Monday, 2010-10-18

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TOM_when i run haret and boot android it stays on the black screen with the little white writing and never leaves it, i know its meant to take like 10 mins the first time but i left it overnight and it didnt boot?00:30
TOM_can anyone help?00:30
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[acl]stinebd: emailed you the qcom03:32
[acl]wasnt much help to us.. but it doesnt break 3d so maybe it will solve your issue.03:32
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zhihongyeHi everybody, does somebody have links about how to let eclair's browser support  gif animation?11:10
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Akswhere do the apps go on the sd card whihc are downloaded from app store ?12:00
TheDeadCPUInto the Data.img AFAIK12:00
Aksany way to download/keep it as a .apk12:01
KhaytsusTitanium Backup12:14
xdandroidNew XDAndroid Releases bug 32 filed...12:20
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, Not able to unlock device after boot12:20
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Desolator_Mobileany idea when the camera will be working?13:04
TheDeadCPUIn year ~2156.13:05
hamagci'd say within the next year or so, rough guess13:05
TheDeadCPUFrom 2011 to 2156 one place.13:05
Desolator_Mobilekewl.   was expecting a reply along the lines of "check the forums"13:12
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arrrghhhcamera will work when YOU fix it Desolator_Mobile.  we're all waiting on you.13:22
arrrghhhwtf is this bug.  camro did you see it?13:22
camrowhat ?13:22
arrrghhhbug 3213:22
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, Not able to unlock device after boot13:22
arrrghhhit's a guy w/a blackstone13:22
arrrghhhi'm assuming he's crazy & doing something wrong.13:23
arrrghhhor maybe he's perfectly sane, but still doing something wrong.13:23
camrodunno: XDANDROID.2.2.AOSP.ALPHA.28.6.1013:23
arrrghhhi'll take care of him.13:23
camroi think so13:23
arrrghhhreallllll good.13:23
camrono kernel info: no info which device ?13:23
camroi have a blackstone10013:24
camrosee that on bootin13:24
arrrghhhyea i think he's just using an old version.13:30 changed the Status on bug 32 from NEW to RESOLVED INVALID.13:33
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, RESOLVED INVALID, Not able to unlock device after boot13:33
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camrodo someone have a kovsky device ?13:52
arrrghhhi thought alex does...14:01
camroyes, offline .. :(14:01
arrrghhhyea i saw he left.14:02
camrobut we should soon look for the bug .. clock/time14:02
arrrghhhi just wish the phone worked as a phone lol14:02
camroin 20min -> 40sec in past is very much :(14:02
arrrghhheh just use clocksync14:02
camrowell, this will never happen14:02
camronot on this devices ..14:03
arrrghhhthe clock does drift quite a bit i've noticed.14:03
camroi keep an eye on "samsung galaxy s pro" or hopefully a "HTC LEO pro"14:03
camroa bit is good ...14:03
camro2min per hour ? -> 48min per day !!!!14:04
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emweclock drift only seems to happen when device goes to deep sleep (sleep_mode=0). i *think to remember* that this does not happen with pm.sleep_mode=2... of course this is no option for the long run.14:34
TheDeadCPUcamro, Galaxy S Pro?14:40
TheDeadCPUUmm.. Epic 4g.14:40
camroif availible in europe ...14:40
TheDeadCPUUnless you have a brain and don't use CDMA14:40
camroseems to be the best phone with slider14:40
TheDeadCPUYou should just get the Desire >.14:41
camro1ghz led display ..14:41
camrodesire z ... hmm  not so good14:41
camro800mhz ..14:41
TheDeadCPUIT's got like 99% as good benchmark as the 4G14:41
TheDeadCPUOH GOD14:41
arrrghhhi don't really want a desire Z either14:42
arrrghhhthe kbd looks st00pid14:42
TheDeadCPUIt scores WAY above ANY Snapdragon to date.14:42
arrrghhhi guess i'd have to feel it before completely writing it off.14:42
