Sunday, 2010-10-03

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hamagcXdandroid: later tell stinebd your test system, no ringtones. Notification ringtones but not call. Only option is silent04:37
xdandroidhamagc: The operation succeeded.04:37
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camrohi hamagc:06:12
camrowell,  i will upload a new kernel - please test sutdown06:12
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camrohamagc: still here ?06:19
camroor NeMatrixJR ?06:20
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camroi mean NeoMatrixJR ?06:20
camrohi hyperfire2106:20
camrodoes the device shutdown for you or does it hangs ?06:22
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camrohyperfire21: does the shutdown working ?07:34
hyperfire21hey camro07:34
camrohyperfire21: does the incall micro working ?07:34
hyperfire21can u send me the latest kernel07:34
hyperfire21or link?07:34
camrobut do you remember on incall/shutdown ?07:35
hyperfire21im not sure07:35
hyperfire21ill test it now07:35
camroshutdown, i think i fixed it, but i heard about, that the incall does not work on all devices07:35
camroit would be fine, if you know, that it was not working with old kernel (before trying he new one ,.)07:36
hyperfire21i thought it was working07:36
camrohmm :(07:36
camrolet me look to xda, maybe i can read on which devices the incall was not working ...07:37
hyperfire21wait first give me the link :p07:37
camrowhich device do you use ?07:39
camrooh fine ...07:41
camroplease try the incall after booting07:41
hyperfire21should i test the mic with call or with voice search?07:41
camrodon'T use any sound stuff before07:41
hyperfire21does this kernel include rhod400 battery data?07:42
camropuh, not sure ...because i rewrote the whole battery alog, but i have the INCALL bug now also07:48
camro(my record app make it working, but without it, it doesn'T work ...)07:48
camrobut i willt ry now to fix it.07:49
hyperfire21hmm weird..07:50
hyperfire21did u setup the lights also?07:50
hyperfire21orange on wake and green on sleep?07:50
camrowhats about INCALL on your side ?07:51
hyperfire21my incall mic seems fine07:51
camrolights ?, no haven'T done anything with leds07:51
hyperfire21i think my test is flawed07:51
camrohave you tried 2 calls or only 1 ?07:51
hyperfire21i need to start with a fresh data.img i think07:51
hyperfire21i tried 1 call07:51
camroplease try it 2 times ...07:52
hyperfire21i was using wistilt2 kernel so i think thats whats causing the leds to light up07:52
hyperfire21wait i have to start with a fresh data.img07:52
camrocausing ?07:52
camrodoes the light stuff works with his kernel ?07:53
hyperfire21yea wistilt2 was running a test on the leds07:53
camrono, don'T use a freh data07:53
hyperfire21mic is working on second call07:53
camrohmm, boot option -> do you have an INCALL boot parameter set ?07:54
hyperfire21let me check07:54
hyperfire21no i dont07:56
hyperfire21camro im trying fresh data08:02
camrofor waht ?08:03
camrowhy ?08:03
hyperfire21bcoz lights shouldnt do that08:03
hyperfire21with ur kernel08:03
hyperfire21leds i mean08:03
camrowhat is with the LEDS ?08:03
hyperfire21orange on wake08:03
hyperfire21green on sleep08:03
camrodon't know anything about LEDS ...08:05
hyperfire21ok fresh data fixed that08:05
hyperfire21now im testing incall again08:05
hyperfire21ok camro incall is fine on rhod40008:07
hyperfire21should i test shutdown?08:12
camrogoing to lunch ..08:28
hyperfire21ok ill test it now08:28
hyperfire21shutdown works fine08:31
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camrohmm, incall doesn'T work09:31
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hyperfire21what device?09:48
hyperfire21it works for me09:48
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camrohyperfire21: have you try to:10:48
camro1.) boot , and then call with another phone your device10:48
camroand listen if you can hear the mic of your device10:48
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NeoMatrixJRI'm on11:05
NeoMatrixJRwhere u post it camro?11:05
camroplease test the SHUTDOWN, i think, it wasn't work for you, correct ?11:06
NeoMatrixJRhaven't had that be a problem before.  last I had was w/ the new USB + ADB working11:07
camroNeoMatrixJR: is that true ?11:07
NeoMatrixJRI can't say for sure though.  I'll test this one up for you and let you know though!11:08
NeoMatrixJRcamro, have you included any of the Touch Pro 2 w/ batt RHOD160 data in this one?11:14
camronot sure, i ony rewrote the batt algo11:16
camroi must feed the header  ..or recheck ..11:16
camrowhy is it not correct now ?11:16
camrofine adjusting could be ...11:16
NeoMatrixJRdunno, was just asking since I saw someone post that data to the forum.11:17
camrobut for now me and Oliwe we want to fix some small things, then i will clean teh battery code + better logging ..11:17
NeoMatrixJRI'll be back...gotta ask my wife to call me to test....11:17
camroRHOD160 - 1500mAh11:17
camrothis is feed11:17
camroshutdown ?11:20
camroNeoMatrixJR: working ?11:21
NeoMatrixJRshutting down now11:21
NeoMatrixJRincoming call mic worked fine.  dunnot if u needed me to test but I saw u ask hyperfire21 that.11:21
camrowell, is not working for me the INCALL ...11:21
NeoMatrixJRshutdown worked fine. on RHOD40011:22
NeoMatrixJRnear as I can tell.  what was it doing for people with problems?11:22
NeoMatrixJRcamro: any other tests right now on that kernel?11:28
NeoMatrixJRI need to go up for lunch.  I'll try and pop on later otherwise.  I'm going to keep running it today and see if I notice anything11:28
camrowell, nothing special ...11:30
camrothe shutdown problem should be really fixed for all devices ...11:30
camroi will cleanup the code for battery, and OliWe will try to fix the INCALL11:31
NeoMatrixJRok, well, I'll try and catch you later11:33
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arrrghhhphh, you there?12:27
arrrghhhso i wanted to ask about the most recent commit/kernel12:28
arrrghhhit won't boot my phone at all... it looks like there were just adjustments to the hw3d mem limits...12:29
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arrrghhhi'll try ref real quick12:29
arrrghhhjust had it build a new data.img, same deal.12:29
arrrghhhbattery reports its dead basically, and it never lets me unlock it.  just soft resets after 15 secs or so.12:30
phhhaha battery.12:30
arrrghhhdid the newest commits have anything that would break the system like that?12:33
phhI don't think so12:33
arrrghhhi'll go thru all my crap again then...12:34
