Wednesday, 2010-10-20

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TheDeadCPU<erno> hm. I've lost a machine.. literally _lost_. it responds to ping, it works completely, I just can't figure out where in my apartment it is.01:20
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AbishekHi All, I wanted to know how is the performance of the XDAndroid 2.2 on the HTC Diamond phone. Is there any links that you can let me know where I can get this info...02:31
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Chilionmorning all :)03:40
ChilionXirXes: iknow u03:40
Chilionplaying travian?03:40
Chilionhavn a little trouble down here with ma phon03:45
Chilionused the SD card fix03:45
Chilionbut, when i push music, it says, there is no sd card03:45
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camrophh: still online ?04:44
Chilionim online yeah05:00
Chilioncamro, u?05:00
Chilionooh, sorry, u wr pointing to phh05:00
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Chilionweird thing05:25
Chilioncamro: still here?05:25
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Chilionknows why my service is falling away sometimes?06:55
Chilionreally it sucks07:21
Chilionmy service :p07:21
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WizzKiddwhen compiling an android kernel, and using "make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/arm-cs-tools/bin/arm-none-eabi-" (and not specifying zImage), this will make the entire kernel and modules i beleive.  I found the compiled kernel zImage sitting in "/linux-msm/arch/arm/boot" but where are the modules?09:46
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arrrghhhthere wasn't much.  gtalk was added back in, hdpi was added for gapps & for the system.10:22
arrrghhhnetloc works for gsm (which doesn't matter for us)10:23
arrrghhhdialpad fitment is fixed.10:23
NeoMatrixJRhdpi...ok, remind me what that was again.  I've seen the term before.10:24
arrrghhhbasically better display resolution as i understand it10:24
arrrghhhmdpi is raph, hdpi is rhod basically.10:24
arrrghhhwe were always using mdpi which isn't optimized for our displays.10:25
NeoMatrixJRah. so then does our stuff from the startup.txt matter anymore?10:25
NeoMatrixJRthe 240 setting?10:25
NeoMatrixJR(I think it's 240...not looking right now)10:25
arrrghhhi actually saw something on my startup once that said that option was obsolete basically10:26
arrrghhhnever confirmed it tho10:26
arrrghhh240 s/b for our phones10:26
arrrghhhaccording to reef lol10:26
NeoMatrixJRI took it out once and it messed with a bunch of apps, so I'm pretty sure at least through FRX01 you still need it10:27
NeoMatrixJRit may be obsolete, but if it's removed an incorrect default may take it's place?10:27
arrrghhhi'm not sure, like i said i never confrimed it.10:27
arrrghhhwell if it is truly obsolete, it shouldn't matter AFAIK10:28
arrrghhhi'm not even sure who would confirm that lol10:28
NeoMatrixJRI had a bunch of apps leave about 1/4 inch black space around sides and bottom of screen when I removed it10:28
arrrghhhyea probably went to 21010:29
arrrghhhi noticed that when i changed mine to 210.10:29
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JimboJoehi there11:27
JimboJoecamro: you here?11:27
JimboJoeI saw your post about my RHOD100 long post11:27
JimboJoeI answered on the forum11:27
JimboJoeI can't see what I did wrong11:27
camro1.) battery should be almost empty11:28
camro2.) charge via USV ~30min11:28
camro3.) charge via AC ~3-4hrs11:28
camro4. plugout cable + always screen on11:28
camroand let run device out of battery11:28
camrobest would beif it is set via vol_min=15 / vol_max=9011:29
JimboJoewell, then there seems to be hickup on your post #211:29
JimboJoeyou say AC 30 min and USB 3 hours11:29
JimboJoemoreover, my  RHOD100 discharges itself when plugged to USB...11:30
camrook, corrected11:31
JimboJoeok, then you say "(preconditions: best would be if the phone is 0% - 50%)", just state if it is MANDATORY :-)11:32
