Tuesday, 2010-10-19

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Chilionjust wondering, ma Touch Pro2 just keeps searching for a provider10:16
Chilionany toughts how I could help it out, or wont he find it? (t-mobile NL)10:17
arrrghhhdo you ever get service?10:17
arrrghhhforce cdma set to...?10:18
arrrghhhi'm assuming you're GSM, so it should be =010:18
Chilionwell, i spend whole day lookin the internet for info about xdandroid10:18
Chilionread about it10:18
Chilionbut dunno where to set10:18
Chilionthe force cdma10:18
arrrghhhdid you read reef's faq?10:19
Chilionfrom ppc?10:19
arrrghhhthat's probably one of the better things to read.10:19
Chilionok, ill do it again ;)\10:19
arrrghhhwell his site is on sites.google10:19
Chilionyouve got the link?10:20
arrrghhhlooks like he needs to update that little diagram haha10:20
Chilionhaha, naice diagram tough10:21
arrrghhhaudio & 3d work on tp2 now :P10:22
Chilionso, I have to change the value 1 to 0 in startup.txt?10:24
arrrghhhyes :D10:24
arrrghhhit should be a 0 if you're on GSM10:25
Chilionbut, i read something about puttn simcard out or in10:25
Chilionverry anyoing10:25
ChilionI always have the wrong provider :p10:25
Chilion I have heard some need the SIM due to they are using their CDMA phone on T-Mobile or something10:25
ChilionThat sentence, definitly, i have the wrong provider again :\10:25
arrrghhhdo you have service?10:26
Chilionnot yet10:26
arrrghhhi heard gsm will read from the tower you're connected to.10:26
Chilionshould i put the phone off?10:26
Chilioncause cant edit the file now10:26
Chilionma PC doenst recognize it now10:26
arrrghhhwell you can't read a card that's mounted by the os :P10:27
Chilionill switch it off10:27
arrrghhhandroid kinda needs the card to run10:27
Chilionhehe :p10:27
arrrghhhdid you change that value?10:27
arrrghhhsometimes it takes a few to boot up.10:27
Chilionno, will change it right away, when its closed10:27
arrrghhhg2g to work.  i'll bbl.10:28
Chiliontnx for helping sofar!10:28
Chilionwhat file should I have ? :P10:29
Chilionalot off Rhodium's in there10:30
Chilionill open all of them :P10:30
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ChilionLol, anyone can help out futher?10:43
Chilioni do not have an SD Card inserted10:43
Chilionbut there is one :P10:43
ChilionI only get the error10:43
Chilionwhen trying to play music10:43
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emwestinebd: regarding the keymap thingy. just let me know when you wan't it changed.13:25
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hamagcarrrghhh: hey any reports of data not working on raph800?13:35
arrrghhhjust you13:35
hamagclol always13:36
hamagceven with a new data.img, i get a 3g icon but no data moving13:36
hamagcunliuke with camros kernels though, i don't get a no connection error, it just sits like it's trying to do something but no data moves13:36
arrrghhhhave you tried the apn crap?13:36
hamagcno, apns are automatic now, but let me look13:36
arrrghhhshould be automatic.13:38
arrrghhhdon't go makin assumptions without doing any troubleshooting.13:38
hamagcshould be lol. i tried with original data.img and same effect. it's booting now so i'll let you know in a sec13:38
hamagcmaybe clean out cashe folder?13:39
hamagcdoes that do anytihng for us?13:39
arrrghhhnever heard of that for a troubleshooting step before.13:39
hamagci know that was suggested when we moved from 2.1 to 2.213:39
arrrghhhnever heard of it13:40
arrrghhhnot saying it's a lie, i've just never heard of it :P13:40
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hamagcok so really weird. i have sms but no internet13:42
emwebecause sms goes over gsm/cdma control lines13:42
hamagci thought that was in there with data13:42
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hamagcmaybe i'm thinking mms13:43
emwemms is data, yap ;)13:43
emweperhaps adb'ing the issue might help ;)13:43
hamagcok apn is in there, wifi works just no cell data13:43
emweor install CatLog to see logcat from android to get a clue what might be wrong.13:43