arrrghhhjust heard someone else was experiencing it last night, so i tested it... and lo and behold, happens on my phone too.12:34
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camrostine bd: any news on resign of networklocation.apk ?13:03
camrostinebd: any news on resign of networklocation.apk ?13:03
arrrghhhcamro, !  do you have a new kernel!13:05
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camroworking/testing - not happy for now ...13:31
camrohi arrrghhh: wait a little bit ..13:31
camroi let you know, when i think i'm ready ..13:31
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jojino 1 iz there?13:52
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cazh_xdandroid seen TheDeadCPU14:07
xdandroidcazh_: TheDeadCPU was last seen in #xdandroid 18 hours, 2 minutes, and 54 seconds ago: <TheDeadCPU> I've got a boat to catch in like 10 hours so I should get some sleep.14:07
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arrrghhhsorry phh.  i should've never trusted that stupid update utility... d'oh!14:42
arrrghhhnew kernel is fine.14:42
arrrghhhcamro, what's goin on mang.15:07
CazHTheDeadCPU: Hi :D15:15
TheDeadCPUHI CAZH15:16
CazHWhat up?15:16
TheDeadCPUModerating XDA.15:17
CazHNot much considering laying out that pcb I need to be done with before tuesday :P15:18
CazHAnd texting with my x's best friend :P15:18
CazHAny bad people on XDA? :)15:19
TheDeadCPULike that arrrghhh guy.15:20
arrrghhhwhat a d!ck15:20
CazHJust hate him so much15:20
arrrghhhdeleting all my posts hmmmm?15:20
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, you don't post in the N1, Legend or x10 mini forums so no.15:20
TheDeadCPUThose are my forums.15:20
arrrghhhlol nop15:21
TheDeadCPUPost there and I'll be watching you..15:21
CazHWhat are you doing in the x10 mini? :S15:21
arrrghhhserioiusly, do you even have one of those devices...?15:21
TheDeadCPUCazH, nothing. It's a dead forum.15:21
arrrghhhdamnit i can't type today15:21
TheDeadCPUI've had all of them lol15:21
arrrghhhyou crazy nords15:21
TheDeadCPUI often buy a phone.. Then deliver it back within 30 days.15:22
TheDeadCPUFor a full refund :D15:22
CazHLol :P15:22
TheDeadCPUWe've got some awesome refund policies.15:22
arrrghhhyea i guess i always research a phone and know it fairly well before i buy15:22
CazHYou are just mean15:22
arrrghhhsprint has the exact same thing15:22
arrrghhhmost other carriers do too15:22
arrrghhh30 days15:22
arrrghhhfull refund15:22
arrrghhh90 days15:22
arrrghhhjust phone refund15:22
TheDeadCPUWell. ALL stores do it here. For everything except food and underwear.15:23
arrrghhh& gotta pay that stupid etf if you signed a contract15:23
arrrghhhmost stores here do too d00d15:23
CazHAny thing you get online here have a 14 days full refund, it's that law :D15:23
arrrghhhespecially if you buy with cc15:23
arrrghhhhell car companies are getting so desparate they keep having commericals about if you use the car for 60 days & don't like it, bring it back no questions asked.15:25
CazHHmm I hate Kicad's evil stare. It wants me to do something :P15:25
arrrghhhthat's dodge/chrysler tho.  crappy cars haha15:25
CazHThe old dodge/chrysler cars are awesome :D New ones not so much :)15:26
arrrghhhyea you gotta go pretty far back tho bro15:27
arrrghhhlike before the 80's lol15:27
CazHI know this dude, he has a old school dogde dart, like from the 60's or something :)15:27
arrrghhhyea my dad had an old monte carlo.  thing was siiiick15:28
arrrghhh400 big block.  no replacement for displacement basically15:28
CazHHis dart, is well, less than stock :D15:28
CazHIt does 1/8 mile in less than 4 seconds15:29
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arrrghhhthat's... probably not legal to drive on the street!15:43
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CazHarrrghhh: what makes you think that? :D It only got about 2000 bhp with the nos :P15:56
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arrrghhhthat doesn't sound street legal :P15:57
TheDeadCPUUnderage sex?15:57
arrrghhhTheDeadCPU, we're not talking about you dude.15:59
TheDeadCPUAh. k15:59
CazHarrrghhh: it doesn't matter if it's street legal, it's not like any one can catch you :P16:04
CazHwith 0-300+ in less than 4 seconds :D16:04
arrrghhhcamro, don't mean to bug ya but are you going to just commit the battery algo stuff?  seems like if you commit all the stuff in pieces it'll be much better.16:04
TheDeadCPUCazH, new bike?16:05
arrrghhhCazH, yea you'd need a wheelie bar for that.  not street legal.16:05
CazHTheDeadCPU: nope, my friends car :P16:05
arrrghhhi've seen guys drive them on the street16:05
arrrghhhdoesn't mean it's legal :P16:05
CazHarrrghhh: no wheelie bar, a paracute for braking but no wheelie bar :D16:05
camroarrrghhh: i don'T think, that tit will be easy to commit this in pieces ...16:05
TheDeadCPUCazH, A friend of mine has a Trophy Truck.16:06
arrrghhhcamro, oh really?  huh.  i guess i figured the usb stuff, shutdown stuff, mic stuff & batt algo would all be fairly separate pieces...16:06
TheDeadCPUWhich he in some way that none knows how. Is street legal.16:07
CazHTheDeadCPU: nice one :D16:07
TheDeadCPUIt's badass.16:07
CazHBut talking about sex with underage girls, how have you weekend been? :P16:07
CazHAny luck? :D16:08
TheDeadCPUNot something I'd discuss in a logged IRC channel but yea. Got lucky. More then once.16:08
TheDeadCPUI checked my fridge for foos.16:14
TheDeadCPUThere is 300gr of lard. and 15 liters of coke in my fridge.16:14
arrrghhhsounds like a party16:14
TheDeadCPUJust need roofies.16:15
arrrghhhah yes.  roofie caladas.16:15
CazHOmg that could kill you, remeber my friend died of something like that just last thursday!16:16
arrrghhhyou're not supposed to willingly take roofies... right?16:16
TheDeadCPUI know CazH. It was what I call a joke.16:16
TheDeadCPUYou Danes might not have heard of such a concept.16:16
CazHYeah I know16:16
TheDeadCPUI'll explain.16:16
CazHarrrghhh: roofies are also used a party drug16:16
arrrghhhcat tranquilizer yes16:17
arrrghhhGHB, no.16:17
arrrghhhat least nobody i know... or have heard of.  this kinda took a turn for the depressing.16:17
TheDeadCPUA joke is a question, short story, or depiction of a situation made with the intent of being humorous. To achieve this end, jokes may employ irony, sarcasm, word play and other devices. Jokes may have a punchline that will end the sentence to make it humorous.16:17
TheDeadCPUA practical joke or prank differs from a spoken one in that the major component of the humour is physical rather than verbal (for example placing salt in the sugar bowl).16:17