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, the epic has the hummingbird core...14:42
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, It's great. It's like the TP2 one IMO but missing the number row :(14:42
arrrghhhnewer than the evo's proc.14:42
arrrghhhi love my tp2 kbd14:42
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, I know. And I did say: <TheDeadCPU> IT's got like 99% as good benchmark as the 4G14:43
arrrghhhyea well.14:43
arrrghhhi still don't want the epic :P14:43
TheDeadCPUThough it's got like 30% better batterylife then the N1 :p14:43
TheDeadCPUI don't want the epic. Samsungs SUCK.14:43
arrrghhhi want a freakin evo with a kbd.14:43
TheDeadCPUI want the Desire Z. HTC keyboards in my <314:43
TheDeadCPUI want a Desire HD with a kbd.14:43
arrrghhhi'm going to keep waiting.14:43
TheDeadCPUMore ram and better processor ayya14:44
arrrghhhespeically since the desire Z isn't even an option for me :P14:44
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, you never know.14:44
arrrghhhnot at launch14:44
arrrghhhtmo only14:44
camrosamsung -> AMOLED14:44
TheDeadCPUSamsung -> crap quality14:44
camroi tested the normal samsung .. puh, the video/camera is times better, too14:45
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, Why can't one get the Verizon Desire Z on sprint?14:45
arrrghhhsprint will ONLY activate ESNs from its network.14:45
arrrghhhi didn't know vzn was getting the desire Z14:45
TheDeadCPUThey are.14:45
arrrghhhi thought it was tmob only14:45
* TheDeadCPU checks his facts14:45
camroi would like a 8255-Snapdragon-Proc14:45
arrrghhheh, still does me no good.14:45
arrrghhhwhat good does a vzn branded phone do me?14:47
TheDeadCPUSprint should stop being dicks14:47
arrrghhhvzn is the same way lol14:47
arrrghhhyou can't activate a sprint phone on verizon14:48
TheDeadCPUAmerican Cellular carriers should stop being dicks.14:49
TheDeadCPUAlso, that wouldn't be a problem on GSM, which probably is why they're using CDMA14:49
arrrghhhit's still "a problem" on GSM14:50
TheDeadCPUWell. Carriers can lock devices to their SIM cards..14:50
arrrghhhcarriers can look at the IMEI number on a GSM phone just like they can look at the ESN from a CDMA phone14:50
TheDeadCPUBut that's a $10 code and you're fine14:50
arrrghhhlol that sounds illegal.14:51
TheDeadCPUIT's not.14:51
arrrghhhESN swaps?14:51
TheDeadCPUNo, the whole one code and you can use any SIM i na GSM phone14:51
arrrghhhthat's true14:51
arrrghhhassuming the SIM is unlocked14:51
TheDeadCPUYou can't lock a SIM, you can lock a phone to A SIM.14:52
arrrghhhyes and you have to unlock the SIM slot14:52
arrrghhhi didn't mean the SIM card was locked, sorry. :P14:52
TheDeadCPUThat's as I said. TheDeadCPU> But that's a $10 code and you're fine14:52
arrrghhhwhat about the IMEI number?14:53
arrrghhhisn't there a number that can track the device?14:53
arrrghhhCDMA uses this ESN number.  if the ESN isn't in Sprint's network, they won't let you use the phone on their network.14:53
TheDeadCPUThere is. But tracking IMEI literally obliberates the cellular network if they track lots of them at once.14:53
TheDeadCPUBlocking IMEI numbers is illegal in US per the law that made Jailbreaking legal. (AFAIK)14:54
arrrghhhlol you're making CDMA sound like a vastly superior technology.14:54
arrrghhhcrappy CDMA carriers don't seem to care14:54
arrrghhhthey're just happy to have your business14:54
TheDeadCPUBlocking IMEI numbers aren't a problem.. TRACKING lots of them is sad14:54
TheDeadCPUis sadface for the network*14:55
arrrghhhi dunno14:55
arrrghhhall i know is, i'm pretty much locked into whatever sprint has.14:55
arrrghhhwhich is madness.  i hope one day the carriers will have to compete on the quality of their service.14:55
arrrghhhnot what phones they provide.  i've never picked my service because of a phone, but i know a lot of people that do *coughiPhonecough*14:56
TheDeadCPUAT&T sucks balls14:56
TheDeadCPUAT&T is what's wrong with GSM14:57