JimboJoeis that normal that my phone discharges when plugged to USB?11:32
camrois not mandatory11:32
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Akshey guys12:39
Aksinteresting news12:39
AksT-Mobile G2 overclocked to 1.4GHz, starts blitzing benchmarks (video)12:40
TheDeadCPUIt's the same UNDERCLOCKED 1.2GHz that is in the Desire HD12:41
AksI am going for that now !!!12:42
Aks2400 on Quad12:44
hamagcwow nice, 1.412:51
hamagcnow hwo to get my tp to hit 1.4 lol12:51
Akshow high can the TP2 go ? did anybody try higher that 768?12:54
TheDeadCPUit died on 768 afaik12:55
Aksanother piece of news which will shake up development13:00
AksGingerbread is coming out in December13:00
TheDeadCPUNO WAY?! :o13:01
TheDeadCPUI kinda figured that out in may since it's Gingerbread.13:01
TheDeadCPUBut yea, is it official?13:01
Aksits coming out on tablets - i belv there should be official release asociated with that13:02
WizzKiddcould someone point me to the git for the 2010 (latest) ARM toolchain please?13:32
WizzKiddi was recommended to use a toolchain "arm-2010xxxx" yesterday, but i cant find the log :(13:34
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camrostinebd: the 15% battery warning ... i'm not really happy with that13:40
camroexample: if the device on the line of 15% and jumping between 14-16% (related to battery consume)13:40
camroif the battery current is very different (related how much apps are running and what the user do ..), then it could be that it jumps between 14 - 16%13:42
camroand all the time i get the warning ...not funny13:42
NetZer0Hey everyone! :) I just wanted to ask about when we may expect the next release for Topaz? For your convenience, I donated some bucks for your development. :D13:43
camroNetZer0 ?: what do you mean ?13:47
camrowhat about your are talking ?13:47
NetZer0xdandroid :)13:47
camrowhere are my bucks :) ?13:48
NetZer0I just wanted to know when the next "ready-to-install"-bundle will be ready13:48
NetZer0Well, I dunno, for some strange reason I'm not on the donors list yet :P13:48
NetZer0The last is from 3rd September13:49
camroi'm also not on any list :)13:49
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Skyguy_hi all.  Quick question...  If i replace rootfs, should i delete my data file?14:59
CazHHi :)15:04
TheDeadCPUHi CazH15:05
CazHwhats up to night? :)15:05
TheDeadCPUGoing to sleep now15:05
CazHlol :P15:05
Skyguy_trying to figure out what the latest rootfs update changes15:05
TheDeadCPUI've decided to actually be awake at school..15:05
camromapping of keys15:05
CazHTheDeadCPU: had 3½ hours of sleep last night and 4 hours of overtime today feeling like I should go to sleep :S15:06
TheDeadCPUSounds about right15:07
CazHOvertime because of stupid norweign people running around all day :(15:07
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TheDeadCPUCazH, what did my people do now?15:07
CazHRunning around asking stupid question and having other stupid norwegians doing repairs in the past badly!15:08
TheDeadCPUBeing all barbarian then?15:08
CazHFollowing the documentation is not something you guys do?15:08
TheDeadCPUwat is dat15:08
TheDeadCPUWhy would we? that takes more time15:09
CazHWell we got a bunch of it, but there is stuff missing, and other stuff doesn't fit :S15:09
TheDeadCPUUse a hammer.15:09
CazHThe hammer was busy else where =/15:10
TheDeadCPUA sledgehammer then15:10
CazHHehe doesn't help on stuff wired wrong :S15:11
TheDeadCPUOFC it does15:11
CazHWell if i'm lucky I only have about 3 hours of overtime tomorrow =/15:13
TheDeadCPUYou get paid15:15
TheDeadCPUI fix cars on school, and the teachers get the money I should have earned.15:15
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TheDeadCPUCazH, the teachers have DOUBLE salary when we fix cars lol15:28
TheDeadCPUThey have lik 500nok per hour then15:28
TheDeadCPUno over 60015:28
TheDeadCPUI hate it15:28
TheDeadCPUNo wonder one of them drives a M615:28
CazHDamm, it's not like the prices for cars in norway is cheap :P15:29