CazHFuck you TheDeadCPU :P16:18
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CazHarrrghhh: As I said a friend off my choked to death in his own puke just a couple of days ago because of roofies16:19
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arrrghhhthat sucks dude, i'm sorry.  i just never heard of anyone who does GHB willingly16:20
TheDeadCPUI want a LSD trip. Without the LSD.16:20
CazHarrrghhh: it's okay, didn't really come as a chock =/16:21
arrrghhhyea, i would assume not in that case...16:23
TheDeadCPUDude, it was consensual on both parts. THAT'S LEGAL WHEN SHE'S UNDER 1616:27
arrrghhhlol i think you still have to have parental consent if they're under 18.  in this country at least.  not like anyone does tho, only becomes an issue if her parents want to take your azz to court.16:27
TheDeadCPUHer mom knows actually.16:28
TheDeadCPUI went up to her mom and told her.16:29
arrrghhhdoes she watch?  creepy.16:29
arrrghhhhahaha jk16:29
arrrghhhsee that new robert rodriguez movie machete?16:29
TheDeadCPUShe said as long as it was not in her house and I didn't hurt her daughter it's fine since I'm a nice guy.16:29
arrrghhhthere was a great mother/daughter scene in it.16:29
arrrghhhLOL YOU A NICE GUY!?!?  she doesn't know you.16:29
TheDeadCPUarrrghhh, seriously. I'm a nice guy, except from my manwhoreness.16:30
arrrghhhuh huh.16:30
TheDeadCPUI know her mom from my childhood.16:30
TheDeadCPUAnd I've always behaved.16:30
arrrghhhsure, around her.16:30
TheDeadCPUAround anyone over 15 years older then me.16:31
arrrghhhsure, around them.16:31
TheDeadCPUIf I'm with people my age I'm a dick16:31
CazHThats the TheDeadCPU we know :)16:32
arrrghhhi'm like 10 years older than you. guess not within the 15 year range :P16:32
CazHarrrghhh: by the way, in denmark if a girl is 15 years old or more then all you need is that they wan't to have sex with you and it's okay :)16:33
arrrghhhCazH, no limit on the dude's age?16:33
arrrghhhso like a 35 yr old can get it on with a 15 year old if she consents?16:33
* JesusFreak316 is kinda creeped out by this conversation.16:33
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, you should be.16:34
JesusFreak316I was waiting for him to say yes. lol16:34
CazHBut it's child porn if shes less than 18 and you take pics of it :S16:34
arrrghhhit just got creepier.16:34
CazHThis is importent knowlage!16:34
arrrghhhi'm SO glad this channel is logged too.  haha.16:34
CazHOh right.... Crap :P16:35
JesusFreak316Stinbd probably just facepalms every time he looks at these logs.16:35
CazHHe is gonna hate us :P16:35
JesusFreak316I'm not the one talking about underage girls; speak for yourself. :P16:35
* arrrghhh is the ringleader of ridiculousness16:36
CazHJesusFreak316: well me arrrghhh and TheDeadCPU then ;)16:36
CazHWith that name it should be you talking about sex with underage kids(or more likely boys)16:37
JesusFreak316Hohoho Catholic jokes.16:37
arrrghhh#xdandroid.  keepin it classy.16:37
JesusFreak316Not Catholic btw, baptist.16:37
JesusFreak316Sooo, what were you talking about last time you were on topic?16:38
TheDeadCPUWell. We've got the same thing in Norway. If she's over 16 just bang her no matter what.16:39
CazHTheDeadCPU: not all that bad then16:39
TheDeadCPUI've seen 16 year olds with soon to be dead rich 80 year olds..16:39
* TheDeadCPU pukes16:39
JesusFreak316EW EW EW EW!!!16:39
CazHKinda of disguting16:39
JesusFreak316Uber sluts.16:39
CazHBut think of getting your hands of these girls, I'm guessing there are pretty much nothing the won't do :D16:40
JesusFreak316Arrrghhh: Did I see where the empty battery glitch with the zImage was fixed for you? Was the update tool bad?16:41
* JesusFreak316 is trying to get somewhat on-topic.16:41
stinebdcamro: please see bug #316:42
xdandroidBug normal, Normal, ---, developers, NEW, Locate Service - NetworkLocation.apk16:42
TheDeadCPUstinebd, sorry about our type of talk.16:42
camrowau :)16:42
camrothanks, stinebd :)16:43
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, yea dude.  i updated manually and it's fine.16:43
* JesusFreak316 was innocent. *Halo16:43
stinebdcamro: terminal still not fixed16:43
JesusFreak316Ah, good to know. I'll let my friend know.16:43
arrrghhhi don't know where the utility is grabbing kernels from.  it says glensom, but it doesn't seem to be lol16:43
JesusFreak316it might be the old one.16:43
camroha , not so important ..because there would be more bugs ...16:43
camroa lot of keys not working, like backspace, etc ..16:43
arrrghhhstinebd, so what was not working so i can test?  location worked for me in maps, location in browser on google's homepage...16:44
* TheDeadCPU puts on KISS16:44
camroso, maybe google fix that via outsourcing 10 years when MS have enought time - LOL16:44
JesusFreak316 is current, i think the previous one was android not android2.16:44
* TheDeadCPU Eats dinner.16:44
stinebdarrrghhh: all netloc (via cell towers) stuff should've been broken16:45
JesusFreak316Great, TheDeadCPU is posting his twitter updates here.16:45
arrrghhhstinebd, oh i see.  yea i don't think that ever worked for me in android.  i thought we were talkin gps16:45
arrrghhhi can test that for sure :D16:45
stinebdNetworkLocation provides an api by which android can translate cell tower IDs to latlong coordinates16:45
arrrghhhthose other comments you've made make me happy :D16:46
arrrghhhi see16:46
TheDeadCPUJesusFreak316, I never tweet that random stuff.....16:46
stinebdi need phone app testing on wvga16:46
arrrghhhstinebd, i think that's me :D16:46
JesusFreak316Suuure... :)16:46
stinebdvga is working fine (for me) but wvga is entirely untested16:46
arrrghhhtesting now!16:46
arrrghhh480x800, that's wvga right?16:47
arrrghhhschweet.  i'll be booting shortly...16:48
arrrghhhi'll start with a new data.img too just to be sure...16:48
stinebdalso let me know if you see any difference in the graphics16:48
JesusFreak316Testing hdpi?16:49
JesusFreak316Good for them.16:49
arrrghhhah this is a whole new system file16:49
arrrghhhmakes sense16:49
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, yes, good for us :P  should fit your screen better now too.16:49
stinebdoh yeah, the new data.img thing... please let me know if you have that initial boot loop like usual16:50
JesusFreak316Oooh, yay for me too!16:50
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arrrghhhstill downloading :D16:50
arrrghhhstinebd, so is this the new system test for frx02 i assume...?16:50
arrrghhhpre-frx02 haha16:51
