Thursday, 2010-10-21

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TheDeadCPUxdandroid seen babijoee00:15
xdandroidTheDeadCPU: babijoee was last seen in #xdandroid 4 weeks, 4 days, 23 hours, 10 minutes, and 34 seconds ago: <babijoee> xdandroid: later tell phh hey how do you disable LED flash after you enable it?00:15
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phhxdandroid: seen babijoee_02:00
xdandroidphh: babijoee_ was last seen in #xdandroid 7 weeks, 3 days, 1 hour, 29 minutes, and 10 seconds ago: <babijoee_> 3D needs fillrate to be fixed02:00
phhhum hum02:00
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Guest98510I need help with changing htc tilt2 to android os03:03
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WizzKiddmy newly compiled kernel is crashing, is there a way i can output the scrolling text to a file so i can debug the error?08:41
TheDeadCPUI think08:41
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kalemaswhat about absent Menu button for diam100 (frx01+stuff latest) ?08:53
TheDeadCPUIt's just moved.08:54
TheDeadCPUI dunno the exact thing but it's moved around08:54
kalemasya found.08:55
TheDeadCPUwhat was it?08:55
kalemasaction(center) button08:56
TheDeadCPUWas what I thought then.08:56
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MegaMatzehey guys09:10
MegaMatzecan somebody tell me, why my rhod100 doesn't get back to homescreen when i press the button on the top, after i updated zimage and initr09:10
TheDeadCPUThe button layout has been changed.09:11
MegaMatzecan i change that back?09:22
MegaMatzewas very handy to just press the button to get back09:23
TheDeadCPUJust press the Windows button instea.09:23
TheDeadCPUI think it's the windows button.09:23
MegaMatzewhen i do that i get the menu thingy09:23
MegaMatzenot back to the main screen :(09:23
TheDeadCPUWell one of the buttons should take you the main screen.09:24
MegaMatzei dont want to appear rude but no09:24
MegaMatzethere is no button that takes me back09:24
TheDeadCPUI might be wrong :p09:24
MegaMatzeor do i have to try all the ones09:24
TheDeadCPUTry holding the back button.09:24
MegaMatzeon the keyboard?09:24
MegaMatzejust a sec09:24
TheDeadCPUnot the keyboard.09:24
TheDeadCPUI've not tried the new layout on the TP2 yet.09:25
MegaMatzehmmm....holding the back key doesn't work either09:25
TheDeadCPUBut I've got to go. Ask arrrghhh or stinebd when one of them logs on.09:25
MegaMatzeill do that thanks09:25
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arrrghhhstinebd, looks like the new rootfs fixes those limey british RHOD's.  gj :D11:43
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xdandroidNew XDAndroid Releases bug 36 filed...12:06
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, Repeated Media Volume button press crashes the system12:06
dj6adoes anyone here know a mod from xda12:08
dj6awe have had someone rip 2 roms and call it his own and didnt even credit the themer and refuses to..12:09
dj6aI am unsure how to report this if anyone has any ideas please shoot me a msg12:09
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arrrghhhcan't you report posts?12:17
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AksWinamp is now on Android12:37
arrrghhheh, i don't see the need with stuff like subsonic.12:39
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Aksjust in case someone interested :) one day some guy was crazy about mspaint :P12:42
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arrrghhhoh i know.12:46
arrrghhhbut seriously, subsonic is awesome.  i guess if you don't have a server to access at home it may not be that useful :P12:47
sle118subsonic reminds me of Squeezecenter12:48
sle118with the exception that it streams to the outside world12:49
sle118looks cool12:49
sle118You can also stream videos or even live TV (provided you have a tuner card) with Orb12:49
arrrghhhyea i've used org12:49
sle118I almost forgot...12:50
arrrghhhi'm going to stab you12:50
sle118don`t get so.... angry12:50
sle118he he he12:50
Aksangry birds bought out by EA Sports yesterday12:51
sle118allright. This was my act of presence for the month. Keep on the good work. I love Xdandroid12:51
stinebdso, to finally put to rest any notion of a working angry birds for xdandroid, i submit the following excerpt from the developer's official release blog post12:54
stinebdAngry Birds will run on second generation Android devices and upwards, with Android platform 1.6 or later. >>>>Your device needs to support OpenGL ES 2.0.<<<<12:54
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arrrghhhhamagc, are you still having data issues on the newest kernels?13:32
arrrghhhi see a lot more reports, wondering if you found anything.13:33
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Skyguy_anyone know what the new rootfs changes?13:34
arrrghhhas usual13:35
arrrghhhdid you read the commit?13:35
Skyguy_sorry, just figured out how to read the commit13:35
|Jeroen|    Update rhod keymaps for new power button scancode13:35
Skyguy_yep, see that now :-D13:35
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hamagci am13:38
hamagcsomething with smd_diag13:38
hamagci'm assuming the reports your seeing are from cdma tp1's?13:39
hamagcatleast sprint cdma, not sure about vzn13:39
arrrghhhdef seems to be a lot of 800's out there.13:40
hamagctp2's are ok still?13:41
arrrghhhmine's fine13:41
Akstp2's are more resilient13:55
hamagc10/11/2010 kernel has data working for me13:55
hamagctrying 10/1613:55
Aks10/16 kernel doesn't start at all13:56
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hamagcarrrghhh: should i open a bug on that or has someone already?14:16