TheDeadCPUnope lol15:29
TheDeadCPUAnd one of them has a PERFECT '53 BMW Isetta15:31
TheDeadCPUDoesn't drive it though lol15:31
CazHwhats the point then?15:32
TheDeadCPUHe's a BMW collecter.15:32
TheDeadCPUHe's got like 8 M3s15:32
CazHwtf, teachers must earn good money in norway15:32
TheDeadCPUThey earn about 350nok per hour15:33
TheDeadCPUAND they get just as much vacation as student.. PAID15:33
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CazHnot bad15:35
TheDeadCPUAFTER taxes.15:35
CazHthats just cheating!15:35
TheDeadCPUAnd these guys get Teacher AND mechanics salary15:35
CazHwtf that must be like over 9000?15:36
arrrghhhhrm... so i should go teach how to fix cars in norway.  duly noted.15:36
CazHarrrghhh: remeber they also has loads of pretty, stupid, easy girls there too ;)15:38
arrrghhhLOL oh i haven't forgotten that.15:38
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CazHTheDeadCPU: We are sending a train back to oslo friday, thinking about hiding in it? :P15:38
CazHmaybe I can write it up as OT? :P15:40
CazHovertime ;)15:40
TheDeadCPUHide in the train, ship it to Norway, lend my couch for a few weeks while you pick up random easy chicks?15:41
TheDeadCPUAnd put it all as OT?15:41
CazHto the top secret very special channel15:41
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TheDeadCPUGnite people.16:32
TheDeadCPUCazH, go sleep16:32
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stinebd[13:40:06] <camro> stinebd: the 15% battery warning ... i'm not really happy with that << file a bug with google16:51
stinebdor fix your driver :P16:51
camrohi stinebd :)16:52
camrohow is going ?16:52
stinebdhi, doing well. you?16:52
camrois ok, too16:52
stinebdi saw that merge earlier16:52
stinebdare people happy now?16:53
camrowell, i can disable it via the fake option, but this warning is for me a little bitt to eary ...16:53
arrrghhhstinebd, i still see people whining about keymap layouts.  so many changes tho, the users may not be using the newest stuff.  just quit changing crap :P16:54
camroif the phonehave a duration of 100% = 100hrs and there are 15% (15hrs left, then the warning is to aerly - or ?16:54
arrrghhhlol 100% & 100hrs?  are you dreamin?16:54
stinebdi can get that on my n116:54
camroarrrghhh: if they re using the latest kernel + latest rootfs, there can't be aproblem . or ?16:55
arrrghhhcamro, yea if they are...16:55
stinebdif you have anybody complaining about the keymaps, send them here16:55
stinebdand i shall promptly ban them16:55
camroarrrghhh: look to the test on the kernel v21 thread -> rhod30016:55
arrrghhhstinebd, i don't think i'd ever be able to get that, maybe if i turned all the radios off & didn't touch the phone lol16:55
camrowith screen always on 10hrs !!!!16:55
arrrghhh10 hrs is a little different from 100... :P16:56
camrotry thisunder winmo -> never coming over 8hrs16:56
arrrghhhi guess i never bothered :P16:56
stinebdwinmo power management is really funny16:56
stinebdscreen on = FULL STEAM AHEAD, while screen off = totally dead and could last a week if nothing is running16:57
arrrghhhlike funny haha or funny ouch?16:57
camrostinebd: what i mean, now the battery is looking better, maybe it is a good idea to warning the user (like a car) if the last 5% are rechaed ?16:57
stinebdthat's another frameworks/base thing16:57
stinebdto the best of my knowledge anyway16:57
stinebdi'll look and see if it has a resource available but probably not knowing google16:57
camrostinebd: if you kill all apps - check via "ps", then also 5 days is possible16:58
camrobut not sure if someone whats a complete deactivated phone :)16:58
camro15% is a base framework part ? really ?16:58
camrook, forget it ...16:58
stinebdit is but that doesn't necessarily mean it can't be configured by the vendor16:59
camrothe base framework changes are almost so slow as MS :(16:59
stinebdi know the 4% critical is hardcoded16:59
camrosure, but i don'T want to forge to wheel every day ...17:00