stinebdfrx02 will be groundbreaking16:51
arrrghhhpromises, promises :P16:51
JesusFreak316stinebd: Did you see anything interesting in the 2.2.1 froyo update?16:51
stinebdwe will blow apple, google, microsoft and motorola out of the water16:51
JesusFreak316Ohhh man...16:51
arrrghhhLOL nice16:51
stinebdplease dont spread that to the forums this time, i'm not serious16:52
arrrghhhhahahaha i know16:52
arrrghhhsomeone will read that in the logs tho16:52
stinebdJesusFreak316: not really, no16:52
JesusFreak316And not read the thing he said right after of course. :)16:52
arrrghhhi love the changelog that mentioned userland camera support.  you knew that was going to wreak havoc lol16:52
stinebdi'll merge everything in before release anyway16:52
JesusFreak316Didn't think there would be.16:52
JesusFreak316yeah,might as well.16:53
arrrghhhi'm exicted for the kernel work that's looming to be committed16:53
stinebdeh, vaporware16:53
arrrghhhespeically wistilt's stuff for lights & camro's battery work.16:53
arrrghhhvaporware lol16:54
camrowell, the LEDS are also not supportedon blackstone .. is also 1 thing which should be done next ..16:54
JesusFreak316What lights stuff? RHOD keyboard?16:54
arrrghhhyea & button lights16:54
stinebddoes anybody have a blackstone anymore?16:54
arrrghhhambient light sensor16:54
arrrghhhdoesn't camro?16:55
stinebdi mean users16:55
JesusFreak316Oh yeah, ambient light is nice.16:55
arrrghhhcrap.  forgot to rename the data.img...16:57
arrrghhhwell i guess we'll see what happens haha16:57
arrrghhhlol seems i'm in a bootloop with the old data.img.  let's try a new one....17:01
arrrghhhcreating new data store...17:04
TheDeadCPU I love din din @ 11pm17:05
arrrghhhstinebd, i've been noticing those ipt errors17:06
arrrghhhi'll try & get a dmesg from this one for ya.17:06
stinebdunresolved symbols?17:07
arrrghhhyea, something like that17:07
arrrghhhright after it says A N D R O I D17:07
stinebdif that's what it is, dmesg won't be too useful17:07
TheDeadCPUKnock Knock.17:07
stinebdwait, after android?17:07
arrrghhhmaybe that's why i wasn't getting it17:07
arrrghhhjust after i see that in the terminal17:07
arrrghhhthen some rpc stuff17:07
arrrghhhthen the splash screen17:07
stinebdthat's normal17:07
stinebdit's from libhtc_acoustic17:07
arrrghhhso unrecognized symbol is normal?  i don't know if it was causing any issues, just saw the errors.17:08
stinebdremoving libhtc_acoustic fixes those errors (and introduces other issues that are much worse)17:08
arrrghhhwhat was the guy complaining about?  something not working with tunneling?17:08
stinebdthose aren't unresolved symbols17:08
arrrghhhno bootloop with a fresh data.img17:09
stinebdthe messages that show up after android starts are rpc router errors17:09
stinebderr server errors17:09
stinebdanyway, did you consistently get a bootloop on fresh data.img before?17:09
arrrghhhfirst boot it has that issue of very few apps17:09
arrrghhhconsistently, no.17:09
arrrghhhnot that i recall17:09
stinebdvery few apps?17:09
arrrghhhi can test it for ya if you want17:09
stinebdwhat do you mean?17:10
arrrghhh13 apps in the drawer17:10
arrrghhhbrowser, calc, calendar, camera, car home, clock, contacts, dev tools, email, gallery, gmail, google search & voice17:10
arrrghhhtons of apps missing.17:10
arrrghhhprobably be there if i reboot tho17:10
arrrghhhfunny thing is i can add them from the shortcuts menu17:10
stinebdalso probably normal17:11
stinebdstock launcher?17:11
arrrghhhin call looks great dude :D17:11
arrrghhhyea i believe so17:11
arrrghhhi think this is stock for froyo haha17:11
arrrghhhno lights with sleep/wake tho17:11
stinebdthat's a kernel thing17:12
arrrghhhi thought so17:12
arrrghhhthat's weird tho i'm using the same kernel/modules as with the last system.ext2 file i was using.17:12
stinebdthe thing with apps in the drawer is most likely due to our phones being really effing slow17:12
arrrghhhLOL really?17:12
stinebdlauncher loads before package management is finished17:12
arrrghhhso they'll pop in eventually?17:12
arrrghhhoh i see17:12
arrrghhhthat's why they all are there on reboot17:12
arrrghhhyea first boot XDAndroid is very... very slow.  gets much snappier tho after a few minutes.17:13
CazHI'm off to bed guys, later :)17:13
arrrghhhstinebd, what else did you want me to test?17:13
arrrghhhgraphics... look the same unfortunately17:14
arrrghhhhaha right17:14
arrrghhhwas there anything else?17:16
arrrghhhoh gapps17:16
arrrghhhrebooting, we'll see...17:16
arrrghhhi saw gvoice in there17:16
arrrghhhis that part of gapps now17:16
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stinebdswitched to hdpi gapps, so it's a full package17:18
TheDeadCPUSo.. The final release is getting a new release? oO17:19
arrrghhhbugfix time dude17:19
stinebdno, FRX01 is not getting a new release17:19
stinebdFRX01 is the final FRX01 build. ever17:19
arrrghhhdon't ask again.17:19
stinebdnot sure why i have to keep explaining that to people17:19
TheDeadCPUSo, we're getting HDPI? :D17:20
arrrghhhstinebd, i can't get location w/o gps17:25
TheDeadCPUYea. lolcat that bitch.17:26
stinebddon't forget to enable location services, in case you haven't added a google account yet17:26
stinebdit's turned off by default17:27
TheDeadCPUstinebd, do you lolcat or logcat? I lolcat. It's easier to type.17:27
arrrghhhstinebd, i did.17:27
arrrghhhi got a loc with gps enabled17:27
arrrghhhthen realized i had to disable it & enable the loc with wireless networks17:27
stinebdlogcat then17:28
arrrghhhis that just logcat > /sdcard/logcat ?17:28
stinebdi guess, but you can use adb if you have it17:28
arrrghhhnever used it.17:29
arrrghhhno virtual keyboard in connectbot wtf17:30
arrrghhhi get a small white bar across the bottom17:31
camrostinebd: is this kernel related ?17:31
camro<4>[   82.340820] iptable_filter: Unknown symbol ipt_do_table17:31
camro<4>[   82.362640] iptable_filter: Unknown symbol ipt_unregister_table17:31
camro<4>[   82.389434] iptable_filter: Unknown symbol ipt_register_table17:31
camro<6>[   82.504791] ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team17:31
camro<4>[   91.169647] snd_ioctl set_device: device 117:31
arrrghhhstinebd, i guess i'm going to have to do adb... not sure how else to get it to ya.17:32
camromama mia, next project ..iptables doesn't support normal listings17:32
stinebdbad insmod17:32
camroso, a normal insmode repir the wrong mods ?17:33
stinebdwell a modprobe should resolve dependencies on its own17:33
camrowill be done via rootfs17:33
stinebdsince rootfs does depmod on the current modules17:33