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stinebdhamagc: if i get a system image with working htc ril wrapper, would you want to try it?14:21
hamagci would!14:22
stinebdi have one built already but haven't tried it14:22
hamagcpm me link?14:23
stinebdit's not ready yet14:23
stinebdalso requires a new rootfs with init.rc changes14:23
hamagcok let me know when it14:23
hamagcs ready14:23
stinebdprobably a couple hours from now14:24
hamagcok, i'm in the office all day today on the phone so i'll be able to be active today lol14:24
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Rhodiumanybody know anything about the market and how it doesnt show paid apps15:00
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rhodanybody know anything about the market and how it doesnt show paid apps15:02
arrrghhhhamagc, i don't think there is a bug... you can look :P15:03
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xdandroidNew XDAndroid Releases bug 37 filed...15:15
xdandroidBug blocker, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, Data broken after 20101011_00003415:15
stinebdNeoMatrixJR: sorry for being short with you earlier. been getting a lot of heat for those changes and my sense of humor fell asleep15:26
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hamagcbug 17 is related to bug 37. once on is fixed, i'm 99% sure the other will be also.15:35
xdandroidBug minor, Low, ---, developers, NEW, Data G/3G icons visible in not. bar while using WIFI15:35
xdandroidBug critical, Highest, ---, developers, NEW, Data broken after 20101011_00003415:35
stinebdwow a twofer15:35
stinebdis 17 cdma?15:35
hamagche didn't say but i have experienced the same issue.15:36
NeoMatrixJR stinebd: no sweat dude.  I appreciate all you guys are doing.  I'm working on bringing my box up so I can get the patches ready too.  Stuck in a meeting ATM15:37
NeoMatrixJRhamagc: I don't think so.  My data works fine, but 3G disappears with WiFi.  I thought that was by design as cell data would shutdown in presence of wifi?15:38
hamagcthats how it is supposed to work, he just worded the bug wrong15:38
hamagcwhen you look at the bug details, he says that they used to disappear when wifi connected, since data broke, the no longer disappear15:39
arrrghhhodd, definitely something wrong there...15:39
arrrghhhNeoMatrixJR, none of that applies to RHOD it seems.15:39
hamagconce data is working again, like i said, i'm 99% sure they will work normally (disappear and reappear when wifi connected/disconnected)15:40
stinebdi clarified bug 17's summary15:40
xdandroidBug minor, Low, ---, developers, NEW, Cellular data stays active while using Wifi15:40
hamagcand ya, none of it affects rhod's15:40
arrrghhhplatform -> all is almost certainly wrong as well :P15:41
stinebdi don't want to change that until "almost certainly" becomes "certainly"15:41
hamagclooks like he reported that on 9/30 which is kinda weird. data didn't break until 10/16? but it was doing the same thing on camro's test kernels which is what i'm thinking he was using when he reported the bug15:41
arrrghhhthat doesn't help.15:41
arrrghhhah well15:41
hamagcya don't change it until it can be confirmed15:41
arrrghhhhamagc, have you looked at bug 36?15:41
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, Repeated Media Volume button press crashes the system15:41
arrrghhhi'm not able to reproduce it on RHOD.15:42
arrrghhhi've tried.15:42
hamagclet me give it a shot15:42
stinebdit might crash the system!15:42
arrrghhhnot hat15:42
arrrghhhbug 1015:48
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, Home/ Back Buttons don't work15:48
arrrghhhoh screw that bug.15:49
stinebdemwe: which rhod do you have?15:50
emwestinebd: topa :)15:50
stinebdoh right15:50
stinebdwhich topa15:50
emwestinebd: topa100 gsm15:50
emwestinebd: and if things worked out today, the raph100 is on the air via air freight.15:51
emwestinebd: andrew doesn't wan't to be reimbursed for the shipping costs. he is happy he could donate. something he ever liked since he first rooted his phone he mailed.15:51
emwedo we have some kind of dontars thank you page?15:52
stinebdi'll add him to the contributors page15:52
emwelet's wait until the device has landed :P15:52
emwesomehow looking forward to it. so i can always have a phone up and running. had several occassions somebody tried to contact me ... and well... call freezes, missed on deep sleep and what not.15:53
stinebdD/RILJ    ( 1335): [0004]> GET_IMEI15:54
stinebdmaybe it works15:54
stinebdi should really have put my sim card in it first15:54
emwebtw, is xdandroid coming up/usable without sim?15:55
stinebdyeah, works great15:55
emweor is it "locked" without sim?15:55
emwei think a very old SE of mine used to not work and just had demo mode. totally stupid.15:55
stinebdespecially with wifi sleep policy set to never15:55
stinebdprobably better on rhod/topa with the bcm chipset though15:56
stinebdthey probably consume less power than ti15:56
hamagcwhile playing with the volume keys listening to a song, i seem to have crashed the radio15:57
stinebdhamagc: but the system itself stays alive?15:57
stinebdie no boot anim15:57
hamagcya no system crashes15:57
hamagceven 3g came back15:57
stinebdmine used to crash15:57
hamagcbut when i'm playing with it i can see the singal bars dropping to 0 and then back lol15:57
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hamagcmaybe thats the iphone effect15:57
hamagclet me try holding it differently lol15:58
hamagcya looks like when i press them too much the radio crashes.15:58
hamagclet me run a log on it15:58
stinebdbetter than android crashing15:59
hamagcbut thats hitting the buttons enough to when i stop, it's still catching up15:59