hamagchaven't tried adb on this kernel yet13:43
hamagci'm running a log right now. would radio be best?13:44
arrrghhhsms is not data13:44
arrrghhhsms is like a phone call :P13:44
emwearrrghhh: not even that...13:44
arrrghhhit uses the same principle13:44
emwehamagc: logcat also spits out some pppd stuff iirc. not sure ;)13:44
arrrghhhi see my phone go to 1x with sms just like it does with a cal.13:44
emwearrrghhh: 1x? some us-american stuff i have no clue about it seems ;)13:45
hamagcok let me post my log and boot with activesync to see if adb still works on this kernel13:45
emweis that something like connection lanes? like pcie 16x? ;)13:45
hamagc1x is 1xrtt13:45
hamagcor 2g13:45
arrrghhhand i can't stay in evdo if i'm using sms or phone call.13:46
arrrghhhit drops to 1x.13:46
emwei should read up about us telephony systems one day ;)13:46
hamagcit's the equivalent of gsm hitting edge for sms and calls.13:47
emwehm, i thought the device should stay in it's data state where it was... but as you mention. i always fall back to gprs on data when having a call.13:48
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emweevening ;)13:48
hamagcya thats normal13:48
arrrghhhnormal indeed13:49
arrrghhhcamro, what's up d00d13:49
hamagcso anyone try out the yahoo app yet?13:49
Akswhich yahoo app13:49
hamagcthe new one13:49
emwebecause data+phone share the same "connection" to the network? thought was kind of independant. (data and phone)13:50
Aksnot yet13:51
hamagccdma it does, on gsm it's different13:51
hamagccdma shuts off data on call, gsm uses different channels so you can have both13:51
Aksi m trying camro's build v19 .. and it crapped out 2 times13:51
arrrghhhyea gsm has tech that you can do both at the same time13:51
arrrghhhsupposedly evdo rev a supports it...13:51
emwehamagc: it shuts off data on cdma?13:52
arrrghhhyea you can't have data and voice running at the same time.13:52
hamagcwith 4g you can though13:52
emwesorry. couldn't resist ;)13:52
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emwebbl. supper time.13:53
arrrghhhno one said cdma was advanced :P13:53
hamagcgah! no adb on latest kernel for me13:53
hamagcwell this is all bad.13:53
hamagcno data, no adb, all on a new data.img13:53
hamagclol i feel like this project is dying on my device13:54
arrrghhhit is13:54
hamagcbut i'm getting something cool next week13:54
* arrrghhh figured out a way to target only hamagc's phone to break13:54
hamagcmy g/f is all excited so i don't know if i'm getting a hero or something better :P13:55
Aksnice !!!13:55
Akscamro - build v19 is not working on rhod40013:55
hamagcdamnit arrrghhh, i knew it was you!13:55
hamagcand your dos cellular attacks!13:55
hamagcbah, i ahve to goto a chamber of commerce lunchin today13:55
arrrghhhfun fun13:56
arrrghhhi have to dig thru packet captures to figure out why a phone is resetting.13:56
hamagcE/pppd    ( 1795): Failed to open /dev/smd1: m13:57
hamagchmm, that looks familar13:57
hamagcbut i have to run, bbl13:58
Akstrying v1814:00
Aksarrrghhh - i have the new rootfs14:01
Aksis that the problem in starting android14:01
arrrghhhshouldn't be a problem14:02
Akscustom android phones - http://www.engadget.com/2010/10/19/caveat-emptor-custom-android-handsets-all-the-rage-in-germany/14:06
Akslucky bastas14:08
arrrghhhi think we need a serious overhaul in this country.  the way carriers lock phones down is ridiculous.14:10
Aksits crazy what we have here14:10
Aksall other countries are free to use what they want14:11
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ChilionHi all!15:32
Chilionis develpment really discontinued?15:36
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arrrghhhyea dude15:37
arrrghhhdevelopment stopped months ago15:37
ChilionSuch a great project!15:37
arrrghhheveryone bought iPhones.15:37
arrrghhhthey all decided Android was not the way.15:37
Chilionfff, iPhone sucks15:37
ChilionAndroid is THE way15:37
arrrghhhhey i would've loved a complete port, just not how things go.15:38
Chilionyoure a developer yourself?15:38
Chilionhmm ok15:38
arrrghhhand I'M KIDDING15:38