stinebdyou're lucky17:01 << wtf does that mean17:01
stinebdi don't do shit for brits17:02
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camro|awaystinebd: it is not so important, since i rewrite the battery algo, so, now it is possbile to set the "fake" option and the current will also calc correct as it is on battery17:06
camro|awayit was onyl an idea, which maybe it could be set to 5%17:06
stinebdit can, and i will consider it17:06
camro|awaylike on winomo or on a car17:06
camro|awaywell, but it would be fine if it will bedone in framework17:07
stinebdit can be set through a configuration file in our device tree, doesn't need a change to frameworks/base17:07
camro|awaywe must think about the at this is a base .. and with every changes we are going to another direction, so i donate for your descision to to do too much changes ...17:08
camro|awayok, amybe we think about ...17:08
camro|awaywe will see, if the battery drivers are better, maybe this is an option ...17:08
stinebdi do lots of config file changes, so it's not a problem17:08
camro|awaymaybe you keepp it in meind :)17:08
stinebdi'll file a bug about it17:08
stinebdto remind us17:08
camro|awayso, 1 last cigarette before going fucking my wife :)17:09
stinebdisn't the cigarette usually after?17:09
camro|awaytoo :)17:09
camro|awaygit pull - aaaahhh :) did that last for 1 month :)17:11
stinebdarrrghhh: is power working on any rhods?17:13
stinebdjesus all these keymaps17:16
arrrghhhit is on mine17:18
arrrghhhi guess i should try with the newest stuff17:18
arrrghhhmy apathetic sentiments exactly.17:20
stinebdcan i count on you to do foreign language testing?17:20
arrrghhhuhm.. no.17:21
arrrghhhhow can i test something i know nothing about lol?17:22
stinebdjust booting with the various stupid physkeyboard= stuff17:22
stinebdsend me your phone and i can do it for you17:23
arrrghhhwhat good would that do me tho17:24
arrrghhhthe keyboard layouts won't match17:24
stinebdthe power button is in the same place on all of them17:25
arrrghhhi didn't realize the physkeyboard= changed that mapping...17:25
arrrghhhi guess i incorrectly assumed that was for keyboard only :P17:25
arrrghhhis there a list of all the kbd layouts?   babijoee i think had a list, not sure it was exhaustive or not.17:25
stinebdin rootfs/init17:26
stinebdthe list is a big if-then-else statement17:26
stinebdanyway just try it with physkeyboard=rhod100_uk17:26
arrrghhhlol ok17:27
arrrghhhi can do that .17:27
stinebdif that one works the others should be fine17:27
stinebdand one more thing17:27
stinebdwait for the new rootfs before doing it17:27
arrrghhhanother new one?17:27
arrrghhhyou're a machine :P17:27
stinebdthe rootfs building machine is the machine17:27
arrrghhhwell you're a machine that feeds the rootfs building machine.17:28
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arrrghhhstinebd, did you see the thread on the femtocell crap?17:29
xdandroidNew rootfs available (20101020-0ede780) at: -- Changes at:
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arrrghhhseems we've also got some hamagc lookalikes in the forums.17:44
arrrghhhppls on sprint complaining newest kernel breaks their data.17:45
stinebdpeople on sprint complain about everything17:45
arrrghhhseriously.  dicks.17:45
stinebdthey must be a really bad carrier to have no happy customers17:46
arrrghhhoh... wait.17:46
stinebd(says the guy with att)17:46
arrrghhhit's you durn developers.  you need to make everything work perfectly with out regressions!17:46
arrrghhhusers don't get regressions.  seems to be the norm with this project too.17:46
stinebdregressions keep me in business!17:46
arrrghhhi didn't realize you were in business here :P17:47
stinebdoh wow17:48
arrrghhhi don't know how many times i tell people to check the force cdma command17:48
arrrghhhor to remap their freaking end key to home.17:48
stinebdi forgot i put htc_ril_wrapper in my system image17:48
stinebdthe thing that lets you run htc's ril with pppd instead of crappy rmnet17:49