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hamagcheh, that last time killed the radio, had to reboot lol16:01
emwestinebd: i better should know that for sure, but i am sure only rhod has the BCM, topa has the TI.16:01
hamagclogs are coming16:01
stinebdemwe: hah, really? crazy htc16:01
emweyah, we had wifi way earlier.16:01
emweoh man... that was like beginning of this year..16:01
hamagchaha i love it!16:07
hamagcI/DEBUG   ( 1240): debuggerd committing suicide to free the zombie!16:07
hamagcwtf? W/WindowManager( 1268): VOLUME button: Unable to find ITelephony interface16:07
hamagcwhat does volume button ahve to do with itelephony iface?16:08
emwehamagc: i guess dependant on which "panel" you are ... it has something todo with the phone...16:08
stinebd3g icon16:08
emweis that good?16:08
stinebdholy crap it works16:09
stinebdemwe: i'm testing the htc ril wrapper16:10
emweoh, where's it from?16:10
emweand what's it good for? ;)16:10
emwei only read people talking about it...16:10
arrrghhhyea i thought it was for CDMA stability... so it's for all radios?16:10
stinebdwraps the official ril so we can use it and have a data connection16:10
stinebdnormally the official ril requries rmnet in the kernel16:11
stinebdthe wrapper replaces data connection setup functions to run pppd instead16:11
hamagchopefully thsi will fix a few different issues16:11
* hamagc hopes16:11
emwehm... is it said to fix some gsm issues and sleep modes by chance? ;)16:12
stinebdin theory it may fix many radio issues16:12
stinebdespecially for cdma16:12
emweotherwise i really have to try the modem-retry-code from htc in pm.c16:12
stinebdsleep modes, not so much16:12
arrrghhh:D:D cdma radio fixes stinebd ! :P16:12
emwesleep modes in the sense of missing calls and not reacting/waking phone on deep sleep16:12
emwelike over night....16:13
emwe(when sleep_mode=0)16:13
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stinebdnot sure about that16:14
stinebdi'd guess no16:14
stinebdman, fonts are so much nicer with hdpi16:14
stinebdwhy didn't anybody mention that before16:14
hamagclol cause half of us doesn't get to experience hdpi16:14
hamagcisn't hdpi for the larger screens?16:15
stinebdthat bug testing system image that 80 billion people downloaded is hdpi16:15
arrrghhhhamagc, half...?16:15
hamagci thought we were stuck with mdpi or something16:15
hamagcheh, i'll be quite now lol16:15
stinebdhdpi is usable for ~190+ density16:15
arrrghhhi think that was my misinformation hamagc :P16:15
arrrghhhnot sure where i heard it from, reef or babijoee... that tp2 was hdpi.16:16
hamagcwell than... lol. no arrrghhh wasn't you, it was that damn google16:16
arrrghhhfill their searches with LIES16:16
stinebdnow to call myself16:16
arrrghhhwhat are you calling yourself now?16:16
hamagcalways! no i looked it up when we started talking about it and was left with the impression that we had mpdi and the nicer screens had hdpi.16:16
hamagcbut apparently that was wrong, cough cough, google...16:17
stinebdwe have pretty nice screens on raph16:18
stinebdthey're small and twice the pixelage of g1 or hero or the like16:18
hamagci always loved our screens. but since the only "true" update to the tp2 was the screen, i guessed there was something special about them lol.16:19
yashhey i just dld the latest version Version 20100903 from this site....but its asystem.ext2 file .16:26
yashhow do i use that16:26
arrrghhhoverwrite your own system.ext2 file16:27
arrrghhhnot own16:28
yashwat if its a fresh install16:28
hamagcfrom which site?16:28
hamagcwhat was the date on the pkg you downloaded?16:29
hamagci believe it's already updated16:29
hamagcbut i'm not sure off hand16:29
stinebdyeah, wiki is badly outdated16:29
hamagcit's hard to keep that thing updated when there are almost daily updates lol16:30
stinebdwell those are updated automatically16:30
stinebdit's the system releases that are out of date16:30
hamagcahh, and we don't have a build machine for system updates, those have to be manually updated.16:31
yashwell my problem is dat insted of an android image file i got a system.ext2....16:31
hamagcthat is the android img file16:31
yashdunno how to use it.....16:31
hamagcthats the system16:31
stinebdpretty neat16:31
hamagcjust replace the one in your andboot folder with the one you downloaded16:31
hamagcyash: what device are you on?16:31
yashhtc hd(blackstone)16:32
arrrghhhyash, you have to download a complete build instead of an update if you've never ran it before...16:33
arrrghhhhow can you update something you've never used...?16:33
hamagcok. your on a fresh install using the latest package. when you unpack everything to your card, you'll have a sysetm.ext2 file. this is the main system. that is the file you downloaded also. replace that file.16:33
yashk.... my bad....16:33
yashneways thanx fr helpin out16:34
hamagcya this is assuming you downloaded a package already and are just trying to update everything before running for the first time. you need to have the complete package for all the parts first.16:34
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gongoschoi have a question16:42
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arrrghhhi have an answer16:43
arrrghhhperhaps beer too.16:43
arrrghhhhard to have an answer for everything tho.16:43
gongoschois it possible to port. xandroid for htc kovsky?16:43
hamagci thought it was already16:44
stinebdhamagc: i will be uploading a system image and rootfs soon16:44
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hamagcok, ready and waiting16:44
stinebdoh... uh16:45
gongoschoon not found any infos for htc kovsky (xperia x1)16:45
stinebdthere is one caveat16:45
arrrghhhit's already on kov gongoscho16:45
hamagclet me get you a link16:45