camroand why not here ?17:34
stinebddont know17:34
camrohmm, newest rootfs onboard17:34
stinebdrootfs has been doing depmod for a long time17:34
stinebdohhh, i know why it would do that after the android banner17:35
camroon your side, you don'T have this message ?17:35
stinebdnot that i recall17:35
stinebdsee /bin/netd in rootfs17:35
stinebdbut with proper kernel config (and assuming the unpack works) it should be ok17:36
arrrghhhand suddenly i get led lights for sleep/wake17:37
arrrghhhthat was awesome...17:37
stinebdarrrghhh: your tests are no good. you've got ghouls in your system.17:37
arrrghhhi guess17:37
arrrghhhthis was a new data.img, and the newest from the autobuild service.  what would you rather i use, sir?17:38
stinebdso for today, everything you say that's working is broken and everything else works17:38
camrostinebd: haven't seen a config for it17:38
stinebdcamro: config for what?17:39
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stinebdthere is no config17:39
camromust look to the etc config17:39
camroreally - wau intelligent netd ..17:40
camrowell, if i call netd, what should happen ? - i mean it is running17:40
stinebdzygote starts netd17:40
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TheDeadCPUGnite ppl17:41
stinebdin rootfs /bin/netd, there is a wrapper which loads modules needed for tethering17:41
stinebduntil i release a system image with a working netd17:41
camroah ok, maybe in logcat i can see (only looked to kmsg now ..17:41
camrooh, thats fine :)17:41
camroapproved - release - LOL :)17:42
camroah, ok, iptables are working ...17:42
stinebdwell no unresolved symbols for me17:45
stinebdat least not in the console17:46
arrrghhhstinebd, so do i need adb?  i'm not sure what i can do to help at this point...17:46
JesusFreak316To do a logcat? There are several apps if you're too lazy...17:47
arrrghhhi've never used adb, never really had a need17:47
arrrghhhi tried doing it in connectbot17:47
arrrghhhbut i couldn't get the virtual kb to pop up to do a ">"17:48
JesusFreak316Are you trying to do a logcat?17:48
JesusFreak316just check the market.17:50
arrrghhhi don't know what happened to the virtual kb...17:50
stinebdi put in the trial version17:50
stinebdgotta pay to see the keys17:50
arrrghhhlol i don't get any virtual kb on terminal emu17:51
JesusFreak316Just search logcat.17:51
arrrghhhbut connectbot i used to get a virtual kb17:51
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, i found an app... thx :D17:51
JesusFreak316there we go.17:51
arrrghhhi always just used connectbot... never needed a separate app17:52
arrrghhhstinebd, you probably want a fresh boot & a quick try of the location services huh...17:52
arrrghhhdamnit froze on boot17:57
camroarrrghhh: new kernel is looking better .. soon ..18:01
camroi make now the final tests ..18:02
arrrghhhcamro, cool man.  let me know... :D18:02
camrobut, i can't belive, that on Incomming Calls, that the mic was working before ...normally not possible, as long as someone change the sound again ...18:03
arrrghhhcamro, it seems to only affect GSM phones which is even odder.18:04
camrowell, if i log it correct, normally not possible ..18:04
camrowell, it was also working for me, because i had an active plugin which records my calls, and so always the micro was set to ON ..18:05
camroi'm not sure, if this fix is now very clean, but works .. so we will see, what the test person will tell us ..18:05
stinebd[17:57:41] <arrrghhh> damnit froze on boot << i had one of those at some point too. werid18:06
arrrghhhyea, only a few lines18:06
arrrghhhlike 30 maybe and freeze18:06
stinebdi had one that froze right after the android banner18:07
arrrghhhwell i have a logcat for you.  lets see if it has what you need...18:07
stinebdconsole stopped, cursor wasn't flashing etc. but the navipad responded to touches18:07
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stinebdarrrghhh: rhod right?18:10
arrrghhhyep.  40018:10
stinebdisn't that cdma?18:11
stinebdgo away18:11
arrrghhhc'mon guy18:11
arrrghhh"it works in winmo"18:11
stinebdhas netloc ever worked on cdma?18:11
arrrghhhbut i don't really care about it.  gps is fine for me.18:11
arrrghhhi'm glad that works18:11
arrrghhhno i don't think so.  not for android at least.18:11
arrrghhhi used to have a raph800, didn't work for that either.18:12
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arrrghhhyea, did it work for GSM?  i think it did...18:12
stinebdworks great for gsm18:12
arrrghhhwhat's wrong with cdma?  no dev has cdma it seems.  stupid usa.18:12
stinebdusa is the only market like it in the world18:13
stinebdour carriers are fascists and totally supported in that behavior by the government18:13
arrrghhhyou're aussie right?18:14
stinebdgsm is preferred worldwide because the phones are portable18:14
stinebdno, i'm american18:14
arrrghhhthere's no good provider that's gsm in the us18:14
arrrghhhat least in my area18:15
arrrghhhwe talked about this before tho18:15
stinebdeven gsm phones in america aren't portable18:15
stinebdbecause the 2 providers use different frequencies18:15
arrrghhhnot really18:15
stinebdwe always get the shaft. hooray capitalism18:15
stinebdso anyway your test was still useful18:16
arrrghhhwell just like all our internet circuits at work.  they're all "verizon" now, but qwest "local" is still the last mile.18:16
arrrghhhthat's good18:16
stinebdthe logcat clearly shows the netloc provider being installed which was the point18:16
arrrghhhanything else i can help out with?18:16
arrrghhhthat freakin virtual kb disappearing... could that be a side effect from hdpi?18:16
stinebdmake the battery work for 3 weeks between charges18:16
arrrghhhi'll get right on that...18:17
stinebdwho knows, i haven't seen that. i can't test on wvga though so maybe18:17
stinebdwas that with latin ime?18:17
arrrghhhlet me see18:17
stinebdi had to modify PRODUCT_LOCALES for hdpi, so maybe i wiped out the languages and openwnn isn't working or something18:18
arrrghhhlooks like i was in the japanese ime18:18
arrrghhh1 sec18:18
stinebdyeah that's openwnn ime18:18
arrrghhhyea i forgot that's how it starts18:19
arrrghhhany reason it defaults to tha?18:19
stinebdstupid android18:19
stinebdcan't change it18:19
arrrghhhthat suuuuucks18:19
arrrghhhpart of ASOP says you must start with the japanese ime by default?18:20
stinebdyou know that list you get when you tap-hold on a text field and go into the input method menu?18:20
stinebdandroid uses the last one in that list by default18:20
arrrghhhwhy can't we make english the last one... :P18:21