arrrghhhi didn't realize that even came into play with our system.17:49
arrrghhhi know people on hd2 are clamoring for rmnet to be workin.17:49
arrrghhhok so with the newest, my power button works.  now to try with rhod100_uk17:50
stinebdwhat's taking you so long?!17:50
arrrghhhi booted with the newest with my rhod400 in there to make sure status quo was still that... :P17:50
arrrghhhc'mon man, gotta be scientific about it lest i be a worthless tester.17:51
stinebdthere wasn't anything scientific about the changes in the first place, why should there be in the testing?17:51
arrrghhhmakes me feel better at least.17:51
stinebdbreaking crap is an art, not a science17:51
arrrghhhi haven't ran with the newest rootfs, so i wanted to be sure.17:51
arrrghhhhahaha i was never good with art :P17:52
arrrghhhoy these failed boots are not helping the whole me taking a long time thing...17:57
hamagcwhat did i do now?18:00
arrrghhheverything wrong.18:01
arrrghhhso stinebd18:01
arrrghhhrhod100_uk keymap.  power button works.18:01
hamagcwe're clamoring for rmnet to work too18:01
arrrghhhdude no body is clamoring for that.18:02
hamagci believe rmnet would get mms to work for us and make data more stable18:02
arrrghhhmms pffft18:02
arrrghhhpeople use that? :P18:02
hamagcapparently alot18:02
hamagci never noticed until i started running xdandroid18:02
arrrghhhi can't even recieve them properly in winmo, they just come in as emails.18:02
hamagcsuddenly everyone wants to send me pics18:02
hamagcso i'm not the only one with broken data now?18:03
arrrghhhalright goin home.18:03
hamagcwoot! it's not the phone then!18:03
arrrghhhhamagc, evidently not.18:03
stinebdandroid does a thing where it sends messages to all your contacts that say "SEND ME A PICTURE PLEASE"18:03
arrrghhhit's the user.18:03
arrrghhhi'll cya guys in a few.18:03
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hamagclater arrhgg18:03
hamagcmy kb just threw up in this channel18:03
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arrrghhhstinebd, anything else i need to test for ya?  :P18:36
arrrghhhor i should say do you have anything else that needs testing.18:37
stinebdno, thanks18:37
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stinebdthis usb stuff broke adb it seems19:02
arrrghhhuser error, works for me.19:03
stinebdbut does it keep working?19:03
stinebdeventually adb disconnects and refuses to reconnect19:03
stinebdcould be battery related too i guess19:03
arrrghhhi had a session for several hours once19:03
stinebdsince the usb merge?19:03
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arrrghhhi've never used adb before it, so yea.19:04
stinebdwith a full battery?19:04
arrrghhhi didn't think it fixed raph tho19:04
arrrghhhthe usb commit19:04
arrrghhhi thought you still had to do the activesync crap.19:04
stinebdi always boot with usb plugged in19:05
arrrghhhyea, i don't think the commit for usb applied to the raph.19:05
stinebdit sure did19:05
stinebdthat was a big merge19:05
arrrghhhacl said it didn't fix the activesync on boot crap... dunno.19:05
stinebdwell something broke adb19:05
arrrghhhare you doing this on winblows?19:06
stinebdi don't have any windows machines19:06
arrrghhhi didn't think so19:06
stinebdyeah usb is really really wonky for me now19:08
arrrghhhstill sounds like user error.19:09
stinebdno this is definitely a problem19:09
arrrghhhyou have multiple RAPHs at this point right?19:09
stinebdlooks like adb connects, battery generates a false full event, adb shuts down19:09
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stinebdunplug, replug after a few seconds, no response in android19:10
stinebdunplus, replug after a few minutes, adb connects, battery generates false full, adb shuts down19:10
arrrghhhhow full is your battery?19:10
stinebdi'll have to reboot with camro's latest change backed out19:10
stinebddon't know19:10
stinebdit claims ~90%19:11
arrrghhhare you on an autobuild kernel?19:11
stinebdi don't use that junk19:12