stinebdhamagc: since you're on cdma, you may need to add the generic apn16:45
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arrrghhhthere's a dev with the kovsky16:45
hamagcok, np16:45
stinebd(this ril is different from ours after all)16:45
stinebdrandom insanely long vibration when booting back into winmo16:47
stinebdwith no apparent notification involved16:47
hamagclol shutdown vibrate?16:47
stinebdno, during the boot screen in winmo16:47
stinebdi have no idea why it did that16:47
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hamagcrandom lol16:48
stinebdit was like 5 seconds long16:48
hamagcnot long enough, she likes it longer lol16:48
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stinebdit doesn't last longer :P16:48
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gongoscho_i tested this versio xxx - version => but is there no "official" version from
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stinebdwe have a .org?16:50
gongoscho_ups, .com16:50
arrrghhhso what's the question gongoscho_ ?16:50
hamagcgongoscho_: same thing16:50
hamagcthough it looks like that dev is working on the kernel which isn't part of our kernel yet16:51
stinebd6.5 minutes16:51
stinebdi need faster uploadz16:51
hamagclooks like he is providing the needed and updated kernels for you but your using our system which he has liked to our original thread.16:52
hamagci'd follow that thread to keep up with everytihng and get feedback there16:52
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hamagcupp, i see you already posted there too16:53
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arrrghhhtime to leak it on the forums...16:58
hamagclol hopefully you don16:58
hamagct end up with another 2.5gb of traffic from that16:59
stinebdtry 25016:59
hamagcwasn't that what prefrox2 got you?16:59
hamagcoh jeez16:59
stinebdhamagc: oh i forgot17:01
stinebdedit startup.txt17:01
stinebdadd nand_boot=0 to cmdline17:01
hamagcok booting now17:04
emwe(when sleep_mode=0)17:05
emwehmps.. one should try bash-history in terminal not here...17:05
stinebdcmoooon the suspense is killing me17:08
emwestinebd: booting it ;)17:08
emwehope my pm+acpuclock debugging doesn't freak out ...17:08
stinebdoh, if the ril appears to crash during the first connection, don't worry17:08
stinebdit'll come back17:09
stinebdi think the htc ril might do that to set parameters or something17:09
emweregarding the auto-bl conversation earlier in htc-linux... can it be android knows about that device facility?17:10
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stinebdyeah about that17:10
emwethe free power widget from market allows to set to auto if wanted17:10
stinebdwe have to implement it17:10
emweso it's a sysfs entry for the led device i guess?17:10
stinebdand it may need... frameworks/base changes :/17:10
emwewe have to? in a vendor specific lib? linblights?17:10
stinebdliblights for sure, frameworks also, possibly17:11
emwei thought there was some better layer separation17:11
stinebdactually it would be libsensors maybe17:11
emweso let's first try that before we mess with things we wouldn't like to touch.17:11
emwei wanted to look into liblights and did a bit.. but considered debugging pm and sleep issues beforehand...17:12
emwehm... how long is that image to boot on first run...17:13
arrrghhhemwe, on first boot we usually tell ppls to wait 10mins before giving up.17:13
emwei can't see dmesg .. might as well be my pm and acpuclock debug output getting in the way and spamming ram_console and dmesg17:14
stinebdif you take a look at logcat and it stalled after something about leds, reboot17:14
stinebdbug 4?17:14
emwei can't look at adb :)17:14
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, stinebd, RESOLVED FIXED, Buttons cut off in the open call menu.17:14
stinebdbug 217:14
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, stinebd, RESOLVED FIXED, Talk.apk missing17:14
stinebdxdandroid: which bug was it?17:14
xdandroidbug 1917:15
emweah it attached ... only took way longer17:15
stinebdthanks baby17:15
emweW/dalvikvm( 1611): threadid=16: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x400207f8)17:16
emweE/AndroidRuntime( 1611): *** FATAL EXCEPTION IN SYSTEM PROCESS: PowerManagerService17:16
emweE/AndroidRuntime( 1611): java.lang.NullPointerException17:16
hamagcok first boot on old data.img crashed shortly after booting. trying with fresh data17:17
emweI/Zygote  ( 1606): Exit zygote because system server (1611) has terminated17:17
emwehmpfs.. i don't wan't a new data.img ...17:17
stinebdi don't know if i signed it17:17
emweperhaps i should not try things in between ;)17:17
arrrghhhemwe, just rename or move it.17:17
emweso much things to test in so less time...17:18
emwemy gf is already a bit nerved. but somehow also with a tad bit understanding. ;)17:18
arrrghhhmy gf is definitely 'nerved' :P17:19
emweis that the correct english term?17:20
hamagclol y17:20
emwewe say "genervt" about/from something17:20
arrrghhhyea it works.17:20
hamagcnerved, peeved, all the same lol17:20
arrrghhhhaha i was going to say peeved17:21
hamagcok i am booted on new data17:21
hamagci have svc but no bars and no data17:21
emweok, i think i have enough synonyms for the next or so ;)17:21
hamagclooks just like it did when i booted with the evo ril17:21
hamagcno apn17:21
hamagcstinebd: just like when i booted the evo ril. i can't get an apn to stick. mcc and mnc come up blank and no matter what i put in, the apn disappears.17:24
stinebdnow i need a cdma device and subscription then17:24
hamagcand no real svc, it's connected to sprint but no bars, comes up as sprint pcs instead of sprint.17:24
stinebdso you can't make calls?17:25
hamagclets see17:25
hamagctried to dial a number and crashed17:25