arrrghhhtmob is also gsm14:57
TheDeadCPUT-mo isn't as bad as AT&T are they?14:59
TheDeadCPUElmo that lucky bastard..15:04
arrrghhhstupid youtube.15:07
* arrrghhh is at work15:07
arrrghhhtmo is worse IMO15:08
arrrghhhbut i guess it depends on what we're talking about haha15:08
TheDeadCPUIt's a song about math where someone that is "katey perry" is raping 5792723 dolls.15:08
TheDeadCPUIt's collegehumor15:08
* TheDeadCPU notes that molded butter does not smell good.15:14
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* Reefermattness waves15:33
Reefermattnesshey guys15:33
arrrghhhReefermattness, wassup15:33
arrrghhhis new blazn ready?15:33
arrrghhh:P jk15:33
TheDeadCPUReefermattness, molded butter does not small good.15:33
arrrghhhyou must be driven nutso by that question.  people have started asking me LOL15:34
TheDeadCPUwat question15:34
TheDeadCPUWhat is this I don even15:34
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, Reefermattness makes builds just for RHOD.  he has one that has become quite infamous he dubs 'BLAZN'15:35
TheDeadCPUI know.15:35
TheDeadCPUI've used it on the TP15:35
TheDeadCPUIt's good.15:36
arrrghhhit works on the TP?15:36
TheDeadCPUChanged the startup and bam15:37
arrrghhhwhat did you change in the startup!?!15:37
arrrghhhall that really needs to be swapped would be the .ext2 image.15:37
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TheDeadCPUI used my TP startup oO15:38
camroarrrghhh: hve you tried the lastest glemsom kernel ?15:38
arrrghhhunless there's another new one, yes.15:38
camromaybe also hamagc: and how the USB is working15:38
arrrghhhusb debugging works great if that's your question :D15:38
camrofor hamagc, too ?15:38
Reefermattnessyeah TheDeadCPU the start tool we made works for other compatable devices as well, TP, Blackstone, Diam, etc15:39
camrofinally, i want to commit my battery stuff ..15:39
Reefermattnessarrrghhh, and yes, it does drive me crazy, especially since i have the captivate guys wanting me to theme for them as well now  :)15:39
Reefermattnesscamro, great work lately btw15:40
arrrghhhbusy busy15:40
camronot really, but to support all devices is a never ending story .. ha new idea ..15:41
arrrghhhgod people really do care about angry birds15:42
Reefermattnessthis is what ive been working on for the past few days arrrghhh
arrrghhhi guess i don't play games on my phone.,15:42
Reefermattnessits fun arrrghhh  :)15:42
arrrghhhi've never played a game on my phone :P15:42
arrrghhhis that the new blazn or a theme you're doing for the captivate guys?15:43
Reefermattnessdoing that for the captivate, but it wouldnt be hard to put parts in blazn, i probably will actually with this new one.15:43
Reefermattnessi dont think the dialer will work15:43
arrrghhhyea probably not.15:44
Reefermattnessbut i could use some of the tabs and such15:44
arrrghhhlooks slick tho.15:44
arrrghhhdamnit.  i'm sick of not having a native android device.15:44
ReefermattnessIts about that time arrrghhh :)15:44
arrrghhhi know it.15:45
arrrghhhwe were just talking about how my carrier sucks tho. :P15:45
Reefermattnessdude the epic is BAD ASS15:46
emweeek... wrong window.15:46
arrrghhhdon't like the kbd.15:46
arrrghhh& samsung... still not sold on their build quality.15:46
Aksswitch to TMO ... TP2 hasa place to put a SIM in15:46
Reefermattnesshonestly, i dont like the HW KB anymore15:46
arrrghhhlol really?15:46
arrrghhhi can't get enough of it.  i hate sw kbds.15:46
Reefermattnessi type WAY faster on my badass gorilla glass touchscreen than i can on my tp2 now15:46
arrrghhhi can't.15:47
Reefermattnessmy tp2 now makes my hands tired15:47
arrrghhhi've never been able to type on touchscreens.15:47
Reefermattnessim like wtf why are these buttons so hard to push15:47
arrrghhhmah fat fingers can't handle touch screen typing.15:47
Reefermattnessi couldnt either arrrghhh but the 4" screen really helps, i have fat thumbs too15:47
arrrghhhplus, i don't want 2/3 of my screen taken up by a kbd lol15:47