arrrghhhwhat do you mean development has discontinued?15:39
Chilionxda topic says so15:39
arrrghhhthey just pushed a new kernel just a couple of days ago.15:39
arrrghhhfor 2.115:39
arrrghhh2.2 development is goin strong15:39
Chilionah, lol, stupid me :P15:39
arrrghhhman that was too easy dude.15:39
Chilionhehe :P15:39
arrrghhhhahaha sorry.15:39
Chilionno, my bad :P15:39
Chilionwell if development still continiues15:40
Chilionthen question15:40
Chilionwhy is my phone going out all the time? :P15:40
arrrghhhnot sure what you mean by that15:40
arrrghhhit's an ongoing struggle15:40
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Chilionits just shutting down  :P15:41
arrrghhhrestarts seem to be the norm15:42
arrrghhhshut down... not so much.15:42
MacPWhen I download the http://htcandroid.xland.cz/XDANDROID.2.2.AOSP.3.9.10.RC.2.2.system.7z it extracts a .ext2 file. Why ?15:43
Chilionno, not restart15:44
Chilionneed do do it myself15:44
ChilionMacP, search a good one yourself then15:44
Chilionmore thn enough on this website15:44
MacPI'll find it. No prob15:45
arrrghhhthe ext2 file just replaces the old one15:46
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arrrghhhMacP, it's an update.  so if you don't have a bundle, you need to get it before downloading any updates.15:48
MacPThought so15:49
MacPFound the CAB file now15:49
Akscamro's all new builds after v14 are bombing on my rhod15:49
arrrghhhcamro ain't here15:50
Akswill talk to him15:50
Aksthe phone just freezes or restarts inwinmo15:50
arrrghhhdo your due diligence before talking to him!15:50
Akssure :)15:51
arrrghhhyou know what i mean by that right?15:51
Akschecking everything15:51
Aksi took out the new rootfs n all15:51
arrrghhhdelete (move, rename) data.img15:52
arrrghhhformat card15:52
arrrghhhall the crap to isolate15:52
arrrghhhmake sure you're running a clean build15:52
arrrghhhetc etc.  just want to make damned sure it is his kernel and not something with your device/setup.15:52
ChilionHmm, arrrghhh, another thingie15:54
Chilionin WM i just can use internet15:54
Chilionon android it doesnt work anymore15:54
arrrghhhit did before...?15:54
Chilionnever did15:55
arrrghhhare you on gsm?15:56
arrrghhhi think we went over the force cdma trick earlier15:56
arrrghhhassuming that's been done, and you can make phone calls, the only other problem would be impatience, or APN.15:57
arrrghhhor a funky network that requires a proxy15:57
arrrghhhor, i guess, android sometimes flakes on the 3gness.15:57
arrrghhhbut it should work in the beginning if it was that last case :P15:57
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fuzedudeMy GSM Raphael is working great... good job everybody. Any estimates of how difficult/lengthy it will be to improve battery life?16:00
Chilionarrrghhh yes, on GSM, had the force trick16:04
Chilionused it al ready16:04
fuzedudewhen I say battery life I mean during idle... wi-fi off, screen off, 3G radio off, 2G radio in standby16:06
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fuzedudeusing the most recent rootfs and kernel, the battery loses 85% of its charge after ~8 hours of idling16:09
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stinebdemwe: regarding the keymap thingy, whenever you want. the users don't really care if it's broken between kernel and rootfs releases. plus we might get more donations after fixing it17:22
arrrghhhlol hold out for the donations17:30
arrrghhhhype up the fix before it's pushed :P17:30
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emwestinebd: lol17:40
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WizzKiddim trying to compile a kernel for android on htc, http://pastebin.com/8p686vuH - thats my toolchain bin folder. And i'm typing this: "make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=~/psfreedom-project/arm-cs-tools/bin/arm-none-eabi-" where have i gone wrong?17:45
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emweWizzKidd: there is a tutorial site somewhere... let me find it again...17:49
emwestinebd: pushed.17:49
emweWizzKidd: http://www.androidonhtc.com/wiki/Get_Involved17:50