arrrghhhlmao then you're unsupported :P19:12
stinebdthe only changes in my tree are for hw3d19:12
stinebd(at the moment)19:12
stinebdobserve as i bisect this19:13
stinebdsince you're clearly no help19:13
* stinebd runs19:13
arrrghhhsomeone told you i was helpful?19:14
arrrghhhthey LIED19:14
stinebdi hate bisecting19:19
stinebdunless it's oreos19:21
arrrghhhor blondes?19:27
arrrghhhwait, no... that sounds a little serial killlerish19:27
stinebdmore like do the world a favorish19:27
stinebdusb: suspend19:28
stinebdheyyy there it goes19:30
stinebdfor now19:30
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xdandroidNew XDAndroid Releases bug 34 filed...19:37
xdandroidBug enhancement, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, Android battery whining at 15%19:37
stinebddouble secret RESOLVED INVALID?19:39
arrrghhhdidn't you tell camro you could fix it lol19:41
arrrghhhoh you filed that LOL19:41
arrrghhhso why do we have to wait for the battery consumption to be under control?19:42
arrrghhhit seems now more than ever we need this.  although with camro's battery algo fixes we actually need it less..19:42
stinebdbecause we don't want to wait until the user has one hour left on battery to start whining19:42
stinebdor in my case, less than an hour19:42
arrrghhhis that the default from android?19:42
arrrghhhthe 15% whine point?19:42
stinebdthere's a kernel-based workaround already, so i'm not concerned about just shutting it up19:43
arrrghhhwhat the fake command?19:44
stinebdmin_vol now19:44
stinebdor similar19:44
arrrghhhmust be new from camro :D19:44
stinebddo you even read the commit messages? :P19:44
arrrghhhlmao i haven't downloaded stuff from autobuild in a while.19:44
arrrghhhi can't use android ft, so i mostly just test for devs.19:44
stinebdmodule_param_named(vol_min, vol_min, int, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP);19:44
stinebdif you don't know what THAT means...19:45
arrrghhh... i should shoot myself?19:46
arrrghhhnot sure how to finish that sentence in a good way.19:46
stinebdyou're a very violent person19:46
arrrghhhwell... thank you.19:46
stinebd    <!-- Control whether status bar should distinguish HSPA data icon form UMTS data icon on devices -->19:46
stinebd    <bool name="config_hspa_data_distinguishable">false</bool>19:46
stinebdi was thinking about changing that just to see what it's like19:47
stinebdand to throw people off19:47
stinebdtell them it means SUPER HIGH SPEED19:47
stinebdfaster neopeek etc19:47
stinebdor whatever it's called19:47
stinebdneopeek is funnier19:47
arrrghhhi think that's for grfx testing, but hey.19:48
stinebd    <!-- Enables swipe versus poly-finger touch disambiguation in the KeyboardView -->19:48
stinebd    <bool name="config_swipeDisambiguation">true</bool>19:48
stinebdwtf does that mean?19:48
arrrghhhpoly finger...19:48
stinebdwe don't have multitouch19:48
stinebdtherefore false19:48
arrrghhhi'm assuming that's from android as well.19:49
stinebdthese are all coming from the upstream frameworks/base config file19:49
stinebd    <!-- Component name of the default wallpaper. This will be ImageWallpaper if not        specified -->19:50
stinebd    <string name="default_wallpaper_component">MarioLiveWallpaper</string>19:50
arrrghhhwe need angry birds built in to the builds as well :P19:50
stinebd<stringmatch name="config_blockedApps">Angry*</stringmatch>19:51
arrrghhhthat i understand at least :P19:51
stinebdok no more work for me19:56
arrrghhhwhat is with all these 800 users...20:01
arrrghhhhammy ain't here either.20:01
arrrghhhso some random people are still reporting mic issues as well.20:02
arrrghhha bunch of people said it's fixed, but i still see posts saying it's broken.20:02
arrrghhhhaven't been able to nail one down tho, they may be using old stuff.20:02
arrrghhhkinda wish i could've kept my 80020:04
arrrghhhoh well20:05
xdandroidNew XDAndroid Releases bug 35 filed...20:29
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, Menu button or Action button missing20:29