emwestinebd: can als be the autobacklight sysfs led-device property? just loocking at frameworks/base/cmds/dumpstate/dumpstate.c17:28
emweok, back to my previous setup. that test package seems to endlessly loop on boot17:31
hamagcheh interesting17:34
hamagcok stinebd i can make a call and connect. mic works but speaker does not. headset speaker nor speaker phone.17:34
hamagcbut i can see the atleast the radio is connecting. log?17:34
Aksthink we are going backwards on some17:38
stinebdhamagc: did the other ril you tried also work for calls?17:43
hamagcthe evo ril? yes17:43
hamagchold on a sec, let me post a log.17:46
hamagcI//system/bin/tc( 1256): Cannot find device "rmnet0"17:49
hamagcI/logwrapper( 1256): /system/bin/tc terminated by exit(1)17:49
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hamagcya that looks like where it fails17:53
emwewtf is my end-call power again....17:54
emwejust reverted to my old data.img and system.ext2 (selfbuilt)17:54
hamagcendcall=end call button17:54
hamagcpower is power button lol17:54
emweyah, it's power again functionality wise... something got screwed with that test package from earlier17:55
hamagcor end call= end call and power17:55
emweit's set to home in spareparts...17:55
emweperhaps sth screwed my old data.img on first boot. no idea..17:55
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stinebdmy home internet is down18:04
stinebdgotta tether through n1 now18:04
stinebdhamagc: tc is traffic control (QoS), not really relevant18:06
stinebdthe more interesting stuff is in logcat -b radio18:06
hamagcok let me radio it for you18:06
stinebdobserve as i complete a rootfs push on a mobile connection18:12
arrrghhhyou're such a rock star stinebd ...18:12
arrrghhhLOL sorry i couldn't resist.18:12
hamagcW/GSM     ( 1349): Can't open /system/etc/spn-conf.xml18:19
hamagci think thats supposed to be apn-conf.xml lol18:20
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hamagcfull log:
xdandroidNew rootfs available (20101021-6c87dd0) at: -- Changes at:
stinebdNeoMatrixJR: thanks18:25
stinebdspn-conf is something else18:26
hamagcoh is it?18:26
stinebdmaybe we need it18:27
stinebdto set the "carrier info" on cdma18:27
hamagcsee anything of interest in the log?18:27
stinebdi see a lot of gsm crap which is interesting18:29
arrrghhhhamagc, wtf are you doin tellin Android your phone is gsm.18:30
hamagci see alot of: GENERIC_FAILURE18:30
arrrghhhmmmmm vagueness.18:31
arrrghhhmay as well just put a check engine light on Android.18:31
arrrghhhcan we make the LED go purple?  check engine!18:31
hamagcsas light18:32
hamagcservice android soon18:32
arrrghhhi don't want to know the password, just let me copy itlol18:34
hamagcinterestingly, i see nothing regarding ppp on any of the logs18:36
stinebdyeah, that's expected for what's happening18:38
stinebdthere's no data call being set up so it doesn't bother trying to run pppd18:38
stinebdhamagc: zomg i have ur serial numba!18:47
WizzKiddcan someone point me to the latest "system.ext2" ?18:50
stinebdi wish i had hamagc's phone right now :(18:53
stinebdhamagc: got adb shell?18:53
WizzKiddemwe: thank you18:54
WizzKiddemwe: ok, so now i have the latest "rootfs.img", the latest "system.ext" i have my own latest compiled "zImage" and modules "modules-"... anything missing? is there a latest "haret.exe" anywhere?18:56
emwesystem.ext2! not ext!18:57
emweand where does modules and zImage come from?!?!18:57
WizzKiddsorry i ment system.ext218:58
arrrghhhmodules shouldn't be 'dirty'18:58
emwemodules-*-DIRTY.tar.gz is no officially built18:58
stinebdhe said it's his own18:58
stinebdboy you guys are tough on people18:58
WizzKiddmy zImage and modules were my own compiled ones18:58
emwestinebd: no. just tired. i should leave.18:58
stinebddont leave we love you18:58
WizzKiddis there a precompiled haret.exe, or do i need to comple my own from "git://" ?18:58
emwewasn't there someone who said "i love you all" and then died out of a sudden?18:59
stinebdi don't think there's really any changes that you need to have in haret18:59
emweWizzKidd: no, you can take a precompiled one.18:59
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WizzKiddemwe: "I love you all... This is it...!" :)18:59
emwecompiling it is a blizz if you found the correct crosscompiler version ;)18:59
WizzKiddemwe: bah, could u kindly provide me a link to haret please?19:00
emweWizzKidd: just take the haret.exe from the xdandroid package.19:00
WizzKiddemwe: cool np19:00
hamagcstinebd: i don't think so. i tried to adb shell a few times and only got no device attached19:00
hamagclet me boot back into android and try again19:00
emweWizzKidd: if that is ok with you, take it from a full package. :)19:00
emweWizzKidd: of course you need a default.txt/startup.txt19:01
XirXesstinebd: could i get you to add this file to the rootfs? It fixes the direction keys on the t-mous version of the Rhod19:02
WizzKiddemwe: yep got it...19:02
emweWizzKidd: if haret finds a startup.txt it immedeately executes it. when you only have default.txt it waits until you press run. sometimes helpful that it does not directly start. especially when you wan't to haretconsole to the device19:02
emweWizzKidd: for conveninece i have genydualboot set-up. and i always disable sense when i have to reboot often.19:03
emwefaster turn-around times.19:03
WizzKiddemwe: thats interesting to know. i didnt know i could get just console, i always fault it would always boot the android gui19:03
arrrghhhyea i missed the part where you said you compiled them yourself :P   so much for scanning haha19:03
emweWizzKidd: no. it always boots into android. but with default.txt haret does not automatically start the "boot process"19:04
WizzKiddfault = thought*19:04