emweWizzKidd: you might want to a more uptodate toolchain. i am using 2010q1 e.g.17:50
emwe*to get17:50
WizzKiddemwe: sorry, whats the benifits of that new toolchain17:50
emweWizzKidd: it's the toolchain which is used by "everyone"17:51
emweyou might also be able to use the one from android tree. never tried it though.17:51
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WizzKiddohhh. damn it, so im compiling using an old toolchain?17:52
emwewhich toolchain are you using? from where?17:52
emwei can only tell that i am quite sure everybody is using that one.17:52
WizzKiddim using this one: http://github.com/jsnyder/arm-eabi-toolchain/17:53
emwepuh. that one might work as well.17:54
emweno idea, sorry.17:54
emwebut why not using the kind of officially used toolchain from codesourcery? ;)17:54
WizzKiddi will follow that tutorial to the letter from now on. it has everything i need.  I aquired all the information in that tutorial over a couple of days scrounging bits of help from all different ppl.17:56
emwethat toolchain there has the advantage that you don't have to build it :)18:02
emwebut the binaries with that one are called "arm-none-linux-gnueabi-*" with that one18:03
emwestinebd: any news from the raph100 donator?18:04
WizzKiddemwe: thanks18:09
stinebdemwe: i have to contact him to work out the logistics. can i CC you on an email to him? or if you'd prefer not to give him your address i can have it shipped to me and i'll send it to you.18:09
stinebdnot sure you can trust me any more though ;)18:09
emwestinebd: hehe. ship to you and then to him? that sounds eh.. you are in US, right?18:10
emweDE here18:10
stinebdemwe: yeah. i don't even know where he is though18:10
hamagcstinebd: E/pppd    ( 1795): Failed to open /dev/smd1: m - what does this mean and why does it break my data lol18:10
stinebdhamagc: it means you've been touching yourself too much18:10
stinebdor not enough18:11
hamagcdamnit, grandma told me this would happen!18:11
emwehamagc: failed to open shared memory device. now pls don't ask me if that is the radio18:11
emwestinebd: cc me on the mail. and regarding my address.. it is publically available on my little homepage anyway.18:11
stinebdemwe: pm me your preferred email18:11
stinebddont say it in here because spambots harvest with logs18:12
emwestinebd: you can use the official one ;) mweirauch@xdandroid.com eh? ;)18:12
hamagchow do i get around it? i've seen it before and it took a kernel fix to correct it (camro's test kernels) but now i'm getting it on glemsoms kernels18:12
stinebddon't worry, gapps has good filtering18:12
emwehamagc: since when do you get that?18:12
hamagcsince updating to glemsom latest kernel18:13
hamagcand this is on a new data.img18:13
emweah, i though my recent pmem commit broke it.. but it's not up yet on glemsom ;)18:14
hamagclol, no this one isn't you :)18:14
stinebdemwe: when you get the email, you can follow up with the donor with shipping information. i offered to reimburse him on shipping costs, so if he wants that, make sure one of you gets back to me with the total postage. also, keep in mind he has to wait probably a week or so before he can send it (new device may not have arrived yet)18:15
emwestinebd: thank you. i will keep you posted. the reimbursment comes from the xdandroid war chest i hope? otherwise i have some bucks left on paypal for the monodie device detection fixes. haha...18:17
stinebdemwe: yes, we should have enough to cover it18:17
stinebdunless you send it with a time machine into the past or something18:17
arrrghhhthat does get expensive i hear.18:18
stinebdbtw if you ever want a cut of that war chest, just email me18:18
emwebut those time machines are expensive these days.18:18
stinebdeventually i'll work out some system to send the funds to active developers18:19
arrrghhhi need an XDAndroid-branded hot tub if you can help me out there stinebd18:19
stinebdcafepress might do that18:19
emwestinebd: thx for the offer. i think you will work out something nice regarding donation sharing.18:20