stinebdi swear to god20:30 changed the Status on bug 35 from NEW to RESOLVED INVALID.20:31
arrrghhhthey want their action button!20:33
arrrghhhdude someone just sent me an email @ my xdandroid address.20:36
stinebdget used to it20:36
arrrghhhi don't know this dude20:36
stinebddefinitely get used to that20:36
arrrghhhsounds like jail, with less rape.20:36
arrrghhhphysical rape.20:37
stinebddid you not see bug 35?20:37
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, RESOLVED INVALID, Menu button or Action button missing20:37
arrrghhhLOL yes i saw bug 3520:37
arrrghhhi was sayin they want their action button!20:37
arrrghhhtalk about not reading commits :P20:37
stinebdi wonder if any android phones have that20:37
arrrghhhthat update utility is evil.20:38
arrrghhhcan't you click the button on the n120:38
arrrghhhand whatever phone has that trackball20:38
arrrghhhi'm sure there's others.20:38
stinebdtrackball is menu20:39
arrrghhhshows what i know.20:39
stinebdoh no it isnt20:39
stinebdtrackball is trackball20:39
arrrghhh<-------- never used a native android device for more than 120 seconds lol20:39
stinebdme neither20:39
arrrghhhit doesn't click down?20:39
arrrghhhyou own an n1 i thought.  dick.20:39
arrrghhhsir richard!20:39
stinebdyeah trackball clicks20:40
stinebdi wonder what trackpad does20:40
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arrrghhhstinebd, can whiny users of raph just go back to the older rootfs and have the center button be enter again...?  i want to make sure nothing in the kernel would break it...21:42
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arrrghhhi think that was english...21:43
arrrghhhmaybe this norwegian can help.21:43
stinebdsomeone explain to me why we need the center button21:44
TheDeadCPUWE don't, people that doesn't know how to move their hand to the screen to select something does.21:44
arrrghhhstinebd, i don't know, i don't even have the device.  you know how the monkeys get21:44
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, how can I help now?21:45
arrrghhhthey think they know how they want it, and it should be like that.21:45
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, you're doin just fine boy.21:45
TheDeadCPUI'm confused.21:45
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arrrghhhdon't sweat it haha21:46
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stinebddue to my growing frustration over the keymap nonsense... i've given users more than enough time to provide feedback about the changes. we've rearranged the keymap to do what the buttons are labelled to do. it's sane and it's staying that way21:47
arrrghhhno no don't change anything21:47
arrrghhhi just want to tell this particular monkey that he can keep his rootfs back and it'll work21:48
stinebdit won't21:48
arrrghhhi don't want to tell him the wrong thing, i'm not a monster.21:48
stinebdnot universally anyway21:48
arrrghhhso he has to keep his kernel back to then eh?  that's not such a good option.  oh well.21:48
stinebdthe fuze keymap for sure won't. other keymaps might work but are totally unsupported. rhod definitely won't work21:49
* TheDeadCPU mass cleans a tread on XDA.21:49
arrrghhhwell rhod doesn't have a center button... so that's fine :P21:49
stinebdwe've got resistive touchscreens and a stylus, no need for a button21:50
arrrghhhyou don't have to make the argument to me d00d21:50
arrrghhhi'm just trying to tell this guy something that'll make him happy lol21:51
arrrghhh(and stfu)21:51
stinebddon't worry about making everyone happy21:51
stinebdif he's not happy he can suck it up or fork rootfs21:51
arrrghhhi just want him to STFU!!!!21:51
arrrghhhhappiness has nothing to do with it really.21:51
stinebdfire the old EOD gun21:51
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arrrghhhalright i'll just put a disclaimer in mah post.21:54
arrrghhhah yea, that's a goooooooood post.21:55
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