emweit waits for you hitting a button.19:04
WizzKiddoh i see#19:04
hamagcstinebd: when i adb shell, i get error: device not found19:04
hamagcbut i can see adb on the phone19:04
stinebdXirXes: yes19:04
emweharetconsole is a little python programm helpful for investigating your device under wince19:04
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stinebdhamagc: and logcat works?19:05
hamagci'm using command center to run logcats19:05
XirXessweet ty19:05
stinebdso you don't actually have adb access19:05
hamagcdoesn't look like it, no19:05
stinebdplease send me your phone19:05
arrrghhhhm.  didn't you have adb before hamagc ?19:05
hamagclol ya i did19:06
emwehm. mediaserver crashing on boot... a victim of OC?19:06
emwepreFRX02 and new data.img19:06
emwe@710mhz here19:06
WizzKiddemwe: what does it mean when the phone boots into linux, loads of text starts scrolling, the boot animation for xdandroid loads up and then there is a short vibration , then *nothing* - the phone at the point has powered off.  any ideas?19:06
hamagclet me see if i can trick it19:06
emweWizzKidd: it powers off shortly after vibrating in the bootanimation?19:07
stinebdWizzKidd: sounds like battery safety shutdown19:07
WizzKiddemwe: yes19:07
emweWizzKidd: which device?19:07
stinebdrhod i bet19:07
WizzKiddemwe: HTC Touch HD19:07
* stinebd loses19:07
WizzKiddemwe: aka Blackstone19:07
arrrghhhtried to turn up my volume & Android reboots19:08
WizzKiddstinebd: battery safety?19:08
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emweWizzKidd: might be battery related. you know camros testing kernel thread? i think he gave some instructions to put into the cmdline arguments so that there is no safety shutdown by faking the OS with sane battery values19:08
stinebdWizzKidd: when the battery monitor service begins running, it periodically checks remaining battery power and battery temperature. if battery is below 1% or temp is above 68C it will shut down the phone immediately19:09
hamagcok windows sees it now, but still same. device not found19:09
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stinebdour battery information is not always accurate, so it could be tripping the safety shutdown19:09
hamagcwell thats crap19:10
WizzKiddemwe, stinebd: humm, ok interesting... i didnt pay attention to the battery strength, but i'll try now, knowing that my battery is at 100%19:10
hamagcanything else i can try before sending you my phone? lol19:10
emweWizzKidd: no, not physical strength...19:10
stinebdWizzKidd: it's very likely a false positive19:10
arrrghhhhamagc, go home and use linux you fool. :P19:10
emweWizzKidd: the kernel reports battery info to system. that battery info is interpreted in kernel and the algorithm needs to be finetuned.19:10
emweWizzKidd: if the kernel driver reports crazy/dangerous values, android shuts down the phone.19:11
stinebdhamagc: not really. i'd be playing around aimlessly looking at various things myself19:11
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emwei really should go now. gnight everyone!19:11
stinebddream of me19:11
stinebdalthough that's a nightmare19:11
emwedreaming of raph100 :P19:11
WizzKiddemwe / stinebd : how can i fake the battery readings?19:12
hamagclol i wish i had more power on my work laptop. stupid windows19:12
emweWizzKidd: read up camros kernel testing thread. it's documented there19:12
hamagcwell crap19:12
emweWizzKidd: should be in the first post19:12
WizzKiddon xdandroid.com19:12
emweah no 2nd post it seems19:13
emwehopefully it doesn't shutdown because of faulty temperature reportings. good luck19:13
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WizzKiddstinebd : your still here right? might need a hand trying to fake my battery readings :)19:14
stinebdi won't be much help with that19:15
stinebdjust ask your questions and someone here will know19:15
WizzKiddok :)19:16
WizzKiddcamro: u here mate?19:22
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arrrghhhWizzKidd, i think it's just in the startup.19:32
arrrghhhhahaha you scared him off.19:32
arrrghhhi know that one fakes like you're always on the usb charger...19:33
WizzKiddarrrghhh: as simple as that? wow19:34
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arrrghhhwell i'm not exactly sure what your problem is...19:34
WizzKiddi'll try all sorts to see what might fix it :)19:35
arrrghhhhaha ok19:35
WizzKiddwhere can i get the latest initrd.gz ?19:36
arrrghhhautobuild :D19:36
arrrghhhnot many changes to that beast.19:36
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hamagcok i'm off guys19:48
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xdandroidNew rootfs available (20101022-69028ad) at: -- Changes at:
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arrrghhhso stinebd this magical wrapper... does it work for rhod? :D20:56
TheDeadCPUWhy haven't babijoee been on here for 1 month?20:57
arrrghhhi duno20:57
arrrghhhhe pokes around xda every now and then it seems20:57
arrrghhhdamn, wistilt's kernel is the shiznit.  i hope he get some of this great stuff committed soon :S20:58
stinebdarrrghhh: yes it should21:02
stinebdseen the link?21:02
stinebdseen the cmdline?21:02
stinebdcdma data doesn't work yet21:03
arrrghhhadd nand_boot=0 to cmdline21:04
arrrghhhso just calls21:04
stinebdthat's how it seems21:05
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arrrghhhhamagc has had serious data issues in general lately tho21:06
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arrrghhhstinebd, it needs a new system image as well as rootfs...?21:17
stinebdlibhtc_ril goes in system21:18
arrrghhhand this i'm assuming is built off your newest 'pre'-FRX02?21:18
stinebdno way i'm putting that in rootfs21:18