stinebdmaybe we can18:21
stinebdby naming it ZLatinIME18:21
arrrghhhmake Android keyboard the last IME18:21
arrrghhhsquashin bugs stinebd, squashin bugs :D18:22
arrrghhhi'm sure people will be happy to see gtalk back too18:22
stinebdi should file a bug for that quick18:22
arrrghhhhaha i was going to ask you if you wanted me to file one18:23
arrrghhhwhat else...18:23
arrrghhhwhat's up with the startup being in landscape?18:23
arrrghhhis that RHOD only?18:23
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stinebdanother thing i've never seen18:24
stinebdwhat do you mean by startup?18:24
arrrghhhso on boot, the lock screen is shown18:25
arrrghhhit's by default in landscape18:25
arrrghhhif you unlock it, still in landscape18:25
stinebdopen and close keyboard then = portrait?18:25
arrrghhhyou can either a) hit the back button either in the lock screen or after you unlock, or b) open/close kbd.18:25
stinebdbad sensor axes18:25
arrrghhhthe back button puts it in portrait too interestingly enough.18:25
stinebdlet me see the startup.txt18:26
arrrghhhhrm i do have auto-rotate on... s/b on by default.  would that make a difference if i turned it off?  don't think it does.18:26
stinebdthe default one, i have a package here somewhere with startups18:26
arrrghhhyea, there's probably a few 'defaults' floating around haha18:27
stinebdour only defaults are the ones babijoee maintains18:27
arrrghhhthat's good18:28
stinebdis that what yours says?18:30
arrrghhhi don't think so18:30
arrrghhh1 sec18:30
stinebdthat's what's in the default18:30
arrrghhhreef might've screwed this one up lol 1 sec18:30
stinebdthat's same as raph, can't be right18:31
arrrghhhis what i have18:32
arrrghhh"Configure gsensor - gsensor_axis=2,1,3 - For Rhodiums18:33
arrrghhh" - is in reef's FAQ18:33
stinebddoes rotation work normally after starting up?18:34
arrrghhhseems to work better than it ever did on the RAPH tbh18:34
stinebdthen those are right18:34
stinebdprobably a libsensors issue18:35
stinebdphh's fault18:35
arrrghhhyea i don't remember that problem on RAPH18:35
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stinebdmight help to build a debug sensors lib and check the logcat at boot18:38
stinebdarrrghhh: you really don't see any difference in the icons?18:44
stinebdlike the calendar one, whose text can be made out on my phone now18:44
stinebd"android mobile phone" - that's original18:44
arrrghhhyea those gsensor numbers are definitely right.  2,1,3 that is for RHOD :D18:45
arrrghhhuhm... i could make out the icons before i guess.18:46
arrrghhhi dunno18:46
arrrghhhi'll go back to the old system.ext2 and see18:46
stinebdoh wait, that's the contacts app18:47
arrrghhhthe icon or within the app itself...?18:48
stinebdicon in the drawer18:49
arrrghhhgoin back to the old system.ext2 file to compare.18:50
TheDeadCPUI'm a sleep.18:50
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camrowhat do i read here ? the new system.ext2 is not the stablest one - or what?18:52
camroit is working for me complete normal18:52
stinebddon't worry, it's just because arrrghhh is on cdma18:53
camroah ok ..18:53
camromust look if i can install now the networklocation ..18:54
camrobecause i'm on old data.img .. we will see ..18:54
arrrghhhnew system seems great18:55
arrrghhhbut netloc doesn't work18:55
arrrghhhso no bootloop on the old system.ext2 w/new data.img.18:56
arrrghhhso definitely wasn't consistent for me.18:56
camrono mercy for arrrghhh :)18:57
camrostinebd: is there somewhere a changelog of new system.ext2 ?19:00
stinebdcamro: no19:00
stinebdother than all those bug comments i posted19:01
camrook (as always ..)19:01
camronetloc working now :)19:01
arrrghhhso anything i can do to get it working on CDMA or is there just something fundementally not understood about it on CDMA?19:02
xdandroidNew XDAndroid Releases bug 20 filed...19:02
xdandroidBug minor, Low, ---, developers, NEW, OpenWnn IME selected by default19:02
stinebdarrrghhh: probably needs ril modifications19:03
arrrghhhso is there any way i can help...?  lol19:03
TheDeadCPU I want to file a bug.19:03
stinebdwhich would require someone with such a device to trace windows radio communication and implement it in the ril19:03
TheDeadCPUCamera doesn't work!19:03
arrrghhhstinebd, sounds easy.19:04
stinebdthe hardest part is bringing yourself to use cdma. so you should be set19:04
arrrghhhgsm providers suck19:04
TheDeadCPUstinebd, arrrghhh likes CDMA a lot.19:05
arrrghhhCDMA providers suck slightly less.19:05
TheDeadCPUAnd in Norway all carriers are win.19:05
arrrghhhlol not19:05
TheDeadCPUDude, all carriers here share their GSM antennas.19:05
arrrghhhyea it seems that's how it is all over europe19:05
TheDeadCPUAnd. Since we're GSM we can have the phones we want.19:06
arrrghhhbill mahr was talking about he got service basically everywhere he went in europe.19:06
arrrghhhbut the GSM providers aren't that open here TheDeadCPU19:06
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arrrghhhstinebd, i think the ril for cdma is no good to begin with... did vogue or kovsky ever sort it out?19:12
arrrghhhi don't even know if that would help, but it seems like it would...19:12
stinebdcrap if i know19:13
stinebdkovsky probably not19:13
arrrghhhthis is about the only time i've ever hated cdma.  was whenver something was being developed by 'the community' lol19:14
TheDeadCPUI bet arrrghhh is the person who invented CDMA.19:15
arrrghhhi'm sure i could help out a little more if that was the case19:15
arrrghhhat least i'd hope so...19:15
TheDeadCPUOr have massive stock values for the technology.19:15
arrrghhheh, i'm sure if each cell company was required to use the same freq & tech i'd be fine with it19:16
arrrghhhbut since we're such great capitalists, we let private industry keep their towers to themselves19:16
arrrghhhso then everything fragments19:16
TheDeadCPUI know you'd like to have it like we have it in Norway19:17
arrrghhhpart of the problem with internet in this country as well.  there's been a few 'community providers' that have popped up recently, but the majority of the country is stuck with the big few.19:17
arrrghhheh maybe19:17
TheDeadCPU I wish I was ginger.19:23
TheDeadCPUI could have an awesome ginger beard.19:23
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jjpeaslwhat's going on guys anything new?19:26
jjpeaslNeo you here?19:27
arrrghhhstinebd, is that landscape issue a kernel bug or in the android system?19:35
arrrghhhi'm going to assume android, but i never know for sure :P19:37