emweoh how i hate to dump ram console via haretscripting...18:21
emweit should autostart haret and dump on boot...18:22
emwehamagc: from a short look smd1 is SMD_DIAG18:23
emwe"sounds" like not that radio/data-ish ;)18:23
emwei might be totally wrong about it's use, htough18:23
stinebdcdma is the same?18:23
hamagcya it doesn't sound like it has anything to do with it lol but it's coming up as an error for pppd18:24
emwestinebd: iirc the IDs are fixed.18:25
stinebdnothing is fixed in cdma18:25
emwe27 for gpsnmea e.g.18:25
stinebdit's all broken18:25
arrrghhhstinebd, FIX IT18:26
stinebdmore fun to whine about it18:26
emwehamagc: but perhaps a premature diag error makes the rest fail18:26
arrrghhheh, i just don't use my phone as a phone in Android.18:26
arrrghhhproblem solved.18:26
hamagcwell apparently smd_diag has somethign to do with the cdma radio18:27
hamagcvia makk: smd_diag (something on the cdma radio, which is weird since I was in airplane mode),18:27
arrrghhhi was playing around with android the other day and of course my dad calls.  freakin phone doesn't work at all, just does some mini-reset thing.  so i soft-reset to winmo, and mic/ incall speaker don't work at all.  of course i call him 3x before i figure it out & soft-reset again.  he was PISSED lol18:27
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emweyah, the incall volume stuff is nuts18:33
emweand those android soft-reset thingies. dunno how they are called in android-speek. core-crash-reset?18:34
emweand on gsm-topa calls get lost on some period of deep sleep. no reaction of the phone...18:34
emweseems to be not the case for cdma-topa...18:34
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Gwuat-manhello does the keyboard backlight work on the TP218:35
arrrghhhyou can fix it to always be on - just boot Android with it on ;)18:36
emwe[  178.627319] msm_pm_collapse(): returned 118:37
emwe[  178.627319] msm_sleep: calling acpuclk_set_rate(SR_PC) now18:37
Gwuat-manI see the sarcasm in the smiley18:37
Gwuat-manyet im still lost lol18:37
emwe^^ it never returns from the latter on pm.sleep_mode=1...18:38
Gwuat-manwhere is the setting to boot it18:38
arrrghhhGwuat-man, what don't you understand... kbd lights don't work.18:39
emweGwuat-man: what i posted was not meant for you ;)18:39
arrrghhhyou can force them to ALWAYS be on, you just need to boot android with the kbd lights on in WinMo18:40
Gwuat-manok...thanks...Ill go back into winmo and look for the figure it out18:40
emwei suppose hit some keys and quickly start haret before the lights go off again18:41
emwethen their setting will not be reset18:41
Gwuat-manIll try that too18:42
arrrghhhkbd lights is coming soon, but there's other things that need to be committed first.18:42
Gwuat-manjust a question18:42
Gwuat-manas for now android mode is for daytime use =-)18:42
arrrghhheh Android is for testing for me.18:42
arrrghhhcan't use it full time whatsoever.18:43
Gwuat-manIve seen that18:43
Gwuat-manbut it's readily improving18:43
xdandroidNew rootfs available (20101019-0ccf73d) at: http://is.gd/g8Num -- Changes at: http://is.gd/g8Nuk18:43
hamagcok so i unintalled everything, now i have 3 pieces of hardware with no drivers lol18:43
hamagccdc acm, cdc acm data, and xda18:43
stinebd^ totally untested18:43
stinebdno time for me to test18:44
arrrghhheh more raph crap18:44
arrrghhhwho care18:44
stinebdshould satisfy rhod too18:44
stinebdfor the most part18:44
stinebdbrings menu back, still no home button18:44
arrrghhhi didn't have an issue.18:44
arrrghhhi'm not sure anymore.18:45
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stinebdsomeone said rhod's menu key stopped working18:45
arrrghhhdidn't have that happen to me18:46
stinebdwell whatever18:46
arrrghhhi know someone wanted the win key to be home because it was their home key...18:46
arrrghhhi believe18:46
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hamagci have adb18:48
hamagchad to force the drivers in but i has adb!18:48
emwestinebd: hm hm hm ... my topa winkey is still home-key with LRFS18:54
stinebdi guess i misunderstood the complaint then18:54