arrrghhhlol c'mon guy it'd be fun21:18
stinebdit's too big21:18
stinebdnot to mention it's proprietary21:18
arrrghhhalrighty bootin now.21:24
arrrghhhw/wistilt's new magic kernelness21:24
arrrghhhi guess i had it create a new data.img.  good for me.21:25
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arrrghhhwell it booted.  that's a good sign methinks.21:29
arrrghhhoh crap21:30
arrrghhhi forgot to modify my startup.txt21:30
arrrghhhi should just disable sense.  ugh.21:32
xdandroidNew XDAndroid Releases bug 38 filed...21:33
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, No home button21:33
arrrghhhstinebd, instead of firing off at the hip and saying the spare parts fix... that applies to RAPH as well right?21:33
stinebdraph has a home button21:34
stinebdit's the one with a little house on it21:34
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arrrghhhi don't know wtf this dude is talking about then.21:34
stinebdthese people are really driving me crazy21:34
stinebdto the point of a hiatus maybe21:35
arrrghhhyea not even sure how to comment on this one.21:35
arrrghhhwell that would suck.21:35
arrrghhhyou're basically the only guy who maintains the userland crap, right?21:35
arrrghhhfawk and then i boot the wrong build...21:39
arrrghhhalright.  for reals this time.21:42
stinebdno wait, you forgot to get a gsm phone21:43 changed the Status on bug 38 from NEW to RESOLVED INVALID.21:44
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, RESOLVED INVALID, No home button21:44
arrrghhhwell hey it does gsm21:44
arrrghhhi just don't have a SIM card :P21:44
stinebddual mode?21:44
arrrghhhit seems to think i'm in gsm mode...21:45
arrrghhhthe tp2 is a 'world phone'21:45
stinebdthere's no way to tell it otherwise21:45
stinebdthat i know of21:45
arrrghhhi thought that force_cdma statement told it.21:45
stinebdfor our ril, yes21:45
arrrghhhso how do i tell this honkey i'm using CDMA?21:45
stinebdgood question21:45
stinebdlet me know when you find out21:45
stinebdprobably some build.prop thing21:46
arrrghhhwell, it's lying.21:46
arrrghhhit says i have no service, no bars, and that my SIM card is missing.21:46
arrrghhhyet i could make a call.  same experience as hamagc, no audio whatsoever.21:46
stinebdlooking at the strings, there are lots of settings21:47
stinebdread that as flaccid, felt sorry for it21:48
stinebdthere's a list of carrier names21:49
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stinebdi have to download a heroc rom or something21:53
stinebdsee what happens in there21:53
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stinebd<apn carrier="CDMA" mcc="310" mnc="120" apn="0" port="" mmsproxy="" mmsport="" mmsc="" type="default,supl"/>21:55
stinebdthere's the apn we need for cdma21:55
arrrghhhsurprise surprise no data...22:02
stinebdwhat happens when you try to add an apn?22:03
stinebdhamagc tried it and it gave him an empty form with no mcc or mnc22:03
arrrghhhi usually just put name & apn in22:04
arrrghhhbut it's saying MCC field must be 3 digits.22:04
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arrrghhhyea, same experience as him.22:05
arrrghhhi add the mcc and mnc, but when i hit back the apn list is empty.22:05
stinebdmakes sense22:05
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arrrghhhis there any other fields i should fill out...?22:06
stinebdnah don't worry about it, it won't work22:06
arrrghhhi wonder if calls will work consistently now...22:07
arrrghhhalthough without incall sound that'll be kinda difficult to test...22:08
arrrghhhah well.22:08
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EGOvoruhkDoes anyone know what changed with the last Rhodium rootfs? It says "HOME and POWER buttons swaped over" but it seems exactly the same as before22:14
stinebdmaybe i should try with a non-dream ril22:17
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arrrghhhEGOvoruhk, i think it was only certain RHODs22:23
EGOvoruhkIt was. 210/400/500. I've got a 40022:24
arrrghhhoh yea so we don't have to use spare parts now to remap end  call -> home22:24
EGOvoruhkI still had to use it22:25
arrrghhhstinebd, ?22:25
EGOvoruhkLike I said, it felt exactly the same22:25
stinebdarrrghhh: what?22:25
arrrghhhwasn't the new rootfs supposed to fix end key -> home w/o the spare parts remap?22:25
arrrghhhwell then.22:25
arrrghhhwhat did it 'fix'?!?22:25
stinebdask NeoMatrixJR22:26
EGOvoruhkThis is the change in question:
arrrghhhi guess it was just flushing out the rest of the device changes in the .kl's...22:26
arrrghhhNeoMatrixJR's not here right now, so i guess leave his ass a message and he'll explain himself later :P22:27
stinebdwell gsm still works with a ril from heroc22:27
stinebdand it has a lot more cdma functions in it22:28
stinebdso maybe it's worth a try22:28
arrrghhhstinebd, yayaya :D:D:D:D22:28
arrrghhhi love how it says emergency calls only tho.22:28
arrrghhhawesome.  i guess i should try calling it.22:28
arrrghhhso i can receive calls22:29
arrrghhhand the incall earpiece speaker works22:29
arrrghhhbut the mic doesn't.22:29
arrrghhhnothing works on an outbound call.22:30
stinebdyeah those are a problem for me too22:34
stinebdsort of expected22:34
stinebdthere's a lot of funny business going on in that ril22:34
stinebdlike htc acoustic stuff22:35
stinebdand i believe acoustic means relating to sound22:35
stinebdairplane mode should work much better now22:35
stinebdi'll have to try that next boot22:35
arrrghhhalways worked for me.22:36
arrrghhhi only really used it when my data cxn decided to flake tho22:36
stinebdlet me roll a new system image for you with that ril22:38
stinebd6 minutes22:39
stinebdstupid cablemodem22:39
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NeoMatrixJRstinebd: what's...NOT-FOR-RELEASE...?22:48