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en1gmasup all. i just got a evo 4g (that has a bad esn) im ok as i got a fair price....anyhow should i be following a guide on rooting or should i be trying to learn to flash to another carrier?21:17
JesusFreak316This isn't the best channel to ask that. This is specifically for android ports to htc windows mobile devices. I recommend #android.21:17
JesusFreak316Don't mean to kick you out but I'm just saying you'll get a lot more help there.21:18
en1gmaohhh ok thats cool21:18
en1gmathanks for the info21:18
arrrghhhen1gma, if it's got a bad ESN sprint will never activate it.21:18
en1gmaarrrghhh would it be possible even with like a sprint pre-pay thing21:19
JesusFreak316How much you get it for?21:19
en1gmai got it for $250 + gas to get there about $2021:19
arrrghhhcricket would probably be the easiest off the top of my head21:19
en1gmait is a nice phone21:19
arrrghhhare you talking about virgin mobile/21:19
arrrghhhi don't know TBH21:19
en1gmawhat is the process i should be reading....i mean say i want to take all that sprint stuff off the phone does that mean i need root first then i can flash like a cricket carrier cab or something?21:20
arrrghhhcricket doesn't give a flying fu-k, i know that much.21:20
JesusFreak316Pretty much bad esn means no phone usage; it's essentially a small wifi tablet I believe.21:20
arrrghhhyou have to get cricket prl on to it21:20
arrrghhhplus setup the proxy to work for data21:20
en1gmanah it should work with boost mobile or cricket or metro pcs21:20
arrrghhhmms not sure about21:20
arrrghhhi've setup sprint phones on cricket, that's what i have experience with.21:21
en1gmathere isnt just a carrier cab for it that has all those setttings?21:21
JesusFreak316Ok; I don't know that much about it.21:21
arrrghhhen1gma, LOL no.  not to my knowledge.21:21
en1gmain ppcgeeks where we cooked our own roms there was carrier cabs.....this is my first android phone besides trying to run android from an sd card21:21
arrrghhhyea but those carrier cabs wouldn't be enough21:22
en1gmaim browsing the xdaforums right now....prob best place to start21:22
JesusFreak316I'd still recommend the #android channel. You can stay here while joining it.21:22
en1gmayea i in there but havent asked anything yet21:23
arrrghhhJesusFreak316 is right tho21:23
arrrghhhthis isn't the best place to ask for help with that ;)21:23
JesusFreak316We're glad to help but just don't know nearly as much. :p21:23
en1gmathanks all preciate the honesty21:24
en1gmai still gonna hang out in here and there as lots of smart peeps in ehre21:24
JesusFreak316There are but they're not me.21:25
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jjpeaslwhats up jesus?22:13
JesusFreak316Might be good to use my full name in the future because I get a notification then and I always have 5,000,000,000 windows open and often miss messages.22:15
JesusFreak316Much better. :)22:27
jjpeaslany new news on the kernal they where testing?22:28
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JesusFreak316The one in arrghhh's thread?22:29
jjpeaslwhats up arrghhh22:30
JesusFreak316I think they're getting pretty close to committing it. He'd be a better person to ask though as I haven't been testing much.22:30
JesusFreak316It's actually spelled arrrghhh.22:30
jjpeaslseeing he joined three secs after i asked you think i just might, you around arrrghhh22:31
JesusFreak316So, why do you ask?22:31
jjpeaslseen a post on it on the forums was thinking of updating to it but i dont wanna loss my data img22:32
jjpeasland i know when you do a kernal update its best to start off with a new data.img22:32
arrrghhhwhat's the question?22:33
jjpeaslhows the new kernal coming along any good news?22:33
jjpeaslcan we teleport with it yet?22:34
arrrghhhteleport is coming with the next test :D22:34
JesusFreak316I don't usually change data.img with kernel updates; just with system.ext2 updates. You can always just revert to your old kernel if you have issues.22:34
arrrghhhbatt algo is as good as it's going to get22:34
arrrghhhnext test is going to be minor bugfixes22:35
arrrghhhthen USB hopefully :D22:35
jjpeaslnice nice.22:35
jjpeaslanything i can help with test wise?22:36
arrrghhhnot yet22:36
arrrghhhi'll post it when i get it... trust me :D22:36
jjpeaslwill donate blood for fully working xda22:36
arrrghhhdon't hold your breath22:36
jjpeaslus cyborgs dont breath lol22:36
JesusFreak316Man, jjpeasl's got jokes. :P22:37
jjpeasli consider myself a weekend comidain.22:38
JesusFreak316It IS the weekend.22:38
jjpeaslonly another hr and a half till i loss my funny bone22:38
jjpeaslis there a way to get rid of the time in the notification bar on top?22:39
JesusFreak316IDK my bff jill.22:39
* JesusFreak316 wonders if anyone else remembers that commercial.22:40
jjpeaslwas looking in the dev tools, what is the accountstester for?22:41
JesusFreak316^What I said before. :) Never used it but I imagine it tests whether google, facebook, twitter, etc. account connect correctly.22:42
jjpeasland it was rose not kill22:42
JesusFreak316You mean jill?22:42
JesusFreak316Rose not jill?22:42
jjpeaslyeah lol was just gonna fix that22:42
JesusFreak316Coulda sworn it was jill. Hmm22:42
jjpeaslnope the old lady says it was rose22:43
jjpeaslbut she is blonde and a polok so you never know22:43
JesusFreak316Ah, there were two, rose was the second one with the grandma.22:43
arrrghhhi'm not sure what your question is at this point haha22:46
jjpeasli think i asked you before but dont remember but im getting files everytime i boot xda and i know theres a way to stop that could you tell me how again22:47
JesusFreak316Oh, fsck files?22:47
jjpeaslmight have been you i asked jesusssssssssssss22:47
JesusFreak316I thought babijoee changed that in the init or something. Haven't heard anything on it for a while.22:47
jjpeaslidk, but i'm gettign them with the build you sent me to22:48
arrrghhhit's in the froyo.user.conf22:49
arrrghhhand it's not in mainline22:49
JesusFreak316There we go.22:49
arrrghhhyou have to add it yourself22:49
arrrghhhrm -rf /sdcard/*.rec22:50
arrrghhhin that file22:50
arrrghhhin the customcommands section @ the bottom22:50
JesusFreak316Why haven't they added it by default yet?22:50
JesusFreak316I can't see any drawbacks.22:52
jjpeaslso how about them redsox lol22:52
JesusFreak316Rays fan actually.22:52
jjpeaslyankees here but eberyone always asks how about those sox lol.22:52
arrrghhhi guess i should be a rockies fan22:53
jjpeaslebrey lol ment everyone22:53
arrrghhhbut they blew it.  big time.22:53