arrrghhheh i've used an evo, i still suck @ typing on 'em.15:47
Reefermattnessyeah, thats the only thing sometimes15:47
Reefermattnessevo = shit15:47
arrrghhhi also like not having to look15:47
arrrghhhi can just type w/o looking.15:47
Reefermattnessyeah ive noticed that15:48
Reefermattnessi cant type without looking15:48
arrrghhhhaptic feedback FTW15:48
arrrghhhi'm spoiled15:48
ReefermattnessNot with a TP2 youre not  :P15:48
arrrghhhi love the tp215:48
arrrghhhthe internal hardware kills me.15:48
Reefermattnessso do i :)15:48
Reefermattnessthe touchscreen should be capacitive15:48
arrrghhhbut the phone physically is just awesome.15:48
arrrghhhyea, and the proc/ram should match the hd215:48
arrrghhhnot the raph.15:48
arrrghhhstupid htc.15:48
TheDeadCPUTP2 = TP with Turbo and bigger screen..15:49
Reefermattnesslol the HD2 runs android AMAZING15:49
Reefermattnessi was completely surprised15:49
arrrghhhi know.15:49
arrrghhhstupid snapdragon.15:49
Reefermattnessits all that ram too15:49
arrrghhhi'm sure it helps.15:49
TheDeadCPUSomeone has even got NAND on the HD215:49
Reefermattnesswell, it doesnt hurt the drivers are easier to find15:49
arrrghhhi don't get why tho?15:50
arrrghhhcuz it's newer...?15:50
arrrghhhi would think that would make it harder to find code.15:50
Reefermattnessnewer and more common hardware15:50
Reefermattnessthe TP2 is like a frankenstein15:50
TheDeadCPUIt's because the HW in the HD2 is in a LOT of Android devices.15:50
Reefermattnesslots of weird pieces15:50
arrrghhhwouldn't know it by looking at it.15:50
arrrghhhyea... that helps i'm sure.15:50
arrrghhhsince we can pick apart android pretty easily.15:51
TheDeadCPUAnd they've got like 20 kernel devs and we've got 1.15:51
TheDeadCPU(active kernel devs)15:51
arrrghhhyea, they do have a lot more ppls workin on it.15:51
arrrghhhit'll probably be another year.15:51
TheDeadCPUWe've basically got phh.15:51
arrrghhhi was thinkin i'd make the jump this year, doesn't look like it's going to happen.15:51
TheDeadCPUAnd stinebd though.15:52
arrrghhhacl has a rhod40015:52
arrrghhhah well15:52
TheDeadCPUyou have to agree phh and stinebd so the most.15:52
Aksa lot of ppl hv rhod40015:52
arrrghhhg2g do some crap in the data center, then crap @ CAL.15:52
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, uhm... not for rhod :P15:53
arrrghhhstinebd is the userland man.15:53
TheDeadCPUBut in general :p15:53
arrrghhhdon't get me wrong15:53
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, make them unblock youtube btw.15:53
arrrghhhphh is also the commit master.15:53
arrrghhhbut acl has made some pretty good progress on rhod15:53
arrrghhhAks, a lot of devs have rhod...?  don't think so :P15:53
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, i'll get right on that...15:53
arrrghhhit's funny facebook was always blocked, but now that our company has a facebook site they had to unblock it for some... LOL15:54
arrrghhhstupid failbook.15:54
arrrghhhanyhoo, bbl.15:54
camroso, i did another kernel, maybe someone can test if working15:54
camrofor now clock patch from alex + some battery stuff15:54
Akssure camro ... I can test on my rhod400 ... but I hvn't noticed the click thingy15:55
camrome, too :)15:55
camrokovsky would be fine ...16:04
camrofor testing this new kernel16:04
camroanyhow, i will let the old kernel also in place ...16:04
camroalso added option for vol_max16:04
camrosome devices are getting to fast full ..16:04
TheDeadCPUOh god.16:04
TheDeadCPUI just got a PM from "him"16:04
TheDeadCPU"Him" as in the super Å©ber super duper admin on xda.16:05
camrofor testing porpose it could be helpfull, that device won't be full charged and battery can switch off the charging process by itself ..16:05
* TheDeadCPU is scared16:05
Reefermattnesswhat did you do16:05
camroit's up16:06
* TheDeadCPU hides16:06
TheDeadCPUReefermattness, confidential.16:07
TheDeadCPUApperantly :(16:07
arrrghhhyou did dun something16:11