stinebdwhat does it sound like?22:48
stinebdi don't want 400 trillion people downloading it22:48
NeoMatrixJRso why post to a logged public IRC channel22:48
stinebdbecause it's not secret22:49
arrrghhhI'M LEAKING IT OH SH....22:49
NeoMatrixJRoh, and I saw that "ask NeoMatrixJR"  I'm just replicating your changes to the other RHODs.  Isn't that what it was supposed to do? make spare parts change unnecissary?22:50
stinebdmakes power button do something, though22:50
arrrghhhstinebd, this one is a lot smaller...22:50
stinebdi'm getting a little sick of the keymaps stuff if you haven't noticed22:50
stinebdarrrghhh: no rootfs included22:51
arrrghhhyea dude, keymap crap is getting a little out of control22:51
arrrghhhwhat triggered the change in the first place?22:52
arrrghhhi think mapping power to power makes sense, but for the longest time it wasn't like that.22:52
stinebdpower button was changed from home to power in the kernel22:52
NeoMatrixJRyeah, but end never got changed to home22:53
stinebdbecause you need a way to end the calls :P22:53
* NeoMatrixJR ...keymaps vs. kernel confuses Neo22:53
stinebdall this would be no problem whatsoever if android wasn't stupid as crap22:53
arrrghhhso should i ask why it was changed in the kernel?22:54
NeoMatrixJRgotta admit it's better than winmo22:54
arrrghhhi think alex pushed it, i just don't get why.22:54
stinebdwho knows, but i like that they did it22:54
stinebdit was silly the way it was22:54
stinebdand so were the userland keymaps22:54
NeoMatrixJRI think it was to keep same button structure as winmo22:54
arrrghhhbut now users are whining that they lost functionality.22:54
arrrghhhsomeone actually told me that the recent apps list was 'how native android phones did multitasking'22:55
stinebdthe only functionality lost is the dpad center22:55
NeoMatrixJRstill, it lost us the ... nevermind22:55
NeoMatrixJRhey, I LIKED the recent task list22:55
arrrghhhstinebd, rhod lost the recent apps list and that preview mode or whatever that i think is a part of launcherpro22:55
arrrghhhit's useless lol22:55
NeoMatrixJRI can live w/o it though22:55
stinebdwell then let someone change 116 to power on rhod22:56
NeoMatrixJRdamn, sleep time.  I'll have to see what you did to that system tomorrow22:56
stinebder to home22:56
arrrghhhwhat's 116...?22:57
stinebdthe scancode for power button22:57
arrrghhhbut i want power = powre22:58
arrrghhhhrm.  weren't you looking at the mute button?22:58
stinebdwell can't have it both ways22:58
stinebdnot all rhods have mute22:58
arrrghhhyea i know.22:58
arrrghhhoh really?22:58
arrrghhhof course no.22:58
stinebdeither not all rhods, or not topa22:58
stinebdor both22:58
arrrghhhjust like only the cdma rhod's have 3.5mm jacks.22:58
stinebdi think my mom's tilt2 has one22:59
arrrghhhwistilt2's rhod300 doesn't.22:59
arrrghhhi don't think the rhod100 does either...22:59
arrrghhhuses that stupid extUSB crap from the RAPH22:59
arrrghhhshould i have wiped my data.img...?23:00
stinebdyeah, the tilt2 has a 3.5mm23:00
stinebdprobably not23:00
stinebdwho knows23:00
arrrghhhtell wistilt2 that23:00
stinebdno need to wipe data.img23:01
stinebdonly the one library changed23:01
arrrghhhstill says i have no sim23:01
arrrghhhand no service23:01
arrrghhhemergency calls only.23:01
stinebdwhat happens when you put a sim in?23:01
* stinebd runs23:01
arrrghhhgimmie a sim23:01
stinebdi actually have a spare23:02
arrrghhhfawkers at sprint didn't give me this phone with a sim23:02
arrrghhhsince it was an insurance replacement for mah RAPH23:02
stinebdoh you did one of those things23:02
stinebdthat's fraud you know23:02
arrrghhhconsidering they offered it to me23:02
arrrghhhi doubt it.23:02
arrrghhhi brought my raph800 in after owning it for almost 2 years with a dead kbd.  they offered me an upgrade.23:03
stinebdyeah i'm sure they offered to hurl your phone out of a 40th story window for you23:03
arrrghhhsome bb, samsung moment & tp2.23:03
arrrghhhmeh, they may have.  i don't care, i got a rhod for free :D23:03
stinebdshould've reported it "stolen"23:03
arrrghhhthey made it sound like i was lucky to get a battery.23:03
arrrghhhyea then i'd have to shell out $10023:03
stinebdbut then you could've sent me the raph for testing23:04
arrrghhhand they probably just would've given me another RAPH instead of upgrading me, who knows.23:04
stinebdwas the raph dual mode too?23:04
arrrghhhha, that is true.23:04
arrrghhhwouldn't have done you a lot of good.23:04
stinebdnot really23:06
arrrghhhis there even a cdma version of the hd2?23:06
stinebddont know, why?23:08
arrrghhhthere isn't.23:08
arrrghhhi thought this wrapper came from their stuff.23:08
stinebdit did23:09
arrrghhhwell i thought if there was a cdma version that would help, but since there isn't...23:09
arrrghhheven if it would help it can't haha23:09
arrrghhhi am starting to hate cdma.23:10
arrrghhhlte doesn't sound like it's going to make things any easier either.23:10
stinebddo you have logcat?23:10
arrrghhhi wonder if sprint is digging their own grave by going with wimax... we'll see.23:10
arrrghhhyea i can get you a logcat.23:10
arrrghhhanything special?23:10
stinebdi need logcat -b radio in particular23:10
stinebdwith that ril i have to see if there's certain behavior happening in the wrapper23:11
arrrghhhcrap this goes beyond my screen buffer23:12
arrrghhhdo i have to esc out of it?23:13
arrrghhhseems to run perpetually23:13
stinebdor just yank the cable out of your phone ruthlessly23:13
arrrghhhpastebin here i come23:13
arrrghhh< SCREEN_STATE error: GENERIC_FAILURE23:15
arrrghhhlove it23:15
arrrghhhi think i remember hamagc pointing that one out23:15

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