stinebderr wait18:55
NeoMatrixJRhamagc: did driver trick work for you?18:55
stinebdstill home?18:56
stinebdso it's been home the whole time?18:56
emwestinebd: it's still home for me on topa like the previous RFS. the one before the last two RFS was ok18:56
emwestinebd: 20100917 was ok for topa.18:57
emweeverythng perfect so to say18:57
stinebdoh right18:57
stinebdforgot one file18:57
emweah the oldqwerty eh?18:58
emwejust looked at the filenames as you mentioned "other". didn't notice before when comparing the commits...18:59
stinebdneither did i apparently18:59
hamagcNeoMatrixJR: ya, worked19:02
hamagcthansk for the headsup on that19:02
hamagcor arrrghhh19:02
hamagcor whoever suggested that one first19:02
arrrghhhi think it was neo :P19:03
hamagclol k19:03
arrrghhhi just told you to use linux haha19:03
xdandroidNew rootfs available (20101019-c11122f) at: http://is.gd/g8OX8 -- Changes at: http://is.gd/g8OX719:03
arrrghhhfast&furious rootfs updates :P19:03
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emwebut where's the kernel build?!19:04
arrrghhhc'mon stine whip out those C skillz19:05
hamagcanother one?19:06
hamagcjeez, i can't keep up with the updates today19:06
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stinebdi guess i should've waited for the kernel update19:08
hamagcok i have to run19:08
hamagctomorrow guys19:08
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emwehm. usually glemson is quite fast with his builds. dunno what's up19:09
emwestinebd: just to let you know, winkey is home again with latest rfs for me.19:33
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stinebdthen something is wrong19:39
stinebdgrep 139.*HOME returns nothing19:40
stinebd139 being KEY_MENU in kernel19:41
emwestinebd: sorry!19:45
emwestinebd: forget.. winkey is menu! i mixed it up. everything is fine.19:46
arrrghhhsee why can't you blame his crap on user error :P19:46
emweit's 1:45am here... i should get to bed when clock rings at 6am19:46
stinebdbecause he pushes stuff to the kernel for me19:46
arrrghhhah i see.  inside man.19:47
stinebdi can't badmouth him or i don't get my fix, see19:47
emwedamn acpuclock... nearing the place where it freezes...19:47
TheDeadCPUemwe, I was thinking about doing the same.19:47
emwestinebd: as if you wouldn't get commit access if you asked phh :P19:47
TheDeadCPUphh hates stinebd.19:48
stinebdemwe: what do you think about mic = home?19:48
stinebdit doesn't do anything now does it?19:48
emwestinebd: mic? what where? is that a button i never found on my topa?19:49
stinebdplease tell me topa has it19:49
stinebd****ing htc19:49
emwebut we have an yet unused zoombar below the screen.19:49
emwethough about misusing it as a secondary button-bar19:49
stinebdunused and unhandled i assume19:49
stinebdi wouldn't mind + = home19:50
emwewe need to make stickers then which people put on their zoombar... with icons ;)19:50
arrrghhhrhod has the same zoombar19:50
TheDeadCPURAPH has that only around the middle button19:50
stinebdraph is trash, be quiet19:51
stinebdoh wait i have a raph19:51
emweehm? was that me that is perhaps about to get one donated? ;)19:51
TheDeadCPUthe raph is nice.19:51
stinebdpeople badmouth the raph navi pad but at least it has enough buttons :P19:51
stinebdalso it works so much better in linux than in winmo for some reason19:52
stinebdleft/right are impossible to hit in winmo19:52
TheDeadCPUYea, even Android Sense is more smooth then winmo Sense.19:52
emwestupid question... when you say navipad... it is like LRUD keys?19:52
stinebdnot really19:53
stinebdlet me get you a picture19:53
stinebdthat panel under the line is the navi pad19:53
stinebd2 physical buttons with a capacitive pad on top19:53
stinebdand a third physical button in the middle of course19:54
stinebdit's a stupid concept and doesn't work reliably19:54
stinebdbut at least it has more than 4 buttons19:54
emweso you "slide" over it to "scroll"?19:54
stinebdslide around the center button19:54
arrrghhhit's like a jogwheel19:54
stinebdin a circle19:54
stinebdunfortunately the "logical" buttons are handled in software19:55