TheDeadCPUWell.. Getting talked to by the man who can literally pull the plug on XDA is scary16:12
arrrghhhi guess...16:12
arrrghhhnot like a status meeting with the boss tho.16:12
arrrghhhfortunately mine keep getting bumped out16:13
arrrghhhso in the meantime i'm still employed :P16:13
TheDeadCPUUr getting promoted.16:13
arrrghhhha, last time that happened it was w/o a raise to match.  so hopefully not.16:15
arrrghhhi don't need a shitload more responsibility for the same pay, did that last year thank you.16:15
TheDeadCPUThey're making you CEO16:16
arrrghhhthat dude can buy two of my houses with a single 2 week paycheck.16:16
TheDeadCPUI know.16:16
TheDeadCPUCEO of a bank must rule.16:16
arrrghhhhe started the bank back in the 60's16:16
arrrghhhso i guess in a sense he's earned it.  but no body can be worth that much money.16:17
TheDeadCPUWell. He's dying and want you to take over16:17
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TheDeadCPUno u18:29
* TheDeadCPU has 100%ed that bitcj18:29
arrrghhhi've never played the game in my life.18:30
arrrghhhpeople are freakin out for it on the forums.18:30
arrrghhhno body cares that the port is still unable to do simple things, but they want it to play angry birds!18:30
arrrghhhputtin the cart before the horse, y'know?18:30
TheDeadCPUIt's fully functional oO18:31
TheDeadCPUIt's spam k?18:37
TheDeadCPUaw naw18:37
TheDeadCPUI'm naked. Your argument is invalid.18:38
arrrghhhevidently i'm really pissin people off in the angry birds thread LOL18:44
arrrghhhwhat's funny is i figured all the xda guys would agree with me and all the ppcg guys would jump down my throat.18:45
arrrghhhinstead the exact opposite happened hahaha18:46
Reefermattnessyou shut up arrrghhh how dare you blaspheme the birds... they are already angry.18:47
arrrghhhmakes me want to see that alfred hitchcock movie.18:48
arrrghhhthose were the ORIGINAL angry birds.18:48
arrrghhhnever heard of the movie "The Birds"?18:48
Reefermattnessyup, its great18:48
Reefermattnesspretty creepy if you have an imagination and dont need everything to be cgi18:49
arrrghhhclassic cinema TheDeadCPU :P18:49
arrrghhhthat's what hitchcock was all about.18:49
arrrghhhusing your imagination haha.18:49
TheDeadCPUoh god that thing18:49
arrrghhhread the "Factual basis" section.18:50
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XirXesI updated my rootfs and my kernel last night and now I dont have a home button. the power button does what it should instead. I have a rhod210 btw19:10
TheDeadCPUAFAIK It's being worked on.19:10
arrrghhhspare parts19:12
arrrghhhchange the end key behavior to be the end key19:13
arrrghhhhome key19:13
XirXesI figured. my phone actually has a home key19:13
arrrghhh... it does?19:13
XirXessame layout as the blackstone19:13
XirXesi have the tmous one19:13
arrrghhhi've never seen a rhod with a home key.19:13
XirXesit replaces the win key19:14
TheDeadCPUThe EU has a home key oO19:14
arrrghhhwell then... that's confusing.19:14
arrrghhha winmo device without a windows key... didn't realize that lol19:14
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TheDeadCPUWell. The Nordic one does.19:15
XirXesI think that the call button should be the menu key and end should be search19:15
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, the TP and Diamond doesn't have a Win key :p19:15
arrrghhhon the kbd they do :P19:15
arrrghhhat least mine did.19:15
XirXesto put our devices more in line with reg android19:15
TheDeadCPUNot the RAPH10019:15
arrrghhhdidn't think m$ would allow such things.19:16
TheDeadCPUYou had the Sprint one lo19:16
TheDeadCPUM$ did before the TP219:16
arrrghhhwell obviously lol19:16
XirXesthe win key requirement came with 6.519:16
arrrghhhlearn something new every day.19:16
arrrghhhalthough the tp2 didn't ship with 6.5...19:16
XirXesi didnt realize the eu one had home. i thought mine was special19:17
TheDeadCPUIt didn't?19:17
TheDeadCPUMine did..19:17
XirXesthe cdma ones did19:17