JesusFreak316I got some cousins who live in Denver, aren't you glad. Weird thing is my aunt on my dad's side married a guy with the same last name but pronounced differently. It's kinda weird.22:54
JesusFreak316Okay, so my dad's sister married a guy whose last name is spelled the same as hers but pronounced differently.22:55
JesusFreak316No relation; I don't live in Alabama and intermarry. :p22:56
arrrghhhsays you22:56
arrrghhhso camro, go a new kernel for me? :P22:57
camro  hmm22:57
camrotesting ... the fucking SHUTDOWN is killing me22:57
camroi'm not happy, but now i made my last 2 tests ..22:57
jjpeasli can put that cmd in where it ways put your own cmd here?22:58
arrrghhhshutdown works fine for me on  mainline22:58
camroi must wakeup in 1,5hr going to my work :(22:58
jjpeasllol i know how that works camro.22:58
arrrghhhcamro, dude... like i said.  you're a macihine22:58
camrono, it must work on duty data.img as on clean one22:58
jjpeasli have to go in at 4am and will probly goto sleep about 2 3 lol22:59
JesusFreak316jjpeasl: I would assume so but don't take my word for it. You can always try.22:59
arrrghhhcamro, have you used stinebd's new system file?22:59
camrohere it is 5am22:59
arrrghhh9pm here'22:59
JesusFreak316What changes were in his system? 11pm here.22:59
arrrghhhJesusFreak316, were you not here in where he talked about it?  hdpi stuff mostly...23:00
JesusFreak316arrrghhh=Colorado, camro=UK?23:00
JesusFreak316Oh yeah, forgot.23:00
arrrghhhcamro =  austria23:00
camroaustria here23:00
camrovienna calling23:00
JesusFreak316But he said he's not doing any more systems. or was he joking? never can tell with that trickster.23:00
jjpeasldo i need to but it like "rm -rf /sdcard/*.rec"  ?23:01
JesusFreak316Eh, screw time zone math, it's dumb.23:01
JesusFreak316No quotations if that's what you mean.23:01
JesusFreak316rm -rf /sdcard/*.rec23:01
jjpeaslanything i need to put it in? or before it?23:01
arrrghhhjjpeasl, it's for removing the .rec files23:01
JesusFreak316Should just be htat.23:02
JesusFreak316rm is a linux console command for delete.23:02
arrrghhhput it in the customcommands section23:02
arrrghhhin the froyo.user.conf23:02
JesusFreak316/sdcard/*.rec tells it to delete all files in /sdcard with the extension .rec.23:02
camrowell, the last 5hrs "are for the cats" (as we said here in austria...23:04
jjpeasli see where your talking about just not sure where to put it at the end after before the } but saved it after the end and will see trial and error lol23:04
camroanyhow, i will upload a kernel23:04
camromaybe arrrghhh: you can put it to XDA23:04
camromy upload on XDA is locked ... too much uploading ..23:05
camroarrrghhh: please upload it: and tell the users: that a lot of things are changed in:23:06
camro1.)  battery algo rewritten (if they want to log, they must grep now via: BATTLOG)23:06
arrrghhhcamro,  you can link my link to it.23:06
camroor for full battery log -> cat /proc/kmsg | grep BATT >> /sdcard/batteryfull.txt23:07
camroonly the statistic of battery -> cat /proc/kmsg | grep BATTLOG >> /sdcard/batteryfull.txt23:07
JesusFreak316camro: Did you ever see the post a while back about the rockbox app reporting battery remaining correctly?23:08
camroand the users should do the logging again...23:08
camro2.) INCALL mic should now work on all systems23:08
camro3.) SHUTDOWN should work on all systems (but with a special behavior:)23:08
camroif AC connected -> shutdown23:09
camroif USB connected -> reboot23:09
camroif battery -> shutdown23:09
camrothe funny thing: if someoone connect after shutdown to USB, then device will reboot without any touch ..23:09
camroJesusFreak316 - no23:10
jjpeaslthats weird23:10
camrowhere is the link ?23:10
camroanyhow, it is impossible for an application to calc the remaining without gettting real data from kernel23:11
camrofor now, maybe there is a chance ..23:11
camrobecause we are very linear ..23:11
JesusFreak316That's what I would think but someone was saying that was happening to them.23:11
camroarrrghhh: also i send you a link to XLS, maybe you can also upload this new one23:11
JesusFreak316If you don't know, rockbox is an audiophile replacement firmware for various mp3 players. They created an android app of it recently.23:12
camrothanks arrrghhh for your help, i know a lot of users are waiting for it , and normally it would be fine, if i can posting/answering all msg's, but time is missing :)23:14
camroalso the first battery in sleep mode -> 3days23:15
JesusFreak3163 days? wow nice23:16
camrofrom 100% to 0% 74,5hrs, this is not bad23:16
camroshould work for all devices now , maybe some battery types we must fetch log data from the users, and then i can implement to tables23:18
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camrokernel is based on latest off kernel + some fixes :)23:20
camroarrrghhh: where do you upload it ?23:24
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jjpeaslcamro i will make a post once ive installed the kernal, with what i get from batt log for you have the htc tilt 223:25
jjpeaslhoping what lil i can give will help.23:26
camroit seems to be, that uploading is working again for me23:27
camrouploading now to XDA thread ..23:27
jjpeaslso the new kernal will be on the main page shortly?23:30
JesusFreak316It's done I think.23:34
JesusFreak316Shouldn't point b be if battery -> power off -> ok?23:34
jjpeasldont think so jesus just looked latest up date is 92623:37
JesusFreak316Not on glemsom
camrofor logging:
camroits up23:38
JesusFreak316You sure point be is correct?23:38
JesusFreak316*point b*23:38
JesusFreak316a and b bot say ac23:38
camroyes, the logging was ok23:38
camroand this was the first post in thread23:38
JesusFreak316I don't see any mention of power off on battery power though.23:39
camroso, must go, i must prepare 1 notebook for customer, too...23:39
camrobut the power_off don'T know it works, because it was working before, but it could be, that i killed my phone now with the testings23:39
jjpeasli need to unzip all 3 files?23:45
jjpeaslgot it.23:47
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IDThi .. using terminal emulator on tp2 .. cant get to "emulate" the esc key (trying to use vi) using the latest build .. any help ??23:54
JesusFreak316Is there a software keyboard included in the app?23:55
IDTno ..23:55
IDTisnt that possible from the hw keyboard23:56
IDTthe "special keys" section says to use the ball .. obviously the rhodium doesn't have one.23:58
JesusFreak316I really don't know.23:59

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