stinebdand the software is (usually) winmo19:55
stinebda bad combination...19:55
emwein a circle sounds like only one axis?19:55
emweso it isn't really useful to navigate in a text editor you say?19:56
stinebdbut there are four erogenous zones around the center button which you can also press down (in theory)19:56
emwenice wording ;)19:56
stinebdlike any true erogenous zone, it's very hard to find19:56
emwewhonder why they didn't call it g-pad then19:56
TheDeadCPUstinebd, those work on xdandroid but not in winmo lol19:57
TheDeadCPUemwe, Lol19:57
stinebdthe entire navipad has always had issues in winmo for me19:58
stinebdeven the function buttons19:58
stinebdworks pretty well in android though, especially with the indicator lights19:58
arrrghhhyea, the navipad seems like a good idea, until you see how htc implemented it.19:58
TheDeadCPUI just pulled out the keybd and used those buttons.19:58
arrrghhhalright guys, goin home.  cya later.20:03
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emwehmpfs! device does not freeze on pm.sleep_mode=1 when not OCing... o bummer. should have tried that first.20:11
emwebut does when doing so...20:11
emweanyways. gnight.20:11
emwehm... false alarm it seems20:12
emweno no false alarm...wtf... now awake again20:12
emweholy... crap.20:12
emwebah. gnight ;)20:12
emwe2:15am... time to. yes.20:13
emwegnight :)20:13
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TheDeadCPUIt's 02:13 FAIL20:13
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TheDeadCPUYou should get this stinebd http://www.thinkgeek.com/tshirts-apparel/unisex/itdepartment/dac0/21:10
stinebdif i worked at a place that would understand that, i'd consider it21:26
stinebdi like the 11 cheers for binary shirt21:27
TheDeadCPUI want the Sudo one21:27
arrrghhhsudo make me a sandwich?21:28
TheDeadCPUIt's nice.21:28
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stinebdnow THAT one i like21:29
stinebdif you could wear shirts on irc, i'd wear that one21:29
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mkzetsomewone here?21:38
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TheDeadCPUI kinda want the cheat sheet too21:38
TheDeadCPUI kinda want the ((?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{1-255}) shirt21:38
TheDeadCPUdid u c what i did thar?21:38
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TheDeadCPUAaah. PEBKAC21:39
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arrrghhhwhat up reef23:00
Reefermattnesssup arrrghhh23:00
arrrghhhjust livin the dream :P23:00
ReefermattnessJust released a theme im gonna try and get some of it on BLAZN now that im done with it.23:01
arrrghhhyea you were showin me some mockups for that earlier23:02
arrrghhhpurrrrdy :D23:02
TheDeadCPUReefermattness, the battery icon was a bit.. weird23:04
TheDeadCPUDidn't fit the theme imo23:04
ReefermattnessYoure not the only one that thinks that but Im so sick of circle batterys23:04
TheDeadCPUI HATE circle batteries23:04
arrrghhhReefermattness, i think if you get rid of the #'s, and make it look a little 3dish...23:05
arrrghhhlike the wifi/gps buttons are.23:05
arrrghhhsame color23:05
TheDeadCPUBut It's like.. It doesn't fit the rest of the status bar icons23:05
ReefermattnessThats the way the Galaxy S themes look for the battery actually, i just changed the color.23:05
Reefermattnessalso not all of the icons are white23:06
TheDeadCPUIt's time for this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GwjfUFyY6M&ob=av3e23:06
Reefermattnessbut, like i said, youre not the only one that thinks that :)23:06
ReefermattnessNo way its time for THIS!  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfNluQ888g423:07
arrrghhhReefermattness, hey i always wanted to know... what do you mean by 'removing bloatware' from the ref builds you get from  mr stine?23:07
ReefermattnessI just take some of the little things out we done use, the little widget guy that gives you tips, the launcher2, amazon mp3.... few other things.23:08
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