arrrghhhmine shipped with 6.1 as i recall.19:17
arrrghhhthere was an update to 6.5 from the carrier19:18
TheDeadCPUMy Norwegian Touch Pro did..19:18
XirXesand the tilt2 waited for 6.5s release to come out19:18
arrrghhhnot like i ever ran any carrier ROM tho lol19:18
TheDeadCPUTouch Pro 2.19:18
arrrghhhmaybe that's why i'm confused :P19:18
XirXesmine had the carrier rom till i got home19:18
arrrghhhi was booting android when they handed me my tp2.19:19
XirXesa whole half hour19:19
arrrghhhthe guy even asked what i was doing, just said i was syncing contacts LOL19:19
XirXeslol awesome19:19
TheDeadCPU34 new comments on Youtube..19:20
TheDeadCPUSeriously, commenting first on a video from someone with 1million + subscribers is fun19:21
XirXesmy resoning for the call buttons not being call buttons anymore is android has a phone icon on the homescreen.19:21
TheDeadCPUI didn't comment "first"19:21
XirXesand im sure alot of us dont use the phone part of our phones often enough to require buttons19:22
arrrghhhwell what are you getting at?19:23
XirXescall=menu home/win=home back=back end=search power=power19:24
arrrghhheh if you want to do that19:25
arrrghhhi'm sure you can19:25
XirXestho i could care less about search19:25
arrrghhhbut everything's not going to change :P19:25
XirXesi might be able to now that power is what its supposed to be but i cant get my rootfs to mount in my virtual machine19:26
XirXeswhen i tried last time i couldnt figure out how to have power not also be end19:27
XirXesits "mount -o loop -t ext2 ..." right?19:28
XirXesI got it mounted. I dont know why it didnt work but i made a new folder to mount it to and it worked fine19:35
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XirXeshow can i see a keys value?19:53
XirXesdo I have to do it with haret or is there some way to do it in android?19:53
arrrghhhdead forum is gone.19:56
arrrghhhit was FUN19:56
arrrghhhdon't be hatin19:56
TheDeadCPUBetter now?19:57
arrrghhhit's tempting to delete it again.19:57
arrrghhhjust out of principle.19:57
TheDeadCPUI'll tell Edvard on you :(19:57
arrrghhhdo it19:58
arrrghhhDO IT19:58
TheDeadCPUNo, he's got work in 4 hours lol19:58
arrrghhhi'm almost done with work if that helps.19:58
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arrrghhhthat's... better?19:59
arrrghhhquittin time20:00
arrrghhhcya guys on the flip side20:00
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XirXesI just fixed the direction keys on phone. If I linked the file could someone commit it?20:18
pen0rIt might break other devices.20:18
pen0rWhich is why yours is broken in the first place.20:18
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XirXesthe keymap is specifically for rhod21020:30
XirXespretty sure its safe20:31
XirXesits "rhod210_microp-keypad.kl"20:32
XirXeswhich is only loaded if your startup.txt says keymap=rhod21020:32
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arrrghhhXirXes, i told you it can't be committed...20:46
arrrghhhi guess i should've said that specifically haha.20:47
arrrghhhit's what i mean by "if you want to do that you can but everything's not going to change" - which is admittedly a stupid sentence.20:48
XirXeslol i didnt change anything but the broken dpad. I dont have enough info to change the stuff i was talking about earlier20:57
arrrghhhthere's a dev that has a blackstone20:59
arrrghhhi'm pretty sure he would've mentioned something like that being broken...20:59
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XirXesim a rhod user21:21
arrrghhhi think you said rhod210 right21:22
XirXesim pretty sure the kernel fix required to get it working was done a month or 2 ago. but the keymap wasnt right for 21021:22
arrrghhhso what exactly did you change again?21:22
arrrghhhin the rootfs, right?21:22
XirXesjust the key values for the direction keys21:22
XirXesin rhod210_microp-keypad.kl21:23
XirXesyeah rootfs21:23
arrrghhhdirection keys on the keyboard?21:23
XirXesit was in init.ect21:23
