
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coolgut1its still on green htc logo:(21:01
arrrghhhdid you do the battery pull suggestion?21:02
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coolgut1other wise i cant restart:P21:02
coolgut1this is realy weird i have tried everything21:03
coolgut1nothing helps21:03
coolgut1should i pull the battery? i have waited 30 minutes21:04
coolgut1and ensure that you format it to clusters that are 32k21:07
coolgut1i have found this option21:07
coolgut1i gonna try it:21:08
arrrghhh30 minutes is too long21:08
arrrghhhdo the batt pull thing21:08
arrrghhhfood time21:08
arrrghhhgo to htc-linux-chat if you have moar problems.21:09
coolgut1ok iam gona ask it there too21:12
coolgut1do you now a good formatting software for windows 721:12
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RogueAgent[TP2]do you still need good format software?23:18
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