arrrghhhoh... they weren't working correctly?21:23
arrrghhhmust've just been rhod210, this is the first i've heard of it.21:24
XirXesyeah i think it was just 210. I havent really heard of it from any other rhods21:24
arrrghhhso what would happen when you used the directional keys?21:25
XirXeswrong directions21:25
XirXesup was down, down was right ect21:25
arrrghhhthat's... horrible.21:25
XirXesi got used to it21:25
arrrghhhand very odd that it only effected 210's21:25
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XirXesaccording to notes in the keymap it was originally a kernal issue preventing it from working right.21:26
XirXesup and left were giving the same value21:27
arrrghhhand nobody ever went back to fix the mapping after the kernel was fixed haha21:27
arrrghhhhrm.  i don't know who makes commits to the rootfs21:27
arrrghhhi think stinebd handles that stuff.21:27
XirXeswhen i see him on ill talk to him about it. im just glad its fixed. really annoying usability issue21:30
arrrghhhlol with really simple fix :P21:31
arrrghhhof course now that the kernel issue has been patched haha21:31
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arrrghhhi hate the hd2.21:52
TheDeadCPUstealing XDAndriod thunder.21:54
arrrghhhstupid hd2.21:54
TheDeadCPUYou'd like a HD2.21:54
TheDeadCPUAdmitt it.21:54
TheDeadCPUYou'd miss the Keyboard but you'd like it.21:55
arrrghhhif it had the tp2 kbd21:55
arrrghhhi'd be all over it.21:55
arrrghhhlike flies on norway21:55
TheDeadCPUI'd have sex with it.21:55
TheDeadCPUThough I'd rather have the Desire HD with the TP2 keyboard21:55
TheDeadCPUAndroid with MORE ram and BETTER processor.21:56
arrrghhhoh i don't even know what the desire has for ram21:57
TheDeadCPUThe Desire HD21:57
TheDeadCPUIt's almost so good that I considered getting it over the Desire Z21:58
ReefermattnessGet the Galaxy S over the Desire Z, that thing is not very nice...21:59
Reefermattness40 million triangles vs 90 million and LCD vs SAMOLED21:59
arrrghhhi'm still not sold on samsung build quality21:59
Reefermattnessarrrghhh, definitely need a little better quality control22:00
TheDeadCPUWell. A GOOD HTC Keyboard > ANYTHING22:00
TheDeadCPUAnd the Samsung shit build quality is a nogo22:00
XirXesdesire z = WANT22:01
arrrghhhyea the kbd on the desire Z looks like the tp2... minus the number row :(22:01
TheDeadCPUI've paid for the Desire Z anyways22:01
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, feels like it.. Only like a bit more sturdy oO22:01
arrrghhhyou've touched one?22:02
TheDeadCPUI've USED one22:02
TheDeadCPUThe NORDIC one to be specific22:02
TheDeadCPUPress units are out in the wild youknow22:02
arrrghhhyea they're out there22:02
XirXesdoes it feel slugish compared to snapdragon?22:02
arrrghhhjust knowing someone who has one is the trick :P22:02
arrrghhhXirXes, even if it does, he'd never admit it.22:03
TheDeadCPUxawen, it's WAY better then the Desire.22:03
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XirXesi would be so happy to get one. I will never go back after having the tp2s keyboard22:04
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xdandroidNew XDAndroid Releases bug 33 filed...22:05
xdandroidBug blocker, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, Error for RAPH 80022:05
arrrghhhlets see how fast i slap it down.22:05
TheDeadCPURAPH installer? oO22:05
TheDeadCPUWhatnow22:05 changed the Status on bug 33 from NEW to RESOLVED INVALID.22:07
TheDeadCPUwhat is this raph installer?22:07
arrrghhhhe's either talking about the cab22:07
arrrghhhwhich i assume is what he is talking about22:08
arrrghhhor that stupid mjgdroidutil :P22:08
TheDeadCPUThat doesn't have anything with XDAndroid to do.......22:08
TheDeadCPUOh noobs.22:08
arrrghhhthat reef and sov have now deemed "XDAndroid Startup Utility"22:08
arrrghhhdamn you Reefermattness for trying to make things easy.  can you get rid of the CAB entirely?22:08
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